Kanefron in comprehensive therapy with what. Kanefron - instructions for use. What should pay attention to. Admission of medication by children - you can or not

Medicine Kanefron H is a vegetable preparation with a complex action, which is directed to the urinary system.

Description of the drug Kanefron.

The drug Kanefron N has a comprehensive effect, which can eliminate inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. The drug has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibacterial and vasodilatory effect. Kanephron drops or tablets eliminate spasm in urinary tracts, prevent the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder. If there is a large amount of protein in the urine, it reduces it in the urine.

Indications and contraindications to the use of the drug Kanefron N

The medicine has two forms of release:

  • Dragee. 20 pieces on the record.
  • Solution for intake. Accepted drops. In 1 bottle contains 50 or 100 ml.

Medication Kanefron N with comprehensive use is shown in case of such diseases as:

  • cystitis acute and chronic
  • urethritis sharp and chronic
  • pyelonephritis sharp and chronic,
  • glomerulonephritis,
  • nephritis interstitial.

Kanefron H has indications for use not only in adults, but also in children.

During pregnancy and when feeding the breast, it is not contraindicated.

The drug practically does not have contraindications, with the exception of allergies to the drug components.

Side effects and overdose

Kanefron N with use can give side effects in the form of allergic reactions. It is a rash on the body, itching, urticaria and in rare cases - angioedema edema (swelling of quinque). If side effects occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor and replace the drug to another.

On cases of overdose drugs were not reported. However, adhere to the dosage is necessary in any case.

Instructions for use of the preparation in the form of tablets:

Tablets Kanefron N should be taken according to the following scheme:

Children from 6 to 16 years old - 1 dragey 3 times a day.

From 16 years and older - 2 dragees 3 times a day.

Kanefron children under 6 should be given in liquid form.

It is necessary to drink it an hour before meals or an hour after it, not chewing, drinking with enough liquid. The course of treatment depends on the state of the patient. Usually after the condition begins to improve, the treatment continues for another 3-4 weeks.

Instructions for the use of drug in the form of droplets

The composition of the drug:

  • Glott breeder (grass).
  • Rosemary leaves.
  • Fair root.

Drops Kanefron H are allowed to use even to infants, they are mixed with any liquid (milk, mixture, tea or water).

The method of applying Kanephron H in the form of syrup:

  • From birth to 3 years old - 10 drops 3 times a day.
  • From 3 to 6 years - 15 drops 3 times a day.
  • From 6 to 16 years old - 25 drops 3 times a day.
  • From 16 years old and older - 50 drops 3 times a day.

Drink needed an hour before meals or an hour after it, drinking with enough liquid. The course of treatment depends on the state of the patient. Usually after the condition begins to improve, the treatment continues for another 3-4 weeks.

special instructions

The use of cananephron during pregnancy and in breastfeeding is not contraindicated. The drug practically does not penetrate the milk and through the placenta, so it does not affect the fruit and for the child. For pregnant women, the dosage of the cananephron does not decrease. When lactation, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended assignments.

Treatment of cystitis and other inflammation of the urinary system must be combined with an antibiotic taking.

Upon swelling, it is necessary to add a diuretic drug only if the actions of the cannephron is not enough.

When allergic to the drug, it is necessary to choose an adequate substitute that will not include an allergen.

Analogs of the drug

Kanephron Analogs: Fair Root, Balenchair Grass and Rosemary Leaves. How much it is necessary to brew each herb, tells the attending physician. Other plant preparations contain other substances. Annotation These contains a detailed description for use. We should not forget to pay attention to the selection of a similar drug on the possibility of admission in the early periods of pregnancy (not all herbs are allowed to women in position).

One of the effective medicines used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system is the drug "Kanefron N". Fully vegetable equipment has a spasmolytic, antiseptic and diuretic effect. It is also used cananephron for the prevention of urolithiasis, noncommunicable diseases, such as glomerulonephritis, interstitial jade.

Preparation "Kanefron"

Composition of funds and remedies

"Kanefron H" is a combined drug, the main components of which are rosemary, listeners and a gold male.

The grass of the gold masculine is used as phytosteria for the preparation of many diuretic drugs. Essential oils of plants increase the absorbency of the renal tubules. At the same time, increasing the volume of the separated urine, the component does not affect the release of chlorine, sodium and potassium. Thus, the urinary bubble and urinary tract (cleansing mucous membranes from bacterial cells) and washing the bacteria. The components of the gold cowner have an analgesic, antispasmodic and immunomodulatory effect.

