The most rare names for girls. Orthodox names for girls: a list of beautiful female names and their meanings. Forgotten and rare Orthodox names for a girl

It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of a name in a person's life. Even in ancient times in Russia they knew that by naming a child we influence his fate. After all, each name has its own secret, sacred meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to approach such a serious step with all responsibility. Let's find out in detail what rare and beautiful names for girls will help them in the future: to be happy, avoid trouble, find their love and just find their way.

Old Slavic female names

The Old Slavonic name book included many names, unfortunately, most of them are irretrievably lost. But still, the brightest and strongest of them have come down to us. After all, the ancient Slavs believed that a woman in the first place is the keeper of the hearth. The energy-information program in such names is only positive, bringing love, kindness, devotion, care and affection to the world. And therefore, their owners are usually happy in family life.

List among the ancient Slavs and their description:

  • Arina and Yarina. Divine, dedicated to the sun . Bright, cheerful and easy disposition. Differs in independence from an early age, always stands out among the environment. Successful in marriage, knows how to create home comfort.
  • Bazhena, Goddess. Beloved, desired, long-awaited child . Such a girl will be lucky, considered a darling of fate. Has a variety of creative talents.
  • Vesta, Veta. Good news. In Slavic mythology, the goddess of the hearth. Original, intellectually developed, analytical mindset. A caring mother and a good housewife.
  • Vladislav.owns the glory. Lively and purposeful nature. Always and in everything tries to be the best, the leader. Self-confident and successful.
  • Darina, Daria.Gift of the gods, bestowed . Friendly and very active girl. Likes sport. Clever, possesses female cunning. Knows his strengths and uses them.
  • Zlatoslav. golden glory. Proud and impregnable, very perceptive. Well versed in people and can manipulate them. This name gives the desire for excellence in everything.
  • Lada. Dear, good wife . In Slavic mythology, the goddess of spring, love and beauty. Such girls grow up sensual and emotional, but at the same time they are stubborn and determined. Entrepreneurial, achieve their goals.
  • Malusha.Small. Kind-hearted and friendly, with a rich imagination. Amazing intuition, always chooses the right course of action. Artistic. Often reaches a high position in society and financial well-being. Happy in marriage.
  • Miroslav.Glorious in the world, glorifying peacefulness. A very decent, traditional girl. But at the same time, he is an active, persistent and strong-willed person. Has a very flexible intellect.
  • Milan. Dear everyone.Authoritarian, hardworking, clearly follows the chosen direction. Chooses a partner with similar goals as a companion and achieves them together with him. Appreciates the circle of close people.
  • Pleased. Joy, fun. Optimistic, has a cheerful disposition. Dancing a lot, traveling. Charming and elegant, femme fatale. This name provides happiness in marriage.
  • Snezhana. White as snow.A man of fine mental organization, a vulnerable and sensitive personality. Friendly and eager to help people. Honest, charming, tactful and responsible, does charity work.
  • Yaroslav.Bright, glorious vitality. Very active and inquisitive nature. Stubborn, but admits her mistakes. Knows how to create coziness, it will always be warm and comfortable with her. Much loved by husband

Russian female names

With the advent of the Christian faith, new maiden names came into use, mostly of Greek origin. Today, they are so familiar and widespread among us that we have long considered them to be primordially Russian. In Byzantium, a mixed name-book was formed, due to diplomatic and cultural ties. It is based on Syrian, Slavic, Persian, Greek, Latin, Germanic, English, Egyptian and other roots.

List of suchrare and beautiful names for girls with description:

  • Agatha. Good, blessed. Persistent and firm in desires. Ambitious and endowed with a craving for learning. Strives to build a family nest. In her house, peace and comfort.
  • Vasilisa, Vasilina. Royal, sovereign. A very energetic and determined girl. Resourceful, charmingly tells different stories, often uses humor. Loving mother and wife.
  • Barbara. Double protection. Calm and reasonable, tolerance is an important part of her character. Drives his fans crazy. Calculating, achieves its goals.
  • Elizabeth. God worshiper, my god is an oath. Balanced and brings the work started to a victorious end. The most valuable thing for a person with this name is family. Cunning coquette, attracts attention.
  • Fun. Delight, comfort. She is characterized by openness and sincerity. Generous and diplomatic personality. Unrivaled and knows no equal competitors. Often holds leadership positions. The marriage is going well.
  • Zoya. Life itself. Strong-willed, always balanced, stable psyche. Able to extinguish any negativity and conflicts. Intuitively discerns people's intentions. Personal relationships are always successful. A wonderful wife and mother. Manages the business wisely.
  • Inessa, Inna. Innocent, flow, swim. Smiling, calm and persistent character. Feminine appearance and masculine core. Hospitable, exemplary hostess.
  • Kristina. Christian. Quick-witted, mobile, with a good memory. Makes every decision thoughtfully. Smoothes out conflicts, yields to her lover, and therefore always finds mutual understanding with him.
  • Melania, Melania. Dark, with black hair. Gentle, affectionate, seductive, fatal woman. Constantly changing. Creatively gifted, prone to learning foreign languages. Likes adventure and novelty. A highlight in any group. Communication is her forte.
  • Olga.Holy, wise, receiving greatness. Strong-willed, developed mind and great capacity for work. A fighter with a strong character. Looks after appearance. Highly moral nature, will marry the best chosen one.
  • Taisia, Taya.Fertile, dedicated to Isis. Determined and uncompromising, makes a dizzying career. Cavaliers surround her everywhere, but she makes her choice for a long time and consciously.
  • Faina.shining, shine. Friendly and responsive, inclined to run their own business. Her name instills a passion for culinary arts, cleanliness, adored by her husband.
  • Yulia, Ulyana.Fluffy, curly, everyone cares. Extremely sociable, creative outstanding personality. She has a flexible intellect, strong intuition, and is gifted with many talents. Vulnerable, reads a lot. Lives soul to soul with her husband

Popular names for girls

Modern rare and beautiful names for girlsare very relevant in our country. Their fashion is changeable and cyclical. Some of the names are Slavic, others are of foreign origin. The third names are quite recently fictional, they are based on the heroines of best-selling books, films and songs.

