Phrases about graduation in school. Statuses about graduation, last school bell

Self funny statuses Oh ege

T. Only you understand how for 11 years I love these assholes

WITH Trash fairy tale for graduates: "Baba Ege and Baba GIA"

IN Overall, many university graduates are suitable for the army, but only for the war with a virtual opponent!

BUT What do your parents give you to graduation? - Judging by the results of the exam, a bunch of piz ** lei.

P Is the valle city of hefty aunts suitable in white transparent blouses and black mini? No, this is not the beginning of a German porn movie. This is the last call.

C. Every year the last call is becoming more like a paratroop day.

N. Andrei wrote his home address, the mother's mobile number, his blood group - and did not lose ...

P Arnie! Who is a girl on the graduation dancing - about the morning it is drunk and relate to her!

E. GE is not legal !! In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is clear ... Chapter 2 Article 21 "No one should be tortured, violence, another cruel or humiliating human dignity!"

N. The estate teacher is not the one who has 10 medalists in the classroom, and that one after the prom is invited to the restaurant!

WITHamendible long graduation was recorded in Norilsk - the guys have been waiting for the dawn for half a year!

ABOUT N was her older for 10 years. But she sat down on her neck and swept his legs. May 25 in all schools of the country - the last call

T. But after the last call you understand why parents are not sitting in Vkontakte, but in classmates.

M. Oglya would at least once a year on the last call to include hot water In the fountains!

IN Am also parents talk or talked?: You will not pass the ege you will be revenge

N. The speakers do not have to get - we still have ege!

T. Our schoolchildren go on September 1 to school with a briefcase and flowers, and on the last call with beer and cigarette

E. GE fear - not to go to the university

D. Ok coming from graduation .... the mother asks her: - Did you drink ???
Daughter: -No mom, I am an ax !!!

N. And the questionnaire questionnaire "What are you going to do after school?" School graduates in the overwhelming number of cases gave the answer "if lucky, then nothing ..."

IN Ipask. Teacher: Zhen, verse read, as in grade 1! Well, let's already somehow mature! Zhenya: Mate what?

E. If the school is a prison, then we have an amnesty soon ..

P Outline Call: More than three thousand police officers carry service in reinforced mode and guard Muscovites from drunken school graduates.

W. Me in this year of egewhy spend the state. Budget Just come up with a chair and everything ...

IN Ipask, beautiful dress, limousine, champagne, dancing, punch, guy, dancing vodka, cupcake, cigarette, vodka, toilet, toilet ...

T. But when I finished at school until the eleventh grade, I began to understand why the writings "What I did this summer" write only in junior classes.

- T. AK, son, chamber, still a chamber ... Lucy, carry a faster camera - Son with
Graduation returned!

TO Itaist graduates, going out on the embankment to meet the dawn, turned the mainland.

W. All the last call, and I'm not drinking!

Sh Roughs after the graduation, going to meet the dawn, take care of the employment with them. To see how shook from sunlight This scar.

W. Vazhau Parents, they graduated from school without Yandex and Wikipedia!

In high-quality final photo albums, not only the surname, the name and date of the birth of a graduate are indicated. In my opinion, quotes and statements of great people look very interesting. Each student shows his alter ego. The album becomes more diverse. Now it is interesting not only to flip, but also read.

When you come to appreciate what you have, and not to live in the search for ideals, then you truly become happy.

The main thing to live. The main thing to love. The main thing to believe.
Lev Tolstoy

... and so that after you do not kill
In what did someone hurt,
Better than good in the world be,
Evil in the world and so pretty ...
E. Asadov

You are afraid - do not do, do it - do not be afraid, but I did not regret.
Chingis Khan

Everything is possible. At the impossible simply requires more time.
Dan Brown

Premonition is an angel language that should not be ignored. Listen to your guessings, pay attention to your intuition, do not drive random thoughts, insight or ideas. Read tips. They can give best advicewho ever had you. Neil Donald Walsh

Good people will bring you happiness bad people Award you with experience, the worst - will give you a lesson, and the best - will give memories. Appreciate everyone.
Will Smith

If each of us is able to make a happy other person - at least one, everyone will be happy on Earth.
Yury Nikulin

You need to love yourself and praise. Do not charge such a responsible case to someone else!
Max Frey.

