Fatal prophecies of the monk Abel. Russian Nostradamus. Predictions of clairvoyants of the world for Russia. America was doomed. Clairvoyant and biblical prophets about the imminent end of the United States. Prophecies about the future of Russia

In 2013, there was a change of eras: the era of Pisces left and the era of Aquarius came. Each era has its own worldview. Worldview, a system of views on the objective world and a person’s place in it, on a person’s attitude to the reality around him and to himself, as well as the basic life positions of people, their beliefs, ideals, principles of cognition and activity, value orientations conditioned by these views.

Over the past two thousand years, such a turning point "programming" was the alignment of the planets at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, at the beginning of the Piscean era. It was then that the spiritual foundation of the coming era was laid: a new religion arose - Christianity. The Age of Pisces assumed such views that are based on the ideals and emotions of people. Therefore, the worldview of Pisces corresponded to religious forms. But in humanity there has been a significant breakthrough, caused by the awakening of independent thinking, from the plane of emotions to the plane of the mind. Therefore, the attention of people turned from religion to science! Science is now considered the leading authority for most people. The Age of Aquarius will reinforce the scientific worldview.

In many revelations and futurological forecasts that have come down to us from the past, it was Russia that was assigned the role of the next "Noah's Ark" for humanity. No matter how skeptical people are about soothsayers, it seems amazing that all of them - famous or not - said that the "huge northern country" would play a fateful role and save all of humanity. On the special role of Russia in different times many domestic thinkers have said.

For the first time, the idea that it was our country that would illuminate the world with the Divine light of grace, and that its capital would become the Third Rome, sounded back in the 16th century. The monk Philotheus of the Eleazarov Monastery wrote that the history of mankind would end after the astonishing rise of Russia. Thinkers of various stripes regularly returned to this topic - from the religious mystic-philosopher N. Fedorov to the theorists of Leninism. Philosopher V. Solovyov has prepared for the country the role of the so-called "third force", which will be able to give world history and culture some "special content".

All this could have been forgotten, but in the 20th century the topic received an unexpected continuation - from the lips of well-known soothsayers, one after another, concrete predictions began to sound regarding the special role of Russia in planetary history.

Rano Nero(XIV century) in the book of his prophecies "The Eternal Book" predicted the appearance in Russia (in the northern country of the Hyperboreans) of the religion of Fire and Light: “The religion of fire and the sun in the 21st century will know the march of victory. She will find support for herself in the northern country of the Hyperboreans, where she will be revealed in a new quality.

P.A. Florensky, an outstanding mathematician, philosopher, theologian, art critic, prose writer, engineer, linguist, state thinker (1882-1937) predicted the following about faith: “It will no longer be an old and lifeless religion, but the cry of those who are hungry for the Spirit.”

F.M. Dostoevsky wrote: “The Russian national idea, perhaps, will be a synthesis of those ideas that Europe develops with such persistence, with such courage in its individual nationalities”. (PSS, v.18 p.37).

Edgar Casey."Memories": “The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, to free them from selfishness and gross material passions, to restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom. Hope will come from Russia into the world - not from the Communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from a free Russia! Years will pass before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope.

Jane Dixon writes: “The hope of the world, its revival will come from Russia and will have no connection with what communism is. It is in Russia that the most authentic and great source of freedom will arise... It will be a completely different way of existence, based on a principle that will become the basis of a new philosophy of life.”

Dennion Brinkley, another American soothsayer, said: Watch out for the Soviet Union. What happens to the Russians, the whole world expects. What is happening in Russia is the basis of what will happen to the economic freedom of the world.”

Oswald Spengler: “The Russian spirit marks the promise of the coming culture”... Spengler even sees that the Russian people will give the world a new religion. This is a natural process of evolution.

Mavis, Italian fortune teller : "Russia is very interesting country with an interesting future. Nothing terrible will happen in Russia, but her whole life will go differently. Russians are the most spiritualized people by origin and purpose. It is the Russians who will initiate the rebirth of the whole world. A cardinal restructuring of the consciousness of earthlings will affect all economic processes. I won’t say that money will stop playing a big role… But the principles of the economy will change. No one imagines how deep the changes will be ... "

Tamara Globa: “The whole world knows that the future belongs to Russia, that the light from Russia will go all over the world. Russia will give the world a new, spiritual model of life - suitable for everyone".

Rev. Lavrentiy Chernigovskiy (+1950): “There will be a spiritual explosion in Russia! Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will constitute a mighty kingdom. The Orthodox Tsar, God's Anointed One, will nourish him. Thanks to Him, all schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia.”

Phenomenon Rev. Seraphim of Sarov (2002): “What I say tell everyone! The war will begin immediately after my holiday. As soon as the people subside from Diveevo, it will start right away! But I'm not in Diveevo: I'm in Moscow. In Diveevo, having risen in Sarov, I will come alive together with the Tsar. The wedding of the Tsar will be in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir.

Saint Theophan of Poltava, 1930: « Monarchy and autocratic power will be restored in Russia. The Lord chose the future King . This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. He, first of all, will put things in order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place ... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Spirituality in her (Russia) will be reborn and triumph. But the Orthodoxy that was before will no longer be. God Himself will put a strong and wise King on the Throne.”

Prot. Nikolai Guryanov(+ 24.08.2002). In 1997, a woman asked the priest: “Father Nikolai, who will be after Yeltsin? What are we waiting for?" - After there will be a military - answered Father . - And what will happen next? - the woman asked again . - After there will be a King from the People - Just and Wise! Father Nicholas said.

Eight prophets and seers at once speak with one voice about the inevitability of Russia's return to one form or another of the monarchy. These are St. Basil the Blessed, Vasily Nemchin, Seraphim of Sarov, monk Abel, Theophan of Poltava, Lavrenitiy of Chernigov, monk John, monk Agafangel. But only one of them names the time of this event.

Recorded in chronicles St. Basil's words:“For a whole century Russia will live without a tsar, and the rulers will destroy many churches. Then they will be restored, but only the people will undertake to serve not God, but gold.”

Thus, the time of the restoration of the monarchy falls somewhere in 2017.

Indirectly, this date or close to it is confirmed Vasily Nemchin's prediction:"The most terrible for Russia ten tsars will come for an hour." Since the revolution, exactly ten people have already been the rulers of Russia. Medvedev is tenth. As you can see, their time is running out.

It is also curious that it is in 2017 that the term of the future president of Russia will end.

The prediction of the astrologer and clairvoyant Yuri Ovidin:“There is already a Representative of the Universe on earth, he will create a religion of the future based on the idea of ​​spiritual purity and universal order…”

Predictions of the French clairvoyant and astrologer Maria Duval: “Against the backdrop of a global depression, an exceptionally bright future awaits Russia and an enviable fate awaits the Russians - it is Russia that will be the first to get out of the crisis, stand firmly on its feet, acquire a strong army, continue its development and even lend money to many European countries ... All of humanity stands on on the threshold of the birth of a new world, in which new inventions await us, including a cure for old age, which increases life expectancy up to 140 years, and it is Russian scientists and Russian researchers who will play a key role in all these discoveries and inventions.

