Cyst during pregnancy: what to do? Cystic formations in the mammary glands Cysts in the mammary glands and pregnancy

The presence of a cyst in the mammary gland during pregnancy, according to doctors, does not affect and does not pose a threat to either the child or the mother. Statistics confirm that there is a very small chance of developing a cyst in the breast during pregnancy. In some cases, during pregnancy, breast cysts resolve on their own.

Surgical treatment (removal) of a breast cyst during pregnancy is indicated only in cases of sudden growth of the cyst.

The following types of treatment are offered to pregnant women:

  • Anti-estrogen diet. When it is recommended to use: dairy products, low-fat cottage cheese, fish, poultry, foods containing complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, cereals). It is not advisable to eat foods that increase blood sugar and cholesterol levels (converted to estrogen), such as sweets, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, fried foods, fatty meats.
  • Hepatoprotectors(from Latin hepar - liver and protecto - to protect), drugs that restore and prevent liver damage, for example - Essentiale.

All types of treatment are aimed at normalizing metabolism. A competent obstetrician-gynecologist will always warn and advise how to change the diet of a pregnant woman if she has a breast cyst.

Breast changes during pregnancy

Balancing estrogen and progesterone throughout pregnancy is a natural necessity. Throughout pregnancy, the breasts undergo changes: they increase in size, the ducts grow (expand) in them, and the breasts become engorged. High level estrogen and progesterone levels during pregnancy are normal.

In some women, during pregnancy, small cysts evenly distributed throughout the breast tissue may disappear on their own or decrease in size. On the contrary, pregnancy can have a negative effect on fully formed cysts - causing them to grow (during pregnancy); a decrease in the size of the cyst occurs during breastfeeding.

To date, clinical experience confirms that pregnancy and breastfeeding in very rare cases have an impact on the appearance, growth, and disappearance of breast cysts. A woman’s hormonal balance plays a huge role in the appearance of breast cysts.

After completing breastfeeding, if there is a cyst or lumps appear in the breast, consultations with doctors - a gynecologist and a mammologist - are necessary.

Breast cyst is one of the manifestations of fibrocystic disease that develops in women. This condition is precancerous, that is, it can potentially serve as a source of malignant breast formation.

Fibrocystic disease of the mammary glands is a set of processes accompanied by an imbalance between the epithelial and connective tissue components in the gland tissue. As a result, the epithelium can grow, forming nodes, or connective tissue with the formation of fibrous layers or limited cavities - cysts. Depending on the tendency of cells to multiply (proliferate), proliferative and non-proliferative forms of the disease are distinguished, with the former transforming into cancer in a third of cases. Frequency malignant degeneration Non-proliferative cysts are lower, it is 1-2%.

Why does the disease occur?

A cyst in the breast develops when there is a hormonal imbalance in the female body. The disease occurs in 50% of women of fertile age and in almost all patients with gynecological diseases.

Formation of mammary glands, their changes during menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during perimenopause, are regulated by complex hormonal interactions. In one of the parts of the brain - the hypothalamus - the so-called releasing factors are produced, which stimulate the secretion of pituitary hormones.

The pituitary gland is the most important endocrine gland, also located inside the brain tissue. It secretes prolactin, which stimulates the production and release of milk. In addition, the pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which act on the gonads, and they, in turn, secrete estrogens and gestagens, which actively affect the mammary glands.

During pregnancy, the glands are affected by human chorionic gonadotropin produced by the placenta. In addition, their tissue is influenced by hormones of the adrenal glands (corticosteroids and androgens), pancreas (insulin), thyroid-stimulating hormone pituitary gland Any disruption of these interrelated processes can lead to the formation of mammary cysts.

The most important role in the formation of dysplasia (improper development, changes) of breast cells is played by ovarian hormones - estrogens and progesterone. One of the estrogens, estradiol, is contained in the gland tissue in a concentration several times higher than its level in the blood. This hormone causes the development and reproduction of the epithelium lining the ducts of the gland, stimulates the formation of lobules (acini), and increases blood supply to the tissue.

The concentration of progesterone is also higher in gland tissue than in the blood. It has the opposite effect: it inhibits the development of lobules, prevents an increase in permeability vascular walls and swelling.

With a deficiency of progesterone or an excess of estradiol in the mammary gland, swelling and an increase in the connective tissue located inside the lobules occurs, the ductal epithelium grows, which leads to the formation of cysts.

The causes of cysts can be divided into several groups:

  • stressful situations, especially strong or persistent ones; among them is dissatisfaction family life, and conflicts at work, and financial dependence;
  • reproductive disorders: big number abortions, early menarche, late first birth, large fetus, lack of breastfeeding or its duration for more than a year, absence of pregnancy and childbirth in a woman’s life;
  • gynecological diseases: salpingitis, oophoritis, as well as hyperplastic conditions of the endometrium;
  • sexual changes: anorgasmia, use of interrupted coitus as a;
  • diseases thyroid gland or adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract, in which the inactivation of estrogens is impaired - hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, fatty degeneration liver;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Variants of breast cysts and their manifestations

The size of the formation ranges from a few millimeters to 3-5 cm. Sometimes giant cavities are formed, noticeably changing the shape of the breast.

