Planetary principles of astrology. The meaning of the planets in astrology

Zodiac signs- a dead frame, from time immemorial there have been and will be 12 signs. And life is connected with movement, the main characters in astrology are the planets. They are constantly moving from room to room. The sign is animated only when planets appear there. It is very important how the planets are arranged in the Zodiac.

Sun is our (own) zodiac sign. The center of our personality is egocentrism - a person puts himself in the center. The sun is a sign of power. It works pretty accurately. There is a game of the Sun against the sky in the sky: we see either the Sun (during the day), or the rest of the sky (at night). Sun Principle- this is the principle of great returns in the positive version, in the negative version - the principle of the black hole (this is a vampire, only takes).

Moon- this is the ruler of emotions, the subconscious is what remains from childhood, this is the planet childhood when we depended on mother. This is the mother, all the relationships that you had with the mother are manifested in the moon. When we grow up, the moon is our family and domestic life. The sun shines during the day, during the day a person is immersed in public life, his individualism is expressed there, in the evening he returns home, here he no longer sticks out his Sun, the Moon comes first, This level is called the base. The sun and moon have the strongest influence on each of us. Even the nature of animals depends on the sign of their zodiac. The sun passes through a zodiac sign in one month. The moon passes one sign in 2.5 days - the fastest planet, everyone has it in different signs, therefore, everyday issues will be resolved for everyone in different ways.

Second level (individual) planets Mercury, Venus, Mars. Like the Moon, each person has them in different signs of the zodiac.

Mercury is how we talk.

Venus- how we feel.

Mars- how we act.

Mercury are the planets of the mind. Responsible for the mind, intellect, speech, communication, trade. In the septener, Mercury did not have a pair: the Sun and the Moon - two eyes, Jupiter and Saturn - two ears, Venus and Mars two nasal openings, Mercury - a mouth that has no pair, he is always alone, he can agree with everyone, he is the patron of speculation and theft. Our whole mind is one big speculation, it is unprincipled. If we want, we can prove everything that is beneficial to us, the mind is corruptible.

Venus ears are not needed, these are feelings. The main feeling is love. Aesthetics - how to draw attention to yourself, and ethics - life values. This is the planet of love money. Venus is responsible for the scale of life values.

Mars- the planet of desires, activity, aggression, an impulse that pushes us to exploits and conflicts.

Third level - social level. The giants move in circles slowly. Jupiter passes a sign in a year, everyone who is born during the year is the same. Chiron has a cycle of 50 years, Saturn has 29.5 years, and it passes 1 sign in 2.5 years. These are peer planets.

Jupiter- great happiness (from old astrology), the planet of spirituality and society, he expands opportunities, opens doors and locks for us, if he wants. Works in antagonism with Saturn (state).

Saturn- the planet of structures and systems, the planet of hierarchies. The main structure is the state. The planet of discipline, restrictions and, as a result, wisdom,

Asteroid Chiron- the planet of paradoxes and duality. Wherever he gets, everywhere he creates duality and an atmosphere of paradoxes. Chiron teaches how not to drown in the ocean of information.

planets top level that were discovered in the last 3 centuries. Before the discovery of Uranus, people have come a long way, 18 centuries only from the birth of Christ. Mankind has lived so long without electricity, aviation and without social revolutions. Always fought (Cain and Abel). The year of the discovery of Uranus is 1781, in 1783 man takes off for the first time on hot-air balloon At the same time, experiments on electricity began. In 1789, for the first time in the history of mankind, a bloody revolution took place in France. Uranus blew up the world. Uranus planet of astrology. Dante believed that heaven and hell on the planets.

Uranus- (18th century) a full circle passes in 84 years, one sign goes in 7 years. Planet of revolutions, discoveries, aviation, electricity and astrology.

Neptune one sign passes in 14 years. Opened in the middle of the 19th century, the planet of chemistry, the psyche, utopia and idealism, the planet of drinks. 19th century - the century of a chemical breakthrough (Mendeleev, Butlerov).

Pluto. At different generations fate develops in different ways, the conflict of generations is not only inevitable, but also insurmountable, people of different generations look differently in a completely different way.

