The Year of the Tiger is a sign in the Chinese horoscope. Tiger according to the eastern horoscope - characteristics of the sign

Tiger is a frontier. He is undisciplined and has a short temper. Always rebels against his superior. He is the stuff from which revolutionaries and leaders are made. Unfortunately, like all bosses, he does not always deserve the trust that is placed in him. When he shouts: "Forward!" - both in business and in love, as well as in war, people should think before acting, and even hold it by the coattails. The tiger can lead others to disaster; he has a taste for risk to the point of recklessness, to the point of unconscious actions. It's hard to resist his magnetism. Natural power gives him an advantage.
The tiger does not like to obey, but makes others listen. He is respected. No one dares to tell him the truth. And even when they try to kill him, he is respected and revered. If he can think before acting and heed the advice of caution, he can achieve great success. A fighter by nature, sharp and hot-tempered, he is capable of sacrificing himself for the sake of the cause. Stubborn and stubborn, litigious and petty, he is often in conflict with someone. Selfish in small things, capable of selflessness in great things. Narrow-minded, he doesn't trust anyone.
The Tiger always goes forward, despises established authority, hierarchy and conservative minds. Paradoxically, he may retreat before accepting important decision until it is too late to take it. The tiger can be a military leader or the head of an enterprise. He could become a dangerous criminal.
Loves all types of activities that involve risk. The same applies to Tiger women, who will always be the first to declare war on the familiar in the name of gaining some right. The Tiger is never directly interested in money, but will be able to make a fortune for himself. This is a man of extraordinary action and exceptional destiny, unexpected situations. This is a warrior, sensitive, emotional and capable of deep thoughts and strong love.

Tiger woman - characteristics of the year of birth.

The Tiger woman is daring and enterprising, charming and sexy, brave and impulsive. She has a swift and independent nature, ready to resist any rules and restrictions. This lady flies through life at great speed constant thirst new impressions and adventures. Her life is usually full of passions and emotions, but she is prone to go to extremes. Half measures are not for her!
The Tiger woman is capable of cunning and even deceit, but at heart she is very vulnerable. Monotony quickly bores her and forces her to change her boring lover without a second thought. Desperately seeking love, she may become a victim of her own passions. In addition, her inherent honesty often makes it difficult to notice the danger that threatens her. The Rejected Tiger Woman continues to exist, broken and crushed, but only until the next big love comes into her life!
The Tiger woman prefers to remain honest in relationships, so the words “crazy passion” sound as attractive to her ears as a marriage proposal. Despite all this, she is quite capable of family life and, as a rule, becomes a faithful wife and caring mother. You probably shouldn’t expect much tenderness from her, but she is truly capable of sacrificing a lot for the sake of her loved ones, although she will always differ from accepted stereotypes.
Tiger woman invests a large number of enthusiasm and emotion in everything he does. She has a rich imagination and creative abilities, which often helps her earn good money. But it happens that this money goes down the drain, because this lady loves fun and the good life!
The Tiger woman of the Wood element is charming, temperamental and cheerful. She is full of energy and does not accept conventions, so she is unlikely to bore her interlocutor. However, it is quite easy to manipulate. Her passionate nature will accept any flattery and ostentatious sweeping gestures as sincere admiration. It will be quite difficult to win her favor without this.
The Tiger woman of the Fire element is charismatic and energetic, and her passion never weakens over the years. Perhaps it is precisely because of her hot, sensual nature that she can be very impressive even in old age. In addition, among other Tigers, their fiery counterparts stand out for their resilience - it is almost impossible to deal with them.
The Tiger woman of the Earth element is the calmest among the Tigers; she more often manages to curb her own ardor and self-will. She is not as gullible as the other representatives of this earthly branch, and attaches less importance to carnal pleasures, although at heart she is no less passionate and simply adores dizzying romantic adventures. This woman usually becomes a good mother and housewife.
The Tiger woman of the Metal element has optimism and the ability to compassion, which, however, relates more to ideas than to specific people. Be that as it may, the beliefs and principles of a woman of this type are expressed in serious actions. This lady is endowed with magnetism, and it is difficult to forget her once she has succumbed to these charms. But she herself immediately becomes distant and cold if love leaves her heart.
The Tiger woman of the Water element is distinguished by her peace-loving nature and constancy, which make her not only the most pleasant, but also the most influential of the Tigress sisters. Water element endows her with a charm that evokes admiration among those around her. She was created for love in every sense of the word. This type of woman is an ideal lover and friend, but she cannot tolerate dishonesty. Anyone who dares to betray her trust will experience the full power of her explosive temperament, usually hidden behind external equanimity.

