The most drinking country in the world: rating, features and interesting facts. Ten countries in which they drink more

18.12.2017 Svetlana Afanasyevna8

Rating of the most drinking countries in the world

The World Health Organization published a rating of drinking countries in the 2018-19 year. According to WHO, alcoholic beverages are directly or indirectly considered one of the three main reasons for increasing mortality. At the same time, the share of alcohol consumed for each adult is growing every year.

Such data from WHO specialists are collected annually, it helps to find out the general degree of dependence and the percentage of alcohol consumed.

For more than ten years, the list of Eastern European countries and formed from the former republics of the USSR are headed. Russia is almost always in the middle of drinking tens.

The world began to drink more. Such WHO statistics has been conducted since 1961, on the basis of these data, special programs to combat the spread of alcohol are developed. However, almost every nation takes its own rules to drink or not to drink.

The summary is drawn up not only by the number of pure drinking ethanol. For accounting, all produced alcohol, imported or purchased. At the same time, as a rule, at the territory of the leaders themselves, the population does not consider drunkenness by the National Problem.

Statistics of the most drinking countries in the world in 2018-19 suggests that due to the policy of deterrence, the share of alcohol consumed has greatly increased in countries with an open economic border. In explanation to the study, WHO made it a substantiation of this situation. The organization noted that a lot of alcohol, considered to be consumed in the territory of the countries, the first triple is bought not in order to drink. Most often, such sale occurs with the aim of further distribution.

The country's permanent states remain in the countries where the culture of the consumption of the so-called light alcohol is very developed - wine, beer, local fruit brah. Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Italy and others are leading in another statistical list - the consumption of low-alcohol drinks per capita. This year, the countries of Africa and South Korea joined them.

Consumption of beer per capita for 2018-19

Top 18 of the most drinking countries of the world

On the planet grew up a global level of alcohol consumption. In 2018-19, for each person, over 15 years old, there are 6.6 liters of pure alcohol per year. Since 2014, this indicator grows by 0.2 percent.

Considering countries with a strong economy, experts found that every fifth of their inheritance chronic alcoholic. The leading position on suicides under the influence of systematic drunkenness is five years old, Europe holds. Each 4 attempt to deprive yourself of life here is associated with drinking.

This year's rating is represented by almost completely European countries and the post-Soviet space. Closes the top 18 world list Australia. She first hit 20 countries with increased interest in alcohol.

And the most drinking country in the world in 2019 - Belarus, and here the share of consumption of all categories of drinks has increased.


18 line rating. Three years ago, this state was part of the thirty drinking. But, due to the widespread spread of local varieties of wine and beer, Country Kangaroo faced the problem of alcoholism among the aborigines. The health of many of them staggered so much that in some territories, forced treatment of drunkenness for local Indians had to be introduced.

Slovenia and Denmark

17 and 16th place. Traditionally, countries have the same population alcoholization indicator. In these states, beer is not considered an alcoholic beverage, its sale is allowed to persons from 15 years. Often begin to consume alcohol much earlier. It is noteworthy that local health does not consider these national traditions a threat. Many drugs are based on beer and derivatives.


15th place. Two thirds of the territory of this state occupy vineyards. Wines here are made even more than in Italy. This alcoholic drink is considered national heritage and drinks everywhere. Hungary remained the only country of Europe, where, it is pretty joining the steering wheel. Criminal prosecution begins only for the systematic use of alcohol, which led to death from an accident.


14th place. This country closes a list of territories where lovers of low alcohol drinks live. Despite the fact that we often remember the National Porte, the Portuguese themselves prefer local wine and beer. The latter is considered tastier than Slovenian and Czech, since it is produced with the addition of grape sugar.


13th place. Spanish wines frequent export goods. Over the past two years, the percentage of strong alcohol consumption has grown here. Grape vodka and moonshine took the main places on the table of the Spaniards. Over the past year, the country has become popular for sobriety. Many believe that thus the manufacturers of wine are trying to fight those who do strong alcohol.


12th place. The classic Irish whiskey annually produce up to 30 liters per living in the world (!) Irish. In the country for 4 years, an alcohol riot occurred. And today, local producers have reached a high global level for the production of different alcohol-containing beverages based on malt and distillates.


