Maine Coon kitten maintenance. All the necessary questions about caring for a Maine Coon cat. Care of the rest of the parts

To make the pet feel comfortable, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for it. Of course, you can not be puzzled by the question in detail and use general recommendations. However, each cat is different from another, and in order to feel as comfortable as possible, she needs an individual approach, which is easiest to deduce from the recommendations for the breed.

Amazing Maine Coon

The Maine Raccoon or Maine Coon is considered the pride of North America, and for good reason. These felines are distinguished not only by their large size, long silky hair and tassels on their ears, but also by their intellectual abilities. Many researchers who study them argue that the representatives of the breed are capable of performing the deliberate and logical actions characteristic of some canines, for example, Labradors.

Maine Coons are perfect pets in every way. They:

  • educated and peaceful;
  • great attitude towards children;
  • trainable;
  • clean;
  • adapt to the habits of the owner.

The only controversial point in buying Maine Coons can be the exactingness of care. However, if you understand the issue well, you will notice that caring for these felines is not so difficult. How to care for a Maine Coon at home?

Care for hair, nails, ears, eyes and mouth

Maine Coon is not particularly demanding in content. It is necessary to care for him in the same way as for other breeds. For ease of reading, the main procedures are shown in the table:

Region Care method
Eyes Cleaning the corners of the eyes from accumulating mucus. Even healthy animals have occasional dirt in this area. It is necessary to clean it with a cotton swab dipped in water or weak tea. In no case should chamomile be used as a solution - hair often falls out from it around the eyes.
Auricles This area is sensitive and should be inspected and cleaned carefully, for example while playing. Healthy and clean inside ears have a pink tint. If you notice accumulations of sulfur, then use special solutions (sold at pet stores) and cotton pads. It is not recommended to use sticks, if they are carelessly moved, they can cause injury. It is advisable, after manipulation, to sprinkle the passage in the ear with a special powder that prevents tick infestation.
Oral cavity Although the breed is less prone to plaque build-up, oral hygiene is essential. It is especially important to do this in the period of 3-5 months, when milk teeth are replaced. At this time, the oral cavity is examined 1-2 times a week and monitors the correct change of teeth, in case of problems they lead the cat to the veterinarian for removal. For the correct development of the bite, kittens should be given rubber toys and dry food, as well as brush their teeth every day with a cat's toothpaste and a soft brush.
Wool The fur of the representatives of the breed is long, therefore it requires separate care. The pet should be combed daily using a special comb with blunt ends of the teeth. First, combing is done with the side with sparse teeth, then they switch to frequent ones.
Claws Too grown, they give the pet a lot of problems (including pain), so they need to be trimmed. For haircuts, special round scissors are used, which are as safe as possible for the vessels that lie in the cat's claws. If the claw is not pigmented, then the haircut will not be difficult: just look in the light where the capillary is and cut the tip at a slight angle. With pigmented ones - you will have to act almost at random, cut them off to a minimum. Remember that the claws are longer on the hind legs than on the front ones. Since Maine Coons are big cats, they often sharpen them. To keep your furniture safe, you should use a scratching post or special pads.

The situation with mats should be considered separately. Most often they appear on:

  • stomach;
  • breasts;
  • lower neck area;
  • hind legs;
  • behind the ears.

It is impossible to moisten the knitted wool with water, as this will only condense it. To eliminate it, you can try to divide it into small parts, and only then comb it out. If you cannot do this, then you should resort to nail scissors and a haircut. To do this, pinch the mat at its base, pull it a little and cut the fur just below it.

Bathing details

Most of the representatives of the breed treat water with enviable calmness, but some individuals can perceive water aggressively. Therefore, the upbringing of the Maine Coon and teaching him to swim should be started from a young age. In any case, the animal should be washed with closed doors, since this way it will definitely not break free and catch a cold due to a draft.

Note! Human shampoos are not suitable for felines. For these cases, you should use special zoo shampoos and other products. Remember, bathing is stressful for your pet. He will endure the procedure much easier if you talk to him kindly and cheer him up in every way.

Upon completion of the procedure, you should dip the pet's fur with a paper or terry towel, after which you can start drying. If the four-legged friend is not afraid of the hair dryer, then this method will be optimal, since it is fast. Otherwise, the coat can be left to dry naturally, but drafts should be avoided.

