Influence of the planets of Virgo. Evil fate. Small fortune. Health

Chapter 6. Deva.

Element Earth, Registration Zone, Mobile Cross. Governor of Mercury, in the imprisonment of Neptune and Jupiter, in the fall of Venus and Chiron.

Man of Virgin.
Typical virgin is always very busy; But I strongly doubt that it is busy personally. And the point here is not that Virgo is inattentive - she maybe even too attentive, and in the fact that she really imagines himself, what is a person.
Virgo, representing the element of the Earth in the design zone, sees the whole world dismembered on the forms, diverse and sometimes very bizarre, pleasant or not, perfect or need to be improved - and feels among these forms very confidently, the hostess. It seems to her that there is nothing but those who understand the forms that are not in the world - and can not be - and therefore it is actually simple and understandable, although it is very diverse, and there are no problems in it, but there are a lot of work - to bring Forms in proper condition, that is, in order.
Virgo, like no other sign, can see details and appreciates small forms. (One of her ideals is the legendary Tula left-handed, who managed to cut the flea, and on the horseshoe, small letters printed his name: left-handed). And in the same place her main trouble - her eyes scatter. She sees too many details and can not stop the eyes. Synthesis is very difficult for her, since he assumes exactly the moment of abstraction from specific details (that the Virgin is difficult in itself) and at least a subconscious prerequisite for the existence of a thinner, as long as the invisible, comprehensive form, with respect to which the observed essence of only face or projection - and this The hypothesis for the Virgin is almost intolerance, because the forms that she cannot imagine, but in particular - about horror! - The fine form does not exist for it.

Therefore, instead of the synthesis, Virgo often goes on more accessible to it, but, as a rule, a dead-end way to search for the details, detail, lines, details, which will be the most important, key to the plan and the embodiment of the meaning. Virgo can find a carefully disguised key to solving a chess etude, but is lost in a complex composite game where the overall intuitive assessment is necessary and there are no strong moves.
Being a mobile sign, Virgo (not in the example of Taurus) is not inclined to be attached to the forms and details falling on it. Having done one thing, it can take for completely different without mental injury. Come to the party to the girlfriend and finding that the floor (according to Virgin) is not enough, she, without thinking, will calmly change clothes and will wash it, after which he will change back and forget about his act. This ductility of the Virgin can become its shaped beach, since all the work will not redo the work, you will not give all the forms, and you need to somehow figure out what kind of work is yours and what no, what needs to be done today, and what can be postponed for tomorrow.

In the absence of working with their forms, Virgo misses, and it is difficult to relax. (Emotional life for her is closely related to material forms, is often expressed through them, she "real signs of lovely relations"). For her, rest is rather changing classes. Virgo can get deep satisfaction from any work done (in her opinion) well, whatever unpleasant and dirty, this work seemed to others: Virgo instinctively knows how to see the Divine beginning in the lowest forms and feels the need for its actions to achieve the highest harmony of space. This vision makes it possible to create extraordinary works of art, where the unity of the plan is emphasized by every smallest detail and details. An irredised Verine has to face such a state of affairs when she, on the one hand, feels that it is responsible for the forms that fall into her hands, and on the other - she does not work out, work as if it falls out of the hands, everything is getting lost And breaks. If Virgo lowers his hands, then it turns out a terrible dirty and sludge, which light did not see - in this way, fate shows it clearly shows her karmic destination.

The following subconscious belief is formed at the unrealized Virgin: "As soon as I take for work with forms, guidance, etc., I have enthusiasm (in other words, the Virgo turns on and gives energy), I am drawn to work and spending a lot of strength, And as a result, nothing works, and I fall without forces among chaos, so it's better to start at all. " Nevertheless, any one symbolic effect even completely incredited maiden will produce with all thoroughness that the surrounding will seem oddity or nonsense, and for a person it is the only remaining channel of communication with zodiacal sign. With accentuation, this leads to characteristic neurosis of obsessions, often with anal-urethral theme.
Virgo is a major comforter. What would have happened to a man, whatever peaceful suffering and deprivation fell out to his share when he, finding minimal forces, begins to engage in some specific business (for example, prepares a table for commemoration), Virgo comes to him and "It consoales it, distracts attention, helps to hurt the hardest grief (switching the main energy channels of Mulladhara).
Virgo has the most specific thinking from all zodiac signs. With very great difficulty perceives abstract concepts, persistently trying to find them an analogy from the world of formative forms, which is not always possible. Therefore, the Virgin is peculiar to the terrible profanation: without understanding and without feeling enough of the general concept or the subtleties of the device of your mental life, but learning the vocabulary, Virgo can start saying that you are bitterly regret your acquaintance with her. Thin things should not look too much; Understand this virgin is unusually difficult. But if she is mastering thin plans and forms, it is capable of such virtuosity of operations that is not available to any other sign.

Virgo - Salt of Earth. They symbolize that the main thing is why the person is embodied in the manifested world is an exact work with forms. It materializes all our dreams, fantasies, thoughts, emotions, energy, and only through it all the karmic programs of a person are being implemented.

The management of Mercury symbolizes the method of perception of forms of the Virgin - through thinking, representation, combinatorial comparison, but not directly sensually, like a calf. Therefore, the Virgin is very difficult to the immediate perception of the form as such (and enjoying it), it perceives it mentally, rationally - and here, thanks to Mercury, has no equal. In her head, the most bizarre and diverse options for creating new forms (and reconstructs of existing) from the elements existing at its disposal; However, elements and layout methods are taken from a completely defined stock (sometimes very large), which Virgo consciously forms on the basis of information from the outside world; Come up with a new element it is difficult for her. Compensating the Virgin impossibility of direct perception of the form, Mercury gives it an extraordinary pleasure from various permutations of its elements and their units on a variety of classifications. In the lower Octave, all this activity is carried out in full detachment from living reality; People appear with schemes, questionnaires, etc. Virgo is an extreme sign: there is no greater realist and practice than she, and at the same time there is no greater idealist than Virgo focused on a certain set of forms in the form of hard schemes and forgetting the rest of the world. However, such a virgin is very difficult to knock off his positions: Mercury gives her a perfectly suspended language, and she deftly operating the system of his concepts and not allowing you to insert a single word as twice two proves you that you are wrong and live in empires, and she Its two legs on earth and right for all items. And you, feeling in her words some tremendous distortion and profanation, hardly be able to show them, because for this you need to expand the circle of her concepts or put in its terms other, a thinner meaning, and this is in a conversation with the Virny so simple Will not succeed.