Money come, go, not in them happiness. The most important in the world will always be people who were with you in the most difficult times.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Life is a way. Someone has a way to bakery and back, someone has a world journey. Choose your!
K. Khabensky

All our dreams can be fulfilled under one condition - only if we have the courage to follow them.
Walt Disney

Magic is faith in yourself. And when you manage it, it is possible and everything else.

Instead of emanating tears from the face, erase the people who forced you to cry.
Elchin Safarli

If you want to succeed, ask yourself 4 questions: why? Why not? Why not me? Why not right now?
Jimmy Dean

Believe, when a person really wants something, even the Universe does everything possible to help him fulfill his dream.
Paulo Coelho

The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you will open in yourself, the more you will notice them in the surrounding world ...
Mother Teresa

Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best of what exists, and do it even better. If the best does not exist, create it!
F. Henry Royce

Everything is simple. Do not hold what goes, and do not replicate what comes. And then happiness will find you.
Omar Khayam

If the soul reached for something, do not resist! She only knows exactly what you need. Erich Maria Remarque

Always say what you feel, and do what you think! Silence breaks fate.
Paulo Coelho

We must store loyalty! Loyalty to the word, obligations, others, to itself. It is necessary to be one of those people who never fill.
Erich Maria Remarque

Save spiritual light. Contrary to everything, no matter what. This is the light for which the same bright souls will find you ...
Vera Halover

Remember: You are where your thoughts are there. Clean that your thoughts where you want to be. Omar Khayam

Decide. Change. Striving forward. Take calls. Get up and act. Dream. Believe. Grow. Look at your life with open eyes.
Paulo Coelho

You know, real friends are needed in order not to ask unnecessary questions and not to receive false answers.
Alice Hoffman.

Life swears as one moment ...
Her apply, in her draws pleasure!
How to spend it - it will pass,
Do not forget: she is your creation!
Omar Khayam

And do not even dare to think that you can not withstand!
Ernest Hemingway

There are only two ways to live your life. The first - so that no miracles happens. The second is as if everything is miracle in the world.
Albert Einstein

If you do not know what you are experiencing to a person - close your eyes and imagine: it is not. NIGHT. There was no and will not. Then everything will become clear.
A. P. Chekhov

If you want someone to stay in your life, - never believing to it indifferent.
Richard Bach

Life belongs to you, and there will be nothing impossible for you if you want something valid.
Mark Levi.

If people did not see the stars, and in your authority to build a milky way for them, having spent a fortune for them, do you really find that you threw money on the wind?
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Remember that there is nothing complicated in life. This is us complex. Life is a simple thing, and in it the simpler, the more correctly.
Oscar Wilde

There is no more beautiful feeling in the world than the feeling that you made people at least a drop of good.
Lev Tolstoy

While a person does not give up, he is stronger than his destiny.
Erich Maria Remarque

Do not even think about why a person made you anyway. It is enough to understand one simple truth: offended trying to offend ... happy to make sure ... that's all.
Eckhart Tollet.

Decide. Change. Strive forward. Think. Take calls. Get up and act. Refuse stereotypes. Reach. Dream. Open. Believe. Stop. Listen to yourself. Grow. Win. Look at life with open eyes.

