Dog shaking after rabies vaccination. How and when to vaccinate against rabies for puppies and adult dogs. My dog ​​has a bump after vaccination, what should I do?

At first glance, vaccination is a fairly simple event that is carried out quickly and relatively painlessly.

This is partly true, the procedure itself lasts no more than half an hour, but after that your pet will still need a lot of time and effort to recover. Therefore, he should be given special care and follow all the rules so that the animal does not have any complications.

Dog after vaccination: reaction and possible complications

Complications after vaccination fall into two categories: local and general. Local complications expressed in the formation of swelling or even bumps at the injection site, in some cases this place can be hot to the touch and painful. General complications are characterized by a depressed state, soreness of the animal.

The dog looks lethargic and sick, the temperature may rise up to 40 degrees. As a rule, such complications are observed immediately after vaccination within a few days or a week. In cases where the painful condition is delayed, you should contact your veterinarian.

Also, in some cases, dogs may experience an allergic reaction to certain components of the drugs. This reaction can lead to one of the most dangerous complications- anaphylactic shock. This complication is characterized increased salivation, shortness of breath, weakness, as well as cyanosis of the mucous membranes, in particular, the mouth. If these symptoms are present, the animal should be hospitalized immediately, otherwise it may die.

Dog vaccination post-vaccination quarantine

After vaccination, quarantine should be observed. If the vaccination was done for the first time, then the quarantine lasts approximately 10-14 days. At this time, the puppy can be walked exclusively on his hands, without giving him the opportunity to communicate with other animals, since this is dangerous for his fragile immunity.

In cases where adult dogs are vaccinated, quarantine restrictions are rather arbitrary. It is advisable to avoid contact of the vaccinated animal for two weeks with other dogs, but he may well walk on a leash. At the same time, a certificate of vaccination (for example, against rabies) is issued no earlier than 14 days after vaccination.

How to walk your dog after vaccination

You can walk your dog, but you must follow certain rules. If you have a puppy, then he should not be allowed to run outside before revaccination, as well as after it for two weeks, but you may well walk with him in your arms.

As for adult dogs, the main thing here is not to overexert the animal and not to overcool it. Thus, long walks should be avoided, especially in the rain or in frosty weather.

Can I wash my dog ​​after vaccination?

This question is of interest to many owners, because in some cases, after a walk, it is simply necessary to clean the animal of dirt.

However, all veterinarians categorically forbid washing a dog after vaccination, as this can lead to a cold. This is due to the fact that the dog's immunity is already weakened, and here it can still get cold, which will lead to serious complications.

What should I do if my dog ​​has a bump after vaccination?

As a rule, the appearance of bumps in dogs after vaccination is quite normal, so do not worry too much about this. Yes, of course, such a reaction of the body raises some concerns about the possibility of complications.

However, as practice shows, no matter how big the bump is, over time, it will resolve, so no action is needed. In most cases, this formation disappears within two weeks after vaccination, if it has not disappeared within this period, you can already contact the veterinarian.

Among the various vaccines for dogs, it is worth highlighting the rabies vaccine. This is the only disease whose prevention is controlled at the state level. That is why it is important for pet owners to know not only about the vaccination itself, but also about further actions after it, in particular, about the need for quarantine and other measures.

Rabies is deadly for pets viral disease that causes defeat nervous system. It is also transmitted to humans, so it is important to take security measures to prevent its spread. In this case, vaccination is an effective option.

Important! At the moment, there is no cure for rabies, since any contact with an animal suspected of being infected is dangerous for medical personnel. There is only one way out in this case - the euthanasia of the dog. Owners and breeders should pay Special attention preventive vaccination and it is mandatory to vaccinate the dog against rabies in a specialized clinic. Required condition- The pet must be healthy.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, vaccination is mandatory if you plan to:

  • participation in exhibitions or competitions;
  • participation in breeding;
  • visits to crowded places;
  • travel by public transport;
  • crossing the territorial borders of the country by any means of transport;
  • participation in hunting or fishing;
  • overexposure at an animal shelter/hotel.

Vaccination is effective method protect not only your own pet, but also all family members from unpleasant situations and the risk of infection with the virus. Even if the dog constantly sits at home and does not go outside (concerns small ornamental breeds not needing walking), this does not guarantee 100% protection against the disease. The causative agent of the infection can enter the house along with street shoes or other items.

