How to cure thick green snot in an adult. How to treat green snot in an adult. Why is snot green?

A runny nose almost always accompanies a cold or ARVI. Normally, nasal discharge usually has a mucous consistency and a transparent color, but sometimes the structure and shade of the mucus changes, becoming more viscous and yellow or green. Green snot in an adult is always a warning sign. We will discuss the reasons for their appearance and treatment today.

Causes of green snot

If an adult's body is attacked by a virus, the nasal discharge is colorless. In this case, interferon produced in the body enters the fight against the pathogen. A completely different picture is observed when joining bacterial infection. In this case, the fight against it is carried out by protective cells - leukocytes. They attack the pathogen, destroy the reproducing bacteria and die themselves. It is due to the presence of leukocytes that the mucus acquires a yellow or green tint.

The more saturated the color of the discharge, the higher the concentration of leukocytes in it, which means that the cells that guard your health had to destroy a huge number of bacteria. The conclusion from this is that green snot is a sign of the immune system fighting bacteria. Neither viruses nor allergies have anything to do with it. This is the most main reason snot with a greenish tint from the nose. “Popular about health” will tell you what diseases cause thick green mucus to accumulate in the nose.

What diseases do green snot indicate??

So, if harmful bacteria have entered the body, then the development of the disease can proceed in different ways, acquiring one form or another. In an adult, green nasal discharge usually occurs with the following nasal diseases:



Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by bacteria or viruses. In our case, when we are talking specifically about green discharge, it is implied that the inflammatory process was caused by bacteria.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, sometimes accompanied by tissue growth and fluid buildup. Sinusitis often turns into sinusitis.

Sinusitis - inflammation maxillary sinuses, in which purulent contents accumulate in them.

All these diseases can initially be provoked viral infection, but in most cases - with a weakened immune system, hypothermia or other negative factors, a bacterial infection occurs.

However, diseases of the nose and sinuses are not always involved in the appearance of green snot. In some cases, discharge also appears when the upper respiratory tract is affected:

1. For tracheitis.

2. For bronchitis.

Since during tracheitis and bronchitis a lot of sputum accumulates in the respiratory tract, it comes into contact with the nasopharynx when coughing. Bacteria enter the nose and multiply there. Thus, the infection can contribute to the development of rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. Sometimes the opposite happens - a runny nose begins, a bacterial infection occurs, then mucus flows from the nose down the throat and the bacteria infect the pharynx and bronchi. If treatment is not started on time, there is a risk of serious complications.

Why green snot is dangerous?

If you notice that the color of your nasal discharge has changed and it has become thicker, there is no need to hesitate. It is important to start treatment. Why? A runny nose like this can cause serious complications:

Tissue abscess.

It sounds ominous, but it happens. If the body is unable to cope with the bacteria attacking it, it needs help, otherwise the infection will spread even more. How is such a runny nose treated?

Green snot - how to treat it?

Treatment of green snot for adults is carried out comprehensively. Applicable:

1. Rinse the nasal passages with saline solutions or furatsilin.

2. Instillation of vasoconstrictor drops to ensure free breathing.

3. Irrigation or instillation with drugs containing an antibiotic - isofra, polydexa or a silver-based drug - protargol.

4. Physiotherapeutic procedures - warming up, electrophoresis.

5. In some cases, oral antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

6. Anti-inflammatory drugs – sinupret, erespal.

Folk remedies for bacterial rhinitis

Effective folk remedies - aloe, Kalanchoe, beets and garlic will help speed up the healing process. The juice of these plants is applied to the nose several times a day. To do this, you need to squeeze out a little juice from one of the components and combine it with water (1:1 ratio). Additionally, you can drink decoctions and infusions that stimulate the immune system, for example, rosehip decoction, ginger root infusion. It should be understood that if self-treatment snot does not work, you need to contact an otolaryngologist, since green nasal discharge can lead to very serious complications.

Now you understand that green snot occurs as a result of bacterial growth, and such an infection requires complex treatment. If a runny nose does not go away within 10-14 days, you should go to an ENT doctor so as not to make the disease worse. Ignoring symptoms can lead to the development of purulent processes not only in the nasal sinuses, but also in the middle and inner ear, and also affect the lining of the brain. Take care of your health.