If you feel and behave as if you are in love with the whole world, everything around will be in love with you.
Lama Ola Nidal

An error that was allowed ninety-nine percent of humanity was that people were ashamed to be themselves and Lgali, giving themselves for others.
Joanne Rowling

I do not know how to love half. I do not believe in semi-dimensions and compromises. I just can't endure compromises - in anything. I give everything I have; I have such a character.
Freddie Mercury

This is whom I love - so it's crazy, there are mad people who want to live, they want to speak, who never utter banalities, and always burn, burn, burn.
Jack Keruac

Rasting in the soul Escape of Unsign - Crimney,
While not read the whole book of enjoying.
Catch the same joy and rejoice myself!
Life is short, alas! Severe her moments.

Communicating with the fool, you will not worry
Therefore, the advice you listen to Khayama:
Poison, the sage suited, accept,
From the order of the fool is not necessary and balsam.

Oh, if every day have a scratch of bread,
Above the head and modest corner where
Draw Mastern, a draw not to be ...
Then bless you can bless the sky!

If you have for living for living -
In our petition - and a piece of bread,
If you are not a servant to anyone, not the owner -
Happy you and truly High.

If suddenly descended grace -
You can all you have, give the truth.
But, the Holy Man, do not enthrain the wrath
On the one who does not want to suffer for the truth!

Very good afternoon! As promised, send quotes that you can use in albums of other schools. Quotes picked up myself for albums of my children when they finished grade 9
With respect, Valentina

The able to sing does not know fatigue, and to sing for Consuelo was as easy as for others breathe. Her pure, sonorous voice stand out from hundreds of votes of her girlfriends. In addition, she felt and understood the thought of the composer to the finest shades.
Georges Sand, Consuelo

You are endowed with great talent. You know how to silence. Thanks to this ability, you are an indispensable comrade.
A.K. Doyle, "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"

- You are a wonderful comrade, cute d'Artagnan. With its constant cheerfulness, you raise the spirit from those unfortunate who fell into the despondency.
A. Duma, "Three Musketeers"

- Well, so be sincere ... you admired me for my audacity?
- Oh no! For the liveliness of nature.

Most of all I want to become such a person who managed to make the world a little better. Erland Lou, "Naive. Super"

- In the quality of whom do you want to go to the world?
- Just as a spodge of life that will try not to fade.
EM. REMARK, "Black Obelisk"

- You are strange.
- Not strange. Just do what I want. And I say I want.
- Not easy, probably, has it?
- Not harder than others. They spend time and strength to be like everyone, and I am to be yourself. The costs are the same. The result is different.
Matsuo Monroe, "Teach me to die"

I only know how to distinguish my friends from my enemies, I love those who love me, and I do not endure those who hate me.
A. Duma, "Queen Margo"

- What else do you like me?
- the fact that you do not give up.
J. Appandyk, "Rabbit, Run!"

Everything will be fine, because the fairy tales in which we believe, still live on Earth.
V. Caveryin, "Two Captain"

Stay yourself. The Lord gives each of us with its special talent.
J. Appdayk, "Rabbit, Run!"

Only courage - do you hear, uniquely courage! - The nobleman in our day can break through the way. Who tramples at least for a moment, perhaps misses the case that Fortuna provided him in this moment.
A. Duma, "Three Musketeers"

Of all the errors that could only be done, you did not miss any.
A.K. Doyle, "The disappearance of Lady Francis Karfex"

I just do not know who I am now. No, I, of course, about knowing who I was in the morning, when I got up, but since then I have all the time, then Syakaya - a word, some kind of not so ...
L. Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland"

The faces of the crowd were chained to her, all the mouths are crushed. She danced under the roking of the tambourine. Thin, fragile, fast, as an ax, shining eyes, she seemed truly unearthly creature.
V. Hugo, "Cathedral of Parisian Our Lady"

Not everyone is given to be kind, it is the same talent as a musical rumor or clairvoyance, only more rare.
Strugatsky, "Waves are quenched by the wind"

Here is my secret, it is very simple: Zorko is one heart. The most important eyes will not see. Exupery, "Little Prince"

Some goals are likely to be achieved. But it is also impossible to strive for them too.
A. Aleksin, "Good genius"