Actions after vaccination

After vaccination (especially if this is the first vaccination), you should not immediately leave the veterinary clinic. It is advisable to stay for 15-20 minutes, since in very rare cases there are acute reactions to the administered vaccine (intolerance to any component, allergy). If suddenly the pet becomes ill, the veterinarian knows how to help, therefore, about the real danger to the health and life of the dog in this case speech is not. In addition, to prevent acute reactions, an injection of diphenhydramine or a similar substance is given before vaccination.

Vaccination against rabies allows you to create a strong immunity. If she is subsequently bitten by an infected animal, quarantine will have to be maintained in any case, but the probability of becoming infected in a vaccinated pet is almost zero, while in an unvaccinated one it is almost one hundred percent.

The need for quarantine

At first glance, vaccination is a simple procedure that is fairly painless and does not require much time. There is some truth in this, since no more than half an hour of time is spent directly on its implementation, but after the introduction of the vaccine, the body remains weakened for some time. During this period, it is important to provide the dog with proper care and follow the necessary rules to prevent possible complications.

It is for these purposes that it is recommended to observe quarantine - the maximum possible isolation in order to give time for recovery and the development of immunity. This is because any vaccine involves the introduction of a weakened virus of the corresponding disease, after which the body begins to fight the introduced virus by producing antibodies. During this period, it is very weakened, therefore it becomes susceptible to the effects of any external infections: the dog can easily pick up any disease that, when normal conditions may not cause any complications, but with a weakened immune system, it can cause significant harm.

If quarantine is not fundamentally important for an adult pet, then for puppies who are vaccinated for the first time, its observance is categorically necessary. Their body is already losing innate immunity (obtained from a mother-dog), but at the same time it does not yet have other protection. And the age from 2 to 8 months is considered the most susceptible to various infectious diseases.

Quarantine duration

Immunity against the virus develops 21 days after the introduction of the vaccine, so this is the duration of quarantine after vaccination against rabies in dogs for areas with a high risk of infection. After this period, the dog develops a strong immunity to the effects of the rabies virus. When an adult is vaccinated, quarantine restrictions can be considered rather conditional, but a certificate of vaccination is issued no earlier than 14 days after the introduction of the vaccine.

At the same time, the following quarantine periods have been established for issuing accompanying documents necessary for moving through the territory of Russia:

  • 30 days - if the animal has not been vaccinated within a year;
  • 14 days - if the animal has previously been vaccinated annually.

quarantine measures

The main factors that should be avoided during the quarantine period are all sorts of stressful situations and stress on the body, so for this period it is recommended:

  • Protect the pet from contact with other animals, including those that live in the same house (especially if they freely go for walks and can bring any viruses on themselves).
  • Limit contact with items that are potential carriers of viruses (for example, street shoes).
  • Do not go outside or walk the puppy exclusively on your hands, in order to exclude possible contact with other animals, which can be dangerous for a weakened immune system.

Note: For adults in areas with a low risk of infection, walking is allowed if a leash is used.

  • Limit water procedures to prevent hypothermia and the development of possible complications.
  • Reduce physical activity.
  • Don't change your diet.

The above measures should be observed during the entire quarantine period, after which you can return to your usual lifestyle, resume walking, training, etc.

Possible consequences of vaccination

Every dog's body has individual characteristics: While some animals tolerate vaccines well, others may experience minor complications and reactions. A sudden deterioration in health usually occurs when the vaccine was administered to a sick or debilitated pet.

After preventive vaccination against rabies, it is important to carefully monitor the behavior and general condition of the dog, especially during the first 2 days. Variants of the norm are the following symptoms:

  • reduced physical activity;
  • loss of appetite;
  • refusal of favorite treats;
  • use a large number water;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • allergic reactions on the individual components of the injectable preparation;
  • the appearance of a bump at the injection site;
  • reluctance to go for a walk.

The conditions listed above usually pass for 2-3 days without any extraneous interventions.

If there is a noticeable deterioration in the general condition, which is accompanied by the appearance of a rash, shortness of breath, foamy vomiting, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. If an allergic reaction develops, the dog needs detoxification therapy. To alleviate his condition before the arrival of the doctor will help antihistamines(Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine).

