Why does a woman dream of sweet dough. Why dream and what does Dough mean in a dream? Why see Dough in a dream

Bread and bakery products is a familiar addition to our daily diet, but nowadays not every housewife bakes these products on her own.

A dream in which a person kneads the dough himself involuntarily attracts attention, especially if the cooking process was accompanied by unusual details.

In any case, such a dream carries positive meaning even if he didn't leave pleasant experience. However, you can find out in detail what the dough is dreaming of, only with the help of a dream book.

Greek dream book

In Greece, in ancient times, it was believed that the preparation of bread refers to rituals that outsiders should not see. Bread was considered a separate dish, and rich products could only be afforded by wealthy people.

That is why the dough began to denote prosperity and well-being of the family. And this idea is reflected in the dream books of Greece. Aesop states that:

  • Baking something is a reward for hard work.
  • Knead - in reality, make efforts to acquire financial well-being.
  • To see how you prepare the dough is to replenish the family.
  • Knead the dough that quickly approaches - to rapidly impending events.
  • If it falls, you have not yet decided on your position in life, so extremes are characteristic of you.
  • To see a dream in which the dough is sour - you will have good mood that nothing can spoil.
  • To fall into a large tub filled with dough - to look for a way out of this situation.

Medea's dream book interprets the dough as a symbol of close success. According to this interpreter, kneading it - to the fulfillment of cherished desires, money and other profits. And to prevent "escape" is to avoid losses.

Interpreters of other peoples

In the Russian dream book, the dough is also interpreted as good sign, promising your family prosperity and prosperity. Seeing how you knead it is the need to work on the issue that you are currently dealing with.

In English folk dream book it is indicated that kneading the dough, adding spices - to endless happiness, and baking pies for a meeting with the betrothed.

Eastern dream books interpret such dreams as a sign of wealth, which is acquired in a righteous way or by a successful trade deal that brings profit over a short time period. Islamic dream book The dough in a dream also interprets, indicating that:

  • To see that it does not rise - it will not be easy to improve the financial situation quickly.
  • To crush what has risen to the brim - to avoid ruin.
  • Knead it from barley flour - thanks to piety, acquire a large fortune, power and defeat enemies.

Other interpretations

The spring dream book considers the dough as a symbol of new love, if a man saw a dream. And for a woman, a dream in which she was going to knead promises pregnancy.

In the summer dream book, dough is a symbol of responsibility. To crush it is to try to calm another person, and the sourdough with the finished product is dreaming of receiving guests.

By autumn dream book to see a magnificent dough in a dream - to profit, and to knead it for baking bread - to search for adventure.

Modern interpretations of sleep

Since over time, bread in the eyes of the townsfolk has lost its sacred meaning, modern interpretations dreams are slightly different from the age-old ideas of different peoples.

In Tsvetkov's dream book, the dough dreamed in any form is interpreted as receiving a letter, news. Dream Interpretation Hasse notes that baking something is to achieve the goal. Buy - to reconciliation, and knead - to experience hope.

Miller's dream book also considers what the dough is dreaming of. To see such a dream is to achieve success in life thanks to the mind and ability to work. Details also affect the value:

  • A young woman sees such a dream for new romantic relationships and changes in personal life.
  • Rising dough indicates the need to protect someone else's secret.
  • Yeast - dreams of switching to a new one interesting work bringing good income.
  • Butter - promises peace, tranquility and favorable events in your life.

Roll out - make efforts to get what you want and not rely on the help of outsiders. In addition, this dream promises harmony in family life and a pleasant pastime.

In the latest modern dream book, dough promises success in solving housing issues.


Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dough- represents success in the near future.

knead the dough- profit, money, fulfillment of desires.

The dough has run away- loss, damage in business.

Freud's dream book

Knead the dough yourself in a dream- in sex, you prefer to take everything into your own hands to feel more confident. Try to give at least once the role of leader to your partner, the sensations will be no less acute.

See in a dream how the dough fits- you long time you are waiting for a romantic date, and it will go as you wish, provided that you do not force things.

Buy dough in the store- for some reason you are not satisfied with your sex life and are sure that the reason is your inexperience in relationships. You will want to change this situation, but do not rely too much on all kinds of books and pamphlets.

Dough- is a symbol of female genital organs or pregnancy.

Dough preparation- symbolizes the dreamer's desire to enter into a new sexual relationship.

If a man fiddles with the test- this symbolizes his lack of confidence in himself and his masculine virtues before the upcoming sexual contact, his fear of being insolvent.

Aesop's dream book

If you saw dough in a dream- for you it is very good sign, since the dough symbolizes the prosperity and well-being of the family.

It has long been believed that the preparation of dough- a mysterious ritual that must be hidden from prying eyes. When kneading the dough, a special prayer was always read, protecting the bread from the evil eye.

If someone wanted to praise a child- they said: "It grows like wheat dough on dough." And about the unsociable person- they said: "It turns sour, like dough on dough."

To dream about how you put dough for dough- this means that an addition is expected in your family.

So in reality you will have to work hard in order to overcome financial difficulties.

A dream in which you saw sour dough- warns that someone will try to spoil your mood.

Drowning in a dream in a huge tub of dough- in reality to get into a difficult situation.

A dream in which the dough rises so fast that you can't keep up with it- means that all your efforts are useless, you still will not be able to prevent impending events. As the saying goes: “You can’t hold the lid on the kvass.”

If in a dream you bake something from dough This means that your work will not go unrewarded.

To dream about how you eat raw dough- in reality, a bad streak will begin for you and you will have to make a lot of efforts in order to overcome all the difficult moments of your life.

If you set the dough, but it did not rise- in reality everything will happen, as in one of the sayings: "Our kvass is neither thick nor empty." This means that you have not defined your position in life and are rushing from one to another.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Kneading dough in a dream
- a sign of great trouble.

If it sticks to your hands- such dreams usually portend quarrels in your house.

At the same time, if the dough in your dream looks neat and appetizing- a dream suggests that your work and efforts will be a joy.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Dough- honest and selfless work for a small monetary reward.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you cook unleavened dough- portends that the business you started will require a lot of effort and time from you.

If you are making yeast dough- You abuse alcohol.

If you dreamed that the dough sticks to your hands- this means that you are highly respected in society.

Making dough figures in a dream- to improve the financial situation.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Dough- you are easily deceived

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Knead the dough in a dream- try to pacify the raging person.

In a dream, knead the dough for bread- Prepare to receive guests.

knead- it doesn’t matter who and how brewed the porridge, but you will have to disentangle yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

knead the dough- you will humiliate yourself in front of your own.

Knead the dough for bread in a dream- look for adventure on your head.

knead the dough- to profit if this dough is magnificent, and to expenses if the dough is unsuccessful.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

kneading dough for a woman- to pregnancy.

kneading dough for a man- to a new love.

knead the dough- accept suffering for children.

knead- to pregnancy in young people; the elderly have this dream for a feast.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Dough- minor annoyances; eat- chagrin; bake- You will achieve your goal.

