Where should the feng shui bed be? Correct location of the bed. How to orient the position of the bed during sleep

A person spends more than a third of his life in bed. The bed is a constant companion of any of us, so it is logical to assume that its influence on our life is difficult to overestimate.

Healthy full sleep ensures the productivity of the whole day, excellent well-being, and a balanced rest, as you know, is the key to beauty, health and longevity. How to choose the right bed that will serve you as a reliable companion for many years?

Here the feng shui system will help us, main philosophy which - ensuring a harmonious flow of energy in the premises where a person lives. For centuries, developed rules and laws for organizing living space, as well as recommendations for choosing suitable furniture, have helped thousands of people balance sleep as an important part of their life, and thereby significantly improve its quality.

Today the choice of beds on the market is so great that it is very easy to get confused and lost. Luxury coexists with high technologies, new environmentally friendly materials, built-in humidification and ozonation system, orthopedic mattresses of all kinds.

The variety of colors and sizes expands the choice to infinity, if only there were money. However, remember that not everything done by last word fashion, may suit you personally.

Feng Shui rules help you to more effectively make a choice in seemingly insignificant details, such as color and material, giving you complete freedom of choice in the rest.

Feng Shui bed selection rules

The first and foremost rule: the bed must be new, and you must be its first owner. Various energies, accumulated over the years of use by other owners, can have unpredictable effects, and it is unlikely that it will be favorable for you.

If possible, the bed should be made of solid wood, including the headboard. Avoid steel frames. Plastic painted in the color of wood is allowed - as a material, plastic itself does not carry the energy of the elements, therefore only its color plays a role.

The shape of the bed should be rectangular, the sides should be uniform. It is clear that there are practically no triangular beds (if you come across - you know, sleeping on such is not only problematic, but also dangerous from the point of view of feng shui).

However, the round shape without a headboard, which was popular at one time, is also unacceptable for good rest. Such a bed can be considered solely as a pouf. big size or an original element of bohemian design, it does not fulfill its function in feng shui.

In the marital bedroom, one mattress must be used for both spouses. Two mattresses, from a feng shui point of view, cut through the qi energy, so in this case the spouses should sleep in separate beds.

The location of the bed in the room according to the directions of the Gua number

The arrangement of furniture in a room according to Feng Shui is determined by the so-called pakua matrix, according to which the space is divided into several conditional directions, some of which are favorable for humans, and others are dangerous. This matrix of directions is not the same for all people, it corresponds to the Gua number, which is calculated based on the person's gender and date of birth. I would like to draw Special attention that several people with different numbers Gua. In this case, the arrangement of furniture in Feng Shui is carried out in accordance with all matrices of directions: general purely positive and negative places are determined, recommendations are given to each member of the house regarding the peculiarities of being in one or another part of the room.

The bed should be in the salutary sector of the room. It would be optimal to place it in the direction of Yan-Nian, which is responsible for love and marriage, or in the direction of Tien-Yi, the sector of bodily health and longevity.

If a global rearrangement cannot be made, it is worth positioning the bed with the headboard in one of these directions.

Also, don't place the bed directly in front of the door. Its headboard should not point towards the window. You should also correlate the size of the bed and the room, but make sure that the person who sleeps on it has the bed in height.

Bed and mirror - Feng Shui location features

According to Chinese belief, a mirror is a magical door to other world... I must say, our ancestors also believed, arranging rituals and fortune-telling on Christmastide with the help of a corridor of mirrors. The location of the feng shui mirror assumes that the bed or its headboard will not be reflected in it. It is also unacceptable to hang a large mirror in front of the door.

As a last resort, if the mirror cannot be outweighed (for example, this is a mirrored door of a sliding wardrobe standing opposite), it is covered with a cloth at night, or you can put it in front of it indoor plant medium-sized in a floor vase - the brighter the better.

Feng Shui bed color features

The color of the bed itself may be warm shades, unpainted wood is allowed. Cold colors should be avoided.

Bed linen must be made of natural fabrics. As for the color, it is preferable to use white bedding, as White color symbolizes purity and innocence.