11th place. The only country of the European Union is still, where the drinking alcohol is allowed everywhere. Local and imported drinks are so popular that they are told on the lessons in high school. Power believes that such awareness will help youth to make the right choice and abandon the use of alcohol.

France and United Kingdom

10 and 9 line rating. These countries have a permanent high alcohol rating. Local traditions of production and consumption of alcoholic beverages originate from the very beginning of statehood. More than half of the culinary recipes of these states is based on wine, beer, whiskey, etc. Until recently, some denominations considered the norm regular use of wing to children from the first year of life.

South Korea

8th place. Asian countries do not often fall into alcohol statistics. Yuk owes such attention to production and consumption quite European drinks - vodka, mogon, tinctures, lycles. 10 years ago, it was completely forbidden to drink in the country, the removal of restrictions led to a number of alcoholics that the government spoke about returning her taboos.


7th place. The country of wine and the sun is always among the top ten fading nations. Here, alcoholic beverages are used as soft. Surprisingly, but in Italy, with a rather high rating, you practically won't meet drunk. However, here the percentage regularly drinking strong alcohol has achieved high indicators. According to statistics, every third adult Italian chronic alcoholic.


6th place. Our country 5 years ago, he was in the top five top drinking countries in the world. In general, the Russians began to drink less. Experts associate this with a general depletion of the population. A not a small role in the fight against bad habits is the program for the development of a healthy lifestyle.


Closes the top five leaders. Residents of this small state quickly responded on rather bad indicators, the local parliament literally a few days later approved the program to combat alcohol addiction. From next year to drink any alcoholic beverages can only reach 20 years. Alcohol advertising will be completely prohibited in the country. The concept of time without alcohol is introduced - 2-3 weekdays and all festive, buying a drink will not be possible anywhere.

Czech Republic

It takes a stable fourth place. The position of the country does not change for five years. Do not help stop alcoholism or restrictions or propaganda. Most here drink beer, but along with him and strong alcohol.


In the top three, this country was for the first time, she usually occupied the place in the second ten. This is due to the removal of age restrictions on the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Drink now can any Estonian over 16 years old. It is noteworthy that such a measure is also valid for foreigners. Frequent tourism was the alcohol tour of this Baltic country.


Second place. The depressing result was obtained as a result of a nearly regulated market of alcoholic beverages. In the country with strong traditions of moonshine and winemaking today, a chronic alcoholic is considered to be every 4 not reached and 25 years.


The first ranking is. The highest relative consumption rate of pure ethanol. Almost half of the respondents (47%) confirmed that regularly, 2-3 times a week they drink strong alcoholic beverages. Over the past three years, a drunken control system was almost completely destroyed. And most likely, consumption data is strongly understated.

Summary statistics of drinking countries of the world

Based on statistics, a consolidated table was created, showing the dynamics of alcohol consumption for several years.

Place in ranking Country Consumption of alcohol per capita 2018 year (L) Alcohol consumption per capita 2017 year (L) Alcohol consumption per capita 2016 year (L) Relative percentage / relationship
1 Belarus 17,5 16,6 14 Grew by 25%
2 Ukraine 17,4 15,3 12 Increased by 45%
3 Estonia 17,2 17 16,5 Rose by 4%
4 Czech Republic 16,4 16 16,2 Grew by 1%
5 Lithuania 16,3 14 15,8 Grew by 3%
6 Russia 16,2 15,8 16,2 Not changed
7 Italy 16,1 16 16,1 Not changed
8 South Korea 16 14 12 Grew by 33%
9 France 15,8 15,6 15,8 Not changed
10 Great Britain 15,8 15,7 15 Grew by 1%
11 Germany 11,7 12,3 11,5 Grew by 1%
12 Ireland 11,6 11 8 Increased by 45%
13 Spain 11,4 11,3 11,6 Decreased by 2%
14 Portugal 11,4 11 11,2 Grew by 2%
15 Hungary 10,8 10 6 Grew by 18%
16 Slovenia 10,7 10,5 10,8 Decreased by 1%
17 Denmark 10,7 9 6,3 Grew by 69%
18 Australia 10,2 10 7 Increased by 45%

Free from alcohol territory of the world

In 41 countries of the world there is an absolute dry law. Governments of Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden principles of sobriety are enshrined by law.

