Horoscope of Taurus woman: characteristics, appearance, career, love, marriage and family. Taurus woman: characteristics, main features, suitable partner

Taurus woman horoscope

Taurus woman: appearance

Taurus women, as a rule, have curvy and attractive feminine figures, they have a thin waist, rounded hips, big breasts. Even if they are overweight (and this is what most often happens), this does not spoil them at all. They are always charming and fresh, their movements are smooth and graceful, their soft, calm gaze is attractive. Taurus women have a well-developed sense of smell, they do not like to smoke, and they know how to choose the most suitable perfumes and cosmetics for their individual image.

Taurus woman - behavior characteristics

It is pleasant to communicate with women of this zodiac sign, they are smart, pleasant and subtle interlocutors, grateful listeners who do not allow themselves to speak rudely and categorically about anyone, they behave calmly, without showing unnecessary emotions. But if people start objecting to them, such ladies can quickly lose peace of mind. They respond adequately to reasoned claims and comments, but, as the horoscope warns, the Taurus woman is capable of transforming into a real fury if someone allows herself to be nagged over trifles or without any reason at all.

The greatest joys in the lives of women born under this sign are home, children and their favorite work. They strive for nature with all their souls, and if in Everyday life there is no possibility for this, they try to compensate for this circumstance by breeding indoor plants. The lifestyle of Taurus women cannot be called active; they were born for something completely different.

Zodiac sign Taurus - woman in work and career

It would be unfair to imagine these incredibly feminine creatures as white-handed and sissies. Taurus women love and know how to work, and are ready to devote a lot of time and effort to their favorite work. Strong will, incredible patience and excellent self-control help them achieve success. Taurus women strive to be well-off financially, so they try to choose activities that would bring them good income. At the same time, they choose what they really like, otherwise they simply will not be able to force themselves to work at full capacity and achieve the desired results. Taurus people don’t work “just like that”, sitting work time: They certainly need to feel satisfaction from the results of their activities.

Taurus woman in love

Most Taurus women are polygamous by nature and can have several partners at the same time. It is noteworthy that each of them can be equally dear to them, and they are afraid of losing each one. But, if a woman of this sign truly falls in love, the other half will have no reason to doubt her marital fidelity; she becomes a reliable and incredibly devoted friend.

Taurus woman in sex

Taurus women are famous for their femininity; tactile sensations and physical contact are extremely important to them. They do not like primitive sex - as well as any manifestations of artlessness. The ladies of this sign are very demanding in this delicate matter and can “drive” a man in bed to the point of a squeezed lemon, but at the same time, the partner will experience maximum pleasure and will not regret one bit that he got such a tireless girlfriend. The Taurus woman herself experiences no less range of sensations in bed.

Taurus woman in marriage

Many men dream of life partners like Taurus women in marriage. Many representatives of this zodiac sign They see it in arranging their family nest. The character of a Taurus woman does not allow her to marry just anyone; she places high demands on her future husband, but she herself becomes a reliable partner for him, an excellent mother of his children and a skillful, zealous housewife. Such a wife will never encroach on her husband’s self-esteem and will readily concede to him the right to be the head of the family. At the same time, she behaves with great dignity and does not allow anyone to humiliate the woman and person in her.

Zodiac signs: Taurus woman - mistress of the house

For the most part, Taurus women are excellent housewives; there are few of them in the Zodiac. Their house is always literally licked clean, but that’s not all: being the owners of a delicate taste, Taurus are able to skillfully beat the most unprofitable layout, create a beautiful and cozy interior, being limited by very modest financial resources. Their home always smells nice and there will most likely be a lot of flowers in it. These women are thrifty, do not allow themselves to waste money and manage to turn the house into a full cup, making sure that their loved ones do not need anything. They are always happy to receive dear guests, who will certainly be treated generously and tasty - but only if they came at their invitation.

Characteristics of a Taurus woman - mother

The importance of motherhood for Taurus women is difficult to overestimate. It is to children that such a mother tends to devote all her free time. Children can always count on her help - business, advice, moral support. The closeness of the relationship between mothers and children continues when they grow up. At the same time, the Taurus woman can be very, very demanding and even turn into a loving tyrant. However, what cannot be taken away from her is that she will show children by personal example what love and selfless devotion to family is.

Who is suitable for a Taurus woman according to the horoscope to start a family?