General dream book

knead the dough- to the reward.

In a dream, you watch someone knead the dough- in the near future, one of your loved ones will be awarded for merit.

If you dreamed that you were smeared with dough- a strange, unpleasant incident will happen to you.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing dough in a dream -

Knead the dough in a dream- to justify hopes, eat it- to difficulties; buy dough in a dream- to reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

Cooking yeast dough, hugging it- get an interesting job; knead the dough- to work hard and honestly, but, unfortunately, with minimal benefit. It may happen that your situation will change for the worse and you will have to correct it, not shunning any means.

risen dough- to receive an important letter or some sensational news.

Get smeared with dough- to a strange and unpleasant incident.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

making dough- at multiplication.

Deal with dough or wax- to death.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

A dream in which you yourself knead the dough- says that you like to take a leading position, including in sex. However, if you try to give a leading role to a partner, then, quite possibly, you will discover new sensations.

If in a dream you watch how the dough fits- this means that you are waiting for a meeting with a partner for a very long time. Your date will be successful, but do not rush things. Let everything resolve itself.

If you see in a dream how you buy dough in a store- this means that you are not satisfied with the existing sexual relationship. However, you should not change something after reading "smart" books, the theory is unlikely to help you. Talk with your partner together you will surely find the right solution.

Islamic dream book

Dough if it rises- is a sign of wealth obtained honestly or through a trade transaction that will bring great profits in a short period of time.

If the dough does not rise- the dreamer should expect a worsening situation and financial difficulties.

If the dough has risen to the brim- whoever sees a dream is threatened with ruin.

If the dreamer sees him kneading barley flour dough- it will become known that he is a pious person, he will gain power, wealth and defeat his enemies.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Dough- a good sign, since the dough symbolizes the prosperity and well-being of the family.

If in a dream you knead the dough- you will have to work hard on your case.

sour dough- someone is trying to spoil your mood.

Drowning in a huge tub of dough- to get into a rather difficult position.

Bake in a dream something from dough- there is hope that your work will not go unrewarded.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dough- sadness; hope; guests.

Culinary dream book

Knead dough for a pie or pancakes in a dream- means, firstly, that in the near future you may find yourself in a very unattractive position, and secondly, that you will find a way out of this situation only if you use means that your disgust would never have allowed to use before.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Dough- small benefit, letter / sadness; knead- the plan will come true, good news.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dough- letter.

Collection of dream books

Dough- letter; knead- hope; eat- difficulties; buy- reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation Roll Out Dough

Why dream of rolling out the Dough in a dream from a dream book?

If you dreamed that you were carefully rolling out the dough using technology, then in reality you are making a lot of efforts to achieve your goals.

A dream promises a happy future, family harmony. Roll the ball with a rolling pin - you will achieve everything on your own, without the help of strangers.

Pancake dough

Dream Interpretation Dough for pancakes had a dream about why in a dream Dough for pancakes? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Pancake Dough in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pancakes

If in a dream you are treated to pancakes or you invite someone to pancakes, then in real life Prosperity and family well-being awaits you.

Pancakes are one of the oldest and most delicious Russian dishes. In the folk calendar, there is such a holiday as Shrovetide, for which everyone must bake pancakes. Pancakes symbolized the sun, which drives away the evil winter and brings spring with it.

But pancakes do not always symbolize hospitality and cordiality. In this case, the people had a proverb in store: "Pies and pancakes - and there sit and look."

An unfortunate person was comforted by the saying: "The first pancake is always lumpy."

So, in a dream you ate delicious and hot pancakes. What does this dream promise you?

Perhaps in reality you wanted to try delicious and hot pancakes and this was deposited in your subconscious. But in this case this symbol can also be interpreted as an unexpected profit.

If you saw ruddy and fried pancakes in a dream, this portends an interesting and pleasant acquaintance for you.

Seeing burnt pancakes in a dream is a sign of separation and family troubles.

To see in a dream how you cut pancakes into pieces - in reality this means that one of your loved ones will want to break out from under your care.

A dream in which your pancakes turned out to be raw means that you will have to make enough efforts to get out of this situation.

If in a dream you dropped pancakes, then in reality you will have unexpected cash expenses.

You are going to eat pancakes, but there was no oil on your table and therefore the pancakes turned out to be dry and tasteless - in reality you will become a victim of betrayal and deceit.

A dream in which you bake pancakes and hear them hiss in a frying pan warns you that in reality they will try to mislead or slander you. As the saying goes: "He's lying that he bakes pancakes: he only hisses."

If in a dream you cannot swallow pancakes and choke all the time, this is a sign that you have committed an unseemly act and inflicted a spiritual wound on someone. "Sins are not pancakes: after chewing, you will not swallow."

Seeing sour pancakes in a dream is a sign that someone will try to spoil your mood in the near future.

If in a dream you knead pancakes in order to invite guests, then in reality you will find a boring and uneventful existence.

Seeing in a dream how you sell pancakes of your own making means that in reality you will want to realize the hidden traits of your character.

A dream in which you are treated to pancakes with filling is a warning. In the near future, your ill-wishers are preparing an unpleasant surprise for you.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Dream Interpretation - Pancakes

A dream in which you bake pancakes yourself predicts illness or financial difficulties and household chores. It is sometimes believed that such a dream predicts the death of some person, to whose wake you will be invited. Seeing pancakes in a dream is a very good sign, portending you success, good news, joy and fun. The fatter they are buttered, the better. Eating pancakes in a dream is a bad omen and promises you a lot of trouble and problems that will not be easy for you to deal with. Sometimes such a dream indicates that soon you will have to commemorate deceased relatives. However, if pancakes suddenly run out in a dream, then success awaits you in all your undertakings. Eating pancakes with cottage cheese in a dream portends a decline in business and losses, and sometimes deceit. Seeing pancakes with sour cream in a dream - to receive money or return an old debt that you have long forgotten about. See interpretation: butter, sour cream, milk, cottage cheese.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Dream Interpretation - Pancakes

If you dream that you are baking pancakes, then you will have to show increased frugality and frugality. If they burnt - to success and fun. Fry pancakes with filling, the so-called pancakes - suffer a loss, eat them - grief will bypass you. There are ordinary round pancakes - to acquire new friends. If you dream that others eat pancakes, it means quick success in any business, no matter what you decide to do.

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-law

Dream Interpretation - Pancakes

To see that you are baking pancakes for a holiday or on a day off: you are preparing for some kind of event, the holding of which depends on how you plan it.

You are trying your best to be on top, and, apparently, you will succeed.

If in a dream one of your friends treats you with pancakes: the dream says that there is a person in your environment whom you unconditionally trust.

But in the near future, a situation may arise when your relationship will be tested.

Try to show the best that you have in the test.

To see how Shrove Tuesday is celebrated in the countryside with a lot of pancakes: soon you will find yourself in a situation that is not quite familiar to you, and it will be quite difficult for you to get out of it.

If you show maximum humor and ingenuity, then this situation is not terrible for you, you only gain experience that will be very useful in the future.

