"Poor Lisa. "Poor Lisa" the main characters

The story of Karamzin "Poor Lisa" has become a key product of its time. The introduction of sentimentalism into the work and the presence of many topics and problems allowed the 25-year-old author to become an unusually popular and famous. The readers were absorbed in the images of the main characters of the story - the story about the events of their life became a reason to rethink the features of the humanistic theory.

History of writing

In most cases, unusual works of literature have unusual creatures of creating, however, if such a story has "poor Lisa" and was, the public was not provided and lost somewhere in the wildlings of history. It is known that the story was written as an experiment in the country of Peter Beketov, which was located near Simonov Monastery.

Publication data is also quite scarce. For the first time, "poor Lisa" saw the light in the Moscow Journal in 1792. At that time, His editor was N. Karamzin himself, and after 4 years, the story was published by a separate book.

Heroes Tale

Lisa is the main heroine of the story. The girl belongs to the peasant class. After the death of his father, she lives with her mother and earns money selling knitted products and flowers in the city.

Erasmus is the main character of the story. The young man has a soft character, he is not able to defend his life position, which makes the unfortunate and his loving loving in him.

Mother Lisa - a peasant in origin. She loves her daughter and wants the girl to live her further life without difficulties and sorridge.

We suggest a trace that N. Karamzin wrote.

Plot story

Actions Tale occur in the vicinity of Moscow. The young girl Lisa lost his father. Because of this, her family, consisting of her and mother, became gradually poor - the mother was constantly sick and therefore could not fully work. The main labor force in the family was represented by Lisa - the girl is actively carpeted, knitted stockings for sale, and also collected and sold flowers. Once a young aristocrat approached the girl, he fell in love with the girl and therefore decided to buy flowers every day.

However, the next day, Erasmus did not come. The distressed Lisa returns home, but fate presents a new gift - Erasmus comes to Lisa home and reports that he can come beyond the flowers himself.

From this point on, a new stage begins in the girl's life - her love completely captivates her. However, in spite of everything, this love adheres to the Framework of Platonic Love. Erasmus captives the spiritual purity of the girl. Unfortunately, this utopia did not last long. Mother decides to give Lisa married - A rich peasant decided to wonder Lisa. Erasmus, despite his love and admiration for the girl, can not claim her hand - social norms strictly regulate their relationship. Erasmus belongs to nobles, and Lisa - to ordinary peasants, so their marriage is impossible. Liza in the evening comes on a date to the era, as usual and tells the young man about the upcoming event in the hope of support.

Romantic and devotee Eraste decides to pick up Lisa to her house, but the girl cools his fervor, noting that in this case he will not be her husband. This evening, the girl is deprived of his impossibility.

Dear readers! We offer to familiarize yourself with Nikolai Karamzin.

After that, the relationship of Lisa and Erasmus was no longer the same - the image of the immaculate and holy female fade in Erasma's eyes. The young man is starting to military service, and the lovers break up. Lisa sincerely believes that their relationship will preserve the former dust, but the girl is waiting for a huge disappointment: Erasmus addicted to the game of cards and does not become a good player - marriage with a rich old woman helps him avoid poverty, but does not bring happiness. Lisa, having learned about the wedding committed suicide (drowned in the river), and Erasmus had forever acquired guilt for her death.

Reality of the events described

Features of the artistic construction of the plot and the description of the background of the work, pushing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reality of the events and literary reminiscence of Karamzin. After the publication of the story among young people began to enjoy the special popularity of Simonov Monastery, near which, on the basis of the story of Karamzin, Liza lived. The readers also chose the pond, allegedly in which the girl drowned and even cutely talked his "lysine". However, no data on the actual basis does not have a story, it is believed that her heroes, as, however, the plot was the fruit of the author's fantasy.


The story as a genre does not imply a huge amount of topics. Karamzin fully complies with this requirement and is limited in fact with only two topics.

Theme of peasant life

On the example of the Lisa family, the reader can widely familiarize himself with the peculiar features of the peasants. Readers seem not a generalized image. From the story you can learn about the details of the life of peasants, their household and not only household difficulties.

Peasants - also people

In the literature, it is often possible to meet the image of the peasants as a generalized, devoid of individual qualities.

Karamzine shows that the peasants, despite their uneducation and not adherence to art, are neither the mind, nor wisdom, no moral appearance.

Lisa is a girl who can support the conversation, of course, these are not the topic of innovations in the field of science or art, but its speech is logical, and its content makes it help to associate a girl as a smart and talented interlocutor.