The manifestation of acute reactions to vaccination should be taken into account during subsequent preventive vaccination sessions and other injectable preparations should be used for these purposes.

It is important to know that after the first vaccination, regardless of whether it is a puppy or an adult dog, in addition to maintaining quarantine, you should worry about revaccination.

One vaccination will not be enough for immunity to form in the body, so it will not have the desired effect. Puppies are vaccinated against rabies for the first time at three months, and subsequently it is recommended to revaccinate annually. These dates may vary slightly depending on the vaccine and the level of freedom from rabies in the area.

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Many owners after vaccination of dogs come back to veterinary clinics and are interested in what to do when the dog behaves strangely after vaccination. In this article, we want to tell you how every pet owner should behave, because a dog after vaccination also requires some care.

Vaccination of dogs is carried out annually, according to a certain scheme, which can be read in the article. Only vaccination of an animal can guarantee the production good immunity, that is reliable protection from infections. But after vaccination, the dog should also be supervised, it is necessary to prevent stress and organize good nutrition.

Possible Complications After Dog Vaccination

After returning from the veterinary clinic or, provide the animal with complete rest, lack of stress and minimal physical activity. The introduction of a vaccine for a dog is already a biological stress, as a foreign protein is introduced into the body. What complications can a dog have after vaccination:

  1. Lethargy, apathy, loss of appetite possible reaction in a dog after vaccination, which can last 1-2 days, and rarely longer. As a rule, such a reaction within 1-2 days should not cause concern, but if oppression and lack of appetite continue for more than 2 days, it is still better.
  2. Diarrhea, vomiting - this reaction in a dog after vaccination can only be pathological. Therefore, it is recommended to seek veterinary help as soon as possible.
  3. Swelling at the injection site - a fairly common complication after vaccination in animals. Approximately 90% of these swellings disappear spontaneously within 2 weeks, and the remaining 10% either germinate connective tissue and they do not have any effect on later life, or they degenerate into fibrosarcoma. The last one can be removed. surgically in a veterinary clinic.
  4. Anaphylactic shock - this is the most severe consequence in a dog after vaccination, as a result of which available And death. Fortunately, anaphylactic shock after vaccination of animals is extremely rare. But what to do in this case? Only, therefore, either urgently go to the veterinary clinic, or call the veterinarian at home.

When to walk the dog after vaccination

If the dog is an adult and has already been repeatedly vaccinated, vaccination of the dog is not a contraindication for walking. Why is that? Yes, because after previous vaccinations, the animal already has a formed immunity, and the annual vaccination of cats and dogs is provided to maintain the body's defenses for high level for one more year.

It is necessary for every owner to know what complications after rabies vaccination in dogs are. Rabies - very dangerous disease for both humans and animals. This disease is transmitted through the saliva of a sick animal and today is practically incurable.

Most animals found to have rabies die. To protect your pet from such unfortunate consequences, it is imperative to vaccinate the dog against this serious disease.

Mandatory rabies vaccination

It is done in the following cases:

  • when you and your dog travel abroad;
  • when participating in an exhibition, competitions;
  • when breeding;
  • if rabies has been declared in your area.

Rabies vaccine is given to a puppy at the age of not earlier than 2-2.5 months. After that, it is enough to vaccinate against rabies once a year. It is advisable to do these vaccinations at a veterinary clinic, where you will be given an animal passport, which will indicate the dates of vaccinations and which vaccination was given. A sticker from vaccination is glued in the passport and the seal of the veterinary clinic is affixed. With such documents, you can safely cross the border, attend exhibitions and various competitions. By making an injection yourself, you will not be able to prove that this procedure took place and you will be forced to do it again.
The vaccine is given on an empty stomach. After this procedure, there is no need to rush to go home. The dog needs to move away from stress, and no one has canceled the allergic reaction. Even if you are sure that your pet is not allergic to these drugs, it is still better not to take risks once again, sit in the veterinary clinic for 20-30 minutes, only after that you can safely go home.

In general, there is nothing complicated and scary in this procedure. But what if the dog became ill after the rabies vaccination?

Complications in dogs after rabies vaccination.