It is determined by such an effect of terpene (essential oil), which expands the kidney vessels and enhances the bloodstream by increasing the reduction force of the heart. Phenolcarboxylic acids, falling into the blood, shift the acid-alkaline balance into the acidic side, which leads to the release of liquid from the tissues and the formation of urine.

Rosemary essential oil is actively struggling with an intestinal wand, which is the main causative agent of the bladder infection. They oppress the growth of bacteria without giving an increase in the colony. And among other things, Rosemary has an anti-inflammatory effect. Under its influence the muscles of the bladder relax and spasms and pain.

"Kanefron" is produced in the form of tablets and drops. Liquid form is more acceptable for childhood from 1 year. This is due to the convenience and ability to accurately determine the amount of medication.

The diuretic action "Kanephron" is carried out due to a large number of essential oils

  • children from 1 year to 6 years - 15 drops;
  • school age - 25 drops / 1 dragee;
  • adults - 50 drops / 2 dragees.

In special cases, "Kanefron" is prescribed to both infants in the minimally permissible, but at the same time effective dosage.

Take a means three times a day regardless of meals. Since the phytopreparation is a powerful diuretic, it should be squeezed with plenty of water. Essential oils and acids give bitter to the medium, so when preparing a medicine, children are permissible to breed drops with water, juice and other liquids or mixed with sugar, grinding into powder. Adults can use drops in concentrated form.

Indications for application

"Kanefron" is compatible with almost all medicines. It enhances the effect of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Joint admission speeds up recovery and eliminates cystitis chronization. In addition, the use of the phytopreparation reduces the duration of the reception of antibacterial agents.

The duration of treatment and how much to drink the canofron determines the attending physician. But after elimination of symptoms, the reception does not end. Therapy continues for 2 weeks or a month. The dose and duration of the course depends on how long the remission will last.

As a therapeutic means "Kanefron" are prescribed under the following diseases:

  • any stage and shape of the inflammation of the bladder is regardless of the cause of the occurrence;
  • inflammation of renal pelvis infectious nature;
  • inflammation of the walls of the urethra (urethritis);
  • a group of inflammatory diseases affecting renal gloves, tubules and renal tissue (jade).

The drug is applied in order to conduct preventive measures:

  • prevents the formation of concrections (stones) in the organs of the urinary system;
  • eliminates excessive accumulation of fluid in the body.

When transitioning infection to the upper urinary tract, when the kidneys are affected, the treatment of "Kanefron" is already longer and is at least three months.

Also, the phytopreparation is prescribed as a means of preventing people suffering from acute pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis, especially those developing diseases against the background of sexual infections. Preventive reception of the drug makes it possible to achieve the lack of relapses of these two diseases during the year.

As a monolayment and a combination with other drug preparations, "Kanefron" contributes to the removal of pain, reducing the number of bacteria in the urine, lowering the level of leukocytes, strengthen the diurea.

So for the prevention of infections of the lower urinary tract (cystitis) "Kanefron" is used for 3 months. For the prevention of infections of the upper urinary tract - for six months. Medical studies revealed the following: the frequency of repetitions of cystitis in the treatment of "Kanefron" is the same as with antibiotic prevention. But since the intake of antimicrobial drugs is a powerful blow to the body, which leads to a violation of normal microflora (dysbiosis) of the intestine and vagina, then the phytosteria becomes the drug of choice. At the same time, how much use the phytopreparation depends on the state of the patient, the phase of the disease and is determined individually for each case.

For prophylaxis, the canofron is used for 3 months.

Therapeutic remedy showed positive results in patients whose cystitis and pyelonephritis accompanied with impaired metabolism and diabetes. In such persons "Kanefron" contributed to a decrease in protein in the urine.

As a prophylactic means "Kanefron" is used in patients with urolithiasis. In 60% of cases, the drug reduces leukocyte levels in the urine. After the operation on crushing of concrections in the kidneys and ureters, the drug is prescribed to accelerate the exit of fragments of stones from ureters.

Often the drug is used in the framework of preventive measures to prevent the disease recurrence after removal of stones. It is noted that the vegetable means stabilizes the pH level of urine and reduces the concentration of uric acid, reduces the calcium content, and therefore prevents the formation of oxalate stones.