List of popular female names of recent years:

  • Aurora. Dawn, dawn. Developed imagination and intuition. Inner peace is important to her, in everything she will strive for harmony. Often hides his feelings. The profession is most likely to be associated with creativity.
  • Anastasia.Resurrected, return. Trusting, kind, does not hold grudges. Needlewoman, loves cleanliness and order. Strong-willed person, defends his rights. Caring, faithful wife and mother
  • Anna.Courage, grace. Uncompromising and truthful, radiates kindness. Tirelessly builds its nest. Honest and devoted to her husband.
  • Victoria.Victory. Mobile, cunning and stubborn, but at the same time a shy and timid person. A girl with this name is able to be frank and honest with her partner.
  • Veronica, Vera. Bringer of victory. Intelligent and thoughtful, practical person. Shows intelligence and soberly assesses the situation. The marriage is going well.
  • life. Strong-willed character, controls himself in any situation. Increased level of intelligence. Affectionate, gentle and cheerful with her husband.
  • Ekaterina.A pure, undefiled virgin. A real dreamer, she easily makes friends and admirers. Tactful, well-mannered, with exquisite taste. Carefully chooses a life partner.
  • Xenia, Ksyusha.Guest, stranger. Attractive, sincere, fighting injustice. She has very flexible intellectual abilities and sharpened intuition. Demanding to a partner, looking for protection in him.
  • Lily, Lily. White flower.Dreamy and inventive, quirky and quick-witted nature. She is interested in everything that happens around her. Gives warmth to loved ones.
  • Maria.Desirable, serenity. Affectionate, balanced and mysterious, with a strong spirit. She is attracted by everything original and avant-garde, exclusive. Radiates warmth and attention around him.
  • Ocean.Deep water. The name came up recently. A strong, determined personality, capable of moving mountains for the sake of his goals. The family is the most important thing in her life, she prefers to spend all her free time with her.
  • Sofia, Sophia. Wise, science.Active and receptive, strives to be in time and learn everything. Likes to be the center of attention. Capable of heroic deeds for the sake of the family.
  • Elsa.Divine, cold oath. Passionate and independent, determined nature. He can achieve a high position in society, open his own business. Responsible housewife.

Foreign female names

All countries have interesting and unusual names. Now they are gaining popularity, and some have long been accustomed to everyday life and have become familiar to our ears. Most of them are closely connected by roots with the Slavic peoples.

List and Description rare and beautiful names for girls :

  • Adele, Adeline.Noble, from a noble family . Independent, calm, modest, reads a lot. Knows how to win people over. Affectionate and faithful companion.
  • Astrid. Passionate star. Brave, courageous, active, able to solve any problem. The bearer of this name manifests psychic abilities. Loves family.
  • Belinda, Bella. Lovely, bright lime. Charming, elegant, has a refined taste. Strives for stability, loves order. Adheres to generally accepted moral values. Successful in marriage.
  • Diana, Dina.Divine, bearing justice. Endowed with a lot of energy. Copes with all cases, developed logical thinking. At the same time, she is a deep and sensitive person. Having married, she finds peace and harmony in her soul.
  • Inga. R dressed under protection. One of the names of the Scandinavian god of fertility and abundance, an analogue of the male name Ingvar. Easily absorbs all information. She believes in divination and knows how to tell fortunes herself. A devoted wife, skillfully brings up children.
  • Kira. mistress, mistress, ray of light. Practical, hardy and reasonable character. Insightful, reliable, can catch luck by the tail. A brilliant mind and flexibility of thinking are her reliable assistants. Achieve success in your career. In relationships, she will become caring and affectionate, harmony will reign in her house.
  • Cornelia, Nelly.Wooden weapon. Craftswoman in the conquest and seduction of the environment. Comprehensively developed, with a rich inner world. Wants to be at the center of events. Nice and funny woman.
  • Linda, Melinda. Beautiful blooming linden. He enjoys reading and collecting. Distinguished by intelligence and upbringing. Favorite at work and among friends.
  • Martha. Mentor, hostess. Solid, balanced, business woman. The name gives a good reaction, she will not miss the right moment. Strives for a strong marriage union.
  • Melissa.Honey bee. Charming, brings good luck to others. Independent and scrupulous, but at the same time a sweet and sociable person. She values ​​family above all else.
  • Margarita.Pearl. Pearl. Straightforward, self-critical, constantly improving. Honest and brave, devoid of selfishness. Decisive and businesslike, successful in her career. Faithful and reliable friend, will charm anyone.
  • Nicole, Nick. The winner of the peoples. Mysterious, charming, with many friends. Tender and sentimental, from childhood she dreams of marriage with a handsome prince. It can be implemented in any field.
  • Olivia.Olive tree, olive. Noble and sociable, finds a common language with any person. Negatively refers to deceit and hypocrisy. The husband must meet her needs.
  • Frida.Peace and tranquility. In appearance, modest and restrained, she is smart and independent, people like her. A man with a strong will and fine mental organization.
  • Elvira, Eli.All-truthful, protecting all. Decisive and stubborn, defends her own point of view. Doesn't betray friends. Dedicated to spouse and children.

There are many ways to determine a suitable Russian name for a child: according to the Orthodox calendar, according to the sign of the zodiac, following the laws of numerology. First of all, choosing rare and beautiful name for a girlyou should make sure that it matches with the patronymic. And most importantly: when deciding how to name your baby, trust your heart.

Write in the comments what you want to name your child)

Choosing a name for your little princess is a pleasant and, at the same time, responsible process. Future parents, as well as grandparents, go through all the possible options before settling on any one. The name with which the girl comes into this world largely determines her character and future fate.

Over the name for a newborn baby sometimes you have to "sweat"

Possible criteria for choosing a name for a girl

It can be very difficult to choose the best name for a daughter, especially when disagreements arise between mom and dad. Parents sort through the maximum number of options, paying attention to both fashionable and old ones.

First of all, they consider the beautiful Russian royal names that the Rurik girls were called - Ekaterina, Sofia, Anastasia, Anna, Alexandra, Elizabeth, Maria. They recall unusual old ones - Aglaya, Angelina, Lukerya, Evdokia, Iraida, Claudia, Marta, Pelageya. Each of the options has a unique origin and meaning.

