Full horoscope for the year Sagittarius. Rooster Sagittarius. Description of Sagittarius women born in the year of the Rooster. Horoscope. Horoscope for the Sagittarius man

Life is waiting for you to move forward, achievements and discoveries. You already have everything you need. It remains to choose one of the desires and proceed to its implementation. You don't even know what you are capable of.

Forecast for Sagittarius by season


Maybe try something out of the ordinary?
For example, go on a trip in a new company or change your image. This is the time for your experiments.


All spring will have to return to old affairs, relationships. Yes, it will be difficult and not always pleasant. The past will become your present again. Correct mistakes and move on.


June chores can take you by surprise. Do not boil, try to solve problems as they come. And go on dates more often, now is the best time for this.


The rungs of the ladder of your life now lead upward. It's time to take charge and make a change. The feeling of flight and inner freedom will push you to new transformations.

happy day kaleidoscope

The best thing happens today - remember this and try to learn a lesson from any event, meeting, conversation. Fate takes you under its wing.

✓ Love: in plain sight

This area of ​​life requires special strength, you decide, and with enthusiasm you will begin to change yourself and, to a greater extent, your partner. Beware, your ideas are too extreme for him. Right now you are the most risk-averse, but all is well within reasonable limits. In winter, a loved one is unlikely to support you; at the end of spring, he is more inclined to experiment.

In the summer you can even decide to double play. Alas, this will not inspire you. In addition, now any affair can become public. Try to breathe life into old relationships, or the union may fall apart.

In the autumn you will be visited by a romantic mood. Become the initiator of dates, romantic meetings. Your imagination is enough to charm the most impregnable admirer. It will not be easy for you to translate friendships into love ones, but at the end of the year you can finally hear the long-awaited recognition.

✓ Family: one team

You will feel like one team, family relationships will become softer, more trusting. True, sometimes you will feel pressure and increased guardianship of relatives, and this will become a burden on you. Be that as it may, resolve issues as gently as possible, in no case do not swear. Now home is more impressionable and vulnerable.

In general, this is a good year for any household chores, home improvement. You will not want to leave somewhere for a long time, it will always pull you back to your native places. This is the best time to study family traditions, a kind of karma. If you are going, choose the end of summer or the end of autumn for this.

✓ Friendship: gain trust

Amazing time. The people who pestered and annoyed you will literally dissolve, disappear from your life. Those with whom you wanted to part, but you lacked the spirit, will disappear from view.

Spring is the best time to make new connections. In the summer, you will have to prove your right to friendship, win someone's trust. Perhaps one of your close friends will demand too much from you. Do not forget about yourself and your desires. No matter how close your relationship is, try not to share information that you want to keep secret.

✓ Health: more active, even more active!

It will take a lot of time to sort yourself out. This year, long-standing sores will make themselves felt, at times a breakdown will be felt. It's time to change established habits and the whole way of life. Start transforming gradually.

In the spring, the tone will be reduced, so drastic changes are useless. Engage in breathing exercises, active walking. Be sure to spend your free time more actively in the summer. For you, there comes a period of accumulation of internal energy, activation of the body's defenses.

August is a traumatic time. This month, do not get involved in extreme sports and generally take care of yourself. In autumn and winter, do not relax, now physical activity should be mandatory. Just like taking vitamins (start taking them no later than November, then the effect will be more noticeable).

✓ Finance/Career: Become a leader

Changes in social status, career are likely. At the end of spring, you may be offered a new position, or you yourself decide to change activities. True, material promises may not come true.

And if in the first half of the year financial receipts are stable, then in the fall there may be interruptions. But for responsible and hardworking people, this is a great period, you can even save up a very impressive amount (if such a task is worth it).

In the fall, competitors will become more active, but circumstances will develop in such a way that you will beat them in no time. The main thing here is not to be conceited and to be on the alert. Because at the end of the year, a controversial situation will arise again. How you resolve it will determine your financial future. At work, try to organize people around you, gather like-minded people.

Forecast for women

The Sagittarius woman will show a fighting character, earn
a decent amount and find his calling.

You, like a director, will begin to contribute, change the storyline, introduce new actors. What happens - drama, comedy, or maybe a love story? Choose yourself.

