Symbol of history as a science, children's drawing. Complete encyclopedia of symbols

Every culture of antiquity left behind a large number of characters. They arose as a way of depicting deities, supernatural and ordinary phenomena in the life of the people. Most often, symbols were directly related to religion, with the help of which the bearers of a particular culture learned and explained the world around them. Intricate images were used in various rituals. Many of them were solved by historians and archaeologists only after lengthy research.

Ancient Slavs

They are known for their love for various images. Ancient symbols of this people can be found on a vast territory from the Volga to Germany and the Balkans. Even before it was divided into tribal unions and groups, common drawings appeared in everyday life. These include the symbols of Ancient Rus'.

The Sun played a great role in the images. There were several signs for him. For example, it was a caroler. It was worn mainly by men who wanted to gain wisdom in battle and everyday life. God Kolyada was responsible in the Slavic worldview for the constant renewal of the world and the victory of light over darkness.

Overcome grass was used as a talisman against evil lower spirits. It was worn on clothes, armor, weapons, etc. The symbols of the ancient Slavs included the ratiborets. It was the sign of a warrior, for whom the most important thing was courage, bravery and honor. It was believed that the warrior bestows these qualities on everyone who sincerely and passionately loves their homeland and home. Most often he was depicted using engraving - an art in which the Slavs knew a lot. Like many other ancient symbols, the ratiborets was a solar sign, a little like the Sun. In this series, the swastika stands out especially, denoting the eternal cycle of the Universe. The person wearing it recognized his allegiance to the higher forces of nature.

The symbols of the ancient Slavs were also identified with the family - the smallest unit of any society. It was a wedding ceremony, meaning the fusion of body, soul, conscience and spirit of those who enter into a marital union.

Symbols of the elements among the Slavs

Many ancient symbols came from the tradition of worshiping fire as the greatest element. Several of these can be cited. Yarovrat was worn by worshipers of God Yaro, who, with the help of the powers of fire, controlled the weather, which means he was in charge of the harvest. Therefore, those wishing to obtain a large number of crops used this sign. Doukhobor also symbolized fire, but only internal fire. This was the symbol of the flame of life. If a person in the tribe fell ill, he was covered with bandages with Doukhobor. The thunderstorm helped protect churches and houses from bad weather, thunderstorms, storms and other disasters.

The symbol of the earth among the ancient Slavs is solard. The soil was also associated with the cult of motherhood, which was practiced by some tribes. The prosperity of the land meant a stable growth of food and a satisfying life for the family.

Runic alphabet

Scandinavian runes were used by numerous Germanic tribes. They had a developed mythology with their own unique images associated with the harsh living conditions of this people. Runes were not only symbols, but also written signs. They were applied to stones to convey one or another message. They wrote epic sagas telling about the history and myths of the Germans.

However, each sign, if considered separately, also had its own meaning. The runic alphabet consists of 24 runes, divided into three rows of 8 each. About 5 thousand surviving inscriptions in this amazing language have been found in the world. Most of these artifacts are found in Sweden.

Examples of runes

The first rune, Fehu, meant livestock, and in a broad sense - any personal property of a German. Uruz symbolized a bull or bison. Thus, the difference between the first and second sign was that in one case a domestic animal was meant, and in the second a wild and free animal.

Thurisaz meant a sharp thorn or hammer of Thor, one of the main gods of the Germanic pantheon. It was used to ensure that the person wearing it had good luck, as well as protection from hostile forces. Ansuz is an image of open lips, that is, a replica or spoken wisdom. In addition, this is a sign of caution, since the Scandinavian peoples believed that clever man will never be rash.

Raido is the cart or path ahead of the wanderer. The ancient symbols and their meaning among the Germans often had a double meaning. Kenaz is a sign of fire. But this flame is friendly. Most often, such a fire meant a torch that would warm a person and give him a feeling of comfort and homeliness.

The next two runes symbolize joy. Gebo is a gift and generosity. He was depicted as a sign of good intentions. If runes were used in fortune telling, then the Gebo that fell out was great luck for the person who was about to a pleasant surprise in future. Ancient signs and symbols even now often become material for the occult ministries of neopagans. Vunyo means joy. It was often used in conjunction with Gebo. If it was written next to another rune, then this meant success or good luck in the sphere that the neighboring sign symbolized. For example, Vunyo and Fehu were an omen of a large increase in livestock.

Some runes were synonymous with natural elements, their presence can be found in almost all peoples and cultures. For example, Laguz is a symbol of water, a lake, or even intuition in a figurative sense.

Development of runic writing

Interestingly, over time, common runes split into several alphabet variants for different nations, from the borders of the Roman Empire to the extreme polar north of Norway. The most common is the so-called Proto-Scandinavian version, from which all subsequent ones came. It was used until the 8th century AD, which corresponds to the Iron Age in these territories. Most often, such runes are found on ancient weapons, armor and roadside stones. Such symbols were used in magical and religious rituals in the future. Sacred and memorial inscriptions are still found in necropolises and thickets.

IN Eastern Europe Gothic runes brought here from Scandinavia became widespread. They can be found even in Ukraine and Romania. After some Germanic people settled in the British Isles, they developed their own variation of this writing system. This was due to isolation from their former homeland and assimilation with the “natives” - the Angles, Saxons, etc. They acquired new runes, many of which began to denote double sounds in writing (linguists call them diphthongs). These have been preserved even in modern German.

They are considered especially exotic. They appeared on a distant island, which was then considered the northwestern edge of the world. They are characterized by the use of dotted lines. These runes were in use until the 14th century. As for the Scandinavian signs, they disappeared with the advent of Christianity in the kingdoms of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The use of runes was considered heresy and was severely punished by the authorities.

Ancient Egypt

One of the most famous symbols of Ancient Egypt is the Ankh. This is a cross, which is crowned with a ring on top. It symbolized life and eternity. There are also interpretations of the cross and the ring as signs of the rising sun, the union of the masculine and feminine principles. The Ankh was used in burial rituals, as the Egyptians believed that those buried with the Ankh in the sarcophagus would receive an eternal afterlife.