Small plant prints have a beneficial effect on feng shui.

Blue bedding is contraindicated for couples; this color helps to cool relationships. On the contrary, linen and bamboo bedding are the most acceptable options.

  • Bedside tables should fit the bed in size, and also have rounded edges, this favors the energy flow around the sleeper;
  • The location of the bedside banquet at the feet, common in hotels, is extremely negative from the point of view of feng shui;
  • It is optimal when the head of the bed rests against the wall, but not with your feet against the door;
  • The location in the bedroom of any containers with water according to feng shui is unacceptable;
  • Windows should be closed at night with impenetrable curtains; The location of the windows depends on the number of the owner's Gua, the same applies to the direction of the head of the bed;
  • Silk bed linen is allowed only in exceptional cases;
  • The headboard should be small and rounded;
  • The bed should be suitable for the owner, especially for baby beds "for growth";
  • To strengthen the marriage, you can put a couple of mandarin ducks on the bedside table.

Feng Shui of the bedroom, the topic is quite voluminous, so let's start with the basics, the simplest, most memorable rules and the choice of the "correct" headboard from the point of view of Feng Shui.

Basic rules for feng shui bedroom arrangement:

The bed should not stand opposite the door (this is how favorable energy - / TsI / flows away) and it is also considered an unfavorable location of the bed with the headboard to the window or between two windows. (this position promotes free entry and, most importantly, exit - / TsI /, that is, favorable energy cannot linger in your bedroom and this can provoke insomnia, neurotic states, physical ailments, quarrels with your spouse.

If you sleep on a bed together, with your other half, the mattress should be the same for the entire bed. This will contribute to the unification of your energetics. The mattress itself should be new, bought directly for you, and not inherited from your grandmother.

There should be no mirrors opposite the bed, even if they are installed in wardrobes (think about rearrangement in this case.) Mirrors tend to accumulate negative energy, so neither you nor your intimate life should be reflected in them.

Ample access to each side of the bed should be provided, if this is not possible, it is better to put a man against the wall. A woman should not sleep against a wall, as stepping over a man from time to time suppresses his sexuality.

Aquariums and water vases should not be in the bedroom. The element of water erodes and cools the relationship of a couple. If you put a vase of flowers in the bedroom - (from time to time this is not forbidden), put it at a distance from the family bed.

Many people wonder if it is possible to hang pictures above the bed. Yes, you can hang a picture, but for the bedroom, something neutral is recommended. Open landscapes are not recommended as another window to the outside world, where it is possible to flow away - / CI / But abstractions, plants can even help in harmonizing and balancing all the energies coming into the bedroom.

A bed for two should be purchased taking into account the complexion and height of the spouses. Too big bed, leaves room for a "third" in your relationship. A narrow bed can contribute to the fact that in a relationship you will be cramped and all the time there will be a desire to break out of the shackles. Therefore, choose a bed that will fit you!

Oh, how elegant and beautiful wrought-iron beds look. The choice is of course yours, but with regard to feng - shui a wrought iron bed is a useless and even harmful invention. There are usually a lot of voids in forged products, this allows various energies to walk here and there and sleeping people will be unprotected, which means they will be subject to various kinds of influences and influences.

There must be a space under the bed, now it is very common for beds to go to the floor, where the lower part is occupied by a wardrobe, etc. Yes, it is functional, but the energy - / qi / will not be able to circulate freely around and under the bed, which means its influence will not be complete and you will not get something in ordinary life.

Although it is fashionable to make a sleeping place in the attic, it is contraindicated in terms of feng shui. A sloped ceiling will suppress the energy of sleeping people, and sharp corners will be directed towards them.

A round bed is also one of the trends of our time, but it will not contribute to the development and vision of prospects for those who sleep on it. People sleeping on such a bed will find it difficult to coordinate and plan their actions, set long-term goals and achieve them.

It is important to minimize the presence of electrical appliances in the bedroom to a minimum and, if possible, abandon the TV. If your conditions do not allow you to use the TV outside the bedroom, then at least at night you need to turn it off from the network. So that the red eye (creating electrosmog) does not spread “micro” negative energy flows on you.

