What does the name Nastya mean from Greek. The meaning of the name Anastasia

Name Description: The name Anastasia is a derivative form male name Anastas, which in Greek means "resurrected".

In her youth, Anastasia is usually sweet and good-natured, but she has no inclination to order. In her studies, she rarely achieves significant success, but she is able to capture the very essence of knowledge. Studying is not easy for her, but thanks to the analytical mindset, all the learned information is remembered by her instantly and forever. True, the bearers of this name are gullible, so it costs nothing to deceive them.

By temperament, Anastasia is a pronounced choleric who is not able to sit in one place, reacts impulsively to all events. One of her weaknesses is her inability to take decisive action. Anastasia has a tendency to mood swings, and for any start she needs inspiration. Anastasia's parents need to make a lot of efforts to develop even a drop of discipline in their daughter.

Anastasia is well versed in people, although falling in love often smoothes this gift by closing her eyes. She is very sociable, she has a full house of guests, she loves to make many acquaintances, so it is not easy to believe that Anastasia is an introvert in her soul, closed in her own world and appreciating it more than anything else.

Anastasia gets married quite early, choosing a romantic, courageous and strong-willed person. Although Anastasia is not inclined to look for love affairs on the side, if someone decides to win her over and force her to leave her family, he can do it without difficulty. To do this, it is enough to put pressure on Anastasia's innate pity. Anastasia likes to give unusual gifts to close people, to bring them joy. She does her best to make peace with her enemies, and she often succeeds in doing so. Anastasia is cheerful, she is constantly in anticipation of a holiday and positive, despite the fact that she is not particularly lucky in life.

Date of Birth: December 22, October 14, May 5, April 28, April 15, January 21, January 4

Date of birth by Orthodox calendar: December 26, November 12, November 11, July 10, July 17, June 9, May 10, April 28, April 5, January 4

Personality Character: smart, gentle, defenseless, dreamy, trusting, devoted, caring,

Name abbreviations: Anastasiyushka, Anastaska, Nastasya, Nastya, Nasya, Nastya, Nastyulya, Nastyunya, Nastyuha, Nastya, Nastyaha

Suitable middle name: Aleksandrovna, Alekseevna, Andreevna, Antonovna, Arkadievna, Artemovna, Vadimovna, Valerievna, Vasilievna, Vitalievna, Vladislavovna, Vsevolodovna, Germanovna, Grigorievna, Denisovna, Dmitrievna, Egorovna, Igorevna, Ilyinichna, Maksimovna, Nikitichna, Nikolaevna, Olegovna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Ruslanovna, Sergeevna, Stanislavovna, Yurievna, Evgenievna, Kirillovna, Yaroslavovna

Suitable for boys or girls: only for girls

Name pronunciation: soft

Name nationality: Greek

Most suitable for zodiac signs:

Every parent wants to provide their child with a better future. One of them important missions- choose a name for the baby, because there are many beliefs about how this affects and determines the future fate of a person, emphasizes his strengths or hides weaknesses of character, brings good luck and success. In this article, we will help those parents who want to name their daughter Anastasia decide.

Origin and meaning of the name

For the girl Anastasia, her name has the following meaning - resurrecting or reborn. Historically, it originates from ancient Greek times and comes from the male name Anastas or Anastasius.

The name itself appeared for a reason. The first known Anastasias were distinguished strong character, unwavering faith in freedom and kindness to others. The first Christians who gave their lives for suffering and faith were Vasilisa and Anastasia.

Another bearer of this name, a Roman by origin from a noble family, also gave her life helping those who were imprisoned in prison. She is called the Pattern Maker. On northern territories On the Eurasian continent, Anastasia's popularity came around the 11th century. Under this name, the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise was baptized, who became the wife of the Hungarian king and did many good deeds for the people of Hungary, including performing the duties of governing the country when her husband was very ill. These examples confirm the character of Anastasia, which we will discuss in more detail later.

Did you know? Interestingly, translated from Greek the word "anastos", which became the basis for the name Nastya, means resurrected or immortal.

