The child does not have a fever. Why does a child get sick without fever? Possible causes of high temperature

A child’s high body temperature is a kind of protective reaction that allows him to better cope with viruses and various diseases. Parents, having discovered that their baby has a high temperature without any accompanying symptoms, signs of a cold or other illness, they begin to panic. This is especially true for children who cannot yet talk about what exactly bothers them, where and how it hurts. Fever without other symptoms may appear various reasons, but often only a doctor can establish them after a complete examination of the child.

Most parents in such a situation rush to give their baby an antipyretic drug, without trying to find out what exactly led to the increase in temperature. This behavior is incorrect, since the reaction usually indicates that there is a struggle going on inside the baby’s body. immune system with an incoming irritant.

Trying to bring down a child's fever, adults often interfere with the work of natural defensive reaction child's body. Therefore, it is important to correctly determine the causes and factors that led to the onset of fever.

In children under 5 years of age, body temperature is often slightly elevated for no reason, and its value within 37-37.2 degrees is considered normal. This is due to the fact that in children the natural thermoregulation of the body is not yet sufficiently formed and adjusted, and the lifestyle at this age is always very active.

Often parents observe an increase in the child’s temperature after active games that require considerable physical activity. But as soon as he rests a little, sitting quietly, everything returns to normal.

Teething It can also cause a fever in an infant, sometimes quite severe, while there may be no other symptoms. Only with a detailed examination can you see swelling of the gums and their slight inflammation. During this period, children may become restless and capricious, but if there are no signs of illness, for example, a cold, then no measures need to be taken.

Temperature without other symptoms may appear during normal overheating , which often happens to infants with excessive dressing and wrapping, as well as with insufficient fluid intake, for example, if the baby does not receive additional fluids while feeding on mother's milk.

Due to unsteady natural thermoregulation, a baby can easily overheat if he is in a stuffy room, in the sun, or if he is dressed too warmly (not for the weather). In this case, there are no signs of illness, and it is enough to give the child something to drink, remove excess clothing and transfer him to a cool room so that the baby’s condition returns to normal.

The most common cause of high fever is viral infection , for example, influenza, acute respiratory infections or ARVI. When a fever occurs, there may be no other symptoms. They tend to occur later, usually after a few hours.

After suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, some children still have bacterial infection , in this case, low-grade fever can be observed for a long time, sometimes longer than a month. In order for the baby’s condition to normalize, it is necessary to take a course of vitamin preparations with a general strengthening effect.

Stressful situations , accompanied by strong excitement and anxiety, often lead to the appearance of a high temperature against the background of the complete absence of any signs of a cold or other disease.

The condition has a neurological basis and can often occur in children with congenital or acquired early age neurological disorders. Such children require constant monitoring not only by a neurologist, but also by their parents, as well as the implementation of all recommendations of specialists.

Often, a fever without any other symptoms may indicate a serious kidney dysfunction . In this case, there is usually a slight rise in temperature, on average up to 37.5 degrees, but it remains unchanged for a long time, after which sharp jumps up to 39 degrees begin.

If this indicator persists for several days, and there are no signs of illness or a cold, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination using ultrasound diagnostics, which will eliminate the danger to the baby’s health or determine its degree if there is a serious problem and prescribe adequate treatment. A baby in this state must be protected from any worries and worries.

Temperature may also appear as a result, and after a few hours other symptoms should appear, for example, redness of the skin, rash, swelling of tissues. Children with allergies, regardless of the type of allergens that cause the reaction, need constant monitoring by an allergist and systematic treatment with the mandatory elimination of substances that lead to attacks.

Another reason for the appearance of fever in children without accompanying symptoms may be the presence intestinal infection . In this case, the baby’s condition will rapidly deteriorate and in a few hours will be accompanied by lethargy, apathy, general malaise and disruption at work. gastrointestinal tract(diarrhea or vomiting).