The imprisonment of Neptune gives the difficulty of perception for the Virgin of all sorts of subtle sensations, moods, halftone and everything underwritten. At the same time, it seeks to comprehend the unity of the world, but in its own way, through the key part or completeness of the details (see below the imprisonment of Jupiter). Here the subtlety lies in the fact that it thinks synthesis, he fails and cannot be able in principle; But in the course of these her attempts, Virgo sometimes, without understanding, it turns out in a mystical state (intuitive meditation - identification with the subject of Patanjali), in which the desired synthesis occurs. Neptune's imprisonment symbolizes the subconscious desire of the Virgin to the intuitive and holistic perception of the world, but it is given only a very difficult working; And the average Virgo belongs to any mysticism with extreme suspicion and distrust and even its own subtle mental motion either does not notice or interprets roughly materially; Virgo is a born physiologist, but not a psychologist (except for very high types). In the Virgin, the Space Love Neptune finds an indirect expression, through selfless, sometimes heavy and monotonous work with the most dense, rude and ungrateful forms.

The imprisonment of Jupiter gives the Virgin instinctive love for the abundance of details, that is, the small forms that make up the big one. Here she is also looking for the path to the harmony of the whole and his synthesis and, as a rule, does not find. Sharpened Jupiter gives Virgin a lot of forms - to work with them, but also a breakdown of the change of classes and a secret (well, if not explicitly) pride of the work done. It is he who gives the Virgin temptation, as a result of which her eyes scatter, but with due methodical working out of details and details, Jupiter still connects them into a one.
Here, the study of Jupiter's imprisonment is more difficult than in twins, since Neptune's imprisonment prevents additionally. The Virgin is still very difficult to look at things wide.

The fall of Venus in the Virgin symbolizes the difficulties of the Virgin in emotional, romantic and sexual matters, complex relationships with art and skeptical attitude towards society.
Difficulties with romance, emotions and sex are rooted in a very concrete and practical look at the world; In these issues, there is still a light flick, and in the end, sex does not boil down to physiology and even it is not determined by it. The Virgin It is necessary to understand that here its natural perception and reactions have the right to exist, but it does not exhaust its nor the world; Then she can even find a well-known subtlety.
The relationship of the virgin with art is complicated by the fact that it perceives it through the details, ruthlessly dismembering the single live fabric of paintings or narration. If the work of art, it also likes, she will get off with it with details, the nimalo is not confused by the fact that they are bleeding and are in the last spray - she does not notice it. At a higher level, Virgo is comprehended by Synthesis and becomes a true connoisseur, but the temptation in secret to tear off a particularly lackmark anyway remains.
The skeptical attitude of the Virgin to the social environment is due to the fact that it seems to her, firstly, that she sees all the whole throughout (she really sees many details of appearance, manner and behavior, but they interpreted them completely), and secondly, the fact What any sign (we are talking about lower and middle octave), and especially in the design zone, and even more so, the Virgo, poorly perceives other signs, and therefore they despise them, considering themselves the unfinished copies of themselves. Such a position, naturally, creates the Virgin a lot of difficulties; If you ask the average astrologer who he would least like to have as a student or client, he usually answers: a virgin, especially if he is under the predominant effect of the element of water or fire.

The fall of Hiron gives the Virgin a lot of chaos in the surrounding forms and very large difficulties in expanding consciousness, both in terms of the outside world and internal. It is difficult for her to believe the existence of subconscious; When she gets used to this thought, she also attributes her manifestations without exception to two three programs, the existence of which she recognizes; For other subconscious and superconscious programs (egregor, absolute), naturally does not turn out. However, careful study gives a developed Virgin the opportunity to handle his subconscious and open egremyrs at all with the material forms, subtle and clearly, surpassing even the Taurus.

The situation of the Virgin.
There is nothing easier than to give an example of the situation of the Virgin: it arises whenever work is being done, in the sense of the word, which means good people. How should any work be performed? - Carefully, diligently, carefully, responsibly, carefully - here Virgo is on top. Dirty, inattentively negligently, unfair - here Virgo not worked out. Education of children at fifty percent is to form their skills to connect to the Virgin - parents only do not need to replace the child's child's virgin. The art of playing the piano is to find an accurate balance between a very strong Virgin in the tips of the fingers and no less strong fish in the shower.
Harmonious Virgo can find his behavior line among many forms that they themselves ask her in her hands to make it. Harmony here manifests itself in the fact that, first, to a harmonious virgin, no longer requiring the work of the form or almost it does not require, and secondly, in the fact that it is inclined to do their own business and puts emphasis in his life so that The disadvantages described above are not striking, turn out to be insignificant or highly softened.

Jupiter (ruler Trinov) first comes to the rescue, easily exercising the synthesis of forms. The minimum requirements of purity and order are carefully implemented, but do not turn into obsessive mania; And if it is not very responsible, the remnants of dust can be allowed and under the rug. Mercury (gerrient of sextiles) gives reasonable speech and ability to adequate contacts. Even Venus in the fall is done as if softer. It will remain (hidden) a feeling of excellence in front of other people and lazy to everything that is not included in the circle of direct (from the point of view of the Virgin) duties. Here the concept of "reasonable" egoism is triumphant - excluding the highest octave of the Virgin, when it is true selfless ministry and dedication.
The affected virgin in an incomparable version is a creature, causing pity and strong disgust at the same time, but the second sense is usually stronger. It is confused in three pines, unable to see not that forests, but even the fourth pine, about the roots of which all the time stumbling. It is dangling and inaccurate, and not only on the physical plane, but also in thoughts. The affected Virgin seems to be that the world is hopelessly chaotic and put into order in it - the case is absolutely impossible; Nevertheless, inside it feels an inadequate desire to do this, and the external circumstances are formed so that it actually needs it. Here, one of the difficulties of study is that the Virgin needs to believe that her business is to clean up where it can, to the extent that it is capable - and the general one who observed by Hosha should not embarrass it: no ordering, arranged and Constructive actions do not disappear for nothing, even if there are no visible traces. Ultimately, a person sees so much order and wisdom in the world, how much is itself in it - but it is very difficult to feel this affected by the Virgin. Her karmic task is symbolized by the sixth feat of Hercules - the sharpness of the stables of King Avgii, and this is probably the most difficult of his feats, since these two-thirds are convened in the soul of man. In an incomparable affected Virgin, all the negative qualities of this sign described above are emphasized; However, the study of lesions is greater than in any other sign, it makes it possible to expand consciousness and approaching the highest octave.