After drying, the animal is combed according to the following scheme:

  • from bottom to top - on the chest, throat, ears and cheeks;
  • up - on the sides;
  • from the center in different directions - on the stomach;
  • paws ruffle.

It is better not to carry out the procedure too often, as this can disturb the oily skin. Desirable - less than once a month, but before exhibitions and after pollution, you can wash your pet more often.

Each cat is different from another, and in order to feel as comfortable as possible, she needs an individual approach, which is easiest to deduce from the recommendations for the breed. Source: Flickr (Carl_Spencer)

Maine Coon food and maintenance

The most difficult part of grooming is feeding. It can be carried out both with the help of ready-made feeds and homemade food.

If we talk about industrial types, then you cannot buy store consumer goods like "Whiskas", it is important to trust professional products, for example, brands:

  • Hills;
  • Purina Pro Plan;
  • Eagle Pack;
  • Nutro.

You can use other feeds as well, as long as they have Premium or Super premium marks. Dry food should be combined with canned food. For ordinary pets, their ratio should be 75% to 25%, for show animals and kittens it changes by 1: 1.

It is more difficult to create a balanced menu with natural food. Consider the main foods and their possible presence in the diet:

Product Volume
Raw beef Kittens older than 3.5 months - no more than 30 grams, adult cats - within 100-120.
Boiled chicken, fillet From 3.5 months use fillet of legs, before this age - only breasts.
By-products such as heart, liver, but only beef and chicken Scald them with boiling water before eating. Give the heart no more than once every 7 days. The liver should not be consumed by kittens with a light color, as the coat may turn yellow.
A fish It is best not to use for feeding to prevent bones from getting stuck in the throat. Occasionally, you can give fillets of lean sea fish.
Chicken or quail eggs Protein - not allowed, yolk - up to 2 times a week (rub with cottage cheese). Quail eggs can be used whole, but raw.
Milk Only kittens up to 3 months. In an adult pet, milk causes indigestion.
Dairy products like cheese, kefir, yogurt, cream, cottage cheese Allowed daily in small amounts. For kittens, it is good to add glycerophosphate to kefir. Cottage cheese can be fed to young animals (up to 4 rubles a week) and adults (up to 2 rubles a week)
Cereals It is optimal to mix cooked rice, oatmeal or buckwheat with meat in a 1: 2 ratio, where the meat product is the largest part.
Vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, cucumber Alternating with cereals as an admixture to meat. Up to 4 rubles are given. in Week.
Grass It is allowed to use sprouted grains, while separately from food, because felines regurgitate grass. You cannot bring greens from the street.
Seafood It is good to give shrimp as a treat.
Water Use only freshly filtered, change daily. Boiled - not recommended, since the animal gets used to it, and raw water begins to cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Seasonings, salt, sugar Prohibited in any amount.
Supplements and feeding Top dressing should be given daily, depending on the age of the pet. You can add brewer's yeast to them.
Vaseline oil Drop by drop into the mouth if constipation occurs.
Pork and bones Strictly prohibited.

To make it easier to navigate in feeding, you can use the approximate norms:

  1. For 1.5-2 months. Feed 6 p. per day. The general rate is 180-240 grams.
  2. For 3-6 months. Feed 4 r. per day. The norm is 160-240 gr. Meat at least 35-40 grams.
  3. For 6-9 months. Feed 3 r. per day The norm is 200-250 gr.
  4. For 10-12 months Feed 2 r. per day The norm is 150-200 gr.

After a year, the owner is already able to independently form a diet, depending on the needs of the four-legged friend.

Maine Coon keeping features

There is an opinion that the maintenance and care of representatives of this breed is difficult to carry out in a small apartment due to the size and increased activity of the Maine Coon, but this is not so. Even in a one-room apartment, a pet will feel comfortable if equipped with:

  1. Tray. Cats are advised to do two of them as they like to have bowel movements and urinating in separate toilets. It is better to use clumping types of it or with large granules as a filler, otherwise the pet will scatter granules or sawdust around the room.
  2. Place for food. It is optimal to equip it in the kitchen from 3 bowls: 1) for water; 2) dry food or natural food; 3) canned food and semi-liquid food.
  3. Corner. It should include not only the house where the pet will sleep, but also a scratching post, a toy on a string or spring, a shelf. Maine Coons love to settle upstairs and observe their surroundings.