Kanefron reduces the likelihood of blood and pus in the urine during recurrent pyelonephritis.

Preventive prevention in pregnant women

Very often, the centers are subject to women during pregnancy, which is associated with the hormonal restructuring and weakening of the body. Medicinal products for pregnant women and herds should be not only effective, but also safe to health. This requirements are responsible for "Kanefron".

During pregnancy and childbirth, the drug is appointed in the following cases:

  • asymptomatic bacteriuria;
  • pyelonephritis, including in the aggravation stage of the chronic form;
  • chronic urinary tract diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • the progressive expansion of kidney pelvis due to violation of urine outflow (hydronephrosis);
  • for prevention of postpartum complications.

"Kanefron" is used both in comprehensive therapy during the treatment of the disease and as a monolayer for prevention in the post-penetration phase. The possibility of long-term intake of the means during pregnancy in some cases, in particular with asymptomatic bacteriuria, makes the "canofron" drug selection.

Additional treatment with a vegetable preparation during pregnancy and breastfeeding gives the following results:

  • facilitates the symptoms of inflammation of the bladder;
  • normalizes urine indicators;
  • reduces the number of relapses;
  • contributes to the complete destruction of caustitis pathogens;
  • reduces swelling.

In addition, "Kanefron" demonstrates a high degree of security and good tolerability. Another significant advantage of the combined plant is a significantly smaller number of side effects compared to antibiotics.

In medicine, cases of the negative impact of "Kanephron" on the fruit and the physical, mental health of the child born to the mother, who took the drug during pregnancy was not recorded.

Kanefron are often prescribed during pregnancy

Preventive reception in childhood

"Kanefron" is safe for children and also moves them well. It is used as part of comprehensive therapy and as monolaying for treatment and and pyelonephritis in any stage and form. The drug significantly accelerates recovery (almost 4 times) and quickly normalizes urine analysis indicators. Preventive reception of the means significantly reduces the unwanted manifestations of the disease.

A positive impact has a phytopreparation and in the treatment of bubble-ureteral reflux, when the return of urine in the ureter from the bladder and further into the kidney occurs. After surgical correction, the reception of "Kanephron" significantly accelerates the normalization of the state of the kidneys and the urinary tract, restores urodynamics.

How to take a drug in childhood should determine only the attending physician. But children have anticulate therapy is carried out even after the first case of uncomplicated cystitis, which prevents the chronosis of the disease. "Kanefron" avoids side effects and complications from taking antibacterial drugs.

The drug significantly accelerates recovery

The instruction on the use of Kanephron indicates that this is a safe and effective phytopreparation designed to treat urological diseases. Thanks to the natural composition, the Kanefron is widely used in practice, use for the treatment of adult patients, pregnant and lactating women.

Kanefron: description and composition of the drug

Kanefron (Kanefron H) is a combined drug based on vegetable components. Provides antispasmodic, diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

The active ingredients exhibit a pronounced therapeutic effect and in a short time reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, remove the spasm of urinary tract, normalize the process of urination and contribute to the relief of pain in the bladder area. The drug activates the removal of nitroxy acid metabolic products from the body (urea, creatinine, uric acid) from the body.

The basis of the phytopreparation is the following components:

  • dry rosemary leaves;
  • grass gold masculine;
  • lovel root + and a number of auxiliary components.

Successfully selected composition of medicinal herbs containing essential oils, biologically active substances and phenolcarboxylic acids ensures the necessary antiseptic effect, reduces the selection of protein with urine, prevents re-exacerbation of cystitis and other chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.

The drug can be used in conjunction with, it is characterized by good tolerance, can be used for a long time, which allows to significantly improve the functions of the kidneys and bladder.

Forms of release

Kanefron H is produced in the form of dragee (tablets) and a solution for receiving inside (many call it syrup or drops of a canofron).

Canefron tablets look like orange, round dragees, each of which contains 18 g of the plant base (in the form of a powder) and auxiliary substances. Dragee Kanefron for 20 pieces are packaged into blisters and placed in cardboard packs. The pack may contain 3 or 6 blisters with dragee.

Kanefron drops are a clear solution of yellow-brown with a characteristic herbal aroma. The solution of the canofron is available in 100ml bottles, equipped with a dropper for the convenience of dosing the drug.

