Succeed in your new job. How to be successful at work? Outsource work that is not your specialty

To achieve success in the professional field in our time is quite difficult for both sexes, but for women, given all the stereotypes about them, male chauvinism and so on, it is an order of magnitude harder to do so. So, how can a woman succeed in her career, overcoming all the unflattering myths?

In Russia, the myth still prevails that career growth is the prerogative of the stronger sex, and ladies should be content with maintaining a home and raising children. How can a woman be successful? In this article, we will present some advice from psychologists and other professionals.

From childhood, girls are taught that they should be caring and sweet, because these qualities are ideal for the role of mother. With the same values, a woman goes to work, where she is ready to selflessly help everyone and everything. But, if you want to achieve heights at work, these are not the qualities that will help you with this. On the contrary, you need to be able to refuse requests for help if they are detrimental to you. To do this, you need to learn how to say a firm and irrefutable “no”. Moreover, you need to pronounce this word in such a way that your colleague does not even have the thought of extracting consent from you with flattery, complaints, and so on. The main thing in case of refusal is never be afraid to offend anyone: in the end, you came to make a career, and not “wipe” after irresponsible colleagues!

Thus, you will free up time to demonstrate your personal skills and talents to your superiors, to show what you are really worth.

Tip number 2. Refuse work that hinders the disclosure of potential.

No matter how much you want to demonstrate to your superiors that you are a master of all trades, capable of completing any assignment, drive this desire away. Handymen will always be found, and skilled workers are worth their weight in gold, as they were, and always will be. Take only those jobs that match your skills and education, the rest is the work of secretaries. You can achieve something only for interesting discoveries and innovations, and not for compliance and diligence. That's the whole secret.

Tip #3: Don't think that power can ruin you and your relationship.

We are used to the idea that the ideal of a woman is a defenseless, fragile and soft lady. But in business, these qualities are not valued at all: you don’t want to enter into a partnership with such people, because they are easy to manipulate and also intimidate, squeezing them out of the market. Today, strong women are valued, both at work and in life. Therefore, you should not be afraid that, having gained power, you will become masculine and not attractive to the opposite sex.

But do not confuse strength and power with heartlessness, malice. In any conditions, you need to remain human. For example, if you dream of an acting career, where there is unusually high competition, then this does not mean that you need to go over the heads, weave intrigues and substitute competitors. No, such an approach to business will not do you honor. It is necessary to find the optimal solution between softness and the title of Evil Queen. And this rule applies not only to the profession of an actress or singer, but also to less creative professions.

It is not necessary to unquestionably carry out the instructions of the authorities, passively following a verified scheme. If you see a simpler or more effective solution to a particular problem, you need to strongly point this out to both your superiors and colleagues. Thus, you will not only benefit the company, but also show your best qualities and you will be noticed as a specialist. But it is impossible to show resourcefulness in any business if you do not have a clearly stated goal. Without personal tasks, a person does not need to think with his head, only to follow a well-trodden path. When you say your goal, you put it into your every action and decision, which sooner or later will lead you to where you want to go.

To obtain a high position, not only the result is important, but also the identified traits of a leader who is ready to train and lead a new generation of employees.

It can also help you remember things you once knew but have forgotten over time. For example, in a career as a lawyer, it is very important to know all the laws and offenses by heart. But periodically it is necessary to update knowledge, because in addition to modifications of memory, laws also change: they are amended, new points are made, or obsolete ones are removed. And helping beginners, you can update your knowledge without being distracted from the workflow.

Greetings to all of you, in touch! I want to start by saying that this article was written thanks to the new section on the site. In it, absolutely each of you can choose a topic for a future article.

This time the question came from a certain Lyudmila and it sounded like this: “How to achieve success at work, if the leaders themselves strive for success and do not want to see you as a leader, but promote themselves.”

I want to say right away that in order to succeed at work, you will have to work very hard. It is important to understand that no one rises up the career ladder just like that. Often behind luck and luck lies a lot of hard work and many failures. After all, overcoming them gives us the necessary hardening and experience.

First of all, the correct one is important. Set a big goal. After that, outline the stages of moving towards it - draw up an action plan to achieve the goal.

Well, for this, here is a step-by-step plan of action for you:

1. Creation of strategic goals.

Do you need to decide what exactly you want in your activity?

You must set a super-task for yourself and draw up a specific plan for its implementation. Actions without a plan, through thoughtless trial and error, can simply bring a normal person,apart from all the fanatics and ardent workaholics.