Having caught a cold, many have at least once encountered the phenomenon of a green runny nose. This phenomenon also occurs in children during illness and is not a very good symptom.

Causes of pathology

Green snot in an adult or child appears only during illness and is not a normal condition. This is accompanied by other manifestations of the disease state in the form of elevated temperature, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, etc.

Causes of green runny nose:

  • decreased immunity;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • the presence of pathogenic viruses or bacteria in the body.

Even with a pronounced cold, green nasal discharge may not appear immediately. Usually a runny nose (rhinitis) is frequent companion diseases such as acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. There are 3 stages of rhinitis:

  1. When pathogenic pathogens enter the body, the nasal mucosa swells, blood vessels expand, secretory functions are inhibited. For some time (several hours) the nose feels dry and burning.
  2. The second stage of rhinitis is characterized by nasal congestion, difficulty breathing and swelling of the mucous membranes. Nasal discharge is profuse, mostly clear, and small blood clots may be observed.
  3. The last stage is characterized by a decrease in swelling from the mucous membrane and the appearance of green mucus discharge. With timely and proper treatment the phenomenon is short-term and indicates recovery. The green or yellowish color of the discharge is given by the breakdown products of pathogenic agents and neutrophils that destroy them. But if the disease drags on, then such green nasal discharge indicates an infection and requires immediate treatment.

The normal course of rhinitis passes within 7-14 days from the onset of the disease until complete recovery. If you let the disease take its course or ignore treatment, the disease drags on for a month or more, threatening more serious consequences. Sinusitis and otitis media can be complications of a runny nose that is not completely cured. Protracted rhinitis with green snot can also be caused by pneumonia and bronchitis.

Treatment of a runny nose with green snot

The principles of treating a runny nose with green snot in an adult and a child are approximately the same, only the dosage is taken into account in accordance with age. At the same time, the neglect of the disease is also taken into account, otherwise treatment may be ineffective.

The basis of treatment is vasoconstrictor drugs aimed at facilitating breathing and relieving swelling of the mucous membrane. These are drops based on xylometazoline or its analogues. It is important not to abuse the medicine, as it is addictive, and the mucous membrane will not be able to function normally without it.

The main principle is the evacuation of nasal secretions, since they contain pathogenic microorganisms. Mucus-thinning drugs help facilitate evacuation and rinsing saline solutions sinuses allow you to do this more effectively.

How to treat advanced rhinitis? A specialist may prescribe antibacterial drugs in the form of drops for local application. They help fight infection in the nasal cavity and promote recovery. If this is not enough, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to take by mouth, but the dosage will vary between adults and children.

You cannot ignore traditional methods of combating such a disease. These methods may be suitable for those who have individual intolerance to drugs for rhinitis or prefer herbal medicine. Burying in nasal cavity juice of beets, onions or other plants is a rather controversial therapy, but inhalation may be useful. Couples of herbal decoctions (chamomile, eucalyptus, oregano, etc.) have antiseptic properties and help combat pathogenic organisms in the nasal passage.

Drinking plenty of fluids allows you to naturally remove breakdown products of pathogenic agents, thereby reducing intoxication of the body. A course of multivitamins and high-quality nutrition can strengthen the immune system and enrich the body's resources.

With effective treatment, relief occurs almost immediately, and the disease itself recedes in a short time.

Prevention and precautions

Don't forget about preventive measures, because preventing a disease is always much easier than fighting it. A runny nose with green snot is caused by viruses and bacteria. When immunity decreases, the body cannot cope with pathogenic organisms, and its defense weakens. Therefore, actions aimed at strengthening the immune system and the body’s resistance will help avoid diseases. of various nature. Qualitative healthy eating, good sleep, moderate physical exercise and stay on fresh air strengthen the immune system. Proper hardening increases the body's resistance and immunity to viruses and bacteria.

Discharge from the nasal passages, depending on the cause of its appearance, may have different color. If it is green snot, treatment in an adult should begin immediately. Usually green color mucus signals that a bacterial infection has entered the body, which must be combated the immune system throws in its best forces - neutrophil cells. The breakdown products of neutrophils color the discharge green.

