Russian snipers of the Second World War. Snipers of the Great Patriotic War

Here is another interesting info (already postponed), but it is in this post that will be interested in reading.
Told the commander of the Corvetovo Marine Corps, he is the commander of the landing group, incl. And blurred Corvetian on uninhabited islands:

Personal Fight Instructor - cadets:
- To enter the hand-to-hand fight, the special forces fighter should ***** @ on the battlefield: automatic, gun, knife, belt belt, spatula, body armor, hard hat. Find a flat platform on which not a single stone or stick is not lying. Find on it the same sputum. And then then enter with him in a hand-to-hand fight! ..

And he is about sniper

Former Cabebeshnik Yuri Tarasovich, the other day, pleased with the old history of war, which heard in the country's cottage from a friend of Maxim.
Grandfather Maxim managed to win the night with a sniper and at the same time survive, although he was listed the whole German cemetery, scattered from Stalingrad to Prague ... He, by the way, always, when he went with the veteran delegations in the GDR, loved to insert at the case: "I loved in a volunteer I went to war, destroyed the German company in full and returned home to my mother ... " German friends"The response was smiled in response, and this sour smile every time I glad Maxim's grandfather.
But story is not about it.
Sitting by Tarascha in the garden, grandparents hood: what country has the weapon all the same better? They argued for a long time, they didn't even come to anything and decided that everyone would say about his own, in which he understood. There were no pilots among them, because they decided not to argue about aircraft. Started with Maxim's grandfather: "Whose sniper rifle was the most-most?" Grandfather swept away and reported:
- I worked with German, and English, and, of course, with triples, but I won't tell you how much better. Each has its own "slack".
All disappointedly touched:
"Maxim, well, you blurted out ... Edak and we can." You still say that everything depends on the person ...
Grand Maxim:
- And I will say. Of course, from person. Here, what a ball is not drunk, and they will not play football ... and vice versa - people can create such miracles with a triple, whom cannot be.
When I was already a sniper, I began to reach ridiculous rumors about some kind of Khokhla Sniper, which poured out the horns of the Germans from the distance of 1000 meters! I understood that five hundred and six hundred meters is already the limit, and at a distance in a kilometer it is necessary to provide: and air temperature, humidity, and the departure of the bullet to the right because of the rotation, I'm not talking about the speed and direction of the wind .. . And this is with perfect weapons and cartridges. Of course, I did not believe.
But the Khokhol-Sniper finished all the new legends, they came from those people, not to believe that I could not, I had to think about it - how does he do it?
And imagine what was the Germans: Initially, they thought that the Russian sniper had a invisible hat, he always falls, and his own himself was nowhere and, judging by the terrain, could not be ... Then, when they realized that the sniper sits In a kilometer from them, even more worried. It can be seen, the Russians have a secret rifle, which will change all the tactics of war.
Our colonels looked like a Khokhla Sniper at least on the day. The sniper came to the "tour", spit out a couple of officers from a kilometer and leaving at another front of the front. After that, another week could be safely walking along the front line in full growth and collect mushrooms - the Germans perceived it as the temper and pushed their heads into the ground.
Finally, I myself met the legendary sniper when he arrived at the "tour" to our neighbors. I had to do ten kilometers through the forest to the windshield, but I could not meet you. The last name he was Kravchenko. And the secret, of course, he had ...
It turned out that this Kravchenko is not a person ... And a whole family: uncle and three nephews, and all the Kravcheniki.
Well, of course, I have been talking to you, they really were real artists: I got with you almost "half a gun" with weapons and tools. Here you and the turntables - to measure wind speed - both telescopes, and stereotrubs, and all sorts of duffle-perverted dolls on the ropes. I even envied. It turned up to the point that they had a doll, which "Dörgala" for the ropes another doll.
They treated arms as porcelain services - rifles were transferred only in the boxes, with the cartridges almost slept, so as not to refill gunpowder.
But the most important thing is the "branded" style: occupied the position in four of the row to each other, Uncle Meryl, calculated and allowed various amendments to everyone - one "click" to the right, to another left, the third - to keep it somehow ... And such a coherence had such a coherence that, almost without claiming, all four "Lepi" with one volley, therefore the Germans perceived them as one sniper, and whatever the bullet was scattered, always one of four da fears. The personal account of the killed Germans Kravcheniki was replenished strictly in turn - because it is unknown, whose bullet has a German in his head ...
The most amazing case from their work was when they killed the senior German officer through the steel barge.
Grandfathers moved:
- Maxim, Not Breshi! How - through the barge? Well, stop, can not be ...
Grandfather Maxim continued:
- So because the German, too, like you, thought that I could not, therefore I was killed ... Imagine: the front line went on the river, on the one hand the Germans were swollen, and they knew that with the other of their guard, our snipers, And the distance of decent - meters of 800-900, the plain circle. Kravcheniki killed several soldiers and grazed the protruding officer stereotrub for a whole day, but so never shown, so as not to give themselves. Waited to head. But the officer was also not a fool, never looked out. Although crying. Suddenly see: dragged on the river longer, rusty, burnt, half-tired barge, and when she swimming, completely blocked the officer from snipers, the German "did not let down" - I decided to smash the shrink on the day of the handle and legs and straightened in full growth. Kravchenka him immediately killed, although they did not see through the barge, but they felt that she had to look out of the trench. Just a German, like you, was not a sniper and did not know that at such a distance, the bullet describes such a high arc that even the barge meter was placed under it and two heights ...

Date: 2011-03-22

First world War Sniper's work has grown and developed into a whole independent branch industry, in terms of positioning standing; But the experience of 1918 has made it possible to appreciate the sniper and in the field war. Germans, singing inventors, introduced into each easy-machine-gun unit one by one arrow with a rifle equipped with a telescopic sight. German snipers, in the first period of the positional war, were out of order from the British, on the whole front, several hundred people per day, which during the month gave the difference in the number of losses equal to the number of a whole division. The British quickly responded to the threat, creating their own sniper school and in the end completely suppressed enemy shooters. Almost all participants in the World War, especially in the German sections of the front, had to face those or other manifestations of the work of the German Sniper. "I, personally, I remember well what a heavy atmosphere was created in the shelves of the 71st Infantry Division, in the winter of 1916-1917, German Snipers (seem to be the 208th Germans. Divisia) who literally "paradise valleys" from some sections of our trenches on the left bank of the river river (in Romania). Located in groups of trees on the opposite bank of the river, part of even on trees (judging by The depth of the evaporation of the trench), they literally did not allow to show the Halongs not only because of the Bruzier, but even in the hole of the disguised sub-hosting machine-gun nest, not to mention the breaks of the trenches flanked from their position. A high percentage of the officers declined in the first minutes of battle Also, even then, on the idea that someone hits them, what is called "to choose from," - of course, it was hit snipers. "(E. N. Sergeev). It was at the fronts of the First World War that the basic principles and specific sump techniques were determined (for example, sniper pairs - "Fighter shooter" and an observer target designator).

Create our own Russian sniper school, putting training shooters "on the flow", managed only later, in the Red Army.

Despite the fact that during the First World War, the Germans first showed the initiative to use specially prepared soldiers and rifles with an optical sight, active work in the field of socking began in the Wehrmacht only after a collision with the Soviet tactics of the Sniper Terror. In winter, 1941-1942 Snipers appeared in Russian positions and a sniper movement was actively developing, supported by politinets of fronts. The German command remembered the need to prepare and its "super-dimensional shooters." Sniper schools and front courses began to be organized in the Wehrmacht, the "share" of sniper rifles in relation to other types of light small arms began to grow.

IN german army In 1930-1940s, a 7.92-mm sample rifle of the 1935 sample (K98) rifle was used with a semi-coats of 1941 sample or a four-time cable. According to its main combat properties, this weapon was not particularly different from the Soviet rifle of Mosina, so that in the sense of armament of the force of the parties were approximately equal.

The sniper version of the 7.92-mm carbine "Mauser" 98K was tested back in 1939, but this version began to be serially carried out only after the attack on the USSR. Since 1942, 6% of all produced Karabinov had a bracket for an optical sight, but throughout the war in german troops There was a shortage of sniper weapons. For example, in April 1944, Wehrmacht received 164525 Karabins, but the optical sights had only 3276 of them, i.e. About 2%. However, according to the post-war estimate of the German military specialists, "Type 98, equipped with standard Optics, could not respond to the requirements of the battle. Compared to the Soviet sniper rifles ... they differed significantly for the worse. Therefore, each captured as a trophy Soviet sniper rifle was immediately used by the soldiers of the Wehrmacht "(R. Lidshun, Voltelt." Rifle weapon yesterday ").
By the way, the optical sight of the ZF41 with an increase in 1.5x was attached to a specially sharpened on the sighting pad of the guide, so that the distance from the eye the arrow to the eyepiece was about 22 cm. German optics experts believed that such an optical sight with a small increase set at a considerable distance From the eye of the arrow to the eyepiece, should be quite effective, because it allows you to restore the intention to the target, without stopping the observation of the terrain. At the same time, the small multiplicity of the sight does not give a significant difference in the scale between the objects observed through the sight and on top of it. In addition, this option for placing optics allows you to charge the rifle with the help of a row, without losing the target and muzzle section of the trunk. But it is natural that the sniper rifle with such a low-power sight could not be used for shooting at large distances. Впрочем, такое приспособление все равно не было популярно среди снайперов вермахта – зачастую подобные винтовки попросту бросали на поле боя в надежде найти себе что-нибудь получше.

Arsenal German Sniper: Mauser-7.92 rifle, Walter PPK pistols and "Walter P-38"

German sniper sight magazine 2.5

In German and Finnish snipers at the ultra-thin rifles "Mauser-7.92" there were sights with an increase of only 2.5 times. Germans (and it was smart people) It was believed that no longer needed. There were German snipers with ten-fold increases, but only virtuosos were shot with them. Such an eye mined as a trophy Russian sniper Vasily Zaitsev in a duel with the head of the Berlin Sniper School.

Low and middle-level arrows get better to use the sights with a small magnification. The aiming process with an optical sight is very strict, when aiming should be very assembled and very attentive. An optical sight is not so much facilitated by aiming, how much mobilizes the efforts of the trained arrow on the aiming and holding of weapons. It is in this regard that an optical sight allows high preparation shooters to realize their backup capabilities. An optical sight is a means of implementing travelery arrow. And the greater degree of travelery and accumulated stability have the shooter, the greater the increase in sight he can afford. Only professional snipers with well-supplied manufacture, accumulated resistance, with nervous systembalanced to complete indifference, with the lack of ripples and possessing hellish patience, can afford to work with an eye length increase in 6 times and above. For such arrows, the target in the target behaves calmly and does not try to control the shot. (A.Potapov "Art Sniper")

Since 1943, the Wehrmacht used a self-loading carbine of the Walter system (sample 1943), a 7.92-mm self-loading rifle G43 (or K43) had a sniper version with a 4-fold optical sight. However, due to the short reliability and low accuracy, the "Walter" was not popular in the troops - as well as Tokarev's rifle SVT in the Red Army. The German military guide demanded that all G43 rifles have an optical sight, but it was already impossible to perform. Nevertheless, from 402703, almost 50 thousand issued by March 1945 had an already established optical sight. In addition, all the rifles had a bracket for installing optics, so theoretically, any rifle could be used as a sniper weapon.

1944 became a swivel for sniper art in the German troops. The role of sump was finally appreciated by the highest command: numerous orders emphasized the need for competent use of snipers, it is desirable in pairs of "arrows plus an observer", developed different kinds Camouflage and special equipment. It was assumed that during the second half of 1944 the number of sniper steam in Grenadier and People's Grenadier parts would double. Heinrich Gimmler also became interested in sipping in the army of the SS, they were approved by the program of specialized in-depth training of fighter shooters.
In the same year, on the order of the Luftwaffe command, training films "Invisible weapons: sniper in battle" and "field preparation of snipers" were removed for use in training ground parts.

Fragment from the training film "Field preparation of snipers: masters of disguise".

Fragment from the educational film "Invisible weapons: sniper in battle"

Both films were removed quite competently and very well, even from the height of today's day: here are the main points of special sniper preparation, the most important recommendations for action in field conditions, all this in a popular form, with a combination of game elements.
Memo called "Ten Commandments of Sniper" Personal Personal Speaker at this time.
- Fight selflessly.
- We have a fire calmly and cautively, concentrate on each shot. Remember that fast shooting has no effect.
- Shoot only when I am sure that you won't be detected.
- Is yours the main opponent - enemy sniper, overdree it.
- Do not forget that the sapper blade prolongs your life.
- Constantly practicing in determining distances.
- Become a master in the use of terrain and disguise.
- Training constantly - on the frontier and in the rear.
- Take care of your sniper rifle, do not let her anyone in his hands.
- Survival for a sniper on nine parts - camouflage and only one - shooting.
In the German army, snipers were used at different tactical levels. It was the experience of applying such a concept that E. Middeldorfa in his book was to offer the following practice in his book: "In any other question related to the combat effects of infantry, there are no such large contradictions as in the use of snipers. Some consider it necessary to have in each company or at least in the battalion a regular platoon of snipers. Others predict that snipers acting pairs will have the greatest success. We will try to find a solution that meets the requirements of both points of view. First of all, the "lovers" and "snipers-professionals" should be distinguished. It is desirable that in each branch there are two non-dasy-amateur sniper. They need to give an embodiment of a 4-fold increase in the assault rifle. They will remain ordinary arrows who have received additional sniper training. If the use of them as sniper will not be possible, they will act like ordinary soldiers. As for the sniper professionals, they should be had two in each company or six in the company's management group. They must be armed with a special sniper rifle having an initial bullet speed of more than 1000 m / s., With an optical sight of a 6-fold increase in large luminosity. These snipers will usually lead the "free hunt" on the company. If it arises, depending on the situation and the conditions of the area, the need to use the suspension of sniper, it will be easily feasible, as there are 24 sniper in the company (18 lovers and 6 professional snipers), which in this case can be combined together. . Note that such a socking concept is considered one of the most promising. (Oleg Ryazanov "Super-like arrows" from the Wehrmacht ")

Matthaus Hetzenauer (Matthaus Hetzenauer) (1924-2004) with a Kar98K rifle with an optical 6x sight.
Sniper of the 3rd Mornetral Division (Geb.jg. 144/3. Gebirgs-Devision). From July 1944 to May 1945 - 345 confirmed killed military personnel of the Red Army. He was awarded a knightly cross with swords and oak leaves. One of the most efficient snipers of Germany.

In the Great Patriotic War, "Russians exceeded the Germans in the art of conducting night battle, battle in a wooded and swampy terrain and battle in winter, in the preparation of snipers, as well as in the equipment of infantry with machine guns and mortars" (Eyka Middeldorf "Tactics in the Russian Campaign").

German snipers:

Erwin Konig 400 / Heinz Thorvald

Matthus Hetzenauer 345.

Josef Sepp Allerberger257.

Bruno Sutkus 209.

Friedrich PEIN 200.

GeFreiter Meyer 180.

Helmut Wirnsberger 64.

Some idea of \u200b\u200bthe German arrows gives an extremely interesting interview with three former shiphop snipers (sniper notebook):

This is a common interview with the two most successful WEHRMACHT snipers. To get more wide review Experience, added interviews on the third, also a very good sniper.

The fact that these three soldiers had really good training and a lot of experience to give accurate and informative answers to questions.

During the interview, they will be called A, B and C. During the war, they were all at 3. Gebirgsdivision.

Short information about polled.

A: Matthaus H. From Tyrol, on the Eastern Front was from 1943 to the end of the war, the most successful sniper in Wehrmacht with 345 confirmed destroyed.

B: SEPP A. From Salzburg, on the Eastern Front was from December 1942 until the end of the war, the second rank with 257 confirmed.

C: Helmut W. From Styria, on the Eastern Front was from September 1942 to the end of the war, with 64 confirmed destroyed. After he was injured, he was an instructor.

What kind of weapons did you use?:

A: K98 with 6x optical sight, G43 with 4x optical sight

B: Trophy Russian Sniper Rifle with Optical Sight, K98 from 6X

C: K98 with 1 1/2 2x and 4x optical sight, G43 with 4x optical sight.

What sights did you use?

A: 4X Sight used to 400m, 6x was good up to 1000m

B: I had 2 years a Russian sniper rifle, and I do not remember exactly the type of sight, but it worked well. At K98 I used 6x.

C: 1 1 / 2X was not quite effective and was replaced better than working 6x.

What do you think relatively high zoom?

A, B: 6X - enough, there was no need for higher.

C: 4X enough for most missions.

The limiting distance of the shooting on which you could hit the following goals?

Head: A, B, C: up to 400m

Ambrusura: A: up to 600m

Figure of man: A: 700M - 800M

B, C: about 600m

Are these distances acceptable for you personally typical for the best or for all snipers?

A, b: only for the best snipers

C: For me personally, but also for most German snipers. Some hit targets at longer distances.

B: complements: really 100% defeat is possible only to 600m.

What the most distant goal did you hit and what was it?

A: It was a standing soldier at a distance of about 1100m. At this distance, you can hardly come, but we wanted to show the enemy that he was not safe at this distance. We also wanted to demonstrate our skill officer.

C: 600M, if there was a goal even further, I waited until she reduced the distance, because it was easier to shoot, and it was easier to do confirmation. G43 had insufficient battles, so I shot it only up to 500m.

How many second shots were needed?

A: Almost never needed in the second shot.

B: 1 or 2. The second shot was very dangerous due to enemy snipers.

C: 1 or 2, at most.

If you could choose which rifle would you prefer?

a) Hand recharging rifle, like K98:

A: K98 due to high accuracy

b) a self-loading rifle, similar to G43:

A: NOT G43, because it is only good to 400m and does not have enough accuracy.

B: NOT G43, too heavy.

C: Yes, because it was reliable and not much worse than K98.

If you could choose today between a self-loading rifle with the same accuracy as the K98 and K98, what do you choose?

A: I would choose K98, because a sniper that is used as a sniper does not need a self-loading rifle.

B: If it has the same weight .... Self-loading.

C: Self-loading can shoot faster when attacking.

How were you attached to your divisions?

All of them belonged to Snipergroup BTL.; C was the commander of this unit. This unit numbered up to 22 soldiers, from which six were constantly with BTL., The rest were attached to the company. The results of observation, about the use of ammunition and destroyed purposes daily reported to BTL headquarters.

At the beginning of the mission, BTL was ordered. During the war when good snipers It became less, they sometimes ordered a division headquarters.

In each company, some soldiers were equipped with rifles with optical sights, but they had no special training. They shot securely up to 400m and did very good work. These soldiers carried the service in their normal service service within the mouth and were not able to get that high "deadlyness" as real snipers.

Tactics and goals?

A, B, C: Always in a team of two people. One shoots, the other leads to observation. The most common missions: the destruction of enemy observers (in heavy weapons), commanders. Sometimes goals similar to the calculations of anti-tank guns, machine-gun calculations and so on. Snipers followed the attacking forces and walked with the most fortified enemy positions (with the calculations of heavy weapons and so on).

A: I had to wade through the enemy defense line in front of our attack to destroy the enemy commanders and the RSCs during our art preparation.

b) Attack at night:

A, B, C: We did not fight overnight, because snipers were too precious.

c) Attack in winter:

A: I walked behind the attacking forces in a winter camouflaged costume to configure machine-gun and anti-tank positions that opposed our attack.

B, C: A good camouflaged costume and warm clothes are needed, otherwise the possibilities of long-term surveillance are reduced.

d) Defense

A, B, C: Mainly loose hunting in the transition sector of defense. Usually they should have been destroyed all the goals or only the most important goals. When the enemy attacked - their commanders were easily identified, because they had various equipment, camouflated shape, and so on. So we shot them at long distances and so that the enemy offensive was stopped. (One day and remembers that he destroyed the commanders of eight attacks).

As soon as enemy snipers appear, they struggle with them before destruction. These fights against enemy snipers caused a lot of losses in our ranks.

Snipers occupy their positions before sunrise and stay there before sunset.

Sometimes, if the path to your own position is blocked by the enemy, had to remain two or three days at this position without support.

e) Defense at night

A, B, C: Sniper was not used overnight. They were not allowed to defend or something like that. Sometimes overnight, they created their position to be ready during the day.

f) Did you use the moonlight when shooting?

A: Yes, if the lunar light was strong enough and I used the 6x optical sight, it was possible.

g) restraining battle:

A, C: Usually from 4 to 6 snipers fired at each enemy soldier, which appeared. In these rear parts, the machine guns were not often used, so one or two sniper shots detained the enemy for a long time, and their own positions were not demassed.

B: No experience. In this situation, everyone shoots everything.

What tactics did you have the greatest success?

A: Sniper's success is not calculated by people whom he destroyed, but the influence he had on the enemy. For example, if the enemy loses commanders in the offensive, the offensive must be stopped. We had the highest rates of destroyed, of course, in defensive battles when the enemy attacked several times a day.

B: In defense, because other destroyed were not confirmed.

C: The greatest success in the longest period of positional war due to good observation opportunities.

Percentage of destroyed for each distance:

Up to 400m: A: 65%

Up to 600m: A: 30%

Up to 800m: the rest

A: 65% to 400m were not due to the distance of the shooting, but because of the ability to identify the goal as "standing". So, I often waited until I could identify the goal.

B: Does not remember the percentage, but most of the goals were affected up to 600m.

C: Most of the shots up to 400m did, because it was a safe distance, and it was easy to see if it was hit or not.

How many shots did you do from one position?

A, b, c: as much as necessary

b) Defense on an equipped position:

A, B, C: from 1 to 3 at most.

c) Enemy attack:

A, B, C: For each, there is a goal.

d) confrontation to enemy snipers:

A, B, C: 1 or 2

e) DeLaying Fight

A, B, C: 1 or 2 was enough, because the sniper was not alone.

B: complements: during an attack or enemy attack are not confirmed by the killed.

What else is important except for excellent shooting?

A: In addition to normal sniper skills, the mind always wins. "Little tactic" man wins in the battle. To get a high murder frequency, it is also important that the sniper is not used to carry other types of service, in addition to shooting from shelter.

B: Calm, superiority, courage.

C: Patience and service life, excellent observation ability.

From whom were the sniper scored?

A: Only bare-born with solitary fighters, like hunters, poachers and so on.

B: I do not remember. I had 27 destroyed with my Russian rifle before was admitted to sniper learning.

C: Only soldiers who have combat experience, with excellent shooting skills and a two-year service life were admitted to sniper learning.

What sniper courses have you passed?

A, B, C: Sniper course on TOEPL SEETALERPE.

C: I was there as a teacher (instructor).

Have you been used binoculars and what amplification?

A: It was 6x30, but this was not enough for more distant distances. Received 10x50 Lateron and this was good.

B: Binoculars as needed as an addition to optical sight on a rifle.

C: Each sniper had binoculars, and it was necessary. Up to 500m 6x30 was enough.

Would you prefer to observe the periscope from the trench?

A: It was a good addition. We had one Russian.

C: If it came across among the trophies, it was used.

Were SCISSOR - Telescopes in use?

A, C: Yes, sometimes we used it with an artillery observer.

What camouflage did you use?

A, B, C: camouflaged costumes, painted face and hands, camouflage on a rifle in winter with Blenket and coloring.

B: I used an umbrella for two years. I painted it like the surrounding atmosphere. At the beginning I painted my hands and face very carefully, at the end less.

Have you used other things to deceive the enemy?

B: Yes, for example, a false position with rifles that shoot with wired structures.

Did you use some screen?

What do you think about tracing cartridges?

A, B, C: should not be used in battle, because it is impossible to demack your own position.

They were used in training and when checking the rifle. Also, each has every sniper to check the distance.

Did you use the so-called target cartridges that explode when they hit the ground?

A, B, C: Yes, a small flame appears when they fall into the target, so you can see if it was hit. We used them also to set fire to the wooden building to smoke the enemy from it. They were used at a distance of up to 600m.

How did you work with lateral wind?

A: Feeling and experience, sometimes tested by tracing cartridges. Training at the Seetaleralpe was very good, because there was very often the wind.

B: feeling if was strong wind, we did not shoot.

C: We did not shoot if there was a wind.

A, B, C: No, feeling, experience, fast aiming and fast shooting.

Did you use anti-tank rifles?

A: Yes, detected some weapon calculations through their screen. It was possible to shoot for targets up to 300m, because it was not quite accurate weapons. Very severe and not applied by snipers. Did not use it against light purposes.

How did you confirm the destroyed?

A, B, C: or through an officer, or two soldiers who observed destruction.

So, the number of confirmed destroyed is much lower than the real number.

X. Hesket-Pritchard: "Sniphing in France" (service of super-dimensional shooters in the world war on the Western European front). Translation from English edited and with Preface E.N. Sergeeva, 1925.
Oleg Ryazanov "History of sniper art"
A. Potapov "Art Sniper", 2002

The invasion of Russia was the biggest mistake of Hitler in World War II, which led to the defeat of his robber army. Hitler and Napoleon did not take into account two important factors that changed the course of the war: the harsh Russian winters and Russians themselves. Russia plunged into war where even the village teachers fought. Many of them were women who were not in the open battle, but as snipers who recorded many Nazi soldiers and officers to their score, showing an incredible ability to use a sniper rifle. Many of them became famous heroes of Russia, earning praise and combat differences. Below is talking about the ten most dangerous Russian women's snipers in military history.

Tanya Baramzin

Tatiana Nikolaevna Baramzin was a teacher in kindergarten before becoming a sniper of the 70th rifle division of the 33rd army. Tanya fought in the Belarusian front and was dropped on a parachute in the enemy rear to perform a secret task. Prior to this, she already had 16 German soldiers, and during the fulfillment of this task, she killed another 20 Nazis. Her, in the end, caught, tortured and executed. Tanya was posthumously awarded the Order of the Golden Star, and she was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union on March 24, 1945.

Nadezhda Kolesnikova

Hope Kolesnikova was a Sniper volunteer who served in the Volkhov Eastern Front in 1943. She is credited to the destruction of 19 enemy soldiers. Like Kolesnikova, only 800 thousand women soldiers fought in the Red Army as snipers, pumping tankers, ordinary, machine gunners and even pilots. Not many participants in combat operations survived: from 2000 volunteers alive could have remained only 500. For his service, after the war, he was awarded a medal for courage.

Tanya Chernova

Not many are known to this name, but Tanya became the prototype of a female sniper with the same name in the film "Enemy at the Gate" (her role was performed by Rachel Weiss). Tanya was an American of Russian origin, which came to Belorussia for her grandparents, but they were already killed by the Germans. Then she becomes a sniper of the Red Army, joining the Sniper group of the "Hares", formed by the famous Vasily Zaitsev, who is also presented in the film mentioned above. He is played by Jude Low. Tanya killed 24 enemy soldiers until he was injured in the belly as a result of a mini explosion. After that, she was sent to Tashkent, where she was recovered for a long time. Fortunately, Tanya survived the war.

Ziba Ganiev

Ziba Ganiev was one of the most charismatic figures of the Red Army, being a Russian celebrity and Azerbaijani film actresant in a pre-war time. Ganiev fought in the 3rd Moscow Communist Rifle Division Soviet army. She was a bold woman who went beyond the front line as much as 16 times and killed 21 German soldiers. She took an active part in the battle for Moscow and was seriously injured. Her injuries did not allow her to return to operation after 11 months spent in the hospital. Ganiev was awarded the battle orders of the Red Banner and the Red Star.

Rosa Shanina

Rose Shanin, which was called the "invisible horror of Eastern Prussia," began to fight when she was not 20 years old. She was born in the Russian village of Yating on April 3, 1924. She wrote to Stalin twice so that she was allowed to serve in the battalion or reconnaissance company. She became the first woman-sniper who was awarded the Order of Fame and participated in the famous Battle for Vilnius. On the account of Rosa Shanina there were 59 confirmed by the destroyed soldiers, but she did not survive until the end of the war. When you try to save the wounded Russian officer, she was seriously injured by a fragment of a shell in the chest and died on the same day, January 27, 1945.

Lyuba Makarova

Guard Sergeant Lyuba Makarova was one of the 500 lucky people who survived the war. Fighting in the 3rd shock army, she was known for his active service on the 2nd Baltic front and Kalinin front. Makarov recorded 84 enemy soldiers and returned to his native perm to the military hero. For their merits to the country of Makarov was awarded the Order of Glory of the 2nd and 3rd degree.

Claudia Kalugina

Claudia Kalugina was one of the youngest soldiers and snipers of the Red Army. She began to fight when she was only 17 years old. She began her military career from work at the ammunition factory, but soon she went to the sniper school and was subsequently sent to the 3rd Belarusian Front. Kalugina fought in Poland, and then participated in the battle for Leningrad, helping to defend the city from the Germans. She was a very tidy sniper and recorded as much as 257 enemy soldiers. Kalugina remained in Leningrad until the end of the war.

Nina Lobkovskaya

Nina Lobkovskaya joined the Red Army after the death of the Father in the war in 1942. Nina fought in the 3rd shock army, where she served before Lieutenant. She survived the war and even participated in the Battle of Berlin in 1945. She commanded a whole roth out of 100 women snipers. There were 89 enemy soldiers destroyed by Nina.

Nina Pavlovna Petrov

Nina Pavlovna Petrov is also known as "Mom Nina" and could well be the oldest woman-sniper woman of World War II. She was born in 1893, and by the beginning of the war she was already 48 years old. After she entered the sniper school, Nina was seconded to the 21st Guards Rifle Division, where she actively performed her sniper duties. Petrova recorded 122 enemy soldiers at his own expense. She survived the war, but died in a tragic accident just a week after the end of the war at the age of 53.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko

Lyudmila Pavlichenko, who was born in Ukraine in 1916, was the most famous Russian woman-sniper who received the nickname "Lady Death". Before the war, Pavlichenko was a university student and a lover's shooter. At the end of the sniper school at the age of 24, it was aimed at the 25th Chapaev Rowling Division of the Red Army. Pavlichenko, probably, was the most successful sniper woman in military history. She fought in Sevastopol and Odessa. In her account there were 309 confirmed enemy soldiers, including 29 enemy snipers. Pavlichenko survived the war after she was fired from the actual service because of the injuries received by it. She was awarded the Golden Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and her face was even depicted on the postage stamp.

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After the start Great Patriotic War Hundreds of thousands of women went to the front. Most of them have become natives, cooks, and more than 2000 - snipers. The Soviet Union was almost the only country attracting women to perform combat missions. Today I would like to remember the arrows who were considered the best during the war years.

Rosa Shanina

Rosa Shanina Born in 1924 in the village of eating the Vologda province (today the Arkhangelsk region). After grade 7, the girl decided to enter the Pedagogical School in Arkhangelsk. The mother was against, but his daughter's perseverance was not to take from childhood. The buses past the village then did not go, so the 14-year-old girl went on foot 200 km at the taiga, before reached the nearest station.

Rose entered the school, but before the war, when the training was paid, the girl was forced to go to work in kindergarten tutor. Fortunately, then the employees of the institution gave housing. Rose continued to study at the evening office and successfully graduated from 1941/42 academic year.

Even at the beginning of the war, Rosa Shanin appealed to the military registration and enlistment office and asked for a volunteer to the front, but the 17-year-old girl refused. In 1942, the situation has changed. Then in the Soviet Union began active training of women sniper. It was believed that they are more sly, patient, cool, and fingers smoothly press the trigger. At first, Rosa Shanin was taught to shoot at the Central Women School of Sniper Training. The girl graduated from learning with honors and, abandoning the position of the instructor, went to the front.

Three days after arrival at the location of the 338th Rifle Division, 20-year-old Rosa Shanin made the first shot. In his diary, the girl described the sensations: "... she looked across the legs, slipped into the trench, without remembering himself:" Man killed, man ... "Alarmed girlfriends, ran up to me, calmed down:" You have finished the fascist! " Seven months later, a sniper girl wrote that she kills enemies already coolly, and now this is the whole meaning of her life.

Among other snipers, Rosa Shanin was highlighted by the ability to do swells - two shots walking on each other who fell by moving goals.

The platoon of Shanina was ordered to move in the second stage, behind the infantry detachments. However, the girl was constantly torn to the forefront "beat the enemy." Rose strictly lay, since it could be replaced by any soldier in the infantry, and nobody in a sniper ambush.

Rosa Shanin took part in Vilnius and Insterburg-Königsberg operations. In European newspapers, it was called "invisible horror of Eastern Prussia." Rosa became the first woman awarded the Order of Fame.

On January 17, 1945, Rosa Shanin wrote in his diary, which would soon die, because in their battalion there are 78 fighters only 6. Due to the incessant fire, she cannot get out of self-propelled fire. January 27, the commander of the division was injured. In an attempt to cover it, the rose was wound in the chest of the shell fragment. The brave girl did not become the next day. The nurse told that in front of the death rose, he regretted that he did not have time to do more.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko

Western press gave nickname another Singurian Single woman Lyudmila Pavlichenko. She was called "Lady Death". Lyudmila Mikhailovna remained famous in world history as the most successful woman-sniper. At its account, 309 killed soldiers and officers of the enemy.

From the very first days of the war, Lyudmila went to the front volunteer. The girl refused to be a nurse and demanded that she was recorded in snipers. Then Lyudmila was given a rifle in his hands and ordered to shoot two prisoners. She coped with the task.

Pavlichenko took part in the defense of Sevastopol, Odessa, in the battles in Moldova. After the woman was seriously wounded, she was sent to the Caucasus. When Lyudmila cured, she flew in the Soviet delegation in the United States and Canada. Lyudmila Pavlichenko spent several days in the White House at the invitation of Eleonora Roosevelt.

The Soviet sniper said a lot of speeches on numerous congresses, but her performance in Chicago remembered. Lyudmila said: "Gentlemen, I am twenty-five years old. At the front, I have already managed to destroy three hundred nine fascist invaders. Don't you think, gentlemen, what do you hide too long for my back? " In the first seconds, everyone froze, and then a flurry of approval applause broke out.

On October 25, 1943, Snayper Woman Lyudmila Pavlichenko assigned the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Nina Petrov

Nina Petrov is the most age sniper among women. She was 48 years old when the Great Patriotic War began, but the age did not affect her accuracy. A woman was still in his youth engaged in pool shooting. In a sniper school, she worked as an instructor. In 1936, Nina Pavlovna released 102 Voroshilovsky Arrow, which indicates its highest professionalism.

Behind the shoulders of Nina Petrova 122 killed enemy during the war and training of snipers. The woman did not live before the end of the war just a few days: she died in a car accident.

Claudia Kalugina

Claudia Kalugina was called one of the most essential snipers. In the ranks of the Red Army, she fell a 17-year-old girl. On the account of Claudia 257 destroyed soldiers and officers.

After the war, Claudia was shared by the memories, as at first in the sniper school did not fall into the goal. She was threatened to leave in the rear, if not learned to shoot apt. And not to go to the forefront was considered a real shame. For the first time, being in a blizzard in a swallowed in the snow, the girl Stroxy. But then overpowered himself and began to make the tagged shots one after another. It was most difficult to drag a rifle, since the height of a slight cloud was only 157 cm. But the girl-sniper overcame all the adversity, and with time they responded about it as the most ridiculous arrow.

Women snipers

This photo with the image of girls-snipers is called "775 perfect murders in the same picture", since they destroyed so much enemy soldiers.

During the Great Patriotic War, not only women snipers were horrified on the enemy. , Because the radars did not count them, the noise of the motors was practically not heard, and the girls' bombs were dumped with such jewelry that the enemy was doomed.

A good sniper does not have to be a personnel military. This simple postulate was well awarded the fighters of the Red Army, participating in the winter war of 1939. One successful shot also does not make a person sniper. Good luck is very important in war. Only the true skill of the fighter, who knows how to hit the goal at a huge distance, from unusual weapons or with an uncomfortable position, has a larger price.

Sniper has always been an elite warrior. Not everyone will be able to bring up in itself.

1. Carlos Hatchcock

Like many American teenagers from the depths, Carlos Hatchcock dreamed of getting into the army. A 17-year-old boy, in the cowboy hat of which a white feather cinematic hat, met in barracks smiles. The first polygon taken by Carlos from the Okokok, turned the seizure of colleagues into a reverent silence. The guy was not just talent - Carlos Hatchcock was born solely for the sake of the exact shooting. 1966 The young fighter met in Vietnam.

On its formal account, just a hundred dead. In the memoirs of the surviving colleagues of the hatchkok appear significantly big numbers. This could be written off at quite an explanatory boasting of fighters, if not a huge amount put out northern Vietnam for his head. But the war ended - and Hatchcock went home without receiving any injury. He died in his bed, without surviving up to 57 years of just a few days.


This name has become a kind of war symbol immediately for both countries participating. For Finns, Simo was a real legend, the personification of God's very meal. In the ranks of the fighters of the Red Army, Sniper-Patriot received a name White Death. For several months of winter, 1939-1940, the shooter destroyed more than five hundred enemy soldiers. The incredible level of skill Simo Hyayuha emphasizes the weapon used by them: a rifle m / 28 with an open sight.

3. Lyudmila Pavlichenko

309 enemy soldiers on the Russian Sniper's account Lyudmila Pavlyuchenko make it one of the best shooters in the entire history of world wars. Patzanka since childhood, Lyudmila rushed to the front from the first days of the invasion of the German invaders. In one of the interview, the girl confessed that he was difficult to shoot in a living person only for the first time. The first day of the combat duty of Pavlyuchenko could not force himself to click on the trigger. Then she overpowed a sense of duty - it also saved the fragile female psyche from the incredible load.

4. Vasily Zaitsev

In 2001, a picture of the "enemy at the gate" was published in the world rolling. The protagonist of the film is the real fighter of the Red Army, the legendary Sniper of Vasily Zaitsev. Until now, it is not known exactly the place reflected in the film confrontation between Zaitsev and the German arrow: most Western sources tend to the version of the launched Soviet Union Propaganda, Slavophiles argue the opposite. However, this fight is practically nothing in the overall standings of the legendary arrow. In the documents of Vasily, 149 successfully affected purposes are. The real number is closer, rather, to the five hundred killed.

5. Chris Kyle

Eight years - the most suitable age in order to make his first shot. If you, of course, was born in Texas. Chris Kyle methyl in the goal all conscious life: Sports targets, then animals, then people. In 2003, Kyle, who was already taking place in several secret operations of the US Army, receives a new appointment - Iraq. The glory of a merciless and very skilled killer comes a year later, the next business trip brings Kylich's Kite "Shaitan from Ramady": respectful-frightened tribute to the arrow confident. Officially, Kyle finished off exactly 160 enemies of peace and democracy. In private conversations, the arrows mentioned three of the large numbers.

6. Rob Furlong

For a long time, Rob Furlong served in the rank of a simple corporal of the Canadian Army. Unlike many other snipers mentioned in this article, Rob did not have an explicit talent of the arrow. But the guy's stubbornness would have enough for a completely inflated warrior. Permanent training of Furlong developed the ability of ambidexter. Soon the Croral was transferred to a special purpose squad. Operation "Anaconda" has become a top point for the top of the career: in one of the battles, the sniper made a successful shot at a distance of 2430 meters. This record keeps so far.

7. Thomas Plankett

Just two shots led ordinary soldier of the British army of Thomas Plankett in the category best Sniper His time. In 1809, the battle of Monroe took place. Thomas, like all his colleagues, was armed with Musket Brown Bess. Field classes were enough to soldiers in order to hit the enemy at a distance of 50 meters. If, of course, the wind was not too strong. Thomas Plankett, a pretty aiming, shot down from the horse of the French general at a distance of 600 meters.

The shot could be explained by incredible luck, magnetic fields And aliens, aliens. Most likely, the comrades of the arrow, recovering from surprise. However, here Thomas demonstrated his second virtue: ambition. He calmly reloaded a gun and shot the General Adjutant - on the same 600 meters away.