  • Solitary cyst and Reclus disease

In young women, small, numerous formations are more often observed, causing severe pain syndrome. Solitary breast cyst is diagnosed at a later age. Less common is the so-called Reclus disease, or polycystic mammary gland, in which a multi-chamber breast cyst is formed.

Cysts, or cavities in the gland, are formed when, which over time can turn into another variant, for example, into. The cavity is formed when the milk duct is blocked and liquid contents accumulate in it.

  • Ductal cyst of the mammary gland

Another name for cystadenopapilloma is the proliferation of epithelial tissue lining the milk ducts, with the formation of a cavity containing blood. It communicates with the ducts, so it may be accompanied by discharge from the nipple. In addition, cystadenopapilloma is much more likely to become infected.

  • Fibrous cyst

A single, long-existing cavity in the gland tissue, filled with non-inflammatory contents, not directly connected to the milk ducts and surrounded by a dense wall of connective tissue. Such a formation can exist for a long time, almost without bothering the woman, but it can be easily felt in the gland tissue.

  • Complex cyst

It differs from the usual one in the presence of a thick wall, partitions inside the cavity, parietal growths or marginal liquid structures that form, as it were, leaks behind the walls of the cyst. This conclusion is given by an ultrasound diagnostic doctor, but clinically it may hide cancer, papillomatosis, or a cyst with signs of inflammation.

Symptoms of pathology

  • Soreness and engorgement of the gland before menstruation;
  • Constant nagging pain in the chest;
  • Palpable compaction;
  • Changing the shape of the breast.

In some cases, there are no signs of the disease, and a woman finds out about it by chance, during a visit to the gynecologist or during a procedure.

Why are cysts in the mammary glands dangerous?

In addition to affecting quality of life, these formations can cause inflammation. It occurs when pathogens enter a closed cavity through the blood or lymphatic tract and is accompanied by fever, severe pain in the gland, its swelling, redness and bluishness of the skin. With purulent melting of surrounding tissues, an abscess and phlegmon may occur, life threatening patients.

We should not forget about the possibility of malignancy of the cyst, as well as the difficulty of differential diagnosis of this condition and breast cancer. Therefore, you cannot leave it to chance; it is necessary to be examined and treated in a timely manner.


Any examination of the mammary glands in patients who have not entered the postmenopausal period should be carried out in the first half of the cycle. At this time on glandular tissue minimal concentrations of hormones act, it is not rough and not painful.

The mammary glands are examined and palpated by the doctor with the patient standing with her arms lowered and raised, and then in a supine position. The symmetry of the glands is assessed, skin covering, the presence of discharge from the nipples, compaction or cords in the tissue structure. At the same time, the lymph nodes in the axillary areas, above and below the collarbones are palpated. These are the groups lymph nodes primarily affected by breast tumors.

Any woman should know the techniques of self-examination of the mammary glands. This will help timely identify not only mastopathy, but also more serious illnesses. Such an examination consists of a thorough examination of the glands in front of a mirror, assessing their symmetry, as well as palpating the breast in a circle or radially from the nipple to the periphery, up to the axillary region. This is especially important for patients who have a family history of breast diseases.

Inspection and palpation are carried out every time a woman visits a gynecologist, usually once a year during a medical examination. If the doctor identifies any seals, proceed to the next stage of diagnosis.

Mammography is an examination of the mammary glands using x-rays. The picture is taken in two projections, no contrast agent is used. Mammography allows you to detect formations in the thickness of the gland that are not even detectable by palpation (up to 1 cm in diameter), however differential diagnosis them is difficult.

This method is a screening method, that is, it is performed on all women over 40 years of age annually to exclude early stages breast cancer. Mammography is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In young women it does not give reliable result due to the increased density of gland tissue.

Becoming increasingly popular ultrasonography. It can be performed on young women, it is harmless and allows the detection of formations with a diameter of 2 mm, for example, small cysts . An ultrasound examination helps evaluate the condition of the lymph nodes, as well as signs. The only limitation to the use of this method is poor visualization of tissue during involution of the mammary glands that comes with age.

On the echogram you can see the inner layer of the formation and detect the difference between the cyst and. Practically the only one hallmark These conditions are determined by their consistency: a cyst is a cavity filled with liquid contents, and a fibroadenoma is a (nodule) consisting of glandular and connective tissue cells.

If a cyst or tumor is detected, the next stage of diagnosis is a puncture of the breast cyst with examination of its contents under a microscope. The main goal of such a study is to make sure that the woman does not have a malignant degeneration of the tumor. The puncture is performed with a special needle under ultrasound control.

If the doctor does not have a good ultrasound device at his disposal, then air is pumped into the cyst cavity through a biopsy needle, straightening it, and X-ray– pneumocystogram. If the walls of the formation are smooth and there are no growths, then drug treatment is started. If irregularities are detected in the cavity, surgical treatment is immediately prescribed.