The brighter and more saturated the color of the discharge, the further the development of the disease in the body. The cause of snot can be not only viral-bacterial rhinitis, but also other serious pathologies:

  • sinusitis, more often sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia).

Many of them are a complication of a common runny nose that is not properly treated. The infection spreads through the nasal cavity and sinuses, resulting in thick green discharge with an unpleasant odor.

On initial stage pathologies when the discharge is not accompanied general deterioration health, cough, fever and other symptoms inherent in inflammatory processes, you can still cope with snot on your own. The main activities in this case:

  • walks in the open air;
  • eating food rich in vitamins and microelements;
  • humidification of indoor air during the heating season;
  • hardening;
  • reception large quantity liquids.

If other symptoms of inflammation are added to the snot, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. Only a doctor can establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. As a rule, therapy includes several basic methods: taking medications, rinsing, and physical therapy may be prescribed. In combination with traditional medicines recipes are often used traditional medicine.

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Use of medications

Medications the doctor prescribes based on the data obtained as a result of the examination. Most often, solutions are used in the form of drops or sprays. Treatment for green snot may include:

  1. Vasoconstrictor drugs (Galazolin, Sanorin, Naphthyzin, etc.). These products relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and make breathing easier, but using them for a long time is prohibited.
  2. Antibacterial drugs (Sulfacetamide, Polydexa, Isofra, Bioparox, etc.). They are used for bacterial infections and have a pronounced effect.
  3. Bacterial vaccine IRS 19, which stimulates the production of immunoglobulin.
  4. Antiseptic drops (Kameton, Pinosol). They relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, prevent the proliferation of bacteria, as a result of which they are actively used in the treatment of bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract.

When prescribing antibiotics and antibacterial agents It is recommended to take it according to the following scheme: first, solutions for rinsing the nasal passages or vasoconstrictors are used, and then medications with antibacterial additives. Thus, the nasal cavity is cleared of mucus, and medicinal substances freely enter the body.

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Methods for treating green snot in pregnant women

If, when green snot appears in adults with reasons this phenomenon You can figure it out on your own, but during pregnancy, nasal discharge should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist.

Many medications are contraindicated during this period:

  • vasoconstrictors can affect the blood supply to the uterus and placenta, as a result of which they are prescribed only when the inability to breathe through the nose can lead to fetal hypoxia;
  • the effect of antibacterial agents on the body of a pregnant woman has been poorly studied, so they are used in strictly limited quantities and with caution;
  • medicines that contain essential oils, can cause allergies, so they are also not recommended for use during pregnancy.

In addition, the use of Dioxidin, drugs based on oxymetazoline (Fervex, Fazin, Nazol) and iodine is prohibited.

The best option for eliminating snot during this period of life is the use of preparations with sea salt (Marimer, Aquamaris, etc.). In particular difficult situations The use of Vibrocil, Faryal and Sanorin, which contain antihistamine additives that eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa, is permitted.

In some cases, drug treatment can replace traditional medicine recipes, but it is better to use them in combination with traditional drugs under the supervision of a physician.

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Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of green snot

Destroy bacteria that cause the development of a runny nose with green discharge using decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs almost impossible. Even the most powerful natural antiseptics: onion, garlic, chamomile and aloe are unable to cope with a serious infection. But they can support the immune system and clear accumulated mucus from the nose.

When using traditional methods Special attention should be given complex treatment, where rinsing with decoctions will be supplemented by taking medications orally, etc. If after 5-6 days the runny nose does not go away, the disease must be treated with antibiotics. IN in this case A visit to the doctor should not be left for later. Delay threatens the development of sinusitis or the spread of infection to the bronchi and lungs.

It should be remembered that with a green runny nose, any hot inhalations and warming up are contraindicated. This can increase bacterial activity and lead to the development of sinusitis or otitis media. In addition, it is not recommended to use honey, which is a good food for microorganisms.