In everyday life, a rounded cross also meant prosperity and happiness. It was often carried with them as a talisman and a talisman for good luck. The ankh was used to protect against dark magic. In addition, his images were even found on the walls of river canals. The Egyptians were very dependent on how the Nile would flood and what the harvest would be like. That is why the Ankh was painted inside the canal, so that no harm would happen to it, and the natural elements remained friendly to the inhabitants.

It is curious that after the ancient Egyptian culture faded into oblivion, Ankh managed to survive. For some time on the banks of the Nile she triumphed ancient culture, and later Islam came. But back in the first centuries AD, Christians appeared here and founded their Coptic community. It was they who adopted the Ankh because of its external resemblance to the cross.

Eye of Horus

Another important Egyptian symbol is the all-seeing eye. The image of a painted eye is a reference to the god Horus, who is the master of the sky. The spiral that was drawn under the eye meant the eternal movement of energy. This symbol was often used as a talisman against troubles and evil spirits.

In Egyptian mythology, there is a story about the battle of Horus and Set. This is a common metaphor for the struggle between good and evil. Since Horus was the personification of everything bright, healers and priests began to use his sign to treat the sick and those injured in battles. The Egyptians also had developed mathematics. The Eye of Horus found its application here too - it denoted a fraction.

Scarabs and Isis

Another popular symbol of Ancient Egypt is the scarab. The beetles that lived in dung and made balls out of it represented hard work. In addition, they were associated with the sun god Ra, who, like insects, moved this light source every day. Scarabs were popular talismans, seals and even medals for services to the pharaoh. Beetle figurines were used in afterlife ceremonies. They were placed in the sarcophagus of the dead or even placed in the place where the heart used to be (all organs were cut out and placed in separate vessels). Ancient symbols often had such a dual use - in everyday life and at funerals. Residents of the banks of the Nile had a reverent attitude towards death.

Figurines of the goddess Isis often came across treasure hunters in treasuries. It was a symbol of land, fertility and prosperity. Isis is one of the most revered gods of this pantheon. The symbol of water in Egypt meant life. And it is not surprising, because this culture was based on the banks of the Nile, beyond which there was a dead and merciless desert.

The symbols of Ancient Egypt are included in modern culture after the fashion for art deco appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 1920s, all of Europe and the United States watched with bated breath the discoveries of archaeologists. These were pyramids and hidden tombs, the most famous of which were left on the walls as stories and omens.


The Roman Empire was built around its capital. For many centuries, the capital was a symbol of the center of the ancient world. Therefore, there was a special cult of this city in the Roman pantheon. Its symbol was the Capitoline wolf.

According to myth, the founders of Rome, the brothers Romulus and Remus, were royal children. After their uncle came to power during the coup, he ordered the babies to be thrown into the river. This was done, but they survived after they were found by the Capitoline wolf, who fed them. When the children grew up, Romulus founded Rome and became king of a new state that lasted for another millennium.

That's why all the symbols Ancient Rome faded before the she-wolf. Her bronze sculpture stood at the capital's forum, where the most important government decisions were made. The image became iconic and was often used by townspeople.

In Rome, ancient symbols and their meanings were often associated with power. For example, when it was still just a small republic, magistracy played a big role in it. This was an elected position for one year. The lictor had a symbol of power that distinguished him from the general row of townspeople. These are fascias - bundles of birch or elm twigs covered with a belt or cord. An ax was also used as a symbol, which meant that the person carrying it could execute the guilty.

Ancient Greece

Roman mythology was largely formed under the influence of another great culture - Greek. Therefore, some of the designations of Hellas were also relevant for the Italians.

For example, characters Ancient Greece include an image of the staff of Asclepius, the god of medicine and healing. According to legend, he was called by a Cretan who asked him to resurrect his prematurely dead son. Asclepius walked into the palace with a staff in his hand. At some point, he was attacked by a snake, but the man killed it with his stick. Following the first, a second reptile crawled up, which had grass in its mouth. With her help, she resurrected the snake. Then Asclepius took this plant with him to the palace and helped Minos. Since then, the staff with the snake has become

Another variation that exists in modern times is the cup of Hygeia with a snake. This girl was the daughter of Asclepius. The symbol has become an international sign of medicine.

Another image of a staff common in Greece and adopted by Rome is the Caduceus. used by heralds who announced the end of war between states (for example, between Athens and Sparta). Therefore, the Caduceus became used by both the Greeks and the Romans. The image migrated to medieval European heraldry.

Ancient love symbols in Greece included the butterfly. This beautiful insect was associated with family harmony and happiness.

Each symbol means something and is intended for something. We see them every day and without even thinking, in most cases we know what they mean. Of course, they make our lives easier. However, few of us know their origin and original meaning. Below we will look at 10 well-known symbols and tell their history.

10. Heart symbol

The heart-shaped symbol is known all over the world and usually signifies love and romance. But why do we instinctively perceive it as a heart, because it does not at all resemble a real human heart?
There are several theories about where this symbol came from and how it became what we know it today. Some theories claim that the symbol is associated with a well-known part human body. To understand which part of the body we are talking about, simply turn the symbol over. However, there is little evidence for this theory.

Others believe, based on ancient drawings of this symbol, that the “heart” is nothing more than an image of ivy leaves, a plant associated with fidelity.
An even more plausible explanation comes from the now extinct silphium plant. It once grew in abundance along a small stretch of coastline North Africa. It was revered by both the Greeks and Romans for its healing properties, and was also a means of birth control.

The Greek colony of Cyrene, located in the region that today belongs to Libya, became rich thanks to this plant and even stamped it on their coins. On them we see the well-known symbol.
However, due to the plant's small habitat and high demand for it, it became extinct by the first century BC.

Another theory of the origin of this symbol comes from the Middle Ages. Based on the writings of Aristotle, where he describes the heart as having three chambers and a cavity, the 14th century Italian physician Guido da Vigevano made a series of anatomical drawings in which he depicted the heart in exactly this form.
This image of the heart gained popularity during the Renaissance, and it increasingly began to appear in religious art. From there it came to us as a symbol of love and affection.