Vertical connections of the planet:

1st row Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto are planets of action. The sun is an action on the level of life, it's easy to live. Mars is our individual activity. Jupiter is our action in society. Pluto is action at the level of the masses, it's either you subdue the crowd, or it will crush you.

2nd row planets of mind. Mercury (the mind at the level of the multiplication table), Chiron and Uranus (the mind is modern, electronic).

3rd row planets of experiences: Moon (individual experiences at home, in everyday life), Venus (experiences in love), Saturn (experiences from contact with the state system), Neptune (the most subtle modern experiences of a chemical order (alcoholism, drug addiction).

In the first horizontal row there is not enough planet between the Moon and the Sun, the tenth. This is the planet of the mind. In a series of luminaries, but still a planet.

As long as a person is alive, everything can change. Very often these changes depend on the person himself. Each planet will be assigned two keywords relating to the internal and outer life.

Moon- emotions inside us, and in external life - mother and life.

Mercury determines reason and communication (with the Sun it forms only a conjunction).

Venus- feelings, conscious experiences, and beauty, money (only connection with the Sun).

Mars- initiative (inside) and action (outside us). In sextile with the Sun, our will and activity are combined with our initiative and action.

Jupiter- spirituality (within us) and expansion (outside).

Saturn- discipline (inside) and official systems (outside)

Chiron- duality (inside) and paradoxical situations (outside)

Uranus- originality (inside) and revolutionary change (outside)

Neptune- illusions (inside) and mysterious circumstances (outside)

Pluto- dictatorship (inside) and totalitarian groups (outside)

Planets in astrology are one of the fundamental elements on which everything is built. If the Sanskrit meaning of the word "planet" is translated, then in fact it will mean "invader". That is, it is an astral force that exerts on each of us a huge impact. The planets in astrology have long made us understand what unlimited power they can have over us.
Each of the planets has its own "function", similar to the sign of the zodiac, in which it is at the time of the forecast. In astrology, these are the so-called work and duties of the planet. But the properties, behavior, character is determined by the "quality" of the planet. Surely many have heard such a concept: "Your planet is in such and such a House."

The designation of the planets and the types of their positions

In general, the planets in astrology can be divided into three groups:

  • Higher (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto);
  • Social (Saturn, Jupiter);
  • Personal (Venus, Mercury, Mars).

The last type also includes the Sun and the Moon. Each of the planets and luminaries has its own sign, which came to us from antiquity, when great attention was paid to the influence of the cosmos on a person.

Planet signs in astrology:

  • Venus -
  • Earth -
  • Mars -
  • Jupiter -
  • Saturn -
  • Uranus -
  • Neptune -
  • Pluto -
  • Moon -
  • Sun -

The designations of the planets in astrology, which is very convenient, are the same as in astronomy. Therefore, you can repeatedly meet them anywhere and at the same time never get confused in the notation. The earth in astrology is a reference point, that is, the place from which observation is carried out. In astrology, planets can move forward, stand still or roll back (retrograde motion of the planets). At the same time, the Zodiac always remains stationary.

The astrology of the planet in signs is akin to a certain habitat. If we imagine that the Earth has a static position, then each of the planets rotates around our planet over time, passing each of the signs of the zodiac in turn. The location of each planet in any of the signs has its own qualities and energy, therefore, at the time of birth, each of us has certain planet in your sign. So the compiled natal chart by date of birth is directly related to the position of the planet in the sign of the Zodiac. This “duet” subsequently has the greatest influence on the definition of human psychology.If you dig even deeper, the signs of the planets in astrology, or rather in the zodiac, change its characteristics. It must be understood that in this case communication is two-way. The planet gives the sign a certain color. The psychological component of each personality will depend on this, but it does not affect the spiritual and moral qualities in any way.Fundamentals of the mutual synthesis of planets and signs of the Zodiac.

Astrology by planets has a clear connection with the signs of the Zodiac. As a rule, two aspects of such interaction are distinguished:

  • If the planet and the sign have similar qualities, then the effect of such qualities is correspondingly enhanced;
  • In the case when the properties of the planet and the sign have opposite qualities, the effect can change or even be neutralized, the so-called mutual annihilation of qualities.