Planets in Vid.
Virgo without planets
Pale Virgin.
The absence of planets in the Virgin leads to the absence of a person inherent to the Virgin extremes: it will neither too attentive to specific details, nor too fascinated by the construction of its own, cut off from the reality of schemes, classifications and templates, neither painfully choppeden (in all senses), nor especially squeaming nor unusually dirty. He will have difficulties whenever the situation needs emergency or responsible attention to detail, accurate work without blots, neat classification, etc., and such work will never capture it entirely (excluding, maybe a house managed by Virgo ).

Sun in Vid.
Labor virgin.
The sun gives a tough karmic program, and in the case of the Virgin it sounds like this: "It is necessary to do well. It will be bad." If the solar Virgo is setting up this principle, sometimes she will have quite well, but it should have forgotten about it immediately, because her whole life is designed as a permanent work on the forms, their streamlining and improving, and breaks of the Sun (except for a completely harmonious position) Will not tolerate. Wants to this or no, imperative external circumstances or an internal impulse will force her to work (another question, as far as constructively), and, apparently, much more than other signs of the zodiac. Therefore, a sunny virgin has the temptation to believe that it actually works more than others; This, generally speaking, not so, just the mentally-communication work of air signs and especially the internal work of water marks is not so visible. Solar Verine will also often seem to seem that she gets the most dirty work, but here it is mistaken: in fact, the dirtiest work is a scorpion and fish, but this is not obvious to the surface observer.

Moon in Vid.
Capricious Virgin.
The moon emphasizes the needs and complexes of the sign, and the virgin has their many. Therefore, the lunar Virgo is very demanding for the forms that come across towards her, that when working, leads it to excellence, and in itself makes (except for a completely harmonious moon) of her unhappy, in view of the rigor of tastes and puritans, and at the same time all people located nearby with her. On the other hand, the moon somewhat compensates for the purely mental attitude of the virgin to the forms, translating its perception of forms into the subconscious area, but also here, unfortunately, the mental programs continue to work, it makes it difficult to work.
With a bad study, this (hard) aspect gives a person a pretty heavy feeling that he is constantly (and not always clear why) Everything does not like: the music and the theater are not so dressed, the actors in the cinema and the theater are played, lovers come across. There are characteristic mental projections under the slogan "to blame everything, except me." Here, the karmic program is thinner than in the case of a solar virgin, you need to find the origins of your demand in yourself and something in the outside world to accept (in terms of its inconsistency, the ideal, which in the case of the Lunar Virgin can be very rich and is very intended for her personally). Lunar Virgin awareness of the main task of the Virgin - ministry - is given with great difficulty. When working aspects, in addition to great success on the field of fine working with forms, also good adaptation in society.

Mercury in Vid.
Combination Virgo.
Mercury gives the Virgin defined shine. In the developed version of aspects, this is a special talent in creating original forms with a complex structure and an extensive system of links between elements, as well as the ability to build adequate models, that is, the elimination of the essential elements of the object and the main relations between them; Both can find application in art, science and technology. At the same time, an incomparable aspect gives an emergency propensity to the surface purely mental perception of forms and ideas and destructing to manipulate them - this is the aspect of a subtle demagogue, which is difficult to catch on a logical error and cannot be worn out, and which, nevertheless, does not understand anything Although it creates the appearance of the opposite. However, the mental protection is usually perfect, and other means of exposure are required (for example, a pitch or a divorce threat).
This aspect gives a greater risk of separation from real life And the replacement of her game in a symbolic system, artificially created by Mercurian Virgin, which is generally much easier to play than to live essentially.

Venus in Vid.
Aesthetic Virgo.
This aspect emphasizes the desire of the Virgin to the aesthetic formation of forms. In an incomplete form, it gives extraordinary capriciousness (especially with an affected venere) and the demanding to others that seem rude, ugly and unwanted. The very Venusian Virgin is inherent in the desire for beauty, but it is implemented with great difficulty, in particular, due to the too formal sensation (through the mentally perceived harmony, which is easier to see in an abstract mosaic than in a living line). The demandingness is very high, but if it is not implemented by concrete successes, it can be replaced by full external indifference (to itself, society and the whole world), with the displacement of a true aspiration and the corresponding neurosis or complex. When working great abilities to art, especially applied and demanding high equipment, good social adaptation, everything takes an example in manners, clothes, conversation, but all this is given with some or great difficulty (depending on how Venus stands). Venusian Virgin lacks patience.

Mars in Vid.
Active Virgo.
Mars feels herself in the Virgin not as fidgeted as in the Taurus, and gives her great energy, which the Virgin is very important to correctly send, because even with Mars, she does not lead the whole world and the whole world does not lead to . The Martian Virgin is violently throws into the attack on those forms that she do not like and require alteration or worthy, and in the heat it can destroy them, and herself falls hopeless from fatigue. If constructive work does not work, Virgo will easily switch, but with constant failures, despair and reluctance comes to do something. It is necessary to learn to distinguish their karmic duties from other people and master the mental control of energy and their own. With a strong lesion, the need for hard work and humility with its small results or ungratefulness of the environment, a large chaoticness of life, which in the absence of study leads to severe carelessness. With a harmonious position - successful versatile activity or complete passivity, accompanied by (at first the right) feeling "I can, if I want and take it."

Jupiter in Vid.
Sprayed Virgo.
Jupiter is trying to compensate for the Virgin of Mercury's dominance, that is, gives her the opportunity to see the world not mentally-combinatorial, but with a certain breadth. It can not do it straight, however, it cannot (since it is imprisoned), so it acts indirectly: he offers a virgin to consider the abundance of forms and ways to work on them, so Jupitorian Virgo can choose both, which creates a certain feeling of freedom . If Virgo perceives this freedom constructively, that is, as a call for versatile activities, it has the opportunity to expand its consciousness; If it will rush from one form to another and from one type of activity to another, without mastering them, it does not work aspects and aggravate its chaotic state, acquiring greater values \u200b\u200bin many matters in the absence of an understanding of the essence of the case, as well as internal conviction in His full worthlessness.