I advise you to strive specifically for strategic goals. Although you should not completely forget everyday tasks either.

2. Active work (labor salaries).

All successful careerists "paid" for their victories.That pay is in daily hard work. Do not spare yourself and your efforts and work daily towards the fulfillment of your big goal.

3. Goodwill.

Sincere goodwill at work towards each other is one of both the firm and the individual employee considered. All people, regardless of age and social status, value open and friendly relations with people.

Psychologists are convinced that constant loneliness and anger at the whole world rob people of an average of 8 years of life! Just think about this number! Start smiling at your boss and colleagues, but just try to do it sincerely. Flattery will kill you sooner or later.

4. Readiness for mistakes and failures in work.

We are all humans first and foremost, not robots. Moreover, making mistakes and failing is one of the components of a successful career and success in general. But if you are wrong, it is important to realize this and draw the necessary conclusions in order not to make such mistakes again.

Remember that mistakes and failures make you stronger and bring you closer to your cherished dream. Move towards it and never give up.

5. Only the best result.

To succeed at work You must always do your best work. Any work is often not completed to the end - because there is always an opportunity to make it even better. Therefore, do not rush to complete your work ahead of time and think about how to do it as well as possible.

For more than ten years I have been working as an HR manager in large commercial companies. The work gave me many opportunities to observe how people behave at work, how successfully they realize their goals and ambitions. Before my eyes, managerial careers were built and destroyed, corporate intrigues were started, new leaders appeared and outsiders were forced out. Gradually, I began to understand how the corporate mechanism works and how an employee needs to act in order to benefit for himself and receive dividends from the organization, and not just chronic stress. I hope that my generalizations and conclusions will be useful for those who are looking for their way in the corporate labyrinth.

Women's career path is different from men's. There are, of course, general rules of behavior in an organization that both men and women must follow, but there are also differences. Here are a few general rules that have been proven by practice and really help women succeed at work.

1. You don't have the same rights as men at work.

Give up the illusion of equality, even if it seems to you that your organization is "modern, advanced" and you have "everyone is equal." Some Western countries have made progress on gender equality, but not our country. I'm not talking about whether it's good or bad. It is a fact. Build your behavior around this fact. You can either fight for equal rights with men, or build a career. It turns out (at best) only one of the two. I would advise you to choose a career.

2. Who is in your organization "Karabas Barabas"?

Who pulls the strings and controls everything here? Find out who this person is and stay in his wake. This may be the owner of the business, but it may be someone else. For example, the "confidant" of the owner, his friend and associate, who has great influence on him and actually manages the business. Or a hired director with broad powers (which happens, of course, rarely).

When you come to a new job, the first thing to do is find out who the Biggest Boss is and what kind of person he is. Even if you are far from "Karabas" in the hierarchy, always be aware of what his goals are now in relation to the organization, what is the "party course". Find out who is his "favorites" and who are "losers", what kind of people they are and what tasks they perform. Be a little bit of a psychologist, determine what and who is valued in your company. You do not have to share these values, but in order to be successful you must act as if you share them.

3. Strive to get and do the most "trending" projects and tasks

Women quite often "hang" on the performance of routine work, everyday tasks, the solution of which ensures the smooth functioning of the organization. They continue to "support the hearth" even at work, eventually completely merging with the hearth, in humility accepting the role of Cinderella. This is convenient and beneficial for the company, but bad for Cinderella herself. Look for opportunities to prove yourself in cases and projects that make your bosses' eyes burn. Do not try to become irreplaceable (there are no irreplaceable employees). Try to be noticeable, boldly accept the challenge.

4. In the process of communicating with colleagues, management, subordinates, express your opinion in a positive way

Show that you are optimistic about the tasks ahead of you, even if these tasks seem too difficult for you. Never tell your superiors: “It’s impossible…”, “I’m not sure…”, “We won’t be able to do it…”, “I won’t have time…”, “I think it’s too risky…”, etc. Leave your pessimism anywhere, but do not express it in any form to management. A valuable worker is not the one who "reveals" the problem, but the one who offers a solution to it.

If you understand that the task that is being "hung" on you is unrealistic, show your willingness to complete it anyway. And ask for a pause for reflection: "Can I think a little about how we can do this?" Make attempts, request additional resources, ask questions. It is better to try to complete the task than to "run into" accusations of passivity and negativism. In business, success is achieved by adventurers, optimists, people with "wings" who really do not like whiners and skeptics.