Rabies vaccination is a must for your dog, not only because it is required by law, but also for the safety and health of your pet. In some dogs, this process proceeds safely and without complications, but what to do with the negative consequences after such a vaccination? Sometimes the owner complains about complications after vaccination against rabies in dogs. Consider the most common adverse effects after vaccination.

  • lethargy

Many owners claim that the dog is lethargic after vaccination. We hasten to reassure you - such a reaction is the norm! A dog after vaccination may feel lethargic or lethargic for 1-2 days. Especially this reaction can happen in puppies. The older the dog, the less pronounced the reaction to such a vaccination. If after the rabies vaccination the dog is lethargic, but the temperature is normal and there are no other reasons for concern, then you don’t have to worry. Watch her for a few days. If after 2-3 days the dog's condition has not improved, we recommend that you still contact veterinarian to exclude any infections and diseases in her.

  • Dog lame after vaccination

The dog may limp slightly after the rabies vaccination due to the fact that the injection site may hurt a little. Don't be afraid of this reaction. Within 3-5 days, the soreness will subside, and the dog will begin to walk normally. Also, with pain from an injection, a small puppy may whine for several days. If general state health does not deteriorate (the temperature does not rise, there is no loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea), then you should not worry. After a few days, the pain will subside and the puppy will stop reacting. Adult dogs usually do not do this, as they already understand the cause of the pain. And unintelligent puppies do it out of fear, they don’t understand what happened to them and why the injection site hurts. But if the general condition has worsened, and within 3-5 days the dog does not get better, then run to the veterinarian for an examination!

  • Lack of appetite

You can often hear from owners that after a rabies vaccination, the dog does not eat. The time during which the dog refuses to eat is also important here. Immediately after vaccination, she may experience stress (from a trip, from a visit to a veterinary clinic, from a sick injection), so she may refuse to eat. This behavior of a dog after a rabies vaccination is quite typical. But if your pet has been refusing food for more than half a day or longer, then it is better to tell the doctor about your experiences, he will tell you what to do. Additional examinations or tests may be required. If other bad symptoms have been added to the loss of appetite, then one conversation with the veterinarian will not be enough - you need to urgently run to the clinic!

  • Nausea, vomiting

If a dog vomits after a rabies vaccination, this is also the norm, but on the condition that the pet vomited only once, a short amount of time after the vaccination. If the dog is sick after a rabies vaccination and vomits repeatedly, then this is an occasion to urgently contact the veterinarian! Do not delay this issue in any case, since such a negative consequence may be due to the disease that was contained in the vaccine itself. The sooner you see a doctor, the more likely it will be cured in the near future. Do not try to self-medicate or look for answers in various forums, do not waste your precious time!

  • Hardening and redness at the injection site

In the place where the injection was given, sometimes a small seal or swelling forms, a bump forms, which acquires a reddish tint. This reaction of the skin to the vaccination is also not to be feared, such a complication occurs in many dogs that are vaccinated against rabies. But if the tumor does not subside for two weeks, while the seal increases in size, the temperature rises, and the general condition of the dog worsens, then you should immediately show the pet to the doctor. Perhaps this is just an allergic reaction, or maybe signs of more serious illnesses.

  • Fever in a dog

The normal temperature after vaccination is 39.5 degrees. If after the rabies vaccination the dog feels bad and the temperature has risen to this mark, then there is no reason for concern. But this is only if the temperature lasts no more than three days and does not rise above 39.5. If elevated temperature lasts much longer, then you still have to visit the veterinarian - in order to make sure that nothing serious has happened. And if it happened, then cure it all in time.

  • Anaphylactic shock

Rarely, but it also happens that the dog goes into anaphylactic shock. This is due to an allergy to the injected injection. Of course, we cannot know about all the features of the body of our pet, therefore, unfortunately, we cannot be exempted from an allergic reaction either. And if such a misfortune has happened to your dog, urgently call a doctor or run to him yourself, since the consequences of anaphylactic shock can be very sad, even fatal.
As you can see, such complications after vaccination in dogs are a normal phenomenon and you should not be afraid of them. If all of them passed within 5-7 days, then there is nothing wrong with that.

The alarm should be sounded only when an atypical reaction takes longer than the due date. At any slightest suspicion that the dog is not feeling well, immediately go to the veterinarian! It is better to let the visit to the doctor be superfluous than insufficient.