In order to obtain 100 ml of a water-alcohol extract, use the hoods of 600 mg of each plant drug component. The water is peeled and ethanol as auxiliary substances. In the process of storing the solution, the canofron is allowed to fall out a precipitate, which does not affect the therapeutic efficacy of the drug.

When can Kanefron prescribe?

  • chronic cystitis;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • chronic noncommunicable kidney diseases (interstitial jade, glomerulonephritis).

For purposes, the medicine is prescribed to prevent the development of urolithiasis, as well as to eliminate the risk of relapses (re-formation of stones). During the pregnancy, the drug is used to prevent swelling and maintaining the functioning of the kidneys.

Kanefron with cystitis and pyelonephritis is appropriate to be prescribed in combination with antibiotics, stereotics and bacteriophages, it allows you to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and speed up recovery.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, Dragee cannofron should be taken, not chewing and drinking with sufficient liquid. The solution (drops of the canofron) must be pre-breed in a small amount of water. There are no clear instructions in annotations to the drug when it is better to take the drug - before or after eating. Therefore, you can use the drug independently of meals.

Dosage Dragee Kanefron is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the age of the patient. Standard dose for school age and adult children is 6 dragee per day. This amount of the drug is divided into three receptions.

Kanefron for young children are prescribed in the form of droplets (solutions). However, this does not mean that droplets cannot be used for adult patients - the doctor can recommend any form of the drug for use.

Children's form of the drug is drops, and you can even assign them even infant to breastfeeding. It should be borne in mind that drops have a bitter taste, so when treating a child, it is better to breed them with juice or sweet tea.

Dosage solution Kanefron Next:

  • for adult patients - 50 drops;
  • for school children - 25 drops:
  • for preschoolers - 15 drops;
  • for infants - 10 drops.

Good to know

The multiplicity of reception of the drug is three times a day.

How much to take a canofron? Both forms of the drug can be applied for a long time. The duration of treatment depends on the form of the drug and the degree of neglence of the inflammatory process. Kanefron should not be canceled immediately after improving the state, it must be taken to complete recovery and some time after the end of the course of therapy.

The dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment can be changed by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, its age, the severity of the symptoms of the underlying disease. If necessary, you can go through several courses of treatment with this safe tool throughout the year.


The drug Kanefron was created on the basis of natural natural components, so patients are moved well and has a limited number of contraindications. Among them:

  • aggravation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and the 12th intestine;
  • renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug;
  • age up to 6 years (for dragee);
  • age up to 1 year (for drops).

Another restriction applies to the Kanefron solution. It is not recommended to be prescribed in chronic, as well as persons who passed the course of treatment against alcohol dependence, since the ingredients of the drug are dissolved in an alcohol basis.

With extreme caution and under the control of the doctor, the drug should be prescribed for diseases of the liver. In addition, this means should not be taken to relieve edema associated with cardiac or renal failure.

Kanefron for children

Many parents are interested, is it possible to take a canofron kanefron? The reason for doubt is there, because the solution, which is prescribed even to babies, contains ethanol.

In fact, the kids give small doses of the drug, which are pre-diluted with liquid and the content of alcohol in such a volume as minimally that in no way can have a negative impact on the health of the kid. Therefore, pediatricians believe that this tool is safe and can be used even among babies from one year old age. Moreover, the solution can be combined with other medicines and apply for a long time.

The only restriction for the use of Kanefron droplets in children is the individual intolerance of the components, the consequence of which allergic reactions may become.

Side effects

In patients with individual sensitivity, the phytopreparation can provoke the skin itching, hyperemia, rash by type of urticaria. Such reactions as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, are noted only in extremely rare cases. If unwanted reactions occur, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor to adjust the course of treatment.

However, there are also acute reactions that require urgent medical care. These are states such as impaired urination, urine delay or in urine. With their occurrence against the background of the drug, it is necessary to cause ambulance.

Kanefron during pregnancy

The plant is allowed to use during pregnancy. However, before the start of treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will select optimal dosages and a treatment scheme, taking into account the characteristics of the pathological process.

It is dangerous to self-medicate, this can lead to unpredictable consequences that can negatively affect pregnancy. The dose of the drug for a pregnant woman can be standard, or reduced if the doctor recommends that the Kanefron in preventive purposes.

In some situations, the doctor can adjust the dose individually, for example, with the treatment of the disease, reduce the one-time dose to 30 or 20 drops. It all depends on the characteristics of the disease and the general well-being of a woman.