When choosing furniture for the bedroom, immediately visualize the interior plan of the room, sharp corners of the furniture should not look and be directed towards the bed. Therefore, either choose furniture with rounded, flowing lines, or focus on the correct direction and arrangement of things.

Chandeliers, lampshades, beams, structures above the bed are extremely unfavorable. They contribute to the imbalance of energies, interfere with restful sleep and trusting relationships between spouses.

Plants in the bedroom are not forbidden, BUT it is better not to arrange a greenhouse there. The oversaturation of living plants will bring excess yang (male energy) into the bedroom area and this will certainly affect the relationship with the second half, it can provoke the spouse to cheat.

So, now about the most interesting on our topic.

Choosing the right headboard according to Feng Shui:

A headboard curved in the middle is considered good feng shui, its convex side evenly distributes energy between two sleeping people.

Such a bend is very harmonious when two people sleep on the bed. The energy of the two flows down to one point, uniting in each other. If it so happened that one person sleeps at such a headboard, then this is not very positive for him. The energy will bifurcate, emptying and depleting the energy of a person who does not know which direction in life to choose.

A headboard with a high arch is considered bad feng shui, it resembles a tombstone and has a pressing, depressing effect on emotional sphere person. (The influence of such a headboard is especially strong when it is a single bed, for a double bed it is Negative influence greatly decreases, being distributed between the two, but nevertheless makes its negative contribution.)

A pearl shell bed is auspicious feng shui. Such a backrest contributes to the correct circulation - / QI /, the birth of new positive emotions between the spouses. Favors the birth of children.

This is a very auspicious feng shui, since the property of the canopy - to protect is also manifested at the energetic level.

There is another version of the bed, popular in China and not very popular with us (I did not even find a worthy illustration for it), this is the back - "Dragon and Phoenix", where one part of the back is much higher than the other and has a wavy transition. This is auspicious feng shui if the man sleeps in the place where the back is higher. Since the man is the giving side, and the woman is the receiving, then the transition of one energy to another will occur in a balanced way.


Summing up, we can say that the choice for the headboard can be based on the type of activity and lifestyle.

Square, wooden backs suitable for people who are mainly engaged in manual labor.

Oval and semicircular backs (according to the theory, 5 elements correspond to the element of metal) will suit people of intellectual work, as well as businessmen and politicians.

For creative personalities, undulating headboards (water) are suitable for sleeping.

Triangular backs are suitable for larks who value time and do not sleep much, such a back will help to fill up with vigor and recuperate very quickly.

Love Feng Shui, use it correctly!

Nowadays, it has become fashionable to equip an apartment in accordance with Feng Shui methods. This technique came to us from China. About a thousand years ago, attentive Chinese noticed that depending on the location of objects (trees, rivers, mountains) in nature, a place has a different energy. Thus, a person feels more comfortable in some conditions, but completely uncomfortable in others. Then they began to choose a place to live, using certain techniques to ensure a prosperous life. I think you yourself have noticed that in different places there is a different atmosphere. But have you asked yourself the question - "What does it depend on?" The Chinese would answer this: The basis of all life on Earth is Chi energy. it cosmic force and everything in our world is its manifestation. The more this energy is attracted, the happier a person becomes. "

Choosing a Feng Shui bed is a pretty responsible business.

When buying a bed, it is better to choose furniture that is less bright and not flashy about luxury.

In addition, the time of a person's birth can help with the choice of direction: those born in winter are better off sleeping with their head to the south, in summer to the north, in spring to the west and in autumn to the east.

Now feng shui is a popular trend in the arrangement of an apartment. If this technique has not bypassed you, then in this article you will find information on how to put a bed in Feng Shui. After all, we sleep in the bedroom, and our well-being depends on the quality of sleep. It is important to organize the right rest, especially in our time of hustle and bustle.

To have a good rest and sleep, you just need to correctly position the bed.