Tiger man - characteristics of the year of birth.

The Tiger man is a perpetual motion machine, capable of knocking anyone off his feet with his desperate, violent energy. He is incredibly active, noble, passionate and endowed with an aura of charm that is difficult to resist. His charm is legendary, and his large gestures of love cannot be ignored. The Tiger man immediately attracts you with his thirst for adventure, undisguised ambition and excellent ability to get along with people. He is free from snobbery and is capable of achieving truly great goals. However, this is a dangerous opponent. He can become stubborn and furious, warlike and vindictive.
The Tiger man is very attractive to women who feel the sensuality and passion hidden in him. It's easy to get to know him, his company is almost always fun, but love relationship it requires extreme emotional fortitude. With his demands, the Tiger can drive anyone to exhaustion, while he will never give up any of his grandiose ideas and will fiercely defend his own personal space. It is as difficult to catch him at his word as it is to get him to understand. In addition, the Tiger Man loves change and the delight of new victories, and therefore will leave his girlfriend without regret, as soon as he notices a more or even equally attractive object.
Really find mutual language Only a person as brave and enterprising as himself, ready to live according to the “all or nothing” principle, can work with the Tiger. Together they will be tormented by passions and make grandiose plans on how to earn a million, conquer the world or change society.
Man - Tiger of the Wood element literally sparkles vital energy. He loves change, is always full of great ideas and strives with all his might to bring them to life. It is unlikely that you will ever get bored with him, but he seriously runs the risk of boring his companion.
The Tiger man of the Fire element is an ardent chauvinist. A sea of ​​sensuality is immediately felt in him, and his ideas are always ambitious and revolutionary. It is enough to mention Hugh Hefner, who changed the concept of love relationships for his entire generation.
The Tiger man of the Earth element loves and knows how to seduce. Having achieved victory, he leaves his “victim” without the slightest regret and goes in search of a new one. If he can be tamed, he will certainly turn out to be a loving and caring spouse, although he is unlikely to be faithful.
The Tiger man of the Metal element is not as energetic as his brothers, but much more attentive. He is characterized by conservatism and a sober view of things, which is very useful for the Tiger. The metal element makes him slightly pensive, which gives his appearance an almost unbearable charm!
The Tiger man of the Water element is often popular, which, as a rule, is not easy for other Tigers. Success usually accompanies him, including because he is naturally diligent, disciplined and balanced. A man of this type knows how to control his passionate nature, which brings him additional points in the eyes of others. He is respected, admired, and incredibly attractive. Despite his characteristic amorousness, only the most beautiful, sexy, talented and passionate can win his heart!

In the mythology of China, where the Eastern horoscope came to us, the Tiger symbolizes military valor and courage. When the Year of the Tiger begins, Chinese astrologers advise preparing for a fight.

People's interests should be on the side of justice, only then will luck come to them. People born in the year of the Tiger have these traits throughout their lives: they are courageous, active and must stand for justice. Then their patron, the Tiger, will help them live a happy life. Years corresponding to the year of the Tiger in the Eastern horoscope: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.

Character of people born in the year of the Tiger

Tiger people have a large supply vitality. They live actively, they care about everything. They are capable of becoming leaders, leaders, uncompromising fighters against evil. True, the Tiger also has a dark side: capriciousness, impulsiveness and cruelty. If the Tiger relies only on strength and forgets about the growth of spiritual qualities, then he can become a tyrant. Fortunately, most of these people have an innate nobility and aversion to bad things. Proud and brave Tigers do not reflect, do not look back, are ready to move towards new achievements, and this life-affirming position attracts people to them. As soon as the Tiger plans something, he soon acquires a mass of like-minded people and supporters. Sometimes it’s hard for them to be around the Tiger, he is too energetic and does not forgive other people’s weaknesses. The Tiger's big drawback is the inability to forgive weaknesses. He demands noble and honest behavior from those around him, and if his supporters admire the Tiger’s integrity, then people who are indifferent to him are perplexed: by what right, in general, does he demand something from them? The tiger does not remain indifferent to attempts to put him in his place and a war breaks out. If the Tiger learns to distinguish something that is truly important to him from matters that are foreign to him, he will achieve much more in life.