9. Yin-Yang

The Yin-Yang symbol is deeply rooted in Chinese philosophy and is also a key element in the Taoist religion in China. Today it can be found everywhere. Its meaning is as simple as it is complex.
The concept of yin and yang was first discussed in the 3rd century BC, when interest in philosophy appeared. Both yin and yang are both good and bad, they are two sides of the same coin. Yin can turn into yang and vice versa. The point from which each sign begins represents potential, the opposite seed.

Yin is the feminine side, which manifests such things as darkness, water, cold, softness, passivity, north, transformation, introspection, it gives spirit to everything. On the other hand, yang is light, mountains, fire, heat, sun, action, movement, yang gives form to all things.
Taoism believes in the idea of ​​embracing both aspects to find balance in everything. To understand how strong this concept is in China, just look at the names of some settlements.

Villages on the sunny side of valleys and rivers have names like Liuyang and Shiyang, while those on the opposite side have names like Jianging.

8. Bluetooth symbol

At first glance, there is no connection between this wireless technology and the blue tooth (that is how it is translated literally from English word bluetooth). But believe it or not, there is actually a connection.
This technology was invented back in 1994 by the Swedish telecommunications company Ericsson. In keeping with Sweden's Viking past, the symbol is two runes joined together. Rune N and rune B, together they form a well-known symbol.

But what do they have in common with a blue tooth? This is the surname of the first Viking king of Denmark, Harald Blåtand. And the Swedish word “blatand” means “blue tooth”. Harald lived from 910 to 987. AD and during his life managed to unite all the Danish tribes, and later captured Norway, ruling it until his death.
He is also credited with the adoption of Christianity by the Danes. He did this more for political and economic reasons than anything else, to avoid the Holy Roman Empire moving south and also to preserve his trading partners.

The origin of his last name, Blue Tooth, is a mystery. Some believe he may have enjoyed blackberries, which gave his teeth a blue tint. However, a more plausible-sounding explanation is that Blue Tooth is actually a misinterpretation of the records of medieval historians, and in fact his name was more like "dark leader".

7. International flag of planet Earth

Each space mission today uses different national flags depending on which country is funding it. All this is good, but astronauts, regardless of their country of origin, “stand up” for the planet as a whole, and not for the state that provided funds for the flight.
For this reason, the flag of planet Earth was designed. It consists of seven white intertwined rings on a blue background. The rings symbolize all life on our planet.

However, the symbol itself is much older than the flag and is better known as the "Seed of Life". It is considered part of the "Sacred Geometry". This term is used to refer to universal geometric patterns often found in nature. The Seed of Life bears a striking resemblance to cellular structure during embryonic development.
Moreover, the Seed of Life, as well as the Great Flower of Life, has been found in many places around the world. The oldest find was found in the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt, approximately 5000-6000 years old.

Similar "designs" were also used in Buddhist temples in China and Japan, in modern Turkey, in India, throughout Europe, in Iraq and many other places. The Seed of Life also plays an important role in various religions. For example, in the old Slavic religions the symbol of the Seed of Life meant the sun.

6. Hammer and sickle

The Soviet “hammer and sickle” is perhaps one of the most recognizable political symbols, ranking on par in recognition with the Nazi swastika and American stars and stripes.
And although their meaning is most likely straightforward, it can carry hidden messages. The hammer can mean the proletariat (blue collar workers) and the sickle can mean the peasants. Together they represented the unity and strength of the Soviet state. However, coming up with an emblem was not as easy as it seems.

The situation with the hammer was simpler, since it was traditionally associated with workers throughout Europe. The second part of the symbol was more complicated; there were several options: the hammer had an anvil, a plow, a sword, a scythe and a wrench.
The designer himself, Evgeny Kamzolkin, is also intriguing. He was not a communist even at heart, but was deeply religious person. He was a member of the Leonardo da Vinci Society, and as an artist, he understood symbolism very well.

Perhaps Kamzolkin used the hammer and sickle to convey a completely different message, even if no one understood it. For example, in Hindu and Chinese culture, the hammer was often associated with the triumph of evil over good. Sickle in different religions associated with death.
Before the scythe appeared, in medieval Europe Death was depicted with a sickle, Hindu religions also depicted the god of death with a sickle in his left hand. Nobody knows what exactly Kamzolkin had in mind when developing the design.

All this is speculation, and no one asked the designer, who died back in 1957, the correct answer. The key point in in this case is the interpretation of the symbol, because depending on the context, similar emblems can mean two completely different things.

5. Pentagram

Today this symbol is associated with Wicca (modern witchcraft), Satanism and Freemasonry. But few people know that the pentagram is much older than any of these practices and has been used since ancient times.
The five-pointed star was found on a cave wall in Babylonia, and the ancient Greeks believed that it had magical properties. The pentagram is supposed to be the path that Venus takes in the night sky in relation to Earth in an 8-year cycle.

The pentagram was even the seal of Jerusalem for some time, and in the Middle Ages it symbolized the five wounds that Jesus received during his crucifixion. It also denoted the proportions of the human body and its five basic senses.
It was only in the 20th century that the pentagram began to be associated with Satanism, probably due to its use by Wiccans. Previously, the five points of the star represented the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) and the human spirit.

However, among Wiccans the pentagram symbolizes the victory of the spirit over the four elements, while in Satanism five pointed star oriented downwards. This means that every person is first and foremost material.

4. Symbol of anarchy

To properly understand the symbol of anarchy, you must first know what anarchy is and what it really means. Anarchy is the same political ideology as democracy, monarchy, oligarchy, communism or liberalism.
It developed in Ancient Greece along with democracy, and from ancient Greek this word is translated as “without a ruler.” This means that anarchy is not lawlessness and chaos, but rather a society with enforceable rules and regulations in place, but without an authoritarian ruler.

Anarchy developed even more actively and became more perfect during the period of the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century. During the same period, anarchy received its negative connotations because the ruling elite for obvious reasons was against such a regime.
On standard political map, in addition to the usual economic left and right, there are also authoritarian and liberal authorities. All famous dictators like Stalin, Mao, Hitler, etc. are at the very top of the chart, both on the left and right, depending on their economic principles.