Someone wants to name a newborn in memory of a loved one. In this case, it is worth remembering that it is not correct to name your child after a deceased relative. Consider interesting and rare names for girls. They are also chosen by value, according to the church calendar, according to the horoscope and the advice of an astrologer.

By name meaning

When naming a child, they look at the meaning of the name when they want to give certain features to his character. In addition, no one wants a letter code to have a bad meaning.

  • Aglaya - "shining". Aglai are bright personalities, ideas and emotions literally gush out of them, they are always ahead and ready to lead their team behind them.
  • Alexandra is a strong letter code, which means “strong-willed” in translation. Children profitably use their natural data, they know how to carefully hide emotions.
  • Anastasia - "resurrected". Nastya's girls are kind and gentle, but with a strong character. Very dreamy nature.
  • Angelina - "messenger". The name is gentle, the word "angel" is clearly read in it, but its owners are energetic and decisive.
  • Anna - one of the names of the royal family, translated as "brave". Ani is principled, accurate, patient.
  • Catherine - means "chaste". Katya grow up intellectually developed and purposeful, able to achieve success.
  • Iraida - in translation - "heroine". Iraids are active and proud. Such people in life achieve everything they want.
  • Claudia - "stubborn". Perseverance is the main character trait of Klava, and this helps her a lot in life.
  • Mary means "serenity". An affectionate nature that wants to warm and protect everyone around.
  • Martha - "noble". A young lady with a rare and beautiful name grows up calm, balanced and caring.
  • Sophia (Sofia) - means "reasonable, wise." Girls with this name usually have a rich inner world. In life they are lucky and happy.

According to the church calendar

The method of choosing a name according to the Saints is popular. It is believed that a child named according to the church calendar is under the protection of his guardian angel from the first days of life. A Saint's day is celebrated daily. It remains to choose one of them.

The most beautiful church female names for a daughter have Slavic, Greek and Hebrew roots. It is also worth finding information about why a person was canonized as a Saint. With a difficult choice, they look at the adjacent dates and the entire month.


  1. In December, daughters are named after the Saints: Anna, Anastasia, Barbara, Catherine, Zoe, Kira, Lily, Margarita, Mary, Tamara, Tatyana, Ulyana, Yulia.
  2. In January, the name day of Arina, Anastasia, Antonina, Agnia, Vasilisa, Barbara, Eugenia, Maria, Melania, Irina, Xenia, Tatyana, Ulyana, Emilia, Yulia. Daughters born in January have a strong character. The name given according to the Saints is able to soften it and endow the girl with tenderness.
  3. In February, Agnia, Anna, Alexandra, Alevtina, Arina, Vasilisa, Vera, Zoya, Ekaterina, Inna, Christina, Sofia have Angel Day. Just as in the case of the January daughters, the name of the Saint will soften their unbending winter character.

It is believed that the names according to the holy calendar protect the child throughout his life.


  1. March Saints: Anna, Arina, Barbara, Galina, Daria, Kira, Maria, Marianna, Marina, Nadezhda, Olga, Ulyana, Juliana, Julia. Girls born in the first month of spring are often gentle and indecisive, but at the same time, talented and charming.
  2. In April, in the church calendar, the name day of Saints Anastasia, Anna, Barbara, Daria, Larisa, Lydia, Nika, Praskovya, Sofia. Children born in April are successful and talented.
  3. May princesses according to the Saints can be called: Valeria, Zhanna, Zoya, John, Tamara, Faina, Fedor, Elsa, Julia.


  1. The June ones are called - Alena, Vera, Elena, Zinaida, Lilia, Susanna, Juliana.
  2. In July, the days of the Saints - Agrippina, Valentina, Dinara, Lucia, Margarita, Rimma, Tatiana, Yana.
  3. In August - Angela, Angelina, Anna, Anfisa, Daria, Eva, Iya, Melitsa, Xenia, Nonna.

Girls born in the autumn season of the family are friendly and easy to communicate with.


Autumn children are diligent, diligent and strive for excellence:

  1. In September, the name day of Alena, Vasilisa, Elena, Lyudmila, Martha, Oksana, Regina, Seraphim, Sofia, Fekla, Elsa.
  2. In October - Ariadne, Arina, Vera, Veronica, Virineya, Dora, Elizabeth, Zlata, Marianne, Polina, Tatiana, Fevronia.
  3. In November - Arina, Anna, Alexandra, Glykeria, Elizabeth, Martha, Matrona, Neonilla, Nina, Olga, Stephanie.

The list of beautiful Orthodox names can be continued for a long time. It can be obtained at the church where the parents are going to baptize the child. The lists may differ depending on the monastery in which they were compiled.


Some parents turn to astrology and horoscopes to choose a name. In this case, there is also food for thought, since several options are suitable for each sign of the zodiac at once - simple and not very. The following are beautiful modern names according to the signs of the zodiac.

Sometimes when choosing a name, they are guided by astrological principles.
  • The sign Aries corresponds to the maiden names Alice, Alla, Raya.
  • Taurus is called Angela, Diana, Maya, Monica.
  • Gemini women have sonorous names - Aksinya, Albina, Yvette, Clara, Taisiya, Eliza.
  • Cancer girls are very impressionable people. The names of Bogdan, Lolita, Melania are suitable for them.
  • The majestic Lions are called accordingly - Aurora, Ilona, ​​Emma.
  • The names Constance, Regina, Linda are suitable for the feminine Virgo.
  • Charming Libra - Veronica, Zlata, Love, Milena, Pelageya, Snezhana.
  • Owners of a changeable character, born under the sign of Scorpio, are called Louise, Martha, Elina.
  • Sagittarians are called Zhanna, Marianna, Fekla.
  • Capricorns - Barbara, Kira, Renata.
  • The Aquarius girl is given the name Ilona or Aelita.
  • Pisces - Amelia, Eve.

Other criteria

By time of year:

  • trying to balance the winter atmosphere, they call their daughters sunny and warm names - Svetlana, Lyudmila, Natalya;
  • in the spring, daughters are called more harshly - Irina, Victoria, Ruslana;
  • summer children can be called Margarita, Valeria, Antonina;
  • autumn - Yesenia, Zlata, Vera, Olesya.