If the woman is Taurus, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Virgo - an excellent gift for a Taurus woman, but in this case it is better not to even think about jewelry. A win-win option - any beautiful, having aesthetic value items that decorate the home, workplace; for example, beautiful dishes, cute flower pots. People of the Taurus zodiac sign are very sensual, and if a gift is pleasant to the touch or emits a subtle aroma, then it will delight you doubly. It’s hard to make a mistake when giving a Taurus woman an original sweet gift, for example, a chocolate bouquet - she will certainly appreciate such an offering.

The Taurus woman stands firmly on her feet, largely thanks to her element of the sign - Earth. Practical, prudent, patient - she achieves everything with her intelligence and endurance. The Taurus woman is very rich inner world, however, she doesn’t show it to everyone.

One person who definitely doesn’t have to complain about the lack of attention from the opposite sex is the charming Taurus woman.

If she weren't so picky, men would line up in long lines to conquer this lady. She can safely be called a “real woman.”

She will be meek and obedient, not claiming a leading role in an alliance with a man.

The calm and soft look that the Zodiac endowed her with can captivate any gentleman. And she rarely denies herself the opportunity to diversify her personal life.

Such polygamy is possible only until the moment when Taurus decides to get married, since the compatibility of diversity in bed and lasting family union, in her opinion, is impossible.

The grace and attractiveness that the Taurus woman received from nature makes her noticeable among many others. This pleasant companion and charming companion is also distinguished by her smooth movements and soft voice. She is able to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, which is so much lacking in modern men.

She is always friendly towards others, and her pleasant manner of communication makes her a desirable interlocutor who is able to calmly listen to everything and will never allow herself to be harsh or rude. What also makes communicating with her interesting is her lively mind.

This is the kind of woman every man dreams of. Good compatibility with her is possible because of her ability to understand her role. That is, she knows well what a man is needed for and what exactly a woman should do. Take over male role she won’t want to, but she will do her feminine task with an “excellent” rating.

It is very difficult to piss off this confident person. But there are things that the Taurus sign will not tolerate. For example, objections. Such opposition may cause negative reaction on her part, especially if it is enhanced by the presence of an audience. Well, this woman will not tolerate public insult and humiliation and will not show better side of your nature.

If there are any complaints, then they need to be expressed in private and with compelling reasoning. She will take unfounded suspicions and teasing as insults and turn into a vindictive person.

In communication, the Taurus woman may seem close-minded. But you will make a grave mistake by underestimating her intelligence.

Yes, she often relies on her feelings and emotions, but this does not prevent her from seeing the truth. In addition, representatives of this sign are very practical; there is no idealist in them at all. They prefer to “have a bird in their hands,” which is especially applicable to the choice of a man.

The zodiac has endowed her with good taste, which she follows when choosing clothes. However, it is not necessary to go beyond your budget. She has a good sense of smell, which allows her to easily select perfumes.

Also, this sign is characterized by compatibility of good taste and luxury goods, to which such a lady is partial. Expensive furs and beautiful jewelry are always present in her image.

Particular emphasis is placed on the décolleté and neck area, because nature rarely fails to endow them with a chic bust.

Among the many fans surrounding her, the Taurus woman will choose her partner herself. She really doesn’t like being forced on her and is unlikely to be favorable to someone who puts pressure on her. You need to interest her so that she herself will come and choose you.

If you decide to conquer this impregnable fortress, then first evaluate your capabilities. If you don’t have beauty, splendor, impeccability and impressive financial security, then you don’t have to approach a lady born under the sign of Taurus, which is part of the Zodiac. She will most likely eliminate you as unworthy of her attention.

You can win her heart with beautiful and expensive gifts that she will appreciate. At the same time, there should be no tackiness and “gypsyism” in such gifts. Only exquisite taste can conquer her. Moreover, aristocracy should be present in everything: from the choice of wines to sex. She loves and enjoys making love. Therefore, poor compatibility in bed will not give such a would-be gentleman a single chance.

When you start a relationship, be prepared for the fact that the Taurus woman is a big owner. If she had been allowed, she would have covered her chosen one with property deeds and in capital letters wrote a warning:

“Don’t interfere, otherwise I’ll kill you!”

Of course, you shouldn’t expect smooth and cloudless relationships with representatives of this sign. And if you give her a reason to be jealous, then get ready. You will not see such revealing scenes in any of the Hollywood films. The same applies to the situation when a Taurus girl feels forgotten or abandoned. A home set can easily end up on the floor, smashed to pieces.