Basically, herbal drops are used to relieve inflammation and destroy the bacterial environment, which can be made at home using the following recipes:

  • Add 3 drops of garlic or onion juice to 5 ml of boiled water;
  • Mix 1 ml of aloe or Kalanchoe juice with 5 ml of boiled water;
  • take 10 g each of raspberry leaf, linden blossom and coltsfoot, leave for an hour in 300 ml of boiling water, strain;
  • mix 10 g of St. John's wort and marigold, add 6 g of eucalyptus leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain;
  • Pour 12 g of chamomile and 10 g of eucalyptus leaves into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, then strain.

The resulting infusions are instilled 2-3 drops into each nostril 4-5 times a day. You can use freshly squeezed juices of geranium leaves, aloe or parsley root as nasal drops. Instillation is recommended immediately after rinsing or using vasoconstrictors, when the nasal passages are cleared of mucus.

Nasal mucus is needed to pass through Airways protect the body from dehydration and dust. The composition of snot is water, salts and some types of proteins. Why snot? different color, thick and liquid, and what to do if you notice the characteristic green color of mucus from the nose? What does green snot mean?

Colds or viral diseases characterized by increasing nasal discharge, which is important to treat. This manifestation indicates that the body has begun to intensively fight the disease. But sometimes the snot turns green and becomes thick. This means that a bacterial or viral infection has occurred.

The green color of mucus discharged from the nose indicates the presence of adenoids or chronic old bronchitis. This is due to the fact that bacteria and viruses lead to the death of neutrophils, and their breakdown product has a greenish color. These are on their own, and it is possible to cure them by eliminating the cause of the disease. Therefore, it is important to trust the treatment of green snot only to a doctor.

Green snot discharged from the nose is dangerous during pregnancy. In this case, contact your doctor immediately.

Why is the discharge thick or thin? This depends on the composition of the mucus and the degree of the disease, but more often it is thick in winter.

Pathological factors

If thick green snot comes out of your nose, you should immediately consult a doctor. The body fights a runny nose on its own if the discharge is clear and liquid. The doctor will tell you what to do in other cases after conducting an examination and identifying the cause of the symptom. Pathology can only be cured comprehensively, since the use of drops or inhalations alone is fraught with the development of dysbacteriosis.

In a clinical laboratory, the discharge is examined for the presence of infection and the body's response to the pathogen is determined. Afterwards, the doctor prescribes remedies and methods that will help cure green snot. The first step in diagnosis is a nasal swab for analysis. If it shows that there are a lot of neutrophils in the mucus, then supportive treatment is prescribed, aimed at ensuring the body’s sustainable functioning to fight the infection.

Green snot and infections do not always go together. In some cases, they appear when there is a malfunction of the mucous membrane, negative impact the environment on it.

In this case, there is no need to treat green snot. Simple recommendations can help you get rid of the problem for a long time in the absence of viruses and bacteria:

  • walks in the open air;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • Regular cleansing of nasal sinuses from dried secretions.

If, following the doctors’ testimony, it is not possible to get rid of nasal discharge and the green snot does not disappear, then another treatment is prescribed. These are procedures and measures aimed at eliminating the source of the runny nose - a viral or cold.

The last reason that green snot appeared is old allergic rhinitis. In this case, conservative drug treatment is prescribed, including Loratadine, Fexofenandine, Levocetirizine or Astemizole. Make sure that against the background of this nasal discharge, pus does not begin to flow. This is a consequence of acute purulent inflammatory process V paranasal sinuses. The disease is called sinusitis - but it is impossible to treat green snot without antibiotics.

What to do

And children are treated with both medications and traditional methods. But if the doctor decides that it is better to do both procedures together, listen to his advice.

Standard treatment includes nasal drops, sinus rinsing, and warming.

It is customary to remove thick discharge by rinsing the nasopharynx with medications based on sea water.

Today in pharmacies they sell the following products:

  1. Aqua Maris or Aqualor. Both preparations are enriched with mineral and medicinal sea ​​salts. In a comprehensive drug treatment saline solution is used.
  2. Another drug - Dolphin - includes microelements and vitamin supplements, extracts and extracts of medicinal plants (rose hips and licorice). Used to combat green nasal discharge.
  3. Vasoconstrictors are useful for a runny nose if the discharge is bacterial or infectious in nature. The group of such drugs includes Tizin, Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Sanorin.
  4. Protargol is a medicine with silver. A popular drug in the fight against infectious and bacterial rhinitis.
  5. Albucid - eye drops. Used to treat purulent and bacterial rhinitis.