Name Forms

This name is quite common among Slavic peoples, because it is really sweet, affectionate and at the same time very presentable. The church form is Anastasia, which also corresponds to the full form.
In short, we are used to simply calling Nastya, but you can also give a more affectionate form, such as:

  • Nastena;
  • Stasia;
  • Nasya;
  • Nastusya;
  • Asya and others.
Derived forms are also very diverse: Anastasiyushka, Anastaska, Asyusha, Syuta.

Did you know? Interestingly, at the moment when we hear our name, we experience a very strong impact on an emotional level. The sounds of our name stimulate certain areas of the brain, thereby forcing it to form in an individual way for each of us. This explains the correspondence between the nature of people and how they are called.

Angel Day, name day

By church calendar Anastasia has a name day four times a year - the day when the memory of the saint is honored, whose name was given to a person at baptism. This day is also called Angel Day. It is believed that after baptism, a person has his own angel or patron, whose mission is to help and protect this person.

Anastasia's Angel Day falls on:

  • January 4 - the day of the Holy Anastasia, the pattern-maker, whom we spoke about earlier;
  • November 11 and 12 - the day of the Holy Martyr, who was executed for her faith in Christ around the 3rd century;
  • March 23 - the day of St. Anastasia Patricia. This woman's story is truly captivating. She became a widow early and fled from the desire of Emperor Justinian to marry her to the abba, who dressed her in male monastic clothes and sent her to wander in a cave. There the woman lived for 28 years, eating once a week a piece of bread and a jug of water. Only after her death, the story that it was not a monk who lived in the cave, but a woman, spread around the world.
According to the Orthodox calendar, Anastasia's name day is chosen so that this day is the closest after the birthday.

Did you know? On planet Earth, there is only one boy without a name, but with the surname Gatewood. The parents did not dare to give their son a name, hoping that when he grows up, he will determine for himself how he wants to be addressed. The boy never chose anything suitable for himself, being content with only a surname.

Name in different languages

Anastasia can be called differently, as in other countries the sound and letters of the name change slightly. For example, carriers in English with difficulty they will pronounce the form of this word familiar to a Russian person. They replace it with Enesteish or Stacy for short, and write it like this: Anastacia and Stacy. The French interpret the name as Anastasi or Nazi (Anastasie, Nasie). An interesting transformation is observed in the Spanish version of the diminutive form: Tacha, as well as Portuguese: Nashtacinho (Nastacinho) and Nana (Nana).

The German version sounds a bit rude: Anastasia and Stasi, and closer to Austria the name changes radically to Staserl.
If you go to Ireland, you will hear an interesting form there: Annstast or Stashy. The Bulgarian version sounds “tasty”: Anastasi, Taska, Siyka, Shinka. On Chinese the name is pronounced as Anasytasia, but the Japanese will say - Fukkatsumi.

The nature and fate of people with that name in history

History keeps in memory quite a few great women named Anastasia, who had great importance for the events of the whole world, and we will now briefly talk about them.

Let's start with the most famous woman in Europe, whose name is Roksolana. She is a Ukrainian girl, the daughter of a priest, who fell into slavery to the Ottoman Sultan and turned the course of events in her direction, becoming the legal wife of Sultan Suleiman, the mother of 5 sons and 1 daughter, the love of his life, a true friend and adviser. At birth, Roksolana was christened Anastasia with a surname Lisovskaya. They wrote stories and poems about her life, composed legends, on which they learned to become strong women, defend their rights and give their sincere pure love, because this is a real amulet, protection, the greatest power.
Another example strong woman, a support for her husband, the King of Hungary, was the daughter of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, who was also baptized as Anastasia. She took care of the cultural issues of the country, and also replaced her husband when he became very ill, making important political decisions.

Let's remember Russian fairy tales, how many Nastasyas can be found there! Dobrynya Nikitich's wife was Nastasya Mikulishna, strong both in character and physically, her image confirms the meaning of the female name Anastasia. Nastya from "Morozko" is known for her tenderness, and Nastya from the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" is known for her kindness.

The first wife of Ivan the Terrible was Anastasia Romanovna. It is said that this woman had the power to soften the too ardent and harsh nature of her husband. After her death, Ivan the Terrible again gained fame as a cruel man.
There is a legend that the daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, Anastasia, managed to escape the night her family was shot. Many may know this story from the children's cartoon "Anastasia".