A man whose wife is a Taurus woman can be called lucky. She will allow her husband to feel what it means to be the “head of the family” without interfering with his acceptance important decisions. She will position herself as a support for her husband, who brilliantly copes with the house and children.

Taurus ladies are distinguished by their thriftiness. Her home will always be in perfect order, and a cozy atmosphere will be created by selecting interior items according to style.

Good taste and sophistication are the features that characterize her home. In addition, you will always be greeted by well-groomed flowers and a pleasant smell.

Thrift and economy characterize her farming style. Friends and acquaintances love to visit here, because the pleasant atmosphere at home and the wife, who is a role model, will always happily welcome guests.

Compatibility is truly possible in such a spouse:

  • a good housewife;
  • loving mother;
  • sensual lover.

She simply adores children and tries to devote all her free time to them. They always feel her support and support and know who to go to with their troubles and joys.

The Taurus woman loves to be around a lot of children and nature. Therefore, a country house with a small garden and farm will become a place of happiness and self-realization for her. She is not afraid of hard work and is always willing to do it when necessary.

The down-to-earth Taurus woman does not understand what platonic love is. How can you deny yourself such a pleasant pastime as sex? Her polygamy often manifests itself in the presence of several partners at the same time. And she sees nothing wrong with this.

Such a partner is ready to start a relationship with gradual rapprochement. The tenderness and patience of a man will then be royally rewarded. Foreplay and leisurely movement may create the impression that this woman is overly conservative and does not like experiments in bed. But this opinion is wrong. After a period of “getting used to”, you will be able to to the fullest appreciate the temperament and passion that this Zodiac sign has endowed.

Any action that a man performs in bed will also have an impact on the sensual response of his partner. And then she will require more active actions, for which, in fact, she was preparing.

Good compatibility in bed will be with a man who understands that a romantic atmosphere and surroundings are important to her. Dinner by the fireplace, and then sex on a lying skin - this is a great evening option for a Taurus lover. Sex for her is a stage on which she will happily play several roles. The transformation from a passionate seductress into a cold Snow Queen will be easy for her.

A Pisces man is convenient for a long-term relationship with a Taurus woman. Peace and quiet will be present in their home, and she can show character, for example, by dislocating his jaw. But he will idolize her anyway.

The Cancer man is capricious and subject to mood swings, but the stability that the Zodiac has bestowed on Taurus will be an excellent counterbalance to such behavior. The difficulties overcome at the beginning of acquaintance promise a long and lasting union.

A Capricorn man will be an excellent spouse for a pragmatic lady, which is a Taurus woman. Of course, we are unlikely to talk about deep feelings here, but a marriage of convenience will turn out to be reliable and long-lasting.

Virgo man and Taurus woman have good compatibility. She will fill the emotional emptiness in him, and he will smooth out possible conflicts and misunderstandings. And if necessary, he can cheer her up.

For two Taurus, the union will be built on a strong sexual attraction, although they will constantly “butt horns”.

The complete opposite is the Libra man and the Taurus woman. This union is doomed to collapse.

A night of sex with a Gemini man will be amazing and unforgettable, because his compatibility with a Taurus woman in this regard is very good. But the strong pragmatism of the partner will be boring for the frivolous Gemini.

Creating an alliance with Sagittarius will also be difficult. As soon as he begins to insist that his Taurus lady change her lifestyle, she will immediately prefer to leave him and look for a more flexible man.

The strong jealousy that the Zodiac endows Taurus and Scorpio will turn out to be an explosive mixture in their union. Such a couple is doomed.

The lack of commonality between the beautiful ladies of Taurus and Aries and Aquarius makes their union almost impossible.

But the brutality of the Leo man will become a “stop” sign for the gentle Taurus woman for further relationships.

Zodiac sign Taurus - general characteristics of the sign

Taurus is a sign of the Zodiac, Earth. It perfectly combines the love of life and the blessings that fate brings. There are such qualities as practicality and perseverance. Thanks to his skill and love of work, this sign manages to create for himself the most pleasant and comfortable conditions for a good life.

TO positive features character can be attributed to the ability to wait a long time for suitable conditions for something to appear (in family life Also). Taurus has a lot of patience, but learning something unknown is very difficult for them. It is difficult to adapt to an unfamiliar situation.

He has an excellent perception of beauty and has well-developed intuition. Before taking any action, you must analyze the whole situation as a whole. Doesn't believe in horoscope.

The Taurus woman's sign characteristics describe her as a slightly passive woman, waiting for the right situation. She would rather wait than start the hunt. He can work a lot and for a long time if he finds himself and can express himself. Considered one of the most hardworking signs.

All things that he considers beautiful will always be judged to high standards. How to understand that she will not like any action - do not doubt, she will not be ashamed to say it out loud.

Judging by the date of birth of her zodiac sign, she is endowed with communication skills and a good ear for music. She is very confident and attractive to the opposite sex. Her ideal job in life would be in the arts, real estate, or finance.

Features of the sign in relationships with men

Taurus woman compatibility in relationships - what are the features? She can easily charm men with her mystery. If you manage to get to know her better, the man will be fascinated, amazed by her passion and self-confidence.

Taurus is a possessive woman, and even at the beginning of a relationship, she is ready to attach a “do not touch” sign to her chosen one. How will Taurus behave in love if he is jealous? She manages to act out scenes of jealousy that would make the best Hollywood screenwriters jealous. If a man does not pay enough attention (in the Taurus woman’s opinion), she will immediately inform him about it. In order to enhance the effect of the conversation, he can break the dishes in the house.

If suddenly a breakup occurs for a not very serious reason (Taurus will not be able to forgive only betrayal) and the partner asks the question: how to keep Taurus, then the answer will be simple - romance, attentiveness and manners. Don't forget about flowers and invitations to dates again.

Which men are suitable according to the horoscope and their compatibility

While a woman is young, it is easy and simple for her to find ideal man among Capricorns and Virgos. In order for Taurus to be happy in marriage, it is enough for Virgo to have her own business and allow the woman to do her daily life the way she wants. How can Capricorn conquer Taurus? Only if he is much older than the woman.

Who is suitable for wonderful Taurus? The most the best men For a Taurus woman, the following are considered compatible:

  1. Cancers and Taurus are a successful couple. Cancer, like Taurus, does not really like frivolity and entertainment. They try to direct all their efforts to create a cozy and family nest. If conflicts occur, it will all be against the backdrop of Cancer’s mood. To achieve harmony in a relationship, Taurus must be more tactful, and Cancer, in turn, will appreciate how his chosen one behaves.
  2. Capricorn and Taurus are the key to a successful relationship. They are very similar to each other. The realism of Taurus successfully resonates with the patience of Capricorn. To save happy marriage, Taurus and Capricorn try to have the same interests.
  3. An ambiguous partner for life together are considered Pisces. Hardworking Taurus takes his partner's idleness seriously. Unfortunately, this often leads to conflict situations. However, in this tandem there is also positive sides– thanks to Pisces, Taurus develops creative abilities, and Pisces enjoys the reliability of Taurus. How to win back a partner who decided to leave - these two zodiac signs will be able to find a way out.

The following combinations are considered the worst options for living together:

  1. Aquarius and Taurus. Aquarius does not like possessiveness and this irritates him. Taurus will not be able to calmly perceive everything new that Aquarius will strive to learn.
  2. Gemini loves a fast life, and Taurus believes that he will be on time everywhere. In such couples, a relationship crisis often occurs. In order to love relationship were long-lasting and happy, Taurus needs to take more care of his partner, and Gemini needs to voice all his worries and worries.
  3. Sagittarius is considered a rather loving sign, and with its desire for new impressions and emotions it can quickly drive a Taurus woman crazy. In turn, Taurus annoys Sagittarius with predictability and regularity.

When starting a relationship, Taurus will definitely expect tenderness, patience and careful approach from a man. She wants to have fun in sex, and not quickly run through the wilds of erotic extreme.

Perhaps someone will think that Taurus is a conservative, but in reality this is not entirely true.

After foreplay in a relationship and in bed is over, the partner needs to come up with more and more new situations so that sex is not similar to the previous one.

How to behave with this zodiac sign

In order to have an answer to the question of how to seduce the man she likes, a Taurus woman does not need a textbook on flirting. This is her natural state. For a man to be fascinated by her, she simply needs to direct eroticism in his direction. How to make a Taurus fall in love with you? It’s enough just to remember a few mandatory rules: intelligence, manners, tenderness and courtship.

How to win a Taurus Woman? It's not difficult - you need to know that they are sensual. A man must have an expensive perfume, he must look attractive and neat in appearance, and he must speak pleasantly. All conversations should be on romantic topics. It is advisable to go on dates in the evenings. At the same time, not forgetting about flowers and manners.

What are they like in the family, attitude towards husband and children

The character of a Taurus woman helps to make her chosen one the happiest. She is ready to give him everything he wants: a comfortable and cozy life, practicality in relation to family finances, does not throw tantrums, does not arrange a showdown. It is believed that Taurus is a good and responsible mother. She is a wonderful wife, she will never cheat on her husband, she is distinguished by fidelity.

The disadvantages of the sign are few emotions and closedness. Therefore, if a man is temperamental, he will miss family scandals. Taurus will not make scenes of jealousy and will not exercise total control over the man. She can forgive light flirting, because she sometimes allows herself to flirt. However, you should not cheat on her - if she finds out, she will not be able to forgive.

Taurus are fanatical parents. IN in this case There are two sides to this attitude: positive and negative. The manifestation of tenderness and love can immediately be attributed to the positive. The child of a Taurus mother will always feel that he is loved, feel the support and support of his parents.

Unfortunately, the negative side includes excessive arrogance and disregard for others. This attitude of parents towards environment and children quickly adopt it.

If on the playground you meet a mother of a child who is ready to “cut her throat out” for her baby, you can be sure that you have met a Taurus woman.

What are they like in business or work?

Thanks to this positive quality Being practical and reasonable, the Taurus woman is considered an ideal employee. She is not afraid of doing routine work, it does not make her unhappy. Endowed with healthy ambitions, loves success. He always tries to achieve it in everything. Thanks to her determination, she quickly achieves what she has planned. In leadership positions, she is distinguished by her organizational skills; her work and the work of her departments are always performed with high quality.

A good quality for a manager is to never push his subordinate. Taurus believes that it is better to do the work slowly, but always with high quality. He has a calm and balanced character. He does not accept the appearance of intrigue at work; he believes that this significantly reduces the quality of work.

Other useful information

Despite pleasant impression, which the Taurus Woman produces on other people, she remains a skeptic and a misanthrope with strong nerves and a wonderful sense of humor. If Taurus finds himself in an environment that is not comfortable for him, he may get sick. Thanks to their gift of empathy, Taurus people make good psychoanalysts, healers, and mediums.

The health of a Taurus woman is excellent. Unfortunately, if she does not fully treat minor ailments that may occur, this threatens the appearance of chronic diseases. The weakest points are the ear, nose and throat, legs, back.

The best vacation for her is considered to be a dacha or a village. Proximity to the earth allows you to give her peace of mind and charge her with new strength for new tasks.

The financial side of Taurus’ life is to acquire and accumulate everything that can bring comfort. In order to have a good rest, you need to work hard. Taurus has an excellent ability to manage wisely financial flows. Despite the fact that money for Taurus is not an end in itself, she values ​​it because it helps provide her with reliability, security and stability in her life.

Has excellent inner strength. Smart enough to show a man superiority over him. Does not like to get involved in conflicts that relate to leadership in relationships.

Gifts for a Taurus woman are the easiest thing possible. She will definitely appreciate a practical gift. Despite her practicality, she will definitely be delighted with beautiful jewelry (do not forget that the Taurus woman has excellent and refined taste and appreciates luxury and solidity). The ideal option is gold or silver jewelry, which may have inserts made of natural stones.

Jewelry as a gift for Taurus - forget about it and never remember it. Good gifts Items that will help decorate your home are considered.

Don't think that a Taurus woman has no flaws. Negative quality, which can ruin her life, is considered to be her stubbornness. By nature, Taurus has the inclination to argue with everyone who doubts that she is right.

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She focuses on feelings as a way to arouse her. But you are extremely mistaken if you think that she will bring her slow and steady nature into the bedroom, because it will be really hot in the bedroom with her. She becomes attached to the partner she likes, body and soul. She will delight your senses and soon enough you will be floating with her on the waves of love in her very comfortable bed (all Taurus women have luxurious beds). Taurus women are also great cooks, so don't be too surprised if food is used for foreplay. You will try chocolate covered strawberries and whipped cream in bed with her.

The Taurus woman loves massage, hugs and frequent sex. She indulges in the beautiful things in life that she associates with her feelings. Her stamina is impressive, so you better get some rest before messing around with this woman. She can have sex until the sun comes up. She will leave her body satisfied in many different ways.