Saturn in Vid.
Responsible Virgo.
Saturn raises the problem of the clips of the Virgin, and the only way out here is the simultaneous careful choice of the employment path, his understanding and conscientious performance assigned to themselves. Due to the difficulty of this aspect, the Virgin arises temptation to wave on Saturn hand, as a result of which she quickly degrades and becomes sparse, dirty and unreliable man with a corresponding fall in the realization power (that is, its demanding karmic egregor turns away from it). In the version of the hypercompensation, the incredited aspect is expressed in an inconceivable demandingness to perfection of some surrounding forms (painful choplost, etc.) and full indifference to the rest, which are ignored and as if they fall out of the circle of consciousness.
If Saturn is strong, but not very amazed and worked partially, then a variant of a very sober, serious, dry, demanding self and surrounding person without signs of fantasy and sense of humor is possible; Nevertheless, in the very depths of his consciousness, sometimes unexpected thought and images appear for him, and he needs to learn not to suppress them, but to relate with the same respect as to the most reality.
The developed aspect gives a very careful of the trifles of a person who can see the picture and in general, concentrated, disciplined, much and exactly working with forms, as a result of which the divine presence becomes clearly visible in them. Phobia: I'm afraid I will give me a meaningless dirty chaos.

Chiron in Vid.
Chiron gives the Virgin subconscious desire to see the inner hidden from her, but the real meaning of the forms, surrounding it, and her work with them. However, this subconscious desire with difficulty penetrates her rigid essential consciousness and is issued there with distortions: the hyronic maiden seems that she "just" seeks to do everything as best as possible, take into account the most advanced and sometimes even almost fantastic methods and opening opportunities (as in the plan The outside world and in terms of improving the entire psyche, the development of subconscious programs, etc.).
In an incomplete version, all this turns out badly, and hoped hopes, Virgo begins to fuss and rushing, and most often it is quite disappointed in all his ideas, because in fact they do not seem much how it seems to her, and not only labor, But also a certain expansion of consciousness that the virgin is not easy.
However, when working in this aspect, the Verine opens the possibility of access to its subconscious, and it turns out to be capable of any change in the subconscious programs in the direction desirable for it, and in particular the skills and skills of working with forms, including thin: astral entities, thoughtforms, etc. For example, the ability to treat acupuncture and point massage Taking into account the bioenergy, the treatment of herbs, thin diagnosis. Successes in criticism (and creating) of original scientific concepts, and, in particular, modeling live objects (biology, economy).

Uranus in Virgo (1961 / 62-1968 / 69)
Inventive virgin.
When uranium goes according to the Virgin, it feels strong revival. It (much more than a flatulence) is beginning to be interested in unusual and original ideas relating to combinations and methods of processing various forms; At the same time, obsolete flooded by themselves, without psychological injury for the Virgin; She easily and willingly study a new one, at least it belonged to a distant future.
The lower octave aspect gives (in the case when it is manifested in the individual card) Virgin adventurism in affairs, irrepressible eccentricity in the choice of forms and methods of their processing and combination with each other, the inability to distinguish the constructive idea from non-constructive, chaos and destructive destruction of forms due to hypertrophied Independence of opinions and unacceptable life circumstances. False sense of genius in the field of designing new perfect forms.
A developed aspect can give a brilliant inventor or master affairs masters, an electronics, the creator of minicomputer equipment and technology, physics elementary particles (Other factors should also indicate on all this). The highest aspect of the aspect can promote in the knowledge of the fundamental foundations of the world at the level of the synthesis of physical and religious and philosophical concepts.

Neptune in Virgo (1928 / 29-1942 / 43)
Bogosal Virgo.
This generation is looking for the exit of its spirituality and religiosity in the external details of the ritual, which is often completely non-religious. Here Neptune in exile, so spiritual and religious life drifted inside, deep into public and personal subconscious, and outdoor life Subordinate to the pragmatics and characteristic of the first ideology, in the form of a specific and landed, and essentially - an abstract idealistic and completely torn from reality. This aspect is a heavy test of a dense level spiritual development, God seems to be removed and looks like people will cope without it, what ethical and moral values \u200b\u200bwill remain unshakable, and which will be destroyed without a residue. This generation of atheists from the birth, which are intuitive path to God with the greatest labor among all.


Virgo - Virgo. August 23 - September 22. Sixth Zodiac. His symbol is the fields of Hymen, sheaf of Kohliyev. It symbolizes the impairment of conception, human virtue, criticality, practicality, help. Earth sign, mutable, night, cold.

Typical representatives of the virgin sign

Deva - Alien like deep emotions and deep philosophy. Emotions are stable and smooth. They are diplomatic, with live thinking, easily grab new ideas. Usually possess excellent business qualities, punctual and economons.

Very hardworking and executive. When performing work, accuracy, pedantype, methodicality and thoroughness are excreted. It is characterized by rationality, practicality, reasonableness and desire to always bring the case to end result. These are good scientists, doctors, people of mental labor.

Benefits of Character - Practicality. Maiden - materialists who are all based on sober and cold facts. There are no accidents for them, there is a phased decision of cases, accuracy and accuracy. Characteristic ability to analyze the situation, hard work, the ability to obey and serve others for the sake of achieving their goal. Happiness brings more profession than love and family.

Characteristic Slowness, prudence. Such people act deliberately and carefully check everything to the smallest detail, so they turn out excellent result. The main goal is to serve and work. Serve as bosses, husband, wife, idea ...
Emotional equilibrium, adjacent, diligence, methodology, diligence.

Negative features with severe sun damage - Potion, criticism, skepticism. Clearness, imperitiousness, hectares in behavior, stiffness are possible.

Deliciousness and calculation appears (especially in feelings), greed, worn and rootless, formalism in behavior, maliciousness, duality in nature: high-profile in everything or dirty of the highest category.

Criticism interferes with the achievement of goals. External passivity restrains emotional contacts. These people look at everything from the side and prone to observation and analysis.

Weak side (vulnerability) - Man becomes a book, formalist.

Planets in the sign of the zodiac vir

In your Listed planets may be below:

Ascendant in Devs (ascending sign)

Other people see in you a person's independent, but restrained, even timid and rather closed. You have a strongly developed sense of decency. Vigility, good manners, correct behavior are very important. Another young people are first striking your clear, cold, objective and non-modest attitude, and although in fact you are capable of helping and care, your sympathy is not so clearly expressed so that the surrounding immediately felt it. You will be happy to help others in all matters requiring meticulousness and careful attention to detail. You are the person who prefers to occupy a subordinate position, serve as an assistant, in auxiliary role, and not as a leader.

Planet Patron Mercury

In the physical world Mercury Matches the energy of thinking, intelligence.