When parents want to highlight a girl, they give her a rare name.

When mom and dad want to single out their child so that his name is the only one in kindergarten and school, in Russia they give rare and beautiful, sometimes forgotten, old feminine names - Ophelia, Valencia, Dominica. When replacing one letter in the traditional name, new unusual options are obtained: Alesya, Daria, Olena.

By the name of your favorite musical artist or actress:

  • Rihanna;
  • Bianca;
  • Nastasya.

TOP of the most popular female names of recent years in Russia

  1. Sofia;
  2. Alice;
  3. Pauline;
  4. Arina;
  5. Victoria;
  6. Valeria;
  7. Elizabeth;
  8. Karina;
  9. Milena;
  10. Maria.

Great options for naming your baby, but very common these days.

Rare and beautiful Russian names

Turning to the origins, you can remember Russian names, beautiful and old, and choose an unusual name for a girl. They are old and have a history.

Each of them stores a letter code with meaning:

  • Bozhena;
  • Olympics;
  • Veroslav;
  • August;
  • Zlatislav;
  • Ariadne;
  • Lubomir;
  • Neonilla;
  • Pelagia;
  • Praskovya;
  • Stanislav;
  • Kaleria.

Unusual international names

There are many beautiful female names that sound almost the same in all languages. These names are international: Adeline, Alexandra, Anna, Adriana, Agata, Agnes, Amalia, Diana, Evangelina, Isabella, Ilona, ​​Clara, Liana, Linda, Laura, Marianne, Mia, Roxana, Sabrina, Stella, Evelina, Ella.

When choosing a name, you must also look at how it will be combined with the surname and patronymic

The list is, of course, not complete. There are still a lot of options. When choosing a name for your daughter from the list of international ones, you should think about its combination with the surname and patronymic. For example, combinations like Stepanova Adriana Petrovna do not sound very harmonious.

How better not to name a girl?

The name of the daughter must first of all correspond to the nationality and religion. Calling a Russian girl, for example, a Muslim name would be strange.

It is important that it fits the surname and patronymic. It is better to choose a short name for a long surname and patronymic. For example, Ikonnikova Kira Stanislavovna is easier to pronounce than Ikonnikova Alexandra Stanislavovna.

The future woman will have to bear the name all her life. Perhaps the daughter will become a teacher, educator or director of a large company, and she will often be called by her first name and patronymic. The task of parents is to make sure that the sound does not hurt the ear and is not difficult to pronounce.

It is good when there is a full and abbreviated form of the name. Parents will definitely want to call the child affectionately, therefore, before giving a name, they come up with diminutive forms for him.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

When naming a daughter, parents should understand: the name is the most important decoration for a girl, which she will have to wear all her life. Stella or Milada? Bazhen or Carolina? Clara or Zoryana? Or maybe just love? Rare and beautiful names for girls are presented in such abundance that it is difficult not to get confused. But which one is right for your baby, and what is the right name for your daughter? About this - in our material.

Today, the influence of a woman's naming on her character, quality and life expectancy is studied quite widely. Moreover, the topic is considered by official science, and predictive practices, and magic. Understandably, many parents want to know how it all works. After all, it is so important to write down in the birth certificate not only a beautiful full name, but a happy fate for your daughter.

The name is determined by the calendar, season, numbers and science

So, for newborns, astrologers draw up special horoscopes that allow you to determine a successful naming option. Numerologists select the "correct" names by calculating the date of birth of the child. Healers ask nature what an unusual name to call a girl: they recommend choosing options according to the time of year and month of birth.

There is also anthroponymy. This is a separate scientific area for the study of the history of the emergence and evolution of the full name, the patterns of functioning of its components. In their works, anthroponymists analyze various proper names, identify the most successful combinations of full names.

For believing Orthodox Christians, the most recommended option for naming a girl is according to the calendar. So, the name is given in honor of the saint, whose day coincides with the baby's birthday or falls on the eighth, fortieth days from birth.

How were children named in the old days?

Our ancestors approached the naming of girls easier. And at the same time, the names of the then beauties could be the most unusual. In Russia, they were selected so that the baby could be distinguished from other family members. For example, Pervusha was the first child. The name reflected external data: the girl Chernava grew up swarthy and with dark hair. And Nekrasa was born not too pretty.

The features of character or behavior were taken as a basis: Cry-baby, Clever. They named the baby, taking into account the circumstances of her birth. For example, Istoma grew up in families where her mother suffered during childbirth. And Snezhana was born in the cold. The attitude of adults towards the girl could also be indicated: Zhdana, Nezhdana, Lyubava, Darena.

Anna, Maria and Sofia are the three most popular female naming options on the planet. Although they may sound different in different countries, because they have many synonyms. For example, Annette, Marie and Sophie live in France. And Hannah, Marichen and Zofa are in Germany.

Many modern female names literally fascinate others, and make their owner even more attractive. But finding an interesting, in your opinion, naming option is only half the battle. In order for the name to "play", you need to take into account several points.