In order for the dog to feel as comfortable as possible after the vaccination, try not to disturb or touch it once again, let it lie down in a secluded place if it is necessary for it. As already mentioned above, the train to the veterinary clinic and the vaccination itself are a huge stress for her, after which the pet needs some time to recover.

Walk after vaccination

People who have a dog for the first time and who are faced with this procedure for the first time often ask themselves the question: after vaccination, when can a dog walk with it? The answer to this question depends on what kind of vaccination is given to your dog. If you have a puppy and the vaccine is being given for the first time, then you can walk it only when you do it. re-vaccination, and then not immediately, but 10 days after it. First vaccination little puppy can be done already at 8-10 weeks of age, then it is necessary to do revaccination (re-vaccination) one month after the first. Puppies have more weakened immunity than adult dogs, so you need to be extremely careful and protect them from unnecessary and dangerous contacts.

Much easier with older dogs. Due to their age and vaccinations made more than once, their immunity is much stronger, so you can go for a walk with your dog on the very first day after the vaccination.

Bathing after vaccination

Also, many are beginning to ask if it is possible to wash the dog after vaccination. After all, many dogs are so dirty after walks that every owner wants to immediately go to the bathroom with her. So when can you bathe your dog after a rabies vaccination? Recall that the immunity of animals after any vaccination is quite weakened, so after you have been vaccinated against rabies, you must be very careful not to allow unnecessary hypothermia and stress. Therefore, veterinarians are categorical about whether it is possible to bathe a dog after vaccination or not. Answer: No way! A dog in this state is most susceptible colds. And since there is very little immunity these days, a mild cold can develop into more serious diseases and give serious complications.

“When can I wash a dog after vaccination?” You ask a natural question. Quarantine time, when the dog should avoid contact with other animals and hypothermia, is on average 2-3 weeks. All this time, you should try to refrain from those things that can undermine the health of your beloved pet. That is, the dog should be washed after vaccination no earlier than 2-3 weeks later.

Preparation for vaccination

Although the rabies vaccination is not a complicated procedure, it also needs to be prepared in advance. This will help to avoid unnecessary and unnecessary complications after it. It is mandatory to deworm the pet 10 days before vaccination. You need to do this before every vaccination, even if you are doing it for the fifth year in a row. This will help get rid of worms in the animal.

During the week before the vaccination, pay attention to the health of your dog. Avoid unnecessary contact with suspicious and sick animals, unnecessary physical activity. Try not to change your dog's usual diet and daily routine. It is advisable to ensure that the animal is not subjected to unnecessary stress before vaccination. Check your dog's body temperature. normal temperature indicators are considered from 37.5 degrees to 38.5. If the thermometer shows a number lower or higher, then this is a reason to contact the veterinarian and reschedule the vaccination date, because only a completely healthy animal is vaccinated.

Immediately before the vaccination itself, you can not feed the animal - the procedure is done on an empty stomach. At the same time, the dog can drink as much as he wants. If a doctor's appointment is scheduled for evening time, then in the morning you can feed your pet quite a bit. If the vaccination is done in the hot season, then we advise you to give water right before the vaccination.


  • Heat;
  • The presence of worms;
  • Disease;
  • Immunodeficiency;
  • Underweight or weakened state;
  • Recent trauma or major surgery
  • Vaccinated less than three weeks ago;
  • Pregnancy, lactation.

If you find any of the above signs in your dog, then you will have to postpone vaccination until you get rid of them.
You can also think about whether it makes sense to get a rabies vaccine if your dog is over 10 years old. As a rule, over such a period of life, the dog already develops its own immunity, and any injections at such a venerable age are already more difficult to tolerate than at a younger one.

Post-Vaccination Dog Care

Let's summarize everything that was written above and put together all the instructions and instructions of veterinarians on how to behave with a pet after vaccination.