These simple measures are enough to provide your pet with leisure, as well as make his life comfortable.

As practice shows, caring for Maine Coons, even if it requires money, is relatively simple. The article provides general recommendations for the breed that are suitable for all of its representatives. Gradually, you will learn to understand your four-legged friend and be able to choose individual care measures.

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How to properly care for a Maine Coon? How often can you bathe your pet and what cat grooming products should you buy? These are the most common questions that concern the happy owners of one of the largest domestic cats in the world.

Despite the fact that Maine Coons are one of the cleanest cats that are quite capable of taking care of the cleanliness of their luxurious fur coats, caring for Maine Coon cats will require a lot of effort and trouble from the owner. Indeed, in addition to mandatory procedures, such as brushing and bathing, it is also important to pay attention to the hygiene of the ears, eyes and teeth of a fluffy pet.

There are several rules on how to care for a Maine Coon at home, so that the cat is always beautiful and healthy:

  1. Regularly brushing your pet's coat.
  2. Bathing cats with special hypoallergenic detergents.
  3. Regular cleaning of the ears and eyes.
  4. Oral examination and teeth cleaning.
  5. Clipping claws.
  6. Systematic walks with a pet in the fresh air.
  7. Regular vet visits and mandatory vaccinations.

Meun Coons, like other cats, are very reluctant to allow themselves to be clipped and brush their teeth, and this can become a problem for some owners.

In order for the pet to calmly perceive all these procedures, it is advisable to accustom him to them from a young age.

Maine Coon hair care

How to care for Maine Coon hair and what types of brushes should I use? The coat of these cats is long, thick and fluffy, therefore, in order for the pet to always have a well-groomed and attractive appearance, it must be combed frequently, at least once every two days. Such a procedure is needed not only in order to get rid of dead hairs, but also so that tangles do not form on the coat, which will significantly spoil the appearance of the pet.

For combing a cat, it is advisable to purchase several brushes: a comb with long sparse teeth, a slicker brush and a massage brush with an antistatic effect. It is best to choose combs with natural bristles.

Combing the pet should start from the neck, gradually moving to the back and hind legs. Then the sides, abdomen, tail and chest are combed. To begin with, combing the cat, use a brush with sparse teeth, then go over the pet's fur with a slicker and finish the procedure with a massage comb.

It often happens that, despite regular grooming of the Maine Coon's coat, tangles still form on the pet's fur coat. Especially the chest, belly and hind legs of cats are affected by it. How to deal with them? You should try to carefully untangle them, if this is no longer possible, then you need to carefully cut them using thin scissors, trying not to catch the pet's skin.

During molting periods, which usually occurs twice a year, in early spring and autumn, it is advisable to comb Maine Coons every day.

How to bathe Maine Coon cats?

These big and fluffy cats are generally not afraid of water at all. Moreover, they are happy to take water procedures, so the owner will not have any trouble bathing the pets.

You can bathe cats no more often than once every two to three months. It is very important to choose the right shampoo for this procedure. The detergent should be designed for long-haired cats and contain as few chemical additives and fragrances as possible. Human shampoos and shower gels are absolutely not suitable for bathing these cats.

The pet should be soaped from head to tail, making sure that the shampoo does not get into the eyes and ears of the pet. The detergent must be thoroughly rinsed off with warm water, otherwise it will make the coat dull and sticky. After water procedures, the cat is wrapped in a soft, terry towel and make sure that there are no drafts in the room.

It is undesirable to use a hair dryer to dry the luxurious Maine Coon hair, it becomes brittle and loses its natural shine.

Eye, Ear and Nose Care

Proper care of the Maine Coon includes the obligatory cleansing of the pet's eyes, ears and nose.

Large and expressive eyes of cats are prone to lacrimation, as a result of which secretions accumulate on the inner corners of the eyes, which, when dry, form a crust. In no case should you try to remove this crust with your finger or nail; for this purpose, use only a cotton swab or cotton swab. The tampon is soaked in a weak solution of tea leaves or warm water and the crust is carefully removed.

Sometimes dry crusts can form in the corners of cats' nostrils. They can be easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water.