Take yourself as a rule: never look back, always look only forward, where a great feat is waiting for you.
A.K. Doyle, "Lost World"

It's true, "agreed D'Artagnan," there is no Musketeer's clothes on me, but I am a mušqueaker's soul. My heart is the heart of the Musketeer. I feel it and act as a musketeer.
A. Duma, "Three Musketeers"

You see, in the local edge my name is a black knight; Many are added to this title lazy, but I do not chase this nickname.
V. Scott, Ibergo

Naivety is not a lack, but by contrast, sign of adarability.
EM. Relock, "Three Comrades"

I think the marks are not the most important thing in life. In my opinion, it is more important to know what you want in this life.

In the depths of the soul, I was always sure that I could succeed where others failed. A.K. Doyle, "Rite House Mesrevov"

The severity and ease, joy and sadness ... They do not open hands so that the person is neither hopelessly unfortunate, nor hopelessly happy.
A. Aleksin, "Remember his face ..."

I do not want to know anything anymore. Now I want to be only happy.
EM. Relock, "Three Comrades"

She is laughing! Didn't it all be brighter everywhere and everywhere?
EM. REMARK, "Tell me what you love me"

Stepi proudly, smile wide and fun, and let them be wondering what you enjoy you so much.
Dan Brown, "Angels and Demons"

It is impossible to live your life for others. You need to choose what you need.
Nicholas Sparks, "Diary of Memory"

If a day ever comes, when we can not be together, save me in your heart, and I will be there forever.
A. Miln, "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all"

Your support is in you!

You think I'm strange ... because it's not like everyone else ... ... and I think that you are strange ... Because - the same ...
Coco Chanel

Man - everything can ... if only I wanted ...
Maxim Gorky, "At the bottom"

When someone is near, you don't need anything else. And when there is no, loneliness comes. Who is able to endure loneliness?
Erich Maria Remark, "Shadows in paradise"

About pride! You are a lever that Archimedes wanted to raise the globe!

Glory is good luck, and to achieve her, it is only necessary to be agile.
Mikhail Lermontov, "Hero of Our Time"

Learn to honestly achieve success
And attract thanks to the mind.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe, "Faust"

To be - so be the best!
V. Caveryin, "Two Captain"

Sometimes it is terribly hard to be yourself.
Tuva Jansson, "All about Mumi Trolls"

- I want only unless.
- Then you have nothing to wish. You all already have.
EM. Remark, "Life loan"

In general, I want to live without reasoning, not listening to the councils, without any warnings. Live like living.
Erich Maria Remark, "Life of Borrow"

I think I'm just deprived of taste for heroism and holiness. The only thing IM is important is to be a man.
Albert Cami, "Plague"

A person has one opportunity to be happy - this is the ability to rejoice in someone else's happiness. But adults rarely retain this skill. I want to be a kid!
F. Iskander, Sandro from Chegema

Man is able to great acts. But if he is not capable of great feelings, he does not exist for me.
Albert Cami, "Plague"

She smiled, and it seemed to me that the whole world became lighter.
EM. Relock, "Three Comrades"

Genius is endless endurance.
A.K. Doyle, "Etude in the crimson tones"

If you need something, seek yourself!
Ray Bradbury, "Wine from dandelions"

Everyone in something yes genius. It is only necessary to find this in it in it.