Already at the beginning of the year it will be clear how events will develop. In the spring, a little slippage in business will help you concentrate and focus on the most important thing. Let everything be decided with a delay, this time is given to you to eliminate errors.

Do not be lazy and be careful, then in the summer you will get the first results. Extra money will appear, and you can be happy to spend it on yourself. At the end of autumn, you will be offered to become a participant in the business that you have long dreamed of. Get actively involved in work.

Born from 23 to 30 November

Carelessness is unacceptable. Do not let anything take its course, but make tough demands only on yourself. Now it is easy to go too far and quarrel with everyone.

In the middle of the year, you can significantly improve your financial situation. And in winter you need to think about rest. It will be better if you plan everything in advance.

Born from 1 to 12 December

There are potholes on your road, but an extra shake is not bad at all now. This will only help you become more aware of your intentions. Be careful at the beginning of autumn, you will be surrounded by not very honest people. The beginning of winter will show how prudent you are. It will take all your experience to solve an important issue.

Born from 13 to 21 December

Any activity, activity and enthusiasm is welcome. Encourage yourself, encourage and inspire. True, in the first half of the year there may be a lack of confidence, lack of support. Let this time be a period of preparation. In the summer, circumstances will be in your favor. Even tasks that seemed incredibly difficult will be resolved. An unexpected event will show what you are worth and help you decide on your future plans.

Forecast for men

The Sagittarius man will masterfully prove that there are no unsolvable problems and will find his soul mate.

You are well aware of the measure of your responsibility and do not want to be responsible for others. This will offend someone, and you will have to resolve the conflict, prove the right to your opinion. Winter will pass in such worries.

In the spring, tension will subside. But as soon as you decide to take care of your personal life, a lot of small things and affairs will pile up. And work, worries, commotion will begin again. When you are completely immersed in business and even forget about the most necessary (yes, there will be such a moment), the person you dreamed about will suddenly appear next to you. Fate itself brought him to you, you will understand that. Do not worry, total employment will not interfere with the development of feelings.

At the end of the year, a gap will appear, there will be almost no problems left. And you can plunge headlong into the ocean of tender feelings and passionate passion.

Born from 23 to 30 November

What you sow now will bear good fruit. Therefore, do not save energy, give your best. At the beginning of spring, you will have to spin like a squirrel in a wheel. Summer will be more calm, although a little exciting. If you hurry up, you will take part in an unusual and incredibly exciting project. Impressions from this will be enough for a whole year.

Born from 1 to 12 December

Heavenly luck is on your side, but earthly luck depends entirely on the effort you put in. Do not feel sorry for yourself, fight with circumstances and inner fears. At the end of spring there will be an opportunity to test yourself and your ideas in practice. You are capable of much, show it! At the end of the year, a real surprise for you will be a meeting with a sweet and touching person.

Born from 13 to 21 December

Know your worth and do not exchange for things and people that are not worth your attention. Let there be little free time, arrange small holidays for yourself. In autumn, an active business life will be replaced by an equally active personal life. There will be many dates, loves. But the true deep feeling will come a little later. Feel free to wait for it.

Forecast for Sagittarians born in the year ...


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Rely on your desires and do not look back at others. Someone is always trying to confuse you. Let someone your dreams seem unrealistic. Everything will come in due time, your job is to continue to work and believe in yourself.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Finally, you can do what you like. Things bring satisfaction, communication develops successfully. If there were also enough finances, then one could consider himself an absolutely happy person.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

You shuffle lovers like cards in a deck. Changing impressions is not bad at all, but don't get carried away! If you want to find your person, be able to stop in time, otherwise by the end of the year all opportunities will simply disappear.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

There will be people who are ready to help you in everything. So do not get lost and take on the most difficult things. Use every opportunity to earn extra money. Now the main thing is to prove yourself so that in the future you will be contacted again.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

All attention is on the family. If it is not there yet, and equip the space. Family ties are your main support this year. Give more and spend on others, not on yourself.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

How you start the year is how you end it. Start as soon as possible. Do not put off anything, not only for tomorrow, but even for the evening of the current day. Everything you do now will feed you for years to come.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