  • Rubber day of the week - Wednesday
  • Numbers 7 and giving in sum 7. for example, 7, 16, 25, 34, 52,115, 250
  • Substances - mercury, magnesium and pitch
  • Interaction and combination of objects - Medical, workers, technical
  • Cases and obligations, rotation takes place in the work of labor and the fulfillment of the tasks, the alphabet of health and hygiene.


Carefulness, comfort, business and responsibilities, bureaucratic apparatus, rotation occurs in the field of labor and the fulfillment of the tasks

Memory, Psychosomatics, Psychosociology), Parapsychology, Care of Health, Pharmacology and Veterinary, Diet, Intellectual Sports

Commerce - small dots, office work, medical services (dietology, veterinary, pharmacology), library, psychology, journalism, philology, accurate science

All that is associated with publishing and typographical activities, equipment (copier and faxes, risography, office equipment), shopping trade, various repair and maintenance workshops.

Manifestation of Mercury in the horoscope

Personal Planet - Mercury is responsible for thinking, intelligence, speech, mobility and dexterity.

Function Mercury- This is a relationship, interchange, that is, the design of thought, everyday practical mind.

Qualities Mercury - lightness, mobility, curiosity, ability to rapid changes.

Finding Mercury In the sign of the zodiac Shows how thinking, intelligence, the ability to contact people, is there a dexterity and speed in solving problems. Mercury informs psychological deposit to the ability to make decisions and express their thoughts to others.

Mercury in horoscope homes Indicates the type of thinking and ability to learn, which person is better suited to education, what kind of activity impresses him, from which sphere he will receive more valuable experience. You can also determine its closest environment, the location for communication and contacts.

Sixth - Vi House

Evil fate. Small fortune. Health

Planets in the sixth house

The sixth house is identical to the sign of the Virgin and Planet of Mercury.

Sixth house in the horoscopepredetermines professional education and service sphere, community to perform certain work, everyday worries and work activities, solving any bureaucratic, accounting, technical, documentary issues, working conditions, maintenance, workshops. It is also associated with health, treatment, prevention, medical institutions, with veterinary and domestic animals.

Sixth Housedetermines Caring for health, body care, work and service, routine labor and ministry, hired work, self-modification (voluntary submission).

Sixth Housedetermines problems with hygiene, with a diet, with the performance of under-minced labor, black work, mental disorders, Problem with employees (hiring), etc.

In the material used concept

Synthetic sign of Deva.

You are very observational, smart, you have a huge desire for study and self-improvement, but not particularly ambitious and therefore are often satisfied with the most common, non-outstanding position in life. Prefer to occupy a subordinate position, serve as an assistant, in auxiliary role, and not as a leader. Politeness, good manners, correct behavior are important for you. Other people see in you a person's independent and quite closed, although in fact you are capable of helping and worries, but your sympathy is not so emotionally expressed so that the surrounding immediately felt it. You can seem like a person more conservative than you are actually in the depths of the soul. You are the person from whom people can expect a technical council or an unbiased opinion, but not emotional support. You are rather modest in assessing yourself, you need perfections in everything and extremely self-critical. See well the details and upset if something is done not quite so. The order surrounded for you is very important.
Your shortcomings: You tend to underestimate your own opportunities, feel the lack of confidence and confidence in life, which holds back your immediacy. You have bad habit - Worry about everything, always see flaws, from which excessive critization develops.

Allegory for virgin

And it was morning when God got up before his twelve children and in each of them had invested the seed of human life. One after another every child spoke forward to get his appointed gift.

"You, Virgo, I ask to explore everything that a person did with my creation. You must carefully consider his methods and remind him of his mistakes, so that through you my creation could be improved. To do it, I give you a purity of thinking . "

And Virgo quietly retreated back to her place.

Martin Schulman from the book "Karmic Astrology".

Keywords in the horoscope for the Virgin - Mercury - the Sixth House:

"I" obey - I go in hiring, routine, working conditions, housekeeper, notary, specification, factory, manufacturing, vocational education, official obligations, striving for skill, rationalism, detail.

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Tags: Sun in Virgo, Zodiac Virgin Sign, Stone Patron, Mascot Virgin Keywords, Planet Mercury, Sixth House, Allegory for Dev, Function and Quality Virgo

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Resonant periods transit aspects Planets at 3 degrees from 2011 to 2030: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - Black Moon, Northern

Gullible and sometimes unnecessarily calm, even boring maids actually feel the influence of the three planets of the zodiac circle at once!

Planet of Virgin

But the influence turns out to be at this sign simultaneously, the planets do not argue with each other and do not compare the effort.

For every decade of an astrological month, in which the Virgin is born, there is its own planet patron.

The first decade (24.08-02.09), coming immediately behind the sign of the lion, is still under the influence of the sun. The influence of another planet in the horoscope is tested by the Virgo born from 03.09-11.09, for them it is Venus. And the last, third decade (September 12-23.09) is under the auspices of Mercury.

Characteristics Planet

The sun, being the main astrological planet, radiates the royalness and majesty. But the main characteristics of it has time to spread to Lviv, so Virgo is achieved by such qualities as elegance and sophisticated beauty. Venus, B. this case Named in honor of the goddess of fertility, makes his wards with sincere people and alolyubs. Mercury is one of the most kind planets, in many respects similar to the Sun, but, like Virgo, the planet is friendly not with everyone. Namely - only with Saturn, Jupiter and Venus. Mercury is named after the God of trade, which makes it the wards of good merchants.

Influence on the sign

Virgin is a very trusting sign, his representatives are open to people and sometimes unnecessary sincere. Virnes on which the influence of Venus is distinguished increased sensitivity, shyness, in love is often alone. When Mercury dominates in the horoscope, people stand out by an unusual mindshirt of the mind, never complain of health and consider themselves forever young, at any moment can give a beautiful and good advice.

This planet sign of the Virgin makes the sign born in the second decade of the sign by the most emotional devices, and sometimes even quick-tempered. Among other things, Mercury makes his wards are resourceful and energetic. Therefore, the Virns under his influence differ significantly from the maiden on which other planets affect.

Virgo is not a stamp. Each decade of an astrological month makes a person born in her completely unlike fellow in the sign of the zodiac!

As for the people born at the time of finding Mars in Virgo, then the question here is very interesting and requires a thorough study. The influence of the planet per person is so strong that it becomes practice ...

The planets located in the moving earthly sign of Virgo take care that our life is always "sterile clean." Of course, it is impossible, but people who are under their influence do everything to preserve such visibility. People with planets in the Virgin constantly find all flaws. The influence of the planets in the Virgin is detected when we are satisfied, only expressing all possible quits.

