How to wash a cat's ears at home. How to clean a kitten's ears at home. External examination of the patient

A cat is a very clean animal. She carefully monitors the cleanliness of her coat, but cannot complete all grooming tasks on her own. A caring owner should help his new friend and periodically clean his ears. In our article we will tell you how to clean a cat’s ears at home, what devices will be useful for us to carry out the hygiene procedure, and do we need to clean them at all?

How often should you clean your pet's ears?

Every feline, regardless of age and gender, loves affection from its owner. Showing tender feelings, the pet sits on the lap of an authoritative family member and exposes its muzzle to be petted.

This moment can be used to perform an ear examination. If you notice any abnormalities or dirt, it's time to clean it. Did you find anything suspicious? This means that the animal’s ears do not need care yet. Simply put, a kitten’s ears should be cleaned as needed.

Some breeds require more frequent grooming. For example, sphinxes, which have characteristic anatomical features, are more prone to dirty ears, so you will have to clean your ears more often than a cat fluffy breed. Due to the lack of long hair, it is not difficult to notice the degree of contamination of the ears.

Expert advice:

  • carry out a superficial examination of the ears daily;
  • a more thorough examination is carried out once every 4-5 days;
  • Hygienic cleaning is performed once every 2 weeks.

How to teach a cat to clean his ears

Animals do not tolerate such procedures very well, and who would like it when they shove it into your ears? foreign object? It’s easier to explain to a child the need to clean their ears, but it’s pointless to negotiate with a cat.

The best way to get your pet used to regular ear cleaning is to do it with early years. Gradually, the cat will get used to it and will accept these unpleasant manipulations quite naturally, without aggression or physical effort to escape from the owner’s hands.

Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to talk to the cat, caress him and let him relax and trust you. Clean carefully so as not to injure the organ or cause bleeding. After cleaning, be sure to reward the animal and treat it with something tasty. The kitten will be pleased to receive such a reward and next time he will treat necessary care more loyal.

Kittens' ears can be cleaned from the first months of life. This procedure should not be carried out unless absolutely necessary, as this may disrupt the normal microflora of the organ.

How to determine the need for ear cleaning in a cat

During visual inspection you can determine the need for cleaning. As a rule, the following factors may indicate the need for a procedure:

  1. Serous deposits inside the ear and ordinary dirt are subject to standard cleaning.
  2. Lumps and dark spots may indicate the development of unfavorable diseases. The animal may need a professional examination by a veterinarian to rule out complications. Advanced ear diseases such as otitis media and ear mite, can lead to complete hearing loss.
  3. An alarming signal is a scratched ear, which also means the development of painful processes.

If you regularly examine the animal’s ears and take timely measures to eliminate the identified factors, such consequences are eliminated.

Ear cleaning accessories

  • 8-10 cotton swabs to remove wax and dirt from two organs;
  • special gel for cleaning ears;
  • a towel to effectively and safely hold the cat’s head during the procedure;
  • You can also use a small flashlight to illuminate the ear cavity.

It is unacceptable to use regular matches with cotton wool wrapped around them. A homemade accessory can cause ear injury, which will cause many problems.

As for the gel for cleaning the ears of animals, we recommend choosing ready-made formulations in specialized stores. Some owners carry out care using ordinary water or vegetable oil.

We do not recommend using these products, as their use is also fraught with adverse consequences. The advantages of the gel are a specially developed composition that is completely safe for animals and is sold at a low price.

Step-by-step ear cleaning

So, if you have determined the need to clean your cat’s ears or decide to carry out such care for preventive purposes, the first thing you need to do is prepare the animal for the hygiene procedure. Take your pet in your arms and caress it so that it relaxes and does not resist during the cleaning procedures. Scratching the ear area helps a lot.

It is better to remove cleaning equipment from visible place, since the animal often tries to escape at the sight of cotton swabs and other equipment. When the cat relaxes, quietly remove the prepared materials and begin cleaning, carefully holding his head, which will prevent injury if the pet tries to escape.

Ear cleaning is carried out as follows:

  1. It is necessary to carefully bend and turn out the cat's ear.
  2. Dip into gel cotton swab and wet it.
  3. Now clean the ear. There is no need to insert the stick deeply, about 1 cm. This manipulation should be carried out carefully so as not to provoke injury.
  4. The serous accumulation is carefully pulled out. It is very important to prevent sulfur from penetrating in the opposite direction.
  5. Sticks are changed regularly. During the entire procedure for cleaning two ears, 8-10 pieces are used.
  6. When finished, treat your beloved pet to something tasty.

If a cat is diagnosed with a certain ear disease, it is necessary to show the animal to an experienced specialist. The veterinarian will examine, make a diagnosis and recommend effective treatment with the use of medications.

How to treat otitis media and other ear diseases in cats

The most common hearing disease in pets is otitis media (bacterial inflammatory process). This disease is quite dangerous, causing painful symptoms and complications, which often happens in the absence of adequate treatment.

The most likely consequence is complete hearing loss. To prevent this, regularly examine your cat's ears, and if you detect certain signs of illness, take your beloved pet to the veterinarian.

Special drops are used to treat otitis media and ear mites. You can purchase them at a veterinary pharmacy, as prescribed by a doctor. Instillation should be done after the ears have been cleaned. By following all the doctor’s recommendations, you can heal the animal and relieve it of painful symptoms. All these manipulations can be carried out at home.

The second most common ear disease in cats is ear mites. The main symptom is severe itching, disturbing the pet. Infection spreads from other animals. The disease can be determined by visual examination; there is a strong release of sulfur. The cat scratches its ear, behaves restlessly and often shakes its head. Inside the ear cavity there are signs of scratching and scratching to the point of bleeding.

To treat ear mites, the following are used:

  • antiseptic preparations for treating the hearing organs;
  • anti-tick agents;
  • Antibacterial and antifungal therapy is also recommended.

For effective impact medicine The animal's ears are thoroughly cleaned of wax and dirt. Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Afterwards, a re-examination by a veterinarian is recommended.

In conclusion, let’s conclude: examination of a cat’s ears and preventive cleaning are mandatory procedures for caring for a pet! A person who has adopted a furry friend should under no circumstances ignore these rules, because our four-legged friends constantly need the help and care of their owner.

More articles on this topic.

Every person, when he gets a kitten at home, undertakes to feed, raise it, provide the necessary care and take care of its health. How to cut nails, how to clean a kitten’s ears, when to bathe and cut – all these questions require study and correct, timely execution.

Cats, as everyone knows, are very clean animals; they often wash themselves, wash their paws, and comb their fur. Kittens sometimes have their ears licked by a cat, but proper ear care using special cosmetics, can only be done by a person. The kitten cannot do this on its own.

In addition to accumulated wax, kittens' ears must be freed from mites and excess moisture that collects there. Kittens need to be accustomed to this procedure from a young age so that there are no problems with it later.

Should kittens' ears be cleaned?

Many owners, especially new ones, often wonder whether it is necessary to clean a kitten’s ears, whether it will harm it, and how to do it correctly?

It is necessary to clean the ears as they become dirty; this does not happen often. If your kitten almost constantly waves its head, rubs it on any surface, rubs its ears with its paws, or dips its head in its bowl of water, then this is a direct signal that it is time for the ear cleaning procedure. You need to inspect the kitten’s ears, but if you don’t find any plaque, stains, or any damage or scratches in them, then cleaning is not necessary.

On average, a domestic kitten that is constantly in the house needs to have its ears cleaned 1-2 times a month, but their ears need to be examined several times a week. This is necessary in order to detect contamination or any other problem in time.

Signs your kitten needs an ear cleaning:

  • the presence of sulfur, dirt or dust;
  • the presence of spots, dark dots;
  • pus or purulent discharge;
  • any crusts in the ears;
  • scratches, wounds, presence of dried blood;
  • if it comes from the ear bad smell.

When to clean your ears

Healthy ears have no odor, and earwax is normally dark in color.

Cleaning your kitten's ears is a must.:

  • with increased sulfur secretion. There is no reason to panic, but its excessive accumulation can cause inflammation, so if your pet suffers from this, then it needs frequent procedures for cleaning the sinks;
  • excess hair in the ears. It happens that cats have hair that accumulates in their ears and clumps into clumps. They do not allow air to pass through, and can cause the accumulation and reproduction of various viruses and bacteria;
  • after taking a bath. If you do not remove the moisture that may remain after bathing, then inflammation of the middle ear - otitis media - can easily occur;
  • before an exhibition, competition;
  • daily cleaning is recommended for diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • If you suspect any disease, if there is discharge, you should not delay going to the veterinarian.

What you need for cleaning

It is quite possible to clean a kitten’s ears at home, but at the same time he can break out, bite, and scratch. This procedure is unpleasant for him, and he tries in every possible way to avoid it. If you teach with early age, then the kitten will take all this for granted. Many of them love this procedure and lie still.

An adult cat that has never had its ears cleaned will actively resist. Therefore, to neutralize it, you can use the following advice. He can be swaddled in a sheet, blanket, or towel so that his paws are securely fixed. This way, you can easily clean your pet’s ears and protect yourself from scratches from his sharp claws.

The owner needs to purchase:

  • ear cotton swabs;
  • special sponges, cotton pads or soft cloth(preferably cotton);
  • special gel or lotion for cleaning ears. It can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy (in emergency cases, use warm sunflower oil or boiled water).

How to properly clean your ears?

Before you start cleaning the ears, you need to coax the kitten. You need to play with him, pet him, sit him on your lap and feed him your favorite treat. This will take a little time.

Rules for cleaning ears:

  • if necessary, wrap the kitten in a towel;
  • You need to very lightly and carefully bend the ears outward with your fingers. Don't be afraid to do this; for furry pets it is absolutely painless, and this way you can see all the ear bends and folds. This will greatly simplify the procedure;
  • Lightly moisten a cotton pad with lotion and lightly wipe the shell of the ear;
  • if necessary, repeat the previous point several times;
  • Now you need a cotton swab. By moistening it, you can treat all hard-to-reach places, bends and folds.

Many owners are afraid to avoid harming the kitten. These are vain fears, because the eardrum is deep enough that you will not be able to reach there. But it is quite possible to scratch the mucous membrane of the ear, subject to strong pressure or a hard stick.

The breed of kittens that have downturned ears requires special and delicate care. They need to be cleaned a little more often than everyone else. Fold kitten endures this procedure more difficultly and takes longer to recover from it, so caution and accuracy must be exercised top level. Discomfort, yours Fluffy kitten, will still be felt for several hours. He will scratch his ears and turn his head. But, it will pass.

Caring for pet tailed pets is not difficult. It must be performed efficiently and in a timely manner so that your health does not worsen. You need to do this by fulfilling all the conditions and following the doctor’s recommendations. Cleaning your kitten's ears is a must; it prevents diseases. It is always worth remembering that we are responsible for those we have tamed!


Not only people, but also cats should have clean ears. Does this mean that you need to clean your cat’s ears regularly? Not at all!

Most cats cope well with this task on their own, with the only exceptions being some purely artificial breeds, such as Sphynxes and Scottish Folds. We will look at cleaning the pink ears of these girlfriends and their friends below. For now, let's talk about the erect ears of furry pets.

This is what good, healthy cat ears should look like:

Translucent, no bald spots on the outside, no spots or foreign inclusions on the inside, guard hairs covering auricle outside, clean and level.

Aesthetically revealing ears! Unhealthy ears look different. This ear should alert the owner:

If the sparse guard hair covering the ear performs its function - not to allow debris from the outside to enter, then the wax produced inside the ear does its own.

Ear wax in a cat

If you thought that it was for performing magical rituals, then you are partly right. The magic lies in the amount and color of sulfur, which can be used to tell whether your animal is healthy or whether a visit to the doctor is coming.

A lack of sulfuric substance or its excess indicates either improper care of the fluffy, or a malfunction of the body, or a disease.

Sulfur is necessary to cleanse the outer ear of various “garbage”:

  • dust;
  • small particles of hair and skin;
  • spores of pathogenic fungi;
  • viruses and bacteria;
  • body waste.

All this garbage, falling on the ear lining, covered with a thin layer of secretion from 2000 modified sebaceous glands, located inside the ear canal, clumps and is brought out naturally. Warm wax is evenly distributed throughout the ear, from where the cat easily removes it while washing.

By the way, such glands are located evenly throughout the cat’s body; they provide lubrication to the animal’s fur and skin, that is, they also perform a protective function.

Cat earwax contains more than 10 peptides that prevent the development of various fungi and bacteria.

It is believed that sulfur secretion prevents penetration into the ear small insects. Self-cleaning of the ear canal is a natural, genetically determined process. Violation of this process indicates disorders in the cat’s body, for example, decreased immunity.

Following a decrease in immunity (failure in the body’s defenses), various infections penetrate into the ear canal and develop:

  • otitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • otomycosis (fungal otitis).

Healthy ear secretions have a pasty consistency, a slightly brown color and are practically odorless.

Violation of color, smell, thickness is a direct indication that the cat is sick. So as not to miss this important point, the ears should be examined regularly, at least once or twice a week.

Examination of the animal's ears

What should alert you when examining a cat’s ears:

  • First, the inside of the cat's ear should be warm, clean and slightly oily.
  • If the sulfur inside has darkened and acquired a rich rusty-brown color, and before this the cat vomited or had purulent-bloody discharge from the nose, there is a reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps the animal becomes anemic and urgently needs iron supplements.
  • A similar picture is observed in kittens if they have polyps (adenoids) in their nose. Polyps can grow directly in the ear canal!
  • Here, most likely, without surgical intervention not enough.
  • If sulfur has acquired a dull yellow color and is released (flowing) profusely from the ear opening, then there is clearly a purulent process. The presence of white or greenish clots is confirmation of this.
  • Increase in temperature, refusal to feed, lethargy - associated symptoms with otitis.

Let's run to the doctor! We urgently need antibiotics or antiviral drugs!

If black inclusions are noticed in the earwax once, then there is no need to worry - most likely, dirt has gotten into the ear. It is enough to clean the auricle with a cotton swab or disk. If there are no small inflamed areas under the dirt, and the ear canal itself is clean, then there is no reason to panic.

It’s another matter if, after wiping, “dirt” appears again and again, its boundaries expand, the delicate inner lining of the ear becomes inflamed, and the wax on the tampon spreads out in dirty and bloody stains - bad sign. This could be otomycosis, because. Fungal spores can turn sulfur black. Presence of blood - ear mite - Otodectes cynotis (lat.). And this is the beginning of ear frequency.

Symptoms are noticeable even without earwax:

  • increasing itching;
  • bowed head, etc.

Attempts to scratch the ear result in additional damage, which does not add a good mood to the unfortunate animal; it becomes nervous and aggressive. The temperature may rise.

Most often, the disease manifests itself in small kittens and the danger accompanies up to a year.

Why is a visit to the doctor necessary? Because under a microscope he will be able to determine what is preventing the cat from living in peace - a fungus or a mite. Perhaps both together.

If the sulfur is completely colorless or has a milky white color, then this is also a reason to consult a veterinarian. Perhaps this is a sign that the cat’s body lacks microelements or hypovitaminosis is beginning.

This question should not be started, because... a young animal that does not receive these building materials during the growth period will never be able to feel absolutely healthy. The doctor (after tests) will prescribe the correct treatment.

The combination of clear exudate from the ears, nose and eyes at the same time is an allergic reaction.

A dry ear from the inside, covered with wax, flaking off with whitish scales, like large dandruff, is a sign of a lack of fat in the cat's food or the beginning of dermatitis.

The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis. He will also determine, after a detailed examination, whether the constant leakage from the ear is due to internal birth trauma in a kitten or a deep inflammatory process.

When examining your cat's ear, don't be shy to smell it! Smell can say a lot! For example, when staphylococcal infection An unpleasant fishy odor will emanate from the ear. The smell of rotten meat will indicate suppuration, although this may not yet be visible outwardly.

A sharp, pungent odor can appear from the ears of cats during the period of “maturation” or sexual heat. A sharp and unpleasant odor may also indicate a thyroid disease.

Attention! The appearance of ichor or drops of blood from a cat’s ears is an ear injury with damage (worse if ruptured) to the eardrum! Go to the veterinary clinic immediately!

Cleaning the ears of adult cats

In aging female cats, the ear canal gradually narrows, the outflow of wax weakens, and the male cat may rub its ear with its paw or lick it until it becomes bald. If the inside of the ear does not cause concern, then this is just an attempt to get rid of the itching that occurs due to dryness.

Consult a knowledgeable specialist, he will tell you how to alleviate the situation, because... It will no longer be possible to restore the secretion of the ear glands in an elderly pet.

Another “dangerous” age is early adolescence. You need to be very careful about keeping your kitten's ears clean! Hearing dysfunction in early infancy can cause permanent damage motor functions, because the hearing aid is also an organ of balance. Such damage can forever leave the baby semi-disabled with tangled legs and convulsive twitching of the head.

After the examination, if nothing suspicious is found that requires a doctor’s intervention, you can begin cleaning.

How to clean a kitten's ears at home correctly

We will need:

  • Ear cleaning liquid.

This may be a special hygiene lotion, sold in specialized stores for animals. It must not contain alcohol! It should contain a number of components that soften wax and form a protective film on the lining of the ear, protecting the skin from fungus and bacteria until fresh wax covers the ear.

  • We can completely replace the lotion with chlorhexedine or hydrogen peroxide.
  • An excellent option is chamomile infusion or strong tea.
  • If you don’t have either one or the other at hand, boiled water will do.

  • Cotton wool, cotton swabs, cotton pads and cotton swabs.

Cotton wool is wound around your finger (if your finger does not have a long, sharpened nail) and with this finger it is very convenient to clean your pet’s delicate ear.

Tampons and discs serve the same purpose.

You need to use cotton swabs with caution, never inserting them into the ear canal! They are recommended for use only if the cat is accustomed to ear cleaning, tolerates it calmly, and ideally, likes it.

Both tampons, discs, and sticks used for cleaning must be moistened!

For each ear you will need 3-4 tampons or sticks: 2 for cleaning directly and one for drying the ear after the procedure.

  • If the animal is not accustomed to ear hygiene, then you will also need a terry towel to restrain the stubborn cat. Extra hands won't hurt either.

Step-by-step instructions for using lotion and cotton wool to clean your ears

  1. We make the cat more comfortable, stroke and calm him down.
  2. Place 5-7 drops of liquid in each ear, fold the ear in half and massage lightly for 3-5 minutes, not forgetting to scratch the cat’s neck and chin with your other hand.
  3. We turn the auricle with the lining outward. Do not be afraid! If you don't pull the ear, it won't hurt the cat!
  4. Gently pass a swab (disc) or finger with cotton over the entire surface of the sink. We repeat the procedure, changing the tampon (disk). Movements from the inside towards oneself - outwards, in no case do we “trample” the contents of the auricle into the ear canal!
  5. All that remains is to wipe the clean ear dry and let the cat go home.

Cleaning the ears of sphinxes and fold-eared kittens

And cats and cats, of course! With these breeds, regular grooming once every 2-3 weeks will not work.

Sphynx cats tend to become covered with a light coating of fat, which must be removed frequently. The moment you wash your bald head, treat his ears at the same time. Be careful not to get water or lotion inside the ear canal, as it may these cats do not have a protective barrier in the form of tiny hairs inside the shell and there is also no external saving guard hair.

Fold-eared kittens are not able to thoroughly rinse their ears due to the structure of the auricle. You will have to do this by carefully turning the ear with the lining out. Further - according to the previous scheme. The only thing is that the flap ear needs to be dried more thoroughly than the upright version. Excess moisture can serve as a breeding ground for the development of diseases!