Conditions requiring urgent medical attention

If the baby has birth defects heart, then the appearance of fever without other symptoms may be evidence of the onset of a bacterial form of endocarditis. As a rule, in initial stage As the disease progresses, the temperature is high, after which it begins to gradually decrease and is fixed at 37 degrees, but the child experiences tachycardia and shortness of breath.

With this condition, it is important to make a timely diagnosis and begin treatment, which means you should not delay visiting a doctor.

Fever can also be caused by the penetration of foreign substances into the body that can cause a pyrogenic reaction. This may include the introduction of certain types of vaccines, when used as side effect Fever may occur.

If the baby’s condition does not return to normal within 24 hours after vaccination and the use of a single dose of an antipyretic drug, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Use of expired medicines any direction can cause fever in a child, which is gradually supplemented by other symptoms. At severe poisoning the baby will need hospitalization, so it is better to call an ambulance when the first symptoms appear.

It is important to always check the expiration date of any medicine before giving it to your child and avoid medicines not made in a pharmacy.

How to help your baby? Is it necessary to reduce the fever?

Of course, relieve the fever that appeared without additional symptoms You can do this at home by giving your child a dose of an antipyretic drug, but you should resort to such measures only if absolutely necessary. It is important to observe the condition of the baby and its behavior in order to determine the cause.

Often only a qualified specialist can make a correct diagnosis after examination. You should not risk the child’s health and try to establish your own diagnosis, or prescribe treatment yourself.

The appearance of fever is primarily a protective mechanism of the child’s body, since at a body temperature of 38 degrees the reproduction of most types of pathogenic microorganisms slows down. When the threshold of 40 degrees is reached, the reproduction of all bacteria and viruses completely stops.

Exactly heat allows the child's body to cope with infection. If there are antibiotics among the medications prescribed by the doctor, then it is best to give them to the child during fever, since in this condition the effect of the medication is greatly enhanced.

The heat activates the baby's immune system, stimulates the accelerated production of antibodies to destroy the source of the problem. At the same time, the body also increases the production of interferon, which is necessary to fight many types of viruses, including pathogens of different strains of influenza.

In this condition, the child’s appetite usually decreases, he begins to move less, which allows the body to save a significant amount of energy and direct it to fight the disease.

If you give a child an antipyretic drug, a kind of disruption will occur in the body’s natural protective function, which will lead to a sharp slowdown in the functioning of the immune system and create conditions for the proliferation of pathogens.

Of course, by lowering the fever, parents alleviate the child’s condition for a short time, but all drugs have only a temporary effect and after its end the baby suddenly becomes worse. It is for this reason that experts strongly do not recommend lowering the temperature in children if it does not exceed 38-38.5 degrees.

A rise in body temperature in a child is a signal of the formation of diseases such as flu, colds, and pneumonia. But often mothers complain that their child’s temperature has risen without symptoms. In such a situation, it is very problematic to determine the cause that contributes to the formation of such a pathology. To make an accurate diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to undergo full examination, since an increase in temperature without significant signs may indicate the presence various types diseases that go unnoticed for a long time.


The main risk factors are:

  1. Viral or bacterial infection. This pathology occurs without symptoms for a long time, so only a doctor can recognize them.
  2. Teething.
  3. Baby overheating.


During the hot season, children very often overheat. And if you constantly wrap up and dress warmly infant, then it can overheat even in winter time. In such a situation, the baby becomes capricious, and his temperature rises to 38–39 degrees. What to do in this situation:

  • fill the child’s room with fresh air;
  • if the body temperature has risen to 38–39 due to overheating in the sun, then the child should be taken to the shade;
  • remove all warm clothes from the baby or completely undress him;
  • wet a cloth in cold water, wipe the baby’s skin;
  • Make sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.
When the cause of a rise in temperature without symptoms in a child is overheating, then after following the described recommendations there should be an improvement. If such measures do not give the desired result, then the baby needs to be given antipyretic drugs and find out the reasons for this ailment.