How to treat a breast cyst? A gynecologist or mammologist will help you resolve this issue; if necessary, you should also consult an oncologist.

Psycho-emotional state

The basis of treatment of any disease is proper nutrition and lifestyle. A woman must protect herself from unbearable physical and emotional stress that often falls on her shoulders. As an example, we can cite the so-called “sandwich syndrome”, when middle-aged women are forced to take care of aging parents and raise their still minor children. At the same time, society believes that this is the direct responsibility of a woman, and she should not feel negative emotions on this occasion.

However, studies show that “sandwich syndrome” becomes the cause of many psychosomatic diseases, which include breast cysts. Don't be shy to ask for help if you need it, know how to refuse if you can't do something and don't feel guilty about it. This line of psychological self-defense will allow you to stay healthy longer.


The diet of women who have a cyst should be adjusted. It has been proven that in some patients cysts are sensitive to the consumption of chocolate, coffee, tea and other products containing xanthines. After excluding them from the diet, the well-being of such patients improved, in particular, pain in the gland before menstruation ceased to bother them. However, another part of the patients with cysts did not respond to such changes. Therefore, it is worth limiting the listed products for 2-3 months, and if there is no effect, then they will not harm you, of course, with moderate use.

Patients with breast cysts need to normalize the condition of the liver and biliary tract and lose weight. They are recommended to follow diet No. 5 with limited fried and fatty foods, animal fats. It is recommended to steam food with a predominance of fish, dairy products, and vegetables (except legumes and cabbage).

It is necessary to normalize intestinal function and avoid constipation. For example, oat bran will help with this; it is very useful to eat 100 grams per day. If in pure form Eating them is not very pleasant; you can add bran to porridge or a glass of kefir.

You should wisely limit the number of calories, reduce the content of food table salt. This will help reduce the severity and pain of the chest.

Conservative therapy

Treatment of breast cysts without surgery is possible if the formation has a smooth inner surface and responds well to medication. In this case, it is necessary that no atypical cells are found in the aspiration material after a fine-needle biopsy - a sign of a cancerous tumor.

Drugs for the treatment of breast cysts act on the main links in the pathogenesis of the disease:

  • sedatives (valerian, motherwort, Novo-passit) and adaptogens (schisandra, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea) in courses of 4 months with a break of 2 months, the duration of treatment is 2 years;
  • vitamins A (has an anti-estrogenic effect), E (increases the effects of progesterone), B6 ​​(reduces the concentration of prolactin in the blood), P and C (improves microcirculation and relieves tissue swelling);
  • hepatoprotectors, for example, the herbal preparation Hofitol, which protects and restores liver cells, improves fat metabolism, and increases the emotional background;
  • diuretics a week before the start of menstruation to prevent engorgement of the gland - lingonberry, kidney tea, Hypothiazide, Triampur, small doses of Furosemide as prescribed by a doctor;
  • hormonal therapy, in particular the use of gestagens for local application(Progestogel gel), and, if necessary, drugs in the form of tablets (Utrozhestan), implantable and long-acting injection forms (Norplant, Depo-Provera);
  • according to indications, Danazol, combined oral contraceptives, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (Zoladex), dopamine agonists (Parlodel).

Previously, iodine preparations were widely recommended, but due to the spread of thyroid diseases, in which these drugs can disrupt the balance of thyroid hormones, the use of iodine is abandoned or prescribed only after consultation with an endocrinologist.

In six months conservative therapy repeat mammography or ultrasound examination. If sclerosis of the breast cyst has occurred, that is, its walls have collapsed, there is no cavity, conservative treatment continue. If aspiration of the cyst was ineffective and fluid has accumulated again, surgery is prescribed.

The operation is usually carried out by sectoral resection, that is, removal of the formation and healthy tissues forming a sector (part) of the gland with the apex directed towards the areola. During the operation, urgent histological examination affected tissues to exclude malignant neoplasm. If signs of cancer are detected - volume surgical treatment expand.

Multiple breast cysts that cannot be removed drug treatment, are removed using extensive operations, including subcutaneous and prosthetic glands using a silicone or other implant.

Of course, many women are interested in whether cysts can resolve if nothing is done. Yes, such a possibility exists, but its probability is low. Often patients, hoping for the spontaneous disappearance of the cyst, do not go to the doctor right away, but come with an advanced stage of cancer, when it is already very difficult to help.

In some cases, women complain that a cyst in the breast has burst . At the same time, its contents were released from the nipple in the form of a light or greenish liquid. In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor and determine what actually happened, and if necessary, aspirate the remaining contents.

What to do if a woman discovers some kind of formation in her breast? First of all, do not panic and immediately contact a gynecologist and mammologist. Modern methods diagnostics are effective and safe. Treatment is based on preserving the organ and preserving the aesthetic function of the mammary gland. In the vast majority of cases, the patient gets rid of the disease after treatment, although quite often the cysts recur if predisposing factors remain (stress, hormonal imbalance, and so on). Therefore, treatment of this disease should be combined with therapy of the underlying pathology.