What conclusions can be drawn from this? Astrology by planets and zodiac signs with similar qualities, most often, endows a person with positive psychological characteristics. If the properties of the planet and the sign of the Zodiac differ, then it is necessary to look at what harms the qualities of this planet. Perhaps the luminary has little or too much energy. Excess energy can result in aggressive behavior, lack of a weak state, susceptibility to laziness. The best option is an option when the aspects of the planet and the sign are in harmony. Here, as they say, the whole cosmos favors you.
What is the designation of the planets in astrology from the standpoint of nature and energy? So let's start with energy:

  • Evil - Uranus, Pluto, Mars, Neptune, Saturn;
  • Good - Venus, Jupiter;
  • Neutral - Mercury, (Moon).

According to the natural interaction, they select or give energy:

  • Takers - Saturn, Neptune, Venus, (Moon);
  • Givers - Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, (Sun);
  • Neutral - Mercury.

These basic positions will help you understand how the planet interacts with your zodiac sign. What should you pay attention to in the future and, most importantly, what questions should you ask a professional astrologer in order to get high-quality and comprehensive answers. Only by understanding its nature of interaction and dependence on space forces You will be able to change a lot for the better tomorrow.

Word "planet"- Greek origin (from other Greek "wanderer" or "wandering star"). It was originally used to distinguish moving objects in the night sky from stars that appear to be stationary. As science accumulates knowledge about space in astronomy there was a need for a more detailed classification of celestial bodies, in which the term "planet" was significantly revised. However, in astrology application this term has not changed and now, according to tradition, astrologers use the old formulation.

Ancient astrology seven planets were known: the Sun and the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. These seven planets are also known as the classical seven planets (septener) and are depicted in occultism as seven rays of the so-called. stars of magicians (more on this below). Later, Western astrologers expanded this series with three more so-called higher planets(they are distant planets and transsaturn planets). With the development of astrology, the list was replenished with fictitious planets (not having material bodies) and hypothetical planets.

Question about the nature of planetary influence is still debatable. Ideas about this influence have changed throughout the history of the development of astrology. In ancient Mesopotamian astrology, the planets were considered the physical embodiment of deities, just as the Sun was considered the physical embodiment of the solar god in many ancient religions. Therefore, the observation of the movement of the planets gave an idea of ​​the relationship in which the gods were at one time or another, and changes in these relationships could not pass unnoticed by the inhabitants of the earth.

Further development this thought comes under the influence of Plato, who believed that the human soul is made of the same material from which the Demiurge created the stars and planets; each human soul arises on a star and then takes on human flesh. Further, Plato argues that the parts of the Cosmos are so interconnected that they are a reflection of the life of a single World Soul, and therefore the life and fate of a person is closely connected with the fate of the stars. This worldview, combined with the philosophy of Stoicism, which denies blind chance and is convinced of the existence of divine regularity in historical and natural processes, became the intellectual basis of interest in the study of astrology in the Greco-Roman period of its development.

The Babylonian perception of the planets as gods is still very noticeable in the views of Plato and Aristotle, who believed that the planets are rational beings. So Aristotle believed that the eternal and regular movement of the planets can only be explained by the presence of their will and reason. With the advent of the Islamic period of astrology, in the theory of the influence of the planets on the Earth, the magic-rational view begins to prevail, according to which the planets emit invisible rays that affect earthly processes.

The diversity of things in the world of elements is generated by two things, namely: the diversity of their nature, as well as the changing influence of stellar rays (Al-Kindi). This view, strengthened later, became the reason for the criticism of astrology from the side of science, since it is impossible to detect any noticeable influence of physical forces, such as gravity, from the planets on the Earth.

At the same time, there is another view, akin to the views of Plato and the Stoics, according to which human destiny is in the power of the same laws that govern the movement of the planets. In this case, observing the movement planets, one can observe the action of those forces that exert and influence to human destiny. Then the planets no longer appear as sources of fate, but as its indicators, just as the hands of a clock reflect the passage of time.

Character influences of real planets(having a material form) and fictitious differ, which is also described in the treatises of Thoth:

Numerous are the hierarchies of the Gods; of them all, one class is called Noumenal (that which can be known only by reason), the other class is Sensual (that which can be known by sensation). The first is called Noumenal not because it is supposed to be inaccessible to our senses; for it includes Gods whom we feel more truly than those whom we call visible, which is precisely what our discussion will prove, and if you pay attention, you will see it.