People born in the year of the Tiger: compatibility in love

The tiger is attracted by thrills and strong feelings. A Tiger in love is passionate. He achieves the one he likes at any cost, and is ready to fight obstacles, indifference and ignorance. He puts all his strength into love. However, as soon as the relationship enters a calm channel, the Tiger begins to get bored. Therefore even loving tiger does not refuse to have affairs on the side, and the risk of exposure only spurs him on. He needs not the experiences that an affair gives, but those that will be in a couple if the partner becomes aware of his “adventures”: quarrels, jealousy, reconciliation, passion, the need to win a partner again - this attracts the Tiger like a kind of drug. Usually the Tiger is paired with two types of people. Some are those who admire him and are ready to love him unselfishly, enduring possessive tendencies and betrayals. Oddly enough, the Tiger does not get tired of the constant admiration of his partner. He is noble and will not leave his partner, even if the relationship has begun to seem insipid to him. Such couples can be happy if the Tiger’s partner does not get tired of his cheating and does not leave. The second type of people suitable for the Tiger are people equal to him in strength, courageous, active, and not inclined to obey. Relationships with them are like war. Tiger likes it.

Both (first type) and (second type).

People born in the year of the Tiger: compatibility in friendship

Tigers have more admired followers than equal friends. Why is this happening? After all, Tigers are sincere, courageous and incapable of meanness. Unfortunately, they are uncompromising and demanding of their friends. Therefore, only people equal in strength to them will become their friends, but the Tiger’s powerful charisma does not affect them and they are in no hurry to become his friends. In order for the Tiger to be lucky in friendship, he needs to learn forbearance. The bar that the Tiger sets for people is not something everyone can achieve. But those who meet the Tiger’s high requirements find in him a reliable, active, optimistic and courageous friend. Especially good friendship is obtained when people are united by a common goal, a common cause, work, business, political or social tasks. Such friendship is also not cloudless, but it lasts for a long time, despite quarrels and periods of cooling off. The best friends for a Tiger are Tiger, and.

People born in the year of the Tiger: compatibility at work

The Tiger's courage and leadership qualities make him an excellent leader, politician and businessman. He is not afraid of difficulties, goes ahead, is ready for war and competition, and knows how to make allies. Risk and excitement are integral features of the Tiger in business life. He achieves great heights in any business. He lacks cunning and caution, and the advice of insightful and cunning people he neglects. Therefore, it is better for the Tiger to avoid jobs in which diplomacy is more important than pressure and strength.

According to legend, the tiger was the third of the animals that came to honor Buddha. Therefore, the year of the Tiger in the eastern horoscope follows the years of the Rat and Ox in a 12-year cycle. The striped predator was highly respected in Ancient China. He was valued for his valor, courage, and strength. The qualities of a tiger's character were inherited by people born under the sign of this predator. The galaxy of Tigers includes: Tsar Ivan the Terrible and Queen Mary Stuart, traveler Marco Polo and Admiral Nelson, composer Ludwig van Beethoven and violinist Nicolo Paganini, the founder of political doctrine Karl Marx and President Charles de Gaulle, writer Agatha Christie and actress Marilyn Monroe.

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    General characteristics of the sign

    During the 20th century, the year of the Tiger fell on the calendar 9 times: 1902,1914,1926,1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998. In the 21st century it is expected to come 8 times:

      • in 2010;
      • in 2022;
      • at 2034;
      • at 2046;
      • at 2058;
      • at 2070;
      • in 2082;
      • at 2094.

      The characteristics of those born in the year of the Tiger differ from other signs. They are more endowed with a love of power. A person of this sign is a born leader and an excellent organizer. It is very important for him to have recognition from others and to be in the center of attention. He is fluent in the art of oratory and knows how to tell captivating stories. Purposefulness and assertiveness help you achieve what you want. However, the result does not always live up to his hopes.

      The Tiger is in a seething stream of ideas and events. He doesn't like a measured, quiet life ordinary person. A restless character often leads to rash actions. In any situation, he manages to remain cheerful and optimistic. Unexpected turns of fate strengthen a person. At the same time, he has a truly animal instinct that helps him find a way out of a difficult situation.