The problem of gaining happiness

Everyone wants to be happy. Lisa and Erasmus are also no exception. Platonic love arising between young people allowed them to realize how to be happy and at the same time as it would be deeply unhappy. The author in the story raises an important question: whether you can always become happy and what is needed for this.

The problem of social inequality

One way or another, but our real life is subordinated to some unwashed rules and social stereotypes. Most of them arose on the principle of social distribution on layers or castes. It is this moment that Karamzin is sharply personifies in the work - an aristocrat, nobleman in its origin, and Lisa is a poor girl, a peasant. Marriage between the aristocrat and the peasant was inconceivable.

Loyalty in relations

If you read the story, you understand that such sublime relations between young people, if they were transferred to the real-time plane, would not exist forever - sooner or later, the love fermented between Erasmus and Liza would have fed to further development prevented the position of the public, and the stable uncertainty provoked the degradation of romance.

Guided by the possibility of material improvement of its position, Erasmus decides to marry a rich widow, although at the same time gave Lisa promise to always love her. While the girl is true waiting for the return of the beloved - Erasmus cruelly betrays her feelings and hopes.

The problem of urban focus

Another global problem that found its mapping in the story of Karamzin is a comparison of the city and village. In the understanding of residents of cities, the city is the engine of progress, new-fashioned trends and education. The village always seems like something backward in its development. Residents of the village respectively also backward in all understanding of this word.

Residents of villages also note the differences between residents of cities and villages. In their concept, the city is the engine of evil and danger, the village is a safe place that retains the moral appearance of the nation.


The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story lies in the presentation of sensuality, morality and the influence of the emotions arising for the fate of a person. Karamzin leads readers to the concept: empathy is an important part of life. Do not intentionally refuse compassion and humanity.

Karamzin argues that the morality of a person is a factor that does not depend on the estate and position in society. Very often, people with aristocratic titles are located below in their moral development than ordinary peasants.

Direction in culture and literature

The story "Poor Lisa" is marked by the features of the direction in the literature - in the work successfully found its embodiment, sentimentalism, which successfully embodied in the form of the Father Lisa, which, according to Karamzin's description, was an ideal person as part of his social cell.

Lisa's mother also has many features of sentimentalism - it is experiencing substantial soulful suffering after her husband's care, sincerely worries about the fate of his daughter.

The main array of sentimentalism adds to the image of Lisa. It is depicted as a sensual person, which is so absorbed by its emotions, which is not able to be guided by critical thinking - after familiarizing with Erasmus. Lisa is so absorbed in new romantic experiences, which besides these feelings, it does not take seriously any other - the girl is not able to help him appreciate his life situation, it is little worried about the experiences of the mother and her love.

Instead of love for the mother (who used to be inherent in Lisa), now the girls's thoughts take love to Erasmus, which reaches critical egoistic apogee - tragic events in relations with a young man Lisa perceives as a irrevocable tragedy of the whole life. The girl is not trying to find the "golden middle" between sensual and logical - it is completely given to emotions.

Thus, the story of Karamzin "Poor Lisa" became a breakthrough of his time. For the first time, the readers were given the image of heroes, as close as possible to life. Characters do not have a clear distribution on positive and negative. In each hero, you can find positive and negative qualities. The work found the display of basic social topics and problems that are in their essence are philosophical problems out of time - their relevance is not regulated by the framework framework.

Analysis of the story "Poor Lisa" Karamzin: the essence, meaning, idea and idea of \u200b\u200bthe story

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The writing

The story of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin "Poor Lisa" is considered to be the top of Russian prose sentimentalism. Prose who put the life of the heart and manifestation of human feelings in the chapter angle.

Perhaps these days when the life values \u200b\u200bare shifted, aggression, betrayal and murder will not see anyone, "poor Lisa" will seem to the work of naive, far from the truth of life, the feelings of the heroes -Not-like, and the whole story with a sweet, shut-off The taste of excessive sentimentality. But "poor Lisa", written by Karamzin in 1792, will forever remain the most important step, milestone in the history of Russian literature. This story is an inexhaustible source of themes, ideas and images for all subsequent Russian authors.

In this essay, I want to dwell on the form of Lisa and on the role that this image has played for all Russian literature.

In the story of several actors: Peasant Lisa, her mother, nobleman Erast and narrator. The scene is the story of love between Estaurant and Liza. Stories in which a man seduces, and then throws a girl, a lot in literature. But the feature of the history of Lisa and Erast is that it is precisely such an arrangement of forces in Russia of the eighteenth century that was the most common: Barin, a landowner, nobleman, using his position, without a branch of conscience, without punishment, and, most importantly, without condemning society, seduces a girl, which is below its social status.