You will always be physically satisfied with her. She will make everything comfortable for you: pleasant smells of strawberries and vanilla, and when she touches your skin, so soft and erotic, you feel like you are about to explode with passion. But she will make you wait, because... The Taurus woman is never in a hurry. She needs time to remember and study your entire body, and you will definitely fall in love with her. Most Taurus women are soft and curvy, and ultra-feminine. She will really love it when you admire her Aphrodite physique.

If you want to impress a Taurus woman on a date, you'll need a little more than witty chit-chat.

She want good food in a chic restaurant, beautiful flowers, delicious smells surrounding her. She won't be impressed by the "quippy talker" who is trying to impress her with his words. She wants something a little slower, relaxing and comforting, something that chirps away about nothing. She needs a wealthy man who has a lot common sense, which will pay bills on time and warm you with its warmth at night.

She can be very jealous at times, so make sure you keep your eyes and attention on her. She is long-suffering, but if a Taurus woman loses her temper, it will be like an earthquake. The Taurus woman is also the most stubborn of the zodiac signs, so it is better to agree with her than to argue. This woman is extremely practical, although she doesn't worry too much. If you want a woman who makes you laugh, practical, always predictable, not a crybaby or pretentious; this is the girl for you.

There is something so traditional and strong about the Taurus woman. She loves to aesthetically please those who come to her bed, and can completely give her body to a more dominant man. She wants him to be slow, voluptuous and sensual. She's a decent girl and will wait patiently the right person to make love to him. A man who is good in bed will be at the top of her list of importance. Such a woman will give herself completely to her ideal soul mate and will literally pour all her love and passion onto him. She is a real woman who needs a real man.

Dress in soft colors. Give her the scents of fresh flowers and sandalwood incense. Turn to her taste: erotic foods are aphrodisiacs, like oysters and chocolate. Don’t forget that women love with their ears, especially the Taurus woman, so put on beautiful, calm music and whisper pleasant words to her. Touch her gently, letting her feel your skin. Do all this and the Taurus woman will be yours in no time.

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Taurus is a woman with incredible sexual attractiveness. She perfectly masters the art of seduction and skillfully plays the game with a man. Their self-confidence attracts representatives of the opposite sex, and all women envy their intuition, sociability, erudition and ability to control the situation.

Taurus is the woman everyone loves

This person is possessive by nature. Not having had time to meet a man, she considers him hers and will never give him into the wrong hands. All the novels of these women are filled with passion, constant scandals and quarrels, followed by an equally passionate and stormy reconciliation. The Taurus woman is very jealous. When angry she is like an angry bull. Girls born under this zodiac sign have a keenly developed sense of self-esteem, and if anyone dares to doubt the uniqueness and perfection of this person, they will soon regret it. These women are quite cunning and insightful. They understand people well and will not tolerate hypocrisy either from the man they love or from their friends. A girl who has found her soul mate changes radically and turns from a cruel, daring bull into a sweet cow. The symbiosis of such character traits as passion and tenderness overwhelms her from the inside, and if the Taurus woman does not find a person in time to whom she can give this whole storm of emotions, she will feel bad and uncomfortable. This girl needs a strong, self-sufficient man who can tame her, make her calmer and more homely. A Taurus woman will never choose a spineless henpecked man who does not have his own opinion. The young man created for this lady must have not only strong-willed, truly masculine character traits, but also good capital. Ladies are used to getting everything from life and being behind their chosen one like behind a stone wall. Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Virgo - these are the men a Taurus woman can marry.

Sex in the life of Taurus

For representatives of this zodiac sign, intimate relationships play a very important role. When meeting and first meeting, a girl does not let a man get too close to her, trying to determine whether he can be trusted. A man who is careful, patient and gentle will be allowed to the body of this lady. Taurus people love sex and want to enjoy it to the fullest. They are ready for any experiments with a person they can rely on and tell about all their fantasies. Also, physical contacts, hugs, kisses, spankings are also important for a Taurus woman. During an intimate meeting, the surroundings that surround them are very important to these ladies. Girls love romantic evenings with beautiful music, champagne and candles. It is also worth mentioning one secret that drives almost all Taurus crazy - the smell of expensive men's perfume. Feeling the aroma of a male, these ladies can surrender almost immediately.

Taurus woman. Luck stone

Each zodiac sign has its own stone that brings goodness to the home. For Taurus, this stone is agate. Onyx, cacholong, lapis lazuli, agate, zircon and rose quartz are also suitable