The main character traits of people with this name

The character of this girl will change as she grows up and gets to know this world. As a child, she is distinguished by great imagination, love of dreams, flying into the clouds. She is troubled by her defenselessness, because she trusts everyone and everyone, falling into the hands of cunning and evil people. But her reaction to the offender, whom Nastya will not take revenge on, can be considered a big plus.

In adolescence, the girl is no longer so trusting and open. The habit of doing everything at will also remains in her character, and it changes quite often. And no matter how hard you try, it is absolutely impossible to force her to do what she does not want.
In appearance, you might think that Nastya is very self-confident, has her own goal and goes towards it, but under this shell there is a very vulnerable girl who needs support. This young lady steps into adulthood very carefully, approaching each step measuredly, slowly, thus trying to avoid mistakes or failures.

Adult Nastya has already learned not to tolerate offenders and even repay them in kind. In appearance, the image of a cold lady can be created, but again, this is just a shell. This woman still knows how and loves to dream, she has a kind soul, a devoted heart.

This person will easily break his principles, provided he is fully confident that this sacrifice was not made in vain. Nastya is always under the gun of male gazes, and she likes it, but she will choose a life partner very scrupulously, checking him in all respects.

She will try to brighten up her indecision with a strong and confident man next to her. The same cannot be said about sex life, because Nastya knows a lot about this and is looking for a companion with even more knowledge. At the same time, such a lady will love her husband with all her heart, be jealous, carefully hiding it, and forgive. In addition, she has a love for home comfort.

Important! The choice of profession largely depends on the character. Nastya is suitable for a creative direction. She will show herself perfectly, doing the work of a nurse, lawyer, psychologist or stewardess. Setting a big task for this person is not a problem, but the implementation will require additional resources in the form of efforts and a source of desire.

So briefly, we can offer a description of what the name Anastasia means, given the nature and qualities that its owners have.

Name astrology

Choosing a name for a child, it is worth considering the astrological component. Everyone is born on a certain day when the stars, moon and planets are in a certain order. So we can determine approximately the character born child in future. The same thing happens with the name: by creating certain sound vibrations when pronouncing the name of the baby, we influence his brain and thus form his future perception of the world.

Here it is important to choose these sounds so that they do not contradict the stars. In other words, Nastya and her character must be compared with information about the zodiac sign by the date of birth of her daughter.
So, the zodiac sign Scorpio ideally emphasizes the strengths of Anastasia's character. Among strengths one can distinguish an analytical approach to the analysis of the situation, perseverance in achieving the desired, the ability to work and get pleasure from it and agility in life circumstances, the ability to be “amorphous”, to adjust oneself to the outside world.

Anastasia's planet is Pluto, thanks to which these people have great power within themselves, which helps them through life. The plant-symbol is jasmine, tobacco and orchid, which personify beauty, grace and grace. But among animals, a Siamese cat will become a talisman, which will bring prosperity to the house.

Suitable colors are green and its dark shade, which are symbols of kindness and honesty, the ability to take risks and the ability to earn good money. But people with this color more often than others can feel strong resentment.

Many have heard that natural stone can become a real talisman, but only if it is properly selected. These natural minerals have great power and can influence people to show their best and worst sides.
To show off with better side, Nastya needs to wear stones such as:

  • emerald - brings joy and takes away longing, gives sincerity, but can punish a liar with illness;
  • fire opal is a real defense against evil eyes and tongues, as well as strengthening the health of the body and spirit;
  • zircon is a source of joy and optimism, love and good luck;
  • fluorite - calms Nastya, helps her always think soberly;
  • carnelian - this stone will help you to control yourself with confidence;
  • chrysoprase is the real source of success.
As you noticed, the astrology of the name Anastasia allows you to find out not only what it means, but everything about it: character, strengths and weaknesses, symbols and amulets.

Did you know? The name of the interlocutor will help you quickly establish trusting relationships with other people. Try to say it more often if you want to gain confidence, and you will be pleasantly surprised. Such a “magical” influence of the name has long been noticed by psychologists, and it is confirmed by the fact that a person involuntarily recalls his childhood, the most pleasant moments, parents, home, and therefore generates positive thoughts and, accordingly, sympathy for you.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

Now let's dwell on what the name Nastya can spell, because this also has its own meaning. The presence of a letter "A" especially in the first place in the name, it says that a person knows how to direct his activity to achieve his goal, which may be several at once. We can say that such a person is a real leader.