To prevent pathology, it is necessary to influence the factors that provoke its occurrence:

  • avoid stressful situations, do not take on an unbearable load, give up “deadlines”, learn the basics of time planning, and get proper rest;
  • lead a reasonably active sex life with a regular partner;
  • realize childbearing function, avoid abortions;
  • be observed by a gynecologist and treat gynecological diseases;
  • after 40 years of age, undergo annual mammography;
  • do not smoke, do not drink alcohol in excess;
  • limit visits to baths, saunas;
  • keep extragenital pathology, especially liver disease, under control;
  • follow a diet with a reduced calorie content, rich in vitamins and fiber, with a reduced content of animal fats and salt.

A couple of years ago I felt a lump in my left breast that caused discomfort only when I pressed. I did an ultrasound at the clinic, and in conclusion it was written: a cyst of the left breast, 5.5 mm. I repeated the ultrasound a few months later, after which it turned out that the lump had increased to 8.4 mm. They recommended that I consult a mammologist, but while I was getting ready, I became pregnant. The breasts are swollen, and the cyst formation cannot be felt. They say that for many women, it is after pregnancy and the arrival of milk that everything goes away. I'm worried whether sucking a breast with such formation will harm the baby? Is it possible and worth doing an ultrasound now, during breastfeeding, and what should you prepare for if it has increased?

Let us remind you that pathological condition, in which a certain cavity is formed in the mammary gland, which has its own strictly defined walls and some specific contents, is called a mammary cyst. Visually, cysts are usually not visible, although in advanced conditions they can reach such global sizes that they will deform the breast.

To the touch, a cystic formation is a spherical, fairly dense and easily movable formation, which can also cause discomfort or painful sensations. Actually, these are the main symptoms of this unpleasant disease. Of course, cysts can be quite different. For example, the size of the cysts, their contents, and even the structure of the walls may be different; these differences are directly dependent on the primary mechanism of development of the problem, on the age of the formation itself, on its localization in the mammary gland, etc.

A breast cyst most often occurs due to certain hormonal surges in the body; in addition, the cyst can be actively influenced by certain changes in hormonal levels. By the way, those hormonal changes in the body that occur during pregnancy can often have the most positive effect on the existing cystic disease.

Treatment of breast cysts involves primary dynamic observation and the use of various kinds of dietary supplements, enzymes, herbal preparations, etc. If, through blood tests, a certain hormonal imbalance is detected, for the treatment of the cyst, appropriate correction of the hormonal levels can be carried out, one or another may be prescribed immunostimulating drugs.

With this treatment, patients undergo an ultrasound scan every three months to monitor possible cyst growth. Sometimes, if primary treatment fails, if the cystic formation continues to grow, patients may be prescribed a more powerful hormonal treatment.

But, almost without exception, doctors are convinced that a moderate-sized cyst can be completely cured by a desired, planned pregnancy.

And all because the human body is considered an excellent self-regulating system that mobilizes all its forces during pregnancy, thereby correcting the health of the mammary glands.

There is also no need to worry about a cyst that has arisen because the presence of such a neoplasm in the breast definitely cannot harm the development of the fetus, or the already born baby during breastfeeding, or the mother herself during the period of lactation.

The only caveat is that for women diagnosed with a breast cyst, planning to breastfeed or (already breastfeeding), it is important to treat their mammary glands even more carefully.

It is very important for such women to remember about the prevention of lactosis and mastitis, to protect the breasts from hypothermia and injury, to avoid stressful situations and excessive fatigue, to also prevent the occurrence of cracked nipples and to take care of breast hygiene.

And, most importantly, when going for the next ultrasound of the mammary glands, you should not prepare for something bad - this only leads to further stress. Remember, for most women diagnosed with cystic breast formation, a successful pregnancy (or even several pregnancies), followed by long-term breastfeeding, was the best thing natural treatment cystic neoplasms.

And even if a woman discovers that after breastfeeding the cyst has increased in size, this is not a reason to panic.

Cysts are perfectly treated conservatively or through punctures, such neat punctures through which the contents of the cyst can be removed, after which the problem ceases to be relevant. And only in extremely neglected difficult cases The cyst is operated on, for which modern doctors also have various gentle techniques.

A couple of years ago I felt a lump in my left breast that caused discomfort only when I pressed. I did an ultrasound at the clinic, and in conclusion it was written: a cyst of the left breast, 5.5 mm. I repeated the ultrasound a few months later, after which it turned out that the lump had increased to 8.4 mm. They recommended that I consult a mammologist, but while I was getting ready, I became pregnant. The breasts are swollen, and the cyst formation cannot be felt. They say that for many women, it is after pregnancy and the arrival of milk that everything goes away. I'm worried whether sucking a breast with such formation will harm the baby? Is it possible and worth doing an ultrasound now, during breastfeeding, and what should you prepare for if it has increased?

Let us recall that a pathological condition in which a certain cavity is formed in the mammary gland, which has its own strictly defined walls and some specific contents, is called a mammary cyst. Visually, cysts are usually not visible, although in advanced conditions they can reach such global sizes that they will deform the breast.