You are rushing forward, hurry up. Be careful, you can slip. We will have to reckon with the circumstances and significantly slow down the speed. It's for the best. Look around, your love is walking somewhere very close.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Find the courage to face the truth. Abandon desired, but obviously failed projects. Better go on vacation somewhere far away from home. This is a year of fantastic travels and bright events.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

You will find a new area of ​​application for your talents. There will be a lot of great deals. Away with conventions! Be simple and close your eyes to the minor shortcomings of your neighbors. This is the year of cooperation and friendship.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Look at everything with irony. Play with fate, be smart and original. There will be time for yourself, and for work, and for your family. The main thing is not to spray and not grab onto everything at once. Time is now working for you.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Self-development and self-knowledge - devote the coming year to this. Now you can learn more about yourself than in your entire life. There will be many provocative situations, your task is to leave a favorable impression of yourself.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

All year you will be concerned about your reputation. Start tricking to impress. Your tricks are useless, the deception will quickly be revealed. Be honest and open, especially with those you love. This is the best recommendation and the right way to the goal.

Children's horoscope

Do you love surprises? Regardless of your answer, they will become the norm for you. The baby is now unpredictable. The only area of ​​life where mutual understanding is guaranteed to you is travel. Communication with his peers will open your eyes to many things and help you get closer.

The Year of the Rooster for Sagittarius women will be rich in love and romantic adventures. You should not deny yourself such pleasure, but if you are married, then you should still think about the consequences.

The horoscope for 2017 advises a Sagittarius woman to devote herself to family and love affairs, but not to work. You will be able to establish relationships with all relatives, even distant ones. And most importantly, you will be pleased to communicate with them or spend time.

The year is very successful, but do not neglect such a gift of fate. Direct fortune in the right direction and everything will definitely work out. For girls born under the sign of Sagittarius, the family in the year of the Rooster will come first.

The horoscope promises many useful trips, both short-term and long-distance. Acquaintance with many people can even develop into friendship, but if this does not happen, then in any case it will be beneficial in the future.

Small troubles will accompany you throughout the year, but you should not get hung up on them, you just need to let go of the situation and everything will be resolved, of course.

love horoscope

For Sagittarius family women, the love horoscope recommends being more attentive to their household members. Try to restrain yourself and not heat up the situation once again. It is better to spend your energy on organizing a romantic dinner or just walking.

For unmarried Sagittarius women, astrologers promise a lot of acquaintances, but warns that if you feel that communication is not pleasant for you, then you should not even continue it. It will seem to you that men only want sex about you, but this is not so, some are just interested in communicating with you.

In the year of the Rooster, there is an opportunity to meet your soul mate, and in the second half of the year, even a solemn event is possible.

Family horoscope

In 2017, family ties with many relatives will be strengthened. Children will need your attention more than ever, especially if they are teenagers. During this period, they have many problems that need help to cope.

Organize family activities. Try, at least on warm days, to be in the fresh air with the whole family. Do not forget about the elderly members of your family, visit them more often, it will be pleasant for you, and especially for them.

Financial horoscope

Throughout the year you will spend money, it will give you great pleasure. But these expenses will not be useless. If, nevertheless, you regret any purchase, then it is worth remembering the feelings that overwhelmed you during the purchase. Treat yourself for hard work, and high spirits will help in work and finances will return in double size.

In the second half of the year, there will be an opportunity for additional earnings, it will be small money, but it will bring you joy and satisfaction. During this period, you should refrain from large expenses, and think about a profitable investment.


Gossip and incomprehensible conversations will haunt you at work, try not to interfere, as there may be unpleasant consequences. The management will definitely notice your zeal for work, and not for gossip, and will reward you with a bonus or a new position. This, of course, will cause envy on the part of colleagues. It will have to be experienced, although it will not be easy.

If you want to open your own business, then the most favorable period for this is autumn. In general, everything will be calm along the career line, without any major jumps and cardinal changes.

Health Horoscope

In 2017, the Sagittarius woman will not have serious health problems. A cold may bother you, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he can prescribe treatment.

For smokers - a great time to get rid of this addiction. Also try to drink less alcohol and eat fatty foods.

In the autumn-winter period, try to eat more vegetables, fruits and lean meats. Astrologers advise spending more time outdoors.