At the very bottom of the diagram is anarchy in its various forms, such as anarcho-communism, syndicalism, mutualism, anarcho-capitalism, anarcho-socialism and others. In fact, Karl Marx said that communism is a form of anarchism with statehood and a class-free society.
However, questions began to arise when everything began to be implemented in practice. While the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin argued that statehood should be abolished from the very beginning, Marx said that Big Government should first act as a temporary intermediary that would restore order and ensure the end normal functioning anarchy.

But as we all know, people who come to power rarely give it up, so communism became the exact opposite of what it was intended to be. The desire for one form or another of anarchy is, in principle, characteristic of all modern political systems who claim to support and promote freedom or equality.

3. Symbol of medicine

Few people know that the symbol of medicine (a cane with wings and two snakes) is actually the result of a mistake.
According to legend, the god Hermes (Mercury among the Romans) possessed a magic rod called the caduceus, which looked exactly like the well-known symbol. The rod had great power, could stop any disputes and reconcile enemies, but was in no way connected with medicine.

It turns out that more than 100 years ago, American military doctors confused the caduceus with the staff of Asclepius, which had no wings and only one snake. Asclepius is ancient greek god medicine and healing, so the mistake is understandable.
Later, this symbol took root, and now it is used as a sign of medical confidentiality.

2. OK sign

The vast majority of people perceive the “ok” sign as “everything is fine,” “good.” But it is not at all perceived positively everywhere. For example, in France, if you show a person such a gesture, he will be very offended, thinking that you called him a zero. There are several versions of the origin of this sign.
According to one version, OK comes from the abbreviated name of the birthplace of American President Martin Van Buren - Old Kinderhook (New York State). Martin adopted a pseudonym that coincided with his birthplace, and his campaign slogan was “Old Kinderhook is O.K.” The man on the poster, at the same time, showed this gesture.

Another hypothesis suggests that American President Jackson used this expression when making decisions. He wrote the English all correct in the German style - oll korrekt.
Supporters of the third version argue that this gesture is nothing more than mudra (a ritual sign in Hinduism and Buddhism). The gesture symbolizes constant learning, and Buddha is almost always depicted with this sign.

1. Power sign

This sign can be found on almost all devices, but it is unlikely that many people know about its origin.
In the 1940s, engineers used a binary system to designate different switches, with a one meaning “on” and a zero meaning “off.” Later this was transformed into the sign that we all know today - a circle and a stick (zero and one).

Signs and symbols have always existed in society, only people’s attitudes towards them have changed. They surround us everywhere - in everyday life, in interior items, clothing, seals and emblems of organizations, on money, coats of arms, country flags, in the architecture of buildings and even on the paving slabs under our feet.

The most interesting thing is that by the signs and symbols with which a person surrounds himself, the true subconscious aspirations of his Personality are visible. In ancient times, knowledge about the original meaning of iconic symbols was considered sacred and was carefully passed on to new generations, as something more important than all material values ​​​​put together. Despite the significant distance, both spatial and temporal, one can note identical signs and symbols in all known civilizations in human history. Why was iconic symbolism given such importance, as opposed to today, when this knowledge is considered a relic of the past?

When studying the culture of ancient peoples, it can be noted that already in those days there was a distinction between signs as positive - creative and negative - destructive. The concept of a working sign and a symbol for transmitting information was also differentiated. But the most interesting thing is that in modern society, just like in ancient times, there are working signs, ignorance of which does not exempt you from their impact on a person.

“Children of flowers” ​​and ancient Slavic runes

U modern man ancient signs are often associated with runes. In this regard, it is quite interesting to consider the ancient Slavic runic alphabet. Here we can meet well-known signs that were and are used in the symbolism of various movements and currents on a planetary scale. Two runes immediately attract attention - Peace and Chernobog. Surely, many recognized in the Chernobog rune a sign of the hippie (“pacific”) movement that arose in 1960-1970 on the territory of the USA. The so-called “flower children” positioned themselves as a movement of people seeking a return to natural purity through love and pacifism. But under what sign! After all, if we proceed from the values ​​​​that the movement promoted, then its sign should have been completely different, for example the rune World(or Algiz).

According to the knowledge of the ancestors, the shape of this rune reflected the Tree of the World, the Universe, and the bright upper worlds. It symbolized the forces directing the world towards Order, protection, patronage of the gods, as well as the inner self of man. The Scandinavian peoples have this rune, which also schematically depicts man with raised hands, i.e. striving upward was called Mannar(presumably from “man” - person). She was also associated with the rainbow bridge connecting Asgard to Midgard. Accordingly, the rune Chernobog(inverted Algiz) was the complete opposite of the rune of the World and represented the forces directing the world towards Chaos. Therefore, the decision to use the death rune in a social movement for peace and love looks absurd, it’s the same as initially replacing the “plus” sign with a “minus”.

The question arises, why did people representing the peace movement adopt such an emblem? Everything is very simple. It was explained to people that this “foot of the dove of peace”. And no one even remembered that, for example, among the same gypsies such a sign is widely known as “crow's foot”- a symbol of war and death. Raven was also considered sacred bird god Odin who was god “wisdom and the father of witchcraft, magic spells, expert on runes and legends, priest, bearer magical power, possessed shamanic “intuition”, magical art, cunning and deceit, was a “lord of people”. Later he acted both as a patron of military alliances and as a sower of military discord.”. Also in the images of these two runes it is easy to notice the similarity equilateral triangles- with the top up (rune Chernobog) and the top down (rune Mir). The meaning of the triangle sign in the context of the primordial Knowledge and various variations of its spatial arrangement is interestingly written in the book “AllatRa”. By the way, the symbol widely known throughout the world "Star of David", consisting of two equilateral triangles, was used in ancient times mainly in black magic. In the East he was known as "lord of the genies".

What this “thoughtless” use of the Chernobog rune led to, and what happened to people who became part of the hippie movement, is known to everyone from history. But what is behind these events? Lack of knowledge and consumer format of thinking. And when a person independently studies the same history, the culture of ancient peoples from the position of a spiritual Observer and carefully listens to his inner feelings, it is simply impossible to deceive him.

Oscar and Sokar: who rules in Hollywood?

