Wet cough of an infant without fever Komarovsky. Don't make this mistake when treating a child's cough! Dr. Komarovsky highly recommends. Komarovsky’s recommendations on how to treat a persistent cough in a child

Doctors know most about how and what, and the experience of the famous children's doctor Komarovsky for young parents is a real encyclopedia, which they have to read every day.

Dr. Komarovsky cites excessive parental concern for the baby’s well-being as the main cause of cough in children. The desire to protect the baby from cool air and wrap him up warmer when the temperature drops by several degrees weakens the child’s own defenses.

If we look closely at all the reasons, causing cough in children, we must not forget about house dust, which can provoke, according to Dr. Komarovsky, constant coughing.

Diseases that are accompanied by cough in children include:

  • allergic reactions manifested by;
  • respiratory infections – , ;
  • whooping cough;
  • tumor processes in the lungs.

The most common reason listed is respiratory infection, which is necessarily accompanied by a runny nose. When you have a runny nose back wall mucus flows into the respiratory tract from the nasopharynx. Cough shocks arise reflexively, as an attempt to clear the airways of phlegm.


The basic principles of cough treatment, according to Dr. Komarovsky, can be described in his own succinct, succinct words.

To cure a child’s cough, you need:

  1. Moisturize air.
  2. Ventilate room.
  3. Give me something to drink child.

In this case, mucus will not accumulate and dry out in the bronchi, and the baby will not have to suffer from bouts of dry, unproductive cough, trying to cough up viscous sputum.

One of the most basic provisions of the popular pediatrician is that there is no need to fight seizures; on the contrary, you should help the child clear his throat.

Also, it is impossible to treat a child’s cough, as Komarovsky believes, without knowing what causes it. Finding the cause of attacks is the main task that ensures the success of treatment.

If we separately consider such a phenomenon as cough, then we can say about it that this is only a symptom, behind which in children, according to Dr. Komarovsky, a serious illness may be hidden. And parents should find the reason why coughing attacks occur, and not try to drown them out with pills and.

About how to act and how to treat coughing in a child without a runny nose or fever, Dr. Komarovsky says in a video, which specifically emphasizes the harm of self-medication and the use of drugs without a doctor’s prescription.

Features of cough treatment in childhood

It is especially harmful to use in childhood for treatment in combination with. Expectorant medications increase the volume of mucus, and the baby's weak respiratory muscles are not able to cope with the increased amount of mucus.

Which leads to “flooding of the lungs”, to a tragedy when, instead of a night’s rest, the child is urgently hospitalized with an attack of suffocation in a hospital.

Treatment of children with antitussive drugs, according to Dr. Komarovsky, cannot affect the actual cause that caused a wet cough, which makes the use of these drugs ineffective.

And with a dry cough, when a small volume of viscous mucus accumulates in the bronchi, which the patient cannot cough up, antitussive drugs, according to Dr. Komarovsky, only additionally prevent the removal of sputum.

Exceptions are rare. These include, for example, a disease such as whooping cough, in which attacks of dry, unproductive coughing only torment and irritate the throat.

Neither wet nor dry cough in a child can be treated with expectorants, since the weak respiratory muscles of children, according to Dr. Komarovsky, do not allow him to easily cope with coughing up sputum.

What means, according to Komarovsky, can be used to treat a strong, prolonged cough in a child if the attacks do not go away for a long time, up to several months?

Most often, you do not need to suppress the cough, but to help the child cough up the mucus that has formed, for which it should be liquefied. For these purposes, drugs with mucolytic, sputum-thinning properties are used, but not all drugs are suitable for children.

Safe medications for the treatment of wet and dry cough in a child, which can be used to safely treat children as young as 2 years old, and as described in the video with recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky, are medications such as Ambroxol.

Dr. Komarovsky repeatedly emphasizes that the dosage of the drug depends on age, and that before treating a child’s cough, especially if he is under 5 years old, you need to visit a doctor and get a prescription.

Yes, long persistent cough, which occurs in a child without an increase in temperature, can be worn, and Komarovsky emphasizes that in this case, mucolytics can only increase the frequency of attacks.

The doctor categorically rejects homeopathic medicines and does not even consider the possibility of using them. The well-known pediatrician is also wary of herbal medicines.

Herbal medicines, according to a famous pediatrician, are safe, but not effective. You should also not give your child infusions of medicinal herbs by choice.

How to treat a wet cough

Mucus in the bronchi should be thinned by increasing daily fluid intake and increasing air humidity. The process of treating both dry and wet coughs in children should, as Komarovsky advises, begin with offering children drink plenty of fluids. These can be compotes, juices, fruit drinks, but warm, without gas.

For a wet residual cough, Dr. Komarovsky recommends treating attacks without the use of expectorants and antitussives, and paying attention to such a factor as air humidity in the house.

If parents do decide to use expectorants, reflex coughing may increase as the volume of sputum increases.

Taking an expectorant tablet or syrup at night will cause the process of mucus production to intensify, and the baby will suffer all night from continuous attempts to cough up.

It is more correct, according to Komarovsky, to use mucolytics, which dilute sputum, in the daytime. Moreover, all medications must be prescribed by a pediatrician.

How to treat dry cough

Sometimes, during severe attacks of unproductive reflex attempts to cough, the doctor may prescribe antitussive drugs.

Such debilitating attacks can occur with pleurisy, whooping cough, irritating effects of allergens, and dust. Drugs to suppress the cough reflex cannot be chosen independently.

  • Firstly, because among them there are drugs containing narcotic compounds that affect the cough center in the brain, for example, codeine. Such products may become addictive.
  • And secondly, it is dangerous to suppress both dry and wet cough in children, especially if they are under 5 years old.

To soften a dry cough, a well-known pediatrician advises giving children additional drinks:

  • warm milk with honey;
  • milk with soda added at the tip of a knife to 1 glass;
  • warm milk with figs boiled in it;
  • banana puree diluted with warm boiled water ();
  • decoction of viburnum flowers;
  • weak tea with raspberry jam.

Treatment of infants

Infants have poorly developed respiratory muscles, which makes coughing difficult. As a result, sputum one year old child when coughing, according to Dr. Komarovsky, excretion is much worse than even in children 2-3 years old, and treating infants with medications on their own is a serious mistake for parents.

If an infant has a cough in the morning, parents do not need to immediately sound the alarm, since, according to Komarovsky, if this process occurs without a rise in temperature, then it is physiological norm for babies up to one year old.

But how to treat a cough in a child under 1 year of age, what does Komarovsky suggest?

If your child does not have a fever, a cough may indicate reflux disease. With this disease, reflex cough impulses occur in response to irritation of the throat mucosa during the return of food from the stomach.

Reflux disease is not associated with damage to the respiratory tract, and expectorants, and especially antitussives, can only harm the baby.

A persistent cough is a common problem in pediatrics.

Therapy for such a disease in most cases differs in duration and the need for a multi-stage examination of the child.

Causes of persistent cough in a child may not be related to pathological processes respiratory organs, but are a symptom of diseases of other vital important systems body. It is imperative to find out the factors that provoke regular attacks.

General concept

In medical practice, a prolonged cough is called lasts for two or three weeks.

The intensity of the attacks may vary.

What diseases can it cause?

In most cases, persistent cough in children is consequence of incorrect or inadequate treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other diseases of this type. IN in this case there is a risk of developing chronic bronchitis.

However, this factor is not the only cause of a lingering cough.

Some diseases are distinguished by similar symptoms due to their specificity and significant damage to the respiratory system.

Restoring the condition of the mucous membranes occurs at a slow pace, which is why attacks can persist not only for several weeks, but also for months.

The following can cause a persistent cough in a child: diseases:

  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • intestinal infections;
  • otitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tracheitis;
  • sinusitis;

What can he talk about?

Form prolonged cough does not always allow diagnosis existing disease in a child without special testing in a medical institution.

However, based on the type of attacks, one can draw conclusions about the presence of deviations in a certain system of the baby’s body and determine the necessary course of treatment.

All drugs for treatment coughs are divided into several categories (for dry, wet, allergic type).