Maine Coon ears are very sensitive and cats are reluctant to touch them. So that the pet does not mind cleaning the ears, this procedure should be carried out when the pet is tired of active games and is in a relaxed state. Usually, the inside of the ears is cleaned with a cotton swab, without sticking it deep into the ear.

Attention! If an unpleasant odor comes from the cat's ears, the pet often scratches them, these may be symptoms of an unpleasant disease - a skin mite. At the first signs of illness, you must contact your veterinarian and not try to treat your pet yourself.

Proper oral and dental care

Due to improper feeding, plaque and tartar often form on the teeth of furry creatures, which many owners frivolously ignore. You should not neglect the hygiene of your pet's teeth, because due to tartar, the gums can become inflamed, which in turn can lead to tooth loss.

To care for your pet's teeth, you need to purchase a special cat toothbrush and toothpaste. The cat's teeth are cleaned once every two weeks. To do this, delicately open the pet's mouth and clean the teeth from plaque with gentle circular movements.

It helps to clean the teeth of animals with dry food or special treats that can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

As already mentioned, cats are very negative about brushing their teeth, and they should be taught to do this from early childhood.

Claw care

All cats do not tolerate claw cutting very well, and Maine Coons are no exception. Unless absolutely necessary, experts do not recommend cutting their claws, unless the pet has broken a claw and a sharp shard hurts him.

To protect sofas and other furniture in the house, you should purchase a scratching post for your pet, with which the cat can solve the problem of regrown claws on its own.

Rules for walking a pet

Caring for a Maine Coon also includes taking care of their physical health. Maine Coons are active and mobile animals, so these big cats feel more comfortable in a private house with a spacious yard, where they can walk on their own.

If the Maine Coon is kept in a house near which there is a roadway, you cannot let your pet go out on the street alone.

What vaccinations are needed for Maine Coon cats

Maine Coon care features include not only brushing, bathing and hygiene of ears and teeth. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian and mandatory pet vaccinations are equally important.

For the first time, a Maine Coon kitten is vaccinated when it reaches the age of two months and is usually done in the cattery. But before buying a kitten, the owner should ask the breeder if the baby is vaccinated, because the health and normal development of the pet depends on it.

What diseases are kittens vaccinated against?

The first vaccination of a kitten is complex and is done in order to avoid such diseases in the future:

  • Panleukopenia (feline distemper).
  • Rhinotracheitis (damage to the respiratory organs).
  • Calcevirus infection.
  • Feline chlamydia.

At the age of two to three months, the owner will have to make sure that the pet is vaccinated against rabies. This vaccination must then be done every year without fail.

When can I get vaccinated?

Only completely healthy cats can be vaccinated. If your pet has symptoms such as watery eyes, coughs, or problems with going to the toilet, it should be completely cured before vaccination, otherwise complications may arise after vaccination.

It is undesirable to vaccinate a kitten at the age of three to eight months, since during this period permanent teeth grow in place of milk teeth and the kittens' immunity is weakened at this time.

When is vaccination required?

Vaccination of an animal is mandatory if:

  • the owner plans to take his pet at an exhibition or competition;
  • before mating;
  • the owner takes the pet with him to the dacha;
  • the cat is placed in a temporary shelter.

Vaccinations should only be done by a veterinarian; it is strictly forbidden to buy drugs of dubious quality and vaccinate cats on your own.

The law of the jungle says that only the fittest survive. And, if an ordinary domestic mongrel cat suddenly decided to enter into a battle with the Maine Coon, she would have suffered a crushing defeat. "Domestic lynx" - as some call these big cats. Despite the rather predatory appearance, these cats do not differ in aggressiveness and belligerence, they are quite friendly and get along well with other animals. However, Maine Coons are quite finicky, and caring for them includes many subtleties and nuances that you need to know about before you start an animal at home.

Maine Coon breed

Maine Coons cannot be called miniature: at birth, kittens weigh on average 100-150 g (about the same as an ordinary cat at the age of 2 weeks), while the average weight of an adult cat is as much as 7-10 kghowever, there are exceptions, giant individuals under 15 kilograms. This kind of pussy really looks like a real lynx!