5. Be formal

Rely on documents, do not trust verbal agreements. Women for the most part know how to skillfully conduct business conversations, negotiate, seek compromises. They are more subtle than men, they can "tune in to the wave" of the interlocutor, they better understand the motives of human behavior. This feature helps women to succeed at work, but it is also a "trap" for them. Women attach too much importance to "talking" and often neglect formal procedures. Men, on the contrary, attach great importance to the bureaucratic side of the work process. They like to organize chaos, sign documents and ... insure themselves with these documents in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Women can also avoid misunderstandings if they trust words less. Record all verbal agreements, tasks, assignments at least in e-mail. Try to avoid solving important issues over the phone, especially those that involve your responsibility.

In the corporate world, form is just as important as content, and sometimes even more so.

You may think that the listed rules are too general, non-specific. However, for a successful career, your strategy is more important than your tactics. First you need to objectively assess how correct and effective your general line of behavior in the organization is. And then work out the details.

Many of the women I've worked with seriously wondered if it was okay to wear trousers to work and how it affected their careers. This is certainly an important question, but it is only one of the many questions you need to ask yourself in order to have a successful career.

The proposed rules reflect only my opinion and my experience. I am sure that you have your own achievements that have helped you achieve success at work.

How to achieve good results and what principles to follow so that your affairs develop in the best possible way? In this article, we'll give you some tips that we hope will help you make progress in your career.

1. Win the favor of the people around you

In the workplace, whether it is production, service, trade or somewhere else, in most cases you have to deal with people. Achieving harmony with others is simply necessary for successful work. Do not be too selfish, learn to be a psychologist and take into account not only your own benefits, but also the interests of others in your actions. This behavior will earn you the respect of your colleagues.

And vice versa, contradictions in the team will create negative emotional states in you, take away your mental and physical strength, and will distract attention from your main activity. In a conflict situation, it may be worth making concessions, even if at first glance it is not beneficial for you. Sooner or later, according to the boomerang principle, the loyalty of the people around you will return to you.

In no case do not envy any of your colleagues. After all, the feeling of envy, according to psychology, is a destructive emotional state. Instead, try to improve your work efficiency in order to catch up with your opponent.

2. Make your workplace as comfortable as possible

After finding a common language in the team, you can think about your workplace. Try to create an environment that helps you really calm down and focus on your work. You may need a small repair: change the color of the wallpaper, lighting, provide soundproofing in the room, acquire the necessary household or office equipment, etc. After all, work is your second home. Create conditions so that you go to work as if it were a holiday. The positive emotional state brought about by the convenience of the workplace will increase your productivity.

3. Be purposeful and hardworking

Do not be afraid to "roll the cart", that is, to do the rough work. Many great people worked hard before becoming outstanding. As they say, "water does not flow under a lying stone."

Not everyone is given to grab the stars from the sky. Most people achieve their goals through hard work and perseverance. If some business you started was not successful the first time, then do not be upset, in no case do not allow the thought that you are a loser (ca). As they say, "the first pancake is lumpy." The meaning of this saying is that the first time rarely works out well. Be sure to try again (if, of course, it's worth it), but already taking into account the mistakes made. After all, only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

4. Increase your professionalism instead of self-promotion

Some employees try to show themselves to their superiors how capable they are, or constantly hint to the director to increase their vacancy, increase salaries, etc. However, such frivolous behavior of subordinates often irritates the boss, and does not at all contribute to their career growth.

On the other hand, if the manager sees that the employee is successfully developing in his position, growing professionally and reaching a new bar in his skills, then he will naturally be happy to promote you or increase your salary.

5. Be as clear as possible about the final form of your work.

Before embarking on any task or project, try to imagine what the end result should be. You don't have to work for the sake of work. We need to strive for high efficiency. Learn to see beyond your nose. Using your logical thinking, imagine what the result of the business you start will be, what consequences it will entail. In some cases, this technique helps to save time and avoid making mistakes. For example, if a project is initially unpromising, then you should not start it and spend your efforts on it.

This question haunts, perhaps, ninety-nine percent of employees of the lower and middle levels. Every day, coming to work and doing it, we make at least small, but still steps up the career ladder? But how do you get to the top? Nothing is impossible.

And this path is quite real, and quite difficult, like any road up, it is filled with mistakes, failures and setbacks that not only prevent you from reaching the top, but also help you stay there later. Where to start?