Causes of lingering cough of various forms:

  1. Dry cough (coughing attacks without signs of sputum production may be symptoms of relapse or progression of an existing disease; such a sign is accompanied by pathologies of cardio-vascular system, digestive tract, inhalation of foreign objects or an allergic reaction to certain irritants).
  2. Wet cough in most cases indicates the child’s recovery process after past illness, but if its attacks persist for a long time, there is a risk of bronchial asthma or diseases associated with inflammatory processes of the nasal sinuses or respiratory organs (sinusitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, adenoid hypertrophy, etc.).
  3. A persistent cough may be accompanied by temperature or occur without such a symptom (an increase in body temperature in a child always indicates the presence inflammatory process in the body, a prolonged cough in combination with such a symptom in most cases is a sign of a complication of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, infectious diseases, the absence of temperature may indicate the negative impact of external factors, bronchial asthma, chronic diseases respiratory organs).


Determining the causes of persistent cough in children is carried out in several stages. First the specialist must collect anamnesis and determine general state child’s health (visual examination and laboratory tests).

Then it is carried out thorough examination of the respiratory system. Additionally, consultations with specialized specialists and procedures for identifying pathologies of the digestive or cardiovascular system may be prescribed.

  • consultation with a pediatrician, gastroenterologist, ENT doctor and allergist;
  • laboratory examination of sputum;
  • allergy tests;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • CT and MRI of the chest;
  • biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  • chest x-ray.

How to help your baby?

Bouts of prolonged coughing can be accompanied by significant discomfort for the child and resemble bronchospasms.

If the baby has difficulty breathing and cannot clear his throat, then it is necessary not only to consult a doctor, but also to provide first aid to the child to alleviate his condition.

The baby should be allowed to drink water or other liquids only after the attack has resolved. Otherwise, he may choke.

For a persistent cough the following measures must be taken:

  1. During an attack, it is necessary to provide a flow of fresh air (the child’s room should be regularly ventilated).
  2. You can eliminate the cough by lightly tapping the child’s chest area or applying pressure (this technique helps speed up the process of mucus discharge).
  3. Between coughing attacks, the child should be given as much fluid as possible (water and all drinks should be warm).

Should you see a doctor?

In no case should a child have a persistent cough. can't be ignored.

Without special treatment, its symptoms may not go away on their own.

If therapy is carried out incorrectly or completely eliminated, then risk of complications increases several times.

A visit to the doctor should not be postponed if the cough persists for more than two weeks. Experts identify several factors in the presence of which it is necessary to examine the child as soon as possible.

Be sure to consult a doctor necessary in the following cases:

  • attacks of dry cough cause a child to vomit or provoke a change in the color of his face;
  • cough occurs predominantly and significantly disrupts the child’s sleep;
  • the child’s body temperature rises;
  • dark shade of urine and disruption of the urination process;
  • there is excessive dryness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Coughing attacks are accompanied by signs of lack of oxygen.


How to treat the disease? Treatment for a persistent cough directly depends on its form. The doctor should select medications and prescribe additional procedures. based on the results of the survey little patient.

If you change medications yourself and use the wrong versions, the child’s condition can only worsen.

All antitussive medications have certain properties and are used in the treatment of specific forms of cough(dry, wet, bronchospasms, etc.).

Medicines for children from 0 years old

When choosing drugs for the treatment of persistent cough, the age of the child plays an important role.

Some medications are approved for use in children from birth, others - after reaching a certain age.

  • antitussive drugs (Sinekod, Panatus);
  • expectorants (Prospan, Gedelix);
  • mucolytics (Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Ambrobene, ACC);
  • drugs to block the cough reflex (Robitussin);
  • antiviral drugs (Viferon);
  • antipyretics if necessary (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Paracetamol);
  • nasal drops to eliminate the accumulation of mucus that provokes coughing (Aquamaris, Nazol baby);
  • drugs intended for the treatment of persistent cough (Pertussin, Pectussin).


Inhalation for the treatment of persistent cough in children can be carried out in several ways. The simplest and most effective method is to visit special procedures in a medical facility.

A good alternative to this method is to purchase a nebulizer for home use.

If it is not possible to use such methods, inhalation can be carried out using a construction made from a saucepan and a towel(the child should inhale the steam of the decoction).

For inhalation against prolonged cough in children The following compositions can be used:

  • decoctions of sage, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, calendula, chamomile or linden;
  • medications (Ambrobene, Sinupret, Lazolvan);
  • essential oil of pine or eucalyptus;
  • healing mineral waters.

Folk remedies

How to cure a persistent cough in a child using folk remedies? Alternative medicine recipes have proven to be effective means against persistent cough in children.

Some of them have the ability act quickly on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and prevent attacks.

Supplementing the main therapy with such methods will speed up the child’s recovery process and have a beneficial effect on his condition. immune systems s.

Examples of folk remedies for treating persistent cough in children:

  1. Honey, sugar and onions(to prepare the product you will need as much chopped onion as possible, all ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions, the child should take the resulting mixture a teaspoon several times a day, it is allowed to wash it down with a small amount of water).
  2. Chamomile decoction(pour a teaspoon of dry raw material into a glass of boiling water and leave for twenty minutes, give the product to the child in small portions throughout the day).
  3. Raisin infusion(pour a tablespoon of raisins into a glass of boiling water, leave for fifteen minutes and give to the child throughout the day).
  4. Banana puree(mash the banana pulp, add a small amount hot water, the consistency of the workpiece should resemble puree; it is recommended to take the product several times a day in small portions).

Dr. Komarovsky insists on mandatory identification of the causes of a prolonged cough in a child and therapy under the supervision of specialists.

Self-medication can significantly worsen the child’s health and cause complications.

Additionally, parents should create for their children the maximum possible favorable conditions to speed up the treatment process.

The reason for a child’s tendency to relapse in respiratory diseases may be poor immunity, so special attention should be paid to strengthening the protective functions of the child’s body.

Based on the advice of Dr. Komarovsky, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. To speed up the child’s recovery process, it is necessary to create in his room favorable conditions(regular dry and wet cleaning, air humidification, room ventilation).
  2. The child must be provided drinking regime(the liquid helps eliminate the viscosity of sputum and speed up the process of its removal from the respiratory system).
  3. They have good effectiveness in treating persistent cough in children. inhalation(procedures can be carried out in a medical facility or using a nebulizer; special solutions, medications, essential oils or herbal decoctions that have the ability to treat cough are used for inhalation).

A persistent cough in a child is always an alarming symptom. If a respiratory examination does not reveal pathologies, additional diagnostics must be performed.

The cause of regular coughing attacks may be intestinal infections, allergies or bronchial asthma. Progression of such diseases may pose a threat to the life of a young patient.

Some pathologies can only be identified through a comprehensive examination of the child’s entire body.

ABOUT causes and treatment A pediatric pulmonologist will tell you about a prolonged cough in children in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Kids get sick often. Of course, curing a child who cannot say exactly what is bothering him is much more difficult than treating an adult. Cough can occur due to various diseases. And the nature of the cough can be anything. It can be dry, barking, wet or wet. It is worth noting that the cause of cough can be:

  • virus
  • asthma
  • allergy
  • microbes

And in children, as a rule, cough is a consequence of ARVI. A strong dry cough is otherwise called unproductive, and a wet cough is called productive.

Quick relief

Typically, in children 3 years old, cough occurs after inflammation of the nose or throat. The worst thing is that such a cough torments quite often, but there is no sputum discharge. The child feels unwell, that is, he is tormented by coughing attacks, both during the day and at night. To alleviate the child's suffering, measures must be taken. What treatment methods are there?

  1. General methods.
  2. Medication.
  3. Folk remedies.
  4. Additional treatment and prevention.

Everyone knows that a child needs to be provided with the correct diet and nutrition. The room where the sick child is located should be free of dust, which can aggravate the condition. The baby's diet should contain more vitamins and drink plenty.

Moreover, drinking includes not only water. Of course, you can’t do without it, but you should include herbal teas, fruit drinks, and compotes in your diet. These remedies will help speed up the removal of sputum.

The video explains how to treat a cough in a 3-year-old child:

Drug intervention

Taking medications may be necessary. These drugs may be

Mucolytics will help improve sputum discharge.

Expectorants will help you cough better. And sedatives will reduce active process development of cough.

If you decide to give your child a drug, you should carefully read the instructions and pay attention to the side effects. They may include dizziness and drowsiness. Because of this, know that it is better to give such drugs at night. Even if the child does not have allergies, carefully study the composition. Now there is a huge selection of drugs for the treatment of dry cough on the pharmaceutical market. Among the medications it is worth noting the following: Bromhexine, ACC, Ambrobene, Gedelix. Also popular among mothers is Robitussin, which helps block coughs. And Delsim is a suspension that has a fairly long-lasting effect.