…So there are some Gods who are the heads (principles) of all kinds. Next come those whose substance (bodies consisting of 4 elements) is their beginning (i.e. sensual gods). These are sensual, each is similar to its dual beginning; they by their sensuousness (the ability to influence the sense organs) affect all things - some through others (in each), giving radiance to the due work of each of them.

That is, fictitious planets affect only the human soul through principles (characteristic of each fictitious planet, for example, moral and ethical according to the White Moon, the degree of calmness of the soul according to the Center), and real planets, dual in nature, exert simultaneously with the fundamental and sensory influence (both on the feelings of the soul and on the feelings of the body, affecting the senses).

Classification and characteristics of the planets

So, in Western astrology, 12 (including hypothetical) planets are considered, which represent various energies that affect both personal and social life.

TO personal personal planets that affect us directly include Sun , Moon , Mercury , Venus , Mars. Due to the rapid movement, their position in the horoscopes various people differs significantly (even a difference in birth time of a few minutes can play a significant role)

TO social planets that affect our place in society include Jupiter , Saturn. Their circulation period is longer than personal ones, and changes in their position can be felt within generations.

Trans-Saturn planets that affect an entire generation include Uranus , Neptune , Pluto(in astrology, Pluto is also considered a planet due to its definition and significant role in the horoscope). Not everyone can perceive the energies of these planets.

Some astrologers also take into account the influence of the asteroid Chiron and a hypothetical planet Proserpines, without which they do not imagine the full picture.

It is believed that our life is influenced by two lunar nodes - Ketu/Rahu located in the horoscope opposite each other. They are called north ascending node And South descending node. They determine past abilities and lessons that we have already passed and which are worth passing in this life. Rahu / Ketu are inseparable from each other, and they should also be interpreted together.

In addition, astrologers take into account several important points. These include Arabic points, among which the most important point is the point of greatest luck - Pars of Fortune and the lot of trials, difficulties - Cross of fate, as well as two conditional points representing our light and dark beginnings - Selena And Lilith. These points do not refer to the planets, but are calculated depending on the position of the planets.

In the occult teachings associated with Kabbalah, the planets correspond to the sefirot: Bina - Saturn, Chesed - Jupiter, Gevura - Mars, Tiferet - the Sun, Netzach - Venus, Hod - Mercury, Yesod - the Moon. Based on these correspondences, some occult classifications and theories are built, for example, the theory of Tarot cards.

There is also Chaldean series- a sequence of celestial bodies visible to the naked eye solar system, arranged in ascending order of average speed visible movement relative to the stars: Saturn - Jupiter - Mars - Sun - Venus - Mercury - Moon. It entered European culture from ancient Mesopotamia, where it was used in astrology, and is now used to order the names of the days of the week. In addition, according to the Chaldean series, the Babylonians established the ruling planets of each hour. Thus, the first hour was ruled by Saturn, the second by Jupiter, and so on until the Moon, after which the process was repeated. Some time after the successive application of this algorithm, a cyclicity with a period of seven days is found.

Based on the resulting cycle, the Babylonians formed a seven-day week, each day in which was dedicated to the planet that rules the first (daytime) hour of the day. Subsequently, this system was fixed in the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and other calendars. A schematic representation of the cyclic sequence of changing the rulers of days is known under the name Mage Stars. In this scheme, the rays of the star are drawn in such a way that they connect the planets in the sequence in which the planets rule the days of the week, while around the star the planets are arranged according to the Chaldean row.

In astrology Chaldean series it is also used to install rulers (third signs of the zodiac), in the so-called. Egyptian system of government and for setting the rulers of individual degrees. It is believed that the strength of the planets in the horoscope increases if they are in their decans and degrees.

In the history of astronomy, the Chaldean series was noted as the order of the planets in the geocentric system of the world of Ptolemy (according to Wikipedia).

The interpretation of the planets natal horoscope should be done in accordance with astrological house And zodiac sign in which the planets are located. Below, by clicking on the planet icon, you can read its brief description.

Hierarchy of planets - YIN, YANG, DENG

Contact and interaction of two principles YIN And YAN carried out with the help of the third principle - DAN. The principle of SEN counteracts disintegration, it is the middle, the principle of unification, a qualitative transition.