Such character traits as honesty, the ability to predict, pickiness and skepticism, gives a person a letter "N". "WITH" is associated with the desire, which manifests itself in the desire to live beautifully and not worry once again about money, choose a worthy partner for yourself, work hard and for the good of society. "T" brings a share of creativity to the character, the ability to think outside the standard. It is also the reason for quick amorousness, but also for passionate passion. Letter "AND" means the connection of a person with nature, his ability to have a sound mind, prudence in choosing, external attractiveness and a sense of taste. But people with this letter in their name can often change their life partner. "I" is considered a key letter in shaping the personality and self-esteem of a person who seeks to respect himself, and therefore others.
From childhood, it is necessary to make it clear to your child that he is important person in this world. So you will engender in him the core he needs in the future. By pronouncing the letters of his name, you send certain sound vibrations that affect the brain of a child at any age and shape it all the time. The significance of this procedure also takes place for those with the name Anastasia, and for this there are portfolios in verse with this name. So you can also develop the girl’s memory by reading poetry every day, for example, before going to bed, stimulating her to memorize the lines. Here are some examples of such short and very useful rhymes:

Anastasia - modesty, beauty,

Spring light over clear meadows.

Souls of beautiful, tender height,

And the royal name is decorated with flowers.

There is beauty and strength in your name,

There is tenderness in him and steel, Anastasia.

Blue skies, golden sunsets,

Elm frost and joy are simple.

Autumn bonfires, ringing wind,

And the sound of rain, and the song at dawn.

And I want only one thing:

Stay the same, be yourself!

Now you know what the name Anastasia means, where it came from and what aspects of character it can develop in its owners. This information will help you decide to name the girl that way and take care of her future. Inconsistency in the date of birth and name can bring certain misunderstandings, unanswered questions, confusion and a feeling of unhappiness into your daughter's life.

Anastasia- noble and gentle female name. It is popular not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries, it is one of the five most common. Girls with this name are distinguished by beauty, intelligence, kindness and justice.

Origin and translation of the name Anastasia

Sound in different languages:

  • in English - "Enestecia" (endings - cia or sia);
  • in Spanish the sound is the same, but short form- "Tacha";
  • in Japanese and Chinese - Anasutasia and Anasytasia;
  • in Germany and Poland the sound is similar - "Anastasia".

In ancient times, this name, which is a form of the male - Anastasius, was called children of different class groups: from peasants to representatives of the royal court.

The very first famous person in history - the wife of Ivan the Terrible. There is an opinion that it was this woman who could soften the tough character of the king at the right time. At baptism, the name Anastasia sounds the same, it is in Christmas time.

The nature of the name

You can rightfully be called a charming personality, because you are an excellent friend, well-mannered, witty, kind, always ready to help and able to behave with dignity. Your talents and successes are admired by everyone.

You have an ebullient sexual and emotional energy, but you know how to perfectly control yourself. Therefore, you are not afraid of loneliness or asceticism. Such restraint of feelings often gives your character bizarre features.

You are very picky about your surroundings and choice of friends, often building a “wall” of alienation and secrecy around you until you are sure that there are no personalities that you don’t like. However, when communicating with people close to you, you show all your natural charm and charm.

However, there is something of a "lone wolf" in you. This creates some difficulties for others in communicating with you - you seem to them somewhat aloof and detached from the "worldly fuss".

What does a name mean for a girl

Girl Nastya is loved by everyone at home and at school. This is due to the complaisant nature, the ability to communicate politely and not offend others.

A good-natured child is in great need of encouragement and support from his parents. A cunning and evil person can easily offend a simple-minded girl, because she believes that the world is filled with kindness.

Despite the kindness and complaisance, the name for the girl Anastasia promises certain difficulties. The child is dependent on his mood, he will not do anything if he does not want to.

At school, she will pay maximum attention to the subject if it is of interest, otherwise she will not waste her precious time. The same goes for helping parents around the house.

Nastya's health is strong, but she has problems with her appetite. You will have to show a considerable amount of fantasy to make the girl eat soup or healthy porridge.