Watching how pancakes are sold in a street cafe: you are going to open your own business and don’t know where to start yet.

You should not take on problems that you still can’t solve, it’s better to consult a specialist, he will give you valuable advice, thanks to which you will do everything successfully.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Dream Interpretation - Dough

roll dough

Dream Interpretation Roll the dough dreamed of why in a dream Roll the dough? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Rolling dough by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dough

If you saw dough in a dream, then this is a very good sign for you, since the dough symbolizes the prosperity and well-being of the family. It has long been believed that the preparation of dough is a mysterious ritual that must be hidden from prying eyes. When kneading the dough, a special prayer was always read, protecting the bread from the evil eye.

If someone wanted to praise a child, they would say: “It grows like wheat dough on dough.”

And they said about an unsociable person: “It turns sour, like dough on a dough.”

To dream about how you make dough for a test means that an addition is expected in your family.

If in a dream you knead the dough, it means that in reality you will have to work hard in order to overcome financial difficulties.

The dream in which you saw sour dough warns that someone will try to spoil your mood.

Drowning in a dream in a huge tub of dough - in reality, getting into a difficult situation.

A dream in which the dough rises so quickly that you can’t keep up with it means that all your efforts are useless, you still won’t be able to prevent impending events. As the saying goes: “You can’t hold the lid on the kvass.”

If in a dream you bake something from dough, this means that your work will not go unrewarded.

To dream about how you eat raw dough - in reality a bad streak will begin for you and you will have to make a lot of efforts in order to overcome all the difficult moments of your life.

If you put the dough, but it didn’t rise, in reality everything will happen, as in one of the sayings: “Our kvass is neither thick nor empty.” This means that you have not defined your position in life and are rushing from one to another.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

The dough is a good sign, as the dough symbolizes the wealth and well-being of the family. If in a dream you knead the dough, you will have to work hard on your business. Sour dough, someone is trying to spoil your mood. Drowning in a huge tub of dough, getting into a rather difficult situation. Baking something from dough in a dream, there is hope that your work will not go unrewarded.

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-law

Meet father-in-law: a sign that some events may confuse your plans.

The image of the father-in-law: means that interference and hitches in business may be associated with any disagreements or quarrels.

Father-in-law in a dream: suggests that you may have to take care of other people's affairs, because of which you will have to postpone your own.

Dough kneading dough: a sign of great trouble.

If it sticks to your hands: such dreams usually portend quarrels in your home.

At the same time, if the dough in your dream looks neat and appetizing: the dream suggests that your work and efforts will be a joy.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Kneading the dough in a dream indicates that you will start some kind of swara, from which everyone will have only trouble. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you hope to improve your situation. If in a dream you see how the dough fits, then unexpectedly for you, a big scandal will break out from a small quarrel with far-reaching consequences. Seeing dough in a dream is a warning about the danger of some kind of scandal over money. If you dream that the dough is coming and going, constantly increasing in volume, then you will find unexpected big profits earned in a dubious way, because of which you will have big trouble later, unless you take necessary measures precautions. There is dough in a dream - a sign of difficulties. See interpretation: bread, baker.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Dough - Knead the dough yourself in a dream - in sex, you prefer to take everything into your own hands in order to feel more confident. Try to give at least once the role of leader to your partner, the sensations will be no less acute.

To dream about how the dough fits - you have been waiting for a romantic date for a long time, and it will go as you wish - provided that you do not force things.

Buying dough in a store - for some reason you are not satisfied with your sex life and are sure that the reason is your inexperience in relationships. You will want to change this situation, but do not rely too much on all kinds of books and pamphlets.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

this is wealth and provision from Allah. It also indicates an increase in offspring and fruit. Whoever sees that he kneads the dough himself, his offspring, fruits and grain will increase. To dream of someone who kneads the dough indicates livelihood and concern for the affairs and welfare of the family. Rapidly rising dough - for quick and big profits. Not rising dough - to financial problems.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Dream Interpretation - Dough

To success in all endeavors, especially those related to housing issues.

Dream Interpretation - Test

Dream Interpretation - Dough

eat dough

Dream Interpretation There is dough dreamed of why in a dream there is a dough? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of eating dough by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dough

If you saw dough in a dream, then this is a very good sign for you, since the dough symbolizes the prosperity and well-being of the family. It has long been believed that the preparation of dough is a mysterious ritual that must be hidden from prying eyes. When kneading the dough, a special prayer was always read, protecting the bread from the evil eye.

If someone wanted to praise a child, they would say: “It grows like wheat dough on dough.”

And they said about an unsociable person: “It turns sour, like dough on a dough.”

To dream about how you make dough for a test means that an addition is expected in your family.

If in a dream you knead the dough, it means that in reality you will have to work hard in order to overcome financial difficulties.

The dream in which you saw sour dough warns that someone will try to spoil your mood.

Drowning in a dream in a huge tub of dough - in reality, getting into a difficult situation.

A dream in which the dough rises so quickly that you can’t keep up with it means that all your efforts are useless, you still won’t be able to prevent impending events. As the saying goes: “You can’t hold the lid on the kvass.”

If in a dream you bake something from dough, this means that your work will not go unrewarded.

To dream about how you eat raw dough - in reality a bad streak will begin for you and you will have to make a lot of efforts in order to overcome all the difficult moments of your life.

If you put the dough, but it didn’t rise, in reality everything will happen, as in one of the sayings: “Our kvass is neither thick nor empty.” This means that you have not defined your position in life and are rushing from one to another.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

The dough is a good sign, as the dough symbolizes the wealth and well-being of the family. If in a dream you knead the dough, you will have to work hard on your business. Sour dough, someone is trying to spoil your mood. Drowning in a huge tub of dough, getting into a rather difficult situation. Baking something from dough in a dream, there is hope that your work will not go unrewarded.

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-law

Meet father-in-law: a sign that some events may confuse your plans.

The image of the father-in-law: means that interference and hitches in business may be associated with any disagreements or quarrels.

Father-in-law in a dream: suggests that you may have to take care of other people's affairs, because of which you will have to postpone your own.

Dough kneading dough: a sign of great trouble.

If it sticks to your hands: such dreams usually portend quarrels in your home.

At the same time, if the dough in your dream looks neat and appetizing: the dream suggests that your work and efforts will be a joy.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Kneading the dough in a dream indicates that you will start some kind of swara, from which everyone will have only trouble. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you hope to improve your situation. If in a dream you see how the dough fits, then unexpectedly for you, a big scandal will break out from a small quarrel with far-reaching consequences. Seeing dough in a dream is a warning about the danger of some kind of scandal over money. If you dream that the dough is coming and going, constantly increasing in volume, then you will find unexpected big profits earned in a dubious way, because of which you will be in big trouble later, unless you take the necessary precautions. There is dough in a dream - a sign of difficulties. See interpretation: bread, baker.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Dough - Knead the dough yourself in a dream - in sex, you prefer to take everything into your own hands in order to feel more confident. Try to give at least once the role of leader to your partner, the sensations will be no less acute.