It comes from three principles distribution of planets into Triads. The planetary grid starts from the luminaries and the Earth. The sun is the active principle of Yang. The moon is the beginning of YIN. The Earth is the beginning of DEN, in which the transmutation of the active positive Sun and the passive negative Moon takes place.

At the second stage are personal planets: YIN - Venus, YANG - Mars, DENG - Mercury. Third step - social planets: YIN - Saturn, YANG - Jupiter. There is no intermediary planet between them, so it is difficult for people to combine personal interests with public ones. According to mythology, the planet Phaeton, destroyed as a result of the catastrophe, was the mediator.

At the fourth stage are planets of collective energies: YIN - Neptune, YANG - Pluto, DENG - Chiron. These are planets of generations. The planetary grid is closed by Proserpine - YIN, Vulcan - YANG and Uranus - DEN. Two of these planets are not discovered, but the action of Proserpina is manifested in our life, and the action of Vulcan is not.


The three crosses correspond to the three crosses of Golgotha.

cardinal cross- the cross of the will, the material basis of the universe, the new impulse of the idea. Its main quality is the desire for realization. It is always directed to the future. Includes signs: Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn. Man, in natal chart whose Ascendant, Meridian, Sun, Moon, Stellium, or most of the personality planets are in cardinal signs, will be a man of action. Such a person will always strive forward and upward, captivating with his energy. He is always in sight, noticeably rises above his surroundings, achieves his life goal and reaches a high social level. Due to his high professionalism, he enjoys great prestige and respect. They are good leaders and organizers.

Fixed cross- the cross of evolution, stability and sustainability, accumulation, concentration of development. He uses the experience of the past. Includes the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. A person in whose horoscope the Ascendant, Meridian, constellations of the Sun or Moon, the stellium or most of the personal planets are in fixed signs is distinguished by conservatism, inner peace, steadfastness, perseverance, perseverance, patience, endurance, prudence. He fiercely resists what they try to impose on him, and is able to rebuff anyone. Nothing irritates him so much as the need to change something, no matter what area of ​​\u200b\u200blife it may concern. He loves certainty, consistency, requires guarantees of reliability in order to be protected from any surprise.

Mutable Cross- the cross of reason, communication, adaptation, distribution. The main quality is the transformation of the idea. He is always here and now, that is, in the present. Includes signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces. People in whose horoscopes the Ascendant, Meridian, Sun, Moon, stellium or most of the personal planets are in mutable signs have diplomatic abilities. They have a flexible mind, subtle intuition. They tend to be very cautious, prudent, alert and constantly in a state of expectation, which helps them adapt to any situation. The main thing for them is to have information. When they feel not very competent or informed in any matter, they are excellent at dodging and dodging everyone and everything, although they are considered the most knowledgeable of the entire Zodiac. They are sociable, courteous, talkative, are interesting interlocutors.

The concept of "horoscope" for many people is limited to a description of their zodiac sign. But popular astrological characteristics signs describe only the Sun in them. Full horoscope includes all twelve signs and the planets located in them.

Another thing is, in which sign is your Moon or, for example, Venus, you may not know. After all, this requires astrological tables of planetary movements or computer program, which will calculate the position of the planets at the time of your birth.

All signs and planets are involved in one way or another in shaping your character and life situations. Moreover, each planet has strictly defined functions, in astrology called the principles of the planets.

Sun Principle - individuality

The sun is the main factor in the horoscope, influencing the development of individuality. The sign in which it is located will tell a lot about the character of a person, his inner essence and external manifestations. solar sign is reflected in the appearance of the born, on his physical qualities. The sun determines the amount vital energy in organism. It also shows how independent and prone to leadership you are, whether you have creative abilities. By the position of the Sun in a sign, you can find out where and how you tend to manifest your most vivid psychological qualities and innate abilities.

Moon principle - adaptation

Moon in personal horoscope no less important than the Sun, because it is responsible for the ability to adapt to the world around us. If the Sun determines the amount of energy and innate vitality, then the work of life support systems and the instinct of self-preservation depend on the Moon. The sign in which the Moon is located, as well as its phase at the time of birth, will indicate the degree of a person's susceptibility to the conditions of existence and the emotions of other people. The moon speaks of human behavior in Everyday life, in the family, at home. It depends on psychological stability and the ability to accumulate life experience to prevent repeating the same mistakes.