Traditional methods

Auxiliary procedures

Supportive measures most often include inhalations. They can be carried out using a special device that is sold in a pharmacy. But you can do without it by simply letting your baby breathe in the steam, the main thing is not to get burned. You can also place a container of hot liquid by the child’s bed, but you must not move a step away. When the water has cooled, you can pour it out. You can do inhalations using chamomile, sage or regular boiled potatoes. Follow the link to read how to breathe over potatoes for a child. Inhalations help enhance the effect of medications, mucus thins, the airways are cleared, and the baby will begin to cough faster.

Read how to properly rinse your baby's nose.

Here you can find out the composition of Cough Linkas syrup.

Reviews about the use of milk with cough oil: http://prolor.ru/g/lechenie/moloko-s-maslom-ot-kashlya.html.

Treatment of cough with phlegm

A wet cough differs from a dry cough in that sputum is released, which is colorless and odorless in its properties. Very often, the child may not even notice how he swallows it, or simply clears his throat well. Common cause The occurrence of this type of cough is caused by viral infections, but if the cough is prolonged, then this indicates more serious diseases.

The video explains how to cure a cough in a 3-year-old child:

Children 3 years of age are less tolerant of any type of cough than adults. This is due to the fact that the respiratory system of babies is still poorly developed, so phlegm can become clogged in the passages. Make sure that mucus does not accumulate in the bronchi. With prolonged accumulation, bacteria can multiply, which has a detrimental effect on the body. As in the case of dry cough, there are various methods treatment:

  • General treatment. The temperature in the patient's room should be about 20 degrees. When vacuuming, take your baby to another room. Walking in the fresh air is a must, but do not allow your baby to run around and sweat. Lying down all the time is not recommended. In this case, phlegm will become clogged in the respiratory tract.
  • Medication. There are drugs that help thin the mucus, and then it comes out of the respiratory system better. There are a number of drugs that are made on the basis of herbs. These include Pectusin, Doctor Mom (its use for children is described here), Solutan.

But drugs obtained synthetically help no worse: Lazolvan (Lazolvan is also used for laryngitis in children), Bromhexine, ACC. Read the instructions carefully to avoid allergies or severe side effects. As soon as the sputum begins to clear better, stop taking medications.

Folk remedies

Here you can find more folk recipes for expectorants.

Auxiliary procedures

Paraffin and ozokerite applications help well in cases of wet cough accompanied by snot. It is good if the inhaler sprays the substance throughout the entire oral cavity without additional procedures. You can also do massage, ultrasound, gymnastics. Massage helps eliminate phlegm faster. Therefore, you need to knead your back and chest; the child will even find this procedure pleasant. Inhalations, as with wet coughs, also need to be used. Remember that in case of a wet cough, under no circumstances should you give antitussive drugs to children with a dry cough.

Features of treatment with and without fever

If the cough is accompanied by fever, antipyretic drugs should be given. Typically, such products are syrups such as Nurofen. If the temperature is not higher than 37, then you can take warm foot baths.

If you have any skin diseases, you should not rub the skin using various ointments. It is also prohibited to do this in case of cardiovascular diseases and allergic reactions. If the baby has weak blood vessels and often experiences nosebleeds, then it is better not to do inhalation.

A child whose cough resolves without fever can be given the medications listed above within reasonable limits. Of course, depending on the nature of the cough. Tablets, syrups, ointments should be given in limited quantities. Of course, going outside when the temperature is high is prohibited. This can make the situation even worse. It is also better to refrain from swimming; you can get by with regular rubbing. If there is no temperature, then you can take a shower.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Whatever good parents No matter how you protect your child from illness, a cough may still appear. Any cough is accompanied by illness. The lungs produce large or excessive amounts of mucus, which the body gets rid of by coughing. And the reasons for this may be infectious or allergic reactions, as well as unsatisfactory conditions in which the child lives. For example, the room is too hot and dusty. If the treatment is prescribed incorrectly, for example, you start giving cough medicine to your child, then the mucus will remain and accumulate in the body. And this will lead to pneumonia. With a wet cough, the use of expectorants can also lead to a severe cough; the child may cough all night. And the doctor who arrives will tell you that the child has wheezing.

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about the treatment of cough in a 3-year-old child:

Komarovsky says that there is no “golden pill” for cough. In order for a child to cough up, it is necessary to ensure that the thick sputum becomes liquid. The cough itself is not curable; you need to be able to alleviate it or increase its effectiveness. To do this, first of all, you need to breathe moist, clean air. You can make mucus liquid only by giving the child something to drink. It is worth knowing that no expectorant can compare in effectiveness with drinking plenty of fluids.

It is impossible to determine its nature by the nature of the cough. But if the cough is accompanied by a disorder in the general condition, a fever or runny nose appears, then the underlying cause is an infectious origin. If there are no such signs, then it is an allergic cough. It is necessary to analyze the general condition of the child and take action or consult a doctor.

Colds occur very often in children, and this is especially true for infants. A runny nose without fever occurs due to the fact that the respiratory tract is cleared of various types of contaminants. This phenomenon is considered normal and does not require cause for concern. But sometimes a runny nose and cough without fever can be a reason to see a doctor. There are many reasons for the occurrence of such symptoms, so the doctor’s task is to find the one and eliminate it.

You can find out what to do when a dry cough does not clear your throat by reading this article.


As a rule, a runny nose and cough without fever are symptoms colds, which are caused by various viruses.

The baby’s immune system begins to recognize pathogenic microorganisms and begins to fight them. But sometimes it can be very difficult to recognize a virus, so it easily penetrates the body’s cells. For this reason, with a bacterial infection, the temperature rises almost immediately, but with a viral infection, the indicators remain normal.

Why a dry cough occurs without signs of a cold is indicated in the article.

If viral rhinitis is left untreated, the cause of such neglect of health can be severe inflammation of the sinuses. In other words, the child will develop sinusitis. It is also important to understand that along with mucus, microbes can enter the throat and trachea. If you do not provide your baby with timely treatment, he may develop the following complications:

  • Pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • Angina;
  • Bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia.

How to treat tracheid cough can be found in the article.

In the video, the child has a runny nose and cough without fever, the reason is possibly a red throat:

You can learn how to treat bronchitis by reading this article.

A viral infection greatly weakens the body’s protective functions, as a result of which a bacterial infection can also join in. ARVI very often activates other pathogenic microorganisms, which lead to inflammation of the ENT organs. Based on this, parents must understand that they cannot do without the help of a doctor, even if the cough and runny nose are not accompanied by an increase in temperature.

The next reason for the development of such symptoms is an allergic reaction. Allergic rhinitis occurs in patients who spend a long time in a dusty room. Very often this occurs due to infrequent wet cleaning. A runny nose can be a reaction to flowering plants, flying insects, children's cosmetics and chemical substances. Often, even healthy children are affected by a cough and runny nose due to the very dry air in the room.

If a dry cough and runny nose without fever bother the baby for a long time, then this is very alarming symptoms. Against the background of an allergic reaction, young patients may develop bronchial asthma. In this situation, it is very important to provide timely help to the baby, this is the only way you will double the chances that your child will grow up healthy.

How to treat dry paroxysmal cough in an adult is indicated in the article.

Therapeutic measures

To overcome a viral infection in a child’s body, it is necessary to have antiviral medications. Without them, treatment will not have a positive effect. But before this, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary; only he will be able to determine which of the available drugs will be the most effective and what is its dosage. To the group antiviral drugs includes the following:

These are not all drugs; these are allowed to be used by children from the first day of life. To increase the fight against the disease, it is worth using interferonogenesis inducers in treatment:

How to treat wet cough and runny nose without fever, you can find out by reading this article.

To increase vitality and the body's defenses, it is worth taking echinacea tincture. At the time of therapy for young patients, it is very difficult to do without medications, the action of which is aimed at combating symptoms. When a child has a stuffy nose and finds it difficult to breathe, vasoconstrictor nasal drops can be used:

But you shouldn’t get carried away with them either. It is allowed to use drops for no more than 5 days, otherwise you may develop allergic rhinitis.

What to do when a baby has a runny nose without fever can be found in this article.