  • In the countries of Scandinavia, there is a social program a sober city, according to it, in each local settlement every year there are weeks of freedom from dependence.
  • Uzbekistan became the first country of dry law in the post-Soviet space. It is prohibited here for sale, advertising, alcohol production. And with consuming court.
  • In many Muslim countries, drinking and selling alcohol is punishable by criminal punishment. And in Iran, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, the drinking people publicly humiliate or even kill.
  • China was the first active fighter for sobriety. Almost everywhere there are laboratories in which you can undergo a free inspection for diseases caused by alcohol.
  • There are more than 400 religious denominations in the world, their adepts are not just against alcohol consumption. In many cults of drugs and alcohol-containing substances are under strict taboo.

As noted in the WHO report, the share of drinking is replenished mainly at the expense of countries with a developed economy. This contributes to the availability of alcoholic beverages and relatively low employment of the population.

Alcohol accepts more than 2 billion people. The World Health Organization is alarming: the consumption of alcohol per capita is rapidly growing and an increasing number of people are captured by alcohol dependence. More than half of cases of disability, a third of mental abnormalities in the world are associated with the use of alcohol.

Aspects of the problem

Alcohol (ethyl alcohol, ethanol) is the most popular narcotic substance. The level of consumption in the world is half the entire population of the planet. Drinking alcohol stands in third place in the list of risk factors for diseases and premature death, inferior to tobacco and hypertension.

The World Health Organization (WHO), one of the special institutions of the UN system, once every five years is the ranking of countries with indicators of alcohol consumption in liters per capita and publishes in the publication "Global Reports of the World Health Organization and Health Regulations".

In Europe, there is no concept of alcoholism. Therefore, no drug accounting is conducted. There is a concept of "a person who has a problem with alcohol." The indicator of people with this symptomatics is about 15%.

European is the most drinking person in the world. Logic suggests that a large amount of alcohol should significantly reduce the life expectancy. But, as statistics in Europe shows, there are no direct relationship between indicators. For example, in Moldova, where the consumption of alcoholic beverages per capita is the highest (wine), the life expectancy is one of the highest in Europe.

Conclusion: The line between the separation of alcoholic beverages and abuse depends on the level of culture and the type of alcohol products. It has been proven that a high social and financial situation imposes certain obligations, which prevents the alcoholization of developed European countries.

It so happened that in these states a drink is not an end in itself. This pastime with a pleasant company in the bar or pub. The fact that alcohol in European countries is not chemistry is also taken into account. High prices are another barrier on the way to drunkenness.

In addition, surrounding humans to patients with alcoholism. A whole system of socio-psychological assistance is built and works: groups of anonymous alcoholics, trainings, courses of psychotherapy. It helps to get a job, establish relations in the family, makes it possible to feel its significance, the inclusion of the environment.

Indicators for developed countries

Statistics of alcohol use on a shower indicator (liter per person per year):

  1. France. The amount of alcohol consumed in its pure form is 14.2. Beer - 35.5. It so developed culturally and historically that wine and food for the Frenchman - an indivisible whole, and almost every meal implies the use of this drink.
  2. Italy. Alcohol consumption is 8 liters. Basically, the Italians drink wine, which also occupies a solid position in Italian gastronomy.
  3. Czech Republic. In its pure form - 11.8 liters per person, beer - 156.9 liters. This is a country with rich beer traditions and culture.
  4. Germany. In its pure form - 10.5 l, beer - 116.8 per person annually. Germany, like the Czech Republic, is the country of beer traditions. It is a foam drink as much as water. In Germany, it is allowed to drink beer in public places. In honor of him, the famous Beer Festival Oktoberfest (Munich, Bavaria) is held annually in the country.
  5. Denmark. Consumption of alcohol per capita - 11.5 liters every year, beer - 89.9 liters. According to statistics, the Danes are included in the list of the most drinkers: almost 96% of the adult population consume alcohol. The attitude of power to this is quite loyal. Alcohol can be bought freely almost everywhere at any time.
  6. Australia. In its pure form - 9.8 l, beer - 109.9. Traditionally, in this country, the use of alcoholic beverages is considered an ordinary social phenomenon.
  7. Great Britain. In its pure form - 10.4 l, beer - 99 liters. The leader among the countries of the world by the number and variety of alcohol-containing drinks. By law, the sale of alcohol is allowed anywhere and in any time. According to medical statistics, the most common disease in the British - liver cirrhosis caused by alcohol abuse.
  8. Finland. In its pure form - 9.9 liters per person. Sigor weather conditions, polar nights, low temperatures have a drink.
  9. Ireland. Alcohol consumption is 14.2 liters, beer - 131.1 liters per person. Irish is the most drinking nation. In the country, the use of alcohol is considered to be a generally accepted norm. Half of men times a week are drunk to loss of consciousness.

This video shows alcohol consumption statistics:

National problem

In Russia, the consumption of alcohol per person is 9.29 liters every year.

Therefore, the statement that Russian people drink the most, incorrect. Such an erroneous picture is associated with the fact that in Russia there is no so-called civilized culture of alcohol consumption, strong drinks are preferred. In addition, the Russians in the main mass do not know the feelings of measures, and the amount of drunk is measured not milliliters, but bottles and liters. Therefore, the amount of ethyl alcohol use in Russia displays the population into 4th place in the world. Drinking is directly connected with low income and social disadvantage. The national drinking habit, drunkenness often accompany elementary disorder and hopelessness in life.

Statistics on years shows that teenage alcoholism is growing: by 2015, about 30% of guys and 20% of girls under 18 daily drink alcoholic beverages, for each thousand teenagers 25 suffers from chronic alcoholism.

In this video, the 10 fake countries of the world are shown:

From alcohol poisoning in the country dies annually more than half a million people. This terrible figure is larger than the number of all deaths during military conflicts, epidemics and natural disasters. These are only official statistics, and in fact the situation is much greasy.

Alcohol has a centuries-old history and distributed worldwide. The use of alcohol reflects the cultural features of the population of different countries. Great drinks are used in religious sacraments and just for fun with a fence.

However, alcohol is not harmless at all and can cause a dependence, the consequences of which are extremely sad, and sometimes fatal. That is why the World Health Organization (WHO) has been involved in the control and reduction of alcohol consumption.

Alcoholism in the world is common everywhere, but in some countries this problem is especially acute. For many years, the leading positions were held by the members of the former USSR, and over the past decade in the top five leaders have escaped the states of Western Europe. Who is distinguished by enviable constancy, so these are Muslim peoples that do not welcome the use of alcohol.

Rating countries according to statistics for 2016-2017

WHO and a number of other instances are engaged in conducting alcohol consumption statistics. For example, OECD is the International Economic Organization of developed countries. The report is provided every few years.

The latest data was published on the Delphi portal in mid-May 2017. Galea, director of the non-infectious disease and health promotion department, the authorized representative of WHO shared with the online publication by official conclusions and called the top five drinking leaders.

It should be noted that WHO statistics take into account consumption of both legal and independent alcohol. For example, the population of Moldova prefers homemade wines.

In addition, WHO collaborates with the UN, evaluates tourist flows, smuggling drinks and adjusts statistics accordingly. The level of alcohol consumption is calculated by liters of pure ethyl alcohol, in a per capita age over 15 years old. At the same time, 60% of people in the world do not drink at all and 16% suffer from chronic alcoholism.

Lithuania ahead of the rest

It was this country that ranked first. According to WHO estimates in the small Baltic state, one resident uses 16.2 liters of pure ethanol for the year. By interviewing, Galea said literally: "This, according to the latest calculations, makes Lithuania by one of the most drinkers of the world." The specified amount of ethanol is 400 liters of beer. It is a penny drink that the Lithuanians prefer (46%). Strong alcohol consumes 34% of the population, and the wine is 8%.

In addition, statistical data indicate that alcohol in Lithuania is sipped in 90% of cases at home. For comparison in other European countries (Greece, Spain and the United Kingdom), more than 60% of consumption falls on entertainment places - restaurants, pubs, bars.


Since 2008 and 2015 Belarusians held an honorable first place in terms of alcohol consumption in the world. In 2016, the rating of countries has changed somewhat. Belarus managed to reduce the amount of pure alcohol in a year to 15 liters. It happened due to the increase in alcohol prices, which were minimal, the fight against manufacturers of poor-quality drinks, as well as toughening punishment for drunk driving. What do you prefer to drink in Belarus? According to statistics, the population mainly consumes strong alcohol (47%). In the smaller width of beer (17%) and wine (5%).


Closes the top three leaders another Baltic country. Here, according to statistics, the local population on average drinks about 12.8 liters of pure alcohol per year. Moreover, the trend towards leadership has emerged in Latvia recently. Over 5-10 years ago, less than 10 liters of alcohol for the year were used in the country.

From drinks, Latvians prefer beer. According to one study, they have almost 100 euros per year on alcohol, and less less spent on the visit of cultural events. In order to reduce the popularity of alcohol, in 2014, the authorities banned him advertising, but it did not lead to positive changes.

Fourth place divided Russia and Poland

As a result of 2016, both countries consume close 12.2 liters at the rate of one inhabitant. For Russia, fourth place is a kind of achievement. Over the past 10 years, the level of drinking alcohol decreased by about 5 liters. But Poland, on the contrary, began to drink more. Traditional drinks for her - vodka, various honey, beer. In Russia, the population prefers strong alcohol.


Closes the top five of the most drinking countries. The level of 11 liters of alcohol per capita of Estonia is the lowest for the last ten years. A similar result was achieved by the authorities by raising the excise. However, some citizens did not stop it, they simply began to buy alcohol products in Latvia, where prices for it are lower times 3. With regard to the preferences of Estonians, they use strong alcohol and beer at about one level - 37 and 41%, respectively.

Europe against Russia

Many ask where they use alcohol more, in Russia or in Europe? Statistics speaks for itself. Over the past decade, the situation with alcoholism in Russia has noticeably improved, but in Europe, on the contrary. However, the amount of pure ethanol is not the only criterion that is important to consider talking about the health of the nation. Culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, their quality and accepted therapeutic measures are of great importance. So, according to WHO, it is in Russia and a number of other countries that were part of the USSR, the highest level of mortality of the population from injuries associated with the admission of alcohol is noted. They lead in the frequency of deaths from cardiovascular diseases that have developed from alcohol abuse.

But if Europe drinks more, why does Russia suffer? The case in the culture of use, cheap alcohol, its availability, believes WHO. In Europe, the population does not know what an abstineent syndrome is, they have not been made to celebrate before infamous. They drink regularly, but moderately.

Moreover, many countries, such as Norway, sell alcohol exclusively in specialized stores. Moreover, in some cities they work only for tourists.

In Sweden, alcohol is so expensive that it is cheaper to go for him on the ferry to the Germans. As for Germany and Italy, they are although they are large suppliers of beer and wines, they themselves are not abused, thanks to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and enlightenment of the younger generation about the dangers of alcohol.

You can clearly see the statistics of the general consumption of alcohol in the world in WHO cards. The last similar graph is available for 2015. The results of 2017 will be summed up in 2018, presumably, too, in spring.

The problem of alcoholism in the world is sharp for many years. From the effects of abuse of alcohol, more than 3 million people die annually, which exceeds the amount of lethal outcomes from AIDS.

Alcoholic beverages contribute to the formation of dependence and increase the risk of developing more than 200 diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver and some types of cancer. In addition, excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages leads to violence and injury. The average global ethanol consumption is 6.2 liters. At the same time, each second resident does not drink on the planet at all.

18.12.2017 Svetlana Afanasyevna8

Rating of the most drinking countries in the world

The World Health Organization published a rating of drinking countries in the 2018-19 year. According to WHO, alcoholic beverages are directly or indirectly considered one of the three main reasons for increasing mortality. At the same time, the share of alcohol consumed for each adult is growing every year.

Such data from WHO specialists are collected annually, it helps to find out the general degree of dependence and the percentage of alcohol consumed.

For more than ten years, the list of Eastern European countries and formed from the former republics of the USSR are headed. Russia is almost always in the middle of drinking tens.

The world began to drink more. Such WHO statistics has been conducted since 1961, on the basis of these data, special programs to combat the spread of alcohol are developed. However, almost every nation takes its own rules to drink or not to drink.

The summary is drawn up not only by the number of pure drinking ethanol. For accounting, all produced alcohol, imported or purchased. At the same time, as a rule, at the territory of the leaders themselves, the population does not consider drunkenness by the National Problem.

Statistics of the most drinking countries in the world in 2018-19 suggests that due to the policy of deterrence, the share of alcohol consumed has greatly increased in countries with an open economic border. In explanation to the study, WHO made it a substantiation of this situation. The organization noted that a lot of alcohol, considered to be consumed in the territory of the countries, the first triple is bought not in order to drink. Most often, such sale occurs with the aim of further distribution.

The country's permanent states remain in the countries where the culture of the consumption of the so-called light alcohol is very developed - wine, beer, local fruit brah. Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Italy and others are leading in another statistical list - the consumption of low-alcohol drinks per capita. This year, the countries of Africa and South Korea joined them.

Consumption of beer per capita for 2018-19

Top 18 of the most drinking countries of the world

On the planet grew up a global level of alcohol consumption. In 2018-19, for each person, over 15 years old, there are 6.6 liters of pure alcohol per year. Since 2014, this indicator grows by 0.2 percent.

Considering countries with a strong economy, experts found that every fifth of their inheritance chronic alcoholic. The leading position on suicides under the influence of systematic drunkenness is five years old, Europe holds. Each 4 attempt to deprive yourself of life here is associated with drinking.

This year's rating is represented by almost completely European countries and the post-Soviet space. Closes the top 18 world list Australia. She first hit 20 countries with increased interest in alcohol.

And the most drinking country in the world in 2019 - Belarus, and here the share of consumption of all categories of drinks has increased.


18 line rating. Three years ago, this state was part of the thirty drinking. But, due to the widespread spread of local varieties of wine and beer, Country Kangaroo faced the problem of alcoholism among the aborigines. The health of many of them staggered so much that in some territories, forced treatment of drunkenness for local Indians had to be introduced.

Slovenia and Denmark

17 and 16th place. Traditionally, countries have the same population alcoholization indicator. In these states, beer is not considered an alcoholic beverage, its sale is allowed to persons from 15 years. Often begin to consume alcohol much earlier. It is noteworthy that local health does not consider these national traditions a threat. Many drugs are based on beer and derivatives.


15th place. Two thirds of the territory of this state occupy vineyards. Wines here are made even more than in Italy. This alcoholic drink is considered national heritage and drinks everywhere. Hungary remained the only country of Europe, where, it is pretty joining the steering wheel. Criminal prosecution begins only for the systematic use of alcohol, which led to death from an accident.


14th place. This country closes a list of territories where lovers of low alcohol drinks live. Despite the fact that we often remember the National Porte, the Portuguese themselves prefer local wine and beer. The latter is considered tastier than Slovenian and Czech, since it is produced with the addition of grape sugar.


13th place. Spanish wines frequent export goods. Over the past two years, the percentage of strong alcohol consumption has grown here. Grape vodka and moonshine took the main places on the table of the Spaniards. Over the past year, the country has become popular for sobriety. Many believe that thus the manufacturers of wine are trying to fight those who do strong alcohol.


12th place. The classic Irish whiskey annually produce up to 30 liters per living in the world (!) Irish. In the country for 4 years, an alcohol riot occurred. And today, local producers have reached a high global level for the production of different alcohol-containing beverages based on malt and distillates.


11th place. The only country of the European Union is still, where the drinking alcohol is allowed everywhere. Local and imported drinks are so popular that they are told on the lessons in high school. Power believes that such awareness will help youth to make the right choice and abandon the use of alcohol.

France and United Kingdom

10 and 9 line rating. These countries have a permanent high alcohol rating. Local traditions of production and consumption of alcoholic beverages originate from the very beginning of statehood. More than half of the culinary recipes of these states is based on wine, beer, whiskey, etc. Until recently, some denominations considered the norm regular use of wing to children from the first year of life.

South Korea

8th place. Asian countries do not often fall into alcohol statistics. Yuk owes such attention to production and consumption quite European drinks - vodka, mogon, tinctures, lycles. 10 years ago, it was completely forbidden to drink in the country, the removal of restrictions led to a number of alcoholics that the government spoke about returning her taboos.


7th place. The country of wine and the sun is always among the top ten fading nations. Here, alcoholic beverages are used as soft. Surprisingly, but in Italy, with a rather high rating, you practically won't meet drunk. However, here the percentage regularly drinking strong alcohol has achieved high indicators. According to statistics, every third adult Italian chronic alcoholic.


6th place. Our country 5 years ago, he was in the top five top drinking countries in the world. In general, the Russians began to drink less. Experts associate this with a general depletion of the population. A not a small role in the fight against bad habits is the program for the development of a healthy lifestyle.