Artifacts of Ancient Egypt still surprise scientists, prompting them to reconsider the official version of human history. This mysterious culture is replete with various signs and symbols - truly a real Klondike for the researcher. Here you can also find the AllatRa sign - one of the original 18 working signs, the ankh cross (“key to life”, “key of rebirth”, spiritual transformation), knowledge about the energy structure of a person and his four essences and other invaluable information for a person following the ways of knowing yourself.

However, few people know that one of the most recognizable figurines in the world is a symbol of the annual Oscar film awards(held in Los Angeles, USA) - is practically a copy of one of the ancient gods of Egypt - Sokar. When comparing a figurine of a knight with a sword (Oscar) with a figurine of an Egyptian god (not to mention the name, where two letters are simply swapped), one can notice an obvious similarity. There is a feeling that someone is simply openly taking advantage of a person’s reluctance to learn more than is offered to him in the media and school textbooks. In Egyptian mythology Sokar or Ra-Setau(which means from the Kingdom of the Dead) was considered the god of fertility, the patron saint of the dead. And if you take an unbiased look at modern cinematography, then everything falls into place. Simply put, the symbol matches the content.

Scientists' research: ancient signs at the heart of elementary particles

Creative symbols and signs are a kind of help for people, because their influence is associated with more subtle energies, with energies of other dimensions.

AllatRa sign, for example, works in dimensions above six, it allows you to accumulate and increase in yourself Allat forces. But its main action “is based on human choice. If the Spiritual nature dominates in a person, this sign acts on him as an additional spiritual force. That is, the sign seems to resonate and enhances the creative, spiritual power of a person. And if the Animal nature dominates in a person, then this sign remains neutral in relation to it. Negative person, as a rule, feed completely different signs that work to activate the material, Animal nature” .

Not long ago, the effectiveness of the action of working signs known since ancient times on the subconscious of people and their communicative behavior in a group was experimentally confirmed.

“The results of this experiment shocked even specialists involved in the study of problems in the psychology of personal, interpersonal, and mass communication, who were recruited to observe this experiment and previously put forward their predictions regarding the behavior of students included in these groups.

The experiment completely confirmed what people knew back in ancient times, that priestly structures were used at all times. Signs really have a certain influence on the human psyche! Moreover, the larger the team, the stronger the influence of the sign. The trigger mechanism in this case is the presence of a provoking moment, a situation that triggers the experience and includes the concentration of a person’s attention on the process and the information received. The mechanism of influence of these signs on the human subconscious has not yet been studied in the context of official psychological science. However, the connection with the individual psychological characteristics of a person, his subconscious attitudes and aspirations, with the inclination and daily habit of serving as a conductor of certain programs or forces, is already quite obvious to psychologists.”

What is this interesting interaction between a person and signs? Advanced discoveries in physics can help answer this question. For example, this year information appeared that signs are literally “imprinted” into the material world; they permeate every molecule and even elementary particle! Returning to the AllatRa sign. An international group of scientists discovered this sign in the spatial arrangement of the electron. Signs were also found crescent, five-pointed star, equilateral triangle and much more. Read more in the articles:

Interestingly, knowledge about the mapping of signs in the structure of molecules could be noticed even before these discoveries. For example, the same electron orbitals:

  • s-orbital - electron cloud in the shape of a ball (circle sign);
  • p-orbital - the shape of a dumbbell or double pear (infinity sign);
  • d-orbital - the shape of a four-petal flower (the sign of an oblique cross).

Studying the above physics articles led to other discoveries. It turned out that family symbols of many clans are working signs! I would especially like to mention the Kazakh tamgas. Among them you can see crescent with horns up, circle, circle with a dot, triangles, crosses in various variations. And if you look at the flag of modern Kazakhstan, it depicts the symbolic AllatRa sign! In contrast to the heraldry of an aggressive nature (blocking the Front essence of a person) of most countries of the world (see page 830 of the AllatRa book).

Returning to the Kazakh tamgas, an interesting ancient symbol, which in the scientific world, in particular in astronomy, is known as the symbol of the planet Mercury. It consists of equilateral cross, circle and crescent with horns up. We mentioned this symbol in the article about this planet. Then it was noticed that this sign is also depicted on the cover of the book “Ezoosmos”.

And the most interesting thing is that recently, quite by accident, another very interesting sign, which is also on the cover of this book! This sign is clearly visible on the main picture of the “Silver Thread” page of the ALLATRA Radio website.

It is formed from the faces of a cube when it is scrolled around a vertical axis. We do not know the name of this sign and have not seen it before. Therefore, if you find information about this sign, please send it to the email of the ALLATRA NEWS website. Let's expand our horizons of knowledge together!

It is known that equilateral cross was a symbol of man oblique cross and its variations (often with a circle in the center) - a Personality moving along the path of Knowledge, “knowledge of sacred information about man and meditative practices on the four Essences”. Presumably(!) the detected sign means new Spiritual Being, which is formed when the human Personality merges with the Soul. Because the cube placed on one of the corners, reflects the energy structure of such a Being. Another evidence in favor of this assumption is the presence in the sign rhombus- a symbol of human spiritual transformation. But how much this information corresponds to the original meaning of the sign remains to be seen.

Life in creation or what signs should be in a peaceful society

Thus, knowledge about signs and symbols lies on the surface. A person only needs to put in a little effort and interest to see the real picture of the world. To see how, due to the inaction of decent people, an “imperceptible” substitution of creative signs occurs, how the meaning of negatively affecting signs is disguised as banal everyday associations associated with material values. In turn, it is the initial knowledge about the impact of signs and symbols that can help modern society adjust the vector of development of civilization. After all, a global change in the iconic symbols of the peoples of the planet is the same as changing the “minus” sign to a “plus” sign! But at the same time, it is worth understanding that such a change is in the interests of the people themselves and it is possible only when most of The population of the planet will learn the initial information about the signs, begin to unite and act independently. After all, who else but society can decide which flag with which sign will fly over their heads. Therefore, carefully examine the signs and symbols with which you surround yourself and be in the Spirit to distinguish the wheat from the chaff.

There are a lot of magical signs. Every nation and religion has signs that give energy and protect against dark forces and diseases. These magical symbols are still used today as amulets and talismans.