Very often the temperature rises without symptoms due to teething. The following factors indicate this condition:

  • the baby scratches his gums all the time;
  • child age 5 months – 2.5 years;
  • body temperature does not rise to 38–39 degrees or higher;
  • inflamed gums and you can see the edges of cutting teeth;
  • a few days later the tooth erupted and the temperature subsided;
  • refusal to eat, increased salivation.
  1. You can eliminate gum pain using special gels.
  2. Provide your baby with plenty of fluids.
  3. Periodically fill the child’s room with fresh air.
  4. If your body temperature rises above 37.3 degrees, you cannot walk outside and bathe your baby.
  5. When a child is always capricious or too lethargic, and his temperature is without obvious signs increased to 38–39 degrees, it is necessary to give an antipyretic.
Nurofen or Paracetamol are effective here. In addition to lowering the temperature, they also have a calming effect and remove teeth from the gums.

Acute stomatitis

When a child has this pathology, he loses his appetite, there is increased salivation and fever. If you perform an inspection oral cavity, then ulcers and blisters can be found on the tongue.

If you have any of these signs, you should urgently call a doctor at home. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with furacillin solution, sage or chamomile. For a while, you should not give your child sour, hot, spicy or hard foods, as they can harm the inflamed areas. Therefore, try to give him liquid and puree foods with a neutral taste, but not very hot.

Otitis in acute form

This disease is characterized by high fever without symptoms in the child and ear pain. The baby begins to refuse food and is capricious all the time. Therapeutic measures include taking antibiotics in the form of drops or systemic treatment with tablets or injections.

The presented disease can affect children aged from 9 months to 2 years. Initially, the child’s temperature rose to 38–40 degrees, and then the occipital, cervical and submandibular lymph nodes. After a few days, the temperature drops from 40 to 37 degrees, and a small pink rash forms on the body, which does not require any treatment and disappears after 4-5 days.

Urinary tract infection

The course of such a disease occurs without symptoms. The only one characteristic symptom is an increase in temperature to 38–38.5 degrees. Swelling of the legs and face is very rare, and trips to the toilet become frequent. The survey includes research general analysis urine. Since the infection is bacterial, a full course of antibiotics cannot be avoided.

A child’s temperature without characteristic manifestations is a common occurrence. This condition can be caused by various diseases: cough, snot, infectious diseases. If the temperature rises slightly, you can bring it down yourself, but if it exceeds 39–40 degrees, you should immediately contact the clinic.

In a child up to 39° without symptoms, it can occur when an infection occurs. When pathogenic microorganisms enter the body, leukocytes enter the bloodstream, which are aimed at eliminating the outbreak, which causes the temperature to rise.


Causes of asymptomatic fever in children

The reasons for an increase in body temperature to 39° can be both natural processes in the body and the presence of an inflammatory process.


It occurs due to the fact that thermoregulation is just developing in young children. This situation can happen both in summer and winter.

Causes of overheating:

  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • clothes that are too warm;
  • excessive physical activity.

Children become capricious, irritable, or lethargic and inactive. The temperature reaches 39, but there are no other symptoms.

Growing teeth

Often a child develops a high body temperature when teething.

Among the main signs:

  • the child’s attempts to scratch his gums, while he puts everything into his mouth;
  • the temperature remains stable at 39 degrees;
  • inflamed and swollen gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • moodiness;
  • refusal to eat;
  • after 2–4 days the temperature subsides.


It is difficult even for an experienced specialist to recognize the disease at the initial stage, since there are no longer any symptoms. After a few days, the inside of the mouth becomes covered with ulcers. Eating is accompanied by painful sensations.

Viral infections

An increase in temperature in a child of 39°C without symptoms may also indicate the penetration of the virus into the body.

Only after a few days may the following appear:

  • a sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • rashes;
  • increase lymph nodes.

The most common children's viral diseases are:

  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • exanthema.

Reaction to vaccination

An increase in body temperature after vaccination is normal in most cases. The reason for this could be a weakened immune system or hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

Bacterial diseases

The penetration of a bacterial infection into the body is also accompanied by high body temperature without visible symptoms.

Common diseases:

  • angina;
  • otitis;
  • urinary tract infection.