During the course of therapy, Kanefron recommended to drink more fluid. Patients with diabetes should take a drug in the form of dragee with extreme caution, since each of them contains digestible carbohydrates (at least 0.04 bread units).

It should not be exceeded by these therapeutic doses, since the overdose of the drug may affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the ability to control transport or hazardous mechanisms.

Before use of the canofron solution, the bottle must be pre-stabbed. It should be stored in a vertical position, in an unavailable place for children, protected from direct sunlight.


The drug Kanefron contains in its composition a unique set of natural components, so it does not have structural analogues. But this tool can be replaced by other medicines with a similar therapeutic effect. Among them are the following means intended for the treatment of cystitis:

  • Afala;
  • Alfacet;
  • Bioprost;
  • Vitaprost;
  • Zinnat;
  • Clamor;
  • Macmiror;
  • Monulela;
  • Prostanorm;
  • Uproshone;
  • Phytolysin;
  • CISTON, etc.

Pregnant women doctor can replace this tool, wringing drugs, phytolizin or monoral, allowed for use in this responsible period.


Kanefron - a drug of a non-prescription vacation. Tablets and solution can be free to buy in any pharmacy. The average price of the drug:

  1. Kanefron Dragee (60 pcs.) - From 420 rubles;
  2. Kanefron solution (100ml) - from 380 rubles.

It should be noted that drops (solution) Kanefron to buy more profitable. One bottle will be enough for a full course of treatment for a month, while packaging containing 60 dragees is enough for only 10 days. That is, the course of treatment with a tablet form will be three times more expensive.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, doctors with caution relate to phytotherapy, preferring stronger drugs with proven activity and experienced clinical use.

However, the effectiveness of the drug Kanefron (tablets) is confirmed by its long-term use for therapy of various diseases of the urinary system.

Moreover, this medicine in the form of dragee or drops is recommended for them for their therapy (usually in a complex with other medicines), and for prophylaxis.

Until recently, the use of medicinal plants was mainly reduced to the reception of informants and decoctions prepared at home. But patients usually do not give due value to the principles of storage of herbs, allow mistakes in the dosage and manufacturing technology. This simply reduces to zero the effectiveness of such treatment. Such flaws are excluded when using the ready-made phytopreparation - Tanefron tablets.

However, when applying them, the following rules must be followed:

  1. In the acute period of dragee, only with antibiotics or boosts are accepted.
  2. Combinations with other medicines need to be selected carefully taking into account possible influence on the efficiency and risk of developing complications.
  3. Accurately calculate the dosage, which depends on the age and the presence of concomitant diseases.
  4. The course of treatment should be sufficiently long enough to ensure the necessary effect, but not very long due to the likely risk of the development of the stability of the pathogenic flora of the urinary tract to the action of the drug.

With an adequate selection of doses and a combination with an antibacterial drug tablet, the canofron are reinforced and for a certain time maintain antimicrobial activity of the antibiotic (essential oils destroy the pathogenic cell membrane). At the same time, the phytopreparation is deprived of serious side effects that have antibacterial drugs. First of all, it is a negative impact on the digestive and immune system.

In addition, Canefron tablets have such additional effects:

  • diuretic due to improving blood flow in the kidneys and accelerating filtering in the glomerular system;
  • antispasmodic and, as a result, analgesic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • nephroprotective;
  • stimulates the separation of uric acid salts and normalizes the pH of urine, that is, affects the main causes of urolithiasis.

Kanefron (tablets) is safe for almost all categories of patients, since the drug contains only plant components. It:

  • CENTAURIUM UMBELLATUM (CENTAURIUM UMBELLATUM) Contains bitterness, flavonoids, alkaloids and other useful substances. It has moderate antibacterial activity in relation to the main pathogens of urinary tract diseases, suspends inflammatory processes, normalizes the state of the walls of the vessels in the kidneys and stimulates diuresis.
  • The root of the Medicinal Lovel (Levisticum Officinale) The plant is obliged to a large number of essential oils, in foreign medical articles, they repeatedly emphasize the antimicrobial activity of this plant.
  • Rosemary leaves (Rosmarinus officinale) It contains alkaloids and tanning substances, but their essential oil is essentially, which stimulates blood flow in the renal vessels, contributes to the separation of urine, removes spasm and symptoms of inflammation. But its main effect is the pronounced activity against almost all representatives of the pathogenic flora of the urinary tract, in particular, staphylococcus and streptococcus.