To the touch, a cystic formation is a spherical, fairly dense and easily movable formation, which can also cause discomfort or pain. Actually, these are the main symptoms of this unpleasant disease. Of course, cysts can be quite different. For example, the size of the cysts, their contents, and even the structure of the walls may be different; these differences are directly dependent on the primary mechanism of development of the problem, on the age of the formation itself, on its localization in the mammary gland, etc.

A breast cyst most often occurs due to certain hormonal surges in the body; in addition, the cyst can be actively influenced by certain changes in hormonal levels. By the way, those hormonal changes in the body that occur during pregnancy can often have the most positive effect on the existing cystic disease.

Treatment of breast cysts involves primary dynamic observation and the use of various kinds of dietary supplements, enzymes, herbal preparations, etc. If, through blood tests, a certain hormonal imbalance is detected, for the treatment of the cyst, appropriate correction of the hormonal levels can be carried out, one or another may be prescribed immunostimulating drugs.

With this treatment, patients undergo an ultrasound scan every three months to monitor possible cyst growth. Sometimes, if primary treatment fails and the cystic formation continues to grow, patients may be prescribed more powerful hormonal treatment.

But, almost without exception, doctors are convinced that a moderate-sized cyst can be completely cured by a desired, planned pregnancy.

And all because the human body is considered an excellent self-regulating system that mobilizes all its forces during pregnancy, thereby correcting the health of the mammary glands.

There is also no need to worry about a cyst that has arisen because the presence of such a neoplasm in the breast definitely cannot harm the development of the fetus, or the already born baby during breastfeeding, or the mother herself during the period of lactation.

The only caveat is that for women diagnosed with a breast cyst, planning to breastfeed or (already breastfeeding), it is important to treat their mammary glands even more carefully.

It is very important for such women to remember about the prevention of lactosis and mastitis, to protect the breasts from hypothermia and injury, to avoid stressful situations and excessive fatigue, to also prevent the occurrence of cracked nipples and to take care of breast hygiene.

And, most importantly, when going for the next ultrasound of the mammary glands, you should not prepare for something bad - this only leads to further stress. Remember, for most women diagnosed with cystic breast lumps, a successful pregnancy (or even multiple pregnancies), followed by long-term breastfeeding, has become the best natural treatment for cystic lumps.

And even if a woman discovers that after breastfeeding the cyst has increased in size, this is not a reason to panic.

Cysts are perfectly treated conservatively or through punctures, such neat punctures through which the contents of the cyst can be removed, after which the problem ceases to be relevant. And only in extremely advanced, complex cases, the cyst is operated on, for which modern doctors also have various gentle techniques.

However, it has been found that breastfeeding a baby for more than three months in a row can have a long-lasting positive effect on a woman's hormonal levels. Negative effects of lactation in in this case It can happen if it suddenly breaks off a month after the start of feeding and long-term (over a year) breastfeeding.

If there is no large cysts, evenly scattered throughout the tissue of the glands ( diffuse mastopathy), then pregnancy can have a positive effect and these cysts disappear. But with large, fully formed cysts, this most often does not happen. Sometimes such cysts during pregnancy under the influence of estrogen can even increase in size, and then, during breastfeeding (when the “kingdom” of prolactin begins) decrease. In some cases, small cysts go away, and large ones decrease in size. But this does not always happen, so pregnancy is not recommended as a method of treating breast cysts.

To reduce the risk of developing hyperestrogenism and cyst growth, a woman is recommended to have a nutritious diet that helps normalize metabolism. Proteins in the diet should include lean meat (including poultry), fish, fermented milk products, and low-fat cottage cheese. All these products contain a sufficient amount of animal fat, which is necessary for the body of a pregnant woman for proper metabolism. Therefore, it is better to prepare various dishes on vegetable oil.

I had 2 breast cysts; a few months before pregnancy, shamanic methods (treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel) helped me get rid of one. With the second, I lived peacefully throughout my entire pregnancy. By the way, with the onset of pregnancy, my breasts stopped hurting altogether.

But after giving birth, 2 months later, I experienced stagnation of milk, the cyst filled with milk and turned into a galactocele (milk cyst). They punctured 4 times, the contents of the cyst reached 20 cubes. As the puncturing progressed, I suppressed lactation, since there was no outflow and the council of doctors warned that the next stop was mastitis. But as they explained to me, the fact that my cyst became mammary is my peculiarity, this does not mean that this happens to everyone.

As for removing a cyst before pregnancy, it seems to me that if this is done, it should be done long before pregnancy, because this is no longer a puncture, but an incision, and then a long process of scarring. I was offered to remove the cyst after lactation ended, but I refused, the cyst returned to its previous size, practically does not bother me, only sometimes before CD. Between scars and constant monitoring of the cyst, I chose the latter.

To be honest, I haven’t really dealt with the treatment of the cyst itself; now I’m planning a second one, and I’m going to look into this issue separately.

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Is a cyst in the mammary gland dangerous during pregnancy?