To dream about how the dough fits - you have been waiting for a romantic date for a long time, and it will go as you wish - provided that you do not force things.

Buying dough in a store - for some reason you are not satisfied with your sex life and are sure that the reason is your inexperience in relationships. You will want to change this situation, but do not rely too much on all kinds of books and pamphlets.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

this is wealth and provision from Allah. It also indicates an increase in offspring and fruit. Whoever sees that he kneads the dough himself, his offspring, fruits and grain will increase. To dream of someone who kneads the dough indicates livelihood and concern for the affairs and welfare of the family. Rapidly rising dough - for quick and big profits. Not rising dough - to financial problems.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Cooking yeast dough, kneading it - get an interesting job.

Knead the dough - work hard and honestly, but, unfortunately, with minimal benefit.

It may happen that your situation will change for the worse and you will have to correct it, not shunning any means.

Approached dough - to receive an important letter or some kind of sensational news.

To smear with dough - to a strange and unpleasant incident.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

To success in all endeavors, especially those related to housing issues.

Kneading the dough in a dream - to justify hopes.

Eating dough is difficult.

Buying dough in a dream - to reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation - Test

In a dream, it’s as if you are passing a test - some difficulties will become a succession in your way; you should mobilize to get your way; you must believe in your originality - then nothing will stop you.

In a dream, you yourself conduct a test - a dream suggests that you are too demanding of others; not everyone is able to mobilize as well as you can, not everyone is ready for self-sacrifice; you have to come to terms with your surroundings.

It’s as if you received the test results - a certain offer will open up excellent prospects for you.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

The dream in which you knead the dough yourself indicates that you like to take a leading position, including in sex.

However, if you try to give a leading role to a partner, then, quite possibly, you will discover new sensations.

If you are watching how the dough fits, it means that you are waiting for a meeting with a partner for a very long time.

Your date will be successful, but do not rush things.

Let everything resolve itself.

If you see in a dream how you buy dough in a store, this means that you are not satisfied with the existing sexual relationship.

However, you should not change something after reading "smart" books - the theory is unlikely to help you.

Talk to a partner - together you will surely find the right solution.

Dough flour

Dream Interpretation Dough flour had a dream about why Dough flour is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Dough flour in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Flour, dough, bread

To see flour is to suffer from something.

The dough is a letter.

Seeing bread is joy, news, consolation.

There is warm bread - wealth with irritation, sadness, illness.

Cold bread is fine.

The humpback is a surprise.

White bread - virtue, honor.

Black bread - good friend/ help in trouble / letter.

To see a bakery is news.

Cutting bread is worries / selfish in your environment.

Carry bread - harm.

Carry on your back - a robbery, a nuisance on the street.

Seeing a lot of bread is a joy.

Rusks are a gift.

There is a crust - joy in the house.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

If you saw dough in a dream, then this is a very good sign for you, since the dough symbolizes the prosperity and well-being of the family. It has long been believed that the preparation of dough is a mysterious ritual that must be hidden from prying eyes. When kneading the dough, a special prayer was always read, protecting the bread from the evil eye.

If someone wanted to praise a child, they would say: “It grows like wheat dough on dough.”

And they said about an unsociable person: “It turns sour, like dough on a dough.”

To dream about how you make dough for a test means that an addition is expected in your family.

If in a dream you knead the dough, it means that in reality you will have to work hard in order to overcome financial difficulties.

The dream in which you saw sour dough warns that someone will try to spoil your mood.

Drowning in a dream in a huge tub of dough - in reality, getting into a difficult situation.

A dream in which the dough rises so quickly that you can’t keep up with it means that all your efforts are useless, you still won’t be able to prevent impending events. As the saying goes: “You can’t hold the lid on the kvass.”

If in a dream you bake something from dough, this means that your work will not go unrewarded.

To dream about how you eat raw dough - in reality a bad streak will begin for you and you will have to make a lot of efforts in order to overcome all the difficult moments of your life.

If you put the dough, but it didn’t rise, in reality everything will happen, as in one of the sayings: “Our kvass is neither thick nor empty.” This means that you have not defined your position in life and are rushing from one to another.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

The dough is a good sign, as the dough symbolizes the wealth and well-being of the family. If in a dream you knead the dough, you will have to work hard on your business. Sour dough, someone is trying to spoil your mood. Drowning in a huge tub of dough, getting into a rather difficult situation. Baking something from dough in a dream, there is hope that your work will not go unrewarded.

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-law

Meet father-in-law: a sign that some events may confuse your plans.

The image of the father-in-law: means that interference and hitches in business may be associated with any disagreements or quarrels.

Father-in-law in a dream: suggests that you may have to take care of other people's affairs, because of which you will have to postpone your own.

Dough kneading dough: a sign of great trouble.

If it sticks to your hands: such dreams usually portend quarrels in your home.

At the same time, if the dough in your dream looks neat and appetizing: the dream suggests that your work and efforts will be a joy.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Kneading the dough in a dream indicates that you will start some kind of swara, from which everyone will have only trouble. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you hope to improve your situation. If in a dream you see how the dough fits, then unexpectedly for you, a big scandal will break out from a small quarrel with far-reaching consequences. Seeing dough in a dream is a warning about the danger of some kind of scandal over money. If you dream that the dough is coming and going, constantly increasing in volume, then you will find unexpected big profits earned in a dubious way, because of which you will be in big trouble later, unless you take the necessary precautions. There is dough in a dream - a sign of difficulties. See interpretation: bread, baker.

Dream Interpretation - Flour

Seeing flour in a dream portends good luck in business, success in the household and a big harvest. A bag of flour - to a stable income; if full of flour to the top - this means an increase in property due to new income.

If in a dream you see how flour is obtained from grain in a mill, this is a troubled life. Buying flour in large quantities in a dream - you can count on a better future. Kneading dough on wheat flour means that an increase will occur in your family.

Cornmeal, seen in a dream, portends good luck in love. Scatter flour - you yourself will create difficulties in order to heroically overcome them later. If you suddenly didn’t have flour in your house when you decided to bake something, this is for a modest but happy life.

Sprinkle with flour or roll in it - you will be a good housewife with a worthy husband. Selling flour or marketing it means that you have hard work ahead of you. Spoiled flour - to a family quarrel.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Dough - Knead the dough yourself in a dream - in sex, you prefer to take everything into your own hands in order to feel more confident. Try to give at least once the role of leader to your partner, the sensations will be no less acute.

To dream about how the dough fits - you have been waiting for a romantic date for a long time, and it will go as you wish - provided that you do not force things.

Buying dough in a store - for some reason you are not satisfied with your sex life and are sure that the reason is your inexperience in relationships. You will want to change this situation, but do not rely too much on all kinds of books and pamphlets.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

this is wealth and provision from Allah. It also indicates an increase in offspring and fruit. Whoever sees that he kneads the dough himself, his offspring, fruits and grain will increase. To dream of someone who kneads the dough indicates livelihood and concern for the affairs and welfare of the family. Rapidly rising dough - for quick and big profits. Not rising dough - to financial problems.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Cooking yeast dough, kneading it - get an interesting job.