The bedroom is considered one of the main rooms, as this is where you can relax or unwind. And a person devotes one third of his life to sleep. Experts of this technique are sure that the quality of sleep depends entirely on the arrangement of a person's sleeping place.

To always have peace and harmony in the family, a bed should be chosen with one mattress, there should not be any divisions on it, since they always mean future discord in the relationship.

One of the most important rules says that in no case should the bed be put in front of a mirror, otherwise health problems may arise.

For the correct arrangement of the bed, you need to follow the recommendations of specialists. In this article, we will reveal the secret of which actions will be wrong.

  1. It is absolutely forbidden for the doors of the bedroom and bathroom to look towards each other. This can ruin your relationship with your significant other.
  2. Walls are not recommended to be painted in dark colors... Such shades will absorb vital energy, and this can negatively affect health.
  3. Put less furniture - do not clutter up the space. Also, make sure that the sharp corners of dressers or nightstands do not look towards the bed. You can have bad dreams.
  4. It is not advised to put mirrors - a sleeping person should not be reflected. This rejects the Chi energy.
  5. Also, avoid metal objects. They produce electromagnetic radiation.
  6. The abundance of plants is considered unfavorable. Limit yourself to one or two. Do not install fireplaces and aquariums.
  7. Do not clutter up the space under the bed - it should be free.
  8. In Feng Shui, you cannot lie with your feet towards the exit.

In addition, the bed should be of the correct shape and size so that the sleep of the married couple is comfortable.

Many experts argue that the head of the bed should be directed in a direction favorable to the individual.

We have analyzed a number of factors that are contraindicated to do. Now it's time to get acquainted with the list of tips. The location of the bed according to Feng Shui should comply with the recommendations presented below.

  1. It is better to paint the walls in different colors pastel spectrum. However, a few red details can help maintain the passion between husband and wife.
  2. The space above your head should be free - do not sleep under shelves or cornices.
  3. Furniture items should be made of natural wood;
  4. Place the headboard against the wall for a sense of support and protection. Do not place it in the middle of the room.
  5. The size of the bed should be commensurate with the bedroom.

In the bedroom, she should dominate.

If a redevelopment is started in the house, then the bed in the bedroom should not be located next to the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. Compliance with these simple rules will provide you with a restful and healthy sleep.

Favorable directions

The question of where to sleep with your head is more complicated. An individual approach is important here. Different directions have different effects. To figure out which bed arrangement is right for you, check out the following list.

  • North. Choose this direction of the head if your life lacks peace and tranquility. It is also recommended if the person is sick. The northern direction is conducive to recovery.
  • Northeast. Suitable for indecisive people. If you find it difficult to make decisions, then place the bed so that the headboard faces the northeast.
  • East. Recommended for those who feel a lack of energy.
  • Southeast. Suitable for modest and reserved people. If you suffer from various complexes, then sleeping in this direction will help you become more self-confident.
  • South. But the south promises material prosperity. However, you will have to sleep alone at night.
  • Southwest. This direction will help you become more practical.
  • West. Brings interesting events to life. Relevant for those who are tired of the daily variety. In addition, the West can help married couples increase attraction to each other.
  • Northwest. This direction awakens leadership qualities.

Naturally, natural wood is considered the best material for making a bed frame.

As a rule, babies are much more susceptible to the effects of the outside world, so the choice of a crib should be more careful.

The four animal method

In the ideology of feng shui, there are 4 cardinal points. Chinese philosophers noticed that all forms of the landscape can be shone to 4 types. These 4 species are named after animals that are sacred in China:

  • East is a green dragon;
  • West is a white tiger;
  • South - red phoenix;
  • North - Black turtle.

Water beds in the bedroom are absolutely unacceptable, because they embody the opposition of two elements - fire (electricity) and water.

The closer to the ceiling, the greater the excess of qi energy and, moreover, there are many harmful gases under the ceiling.

To keep your dreams peaceful, surround your bed with images of these animals. Set the dragon figurine on the left, and the tiger figurine on the right. Hang a red bird on the front to protect your peace of mind. And accordingly, behind - a picture with a turtle.