When a person loves feats, he always knows how to do them and find where it is possible. In life, you know, there is always the place of the feats.
Maxim Gorky, "Old West"

After all, it is, the right, such people who have written on the nature that different extraordinary things should happen to them!
M.Yu. Lermontov, "Hero of our time"

Everything is fine with me. No problem. I just uninteresting me. Not interested. And that's it.
Anna Gavalda, "35 Kilo Hope"

Longing on understanding. That's what I am sick - longing to understand.
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, "Snail on the slope"

Someone said that the character of a person can be judged by his smile: a gentle man is affectionately smiles, and a cute - cute.
A. Aleksin, "Good genius"

Be smart others, but do not show them it.
I. Vishnevsky, "loneliness in the network"

"I really deprived a talent inherent in some people to chat freely with a person who has never met before." I'm not easy, like others, to challenge to the tone of his reasoning or pretend that I am interested in his business.
J. Austin, "Pride and Prejudice"

I am not very diluted, I have 35 kilos hope.
Anna Gavalda, "35 Kilo Hope"

He has enough reasons for pride. He, if you can say so, has the right to be proud.
J. Austin, "Pride and Prejudice"

I like crying. How to pay well, it immediately seems like a night again and a new day begins.
Ray Bradbury, "Wine from dandelions"

Yes, yes, madamny, you can swing your head how much you want: the most prudent, the best among you is ... But I will not call her, as it is the only modest in all my grade and I am afraid that, calling her name, I will make it immediately lose this rare virtue that I wish you.
Georges Sand, Consuelo

It turns out that when you give yourself a scene, then you have no right to cry.
Georges Sand, Consuelo

If the angels in heaven sing, like you, I'm thirsty to leave the earth to taste the eternal pleasure that I have learned thanks to you. Bless you, my child! Be happy in this world, as you deserve it. I heard all the most great singers in the world; They do not stand your mother's maiden. You are destined to give people what they have never heard, you are destined to make them feel something else has not yet felt anyone!
Georges Sand, Consuelo

For the material provided, great gratitude and low bow to the Russian teacher, literature, and, part-time, class teacher 11 "B" school class 1499 Goldework Valentina Anatolyevna.

The long-awaited graduation day is a special day to which future graduates begin to prepare in advance. Girls need to decide on your way, pick up accessories to the dress, find beautiful, but comfortable shoes, and guys must find suitable suits and so on. On this day, the graduate receives a new social status - enrollee. He is no longer a schoolboy, but not a student. But he has already entered adult life. Graduates need to be supported in such an important and significant day for them. Check all your friends in in social networks. Perhaps some of them will have a graduation evening. Congratulate them and support, sending the original status dedicated to Graduation in the evening. It is on such status and specializes our site.


And why the graduation does not give tickets to life - this is a ticket to the ministry, and to that - to a cool foreign company ...

This teacher is not the one who has 10 medalists in the classroom, and who after the graduation is invited to a restaurant!

Someone will remember the last line with the director, someone will remember the dancing in a restaurant with teachers ... Someone will remember the dawn in the circle of the former classmates ... but there are those who do not remember !!!)))) )

The longest graduation was recorded in Norilsk - the guys have been waiting for the dawn for half a year.

How many confessions in love was uttered on the prom, how many tears of despair and joy was spilled ... how many promises are given ... how it was all pure and fine!

In a month we have graduation! And it is terrible, because nothing will no longer make everyone get together - like this, everyone is completely missing!

In the las, mask and cowards I came home. Hello mother! Well graduation passed \u003d).

Do you think the disciples are worried before graduation? Here are the parents - they are, they are crazy, how everything will pass and how to wonderfully spend the time of their beloved child ???

I'm waiting for the graduation! For three years, the hair is growing and 2 years money on the dress Scholly! This will repeat only before the wedding!

I sit on the sites looking for a graduation dress, looking at some question arises: they generally know what prom is?

Mariovna and Sansanychi brown tears, looking at their Masheneks and Sidorovy ... Last Call ...

If the whole class in the 11th grade is left for the second year, then they will have 2 graduation !!!

Eh, graduation - as the second birthday - only now you are born a free adult man!

Graduation - very Russian holiday. As in Russian: 10 years wait for the fact that then you can not remember.

Parents of girls are grabbed for their wallets - the parents of boys laughing smoking on the sidelines - graduation!

"Graduation" and "Wedding" - days when your hairstyle is ideal ...