1. Set yourself a strategic goal.
Decide for yourself what you want: a lot of money, a prestigious post, a high position, the honor of colleagues, an expensive car or your own stadium. Think carefully and decide what you want and what success is for you. Don't look up to others. Think only about your desires. After all, what is good for one may be completely unacceptable for you. First of all, a clear determinant of what kind of person, and after what time you see yourself.

Visualize. Imagine yourself as a person who has achieved the main goal. Imagine how you will dress, where you will rest, what car you will drive, etc. Visualization isn't just about getting what you want on its own. It will not happen. It will help you decide on desires, with the main goal. Think about this goal constantly, every day is your peak, changing which you will have to start all over again.

BUT never forget about the current tasks, because they bring you experience, skills and earnings. They shape your personality and feed you. Any daily duty is an opportunity to consolidate your skills, and any new task is a chance to learn something else, to master something that is beyond the current competence, but something that will help in the future.

2. Be hardworking.

Starting from scratch is hard. A high income requires significant investment. If you do not have money, do not think that you have nothing and nothing to invest in. You have strength, mind, ability. If something is missing, develop it. Read books, talk to people, attend seminars. And most importantly - do not forget to work. Do not refuse petty labor that can bring you at least insignificant, but earnings. The working day lasts 8 hours, but there are 24 of them in a day. Do not waste this time. Every day you are given the opportunity to learn something new, earn money, gain more experience. Take advantage of these opportunities. And what if they are not? They are. You need to look carefully. If you don't see, then look. Who seeks will always find. And once again - do not end your activity at the end of the working day. Train your brain and body. Read, study, solve riddles, learn languages. Develop logic and tactics, train analytical thinking - play checkers and chess.

Don't forget the body. In a healthy body healthy mind! Do sports. Alternate mental activity with physical activity. A successful person is even more successful if he is healthy, handsome and well-groomed. Such people are more disposed to themselves. And this is a fact that you can confirm by observing people you know and strangers. Sports are not only for the sake of beauty. Any physical activity - running, dancing, fitness, exercising in the gym - will help get rid of stress, negative emotions, fatigue that have piled on you after work. A lot of thoughts, problems or tasks have accumulated and you don’t know what to do with it? Switch to physical labor. Release the accumulated energy - and your brain will begin to generate new ideas, it will begin to think in a new way. You only need to refresh it. This is another fact that you can check for yourself. Refresh your mind! - they would tell you in America.

3. Be kind.

Forget the images of successful businessmen invented by cinema - iron ladies and pretentious men, whose life consists only of work and concern for their well-being. In life, you are surrounded by many people - of different sex, age, status. Someone needs you, someone needs you. It is impossible to predict whose help and when you will need it. Any person, regardless of their position in society, appreciates a benevolent attitude. Now we are not talking about the attitude of self-interest for the sake of it. Forget about it. Nobody likes flattery. Just remember always the Golden Rule and treat the people around you the way you want them to treat you. And yet, do not forget that with your colleagues you spend a significant part of your time and your life. They are your second family. And no matter how different your interests and hobbies are, be one team. Cohesion is one of the main keys to the success of the company (the company in which you plan to build your career). The ability to work in a team is necessary for everyone, even leaders.

If you consider yourself a leader and want to be the first, nevertheless, do not forget that leadership is not a separate concept. There is no leader without a team. And the status of a leader and the attitude of followers towards him primarily depends on the seed he sowed at the very beginning of joint activity.

Do good deeds. They will benefit not only others, but also yourself. Do not envy more successful people, do not get angry, and even more so do not take revenge. After all, negative emotions, envy, anger destroy your body, and steal your years - on average up to 8 years. Now remember that every hour, every minute is precious to you. Don't waste your time on the negative. After all, one mistake you make under the influence of negative emotions will be a huge and very simple step back after many carefully planned and made steps up with great effort. Again, don't waste your time. It is often much more valuable than money. Wanting to gain new knowledge, experience or emotions, we must perform certain actions in which spending money is not a prerequisite, wasting time is what we cannot do without.

Positive thinking, a positive attitude towards oneself and others is an important component of the psychological portrait of a successful person.

4. Absolutely always be prepared for failures and mistakes.

Even if your action plan is ninety-nine percent successful. There are no victories without defeats. Whatever the defeat, do not despair. Let's say you made a mistake, took a risk and lost something. Focus. Think about the benefits of making mistakes. The first and main plus is that you will be more careful next time, you will not repeat the mistake twice. But the environment and the situation in which the failure occurs could be worse next time. So we clenched our fists and thanked fate for the fact that this happened right now. You made a mistake and realized it. What now? You have become more prudent, stronger, wiser, more experienced, more focused. What else can add these qualities to you, if not a failure you experienced! Surely you have experienced stress. And you don't want to be in that situation again. And there will be a lot of similar situations, but each time they will be easier and more painless for you. Remember how to deal with stress? We switch to physical activity, relax, generate new ideas!