Two years ago, when palpating the left breast, I discovered a lump. It did not cause any inconvenience, discomfort was felt only when pressed. I went for an ultrasound, after which I was diagnosed with a 5.5 mm cyst in the left breast. A repeat ultrasound performed a few months later showed that the cyst had increased to 8.4 mm. I was recommended to visit a mammologist, but I didn’t go right away. Now I'm pregnant, my breasts are swollen and the lump is not palpable. I heard that often this pathology disappears after pregnancy and feeding the baby. I would like to know whether it is harmful for a child to suck milk from a breast that has a cyst? Should I have an ultrasound now or while breastfeeding? What to do if the cyst gets bigger?

It is known that a cyst is a pathology in which a cavity appears in the mammary gland, bounded by certain walls and having specific contents. Usually they cannot be seen visually, but in very advanced situations cysts can reach so much large sizes that deform the breasts.

When palpating the cyst, you can notice that it is a mobile spherical formation, characterized by sufficient density. However, it can cause pain and discomfort in the chest. The cysts themselves differ significantly from each other. They may have different size, contents, wall structure. All these differences are dictated by the cause of the pathology, as well as the time of its occurrence, location inside the gland and other factors.

The most common reason for the appearance of a cyst is a change in hormonal levels in the body or hormonal surges. I wonder what hormonal changes, caused by pregnancy, in most cases has a very good effect on such formations.

To combat breast cysts, the doctor, in addition to dynamic initial observation, usually suggests therapy using herbal remedies, enzymes, various dietary supplements and other means. If the tests performed show a hormonal imbalance in the patient, it is corrected using special drugs In addition, immunostimulating medications are also prescribed.

This treatment regimen involves monitoring the results using ultrasound every three months. In some cases, primary treatment does not help and the cyst continues to grow, then the patient is prescribed more powerful hormonal drugs.

According to the overwhelming majority of doctors, a planned and desired pregnancy is The best way fight against moderate-sized cysts. The reason for this lies in the characteristics of the human body - during pregnancy, all reserve forces are mobilized, which correct the condition of the woman’s breasts.

Concerning the question asked, then the best thing in this situation would be to visit a mammologist and do a dynamic ultrasound of the mammary glands (this is necessary to control the growth of the cyst during pregnancy), and you should also try not to take this situation to heart.

There is no need to worry about a cyst because it cannot harm the baby either during pregnancy or lactation. It also does not worsen the condition of the woman herself. It is only important that mothers who have a similar diagnosis, when breastfeeding their baby, treat her very carefully. They should not forget about the prevention of mastitis and lactostasis, prevent the formation of cracks in the nipples, protect themselves from overwork, hypothermia and breast injuries, and maintain breast hygiene.

You need to know that going to a routine ultrasound should not be accompanied by anxious thoughts, this will only lead to stress. It is worth remembering that for most patients with a breast cyst, pregnancy has become the best remedy treatment.

If, after breastfeeding the baby, the cyst has grown in size, there is no need to panic. This pathology responds well to both conservative therapy and treatment through punctures (for this, the doctor makes a small puncture and removes the contents of the formation through it). Cysts are operated on in very advanced cases, since many gentle techniques have now been developed.

Cyst during pregnancy: what to do?

Under the influence of certain factors, most often when hormonal imbalances, a cyst sometimes appears in a woman’s mammary gland. The pathology may be one or consist of many small formations (so-called diffuse mastopathy). A cyst is a pathology in which a cavity is formed in the chest, surrounded by walls. This cavity, most often located in blocked ducts, is filled with liquid (special secretion).

In most cases, the disease does not bother the woman. And since this is a benign formation, which extremely rarely degenerates into cancer, representatives of the fair sex often do not take any action for treatment. This is especially true in cases where the pathology does not progress and does not increase in size. But with the onset of pregnancy, many women who have a cyst are wondering what to do.

Cyst and pregnancy: yes or no?

Many representatives of the fair sex are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to give birth with a cyst. As practice shows, a cyst is not an obstacle to bearing a child. In some cases, pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding contribute to the resorption of the cyst. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy a colossal hormonal change occurs in a woman’s body. The amount of progesterone increases and estrogen production is suppressed. The fact is that the cause of the appearance of cysts is often an excess of estrogen in the body.

During breastfeeding, the production of prolactin, a hormone that also has a positive effect, increases. In addition, the ducts of the mammary glands expand, which promotes the resorption of small cysts.

But pregnancy should not be used to treat this pathology. Every female body individual. A hormonal surge does not always help overcome the disease. In addition, in some cases, doctors note the growth of the cyst during pregnancy. But usually it does not pose a risk to the health of the mother and baby.

What needs to be done?

If a woman diagnosed with a cyst becomes pregnant, then she needs:

  • pass the full examination, including examination of the mammary glands and other genital organs, since the cyst is sometimes accompanied by other women's diseases;
  • monitor changes in breast formation (regularly visit a mammologist and do an ultrasound);
  • follow all doctor's recommendations.

Breast cyst and pregnancy are completely compatible conditions. In most cases, the pathology does not in any way affect the pregnancy of the baby. Besides this, it does not interfere breastfeeding. On the contrary, doctors recommend breastfeeding a child for at least 6 months, since the prolactin released also has a positive effect on the disease. But it’s still worth seeing a doctor.