For the first time, the name of Lisa appears in the title of the story. Already at this stage, we can understand that it is the female image that will become in the work of the main thing. In addition, from the title, we can catch the author's attitude to Lisa: He calls her "poor".

For the second time we meet with Lisa in the memoirs of the narrator: "It all more often attracts me to the walls of the SI ... Nova Monastery Memories of the deplorable fate of Lisa, poor Lisa." Judging by the epithets that the narrator consumes, saying about Lisa, ("beautiful", "kind") - the reader may seem that the narrator was a man in love with Lisa, and only finishing the story to the end, we understand that he simply regrets the poor Girl. In general, the storyteller in the story is an expressive of the author's relationship, and Karamzin loves his heroine. Why?

Lisa is a peasant woman, she lives in the hut "with the old woman, his mother." The lysine Father, "Corollaish Saladan" died, so "his wife and daughter was impoverished" and "we were forced to give their land, and for very little money." Her mother could not work, and "Lisa, who remained after the Father Fifteen Years, is one Lisa, without sparing their tender youth, without a rare beauty of his own, worked day and night - Canvas fabrics, knitted stockings, rolled flowers, and in summer I took the berries - and sold them in Moscow. " We are not yet familiar with the heroine, but we already understand that she is hardworking, ready for sacrifices for their loved ones.

Gradually, step by step, Karamzin opens a deep and surprisingly clean soul of the main character. She has a very soft and sensitive heart: "Often, gentle Lisa could not keep his own tears - ah! She remembered that she had a father and that he did not become, but to calm the mother tried to hone the sadness of his heart and seem deceased and fun. " She is very shy and timid. With the first meeting with Estaurant Lisa, paint confuse is constantly poured: "She showed him flowers - and flashed."

The main character of the story is extremely honest. Her honesty towards other people is manifested in the episode with the purchase of flowers: when Erast offers Lisa Ruble instead of five kopecks, she replies that she is not necessary for her. " In addition, the heroine is to a funny naive: she easily reports where her house is the first ongoing person to her.

When describing the main character, attention attracts its speech characteristic. It is on this basis that it can be said that the image of Lisa as a representative of his estate was not worked out quite clearly. Its speech gives it not a peasant in it, living in her hard work, but rather the airway from the Supreme Society. "If the one who occupies now my thoughts was born was a simple peasant, shepherd, - and if he was now passing my herd herd; Oh! I would bow to him with a smile and would say a friendly: "Hello, kind shepherd! Where are you trees a herd? "And here the green grass grows for your sheep, and here are flowers, from which you can weigh the wreath for your hat." But despite this, the image of Lisa became the first in Russian literature of a woman from the people. In this, progressive for the XVIII century, an attempt to bring to the scene is not common to the heroine for a love novel - a young young lady, namely the peasant, laid a deep meaning. Karamzin, as it were, destroys the boundaries between the estates, indicating that all people are equal before God and before love, "for and the peasants can love."

Another innovation of Karamzin became the interpretation of a female image. Recall that in the eighteenth century, a woman did not have enough freedom. In particular, the woman did not possess freedom to love on their own selection. The choice for a woman did her parents. It is easy to imagine that with this state of affairs, happy marriages in which the spouses loved each other, were unlikely to be frequent. An attempt to love according to his will, contrary to public opinion was regarded as a crime against morality. This topic proposed by Karamzin will also find its reflection in the works of later authors. In particular, Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky.

But in the "poor Lisa" author allowed his heroine to love. Love at the kettling of the heart, on your own will. Love the flames, passionately and forever. "When you, -wood Lisa Erant, - When you say to me:" I love you, my friend! "When you press me to my heart and look at me with our own eyes, ah! Then it happens so good, so it's good that I forget myself, I forget everything except Eras. Wonderful? Wonderful, my friend, that I, without knowing you, could live calmly and fun! Now it's not clear to me, now I think that without you, life is not life, but sadness and boredom. Without your eyes, your daekene is a bright month; Without your voice, the nightingale singing; Without your breath, the breeze is unpleasant. "

The author allowed the heroine to love and does not condemn her for it. On the contrary, it is a erast that seems to the reader of the scoundrel and villain, after he, deceiving, throws Lisa. The author condemns his hero who does not pass the test with the strongest feeling on earth - love. This technique of "love tests" will be very important in the work of the great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. He will find its most complete incarnation in the novels "Fathers and Children", "Rudin", "Noble Nest". In the novel of Goncharov "Oblomov" the main character also had to undergo a test of love.