Only seemingly successful people seem calm and invulnerable, devoid of fears of losing and risks. But it's not. The more success, the higher the position, the more earnings, the more responsibility and stress falls on a person. Being successful means not only not being afraid to accept all these conditions, but also being able to present yourself in such a way that others do not even suspect that you have problems. After all, the more vulnerable you seem to others, the more vulnerable you actually become, the easier it is to break you.

Know how to hide problems and negative emotions. Turn on all your acting skills in order to appear to people as you want them to see you. After all, for others, you are, first of all, a set of their conclusions about you. You are successful if others think you are, and not if you think so of yourself. Play the role of a successful, self-confident, courageous person well and you will become such for your colleagues and acquaintances. But don't overdo it. People don't like being lied to.

Don't be afraid of criticism. Not perceiving the critical attitude of others is perhaps one of the weakest links, most people. Take criticism seriously. It can be both justified and caused by the envy of colleagues. In any case, listen carefully and draw your own conclusions. Do not be afraid to discuss the problem with the criticizing party. If the criticism is really objective and real, analyze your behavior and actions. Work on the bugs. If criticism is based on misunderstanding or envy, do not rush to take up arms against the interlocutor. Talk to him calmly and confidently - most likely, such your reaction will be unexpected for him and confuse him.

A little more about errors and their analysis. Take time at the end of the day to make a list of what you did today. Think about what you did right from this, what could have been done differently, what are the results of your actions. If you have doubts about the correctness of certain actions and actions, next time try to behave differently - solve the problem by a different method. Analyze the result, compare it with the previous one. This will help you keep in mind certain algorithms of actions in certain situations.

Want to minimize your mistakes? Learn from others. Connect with successful people. Develop communication skills. Feel free to get information. Don't limit yourself to just your circle of friends. Read biographies and stories of famous people - businessmen, actors, musicians, politicians, scientists, etc.

And don't forget, a mistake can be the end of a task, but for your purpose, it's just a necessary part of it.

5. Strive for the best result.

Do your best and make the most of it. Remember, no matter how you do a job, you can always do better. Performing any task, clearly set a condition for yourself, how much effort you have to spend on it and what result you want to achieve. Did you set a condition? And now you need to redo it. Always do a little more than you can. It's like in sports. Think about the seemingly unrealistic achievements of athletes - the speeds they develop, the distances they overcome, the weight they lift, etc. any athlete knows what he is capable of and with every workout he tries to do more of it. Only such work gives the desired result. Imagine that achieving your main strategic goal is also a sport, and daily tasks are training and standards. Try to train well and exceed the standard. Not for leadership. In no case do not let your time and your work be neglected. Whatever you do, do it for yourself first. You already know what you want. Do not wait for your efforts to be evaluated - only you know what you are capable of and how much your work is worth. If you are sure that in the company where you work, you have already completely exhausted yourself, do not be afraid to change something, look for something new. Keep looking, even if everything suits you. After all, just as the efforts you expend are not the limit of your capabilities, so the income and career growth received within one company is not the limit of all companies in your region, country and world. Don't be afraid to expand your horizons.

Trying your best, don't underestimate yourself. After all, your self-esteem directly affects your self-confidence and the perception of others around you. Don't look up to others. Do not think that someone has more opportunities, strength, knowledge or intelligence. You can get all this, having only desire, time and diligence.

So, let's sum up. Becoming successful in your career is not easy. Sustaining success is also not easy. A clear understanding of what you want is not just the first rung on the career ladder. This is the foundation of your success. Realize your goal and go to it - work on yourself, do not waste time - it is too expensive. Find your strengths, develop them and use them. And don't forget about the people around you. They are your spectators, your listeners and judges. They determine whether you are a successful person or not. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, they make you stronger. And most importantly, do not forget about positive thinking! In today's competitive environment, in a constant state of stress, it is very important not to give up, not to go crazy. Only calm, positive attitude will help you stay afloat. Know how to relax and rest, alternate mental work with physical. Go straight to the goal, but do not forget that you are not a robot, but a person who has such human qualities as benevolence, responsiveness and prudence.