At the same time, the planets in the Virgin are responsible for improvements in all spheres of life. Virgin is always happy when they manage to benefit. They know how to use everything that they come across, and always know how to make strength and resources spend effectively and, if possible, economically. At the same time, due to its modesty, the virgin prefer to remain in the shadows. They are inherent ability to skip others forward in order not to lose their self-sufficiency. The planets in the Virgin are also responsible for respecting moral and physical purity. When we stop taking care of this, we are experiencing a crisis.

You may find that the planets in the Virgin have a significant impact on your life if you:

  • try to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • the strive to benefit people;
  • punctual and reliable;
  • know how to use their practical abilities;
  • do not let yourself anything that is alien to the warehouse of your personality;
  • i subordinate yourself to serving one or another case.

People who are under the influence of the planets in the Virgin are usually afraid to risk, try to insure from everything in the world and plan each step, thinking through everything to the smallest details. But on their adjacent and the foundation can always be counting. Such a location of the planet helps to fight chaos, act rationally and judgmentally and not to miss any little things.

The planets in the Virgin are responsible for any processing, so with a negative defold we may have problems with digestion. They are also responsible for the ability to recognize and sort all our impressions. Under the influence of these planets, we rejected what is not inherent in our nature.

Planet Governor of the Virgin: Mercury

Mercury - Virgo's sign ruler. This planet is named in honor of the inaccier trade of trade. The Virgin to which this planet is patronized, know how to establish contacts with necessary peopleThey always know how you can arrange the interlocutor. Also, important quality Mercury - teaches his wards to always keep the situation under control.

The sign of the Zodiac Virgin, the ruler of this sign of Mercury gives a tendency to the analysis. The characteristic of typical representatives of the Virgin zodiac sign - pay a lot of attention to small things, details, they are attentive, musty, but excessiveness in this can make them unbearable pedants and bore.

The moment of the birth of a person is a unique event in the space and time of the universe.
The drawing of the zodiac projection of the location of the planets in the sky at its birth is unique and unique. How the fingerprint figures are unique for each subject and the picture of the iris. Each of us comes to this world under some kind of constellation, i.e. At this point, the sun is in one of 12 constellations.

But, in addition to the Sun, at the time of our birth in this constellation there may be another or more of the planets listed. From their presence in our horoscope to a greater or lesser extent, the formation of character and fate also depends. Some planets may be in constellation dozens of years. Consequently, their characteristics may reflect on integration. Also, if you were born under any other constellation, for example, Capricorn (the sun was in Capricorn), then any of the other planets could be at this moment in the constellation of the Virgin. Since on my site there is a story only about the constellation of Virgo, I collected a selection of what the planets on the formation of a person can have influence, being in this constellation. Let's look at what the features of the character may have a person if any of the planets at the time of his birth was in the constellation of the Virgin:

It should be borne in mind that the force, nature and scope of the influence of each of the planets present in the personal horoscope of the subject on his fate show the following astrological characteristics Planets:the position of the planet in the sign of the zodiac, the position of the planet in the house of the horoscope, the degree characteristic of the zodiac sign.

Sun in Virgo:Labor virgin.

The sun gives a tough karmic program, and in the case of the Virgin it sounds like this: "It is necessary to do well. It will be bad." If the solar Virgo is setting up this principle, sometimes she will have quite well, but it should have forgotten about it immediately, because her whole life is designed as a permanent work on the forms, their streamlining and improving, and breaks of the Sun (except for a completely harmonious position) Will not tolerate. Wants to this or no, imperative external circumstances or an internal impulse will force her to work (another question, as far as constructively), and, apparently, much more than other signs of the zodiac. Therefore, a sunny virgin has the temptation to believe that it actually works more than others; This, generally speaking, not so, just the mentally-communication work of air signs and especially the internal work of water marks is not so visible. Solar Verine will also often seem to seem that she gets the most dirty work, but here it is mistaken: in fact, the dirtiest work is a scorpion and fish, but this is not obvious to the surface observer.
In the harmonious aspects of the Sun in the Virgo: the subject is reviewing the feelings, appreciates attention to himself and is attentive himself, diplomatic, tacty, but at the same time prude than, rational, is realistic and practical. Good, logical and formal, sharp and sober mind. Emotionally stable. Diligence, good business qualities, adjustment, technicality, execution, methodologicalness, argument, accuracy, punctuality, conscientiousness, economy, conformity, love for learning, learning, education, the desire to comply with generally accepted rules and norms, emotional stability, secrecy at the apparent frankness.

If the sun is damaged, such features like pride, imperitiousness, super car, fuse, irritability, discontent, grindness, irritability, vigorism, skepticism, gridness, criticism, skepticism, infractiveness, trick, appear in the character of a person. , petty, calcality, rationality, misfortune, greed, greed, vanity, worn, rootless, formalism, maliciousness, pedantry, fanaticism, cowardice, nervous-excitable nature. To locate a virgin to yourself, it is possible to use it physically - clay. Clay (Virgo) is a worn and dry without water, but when adding a liquid (feelings) becomes soft and militant. Virgo is a very responsive attention to the attention manifested. But even feelings like to check and test the chosen, which, however, does not help her avoid mistakes. The worst insult for the Virgin is to tell her that she does not fulfill what, in her opinion, she achieved skill and what she proud. Criticism is deeply offended.

Moon in Virgo:Caprice Virgin.

The moon emphasizes the needs and complexes of the sign, and the virgin has their many. Therefore, the lunar Virgo is very demanding for the forms that come across towards her, that when working, leads it to excellence, and in itself makes (except for a completely harmonious moon) of her unhappy, in view of the rigor of tastes and puritans, and at the same time all people located nearby with her. On the other hand, the moon somewhat compensates for the purely mental attitude of the virgin to the forms, translating its perception of forms into the subconscious area, but also here, unfortunately, the mental programs continue to work, it makes it difficult to work.