  1. Nationality. Now in Russia, children are often given “names” that are unusual for local culture and traditions. They are borrowed from other countries, religions, mentalities. In some cases, this is justified. But in combination with the usual Slavic patronymics and surnames, it looks, to put it mildly, strange. For example, the combination "Gayane Vasilievna Kozlova" loses to the combination "Gayane Gasparovna Oganesyan". For an Armenian girl, this name is suitable, but not quite for a newborn Slav. It is also worth considering that in interethnic marriages, girls are born whose external features differ from typical Slavic features. Therefore, for mestizo children, it is also necessary to carefully select the naming option. In Russia, the dark-skinned Masha, whose dad is an Arab, will always be given increased attention. But Regina or Sabira in this case will be neutral and suitable options.
  2. Surname . Not all families can boast of a rich and strong surname. In such cases, the girl should not choose a too unusual name. Judge for yourself: the combination of "Malvina Vyrvihvost" will be a double reason for peer ridicule. The option "Natalia Vyrkhvost" in this case looks neater. Of course, one can hope that Michel Gus or Chernava Cloud will grow up, get married and take the names of their soulmates. But what if they decide otherwise? Now, after all, many believe that a change of name negatively affects fate. So, women are afraid to make changes in documents. But even there is a girl who is not superstitious ... What if she falls in love with a guy with the surname Bloch, Damn, Grave, Slyunin or Pindyur?
  3. Surname . In addition to the national factor, the principle of consonance must also be taken into account. For bulky, long patronymics, it is worth picking up short names. Otherwise, those around when addressing the girl will break their tongues. For example, the combination "Garden Ramzullovna" outperforms the combination "Wanting Ramzullovna". The same principle applies when comparing the combinations "Vladislava Veniaminovna" and "Nina Veniaminovna". By the way, a tandem is good, where consonance is read in the name and patronymic. And also win options where the “names” of the daughter and dad begin with the same letter: “Angelina Andreevna”, “Irina Igorevna”, “Nora Nikolaevna”.
  4. Forms. What will you lovingly name your daughter? Zoechka, Mashunya, Katrusya, Lelya, Lyubasya ... Any female address takes official and diminutive forms. But also many of them can be transformed into nicknames. Here you need to understand that children, especially schoolchildren, are cruel. They love to tease each other. So, Anfisa can turn into a Rat, Yulia - into Dulya, and Rosa - into Dung.
  5. Fashion. Especially young parents want to be in trend and find a fashionable name for the baby. There are even completely excesses like the Keyboard, Sarah-Paprika, Simka or Viagra. But in the pursuit of originality, think about the future of your daughter. Do you have a neighbor old lady Dazdraperma? Unlikely. As they matured, the girls, fashionably named after the Soviet May Day, were in a hurry to change this rare name. Grandmothers of the Olympics are also few. Yes, and few people know the old women with the name of Trolebuzin, named according to the principle “Trotsky-Lenin-Bukharin-Zinoviev”.

Psychologists recommend avoiding options with unexpressed sexual attachment when naming girls. The "asexual" names of Evgeny, Valery, Alexander, Alexy can "steal" tenderness and girlish charm from your baby, hinder her development, female self-identification. Also, you should not name the child in honor of relatives who lived a difficult fate and passed away in agony. And giving the girl the name of the mother, you increase the risk of competition and misunderstandings in the family.

TOP 30 best female names

According to the civil registry office of the city of Moscow, in 2015, Sofia became the most fashionable female name in the Russian capital. Moreover, it is this variant of naming girls that has invariably come forward since 2010, throwing Anastasius, who had previously been in the lead, off the pedestal. Also in the top three fashionable girl names in Moscow in 2015: Maria and Anna.

Today, parents have many resources at their disposal where you can find unusually beautiful names for girls. These are e-books, and virtual directories, and specialized sites. These sources accumulate and analyze parental requests, make ratings of the most popular female "names" on their basis. Below is a list-rating of the thirty most beautiful and unusual names popular in 2017.

  1. Milan. Slavic, means - "dear".
  2. Sofia. From ancient Greek - "wise".
  3. Yesenia. Slavic form of naming. They were given to children born in the fall.
  4. Arina . Obsolete form of the name Irina. From Greek - "peace", "peace".
  5. Kira. The feminine form of the Greek name Kyros, which means "ruler", "lord".
  6. Anastasia . From Greek - "resurrected", "immortal".
  7. Veronica. It is of Latin origin. It translates as "victorious".
  8. Alice. From English - "noble origin".
  9. Pauline . A lighter form of the Russian version of the name Apollinaria, which means "liberated."
  10. Victoria . From Latin - "victory".
  11. Stasia. Short form from Stanislava, which means "to become glorious."
  12. Mariana. Hebrew, interpreted as "tart, bitter."
  13. Daria . It is closely related to the male Persian name Darayavaush, which means "owner of the good."
  14. Kseniya . From Greek - "hospitable", "guest", "alien".
  15. Eve. From Hebrew - "giving life"
  16. Alina. From Latin - “alien”, “other”, “majestic”.
  17. Ekaterina . From Greek - “immaculate”, “pure”.
  18. Valeria . The female version of the male name Valery, which is translated from Latin as “to be healthy”, “to be strong”, “to be powerful”.
  19. Maria. From Hebrew - “desired”, “bitter”, “serene”.
  20. Anna . From Hebrew - "grace", "courage", "strength".
  21. Elizabeth. From Hebrew - “honoring God”, “My God is an oath”, “conjuring God”.
  22. Darina. Slavic, means - "bestowed", "gift".
  23. Julia . From Greek - "curly". The Latin version is “from the kind of Julius”, “July”.
  24. Kristina . From Latin - "Christian".
  25. Alyona . From ancient Greek - "sunny", "bewitching", "radiant", "attractive".
  26. Ulyana. One of the forms of the name Julia, which translates as "curly", "July", "from the Yuli family."
  27. Milena. Slavic, means - "dear".
  28. Camille. In ancient Rome, this was the name of the servants in the temples. Hence the interpretation - “servant of the temple”, “impeccable origin”.
  29. Amelia. From German - "hardworking".
  30. Diana. From Latin - "divine".

In every country there are many beautiful female names, and they are all beautiful in their own way. They can be euphonious or have amazing meaning and history. Be ancient or modern, but at the same time unforgettable.

The most beautiful female names from ancient languages

Some names not only sound pleasant, but also have a romantic translation from Latin or Greek, so many girls are named after goddesses and muses. Latin gave the world such beautiful names as august(majestic), Beata(happy) Gloria(fame) and Laura(crowned with a laurel wreath, that is, the winner). The names we are used to have ancient Greek roots: margarita means "pearl" Vasilisa means "queen" Sofia it is "wisdom".

Some names of Latin origin:

Beatrice- blessed or traveler;

Valentine- strong, healthy;

Diana- by the name of the goddess of hunting (in Persian it means "messenger of good deeds");

Silvia- forest;

Felicity- happy, lucky;

Francesca- free.