Monthly horoscope

In general, this year will be successful for Sagittarians.

January you will spend with your family.

In February there will be a short trip.

In March your children will make you very happy.

April focus on your health and beauty. Perhaps change the image.

May It's a great time to update your wardrobe. Without regret, it is worth throwing away all the old things that you have not worn for years. This will improve your mood.

In June or July try to be outside more often. Organize trips to the forest, picnics.

In August some tension will be observed at work.

September will be troublesome.

In October there will be minor health problems, possibly a cold.

In November would be a big waste of money.

December dedicate to preparing for the new year together with all family members.

Sagittarius Birth Dates: 23.11 - 21.12

Ruler planet of Sagittarius: Jupiter.

Element of Sagittarius: Fire.

Sagittarius symbols: centaur shooter, stars, wands.

Happy Sagittarius Day: Thursday.

Sagittarius bad day: Wednesday.

Sagittarius Metal: zinc, tin, tin.

Sagittarius Gemstone: turquoise.

Sagittarius plant: Birch.

Sagittarius Numerology: number 6.

The most inspiring color of Sagittarius: blue and red.

Opposite sign of Sagittarius: Twins

To succeed in the coming year of the Fire Rooster, the stars advise Sagittarius to learn to make decisions quickly. This aspect is important for the reason that in the horoscope for the representatives of the sign for 2017 there is hardly any place for slowness and indecision. This will be especially true during the first half of the year, when the representatives of this house of the horoscope will be slow, unable to make decisions with lightning speed, reflecting on the simplest situations. With this approach, you should not be surprised that Sagittarians risk missing out on a lot of interesting and useful things.

The stars are calling not to sit back and stagnate in one place, but to act decisively and energetically, this will give them confidence in their abilities and allow them to take a big step towards their goal. In the second half of the year, representatives of the sign, who will listen to the advice of heavenly bodies and take into account their recommendations, will be able to solve many problems and do things, even those that were scary to think about before.

For business, one should not forget about rest, representatives of the sign may face a real danger of immersing themselves in business and stop paying attention to the well-being and condition of their body. Representatives of the sign should not get carried away with monotonous work, to the point where everything starts to literally fall out of their hands. The result of such work can be zero at best, and deplorable at worst. Try to change the field of activity, occupation more often, then everything will be fine.

Enough attention in 2017 will have to be paid to the development of intellectual abilities, you should not limit yourself to reading a couple of books, the stars recommend doing additional education. The knowledge that Sagittarius will be able to gain in 2017 will certainly come in handy in the future. Positive emotions will bring short-term trips, despite the short duration, they will contribute to the establishment of new useful acquaintances, help to realize the current potential.

Work for Sagittarius in 2017

In 2017, representatives of the sign will be successful in those areas of professional activity where a large number of people are concentrated. This number includes collective public events, joint work on the implementation of a major project, teaching, leadership, management. In such situations, Sagittarians will be the main object of sympathy for others, they will be attractive, incendiary, full of enthusiasm and ideas, which cannot but provide them with one of the main roles.

In the first half of the year, it will be quite difficult for representatives of the sign to make decisions, even the simplest situations can unsettle them, negatively affecting current affairs. In this difficult period for many representatives of the sign, it is worth being demanding not only to the team, but first of all to ourselves. Sagittarius will be able to cope with all doubts and gain confidence in the second half of the year, towards the end of summer, the representatives of the sign will plunge into work with their heads, they will be active and decisive, no obstacles can prevent them from following their chosen path.

In order not to spoil your health at such an accelerated pace at work, to get a nervous breakdown or a breakdown that will be difficult to cope with, you need to properly set up your work schedule, alternate periods of intense work with rest.

Shock work in 2017 will not be in vain, it will bring not only pleasure, but also serious financial support. Achievements and successes in the professional plan will be noticed by the authorities, so you can expect a salary increase, bonuses or career advancement. This year, long-standing projects may unexpectedly yield good results, which will allow you to open a new direction or receive monetary benefits.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

For there comes a favorable period when she can spend money. Moreover, the costs will literally suggest themselves. Many representatives of the sign will make expensive, and not always useful purchases. But it is in 2017 that Sagittarians will be able to afford to spend money without worrying too much about it. It is quite possible that over time it will seem to them that the money for an expensive purchase was thrown away, but they will not worry for long, remembering how many pleasant and positive moments were associated with this acquisition.