First of all, the tablets cannefron affect neurotropic bacteria, even those that form a protective film. Also, the components of the drug remove the urinary tract spasm, activate the emptying of the bladder from the residual urine, which is an excellent nutrient medium for the development of bacteria.

Also, the Canefron tablets have a healing anti-inflammatory effect, stopping the synthesis of leukotrienes, prostaglandins, cytokines, toxic enzymes and other mediators, stimulating edema, pain. The manufacturer of the drug is a German company specializing in the production of medicines of plant origin, Bionoric.

The main principle of the work of the Corporation is phythoniring, that is, a strictly scientific approach and the use of modern technologies in order to obtain the maximum effect of a combination of plant components. For the convenience of reception at any age, the canofron is released in the form of tablets and a solution (drops).

According to annotation, testimony for the use of drugs are:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • merrate diathesis (the presence of sand in the kidneys or bladder);
  • restoration after removal of concrections (in any way);
  • inflammation of kidney of non-bacterial etiology (for example, glomerulonephritis or interstitial nephritis);
  • treatment and prevention of recurrence of urolithiasis.

In the presence of a microbial flora in the acute phase of the inflammatory process of the tablet, the canofron is used only in combination with basic antibacterial therapy.

In most patients, no complications arise against the preparation of the drug. With a tendency to allergic reactions, it is possible to appear itchy rashes on the skin. Components included in the medication stimulate the operation of the digestive tract, so patients can disturb nausea, less often - vomiting or diarrhea.

When blood appears in the urine, sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen should immediately stop receiving the canafron tablets and consult a doctor.

Contraindications to the appointment of the drug are:

  • increased sensitivity as the main ingredients of the drug and the auxiliary components (in their number sucrose, lactose, castor oil);
  • ulcer of the stomach during the period of exacerbation;
  • edems provoked by the pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Patients with diabetes should take a canofron tablet with caution, as their shell in small quantities contains sucrose. In addition, the drug is categorically contraindicated for monotherapy of renal failure.

Kanefron: Instructions for use, tablets and drops

In accordance with the instructions for use, the dosage of the tablets cannefron standard and does not depend on the disease. When the first symptoms appear, 2 tablets are prescribed three times a day. Moreover, the reception of the drug must be continued at least 2-4 weeks after the disappearance of all clinical manifestations of pathology.

But it is worth paying attention to that when cystitis, the Kanefron is recommended to take only in conjunction with wool fittings. The fact is that the antibacterial activity of the plant components of the medication may not be enough to suppress pathogenic microflora, and this is fraught with the transition of the disease in a chronic form. It is usually prescribed a combination of antibiotic, a service, spasmolytic or analgesic.

The antibacterial drugs appointed with cystitis include:

  • cephalosporins II - III of generation (Zinnat, Tseclor, Sukraq, Cedax), the dosage is calculated individually, in some cases the maximum allowable amount of medication is required;
  • fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin);
  • penicillins (Augmentin, Amoxyclaw) are usually used at the first episode of cystitis;
  • wrospecttics are often prescribed phosphomycin (monural), Furazidin (Furamag).

With severe cystitis, the antibacterial agent and tablets cannefron in the dosage according to the instructions for use are combined. Doctors emphasize that the effectiveness of the phytopreparation is not enough to eliminate the edema of renal etiology. Additionally, diuretics are prescribed (Laziks, Mannitol, Veroshpirius, triamteren). In addition, therapy is necessary, which provoked the development of such symptoms.

Under sweatshirts of the renal origin, the canopron tablets are taken according to the instructions for use - 2 dragey three times a day. The pathology of the urinary system is often found in childhood. In girls, it is usually associated with a bad hygiene crotch, while the bacterial flora applies to the ascending path after vulvovaginitis. This is often the cause of not only cystitis, but also pyelonephritis.

Sometimes such pathologies are due to the innate features of the structure of the small pelvis organs. At an early age, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract have a tendency to frequent relapses. Avoid long-term use of antibiotics and other synthetic medicines will help the canofron. Unlike adults, the child is dangerous to the child, so doctors recommend using drops. They are more convenient and safer in terms of dosage.

Canefron tablets are contraindicated for the treatment of kidney disease and bladder for children under 6 years old.

The dosage of the solution is 15-25 drops (depending on age) three times a day. Children up to 3-4 years old should be used with caution due to ethanol content. The positive property of Tanefron tablets is the possibility of consumption during pregnancy and lactation.

Gynecologists often prescribe this medicine to women with kidney diseases and cystitis in history, when identifying a urolithiasis, to prevent and in the composition of complex gestosis therapy in a standard dosage. Dragee also needs to be taken up to 2 weeks after childbirth. As a prophylactic drug, the amount of medication reduce up to 2 pills per day (in the morning and evening). However, the independent reception of the Canefron tablets even according to the instructions for use and the combination with other drugs is unacceptable.

Current Kanefron: analogues, cost, reviews

In addition to the Canefron medication, doctors can offer other phytopreparations. The most common is cyston. The composition of this vegetable drug is more diverse. It contains more than 10 active ingredients.

Among them:

  • Flowers of bobbal blessing. The plant regulates calcium exchange and increases the effectiveness of urolithic therapy. Also possesses antimicrobial activity.
  • Grass Camery Language. In traditional medicine, it is widely used as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Grass garmen hearts. Typically use infusions and ragners from the roots of the plant, bypassing his part of it. The leaves and stems of the marines are removing toxins and have a general toning effect.
  • Rhizomes Film Film. It has long been used in Eastern medicine as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent.
  • The seeds of the strawright of the roughness are diuretic, antispasmodic, antipyretic and antimicrobial effect.
  • Flowers, leaves and stems onosma bluette, contribute to the early healing of the epithelium damaged after the passage of the epithelium and the urethra, has a common tonic effect.
  • Vernonia ash (all plant) is known for its antibacterial activity.
  • Mummy. Many people note the stimulating and tonic effect of this tool, with long-term intake, the mummy strengthens immunity and increases the body's stability to various kinds of pathogenic factors.

The testimony for taking Cystone the same as for the drug Kanefron. With a urolithiasis, it takes 2 tablets three times a day for six months or until a complete yield of kidney stones.

After the surgical removal of the cyston counters, the cyston is drunk in the same dosage for a month, then 1 tablet twice a day for another 5 weeks.

In case of bacterial infections of the urinary tract, it is also prescribed in combination with antibiotics. Course treatment - up to 3 months in the amount of 2 pills 2-3 times a day. Taking cystone, like the drugs Kanefron, is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But this drug is released only in the form of tablets, so its use in childhood is limited.

Another vegetable preparation for the treatment of various urinary tract diseases is phytolysin, which contains:

  • grass golden, stimulates metabolic processes, removes toxins and has a general anti-inflammatory effect;
  • the grass of the chemistry of the field, this is a diuretic diuretic in folk medicine;
  • highlander Highlander (dispatcher), seeds of the fenugreek and dusty rhizoma, regulate saline exchange, contribute to the prevention and slow dissolution of the stones in the kidneys;
  • long husk, relieves the spasm of urinary tract, has a slight bactericidal and diuretic effect;
  • birch leaves, parsley root possess a diuretic and antiseptic effect.

In addition, the composition of phytolisan includes the general consensus ingredients - the oil of peppermint oil, pine, orange. The disadvantages of the drug include the form of release, it is made in the form of a paste, which is not convenient to accept everything. The Ukrainian pharmaceutical company relatively recently mastered the release of a complete analogue of the drug Kanefron - Trinefron. But today in Russia the drug is not registered, although it is cheaper than the original medication.

As for the price of Kanephron for packaging containing 60 tablets, you will have to give about 450 rubles, for the bottle of drops (100 ml) - 430 rubles.

Cystitis call the inflammatory process of the walls of the urea. As a rule, it is manifested with urethritis - inflammation of the ureter pass. Often, Kanefron is prescribed for its treatment.

The drug is intended to treat such problems. The means contains in itself the components of natural plant origin, the contraindications practically does not create. It has two dosage forms - dragee and alcohol solution.

Consider more detailed use of Canephron in the treatment of cystitis.

The composition of the drug

The dragee contains on eighteen milligram of each component, and a hundred milliliters of the solution accounts for at 0.6 grams of any of the plant extracts included in the medicine. In solution as additional components consists of water and alcohol (from 16 to 19 percent).

The preparation includes three plants taken in the same proportions:

Any of these plant components are able to have special effects on the human body, but, connected to a single complex, plants perfectly complement each other.

Kanefron creates the following influences:

  • diuretic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory.

In addition, the drug can reduce the protein content removed from the body along with urine, eliminate signs of swelling.

pharmachologic effect

The active elements of the drug contain bioactive components capable of providing antibacterial effects. We used patients suffering from this medicine noted a decrease in the delicated protein caused by the impact of the components of plant origin on the tubules and glomerular systems. In addition, the medicine is known for its antioxidant features.

Indications for use

The medicine is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in urinary organs and as a preventive agent with an antibacterial therapeutic course. The drug is recommended for use in the following situations:

If the infectious damage is acute form, then in this situation, together with the Kanefron, advise antibacterial drugs. When processing inflammation, the drug can be used as a single means of therapy.

The regularity of the use of Kanephron in the treatment of cystitis stabilizes the emitting of urins, relieves pain and inflammation, protects against recurrences. Monotherapy is recommended from chronic form, in the case of acute inflammation, the drug is prescribed in a complex with an antibiotic.

With the presence of concrections, the Kanefron contributes to their rapid conclusion. In addition, his reception will prevent the formation of new concrections.

In the case of a urethriter, the Kanefron removes pain and inflammation, normalizes the release of biological fluid.

Contraindications for taking medication

The drug is characterized by excellent tolerance, it is used for long-term treatment. Sometimes allergenic manifestations, gastric disorders occur. The drug has a small amount of contraindications, allowed to use even pregnant women and young children. But there are several conditions.

As is known from the instruction from the manufacturer, the medicine should not be given to children under the age of three. But in treating it, it is also given to patients of more younger age category.

But here it is necessary to remember that patients under the age of five are prescribed to use exclusively solution. But since it contains alcohol, then before use it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

A visit to the doctor before the medical course will not be superfluous for future mothers. The peculiarity is that there are also those that are capable of increasing muscle activity of the uterus. Also, the Kanefron should not be applied in cases with the swelling caused by heart disease, or with an exacerbated ulcer.

It should not drink a solution to patients suffering from alcohol dependence or having raised from this pathology, because there is a certain amount of alcohol in the medicine. People experiencing liver problems are also recommended to be careful. Any of situations require a specialist consultation.

The ethanol present does not create an effect on the rate of response of the body. For this reason, patients hosting a canofron in a liquid form are allowed to control the vehicle and other complex devices.

The simultaneous use of Kanephron and antibacterial composition only increase the activity of drugs.

To side effects that may occur, it is possible to attribute nausea, diarrhea, allergic to the skin.

How to take a canofron at various forms of cystitis

For different age groups, it is assigned during the reception of its one-time dosage:

For each group, a three-time reception of medication per day is prescribed. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor and completely depends on the degree and complexity of the disease. The minimum course is two weeks. As a rule, it lasts until the symptoms of the disease disappears. But after that, experts advise not to stop accepting for another two to four weeks.

Dragee is recommended to swallow, not chewing. Drops are added to water before use. For children, you can use juices or tea to neutralize a bitter taste. Before each use, the drops are shaken so that the components are better mixed.

Experiments did not issue a negative or indirect effect of this drug during pregnancy, the emergence of complications in the organism of the mother or baby. But still the experience of the use of Kanephron for pregnant women is very limited, so it is not recommended to take it.

The risk is not excluded for kids who are breastfeeding. There is a chance that the drug can fall into milk.

In any case, only an experienced doctor can give permission to receive medication.

Team treatment cystitis

Is it possible to drink a canofron for prevention?

The drug is used in the complex treatment of the disease and in the form of monolaying, which prevents the posterpeutic phase. Kanefron is able to significantly speed up the process of recovery, reducing therapeutic courses almost four times, to promptly stabilize Urin's indicators. Reception of drugs in preventive purposes is able to decently reduce the negative manifestations of disease.

Adverse reactions

As a rule, the medicine is moved well. Allergenic manifestations of patients suffering from hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug are possible. Urban can develop, rash on the skin, the feeling of the itch, hyperemia of the skin. There are cases when the reception of the Canephron caused nausea, the vomit effect and diarrhea.

If negative consequences began to appear, it should be immediately stopped taking the medicine and consult from their attending physician. It is done immediately in those situations when blood drops appear in the biological fluid, the process of urine emission is disturbed, sharp delays appear.