June. High school graduation. Certificates. A restaurant. Walking until morning. Morning. Feeling freedom. Joy. Admission. Satisfied with their independence. End of summer. Farewell to parents and friends. Awareness that childhood is not returned!

Folk sign. If the dawn after the graduation girl met without thugged on the shoulders of the jacket, she was terrible !!!

Parents, too, drunk on graduation, just the children who have flown from happiness do not notice this!

If our graduation was not recorded on the video, none of us would never know how we spent it!))

People, let's say something good and kind to everyone to our teacher and graduation! After all, all that we learned over the past 10 years they are so carefully chopped into our insane heads!

We did not remember how they came to the first class ... We do not remember how they left the graduation ...

And you, too, fold the latest notebooks and diary in a separate box, so that you get them every year and remember: "Eh, there was time at school ... I remember something like ..."

Prayer before graduation: Lord, help me not get drunk! Wake up in the morning in your bed! Help not lose image! Do not lose things and head including! Help Do not write to anyone drunk SMS in 2 nights and do not call! Help come home on two, and not on 4-EX! And if you enforce ...., then sobs my memory forever centuries! AMEN!

Phrases for journaling

Took here.

  • · Children are angels. Angels who give us their wings, wings of happiness!
  • · To be happy to be subject to many, but radiating happiness - units!
  • · Use that talent that you have: if only those birds sing in the forest, that they would sing better, it would be very quiet ...
  • · Let dreams come true, and the new one is born!
  • · People are angels with one wing. And to take off, they need to hug
  • · If you leave for a short time, I am ready to wait for you all my life. (C) Oscar Wilde
  • · Love is when you do not compare with anyone, because you know that there is no better.
  • · I do not go for happiness - I myself make it!
  • · New life it starts at the moment when there is no place for old inside
  • · Life is too short to spend it on diet, greedy men and bad mood Faina Ranevskaya
  • · Woman should dress so that it was nice to undress Coco Chanel
  • · Such a paradox: We make feats for those who do not have anything to us, but they love us those whom we need and without any feats ... Smeshariki
  • · For happiness, a person needs two things - homeland and love
  • · Bring to tears .. Maybe everyone ... And to make the eyes shone from joy .. Only units ..
  • · Can not be said to man: "You can create. So come on, creature. " It is much more or rather to wait until he himself says: "I can create, and I will create, you want it or not." A.Azimov
  • · The world is bored for boring people
  • · Do not worry, and worry Merilin Monroe
  • · I fall in love every day and every day in you!
  • · We are both with you not gifts, but together an excellent couple!
  • · The best way Make the children are good - make them happy! O.Wailde
  • · Tale is that gold, which shines a light in children's eyes! G.H.andersen
  • · Zorkko is one heart, the most important eyes you will not see
  • · A man who achieved success is the one who earns more moneythan can spend his wife. A woman who has achieved success is the one who managed to find such a man!
  • · Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you take your attention to other things, it will come and quietly sit on your shoulder. "Victor Frankl.
  • · Hugs - the shortest distance between friends
  • · If love does not rotate the globe, then at least gives its meaning to rotation
  • · In every man hiding a child who wishes to play
  • · The main thing is a small person - to manage the universe
  • · Wherever you are, friends are those of whom is your world
  • · Friend is the one who takes you by the hand, but touches your heart
  • · Love is Meshsill: no on earth either grief - above the punishments of her nor happiness - above enjoyment to serve her Shakespeare
  • · We know that love is strong as death, but fragile, like glass mopassan
  • · Happiness is the ability to rejoice in simple things !!!
  • · I know why love you ... because it's you
  • · You are a little more than what I call happiness
  • · Beautiful than the secrets of old men and secrets of books, only the innermost secrets of the ocean.
  • · I wish in life dark, and light stripes. But those and others let them be made of chocolate!
  • · We do not know what will happen tomorrow ... our business is happy today
  • · Happiness is when all at home. And sleep :))
  • · If you want something, the whole universe will help that it happens
  • · The most valuable things in life - not at all ...