To get rid of green discharge for a long time, it is important to clarify the cause of the disease in a laboratory. The test results will give the doctor a complete clinical picture what is happening and determine what to do.

Green snot in a child is often accompanied by other symptoms and symbolizes the spread of the infectious process. The nose does not breathe, the child becomes capricious, and conventional medications may not help. To alleviate the condition and cure the disease, you need to establish the cause of its occurrence.

Cleansing the nasal mucosa from viruses and bacteria when runny nose will go away in 7-10 days. What does green snot mean? If the snot does not go away after 2 weeks, changes color and smells bad, this means that a lot of pathogens have accumulated. An inflammatory focus has formed in the nasopharynx.

The main reason for what green snot means may be bacteria and viruses. As the infection spreads, not only the color of the mucus changes, but also the consistency. They become thicker.

At the beginning of ARVI, clear, profuse, liquid snot flows, an additional sore throat, a bothersome cough, and a rise in body temperature. It is better to start treatment immediately. If it was not done correctly, a bacterial infection may occur. The snot acquires a viscous consistency and changes color.

The reason that green discharge does not go away for a long time is due to diseases such as sinusitis, frequent nasopharyngitis or otitis media. Bacterial rhinitis with green snot develops due to bacteria or becomes a complication after ARVI. The causes of green snot in a child in this case are the following diseases:

  • a prolonged runny nose can lead to ethmoiditis, which is accompanied by pain in the bridge of the nose, nasal congestion, increased body temperature, and the appearance of viscous, greenish-brown mucus;
  • the spread of infection to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses causes sinusitis, accompanied by pain in the area between the eyebrows, in the upper part of the jaw, the wings of the nose, and purulent discharge appears;
  • a green runny nose can cause frontal sinusitis, which affects frontal sinuses, the secreted snot smells bad, the baby becomes capricious, refuses milk and sleeps poorly.

When a cold appears, the immune system begins to actively fight bacteria and viruses, and mucus and pus begin to be released. Such nasal discharge contains dead leukocytes and bacteria, which is why the snot smells. If a small number of bacteria are present, the discharge may be light green in color. As they multiply, the viscous snot becomes a rich color.

When asked whether green snot in a child is contagious, the answer is yes.

Especially if there is a lot of mucus, their color is yellow-green and the body temperature is elevated. In this case, the reviews are as follows: “There is a high probability that the whole family will become infected and we will get sick together with the children.” If a child at 2 years of age is not fully cured and sent to kindergarten, then he will be constantly sick.

How can you treat green snot in a child?

Greens thick snot should be treated correctly from the first days so that the disease does not take over chronic course and did not cause complications. Apply vasoconstrictor drops not recommended, especially in infants. If, nevertheless, the doctor decides to prescribe the medicine, then it should be instilled in the recommended dosage and no longer than three days.

If green snot appears in children, swelling and inflammation are noted in the nasal cavity, which interferes with normal breathing, the following medications may be prescribed.

  • Protargol drops help a lot. They include silver ions, which relieve inflammation and disinfect the surface. A child at 3 weeks is allowed to instill the drug, but the duration of treatment is much shorter.
  • Vibrocil helps cure green snot in a child. It simultaneously reduces inflammation and eliminates symptoms allergic reaction. The swelling goes away, nasal breathing improves. Do not use in the treatment of runny nose in children under 5 years of age.
  • Saline solutions help get rid of green snot, relieve nasal congestion, clear the passages of accumulated mucus, and eliminate dryness. You can use the medicine Aquamaris, Aqualor Baby.
  • In cases where green discharge leads to the formation of crusts in the nose, Pinosol drops are indicated. They are contraindicated for children under 2 years of age.
  • Thick snot in a 3-year-old child should be treated with drugs such as Sinupret, Sinuforte. They thin the mucus and promote its rapid release.
  • Derinat drops help cope with viral and bacterial rhinitis in adults and children. They increase immunity, stop the proliferation of pathogenic microbes and are allowed from birth.

A suitable antibiotic is prescribed for the child.

What drops can you use?