Hero Karamzin, Erast, betrayed and killed love. For this he will be punished and after the death of Lisa. He "until the end of his life" will be unhappy: "Having learned about the fate of lysine, he could not comfort and read himself a murderer." At the end of the story, we learn that Erast is dying: the narrator "met him a year before his death."

Lisa not only passes the test of love. The image of her in love is revealed in the entire fullness and beauty. "What belongs to Lisa, then she completely giving him, he only lived and breathed, in everything, as a lamb, who obeyed his will and was the pleasure of his happiness ..."

In general, Lisa is endowed with almost all Christian virtues. Even in a difficult moment, in separation with a loved one, she discovers such excellent qualities as respect for parents and willingness to sacrifice everything for a loved one. "What holds me to fly after a cute erast? War is not afraid for me; Scary where there is no friend. To live with him, I want to die with him or death to save his precious life. " "She already wanted to run behind the erast, but thought; "I have a mother!" - stopped her. "

One of the most important moments in the disclosure of the image of Lisa is her suicide. The purest, the angelic soul commits a sin that was considered and considered in Christianity one of the most terrible. The heroine was distraught from grief. "I can not live," Lisa thought, "it's impossible! .. Oh, if the sky fell on me! If the Earth absorbed the poor! .. No! The sky does not fall; Earth does not hesitate! Woe is me!". "She left the city and suddenly saw himself on the shores of a deep pond, under the shadows of the ancient oaks, which in a few weeks before those were silent witnesses of her delights. This memory shocked her soul; The terrible heart effect was depicted on her face ... She rushed into the water. "

Suicide Lisa makes her image of vital and tragic. Lisa appears in front of us by another, who could not withstand grief, broken, defined. The most important thing in her life, the purpose and the highest meaning is love. And Lisa dies. Surprisingly, the author belongs to the death of his heroine. Although Karamzin, remembering that suicide is sin, does not give the soul of a lysine rest. In the empty hut "Will the wind, and superstitious posts, hearing this noise, they say; "There is a dead man! There is a poor Lisa! "." But the writer forgives his heroine. The mysterious phrase of the narrator - "When we are there, in the new life will see you, I recognize you, tender Lisa!" - Opens the author's love of our heroin. Karamzin believes that his Lisa, this purest soul will fall into paradise, in a new life.

For the first time in Karamzin, a woman acts as a higher moral ideal. It was the woman Karamzin intended to introduce such an important and defining theme into Russian literature as the elevation of the human spirit through suffering. And finally, it was Karamzin who determined that women's images in Russian literature will be tutors of feelings.

New Life for Lisa, or rather, for her image began much later, in the next century. Lisa was reborn again in the heroines of Pushkin, Turgenev, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, Ostrovsky, Tolstoy. The image of the poor Lisa anticipated the whole gallery of beautiful female Russian characters: from Pushkin Lisa from the "young shelter-peasant women" and the Duni from the "Stationander" to Katerina Kabanova from "Dospernitsy" and Katyusha Maslova from Sunday.

Other writings on this work

"Poor Lisa" Karamzin as a sentimentalist story The image of Lisa in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Tale N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" through the eyes of a modern reader Review of the work of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Characteristic of Lisa and Erast (according to N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa") Feces of sentimentalism in the story "Poor Lisa" The role of the landscape in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" N.M.Karamzin "Poor Lisa". The characters of the main characters. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story. Tale N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" as an example of a sentimental work Characteristic Lisa Analysis of the story "Poor Lisa" Overall on the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Summary and analysis of the works of "Poor Lisa" Feature ERAST (Karamzin, Tale "Poor Lisa") The features of sentimentalism in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" The main problems of love in the story of Karamzin Poor Lisa

Written in 1792.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    Poor Lisa. Nikolay Karamzin

    Poor Lisa. TELESPEXTAKTH POINT TEST N.Karamzin (1967)

    Karamzin. "Poor Lisa" - the first Russian bestseller


History of creation and publication

The story was written and published in 1792 in the Moscow Journal, whose editor was N. M. Karamzin. In 1796, "poor Lisa" came out in a separate book.


After the death of the Father, the "wealthy postlane", the young Lisa is forced to work without stopping hands to feed himself and mother. In the spring, it sells the valley in Moscow and meets there with a young noble entrant, who falls in love with her, and ready to leave the light for his love. Loves spend together all evenings, however, with the loss of innocence Lisa lost for Erast and its attractiveness. Once he reports that he should make a campaign with the regiment, and they will have to part. A few days later, Eraste leaves.