Clairvoyant Vanga predicted in 1996: “A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear in Russia, and he will rule Russia all his life ... The new teaching will come from Russia - this is the most ancient and most true teaching - will spread throughout the world and the day will come when all religions in the world will disappear and be replaced this is new philosophy Fiery Bible - universal peace, order and harmony. Socialism will return to Russia in new form where everyone will find what is dear to him. In Russia there will be large collective and cooperative agriculture, and the former will be restored again Soviet Union, but the union is already new, on a truly spiritual basis and natural laws. Russia will grow stronger and grow. No one can stop Russia, there is no such force that could break Russia. Russia will sweep away everything in its path, and not only survive, but also become the sole undivided "mistress of the world", and even America in the 2030s will recognize the complete superiority of Russia. Russia will again become a strong and powerful real empire, and will again be called by the old ancient name- Rus".

Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce predicted:“The 20th century will not have time to end yet, as the collapse of communism will come in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will not progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, after 2010, the former USSR will soon be reborn, but it will be reborn in a completely new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world and new life. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world. Each person will live for the sake of his neighbor. And this principle of life was born precisely in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes. However, it is Russia that will give the whole world this hope. The new Leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power. This will happen thanks to his knowledge of the laws of nature and the power of new, completely unique technologies that no one else will have to resist him. And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him. His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the entire race of people have dreamed of throughout their existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and his associates to become fantastically strong and powerful almost like Gods, and his intellect will allow him and his associates to become practically immortal ... He will revive the Religion of Reason and Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create throughout the world the centers of a new culture and a new technological civilization ... His home, and the home of his new race, will be in the South of Siberia...«.

Astrological forecast of astrologer Sergey Popov: “In 2011-2012, Uranus will leave the sign of Pisces, and Neptune will leave the sign of Aquarius - this will end the period of “prosperity” of the current Russian oligarchic elite, new people will come to power in Russia, patriotically oriented and in mental potential corresponding to the tasks facing Russia. Russia is a global locomotive of development, pulling everyone else along with it, a monopoly on the latest technologies will pass to it, Russia will have a “bright future” and a period of prosperity. It is to Russia that the Center of World Politics will shift.”

“Who places the kings of the earth on the throne?writes about. John of KronstadtHe Who is one from eternity sits on a fiery throne, and alone reigns over all creation - heaven and earth ... The kings of the earth are given royal power from Him alone ... therefore, the king, as having received royal power from the Lord ... must be autocratic. Shut up, you dreamy constitutionalists and parliamentarians! Get away from me, Satan! Only the king is given from the Lord power, strength, courage and wisdom to manage his subjects.

"We have prophecy of the greatest saint of God, St. Seraphim of Sarov about the fact that Russia, for the sake of the purity of Orthodoxy professed by it, the Lord will have mercy on all troubles, and it will exist until the end of time, as a strong and glorious power ... The Lord will restore Russia, and She will again become great and will be the most powerful stronghold in the world for the coming struggle with the Antichrist himself and all his hordes.(From the book "Russian Ideology" by Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev)

Saint Theophan of Poltava(Rector of St. Petersburg Theological Academy), wrote : "You ask me about the near future and the future last times. I am not talking about this from myself, but what was revealed to me by the Elders. The coming of the Antichrist is approaching and is already very close. But before his arrival, Russia must be reborn, albeit for a short time. There will be a king, chosen by the Lord Himself. And he will be a man of ardent faith, deep mind and iron will. This is what was revealed to us about him. And we will wait for the fulfillment of this revelation… It is drawing near.”

Prophecies of the 14th-century seer Vasily Nemchin:“From the troubled kingdom, 10 Kings will rise. And after them there will be a different person, different from all the previous rulers, he will be a sage and esoteric, who owns secret knowledge, he was mortally ill, but he will completely heal himself - the “Great Potter”. He promulgates the concept of the New State, built exclusively on an absolutely independent economy, based solely on self-sufficient principles. The Great Potter will come to the very pinnacle of Russian power when two fives come together personally with him. Under the "Great Potter" there will be a union of 15 leaders who will create a New Great Power. The state of Russia will be recreated within new borders.”

The supreme rulers of Rus' themselves, the Grand Dukes and Tsars of All Russia, were aware of their responsibility to Christ, the King of Kings, and looked upon themselves as servants of God: "Ah, therefore, — writes St. John Bishop of Shanghai, — Russian tsars were not tsars "by the will of the people", but tsars "by the Grace of God". “... If we want the salvation and revival of Russia, — writes Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev, - then we must strive in every possible way to ensure that we again have an autocratic tsar, the Anointed of God, who, as the soul of the Russian people, will revive Russia, and she will again become great and glorious for the fear of all her enemies, for the happiness of her people. Let's not be embarrassed by such a widespread opinion that the autocratic system in Russia, as it were, has already outlived its usefulness. This opinion is directed against Holy Scripture in order to destroy His saving influence on us. After all, the royal, autocratic power in Russia was based on the words of Holy Scripture. And these words are the verbs of eternal life(Jo. 6, 68)."


You have already read a lot of the predictions of Russian prophets, but what do clairvoyants from other countries say about Russia. The Internet magazine UFO MIR has prepared a translation of the prophecy about the revival of Russia by the famous clairvoyant China Yijin, let's see how people from another country look at our country.

  1. Prophecy: In the next leap year, Russia will dominate Eastern Europe and even more countries than it did during the collapse of the Russian Empire.
  2. Prophecy: Russia will follow its old communist traditions in order to establish a new world regime, and also revive communist internationalism within the framework of global strategic integration.

Predictions about Russia from 2014 to 2034

  • 2014-2016 years, Russia annexed the territory of Crimea, which previously belonged to Ukraine.
  • 2017-2019 gg. Russia will move into close relations with North Korea takes part in the decision nuclear issue North Korea.
  • 2020-2022 years, Russia concludes an important strategic treaty with North Korea, Korea becomes one of Russia's spheres of influence.
  • 2023-2025 . Between Europe and Russia there is already a zone of economic cooperation between the EU and Russia Saudi Arabia and other countries of the Persian Gulf are still controlled by the United States. The self-consciousness of Russians has grown significantly.
  • 2026-2028 . Russia and Japan form an alliance. Japan and Russia on northern territories Japan and the Kuriles signed an agreement on the borders of states, a century-long conflict ended in reconciliation.
  • 2029-2031 . The Russian tsarist dynasty, as well as the legacy of the tsarist era, was increasingly used to enhance the image of the country.
  • 2032-2034 . Russia has become a key world leader.

Commentaries on the prophecies

After 15 years of the war on terrorism, the US was heavily indebted and difficult to repay, and thus the US could no longer play the role of peacekeeper. Trump has publicly stated that the United States is no longer the world's policeman. On the other hand, there is the EU, which is self-sufficient.

Also many countries want European integration. Therefore, the entire center of world leadership is gradually shifting. Russia thus opens up new opportunities. That is why Russia has gradually entered the European arena over the past five years.

Philippine President Dutti said:“Being friends with Russia and China is extremely important. We see the United States and Europe now leading the world, but their power is waning.”

Spirituality and national forces of Russia are the basis for the revival

A great goal is the stimulus for great accomplishments. If you are motivated, you will do everything smoothly. Gentlemen, you must restrain evil thoughts, preach good ideas, and submit to the good will of our destiny.

Prophecy: Spiritual and national forces, which will gradually receive international recognition, will help in the revival of Russia. There is a pattern of empire. They will return to the ancient Russian era, advocating the integration of foreign civilian population and attracting Third World countries to cooperate with Russia.

Numerology predicts Russia, support from the laws of the universe

The path of the revival of Russia, according to predictions, will take place as follows. This is worth reading carefully.