Character of an adult woman

Over time, the girl becomes more confident, trusts people less, learns to fight back. Sometimes people perceive such behavior as aggression, presenting it as a rather cold person. However, thanks to this, the girl copes well with difficulties, is able to reason sensibly even in extreme situations.

Best of all, the girl manifests herself in the creative field, but if there is an interest in science, she will become a successful scientist, researcher or physician.

You are a closed person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one's own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement.

And each such choice increases the distance between you and the outside world.
Over time, this "shell" becomes thicker, and the opportunity to "go outside" becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the most durable shell may one day not withstand external pressure, burst.

And then, despite all your outstanding ability, You will be defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intellect nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant they are, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of "interpenetration", without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to consider your individual qualities not as a product that can be "sold", but as a tool for teamwork. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot”, but the location of others is not a trifle.


From the owners of the name Nastya, as a rule, trendsetters for a narrow circle are obtained. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, representatives of which, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can "afford not to follow fashion."

The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body looks on its own, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood.

That is why you give the impression of youth for a long time, each time appearing in a new guise, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

The character traits of an adult girl are, first of all, good manners, honesty and morality. However, if you need to do everything to achieve your cherished goal, a woman will easily give up her moral principles. The biggest career success awaits her in art.

Anastasia tends to allergic reactions, so you should be as careful as possible when planning a trip while on vacation. Carelessness can lead to frequent injuries. In addition, problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are not excluded, nervous system and kidneys.

Love and marriage

The name Anastasia in love symbolizes success among the stronger sex. Men like to protect her, take care of her.

However, the girl can hardly be called frivolous or overly amorous; she takes the choice of a half very seriously. She doesn't like guys who can't provide for themselves or answer for their actions.

A girl can get married early if she is confident in her chosen one. Ideal partner- A man in uniform. It can be a policeman or a soldier with whom she will feel as protected as possible.

IN family relationships understanding and trust is important for her, as the girl is jealous and hard to endure conflicts.

Owners of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. "Sixes" value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty good name more than immediate benefits.

They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. "Sixes" do not differ in leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers.

There are arrogant and self-satisfied "sixes", but for most of them the main guideline in life is the family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Nastya

H- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
A- a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
WITHcommon sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.
T- an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and opportunities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.
I- self-esteem, the desire to achieve respect and love of the environment and the ability to get them.

Anastasia, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity”. You are extremely choosy in any relationships, whether it be friendship or a closer relationship.

In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him.

But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you have set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for a partner misled by your external closeness and aloofness.

The best partners for a faithful and responsible girl will be Konstantin, Bogdan, Pavel, Denis, Ilya, Viktor, as well as Nikita, Vladimir. You should not link your fate with Nikolai, Vadim, Stanislav, Anton and Vitaly.

Alexey and Anastasia

This union is dominated by spiritual principles rather than material ones. Relationships are built on shared interests and creative hobbies. If the life of two lovers has the same goal, then a happy and long marriage is possible.

Denis and Anastasia

The good compatibility of Anastasia and Denis is associated with the similarity in the nature of the two personalities. They like to be alone with each other, to be together in a noisy company. Their relationship is dominated by a sense of humor, strong emotions, a whirlwind of impressions. The main thing is to try to save all this for a long time.

Roman and Nastya

In this pair, the woman is the clear leader, which sometimes leads to negative consequences. Both natures are distinguished by sensitivity and vulnerability, but they know how to forgive insults. If you do not dwell on your own problems, the couple will be able to live happily ever after in marriage.

Anton and Nastya

Here, an emotional and rather restless man cannot coexist harmoniously with a vulnerable, quick-tempered girl. Their romance is passionate, but filled with quarrels and distrust. Even after marriage, lovers cannot live in peace, experiencing serious emotional trials.

Ilya with Anastasia

The excellent compatibility of Nastya and Ilya is explained by calmness and harmony in relations. They are faithful to each other, always consult before making a serious decision. Living together this couple is a reason for the envy of others.

Nikita with Nastya

The girl in this pair feels as protected as possible, because a self-confident man will never offend his beloved. In turn, the woman gives him warmth, care and tenderness. The strength of the union and a high probability of a happy marriage are noted.

Patron, stone and flower of Anastasia

Colors suitable for a girl are all shades of green, especially dark ones. They symbolize responsiveness and harmony.