It takes several months. Lisa, being in Moscow, accidentally sees Eras in a magnificent carriage and, finds out that he is engaged in (in war he lost his own estate and now returning to marry rich widow). In desperation, Lisa rushes into the pond, near which they walked.

Artistic peculiarity

The plot of this story is borrowed by Karamzin from European love literature, but moved to the "Russian" soil. The author hints that he is personally familiar with Erast ("I met him a year before his death. He himself told me this story and led me to a lysine grave") and emphasizes that the action takes place in Moscow and its surroundings, describes, for example , Simonov and Danilov Monasteries, Sparrow Mountain, creating an illusion of reliability. For Russian literature of that time, it was an innovation: usually the work of the works unfolded "in one city". The first readers of the story took the story of Lisa as a real tragedy of contemporaries - it's not by chance that a pond under the walls of Simonov The monastery was named lysine pond, and the fate of Karamzin's heroine is a mass of imitation. The oaks grow around the pond were dressed with inscriptions - touching ( "In the jets, this poor crocheted Liza Days; If you are sensitive, passerby, reed! ") and caustic ( "Erastov bride rushed into the water. Topit, girls, in the pond everyone will be enough space! ") .

However, despite the apparent lobes, the world depicted in the story, idyllic: the peasant Lisa and her mother possess the sophistication of feelings and perception, their speech is literate, literary and no different from the speech of the nobleman Erast. The life of the poor Pasthalan reminds Pastoral:

Meanwhile, the young shepherd on the banks of the river chase herd, playing on the swirls. Lisa rushed his eyes to him and thought: "If the one who occupies now my thoughts was born, was a simple peasant, shepherd, - and if he had handed me a herd: ah! I would bow to him with a smile and would say a friendly: "Hello, kind shepherd! Where are you going a flock of your own? And here is growing green grass for your sheep, and here are flowers, from which you can weigh the wreath for your hat. " He would look at me with a kind of gentle - I would take it, maybe my hand ... Dream! " The shepherd playing on the swirls, passed by and with the pilot herd His hidden behind the Middle Hill.

The story became a model of Russian sentimental literature. In contrast to classicism with his cult of mind, Karamzin argued the cult of feelings, sensitivity, compassion: "Ah! I love those objects that keep my heart and make me shed tears tender grief! " :

"Poor Lisa" is because he was adopted by the Russian public with such a delight that in this work Karamzin the first one has expressed the "new word", which the Germans said to Goethe in his "vertier". Such a "new word" was in the leaders of the suicide of the heroine. The Russian audience, accustomed to the old novels to the comforting junction in the form of weddings, believed that virtue is always awarded, and the vice is punished, for the first time in this story met with bitter truth.

The writing

Words and tastes against

And despite the desolat

On us from the outflow line

Suddenly fes the charm.

That thing is strange for our days,

For us, not a mystery.

But there is advantage and in it:

She is sentimental!

Lines from the first play "Poor Lisa",

libretto Yuri Ryashetseva

In the era of Bairon, Schiller and Goethe, on the eve of the French revolution, in the dryness of the feelings characteristic of those years for Europe, but with the still preserved ceremoniality and magnificities of Baroque, leading directions in the literature were sensual and sensitive romanticism and sentimentalism. If the appearance of romanticism in Russia is due to translations of the works of these poets, and later it was developed by its own Russian essays, then Sentimentalism became popular thanks to the works of Russian writers, one of which is "poor Lisa" Karamzin.

According to the expression of Karamzin himself, the story "Poor Lisa" - "the fairy tale is very uncomplicated." The story of the fate of the heroine begins with the description of Moscow and the recognition of the author in the fact that he often comes to the "empty monastery," where Lisa is buried, and "the time of time he entails a deaf moan, the vigorously missingly absorbed." By this technique, the author means its presence in the story, showing that any evaluation judgment in the text is his personal opinion. The coexistence of the author and his hero in one narrative space to Karamzin was not familiar to Russian literature. The title of the story was built on the connection of his own name of the heroine with the epithetom, characterizing the sympathetic attitude towards her the narrator, which at the same time he constantly repeats that it was not authorized to change the course of events ("Ah! What am I writing a novel, and sad?").