If you have problems with urinary system there is a frequent urge to urinate. This is difficult to notice in babies if the child is in a diaper all the time. It is also difficult to independently determine the symptoms of a sore throat or otitis media. To make a diagnosis, you need to be examined by a specialist.

First aid for high fever

Above 39 degrees it is necessary to bring down, as it can cause the development of hyperthermic syndrome. One of the symptoms is seizures.

Parents can reduce fever on their own by using the following measures:

  1. Ventilate the room. The optimal room temperature is 18-19 degrees and humidity 60%.
  2. Undress the child, remove the baby's diaper, and put on light cotton clothing.
  3. Wipe your body with a cloth soaked in cool water.
  4. Put him to bed.
  5. Provide plenty of fluids at room temperature: tea, compote, juice, water.
  6. Give antipyretics according to age. Preparations based on Paracetamol have a minimum side effects and are considered the safest.
  7. If the readings increase above 39, and there is no effect from the antipyretic, call a doctor.

Medicines should be prescribed only by the attending physician, taking into account indications, contraindications and dosage.


For infants, pediatricians usually prescribe the following medications:

  1. Paracetamol suppositories have a pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effect. Method of application: rectal. For children 3-12 months, 1 suppository 0.08 g per day.
  2. Nurofen in the form of a suspension is used for symptomatic treatment fever and pain after vaccination, during teething, ARVI. Use: for children from 3 to 12 months with a body weight of 5-6 kg, 2.5 ml every 8 hours no more than 3 times a day.
  3. Efferalgan syrup. Reduces fever and pain. For children from 3 months. The values ​​on the measuring spoon must match the child's weight.

Paracetamol - 60 rub. Nurofen - 130 rub. Efferalgan - 110 rub.

Video about antipyretics from the ONT TV channel.

For a one-year-old child and after one year

Antipyretics for children aged one year and older:

  1. Panadol syrup has antipyretic and analgesic effects. Used from one year of age at 15 mg/kg body weight 3-4 times a day.
  2. Tsefekon D suppositories are used to reduce fever, fight pain and inflammation. For children 1-3 years old, one 100 g suppository three times a day. At the age of 3-12, one suppository 250 mg, 4 times a day. When the temperature drops, use no longer than 3 days; for pain relief, no more than 5.

Panadol - 99 rub. Cefekon D - 46 rub.


At elevated temperatures in adolescents, antipyretic drugs in syrup or tablets are most often used.

Drugs for teenagers:

  1. Piaron, based on paracetamol. It has an antipyretic and analgesic effect. Release form: suspension. Children aged 10-12 years: 20 ml, every 6 hours.
  2. Nurofen tablets are effective for pain of various etiologies, as well as for signs of a cold or flu. Suitable for children weighing more than 20 kg. Children aged 6-11 years and weighing 20-30 kg, one tablet every six hours.
  3. Ibuprofen Junior in the form of soft capsules. Suitable for adults and children. Single dose for children 10-12 years old and weighing 20-30 kg is one capsule. For children over 12 years old - 1-2 capsules with an interval of 4-6 hours.

Most conscious mothers will begin to worry if the temperature of a child without symptoms suddenly rises above 37 degrees. And if the thermometer without any symptoms of the disease exceeds 38 degrees, then the mother may panic and worry about the health of her beloved child.

A single increase in temperature in a child can be a completely normal phenomenon, and this is caused by the reaction of the growing body to external stimuli. For example, a child was actively running around and became hot from dynamic games. But it also happens that an increase in temperature is not as harmless as in the example given, and therefore parents must have an idea of ​​​​what possible causes may contribute to an increase in temperature without symptoms. It's important to accept the right decision to fix the problem.

Main reasons


During the first five years, thermoregulation in children did not reach its maximum development, so if the thermometer on the thermometer went a little off scale, then the following reasons could contribute to this:

  • scorching summer sun;
  • Long stay of the child in a stuffy, hot room;
  • The baby played active games for a long time: ran, jumped;
  • The mother dressed the child in clothes that were too hot, uncomfortable and tight for the weather;
  • Many suspicious mothers try to wrap their newborn babies warmer, so overheating is possible. Some mothers place the stroller in the sun to keep the baby warm, but this should not be done.