Closes the top five leaders. Residents of this small state quickly responded on rather bad indicators, the local parliament literally a few days later approved the program to combat alcohol addiction. From next year to drink any alcoholic beverages can only reach 20 years. Alcohol advertising will be completely prohibited in the country. The concept of time without alcohol is introduced - 2-3 weekdays and all festive, buying a drink will not be possible anywhere.

Czech Republic

It takes a stable fourth place. The position of the country does not change for five years. Do not help stop alcoholism or restrictions or propaganda. Most here drink beer, but along with him and strong alcohol.


In the top three, this country was for the first time, she usually occupied the place in the second ten. This is due to the removal of age restrictions on the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Drink now can any Estonian over 16 years old. It is noteworthy that such a measure is also valid for foreigners. Frequent tourism was the alcohol tour of this Baltic country.


Second place. The depressing result was obtained as a result of a nearly regulated market of alcoholic beverages. In the country with strong traditions of moonshine and winemaking today, a chronic alcoholic is considered to be every 4 not reached and 25 years.


The first ranking is. The highest relative consumption rate of pure ethanol. Almost half of the respondents (47%) confirmed that regularly, 2-3 times a week they drink strong alcoholic beverages. Over the past three years, a drunken control system was almost completely destroyed. And most likely, consumption data is strongly understated.

Summary statistics of drinking countries of the world

Based on statistics, a consolidated table was created, showing the dynamics of alcohol consumption for several years.

Place in ranking Country Consumption of alcohol per capita 2018 year (L) Alcohol consumption per capita 2017 year (L) Alcohol consumption per capita 2016 year (L) Relative percentage / relationship
1 Belarus 17,5 16,6 14 Grew by 25%
2 Ukraine 17,4 15,3 12 Increased by 45%
3 Estonia 17,2 17 16,5 Rose by 4%
4 Czech Republic 16,4 16 16,2 Grew by 1%
5 Lithuania 16,3 14 15,8 Grew by 3%
6 Russia 16,2 15,8 16,2 Not changed
7 Italy 16,1 16 16,1 Not changed
8 South Korea 16 14 12 Grew by 33%
9 France 15,8 15,6 15,8 Not changed
10 Great Britain 15,8 15,7 15 Grew by 1%
11 Germany 11,7 12,3 11,5 Grew by 1%
12 Ireland 11,6 11 8 Increased by 45%
13 Spain 11,4 11,3 11,6 Decreased by 2%
14 Portugal 11,4 11 11,2 Grew by 2%
15 Hungary 10,8 10 6 Grew by 18%
16 Slovenia 10,7 10,5 10,8 Decreased by 1%
17 Denmark 10,7 9 6,3 Grew by 69%
18 Australia 10,2 10 7 Increased by 45%

Free from alcohol territory of the world

In 41 countries of the world there is an absolute dry law. Governments of Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden principles of sobriety are enshrined by law.

  • In the countries of Scandinavia, there is a social program a sober city, according to it, in each local settlement every year there are weeks of freedom from dependence.
  • Uzbekistan became the first country of dry law in the post-Soviet space. It is prohibited here for sale, advertising, alcohol production. And with consuming court.
  • In many Muslim countries, drinking and selling alcohol is punishable by criminal punishment. And in Iran, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, the drinking people publicly humiliate or even kill.
  • China was the first active fighter for sobriety. Almost everywhere there are laboratories in which you can undergo a free inspection for diseases caused by alcohol.
  • There are more than 400 religious denominations in the world, their adepts are not just against alcohol consumption. In many cults of drugs and alcohol-containing substances are under strict taboo.

As noted in the WHO report, the share of drinking is replenished mainly at the expense of countries with a developed economy. This contributes to the availability of alcoholic beverages and relatively low employment of the population.

Already long ago alcoholic beverages are an integral part of the life of almost every person. There are, of course, among us those who categorically not accept alcohol. This, of course, is very commendable. However, for those who do not mind drink a couple of beers of beer after the working day to relax, it is quite difficult to understand non-drinking people. However, statistics says that annually in the world the number of drinking people increases with a huge speed. And this data includes absolutely all people - from those who can drink purely symbolically or for a holiday, and those who drink almost daily to a piglery squeal. The World Health Organization submitted its list of the most drinkers in 2018.

1. Belarus

Oddly enough, but it is Belarus that ranked first in this ranking. According to the World Health Organization last year, more Ukrainians and Russians drank only in Belarus. In the country, each resident is on average drinks 17.5 liters. Alcohol per year. Moreover, sturdy drinks prefer 47% of people, beer only 17%, another alcohol -32%, but the wine is completely small - 4%. Women, by the way, also love to drink, on average, 7 liters. in year. These are official figures, and the real, presumably, much higher, as the database of moonshine in conservative Belarus could not reach.

2. Ukraine

The second place in the ranking is occupied by Ukraine, the country where it is very like to overturn a glass of the gorgeon and getting it all lark and green onions. In Ukraine, per year per person accounts for 17.4 liters of alcohol. Alcoholic market is very poorly regulated in the country, so the number of young people dependent on alcohol increases. Vodka and beer are the most popular alcohol, the wine ranks third. Ukrainians prefer to drink wines of domestic producers, mainly due to the available cost in comparison with European brands.

3. Estonia

In the top three leaders of the most drinking countries of the world 2017 and Estonia. National drink - "Old Tallinn". Despite the fact that the capital of the country received a title "City of Culture" many times, Estonians drink even more than Russians: 17.2 liters. per person per year. Beer prefers more from alcoholic beverages. It costs 3 dollars per glass, El or other alcohol costs about $ 5. Locals love to spend time in crowded bars. The tourist will be interested in visiting the old town, where many stylized restaurants.

4. Czech Republic

National drink - Becherovka. A resident of the Czech Republic on average drinks 16.4 liters per year. Great drink. Beer accounted for almost 160 liters. on people Beer in this country is part of culture, it is boiled here a lot of centuries. Famous Czech brands Velkopovicky Kozel, Radegast and Pilsner are a classic of beer varieties. There are many pubs here, where they sell draft beer, and in Prague a restaurant, which is more than five centuries! Here you will try Czech cuisine, various varieties of beer (dark, bright, coffee, banana) and feel the atmosphere of the old Czech Republic. The state actively invests in the wine industry. Czech wines are called Moravian, as most vineyards are growing in Moravia.

5. Lithuania

According to the director of the Department of noncommunicable chronic diseases and strengthening a healthy lifestyle of the WHO European Bureau, in Lithuania in 2017, one resident consuming 16 liters of alcohol. As the representative of WHO said to journalists: "This, according to the latest calculations, makes the country of one of the most drinkers of the world."

6. Russia

Perhaps that Russia is in the ranking only 6th place, many will surprise. But this is true. Despite the fact that in the last couple of years, alcohol use in the country has decreased slightly, the average Russian per year drinks 15.1 liters per year. alcohol. Women consume half less - 7.8 liters. National drink - vodka. In Russia, more preference is given precisely vodka and beer, a purely Russian habit of choosing "white" spread to other post-Soviet states, such as Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. It is in these countries who are more inclined, drinking alcohol, to reach the state of emergency intoxication. , as fast as possible. Russia's hit in the rating of the most drinkers is largely due to the relatively low cost of alcohol, in comparison with Europe - 4 dollars per half liters and low levels. Recently, the number of Russians preferring to other alcoholic drinks wine has increased.

7. France

In France, the consumption of pure alcohol per year per person is 14.2 liters. Only one of the beer in the country annually per capita drank 35.5 liters. The image of the Frenchman is traditional enough - these people slowly squeeze the wine, enjoying every sip. In America, the French are considered saturated snobs, but even there can not deny the fact that "frogs" have the same taste. In this country, in addition to the wines, they are greatly disassembled in food. In general, in France, the exquisite wine goes hand at hand with delicious food, these two concepts are inseparable here, like Baguette and Brie Cheese. It can be said easier - rarely when eating is not accompanied by a welcome.

8. Germany

National Drink - Schnaps. On average, the Germans consume 11.7 liters. alcohol products. Especially here in the post of beer, which is cheap, by local standards. The country is deserved in the top ten of the most drinking countries of the world, as alcohol is sold everywhere: in the shops, at gas stations, in the kiosks with newspapers. The Germans are liberals, drinking beer in the park on a bench and in other public places is not prohibited. In Germany, many beer festivals, which last from a couple of days to two weeks. At Oktoberfest, the harvest festival, there are more than 12 million people, and the beer is worth $ 13 for a liter glass.