You need to please your loved one, moreover, it is useful, because this is how people invest in the development of themselves as individuals. Such investments can bring good results in the form of active work, which in turn increases income. In the second half of the year, active and energetic representatives of the sign may well count on additional income. Even if you fail to earn an impressive amount, the profit will be quite adequate and will be able to please the representatives of the sign. With the expenditure of additional funds, the stars are also advised not to hesitate, because right now Sagittarius can invest money as efficiently and usefully as possible.

The last quarter of the year will be financially risky for representatives of the sign. At this time, you should be careful with investing, you should also be careful about new financial projects, there is no guarantee that they will be successful. Even if the offer seems very tempting from the point of view of financial gain, it is worth considering and weighing everything carefully, but it is better to wait for a more favorable time, especially since you won’t have to wait long. Soon Lady Luck will turn to face Sagittarius, and success will be on their side.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Sensuality and pleasure will become fundamental aspects for Sagittarius in the love sphere. The stars will endow the representatives of the sign with a high romantic potential, they will incline them to enjoy communicating with their loved ones, to spend as much time with them as possible. From this communication Sagittarius will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions and impressions.

The love horoscope for 2017 suggests that the usually careless and windy representatives of this house of the horoscope will be endowed with an incredible depth of emotions and sensations, the seriousness of relationships and feelings. Their love constancy can be envied. In 2017, many Sagittarians will have the opportunity to meet their ideal, their soul mate, with whom they will connect life. For family representatives of the sign, this state of affairs will serve to strengthen existing relationships.

Meanwhile, the love horoscope will not be so cloudless and ideal, and the representatives of the sign themselves can confuse all the cards, or rather, their not the best manifestations of character. his indecisiveness, slowness, inability to quickly make a decision can do a disservice. While the whole situation will be analyzed, weighed, all the pros and cons are considered, there is a possibility that someone more determined and confident will take the initiative into their own hands, intercepting it right from under their noses.

Sagittarius in 2017, the planets are advised to be attentive to their loved ones, any inappropriate word or behavior can provoke a major conflict. Delicacy and goodwill towards their loved ones, the ability to smooth out sharp corners will help to avoid problems and resolve any conflict situation. Sagittarians should not forget about their emotionality and, in relationships with loved ones, alternate this characteristic feature with diplomacy and tact.

2017 opens up new horizons for the representatives of the sign, a well-trodden path to love and well-being. The main thing is not to make a mistake and follow the right path, which will be brightly illuminated by the stars.

The horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius predicts a fairly calm time when the Rooster will patronize and support him in all endeavors. Serious problems do not threaten you, but you will have to face troubles face to face. But the Rooster will do everything possible to warn Sagittarius from danger and substitute a wing in difficult times. February is great for negotiations with business partners and high-level meetings. You will be so sociable that you can easily persuade business partners to cooperate with you.

Sociable and optimistic by nature, Sagittarius will make friends with the Rooster. The horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius predicts a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bfans who will seek his favor. No wonder, because he is so witty, cheerful and cute that it takes your breath away. Making people laugh is your calling! Well, who doesn't want to feel the lightness of being? In early March, Sagittarius will really bathe in dates, confessions and romance. Success will be on your side in all areas of life, so you can clear the wall in the room in advance for award medals, certificates of honor and your own portraits with the signature "Hero".

The horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius promises universal recognition. But for this you need to always be in the center of attention and in the thick of things. The rooster will do everything possible so that you do not find yourself overboard a ship striving for well-being. If Sagittarius does a good job in April, then he can safely go to the boss’s office and demand an increase in salary. Believe that the authorities will even give you an award for merit and an original approach to work. A lonely Sagittarius in the spring will meet an interesting person with whom he will fall in love like a schoolboy. If you don’t want to offend the chosen one and the Rooster, then try to legitimize the relationship if you feel that this is love, and not banal flirting.