This article contains the main ancient signs of various peoples and information about their meaning and application.

Star of Solomon

A Jewish magical symbol meaning harmony (this is indicated by the two equilateral triangles that make up the Star of Solomon). This symbol is considered the emblem of Judaism.

This sign is used as protection against damage, the evil eye and diseases, and also helps to overcome life difficulties. For several hundred years, Jews invested the strength and energy of their people into this symbol.

Pyramid with an eye

This symbol is considered Masonic and means the all-seeing eye. This is a sign of the Higher Mind. He is able to develop intuition and magical abilities. Many also believe that a pyramid with an eye at the top personifies the hierarchical structure of society, which means the owner of such a magical sign becomes powerful over everyone.


This is the most common sign in the occult. This symbol is most often associated with Satanism and the devil. But it is not so. It is precisely this magical sign that exorcises the devil. It is used to protect against dark forces.

Christian symbol of the Trinity

This magical symbol brings good luck in all matters. After all, good forces are always present with the owner of this amulet. Those who wear this sign go through life without obstacles or disappointments.

Sign of Perun

This Slavic pagan symbol bestows victory, success and courage, brings prosperity to the home and health. Recommended for men to wear.

Seal of Lao Tzu

This chinese sign brings wealth, happiness and good fortune to those who have good thoughts and pure intentions. By wearing this talisman you can also improve your health and gain authority.

Eye of Horus

An Egyptian symbol that helps develop intuition, open the third eye, gain peace of mind and wisdom. This sign is also intended to protect against people of higher positions, influential officials, envy and revenge.

All these symbols can become excellent talismans of good luck and amulets against negative energy. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.12.2014 09:18

IN Lately People are increasingly using the teachings of Feng Shui to attract what they want. Thanks to the usual...

According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, you can achieve happiness in life if you correctly use the symbols of wealth and...

The long path of development of psychic and magical practices has led to the accumulation of enormous symbolic baggage, elements of which surround us in modern life.

Many occult images remain incomprehensible to people, although they originate from familiar religious practices, and at the same time, each of us associates the words “symbols”, “signs”, “esoterics”. The fish, for example, is a symbol of Jesus and at the same time is often used as a phallic symbol - there are many such contradictory examples of the use of symbols.

general characteristics

To begin with, it should be noted that the subject of esoteric symbols is incredibly vast and extends much further than novice psychics or magicians think. For the most part, mysterious signs also imply various religious and pagan attributes. All known and popular witchcraft symbols can be roughly divided into several categories:

Antique signs

Many of these symbols found on artifacts of ancient civilizations originate from the cave paintings of primitive man. Images of animate and inanimate objects are equally found here.

Some signs of this type have references to the legends and myths of ancient peoples, so among them there are many pictures not only of deities, but also of monsters and fairy-tale animals.

Pagan images

This includes various attributes from the rites of worship of unofficial deities and natural phenomena. Symbols in shamanic rituals, fetishes, signs from Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism, in a sense, belong to this group. WITH

The most famous of pagan designs are Slavic signs, symbols of the ancient Celts and Vikings.

Occult symbols

In such signs, supporters of the supernatural sought to encrypt literal hidden knowledge about the acquisition of the power of the Cosmos. First of all, esoteric symbols mean precisely such images associated with astrology, alchemy, numerology, experimental science, and extrasensory perception.

Kabbalistic signs

Mystical symbols that originate from Jewish traditions make up quite a large group and have already managed to migrate into Satanist rituals.

A special place is given to the pentagram in this category, because about a dozen different signs were created on its basis.

TAO (Yin and Yang)

This metaphorical representation of the Chinese energies of Yin and Yang originally helped to denote differences in the magical worldview and holistic views. Today, the idea of ​​opposites takes on a more spiritual meaning, as Tao is used to convey the polarity of the feminine and masculine essence, as well as the uniqueness of all natural phenomena.

The split reality has long been of interest to ancient esotericists and philosophers. Duality is encrypted in every living being and action, because all the primary elements of the Cosmos and the elements are simultaneously different and complement each other in order to recreate the integrity of the world.

In the symbol, the black shade indicates Yin - passive feminine energy, and for whites Yang is the male dominant principle. It is important to understand that the arc-shaped separation of the poles is not accidental, because they flow into each other, spinning without stopping, and this hints at the eternal movement of life.

Neuron Cross

A circle with a branched line is sometimes called a chicken foot or pacific. It is believed that the origins of the symbol are in India, where the meaning of the sign is associated with the letter “Y” as an expression of the sacred sounds Om and Aum. Hindus and Buddhists perceive the image as a metaphor for the connection between Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. The symbol says that the destructive, protective and creative principles arise together, because even with the syllable Om you can begin both a prayer and a spell.

The Cross of Neuron is also found in runic and Celtic practices in Europe. Then the sign was identified with the image of a man raising his hands to the sky, but if the symbol was turned over, the result was a metaphor for the world of the dead.

In the Middle Ages, even Muslim banners were decorated with this version of the cross. Later, in the 20th century. a sign of pacifism has already appeared, i.e. Neuron's cross became identified with peace fighters.

A version has emerged that the symbol is an expression of the letters N and D, i.e. hints at nuclear disarmament, and also resembles a fist breaking a weapon, or even a rose.

The modern symbol of all hippies on the planet is an ancient sign that is far from related to a peaceful perception of life. If you look closely, the sign of pacifism is actually the cross where Christ was crucified, only it was turned over and broken. In ancient times they designated in this way negative attitude to the Christian religion.

The name itself - the Neuron cross - refers to the use of the sign during the persecution of believers. Today's Satanists use the cross for their sexual rituals and black mass, and also decorate the altar of the devil with it. There is also a ritual for accepting new members, when this particular symbol is hung around the neck - a sign of reconciliation with Satan.

Trident Symbol - Trident symbol

Secret signs of esotericism sometimes look like ordinary everyday objects that do not make us think of anything high. This occult sign, for example, in various designs resembles an ordinary trident, originating from the mythology of Greece, Rome, and India. The symbol refers to the enormous power over the water element.