  • So, it is imperative to observe quarantine, especially for puppies - this means that you must protect your pet from contact with dogs and other animals, and also try to avoid contact with objects that can carry the infection from the street. The most dangerous item in this regard is street shoes. If possible, for the duration of the quarantine (it is two weeks), refuse to walk with the puppy along the street in general. With adult dogs it is a little easier, they have stronger immunity, so you can walk the dog, but still try to minimize communication with other relatives.
  • After a rabies vaccination, a dog should never catch a cold! And this, in turn, means that you can’t bathe her either. Wetting the injection site for the first days is also undesirable. You can't let your dog get caught in a draft. In the first days after vaccination, immunity is greatly weakened, and any disease can aggravate the health of the animal. Don't walk your dog for very long if it's cold outside.
  • You also need to protect your pet from unnecessary stress. Do not plan to move anywhere immediately after vaccination (especially long trips or flights) and other stressful situations. Due to a weakened immune system, any stress can also adversely affect health. No training, very active walks and loads are also prohibited for 10-14 days, no exhibitions and, moreover, competitions.
    That's all necessary care after rabies vaccination. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is care and attention to your pet and no extra load and stress. The older the animal, the easier it will be to tolerate these procedures. The above rules apply, in principle, to all other vaccinations and similar procedures.

Suspecting a deterioration in your pet's condition, even minor signs, it is better not to postpone a visit to the veterinarian. Even if the doctor does not find any serious diseases in your dog, there is nothing wrong with an additional examination after vaccination. In any matter that concerns your health pet It's better to be safe than sorry about wasted time later.

Symptoms of rabies in dogs

It is possible to recognize a disease such as rabies not only at the very last stage. If you keep a close eye on your pet, then some signs can be detected at an early stage. The early stage lasts about a week. The sooner you detect the symptoms of rabies in your dog, the more likely it is to cure it, or at least prevent it from infecting yourself.

Early symptoms:

  • anxiety, anxiety;
  • Pain in the muscles;
  • Chills, the dog is feverish;
  • Lethargy, apathy;
  • Fear of light (daylight, bright - any);
  • Inability to swallow, swallow;
  • Refusal of food a sharp decline weight;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, vomiting;
  • Cough.

If you notice these symptoms in your dog, check it for a bite or wound. If you find a bite, then immediately go to the veterinarian, do not delay visiting the doctor!

Followed by early stage goes so called paralytic stage (or "quiet"). Its duration is one week. At this stage, the dog loses the ability to move, foam from the mouth begins to stand out. If these symptoms are detected, you need to deliver the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible!

Symptoms of the paralytic stage:

  • Paralysis of the hind limbs, then it passes up the body of the animal, ending in paralysis of the muzzle;
  • The lower jaw droops, giving the dog a blunt appearance;
  • Uncharacteristic barking that does not sound like barking at all;
  • Profuse salivation (foam from the mouth);
  • Inability to swallow.

At this stage of the disease, the dog, as a rule, is not aggressive and does not attack. At the violent stage of the disease, which also lasts up to 7 days, aggressiveness already appears, the dog becomes easily excitable and tries to attack people. At this stage, it is better not to approach the sick animal once again, not to try to take it to the veterinarian on your own. It will be better and safer to call for trapping of animals, which, with the help of sleeping pills, will be put to sleep for a while rabid dog and take it to the vet.

Signs of the violent stage of rabies:

  • Foam from the mouth in large quantities;
  • Fear of water. At this stage of the disease, the dog will be afraid to even walk near water;
  • Excessive aggressiveness, the dog is ready to attack at any moment;
  • Refusal to eat, anxiety;
  • Irritability;
  • Inappropriate behavior in a dog - eating stones, other objects. It can even start to gnaw on its own paws!

If you see that your dog has been bitten by an animal whose state of health you do not know, then immediately consult a doctor. Just remember that rabies bacteria “live” on the skin and fur of the animal for about two more hours, so in no case do not touch it with bare hands. Wear gloves and cover exposed areas as much as possible.

If you managed to vaccinate a dog against rabies, then, having bitten a sick animal, she will simply be injected with a second vaccine. And her immunity itself will cope with the disease. If you did not take care of the health of your pet in advance, then, unfortunately, it will have to be euthanized. Or, as an option, you can send him to a hospital, where he will need to spend 6 months (of course, you will pay for the hospital). And if nothing happens to the dog during this time, then it will be vaccinated against rabies and returned to you in a month.

As you can see, it is better to protect yourself in advance from negative consequences diseases. It will be much calmer and cheaper to vaccinate your dog against rabies once a year than to euthanize your friend later or pay for six months of hospital stay (which is not yet available in every city, and their places are limited). Health to your pet!