The end of spring 2017 is perfect for holidays and travel. If Sagittarius has been thinking about this for a long time, now you need to act and pack your bags. The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius to go where he will not be bored. After all, the seething energy of Sagittarius is needed where there are high mountains, deep oceans and wildlife. In general, go where no human has gone before - there will be a lot of impressions. In June, you should remember about work and plans for the future. Sagittarius will have to work hard, as well as engage in personal business in order to strengthen the financial situation. At the end of summer, Petushok advises you to assemble a team of enthusiasts and creatives to implement grandiose ideas in advertising, trade and other areas.
August 2017 is the perfect time for Sagittarius, who cannot imagine his life without hiking, fishing and barbecues accompanied by guitar songs. By the way, if Sagittarius falls in love this month, then this is forever. You, as if in a fairy tale, will find yourself where "they lived happily ever after." Family Sagittarius should devote more time and attention to the spouse and children. Relatives will also ask you for support, both moral and financial. Do not refuse their request, as the horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius. The more delicate and softer you are in dealing with household members, the calmer the atmosphere in the house will be.

At the beginning of autumn, Sagittarius will want to “twist” his cozy nest. But, not far from the father's house, but directly in it. The rooster will give you some interesting ideas on how to make repairs in the apartment and equip your room in the spirit of modern times. The horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius predicts a cloudless life financially. Therefore, he can safely move to a new luxurious cottage, or buy a cottage near the river. If there is such a desire, then feel free to fight! Relatives will gladly support Sagittarius, and will even provide tools and building materials for active work. Just do not forget about the main activity, otherwise you will be left without a livelihood.
In November 2017, Sagittarius will finally get the desired position. The management will appoint you, at a minimum, as the editor of the regional newspaper, so try to live up to the boss's expectations. The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius in December to buy gifts for loved ones and arrange New Year's surprises. The rooster also deserved praise from Sagittarius, because he spent so much effort to make his life sunny even in cloudy weather.

Features of the horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius

Sagittarians are working hard to change their inner world and their personality, in 2017 they will not stop doing this. In this difficult task, they will be helped by the positive energy of Venus, united with Saturn. The 2017 horoscope promises representatives of this sign confidence in solving many problems. But don't rest on your laurels right away. Although, Sagittarius will definitely not stop there, they will continue to move towards their goal and develop their success.
However, Saturn will teach Sagittarians lessons in which they will need to be patient so that dark thoughts do not visit their heads. Sagittarians tend to lose heart and stop noticing their achievements and the opportunities that are presented to them by the people around Sagittarius.
Sagittarians should not forget that there is always a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. Do not get depressed and give up, but take temporary difficulties as a motivation for new achievements.

Sagittarius man: horoscope for 2017

Sagittarius men do not waste their energy on various petty quarrels and scandals, it is best to avoid petty conflicts. It is better for representatives of this sign to direct their efforts and time in the right direction.
In order to see the fruits of your labors, it is worth making an effort and working tirelessly. At this time, just all problematic situations and conflicts will be relegated to the background and will no longer be so significant for Sagittarius. All misunderstandings and disagreements between Sagittarius and others simply evaporate. Thanks to this, the financial situation of the representatives of this sign is stabilized.
Also, Sagittarius men will often delight loved ones with all kinds of gifts and pleasant surprises. However, Sagittarius should be more careful and prudent, as they can do one thoughtless act, for which they will be insanely ashamed.

Sagittarius men born from 23 to 30 November

The horoscope for 2017 recommends Sagittarius to do more of the main work, and not your favorite hobby. Moreover, your situation with money leaves much to be desired. In the spring, you will have to take on small things so as not to miss something important. Summer will bring romance, pleasant rest and pleasant acquaintances. Sagittarius will be invited to some event where he will prove himself as a creative person.

Sagittarius men born from 1 to 12 December

If Sagittarius wants to grab Luck by the tail, then you need to make a lot of effort and ingenuity. Do not be afraid of anything, be more courageous and listen less to the advice of ill-wishers. The horoscope for 2017 recommends that Sagittarius demonstrate talents to the general public in April-May. Well, at the beginning of autumn you will meet with the one you dreamed about and imagined as a life partner.