From one year of age you can use drugs such as Isofra spray, Polydexa, eye drops Sulfacyl.

The antibiotic Polydexa contains additional vasoconstrictor and hormonal components. Therefore, during treatment, the development of bacteria stops, inflammation and swelling are eliminated, and nasal breathing is restored.

In some cases, thick green snot is treated antibacterial drugs systemic action. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic for a child is Amoxicillin (Flemoclav, Amoxiclav). But other antibiotics may be prescribed, for example, Ceftriaxone or Azithromycin.

To get rid of the symptoms of a runny nose in a 3-year-old child, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: UVF, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis. In case of absence purulent discharge warming up is allowed.

All these medications are very helpful in coping with a runny nose in an adult when there is green snot. Only the duration of treatment and dosage increase.

How to quickly cure a disease in children under one year old

Treating a 5 or 6 year old child will not be difficult. Most procedures and medicines by this age are allowed for use. It is difficult to treat snot in infant, you must take into account the age restrictions prescribed in the instructions and strictly adhere to the dosage.

Treatment of a newborn must be started only after consultation with the treating otolaryngologist. Infection in infants quickly spreads to other organs and contributes to the development of otitis media, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and even meningitis.

A newborn baby may experience a physiological runny nose in the first 2 months of life. Therefore, if a runny nose without fever appears in a 3-month-old child, you need to consult a doctor. It will help distinguish the bacterial course of the disease from physiological rhinitis. If the baby is not in pain, has no fever, and eats well, then no treatment is required. It is enough to moisten the baby’s nose with saline solutions, ventilate the room, and do wet cleaning.

If a month-old baby has snot, then treatment with saline solutions is indicated. We must not allow the nasal mucosa to dry out, so we get rid of the symptom with vitamin A or E, or you can use sea buckthorn oil.

If a child develops green snot at 3 months, the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor nasal drops (Nazivin 0.01%, DlyaNos 0.05%, Otrivin Baby). When a runny nose with green discharge begins, a cough may develop. At three months, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

From 4-5 months you can use an aspirator to clear mucus from the nose. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to instill a solution with sea ​​water 3 drops in each nostril.

If the disease is 6 months old, you can get rid of mucus with the help of the drug Grippferon. The dosage is 1 drop in each nostril three times a day. Another approved remedy for treating green snot is Phenylephrine vasoconstrictor drops.

At 7-8 months, green snot can be treated folk remedies. You just need to make sure that there is no allergy to the components used. You can use beet juice or aloe. It is allowed to anoint the wings of the nose with Zvezdochka balm.

Treatment of green snot in babies from 9-10 months is allowed to be combined with acupressure. It helps relieve inflammation, thins thick mucus, removes it and makes breathing easier. It is useful to massage the superciliary area, bridge of the nose, wings of the nose, and the area under the eyes in a 10-month-old child.

At 1 year of age, a runny nose can be treated with inhalations. If you use a nebulizer, it is useful to breathe with regular saline solution. You can pour a decoction of medicinal herbs and bay leaves into the bowl of a steam inhaler. It is enough to breathe for 4-5 minutes. Snot one year old child can be treated by washing the nose with antiseptic drugs (Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt).

Clearing the nasal cavity of mucus should be done at any age, especially after sleep. Mucus accumulating in the sinuses and nasopharynx can increase the risk of complications.

How to get rid of illness using folk remedies

What to do if green snot appears in a child, folk remedies will help. Treatment with folk remedies should be carried out with caution.

  • Frequent rinsing of the nose with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and yarrow will help cope with a lingering runny nose.
  • Folk remedies cannot do without aloe or Kalanchoe juice. They help kill germs and speed up recovery. Just before instillation, be sure to dilute the juice with water. 3-4 drops are dripped into each nostril.
  • Inhalations using sage, chamomile, linden, and mint will help cure a cold. If you have a runny nose that lasts two weeks, you can breathe in the steam of boiled potatoes.
  • Helps with green snot in children effective remedy based on garlic. The cleaned cloves are poured with oil and left to infuse for 10 hours. Received garlic oil put in the nose.

Children over two years old can soak their feet in water with mustard before going to bed at home, and sprinkle dry water at night. mustard powder You can wear warm socks.