      Tigers successfully demonstrate their abilities in the field of entrepreneurship and business. They achieve success without much effort. Making money is perceived by Tigers as a kind of sports competition, in which they gladly take part and win.

      The Tiger has a lively mind. He constantly needs nourishment in the form of new impressions and sensations. Therefore, these people love to travel, read books, and attend various events.

      Relationships with people are twofold. On the one hand, the Tiger attracts others with his wit, intelligence, generosity, and honesty. On the other hand, it is difficult to get along with him because of his temper, irritability, and arrogance.

      Family life is not easy. Conflicts and dramatic scenes often occur in it. Few horoscope signs can come to terms with a proud, capricious predator. Rabbits and Sheep are the most suitable pair. They unconditionally accept the leadership of the striped predator and surrender themselves to its care.

      Tiger Man

      Like a real beast of prey, a man has an independent character. He never lets anyone deep into his soul. The tiger remains lonely, even when in a crowd of fans. Men's adolescence and young years pass very turbulently. The series of love affairs seems endless. It is difficult for a tiger to make a choice. He has a passionate, addicting nature. And even after the start of family life, he is unlikely to calm down. Therefore, marriage bonds are quickly broken.

      The tiger demonstrates itself as an ardent opponent of everything ordinary, boring, gray. It is difficult for him to fit into generally accepted frameworks. He is attracted to everything related to extreme sports and travel. Ambition and rebellion are used in supporting revolutionary or radical ideas. Extraordinary organizational skills help men become excellent business executives and major financiers. This is one of the luckiest signs of the Chinese horoscope.

People born in the year of the Tiger are very different from each other, especially in spiritual terms. Some are distinguished by their exceptional positive qualities character and disposition, others - negative. The former are guided in life by classical concepts of honor and decency. These are brave and courageous people, brave and kind, always ready to take risks for the sake of justice, protecting the weak and infirm. They are principled in their intentions, decisions, actions, even if they contradict common sense. These are real fighters, always ready to sacrifice for the sake of their idea, cause, for the sake of loved one. The world and the public almost always appreciates them. They always attract attention to themselves, it is difficult for them to object, to resist their pressure. Their personality traits and behavior, natural power over others create for them natural authority, prestige, and reputation.

Another type of Tiger is just as bright, but with opposite qualities. Their self-esteem rather resembles excessive vanity. These people are overly self-confident, stubborn to the point of obstinacy, sensitive to the point of pain, very hot-tempered and irritable, harsh, rude and petty. They often come into conflict with colleagues, senior officials, even government agencies and departments. Often in this state they make very rash decisions and come to the right conclusions too late. They do not like to ask, they only demand and are ready to fight for their rights until complete victory.

The tiger, as a rule, is either a revolutionary, or a military leader, or an excellent leader. But, like many bosses, he does not always deserve blind obedience. First you need to look around, reflect, before obeying and acting on his instructions. The fact is that his taste for risk is very great, to the point of recklessness, to unconscious actions, and this can lead to disaster.

Tigers cannot obey, but with great pleasure they try to keep others under their power. As a rule, they do not compromise. They may be selfish in small things, but selfless in big things. Tigers always strive only forward; they are not stopped by official ranks or hierarchy of power. They oppose conservative forces and bureaucratic officials, against political dogmatism and the philistine mentality.

In general, these are people of extraordinary actions and very exceptional fates, people of unexpected situations. Since childhood, their presence, their gaiety and good mood have a beneficial effect on the environment - at home and in the yard, at school and college, and then in the work team. True, just as early they begin to look for their first victims in order to sharpen their claws and measure their strength. Those who are not afraid of them make friends with them, paying tribute to their attractive and powerful nature.

The tiger strives for everything it has not achieved. He is in eternal search, in constant worry. He also needs to be the center of attention, the ringleader in any society. Where the Tiger appears, something is already starting to happen, there is a smell of risk and danger. Recklessness and imprudence, and often tactless behavior give rise to many enemies for him.

In the life of Tigers, everything may not happen as they initially imagined. If the first third of their life in many cases passes relatively calmly, then the second is more stormy, since they have to solve problems at all levels - labor, financial, love, family. He will not be spared anything. The last third of life can already bring peace and tranquility.