The principle of Mercury - interconnection and interchange

Mercury indicates the peculiarities of the mind, the ability and inclination to learn. Innate curiosity, observation and ingenuity, as well as the ability to express one's thoughts in words, depend on this planet. The position of Mercury in the horoscope will also indicate the degree of sociability of a person, his desire and ability to communicate. On the physical plane, the planet is responsible for dexterity, accuracy and speed of movements, expressiveness of gestures and facial expressions. Mercury never moves more than 28 degrees from the Sun, which means that you have it either in the same sign as the Sun, or in a neighboring one.

The Venus Principle - Evaluation and Choice

Venus is considered the planet of love, but before a person falls in love with someone or something, he makes an assessment and choice. This is done consciously or intuitively, but always in accordance with the internal scale of values, which is formed in a person in a very early age. Venus is responsible for personal relationships with people, influences the choice of friends and life partner, as well as ethical standards and aesthetic tastes. A person’s desire for harmony and comfort, his sense of proportion and the ability to get along with people depend on the location of Venus. Venus is no further than 48 degrees from the Sun, it can be in the same sign as the Sun, or in one of the two neighboring ones.

Mars principle - activity

Mars is responsible for the manifestation of activity in any business. Your energy, initiative, courage and determination depend on how this planet is located in the horoscope. Performing any work, even not physical, a person uses the energy of Mars. Of course, it is more visible in cases that require muscular effort or the need to show aggression. Mars in the horoscope will tell whether a person knows how to achieve what he wants and defend his rights, how he behaves in a conflict.

Jupiter Principle - Growth and Orientation

Jupiter can show the possibilities of human development and his desire to expand his capabilities and increase benefits. This planet will tell you in which area the main life goals man and how he tends to achieve them. Jupiter is responsible for social adaptation, luck depends on it, the chance to succeed in society. In addition, Jupiter influences the religious and political views of a person, his ideas about goodness and justice.

Saturn principle - form

Saturn is responsible for maintaining the stability of existence, and therefore often imposes restrictions on a person in the form of rules and obligations. Because of this, Saturn was known as evil planet, although its "evil" consists only in forcing a person to work and discipline. If Jupiter is mostly the planet of ideas, then Saturn is the planet of forms. She is responsible for the materialization of ideas and plans. Professional growth, career, depends on Saturn. financial situation. It is clear that without hard work and discipline, success in all this cannot be achieved. The position of Saturn in the horoscope indicates that a person has a sense of responsibility, a penchant for order, patience and diligence. Saturn will tell whether a person knows how to obey the rules, whether he is able to work on himself and overcome difficulties. And also how constant he is in his attachments and beliefs, whether he knows how to maintain what he has achieved.

Principle of Uranus - information and energy connection

Uranus affects an individual through society, it symbolizes collective thinking, an information field full of ideas “in the air”. When these ideas take hold of the masses, there is a fashion for some things, relationships, behavior, words and expressions. Uranus brings renewal to life, and it is always unexpected and often painful, since everything that a person is used to, attached to, can become irrelevant, outdated, or even completely collapse, disappear. The position of Uranus in the horoscope indicates how a person relates to the new and how he shows his love of freedom: in the destruction of everything old or in the neglect of fashion trends and the preservation of his individuality. Uranus stays in one sign for seven years, each time, moving into another, it “sows” new ideas in society.

Neptune principle - collective existence

"Neptune symbolizes collective mind, like Uranus, but the collective soul, which lovingly forms its ideal of life, believes in it and hopes to achieve it. Neptune creates ideal ideas for a whole generation of people about happiness, love, art, spirituality. But he also gives an understanding of what is considered a vice, what should be ashamed and what should be hidden from everyone. Neptune stays in one sign for up to 14 years

The Pluto principle - involvement in collective action

Pluto influences a person through the collective will and brings events, as a result of which everything that has already become obsolete must be destroyed or transformed. Unlike Uranus, which instills new ideas, and Neptune, which inspires golden dreams, Pluto forces you to act, to make history, even if only as a “cog”. The planet stays in one sign for up to 25 years, influencing the fate of a whole generation.