With a bad study, this (hard) aspect gives a person a pretty heavy feeling that he is constantly (and not always clear why) Everything does not like: the music and the theater are not so dressed, the actors in the cinema and the theater are played, lovers come across. There are characteristic mental projections under the slogan "to blame everything, except me." Here, the karmic program is thinner than in the case of a solar virgin, you need to find the origins of your demand in yourself and something in the outside world to accept (in terms of its inconsistency, the ideal, which in the case of the Lunar Virgin can be very rich and is very intended for her personally). Lunar Virgin awareness of the main task of the Virgin - ministry - is given with great difficulty. When working aspects, in addition to great success on the field of fine working with forms, also good adaptation in society.
In the harmonious aspects of the Moon in the Virgin in the character of the personality, care, tactfulness, susceptibility, diplomaticity, adaptability, large conformity, everyday wisdom, greater perplexity, responsibility, discipline. This is a good indication for professions such as domestic servants, secretary, teacher, employee, service worker, cooking, dining room, messenger, courier, junior medical staff, doctor-therapist.

If Venus is damaged, then the subject of Zhemnegen, the hypocriser, the KHANZH, is inclined to flirt and impermanence in feelings, a loft, stingy, grade, is cold and calculating, careless, inattentive, passive, is inclined to sail downstream, indulge in his desires.

Mars in Virgo:Active Virgo.

Mars feels herself in the Virgin not as fidgeted as in the Taurus, and gives her great energy, which the Virgin is very important to correctly send, because even with Mars, she does not lead the whole world and the whole world does not lead to . The Martian Virgin is violently throws into the attack on those forms that she do not like and require alteration or worthy, and in the heat it can destroy them, and herself falls hopeless from fatigue. If constructive work does not work, Virgo will easily switch, but with constant failures, despair and reluctance comes to do something. It is necessary to learn to distinguish their karmic duties from other people and master the mental control of energy and their own. With a strong lesion, the need for hard work and humility with its small results or ungratefulness of the environment, a large chaoticness of life, which in the absence of study leads to severe carelessness. With a harmonious position - successful versatile activity or complete passivity, accompanied by (at first the right) feeling "I can, if I want and take it."

In the harmonious aspects of Mars in Virgo: very large hardworking, discipline, conscientiousness, responsibility, realism, enterprise, technicality, interest in technology, technical service, medicine, farming, smooth pets. A person is quickly learning, gains experience and practice, has sharp, insightful mind and good business qualities.

If Mars is damaged, then in the nature of the subject, such features as irritability, vulnerable pride, hystericality, criticism, weldability, maliciousness, maliciousness, syradiability idealism, ignoring real circumstances, fanaticism, authoritarianism.

Jupiter in Virgo: Sprayed Virgo.

Jupiter is trying to compensate for the Virgin of Mercury's dominance, that is, gives her the opportunity to see the world not mentally-combinatorial, but with a certain breadth. It can not do it straight, however, it cannot (since it is imprisoned), so it acts indirectly: he offers a virgin to consider the abundance of forms and ways to work on them, so Jupitorian Virgo can choose both, which creates a certain feeling of freedom . If Virgo perceives this freedom constructively, that is, as a call for versatile activities, it has the opportunity to expand its consciousness; If it will rush from one form to another and from one type of activity to another, without mastering them, it does not work aspects and aggravate its chaotic state, acquiring greater values \u200b\u200bin many matters in the absence of an understanding of the essence of the case, as well as internal conviction in His full worthlessness.

Such a position of Jupiter is traditionally considered not too strong, but in harmonious aspects gives a person a deep and thorough, extensive and analytical, fruitful and insightful mind of a writer or a scientist-encyclopedist, the deposit of patron and philanthropes. Personality shows genuine interest in the sciences, literature, often possesses a bright and original talent in medicine, carefully chooses friends and a circle of communication. Man enterprising, merciful, diplomatic.

If the Jupiter is damaged, then the subject is notometric, inattentive, dishonest, heter, vain, pompous, reckless, nepunctual, criticisan, grimel, venerer and cunning, having thought, is inclined to large strategic miscalts and adventures.

Saturn in Virgo:Responsible Virgo.

Saturn raises the problem of the clips of the Virgin, and the only way out here is the simultaneous careful choice of the employment path, his understanding and conscientious performance assigned to themselves.

Due to the difficulty of this aspect, the Virgin arises temptation to wave on Saturn hand, as a result of which she quickly degrades and becomes sparse, dirty and unreliable man with a corresponding fall in the realization power (that is, its demanding karmic egregor turns away from it). In the version of the hypercompensation, the incredited aspect is expressed in an inconceivable demandingness to perfection of some surrounding forms (painful choplost, etc.) and full indifference to the rest, which are ignored and as if they fall out of the circle of consciousness.

If Saturn is strong, but not very amazed and worked partially, then a variant of a very sober, serious, dry, demanding self and surrounding person without signs of fantasy and sense of humor is possible; Nevertheless, in the very depths of his consciousness, sometimes unexpected thought and images appear for him, and he needs to learn not to suppress them, but to relate with the same respect as to the most reality.

The developed aspect gives a very careful of the trifles of a person who can see the picture and in general, concentrated, disciplined, much and exactly working with forms, as a result of which the divine presence becomes clearly visible in them.

Phobia: I'm afraid I will give me a meaningless dirty chaos.

In the harmonious aspects of Saturn in the Virgin: the subject is very hardworking, unpretentious, ascetic, modest, punctual, methodical, logical, is serious, it is reasonable, restrained, prude than, prudence, prudent, is practical, an econthometer, which is able to plan well, and takes interest to Business, Finance, Economics, Service, Book Case, Sciences.

In case of damage to Saturn: Pedantic, cowardly, miniatory, gugli, indecisive, formulated, stingy, cold, reasonable, worm, letter, calculating, and chiter, quarrel, grump, irritable.

Location of distant planets at the time of birth in the Virgin

Far Planets - Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto There are cycles that compete with the life of entire generations of humanity. The situation of such planets in a person's personal horoscope speaks of its inclusion in important universal programs. Distant planets while free personal horoscope Subject, strongly affect the formation of his personality, extraordinary abilities And perhaps extraordinary events in his life. The favor of these planets can give a man genius. Such planets are associated with the areas of knowledge, in many respects expanding human consciousness, such as astrology, philosophy, religion, etc.

Chiron in Virgo: Self-improvement.

(Generation 1943/45, 1993/95)

Chiron gives the Virgin subconscious desire to see the inner hidden from her, but the real meaning of the forms, surrounding it, and her work with them. However, this subconscious desire with difficulty penetrates her rigid essential consciousness and is issued there with distortions: the hyronic maiden seems that she "just" seeks to do everything as best as possible, take into account the most advanced and sometimes even almost fantastic methods and opening opportunities (as in the plan The outside world and in terms of improving the entire psyche, the development of subconscious programs, etc.).