The Hebrew language is also rich in beautiful names with inspiring meanings, many of which can be found in the Bible. For instance, Eve Literally means "giving life" Ada means "decoration" Tamara- "fig tree", a tree that served as a standard of beauty in ancient times in the Middle East. Russian empresses bore such bright names as Elizabeth, which means "God is my oath", or Anna- "graceful". These names also came to us from Hebrew.

Many beautiful names came from ancient Germany. So Alice means "noble" Irma"fair" and Elvira she is the one who protects everyone. Name Matilda can be interpreted in two ways - "dangerous beauty" or "strong in battle."

The most beautiful female names in Russia

In our time, it has become fashionable to give children Old Russian names, they not only sound beautiful, but also carry an important meaning. Some of them come from the Orthodox tradition, others are rooted in the pre-Christian era. Even the most simple and familiar names can be fraught with something surprising. For instance, Lada is the name of the Slavic goddess of love and beauty, and Aurora- Goddess of the dawn.

The Slavs had widespread two-base names:

blagoslav- glorifying kindness;

Vsemila- everyone's favorite;

Dragomir- dearer than the world;

Svetozar- illuminating with light.

After the arrival of Christianity in Russia, girls began to be called in accordance with the church calendar, so a lot of borrowed names appeared that had Byzantine and Greek roots.

Akulina- an eagle;

Alevtina- alien to evil;

Alexandra- protector of people;

Anastasia- resurrected;

Anfisa- blooming;

Veronica- bringing victory;

Galina- calm;

Gella- shining;

Dominica- belonging to God

Evgeniya- noble;

Ekaterina- immaculate;

Elena- chosen one;

Ilaria- funny;

Marina- marine;

Neonila- fundamental;

Nina- ruler;

Rogneda- adviser in battle, admitted to the council of equals / council of men;

Ruslana- lioness;

Stepanida / Stephanida- wreath;

Taisiya- God-pleasing and lover of children.

The most beautiful female names of the East

The names that came to us from the east - from the Persian, Turkic and Arabic languages, are consonant with European ones, but have their own meaning and interpretation. So the name Amalia in the Arabic version sounds like Kamaliya and means "perfect." The Turkic peoples deified nature, so many names describe the beauty of the surrounding world and natural phenomena. The moon was considered the main luminary, so many female names contain the root "ai", that is, "lunar":

Isles- moon-faced;

Aizhanar- native moon;

Aigul- Lunar flower;

Begimay- my lady or the moon queen (in the modern interpretation - an unearthly beauty);

Tansylu- beautiful as the morning dawn;

Ulmas- immortal;

Akmaral- white doe;

Tansu- like morning dew;

Umai- Goddess of fertility.

In the East, they believe that names have a great influence on the fate of a person, so most often they glorify female beauty and virtue, and at the same time they are very poetic:

Adil- fair;

Ayishah- prosperous;

Aisha- live;

bakhizha- happy;

Jalila- important, exalted;

And to us- rewarding;

Ludzhin- silver;

Leila- night;

Mazin- rain cloud;

Ramil- wonderful, magical;

Saffan- pearl;

Sadaf- sea shell;

tulle- charm, temptress;

Fariha- happy;

Husni- beauty, perfection;

Hafsa- a young lioness;

haliya- fragrant;

Yasira- meek;

Laysan- spring rain, generous;

Khaadia- indicating the righteous path;

Anehita- impeccable;

Zulfiya- beautiful, charming, curly;

Horvaitat- perfection, health.

Japan has a rich history and amazing centuries-old culture. Names for girls in Japan are chosen to be consonant with the surname and beautiful in sound. Most often they are simple and denote abstract concepts (for example, Ai - love), or refer to the natural world.

ayame- iris flower;

Amaya- night rain;

Izumi- fountain;

Kame- turtle (symbol of longevity);

catown- the sound of a harp;

Koheku- amber;

Momo- peach;

Momoe- one hundred blessings;

Ren- water lily;

Ruri- emerald;

Haruki- spring tree;

Harumi- spring beauty;

Hinata- sun, sunflower;

Hoshi- star;

Hotaru- Firefly;

Tsuyu- dew at dawn;

Chow- butterfly;

Yuki- happiness, snow;

Yuri- lily;

Yuriko- baby lily.

African female names - exotic beauty

African peoples are many and varied. Their beliefs in magical powers determine exactly how the child will be named. Often the names are not divided into male and female and have an additive in the form of the name of an animal, which determines the character of a person. The name may change during life, depending on the status of the bearer.

Abangu- coming from the forest thicket;

Agwang- she-wolf;

Marjani- coral;

advar- a hunter;

Boipelo- proud;

Meikna- happy;

They- born in a sacred place;

Eyira- chosen one.

The most beautiful female names for children of stars

Russian stars sometimes choose very unusual names for their daughters. So the presenter Victoria Bonya named her daughter Angelina Letizia, and Olga Shelest named her daughters Muse, which in Greek means "thinking", and iris named after the goddess of the rainbow. Director Valeria Gai-Germanika named her daughters Octavia and Severina, both of these names come from Latin. Ksenia Borodina also did not choose an ordinary name, so her daughter's name is Thea which means "divine". The daughter of Tina Kandelaki is also called the wife of the current president of the United States - Melania, and Natalia Vodianova gave her name Neva like the famous river.

Beautiful and unusual names are given to their children by foreign stars. Yes, Beyoncé's daughter's name is Blue Ivy, translated as "blue ivy", and Gwyneth Paltrow called her Apple i.e. "apple". Tom Cruise's daughter has a Persian name Suri which means "red rose". Jessica Alba's daughters are named Honor(honor) and Haven(sky or safe harbor). The famous British chef Jamie Oliver gave his daughters tender and romantic names. Their names are Poppy Honey(i.e. Poppy Honey), Daisy Boo(Daisy Boo) and Petal Blossom Rainbow, which in translation means "Rainbow, blooming petals."

Expecting the birth of a girl, future parents sort out female names, are interested in the meaning of this or that name - so that it sounds harmonious and in accordance with family traditions. Our list of female names includes Russian, Muslim and European names. So, popular and rare names for girls - and the meaning of these names.

Girls names starting with A

Aurora is Latin for "morning dawn".

Agatha is the same as Agafia.

Agafya (Agatha) - Greek: "kind, good."