How to treat a cyst during pregnancy?

Many expectant mothers wonder what to do or how to treat a cyst. Despite the fact that the disease is not dangerous for a woman, it is also not worth leaving it to chance. Treat traditional methods cysts are not allowed during pregnancy. Traditional treatment includes taking hormonal drugs that can lead to miscarriage or affect the child’s health in the form of pathologies.

If a woman has many small cysts, then treatment is often not carried out, but the doctor monitors the dynamics of the development of the disease. In some cases, small formations grow and merge into larger ones.

Pregnant women are often prescribed hepatoprotectors, such as Essentiale. They help normalize liver function. The fact is that when the liver functions abnormally, cholesterol production increases, which leads to an increase in estrogen in the body.

In rare cases, when the cyst enlarges, the woman undergoes a puncture. A puncture is made in the chest through which fluid is pumped out. Surgical intervention prohibited during pregnancy. But some minimally invasive methods can be used. Treatment of cysts should not be traumatic, as this may affect breastfeeding. The doctor assesses the condition expectant mother and makes a decision regarding further actions.

Special diet

Pregnant women are prohibited from taking hormonal medications. But eating certain foods can increase or, conversely, normalize estrogen production. Therefore, a pregnant woman with a cyst not only can, but also needs to monitor her diet.

A pregnant woman should avoid the following foods:

  • fatty meat;
  • coffee;
  • any fried foods;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate.

All of these foods increase blood sugar and cholesterol. And this, in turn, leads to the production of estrogen.

To normalize the amount of this female hormone in the body, you need to adhere to the basics proper nutrition. The menu must include:

  • fermented milk products, including cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir;
  • lean meat;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • lean poultry;
  • fish.

These products will help normalize metabolism. In addition, they contain essential vitamins and microelements that a woman needs during pregnancy. When preparing dishes, you should use boiling, stewing or steaming.

And most importantly, there is no need to worry if pregnancy occurs with a cyst. Stress and anxiety will definitely not benefit the baby, and can affect the well-being of the expectant mother. Observation by a doctor and compliance with all his recommendations is the basic rule for pregnant women who have been diagnosed with a cyst.

Breast cysts and pregnancy

Research says that pregnancy has absolutely no effect on breast cysts.

Breast cysts and pregnancy are practically unrelated. However, rare cases of spontaneous disappearance of cysts in women carrying a child have been identified.

The body of a pregnant woman prepares in a special way for the birth of the unborn baby. The breasts swell and become much larger.

If the cysts present in the breast are evenly distributed, then during pregnancy they may well resolve on their own. Only already formed cysts never disappear.

How to treat cysts in a pregnant woman

  • Special anti-estrogenic diet. Fatty meat, coffee, chocolate, all fried foods, cocoa are prohibited. These foods affect blood sugar levels, raising them excessively. For this reason, an excessively large amount of estrogen begins to be produced. A diet based on the consumption of fermented milk products, low-fat cottage cheese, fish, and poultry will help prevent hyperestrogenism;
  • Hepatoprotectors. Hepatoprotectors, for example Essentiale, can prevent the formation of excessive amounts of estrogens, from which estrogens are subsequently formed, which means the cyst grows.

In any case, pregnant women with cysts in the mammary glands should be observed by a doctor.

Read also:

Polycystic breast disease

Breast cyst and pregnancy – one does not interfere with the other

However, it has been found that breastfeeding a baby for more than three months in a row can have a long-lasting positive effect on a woman's hormonal levels. The negative impact of lactation in this case can occur if it abruptly ends a month after the start of feeding and prolonged breastfeeding.

What happens to the mammary gland during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural state during which the neuroendocrine system maintains a very precise ratio between the female sex hormones progesterone and estrogens - both of which are necessary during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the mammary gland prepares to feed the baby. And in this process, estrogens play a major role. It is under the influence of estrogens that the mammary glands increase in size, become thicker, and ducts grow in them, along which during lactation women's milk will move towards the nipple. Progesterone suppresses this process, but not completely, allowing the mammary glands to prepare to feed the baby naturally.

If there are small cysts in the mammary glands, evenly scattered throughout the tissue of the glands, then pregnancy can have a positive effect and these cysts disappear. But with large, fully formed cysts, this most often does not happen. Sometimes such cysts can even increase in size during pregnancy under the influence of estrogen, and then decrease during breastfeeding. In some cases, small cysts go away, and large ones decrease in size. But this does not always happen, so pregnancy is not recommended as a method of treating breast cysts.

How are breast cysts treated in pregnant women?

Very large cysts, which tend to enlarge, are punctured and air is introduced inside - this helps the cyst walls stick together. Small cysts cannot be treated in any way.

A woman is recommended to adhere to an anti-estrogenic diet - not to eat fatty meats, fried foods, coffee, cocoa, or chocolate. All these products contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood, from which estrogens are subsequently formed.