In an incomplete version, all this turns out badly, and hoped hopes, Virgo begins to fuss and rushing, and most often it is quite disappointed in all his ideas, because in fact they do not seem much how it seems to her, and not only labor, But also a certain expansion of consciousness that the virgin is not easy.

However, when working out this aspect, the Verine opens the possibility of access to its subconscious, and it turns out to be capable of any change in the subconscious programs in the desired direction for it, and in particular the skills and skills of working with forms, including thin: astral entities, thoughtforms, and T .P. For example, there are ability to treat acupuncture and point massage taking into account bioenergy, treatments, fine diagnostics. Successes in criticism (and creating) of original scientific concepts, and, in particular, modeling live objects (biology, economy).

Chiron in the sign of the Virgin can be compared with real or fake money. How much is needed and useful are the first, the same are so useless and dangerous. Virgo always takes place severely when they are trying to deceive or leak her a false coin. She is not too favorable to those who, being confident in their rightness, trying to be too actively defending their opinion. Such a person can achieve famous heights, but soon will lose its high position.

Uranus in Virgo: Inventive virgin.

(Generation 1961/62-1968 / 69)

When uranium goes according to the Virgin, it feels strong revival. It (much more than a flatulence) is beginning to be interested in unusual and original ideas relating to combinations and methods of processing various forms; At the same time, obsolete flooded by themselves, without psychological injury for the Virgin; She easily and willingly study a new one, at least it belonged to a distant future.

The lower octave aspect gives (in the case when it is manifested in the individual card) Virgin adventurism in affairs, irrepressible eccentricity in the choice of forms and methods of their processing and combination with each other, the inability to distinguish the constructive idea from non-constructive, chaos and destructive destruction of forms due to hypertrophied Independence of opinions and unacceptable life circumstances. False sense of genius in the field of designing new perfect forms.

A developed aspect can give a brilliant inventor or master affairs masters, an electronics, the creator of minicomputer equipment and technology, physics for elementary particles (other factors should also indicate on all this). The highest aspect of the aspect can promote in the knowledge of the fundamental foundations of the world at the level of the synthesis of physical and religious and philosophical concepts.

In the harmonious aspects of Uranus in the Virgin attached to the subject, an independent, original mind, love for an unusual, extraordinary, unconventional (alternative medicine and healing), insight, intuitiveness, prudency, interest in technology (electricity, electronics, radio), inventiveness, learning, journalism, publishing, literature.

If the uranium is damaged, then the subject is proud and having offended, he despises the conventions and generally accepted rules and norms of behavior, Neakkurata, inconsistent, careless, irritable, insistently.

Neptune in Virgo: Bogosal Virgo.

(Generation 1928 / 29-1942 / 43)

This generation is looking for the exit of its spirituality and religiosity in the external details of the ritual, which is often completely non-religious. Here Neptune in exile, so the spiritual and religious life is driven inside, deep into public and personal subconsciousness, and the external life is subordinated to the pragmatics and the characteristic Music ideology, in the form of a specific and landed, and essentially an abstract idealistic and completely torn from reality. This aspect is a heavy test of a dense form of the level of spiritual development, God seems to be removed and looking at how people will cope without it, what ethical and moral values \u200b\u200bwill remain unshakable, and which will be destroyed without a residue. This generation of atheists from the birth, who are an intuitive path to God with the greatest labor among all the provisions of Neptune. Non-devented Neptune creates a virgin strong subconscious fault complex, which it rationalizes as it may (usually completely turned) or compensates for the externally meaningless destruction of some forms (usually it is a self-destruction of one or another form). Strange and ineffective forms of political resistance to rigid modes. They do not believe in the religiosity of their children, although they could learn a lot.

IN individual horoscope The aspect is worked out with great difficulty. In an incredited form, it gives a disgust to mysticism of any kind and love for rational knowledge, understood as a giant set of individual facts, whenever possible in a huge hierarchical system or encyclopedia, which is already worshiped with full (permissible aspect) feeling. As it works, it appears (at first thoroughly suppressed) the feeling that some inner meaning may be hidden, which is not expressed in rational terms, but all subjective mystical sensations are equated very long to superstitions. The highest aspect aspect is a mystic who knows how to see one in any detail of any dense form.

In this sign, Neptun is in the damage, so the manifestation of its properties is somewhat weakened, but in harmonious aspects gives individuals, patience, thrift, practicality, absentia, the ability to show compassion, tact and attention to others, great interest in pharmacology, chemistry, perfumery, medical problems (diets, body cleansing, hygiene questions), parapsychology, psychic, naturopathy, folk medicine, psychology, psychiatry, healing, occultism, esoterism, spiritual issues, but materialism and atheism are dominated in worldview. Enriches spiritually and financially.

If Neptune is damaged, then in the nature of the personality, such features are manifested as shortness, skepticism, power, petty, distrust, suspicion, pedantry, bad habits, intrigue, substitution of parapsychology, indecision, hypocrisy, mediumism, a tendency to monasticism, obsession like Ideas, militant nationalism, atheism and religious fanaticism, unpleasant premonitions and dreams, a tendency to deception and lies.

Planet at the moment of birth in the Virgo

Pluto in Virgo: Transforming Virgo.

(Generation 1956 / 58-1971 / 72)

This position is much more constructive than a pluto aspect in the Taurus, since here the transforming effect of the pluto is not applied to the form as a whole, but on the methodology of working with them and the elements, their components. This generation (especially together in Uranium in the Virgin 1962-1968) must completely change our ideas about the foundations of the universe, space and time, materialize the laws of karma and bring out the laws of physics as karma imposed on the space - time. Progress should also be achieved in the awareness of the relationship between thought and spirit and the structure of mental and astral plans is clarified in general and the corresponding bodies of a person in particular.

In an individual horoscope, this aspect is of interest to the basics of the universe and the rules for the preparation of large forms of small, desire to revise and radically change the basic principles of constructing reality and create a new, better reality. In the absence of study, all this remains in the form of vague dreams or nihilism in relation to the existing structures and principles of formation.

In the harmonious aspects of Pluto in the Virgo gives the personality of hard work, persistence, discipline, enterprise, businesslikeness, interest in health, recovery and management healthy image Life, appliances, medicine, surgery, literature, television journalist, politics.

If the Pluto is damaged, then in the character of a person, such features are manifested as irritability, prudence, arrogance, syradiability, vitality, criticality.

Based on: Avissal underwater. Planets in the signs of the zodiac.

S. V. Shestopalov. Directory of Astropsychology.

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