There are many prerequisites for rebirth from the side of basic numerology: a large phase corresponds to the "Law", which means that we are provided with comprehensive support, that is, the achievement of the goal is guaranteed. This blessing is energetically strong, and it is also clear that it is carried out in accordance with the rules and timing of needs. environment, so its effect is soft and smooth, and does not disturb the natural course of events.

Favorable time for military expansions

God bless you (if you are in a war zone, you can naturally escape). If Kyrgyzstan supports us, no unpleasant circumstances are foreseen in the east.

Prophecy: if Russian military operations expand into new territories, if there is a war, there will naturally be a favorable situation on the world stage, and there will be no adverse events. Therefore, this is the time of Russian military expansion.

  1. In 2014-2016 - the time of exploitation of the Russian military expansion.
  2. 2014-2016 This year, Russia annexed Crimea, which belongs to Ukraine.
  3. 2032-2034. Russia has become a key world leader.

Weak national ideology of Russia

Important: A slight tension in the east will not lead to the fact that Russia will send troops to Kyrgyzstan.

Prophecy: Russia will use very minor but important exchanges of national territories. They will be used as springboards to break through the defenses of countries in preparation for integration with Russia. For example in Kyrgyzstan.

  • 2029-2031. Image Russian state has undergone a huge transformation. The Russian tsarist dynasty and the legacy of the tsarist era is used to enhance the image of the country.

Relations with Japan

Russia and Japan form an alliance favorable to both countries

Such simple steps towards a meeting will help show the people of the whole world a real face, as opposed to the image created by the West.

  • Prophecy: Russia and Japan form an alliance, taking a step forward, Russia shows the true face of nobility when interacting with Japan, thanks to which it receives recognition from the whole world.
  • Prophecy: 2026-2028. Russia and Japan form an alliance. Japan becomes the cause of an unspoken rivalry between the United States and Russia. Japan and Russia came to an agreement on the issue of the state border in the Kuriles.

Relations with Europe

There is a problem with internal integration in Europe. What is favorable for Russian interests

More and more European leaders are in favor of leaving the EU. The future of the European Union, which is losing prestige in the international arena, depends only on them.

Prophecy: Russia will take advantage of the problems of internal integration in Europe. Germany, France and the UK will actively propose the creation of a special zone for mutually beneficial trade with Russia. The US is strengthening its control in the Middle East. Russia is creating a powerful impetus to start a new Eurasian cooperation.

2023-2025. Strong ties are being created between Europe and Russia, reappearance Germany, France in the international arena is only due to cooperation between Russia and the EU, DC proposes to start negotiations on cooperation between the US and Russia, despite the objections of the ruling Democratic Party. The understanding of Russia's role in the world among its citizens has grown significantly.

Relations with the USA

The United States has large financial obligations and can do nothing about it. Russia cannot miss its chance and mobilizes all available resources to achieve its goal.

Prophecy: Russia will defeat the superpowers of the United States and fight with all its might in the struggle for local spheres of influence.

2020-2022 Russia will acquire as an ally North Korea, which becomes its sphere of influence. The efforts of the United States over the past twenty years have not brought significant results. Under a cooperation pact with Japan, Russia is moving forces to China's northeastern border, and the shadow of a long-standing dispute over the status of Manchuria is gradually rekindled.

Residents of San Francisco and other cities on the US Pacific coast opposed the intervention of the United States in subsequent conflicts.

Relations with China

Internal and foreign policy in China are in crisis. Favorable time for territorial treaties.

Military intervention in the northern regions of China will also right decision if the situation becomes more difficult.

  • Prophecy: It is true that Russia and China are simply in contact with each other and want to peacefully resolve the situation in northern China, which may be in a difficult phase.
  • Prophecy: 2017-2019 Russia will move into close relations with North Korea. Will take part in solving the nuclear problem of North Korea.

What do you say is true or not? Leave your opinion in the comments.

Photos from open sources

Vanga's early prediction in 1960:

“Although now your country is called the Soviet Union, but the time will come when the old Russia will again find its true name. And then everyone recognizes its spiritual superiority. But first your country will go through a series of great cataclysms.

At that time, your children and grandchildren will live. The new times are marked by many signs that will begin to appear by the year 1990. There will be big changes in people's lives. People will change beyond recognition.

Natural disasters will shake the earth, misfortunes will occur everywhere and affect all nations.

Bad people will prevail, and thieves, informers and harlots will be countless.

Feelings will be completely devalued, and only pretense, vanity and selfishness will encourage most people to relationships. Usury will flourish everywhere.

The sign of the beginning of the apocalypse will be the coming to power of a black king in the west and two kings in your country.

And although this alliance at first will seem strong, it will be destroyed.

There's going to be a great water disaster in North America man-made. The undercurrents will stop, and the winds will bring to the whole earth, first terrible heat and fires, and then severe cold.

A third world war will come from the east. At first it will be a small war, but then it will take over the whole world and then nuclear weapons will be used.

The American continents will become uninhabitable for a long time.

But in Russia there will be a civil war and they will start it simple people robbed by their rulers.

Various plants and animals will disappear. All religions will lose their power.

Then an epidemic of an unknown disease will begin.

People's feelings will become so aggravated that evil people who consider themselves smart will perish. A lot of people will die. Others will lose their minds and attack each other and eat each other alive like wild animals. There will be few people on earth.

Russia will be the ruler of the whole earth. …

A new teaching will come from Russia - this is the most ancient and most true teaching - will spread throughout the world ...

The final peace will be established by 2040. »

This war of the world, perhaps of the entire New World Order, against Russia will be terrible in its consequences for humanity, claiming billions of lives. The reason for it will be painfully recognizable - Serbia. After the resurrection of Russia there will be a third World War and it will begin in Yugoslavia. The winner will be Russia, the Russian Tsardom, which will be able to establish lasting peace and prosperity on earth after the war, although it will not conquer most of the lands of its opponents.

Matrona of Moscow - a blind holy woman predicted exactly all the events that happened in Rus'. A year or two before the Great Patriotic War she said, “The war is about to begin. Many people will die, but our Russian people will win. She knew that Russia would go through times of unbelief, but she predicted that the Lord would not leave Russia, and the better times: “Believers will be few. The people under hypnosis, not their own, a terrible force came into action. Formerly people they went to churches, wore a cross, and houses were protected by images, lamps. Life will get worse and worse. Heavy. The time will come when they will put a cross and bread in front of you, and they will say - choose!

If the people do not repent, then they perish and disappear from the face of the earth. But Russia has existed and will continue to exist. The Lord will not leave you and will keep our land!”

St. Theophan of Poltava, confessor of the Royal Family, made a prophecy in the 30th year of the last century: “What no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it. But the Orthodoxy that was before will no longer be...

John of Kronstadt:

“The Russian people have ceased to understand what Rus' is! She is the footstool of the Throne of the Lord.”

F.M. Dostoevsky wrote:

“The Russian idea, perhaps, will be a synthesis of those ideas that Europe develops with such stubbornness, with such courage in its individual nationalities” (PSS, vol. 18 p. 37).

The great writer, critic and patriot of Russia V.G. Belinsky wrote:

"In the future, we, in addition to the victorious Russian sword, will put Russian thought on the scales of European life."

From the prophecies of the monk Abel, who spent more than twenty years in three fortresses and six prisons for prophecies about the death of Russian monarchs: ... ancient life by the time of the Equal-to-the-Apostles, he will learn his mind-reason by bloody conversation. The smoke of incense and prayers will fill and flourish like a heavenly krin. A great destiny is destined for her. That is why she will suffer, in order to be cleansed, and to kindle the light for the revelation of tongues...”.