Much depends on when the Tiger was born: at night or during the day. Born at night, especially around midnight, the Tiger will be free from any traps, and his life will be less stormy compared to the Tiger who was born after sunrise, especially at noon. This Tiger will be passionate, harsh, exposed to many dangers. In any case, he will never know melancholy or boredom, and will never regret it.

The sociable Tiger type always needs an audience and applause. He is used to admiring himself, boasting and being arrogant. He loves flattery and praise, showing off and external shine. The closed type does not have this self-confidence; he needs a stronger partner. However, all Tigers love public spectacles, sports stadiums, the world of art, especially the theater stage and cinema, music and the stage, fashionable clothes.

For eastern peoples, birth in the year of the TIGER is a magnificent sign, personifying the power of the earth, a symbol of the protection of human life. A tiger in the house can get rid of such misfortunes as thieves, swindlers and fire. But if there are two Tigers in the house, then one of them must definitely disappear.


TIGER and RAT. An alliance between them is possible if the Rat allows the Tiger to go into the world of adventure. In addition, the Tiger must give up his intransigence, and the Rat must give up his cunning, cunning and deceit. In this case, they will be able to celebrate not only a golden, but even a diamond wedding. Otherwise, marriage is very problematic. Friendship between them will probably not happen, because the Rat is seen as too much of a materialist for the Tiger. Business relationships can take place if both work honestly and conscientiously, relax together and celebrate after good profits.

TIGER and BULL. A marriage union is unlikely. The Tiger, deep down in his soul, will either fear, or despise, or envy the Bull, but he will not openly oppose him, knowing that the Bull can simply destroy him. Friendship between them is impossible due to complete incompatibility. Business relationships are also impossible. They will end in bankruptcy, collapse, or even real disaster.

TIGER and TIGER. Marriage is not recommended. Agreement between them is only a short-term phenomenon. Everyone will try to dominate the family, and this always ends in discord, breakdown of relationships and inevitable separation. The friendship between them can be simply great. Together they can travel around the whole world, make a revolution, a coup d'état.

TIGER and RABBIT. The marriage is not the best. Although they understand each other well, after some time the relationship between them will become strained. The Rabbit can always resist the Tiger, but the latter does not really like this. The friendship between them is also very short. The Rabbit does not take the Tiger seriously, but the Tiger cannot get over this. Business relations between them are possible. Their qualities complement each other well, especially the caution of the Rabbit and the audacity of the Tiger.

TIGER and DRAGON. The union is promising and promising. That's two strong sign, and in addition, the Dragon will be useful to the Tiger with its prudence and caution. The friendship between them is strong and rock-solid. They complement each other well in many ways, which brings them both benefit and benefit. Business relationships are great because of the good interaction between two strong personalities. The Dragon will think for two, and the Tiger will work.

TIGER and SNAKE. Here, married life should be avoided. This will lead to a complete and hopeless misunderstanding of each other. The wisdom of the Snake is simply not perceived by the Tiger. Friendship between them is also impossible. They don't hear or understand each other. Business relationships are equally impossible. They will never be able to come to an agreement.

TIGER and HORSE. Marriage is possible. The Horse, as a rule, completely satisfies the Tiger’s excessive passions, while at the same time maintaining independence from him. And since the Tiger is always very busy, he will not suspect anything. The friendship between them is interesting because when they are together, they argue endlessly, but when apart, one cannot live without the other. Business relationships are also possible. Although at times some difficulties may arise, the overall background should still be favorable and prosperous.

TIGER and GOAT. This is a very problematic marriage, because in a moment of an angry outburst, the Tiger can simply “eat” his Goat. There may be friendship between them; the Tiger treats the Goat very tolerantly and condescendingly. Business relationships are possible if they both come to an agreement that the Goat will plan all the affairs, and the Tiger will carry them out.

TIGER and MONKEY. The prospect of marriage is problematic. Despite the fact that the Monkey always tries to charm and seduce the Tiger, for him this union is attractive as long as he is still looking for adventure. Friendship between them is possible, and even not bad, but only as long as it is kept within the bounds of decency, as long as this relationship does not go too far. Business relationships are promising as long as the Tiger is careful and prudent about all the tricks of the Monkey, and the latter respects the Tiger’s strength.

TIGER and ROOSTER. The marriage between them is problematic. The pride of the Rooster does not fit in with the vanity of the Tiger. There is a power struggle between both partners. Friendship as such does not attract them at all. Business relationships are definitely doomed to fail. The Tiger is not a partner for the Rooster.

TIGER and DOG. This is a possible alliance. Both of them, sharing the same ideas, will fight and fight together for their implementation, forgetting even about love. Friendship between them is impossible, especially strong and long-lasting. Business relationships can flourish in all areas and areas of cooperation and co-authorship, with the exception of financial and commercial activities.

TIGER and PIG. This marriage union is possible. The Pig understands and appreciates the Tiger well. Unless the latter tires her too much with his passions, then they living together portends peace and tranquility for both. The friendship between them can be strong and long-lasting. They understand each other well, and the Pig’s prudence and caution helps a lot here. Business relationships will largely depend on the nobility and generosity of the Tiger, otherwise these relationships will pose a constant danger to the Pig.

In the 12-year lunar cycle of the Chinese zodiac, the animals follow the following order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Thus, the Year of the Tiger occurs once every 12 years.

  • Lucky colors: blue, grey, orange, white
  • Lucky numbers: 1, 3, 4
  • Lucky Flowers: yellow lily, cineraria

Were you born in the year of the Tiger?

If you were born in next years, then your Chinese zodiac sign, more likely, Tiger: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 or 2022. Why "most likely"? The fact is that it is not always possible to find out by the year of birth what year it is - what animal of the zodiac.

Chinese zodiac signs are determined by lunar calendar, with the onset Chinese New Year . New Year in China comes during the period between January 21 and February 20, that is, the date of the holiday changes from year to year.

Let's look at specific example. Let's take 1998:

1998 who?

Find Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by your zodiac sign

Chinese eastern calendar:

Your Zodiac:

  • Lucky numbers:
  • Lucky colors:

In 1998, the Year of the Tiger began on January 28th. If you were born after January 28th, then you are a Tiger. But if you were born before January 28, then your zodiac animal is the Ox, the previous zodiac sign. Take advantage special calculator on the right to determine exactly who you are according to your Chinese zodiac sign!

Chinese New Year Dates for Tiger:

Year of the Tiger

Dates in different years

Tiger type

1926 February 13, 1926 – February 1, 1927 Fire Tiger
1938 January 31, 1938 – February 18, 1939 Earth Tiger
1950 February 17, 1950 – February 5, 1951
1962 February 5, 1962 – January 24, 1963 Water Tiger
1974 January 23, 1974 – February 10, 1975 Wooden Tiger
1986 February 9, 1986 – January 28, 1987 Fire Tiger
1998 January 28, 1998 – February 15, 1999 Earth Tiger
2010 February 14, 2010 – February 2, 2011 Golden (Metal) Tiger
2022 February 1, 2022 – January 21, 2023 Water Tiger

What brings luck to the Tiger

  • Lucky numbers: 1, 3 and 4 and numbers containing them (for example, 13 and 43)
  • Happy Days: 16th and 27th Chinese lunar month(interval from new moon to new moon)
  • Lucky colors: blue, gray, orange
  • Lucky Flowers: yellow lily, cineraria
  • Lucky cardinal directions: east, north, south
  • Happy months: 3rd, 7th and 10th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Brings bad luck

According to Chinese astrology, those born in the year of the Tiger should avoid:

  • Unlucky color: brown
  • Unlucky numbers: 6, 7 and 8
  • Unlucky direction: southwest
  • Unlucky months: 1st, 4th, 5th and 11th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Those born in the year of the Tiger are brave, unpredictable, and self-confident. They are very charming and know how to win over people. But sometimes they can be impulsive, irritable and spoiled.

Tigers stubborn, determined and willful. They are influential, love to compete and always keep their word.

Those born in the year of the Tiger are responsible and distinguished by fortitude, and therefore there are excellent leaders among them. They are not prone to long preparations, but can easily cope with everything that comes their way.

Year of the Tiger Health

At the Tiger's good health. They lead an active lifestyle and are interested in various types sports Minor illnesses such as colds, coughs, or elevated temperature, are rare in the Tiger.

However, they should be avoided excessive physical activity because some dangerous species activities may be harmful to health. When playing sports fresh air, Tigers must pay Special attention warm-up. To maintain good physical shape, cardio exercise is recommended: running, race walking, swimming, cycling.

Tigers are energetic and show great enthusiasm for work. When they feel tired after a long day of work, they need rest to recuperate.

The most suitable professions for a Tiger

The tiger, known as the "king of beasts" in China, is usually the center of attention. They are born leaders and are respected by others. Tigers will achieve success as a leader in any profession.

Successful professions and areas for the Tiger: advertising agent, office manager, travel agent, actor, writer, artist, pilot, flight attendant, musician, comedian, driver.

However, success and prosperity are likely to come to the Tiger after reaching the age of thirty. IN early years their careers are not so fast.

How to build a relationship with a Tiger?

Tigers are self-confident and secretive, and therefore are in no hurry to open up to others and often do not succeed in communication. Despite the fact that they know a large number of people, they are in no hurry to ensure that acquaintance grows into a strong friendship.

When communicating with the Tiger understanding and patience are required and tact.

In love, Tigers cannot offer their partner tender expressions of feelings, since they not romantic at all. In a love relationship with a Tiger, it is necessary to support his desire for adventure.

Year of the Tiger Love Compatibility

Each animal sign in the Chinese zodiac has its own characteristic features. To determine the compatibility of signs in love, pay attention to the coincidences and differences of these features.

Compatibility Horoscope for Tiger

  • Best Compatibility: Dragon, Horse, Pig
  • Least successful: Bull, Snake or Monkey

Famous Tiger people by horoscope:

  • Galina Vishnevskaya, Rudolf Nuriev, Boris Pasternak, Yuri Levitan, Viktor Tsoi, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Evgeny Leonov, Liya Akhedzhakova, Nadezhda Babkina, Evgeny Evstigneev, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Yuri Temirkanov.
  • Agatha Christie, Ludwig van Beethoven, Queen Elizabeth II, Charles de Gaulle, Marilyn Monroe, Leonardo DiCaprio, Fidel Castro, John Steinbeck, Louis de Funes, Zaha Hadid, Tove Jansson.

Types of Tigers according to the Eastern calendar – 5 elements/elements

What type are you?

In the Chinese theory of elements, each zodiac sign is influenced by one of the 5 elements (elements): gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth. For example, in 2022 the Year of the Water Tiger will begin, which happens only once every 60 years. By the way, do you know What is the difference between the Chinese and Western zodiacs ?

It is believed that differences in a person’s character are influenced by the element (element), as well as the sign of the animal in whose year you were born. Thus, there are 5 types of Tiger according to eastern horoscope, each with its own characteristics:

2019 for the Tiger will be calm and harmonious. They will achieve a lot in their field of activity and will also be able to earn good money. However, in terms of love and relationships, this will be a difficult year for those born in the year of the Tiger.

Tiger health in 2019

The Tigers do not have the best health prospects for 2019. They are advised to pay special attention to nutrition - theirs and that of their relatives, since in the middle of the year the Tiger may experience ailments associated with the digestive system.

In 2019, Tigers will have excellent opportunities for career growth and participation in promising projects. If this year the Tiger gets a new job, then he will be able to establish himself as a responsible worker. At the same time, those born in the year of the Tiger will be able to enlist the support of their superiors and easily win over decision makers.

Year of the Tiger Love in 2019

In love, Tigers will have a mixed 2019. Tiger women will be somewhat luckier, but there is still a chance that their hopes for a strong relationship will be deceived.

Tiger men may feel uncomfortable due to the pressure of their chosen one, which is why their love relationship may crack.

Year of the Tiger Finance 2019

IN financially Tiger is looking forward to a fairly successful 2019. Representatives of this sign will not only be able to count on a decent income, but it is also possible that they will receive unexpected cash bonuses during the year.

Year of Destiny 2022 for those born in the year of the Tiger

In China there is such a thing as Benmingnian - this is the so-called Year of Destiny, i.e. the zodiac animal in whose year you were born. In 2022, Benmingnian will occur for people born in the year of the Tiger.

The Chinese believe that this is a special year, but those people whose year has arrived will face challenges and unexpected changes. Find out, What will bring good luck to your year? and what special awaits you!

Find out more interesting things about the Chinese Zodiac:

  • The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac – From the many legends about the Chinese Zodiac, we have chosen the most famous one in China
  • 10 Facts About the Chinese Zodiac You Probably Haven't Heard About