Knead the dough - work hard and honestly, but, unfortunately, with minimal benefit.

It may happen that your situation will change for the worse and you will have to correct it, not shunning any means.

Approached dough - to receive an important letter or some kind of sensational news.

To smear with dough - to a strange and unpleasant incident.

Dream Interpretation - Flour

Flour dreams of the fulfillment of cherished desires. But the bread made from it should alert you: obviously, you create obstacles for yourself on the path to success.

Often a dream of flour portends a modest but happy life.

A dream in which you sell flour warns of a risky business venture.

Any dream in which flour was used for baking predicts finding peace and comfort at home.

Just to see flour in a dream - to a deterioration in the financial situation.

Get dirty with flour in a dream - you will become an object of gossip in the circle of your imaginary friends.

Yeast dough

Dream Interpretation Yeast Dough had a dream about why the yeast dough is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see yeast dough in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dough

If you saw dough in a dream, then this is a very good sign for you, since the dough symbolizes the prosperity and well-being of the family. It has long been believed that the preparation of dough is a mysterious ritual that must be hidden from prying eyes. When kneading the dough, a special prayer was always read, protecting the bread from the evil eye.

If someone wanted to praise a child, they would say: “It grows like wheat dough on dough.”

And they said about an unsociable person: “It turns sour, like dough on a dough.”

To dream about how you make dough for a test means that an addition is expected in your family.

If in a dream you knead the dough, it means that in reality you will have to work hard in order to overcome financial difficulties.

The dream in which you saw sour dough warns that someone will try to spoil your mood.

Drowning in a dream in a huge tub of dough - in reality, getting into a difficult situation.

A dream in which the dough rises so quickly that you can’t keep up with it means that all your efforts are useless, you still won’t be able to prevent impending events. As the saying goes: “You can’t hold the lid on the kvass.”

If in a dream you bake something from dough, this means that your work will not go unrewarded.

To dream about how you eat raw dough - in reality a bad streak will begin for you and you will have to make a lot of efforts in order to overcome all the difficult moments of your life.

If you put the dough, but it didn’t rise, in reality everything will happen, as in one of the sayings: “Our kvass is neither thick nor empty.” This means that you have not defined your position in life and are rushing from one to another.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

The dough is a good sign, as the dough symbolizes the wealth and well-being of the family. If in a dream you knead the dough, you will have to work hard on your business. Sour dough, someone is trying to spoil your mood. Drowning in a huge tub of dough, getting into a rather difficult situation. Baking something from dough in a dream, there is hope that your work will not go unrewarded.

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-law

Meet father-in-law: a sign that some events may confuse your plans.

The image of the father-in-law: means that interference and hitches in business may be associated with any disagreements or quarrels.

Father-in-law in a dream: suggests that you may have to take care of other people's affairs, because of which you will have to postpone your own.

Dough kneading dough: a sign of great trouble.

If it sticks to your hands: such dreams usually portend quarrels in your home.

At the same time, if the dough in your dream looks neat and appetizing: the dream suggests that your work and efforts will be a joy.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Kneading the dough in a dream indicates that you will start some kind of swara, from which everyone will have only trouble. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you hope to improve your situation. If in a dream you see how the dough fits, then unexpectedly for you, a big scandal will break out from a small quarrel with far-reaching consequences. Seeing dough in a dream is a warning about the danger of some kind of scandal over money. If you dream that the dough is coming and going, constantly increasing in volume, then you will find unexpected big profits earned in a dubious way, because of which you will be in big trouble later, unless you take the necessary precautions. There is dough in a dream - a sign of difficulties. See interpretation: bread, baker.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Dough - Knead the dough yourself in a dream - in sex, you prefer to take everything into your own hands in order to feel more confident. Try to give at least once the role of leader to your partner, the sensations will be no less acute.

To dream about how the dough fits - you have been waiting for a romantic date for a long time, and it will go as you wish - provided that you do not force things.

Buying dough in a store - for some reason you are not satisfied with your sex life and are sure that the reason is your inexperience in relationships. You will want to change this situation, but do not rely too much on all kinds of books and pamphlets.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

this is wealth and provision from Allah. It also indicates an increase in offspring and fruit. Whoever sees that he kneads the dough himself, his offspring, fruits and grain will increase. To dream of someone who kneads the dough indicates livelihood and concern for the affairs and welfare of the family. Rapidly rising dough - for quick and big profits. Not rising dough - to financial problems.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

Cooking yeast dough, kneading it - get an interesting job.

Knead the dough - work hard and honestly, but, unfortunately, with minimal benefit.

It may happen that your situation will change for the worse and you will have to correct it, not shunning any means.

Approached dough - to receive an important letter or some kind of sensational news.

To smear with dough - to a strange and unpleasant incident.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

To success in all endeavors, especially those related to housing issues.

Kneading the dough in a dream - to justify hopes.

Eating dough is difficult.

Buying dough in a dream - to reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation - Test

In a dream, it’s as if you are passing a test - some difficulties will become a succession in your way; you should mobilize to get your way; you must believe in your originality - then nothing will stop you.

In a dream, you yourself conduct a test - a dream suggests that you are too demanding of others; not everyone is able to mobilize as well as you can, not everyone is ready for self-sacrifice; you have to come to terms with your surroundings.

It’s as if you received the test results - a certain offer will open up excellent prospects for you.

Dream Interpretation - Dough

The dream in which you knead the dough yourself indicates that you like to take a leading position, including in sex.

However, if you try to give a leading role to a partner, then, quite possibly, you will discover new sensations.

If you are watching how the dough fits, it means that you are waiting for a meeting with a partner for a very long time.

Your date will be successful, but do not rush things.

Let everything resolve itself.

If you see in a dream how you buy dough in a store, this means that you are not satisfied with the existing sexual relationship.

However, you should not change something after reading "smart" books - the theory is unlikely to help you.

Talk to a partner - together you will surely find the right solution.

If the dough is dreaming, this is considered a positive sign. According to many dream books, this image means an improvement in the financial situation, well-being and harmony in family life. However, in order to learn more about the decoding of the vision, it is necessary to remember the details of the dream, because each specific case can have an individual interpretation.

What popular dream books say: Miller, Vanga and others

  1. Miller's dream book. The psychologist considered the dough seen in the world of dreams a symbol of cardinal changes in his personal life. If there are difficulties in a relationship with a loved one, everything will definitely work out.
  2. Freud's dream book. The Austrian psychoanalyst has his own opinion about this image. He is sure that the dough that the dreamer kneads in a dream means that in sex he prefers to be a leader and is unlikely to agree to allow his partner to dominate. A long wait for a meeting prophesies a vision in which you are watching the dough. Now you should not influence events, only in this way everything will go according to plan. Buying this product in a store is a sign of dissatisfaction with your sex life.
  3. Aesop's dream book. The dough seen in a dream is a good sign that indicates that harmony and mutual understanding will still reign in the dreamer's family.
  4. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. The famous esoteric believed that this image in a dream predicts the receipt of a letter from distant lands. Moreover, if the dough outwardly looks good, then the news received will please the dreamer. A sour product indicates trouble with relatives.
  5. Dream Interpretation of Medea. Such a symbol, which appeared in night dreams, indicates the successful completion of affairs. If you dreamed that you were kneading the dough, and you did it perfectly, you can expect wealth, fulfillment of desires. A dream in which the yeast dough "runs away" is a sign of loss. Perhaps the dreamer made a mistake in some calculations, and the business he conceived will fail.
  6. Dream interpretation of the XXI century. Dough in a dream prophesies success in all endeavors, especially those related to housing issues.
  7. Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia. To knead this product in a dream means that in reality you are a good worker who honestly does his job, but, unfortunately, gets very little for it.
  8. Dream Interpretation Housewives. Dough in a dream - for profit. If a woman made pies out of it, then her wish will soon come true.
  9. Old grandmother's dream book. Kneading the dough in a dream means that in reality the dreamer hopes for a successful completion of the case. If a person eats this product in a dream, he will make a mistake that will lead to failure.
  10. Modern dream book. The dough that the dreamer kneads with his own hands means that he will be put in a very unsightly light. Moreover, he will be able to get out of this situation only if he overcomes his natural disgust.
  11. Wangi's dream book. The soothsayer Vanga assured that if a yeast dough was dreamed, then the dreamer would have to try hard to get out of the water, or rather, from the case in which he stupidly got involved.
  12. Greek dream book. Among the Greeks in ancient times, homemade bread was the prerogative of the rich, which is why the dreamed dough is considered a symbol of goodness, prosperity, and financial stability.

Successful yeast dough promises success in all endeavors, a good job offer

Who dreamed: girl, woman, man

For the interpretation of sleep, the dreamer's gender is very important:

  1. If in a dream a male person had to mess with the test, it means that a new romantic relationship awaits him.
  2. For a girl, a similar vision also predicts success in her personal life. Apparently, her chosen one will understand that only with her will he be happy and will make an offer to the dreamer.
  3. For a married woman, a dream in which she rolls out or kneads the dough prophesies the birth of a new life, that is, pregnancy. If the lady is already in position, then this plot predicts an easy birth for her. A dream in which the fair sex kneads the dough, and it turns into clay right before her eyes, prophesies ruin, poverty.

What was the dough in a dream: raw, puff, yeast

The interpretation of sleep depends on the type of product in the dream:

Puff pastry, dreamed up in night dreams, indicates that the dreamer grabs several things at once, but does not finish any of them. The interpreter advises not to try to overcome yourself, it is better to choose one thing and do this business to the highest standard. In addition, raw puff pastry in a dream it can say that the dreamer will soon be offered a very difficult task, but natural shyness will not allow him to refuse to do it.

A yeast dough in a dream indicates that you will soon be offered a very interesting job, but you will doubt whether it is worth taking on. The interpreter recommends that you definitely agree, because the business will not only be exciting, but also well paid, which will allow the dreamer to correct his financial situation. If the yeast dough prepared in night visions did not rise, it means that unexpected expenses will soon come.

Lush, good dough promises profit, good luck in business.

The dough, which sticks to the hands when forming the product, indicates that the dreamer is a respected person. People appreciate him for his kind heart and selflessness.

The dough rising in a dream symbolizes other people's secrets that burden a person.

If old man kneads the dough in a dream, which means that in reality a fun feast awaits him

What was cooked from dough in a dream: bread, dumplings, pancakes, pies

The meaning of the dream depends on what they were going to cook:

The rich dough for pies, which the dreamer kneaded in the kingdom of Morpheus, is the personification of a calm, prosperous life.

If in a dream you decide to bake bread and knead dough for this, it means that in reality you are a person who appreciates the blessings given by fate and does not waste his strength on nonsense.

Pancake batter means that a person, due to his stubborn nature, will fall into a bad story, which will be incredibly difficult to get out of. It is possible that for this you will have to involve one of the relatives or acquaintances.

If in a dream the dreamer decided to bake a muffin, but it constantly comes out raw, it means that he did not finish some important business that could affect his life.

A successful dumpling dough symbolizes a pleasant evening with relatives and friends. If the dreamer tries to make a dough, from which he will subsequently sculpt dumplings, but he does not succeed in any way, it means that in reality unrequited love awaits him. Moreover, relatives will only be happy about this, because they will not like the chosen one.

Dreamer's actions: knead, distribute, roll out the dough

Rolling out dough in a dream is a warning that the dreamer will need a lot of strength to achieve his goal.

The rolling pin used for rolling characterizes the sleeping person as a scandalous person who will not miss a reason to quarrel.

If you dreamed about how you got into a huge vat of dough and drowned in it, it means that in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation, which it is not possible to get out of on your own.

Making figures from dough - to receive a large amount. Baking products from cooked dough is a sign that the dreamer's actions will not go unnoticed.

Sculpt figures from dough - for profit

Buying this product in a confectionery indicates that the sleeper is not confident in his abilities and will ask other people for help to achieve his goal. hand out good dough - auspicious sign characterizing the dreamer as a sensitive person, always ready to help.

Who kneaded the dough: the dreamer or his grandmother

If the dough was kneaded in a dream, the interpretation depends on how it was done:

If the dreamer kneaded the dough himself, adding wheat flour? A person is aware of the mistakes made and will try to quickly correct them. Barley flour, which is added to the dough, personifies the piety of the dreamer.

Watching someone knead this product in a dream is a plot that characterizes the dreamer as overly shy person who does not even try to defend his rights;

If in a dream dead grandmother kneaded the dough, which means that relatives need to commemorate the deceased with pastries, which she loved to cook during her lifetime.

A dreaming grumpy woman who makes dough in the dreamer's house indicates gossip and intrigue. Moreover, the ill-wisher is a well-known sleeping person.

How kneaded: by hand or with the help of equipment

An important role in the interpretation is played by how the process of kneading the dough went:

  • if you dream that you knead the dough yourself by hand, it means that your financial situation will soon improve, a white streak will come in life;
  • knead with a special unit - the dreamer considers his life too ordinary, so in the near future he will plunge into the abyss of passions.

Despite the fact that some interpreters of dreams about the test give a negative interpretation of the plot, do not be upset. Prophetic dreams are very rare, in most cases night dreams are just a game of the subconscious, a reproduction of human emotions.

From century to century, dreams conveyed their meaning. A lot of literature will help to unravel this mystery. The main ones are dream books. Of almost all, if you see the dough, it means a good sign that accompanies a rich life. I dreamed that you were kneading the dough - you were justifying hopes in past and new affairs.

What do we need in real life to cook delicious favorite pancakes, pancakes, the most delicious fragrant crispy homemade bread or buns? This is dough. What will we do if in a dream we do what we do in reality? How to deal with the signs, their meanings and what can affect our lives in the future? To figure it out, you need to remember every tiny detail of sleep, and then turn to reliable sources.
We will try to understand all this further.

In a dream, knead the dough - what does it mean

According to many books, dough is a symbol of prosperity, a comfortable life.

  1. whipping a semi-finished product, according to the dream book of our time, means justifying hopes in future, past affairs;
  2. the spring dream book says that we are trying to impose suffering for children on ourselves;
  3. Aesopov writes - hard money times are coming;
  4. according to Freud - an initiative in sexual terms, the achievement of the desired;
  5. Vanga warns of the insolubility of the incidents of life.

Also, certain bakery products say different things:

  • stir sourdough for bread - for money;
  • on pies - peace of mind, peace of mind, success.

Why does a woman dream of kneading the dough with her hands? New love if you need to knead the mass with the earth - failure after failure will come into the dreamer's life.

Why dream of kneading the dough with the hands of a woman according to Miller - the beginning of a new personal life, yeast dough - the career growth of a sleeping person. The modern dream book speaks of the appearance of a child and a single woman will soon find her own family.
The dough of different dishes has different meanings:

  1. pancakes - to the meeting;
  2. dumplings, dumplings - passionate feelings;
  3. cookies are the best life turn.

But if you dream of hair in the test - a bad sign of hard everyday life.

Knead the dough with your hands in a dream - meaning

  • you experience the discomfort of new sensations - the dreamer stirs the batter with your hands.
  • a new acquaintance - for a man, a groom - for a girl, happy family life- for a married woman.
  • rapidly rising dough - the rapid development of sluggish life
  • gruel sticking to the hands will lead to poor development in business.

The dream book says new sensations in life, and the course of events often affects how fast you stir it.

  • endurance and patience means dough in the form of a ball.
  • see a rolling pin in a dream - everything will work out for you and success in your endeavors awaits.

See how the dough is kneaded - what does it mean

Why dream of kneading the dough? Let's figure it out further. Watching the process from the outside is taking care of the family and its money matters.
I dreamed of a good dough - waiting for you new job, bringing pleasure, increasing the financial situation.
And if the dough is flabby, then you will have to wait a bit for better times to start something.

Why dream of kneading dough for a man and a woman? Exist different interpretations various dreams. For him - love, new romantic meetings, for her - the most beautiful appearance of the firstborn in the world. Another vision of what is happening promises that guests will come to your house, that there may be difficulties in finances and that you will have to suffer in order to carry out your long-term conceived business.
Real life and dreams are completely different things, to find out what happened to us in a dream, the interpretation of the dream book will help us figure it out.


If you are trying to solve the misfortunes of life on your own, without shifting it to others, then in a dream you were definitely kneading the dough. You should shift some of the responsibility to others and life will score in a different, more fun way.
Everything is simple. Everything is going fine and the mass does not stick to your hands - your business will be fine. If the opposite is true, then disagreements and disputes await you at home and at work.

Pregnancy or feast?

Why else dream of dough? Kneading dough in a dream for a young woman is pregnancy, for an elderly woman it is a magnificent celebration. For a man, it is a new love interest.

Why does a woman dream of kneading dough if she put a dough - it means that life has prepared many amazing, best, breathtaking adventures.

Get ready!

Working with the batch is not easy - everything will be awkward for you and difficulties are provided for you. To avoid this, you will have to think more irrationally.
Why dream of kneading the dough with your hands is easy - you will have work for the soul, if it's hard - it will not be sweet at work and this business will not bring any profit.

What are you missing?

You love all kinds of adventures - in a dream it was like kneading batter for bread.
Lush flour mass - to wealth, tight - to lack.

Process features

The value of sleep largely depends on how the semi-finished product behaves:

  • The mass has risen - wealth and profit.
  • Did not rise - financial problems.
  • Swollen dough is a fast-moving movement of affairs.
  • Ran away - a lack of money.
  • Sour - someone will spoil your mood.


Why dream of kneading dough for pancakes? To the fact that you have to live poor, boring.
You knead unleavened dough for pancakes - you will have to try to achieve the goal. Yeast dough You are obviously addicted to alcohol.

Yeast and muffin

Judging by modern dream book yeast mass is a profitable job.
Grishna interprets it with a completely different meaning. You will have to achieve everything on your own with difficulty. A sweet dough - the achievement of mental peace.

Miller's explanation of sleep

Miller's dream book is considered one of the most reliable and correct. It says that the dough that rises promises the secret of other people's secrets that burden you. And if, all your mass has turned into clay, you will not see prosperity in money.

Various interpretations

Books for everyone say, whether it be a woman or a young girl - everything will be fine with them. A lot of bright hopes and dreams, pleasant meetings, new love interactions, pleasant secret letters, he portends to them.

Kneading the dough in a dream for a woman according to Jung's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a zalust, you are in for minor troubles. In the summer dream book, this product is a symbol of responsibility. To crush it is to calm another person close to you, a sourdough with a ready mass is dreaming of receiving unexpected guests.

What does it mean to knead the dough for a woman with her hands according to Astro dream book

Why dream of kneading dough for a woman and for a man - for the very best. Basically, these are dreams and new love adventures.

Why does a woman dream of kneading the dough with her hands a list of interpretations according to the Dream Interpretation of Prophetic Dreams

This dream book says that all your wishes will come true and you will experience true pleasure and bliss.

Why does a woman dream of kneading the dough with her hands a list of interpretations according to the Dream Interpretation of Prophetic Dreams

A man baking pies, the dreamer's poor foresight, you can put your affairs to the far corner.
So you and I found out all the details of why we dream of kneading the dough in a dream.

List of used literature:

  • Steiner E. S. "Unsteady bridge of sleep": dreams and dreamers in Japanese tradition// Proceedings of the "Russian Anthropological School": Issue 6 / Ed. coll.: E. M. Boltunova, K. V. Bandurovsky, A. V. Garadzha, I. A. Protopopova, E. V. Pchelov, A. I. Sosland. - M.: RGGU, 2009.
  • Eliade M. Myths, dreams, mysteries. Per. from English. - M.: REFL-book, 1996.
  • Jung KG Memories, dreams, reflections. Per. with him. - Kyiv: AirLand, 1994.

Dreams are of interest to many. If someone in night visions felt like a real culinary specialist: he cooked, kneaded the dough, then, upon awakening, he may become interested in the meaning of this dream. If you are curious about what the dough is dreaming of, then the full answer to this question can be found below.

Knead the dough in the realm of Morpheus

In general, dough in a dream is a good sign. Therefore, a person, waking up, can rejoice - such a dream portends good. Flour mixed with milk, eggs, prophesies the well-being and prosperity of the family. The very process of mixing these products in a dream warns that in reality a person will have to work hard on his plan. If he shows diligence, patience, then everything will work out.