The word itself is borrowed from the Latin alphabet, where it means “three teeth.” We can say that in different senses there is a sign in every ancient culture. Thus, it was considered an attribute of Zeus (Jupiter), identifying the three prongs with lightning strikes, and an element of the power of Poseidon (Neptune).

Christians initially viewed the symbol as a personification of the Trinity, but later the perception of the sign became more negative: believers perceive Trident as a symbol of Satan. In India, the picture is a reflection of the three aspects of Shiva and is also associated with fire.

Mystical tantric yoga also uses this sign. Finally, for Buddhists, the trident is a reflection of the Buddha and victory over the three main poisons: laziness, passion and anger.


The most popular image of all zodiac signs on one symbol. Often used in magical practice, but more often used by astrologers. The zodiac circle is divided into 12 sectors, each of which is dedicated to a specific astrological symbol.

The very idea of ​​division into parts goes back to the idea of ​​​​segmentation of the celestial circle. It is customary to consider the circle from the point of the vernal equinox, and then all the signs are located along the trajectory of the Sun.

There is also a circle option, which has 13 symbols, including Ophiuchus.

The zodiac signs themselves, enclosed in a circle, received their names from the constellations that the luminary crosses. But there is also an opinion that the names are associated with the exploits of Hercules.


The symbol is a cross with a loop, and it contains enormous faith in the capabilities of the human soul after the death of the body. The hieroglyph on which the drawing is based means reincarnation and fertility. Even in the Christian tradition, the sign reflects the eternal life of Jesus, but the drawing can also be interpreted as a metaphor for the rising sun and the unity of opposites. The Ankh also hides the key to secret knowledge that grants infinity of spirit.

The loop itself expresses the appearance of the sun above the horizon, and the vertical line represents its first rays. It is believed that the first part of the sign reflects feminine, i.e. is a symbol of fertility, and the second personifies the phallus and masculinity. Together these parts merge into a cross as an image of the constant renewal of life and the change of its stages.

An ancient expression of constant vital energy Previously it was applied to dishes, sculptures and church walls. The second name of the sign is the Coptic cross. The Ankh originally appeared in the Egyptian tradition, where it was perceived as a symbol of the god Ra and a talisman for prolonging life.

It was necessary to draw a symbol next to the dead so that they would continue to exist in the afterlife. The Ankh was often considered a sign of sexual liberation, since the god Ra was worshiped through orgies.

A new wave of popularity for the sign was brought by the description of Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy. She pointed out that the symbol affirms the trinity of life, covenant and oath. Previously, rulers and divine beings who could convey the sign to the pharaoh were most often found with the image of Ankhs. Such a gift meant an acquittal on the Day of Judgment, i.e. immortal life. Today, in addition to mummies and pyramids, the Ankh can be found on fortune-telling cards.

BINDU — Point in a circle

First of all, the image is included in the main esoteric signs of religious and spiritual movements of the East. Bindu denotes the center through which energy exchange takes place between man and the cosmos; it is also the place where the power of the chakras is expressed.

Subsequently, a circle with a dot in the middle appeared in occult, witchcraft, and Masonic practices to express the completeness and perfection of something. This is the personification of a closed cycle and the implementation of all planned plans for life.

The Bindu point itself is a symbol of the emergence of any force, the source of human individuality and the beginning of the first duality. On the one hand, this is a reflection of universal emptiness, on the other – perfect fullness.


This symbol, perhaps, has the most big number titles. This is the star (seal) of Solomon, Isis, Pythagoras, and also simply a five-pointed star inscribed in a circle. The sign represents the idea of ​​a spirit that looks through a separate end into the sky (in the case of an inverted symbol, into the underworld), as well as the idea of ​​human life in nature. The four corners of the pentagram also reflect all the elements.

Thus, each individual balances between the divine world and the sphere of nature. Many people also see a silhouette in the picture, if we consider the 4 corners of the star as limbs, and the top as a head. As for the circle, it is a protective layer for a person, a reflection of mystical knowledge.

The origins of the pentagram lie in ancient Mesopotamia. Then it was the royal seal. Then the sign migrated to paganism and early Christian practices. For example, there was an identification with the goddess Kori. The Pythagoreans viewed the picture as the personification of perfect proportions. The Celts associated the pentagram with the underground goddess Morgan.

In Christianity, the sign first represented the Star of Bethlehem, the wounds of Jesus after the crucifixion, as well as truth and mysticism in a general sense. Solomon, like Emperor Constantine, used the pentagram to protect against demons. And already medieval knights saw the sign as a reflection of their virtues: courage, bravery, generosity, etc.

Gradually, attitudes towards the pentagram began to change over the course of history. This was due to the activities of the Inquisition, which made the sign their own, as well as the participation of the Templars in demonic rituals with this symbol. Today the symbol is used by sorcerers and Satanists. Thus, lovers of Kabbalah consider the pentagram as a sign of power and victory of Reason. In the occult tradition, the star by itself without a circle symbolizes conflict and battle. Each peak has its own meaning. This is a reflection of the basic feelings of a person, the surrounding worlds and elements.

An inverted pentagram in a circle began to be associated in new pagan trends with secret knowledge and the entrance to the astral world. Hence the frequent use of the symbol in the work of energy healers and psychics. It should be noted that the Masons also turned to the sign in order to reflect the process of human rebirth. The correct pentagram is good sign, but the inverted one is the opposite in everything. Today's Freemasons love the combination of the symbol with the monogram G. With all this, in the Christian tradition of our days there is no specific interpretation of the sign in a negative context.

Baphomet or goat's head

A basic symbol from the teachings of Satanists, which is in fact an inverted pentagram. The sign depicts the head of a goat in a circle, so supporters of occult knowledge treat it with extreme respect. Sometimes in the pointed corners of the pentagram or in the circle during rituals they write the right words or draw runes.

In general, Baphomet is considered an astral being and the wife of the devil. The Templars worshiped such an idol in the Middle Ages, but the Inquisition stopped such rituals. A little later, the seal of Baphomet appeared on Tarot cards as a sign of the devil. Then the “Church of Satan” appeared and the popularization of the symbol began. Sometimes the symbol is studied as a mockery of the Paschal Lamb.