There are many legends about the history of the origin of Maine Coons, three of which are the most interesting. The first legend says that the first Maine Coon was obtained by crossing one American cat and a raccoon. Thanks to this version of the origin, the breed has an alternative name - "Maine raccoon cat". The second legend says that the first Maine Coons appeared, again, by crossing an ordinary cat, but this time not with a raccoon, but with a lynx. Another legend explains the origin of the word "kun" in the name of the breed: one traveler named Kuhn had two cats - and, and he let them go for a walk in every port. A new breed of Maine Coon became the fruit of such walks. In 1860, this breed was officially registered.


Seals with character

Many people say that if you get a pet to love someone, you need to get a cat, and if, in order to be loved, then a dog. In many respects, this applies to Maine Coons, who rather allow themselves to be loved than giving love themselves. These cats behave with dignity, are distinguished by calmness and poise, and are often thoughtful.

Contemplation, intelligence, excellent memory - all this allows you to quickly teach Maine Coons new commands. A characteristic feature of Maine Coons is their adaptability to the owner and the adoption of some traits of the person with whom they live. For example, the cat of the writer of popular novels, most likely, will eventually like to think about the tall one in the rocking chair, and the cat of the party-goer will become sociable, active and easily coming into contact with new animals and people.

If a girl has long hair, she perfectly understands that it needs daily and thorough care. If you want to get a Maine Coon, be prepared for the fact that they also require some care. First, you need to empty the pet store, buying all kinds of brushes and combs there to care for the magnificent Maine Coon coat. You will also need a scratching post, a nail clipper, special shampoo, insect repellent, eye and ear care products. And a lot of patience, which, however, you can't buy anywhere: the hair and claws of Maine Coons grow quickly, the wool has the ability to roll into tangles and lumps that need to be cut (and the animal still needs to be persuaded to these tortures!).

Secondly, maine Coon ears, teeth and eyes require special attention... The owner should make sure that there is no mucus, any secretions in the corners of the pet's eyes, from time to time, wipe them with chamomile infusion. The ears of the cat should be periodically cleaned, sprinkling with antiseptic powder after cleaning. The teeth also need to be brushed, and from a young age, so that the kitten gets used to this procedure and does not break out in the future. The same goes for claw cutting and bathing.


A characteristic feature of Maine Coons - they are very wary of new acquaintances... Unlike dogs and some breeds of domestic cats that run towards guests, the Maine Coon is more likely to sit on the sidelines and wait for a new person to come up and pet him. Also, Maine Coons do not like when they try to pick them up, cuddle and, moreover, toss them up. Leave these games to smaller and more playful breeds. As for getting along with other pets, you don't have to worry about this at all: Maine Coons can get along with anyone, from a pit bull to a budgerigar.

If you want to feed the Maine Coon, get ready to spend a decent amount of money and time on it, because it won't even look at a simple “Kitekat”, and it will not benefit the cat's health. Maine Coon's diet must include natural meat, you should also occasionally pamper your pet with seafood. If you buy food, then only premium class and higher. Fresh water should be constantly poured in a Maine Coon cup, you can add good milk. Cottage cheese and quail eggs, high-quality canned food - buy all this, and your cat will delight you with health and a cheerful look.

Maine Coon at the exhibition

Maine Coon is a breed that is brought up not only to take care of and, but also to show at exhibitions, winning various awards. Crowds of curious and delighted people constantly gather around the cage with Maine Coons at exhibitions. For a cat to be admitted to the show, its size and appearance must clearly comply with breed standards. In addition, a mandatory procedure is required before the exhibition -. It differs from ordinary washing in that special shampoos and conditioners are used, which not only cleanse the animal's hair, but also color it (give it the right shade), give the desired texture.

  • The voice of Maine Coons cannot be confused with anything, their "meow" is strikingly different from the "meow" of other cats, it seems to have a vibrating shade.
  • In nature, Maine Coons live in prides in which complete matriarchy reigns.
  • Before drinking water, the Maine Coon must rake it with its paws to clean it. This happens not as a result of excessive disgust, but as a result of the wild origin of the cat.
  • Maine Coons have retained the need to hunt in their blood. So, if a pest has wound up in your country house, do not be surprised if your purebred cat brings it in his teeth to your feet.
  • On the Isle of Man, 25 cents are issued with a Maine Coon portrait.
  • Maine Coons are somewhat similar to people: sometimes they stand on their hind legs, and use the front ones to take an object.