The main stone is malachite (attracts friendship, love, energizes). In addition, opal, emerald and fluorite will be suitable. Of the metals, steel is most suitable (symbolizes the firmness of convictions and determination).

The patron planet for a refined nature is Pluto. The zodiac sign is Scorpio, which fully justifies the main character traits of a girl.

Totem animal - Siamese cat - devoted, independent and self-sufficient, as well as post pigeon. Mascot plants for Nastya are tobacco, orchid and jasmine.

Nastya's name day

Name Day in the summer falls on: June 1, 5 and 9; July 4 and 17; 10th of August. In the autumn season - November 11 and 12.


  • in December - 17, 26;
  • in January - 4;
  • in February - 8.

In spring time:

  • in March - 23;
  • in April - 5, 28;
  • in May - 10, 28.

Origin and meaning

The name Anastasia is the female version of the ancient Greek male name Anastasius (Anastas), which comes from Anastasios and originally means "relocation". Now it is translated in most available sources as “resurrected”, “returned to life”, “rebirth”, “resurrection”, “resurrecting”. This is a fairly popular name in Russia and Europe.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  • Ruler Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman stone: malachite, opal, emerald
  • Color: dark green, orange
  • plant: orchid, jasmine
  • Animal: Siamese cat
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

The secret of the name lies in the fact that this is usually the name of the desired and long-awaited daughter, but it cannot be said that the child grows up spoiled. She really is allowed a lot, and Anastasia is a universal favorite, but at the same time the girl is very sincere, sympathetic and kind. A rich imagination often takes a little dreamer to a fairy-tale fantasy world, which can be easily seen in the character of an adult Nastya. Parents need to make a lot of efforts to educate the girl in diligence and the ability to concentrate, without being distracted by dreams. These skills will be very useful to her in the future.

Anastasia is a good helper in household chores: she cooks well, keeps the house in order. The adult bearer of the name has a very soft and responsive character, knows how not to give out secrets and often becomes the keeper of other people's secrets. You can always turn to her for help. However, with all the "fluffiness of character" - this is a strong-willed and unbending person who cannot be bought or forced to commit a vile act. She has excellent analytical skills and a practical mindset, which in most cases helps her answer "no" to those who wish to use her as a free or cheap labor force.

Nevertheless, Anastasia is still very naive, and this is the reason for frequent love disappointments in her youth. The girl gives the impression of a self-confident person, but this is not entirely true. A harmonious personality, with all its morality, sometimes allows itself deals with conscience, for which it then has to make excuses in the soul for a long time. Being a sociable introvert, she has a wide range character changes - from unbridled fun to prolonged depression.

Interests and hobbies

Even as a child, Nastya is fond of needlework - knitting, sewing, which over time can develop into professional activity. Shows a deep interest in natural science and physical laws. Loves to decorate.

Profession and business

The philanthropic Anastasia always chooses a profession that “helps people”: a doctor or a teacher, a flight attendant, Social worker, journalist or lifeguard. She easily wins people over, but is able to be strict when necessary. In the team, she resembles a diligent schoolgirl and can captivate with her example. She brilliantly copes with business negotiations, but an independent business is too heavy a burden for her. In any case, the chosen profession allows you to provide the necessary level of financial independence.


At Anastasia's good health, which causes some irresponsible workaholism and carelessness in relation to oneself. The kidneys are especially vulnerable, and situations with a high risk of injury must also be avoided.

Sex and love

A woman in love named Anastasia often makes wrong decisions and gets ahead of events, and then is disappointed. Sometimes it can be cunning in a relationship so as not to injure a partner. In general, she is an amorous nature, plunges headlong into a tender feeling and demands the same attitude towards her person.

Family and marriage

Marriage is very early, when a young girl is easy to conquer. At this time, she is sympathetic, sensitive and impressionable. If an early marriage did not take place, then the next union is possible already in adulthood, when a woman already fully understands what her husband should be like. She needs a strong and reliable shoulder to lean on. An excellent hostess and caring mother, Anastasia delights her husband with her meek and at the same time not at all defenseless femininity.