This is why the installation of bunk beds should be avoided.

Bed shape

Choosing a bed for a good sleep is an important matter. The size of the sleeping bed can be: 220x150 cm, 220x190 cm, 220x220 cm, 220x240 cm. The height of the berth should be low.

The high headboard instills a sense of security and symbolizes one of the protective spirits - the Turtle, it should always be above the foot.

The bedroom is the most important room in the house, since it is in a dream that a person is most influenced by negative energy Sha.

Finding the right headboard will be more difficult. To select it, analyze your social status... You can also be guided by your element. For example, if you work as an official, choose a back with a rounded headboard. For workers, square backs are considered more favorable. A bed with an undulating headboard is well suited for creative people.

There are several more options for backs: curved in the middle, double bend (only valid for a married couple), back called "Dragon and Phoenix".

You should also not buy a bed with a study table at the bottom and a sleeping place at the top.

Shells and various smooth curves are also considered good shapes. The higher the headboard, the better.

An old-fashioned four-poster bed is considered Feng Shui auspicious.

This is why to create reliable protection you need to know not only how to properly decorate the interior in the bedroom, but also in which direction to put the bed.

There are a lot of rules for arranging a bed for Feng Shui. But remember that your well-being can depend on compliance with these standards. The higher the quality of rest, the better you will feel. And how much strength will be added! Use the Feng Shui rules for the bedroom and sleep well!

Perhaps this is the most important rule in the design of the bedroom according to Feng Shui.

VIDEO: Feng Shui bed. How to arrange a bed in a bedroom according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching about creating harmony and prosperous energy in the house. "The bedroom is only for sleep, relaxation and love," the Chinese say. Therefore, our main task is to remove from there everything that interferes with the restoration of strength and relaxation of the body. The less extraneous information in the bedroom, the better. It's hard not to believe it: Feng Shui has been practiced in China for over 5 millennia.

Literally, the doctrine of the symbolic organization of space fengshui is translated as "winds and waters". It is aimed at ensuring that favorable flows of Qi energy are used as fully as possible by a person for his own good.

There are 3 types of energy:

  • Sha Qi is the embodiment of aggression and negativity, which suppress all good and positive, destroy. This energy strives as much as possible to reduce the effect of human labor.
  • Xi Qi is a symbol of weakness and passivity. Such stagnant energy seems to pull people into a swamp.
  • Shen Qi is the very energy that Feng Shui “seeks” and teaches us to use correctly. She gives a positive charge and creates a favorable atmosphere.

How to put a bed in Feng Shui

Why arrange the bed according to this teaching at all? Feng Shui master from China Tsai Qi Rong writes in his book that the bed is a particularly intimate place in the bedroom, because there a person daily plunges into the world of dreams, indulges in love and is engaged in the creation of offspring. For this reason, the author recommends strictly adhering to the prescriptions of the teachings - for your own well-being.

She also says that the bed should be set in accordance with the "happy direction" of the hostess. Because the woman in the house is the keeper of the hearth. Thus, the headboard must be positioned in accordance with the correct side. Eastern people you cannot sleep with the top of your head to the west, and the west - with the top of your head to the east.

Consider the options for how to position the bed in the bedroom is highly discouraged:

  • Kicks towards the door. Especially if you place the bed opposite the exit, all the energy "leaks" into it. In the morning, you may feel sick or fatigued.
  • Headboard towards the window. There is no wall behind your head, no security. And, again, there is a "leak" of positive energy, this time - through the window.
  • Directly between the door and the window. If you put the bed in this way, the energy will “come” through the door and “exit” through the window in a direct flow, without staying with the owners of the house.
  • If, nevertheless, it is not possible to rearrange the bed from the window, try at least moving it with the headboard against the wall: this way you will get the support you need during sleep. To prevent the outflow of good energy, hang curtains or blinds on the window.
  • For a double bed, passages should be cleared on both sides so that everyone can freely walk to their place.
  • Do not clutter up the space under the bed: a pile of things carries inappropriate energy that interferes with sleep and relaxation.
  • The mattress of the bed should not be divided in half: the flow of Qi energy in this case is disturbed, and disagreements and quarrels arise between the spouses. The mattress should be one for two, as it symbolizes the spouses as a whole.
  • It is better if the bed is located in such a way that the front door can be seen from it.
  • The right feng shui bedroom furnishings alone are not enough for your complete well-being. It is important to always take care of your health, for example, to purchase an orthopedic mattress and pillows for a good back and the entire spine. Do not forget about quality sleep, proper nutrition, physical activity.