Paracelsus' prediction:

“There is one people that Herodotus called the Hyperboreans - the progenitors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations- arias, which means "noble".

The current name of the original land of this ancient people is Muscovy.

Hyperborea in their turbulent future history will know a lot - both a terrible decline with a great variety of various disasters and a powerful great prosperity with a great variety of all kinds of blessings, which will come at the beginning of the 21st century, i.e. before 2040."

The 1930 prophecy of St. Theophan of Poltava:

“Something that no one expects will happen, Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised ... That Orthodoxy that was in Russia before will no longer exist, but the true faith will not only be reborn, but will also triumph ... "

Predictions of the monk Ragno Nero in the 14th century:

“A new universal religion of Fire and Light will appear in Russia in the Northern Land of the Hyperboreans... The Religion of the Sun (Fire and Light) in the 21st century will know a victorious procession, and it will gain support for itself in the northern Land of the Hyperboreans, where it will be revealed in its new quality.”

Predictions of 1996 by the clairvoyant Valeria Koltsova:

“A huge tsunami wave will cover New York and all cities on the East Coast of the United States. A hysterical terrible panic will begin in America, people will be urgently evacuated and relocated to other cities ...

And from then on, a gradual but inevitable flooding of the oceans of the lands of North America and Western Europe will begin ...

During this period of economic crisis and natural disasters, a “black” President will rule in the United States, and at the same time, against the backdrop of a depreciated dollar and the Economic Crisis, not just riots will take place in the United States, but real uprisings and truly revolutionary events ... "

American clairvoyant Danton Brinkley:

“Follow Russia - which way Russia will go, the rest of the World will follow the same way”

American clairvoyant Jane Dixon:

“The natural disasters of the early 21st century and all the global disasters they caused will affect Russia the least, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less.

Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development.

The hopes of the World and its revival will come precisely from Russia.”

Predictions of the Italian clairvoyant Mavis:

“Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia.

It is the Russians who will initiate the rebirth of the entire World.

And no one imagines how deep these changes will be in the whole wide world, caused precisely by Russia.

In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, a lot of new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery ...

Russia will achieve such a unique high level development, which is not now and even by that time, not even one of the most developed countries in the world will have ...

Then all other countries will follow Russia ...

Former current western way development of earthly civilization will very soon be replaced by a new and precisely Russian path.

Prophecy of the soothsayer Max Handel:

“The Highest Initiate will appear publicly at the very end of the present era, this will happen when enough a large number of ordinary citizens themselves will wish to submit voluntarily to such a Leader.

This is how the ground will be created for the emergence of a New Race, and all current races and nations will cease to exist ...

It will come from the Slavs New People Earth… Humanity will form the United Spiritual Brotherhood…”

Saint Seraphim of Sarov.

“... Before the end of time, Russia will merge into one great sea with other Slavic lands and tribes, it will form one sea or that vast universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the lips of all the saints: “The terrible and invincible Kingdom of All Russia, all-Slavic - before which all nations will tremble...

And all this is the same as twice two makes four, and certainly, as God is holy, who from ancient times foretold about him and his formidable dominion over the earth.

By the combined forces of Russia and other nations, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be filled.

When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia ...

... In Russia there will be prosperity of the Orthodox faith and the former rejoicing, but only for a Little time - for the Terrible Judge Lord Jesus Christ will come - to judge the living and the dead.

The Russian Tsar will be - even the Antichrist himself will be afraid.

Under the Antichrist, Russia will be the most powerful kingdom in the world... And all other countries, except Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and a number of other small countries and lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist...”

Saint Anatoly of Optina.

“There will be a storm. And the Russian ship will be broken .... A great miracle will be revealed to the whole world!

And all the chips, all the fragments, by the will of God, will gather and unite and the ship will be recreated - RUSSIA, in its beauty and will go its own way, intended by God!

So this will be a clear miracle to everyone ... "

Abel, the famous monk who received the nickname "Prophetic", who predicted the fall of the Romanov dynasty, still remains a very mysterious person. He painted "from and to" the entire history of the Russian state, the revolution, the civil war, the Great Patriotic War, and so on. In retold dialogues with royalty and in passages from "books," Abel gave names and practically exact dates, which is usually uncharacteristic of prophets. How did he make his predictions and, most importantly, what else remained unknown to us, the descendants? Does Russia have a happy future, or...

Monk Abel, in the world - Vasily Vasiliev. He was born on March 18, 1757 in the village of Akulovo, Tula Region, into a peasant family, worked as a carpenter, got married, then left his wife and children and fled to a monastery, to the Valaam monastery, where he took tonsure in 1785. Soon he left the monastery, wandered around the world for some time, then found a new refuge in the Nikolo-Babaevsky monastery of the Kostroma diocese.

Abel's biography is very well known, because all his movements are recorded in church books and criminal cases. He came then, left then, was tonsured then - no doubt arises. There is great confidence in the fact that he actually wrote some books, although not a single one has come down to our time.

In general, there were many adventures in the life of Abel. He changed during his life at least six monasteries and a dozen prisons. Because for every successful prediction, the authorities considered it necessary to lock up the unrestrained monk.

Catherine II

So, in 1796, he wrote a short book, in which, among other things, he claimed that Catherine II would die in early November, after which he guessed to show the document to the rector of the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery. He handed over the "case" to Bishop of Kostroma and Galicia Pavel. The latter for blasphemous deeds (declaring himself a clairvoyant) cut Abel, and then, not knowing what to do with the newly-minted prophet, handed him over to the governor of the Kostroma region. As a result, it came to the empress herself, who, for such words, ordered by personal decree to put Vasily in the Shlisselburg “Nutlet”.

On November 6, 1796, Catherine II died. The new Prosecutor General of the Senate Kurakin, while examining the documents of his predecessor, stumbled upon a “book of predictions”, ordered the release of the prophetic monk and brought him personally to Emperor Paul I. The latter liked Vasily. It is not known what they talked about, but already on December 14, by the personal decree of Paul, the defamation was released from all charges and allowed to be tonsured again as a monk. He goes to Valaam, where he immediately writes a new "book of predictions", in which he accurately indicates the date of the death of Paul himself.

Pavel I

History repeated itself one by one. Abel showed the prediction to the abbot, he handed it over to the secular authorities, and on May 12, 1800, Abel, by personal order of the emperor, was imprisoned in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress. By the way, all the decrees have been preserved, so it is not difficult to track the monk's adventures here. After Pavel's death in 1801, the monk was released and sent to Solovki without the right to leave the monastery.

War of 1812

On Solovki, Abel again could not resist and wrote another prediction that ten years later, in 1812, Moscow would be taken by French troops. History repeated itself: this time, Emperor Alexander I, by personal decree, sent the restless prophet to the Solovki island prison, where he lived for ten years. Exactly before the invasion of Napoleon. Alexander was forced to cancel the punishment of the monk and release him from captivity.

In October 1812, Alexander I ordered “... by all means to release the monk Abel from the Solovetsky Monastery and give him a passport in all Russian cities and monasteries. And so that he was happy with everything, dress and money. From this time begins the prosperity of Abel. He becomes famous. High officials, counts and princes go to him for predictions. He even favors some.

He is honored by the Potemkin family and other famous families. He refrained from risky predictions until 1826, when he once again foolishly predicted a bad future for the newly-minted Emperor Nicholas I.

Nicholas I

He sent him to the prison department of the Suzdal Spaso-Evfimevsky Monastery. Abel spent the rest of his life in prison and died in 1841.

The death of the dynasty in 1918

There is a version according to which part of the messages that Abel intended for his descendants, Tsar Paul I sealed in a chest. The memoirs of Ober-Kamerfrau Geringer have been preserved, which say that in 1901 the royal couple of Nicholas II went to Gatchina in order to reveal some kind of family secret. But when they returned, they were very upset, and the tsar began to mention 1918 more and more often.

Abel predicted the end royal dynasty it was in 1918 that he said that Nikolai would be sacrificed for all the recklessness of the people. It is also known that in 1903 the king was given a sealed envelope with the predictions of Seraphim of Sarov. After reading this letter, the emperor “went lamented and wept” for a long time.

Perhaps it is this series of sad predictions that can explain the apathy of Nicholas II in last years life - he knew about his fate. Abel accurately predicted the dates of the reign and death of many Russian tsars.

Nicholas II with his family. Photo: Scherl

"Godless Yoke"

It was in conversations with Paul I that Abel revealed to the tsar the fate of Russia. He predicted the long-suffering death of Nicholas II. But what the elder saw after the death of the emperor made him grieve and cry. In the prophecy, Abel says that rivers of blood will spill over all of Russia. "Brother will rise up against brother."

Abel also speaks of a ruler who will close and destroy churches, and destroy the faith.

According to the seer, everything that will happen in Russia at this time is "God's permission." All the hardships and troubles that will shake the state will be given to the people as a punishment for the fact that they renounced their king. But that's not all misfortunes, in the West "New Batu will raise his hand" and there will be one war worse than another.

We now understand that Abel predicted the First and Second World Wars. At the same time, the elder also asserted that the people “between fire and flame” would not be exterminated and would triumph over all adversity.

Anastasia Romanova

According to Abel's predictions, not all royal family should have died. He predicted that the child who would be born in 1901, i.e. Anastasia Romanova will have to save Russia, which is on the verge of devastation and poverty. Abel translated the name of Anastasia as "Resurrected" (in Greek, Anastasia means "resurrected"), in his opinion, even the name of this girl was symbolic.

Princess Anastasia.

Abel advised the rulers of Russia to pledge money and property to the Western "Khrana" so that later it would be these funds that would "revive Russia and make it a prosperous country." The Romanov family knew about this prediction and from childhood Anastasia was raised as a child who should save the Fatherland.

End of the world

Abel predicts that the troubles in Rus' will end when the “chosen one of God” heads the state, and the Russian people themselves “smell” and understand that this person has appeared. The seer also says that "his name is thrice destined for Russian history."

However, Abel also predicts that there will be two impostors who will be able to sit on the “throne”, but not the “royal one”. The "Royal Throne" is prepared only for the ruler chosen by God, in which "Salvation and happiness of the Russian power." The predictor also predicts the coming great of Russia, the spread Orthodox faith. Abel warns: "A great destiny is destined for Russia." However, the starets did not reveal the name of this saving sovereign, saying that it was impossible to talk about him until the time had come for “the fear of dark power for the sake of it.”

All the prophecies of the predictor Abel end in 2896, when, in his opinion, the End of the World should come.

According to Abel, a number of criminal cases were opened. As evidence, five "books" were attached to the cases, that is, bound notebooks with predictions of 40-50 sheets each. There are a number of decrees - either on the imprisonment of Abel, or on release. Not a single book has come down to our time, but the passages copied into other documents are amazing.

Perhaps the story of Abel is the strangest. His life is known practically by the day, his predictions are recorded, and they are accurate. Who was Abel? A skilled swindler? A real soothsayer? History does not know the answer.

On March 11, 1901, Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna arrived at the Gatchina Palace, went to the cherished box, broke the seals with the coat of arms of Empress Maria Feodorovna, Nicholas's great-great-grandmother, and pulled out the paper lying there. The emperor went deep into reading...

Save, God, from Spaso-Efimy!

The name of the monk Abel is surrounded by a trail of legends and rumors. But it is known for sure that the most senior officials of the empire and, of course, emperors, from Catherine II to Nicholas I, dealt with the fate of the humble monk. where he died in the autumn of 1831.

The name of this Suzdal monastery was trembling. There was one of the most terrible prisons in Russia, where the most terrible criminals were languishing in narrow stone bags: sexual perverts, crazy people with dangerous “anti-state nonsense”, and later some of the Decembrists. There the monk Abel turned out to be, who was neither a pervert, nor a madman, nor a revolutionary. But he was known as a prophet, and that was a crime.

The authorities looked with distrust at various kinds of seers and. They were dragged to torture, and after a couple of “candidness sessions”, the clairvoyants suddenly “saw the light” and admitted that “everyone lied out of thoughtlessness.”

This does not happen with every Vasiliev

Abel (in the world - a peasant Vasily Vasilyev) was born in the Tula province in 1757 and lived in his village for almost 30 years, but then suddenly left his family and took a haircut on Valaam. Having taken the tonsure, he suddenly acquired an extraordinary gift, began to prophesy, and these prophecies were retold and expounded in his three pamphlets - he was literate.

The trouble with Abel, as a soothsayer, was that he shared his knowledge not only with all the people he met, but only exclusively with sovereigns - he mercilessly drove the rest of the curious from himself. Abel's gift, on the one hand, aroused distrust towards him, suggested that he, like many rogues, wanted to be a court soothsayer, a sorcerer - such people were worth their weight in gold, and their word frightened the most powerful rulers.

But, on the other hand, we note that his revelations did not arouse the love of those in power for him. He did not hesitate to say such terrible things to his purple-born "clients" that after each revelation he was sent to prison, in which he spent a third of his life. Only towards the end of his earthly journey, after the “rebellious”, bloody, accession to the throne of Nicholas I in December 1825, predicted by him, Abel decided to shut up forever and follow the principle: “Be wise, but keep quiet more.” In 1826, Abel even fled from the monastery, where he had lived since 1823, fearing a call to the new sovereign, Nicholas I. But the monk gave his address to a friend, and then the authorities found him and dragged him to Suzdal ...

But what was it that he predicted that those in power would treat him so unkindly? Abel began with the fact that in the mid-1790s he composed his first handwritten book, in which he predicted the imminent death of Catherine II, indicated the exact date of her sudden death and predicted that the throne would pass to her son Paul (although the empress, not loving her son, prepared a will in favor of her grandson - Alexander). The elder’s manuscript came to the capital, the chief prosecutor of the Synod himself beat him in the tinsel, frightened him with cruel executions, and the empress ordered him to be cut and put in the Shlisselburg fortress.

How will it be with nadide?

Paul I, who ascended the throne after the sudden death of his mother on the day indicated by Abel, affectionately accepted the defrocked seer in December 1796. But the elder did not please the new sovereign and predicted his death on March 11: “From unfaithful servants ... in the bedchamber you will be strangled by villains, you warm on the royal chest. Paul, restraining himself, began to ask him about what awaits his descendants. Perhaps the sovereign was driven by the curiosity inherent in people - in the Persian language there is a word nadide, which means great-great-grandson, and it is translated as "the one you will not see."

From the speech of the monk, the tsar learned that under his heir Alexander I there would be a big war, the Russians would take Paris, that the tsar “would look heavy on the royal crown and he would replace the feat of service with the feat of fasting and prayer.” Then it will not be the children of Alexander I (who will not be) and not the next brother Konstantin, but Nicholas I, whose reign "will begin with a fight." After him, the grandson of Paul Alexander II will come to the throne, who will give free rein to the serfs, free the Slavs of the Balkans, the rebels will start hunting for him and one day they will kill him in the middle of the capital.