  • · If the idea at first glance does not seem absurd, then she has no hope for Survival Einstein
  • · There are only two ways to live your life. The first - so that no miracles happens. The second is as if everything is miracle in the world. Einstein
  • · The path to a thousand miles begins with the first step
  • · All that is done - for the better!
  • · There is only one happiness in life - love and be loved by Georges Sand
  • · Souls are found on lips of lovers
  • · Love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another
  • · If shouting pride, it means that love is silent
  • · Love is eternity given in time
  • · I love not "for something ...", but I love "Despite anything ..."
  • · Beautiful eyes Only someone who looks at you with tenderness.
  • · And evenings she drinks tea with dreams, chocolate and thoughts about you.
  • · If I'm not for myself, then who is for me? And if I just for myself, then why am I?
  • · It happens the most frank, we are talking into a joke, so that no one understands that it is true. Mark Levi.
  • · You entered my life as summer comes - suddenly, without warning, how to penetrate the sunlight in the morning. Mark Levi.
  • · Memory is a strange artist: it repairs the paints of life and erases gray shades, while maintaining the brightest colors and the most expressive silhouettes. Mark Levi.
  • · In life, it is necessary to seriously apply only to the fact that there is no need to seriously treat
  • · The woman knows the four actions of arithmetic perfectly: she divides the bed, multiplies the genus, he adds beauty and relieves age.
  • · Women are created to love them, and not understood.
  • · Honeymoon is good when honey is not lime ... V.Sumbatov
  • · Parents are so simple devices that even children can be controlled.
  • · Women are all heart, even a head. Jean Pol
  • · All you do, do well. Even if you make madness. Honore de Balzac
  • · Newbies easier to achieve something - they can be wrong
  • · Happiness in your hands ...
  • · For me, happy
  • · You need to believe in a miracle. Because if it does not believe in it, it will never happen
  • · Man from the beast distinguishes the ability to create. So I'm doing while the beast is sleeping in me
  • · Do not take yourself seriously
  • · Every love is true and beautiful in my own way, if only she was in the heart, and not in my head.
  • · For love, it does not exist yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow. She greells to the current day, but this day is needed by all, unlimited, unwound.
  • · Love wears such glasses, through which copper seems to be gold, poverty - wealth, and drops of fire - pearls.
  • · Never refuse that makes you smile. Heath Ledger
  • · Smile life - and life will smile to you in response!
  • · The only thing that does not end is love. Richard Bach
  • · If you know where to go, you will give you any road there.
  • · Time for happiness - now. Place for happiness - here. Robert Green Rakell
  • · Loving is not to look at each other, love - it means to look together in one direction.
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • · Love - like music without words, it is not necessary in her loud phrases ... (from the song)
  • · Yesterday is a story. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today, the present, this is a gift.
  • · Life is the magic and taste of every moment unique!
  • · The poorest is the one who does not know how to use what it has. Pierre Boast.
  • · Woman should be happy, she must no longer anyone
  • · Love like wind ... You do not see her, but feel ...
  • · - Miracles there - where they believe in them, and the more believe - the more often they happen. D. Didro
  • · - I love you not for who you are, and for who I am when I am with you.
  • · - A true friend - This is the one who will keep your hand and feel your heart.
  • · Time-best humorist, it turns the most serious in funny.
  • · Not enough to know the price, you need to be in demand.
  • · All in our hands. At least for this reason they cannot be omitted.
  • · To have an angelic character, you need to have devilish patience.
  • · In order to preserve the sweetness of love, she needs a mystery. (A. and S. Golon Angelica)
  • · Never give up your dreams. (Paulo Coelho)
  • · Memories are a precious thing. "Gone With the Wind"
  • · Tomorrow will be a completely different day. "Gone With the Wind"
  • · Happiness is possible only where similar people love each other. "Gone With the Wind"
  • · The main thing in life is not to regret anything and never look back.
  • · The man's house is his fortress, but the garage of a man is his kingdom. . .
  • TUTTO A TE MI GUIDA (ITAL.) - Everything leads me to you.