What else to consider?

Mirrors in the bedroom

The mirror in front of the bed is a taboo of Feng Shui teaching! Reflection of spouses "attracts" third parties to the family, and mistrust appears between a man and a woman, and mutual understanding is lost, which can lead to serious discord. If there are mirrors on the walls or furniture, you can put curtains on them before going to bed.

Flowers in the bedroom

It would seem that plants in the bedroom are good, because they produce oxygen and make it easier to breathe. However, the Chinese teaching disagrees with this. In Feng Shui, flowers are a symbol of Yang energy, since they grow, which means they are active and absorb all wholesome energy. You can bring a flower pot to a sick person's bedroom for a short time in order to “replenish” the yang energy for recovery. In other cases, plants are not needed:

  • In a girl's bedroom, they can "take away" luck for love.
  • Spouses can bring quarrels.
  • Even paintings of flowers are best avoided.


It is good to hang a picture painted on natural canvas in the bedroom. Let something light and warm be depicted on it: forest, ocean, sun. Works with gentle romantic and love motives will do. The main thing is that the picture carries the Yin energy, which adjusts to calmness and pacification, bringing harmony to the bedroom. You don't need to hang it over the head of your bed. Eliminate images with negative motives: crying, grief, loneliness.

Feng Shui bedroom colors

In what shades to choose bed linen, furniture, wallpaper in the bedroom?

  1. Good: the whole range of pastel colors.
  2. AVOID: dark blue, black.

As for bright colors, for example, red, yellow, you can paint one of the walls of the bedroom, in case you really love color or functionally combine the bedroom with another room. Then this wall should not be in front of your eyes when you are lying on the bed.

Four "no" for the bedroom

The already familiar Feng Shui master from China Tsai Qi Rong in his book designates four overriding principle arrangement of the bedroom, which she strongly does not recommend violating:

Symbols at random

Place two fish under the mattress under your head - painted or gold. For good luck in travel and business, put a rapana shell (curl) under the mattress.

Protecting love with Feng Shui

The symbols of happiness in personal life are mandarin ducks or birds (doves, swans, parrots), put in the bedroom in pairs. A love picture or a crystal chandelier in the bedroom will also contribute to marital well-being.

To preserve a marriage, you need to avoid:

  • Sleep under a chandelier that “cuts” the bed in half: its energy does the same with the integral energy of the spouses.
  • Sleep on separate mattresses.
  • Sleep in the bedroom located under the dressing room. The fact is that the toilet "dumps" from top to bottom negative energy promising problems.

The bedroom is a place where there should be more space and less clutter, unnecessary information, - only calmness, comfort and harmony. Put only a bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe in the room.

We have already told you about where the table should be located according to the ancient Chinese teachings in one of our articles, which you can find, today we want to talk about how put the bed in Feng Shui, and also discuss what it should be in shape, size, color and quality. So that you feel great in it, get a good sleep, have colorful dreams and always wake up vigorously and quickly.

Feng Shui bed location

Let's start with what to avoid when placing a bed in the room, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. There are rules for the location of a berth, which are known to us even without ancient Chinese teachings. This is not to have him with his legs turned to the window or door - it is believed that only the deceased is taken out of the house with his feet forward, and also not to be placed in front of a mirror or a mirror surface, a reflecting sleeping person is also very bad. By the way, you can read about how to arrange it correctly in one of our articles. But besides these, there are a number of requirements that should be met so as not to incur misfortune, but, on the contrary, to attract good luck, happiness and prosperity.