The reasons mentioned above may cause the child's temperature to rise. On a thermometer, a mother can notice a temperature ranging from 37 to 38.5 degrees - this is how the body can react to overheating! If the baby, in your opinion, is hot and, as you suspect, has a temperature without visible symptoms of a cold, then try to calm him down after active games, sit him in the shade, give him something to drink, and remove excess clothes. The room should be well ventilated if it is stuffy and hot. The child can be wiped with cool water, and if the increase in temperature is caused by overheating, the thermometer will drop to normal within an hour.

Reaction to vaccination

At least once in her life, after vaccination, a mother observed an increase in temperature and a febrile state in her child. The child feels quite normal, nothing worries him, except that his body temperature has risen to 38-38.5 degrees. Moreover, it can last for several days.


Quite often, babies cause parents to panic due to teething, when this unpleasant process is accompanied by an abnormal increase in temperature. Doctors are still debating this issue. Despite this, if parents see that the child has become capricious, restless, his gums are swollen and red, and he has lost his appetite, then the reason may lie precisely in the fact that teething is in progress. The thermometer may show a temperature of 38, but many parents have encountered a higher temperature that bothered the child for two or three days.

To help your baby, you should buy special painkillers at the pharmacy, lower the temperature, give more warm drinks, and do not allow him to be overly active. During this period, the mother should show increased attention to the child, give affection and warmth.

Temperature in a child with a viral infection

The first day of a viral infection can only be marked by a high temperature, so the mother worries and begins to find out the reasons for this phenomenon. After a couple of days, the child exhibits symptoms such as runny nose, cough, difficulty breathing, red throat, chest pain - all these factors confirm the presence of a viral infection in the body. If the temperature is within 38 degrees, you should not “stuff” the child with antipyretic pills, but rather let the body fight the viruses on its own. Parents are required to help the child in this fight: do not wrap him up to avoid overheating, give plenty of warm drinks, constantly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning, ensure peace and a comfortable stay. The room temperature must be maintained at 20-22 degrees. If you notice that your baby's clothes are wet from sweat, immediately change his clothes, after drying the skin warm water. Provide your child with everything necessary to comply with bed rest: let him draw, watch cartoons and assemble construction sets. The main thing is that nothing tires or irritates him, and caring parents should help him with this. Remember that you should not give any medicine to your child without calling a doctor at home.

There are irresponsible mothers who give their baby antibiotics at high temperatures!!! This is a huge mistake, since antibiotics do not work on viruses. They begin to “work” only with complications after a viral infection, having a detrimental effect on bacteria that cause bronchitis, sore throat, pneumonia, etc.

Bacterial infection

Anyone can face this problem, and not only after a viral infection. A bacterial infection can occur on its own, and is characterized by a number of signs that only a doctor can identify at the initial stage. Diseases of bacterial etiology include:

  • Stomatitis. When stomatitis begins, a child refuses to eat due to painful ulcers and blisters appearing on the oral mucosa. The child has increased salivation, elevated temperature;
  • Sore throat is a disease accompanied by a whitish coating of pathogenic bacteria and pustules on the tonsils and in the oral cavity. Sore throat is accompanied by high fever, sore throat when swallowing, fever and malaise. Children who are already one year old can get sick, but in most cases the disease overcomes children after two years of age;
  • Pharyngitis is a throat disease. Mom may notice increased body temperature, sores and rashes in the throat. If you open a child’s mouth using a teaspoon, you will immediately notice strong redness. This is a signal that you need to call a doctor and the baby has a bacterial infection;
  • Disease of the hearing organs - otitis media. With otitis media, the baby loses his appetite, is capricious, and suffers from severe pain in the ear. The disease manifests itself with high fever, and at the same time the child, crying, grabs the sore ear;
  • Infection genitourinary system often occurs in children who are not yet three years old. In addition to a sharp jump in temperature, the child is bothered by pain when urinating and frequent trips to the toilet “in small ways.” To make a correct diagnosis and prescribe competent drug treatment, you need to immediately call a doctor who will give you a referral for laboratory tests.