Paul's great-grandson will be Alexander III. This is a time of calm, and then the same nadide will come to power - Emperor Nicholas II, who "will replace the royal crown with a crown of thorns." With him will begin Great War, and people will, like birds, fly through the sky and swim like fish under water, and will choke each other with fetid gray, and on the eve of victory in this war, the royal throne will collapse, and "a peasant with an ax will take power in madness." The kingdom of godlessness will come, and "the new Batu in the west will raise his hand" against Russia.

All these prophecies of the elder Paul personally wrote down on paper as a “Letter to a descendant”, sealed it in an envelope and inscribed that the envelope should be opened a hundred years after his, Paul’s, death. The Emperor's widow, Maria Feodorovna, placed the "Letter to a Descendant" in a cypress chest, which was opened on March 11, 1901 by Emperor Nicholas II...

Sit until the prediction comes true

Paul released the elder, allowed him to re-cut his hair under the name of Abel, with whom he went down in history. But still, in May 1800, he was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress, as one historian wrote, "wait for March 11, 1801." After this fateful day for Paul, Abel was immediately released from the fortress to be sent even further - to Solovki.

But a voice from heaven did not give Abel peace, and in 1802 he wrote a new book in which he predicted the French invasion and the fire of Moscow. The prophecy was reported to Alexander I, and he ordered Abel to be put in a monastery prison. This time, Abel had to wait 10 years until the fire of Moscow illuminated his exit from the dungeon. In December 1812, Abel was released into the wild - facts, as you know, are a stubborn thing.

Abel was pardoned (I note - not rehabilitated, but pardoned). But still he was respected - he was issued a passport "for a free pass, also allowing him to choose for his stay the monastery he wishes." Of course, no one apologized to him for the years lost in captivity - the authorities do not recognize such sentiments and humanitarian nonsense: go, they say, old man, hurry up from here and rejoice that you haven’t wiped it into dust yet!

Freedom to roam the dusty roads

But Abel needed freedom, and he went to the holy places from one monastery to another in a crowd of the same "enchanted wanderers." During these blessed two years, the elder saw a lot, visited Constantinople, Jerusalem, and prayed on the famous Mount Athos. But in 1814, trouble happened to him - he lost his passport and turned to the chief prosecutor for a duplicate, who reported this to Emperor Alexander.

The reader may draw attention to the highest level of decision-making about issuing an ordinary passport to some simple monk. It turns out that the sovereign was dissatisfied with the fact that Abel "still continues to roll around Russia." He was ordered by all means to choose a monastery and settle there. But Abel somehow sluggishly carried out the will of the monarch and continued to wander around the monasteries and among the familiar pilgrims, who gladly took on the maintenance of a noble old man. In the end, with the accession of Nicholas I, he returned to his homeland, settled with relatives in the village of Akulovka, where the Nikolaev gendarmes found him to take him to Suzdal.

"The serpent will live thirty years"

The attentive reader probably noticed that I treat the above with a certain humor and distrust - our sources about the prophecies of Abel are too unreliable, how much mysterious fog and omissions are thrown around them! Interpretations of the prophecies are given in a variety of ways, and the interpretations are usually consonant with what is happening in society at the time of commenting. Usually professional historians try to avoid these topics - let the authors of the Caravan of Stories or other glamorous publications practice in this matter! And I would not have sat down to write this article, if not for one oddity that struck me.

The well-known hussar, poet and hero of the war of 1812, Denis Davydov, wrote in his memoirs about Abel that he "was gifted with the ability to correctly predict the future." Further, Davydov retells in part the above rumors and facts from the life and prophecies of Abel. But at the end he writes: “Abel was in Moscow during the accession to the throne of Nicholas, he then said about him: “The serpent will live for thirty years.”

I would not quote this passage from Davydov's memoirs, if not for two dates: Davydov entered Abel's prophecy in his notes and died in 1839, and Nicholas I really lived exactly 30 years and died in 1855. Forgery is impossible! Of course, we can say that this is a coincidence, an accident. But there are too many coincidences and accidents around the name of one humble old man ...

Predictions of clairvoyants of the world for Russia

Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia. It is the Russians who will initiate the rebirth of the entire World. And no one imagines how deep these changes will be in the whole wide world, caused precisely by Russia.

“Follow Russia - which way Russia will go, the rest of the World will follow the same way”

American clairvoyant Jane Dixon:

The natural disasters of the early 21st century and all the global disasters they caused will affect Russia the least, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the World and its revival will come precisely from Russia.

Predictions of the Italian clairvoyant Mavis:

Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia. It is the Russians who will initiate the rebirth of the entire World. And no one imagines how deep these changes will be in the whole wide world, caused precisely by Russia. In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, a lot of new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery ... Russia will reach such a uniquely high level of development that is not now and even by that time not even the most developed state in the world will have ... Then after Russia all the other countries will also be drawn ... The former current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon replace the new one, and precisely the Russian path.

Vanga predicted in 1996:

A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear in Russia, and he will rule Russia all his life ... The new teaching will come from Russia - this is the most ancient and truest teaching - it will spread throughout the world and the day will come when all religions in the world will disappear, and they will be replaced this is the new philosophical teaching of the Fiery Bible.

Socialism will return to Russia in a new form, there will be large collective and cooperative agriculture in Russia, and the former Soviet Union will be restored again, but the union is already new. Russia will grow stronger and grow, no one can stop Russia, there is no such force that could break Russia. Russia will sweep away everything in its path, and not only survive, but also become the sole undivided "mistress of the world", and even America in the 2030s will recognize the complete superiority of Russia. Russia will again become a strong and powerful real empire, and will again be called by the old ancient name Rus.

Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce predicted:

Before the end of the 20th century, the collapse of communism will come in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will not progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, already after 2010 the former USSR will be reborn, but it will be reborn in a new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world.

Paracelsus' prediction:

There is one people that Herodotus called Hyperboreans - the progenitors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations - Aryans, which means "noble." The current name of the original land of this ancient people is Muscovy. Hyperborea in their turbulent future history will know a lot - both a terrible decline with a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great flourishing with a great variety of all kinds of blessings, which will come already at the beginning of the 21st century, i.e. even before 2040.

The 1930 prophecy of St. Theophan of Poltava:

Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised... The Orthodoxy that was in Russia before will no longer exist, but the true faith will not only be reborn, but will also triumph.

In connection with the beginning of the “Colored” Revolution in America, it makes sense to recall the predictions about its death. Looks like the time has come!

"For the strong, the weak is always to blame." And the United States is considered so strong all over the world today. On the other hand, with their boorish behavior and shameless lies, the American military and politicians seem to attract all the world's negativity to their country.

United Islands of America

American visionary Dr. Lindsey predicted in the 1960s of the last century about a giant "cramp" that would sweep across the United States. And the first victim state will be California - it will fall apart exactly along the 1300 km long San Andreas transform fault, which runs between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. At the same time, the southwestern piece will gradually sink into the abyss of the ocean. Only a few islands will remain of the USA. In turn, this earthquake will cause a tsunami with waves of 50 meters, which will swallow the coastal cities. But this is only part of Dr. Lindsey's predictions: it is noteworthy that as soon as he began to voice his terrible pictures that he saw through time and space, the special services immediately shut his mouth, and the visions themselves were classified "in order to avoid panic among the population."

He is echoed by another American clairvoyant, very well-known in the USA, Edgar Cayce, who prophesied the destruction of not only many states on both coasts that would go to the bottom of the ocean, but also territories in the middle of America. Megacities such as New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles will disappear from the face of the earth. The same will happen with Georgia, the Carolinas and many other states that will become the seabed.

“I see huge waves that have swallowed up New York and break skyscrapers like straws,” another American clairvoyant John Schmidt admitted. “Florida, California and many other coastal states will go under water.”

Bible prophecy

You will say - these are just people, they can dream of anything. Then we turn to other, more authoritative predictions. So, John the Theologian in his "Revelation" spoke about the death of the most powerful, rich and influential country in the world, which spreads everywhere and everywhere the ideology of sin and war. To her, he prophesies the collapse into three islands. True, he called it "Babylon". However, one does not need to be an extremely perceptive person to understand what kind of empire he had in mind.

The prophecies of the abbess and abbess Hildegard of Bingen, who lived 900 years ago and was revered as a saint, also speak of the unenviable fate of a distant nation. The American continent itself had not yet been discovered, and even then she predicted to the great people living across the ocean, and the land inhabited by different tribes with different skin colors, a terrible earthquake, tidal waves and hurricanes that would ruin everything in their path. “This people,” says the Teacher of the Church (such an honorary title was awarded to Hildegard), “great misfortunes are coming at sea - after all, almost all of this land will go under water.”

Our monk Gilaron also predicted this fate for America: “Due to a devastating earthquake and flood, the great empire beyond the sea will come to an end - only islands will remain of it.”

“The American nation has long since gone from being simply stupid to a real stench in the nostrils of God and a disgusting monster. The Lord told me that America is destined to fall on its knees: it will be a terrible sight - a fallen superpower, predicts the American Thomas Descartes. “The streets of America will be filled with riots and blood. And the people of the United States themselves will watch their children and loved ones die of starvation.”

In the photo: the image of Abatiss Hildegard of Bingen

"The Yankees will turn into real animals"

The American visionary Dannion Brickley also speaks about the terrible riots: “The Yankees will turn into real animals and begin to live according to the laws of wolf packs, having lost faith in their country and American ideals. Endless racial conflicts will begin and civil wars everyone against everyone. Riots will become commonplace. Chaos will come to the land of America."

The American clairvoyant Valdez Jr. also had terrible visions, who talked about "flocks" of hundreds of flying people, whom the hurricane wind lifted up like locusts and smashed and flattened against skyscrapers, about mountains of corpses and just pieces of bodies without legs, arms, heads.

In general, out of dozens of disastrous predictions widely known in the world regarding global catastrophes and cataclysms 80 percent falls on the fate of America. In second place are prophecies related to Great Britain. On the third - the Apennine Peninsula. And here's what is remarkable: in the predictions related to the fate of America, the positive is completely absent. If other countries, judging by the prophecies, at the very least, but still "recover", get out of the abyss and eventually continue to exist. What about the United States, the forecast of prophets, clairvoyants, soothsayers and psychics is the same - inevitable death. It will simply be swept off the face of the earth into the sea. Moreover, the picture of what will happen to America often coincides with people who are completely unfamiliar with each other and live at different times down to the smallest detail - and this says a lot.

It is impossible to dismiss one more fact that speaks for itself: among the predictors promising the United States a deplorable fate, there are a lot of Americans - they seem to feel on a subtle level what will happen in the future with the land on which a person was born and with which he is connected by an invisible umbilical cord . This also confirms the high probability of the predictions made by the Americans themselves. Although there is a large percentage of those of us who, perhaps, rightly believe that the future is not known to anyone. It is not for nothing that (sometimes not without reason) they say: if you want to make the Lord laugh, tell him about your plans. Here you have to wait. So let's wait and see.

Our world is on the threshold of great events. Many of them in the last century were predicted by the most unusual psychic in the history of mankind - Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce did his while in a deep hypnotic sleep. The archive of the clinic in Virginia Beach, within the walls of which Casey prophesied and healed, contains 14 thousand sheets

Clairvoyant predictions come true with incredible accuracy and now we are witnessing a global change in the appearance and climate of our planet.

Edgar Cayce: 5. First then: Soon a body must enter the world; who for many will be considered the representative of a sect or group, but will be beloved by all people in all places where the universality of God is proclaimed on earth, where the unity of God as the Father is known.

Edgar Cayce: 7. Concerning the physical changes that should be an omen, a signal that it will come soon - as given by the ancients, the sun will darken and the earth will split in different places - then must be proclaimed - through the spiritual channel in the hearts, minds and the souls of those who have sought His way — that His star has appeared and will show [pause] the way for those who enter the holy of holies in themselves. For, God the Father, God the Teacher, God the Manager, in the minds and hearts of people, must always be in those who have come to know Him; for He is as much God to man as He is manifested in his heart and in the actions of his body, man. And for those who seek, He will appear. (

Turning to the most ancient book of humanity, the Bible, we will see that Jesus Christ warned that before His coming, in glory, to earth, there would come such difficult times for people that had not happened since the beginning of the world. There will be various disasters: famine, pestilence, earthquakes, frequent wars. Iniquity will multiply; faith will weaken; many will not love each other. Many false prophets and teachers will appear who will deceive people and corrupt them with their pernicious teaching. But first the gospel of Christ will be preached throughout the earth as a witness to all nations.

Before the very end of the world there will be great, terrifying signs in the sky; the sea will roar and rage; despondency and bewilderment will take possession of people, so that they will die from fear and from the expectation of disasters for the whole world. In those days, after that sorrow, the sun will grow dim, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then the sign of Jesus Christ (His cross) will appear in heaven; then all the tribes of the earth will mourn (for fear of the judgment of God) and they will see Jesus Christ walking on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. As lightning flashes in the sky from east to west (and is immediately visible everywhere), so (visibly for everyone, suddenly) will be the coming of the Son of God.

Edgar Cayce: 8. Again regarding physical changes: the earth will be split in the western part of America. Most of Japan must sink into the sea. The upper part of Europe will be changed in the blink of an eye. Lands will appear off the east coast of America. There will be changes in the Arctic and in the Antarctic leading to volcanic eruptions in hot areas and there will be a pole shift so that cold or subtropical climates become more tropical and moss and ferns grow there. These changes will begin in the period from '58 to '98, which will be the period when His light is again seen in the clouds. (

On March 11, 2011, Japan was rocked by the worst earthquake in 140 years. The country was perfectly prepared for natural disasters of all sizes, but even this did not help - the number of dead and missing exceeded twenty-seven thousand. A little after the earthquake, there was an explosion at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant and everything became even worse.

This catastrophe was also predicted by the famous American psychic Chet B. Snow, with whom Dr. Helen Wambach conducted hypnotic progression sessions (foreseeing the future in a state of trance), in his book"Future. Your life after 2000, in it he cites numerous circumstances of the upcoming catastrophe associated with increased seismic activity in the bowels of our planet.

Question 12: "When will changes in earth activity become apparent?"

Edgar Cayce: Answer 12: “As soon as the first cataclysm occurs in the South Sea and the sinking and uplifting of land begins to be observed in almost the diametrically opposite part of the globe, in the Mediterranean, in the region of Etna, this will be the beginning.”

The devastating 2014 tsunami that claimed the lives of 200,000 people

Underwater earthquake in Indian Ocean , which occurred on December 26, 2004, caused a tsunami that was recognized as the deadliest natural disaster in modern history. The magnitude of the earthquake was, according to various estimates, from 9.1 to 9.3. This is the second or third strongest earthquake on record.

The earthquake caused huge wave- the tsunami that hit the island of Sumatra, Sri Lanka, the islands off the coast of Thailand, the east coast of India, the Maldives, and even the coastal zone in Somalia in East Africa. The height of the waves exceeded 15 meters. The 2004 tsunami claimed the lives of about 300 thousand people and caused enormous material damage. According to the UN, this is the main natural disaster that has befallen mankind over the past 100 years!!!

The earthquake was unusually large in a geographical sense. There was a shift of about 1200 km (according to some estimates - 1600 km) of rock at a distance of 15 m along the subduction zone, as a result of which the Indian plate moved under the Burma plate.

Earthquakes in Italy are caused by Mount Etna

In 2009, for 11 months, the eruption of the Sicilian "fire-breathing mountain" Etna, the largest active volcano Europe.

Later, the behavior of Mount Etna caused an earthquake in Abruzzo.

Mount Etna eruption in Italy

An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 occurred on April 6, 2009 in central Italy. The hardest hit was the small town of L'Aquila in the Abruzzo region and the surrounding villages. About 10,000 houses were destroyed in the disaster zone, and about 70,000 people were left homeless. The number of victims of the earthquake reached 207 people. It has become the most destructive in Italy over the past 30 years. At the same time, it is known that the earthquake was preceded by a period of anomalous geological activity of the Etna volcano.

Question 14: Will there be any changes earth's surface in North America? If so, which regions will be affected and how?

Edgar Cayce: Answer 14: “We find that the whole country will undergo changes to a greater or lesser extent. The greatest changes in America, in our opinion, will occur in the north of the Atlantic coast. Be on the lookout in New York!" (311-8; MS-7; April 9, 1932).

Edgar Cayce:“Geographic conditions in this country and around the world will gradually change. Many areas will be destroyed both in the east and in west coast, as well as the central part of the United States.

In the coming years, new lands will appear in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and many coastal areas will become the bottom of the ocean. Even many modern (1941) battlefields will be covered by the waters of the oceans, seas and bays; new lands will arise with a new world order and with a new course of events.

Many areas of the east coast near modern New York will disappear, or even most of New York itself. However, this is for future generations. The southern parts of the states of Carolina and Georgia will cease to exist much earlier.

The waters of the lakes (Great Lakes) are likely to flow into the bay ( Gulf of Mexico), and not into the waters (the Gulf of St. Lawrence), as there was a discussion about this recently.

The area (Virginia Beach) where the entity now resides will be among the safe areas, as will areas in the modern states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, as well as much of southern and eastern Canada. At the same time, much of the western lands will be subject to destruction, which, of course, will also occur in other countries” (1152-11; MS-3; August 13, 1941).

Edgar Cayce: "The Rifts earth's crust will happen in many places. In the beginning - on the west coast of America; then Northern part Greenland will go under water; new lands will appear in the Caribbean. From destructive earthquakes the whole territory will shake South America up to Tierra del Fuego, where a new land and a new strait are being formed. ).

11. (Q) What big changes or the beginning of what changes are to take place on earth in 2000-2001 AD?

Now n A lot of anxiety among scientists is caused by the shift of the magnetic pole of our planet. The magnetic pole is moving from North America towards Siberia at such a speed that Alaska could lose the Northern Lights in the next 50 years. At the same time, it will be possible to see the Northern Lights in some areas and Europe.

Previous studies have shown that over the past 150 years, the strength of the Earth's magnetic field has decreased by 10 percent. During this period, the north magnetic pole has moved 685 miles in the Arctic. Over the past century, the speed of movement of the magnetic poles has increased compared to the previous four centuries.

About the future of Russia, Edgar Cayce said the following:

Edgar Cayce: 12. What about nations? From Russia will come hope for the world; it is not what is sometimes called communism, or Bolshevism, no; but freedom, freedom! Every man will live for his brother! This principle is born. It will take years for it to crystallize, but hope for the world will come again from Russia. Guided by what? Friendship with the people, on whose money it is written: "In God we believe." (Do you use this in your heart when you pay your debts? Do you use this in your prayers when you send missionaries to other countries?) )

“The mission of the Slavic peoples,” Edgar Cayce also said, “is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and gross material passions, restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom.”

He saw Western Siberia as the center of a resurgent civilization, which would become a kind of Noah's Ark for people who fearlessly discovered themselves to evolution. “Yes, there is already an accumulation of clean energy in Western Siberia,” Casey predicted. “It will protect this land from the destructive action of natural and energy cataclysms. Western Siberia will remain almost unscathed.”

The last prophecy of Vanga in relation to Russia is striking in its similarity. The future of Baba Vanga was drawn like this:

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir (meaning the prince who once baptized Rus'?), the glory of Russia.” “Too many sacrifices have been made,” Vanga said. “No one can stop Russia already. Everything will be swept away from its path and will not only be preserved, but will also become the ruler of the whole world.”

“All religions will fall. Only one thing remains: the Teaching of the Great Brotherhood. Like a white flower, it will cover the Earth, and thanks to this, people will be saved.”

We should especially stop and pay attention to the predictions of Edgar Cayce regarding China:

Edgar Cayce: 17. Sin of China? There is a peace here that keeps itself inside, dooming to slow growth. There has been growth here, movements through the lands through the ages, but now there is peace contented with its own limits. One day there will be an awakening and he will cut off his hair! He will start thinking and doing things! And here one day there will be a cradle of Christianity. It is a long time for man, but only one day in the heart of God - tomorrow China will awaken. Let each soul, coming to understanding, do something in his heart. ( )

In the near future, China in 20 years may overtake the United States in terms of economic development, if it increases GDP by 8% annually, according to Bloomberg, citing World Bank chief economist Justin Lin.

According to him, China's advantage lies in the ability to borrow off-the-shelf technologies created in developed countries with minimal risk and low cost.

In February 2010, China overtook Japan as the world's second largest economy. Thus, only the United States, the leader in terms of GDP, competes with China.

However, according to the World Bank, in 20 years China's economy could become twice the size of the US.

Most of the prophecies of Edgar Cayce concerned the sunken, the fact of the existence of which will be proven in the near future, below are some excerpts from his prophecies regarding these events:

16. (Q) Who will reveal the history of the past in the records that were said to be near the sphinx in Egypt?

Edgar Cayce: (A) As stated in the records of the Law of One in Atlantis, there will be three. With such an experience of being on earth, and a balance of spiritual, mental and material, that they can become the channels through which what is now stored in the earth (which is the shadow of spiritual world prepared by God for His children).

Question 2: "Tell me more about what is contained in the secret chamber?"

Edgar Cayce: Answer 2: “The records of Atlantis since the Spirit took form, or flesh on this earth, and of the subsequent development of people; about the first destruction of the mainland and the changes that have taken place; about the life and various works of the Atlanteans in other countries; about the meeting of representatives of all nations, all countries to work out joint actions in connection with the cataclysms in Atlantis; about the construction of a pyramid for initiation rituals; about who, how and where the records will be discovered, which are copies of the originals, resting in the bowels of the sunken Atlantis. For this continent must rise again in times of change.

Edgar Cayce: The hiding place is where the line of shadow (or light) will fall between the legs of the Sphinx as the sun rises over the waters. The Sphinx was erected later as a sentinel or guardian who would not let anyone into the connecting chambers located behind his right paw, for they cannot be penetrated until the dates are fulfilled and the times of change come in this cycle. human existence. The cache is located between the Sphinx and the river" (378-16; October 29, 1933).