Short form of the name Anastasia. Nastasya, Nastasia, Anastasya, Nastasya, Nastya, Nastya, Nasya, Nasa, Nata, Nana, Naya, Nyura, Nyusya, Nastya, Tyona, Nastya, Nastusya, Tusya, Tasya, Stazka, Staza.
Synonyms for the name Anastasia. Enesteysha, Anastasi, Nastasia, Nastasia, Anastasia.
Origin of the name Anastasia The name Anastasia is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

Name Anastasia - female form male name Anastasius. Translated from Greek means "return to life", "resurrection", "resurrected", "reborn", "immortal". Folk Russian form - Nastasya.

Among the Orthodox, saints with the name of Anastasia are especially revered - the Great Martyr Anastasia (Anastasia the Patterner), who is the patroness of pregnant women and prisoners, and Anastasia Rimlyanina (Anastasia the Elder) - the patroness of livestock. For the name Anastasia, Orthodox name days are indicated.

Anastasia has been desired children since childhood. Nastya is very trusting, kind and completely forgiving. Little girl Nastya loves fairy tales very much, she has a well-developed imagination, she knows how to come up with both a game and fun. Diligence is an integral feature of the owners of this name, but in childhood you need to stubbornly instill it in a girl, as she loves to dream, and this constantly distracts her. Over time, it is these qualities - diligence, diligence, perseverance, brought up in childhood - that will play an important role in her life.

Anastasia is a good craftswoman - she knows how to sew and knit, and cooks well. Having matured, she will strive to keep her house clean, she will be strict, but fair in this respect to both her husband and children. She does not like to keep anything extra in the house. Everything that has already become unnecessary, she will either give without regret, if it can be given, or throw it away. Nastya loves to surround her comfort with flowers, paintings, carpets. In her house you can always find a beautiful box and an unusual trinket. But with Nastenka, all these things will be useful, serve her in the household.

Nastya is philanthropic, she is a very sincere and sympathetic person, pity and mercy are not alien to her. Many devote her to their own secrets, she knows how to keep secrets. Most often, Anastasia chooses those professions where she can help people, can give her warmth, take care of someone. She can become a nurse, an educator kindergarten, psychologist. Also, fantasy continues to live in adult Anastasia, therefore, it happens that Nastya chooses romantic, and sometimes dangerous professions. They can become artists, circus performers, rescuers, climbers. Anastasia is always ready to sacrifice her desires, her time in favor of another person.

Anastasia is a very strong-willed person, unbending, firm. She cannot be bribed, forced, she can only be convinced that she is necessary, but only if this is really so. Nastya will not run for you to collect cranberries in the swamp if you are able to do it yourself, but she will pick up cranberries, and bring mushrooms, and bring water, and cook porridge for the old woman, even if she does not ask for anything.

Anastasia always wants to be protected, she is dependent on the one she loves. And that is why she only marries a strong man who can support her and her family. Most often, Anastasia gets married early. Women named Nastya are caring, faithful wives and loving mothers.

sound. Anastasia - Pretty long name consisting of five syllables. Almost everyone pays attention to its beauty. Many also note tenderness (90%), majesty (87%) and strength (86%) of the sound of the name. Some hear in him a certain femininity (85%). The most similar names in terms of phonosemantic profile are Natalya, Ksenia and Nelly.

Name day Anastasia

Anastasia celebrates name days on January 4, March 23, April 5, April 28, May 10, June 1, June 9, July 4, July 17, August 10, November 11, November 12, December 26.

Famous people named Anastasia

  • Anastasia Vertinskaya (actress)
  • Anastasia Liukin (gymnast)
  • Anastasia Ermakova (4-time Olympic champion in synchronized swimming)
  • Anastasia Volochkova (Russian ballerina)
  • Anastasia Romanovna (first wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible)
  • Anastasia Tsvetaeva (writer)
  • Anastasia Tatareva ((born 1997) Russian gymnast. At the 1st European Games in 2015, she twice took first place, has gold and silver medals at the World Championships of the same year.)
  • Anastasia Vyaltseva (Russian pop singer)
  • Anastasia Mintskovskaya, usually just Anastasia (Russian pop singer)
  • Nastya Poleva (Russian rock singer, soloist of the Nastya group)
  • Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (Honored Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter)
  • Enestecia (American pop singer)
  • Stacey Keenan (American film actress)