And the history of this phrase is connected with the queen of France Maria-Antoinetta. To constantly have in front of the eyes of the sign of an Otradny reminder of the Beloved, Maria-Antoinetta ordered a ring, but not with royal lilies (such a ring she sent her beloved - Ferzen), and with the coat of arms of Ferzen: how he wore the motto of the queen, so in his hand The days of separation she is on her hand - the coat of arms of the Swedish nobleman; Each look, abandoned on the ring, had to remind the Queen of France about the beloved, located away. What was engraved on Persdne with the selection and which she, the only one of the decorations, who was more expensive to her countless millions, did it even save in prison?
The five Italian words of the maiden, and two steps from death they sound even more correctly than when it were: "Tutto a Te Mi Guida" (everything leads me to you).
Maria Antoinette soon had to execute. And there is an opportunity to send to Ferzen another one - she feels, the last is a sign of love, she wants to show him that with this ring retained his feelings. She presses the ring with engraving to hot wax and sends an impression to Ferzen. Words are not needed, the impression himself says. And the one in the distance, knows that this heart beats for him, beats until its last hour.

Sad statuses about school - Farewell to a school for many sad moment

Always when the holidays comes, we rejoice and do not want to return to school after the holidays. When the last call rings, we smile and rejoice in it. And when we fall in adulthood, we cry and miss school, because those times do not return.

So sad .... It seems only recently in the first class I went .. and now the graduation is completely close ...

So the last call rang ... Only now he does not remind another tedious lesson, but calling in adult life.

The last call is a very sad sound when you understand that it is already the last.

My teacher, a little wait, I want to be in my childhood again. And ... Last Call Cancel, I want to learn everything again. I did not think that I would miss the school so much.

The school courtyard and laughter of girlfriends is the cleanest, the very ringing and running along the warm puddles of the Bosnogiye girls and have already swing our school swing school, school, I miss how we quickly matured ....

Sometimes you want to return to these native walls, run through these corridors, go into the class and looking into the eyes of the teacher to say thanks ... I miss the school ...

Do not be sad that you will not return to school, youth is wonderful time, just wish me happiness to you, peace and good.

Another month and forgive the school. Somehow unnoticed 11 years old flew and now I first want to stay at school, at least even for a year.

So the school ended, I may never see you anymore, I am so hard to realize it ......

It remains quite a bit ... Soon on May 25 ... All such elegant, beautiful, adults ... more slightly, and we will part forever ... sad

Goodbye School - Forgive your childhood ... I can not believe that these years flew ...

So, the last week At school ... I feel bad, I do not want to leave!

The last time rings a call for us. The last time go to this class. Let the tears roll out of the eyes. The last time, the last time ...

Call for teacher. Stand all those who have spent now. Tell everyone, we will also laugh. Go out, and go fine. School, I miss you.

Ribbons with the release ... White bows ... White socks and aprons ... It seems so fun ... graduation ... Last night ... sad dawn together ... and then they disperse and no longer be together ...

Tomorrow the last first call ... and somehow sorry to understand that it will not be more in your life.

Goodbye school, I drink for you ... year flew a minute of one, was the first call, and now graduation! Here, here I do not cut the treacherous tears ... Thank you for everything seriously!

Goodbye school, the last call rang. And Deri closed for you

Sad statuses about school - the last call, simple tears. Teachers we give roses. And yet the school, we will love you ...

I will be very bored at school! By memorization, even by conflicts with teachers. By neighbor at the desk, which I endured, on the "booth" for which smoking almost the whole school ran

Graduation soon ... just now I understood how it all is good at school ... appreciate this time.