Aglaia - Greek: "shining, magnificent."

Agnia - Latin: "purity, chastity, lamb."

Ada is Hebrew for "smart".

Adelaide - Old Germanic: "noble, noble".

Adele - Old German: "pious, noble."

Adina - Arabic: "holiday, Friday fun."

Aziza - Arabic: "guardian of God."

Aida - Arabic: "benefit, reward."

Alevtina - Greek: "incense, without a bad smell."

Alexandra - Ancient Greek: "protector of people", from the male name Alexander.

Alina - Old German: "noble, persistent."

Alice - German: "significant, weighty, worthy."

Aliya - Arabic: "exalted".

Alla - two origins: ancient Greek - "other", ancient German - "to become, nobility."

Albina - Latin: "white".

Anastasia - Ancient Greek: "resurrecting", from the male name Anastas.

Angelina - Ancient Greek: "messenger, angel."

Angela - Ancient Greek: "angelic".

Angelica is the same as Angela.

Anna - Hebrew: "pretty, pretty."

Antonina - Latin: "opponent"; in ancient Rome, it denoted the belonging of a girl to a certain genus.

Anfisa - Ancient Greek: "blooming".

Arina is the Russian form of the name Irina.

Asya - Greek: "resurrecting", came from the name Anastasia.

Aelita - Ancient Greek: "airy".

Girls names starting with B

Barbara is the same as Barbara.

Beatrice (Beata) - Latin: "happy."

Bella is Latin for "beauty".

Bozhena is another form of the name Bogdan: "given by God, divine."

Girls names starting with B

Valentina - Latin: "healthy", from the male name Valentine.

Valeria - Latin: "strong", from the male name Valery. Originated as a Roman generic name.

Barbara - Ancient Greek: "foreigner".

Vasilisa - Ancient Greek: "queen".

Vassa is Greek for "desert".

Veda - Bulgarian: "mermaid".

Vera - Russian: "faith".

Veronica - Ancient Greek: "victorious, bringing victory."

Victoria - Latin: "victory", from the male name Victor.

Viola is Latin for "violet".

Violetta is Latin for "violet".

Vlad - Slavic: "possessing", from the male name Vlad.

Vlasta - Czech: "homeland".

Girls names starting with G

Galina - Greek: "calm, serene."

Gayane - Turkic: "beauty".

Henrietta - Old German: "noble beauty, beautiful"

Gerda is Scandinavian for "protector".

Glafira - Ancient Greek: "elegant".

Gulnara - Arabic: "beautiful flower".

Girls names starting with D

Dayna (Dina) - Hebrew: "avenged."

Darina - Persian: "possessing gifts."

Daria - Ancient Greek: "strong, victorious."

Jamila - Arabic for "beautiful".

Diana is the Latin name for the goddess of the hunt.

Dorofei - Ancient Greek: "gift of God", from the male name Dorofei.

Girls names starting with E

Eve - Hebrew: "living, life itself", the first female name.

Eugenia - Ancient Greek: "noble", from the male name Eugene.

Evdokia - Greek: "favor".

Catherine - Ancient Greek: "pure, immaculate."

Elena - Ancient Greek: "beautiful, bright, radiant."

Elizabeth - Hebrew: "I swear by God."

Girls names starting with J

Jeanne - Hebrew for "God's mercy".

Girls names starting with Z

Zara is Arabic for "gold".

Zarema - Turkic: "scarlet dawn".

Zemfira - Latin: "rebellious".

Zinaida - Ancient Greek: "belonging to Zeus."

Zoya - Ancient Greek: "life".

Girls names starting with I

Ida - Ancient Greek: "fertile".

Isabella - Spanish for "beauty".

Isolde - Old Germanic: "shine of gold".

Inga - Old Norse: "winter".

Inna - Latin: "turbulent stream".

Irina - Ancient Greek: "peace".

Girls names starting with K

Karina (Karine) - Latin: "looks ahead."

Caroline - Germanic for "queen, royal blood".

Kira (Kiriena) - Ancient Greek: "mistress, mistress."

Claudia - Latin: lame. In the Roman Empire it was a generic name.

Christina (Christina) - Greek: "dedicated to Christ", arose after the establishment of Christianity.

Xenia - Ancient Greek: "foreigner, guest."

Girls names starting with L

Lada - Slavic: "dear, okay."

Larisa - Greek: "seagull".

Layla - Arabic for "night".

Lydia is an ancient Greek name for a resident of Lydia.

Linda - Spanish for "beautiful".

Lolita - Spanish: "sorrow, sadness."

Love - Old Slavonic: "beloved."

Lyudmila - Old Slavonic: "dear to people."

Girls names starting with M

Mavra - Ancient Greek: "dark, opaque."

Madina is Arabic for "city".

Maya - two origins: in ancient Greek mythology - "goddess, mother of Hermes"; in Indian religious mythology - "the progenitor of all life, the Universe."

Malvina - German: "weakness, tenderness."

Margaret - Latin: "pearl".

Marianna - considered as a fusion of the names Maria and Anna with the meaning "sea".

Marina - Latin: "marine".

Mary - Hebrew: "desired, sad."

Martha (Marfa) - Aramaic: "teacher, mistress."

Matrena - Latin: "lady of honor".

Mila - Slavic: "sweetheart".

Myrrh - two sources of origin: Hebrew - "myrtle tree"; in the Soviet era it was perceived as an abbreviation for "world revolution".

Girls names starting with N

Hope - Slavic: "hope".

Nail (Nailya) - Turkic: "gift, gift".

Naina is Hebrew for "innocent".

Natalia (Natalia) - Latin: "native".

Nelli - Ancient Greek: "bright".

Nina - Greek, formed on behalf of the founder of the Syrian state Ninos.

Nonna - Latin: "ninth".

Girls names starting with O

Oksana - originated as a Ukrainian form of the name Xenia.

Olesya - Belarusian: "forest".

Olga - Old Norse: "sacred, holy."

Girls names starting with P

Pelageya - Ancient Greek: "sea".

Polina - Ancient Greek, means belonging to the god Apollo, formed as a short form of the name Apollinaria.