Sagittarius men born from 13 to 21 December

The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius to be more selective in relationships. You communicate too much with those who draw energy from you, but give nothing in return. Learn to organize holidays without a reason, find an interesting hobby and become more confident. In September, Sagittarius will be in a whirlpool of pleasant events and meetings. Personal life will become brighter and more diverse at the end of the year of the Rooster.

Sagittarius woman: horoscope for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius women to pay special attention to loved ones and relatives, and especially their problems, as well as their family and children. Some Sagittarius women will need to sacrifice a lot for the sake of their relatives, for the sake of happiness in their family. Close archers will really need support, warmth and care.
Sagittarius women will not experience much happiness from relationships with men in 2017. On their way, unworthy men will appear, mercantile ones, who will seek the attention of Sagittarius with all their might, but very quickly disappear from their lives.

Sagittarius women born from 23 to 30 November

The more frivolous Sagittarius will be in business and love, the more disappointments and worries await him. The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius to be more serious and specific if the question concerns close relationships or domestic problems. In the summer, things related to finances will be great. Holidays in winter will be great if you go to a camp site or abroad.

Sagittarius women born from 1 to 12 December

The horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius predicts a tense period when you have to go not for a break, but for a detour. This tactic of behavior is not without meaning, so be careful. Autumn will bring Sagittarius a lot of unpleasant moments associated with one selfish and deceitful person. In winter, gather your strength to solve an important issue in your personal life. A lot depends on him next year.

Sagittarius women born from 13 to 21 December

Sagittarius can do everything that he undertakes with inspiration and enthusiasm. The more adventurous you are at the beginning of winter, the faster you will settle all problems. The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius to be more self-confident in the summer in order to turn everything planned in the right direction. In autumn and winter, circumstances will be in your favor, but on the condition that you do not drastically change the course of events.

Sagittarius shopping in 2017

Thanks to a stable financial situation, Sagittarius will allow himself shopping and a variety of acquisitions. The main thing is to limit yourself in entertainment and not invest a lot of money in a new hobby. The 2017 horoscope for Sagittarius promises good earnings in the middle of summer, when you can buy things at a significant discount or take out a loan. In autumn, you will easily get out of the financial crisis if you become more practical.

Sagittarius classes in 2017

Sagittarius in the year of the Rooster will not sit at home for a day, but will go to various events, exhibitions and concerts. You will even be able to attend a fashion show, as well as discover your design talents. The horoscope for 2017 advises Sagittarius to go to the premiere in the theater, cinema and circus performances more often. This will allow you not only to enrich yourself spiritually, but also to receive a charge of positive emotions.

Sagittarius friendship horoscope for 2017

Sagittarius will want to surround himself not only with interesting, but also reliable friends. By the way, negative personalities will leave your life on their own, so they don’t need to hint about it. The horoscope for 2017 promises Sagittarius in the spring of acquaintances that will develop into strong friendships. In July-August, Sagittarius will have a difficult burden, when a close friend suddenly doubts your sincerity. Try to dispel his doubts, especially if you value relationships. In autumn, you better not share secrets even with those with whom you have been friends since childhood. It's not about trust, it's just about laying low for a while.

In 2017, the Red Fire Rooster. Horoscope and astrological forecast for the sign Sagittarius for 2017.

The year 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster can be called neutral for those born under the sign of Sagittarius. No special victories and successes are expected, however, there will be no big troubles either.

2017 is a time of pleasant meetings with new people and unexpected disappointments in those who have known for many years. But for the family, the year will become favorable - Sagittarius will first of all turn his cheerfulness and good nature to loved ones.

Sagittarius, who love to travel, can use every opportunity for this - whether it's a short rest during the weekend or a long one during the holidays. Feel free to go on a long journey - it will not be tiring, it will do without problems and unpleasant surprises.

Sagittarius expects in 2017 a patchwork - a series of luck will be replaced by failures. No matter how hard Sagittarius tries, it will not be possible to save yourself from trouble. Calmly accept the unfavorable fate, this will save you from stupidity and bad deeds.

2017 promises to endow the representatives of the sign with natural cunning, which was sometimes so lacking.

New prospects will open before Sagittarius, and many tempting offers will come, but due to their inherent indecision, few will dare to change their usual way of life and take advantage of the opportunities provided.

