The first symptoms of varicose veins in the legs. Varicose veins of the lower extremities: treatment, causes, operations Symptoms of venous veins

Varicose veins or varicose veins are dilation of superficial veins associated with insufficient venous valves and impaired blood flow. This disease is the most common vascular pathology among people of working age.

Video about varicose veins

Causes of varicose veins

Traditionally, risk factors for the development and progression of the disease have been identified. Heredity and its contribution to the occurrence of varicose veins have not been clearly proven. It has been noted that in some families, varicose veins constantly occur over generations, but it is currently believed that nutritional factors, lifestyle features, and conditions associated with changes in the hormonal cycle play a predominant role in the onset of the disease.

Obesity is one of the main risk factors for developing the disease. Moreover, the incidence of varicose veins increases with increasing severity of obesity. Obesity is often accompanied by an immobile or sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition. The diet of the population of industrialized countries is currently dominated by highly processed products, but there remains insufficient consumption of plant fibers, which are found in raw vegetables and fruits. Plant fibers are necessary to strengthen the vascular wall, in addition, they prevent chronic constipation, which, in turn, leads to increased intra-abdominal pressure and the formation of varicose veins.

We must not forget about the improper organization of the labor process. Often, we spend most of our working time in a sitting or standing position, and this is very bad for the valvular apparatus of the veins. Also unfavorable is hard work associated with a sharp (jerky) load on the lower limbs, for example, when lifting heavy objects. In our dynamic times, long flights or transfers are not uncommon, which are accompanied by stagnation of blood in the veins of the legs and are also a risk factor for the development of venous diseases.

Adhering to fashion trends, many do not think that tight underwear leads to compression of the veins at the level of the inguinal folds, and corsets increase intra-abdominal pressure, so it is not recommended to wear them constantly. Also, do not forget about the dangers of wearing high-heeled shoes with uncomfortable arch supports.

Repeated pregnancies are also a proven risk factor for the development of venous diseases. An enlarged uterus increases intra-abdominal pressure, and a hormone such as progesterone has an adverse effect on the vein wall, destroying the collagen and elastic fibers it contains. Some diseases, such as osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis, occur with changes in hormonal status. At the same time, the risk of varicose veins increases sharply.

Speaking about the reasons leading to the expansion of veins, it is necessary to dwell on the structure of the veins lower limbs. There are a system of superficial veins (great and small saphenous veins), a system of deep veins (deep veins of the leg and thigh) and communicant or perforating veins that connect the superficial and deep veins. Under normal conditions, the outflow of blood in the leg area occurs through the system of deep (90%) and superficial veins (10%). In order for blood to move towards the heart, and not in the opposite direction, there are valves in the walls of the veins, which, when closed, prevent blood from moving from top to bottom under the influence of gravity. Besides, great value have muscle contractions, which also contributes to normal blood flow. The worst conditions for the movement of blood are provided by standing in the complete absence or insufficiently active muscle contractions. At the same time, the blood stagnates, the pressure in the veins increases and they expand. Insufficiency of the valve apparatus is formed, when the valve flaps do not close completely, and improper movement of blood from the heart is formed.

The valves of the deep vein system are especially quickly affected, as they experience maximum stress. Due to abnormal blood flow, overload of the deep veins with additional blood volume develops. To reduce excess pressure through the system of communicating veins, blood is discharged into superficial veins, which, in turn, are not designed to move a large volume of blood. As a result, their walls become overstretched with the formation of characteristic varicose veins. But the increased volume of blood continues to flow into the deep veins, and insufficiency of the valves of the communicating veins is formed with the presence of unimpeded horizontal blood flow in the direction of both deep and superficial vessels. In the end, chronic venous insufficiency is formed with swelling, pain and trophic ulcers.

Symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities

As you might guess from the name, the main visible sign Varicose veins are considered to be saccular or cylindrical dilation of superficial veins.

Varicose veins on the legs.

They become convoluted and protrude above the surface of the skin in the area of ​​the legs and feet. Varicose veins are most pronounced after heavy or prolonged physical activity. Very often, dilated veins appear at a young age, in women - during or after pregnancy.

At the early stage of varicose veins, symptoms are few and nonspecific. All the signs of this stage are combined into "heavy leg syndrome". At the same time, you are concerned about increased fatigue, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, burning, bloating, the severity of which is maximum after physical activity. Transient swelling and aching pain along the veins may also occur. This is characterized by slight swelling of the ankles and dorsum of the foot, which occurs in the evening, especially after prolonged static load. A characteristic sign of edema is that in the morning it goes away without a trace. The presence of visible dilated veins is not necessary for this stage. As a rule, most patients with varicose veins noted the presence of certain signs at the onset of the disease. Therefore, timely contact with a specialist even at initial stage diseases will be prevented further development illness.

Varicose veins develop slowly, sometimes over decades. In case of inadequate treatment, chronic venous insufficiency forms as the disease progresses.

Particular attention should be paid to considering the issue of “spider veins” as a important symptom venous insufficiency. “Spider veins” are a web of capillaries dilated by more than 0.1 mm, visible through the skin.

As a rule, women regard these “stars” as a cosmetic defect; men simply do not notice. Indeed, in some cases these are manifestations of dishormonal disorders, abuse of the sauna, solarium, while avoiding high temperatures and eliminating hormonal imbalances (for example, using oral contraceptives) will completely cure the disease. But, in most cases, the appearance of " spider veins“is the first and perhaps the only sign of congestion of the superficial veins and the development of varicose veins. Therefore, even if there is a small area of ​​​​the expanded capillary network, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Complications of varicose veins

Varicose veins are not only a cosmetic problem, but also dangerous disease, primarily because of its complications. With improper or untimely treatment, such dangerous conditions as thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, as well as bleeding from dilated veins, develop. Thrombosis (complete or partial closure of the lumen of a vein with a blood clot) or thrombophlebitis (inflammatory disease of the venous wall due to thrombosis) occurs suddenly and is not associated with physical activity. The swelling rapidly spreads to the lower limb, which is accompanied by unbearable bursting pain. Redness or bluish discoloration and local soreness of the skin may occur. If a blood clot breaks off, it enters the blood vessels of the lungs with the bloodstream, and in the case of complete or partial closure of the vessel, it can lead to a serious illness - thromboembolism pulmonary artery. This complication is often fatal. If you suspect these complications of varicose veins, you must immediately take a horizontal position, raise your leg up, and contact an ambulance by phone medical care. You cannot squeeze your leg muscles, use ointments, or step on your leg.

Injury to the area of ​​dilated vessels is also considered dangerous, as severe bleeding may occur. In this case, you urgently need to apply a tourniquet (medical or improvised) to the leg above the bleeding site, strong enough to stop the bleeding. It is also necessary to urgently call an ambulance team.

If at least one of the above signs is detected, it is necessary to examine a phlebologist - a specialist in vein diseases and, if necessary, consult other specialists, for example, a vascular surgeon, therapist, or gynecologist.

Diagnosis of varicose veins

When you see your doctor, you will likely be asked to:

  • General blood analysis. The number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin indicate the degree of blood thickening; the level of platelets can indicate a disease of the blood coagulation system (susceptibility to thrombosis); an increase in the number of leukocytes characterizes inflammation (confirms thrombophlebitis).
  • The “golden” standard for diagnosing varicose veins is ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities, which identifies the affected areas of the veins. The anatomical classification of varicose veins is based on this principle, indicating the altered vessel. For example, damage to the great saphenous vein above or below the knee, the small saphenous vein. Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities is recommended when identifying the above signs of varicose veins, even when “spider veins” appear.
  • Rheovasography is a method for determining insufficient blood supply (nutrition) to tissues by calculating the rheographic index. Based on this indicator, the stage of the disease is determined: compensation, subcompensation or decompensation.
  • If the data from non-invasive methods are questionable, they resort to surgical methods studies, such as phlebography ( intravenous administration contrast agent to assess the condition of the venous system).

Treatment of varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins is a complex process, the duration of which directly depends on the stage of the disease. Therapeutic measures are divided into surgical and conservative (non-surgical).

Non-surgical treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities gives good results only at the onset of the disease, when skin manifestations are not very pronounced and only moderately reduce ability to work. Conservative therapy is also indicated in the presence of contraindications to surgical treatment. In addition, these methods must be used in postoperative period to prevent relapse of the disease.

Conservative treatment includes reducing the severity of risk factors, adequate physical activity, elastic compression, medications and physical therapy. The use of these measures together guarantees a good result. Together with a specialist, it is necessary to identify risk factors for varicose veins, for example, obesity, taking oral contraceptives, improper physical activity, and try to influence them.

People who have risk factors for the development of varicose veins, including hereditary predisposition, even in the absence of symptoms of the disease, need to consult a phlebologist at least twice a year with mandatory ultrasound examination of the veins of the lower extremities.

In the absence of complications (thrombosis or thrombophlebitis), it is necessary to regularly train the veins of the lower extremities. Recommended: keep your feet in an elevated position for as long as possible, use comfortable shoes. Walking, swimming, cycling, jogging are preferred. Physical activity (except swimming) should be carried out under conditions of elastic compression. Participation in sports that are traumatic for the lower extremities is contraindicated, as well as in the case of predominant loads on the lower extremities: football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, skiing, different kinds martial arts, exercises related to weight lifting. At home, after consultation with a specialist, it is possible to carry out several simple exercises.
Before class, you need to lie down for a couple of minutes, keeping your legs in an elevated position to prepare the body for the exercises. The pace and speed of exercises are individual, in accordance with physical capabilities. When conducting physical education, the main thing is regularity.

In a lying position.
1 "Bicycle". The back and lower back are pressed tightly to the floor, we turn the pedals.
2. "Vertical scissors". Arm along the body, cross the legs like scissors.
3. We work with the feet. In a lying position, we bend and unbend, making circular movements in the ankle joints.

You can perform the following exercises while standing or sitting at your desk. We repeat each exercise 20 times
1. Lifting (socks together). Socks are parallel, pressed against each other. We rise on our toes, freeze in this position for a few seconds, and lower ourselves to the floor.
2. Lifting (toes apart). Heels together, toes apart. We rise on our toes, then lower ourselves to the floor.
3. Raise (heels apart). Toes together, heels apart. The movements are carried out as in the previous exercises.

Elastic compression- a method of treating varicose veins through elastic bandaging or the use of medical knitwear. This creates a dosed compression of the muscles. This promotes better blood flow through the veins and prevents congestion. By artificially maintaining “tone,” the veins stop expanding, preventing thrombosis.

At all stages of development of varicose veins, the use of phlebotonic drugs is recommended. Their action is aimed at strengthening the vein wall. Today, drugs such as Detralex, Cyclo 3 Fort, Ginkor-fort, Troxevasin, Anavenol, Aescusan, Asklezan, Antistax, Phlebodia 600 are used. The course of treatment is long, 6 months or more. Also indicated are drugs that reduce blood viscosity - antiplatelet agents (aspirin, chimes), anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac).

No folk remedies, meaning medicinal herbs, can compare in effectiveness with the listed drugs, so you should not self-medicate. Drug therapy should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Local treatment, for example various ointments, gels are not recommended in the absence of thrombosis or thrombophlebitis.

Physiotherapy has no independent meaning. It is used only as prescribed by a doctor, depending on the underlying problem. Using physical methods at home on your own can lead to the development of complications (inflammation, blood clot rupture). If assigned correctly best effect have diadynamic currents, magnetic field, electrophoresis, laser.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities is a surgical disease, complete cure from which it is possible only after surgical treatment . Depending on the location of the lesion and the severity of the disease, the following methods of surgical treatment are used.

1. Phlebectomy - surgical removal varicose veins. The purpose of the operation is to eliminate the pathological discharge of blood by removing the main trunks of the great or small saphenous vein, as well as ligating the communicating veins. This operation is contraindicated if:
severe concomitant disease, at which holding surgical intervention can dramatically worsen the condition;
late stage of varicose veins;
the presence of any purulent process in the body;
old age.

The use of endoscopic treatment methods makes this operation safer and cosmetically beneficial. A set of measures for best recovery after surgery (rehabilitation) directly depends on the complexity of the operation, but general principles apply. The final formation of sutures takes 6 months, therefore, to prevent their damage and avoid cosmetic defects, it is recommended to exclude rough mechanical impact on them (using a hard washcloth, compressive clothing). Don't wash hot water. After surgery, it is necessary to use elastic compression, usually for 6 months. In the future, compression hosiery is necessary in case of possible “harmful” load (heavy lifting, long journeys, flights).

2. Sclerosis- injection of a special substance (sclerosant) into the dilated vein, which causes the walls of the vein to “stick together” and blood flow through it ceases. As a result, there is no pathological discharge of blood, and a cosmetic defect is eliminated, since the vein collapses and becomes invisible. But sclerotherapy is effective only when expanding small branches of the main trunks, which limits its use when the process is severe. The advantage of sclerotherapy is the absence of scars and the need for hospitalization. After vein sclerosis, specific rehabilitation is not required.

3. Laser coagulation- a method based on the destruction of the vein wall through the heat of a laser, resulting in the “sealing” of the venous lumen. Indicated only when the vein is dilated no more than 10 mm. The method is associated with anesthesia. It is cosmetically preferable compared to phlebectomy, but, as after vein removal, it requires early activation of the patient, as well as long-term elastic compression.

Prevention of varicose veins

In the modern world, great importance is given to the prevention of varicose veins. Regular implementation of simple measures will significantly reduce the risk of the onset and progression of the disease:

An active lifestyle is the basis of prevention; it is also important to alternate long-term static loads with walking, running, cycling, swimming, and performing simple exercises in the workplace.
Keep your legs elevated as much as possible.
Avoid weight gain.
Wear comfortable shoes with a maximum heel size of up to 4 cm, and if necessary, use orthopedic insoles.
In the case of estrogen use, e.g. oral contraceptives, and also during pregnancy, it is mandatory to undergo an ultrasound scan of the veins of the lower extremities.

General practitioner Sirotkina E.V.

Varicose veins in the legs are chronic illness, which is characterized by a violation of the outflow of blood, which increases pressure on the veins. The blood vessels are equipped with valves that allow blood to pass only upward so that it does not stagnate in the lower extremities. When the functioning of the valves is disrupted, the blood flow becomes chaotic, after which varicose veins develop in the legs and treatment in this case should be carried out immediately. It's not only aesthetic problem humans, but also a threat to health and even life.

Methods for treating varicose veins on the legs

Varicose veins begin with the appearance of “cobwebs” or spider veins on the skin of the legs, periodic heaviness and swelling in the lower extremities. Sometimes a person needs enough rest for the first signs of varicose veins to subside. This is the trap - the patient turns to the doctor for treatment when varicose veins are already advanced and surgical intervention is required.

If you feel heaviness in your legs, swelling, pain when walking, then know that you have the initial stage of varicose veins that needs to be treated. The main signs of varicose veins:

  • persistent swelling of the legs in the lower leg or thigh area;
  • thickening of the skin on the lower leg;
  • change in skin color (red spots, darkening);
  • pronounced pain in the calves, worsening when walking;
  • soreness of the veins on palpation;
  • formation trophic ulcers.

External treatment: creams, ointments and gels

With varicose veins, damage occurs first to the superficial and then to the deep blood vessels leading to blood stagnation. In the first stages of the disease, drugs for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs are effective: gels, ointments and creams. They are actively used in home therapy for varicose veins, and are applied directly to the area of ​​the vascular network twice a day. Depending on the desired effect, these drugs are divided into groups:

  1. Heparin based. Prevents stagnation venous blood, have a resolving effect. The most common: “Lioton 1000”, “Dolobene”, “Heparin ointment”.
  2. Based on natural ingredients (ruscus, horse chestnut, melilotis officinalis). Relieves pain in chronic varicose veins, strengthens blood vessels, and relieves leg fatigue during pregnancy. Popular: “Venitan”, “Reparil-gel”, “Troxevasin”.
  3. Non-steroidal drugs that prevent inflammation. They are used to treat thrombosis and thrombophlebitis: “Voltaren”, “Fastum-gel”, “Dicloren”.
  4. Based on hormones that have an antihistamine, anti-inflammatory effect for varicose veins: “Celestoderm”, “Flucinar”, “Sinaflan”.

Drug treatment of varicose veins

In the complex therapy of varicose veins, an important component is treatment with medications. The main types of medications are tablets, capsules, injections (shots). More common than others:

  1. Phlebotonics, which increase blood flow and improve tone vascular walls. For example, the drug Phlebofa. This is a modern, highly purified preparation of diosmin, the only one among domestic products without a film coating, dyes and preservatives, due to which active substance absorbed as quickly as possible, and the likelihood allergic reactions is reduced to a minimum.
  2. Blood thinners. They prevent the formation of blood clots by thinning the blood and improving its circulation. The most famous: “Venolife”, “Trenal”, “Aspirin”. They are used for varicose veins strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs that produce pain relief, reduce tissue swelling, and inhibit platelet aggregation: Diclofenac, Indomethacin. Treatment of varicose veins with these drugs should only be done under the supervision of a physician.

Laser treatment

Thanks to the achievements modern medicine Now you can painlessly get rid of varicose veins using a laser. It generates radiation, and the patient’s blood hemoglobin absorbs the laser wave spectrum, releasing heat that closes the damaged vessel from the inside. As a result, blood stops moving through this section of the vein, moving through deeper vessels. Over time, connective tissue forms at the site of the affected vessel, which subsequently resolves. Laser radiation targets varicose veins without causing harm to surrounding tissues.


Treatment of varicose veins with water has been known since the time ancient Rus'. Veins, under the influence of different temperatures, are able to contract and expand, which helps strengthen their elasticity. Hydrotherapy is very effective at the initial stage of treatment of varicose veins, when they first appear on the legs vascular network. Baths can be general, when the patient’s entire body is immersed in water, or local - only for the legs. The water temperature for treatment should vary from 40 to 20 degrees.

Stockings and tights for varicose veins

Women are more susceptible to varicose veins than men. This is due to the hormonal changes that they undergo throughout life (pregnancy, menopause). The most comfortable and simplest method of treating varicose veins is wearing special tights or stockings that protect the legs from pain, swelling and fatigue. The effectiveness of compression garments is due to the fact that they compress the legs, and this leads to compression of varicose veins. Wearing compression tights– excellent prevention of varicose veins. There are product models designed to treat varicose veins in men and pregnant women.

Surgical intervention

When varicose veins cause dilatation of deep veins, doctors recommend phlebectomy - removal of varicose vessels surgically. With this operation, blood flow through them is restored. Required condition To perform a surgical intervention, there are no cuts, pustules, or rashes on the operated area of ​​the skin. The operation itself lasts no more than 2 hours, after which small scars (4-5 mm) remain. Indications for surgical intervention:

  • trophic changes in the skin;
  • pathological dilatation of veins;
  • extensive varicose veins;
  • disruption of blood flow.

How to get rid of varicose veins using folk remedies

Treatment of varicose veins on the legs at home can also be effective if you approach it comprehensively. The general set of measures to eliminate the disease consists of several points:

  1. Give up the habit of sitting with your legs crossed.
  2. Don't miss the opportunity to get around on foot.
  3. Introduce foods containing fiber, vitamins, and beneficial microelements into your diet, avoiding fried, spicy, and fatty foods.
  4. Use folk remedies (tinctures, decoctions, compresses, rubs) to treat varicose veins.

Apple cider vinegar for swollen feet

There are many folk recipes which help relieve pain, swelling, and heaviness in the legs. has medicinal properties, effective for varicose veins. It contains more than 20 minerals and trace elements that are beneficial for the human body, as well as vitamins A, C, B. Apple cider vinegar not only strengthens the walls of blood vessels, but also helps relieve swelling, perfectly toning the skin.

Methods of its use for the treatment of varicose veins:

  1. Rubbing. After taking water procedures, rub apple cider vinegar into painful areas and do not wash off until next appointment bath or shower.
  2. Compresses. Soak gauze in pure vinegar and apply to varicose vein, wrap in cellophane, insulate with a towel. Lie down so that your legs are 50 cm higher than your body, using the armrests of the sofa or a pillow. Lie down for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  3. Pouring. Take a couple of liters warm water, add 150 g apple cider vinegar. Place your feet in the basin, slowly pouring the prepared solution over the swollen veins. Then drain the water, repeating the procedure for at least 5 minutes. After dousing, do not wipe your feet; let them dry naturally.

Lotions and compresses made of clay

Blue, white or green clay, which is sold in pharmacies, is useful for treating varicose veins. It should be coated with varicose areas of the legs, after soaking them in cold water. The thickness of the layer should be at least 1 cm. Polyethylene should be applied on top, but there is no need to apply insulation. This cold wrap should be kept for a long time - from 1 to 1.5 hours, then take a cool shower.

Cold wraps are no less useful in treating varicose veins than hot ones. With this procedure, the veins narrow, metabolism improves, and lymph is rejected, which takes with it toxins and waste. Clay wrap relieves tired legs and effectively fights swelling. Carry out at least 12 procedures, 2 times a week, and you will feel lightness in your legs.

Acacia flower tincture

Many herbalists recommend a tincture of white acacia flowers to treat varicose veins. It is used in the form of compresses, lotions, and rubbing. The tincture perfectly resolves swollen venous nodes, giving the legs lightness and health. To prepare it, pour 100 g. flowers with 0.5 liter of vodka, leave in a dark place for three weeks. Then strain and rub the infusion daily into the skin of your legs where there are venous expansions. The more often you do this, the faster normal blood circulation will be restored in your legs. First, the vascular network will disappear, and over time the deep veins will also disappear.

Video: how to treat varicose veins at home

Varicose veins can be treated at home with many remedies. For example, make 15-minute baths daily with freshly brewed peppermint and chamomile. These herbs help relieve tired legs after a working day, being an excellent prevention of varicose veins. Some people use horse chestnut tincture to treat swollen veins, which relieves swelling of the legs when wrapped. Watch the video below for tips on using a new drug for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs, which is made from horse chestnut.

Photo of varicose veins of the lower extremities

If varicose veins are not treated, then over time trophic ulcers will appear on the legs, developing into gangrene, and the person will face amputation. In order not to take the situation to an extreme, you need to contact a phlebologist at the first symptoms of the disease, who will offer individual treatment for the disease, depending on its stage. Look at the photo below to see what varicose veins look like in the final stages.


Beautiful slender legs- This is the desire of every woman.

But in our fast-paced life, it is important to preserve not only the beauty, but also the health of your feet.

High heels, time spent on your feet, and even some types of workouts in a fitness club can trigger the development of a serious disease - varicose veins.

Varicose veins in women

In later stages, varicose veins cannot be confused with another disease. But in the initial stages, the disease cleverly disguises itself as ordinary fatigue and heaviness in the legs.

Let's talk about the first signs of varicose veins, because the sooner you learn about the disease and begin to treat it, the easier it will be to overcome this serious illness.

Varicose veins in women

Many people mistakenly believe that varicose veins are a disease that only affects older people. This is not true: serious stages of varicose veins can occur even at a very young age.

So, what are varicose veins? How to recognize the first symptoms and what should you pay attention to?

Varicose veins are a pathology characterized by chronic venous insufficiency. Ultimately, the disease leads to the infamous results of swollen and twisted veins in the legs. The veins become dark purple or even black in color; in addition, they seem to curl under the skin, creating an aesthetically unpleasant picture.

This happens because the blood flow in the veins of the legs is disrupted, the heart valve does not work properly, the blood stagnates, stretches the vessels, as a result of which these symptoms occur.

It is worth noting that at least 25 percent of people living on our planet, to one degree or another, face the problem of varicose veins.

Unfortunately, the news is disappointing for the fairer sex: it is women who suffer from varicose veins more often than men. The ratio of men to women with this disease is one to three.

Causes of varicose veins

Doctors name several causes of varicose veins:

-Genetic predisposition;

Unfortunately, sometimes people are genetically predisposed to certain diseases, but this does not mean that if your mother or grandmother suffered from this disease, then you will also necessarily experience the unpleasant symptoms of the disorder.

However, if you take care of your health, you can prevent the development of varicose veins, even if you have been diagnosed with such a pathology;

-Hormonal changes;

This reason explains why varicose veins are more common in women than in men: the hormonal balance of women is very unstable. Major periods of risk include puberty, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause.

-Passive lifestyle;

Oddly enough, a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle can also cause problems with the veins, which will ultimately lead to varicose veins.

-Work on the feet;

Conversely, work that requires constant standing has a negative impact on the veins. Too much huge pressure can lead to impaired blood flow in the veins of the legs.

Early varicose veins

As we have already said, very few people know about the development of varicose veins until the disease becomes quite serious and obvious.

The fact is that early symptoms Varicose veins are so common that we simply don't notice them. However, if you frequently experience the symptoms listed below, be sure to consult a specialist.

Here are the symptoms that you need to pay attention to in time and, if detected, immediately go to the doctor:

1. Heaviness, pain and discomfort in the legs

Do you often feel discomfort, heaviness and pain in your feet, especially after wearing high-heeled shoes or after spending a lot of time on your feet?

Of course, this symptom in itself does not indicate the presence of varicose veins, but you should pay attention to it.

2. Edema

Of course, each of us may face the problem of swelling in the legs. However, if swelling is not the result of excessive salty foods, hot weather or fatigue from strenuous activities physical exercise, it's time to sound the alarm.

If swelling becomes your constant companion, it is likely that we are talking about the initial stage of varicose veins.

Twice a day, morning and evening, measure your leg (game) circumference, and if you notice that the difference between the morning and evening volumes exceeds 1 centimeter, you should be alarmed.

Varicose veins are characterized by swelling of the legs in the evening, until the morning, as a rule, the swelling subsides.

3. Pain and tingling in the legs

In the initial stages of varicose veins, you may experience pain in your legs. However, some women complain of skin numbness and a tingling sensation. Spasms or cramps may occur from time to time.

4. Veins showing through the skin

One of the most striking symptoms of varicose veins is the appearance of leg veins through the skin. And even if the veins are not yet completely convex, with varicose veins their color becomes more intense.

5. Dilated vessels (web-shaped veins)

Many people believe that spider veins are the same as varicose veins. However, this is not quite true. Spider webs on the legs indicate weak blood vessels, not varicose veins. But, if you notice a similar symptom, you should also consult a specialist.

Varicose veins are a common disease that not only looks unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, but also causes severe discomfort, worsens well-being and reduces overall tone.

Be sure to consult your doctor immediately after the first symptoms appear. You should not neglect your own health. Remember that identifying the symptoms of the disease in time will help maintain the beauty and health of your feet.

Varicose veins are predominantly women's diseases, which is associated with the constant wearing of high-heeled shoes, pregnancy, childbirth and a number of other circumstances. But the disease can also affect men, especially if they have a job that requires a lot of physical effort. Since varicose veins cause severe wear and tear of the veins, which can provoke their atrophy and thrombosis, it is important to diagnose the disease in time and treat it. It can be performed surgically and conservative methods. Treatment can only be selected by the attending physician.

Among the main provoking factors of pathology, modern surgeons and therapists name the following reasons:

  • lack of feasible physical activity and sedentary lifestyle;
  • exorbitant physical exercise, including sports;
  • period of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes, although she does not have to have high heels;
  • increased body weight and obesity;
  • genetic predisposition to diseases of blood vessels and veins;
  • Availability bad habits and unbalanced diet;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • wearing tight clothes.

Attention! The disease begins to manifest itself, at first glance, with imperceptible or minor symptoms in the form of itching in the affected areas or heaviness. But gradually the patient will encounter pronounced bulging veins and constant pain in this area.

Phlebotonics and phleboprotectors for varicose veins


The drug has a long course of therapy, which can last for three months. Most often, Detralex is prescribed in the presence of chronic venous insufficiency. In this case, the dosage is 1 tablet in the morning and 1 in the evening. Food accounting in in this case doesn't matter much. 7 days after receiving the first results, the patient can be transferred to a more gentle treatment regimen, which involves a single dose of Detralex.


It is an extract that contains substances such as isoquercetin, quercetin and resveratrol. These components increase the elasticity of blood vessels, promote their healing, relieve pain and inflammatory process. The drug is produced in three pharmacological forms.

Release formImageDose of medicationDose for severe diseaseA course of treatment
Capsules 2 capsules on an empty stomach2 capsules morning and evening4-12 weeks
1-2 uses2 uses4-12 weeks
1-2 uses2 uses4-12 weeks

Of the three forms, capsules show the best effect, since they act directly on the site of the disease itself. The gel can relieve pain and alleviate the patient's condition. The weakest form in terms of impact is the spray. It can only relieve a number of symptoms, but does not reduce the further spread of varicose veins.


When symptoms of varicose veins appear, forms of Escusan such as tablets, ointment and gel are most often prescribed. Dosage medicinal product is selected taking into account the severity of varicose veins. When taking the tablet form, a dose of 15-100 mg may be prescribed active substance. The exact amount can only be determined by the attending physician. When using a gel or ointment, you must first thoroughly wash the affected area and rub it with the prescribed form of Aescusan. It is recommended to use ointment or gel under an elastic bandage. The duration of therapy is individual for each patient.

Phlebodia 600

A good remedy that is quickly absorbed into the blood and improves the condition of the entire venous system. Take the medication once, and you should drink it before breakfast on an empty stomach. For mild degrees of varicose veins, treatment continues for two months, if the disease is accompanied by convulsions and trophic disorders - 4 months. If trophic ulcers appear, therapy can last for six months.


The drug contains diosmin, which has the main therapeutic effect. In the presence of venous insufficiency, Venolek take two tablets for lunch and dinner. Treatment continues for an individually selected period, and the tablets should be stored away from sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation destroys the active substance, which can significantly reduce the effectiveness of therapy.

Attention! When combining medications from these groups, it is possible to have a combined effect on dilated veins. Phlebotonics improve blood flow, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent their further expansion. Phleboprotectors provide anti-inflammatory and restorative effects.

Anticoagulants for varicose veins


Quite popular in the treatment of varicose veins is a gel that has a complex effect. It cools the diseased areas well, which allows you to get rid of heaviness and pain. Lyoton can be applied up to three times a day, and the treatment regimen should be determined only by a doctor. For moderate severity of the disease, 1-2 applications of the gel are sufficient.


The drug contains heparin. It has a wound-healing effect, improves microcirculation in blood vessels, and relieves pain. Venolife should be taken lightly massage movements up to three times a day. Usually the duration of treatment does not exceed one month.


The medication is available in tablet form; they are swallowed whole and not divided. Curantil is available in doses of 25 and 75 mg of the active substance. The dosage of the drug can only be selected by a phlebologist. Curantil stimulates venous blood flow and improves the condition of blood vessels. Treatment usually does not last longer than 2-3 weeks.

Attention! This group of medications is aimed at thinning the blood, which reduces the likelihood of clots and blood clots. Such treatment also avoids possible complications associated with the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system. Therapy continues for an individually selected time for each patient.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for varicose veins

Diclofenac ointment

Affordable medicine, which can bring relief after the first use. In addition to inflammation, Diclofenac also relieves pain and swelling, and restores the normal condition of the skin. Apply ointment in an amount of 2 g up to three times a day. In case of severe development of varicose veins, the single dose of Diclofenac can be doubled. The duration of therapy cannot exceed two weeks.

Voltaren emulgel

It is also used in an amount of 2-4 g of the active substance; the exact dose is influenced by the extent of the affected area and the degree of varicose veins. The number of daily applications can be 1-3, the exact scheme will be clarified by a specialist. The duration of therapy depends on the tolerability of the medication, the stage of varicose veins and related problems. Voltaren Emulgel should not be used for more than 14 days.


No pre-cleaning of diseased areas is required before use. Single dose Indomethacin is 4 cm, the maximum total daily dosage is 15 cm of ointment. The drug must be used strictly on diseased areas. The recommended daily number of applications is three. When used locally, the duration of therapy for each patient is selected individually, taking into account medical history and tolerability.

Methindol Retard

It comes in the form of tablets that should be taken with or immediately after meals. The dosage of Methindol Retard for each patient is selected individually, which can amount to 1-2 tablets of the drug. The total daily amount of medication cannot be more than 150 mg. The duration of therapy can be from 5 to 14 days. Further treatment is carried out only if there are real indications after consultation with a phlebologist.

Attention! The exact dose of these medications can only be selected by a phlebologist, since non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cause a large number of side effects. If they are taken incorrectly by patients with varicose veins, the risk of additional problems with blood vessels increases.

Traditional methods of treating varicose veins

Apple vinegar

Use it home remedy two ways. The first involves rubbing a small amount of apple cider vinegar into the affected areas 1-2 times a day. The last dose is best taken before bedtime, this way you can soothe sore limbs and improve sleep. If varicose veins are localized, you can soak clean gauze in vinegar and apply it to the sore spot for 5-10 minutes. These manipulations are also repeated 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. A mandatory one-month break is required between courses.

Honey ointment

To prepare an effective home remedy, you need to take beeswax, propolis and olive oil. These ingredients must be taken in a ratio of 2:1:1, respectively. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, they must be stored in the refrigerator. Apply homemade ointment twice a day in the morning and evening; there is no need to rinse off the product. Therapy can be carried out for 3-4 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for the same period.

horse chestnut

Horse chestnut solution - effective remedy in the fight against varicose veins

To prepare the solution, you need to collect a half-liter jar of chestnuts and peel the fruits. After this, the plant needs to be filled with 200 ml of alcohol or vodka, the resulting solution is infused only in a dark, cool place for 14 days, for this you can use the bottom drawer of the refrigerator. After settling, you need to take 30 drops of the resulting infusion three times after main meals. The duration of such treatment is 20-30 days.

The tincture can also be used as a rub; in this case, the product should not be taken orally. Rub your feet before going to bed; it is recommended to wash them first. As soon as the product is applied, you should immediately go to bed. Use chestnut tincture in this way every day for a month. In both cases, a break of three months is required between treatments.

Potato juice

This remedy can be used for initial degree varicose veins, as well as when ulcers appear on the affected areas. To do this, you need to wipe the raw potatoes and then soak a clean gauze bandage with it. It is applied to the ulcerative lesion for five hours. After this, the compress needs to be changed. You can use potato applications 1-2 times a day for two weeks. The breaks between therapy should be at least three to four weeks.

Attention! Real efficiency folk remedies for varicose veins is still in doubt. Therefore, it is recommended to use such methods only with the permission of a doctor and in combination with traditional drugs.

Video - Home treatment for varicose veins

When is it necessary to see a doctor urgently?

In severe cases of exacerbation of varicose veins, conditions may develop that require immediate treatment. medical assistance. Such cases include the following processes:

  • the pain in the affected area is so severe that it is impossible to move the limb and get out of bed;
  • the skin differs upon palpation elevated temperature, the sore spot is swollen and very tight;
  • the skin has acquired a shade from normal to bluish or close to red and purple;
  • sudden shortness of breath appears, it is difficult to take even short breaths;
  • there is increased sweating and severe weakness of the whole body;
  • there is bleeding from the affected vein or the entire area.

Attention! Similar conditions can occur not only in women, but also in men and children if they suffer from varicose veins. Delay in this case may threaten the death of the patient if the necessary medical care is not provided.

Remedies against varicose veins during pregnancy


This medication can only be used from the second trimester of pregnancy. When using the gel, it is applied strictly to the affected areas 2-3 times, and you should wash your hands thoroughly after the procedure. When using tablets, a woman is recommended to take 1 tablet in the morning and evening. The classic course of treatment is two weeks. If there is an urgent need, treatment can be extended, but only with the permission of a specialist.

Phlebodia 600

This drug can also be taken while pregnant. In this case it is determined individual scheme use of tablets. Most often, it involves taking one tablet on an empty stomach. Treatment is stopped two weeks before the expected date of birth. It is better not to use Phlebodia in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Troxerutin Vetprom gel

The medicine can be applied morning and evening, and the amount at a time should not exceed 3-4 cm of gel. Rub Troxerutin Vetprom gel with light massage movements, slightly going beyond the boundaries of the affected area. The duration of treatment is determined individually for each patient.


A fairly expensive medicine that comes in tablet form. They are taken half an hour before meals; chewing is prohibited. In the presence of varicose veins, the medication is prescribed in the amount of two tablets up to three times a day. The course of treatment can last 20-30 days, it all depends on the degree of damage to the veins. It is also advisable to use only from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Attention! When using any medications against varicose veins, constant monitoring of the pregnant woman's condition is required. During childbirth, a woman must wear compression stockings.

Since the disease is falsely treatable and there is always a high chance of its recurrence, patients need to constantly follow preventive methods. It is enough to monitor your diet, rest properly, wear comfortable shoes and periodically visit a vascular surgeon. With constant monitoring by a specialist and taking care of yourself, you can forget for a long time about problems with veins and the inconveniences that varicose veins provoke.

Varicose veins most often affect women, due to many reasons. The disease has several stages of development, at each of which the symptoms of varicose veins are different. On initial stage they are completely absent, patients are only concerned about cosmetic disorders.


What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins (varicose veins) are pathological process, characterized by expansion of the lumen of the veins and disruption of the outflow of venous blood from the legs. The venous system has special valves, thanks to which blood flows in one direction (up) and does not stagnate in the legs. Malfunction of these valves leads to reverse blood flow, causing stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities and the development of symptoms of varicose veins.

Video: Varicose veins and the mechanism of its occurrence in Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

Signs of varicose veins of the legs

As a rule, many of us imagine varicose veins in the form of dilated, swollen and protruding blue veins on the legs. This idea really refers to a disease, but a similar condition is observed in cases of severely advanced disease. In addition, such a manifestation of varicose veins is accompanied by pain, heaviness and fatigue, swelling of the legs and feet. It is not worth bringing the disease to such a state, since varicose veins provoke blood clots and frequent infection. Against this background, vascular inflammation often occurs, which is often complicated by blood clots (thrombophlebitis). Along the venous trunks, painful compactions in the form of cords form, the skin loses elasticity and color, becomes dense and dark brown. The most minor injury can cause an ulcer. With varicose veins, a woman can become disabled at the age of 40.

Stages of varicose veins of the legs

Stage I of varicose veins – complete absence of complaints, only cosmetic disorders cause concern;

Stage II of varicose veins – a feeling of heaviness, fullness appears, and cramps are added at night;

Stage III of varicose veins – swelling of the feet and legs, changes in the skin (compaction on the skin and subcutaneous tissue, pigmentation) are noted;

Stage IV varicose veins - disruption of tissue trophism, formation of ulcers.

Symptoms of varicose veins on the legs

Spider veins (telangiectasia).

Curvature, elongation of dilated veins that protrude above the surface of the skin.

Skin changes. At first it is simply excessively dry skin, then pigmented areas appear, which are soon joined by dermatitis of various natures, eczema and trophic ulcers.

Pain. Pain can be caused by a variety of reasons, and its nature can be different - it can be a hot throbbing pain, pain while walking, pain and aches in the legs of a general nature, itching in muscle tissue and cramps at night, pain along the venous trunks.

Edema. They mainly affect the area of ​​the feet and legs.

Feeling of fullness and heaviness in the legs.

Each stage of development of varicose veins has its own symptoms. At the initial stage (when pathological blood flow begins through the deep and communicating veins), the disease as such is difficult to diagnose independently, because its main symptom (varicose veins) is absent. At the same time, sometimes fatigue, a feeling of heaviness and minor pain in the legs can also be symptoms of the early stages of the development of diseases such as lumbar osteochondrosis, flat feet, and arterial diseases. In this situation, patients need to visit a vascular specialist, phlebologist, as well as an additional neurologist, osteopath, and surgeon. For an accurate diagnosis, ultrasonography and phlebography.

Typically, a woman begins to sound the alarm when thin blood vessels begin to clearly appear under the skin of the thighs or legs, or when ugly red or bluish veins or patterns “suddenly” appear, and their appearance is not necessarily accompanied by discomfort. Subsequently, the vascular pattern on the skin intensifies, the skin changes, becomes cyanotic and unattractive. In the hope of getting rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect, women visit a specialist.

Video: How not to miss the first symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities in the "Other News" program

Only the appearance of the main symptom of the disease - protruding varicose nodes (or nodes) on the inner surface of the legs or thighs - begins to make a woman think that something is wrong with her veins. But the moment has already passed, the disease is developing and progressing. Staying on your feet for a long time during the day or long walking causes the appearance of other symptoms of varicose veins - fatigue, heaviness, a feeling of fullness, usually in the calf area, pain in the area of ​​dilated veins of an acute or aching nature. To these symptoms of the disease are added swelling (in the evening, disappears by morning) and night cramps of the calf muscles. At first, such symptoms occur periodically and disappear after have a nice rest. There is no point in hoping for recovery; the disease will only progress if left untreated. In general, remember, if varicose veins have occurred, it is impossible to cure it forever, you can only prevent complications from developing and delay or prevent surgical intervention, which, by the way, is also not a guarantee of getting rid of the disease forever, but it has a long-term effect.

As the disease develops, all of the listed symptoms begin to appear more often and are more acute in nature, and then, familiar to our eyes, convoluted intradermal veins of a dark blue color appear, protruding above the skin of the legs and feet in the form of bunches of grapes. The pain becomes bursting, heat is felt, swelling becomes commonplace.

Further, changes in the skin join the symptoms of the disease: it becomes excessively dry, acquires a dark color, and a little later trophic disorders begin to be observed (eczema, ulcers that do not heal for a long time). The pain at this stage becomes unbearable. The disease is considered to be very advanced; treatment of varicose veins in the legs in this case is usually surgical. Which technique will be used is decided by the phlebologist and vascular surgeon individually in each case. Non-surgical treatment methods are used for more than early stages development of varicose veins with minor skin changes.

Causes of varicose veins in the legs

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Patient's gender.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Reception hormonal drugs and contraceptives.
  5. Excessive intense or frequent physical activity.
  6. A profession that requires sedentary work or standing on your feet for long periods of time.
  7. Not healthy eating.
  8. Overweight, obesity.
  9. Wearing uncomfortable, tight clothes and shoes.
  10. Physical inactivity.
  11. Congenital weakness of the vascular wall.
  12. Immune and endocrine disorders.
  13. Disturbances in the functioning of the valve apparatus of the venous system.
  14. Blood flow disturbances.

When should you see a doctor immediately?

If the following symptoms appear, you should contact your doctor immediately:

  1. If the pain in the leg has intensified, making it impossible to stand up, the skin is hot to the touch.
  2. If shortness of breath suddenly occurs, there is not enough air, weakness appears.
  3. If blood oozes from the affected area of ​​the skin.

Consequences of varicose veins on the legs

Dermatitis and eczema.

The inflammatory disease occurs against the background of stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities. Appears on the skin in the form of foci of redness, which have uneven edges and are accompanied by severe itching, as well as the appearance of minor cracks and bubbles.

Trophic ulcer.

It occurs against the background of eczema and is characterized by the appearance on the leg of a painful, non-healing single wound, at the bottom of which weeping may be observed. The heaviness in the legs increases, the patient cannot stand for a long time.

Acute thrombophlebitis.

It is expressed in inflammation of the wall of a varicose vein, accompanied by the formation of a blood clot in its lumen. The disease is characterized severe pain in any position, redness, increased body temperature, compactions along the subcutaneous vessels. Sometimes blood clots resolve, but more often it happens that the lumen of the vein is completely blocked, creating a risk of obliteration and sclerosis of the affected vein.

With further progression of the disease, prerequisites are created for the development of ascending varicothrombophlebitis and lebothrombosis, the latter affecting the deep vein system, provoking pulmonary embolism. If left untreated, blood flow may stop and gangrene may develop.

Rupture of varicose veins.

Manifests heavy bleeding, requires immediate medical intervention.