Praskovia is a Greek name for those born on Friday.

Girls names starting with R

Rachel is Hebrew for "sheep".

Rebecca (Rebecca) - Hebrew: "faithful, captivating."

Regina is Latin for "queen, queen".

Renata - Latin: "reborn".

Rada - Slavic: "merry, joy."

Raisa - Greek: "light".

Rimma is Latin for "Roman".

Rita is a short form of the name Margarita.

Rosa is the Latin name for the rose flower.

Ruth (Ruth) - Hebrew: "girlfriend."

Girls names starting with C

Svetlana - Slavic: "light, purity."

Seraphim is Hebrew for "fiery angel".

Snezhana - Bulgarian: "snowy".

Sophia (Sophia) - Ancient Greek: "wisdom".

Stella (Estella) - Latin: "star".

Susanna (Sosanna, Susanna, Susanna) is the Hebrew name for the white lily flower.

Girls names starting with T

Taisiya - Latin: "fertile".

Tamara - Hebrew: "date palm".

Tatiana - Greek: "the organizer who sets the rules."

Girls names starting with U

Ulyana - the second version of the name Julian.

Ustinya (Justina) - Latin: "fair".

Girls names starting with F

Faina - Ancient Greek: "shining".

Fatima - Arabic for "weaned".

Flora is the Latin name for flowers or the name of the Roman goddess of flowers and spring.

Frida - Old German: "faithful."

Girls names starting with X

Helga is a variant of the name Olga.

Christina is the second version of the name Christina.

Girls names starting with E

Evelyn - French for hazelnut.

Eleanor - Hebrew: "God is my light."

Eliza - Old German: "God's mercy."

Ella - Old Germanic: "bright".

Elvira - Old German: "protector of people."

Elsa - Old Germanic for "unquiet".

Emma - Old Germanic for "flattering".

Esther is Hebrew for "star".

Girls names starting with Y

Juliana is another variant of the name Ulyana.

Julia - Latin: "curly, fluffy." In the Roman Empire, a generic name.

Yuna (Una, Yunna) - Latin: "the only one".

Juno is Latin for "forever young". That was the name of the Roman goddess - the wife of Jupiter, the patroness of marriage.

Girls names starting with I

Yana (Yanina) - Hebrew: "Given by God to the mercy of all."

Yaroslav - Slavic: "bright glory".


You are the best such beautiful words where you got.

10.11.2018 14:06:12, poop sniffing

Very beautiful names yes or no answer

10.11.2018 14:05:40, poop sniffing

Some nonsense about the meaning of the name Daria

Good name Kira

12.02.2018 12:06:38, Nastya76

My daughter's name is Alinochka, and my name is Natalia. I read about our names with her and I liked it))) Good value))) My mother's name is Svetlana, and my mother-in-law Aida))

In my opinion, all these "values" have no meaning. Everyone is different, even though they share the same name. Just like those born on the same day - everyone is different.

12/25/2012 02:31:04 AM, so to speak

Maria, Mariam)

Comment on the article "How to name a girl? Female names and their meanings"

Women's names and their meanings. How to name a girl? The name for the daughter is based on the color of her hair. Rare and popular female names. is an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, parenting, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty...

Section: Rare and popular names (Unusual name for a girl). Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic If someone can suggest unusual, rare names that are not abbreviated and start with ...

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. The most popular names for boys and girls in the first quarter of 2017 have not changed: newborn boys are still most likely to be called Alexandra...

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. Therefore, I want a name for our girl, suitable for European hearing, but at the same time, so that if popular names do not bother, then Anna and Maria will fit anywhere.

Close the top ten among the female names Daria and Alexander. The top five rare male names that were given to newborns in the past How to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings. Name for a girl. Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names ...

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a name, patronymic Russian-Azerbaijani names for children. Help with choosing a name for a son and daughter. Names for girls starting with the letter K. While waiting for the birth of a girl, future parents sort out female ...

How to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings. name for a black girl. His name is Felix, a handsome boy. Brother, like dad, Ismar. The girl would be called, for example, Olivia - you can call Olya for short, "both ours and yours", and ...

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a name, patronymic Help with a name for a girl. There is a son Pasha (blood) and a daughter Sasha (called vDD) I shout: "Pasha Female names and their meanings. List of names for girls - origin and the meaning of the names.

Women's names and their meanings. List of names for girls - the origin and meaning of the name. Print version. 2.8 5 (3279 ratings) Rate Our list of female names includes Russian, Muslim and European names. How to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings.

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. Section: Rare and popular names (female names of the 70s). Generations of female names.

How to name a girl? There are three girls - Yana, Alina and Nelly. Please give some ideas for the fourth sister (we don’t have patronymics, and the surname is so stupid that you shouldn’t bother with it too much. How to name a girl? Female names and their meanings.

Women's names and their meanings. List of names for girls - the origin and meaning of names. Strong and sonorous female name. Section: How to name a child (voiced female names). Strong and sonorous female name. Chiara - Clara in our opinion.

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. How to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings. Calm - this is no longer a child)).

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. Rare and popular female names. Print version. 2.8 5 (3390 ratings) Rate the article. Contents: Names for girls starting with the letter A. sposibo jdu otveta.

A rare name for twin girls. Please help, which of these names, in your opinion, will be better combined with each other and with a patronymic. See other discussions on the topic "names for twin girls are rare and beautiful"

How to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings. Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. What is your favorite female name? KisyaD.

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. Section: Rare and popular names List of names for girls - the origin and meaning of the name. Christina is the second version of the name Christina. Rare beautiful women's.

Georgian female names. We choose a name for the girl to be combined with the Georgian surname. I liked Deya, but in Georgia, this Deya is listed in the dictionary of Russian names (1980 edition) as an old and rare name, also Greek in origin and meaning ...

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. I know several girls named Maya from mixed families. I have a daughter Anita, my husband and I are both Tatars. more names from mixed families - timur A name for a girl.

Section: (names for girls ilaria). name for a girl. There are Orthodox names (in the calendar) Zlata and Ilaria. We have a daughter, Zlata, if the second is born. it will be ilaria. Didn't find what you were looking for? See other discussions: What to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings.