Coronavirus and parvovirus enteritis in dogs. Invisible enemy - symptoms of enteritis in dogs, treatment of parvovirus, coronavirus form Enteritis treatment drugs in dogs

Many owners treat pets as full members of their family and therefore any deterioration in the well-being of animals does not cause delight.

Among dog breeders, diseases such as or cause particular panic, but there is another disease that, if not treated promptly and with severe symptoms, leads to the death of the pet. We are talking about enteritis, which develops when the virus enters the body.

The main source of the spread of the virus is a sick dog, and the pathogen can be released already in the incubation (latent) period of the disease. The virus enters the environment along with feces, vomit, saliva. The causative agent of the disease enters an apartment or an area near a house in a variety of ways - a virus can be brought by a person on shoes or clothes, a microorganism can be found on the wool and paws of other animals. Allocates the causative agent of enteritis for some time and an already ill and treated animal.

It must be said that infectious enteritis in dogs not transmitted to humans and other breeds of animals in the house. That is, only dogs are susceptible to the disease, and most often these are puppies one and a half to six months old. Adult pets tolerate the disease much more easily, and vaccinated individuals do not become infected.

The likelihood of death from infecting puppies increases if their mother is not vaccinated and at the same time suffers from.

The enteritis virus is very resistant to the environment. In an apartment, a microorganism can live for up to six months, and during this period the dog can become infected at any time.

From the moment of infection to the development of clinical signs of the disease, it can take up to 10 days on average. The disease is insidious in its characteristics - most of the symptoms are characteristic of other animal diseases.

Varieties of the disease and its symptoms

Infectious enteritis is subdivided into parvovirus and coronavirus, the first form is registered more often. The enteritis virus destroys the intestinal mucosa, which leads to tissue death and an extensive inflammatory process.

Parvovirus view

Parvovirus enteritis, in turn, is divided into three types - intestinal, cardiac and mixed.

  • Intestinal form manifested by the lethargy of the animal, refusal to eat, the temperature can rise only after two to three days. First, vomiting appears, by its nature it is viscous and frothy, repeated. After vomiting, loose stools develop - watery, with a putrid odor. After a few days, the diarrhea can become bloody, the animal has severe abdominal pains, aggravated by touching the abdomen - the dog tucking its tail, whines. The main problem with constant diarrhea and vomiting is dehydration, from which a young puppy can die in 2-3 days.
  • Heart shape recorded most often in puppies up to 9 weeks old. It manifests itself as drowsiness, lethargy, refusal to feed. Severe abdominal pain on palpation is not detected, there is usually no diarrhea. At a distance, a rumbling is heard, damage to the heart muscle leads to severe shortness of breath or, conversely, to imperceptible, quiet breathing. In dogs, a weak pulse is recorded, all limbs are cold, pallor or cyanosis of the mucous membranes is revealed.
  • Mixed form characterized by signs of damage to the intestines and heart muscle. Most often, this form develops in weakened dogs with adenovirus and mouth viral infections... The danger increases for those puppies who are born from unvaccinated bitches.

Coronavirus type

The coronavirus form of enteritis has a more favorable outcome compared to parvovirus. The dog can refuse to eat, while the drinking regime is preserved. Abdominal pain is minor, diarrhea and vomiting are rare.

The incubation period for this type of infection lasts up to 5 days. Coronavirus infection occurs in acute and chronic form:

  • Acute form the disease develops quickly, the dog becomes weak and lethargic. With development acute form secondary infection often joins. Usually, with such an infection, only weakened puppies die, adult animals survive.
  • Light form coronavirus infection may even go unnoticed, especially if the infection appeared in adult dog... The animal eats badly, is apathetic, there is no temperature, the condition improves after a few days.

Infectious enteritis, which occurs in an acute form in weakened dogs and puppies, often ends in death.

Treatment methods

For the treatment of viral enteritis, an integrated approach is important, the dog needs not only to choose the right medicine, but also it is necessary to organize competent care for the animal.

What to do if you suspect enteritis?

When a dog develops symptoms characteristic of enteritis, the first thing to do is visit the veterinary clinic. Precise definition diagnosis and choice of treatment regimen is important precisely in the first two days of the disease, if treatment is started during this period, it will almost always be successful.

Also, if you suspect enteritis, you must:

  • Periodically. Temperature data will help the veterinarian to better understand the picture of the disease.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the emetic and feces... Bloody or white stool is a poor diagnostic sign.
  • A sick dog should be separated from other animals and placed in a draft-free environment.
  • All secretions should be removed as soon as possible.
  • Most puppies and adult dogs die from dehydration. Therefore, if you see that the animal does not touch the water at all, then you need to give drink through a syringe. Water should be boiled or mineral water without gases.
  • Due to the inflamed intestines, the pet will not eat at all and it is not necessary to force it.

In order for the disease to pass quickly and without consequences, the doctor prescribes several drugs at once, their introduction is necessary even if the signs of infection are insignificant.

TO drug treatment enteritis include the appointment:

  • Immunostimulating drugs.
  • Solutions in droppers. Intravenous glucose or physical. solution with vitamins is necessary to maintain water balance and to strengthen the body's resistance. In the early days of illness, glucose is often the only source of nutrition.
  • With enteritis, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
  • If the puppy is not vaccinated, then the setting of the vaccine in some cases helps to cope with the disease.
  • To relieve pain, use no-shpa, Baralgin, Analgin.
  • It is necessary to select drugs to support cardiac activity.

All prescribed medications are administered only intramuscularly or in droppers, since the tablets are not absorbed and further violate the intestinal mucosa.

How to feed a dog with enteritis?

In the first days of illness, puppies and adults almost completely refuse food. You can't force feed them, and if the animal retains appetite, then the food should be easily digestible and dietary.

In the aftermath of a crisis, the dog must be fed with extreme caution. The intestine along its entire length is a continuous, not yet completely healed wound, and coarse food will certainly cause pain and practically will not be absorbed.

After enteritis, the functionality of the intestine is restored for a long time. The dog can continue occasionally vilify, pain may be observed. It is important to correct her. For bowel recovery are necessary special preparations that have a positive effect on the microflora.

Experienced dog breeders in the first days of illness are advised to give dogs the following food:

  • Chicken or beef broth, and it is better if it is the second boil.
  • Strongly boiled rice porridge in water.
  • After a day or two, you can try to give finely chopped lean meat, then kefir and fresh cottage cheese.

All food should be warm and fresh on each feed. Increase the number of servings gradually. After about two weeks, you can carefully switch to your usual diet.

Consequences and complications

Even a mild course of enteritis and the entire complex of measures taken in a timely manner is not a guarantee that the disease will end without complications.

The most common consequences of infectious enteritis in dogs include:

  • Lameness, it can disappear after a few months, and remain until the end of life.
  • Recovered puppies lag far behind in development from their litter.
  • After two to three weeks, dogs in oral cavity neoplasms are found - polyps. They must be removed surgically.
  • Bitches can remain infertile for several months or a lifetime.
  • Puppies who have recovered from enteritis before the age of 9 weeks often remain with heart disease - myocarditis. And even adult dogs can develop heart failure.

At mild form and full treatment of enteritis, all complications disappear within a year.


You can only prevent your pet from getting the virus by vaccination. If there are small puppies in the house, then you need to protect them from the street until the vaccine is made.

It is necessary to wash the floors more often in the room; after the street, the owners must take off their shoes and wash their hands. It is not recommended to let the mother of puppies to them without preliminary processing of paws and wool.


The first vaccination is given to puppies at the age of 4-6 months. Adult dogs should be vaccinated annually. Among vaccines, Nobivak, Parvovak, Multican, Biovak are popular.

Enteritis (Parvovirus enteritis)- acutely occurring super-infectious disease, accompanied by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and myocardial damage. Especially dangerous for puppies 2 to 8 months old parvovirus enteritis, which is most often found. In addition to it, there may be enteritis caused by coronaviruses. This disease is not as severe as the first, but most often coronavirus enteritis is complicated by a secondary infection, and in this case, in terms of the severity of the disease, it is practically indistinguishable from parvovirus enteritis. Need special serological tests, which are not yet carried out in our usual veterinary laboratories, but only in research institutes.

In diagnostic studies of dogs with viral enteritis, coronavirus was isolated as the causative agent of the disease in 6% of dogs, mixed infection of parvo and coronavirus occurred in 0.7% of cases, and parvovirus enteritis in the rest, i.e. most often, dog owners and veterinarians have to deal with parvovirus enteritis.

The causative agent of parvovirus enteritis, the virus, is structurally related to the viruses of feline panleukopenia and mink enteritis. Canine animals are susceptible to the virus, with young animals aged 2-12 months being most sensitive. The main source of the virus is sick animals and virus carriers, from which it is excreted with feces in a large number within 10 days after the onset of the disease. It is possible that urine and saliva also play a role in the spread of the virus. The virus is highly resistant to physical and chemical influences, it can withstand heating at 60 ° C for an hour, is not inactivated when treated with ether, chloroform, and is resistant to an acidic environment; in a frozen state it is viable up to a year, and at room temperature - up to 6 months.

The virus usually enters the body through the mouth and nose. Once in the body, it multiplies in the epithelial cells of the intestine, crypts, causing their destruction. Once in circulatory system, the virus, multiplying, causes changes in the walls of blood vessels. The morphological composition of the blood, as a response to the introduction and reproduction of the virus, changes before the first clinical signs of the disease appear. Already in the first 1-2 days after the introduction of the virus, there is a sharp leukopenia, i.e. a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood. Morphological changes blood indicate pathological and inflammatory processes in the hematopoietic organs. At this time, a slight increase in temperature is noted.

In connection with damage to the blood vessels, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes, especially the digestive tract, occur. Under the influence of the virus, the mucous membranes are necrotic, as a result of which small erosions are formed. In the further process of destruction of mucous membranes and in the formation of erosions and ulcers, various microflora of the digestive tract (bacteria, fungi) take part. These secondary processes on the mucous membranes lead to intoxication of the body and its depletion.

Clinical signs:
The disease manifests itself in 3 forms: intestinal, cardiac and mixed, which usually proceed with lightning speed or acutely.
Most characteristic feature onset of enteritis - the appearance of white foamy vomiting. Not always before this there is a refusal to feed. Sometimes the appetite becomes capricious, or food is eaten in much smaller quantities than usual. But there is always a change in the behavior of the puppy. Usually mobile and inquisitive, the puppy becomes lethargic, sedentary, lies more, not showing any interest in the events taking place. True, during a walk, interest in life can be renewed, the puppy will play and run with other dogs. But at home, instead of rushing to a bowl of food after a walk to replenish his strength, the puppy indifferently walks past her and fits into a secluded place. From this moment to the next walk, time will pass for him in a continuous slumber, interrupted occasionally by vomiting.

After the onset of vomiting, the signs of the disease are increasing. Diarrhea appears yellowish-gray or gray-green in color. The color of the stool gradually changes to brown and dark brown with a terribly fetid odor. In general, feces can be of all shades from poisonous yellow to dark brown, which the owners usually call "bloody diarrhea". But this is an incorrect definition, since in these feces there is no blood in pure form, that is, the blood that flows through the vessels. Such a color to the feces is given by hemolyzed erythrocytes, blood cells that have left the bloodstream through the affected walls of blood vessels. Hence such an eerie frightening color of feces. But that's not the worst part. The surest sign of hopelessness that I have seen is the appearance of a light color of feces, in consistency and color reminiscent of heavy cream. Following this, the puppies always died. Such feces are characteristic of the fulminant form of the disease, which lasts 1.5-2 days after the first signs of the disease appear. This despite the fact that qualified assistance was provided using the most effective means. Without treatment, the puppy dies within the first day.

In the usual acute form of enteritis, after the onset of diarrhea, the patient's condition worsens. The puppy completely refuses food and water, lies, rising only when vomiting or defecation. The condition may worsen to the point that the puppy will walk under him, unable to crawl away from this place, lying in a pool of feces. Respiration is rapid, intermittent. The pulse quickens to the point that it is almost impossible to count it.

On the third day of illness, less often on the second and very rarely on the first, the nature of the vomiting changes: from a white foamy it takes the form of a yellowish transparent viscous mass. Before death, the eyes usually sink, and the muzzle looks swollen, as if swollen, despite general dehydration. The puppy dies against the background of suppression of all functions in a deeply comatose state.

Pathological changes:
The most characteristic changes in the small intestine. The mucous membrane is purple-red, hemorrhagic, thickened. In the section, each layer of the intestinal wall is clearly visible. In the small intestine, a viscous transparent mucus of a dark yellow or reddish color. The mucous membrane of the stomach is folded, the fundus is moderately inflamed, there is a small amount of foamy liquid in it.

The liver is greatly enlarged, flabby, blood-filled with dull edges, on the liver there are light foci of degenerated tissue. The gallbladder is enlarged, filled with dark brown or tarry bile.

The vessels of the splash are blood-filled, the course of the branching of the vessels is clearly visible. The spleen is slightly or almost not enlarged with slightly dull edges. The lungs are blood-filled, stagnant. The heart is enlarged, filled with blood, the muscle wall is thinned, especially the right ventricle.

At differential diagnosis parvovirus enteritis there is a characteristic sign of this disease - the speed of manifestation of symptoms of the disease, or, more simply, the speed of manifestation of signs of the disease. There are practically few diseases that progress at such a rate. Even in the morning the puppy was cheerful, playful, and ate well. In the evening he also ran, but he had already given up food, he did not even touch the tempting pieces of meat. In the morning lethargic, without joy went for a walk, then vomiting, diarrhea, depression and shortness of breath increase. And at this stage of the disease, it is difficult to count on a favorable prognosis even with the most excellent treatment.

Successful treatment of enteritis depends on many conditions. And the most important of them is the time to see a doctor. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of a favorable outcome of the disease. Over the years, the method of treating parvovirus enteritis has become more and more complex. If earlier it was enough for the treatment of injections of tilan and camphor, now they are completely ineffective. And even earlier, when enteritis had just appeared, a few Intestopan tablets were enough to treat it. Now we only have to remember this time, taking the puppies out of a serious condition.

The first thing the owner needs to do if enteritis is suspected is to give up all attempts to feed the animal. A few days - a complete starvation diet. Just give it a drink boiled water... Rehydrone can be dissolved, but many dogs are reluctant to drink. And immediately consult a doctor. Treatment of enteritis is complex, which consists of the use of sulfonamides, antibiotics, novocaine blockade, cardiac drugs, and prevention of dehydration.

With parvovirus enteritis, suprapleural blockade of the celiac nerves according to V.V. Mosin has a high therapeutic effect. This type of blockade consists in the introduction of a solution of novocaine into the suprapleural tissue surrounding the bordering sympathetic trunks and celiac nerves. Almost all sympathetic nerve pathways to the organs of the abdominal and pelvic cavities are blocked. In this case, anesthesia of the organs of the abdominal and pelvic cavities occurs, the body's defenses are mobilized. The high therapeutic efficiency of suprapleural novocaine blockade is due to favorable shifts in the functional activity of organs and systems that increase the protective and adaptive mechanisms of the body.

The technique of performing the blockade in dogs is as follows. At the base of the last rib, the surgical field is prepared on both sides: cut, smeared with iodine. The syringe and two thin injection needles 6-8 cm long with an end sharpened at an angle of 45 ° are sterilized. The point of injection of the injection needle is located at the point of intersection of the posterior edge of the last rib with the dorsal group of vertebral muscles. To determine the point of injection of the needle, follow the index finger right hand advance along the posterior edge of the last rib until the finger rests on the dorsal group of vertebral muscles. Further, a needle is injected into this point and advanced from top to bottom and forward at an angle of 20-30 ° to the horizontal plane of the animal's body parallel to the rib until the end of the needle is felt against the vertebral body. Then the needle is fixed in this position with the left hand, and a syringe filled with a solution of novocaine is attached to it with the right hand. After that, the needle, together with the syringe, is deflected by 10-20 ° to the sagittal plane and, evenly pressing on the piston, is smoothly moved forward until the free entry of novocaine into the epipleural tissue.

At this point, you need to make sure that the end of the needle is in the correct position. For this, the syringe must be disconnected from the needle. If the end of the needle is in the epiplusvral tissue infiltrated with novocaine, there is an anesthetic solution in its lumen, which sometimes fluctuates synchronously with pulse wave aorta and the act of breathing. If the end of the needle is in blood vessel, blood will flow from the needle, and if in pleural cavity, then there will be no solution in the needle, and air will be sucked in through the carrier. In these cases, it is necessary to remove the needle a little and insert it again according to the above technique.

After making sure that the end of the needle is in the correct position, an appropriate dose of novocaine solution is injected, namely 2 ml of a 0.5% solution per 1 kg of animal weight. The full dose of the solution should be administered in equal portions on each side of the spine. With the correct technique for performing epipleural novocaine blockade of the celiac nerves and borderline sympathetic trunks, no complications are observed in animals.

Against the background of suprapleural novocaine blockade, the effectiveness of the use of medications increases: first of all, it is the intravenous administration of large amounts of solutions such as 5% glucose solution in saline, polyglucin, rheopolyglucin, gelatinol, etc. less than 5 ml, and preferably 10 ml of a 5% solution of ascorbic acid. Doses of these solutions are from 100 ml to 250 ml, large dogs I injected up to 0.5 liters of 5% glucose solution. These solutions support and regulate osmotic processes and fluid content in the body, that is, they are used as plasma-substituting and nutrient solutions. Ascorbic acid is especially necessary for infectious diseases, because with them, its amount in the body decreases by 10-85%. It was found that the more pronounced its deficiency, the harder the infectious process in the animal proceeds, ascorbic acid significantly affects the production of antibodies in the body. In addition, it affects the metabolism, the state of sympathetic innervation, increases the resistance of animals to toxic metabolic products during infection.

If, due to the small size of the puppy, it is impossible to get into the vein, then these solutions are injected subcutaneously into the neck area, but less ascorbic acid is taken, since it has an irritating effect, 2-3 ml is enough. Of other vitamins for enteritis, injections of thiamine bromide (B1) are shown, in a dose to small puppies - 0.5 ml, to large ones - 1 ml intramuscularly. In the liver, cocarboxylase is formed from thiamine, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart. Vitamin B1 affects the provision of the therapeutic effect of antibiotics. In addition to the above, it has a diverse effect on the body, metabolism in it.

Diphenhydramine- the next drug that I definitely use for enteritis. It is an active antihistamine. Very quickly relieves spasms of smooth muscles, restores the functional state of capillaries, reduces pain, has a beneficial effect in many inflammatory processes. Doses of it, 1 ml 2 times a day, intramuscularly, regardless of the size of the puppy, since there is such a relationship in relation to it: the smaller the animal, the greater the dose. True, this dependence exists not only in relation to diphenhydramine.

To reduce spasms of smooth muscles, you should do intramuscular injection 2% solution of no-shpa in a dose of 1 to 2 ml, depending on the type of dog (small - less dose). In the absence of this drug, it can be replaced with papaverine, cerucal.

With enteritis in puppies, it is strongly affected the cardiovascular system and especially the heart, therefore the use of cardiac drugs is necessary and strictly necessary. Most often, a 20% oil solution of camphor is used, which stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers, and also has a direct effect on the heart, normalizing metabolic processes in the myocardium.

A good effect can be obtained if 1 ml of corglikon or 0.5 ml of strophanthin is injected intravenously together with a nutrient solution. But in parallel, it is necessary to inject camphor subcutaneously in a dose of 1 to 2 ml, depending on the size of the puppy. All of the above drugs will not have the desired effect if, in parallel with them, chemotherapeutic agents are not introduced into the body of a sick animal: antibiotics, sulfonamides. Everything, of course, is injected.

Earlier, as I have already noted, Tilan (Tylosin, Pharmazin) was very effective. Now its effect has come to naught. Since the spring of 1990, I have been using a combination of antibiotics and sulfonamides. The most commonly used are potent antibiotics with a wide range actions: seporin, sepeorex, kefzol, claforan, rifavite, rifocin, rifampicin. Of the sulfonamides, soluble forms are used that can be administered parenterally: vetrim, cosulfazine, biseptol.

This is the main treatment for parvovirus enteritis. In addition, drugs such as calcium borogluconate and levomizole can be used as additional anti-inflammatory drugs. Calcium borogluconate, in addition to anti-inflammatory, has a pronounced positive effect on the walls of blood vessels. It should be administered subcutaneously at a dose of 3 to 5 ml daily.

Levomizol it is used to restore the protective capacity of the body in the form of a 7.5% solution subcutaneously, 0.5-1 ml. The entire course of treatment in a state of moderate severity lasts 4-5 days. An intensive course with the introduction of large amounts of nutrient solutions usually lasts 2 days, rarely 3. If on the third day after the start of treatment there is no improvement, then the intensive course continues. If the puppy starts drinking and vomiting has stopped, then the course of treatment continues in the form of injections of sulfonamides with antibiotics and camphor. Everything else is optional, since on the first day a suprapleural novocaine block was made, and its therapeutic effect lasts for several days.

Sometimes, if rare vomiting and slight diarrhea, as well as depression, are still observed, the blockade can be repeated on the 4th day. The disease lasts 5-7 days, rarely 8. And only in the first 3 days it makes sense to start treatment. For some dog breeds, these times are shorter, which I will discuss in more detail in the next chapter.

There are many beautiful drugs in the form of tablets, infusions, decoctions, but giving them to a dog through the mouth with this disease is difficult, most often impossible due to severe vomiting, therefore, it is better to rely on medications in injections for treatment.

The fast diet lasts 2-3 days, sometimes more, depending on the condition of the puppy. When the sick puppy's condition improves, you need to give him small portions every 2-3 hours. You can give boiled rice, mixing it with jam or boiled egg, pasta, noodles, that is, carbohydrate feed should prevail. Boiled fish, preferably sea fish, cheese, fresh cottage cheese, beef broth, it is advisable to give removed, that is, to cool and catch all the fat from there, will not harm. Kefir, low-fat sour cream, fermented baked milk can diversify the diet at this time. In no case should you give whole milk, cream, fatty sour cream, raw meat. The disease can recur with renewed vigor.

Among non-specialists, and sometimes specialists, such a remedy for treating a dog with parvovirus enteritis, like vodka with honey, is very popular. This is an absurd prejudice. And they tell in confirmation of the supposedly reliable stories of how they managed to cure the dog in this way.

The complex of measures for the treatment of enteritis includes an enema and gastric lavage. An enema can be started at the first suspicion of enteritis. There will be no harm in any case. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate (in common parlance - potassium permanganate) of a slightly pink color in boiled and chilled water. The amount of solution injected depends on the size and age of the puppy. For babies, this procedure can be done with a small syringe, or better with a large 20-gram syringe, having previously lubricated the syringe cannula with petroleum jelly or any fatty cream. 100 ml of solution is injected, then it flows out, mixed with fetid feces, and the procedure is repeated until anus will not pour pure water... In the same way, an enema is given to large puppies, only for this it is better to use an Esmarch mug.

For medium-sized puppies, large syringes or the same Esmarch mug can be used for an enema, but the volume of injected liquid should not exceed 0.5-1 liters. An enema is necessary in order to regularly flush accumulated toxic metabolic products from the intestines. Otherwise, they undergo reabsorption, and the condition of the animal worsens.

Now, with viral enteritis, a symptom such as diarrhea, for the most part absent. And this is an important diagnostic sign. And if your puppy is depressed, does not eat, does not drink, lies on his bed and spits up a little white foam, giving him an enema, you will convince yourself of your suspicions, or, conversely, dispel them. A very foul-smelling grayish-yellow mass that will pour out of the puppy's anus convinces you that the puppy is getting enteritis and that treatment should be started urgently.

As for gastric lavage, the principle is the same: pour a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate into the stomach until the puppy regurgitates it unchanged, without admixture of vomit. This procedure is fraught with certain difficulties and not all owners of sick puppies will be able to do it. Even in a very serious condition, the puppy actively resists putting anything in its mouth, using its sharp growing teeth. The owner who has been bitten repeatedly, with his best intentions, retreats and stops this method of treatment, giving preference to an enema. Thank God, the dog has no teeth behind. And this method is also very effective. Starting to give an enema before the arrival of the doctor, many owners report an improvement in the condition of the puppy. In the first days, an enema is done every 2-3 hours, even at night, with some improvement in the condition, an enema can be done every 4 hours with a break for the night. When the puppy starts drinking, it is enough to do an enema 3 times a day: in the morning, at lunchtime and at night.

Parvovirus enteritis in dogs is a very dangerous contagious viral disease. His characteristic features is dehydration of the body due to indigestion, manifested in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. With the disease, the heart (myocarditis) and all departments are affected small intestine... Young dogs may develop leukopenia.

The causative agent of enteritis is a coronavirus or parvovirus infection. The latter type prevails more often.

Basically, this ailment affects puppies under 1 year old. But in older dogs, it is rarely diagnosed. A pet can become infected with a virus from a sick animal, through its feces. Insects, rodents and even a person who is able to carry the virus on shoes can become carriers. The person himself cannot get infected.

The virus is highly resistant to the environment. Long-term boiling, caustic soda or potassium, as well as formalin can completely kill him. At the same time, high temperature (up to 60-80 degrees) and acidic environment absolutely not afraid of him. In a frozen state, the virus can survive for a whole year.

In an apartment, enteritis can live for about six months, and all this time the pet will be susceptible to infection.

Symptoms of parvovirus enteritis

Intestinal form

Paroviral enteritis in dogs, symptoms of manifestation in the intestinal form are as follows:
  • upset stomach, refusal to eat;
  • diarrhea (in this case, feces acquire a yellow or gray tint over time, turning into a dark brown color, having a pungent odor, may be bloody);
  • incessant vomiting, often with mucus and bile;
  • the pet's body temperature rises to 41 degrees (in in this case it should not be allowed to decrease to 37 degrees or less);
  • leukopenia (in 1 cubic mm of blood, the number of leukocytes can decrease to 300);
  • dehydration;
  • lymph nodes increase and become inflamed;
  • the intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed and swollen, it becomes uneven, erosion is possible;
  • the spleen is enlarged, has fibrous films.
When stroking the sides and back, the dog arches its back and hides its tail between hind legs- this speaks of pain syndrome. Enteritis destroys the intestinal mucosa and, as a result, bloody diarrhea appears.

Heart shape

Typical for puppies up to 8 months of age. Death comes from heart failure. Symptoms of the cardiac form of enteritis:
  • general weakness, lethargy and complete refusal to eat;
  • limbs are cold to the touch;
  • weak pulse;
  • the skin has a blue tint;
  • lack of appetite, the pet drinks occasionally.

Mixed form of the disease

Enteritis in dogs can affect both the heart and the intestines. In this case, the virus is called a mixed form and includes the symptoms and signs of the two types described above.

Incubation (latent) period During which viral enteritis in dogs still does not manifest itself in any way, is 2-10 days. The younger the animal is, the shorter it is.

Symptoms of coronavirus enteritis

Coronavirus enteritis is less likely to be fatal than parvovirus, since the form is not so aggressive. It affects, getting into the body, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, colon and small intestine.

Light form

May occur latently in adult animals. Since the symptoms are similar to food poisoning: weakness, lack of appetite, fatigue, diarrhea. It can pass in 2-3 days on its own.

Acute form

The acute form is characterized by rapid development, but death is possible only for weakened puppies. Symptoms of the disease are: vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, lethargy, weakness, anorexia.

Hyperacute form

It occurs in dogs under 2 months of age. The puppy may die 2 days after infection.

Outcome of the disease

Most often, enteritis in dogs is diagnosed in the autumn-spring period and during periods of sharp cold snap.

Due to indomitable vomiting and constant diarrhea, the animal's body is severely dehydrated, which often leads to a coma. Babies are often still unable to bear it and die within 1-3 days. In this case, they speak of fulminant disease.

Acute enteritis in dogs, the symptoms of which are described above, are fatal within 5-6 days from the moment of their onset.

In case of infection in young dogs older than 7 months, the heart muscle is affected. As a result, the dog behaves very sluggishly. If the heart muscle is affected, then death occurs in 70% of cases. Small puppies die during the first day.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the age of the dog, but also to the breed, since decorative are subject to a greater risk of infection.

Confirmation of the diagnosis To confirm the diagnosis, veterinarian should investigate clinical, episiological, or pathologic anotomy data. Diarrhea and vomiting, which does not stop and does not respond to antibacterial drugs, indicate that this is paroviral enteritis in dogs, symptoms, the treatment for which depends on the age of the animal and the degree of organ damage by the virus.

During illness, in 50% of dogs, the blood picture remains unchanged, while in the other half of the diseased, the white blood cell count is significantly reduced.

Enteritis differs from plague in the absence of purulent conjunctivitis, nervous and pulmonary forms of infection and a sharp increase in body temperature up to 41 degrees.

Enteritis treatment

When the first signs of the disease appear, the dog must be immediately shown to the doctor, who will be able to determine the exact diagnosis in the shortest possible time and prescribe the necessary therapy. Since the slightest delay can be your pet's life. After confirming the diagnosis of enteritis in dogs, treatment should begin immediately.

Elimination of vomiting, diarrhea and inflammation

First of all, you need to eliminate vomiting and diarrhea, which lead to rapid dehydration. Daily, the dog needs to drink - solution rehydron, potassium permanganate (should be weak, barely pink) or chamomile decoction. Its amount is calculated based on the mass of the animal and is equal to 35-40 ml per 1 kg of its weight.

Coating and binding agents are used to treat diarrhea - sea ​​buckthorn or liquid paraffin. They should be taken three times a day, 1 small spoon. To combat vomiting, the dog is prescribed drugs cerucal, barium sulfate, or raglan... If these medications do not help, every 48 hours the dog is injected intramuscularly dullness.

Inflammation is removed by taking a decoction chamomile- NS about 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Maintaining immunity

To support the dog's immunity, it may be prescribed fosprinil or forvet. The course of admission is 7-10 days. Take it in dosage 1 ml for every 1 kg of animal weight.

During the treatment period, it is very important to support the sick dog's body with immunomodulators and immunostimulants. Suitable for this vegan, T- and B-activins or immunofan. Small puppies are prescribed the drug Bensap.

Replenishment of trace elements

To replenish the amount of trace elements that the pet loses during vomiting, a solution is injected intravenously sodium chloride. The first time it can be done in the hospital, then you can do it yourself. In this case, the medicine bottle is preheated in a water bath. To reduce the burden on the dog's kidneys, it should be done no more than 2-3 times a day.

Recovery of anticidosis

To restore the amount of acidosis, a solution is used sodium bicarbonate. Its amount is calculated as follows - 0.3 ml of the drug per 1 kg of animal body weight. The medicine is diluted in Ringer in a ratio of 1 to 5.

To strengthen the body and improve general condition the solution is administered intravenously to the dog glucose (40%), calcium gluconate, ascorbic acid, vicasol and sulfocamphocaine. These medicines add to the solution Ringer's. In addition to this, the pet is prescribed an introduction dyufalight and metrogil.

If it is scary on its own or it is not possible to get into the vein of the pet, an injection into the neck area is allowed. Therapy includes the use of thiamine bromide... For small puppies, the dose is 0.5 ml, for adult dogs - 1 ml.

At the first suspicion of the presence of enteritis in a dog, serum or immunoglobulin is injected Giskan. A day later, the injection is repeated. And so on up to 3 times. Depending on how much the sick dog weighs, it is administered from 3 to 15 ml of serum.

The use of enemas and gastric lavage have proven themselves well. To do this, use boiled water in which a little potassium permanganate is dissolved. The amount of liquid is taken depending on the size and weight of the animal. The solution should be pale pink. The tip of the enema is pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly. Rinsing is carried out until clean water appears.

It is mandatory during therapy five-day course of Essentiale or Heptral. This will help the liver cope with the increased stress.

Elimination of spasm

From antihistamines good use diphenhydramine. It also helps to relieve muscle spasm, restores the work of capillaries and relieves pain. Its dose ranges from 1 to 2 ml. At the same time, the smaller the pet, the more the dose of the drug is given to him.

It also helps to reduce muscle spasm no-shpa. It is introduced by 1-2 ml for 5 days. No-shpu can be replaced cerucal or papaverine.


If antibiotics are needed, your doctor will prescribe ampiox, ampicillin, tetracycline, clafaron, chloramphenicol or polymexin.


During the treatment period, the animal needs a fast diet for at least 2-3 days. After stabilizing your pet, you can start gradually introducing food in small doses every 2 hours. For a start, chicken broth, rice broth, or flaxseed is ideal. If the dog refuses to eat on its own, you can try to inject liquid food with a syringe.

A few days later, the dog is fed with boiled egg or pasta diluted in chicken broth. During the recovery period, food should be high in carbohydrates to help replenish energy in the body. You can also give boiled sea fish, dairy products. On initial stage it is better to give up meat. During feeding, the animal is given drugs that restore the normal intestinal microflora. For the duration of the illness, you need to refuse to eat raw meat, milk and fatty foods.


The owner must always be prepared for the fact that enteritis in dogs, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed above, may return at any time.

Vaccines are used to protect their friend from infection. hexodog, pentodog, etc. An excellent effect was demonstrated by the vaccine Multican-4. But, you need to take into account that its introduction is quite painful, therefore, before the injection, the ampoule with the drug is warmed up to room temperature.

Prevention methods also include such measures as providing the animal with adequate nutrition, disinfection with sodium hydroxide, chloramine or formalin of those places where the dog is.

Taking a dog into the house, a person should be aware of the full responsibility that lies with him, because in order to raise a healthy and happy animal it will take a lot of effort. Four-legged friends, like humans, suffer various diseases, including deadly furry pets. One of these insidious diseases is enteritis - inflammatory process viral nature, which is sometimes quite problematic to cope with.

What is enteritis

Enteritis is understood as inflammation that develops in the digestive organs, in addition, as a result of the disease, the heart muscle - the myocardium - is often affected. Enteritis refers to viral pathologies, is quickly transmitted from one animal to another. An animal of any age can become infected with enteritis; most often, puppies and dogs under 1 year old are susceptible to the disease.

According to statistics, in a female unvaccinated from enteritis, the death rate of puppies from the disease reaches more than 80%.

Currently, virology scientists have not yet developed an effective antiviral drug, but it will help to save the animal from death in a timely manner. This does not mean that a vaccinated dog is incapable of contracting enteritis, but in a vaccinated animal the disease progresses much easier and death in this case is almost impossible.

Infection of dogs occurs when a healthy animal comes into contact with a sick animal (through feces, saliva, discharge from the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose). Sharing pet grooming items also increases the risk of disease in previously healthy animals. There are frequent cases when healthy dog fell ill with enteritis, but had no contact with infected relatives. Scientists have found that dangerous virus it is often brought into the apartment on the owner's street shoes, it is this factor that is the reason for the "non-contact" infection.

Types of enteritis

Veterinary specialists know 2 types of viral enteritis: parvovirus and coronavirus.

Parvovirus enteritis

The causative agent of parvovirus, having penetrated the dog's body, destroys the large and small parts of the intestine, and often the tissues of the heart muscle are also affected. Parvovirus is able to change the structure of the walls of blood vessels and even affect the composition of the blood of an animal. As a result, mucous membranes digestive organs become hyperemic, almost always erosions occur on them, the digestive function is finally disrupted. The body of a sick dog suffers from very severe intoxication, which ends with dehydration of all organs and tissues, and then the death of the animal.

More details about parvovirus were discussed earlier:

Coronavirus enteritis

Coronavirus enteritis is not as harmful to dogs as parvovirus. With a coronavirus infection, crypt cells are not subject to destruction, so the disease progresses much easier and with less likelihood of death of the dog. However, the coronavirus is dangerous for puppies, because they the immune system does not yet have sufficient strength to overcome this disease.

Symptoms of enteritis in dogs

Depending on what type of enteritis the dog has become infected, one can judge the signs of the manifestation of the disease. In parvovirus enteritis, 3 forms of the course are distinguished:

  • Cardiac;
  • Intestinal;
  • Mixed.

With the cardiac form of enteritis, the animal has a general weakness of the body, loss of appetite, severe shortness of breath, cyanosis or pallor of the mucous membranes, bradycardia, cold extremities. As a rule, the death of a sick dog occurs from acute heart failure.

With the intestinal form, the dog looks lethargic, drowsy, there is a loss of appetite, an increase in body temperature. Then the animal begins to suffer from vomiting (the discharge is usually frothy and stringy). Across 2-3 days the pet develops, the smell of feces resembles rotting meat. Later 1-2 days the stool takes on a bloody consistency, the dog begins to experience severe pain v abdominal cavity, whines at the slightest touch on the abdomen. The final stage of the intestinal form is dehydration of the animal's body and, as a result, death.

Coronavirus enteritis is not accompanied by such striking signs as parvovirus. The animal can refuse food, but at the same time drink water, diarrhea and vomiting are rarely recorded, the soreness of the abdomen is mild.

Coronavirus enteritis has 2 courses:

Acute - the animal weakens quickly, lethargy is noted. Often, during this course, a secondary infection develops, from which only puppies with low immunity die, adult dogs are almost always on the mend.

Mild - appears mainly in adult animals and is usually asymptomatic. A sick dog loses appetite, weakness and indifference to everything is observed. After a few days, the animal's condition improves significantly.

If there is a suspicion that pet contracted enteritis, in no case should he hesitate. The owner must deliver his pet to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible, otherwise there is a high risk of death of the animal.

Diagnosis of enteritis in dogs

Since enteritis in dogs has similar symptoms with other dangerous diseases (salmonellosis, hepatitis of an infectious nature), in general clinical signs only a preliminary diagnosis is made. The veterinarian makes the final verdict only after additional laboratory tests:

  • taking samples of feces from sick dogs to detect the causative agent of the disease in them. The most commonly used method is polymerase chain reaction(PCR);
  • the hemagglutination reaction (RHA) allows you to detect the antigen of the virus in the blood of an animal;
    general urine analysis;
  • ultrasound examination of the sternum and abdominal cavity;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

With the postmortem diagnosis of an animal, a specialist notes an acute catarrhal hemorrhagic process of an inflammatory nature in the small intestine. The mesenteric lymph nodes are always filled with blood, edematous and enlarged. Also, for pathological diagnostics, a histology method is used, which makes it possible to identify a decrease in lymphocytes in the lymphoid tissue of the small intestine and foci of necrosis on crypt epithelial cells.

Treatment of viral enteritis

When a viral enteritis is diagnosed in a dog, treatment should be started immediately. Parvovirus is especially dangerous, because in the absence of veterinary care, the animal dies in a few days. Coronavirus often clears up on its own, but only in highly immune adults. In puppies, coronavirus enteritis almost always ends with the death of the animal.

The following methods are used to treat enteritis:

  • administration of hyperimmune serum and immunoglobulin to sick dogs;
  • with the help of droppers are introduced salt solutions(sodium chloride, Ringer-Locke);
  • as nutrients- intravenous glucose solution and ascorbic acid;
  • application antimicrobial agents to suppress secondary infection;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • pain relievers to relieve spasms;
  • cardiac drugs, to improve the work of the myocardium;
  • antiemetic substances that help prevent dehydration;
  • adsorbents.

In the first length of treatment, the animal is contraindicated to feed, you can only give clean fresh water (if the dog is very weak and does not drink on its own, it needs to drink water through a syringe without a needle). After a few days, the animal is given a little soft food or liquid soup, and rice water is also recommended. During the week, the animal should not be introduced into the diet of dairy products. While the dog is receiving therapy, it needs complete rest and careful grooming.

Prevention of enteritis in dogs

Preventing enteritis is much easier than treating this disease later, therefore, the most correct preventive measure is considered animal vaccination... Small puppies should not be walked outside until they receive their first vaccination against the virus.

It is easy to prevent infection of your dog, you just need to adhere to certain recommendations:

  • shake out and process the dog beds as often as possible;
  • do not use toys, carriers, ammunition common with other dogs;
  • do not allow your pet to contact with homeless and sick relatives;
  • feed your pet only high quality and balanced food;
  • timely deworming dogs;
  • take daily active walks with the animal.

At the very first manifestations of enteritis, it is unacceptable to diagnose and engage in independent treatment of the animal. It is important to remember: with coronavirus (in puppies) and parvovirus enteritis, the animal can die within a few days. Recovered animals, as a rule, acquire stable immunity for the rest of their lives.

The consequences of enteritis

Even in those dogs that have had enteritis, life-long complications are possible in the form of lameness, infertility, disruption of the liver, gallbladder, and gastrointestinal tract. Often, dogs that have recovered subsequently suffer from heart failure. In small puppies that have undergone a dangerous disease, there is a developmental delay, and in the case of a heart form of the disease, a violation of the work of the heart muscle.

Viral enteritis is dangerous disease for all dogs, regardless of the breed and age of the animal. Only timely immunization and vaccination, high-quality nutrition, as well as adherence to careful care for four-legged friends can prevent the development of a serious illness.

One of dangerous ailments, the timely treatment of which is not always possible, is parvovirus enteritis in dogs. Only vaccination can protect a pet from this disease. However, over time, viruses disease causing, mutate, which is why the owner must know the symptoms of the disease, which will help to detect the disease in a timely manner, and begin treatment as soon as possible. In our article we will tell you what are the symptoms of enteritis in dogs, the causes of the disease, and how to treat it at home.

The enteritis virus is quite tenacious, it is able to withstand up to +60 degrees, while not changing its state in any way. In addition to high temperature chlorine, ether, acidic environment do not act on it. Any animal can get parvovirus, but more often signs of the disease are found in a young pet, from 2 to 15 months. Most of the concentration of the virus is observed in the first 10 days after infection in the dog's feces, it is also present in the saliva and urine of the pet. Viral enteritis in dogs occurs due to contact with:

  • Sick animal, insect, which is the carrier of the disease.
  • Through water or feed contaminated with an infection.
  • Due to contact with infected care items, bedding.

Most often, enteritis in a dog occurs due to:

Often, enteritis in puppies is seasonal, the peak of the disease occurs in autumn and spring, and a decrease in activity is observed in winter and summer.

Symptoms of parvovirus enteritis

The disease is enteritis in dogs, the symptoms manifests unexpectedly. If the first signs are not noticed, then the treatment of the disease will be delayed, which sometimes leads to death. When it enters the body, parvovirus infects the gastrointestinal tract and heart tissue, so this course of the disease is dangerous for puppies during the period of active growth. Typically, parvovirus infection in dogs manifests itself as follows:

  • Apathetic state, slight indisposition, fatigue. Thus, the onset of the disease manifests itself, usually the owners do not notice these symptoms.
  • The dog is constantly sleeping, does not react to strangers.
  • A day later, the course of the disease worsens, the pet's temperature rises up to 41 degrees.
  • The puppy vomits with mucous or yellowish foam.
  • Diarrhea with green, brown, or black mucus, which has an offensive odor.
  • A complete refusal to eat and drink leads to dehydration, the pet already resembles a skeleton covered with skin.
  • The dog has shortness of breath, pale mucous membranes.
  • The wool is beaten to shreds and icicles, devoid of any shine.
  • If after 3 days the temperature returned to normal or dropped below 37 degrees, then the course of the disease took threatening forms and reduces the chances of recovery.
  • Enteritis in a dog can provoke heart cough, blue discoloration of the mucous membranes, heavy breathing. All this leads to an increase not only in the heart, but also pulmonary insufficiency and the development of myocarditis.
  • If the disease affects both the heart and the intestines, then the following symptoms appear: slightly elevated temperature, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea with blood.

Symptoms of coronavirus enteritis

Coronavirus is not as severe as canine parvovirus enteritis, it has a milder course of the disease, it is less infectious and less often fatal. Coronavirus enteritis occurs through contact with feces, and if an infected dog licks the grass, or the pet walks on it, then he can get sick with this ailment. Very often, this type of disease affects puppies; in adults, it is easier.

Vaccination is not 100% guaranteed, but treatment is faster. Sometimes the owner, especially adult dogs, does not notice that the pet is sick. In puppies born to a mother who has not been vaccinated against enteritis, symptoms develop within 2 days after the virus enters the body. The coronavirus gives the following symptoms:

  • Apathy, refusal to play.
  • Walking aimlessly around the house, lethargy, fatigue.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • The diarrhea is yellowish and does not have a fetid odor.
  • Pale mucous membranes devoid of blue.
  • Severe symptoms in the form of constant vomiting, heart palpitations, dehydration are manifested when a secondary infection is attached.

Coronavirus gives similar symptoms to parvovirus, only they are weaker and less exhausting for the pet. Coronavirus enteritis is rarely fatal, only in 10%.


Enteritis in a dog can be treated only under the supervision of a veterinarian, having passed preliminary tests to identify the virus. Coronavirus can be treated with the same medications as parvovirus. Treatment of enteritis at home consists in:

  • Complete rest of the animal, it does not need to be fed, but it is necessary to provide fresh water in constant access.
  • You can do an enema with vaseline oil, it helps to remove infections from the body and is not absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Can not use sunflower oil because it can worsen the condition of the pet.
  • Analgin, No-shpa can relieve pain.
  • Saline will help with dehydration.
  • Sulfocamphocaine will help support your dog's heart function.
  • Astringents and antiemetics can help keep you hydrated.
  • Antibiotics help fight secondary infections.
  • After the improvement occurs, the pet can begin to be fed with beef broth. If he is so weak that he cannot eat on his own, then you can feed him from a syringe, carefully introducing the broth into the mouth of the animal. It is better to give food in small portions several times a day, because it has a disturbed gastrointestinal tract. In addition to broth, boiled vegetables and boiled rice can be included in the diet.
  • If the treatment lasts 1 week, then you need to refrain from fermented milk products... Smoked meats, spicy and fatty meats, any fish and bones, as well as sweets are also excluded for a long time. When the treatment lasts more than 3 weeks, then it will be possible to gradually return to the previous diet.

All drugs need to be administered only by injection, since the tablets for this disease are not fully absorbed.

When caring for a dog, you need to remember about hygiene measures, of course, the coronavirus of dogs is not transmitted to humans, but in addition to it, other pathogenic bacteria can be contained in the vomit and feces. A timely vaccination will help protect an animal from this serious disease, but it does not give a full guarantee, because even a pet who has recovered from it can get sick with this ailment again.