When a child is tormented by a wet cough, it is necessary to prescribe medications whose action is aimed at thinning the mucus and its rapid clearance. For these purposes, it is necessary to use tincture of licorice root, marshmallow, Mucaltin, ACC.

To eliminate dry cough, you can use Tusuprex, Pertussin, Libexin. Prolonged cough is perfectly eliminated by herbal chest mixture. But you shouldn’t suppress your cough once again, since you can interfere with the discharge of sputum, and inflammation will occur in the lungs.

To relieve swelling and allergies that arise against the background of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to use antihistamines. The following types of drugs are in great demand here:

When treating a cold at home, you can use inhalations. Thanks to them, it is possible to direct medications directly into the respiratory tract. For such treatment, it is allowed to use both special inhalers and improvised means. All components of medications penetrate along with steam into the upper respiratory tract and cleanse the mucous membrane of microbes, remove pain syndrome in the throat, cough and hoarseness in the voice.

Whether there can be a cough during teething will become clear after reading this article.

You can use time-tested steam inhalations. This is inhaling steam from boiled potatoes. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the vegetable and boil it, drain the water and bend over the hot potatoes, covering the top with a towel. Dispense a couple within 20 minutes. If you perform similar manipulations with a 3-5 year old child, then they must be performed together, otherwise the child may get burns.

When a cold is expressed by a runny nose, then it is worth using nasal drops homemade. For these purposes, you can use Kalanchoe, aloe, garlic and onions.

If you decide to use aloe juice, it is best that its age does not exceed 3-4 years. Dilute the resulting juice with water in a ratio of 1:10 and drip the medicine into each nasal passage, 3-5 drops. You should not combine aloe juice with drugs such as Naphthyzin or Sanorin. Otherwise, this will lead to the development of sinusitis.

How to treat a wheezing cough is indicated in the article.

Features of treatment of infants

If a baby has been diagnosed with a cold, which is characterized by coughing, runny nose and sneezing without fever, then you should immediately go to the clinic. After a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The video talks about the causes of a runny nose without fever in a baby:

First of all, all actions should be aimed at increasing the body's immune forces. To do this, the baby needs to be given Interferon and Grippferon. Place a drop in the child's nose into each nasal passage 2 times throughout the day. If the baby is already 6 months old, then you can give him children's Anaferon for the treatment of influenza and the prevention of colds. A tablet of this drug should be dissolved in warm water and then given to the baby to drink. The number of doses per day should not exceed 3 times.

How to cure asthmatic cough is indicated in the description of this article.

The sooner parents start treating a cold, the faster it will begin to have a positive effect. The presented drugs will prevent damage to the baby’s body during a flu epidemic, when another adult has already become ill with it.

Treatment of rhinitis during a cold involves the use of Aquamaris or Solin.

This saline solutions, with which you need to drip the little patient’s nose. If you have severe nasal congestion, you can purchase aloe extract at the pharmacy. For colds, inhalation using garlic has a positive effect. It is necessary to grind this product on a grater and let the baby breathe. It is not permissible to use vasoconstrictor medications for an infant.

To treat a cough, you can give your baby a dessert spoon of chamomile infusion 3 times a day. It can only be taken by a child who is over 6 months old. To irrigate the throat, you should use Tantum Verde spray, do the procedure 2 times a day.

Mother's milk has a disinfecting effect, so a baby with a cold needs to breastfeed as often as possible. In addition, it is worth providing your child with plenty of fluids.

If your baby coughs, you can make a vodka compress. To do this, mix vodka and water in equal proportions, moisten cotton wool in it and place it on the throat, cover with gauze and cellophane on top. Such activities must be carried out with extreme caution, otherwise you may get burned. delicate skin baby. It is also allowed to use mustard plasters, but here you need to be extremely careful, place them only through 3 layers of gauze and after the doctor has approved such treatment.

If a child has a cold accompanied by a severe cough, then he is allowed to use Mucaltin among medications. This medication has no side effects, as it is made from natural ingredients.

What does Komarovsky think?

According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, during the treatment of cough and runny nose without fever, parents should direct all their efforts to keeping the mucous membranes of the nose moist. Here it is necessary to regularly fill the child’s room with fresh air, so that the room temperature does not exceed 21 degrees, and the air humidity is not lower than 75%.

The doctor gives parents the following advice:

  1. Regularly irrigate the nasal mucosa with saline. You can buy it at any pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. You just need to dissolve it in a glass warm water dessert spoon of sea salt.
  2. Use the drug Ectericide, which has an anti-inflammatory and softening effect.
  3. Perform inhalations using a nebulizer or improvised means. Excellent for these purposes medicinal herbs, essential oils.

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about coughing without runny nose and fever:

To prevent your child from getting colds, Komarovsky recommends following following rules prevention:

  1. Strengthen the body, so often walk with your baby outside and play active games.
  2. The baby's diet should be filled with vitamins and microelements.

A runny nose and cough are two unpleasant symptoms that indicate that a virus has settled in the body. A viral disease can occur without fever, which indicates the child’s strong immunity. But even in this case, treatment is a necessary measure. It is important to maintain the baby’s immune strength, otherwise the body will not cope and various complications will arise.

Cough without fever

Some cold symptoms occur without fever and therefore sometimes do not cause much concern. In fact, they are very dangerous. For example, a prolonged cough without fever or runny nose indicates the presence of a hidden infection in the body. This symptom is extremely serious. Let's take a closer look at the reasons for this phenomenon and ways to get rid of it.

Causes of cough without fever

If a person coughs for a long time, but does not have a fever, runny nose or sneezing, this may be a sign of the following problems in the body:

  1. Hidden inflammation or allergic reaction. In this case, a cough in the throat is accompanied by a runny nose and sneezing, but the temperature does not rise above 37.
  2. Heart failure.
  3. Venereal disease. With this pathology, constant coughing is accompanied by skin irritation, rash, and the temperature does not rise.
  4. Pneumonia or ARVI.

Sometimes people cough not because of a cold, but because of pollution environment. Often this symptom, along with a runny nose, is observed in people working in a mine, metal processing or chemical plant. Very often smokers cough for a long time without a runny nose or fever. For allergy sufferers, this condition can be caused by feather pillows that harbor mites. To understand how to treat a prolonged cough without a runny nose and high temperature, determine whether it is dry or wet.


The main reasons that can cause a dry cough (sometimes with wheezing) without fever and runny nose are:

  1. Allergy to external irritants. The body tries to free the respiratory system from irritating particles, such as dust, animal hair, and household chemicals.
  2. Ecology. If you live in an environmentally unfavorable place for a long time, then a barking cough with a runny nose without fever may be caused by environmental pollution. Long-term smoking aggravates the situation. All this sometimes leads to chronic diseases respiratory system.
  3. Heart problems. In this situation, the condition worsens when lying down. Sometimes this makes it difficult to breathe.
  4. Laryngeal papillomatosis. The larynx becomes covered with papillomas. The patient also feels discomfort in the throat, but there is no increase in temperature or runny nose, as with a cold.


The causes of such a cough (in the absence of fever and runny nose) may be the following problems:

  1. Bronchitis, tracheitis, other similar diseases. As a rule, this symptom is a residual phenomenon of past inflammation; its maximum duration is a month.
  2. False croup. With this diagnosis, a person has a very strong cough without a runny nose and fever with painful attacks. There is practically no coughing up of phlegm.
  3. Tuberculosis. A dangerous disease that often does not manifest itself with any other symptoms. Runny nose and cough with sputum containing blood.
  4. Cold. With ARVI, a person also suffers from a runny nose, even if the temperature remains normal.


Such a cough in the absence of a runny nose and fever is very dangerous. A man is choking and has a very sore throat. This should never be tolerated or treated at home. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor who will determine what these attacks are a symptom of. If you sometimes cough almost to the point of vomiting, the reasons for this may be:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • ARVI;
  • tumor in the lungs or bronchi;
  • pneumonia.


A dry cough at night may be a sign of an allergy to natural pillow fillings. But it is also a symptom of others dangerous diseases. You should try to understand what other signs are observed, such as a runny nose or sneezing. If you have snot while coughing without fever at night, then it is either a cold or an allergy. Often people cough at night due to abnormal skeletal structure or internal organs, or inflammation of nerve endings.