1. So, Feng Shui headboard should not be joined to the wall on which the door is located, it is also not recommended to place it in the gap between the wall between the window and the entrance to the room, in this case, a through flow is formed that simply passes by you in the forward and backward direction.

2. Under no circumstances should the bed be placed under a beam, arch, bevel, in a niche, and also in such a way that something is hanging over the head of the person lying, including a chandelier or even a small lamp.

3. Near the sleeping place, closer than at a distance of one and a half to two meters, there should not be any electrical outlets and switches, in a word, sources of electrical energy.

4. On the wall in contact with the headboard and above it, you must not hang any paintings in massive frames and without them, shelves, shelves, lamps, etc.

5. Do not put live house plants in the bedroom and, in particular, near the beds, they can interfere with your healthy, restful, full sleep.

6. If you are limited in square meters and your bedroom is also a study at the same time, or is it a children's room, in which there is both a crib and a desk for study, then such feng shui children's bed, however, like an adult, it should be located in such a way that it is not visible from the workplace.

7. You should not place your bed in the middle of the room, it must have reliable support and protection in the form of one of the walls.

8. It should be empty under the sleeping places, do not fill this space with various unnecessary things, thereby creating obstacles for free passage favorable energy flows.

9. All kinds of decorative fountains, aquariums with fish that are well suited for, and real and false fireplaces are also not recommended to be installed in the bedroom, all this contributes to the "leakage" of favorable Qi energy from this room.

We've talked about what not to do - we are now moving on to specific tips and tricks that will allow you to properly cope with the task at hand.

1. Choose a far corner from the entrance to the room for a sleeping place, so that the lying person can freely see the front door and the one who enters it, and, therefore, control the situation.

2. Place the bed where there are no obstructions or disassemble them as much as possible; nothing should lie behind, in front, near, above, under, so that the flows of favorable energies could move freely.

3. If your apartment has been redeveloped and the bedroom may be located in the place where your neighbors have a kitchen, bathroom or toilet above and below, try to change it, therefore, or install the beds so that they are as far away from the central points of these premises. But it's best to change the room altogether.

4. Today, not a single person imagines his life without a TV and a computer, the presence of these objects in the bedchamber is undesirable, but if they are there, try to cover them with something dense at night - a blanket, a tablecloth, etc. or even clean up and close it in the closet.

5. Do not think that if you take into account all the above positive and negative sides according to the correct arrangement of sleeping places in your house according to Feng Shui, you will immediately solve all the problems that arise. There are still a lot of additional nuances, and if your sleep has not improved, but, on the contrary, you are tormented by insomnia or nightmares, seek help from the Feng Shui masters who will help you arrange furniture correctly in accordance with your personal energy and, possibly, in spite of everything according to the rules, the bed in this version will stand in the center of the room or turned with its feet towards the door.

6. Try, experiment, check, only in this case you will be able to find in your bedroom a truly favorable place for healthy and fulfilling dreams.

Feng Shui bed direction

In addition to all the above rules, it is also important to take into account your personal favorable direction when choosing a place for a bed. However, what to do if you are married and sleep, as it should be, with your spouse, which, in truth, many Chinese do not do and prefer to sleep separately so as not to disturb each other's favorable flows. It is believed that in this case, the bed should be installed with the headboard towards the personal favorable direction of the wife, while Entrance door in the room should fall into the zone of good personal direction of the husband. Try to determine what kind of energy is in your bedroom and if it is favorable for dreams, you can not look for the right direction, since all energies dominate over personal directions.

The shape and color of the bed in Feng Shui

The choice of the shape, size, color and quality of the Feng Shui bed is no less important than its correct placement, so this issue should be approached with all seriousness and carefully study all our recommendations described below.

In order for your family to always have peace, understanding and love, the bed frame should cover one common mattress and there should not be any divisions into separate parts, because they can lead to inevitable breakdown even in the strongest relationships. For the same reasons, you cannot move two single beds together.