Lisa, forced to work hard to feed the old woman Mother, once comes to Moscow with the valley and meets on the street of a young man who expresses the desire to always buy Lisa Lydyshi and finds out where she lives. The next day, Lisa is waiting for the emergence of a new acquaintance - Erast, without selling her valley, but he comes only the next day to the house of Lisa. The next day, Erast tells Lisa that she loves her, but asks to preserve their feelings secretly from her mother. For a long time, "Cleans and immaculate were their hugs", and the Estrest "All brilliant fun of the Big Light" seems to be "insignificant in comparison with the pleasures that the passion friendship of the innocent soul fell His heart." However, soon the son of a rich peasant from the neighboring village is woven for Lisa. Erast objects against their wedding, and says that, despite the difference between them, for him in Lisa "the most important soul, sensitive and innocent soul". Their dating continues, but now Erast "could not be pleased to be one innocent caresses." "He walked more, more and finally, could not desire anything ... Platonic love gave way to such feelings that he could not be proud of and who were no longer new for him." After some time, Erast reports Lisa that his regiment goes to a military campaign. He says goodbye, gives Mother Lisa money. Two months later, Lisa, having come to Moscow, sees Erast, follows his carriage to a huge mansion, where Erast, released from the lysine hugs, says that she still loves her, but circumstances have changed: he has lost his cards in the campaign estate, and now forced to marry rich widow. Erast gives Lisa a hundred rubles and asks for a servant to hold a girl from the courtyard. Lisa, reaching the pond, under the canopy of those oaks, which were all "in a few weeks before the witnesses of her enthusiasm," meets the daughter of a neighbor, gives her money and asks to convey the mother with the words that she loved man, and he changed her. After that rushes into the water. The daughter of a neighbor calls for help, Lisa pull out, but too late. Lisa buried near the pond, Lisa's mother died from grief. East to the end of the life "" could not comfort himself and read himself a murderer. " The author got acquainted with him a year before his death, he learned the whole story from him.

The story made a complete coup in the public consciousness of the XVIII century. Karamzin for the first time in the history of Russian prose appealed to the heroine, endowed with ordinary features. His words "and love the peasant women" became covered. It is not surprising that the story was very popular. In the noble lists, many eras appears - the name is inflamed before. The pond, which was under the walls of Simonov Monastery (Monastery of the XIV century, was preserved on the territory of the Dynamo plant on the Leninskaya Sloboda Street, 26), was called a Lisiny Pond, but thanks to the story of Karamzin, he was renamed Lizin and became a place of permanent pilgrimage. According to eyewitnesses, the bark of trees around the pond was cut off with inscriptions, as serious ("in the jets of this poor, Liza's days; / since you are sensitive, passer-by, rewards," and satirical, hostile heroine and author ("Died in the bush of Erastov Bride. / Turning, girls, in a pond is quite a place ").

"Poor Lisa" became one of the vertices of Russian sentimentalim. It is in it that the world's recognized sophisticated psychologist of Russian artistic prose is born. An artistic discovery of Karamzin was important - the creation of a special emotional atmosphere corresponding to the subject of the work. The picture of pure first love is painted very touching: "Now I think," says Lisa Erant - that without you, life is not life, and sadness and boredom. Without your eyes, your daekene is a bright month; Without your voice, the nightingale singing ... "Sensuality is the highest value of sentimentalism - pushing heroes in his arms to each other, gives them a moment of happiness. The main characters are characteristically drawn: chaste, naive, happily trusting to people, Lisa seems to be an excellent shepherd, least like a peasant woman, rather to a pretty secular young lady, brought up on sentimental novels; Erast, despite the dishonest act, Coruse himself for him until the end of his life.

In addition to sentimentalism, Karamzin gave Rosia a new name. The name of Elisaveta is translated as "honoring God." In biblical texts, this is the name of the wife of the High Priest Aaron and Mother John the Baptist. Later, the literary heroine of Eloise appears, Abelian's girlfriend. After her, the name associatively binds to the love topic: the story of the "noble maiden" Julie D "The Embassador, who loved his modest teacher Saint-Prev, Julia Jacques Rousseau calls" Julia, or New Eloiza "(1761). Until the early 80s of XVIII century The name "Lisa" was almost never met in Russian literature. By choosing this name for his heroine, Karamzin broke a strict canon of European literature of the XVII-XVIII centuries, in which the image of Lisa, Lizetta was associated primarily with a comedy and with a maid maid, which It is usually sufficiently frivolous and with a half-word understands everything that is associated with the love intrigue. The gap between the name and his familiar meaning meant way out beyond the framework of classicism, weakened the connection between the name and its carrier in the literary work. Instead of the familiar one for classicism, the "Name - Behavior" Classicism appears New: Character - behavior that has become the essential conquest of Karamzin on the way to "psychologist" of Russian prose.