If there is no chills with a prolonged cough, this does not mean that there is no danger. Constant coughing may indicate that the body for some reason is not responding to the virus with a high fever. If this lasts for a very long time, you definitely need to go medical examination. The reasons for this condition may be:

  • heart diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • allergy;
  • pneumonia;
  • ARVI;
  • complex form of bronchitis.

How to cure a cough

To cure a prolonged cough without fever, it is recommended to use medications and folk recipes. If you prefer the first option, first visit your doctor to determine the cause of the problem and write a prescription for the appropriate medications. If it is a cold without fever, then tablets that thin the sputum will help. These include Mucaltin, Ambrobene, Bbromhexine. In more severe cases, antibiotics will be needed.

Wet cough can be treated at home and traditional medicine. A mixture of pureed cranberries and honey (in equal parts) will be very effective. It is also recommended to drink honey with linden blossom and birch buds in a ratio of 1:1:0.5 cups. The mixture is boiled in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, filtered and drunk three times a day with a small spoon. If you don’t know how to stop coughing and how to treat this condition, rub your chest with badger fat, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Be sure to drink a lot of warm liquid. Different approaches are used to treat cough in children and adults.

In adults

To cure a severe, prolonged cough in an adult, it is necessary to determine the cause of the symptom and eliminate it. A dry cough at night can be treated with antitussive medications so that the person can rest properly. If it is associated with an upper respiratory tract infection, then you will need to take cold tablets. The most important thing is to understand what to take to turn a constant dry cough into a wet one. For this purpose, medications are prescribed to stimulate expectoration:

  1. Reflex. Medicines taken to treat a persistent cold. They affect the areas of the brain responsible for the cough reflex. The most common example is the leaves of coltsfoot, plantain. Medicines: Codeine.
  2. Resorptive. Mucus thinners. Thanks to them, the lungs are intensively cleansed. Often such medications are used for inhalation. Examples: ACC, Amtersol, Ascoril.
  3. Proteolytic. Makes sputum less viscous. These include Gelomirtol and thyme herb.
  4. Mucoregulators. Tablets for increased phlegm production, used to treat colds in most cases. For example, Ambroxol, Bromhexine.

In children

A cough in an infant without fever is normal if the child is not capricious and sleeps well, behaves very actively, and does not complain of a stuffy nose or weakness. But if a barking, dry or wet cough does not go away, then you should consult a doctor. Pain when coughing and frequent long attacks, which sometimes lead to vomiting and do not allow a 3-year-old child to sleep, indicate the presence of serious illnesses in organism.

To treat a prolonged cough without fever in a child, the following is prescribed:

  • means that calm spasms (Joset, Askoril, Kashnol);
  • medications to thin sputum (Thyme syrup, ACC, Bromhexine);
  • expectorants (Stoptussin, Bronchicum, Plantain syrup).

If your child has a dry allergic cough without a runny nose, then treatment should be comprehensive. In this situation, you need to take antitussive medications and visit an allergist who will identify the allergen and eliminate it. This could be household dust or pet hair. The specialist will prescribe antihistamines (anti-allergic) and tell you what to drink for general strengthening therapy and boost immunity.

Video: Komarovsky on the treatment of cough in a child

Watch the video in which the famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky explains in detail how to treat a bad cough without a runny nose in an infant. The doctor's advice will help you understand why the cough occurs and what needs to be done to make the illness go away quickly. After watching the video below, you will no longer consider a cough to be something frightening and incomprehensible, and when it appears, you will be able to take the right measures without delay.

Healthy and happy children are what every mother dreams of. The smaller the baby, the more difficult it is for him to bear various diseases due to the unformed nervous, muscular, and immune systems of the body. Viruses, bacterial pathogens, allergens, infections can become a source of illness. The wisdom of Mother Nature is so great that with various symptoms the body hints to doctors and parents about the causes of problems. What does a wet cough in a child indicate and how dangerous is it?

Causes of wet cough in a child

A cough is an increased exhalation through the mouth caused by factors irritating the respiratory tract receptors. The physiological processes that occur during this process are reduction muscle tissue larynx, increased tone of the muscles of the bronchial system, tension of the abdominal muscles are reflex. The cough reflex is unconditional and acts as a protective function of the body, allowing the removal of foreign bodies and other irritating objects.

The presence of a wet cough in a child in most cases is not dangerous, life-threatening and health in general, a symptom. Doctors call this type of mucus expectoration productive: muscles bronchial tree contract, getting rid of interfering foreign bodies– sputum, dust particles, allergens. Pulmonologists and pediatricians insist that neither wet nor dry cough can be treated! It is necessary to identify the cause of the occurrence and act on it.

So, the reasons for the productive removal of sputum in a child are:

  • Colds, viral and other diseases.
    1. Various respiratory tract infections.
    2. Bacterial complications.
    3. Bronchial asthma.
    4. Chronic diseases.
    5. Oncology.
  • Allergy.
  • Runny nose or snot.
  • Physiological reasons (often found in infants when milk enters the respiratory tract).
  • Teething. From 8 months, most babies begin to have their first teeth. Excessive salivation, inflammation of the mucous membranes become “provocateurs”.

In what cases should the appearance of a wet cough in a child prompt an emergency response from parents and the presence and supervision of a doctor:

  • Child's age (1 year). A wet cough in an infant is dangerous due to the underdevelopment of body systems and the inability to cough effectively. While the baby cannot sit up, phlegm accumulates in the bronchi. A wet, gurgling cough can lead to vomiting and cause breathing problems.
  • Having a temperature above 38 for three or more days.
  • Sudden prolonged seizures in a child.
  • Presence of shortness of breath with frequency:
    • more often than 60 breaths – for infants up to 3 months;
    • more than 50 breaths per minute - in a one-year-old child;
    • from 40 or more breaths in a child aged 2 years and older.
  • The presence of wheezing, whistling cough, or barking may indicate pneumonia that occurs without fever or be a bacteriological complication of an untreated viral infection.
  • When a child’s copious sputum has a greenish tint; admixture of blood; reddish in color.
  • Persistent wet cough in children 3 years of age and older, accompanied by decreased/loss of appetite; lethargy; drowsiness.

Folk remedies for cough with sputum

When treating with a variety of methods, one should focus on the age of the child and the nature of the disease. Absence elevated temperature, the presence of appetite, accompanied by a wet cough after an illness, should not cause acute concern for parents. Babies under one year old require special attention and care. If your baby develops a cough, be sure to call a doctor at home! Severe attacks, including vomiting, can be provoked by:

  • Whooping cough stick. This is one of the few cases when a cough goes away after taking medications that inhibit the cough center in the brain. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, and to make a diagnosis by laboratory research It is necessary to confirm the presence of whooping cough in the child’s body.
  • Laryngeal stenosis (laryngotracheitis). In this case, urgently call an ambulance: you and your baby will need hospitalization! While you are waiting for the doctor, fill the bathroom with hot water after closing the door. Keep your baby in a humid, warm microclimate, trying to calm him down as much as possible.

Other cases of wet cough in infants under one year of age, as well as in older children and adolescents, can be easily treated with physiotherapy - inhalations, chest massage; breathing exercises; light physical activity; spending time in the fresh air. Let's take a closer look at how to quickly get rid of a wet cough.


An excellent means of “transforming” a cough from dry to wet, affecting the upper respiratory tract with warm air, essential oils, saturated vapors of soda, salt, iodine are inhalations. Do you remember from childhood how to treat colds “breathe over boiled potatoes”? So, our grandmothers and mothers were right: warm air, warming the trachea and nasopharynx, thins the mucus, improving motor function ciliated epithelium. This method is ideal for those who have phlegm accumulating in the throat and upper tract.

Modern medicine, for the convenience of children and parents, suggests using special inhalers:

  • Cheaper and simpler versions are represented by a bath and a tube with nozzles.
  • A nebulizer is a medical device for use at home. By inhaling aerosolized liquids (medicines, soda water, etc.), the child's viscous sputum is perfectly liquefied.

Expectorant massage

Chest massage performed at home by parents or a specialist is effective in relieving the child of a wet cough. Light tapping movements; wide sweeping strokes with pressure on the chest, performed from top to bottom; kneading and pinching will increase blood flow to the bronchi and lungs, stimulating the thinning of mucus and the removal of phlegm.