Sudden exanthema

There is a disease that affects children aged 9 months to 2 years, which is also classified as an infection. viral etiology. The provocateur of the disease is the herpes virus. The baby has a fever, the temperature rises to 38.5-40 degrees, and there are no other symptoms. But after a while, a maculopapular rash appears on the body, which indicates an infection. In some cases, the mother detects an enlargement of the lymph nodes - occipital, cervical or submandibular. After 5-6 days, all manifestations of the disease disappear.

There are other reasons that can contribute to elevated body temperature when no other symptoms are observed. For example, allergic reactions, inflamed wounds on the mucous membrane or skin, congenital heart defects.

What to do

It is necessary to clearly understand that a child’s temperature without symptoms indicates that the child’s body is struggling with adverse external influences and foreign infections. There is no reason to panic. Also, you should not immediately “stuff” your child with harmful medications to relieve fever. First, trust the thermometer, not tactile sensations, and clearly find out how much the temperature has exceeded the norm.

If the baby is healthy and has no history chronic diseases and pathologies, the mother should do the following:

  1. If the thermometer has risen to 37-37.5 degrees, then there is no need to reduce the temperature with antipyretics, since the body must be given the opportunity to cope with this situation on its own and develop immunity;
  2. If the body temperature is in the range of 37.5-38.5, then the mother should also not reach for the first aid kit and give medications. It is necessary to wipe the child’s body with water, give plenty of warm drinks, and ventilate the room well and often.
  3. If the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees or higher, it is already necessary to give medications that reduce fever. The doctor may prescribe Nurofen, Panadol, paracetamol and other medications. The mother should always have a supply of antipyretic tablets in her medicine cabinet, but only after one or another drug has been prescribed by the attending physician.

It happens that the mother gave a pill, the temperature quickly dropped, but after a short time it rose again. This may be a signal that the body is affected by a viral infection - chickenpox, measles, rubella. Of course, here you need to immediately call a doctor at home.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Important! If a child has a fever without any symptoms, and this situation has persisted for four to five days, then calling a doctor becomes a necessity. This situation may occur in the case of a bacterial infection or a focus of bacterial inflammation. The mother needs to undergo a urine and blood test so that the doctor can clarify the picture and prescribe the correct medication.

There are situations when a mother needs to drop everything she’s doing and immediately call ambulance. If the child has:

  1. Cramps.
  2. Sharp pain in a stomach.
  3. The baby was given antipyretic drugs, but the fever never subsided.
  4. Severe pallor and lethargy.

In this condition, the child should not be left alone without supervision. The mother is obliged to provide help to the child so that he copes with the unusual condition, as well as to establish the reason that contributed to it.

What does low-grade fever mean?

There are situations when the child does not show dissatisfaction and does not complain about feeling uncomfortable, but the mother noticed that he was hot and accidentally measured the temperature, which showed numbers of 37-38 degrees. And the most incomprehensible thing for parents is that it can last for a month. In this case, the doctor defines this condition as low-grade fever. External well-being can be deceptive, since such a phenomenon, and a long-term one, indicates only one thing - there are problems in the child’s body, and they are still hidden from the eyes of doctors and parents. List of diseases that are accompanied low-grade fever, essential. It could be anemia, allergies, helminthic infestation, diabetes, brain diseases, all kinds hidden infections. To establish the true picture, you need to pass necessary tests and undergo diagnostics and examination.

The fragile and fragile body of a baby, faced with a high temperature, is under constant stress, so do not delay in calling a doctor at home. Moreover, there is a high probability that the doctor will prescribe a consultation with other specialists: an immunologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, neurologist and others. The correct diagnosis can be made after a detailed examination, and then you can begin the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Weakened immunity, inflammatory and infectious processes, and impaired thermoregulation can also cause low-grade fever.