Maine Coon is a big and fluffy animal living in an apartment. The breed, without a doubt, I am the favorite in the ranking of the most beautiful and unusual representatives of the cat family. It is quite expensive and has a lot of shades: from white to red (red). However, such a pet requires special care. The owners should know how to feed their handsome man properly so that he grows up big and healthy. This article discusses what the Maine Coon breed looks like, the care and maintenance of these pets is also discussed in detail.

Care and maintenance

The raccoon cat, or Maine Coon, requires special care. If you recall the description of its representatives, then they have long hair, large size and good appetite.

Caring for a Maine Coon is not an easy task, therefore, before you start such a handsome man at home, you should think carefully about whether a person can devote enough time and energy to the animal.

This breed has a number of positive features. These cats are smart, trainable, get along well even with small children, cleanliness and quickly adapt to the habits and behavior of their owner. The only drawback is the great demand for care.

Basic conditions to be observed:

  • regular eye cleaning from accumulated mucus. It appears even in a perfectly healthy animal;
  • cleaning of the auricles. The area is quite delicate, so the procedure is carried out carefully so that the animal does not twitch and harm itself. Healthy and clean ears are pink, without extraneous accumulations;
  • long pet hair requires daily brushing using a special comb;
  • claws must not be allowed to grow too large. Otherwise, they will cause inconvenience to the pet.

Hair care

How to feed a Maine Coon to grow big

Despite the size of the animal, the stomach of Maine Coon cats does not differ in large volume. The option of three meals a day is suitable. For a female, the daily rate is about 250 kcal, and for males, 300 kcal. It is worth giving food at the rate of: 1 kg of weight 30 g of food.

For your information! An adult Maine Coon eats about 1.5 times more than a normal cat.

For Maine Coon to maintain the correct height and weight, he needs a balanced diet with trace elements and vitamins. Like most cats, representatives of this breed have an excellent appetite, but you should not give them food from the common table.

What diet option can be offered to Maine Coon cats:

  • ready-made feed;
  • self-prepared food;
  • mixed type of diet.

What do Maine Coons eat

A healthy animal will gladly eat everything that the owner offers him. Although sometimes you come across picky people who refuse dry food or prefer a specific manufacturer.

If the owner prefers to cook food for his pet on his own, then his diet should include:

  • meat. Raw beef works well in the morning and evening. The pieces are cut into thin slices and given to the animal;
  • milk products. Be sure to give out not only milk, but also cottage cheese, kefir, grated cheese;
  • porridge with milk or water. They improve digestion. In order for the pet to eat them with great pleasure, it is worth adding pieces of boiled meat to them;
  • special vegetables purchased from the pet store are used as a dietary supplement.

Is dry food suitable for Maine Coons

Dry food in the diet for Maine Coons is not prohibited, especially if the animal eats it with pleasure. However, this type of feed should not be added to the diet on a regular basis. It is best combined with homemade food or wet food.

Important! You should not give your pet cheap food like "Whiskas" or "Kitiket" on an ongoing basis. Although they are manufactured using licensed technology, the raw materials used are not of the best quality. Such a diet can lead to the development of diseases of the intestines, kidneys, etc.

When offering dry food to your pet, you should give preference to premium options or special food for a particular breed.

Maine Coon weight by month

The Maine Coon breed is quite large, which can be seen even in the early stages of the animal's life. For more convenience, below is a table of weight by month:

Age in monthsCat weightCat weight
1 560-690 g630-760 g
2 1.16-1.4 kg1.22-1.6kg
3 1.6-2.2 kg1.9-2.3 kg
4 2.6-3.5 kg3-3.9 kg
5 2.9-4 kg3.3-5.4 kg
6 3.1-3.9 kg3.9-6.4 kg
7 3.4-4.2 kg4.1-6.5 kg
8 3.7-4.2 kg4.4-6.8 kg
9 4-5 kg5-7 kg
10 4.1-5.4 kg5.1-7.4 kg
11 4.2-5.9 kg5.6-8 kg
12 4.4-6.2 kg5.6-9 kg

Animal growth

Up to a year, the development of kittens is quite rapid. By the age of three months, the baby already exceeds the performance of some adult cats of ordinary breeds. In general, the size of a pet depends on many factors.