Other effective remedies

Herbal decoctions and berry tinctures have long been known as effective means of relieving a child of a cough. To turn a dry cough into a wet one, brew 4 tbsp in 0.5 liters of water. breast collection. Rosehip tincture (100 g of dry berries per liter of water) will improve tone, saturating the body with vitamin C; Linden decoction will strengthen the expectorant component, thinning the sputum; chamomile tea, being a natural antiseptic, will help get rid of bacteria and viruses faster.

Good for children in the treatment of wet cough breathing exercises. Helps relax the cough center, reduces the frequency of urges, and helps normalize the functioning of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory organs. To improve lung function by “pumping” larger volumes of air, buy inflatable balloons for your child. By combining the game with breathing procedures when inflating the latter, you will help your baby.

Expectorant medications

The list of expectorants for “getting” a productive cough in a child is divided into 2 groups:

  • Medications that thin phlegm.
  • Drugs that improve the removal of mucus from the bronchi and lungs.

The form of the drug - tablets, mixture or syrup - depends on the age of the child. All medicines are divided into natural and synthetic. The advantages of the former include the minimum of chemical additives that the child’s body, weakened by the disease, will receive when ingested. The downside is the body’s unpredictable reaction to natural ingredients: allergies sometimes lead to an increase in wet cough and attacks.


Mothers of small children, when thinking about what to give their child, should pay attention to chemical dyes and additives that improve the taste of syrups: they can cause allergies, causing an increase in the cough reflex. The pharmaceutical syrups are:

  • Reflex effects on the respiratory system:
    1. Alteyka;
    2. Pectolvan ivy;
    3. Stoptussin Phyto syrup;
    4. Bronchicum et al.
  • Resorptive action, improving mucus secretion:
    1. Amtersol;
    2. Ambroxol;
    3. Carbocysteine.


Dry mixture for children is a drug of combined action, relieves wet cough, normalizes the activity of cilia of the bronchial epithelium. It is a natural herbal medicine and is indicated for children from infancy. It is taken orally in liquid form: the powder is diluted with boiled water in the proportions indicated on the package insert. Exceeding the dosage is not permissible!


The tablet form of medications is more suitable for middle-aged and older children. The tablets contain less dyes, and in terms of their effect on wet cough indicators, they are as effective for the child as syrups and mixtures. A small list of expectorant drugs:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Sinupret;
  • Cough tablets;
  • Eucabalus et al.

How to treat a wet cough without fever according to Komarovsky

A child’s cough often occurs as a result of a viral/bacterial infection of the body (ARVI, bronchitis, laryngitis, snot, etc.) or due to a violation of the optimal living conditions for an individual child (dust, mold, dry air, etc.). Methods and means of treating wet cough depend on the causes of the disease, the age of the child and the course of the disease. How to cure sputum in a child?

Collect yourself and calm down, and then take a number of measures aimed at:

  • facilitating the coughing process, helping to thin out thick, sticky mucus;
  • creating indoor humidity up to 60-70%;
  • ensuring the absence of allergens, even if the child is not allergic;
  • stop taking medications if a wet, productive cough appears;
  • a categorical ban on taking antitussive medications (with the exception of whooping cough, croup) for a wet cough.

What to do if sputum does not come out

If a child’s wet cough turns into a dry one, you need to understand the reasons:

  1. Taking cough suppressants disables the natural reflexes of clearing the airways. Taken independently, not as directed, they can turn a child’s wet, productive cough into a barking dry one. The solution would be to give up medications, drink plenty of fluids, and take mucolytic drugs.
  2. Taking antibiotics for ARVI, or the mutually exclusive use of certain medications, can cause the formation of a dry cough, although at the initial stage the child had a wet one.
  3. After a short-term improvement after suffering from a cold, the transformation of a wet cough into a dry one indicates that the infection has descended into the lower respiratory tract or the addition of bacterial damage to the body. In this case, an immediate visit to the doctor is required!

Video: Doctor Komarovsky about a child’s wet cough

A wet cough in a child is not always an indicator of the presence of a disease. He is considered normal physiological process, if during the day your baby coughs up to 10-15 times. This is how local immunity reacts to interactions with viruses, dust, and bacteria. Coughing in the morning in children indicates that the nasopharynx is drying out during sleep, and the airways are trying to get rid of the mucus that has accumulated during the night. Find out how parents should behave if their child has a wet cough by watching our video:

Residual cough in a child - how to treat it. Quick relief from residual cough in a child

Treatment for a cold is behind you, but you still can’t get rid of your cough? The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in a child after an acute respiratory viral infection recovers slowly and, along with a weakened immune system, an unpleasant residual cough. How dangerous is this to health and how to cure a child’s cough?

Why does residual cough occur in children?

Curing a viral infection, bronchitis, pneumonia is only the first step on the path to recovery. A child’s body, weakened by illness, especially after taking antibiotics, needs time to recover. And all this time, the sensitive bronchi use the most common protective mechanism - coughing, which prevents the airways from becoming clogged with phlegm, mucus or pus. Therefore, parents need to know the causes, symptoms and how to properly treat residual cough in a child.


A persistent cough in a child after suffering from a respiratory tract disease is more likely to be normal rather than a rare occurrence. It takes the baby’s body some time to recover and develop immunity. The viruses remaining after the illness are no longer so strong, but still continue to irritate the bronchi and trachea, causing a residual cough, which with proper therapy should go away in two to three weeks. Among other reasons when a child has a severe cough without fever:

  • relapse of an inflammatory or infectious disease;
  • reaction of the respiratory tract to contact with cold air, excessive physical activity;
  • allergies to dust, pet hair, cigarette smoke;
  • foreign body;
  • stress, nervousness;
  • A rare stomach disease is gastroesophageal reflux.


A situation when there is a feeling that the cold is not going to go away and the child does not stop coughing for a long time should alert parents. At this moment, using some signs, you need to be able to determine where the new disease began, and where the baby has stopped getting sick and is only susceptible to residual effects. The most common symptoms of a persistent cough:

  • periodic manifestation of a residual phenomenon, when the cough itself is shallow, there is no sputum, more often appears in the morning;
  • there is no fever, snot, intoxication or other signs of a cold;
  • within three weeks after completing the course of therapy, the cough becomes less intense and rare;
  • The baby’s immune system, recovering, weakens the cough and copes with it, even without treatment.

When is a child’s cough dangerous after an illness?

A situation that should cause concern is when a child has a loud cough that does not go away for a month, a fever develops, or the child complains of pain. You must be able to distinguish any of these symptoms from residual effects and, if you suspect it, contact your pediatrician so that your baby can undergo additional examination. What is the danger of a prolonged or incessant cough in children? This may hide the development of chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, pneumonia, or a chest injury that makes inhalation and exhalation painful, and tuberculosis may begin. In these cases, serious medical attention is required.

How to treat residual cough

If you are sure that these are residual effects after suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection or some other viral infection, then drug treatment may not be needed. After a few weeks, the functioning of the respiratory system will normalize, the mucous membranes will clear and the residual cough will go away if you frequently ventilate the room, do wet cleaning, and use an ultrasonic humidifier. Then how to treat residual cough in a child? I can quickly get rid of an obsessive cough using folk remedies, inhalations, and in special cases, taking medications.

Drug treatment

In order for the baby's airways to quickly clear the phlegm or mucus that accumulates during a cold, a therapy program to eliminate residual effects may include taking medications. According to the nature of the cough and overall assessment condition of the child’s body, the pediatrician will prescribe thinning (dry cough) or expectorant (wet cough) agents or drugs with spasmodic or enveloping properties. The following help reduce irritation of the mucous membrane and cope with residual effects:

Folk remedies

If a child coughs a lot, then the conspiracy is unlikely to help influence the process. Among folk remedies there are others healthy recipes, which help relieve a child’s dry, frequent cough with the help of decoctions, foods prepared in a special way, and compresses. How to cure residual cough in a child using traditional methods:

  • A warm drink made with milk, and this product is combined with honey, soda, butter, figs, goat fat, mineral water. For one glass of heated liquid, take a tablespoon of another ingredient, and dilute the milk with mineral water in a 1:1 ratio. This treatment of cough in children using folk remedies is considered the most popular, and if you give a warm drink to your baby at night, it helps improve sleep, remove a barking cough, and cure a throat.
  • Yolks (chicken, quail) ground with sugar are the well-known eggnog. If a child coughs to the point of vomiting and a whistle is heard, then this folk remedy will not help, but such a sweet treatment can soften a hard cough. To make the taste even more pleasant, honey, cocoa, and citrus juice are added to the mashed yolks, but provided that the baby is not allergic to these products. To prepare a serving, you need to take one yolk and a tablespoon of granulated sugar, thoroughly grind it to a fluffy white mass, and then add any of the additional ingredients up to a teaspoon.
  • Herbal infusions are prepared in the evening; a thermos is used for this, and the proportions are simple: take 1 tbsp per glass of boiling water. l. vegetable raw materials. To make the treatment of cough in children faster, chamomile, linden blossom, St. John's wort, sage, and green cones are taken for infusion.
  • Instead of mustard plasters and ready-made pharmaceutical ointments, it is better to rub at night, if the child has a wet cough, with pork, goat, badger, and bear fat, and then wrap the baby well.
  • Compresses are another good folk remedy if a child’s dry cough does not go away for a long time, and boiled and mashed potatoes, bread crumbs, etc. are suitable for the procedure. cabbage leaf with honey.

Inhalations for dry cough without fever

The search for an effective method to cure dry cough in children, if the process is a residual phenomenon, leads to inhalation treatment. To soften is the main goal of this type of therapy, and steam is ideal for this. The baby will have to breathe over hot vapors, and the liquid will still gurgle, so parents must be very careful and monitor the baby. Inhalation is well suited for those who suffer from chronic cough, and the procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour.

In the absence of allergic reactions, essential oils are suitable, for example, pine, juniper, eucalyptus. Dr. Komarovsky advises doing inhalations with medicinal herbs (chain, wild rosemary, coltsfoot), and during the procedure using either inhalers or a nebulizer. An effective and simple folk method is to breathe over a saucepan of potatoes, covering your head with a towel on top.

Video: how to relieve residual cough in a child

Select category Adenoids Sore throat Uncategorized Moist cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Traditional methods treatment of Sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for the runny nose Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant women Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Review of drugs Otitis Cough preparations Procedures for Sinusitis Cough procedures Procedures for the runny nose Symptoms of Sinusitis Cough syrups Dry cough Dry cough in children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for runny nose
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Treatments for a runny nose
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Sinusitis
    • Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Dr. Komarovsky has gained wide popularity in the CIS countries thanks to his simple and effective advice about how to raise children healthy, treat their illnesses and educate them. The doctor expressed a competent opinion regarding most of the diseases that modern parents face: colds, coughs, runny nose, various inflammations...

Many people are interested in the question of whether a child has a cough Komarovsky - what does a professional think about the classic treatment regimens for the disease and how best to cope with such a common symptom.

It is better for every parent to know as much as possible about the physiology of their own child in order to understand where diseases come from and how to treat them. Komarovsky tells a lot about cough, including: the causes and mechanism of its occurrence, why a cough appears with adenoids, where a child’s cough after sleep comes from, what signs indicate serious ailments (in particular, the doctor pays Special attention whooping cough), what cough treatment is suitable for children of different age categories.

Understanding the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease makes it possible to objectively independently assess the need for certain therapeutic measures:

  • Coughing is a normal reaction of the body to irritation of the respiratory tract. Each of us has coughed at least once due to exhaust fumes on the street or when inhaling dust while cleaning. Children's body it's built exactly the same way. This is why children may cough sometimes. Fine healthy child coughs up to 15-20 times and this does not indicate illness;
  • The cough reflex is quite complex; its implementation involves the endings of the vagus, glossopharyngeal, laryngeal nerve (sensory fibers), as well as the recurrent laryngeal nerve and spinal (cervical 1-4) nerves (motor fibers that move the diaphragm and intercostal muscles) ;
  • Mechanistically, a cough is nothing more than a sharp expulsion of air through an open glottis in a child. The specific sound and effect of a reflex act arise due to the fact that first a deep breath is taken, the glottis closes, and then all possible respiratory and auxiliary muscles are sharply tensed. The air suddenly leaves the lungs;
  • During this act, the bronchi narrow, due to which a strong air flow is able to carry foreign particles and mucous secretions that accumulate on the walls of the bronchi outside the respiratory system;
  • There are dry and wet coughs. Both varieties are characterized by the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, but with a dry (non-productive) cough it cannot be eliminated through a reflex act. Sometimes seizures occur for this reason. A wet cough is characterized by the discharge of sputum and is called productive;
  • According to the course of the disease, it is divided into acute (up to 3 weeks), subacute (over 3 weeks) and chronic (lasting more than 3 months). It should be understood that a chronic cough indicates the constant presence of infection in the respiratory tract, destructive processes in the bronchi;
  • In most cases, it appears due to viral infections affecting the upper or lower respiratory tract. Later, the virus may be accompanied by bacterial invasion, which only worsens the condition.

It is necessary to fight a cough and you need to start by determining the cause of its occurrence. By ignoring this sign of illness, you risk causing your child to have complications such as:

  • The occurrence of hernias;
  • Pneumothorax;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Headache;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Vomit;
  • Incontinence.

To describe a cough, Dr. Komarovsky recommends answering the following questions:

  • Has your child been coughing for a long time?
  • What preceded the problem?
  • Was there a whistling or choking sound during this reflexive act?
  • Are there signs of inflammation in the upper and middle respiratory tract (snot, red throat)?
  • Are there any stomach symptoms?
  • Is the cough associated with any external factors(plant flowering, contact with animals, etc.)?
  • Is the child taking any medications that may cause a cough?

The main task of the doctor is to establish what pathology became the trigger for the appearance of the cough symptom, and the parent is to help with this.

Although the treatment of young children is usually considered according to Komarovsky, one should not lose sight of the characteristics of respiratory tract diseases in adolescents. A cough after a sore throat in a child, and children's cough in connection with passive smoking (when adults smoke in the house, the baby inhales cigarette smoke), and hormonal imbalance, growth spurts in adolescents, and the possibility of boys and teenage girls developing their own bad habits.

How to treat dry cough in a child Komarovsky

The peculiarity of Dr. Komarovsky’s method is that he recommends wisely combining the use of medications and the body’s natural resources. Moreover, Dr. Komarovsky speaks of cough as a symptom, which is often only worsened due to improper treatment or the use of unnecessary medications.

A dry, non-productive cough is caused by the fact that there is not enough discharge or it is very thick, which is why the child is unable to cough it up. Classic treatment regimens suggest the use of mucolytics and expectorants for a speedy recovery.

Famous Ukrainian doctor, main character These are articles of a different opinion. First of all, Komarovsky draws attention to the following facts:

  • The use of mucolytics for children under 2 years of age gives more side effects than benefits;
  • This was confirmed in France back in 2010, when a high-profile situation arose: after treating young children with mucolytics, the latter developed serious complications. After this, doctors banned the use of these drugs to treat children under two years of age;
  • Later, the Italians came to the same conclusion, banning drugs based on bromhexine, acetyl- and carbocysteine, ambroxol and several other common active ingredients (sobrerol, erdostein, neltenexin, telmestein) for the treatment of children of this age;
  • In our country, such drugs are sold without a prescription, and television advertising constantly convinces people that they are necessary;
  • To date, there is no convincing evidence that mucolytics help better than drinking plenty of fluids, rinsing the nose and gargling, humidifying and cooling the air. Dr. Komarovsky notes that mucolytics are drugs of unproven effectiveness, and the course of the disease depends only on the conditions in which the child is;
  • In many cases, the initial illness is not serious, but symptoms intensify due to the use of mucolytics. The doctor thinks that the disease is progressing, he prescribes other drugs, including hormones and antibiotics, although there is no reason for this.

Dr. Komarovsky insists: a non-productive cough in a baby under 2 years old cannot under any circumstances be treated with a mucolytic. In older children, this is also not necessary, since the effectiveness of the drugs has not been proven.

There is no better remedy for cough in children than moist air, airing the room, drinking plenty of fluids and walking (if there is no fever and feeling unwell). Drug therapy is required only in the case of bacterial inflammation, when the situation is really serious.

Komarovsky also describes the causes of a child’s night cough as a consequence of insufficient humidity in the room, high temperature in the room (above 20-21 degrees). If a child is absolutely healthy, but coughs at night, it means that external conditions are not good enough for his respiratory system. If the baby has signs of illness (pain, fever, etc.), you need to contact your pediatrician for help and still improve the conditions in which the child is located as much as possible.

Wet cough - treatment according to Komarovsky

A wet cough is a natural continuation of a dry cough, which indicates the path to recovery. Usually at this stage, doctors prescribe expectorants, which worsen the cough and increase the amount of sputum.

The need for these medications has been proven only in cases of bronchitis and pneumonia, but their treatment is carried out exclusively by doctors. You cannot treat bronchitis or pneumonia in a child on your own.

In all other cases, you should get rid of phlegm using classical methods: moist air in the room and a temperature of 16-20 degrees, rinsing the nose and gargling, drinking plenty of warm drinks. If your child is feeling well, quiet walks will be beneficial for him.

In some cases, it may be justified to use badger fat for children's coughs, mustard in children's socks. Read the rules for performing these manipulations so as not to harm the child.

Coughing during sleep can also disturb an already recovering child. You should not use antitussives on your own. They are prescribed in exceptional situations and only a pediatrician does this. If your baby coughs at night, provide good ventilation and high humidity in the room. Before bedtime, give your child milk and honey and offer inhalation with essential oils. It's useful, inexpensive and definitely won't do any harm.

How to treat a lingering cough in a child Komarovsky

Persistent cough is a vague term that usually describes a symptom that lasts more than 3 weeks.

Depending on the examination data obtained, your pediatrician or ENT specialist will choose the appropriate treatment tactics.

How to treat residual cough in a child Komarovsky

After a respiratory tract illness, the symptom of cough may remain for some time. The child is already healthy, eager to go to kindergarten or study, and active. What to do?

How to treat residual cough in a child Komarovsky says: no way. Hydration, drinking, nasal rinsing and gargling, walking, Fresh air. All this will help the symptom disappear faster.

But if the baby sits in a hot, stuffy room with dry air because of the obsessions of his parents and grandparents (“He still has a cough, where should he go for a walk!”), then the cough will not go away.

And finally, some advice from a doctor on cough treatment:

  • Almost all cough remedies are either mucolytics, expectorants, or antitussives. They are indicated only in a limited number of cases and this can only be decided by a pediatrician. These include acute bronchitis, pneumonia. In other situations, they will only aggravate the illness and confuse the symptoms of the disease;
  • In most cases, a child's cough occurs when there is an infection in the nose or throat. Do not give mucolytics or expectorants. They will only increase the amount of mucus and worsen the situation;
  • Expectorants help only if there is wet sputum. Otherwise, they intensify the unproductive tearing cough. On the other hand, if the child drinks a lot, the air in the room is moist and cool, then the sputum itself will go away just fine without medication;
  • Obstructive bronchitis and pneumonia are common complications due to the use of mucolytics and expectorants. The amount of mucus and the urge to cough are growing, but the child is simply unable to due to insufficient physical development cough up Sputum accumulates in the bronchi and lower parts of the lungs;
  • Don't believe product advertisements on TV. The best means: warm clothes for the child, room temperature 16-20 degrees, rinsing the nose and gargling, humidifying the air, lots of warm drinks, walks (if health allows).

No need to heal the child! Be prudent and appropriate when treating any disease.

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Cough in normal and pathological conditions

Dr. Komarovsky talks about a child’s cough, first of all, as an assistant in the fight against illness, an important immune mechanism, and in addition to this, as a herald of infectious and non-infectious diseases. The sputum secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract contains enzymes that suppress pathogens.

Purely mechanical removal of inhaled pathogens along with mucus also plays a role. Therefore, the frequency of coughs in diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract increases, as the need to remove accumulated mucus increases.

Therefore not always the best option there will be a quick elimination of this reaction. Please note: cough is not a separate disease, but a symptom! Among the diseases manifested in this way are:

  • infectious diseases of a viral and bacterial nature, for example, ARVI, bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, etc.;
  • allergies, bronchial asthma;
  • neoplasms in any organs of the respiratory system;
  • Komarovsky classifies whooping cough, which has attacks of barking cough in a child, as a known, but thanks to vaccinations, rare infections.

This list can be expanded for a long time, but the main thing you need to understand is that eliminating the cough reflex will not help you cure these diseases. Medicines that affect the cough center in the brain inhibit the manifestation of this reflex, but do not help the body cope with the causes of the disease.

As a result, the cough reflex is suppressed, and mucus continues to accumulate in the lungs, which is quite dangerous.

Healthy children normally cough up to 20 times a day. But if this happens more often, and the attacks are prolonged and painful, show the child to the pediatrician.

Most often, children cough when viral cold, in this case there is a cough, fever and runny nose. Komarovsky also draws attention to the fact that rhinitis can cause attacks at night, or more precisely, in a lying position, when snot flows down the nasopharynx, interferes with breathing and causes a cough.


Komarovsky believes that the main thing in treating cough in children is not to self-medicate, not to rush to give the child medicine, but to pay attention to the cleanliness and humidity of the air, and also to increase the amount of fluid they drink. Such measures have a thinning effect on sputum, preventing it from drying out.

Before deciding how to treat a child’s cough, Komarovsky suggests paying attention to the properties of medications often used for this task.

The effects of medications can be aimed at:

  • suppression of the cough reflex, which has a control center in the brain;
  • thinning of sputum;
  • activation of ciliated epithelial cells that push mucus upward;
  • stimulation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi;
  • decreased sensitivity of the respiratory tract mucosa
  • fight against inflammatory processes.

Types of Medicines Used

There are two main groups used in treatment, the first - removes cough (suppressing reflex), the second - improves productivity, cleansing of mucus (mucolytics and others).

When are drugs that suppress the cough reflex used?

  • whooping cough, since the cough is caused by irritation of the nerve endings of the mucous membrane;
  • pleurisy not accompanied by sputum production;
  • tumors in chest or upper respiratory tract;
  • irritating cough resulting from prolonged exposure to dry, hot air, dust, etc.

As you may have noticed, such remedies are prescribed when there is no sputum, the lungs are clean and the cough is not beneficial.

Self-medication with antitussives can lead to dangerous consequences!

In other cases, Komarovsky recommends not stopping wet and dry coughs, but promoting cleansing processes by reducing the viscosity of mucus and activating bronchial contractions. Among the drugs with such properties, Komarovsky recommends mucaltin, bromhexine, ambroxol.

The commercial names of drugs containing these components are different - see the active ingredient on the package. The dosage of use should be clarified by the doctor depending on the age of the child and the severity of the case.

Also pay attention to medicinal herbs, for example, marshmallow root, licorice, almost pine, thyme and others. They have an expectorant effect, which is why they are so popular as components of cough syrups.

The doctor also emphasizes that these drugs, as well as inhalations, have an effect that can be achieved by simply drinking plenty of fluids and humidifying the air. These are the main elements that relieve cough, and ignoring them will negate the effectiveness of any pills and procedures.

Taking mucolytics is justified only when the sputum is too thick and viscous, coughing it up is difficult and causes pain in the chest.

Please note that the simultaneous use of drugs that inhibit the cough reflex and drugs aimed at increasing the amount of mucus and thinning it is unacceptable.

Treatment of infants

Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that the treatment of cough in infants is significantly different from the treatment of adults. Many drugs are contraindicated for them, for example those affecting the cough center.

The child does not know how to cough, moreover, his muscles are not yet developed enough, and his lung capacity is too small to expel mucus effectively. A sick infant should be shown to a doctor; a consultation will not be superfluous in any case.

Situations in which emergency medical care is needed:

Along with viral infections, in infants, cough can often be caused by a runny nose, as well as teething, which is especially noticeable in the horizontal position of the child’s body. With a runny nose saline into the nose will help clear the nasal passages, mucus will not interfere with breathing, and the cough will stop.

And during the period when teeth are cutting through, the gums swell, a lot of saliva is released, and the child literally gags, which is why he clears his throat. Raise your head, place your baby on a higher pillow, this will help wait out the teething time.


As you noticed, main idea is aimed at not rushing to mindlessly stuff a coughing child with medications, but to work on his living conditions, and thus create the prerequisites for a speedy recovery, without interfering with the functioning of his immune system.

At the same time, the doctor emphasizes that cough can be a symptom of more serious, dangerous diseases.

Therefore, he urges you to trust your pediatricians, because no online consultation can compare with a face-to-face examination.

Thus, it is impossible to cure a cough, but you can cure the disease that is the root cause, and the unpleasant symptom will go away on its own.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you more about some of the nuances of treating cough in a child in the video attached below.