Don't be overly hasty. Make final decisions only after weighing all the conditions in detail, not losing sight of even the smallest details.

Financial horoscope for the sign Sagittarius for 2017:

Financially, the year of the Fire Rooster will only favor Sagittarius. The efforts that you have made in the past will bring long-awaited results. The received funds of the star are recommended to be invested. Do not be afraid to take risks, with a probability of 95% your investment will pay off. For greater confidence, invest in several projects at once.

The desire to invest financial resources in promising projects can significantly limit the budget for daily needs. Calculate what you can save on. Hold off buying a new jacket or boots. You will meet the New Year 2018 with an impressive amount in your bank account, which you can spend on clothes, travel and even buying real estate.

Professional horoscope for the Sagittarius sign for 2017:

Representatives of the sign, working in the office of private or public companies, will get a real chance to climb one or more steps on the career ladder. Creative natures who do not accept submission will be able to realize their old plans.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, you will have to rely only on your own strength, do not trust your problems and experiences to other people.

If patrons and like-minded people seek to support you, do not reject them. Nevertheless, you should not reveal the secrets of your work to strangers.

2017 will discourage a provocation from a loved one, possibly a relative. Approach the solution of the problem with a cold mind - shout, swear, beat the dishes at home, and when you come to the office, show stamina and inviolability.

The main thing to remember is that any business that ends not in your favor is not a loss, it is a life experience that will be useful to you in the future.

Health horoscope for the sign Sagittarius for 2017:

2017 will be a busy year in the professional and financial fields, so high immunity and a balanced nervous system should be taken care of in advance. In anticipation of the cold season, get vaccinated or at least drink a course of immunostimulants. Walks in the park and trips out of town will relieve nervous strains.

The Year of the Fire Rooster is off to a good start. Sagittarians may mistakenly think that old chronic diseases have receded, and now they will begin to live a normal life. But by the beginning of summer, representatives of the sign will feel a deterioration in their general well-being caused by overstrain at work. Take a vacation, go to the most remote resort, where there are no crowds of vacationers and annoying locals. Unity with nature is the best way to replenish vital energy.

Love horoscope for the sign Sagittarius for 2017:

The Fire Rooster will require Sagittarians to be ready to make clear decisions. If you put off the burning question for later, the consequences can be disastrous. This condition applies not only to representatives of the sign who have begun to build relationships, but also to those who have been married for more than one year.

If Sagittarius decides to take drastic measures, the Rooster will give a chance to start life from scratch. All obstacles, fears and fears will miraculously disappear, and you will be able to make an informed decision. However, you should not forget about past mistakes, the bitter experience of previous years will save you from mistakes in the future.

Relations with relatives will also be strained. Expressive and overly enthusiastic Sagittarians in the minds of their parents are not serious people. If you do not want to completely destroy relations with them, show attention and responsibility.

Success in this endeavor portends the establishment of contacts with loved ones, marked by strong attachments and deep feelings.

Lonely Sagittarius in 2017 will not feel a lack of attention, short-term romantic relationships will follow one another. And somewhere nearby your destiny walks.

Astrological forecast for Sagittarius - men for 2017:

Finances will not please the strong half of the zodiac sign with their abundance. It's time to go to work in one of the developed foreign countries. There are no significant accomplishments in the native land either in financial or career terms. Take care of your own health during the summer. Problems with the spine can make significant adjustments to your plans for the worse.

At the end of the year, harmony in life will be achieved, Sagittarius men will be able to devote enough time to work and family.

In order not to stagnate in 2017, but to make a confident leap forward, this zodiac sign will have to show more determination and energy.

Astrological forecast for Sagittarius - women for 2017:

Against the background of the rapid development of a career, the beautiful half of Sagittarius will not be able to avoid disagreements with their loved ones. This is how relationships are tested. If the other half does not intend to put up with the tight schedule of your work, then this is not your half. Be prepared to make a fair decision.

The Year of the Fire Rooster should be a time of careful balance between your own interests and the needs of loved ones.

In the second half of 2017, those tasks that you could not even dream of before will be on your shoulder. These can be social events, teamwork on a project, management, teaching or team leadership.

see also: Astrological forecast for all signs of the Zodiac for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster.