Types of decorative pigeons. Review of all types of pigeons with photos and descriptions. Viennese high flying

They have long become an integral part of the economy of many domestic farmers. This material is dedicated to the most popular varieties of domestic birds. We invite you to familiarize yourself with brief description the most common breeds of pigeons with photos and videos.

Tipplers are considered not a particularly new variety among domestic pigeons. The first birds of this breed were bred by British breeders in the 19th century, but during this time they were able to gain great popularity among lovers of such birds. Representatives of this variety appeared as a result of crossing English tumblers, as well as high-flying French pigeons.

Today, the Tippler breed is the most common in Europe, as well as in the UK. As for domestic farmers, experienced poultry farmers have long known about tipplers and many want to get them, but it’s not easy to find such pigeons here, although they are not uncommon.

If we talk about appearance, then tipplers have nothing unusual - their plumage is gray with a slight tint in the neck area. The body should be highlighted - representatives of this breed are characterized by a toned and muscular body. Tipplers also have high performance flight, the video confirms this. The endurance level of pigeons of this species is very high - birds can fly in the sky for about 20 hours or even more without getting tired.


Grivunas are domestic birds bred by Russian breeders. This breed is quite common in Russia. As you can tell from the name, hryvnias are characterized by a small mane on their head. As a rule, hryvnias have white plumage, and on the neck there is a spot of red or black color. In general, the appearance of hryvnias is quite original, you can judge this from the photo.

The skull of doves is proportional to the body and is small in size. As for the beak, it is small in size and quite neat. There are no feathers on the paws; in general, the paws are short. But the peculiarity of the hryvnia is its eyes - they are unusually large and very expressive. In general, the physique of hryvnias is dense and muscular, which is due to their high flight characteristics.

It should also be noted that the plumage is dense and hard, which can be especially felt when holding the bird in your hands. Grivuns fly quite high, so they are practically invisible from the ground. On average, the duration of a free flight is about 7 hours.

Armavir white-headed cosmachi

Armavir white-headed kosmachi were also bred by domestic breeders. As you understand, these pigeons were named after Armavir, where they were bred. Kosmachi can be forelock or forelockless; in general, their appearance is quite original and memorable. It is noteworthy that on the paws of these birds you can see thick plumage, while the body of the pigeon is covered with small feathers, which can be clearly seen in the photo.

Armavir cosmachi are not characterized by high flight characteristics; on average, they fly for about one and a half to two hours. Their flight altitude is also low - it can reach 100 meters. However, in general, kosmachi fly beautifully - pigeons fly easily and smoothly, they can fight up to five times per exit into the pillar, and when descending they often turn over in the air.

English Crusade

The English Cross came to the countries of the former CIS not so long ago, but during this time it has already managed to fall in love with fans of domestic pigeons. As the name suggests, these birds were bred in Great Britain and are often called monkbirds. From the very beginning of breeding, and this happened in the 19th century, representatives of this breed are considered decorative individuals.

In European countries, English crusaders are very popular and in demand. This breed got its name from the feathery hood located on its head. As for the physique, the overall body is dense, not particularly long, mostly short, and the posture is vertical. The chest of such pigeons is convex. You should also highlight the shoulders - they are quite wide, which is also clearly visible in the photo.

In addition, you need to highlight the dimensions of these birds. Average sizes poultry can range from 25 to 35 cm. The skull is quite large, the beak is short, but very thick and strong. As for the eyes, they are usually white with a black pupil.

Chinese gull

Domestic pigeons with the original name Chinese gull are domestic birds that, to everyone’s surprise, were not bred in China. Birds were brought to Europe from the countries of the African continent more than a hundred years ago. Around the same time, in Paris they were called Chinese gulls, for what reasons is unknown, but this name has survived to this day.

It is interesting that such birds are completely unpretentious in feeding, maintenance and care in general; they are independent enough to take care of themselves. It is also noteworthy that Chinese gulls are very fertile compared to other breeds. Therefore, they are an ideal domestic variety for those poultry farmers who want to start breeding.

In general, the physique of birds is not much different from other pigeons. They have an upright posture, and the plumage around the chest and thighs is thicker. Also interesting is the appearance of the pigeons when they take a fighting stance - it is very funny. As for the color, it can be very different - from red and gray to snow-white.

Volsky tumblers belong to the relict species and are also a domestic breed. Thurmans were first bred in the city of Volsk, Saratov region, Russia. In Ukraine, Volsky Turmans are called Chumaks.

The build of these birds is stocky, the chest is quite wide, the neck is strong and powerful. They have excellent flight abilities, as well as high fertile characteristics. In addition, Volsky tumblers have good health, they are often resistant to various infections. Today the most common breed is in the Volga region. But it is also worth noting that Volsky tumblers are no less popular among poultry farmers in Germany and France - there are also enough of them in these countries.

Syzran viscoptera

Syzran Floppywings are also a domestic breed, which was bred by Syzran breeders. Representatives of this domestic variety can be forelocked or toothless. There are many subspecies of Syzran fledglings, but all of them are characterized by medium dimensions.

Bird meat is rich in protein and, when cooked correctly, melts in your mouth, so breeding meat pigeons makes sense, despite the special requirements for maintenance and care.

Pigeon breeders have bred several meat breeds:

  • giant pigeons (Roman Giant);
  • king;
  • carnot;
  • Strasser (or Moravian Strasser);
  • texan;
  • Monden;
  • Prachensky holiday.

Breed Features

Before looking at the spring appearance, you should familiarize yourself with the other main characteristics of each breed:

  1. Giants quickly increase their weight, reaching up to 1.6 kg, but weight gain is often due to fat, so the breeder needs to carefully monitor the food they consume. Also, you should not keep many birds in a cramped room, as Roman giants are prone to aggression towards their fellow birds. At the same time, they are friendly in their relationships with people and rarely get sick.
  2. Kings grow and reproduce quickly, but can often peck or scratch their owners - a feature of the breed’s character. Suitable for keeping in a cage (aviary).
  3. Carnot do not require specific conditions, they grow quickly, but the weight of an adult representative rarely exceeds 0.8 kg.
  4. Strassers gain weight of about 1 kg (females - less, males - more), breed well in captivity: 10-12 chicks can be obtained from one female per season.
  5. Texans have very high productivity - from 15 to 20 cubs per year. They have an easy-going nature, which allows you to put many birds in one cage without the risk of a fight. Weight is gained quickly.
  6. Mondens are small (slaughter weight 0.5 kg), but fast-growing pigeons.
  7. Prachenskie kaniki are small (0.6 kg), but they reach slaughter weight in a short time. The meat has a delicate taste.

Description of the breed

External features each meat breed of pigeons, photo and description:

  1. Roman giants demonstrate large sizes, as the name suggests, as well as a massive beak, wide neck, long wings and tail.
  2. Despite the significant volume of the body, wide chest and neck, kings have a small beak and wings, as well as a short, upward-pointing tail.
  3. French Carnots are distinguished by a pale reddish beak with a hump, a small head (against the background of the body), as well as thick plumage, which seems even thicker due to large feathers.
  4. The Strasser has a large head, as well as a body (up to half a meter long), but the neck is not thick, but beautifully curved; splayed paws are a striking red color.
  5. The Texan can be recognized by its protruding chest and neck, located perpendicular to the body. The plumage is short, with a small tail pointing slightly upward.
  6. Representatives of the Monden breed have a small head, a large body with a fleshy belly and a pinkish beak curved at the end.
  7. Prachen Kanikas stand out due to their bright red paws. The upper body is curved in the shape of the letter "L".

Sporting breeds of pigeons

The concept of “pigeon mail” is also known in the 21st century, because this method of exchanging information, although not effective, is at least unusual and reminiscent of methods of communication in the past. If we delve deeper into history, we can note that the delivery of messages by birds was widely used not so long ago - for example, during the World Wars of the 20th century.

Important! Only special breeds of pigeons can be carrier pigeons, prone to quick orientation in space, capable of remembering the place of departure and conducting for a long time on my way. They are called sports.

Belgian homing pigeons

Small birds with a strongly built body and well-developed rounded wings in terms of strength. The colors are different.

The peculiarity of the breed is its excellent orientation in the area, allowing it to find a home at any distance.

Like other pigeons, Belgian homing pigeons should eat 3 times a day. The diet includes:

  • yellow peas;
  • lentils;
  • bran;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • rape;
  • linen;
  • mineral supplements.

A mandatory condition of keeping is a drinking bowl in the dovecote.

All breeds of decorative pigeons: photos

Decorative breeds of pigeons there's a lot, so it's hard to collect photos of them all , but the most popular ones cannot be ignored.


Pigeons of the warty subgroup have outgrowths around the eyes and a short, blunt beak, which makes them similar to German tumblers. The feathers are mostly monochromatic and light.

They have gregarious qualities: they grow worse when away from their brethren.

When keeping them, it is necessary to regularly disinfect the cells, since barbs do not tolerate dirt.

Brensky blower

The birds got their name from their habit of inflating their crop like a ball and making a loud purr to attract a mate during the breeding season. These pigeons do not have endurance or outstanding memory, so they are most often used at exhibitions.

The pout looks unusual: a slender, elongated body, long, downy legs, small wings and a strongly protruding crop rounded to a spherical shape.

Pouters have poor health, so the main requirement for care is the absence of draft wind in the enclosure, as well as protection from dampness and a temperature between 7 and 20 ° C.

Bohemian space-footed fairy swallow

A clear example of a decorative animal: medium feathers (usually white) on a large body, a crest on the back of the head, wings decorated with patterned frills more dark color. Main feature: on the paws there are outgrowths of long feathers, similar to a fan. Because of them, the pigeon moves slowly and is not intended for flight.

Care is the same as for Brensky blower.

All about Derish pigeons

Another name is the Hungarian gray tumbler.


Amenable to training. A trained individual can stay in flight for up to 5.5 hours, and an unprepared one - about 3 hours.


A smooth shiny head and a thin neck, smoothly turning into a fit body with pressed wings. The derisha's legs are pink with dark claws, and the overall color resembles an ordinary pigeon: a gray body with black stripes and a black upper part. Neck with violet-green tints.


Everything you need to know about Derish pigeons can be summarized in a few lines: suitable for flights, good at caring for offspring. The simple appearance makes the breed not very suitable for exhibitions.


In addition to the basic perch, the Derisha will need an aviary for walking, since the breed is flying and requires being on the move. You need to be more careful with food, because pigeons can become obese if they have an unbalanced diet. It is required to measure portions daily based on weight and add vitamins and minerals to food.

All about Hungarian pigeons

Some pigeons can perform the functions of several groups at once, doing almost All. About Hungarian pigeons we can say that they belong precisely to such birds.


Hungarian high-flying pigeons combine the characteristics of both homing and decorative pigeons. Due to their pleasant appearance, they often take part in exhibitions, but at the same time they have the stamina necessary for long journeys, and also remember the road well.


An elongated, toned body with developed muscles and a straight back; long beak, wings and tail, as well as feathers that fit tightly to the body - all this gives the individuals an aristocratic appearance. More interesting breed makes availability large quantity color options.


Most often they are described as unpretentious and calm birds that do not require heavy care and are suitable for communicating with children. Their data makes it possible to use females to feed chicks of short-billed pigeons, whose mothers, due to their structural features, cannot do this themselves.


The main difficulty of care is drawing up correct menu. Professional pigeon breeders recommend giving preference to light feed made from natural ingredients, and also feeding Hungarians with mixtures of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Flying breeds

Birds of this group are able to spend a long time in the air, have good endurance and a tendency to fly at altitude.

Important! These animals are often confused with sporting/messenger breeds, but flying pigeons have poor terrain awareness and therefore cannot carry messages.

Below are the most popular flying breeds of pigeons with videos, names and descriptions.

Nikolaevskaya breed

Also known as domestic pigeons of the butterfly breed.

These birds belong to high-flying birds, that is, those that, for a large flight, rise to a great distance from the ground and can fly like this. long time, up to 10 o'clock. Nikolaev pigeons are able to quickly gain height due to a well-developed musculoskeletal system and thick long plumage, especially on the wings and tail, which resemble fans in flight.

Representatives of the breed are small in size, their body looks small compared to the wings and tail, the back is straight, the beak is thin with a bend at the end. The chest protrudes forward. Various colors are possible.

What to feed:

  • millet and beans are the basis of the diet;
  • peeled wheat grains - as an addition;
  • vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E during plumage change and the breeding season.

Food is given to the individual depending on its weight. For 0.3 kg of body weight, 30 g of food per day, but not more than 60 g. You should not forget to regularly clean the enclosure to avoid diseases of its inhabitants.

Berlin short-billed tumbler

These birds look unusual, but they cannot be confused: small dimensions, round eyes with a rim, light pink legs with brushes of feathers and a very shortened, as if chopped off, beak.

The peculiarity of the breed is that it is the most common in the group of combat pigeons. Moving in a fighting style involves powerful movements of the wings that strike the air, creating a characteristic sound.

When caring for these birds, you need to ensure the cleanliness of the enclosure and access to fresh air, as well as provide free space for training their wings.

German monk

Unlike other representatives of the group, the German monk is not a high flyer, although he rises a great distance from the ground. He does this in case of danger, at the same time, thus notifying the flock of enemies. Knows how to lure other birds.

German monks have a smooth, well-fed body with a straight back, open red legs and a tuft on the back of the head, which makes them stand out from the crowd of other pigeons.

Care does not differ from that required by other birds of the flight group, for example, the Nikolaev pigeon.


Breeds of domestic pigeons, photos and descriptions which are presented in this article are statistically valued by pigeon breeders. When maintaining them, you should adhere to basic rules of care, including: proper feeding, cleanliness of premises, Fresh air and maintaining a temperature of around 20°C, although there are individual recommendations for individual breeds.

Breeds of domestic pigeons can be divided into four categories: homing, decorative, flying and meat. The main features and differences between breed categories are discussed below, as well as some popular meat breeds are briefly described.

Homing pigeons

The homing pigeon is a strong, fit bird with close-fitting plumage, high flight speed, excellent memory and terrain orientation. Since ancient times, such pigeons have been used to deliver mail to the addressee - the bird flew home to its dovecote, simultaneously delivering a letter. Later, when the need for this method of communication waned, homing pigeons became sporting pigeons.

Today, racing pigeons participate in competitions, showing incredible flying abilities, determination and endurance - flying more than 1000 km and reaching speeds of 90-100 km per hour, which really makes these birds admired.

English Carrier is a sporting breed

The ancestors of the current record-breaking sports breeds are Antwerp and Lütich pigeons obtained in Belgium. Over the years, these breeds have been improved by selection and crossbreeding, and today there are a number of interesting sporting and racing breeds derived from them in the world.

Flying breeds

Masters of flight, domestic flying pigeons, unlike homing pigeons, do not just quickly rush to their goal, they are able to fly very beautifully, drawing complex figures, and are the air aces of the pigeon world. According to the type of flight, there are many varieties of these pigeons, and the following main types can be distinguished:


They are capable of circling in the air for long hours alone or in flocks, outlining beautiful, smooth circles, sometimes in a strictly specified direction (left or right), and without flying far from home. The bird is capable of being in the air long term– up to 8 hours or more.

Clapping (fighting or beating)

When rapidly taking off vertically upward, the fighting pigeon flaps (beats) its wings with force, hence the name. Then the bird makes a flip and again rushes upward, at some stage makes several circles and descends, demonstrating the same complex elements of aerobatics, staying in flight for up to 4-5 hours.

Vertuns or tumblers

Having gained height, pigeons perform somersaults, often repeatedly, resembling a ball rolling from above and unwinding, the so-called vert. They succeed in these flips by lifting their tail and tumbling over their head or wing (mill).

The bird remains in the air for a long time, again and again rising into the sky to descend down in a falling, spinning ball. An inexperienced pigeon, having played too hard, may hit a building and die during such a somersault.


Pigeons fly higher, do not trace circles, but hover above the ground and spend up to 14-16 hours in a row in the sky, often flapping their wings to stay in place and fluffing their tails, or soaring weightlessly in rising air currents.

Decorative breeds

There are many classifications of decorative breeds, since in each country there may be more than one system developed by different clubs and associations of pigeon breeders. This is not surprising, because these beautiful domestic birds can be distinguished by a number of different external characteristics.

There are forelock pigeons - with a forelock on the back of the head, and two-forelocks - with a forelock on the back of the head and a cowlick on the forehead. The pigeon headdresses themselves can be of different shapes - in the form of a rosette or a hood, bangs or a wig, and in addition, the pigeon's head can be decorated with eyebrows, mustaches and sideburns.

Pigeons are also divided by eye color. Birds can be red-eyed, black-eyed, yellow-eyed or gray-eyed, in addition, the iris can be straw, amber or the color of red millet. The color of the eyelids also varies - from pink and red to white and yellow.

Based on the structure of the neck, its plumage, as well as the behavior of a pigeon in an irritated or excited state, there are puffers, kachuns, shawl and bow pigeons, coward-necks and bare-necks.

Inflators are inflated like a balloon. The rockers bravely stick out their chests and throw their heads on their backs, actively swaying. Coward-necks, according to their name, shake their necks fractionally, while bare-necked small part the skin of the neck is completely without feathers. Shawl doves are decorated with a collar of scrollwork on back surface neck. Bunch breeds take pride in their curly bib.

Based on the shape and size of the tail, broad-tailed, narrow-tailed, trumpet pigeons, and also peacocks are distinguished. Based on the length of the legs, they are divided into long-legged and short-legged, and based on the presence of feathers on the legs - cosmic and bare-legged.

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Pigeon breeding is an ancient activity. The first mention of the domestication of these birds dates back to about 3000 BC. Today, the practical value of this branch of poultry farming has decreased somewhat, but this has had little effect on its popularity. As an object of breeding, decorative pigeons are especially distinguished, which are the most various ways applications. This should be discussed in more detail.

Of course, all decorative breeds of pigeons are distinguished by their beautiful and exotic appearance. Moreover, this may concern both the color and shape of the plumage, as well as the physique or individual features, for example, the beak, paws or eyes.

To obtain similar results, crossing the most different types pigeons, ranging from wild to fighting, with their relatives, close or distant. The point is that the partners are either other breeds of pigeons, or even other species of birds. The latter is also practiced, although somewhat less frequently due to its greater complexity and risk.

To breed any decorative breed of pigeons, you need to thoroughly study its weaknesses in terms of nutrition and diseases. Yes, and among these beauties there are quite unpretentious representatives, but there are not as many of them as we would like, so in any case, every novice pigeon breeder in Russia or Ukraine, when choosing a breed, should familiarize themselves not only with photos and videos of birds, but also with recommendations for their content.

Breeding goals

Now it’s worth talking about why decorative pigeons are bred throughout Russia from Moscow to Altai. Yes, we can say that it is “for beauty”. However this definition too vague and does not provide a full understanding of the issue.

So, the main purposes of using decorative breeds of pigeons:

  • events (weddings, school bells, business openings, diplomatic events, etc.);
  • props for circus performances;
  • as pets.

Now it’s worth considering these points in more detail.

At various events in Russia, especially weddings and school bells, decorative pigeons are often saved for the final part. When their turn comes, the birds (usually white) are released as a symbol of peace, love and freedom. Such completion gives the holiday a special mood.

In circuses, pigeons also often act as beautiful design or even an independent number. Of course, they are trained separately for this, although, given that they are not required to perform particularly complex tricks (in most cases), usually everything is limited to the decorative component.

In the same capacity, they are often used by photographers to create romantic photos.

Finally, a decorative pigeon can make a good a pet. However, there are certain risks here. Unfortunately, these are quite temperamental birds, and in some cases they can pose a risk to children and, sometimes, adults, therefore, the breeder’s task is to send only balanced and calm individuals for sale. This business is still not very popular in Russia, but it continues to gradually gain momentum.

Main breeds

Today, there are dozens and even hundreds of different breeds of decorative pigeons, but some of them are especially popular and widespread. By various reasons, although, as a rule, they consist of a combination of beauty and unpretentiousness, as well as a calm character (especially for future pets).


It is considered one of the most beautiful and at the same time popular breeds of decorative pigeons. The latter is caused by the white color common among them (although there are other colors and even combinations of them), as well as a beautiful, truly “peacock” tail. It is these pigeons that are considered the main image of the “birds of peace” and the corresponding posters were drawn from them (primarily propaganda ones).

Appearance These birds are very proud. They look “voluminous”, have a high raised chest, and with the back of their head they touch the feathers of the upper tail part of the body. In a calm environment, the pigeon rests on its entire paw. If he needs to show off in front of the female, he rises “on tiptoe” and sways. This specific flirting is characteristic not only of this breed, but also of many others.

One of the main advantages for which pigeon breeders value this breed is their fertility. Considering that their beauty is, one might say, inherited and almost guaranteed, the high number of birds promises an equally high profit for the owner of a pigeon farm, including in Russia.

In order to increase the commercial value of the breed, many breeders specifically train them to fly beautifully in circles. The success of this moment varies, although as a rule pigeons learn what is required of them relatively quickly. Otherwise, no special “additions” are required. The movements of these birds are very graceful, and their character, in most cases, is quite docile.


Quite a specific breed. Refers to warty pigeons. For some people who are less knowledgeable, this name causes hostility. However, the name has almost nothing to do with warts. It’s just that all representatives of these breeds have their own unique leathery formations.

Of course, barbs also have such a moment. Their distinctive feature is the unusual and very noticeable round rims-growths around the eyes and beak, although the differences in appearance do not end there. They also have a very convex forehead and a rather short beak, which seems even shorter due to the growth.

Barbs are exclusively monochromatic in color; there are no variegated ones among them. There are beige and blue ones, but white ones are the most popular here too.

Brno blower

The breed with such a difficult name to pronounce has a very specific appearance. So specific that it is almost impossible to confuse it with any other.

Why? The fact is that the name “pouter” did not arise out of nowhere: these pigeons simply have a huge crop, approximately the size of their abdomen. Only this moment already attracts attention, although not everyone likes it. But here everything, as they say, is not for everybody.

Another specific feature of the Brno blowers is the “soldier” stance. They have a very straight and very high body posture with rather long and straight legs. This gives the impression that the bird is standing at attention and is about to start marching.


Just by the name it will not be very difficult to determine what the distinctive feature of this breed is. Although this is somewhat difficult to believe, even looking at their photos. Yes, these pigeons have curly feathers. Moreover, they look not like a natural creation, but like the long-term work of a qualified stylist. Although, we can say that the latter were played by the breeders who developed this breed.

The curling parts do not cover the entire plumage. The head and crop have ordinary feathers. The most severe curling is on most of the wings and a little on the legs. The tail looks as if it is covered with some kind of scales. Such “fans” not only look beautiful, but also serve as a kind of ventilation means.

The color here may vary somewhat, but one constant feature always remains: a white forehead. In addition, the tail is usually lighter than the rest of the body. The most common colors are beige, brown and gray. Occasionally you come across white birds that look simply magical.

Saxon priest

This breed may be somewhat inferior to its counterparts on this list in popularity, but not in beauty. The name here, again, was not taken out of thin air. The crown of birds of this breed is always exclusively white and resembles an embroidered tonsure. It is also worth noting two tufts on the head and a specific “collar” on the back of the head.

True, the Saxon priest cannot boast of a particularly impressive coloration. The most common plumage with its colors is almost identical to the gray city mongrel pigeons, although, in combination with the shape of the feathers, this looks quite beautiful. In addition, it is this color that best suits the name.

Bohemian space-footed fairy swallow

Very beautiful pigeons have such a complex name. Their wings are shaped like a swallow, albeit of a larger size. Distinctive features here they do not lie in the shape of the plumage, as in most decorative breeds, but in color.

The fact is that the Bohemian cosmos-footed fairy swallow has strikingly beautiful feather colors. As a rule, they are painted in two colors, which are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. As they say, simple and tasteful.

English Cross Pigeon

This decorative breed of pigeons was bred in Great Britain. Today, such birds are very common in European countries. The second name is “Dove Nun”. They called him that because of the peculiar hood of feathers on his head.

The constitution of these “crusaders” is quite dense, with a vertical posture. The body is short with broad shoulders and a neck of medium length. Their crest is very large and beautiful, and their head is wide, massive and with a high “aristocratic” forehead. The length of the beak usually does not exceed 1 cm.

The color of the breed is as follows: most of the body is white, but the head, apron, tail, and several feathers on the wings are painted in some other color. Most often - in black. This combination indeed gives the bird some resemblance to a nun.

Hungarian high flying pigeons

The Hungarians also own a couple of breeds of pigeons, including decorative ones. More precisely, their breeders. They are different from others beautiful breeds amazing flight duration (of course, for this species) - from 5 to 10 hours.

The plumage color of Hungarian high-flying pigeons can vary greatly. Their main advantage is their body shape. She talks all about the birds' ability to fly. Their physique is quite dense and elongated, like a torpedo.

Due to the fact that representatives of the Hungarian breed are often excellent parents, they are often used as feeders for short-billed birds that cannot feed their babies on their own.


Representatives of decorative breeds of pigeons are distinguished by considerable beauty, but this does not mean that they are all capricious and vulnerable to disease. Among them there are many very stable and unpretentious birds, although, of course, their main advantage is their appearance. The above options are not all of the decorative breeds of these birds that were bred by breeders, so breeders have plenty to choose from even in Russia.

Pigeons are one of the most known species birds that are found almost anywhere on the globe. Their habitat is very wide. Almost every person walking through a park or street has seen these beautiful birds. And few people think about how many species of these birds exist in the world, but currently more than 300 are known.

Types of pigeons

Among all the variety of pigeon breeds, they are divided into wild, decorative, homing and, oddly enough, meat ones. This family includes pigeons and turtle doves, which are widespread both in Europe and overseas. The greatest diversity of pigeon species is observed in South, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Most of them live in wooded areas, often in humid tropical forests. Some species, such as the rock pigeon, have adapted very well to life in urban environments and live in almost all cities of the world.

Klintukh refers to wild pigeons. The plumage of this breed has a bluish color, the neck has a greenish tint, the crop is red, the wings are gray-blue, and the tail has black stripes. The habitat of these pigeons is the north of Kazakhstan, the south of Siberia, Turkey, Africa and China. Birds can be migratory if they live in cold regions. In warm places they lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The crowned pigeon is also a wild pigeon; this species lives exclusively in hot countries, such as New Guinea. Its most typical habitats are rain forests, mango thickets and tropical jungles. This bird got its name because of its specific crest, which can fall and rise depending on the emotions and mood of this type of pigeon.

This is interesting! One of the largest representatives of the pigeon genus is the wood pigeon. The tail reaches 15 centimeters in length. The pigeon's neck has a bright greenish tint. The wood pigeon is common in Europe and Asia. Prefers to nest in forests or parks. Easily tolerates any climatic conditions.

Among the meat breeds of pigeons that are specially bred for food purposes, it is worth noting such breeds as the king and the English modena. These pigeons are bred on special farms.

There are also carrier and flying pigeons. But at present, their ability to return to their place of permanent residence is of no interest to anyone, except beauty connoisseurs and breed lovers, because they have existed for a long time modern means communications.

Appearance, description

The most major representative family should be considered the crowned pigeon from Papua New Guinea, its weight varies from 1.7 to 3 kg. The smallest pigeon is the diamond striped dove from Australia, weighing only about 30 grams.

This is interesting! Pigeons are not very large birds. Their length, depending on the type, can range from 15 to 75 cm, and weight from 30 g to 3 kg.

The physique of these birds is dense, with a short neck and small head. The wings are wide, long, usually rounded at the ends, have 11 primary flight feathers and 10-15 secondary ones. The tail of pigeons is long, at the end it can be either pointed or wide, rounded; usually has 12-14 feathers, up to 18 in crowned and pheasant pigeons.

The beak is usually short, less often of medium length, straight, thin, often with a characteristic widening at the base. At the base of the beak there are areas of bare soft skin called the wax. In addition, there is bare skin around the eyes.

In most species, sexual dimorphism (a clear difference between male and female) in plumage is not expressed, although males look somewhat larger. The only exceptions are some tropical species, the males of which have more brightly colored feathers.

The plumage is thick, dense, often gray, brown or cream tones, although more are found in the tropics bright colors, as for example in motley pigeons. The legs are usually short: four-toed, three toes in front and one in back, but well adapted for moving on the ground.

Although belonging to pigeons is quite easily determined by morphological characteristics, some birds have external similarities with other families: pheasants, partridges, parrots or turkeys.

This is interesting! The pheasant pigeon looks like a pheasant and is not considered a pigeon by many people.

Like some other birds, pigeons lack gallbladder. Some medieval naturalists erroneously concluded from this that pigeons did not have bile. This conclusion fit perfectly into the theory of 4 body fluids - the absence of “bitter” bile gave these birds some “divinity”. In fact, pigeons still have bile, which is secreted directly into the digestive tract.

Range, habitats

Pigeons are widely represented on all continents except the South Pole. They live in a wide range of terrestrial biotopes from dense forests to deserts, and are able to settle at altitudes of up to 5000 m above sea level, as well as in urbanized areas. The greatest diversity of species is represented in South America and Australia, where they live mainly in tropical rainforests. More than 60% of all species are exclusively island species, not found on continents.

Some species, such as the rock pigeon, have become widespread in many regions of the world and are common urban birds. On the territory of Russia in wildlife There are 9 species of pigeons, including the rock dove, the rock dove, the rock pigeon, the pigeon, the Japanese green pigeon, the common dove, the great dove, the ringed dove and the little dove, as well as two species of migrants: the short-tailed dove and the brown pigeon.

Lifestyle of pigeons

Wild species of pigeons successfully live on river banks, in coastal cliffs, and gorges. The presence of agricultural land or human habitation has always attracted birds as food sources, so relationships with humans have been formed over many millennia.

Birds were easily domesticated and, noticing their abilities, man was able to tame them and use them for his own purposes. Homing and flying species of pigeons live close to humans, in places specially created for this purpose. Currently, a huge number of decorative pigeons are bred by lovers and connoisseurs of these beautiful birds; there are many clubs and associations around the world.

Diet, nutrition of a pigeon

This is interesting! The main diet of pigeons is plant food: leaves, seeds and fruits of various plants. The fruits are most often swallowed whole, after which the stone is regurgitated out. Seeds are usually collected from the surface of the ground or directly pecked from plants.

An unusual behavior is observed in the Galapagos dove - in search of seeds, it picks the ground with its beak. In addition to plant foods, pigeons also eat small invertebrates, but usually their percentage in the total diet is extremely small. Birds drink water by sucking it inside - a method that is uncharacteristic of other birds, and in search of water these birds often travel considerable distances.

Reproduction, lifespan

The reproduction of pigeons depends on the laying of eggs. An experienced pigeon breeder is able to predict the clutch in advance, since at this time the female becomes less active, moves little and most time is in the nest. This behavior of a dove is typical when she plans to lay eggs in 2-3 days. Typically, egg laying in pigeons occurs on the twelfth to fifteenth day after mating.

Both parents take part in the construction of the nest for the offspring. The male brings building material for the nest, and the female arranges it. The average lifespan of pigeons in the wild is about 5 years. At home, where there are fewer natural enemies and there is proper care, it lasts up to 12-15 years, there are unique cases when domestic pigeons lived up to 30 years.

In other parts of the world, where pigeons are common, almost all predators pose a danger to this species of bird. If you keep these birds in a dovecote, then you need to take all measures so that a predator cannot get into it. Greatest danger Especially for small chicks, the ferret and the common gray rat itself are a great sight.