Many readers struck the audacity of the author in the style of the presentation. One of the critics from Novikov's circle, in which the Karamzin himself was never and he wrote: "I don't know if Mr. Karamzin made an era in the history of the Russian language: but if he did, so it is very bad." Further, the author of these lines writes that in the "poor Lisa" "thin morals are named by blagovospitality"

Fabul "Poor Lisa" is generalized as much as possible and compressed. Possible development lines are only scheduled, often text is replaced by dots and dashes, which become its "significant minus". The image of Lisa is also just scheduled, each trait of its character is the topic for the story, but not yet the story itself.

Karamzin is one of the first to invent the city and the village in Russian literature. In the global folklore and myth, heroes are often able to actively act only in the space allotted by them and are completely powerless beyond. In agreement with this tradition, the village of Nature, the village of nature - is defenseless, falling into the space of the city, where laws other than the laws of nature are operating. No wonder Lisa's mother tells her: "I always have a heart not in my place when you go to the city."

The central feature of the character of Lisa is sensitivity - so the main advantage of the ABS of Karamzin was determined, implying the ability to compassion, to detect "gentle feelings" in the "heart bends", and the ability to enjoy the contemplation of their own emotions. Lisa trusts the movements of his heart, lives with "delicate passions." Ultimately, it is torture and hotness and lead it to death, but it is morally justified. Consistently carried by Karamzin the idea that for a mentally rich, sensitive person to make good acts naturally, removes the need for regulatory morality.

Many Romance is perceived as confrontation of honesty and windiness, kindness and negativity, poverty and wealth. In fact, everything is more complicated: this is a collision of characters: strong - and accustomed to sailing downstream. The novel emphasizes that Erast is a young man "with a fair reason and good heart, kind of nature, but weak and windy." It was the ERAST that, from the point of view of the lysine social layer, is "Balver Fate", constantly missed and "complained about his fate." Erast is represented by the Egoist, who seems to be ready to change for the sake of a new life, but as soon as he becomes boring, he, without looking around, changes life again, without thinking about the fate of those who threw. In other words, he thinks only about his own pleasure, and his desire to live, not burdened with the rules of civilization, on the lap of nature, is caused only by reading idyllic novels and the hyphenation of secular life.

In this light, love in Lisa speaks only the necessary addition to the idyllic picture created - no wonder the Erast calls it with his shepherd. Having read the novels in which "all people were carelessly walked around the rays, bathed in pure springs, kissed, as the gorols, rested under roses and peace," he decided that "found in Lisa that his heart was looking for a long time." Therefore, he dreams that he will "live with Lisa, like a brother with sister, I can not use her in evil love and I will always be happy!", And when Lisa is given to him, the faded young man begins to cool in his feelings.

At the same time, the Erast, being, as the author emphasizes, "kind of nature", can't just go: he is trying to find a compromise with his conscience, and his decision comes down to the spoon. The first time he gives money to a lysine mom, when he does not want to meet more with Liza and goes hiking with a regiment; The second time - when Lisa finds him in the city and he informs her about his upcoming marriage.

The story "Rich Lisa" in Russian literature opens the topic of a "little man", although the social aspect against Lisa and Erast is somewhat muted.

The story caused many candid imitation: 1801g. A.E.Ismaylov "Poor Masha", I.Svechinsky "Sewaged Henrietta", 1803g. "Unfortunate Margarita." At the same time, the topic "Poor Lisa" is traced in many works of high artistic value, and plays a variety of roles. So, Pushkin, moving to the realism in prosaic works and wanting to emphasize both his refusal of sentimentalism and his irrelevance for the modern Russia, took the plot of "poor Lisa" and turned the "sad job" in the story with the happy end of the "Lameshnya - Peasantkaya" . However, at the same Pushkin in the "peak lady" there is a line of further life of Karamzinskaya Lisa: the fate that would expect it if she did not commit suicide. The echo the topic of the sentimental work sounds and written in the spirit of realism of the novel "Sunday" L.T. Tolstoy. Seduced Nekhloud Katyusha Maslova decides to rush under the train.

Thus, the plot that existed in the literature before and became popular after, was postponed to Russian soil, while acquiring a special national flavor and becoming the basis for the development of Russian sentimetnism. Russian psychological, portrait prose and contributing to the gradual departure of Russian literature from the norms of classicism to more modern literary flows.