Among other vaccinations, vaccination of dogs against rabies is in the first place. This is the only disease of dogs in our country, the prevention of which is controlled at the state level.

At what age is the first rabies vaccination given to a puppy, how often are adult dogs revaccinated, what should be done before and after the vaccine is administered? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Why should dogs be vaccinated against rabies?

Rabies is a disease common to humans and animals. The main source of infection is sick dogs and cats, in rural areas there are also foxes and hedgehogs. The virus is found in the saliva of infected animals and is transmitted by bite. There is currently no cure for animals, and an animal that shows signs of rabies almost always dies.

Vaccination against rabies is controlled at the state level. Your pet needs to be vaccinated:

  • if you cross the border of the country with the dog;
  • your pet participates in exhibitions or competitions;
  • the dog is involved in breeding;
  • In some veterinary clinics a vaccination mark is required to ensure the safety of personnel;
  • without vaccination, you may be refused to take a dog for overexposure;
  • to protect your pet from various unpleasant situations, and family members from the danger of contracting a virus.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, vaccination against rabies is mandatory for dogs and cats in areas that are unfavorable for rabies.

When to vaccinate a puppy

When should a puppy be vaccinated against rabies? Rabies is vaccinated at a later age than other diseases. If the vaccination against plague, enteritis and hepatitis is usually given at two months, then it is advisable to combine the first shot against rabies with the second trip to the veterinarian for vaccinations. This is about three weeks after the first vaccination. Thus, the most early term vaccination against rabies - 2.5–3 months. Dog breeders try to have time to complete a course of immunization before the change of milk teeth - it is believed that some vaccines can cause darkening of tooth enamel. The puppy's first teeth begin to change at the age of 3 months, and this process ends at 6 months. Of course, there are breed and individual characteristics. Therefore, if the puppy had the first baby tooth, then it is better to postpone vaccinations until the entire set has changed.

If the vaccine is administered earlier than three months, then the injection will need to be repeated after 14–21 days to form immunity. After three months of age, a single injection of the drug is sufficient.

The age at which a puppy is vaccinated against rabies depends on the specific conditions of detention and the environment of your pet. Some veterinarians recommend not rushing to vaccinate babies against rabies. If you do not plan to transport your puppy across the border or attend events where vaccination records are required, then it is best to vaccinate against rabies between 6 and 9 months. Of course, this does not apply to dogs whose risk of contracting the disease is high - these are free-range puppies, hunting dogs, as well as animals living in areas where mass cases of the disease are recorded.

Revaccination of adult dogs

How often should a dog be vaccinated against rabies? Immunity after vaccination is developed 21 days after the use of inactivated (killed) vaccines.

How long does the rabies vaccine last in dogs? Immunity to the disease lasts for more than one year (two to three years for different manufacturers), but according to veterinary legislation in disadvantaged areas, dogs must be revaccinated annually. At the same time, the period of subsequent vaccination does not depend on the duration of protection specified by the manufacturer of the drug in its instructions. Therefore, if you plan to come into contact with official veterinary structures, then your pet must be vaccinated no more than 11 months and no earlier than 30 days before the event.

It is recommended to use sparing regimens for old or chronically ill dogs. Some veterinarians recommend giving them the standard rabies vaccine every two years instead of every year. This is explained by the fact that any rabies vaccine in practice maintains immunity during this time.

Preparation for vaccination

Vaccinating a dog against rabies requires some preparation. Both an adult dog and a puppy must be prepared for vaccination. During the week before the proposed vaccination, special attention is paid to the health of the pet. The day before going to the clinic, it is advisable to measure the body temperature of the dog in the evening. Only healthy animals are allowed to be vaccinated. Puppies should be well developed for their age, active and behaving normally.

During this period, they avoid taking long walks, it is undesirable to make new acquaintances and change their usual diet or daily routine. It is important to avoid stressful situations. For the same reason, it is advisable to move the vaccination if the bitch is in heat.

On the day of vaccination, it is advisable not to feed the dog. If vaccination is scheduled for the second half of the day, then in the morning they give light food in a small amount. Access to water is not restricted. If the visit to the veterinarian falls on a hot time of the day, then it is advisable to provide an opportunity to give the dog water to drink immediately before vaccination.