To reduce the risk of developing hyperestrogenism and cyst growth, a woman is recommended to have a nutritious diet that helps normalize metabolism. Proteins in the diet should include lean meat, fish, fermented milk products, and low-fat cottage cheese. All these products contain a sufficient amount of animal fat, which is necessary for the body of a pregnant woman for proper metabolism. Therefore, it is better to cook various dishes in vegetable oil.

Among carbohydrates, preference should be given to complex carbohydrates found in vegetables, fruits, and cereals. These products also contain vitamins and minerals necessary for proper metabolism.

Sometimes women are also prescribed hepatoprotectors, for example, Essentiale - disruption of the liver can contribute to the appearance of large quantity cholesterol, from which estrogens are then formed.

Obstetrician-gynecologist antenatal clinic will always tell a woman how to eat and what to take during pregnancy if she has a breast cyst.

I had 2 breast cysts, several months before pregnancy they helped me get rid of one using shamanic methods. With the second, I lived peacefully throughout my entire pregnancy. By the way, with the onset of pregnancy, my breasts stopped hurting altogether.

But after giving birth, 2 months later, I experienced stagnation of milk, the cyst filled with milk and turned into a galactocele. They punctured 4 times, the contents of the cyst reached 20 cubes. As the puncture progressed, I suppressed lactation, since there was no outflow and the council of doctors warned that the next stop was mastitis. But as they explained to me, the fact that my cyst became mammary is my peculiarity, this does not mean that this happens to everyone.

Occurs during pregnancy. But clinical experience shows that in most cases this is not the case - pregnancy has no effect on the development of the cyst. At the same time, there are cases when a cyst sometimes goes away during pregnancy.

Breast cyst and pregnancy – what happens in a woman’s body?

During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal levels changes towards an increase in female sex hormones in the body. At the same time, the secretion of progesterone increases to a greater extent, the main task of which is to suppress premature (before the onset of labor) contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus. Progesterone suppresses excessive secretion of estrogen.

A breast cyst develops when there is an excess of the female sex hormones estrogen and the pituitary hormone prolactin in the body. This change in hormonal levels occurs under the influence of a variety of factors (abortion, stress, high loads, endocrine diseases and so on) and is treated with medicines, suppressing the secretion of estrogens (indinol) and prolactin (mastodinone).

It would seem that during pregnancy all diseases associated with hyperestrogenism (increased levels of estrogen in the blood) should go away. But clinical experience shows that this happens in rare cases. Typically, pregnancy has no effect on breast cysts. In the same way, breastfeeding a child has almost no effect on the condition of breast cysts, despite the fact that the amount of progesterone decreases and prolactin increases.

However, it has been found that breastfeeding a baby for more than three months in a row can have a long-lasting positive effect on a woman's hormonal levels. The negative impact of lactation in this case can occur when it abruptly ends a month after the start of feeding and long-term (over a year) breastfeeding.

What happens to the mammary gland during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural state during which the neuroendocrine system maintains a very precise ratio between the female sex hormones progesterone and estrogens - both are necessary during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the mammary gland prepares to feed the baby. And in this process, estrogens play a major role. It is under the influence of estrogens that the mammary glands increase in size, become thicker, and ducts grow in them, along which during lactation women's milk will move towards the nipple. Progesterone suppresses this process, but not completely, allowing the mammary glands to prepare to feed the baby naturally.

If there are small cysts in the mammary glands, evenly scattered throughout the tissue of the glands (diffuse mastopathy), then pregnancy can have a positive effect and these cysts disappear. But with large, fully formed cysts, this most often does not happen. Sometimes such cysts during pregnancy under the influence of estrogens can even increase in size, and then, during breastfeeding breast (when the “kingdom” of prolactin begins) decrease. In some cases, small cysts go away, and large ones decrease in size. But this does not always happen, so pregnancy is not recommended as a method of treating breast cysts.

How are breast cysts treated in pregnant women?

Very large cysts, which tend to enlarge, are punctured and air is introduced inside - this helps the cyst walls stick together. Small cysts cannot be treated in any way.

A woman is recommended to adhere to an anti-estrogenic diet - not to eat fatty meats, fried foods, coffee, cocoa, or chocolate. All these products contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood, from which estrogens are subsequently formed.

To reduce the risk of developing hyperestrogenism and cyst growth, a woman is recommended to have a nutritious diet that helps normalize metabolism. Proteins in the diet should include lean meat (including poultry), fish, fermented milk products, and low-fat cottage cheese. All these products contain a sufficient amount of animal fat, which is necessary for the body of a pregnant woman for proper metabolism. Therefore, it is better to cook various dishes in vegetable oil.

Among carbohydrates, preference should be given to complex carbohydrates found in vegetables, fruits, and cereals. These products also contain vitamins and minerals necessary for proper metabolism.

Sometimes women are also prescribed hepatoprotectors, for example, Essentiale - disruption of the liver can contribute to the appearance of large amounts of cholesterol in the blood, from which estrogens are then formed.

An obstetrician-gynecologist at a antenatal clinic will always tell a woman how to eat and what to take during pregnancy if she has a breast cyst.

Galina Romanenko