There is no point in being overzealous with washing the ears of a baby fold cat; excessive zeal will extinguish the kitten’s nascent “ear immunity” in the bud, and ear diseases will be frequent and unwanted guests. It is enough to treat the ears once every 2 weeks.

Don't confuse cleaning and inspection! Inspection – 2 times a week!

Cats' ears are the organ of hearing and perform the function of balance. They quickly become contaminated with dead particles of the epidermis and dust. Sometimes sulfur plugs form in them or mites appear. For this reason, experts always recommend that owners monitor the condition of their pets’ ears.

You should periodically inspect your animal's ears for wax, dirt, pathological discharge. All this is a fertile environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. As a result, otitis media and other diseases develop. If necessary, be sure to clean your pet's ears. But it is important to follow precautionary rules so as not to give him painful sensations and do not injure the eardrum.

Cats have a unique structure of their ears, which makes manipulation difficult. If the pet is shy, this further complicates the procedure.

How often to clean your ears

Healthy cats can have their ears cleaned once every 3-5 weeks. But the frequency of procedures also depends on the breed. For example, Abyssinian cats and some other short-haired breeds produce sulfur in large quantities. Therefore, they need more frequent care. In long-haired cats, long hairs are a natural filter against pollution.

You should not clean your ears too often, because this will disrupt the healthy ear microflora. In any case, it is better to discuss this issue with your veterinarian.

What products to choose for cleaning your ears

You need to be careful when choosing ear cleaning products. It is strictly not recommended to use the following liquids:

  • soap solution;
  • alcohol;
  • table vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

They dry out the skin, provoke increased sulfur secretion and even cause chemical burn. It is better to consult a veterinarian and he will recommend a suitable drug.

Nowadays there is a wide variety of products on the market. Here are some of them:

  1. Top-Vet Otoferonol Gold. Anti-inflammatory drops with acaricidal and antimicrobial effects.
  2. Anandin Plus. Drops with bactericidal properties. Used for otodectosis.
  3. Lotion-spray Fitolar. Hygienic product with a unique composition. It has wound-healing, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Otifri. Cleansing lotion that relieves itching and inflammation well. Significantly reduces the number of fungi and bacteria in the external auditory canal.
  5. Veda Otodectin. Drops containing pine oil. Used for hygienic purposes. Help restore damaged tissue and eliminate infectious diseases.
  6. Petrolatum. good and safe remedy to soften sulfur and dirt.
  7. Chlorhexidine. Actively fights dirt without irritation delicate skin.

How to properly clean a cat's ears at home

First you need to prepare the necessary equipment. These include:

  • cotton buds;
  • cotton pads;
  • specialized solutions.

Next, the pet is restrained so that it does not escape. Otherwise, you may injure your ear due to careless movements. If the cat has a violent disposition, then it is better to carry out the hygiene procedure with an assistant. It is permissible to wrap the animal in a towel to protect it from scratches and bites.

The next step is to bend and turn out the auricle in order to inspect its contents. Pets' ears are opened with special care fold-eared breeds, being careful not to damage the cartilage. For a better visual inspection, you can use a bright flashlight.

If there is little contamination, then it will be enough to wipe the ear with a cotton pad previously soaked in a disinfectant. If there is a lot of discharge and dirt, then you need to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Place saline solution into the ear canal and massage the ear a little.
  2. Allow the cat to shake its head so that it shakes out any remaining residue.

It is important that the solution is not too cold or hot before use.

When cleaning your ears with cotton swabs, experts advise extreme caution and certain rules:

  1. Do not make sharp circular movements.
  2. Do not penetrate deep into the ear canal. All manipulations are carried out within visibility.
  3. Movements should be directed outward. Otherwise, sulfur and other contaminants can be pushed too deep.

Most cats do not like this procedure because it is not very pleasant and is even a little painful. It is better to accustom your pet to it from an early age. Then he will gradually get used to the manipulation and will then tolerate it calmly.

Regular ear cleaning is an important hygiene and preventive measure. It allows the animal to maintain good hearing and prevent a number of diseases.

The question of whether it is necessary to regularly clean cats' ears causes some controversy in the felinological community. Some experts suggest limiting inspections to once every 2-3 weeks, while others suggest carrying out preventative cleaning every week. But one way or another, everyone agrees that to prevent cat health problems, you should carefully monitor the condition of its ears.

Ideally, a general examination of the cat should be daily. This includes cleaning the animal’s eyes and, if required, ears. It is always better to prevent a disease than to fight it. What dangerous diseases can cause neglect of hearing hygiene, and how to properly clean a cat’s ears? Let's start in order.

The first step is to accustom the cat to examining the ears.

No one will like it if they are torn away from important activities and forced to sit still, and for some reason they will get into their ears. Your cat is no exception. To prevent the procedure from turning into stress for the animal and bloodshed for you, it is better to accustom your pet to daily care from an early age.

It is very important that the examination does not cause any negative associations in the animal:

  • Before hygiene procedure play with your pet.
  • And when it’s all over, treat them to something tasty.

If a kitten or adult cat associates inspection with such pleasant moments, then it will not resist or scratch.

To secure the animal's head, it is best to carefully wrap it in a towel. Just don't tie your cat too tightly or try to tie her paws with a towel! This will only make her angry, and it will not be easy to deal with a disgruntled, struggling animal.

The second step is conducting an inspection. What should you pay attention to?

To check the cleanliness of the ears, you need to bend them back, as if turning them inside out. This won't hurt your cat, so be careful. There should be no dark deposits, accumulations of dirt, etc. inside the ear, it should be completely clean. If black spots or something like brown bumps are visible, the situation is bad - this means that the cat is sick.

The most common ear diseases:

  • otitis,
  • ear mite

Both are very dangerous for the pet, especially in the later stages, and can cause not only deafness, but also more serious problems with health. Frequent inspection will help to identify the problem immediately and solve it in a timely manner.

You can purchase a special small flashlight to look deeper into your pet's ears, inside the ear canal, but this is not necessary.

So, pay attention to dirt and any sores or scratches. This is a warning sign!

Third step – look or clean?

Clean ears to a pet recommended once every 2-3 weeks.

There is no need to clean your pet's ears every day, but once every 2-3 weeks would be a good idea. If the inner surface of the ears is clean, the cleaning procedure will not take more than a couple of minutes.

By removing excess earwax and dust from your cat's ears, you relieve your pet of:

  • risk of getting sick;
  • hearing impairment caused by sulfur plugs.

It is important to remember that there are cat breeds that require more frequent ear cleaning, such as Sphynx cats. When planning to purchase a purebred animal, be sure to find out from the breeder how to properly care for it.

Fourth step - prepare equipment for cleaning

What you will need:

  1. First, cotton swabs, about 3-4 per ear if it is dirty, or 1-2 if clean. In no case should they be homemade, like matches with cotton wool wrapped around them. Using such a tool can scratch the delicate skin of the ear and cause a lot of problems.
  2. Secondly, ear cleaning gel. You can often hear advice on using vegetable oil or ordinary water for cleaning, but it is better to buy a special product, especially since it is inexpensive.
  3. And, of course, a towel with which you will restrain the animal - not so that it cannot escape, but so that it does not shake its head at the wrong moment and does not damage its ears.

Step five - how to clean a cat's ears?

It is very important to perform all actions carefully and slowly! Remember that you are working on a very sensitive area!

So, there are two options:

  • First: the ears look normal and this is a preventative cleaning.
  • Second: the ears are dirty, and cleaning is therapeutic.

They are not too different from each other.

First you need to bend cat ear, turning it out as far as possible. The gel should not be squeezed directly into the ear! Dip a cotton swab into the gel and wipe the ear with it. Many people are afraid of piercing a cat’s eardrum, and this is completely in vain. Of course, you don’t need to push the entire cotton swab into your cat’s ear, but to a depth of about a centimeter is absolutely safe. The eardrum is located in such a way that you cannot reach it. However, be careful not to hurt your pet.

It is important that your movements are directed outward and not inward, otherwise, instead of pulling out dirt, you will push it deeper into the ear.


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