As in reality, so in a dream, the dough must be monitored so that it does not turn sour. After all, if the hostess kneads the dough in a dream, and then forgets about it in the heat, it can quickly deteriorate. Therefore, in real life, if some important matter distracted from cooking, then the base should be put in the refrigerator. It will stay there much longer. The future base for pies put into the freezer will lie there for more than one day. Perhaps, any dough can be saved from souring in this way, but not as liquid as biscuit, batter. These types of confectionery labors in freezer are not removed. If there is no time to deal with batter, then it can be put in the refrigerator for some time, where the temperature is low. The dough will keep well. Seeing a spoiled semi-finished flour product in a dream - what is it for?

Let's save the dough from sourness, and ourselves from a predicament

These are the wisdoms so that the mixed product does not turn sour, it would be good to know not only the housewives, but also those who go to bed. Suddenly, at night in the kingdom of Morpheus, you want to cook pastries. If you make it from a test of excellent quality, then everything will be fine. But if the dough goes bad in a dream, it means that someone in reality will try to spoil your mood. Do not give him such an opportunity, remember during a nap what to do with the semi-finished product, if there is no time to bake it yet, and do it with the power of thought. Then a great mood for the next few days is guaranteed. And no one can spoil it.

Now it’s clear why you dream of kneading the dough that was about to turn sour - to a mood spoiled by someone. We saved him, but how to save yourself if you dreamed that you were drowning in a big tub of dough? You can try to do this too or try to wake up early. After all, such a dream portends in reality a predicament in which the dreamer can fall.

Baking from semi-finished flour in a dream

We figured out why we dream of kneading the dough. I wonder what it means when delicious confectionery is baked from it in a dream? This gives in reality the hope that the dreamer's efforts will certainly be rewarded. Moreover, the more beautiful flour products are in night dreams, the more encouragement for your work in reality can be expected.

To find out why the dough is dreaming, you can look into the dream book of housewives. Such a dream is interpreted here as success in the near future. Kneading the dough, according to this source, is a sign of profit, money, fulfillment of desires in reality. If the base ran away, then the dream book of housewives says that this is a loss and damage in business. He interprets the raw dough he sees as chagrin. And baking pies is like achieving your goal.

Why dream of rolling out the dough and how to do it

Rolling out dough in a dream with a rolling pin promises success, which a person will achieve on his own, without anyone's help. Dough stuck to the rolling pin? On the way to his goal, the dreamer will encounter obstacles. But he will overcome everything. Hold the rolling pin firmly in your sleep so that it does not fall. If this could not be avoided, and the kitchen tool slipped out of his hands, then for some time the owner of the dream will lose his fortitude, succumbing to circumstances.

The culinary dream book, speaking about what dreams of rolling the dough with a rolling pin in a dream, claims that this is a pleasant pastime. The dreamer will be able to have a great rest surrounded by household members. You don’t need to throw a rolling pin in a dream at anyone. Otherwise, a person may be unrestrained in reality, and he will certainly regret it.

Some more interesting interpretations of sleep

As in real life, so in the world of dreams, you need to try to be careful. Therefore, when you roll out a semi-finished flour product in the kingdom of Morpheus, do it with extreme caution. If in a dream you get dirty enough with the dough, then this can lead to an unpleasant or strange incident in reality. If you want a very important letter to arrive as soon as possible, then try to see in a dream not only the kneading process, but also how the dough came up. This action in reality can lead to some sensational news. It will most likely be enjoyable.

It is better not to eat dough in night dreams, because then in real life a person will be upset. If, after kneading, the sourdough is lush, then this promises the dreamer a profit. Yeast dough didn't rise? Expect in reality

What does Freud say about this?

The dream book, named after this famous psychoanalyst, states the following. If a person sees that he is kneading the dough himself, it means that in sex he prefers to be a leader, takes everything into his own hands, then he feels more confident. The dream book advises sometimes giving the role of head to a partner, then more thrills may appear.

Watching during night vision how the dough fits, according to this source, means a person is expecting a romantic date. And it will certainly be provided that the dreamer is patient and does not force events. Concerning personal life this dream book says the following: buying dough in a dream in a store means that a person is not satisfied with his sex life, and he is sure that the reason lies in his inexperience. The dreamer will want to change this, but pamphlets and books should not be trusted too much.

Why does a woman dream of dough

Culinary manipulations with flour, butter, milk, eggs that are mixed can be dreamed of by both sexes. The interpretations described so far are suitable for both women and men. But there are explanations for a dream that only a lady can dream of. If she was thinking the day before about what she needed to bake pies or make a great cake tomorrow morning, then such a night vision is understandable.

This action was seen, lying on a pillow, by a young woman - which means that a dream gives her hope for positive changes in her personal life. Soon she should wait for the arrival true love, and then marriage proposals. If a woman dreamed that she was diligently kneading the dough, and it gradually turns into a piece of clay, then such a dream could portend ruin.

The dream interpretation claims that kneading the dough in a dream is a favorable sign. What the symbol is dreaming of is associated with the warmth of the family hearth and prosperity. Interpreting some of the details of the dream will help you feel more confident in possible situations.

Miller's interpretations

Miller's dream book explains very simply why he dreams of kneading the dough. Seeing the yeast dough rise happens to those who find it difficult to keep something a secret. If you dreamed about how your mixture turned into an inedible substance, financial difficulties threaten. When in a dream cooking goes without incident, a romantic or friendly meeting awaits in reality.

Women's dreams

If a lonely woman in night dreams had to knead the dough, the dream book promises that her wedding is just around the corner. For a married dreamer, the interpretation of sleep promises replenishment in the family.

If you happen to see flour scattered on yourself and around, this only confirms the positive forecast. What a woman dreams about is associated with the successful overcoming of obstacles. The upcoming trials will turn into benefits and new experiences.

The dream interpreter considers it an unkind sign if a woman dreamed of a semi-finished product with hair. The image in a dream reflects fatigue from hopeless everyday life and warns that now is not the time to poke your nose into other people's business.

What shall we bake?

The process of rolling and shaping future baking is considered by the dream book auspicious symbol promising a house full of love and harmony. Some details should be taken carefully: they will tell you how to avoid trouble.

  • Kneading the dough from which pancakes are obtained happens on the eve of pleasant meetings;
  • The pancakes you baked in a dream portend the disclosure and use of abilities;
  • If the attempt to cook dumplings fails, ardent feelings will remain unanswered;
  • The dough to bake pies symbolizes a turning point for the better;

When a girl has to see herself with a rolling pin, the interpreter recommends refraining from irrepressible flirting for the sake of entertainment: such behavior can harm her reputation.

Cooking method

Freud's dream book offers a very curious explanation of why one dreams of kneading the dough with his hands. You are probably used to dominating while making love. The interpreter assures that you will discover something new for yourself if you transfer the initiative to a partner.

If you happen to cook dough with your hands, the dream book promises a generous reward for the merits of the sleeping person. At the same time, he recommends putting aside savings for a rainy day and preparing for the visit of guests.

Kneading the dough with your hands happens to seekers of romantic adventures and novelty. What you see in a dream may be a harbinger of another love interest or pregnancy.