It is very important to deworm your pet before vaccination, that is, give him a medicine against worms. How long should a dog be dewormed before a rabies vaccination? This procedure is carried out 7-10 days before vaccination. It is necessary to give anthelmintics before each vaccination - both before the first, and before the second, and then each time before revaccinations.

The choice of drugs depends on the age of your pet. For puppies 2-3 months old, mainly anti-ascaris agents are used. They are best purchased in the form of suspensions. Half an hour after giving an anthelmintic, it is advisable to drink from a syringe vaseline oil- 1–2 ml for a puppy and 5–10 ml for an adult dog. This will facilitate the process of removing dead worms from the intestines. The deworming procedure is usually repeated every other day, but this depends on the specific drug. For deworming puppies, you can purchase the following drugs:

Dogs older than 6 months can also be given tablets. They are used:

  • "Alben";
  • "Prazitel".

Rabies vaccination contraindications

The rabies vaccine, like other vaccinations, has contraindications:

It is also worth considering whether vaccination is really necessary if you have adult dog large breed and she is over 7 years old or small and she is over 10 years old.

People often ask if a dog can be vaccinated against rabies while in heat. There are no direct contraindications to this, but if possible, it is better to postpone the vaccination to another time.

How is the rabies vaccine done?

Before vaccination, the veterinarian examines the dog, measures its body temperature, and listens to the owner's complaints. In some cases, additional research may be needed, for example, general analysis blood. If there are no contraindications to vaccination, then the selected vaccine is administered to the animal according to the instructions for the drug. Where is a dog vaccinated against rabies? Most rabies vaccines are administered intramuscularly; for some drugs, subcutaneous injection into the withers is also allowed.

After the introduction of the vaccine, the veterinarian makes a mark in veterinary passport dogs, where it indicates the date of vaccination, the name of the vaccine, its series and expiration date. Sometimes a bottle label with such information is pasted into the passport. In any case, all data is certified by the veterinarian's signature and seal.

Actions after vaccination

Do not leave the veterinary clinic immediately after vaccination, but wait 15-20 minutes. This is the time when the most serious allergic reactions to the drug can occur. In this case, the veterinarian will provide your pet needed help.

How long after a rabies vaccination can you walk your dog? With a low risk of infection, walking can be unlimited. It should be borne in mind that protection against the disease is developed only after 21 days - this is the quarantine period for dogs after vaccination against rabies, if the risk of infection is high.

Is a dog contagious after being vaccinated against rabies? No, after vaccination against rabies, the animal is not able to spread the virus, since all vaccines used are preparations based on killed microorganisms.

Can I bathe my dog ​​after a rabies vaccination? Water procedures it is better to postpone for 2-3 weeks, so as not to provoke hypothermia and the development of complications in response to vaccination. Also, the dog needs to reduce the degree of physical activity.

Reaction to rabies vaccination in dogs

The introduction of the rabies vaccine can be accompanied by various side effects and complications. There is no need to worry in the following cases:

After the vaccine is given, a slight swelling or induration may form at the injection site. If the bump on the withers of the dog after the rabies vaccination does not increase in size, painless, then you should not worry. These reactions are normal and the swelling will disappear within 1-2 weeks.

Side effects for rabies vaccination in dogs, in which you need to see a doctor:

  • severe pain at the injection site;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • shortness of breath, blueness of the tongue, redness auricles;
  • muscle cramps or twitching;
  • severe weakness, lack of appetite;
  • an increase in body temperature by more than 1 degree from the norm;
  • salivation, discharge from the nose or eyes.

Similar reactions of a dog to a rabies vaccination can occur if the procedure was carried out using low-quality drugs, mistakes were made when administering the solution, or the vaccination fell on the latent period of another disease.

Rabies vaccines for dogs

The range of rabies vaccines is represented by preparations of Russian and foreign production. They are only inactivated - complex or in monovariant. Which vaccine is better to use, the veterinarian decides. For information, we present brief characteristics existing vaccines.

Complex vaccines, which include rabies antigen:

Summing up, we emphasize once again that by vaccinating a dog against rabies, you ensure the safety of not only your pet, but also your family members. The puppy's first vaccination is given at age three months, subsequently the dog is revaccinated - in disadvantaged areas for rabies once a year, and in safe areas - every two years. These dates may vary slightly depending on the vaccine chosen.