Interestingly, each tail of the symbol (or each part of the goat) has its own meaning. The pair of corners at the top are the horns, i.e. a hint at the duality of the Cosmos and the connection between evil and good. The single end in the lower half indicates the underworld and represents rejection of the Christian faith. Circles near the goat's head are necessary to enhance the power of Satan and protect against other demons. Most rituals require all ritual participants to stand inside a circle. By the way, Baphomet is a sign of the Masonic order.

Kabbalistic tetragram

Essentially, this is the same star of Solomon, enclosed in a circle or supplemented with the number of the devil, usually inverted. Sometimes it is called a hexagram.

The sign was used by Freemasons, Theosophists, and Spiritualists. Satan is depicted on the symbol, but the image is encrypted through a triangle with equal sides and a vertex at the bottom. The tetragram speaks of the devil's opposition to God and helps to summon spirits.

The symbol from Kabbalistic teachings was chosen by the Masonic Society to mark initiated students who have moved to another level of the pyramid. Hence, the sign acquired a more general and highly symbolic meaning - a blessing on the difficult path of mastering secret knowledge. The symbol can also be found on Tarot cards.

Eye of Horus

An indirect expression of the all-seeing eye of the Universe through a drawing of an eye with a line in the shape of a spiral. In addition to the pupil, the symbol sometimes depicts a falling tear, which reflects suffering for those people who are beyond the influence of magical or divine power.

Also in Egypt there has been a talisman since ancient times, where the eye of Horus has upper limbs. In the palms there is a papyrus wand or a bow of life. In general, this symbol can be used to protect against troubles and attract good luck.

Historically, the Eye of Horus was an emblem for the Egyptian god of the sky, who in this way expressed his power and the unity of the universe. If the right pupil is depicted, then the sun and the active principle are personified, and if the left one is depicted, the moon and passivity are personified.

It is the left Eye of Horus that is an excellent amulet against evil spirits and diseases. The reason for this is the legend of how Seth tore out the eye of the god, but it grew again in battle after the victory of Horus. In general, this symbol reflects the victory of wisdom over darkness and the escape from suffering with pain.

It is believed that the Eye of Horus allows dead souls to contact the world, i.e. it is a window to another light and enables reincarnation. In current occult practices there is also the idea that the symbol is connected with Lucifer, who closely monitors each of us.

All-seeing eye

One of the most popular magical pictures, which became famous thanks to American paper bills. For a long time, sorcerers used the sign in their fortune telling, and then the Illuminati chose the symbol as the main one. The all-seeing eye in a sense represents the pupil of Lucifer. But today there is a more common understanding of the sign as the personification of world domination and order in relation to financial flows.

For the first time, the image of an eye in a triangle (and then in a pyramid) could be encountered in the 17th century, when the so-called radiant delta began to be used as a symbol of the Creator-architect. In each Masonic rite, this symbol was placed on the eastern side, identifying the sign with the enlightenment of the student.

Later, the All-Seeing Eye also began to be associated with the Christian Trinity and fire. Sometimes in pictures you can see a version with a halo of light around the eye and rays downwards.

An open eye in a general sense reflects the victory of good over evil, attracts a person’s attention to truth, wisdom, and conscience. The Masonic symbol encrypts the rational principle of the structure of the Universe, and in a magical context also the ability to internal vision. In general, the All-Seeing Eye is very closely related to the religious Eye of God - a sign of spiritual vision in Buddhism, Hinduism and even Islam. A talisman made in the shape of such an eye wards off evil.


If you are interested in esoteric signs and symbols and their meaning, then you cannot ignore the most ambiguous visual attribute in history. Such an ancient occult symbol refers in its essence to the deity of the sun and flame - Agni.

Hindu and Celtic priests of yore greeted the rising sun with a wave right hand. In China, the sign is called the Heart of Buddha or Wang Tzu. The image is an equal cross with vertices intertwined at an angle. Curved ends refer to to different parties light, four winds and seasons. The word “Swastika” itself used to have positive value and was used as a synonym for "amulet".

If the symbol is directed to the right with its ends, then it directly refers to paganism and bestows fertility and happiness. But if the sign is twisted to the left, then there is a connection with black magic and the destructive Indian goddess Kali. The swastika is also called the footprint of Buddha and can be found on various scriptures. A similar symbol can be found among American tribes, the Jewish people, and the ancient Slavs.

As for the Nazi swastika, it was borrowed from the Masonic societies of Germany from the 1910-20s. Since then, the symbol has become the leading emblem of the National Socialist movement of Hitler's party. The sign was depicted in a snow-white circle on a red canvas, conveying the idea of ​​struggle and social action. Initially, the swastika was supposed to be used, turned to the left, but Hitler changed the direction of the symbol, thereby expressing a real spiritual protest.

Pentacle of Solomon

This magical symbol is a powerful talisman for attracting financial well-being and protection from disasters and errors.

The central rhombus, around which there is a circle, refers to the possibilities of power on Earth, and the circle inside the rhombus refers to the ideal of God.

There are also 7 dots inside - a reference to the help of the main celestial bodies. The pentacle is most often made in the form of a metal or clay pendant, used at home and at work.

Infinity sign

Contrary to conventional thinking, this is not just a mathematical figure, but also a magical symbol. Such a sign encrypts the ideas of the constancy of existence and the impossibility of comprehending the Universe. The symbol shows that a person always strives for ideals and perfection.

For the first time this sign can be found in the Tibetan tradition, only infinity was expressed by a snake holding its own tail. This is a reference to the legend about Ouroboros, identified with the cyclical nature of life and death.

Very often the symbol can be found on love amulets as a sign of fidelity and unity of partners. The meaning of the sign is based on the desire to abandon boundaries and restrictions.

Surprisingly, in the Kabbalistic, Masonic, magical and Christian traditions, symbols, signs, and esotericism are closely intertwined. Fish, cross, star, powerful eye in ordinary life do not seem to us today as occult omens, but behind long history development of secret knowledge, society had to regularly change its opinion about various attributes of religious or witchcraft practices.

That is why it is quite difficult these days to create an unambiguous description of a particular symbol. In most cases, the true meaning of any image is determined by the specific situation of use.