Important! Do not be upset if the animal does not fall into the developmental standards, but you should still be careful. There is always the possibility that the breeder sold a cross instead of a purebred Maine Coon. When choosing an animal for a family, it is best to contact an official nursery.

Different requirements for months of life

Caring for and feeding a baby in general is significantly different from caring for an adult pet. This should be taken into account when choosing a diet. Also, throughout the entire time, you should monitor the weight of the baby in order to predict its further development and identify possible shortcomings.

2 months

At this age, babies are already starting to eat on their own and they can be taken away from the mother cat. It is worth giving them warm milk, milk porridge. Babies are fed at least 5-6 times a day in small portions, gradually accustoming them to special foods.

By the end of the second month, the kitten will weigh about 1.3-1.5 kg, depending on gender. They already have sufficiently formed teeth. You can buy special sticks or toys that the baby will happily chew on.

3 months

By the age of three months, the baby's weight almost doubles. Some boys reach 3 kg. The body is stretched, thick wool grows more and more. It is worth spending more time on mobile and active games.

Feeding periods also last up to 5-6 times a day. Gradually, the kitten is transferred to special food. Dry can be added periodically.

4 months

By this age, babies are already eating any food and are accustomed to the tray. However, they remain just as active and playful. At this stage, you can add boiled or scalded meat as complementary foods.

6 months

At this stage in life, growth gradually slows down. The animal enters the adolescent phase. If the owner does not plan to further breed the offspring, at this age it is recommended that the pet be castrated or sterilized.

Seven months

The kitten is still growing and by the end of the seventh month it is gaining weight, about 1-1.5 kg. At this stage, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, lean meat are added to the diet.

Note! By the age of seven months, the pet has already fully formed teeth, and he can easily cope with tough food.

Size of an adult cat and weight

The Maine Coon becomes fully adult and mature by the age of one. The maximum weight that an adult male can reach is 8-9 kg. In height, as a rule, it does not exceed 25-41 cm from the withers. Moreover, the total length of the body, including the tail, is up to 100-120 cm. The maximum length of the tail of the representatives of this breed reaches 35-37 cm.

Age of castration

Representatives of this breed are ready to breed from the age of 8-10 months. It is for this reason, if the owner of the animal does not plan further breeding, it is best to castrate or sterilize.

The need for an operation is due to the reproductive instinct. If this is not done, the pet will experience physical discomfort. The male begins to mark the territory, giving off a strong smelling substance. Cats roll on the floor, making loud, unpleasant sounds to the human hearing. In addition, in the future, this can lead to the development of various diseases.

Maine Coon health

The breed is not prone to frequent illnesses, but their well-being is directly dependent on proper care and nutrition. An improperly selected diet inevitably leads to disruption of the functioning of vital organs.

Note! Representatives of the Maine Coon have a number of ailments inherited from them, and a predisposition to certain diseases.

The change of teeth is quite painful for the animal. It starts at four months. During this period, you can see that the kitten is trying to gnaw everything that is possible. If the owner knows about this feature, he will be able to take appropriate measures to alleviate the suffering of the baby.

Despite their good health, Maine Coons are not immune to common feline ailments. Diseases of the gums, problems with the stomach, kidneys, liver, diseases of the eyes, ears, inflammation of the genitals - all this can be avoided if you take proper care of your cat or cat and carry out preventive examinations at the veterinarian.

The Maine Coon breed can sneeze, just like an ordinary person. This can be caused by dust, strong odors, and other irritants such as wool. Prolonged sneezing becomes the reason for visiting a doctor.

Important! Children are vaccinated according to the established schedule. The first is given when the baby is two months old. A specialist examination is required before vaccination.

Regular check-ups with a doctor

Common diseases of cats

The most common ailments of this breed are:

There are also a number of genetic diseases that can manifest themselves in both young and old age:

  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - a fairly serious heart disease in which there is a thickening of the stomach wall;
  • spinal muscular atrophy. The cause is a recessive gene. The disease causes muscle weakness, which is why the pet will no longer be able to lead an active lifestyle;
  • dysplasia of the hip joint;
  • polydactyly is not a disease, but a natural deformity or physical mutation.

How long do Maine Coon cats live?

The Maine Coon's lifespan also depends on proper care and nutrition. A healthy lifestyle can give an animal 12-15 years old, however, there are also centenarians who turned 20-22 years old.