Elena Astrodamskaya

Specialization: Astrology
Education: Professional

Articles written

If we consider the action of the planets in astrology from the point of view of astral designation, then they have a strong influence on the essence of man. The functionality of the planet directly depends on which sign of the Zodiac it is observed in.
In astrology, celestial bodies have their own classification according to their character, behavior and property.

  • High in value - Pluto, Neptune, Uranus.
  • Personal - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus.
  • Social - Jupiter, Saturn, Mars.

The planets are characterized by moving forward, backward and stopping, but the signs of the Zodiac remain in the same position. Since the planets are the focus of the psychic principle of a person, the entire area of ​​the sign will undergo activation depending on the passing planet. Each of the planets is reflected in the behavior of the sign, so its properties during this period can completely change.

Occult Characteristics

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


The spiritual world is based on the accumulation of planetary energy, which can transform, move from one state to another, accumulate and disappear. All of them affect the level of energy, depending on which one prevails over a person. This is due to the fact that each of the planets not only has its own energy, but also the ability to take it or give it away.

  1. Gives energy - the Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and Pluto;
  2. Takes away energy- Moon, Neptune, Saturn and Venus;
  3. Neutrality in energy turnover preserves Mercury.

Own energy

good energy characteristic of Jupiter, the Sun and Venus. Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Mars have evil energy, A neutral influence preserved by Mercury and the Moon.

General characteristics of the planets in astrology

Sun - spiritual balance, a state of psychological harmony, inner peace and a measured change of days and nights.

The planet is the embodiment of two strong energy- female and masculine. The sun has its own symbolism associated with the cycle.

The vital energy of the Sun is always held in high esteem, it gives warmth, strength and confidence. If the Sun is in a sign, it means that the impact on the situation will be positive, and negative impact the rest of the planets will soften.

The sun is the patron saint of Lviv.


This planet is the basis of many rhythms associated with emotions. The people of this planet are characterized by variability and a certain weakness.

The planet is not distinguished by a fixed position, it is not characterized by one place, therefore its character is wandering and change. Full moon is a symbol of the restoration of vital energy, shelter and motherhood.

In astrology, the Moon is given the title of the guardian of traditions and immortality.

The moon rules Cancers.

In terms of energy, it is a heavy planet that is in perpetual motion. It is difficult enough for her to interfere, because she achieves her goals, leaving far behind what was in her way.

Mars is an accumulation of energy, fire and storm. It is characterized by nobility, optimism, lack of boredom. Along with this, Mars is inherent in rudeness, a sharp position and destructive action.

If he is in any sign, this means that a person has a time when he can achieve his goals. Usually during this period, luck smiles and there is a successful completion of affairs in adventurous affairs.

Mars governs Aries.

The planet in astrology is a symbol of sensuality, relaxation and beauty.

Venus has softness, tenderness and pleasure. People under the influence of this planet are distinguished by a developed sense of comfort and good living conditions.

This is the planet of Taurus, therefore they create material well-being and more than other signs love to possess them. The planet endows people with a desire for a stable position in life and confidence in the future. Taurus completely relax if their material soil under their feet is solid.

The symbolism of Mercury is constant human contacts, sociability and the flow of information. People under this planet have lightness and a lively mind.

Mercury patronizes trade and eloquence. The presence of Mercury is a sign that you can do everything, and any contacts will be fruitful.

The planet takes care of Gemini.

The majestic cosmic body is a symbol of authority, social balance and attitudes.

People under the influence of Jupiter are conservative, calm and self-confident. It is easy for them to find harmony with nature.

But this planet also endows with sarcasm, vanity, and complacency.

Jupiter is the planet of Sagittarius.

A symbol of concentration, restrictions, memory and a sense of duty. People with humility perceive their destiny and achieve success, not paying attention to daily everyday problems and grievances.

Saturn gives its wearer sharp practicality and materialism, but also difficulty in communicating with others.

The planet rules Capricorn.

A symbol of practicality, prudence and rational action.

People have great self-control, serve the set ideas, have order in their heads and will. Always striving for perfection.

Ceres rules Virgos.