Other writings on this work

"Poor Lisa" Karamzin as a sentimentalist story The image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa" N. M. Karamzin The image of Lisa in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Tale N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" through the eyes of a modern reader Review of the work of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Characteristic of Lisa and Erast (according to N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa") Feces of sentimentalism in the story "Poor Lisa" The role of the landscape in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" N.M.Karamzin "Poor Lisa". The characters of the main characters. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story. Tale N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" as an example of a sentimental work

N.M. Karamzin wrote an extremely touching and dramatic story about simple and together with the versatile situation: she loves, and he is not. But before answering the question of what the characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa", you need to at least at least refresh the plot of the piece in memory.


Lisa - orphan. Left without a father, she is forced to go to work: Sell flowers in the city. The girl is very young and naive. In one of his "working days" Lisa saw in the city of a young man (Erast), who bought flowers from her, paying 20 times more than they cost. Erast said that these hands should collect flowers only for him. True, the next day he did not appear. Lisa was upset (like all young girls, she was very pardka for compliments). But the next day, Erast himself visited Lisa at her house and even talked to her mother. The old man's old man seemed very pleasant and polite.

So everything lasted for some time. Erast swept the virginity and the blamefulness of Lisa, and she (the peasant girl of the 19th century) was simply stunned by the courtships of a young beautiful nobleman.

The turning point in the relationship came when Lisa said his possible soon marriage. She was upset and depressed, but Erast calmed her down and painted her the future and said that the sky would be in diamonds.

Lisa had a little cheerful - she believed the east and in the wave of relief gave him his innocence. As it should be expected, the character of the meetings has changed. Now ERAST has mastered the girl again and again, without a branch of conscience using it for his needs. Then Lisa, and the relationship with her Erasta was bored, and he decided to escape from all this to the army, where he did not serve as Fatherland, and rapidly missed his fortune.

Returning from the army, Erast, of course, nor Palslov said Lisa about it, she herself somehow saw him on the street in a carriage. Rushed to him, but after not a very pleasant conversation, which happened between them, the former beloved put Lisa over the door, putting money.

Lisa from such a grief went and drowned in a pond. The old woman followed her in as soon as she learned about the death of her daughter, then she immediately had a blow, and she died.

Now we are ready to answer the question of what the characteristic of Liza from the story "Poor Lisa".

Character of Lisa

Lisa was actually a child, despite the fact that she had to go early to work early, as her father died. But she did not have time to learn how to learn. The inexperience of the girl and attracted the young surface nobleman, seeing the goal of his life in pleasure. Poor Lisa is also in this row with her admiration. The erastie is very stolen the attitude of such a young and so fresh girl, and she was naive to extremes. She took the attitude of a young honey for a clean coin, and that was all a game from boredom in fact. How to know maybe even Lisa secretly hoped to the position of Baryni over time. Of the other characteristics of its character, it is worth noting the kindness and immediacy.

Perhaps we described not all the facets of the personality of the main character, but, as it seems, there is enough information here that the characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa" was understandable and covered by its essence of its being.

Erast and its internal content

The second main acting face of the story - ERAST is a typical aesthetic and a hedonist. He lives only in order to enjoy. He has a mind. He could be brilliantly formed, but instead, the young barin just burns his life, and Lisa for him is entertainment. While she was clean and immaculate, the girl was interested in Eraste, how he was fascinated by the ornithologist recently to them the species of birds, when Lisa surrendered to the erasta, then it became the same as everything, which means it was boring, and he, who was driving a thirst for pleasure, moved on , not particularly thinking about the consequences of his nasty behavior.

Although unethical behavior of a young man becomes only through the prism of certain moral values. If a person is unprincipled (in which ERAST was), then he cannot even feel the share of lowness that is contained in his actions.

A person seeking only pleasure in life, superficial by definition. He is not capable of deep feelings. And, of course, he is an adaptation, which proves Erast's marriage for money with a meal widow.

Confrontation of Liza and Eras as a struggle of light and shadow, good and evil

At first glance it seems that Lisa and Erast is like a day and night or good and evil. Accordingly, the characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa" and the characteristic of the Erast is intentionally opposed by the author of the story, but this is not quite so.

If the image of Liza is good, then such good does not need to be neither the world nor people. It is just unsuitable. However, in general, it is well written (albeit slightly sentimental) the story "Poor Lisa". The characteristic of Lisa, which can determine it exhaustively, is naivety, reaching nonsense. But this is not her fault, for it is about the peasant girl of the 19th century.

Erast is also not evil in pure form. For evil, the power is needed, and it is not endowed with her a young nobleman, to his regret. Erast is just an infantile boy running from responsibility. It is absolutely empty and languid. His behavior is disgusting, but it is difficult to call him, and even more than the embodiment of evil. This is all that we have opened the story "Poor Lisa". The characteristic of the erast is more than exhaustive.