It is considered extremely unfortunate and unacceptable round bed in feng shui, in addition to a bad shape, such beds often lack one or two backs at once, and the back in this piece of furniture symbolizes the protection of feelings from prying eyes and intrusions, it must necessarily be above the foot.

Feng Shui headboard

In general, a bed backrest can affect a lot, so its choice, like beds in general, should be approached very carefully. So, for example, for people of creative professions, wave-shaped backs are well suited, for businessmen and officials semicircular or oval headboards, square wooden backs are suitable for workers and workers, and for those who do not like and do not want to sleep a lot, you should choose a triangular back. Surely you have come across beds with an uneven headboard, on one side of which there is a gentle bend, and on the other, an elevation. Such an option in Feng Shui is called "Dragon and Phoenix" and is intended exclusively for married couples, and the husband must necessarily sleep on the side of the dais, and the wife, respectively, where he is not.

The bed should be of a classic regular shape, not too spacious, but not small either, to correspond to the dimensions of the people who sleep on it.

You should not sleep on water or air beds, all this interferes with extraneous elements in your relationship, which not only destroy the love of a married couple, but also harm sleep, rest and attracting the necessary positive energy.

The ideal material for making a bed frame is natural wood; only people born under the sign of this element can replace it with metal. The last two digits of your date of birth, which are the Bagu number, will help you determine your element.

Feng Shui bed, photo

If your choice nevertheless fell on a metal bed, and the element "Metal" contributes to this, heating and electrical appliances should be placed away from it, since it is metal that is the conductor of heat and electricity, which will simply absorb all favorable energy flows.

From the point of view of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, ancient beds with carved finishes and canopies are very favorable for sleep and rest, but it is not recommended to purchase a bed on wheels for fast movement, as it will affect restless sleep and can lead to illness. because it looks a lot like a hospital bed.

The color of the beds, like all furniture in the bedroom, should not be flashy, it is better to stick to natural wood colors, as well as pastel shades.

Feng Shui bed linen color.

As we have already repeatedly noted in Feng Shui, colors play an important role, even when performed has a certain power, it also refers to bed linen... What color it should be, and what it means, we will tell you below.

Red underwear - contributes to the normalization of blood circulation and metabolism, and also increases the internal energy of a person;

Orange underwear - combats blues, fatigue, depression, anxiety, fear and gives you a restful sleep;

Green underwear - provides rhythmic work of cardio-vascular system, reduces neurosis, helps to relax and rest the eyes;

Blue underwear - fights insomnia, gives a feeling of complete comfort and peace, evens breathing, relieves stress;

Purple underwear - relieves migraines and other headaches, enhances intuition.

Sleep and dreams in Feng Shui.

Since we have already started talking about sleeping places, in conclusion I would like to talk a little about the meaning of sleep and dreams in Feng Shui.

Sleep comes to each of us in our subconscious, while the brain is switched off and rests. The first dreams visit a person in about ninety minutes after he is sound asleep and they last about five to fifteen minutes. In one night, the sleeper can see from four to six dreams, but he remembers only the plots of those that are truly important to him and those that can become a hint or help in real life.

Why do we fail to remember all our dreams? The answer is quite simple, firstly, most dreams are very short and do not have a definite meaning, and secondly, unconsciously, we quickly want to forget the bad events that occur in a dream and not transfer them into reality.

Three types of dreams have been studied by modern science - these are subjective, spiritual and physical dreams. They are all related to our past, present and future life. It is believed that in a dream a person can very clearly and clearly see his future, recognize it and the signs present in it.

After waking up, we remember our dream and we want to definitely find out its meaning, regardless of whether it was good or bad, in order to understand what was said to us or what they want to protect and warn us from.

Feng Shui says, if you had a dream in which you were afraid of something, beware of deception in life, terrible dreams that a sick person saw may portend death, and a nightmare for a young woman can mean the love of a spouse, well-being and a quick replenishment in family.

Follow the simple and accessible rules by which Feng Shui encourages you to live, and your dreams will always be only favorable, your health is strong, and your luck is endless. Which is what we sincerely wish you!

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