If, after diagnostic measures, hidden infections are discovered in the body, the mother will need to make every effort to strengthen the child’s body and increase its immunity. Important activities include full healthy sleep, hardening, good and varied nutrition, long walks on fresh air. These measures will help bring the temperature back to normal and increase the child’s immunity.

If your newborn has a fever without symptoms

Infants do not yet have a well-functioning thermoregulation system, so if the mother notices that the temperature is in the range of 37-37.5 degrees, then there should be no premature panic. There is no need to worry when the baby behaves as before, nothing bothers him, he is not capricious for no reason, he eats well and his sleep is not disturbed. If the temperature rises for no reason, then there is no need to give pills until the baby is examined by a doctor. To avoid overheating, do not dress your baby too warmly; buy only cotton, breathable clothing that will not feel too tight for your baby. The room must be constantly ventilated and the temperature maintained at 22-33 degrees. When your child goes for a walk, dress him according to the weather and do not bundle him up.

Doctor Komarovsky about temperature without symptoms

Many young mothers unconditionally trust Dr. Komarovsky in matters of children's health and listen to his advice. The doctor says that during the summer months main reason which causes an increase in temperature without visible symptoms is ordinary overheating. During the winter months, the first priority is viral infections. And if some suspicious mothers run to the doctors at the slightest increase in temperature, the more conscientious ones take a break to observe the newborn. Of course, when a doctor watches the baby together with the mother, this instills reliability and confidence.

If a mother is waiting for specific signs of a fever to appear, it is important to remember the reasons why she should visit the hospital immediately:

  1. The temperature has been holding for three days and there is no improvement, and the bar on the thermometer has not dropped even a couple of notches.
  2. After 4 days, the temperature is still there, although it should already be normal.

The mother should not immediately reach for antipyretic syrup, but rather remove excess clothing from the baby, regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. In other words, parents should take care to create the most comfortable conditions possible to help their child cope with the illness.

Dr. Komarovsky divides the reasons that cause overheating of the body into the following:

  • Viral infections that go away on their own. They are accompanied by the phenomenon of redness of the skin to a bright pink color;
  • Infections of bacterial etiology, which are accompanied by certain symptoms, but they may not immediately manifest themselves. For example, it could be Ear ache, body rash, diarrhea, sore throat. In such cases, the baby becomes lethargic and is not interested in anything. The skin becomes pale. Based on these symptoms, you can make a correct diagnosis that the baby’s body is affected bacterial infection and intoxication is observed. The doctor can prescribe antibiotics that actively suppress bacteria and quickly solve the problem.
  • An increase in temperature of non-infectious etiology is a banal overheating.

Despite the fact that Dr. Komarovsky believes that a normal jump in temperature should not cause panic, each case is strictly individual, so a consultation with a doctor who will examine your baby will be very helpful. So that in the future the mother does not reproach herself for lost time and sluggishness.

Caring for the health of a child is a great responsibility for parents, because every decision is fraught with complications. The most common pathology in children is acute respiratory infections, accompanied by cough, runny nose, fever and redness of the throat. Every mother is familiar with these symptoms, and she knows perfectly well what to do in this case. But there are situations when the only identified symptom of the disease is high temperature. This greatly frightens parents due to their lack of understanding of what is happening to their child.


Possible causes of high temperature

The main cause of fever in both adults and children is inflammatory process of various etiologies. It's kind of defense mechanism or the body’s response, for example, to the invasion of foreign agents, helping to slow down, and in some cases completely stop the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The reasons for a rise in temperature in children to 39°C, not accompanied by other symptoms, may be overheating or infectious diseases. In children under 2.5 years of age, hyperthermia is sometimes observed against the background of teething, while the child actively tries to scratch the painful gums with pens or objects that catch his eye.

However, if parents do not see other symptoms in children other than fever, this does not mean that they do not exist. For example, infants and small children who cannot yet speak cannot say that they have pain in their ear, head, throat, kidney area or stomach.