Note! One of the features of the breed is that females live about 1-1.5 times longer than males.

As can be understood from the article, Maine Coon is a rather demanding cat breed. The owner will have to select the right food for the pet, comb his thick long hair daily and undergo regular examinations with a doctor. Nevertheless, if a person decides to have a smart, kind, and most importantly, incredibly beautiful animal, then it is best to choose the Maine Coon.

Surely many would like to have a cat or a Maine Coon cat. We will consider in more detail what features of the breed and advice the future owner of the animal needs to know, and what haircut of the Maine Coon will prevent the formation of tangles.

It would seem that maintaining and caring for such a pet is not an easy task, since only one wool with its mats, which in addition climbs during the molting of a fluffy Maine Coon, needs a lot of time. Nevertheless, if you quickly master the principles of caring for a small cat, it will be much easier to "groom" an adult Maine Coon, combing and washing.

The care and maintenance of a representative of such a breed does not really differ in complex techniques. You are required to provide your furry four-legged friend with ample indoor space. Experts do not recommend buying such cats in small apartments: they have gigantic dimensions, so they will not feel very comfortable in a cramped space. And caring for an adult Maine Coon in a private house is much easier to carry out.

Briefly about feeding

How to properly care for a Maine Coon? First of all, you need to understand that the diet is most important for the Maine Coon. Feeding such a pet will not be cheap, since the Maine Coon needs much more food than its smaller relatives. What to feed this furry creature? Some owners prefer dry food (in this case, buy premium formulations), others give their pet natural ingredients (meat, vegetables, cereals, dairy products).

Care features

Caring for large Maine Coons for many seems to be an unbearable burden. But if you take a closer look at the description of the main points on the maintenance of this pet (for example, how to cut a Maine Coon so that it sheds less, or how to teach him to walk on a tray that is attached to the toilet), in the future you will not have any problems.

How to competently care for the hair of a domestic Maine Coon, how to wash and comb it, shave and get rid of tangles, and is it possible to cut a four-legged pet?


Taking care of a Maine Coon at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Be sure to pay attention to your pet's eyes: they need to be cleaned from time to time from mucus that accumulates in the corners of the eyes. To do this, first moisten a cotton swab in water or not too strong tea.


It is advisable to start teaching your pet to brush your teeth from childhood. To do this, use a small children's toothbrush as well as cat paste. Remember: if you want your cat to be admitted to exhibitions in the future, his teeth must be in perfect order.


Sometimes sulfur can build up in your pet's ears. In this case, take regular cotton pads and soak them in a special solution, which must be purchased at the pet store. Do not use cotton swabs, as you can accidentally injure the cat.


It is recommended to trim the claws of the animal from time to time. If these recommendations are neglected, they will grow back a lot and will cause terrible discomfort to the cat. To cut with quality, use comfortable round scissors, which are absolutely safe for blood vessels that pass right along the pet's nail plate.

Bathing and brushing wool

Taking care of Maine Coon hair in an apartment is not so difficult. Pay special attention to bathing your home Maine Coon. By the way, for this it is better to purchase special combs, washing shampoo and soap, because this is the only way to take care of the Maine Coon's “hairstyle” competently.

It is recommended to bathe your pet once every two to three weeks, but if it gets dirty more often, then you should not adhere to a certain schedule. Before bathing, be sure to comb the hair of your four-legged friend with a comb, while getting rid of tangles. Only after you have finished combing the sheared wool, you can start bathing procedures.

How to toilet train

Washing the Maine Coon and combing out his wool from tangles is not the only thing that is required from the owner of the animal. Knowing how to train him to use the toilet is also necessary, since raising a little Maine Coon includes this moment. Usually, it is not necessary to educate a four-legged friend in the toilet bowl habit, since the kitten is taught to use the toilet while he is still in the cattery. Upon reaching the age of one month, the animal already independently walks on the tray.

Maine Coon is always very clean: if you forgot to clean his toilet in time, he can go nearby, but he will never get into the mud. Study the basic requirements for caring for this beautiful animal (for example, master grooming for your Maine Coon), and he will delight with his appearance not only you, but also the specialists at the exhibition.

Maine Coon care video

From this video you will learn how to properly care for the Maine Coon breed.