In children under one year old, quite often the cause of high temperature is overheating, which is associated with insufficient maturity of the thermoregulation system. This condition can be provoked by a child’s prolonged exposure to the sun in hot weather, too warm clothes, or excessive physical activity.

Sometimes a sudden increase in temperature to 39°C is noted as a manifestation allergic reaction resulting from long-term use of medications, vaccinations, insect bites or other factors.

Asymptomatic fever due to illness

As you know, infectious diseases are most often of a bacterial or viral nature.

Viral infections

Viral infections are usually characterized by a sharp rise in temperature to 39°C and above. In some of their types, this condition may be the only one early symptom disease, and other signs of the disease (characteristic rash, swollen lymph nodes, etc.) appear only after a couple of days. These include the following childhood diseases:

Bacterial diseases

Among infectious diseases caused mainly by bacteria, occurring without symptoms visible to parents and accompanied by a rise in body temperature to 39°C and above, the following can be distinguished:

  • pharyngitis or sore throat;
  • stomatitis;
  • urinary tract infections.

If there are problems in the child’s urinary system, it is additionally noted frequent urination, however, it is quite difficult for parents of very young children who still wear diapers to notice it. Also, parents without special equipment, experience and skills are not able to examine the ear, throat, and oral cavity and assess their condition. To make an accurate diagnosis in the situations listed above, it is necessary to be examined by specialists and undergo general clinical tests.

Video: Pediatrician Komarovsky E. O. on the possible causes of a rise in temperature without symptoms

What to do if you have a high temperature without other symptoms

If a temperature of 39°C is detected without symptoms, parents should try to find out the cause of this child’s condition. To do this, you need to analyze what he did the day before and take into account the possibility of overheating. If it is determined that the baby is overheated, then he must be undressed, given a cool drink and wiped with a towel dipped in cool water. It is important to ensure that the child stays in a room or area where the air temperature is in the range of 18–22°C, or in the shade.

As a result of such actions, within an hour the temperature should return to normal on its own without the use of antipyretics. medicines. If the temperature rises to 39°C for other reasons, it is recommended to seek medical attention. medical care. This must be done if the child has:

  • the temperature does not decrease within three days;
  • have serious illnesses nervous system(epilepsy);
  • there are congenital heart defects and disorders heart rate;
  • age is less than one year;
  • There are signs of dehydration and he refuses to drink or eat.

If the temperature is due to the development of any infectious disease in the body, it should be borne in mind that viral infections, unlike bacterial ones, in most cases go away on their own and do not require specific treatment. In this case, the child’s condition should improve noticeably on the third day, and on the fifth it should become stable. normal temperature. It is important to monitor the general well-being of the patient and promptly identify other symptoms if they appear subsequently.

How to bring down a fever

First aid for a child at home at a temperature of 39 degrees consists of taking antipyretics, providing drinking plenty of fluids, moist cool air, regular ventilation of the room where it is located.

In order to alleviate the child's condition, antipyretic drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol can be used in dosages appropriate to age and body weight. Their effect is observed approximately an hour after taking the medicine. Antipyretics for children are available in the form of syrups, tablets, suspensions and rectal suppositories. These include the following drugs:

  • Cefekon D;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Nurofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Panadol;
  • Ibufen and others.

Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary to prevent dehydration. This is especially important for young children, who very quickly lose the fluid necessary for the full functioning of the body, which can have serious consequences for health and even pose a threat to the child’s life. For drinks, you can offer regular purified boiled water, compote, juice, tea, herbal infusions of chamomile or linden flowers. If there is a decrease or lack of appetite, do not force feed.

At high temperatures, there is no need to wrap the child in a blanket and put warm clothes on him. It is better to throw on something light made from natural materials. If he sweats intensely, you should promptly change his clothes to dry ones. Babies who wear diapers need to take them off. It is better to undress the child completely, put him on a waterproof diaper and cover him with a sheet.

If the temperature does not decrease or even rises after taking antipyretic drugs, and also if the child is too lethargic, has suddenly turned pale, has breathing problems, convulsions, or loss of consciousness, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.