One of the oldest rescue dog breeds. Rescue dogs will come to the rescue: their “service is both dangerous and difficult. Pictured is a Newfoundland diver dog

Good afternoon reader, not so long ago we came to the conclusion that we have absolutely no information on our portal dedicated to our smaller brothers, rescue dogs.

Yes, it is to them, the four-legged companions of the rescuer and the hope of a person in need of their help. Usually people call such heroes like this: “ Dogs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations“, “Rescue dogs”and other names, dogs would be more correct” Search and cynological service

Back in 1996, on June 20, an order was signed and issued on the creation of a search canine service of the Centrospas detachment, since that time, dogs have been taking part in any rescue operations that require finding victims. The development of this service began rapidly. At the time of this writing, more than 1,800 victims have already been rescued by four-legged fighters.

Rescue dog, who is it?

When we talk about rescuers, we imagine strong men in full technical equipment, but dogs don’t have this, their main “weapon” against it is their nose and sense of smell. Thanks to a good sense of smell, the dog will lead its owner to the place of the blockage, where there may be a person, or help the rescue team find people lost in the forest.

Almost every day for such a dog begins with training in the form of a game, because training and education is the basis for a successful operation to search for victims. For example, with a dog they go to an initially unfamiliar place (abandoned construction site, quarries, factories, forest), and hide from it. The task of the four-legged friend is to find you, if he does this, he will receive a reward in the form of a treat or a toy. It is worth noting that each dog (several dogs) has its own owner, who conducts training and raises a pet from puppyhood.

Let's see what breeds are rescue dogs and their place of service.

Service in the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is carried out by dogs of the following breeds

  • labradors
  • shepherd dogs
  • spaniels
  • terriers
  • pit bulls
  • ridgebacks
  • rottweilers
  • Giant Schnauzers
  • likes
  • staffordshire terrier
  • fox terriers and even spitz.

Dog calculations are divided into:

  1. Mine Investigation Service
  2. Mountain avalanche service
  3. Search for the bodies of the dead
  4. search and rescue service
  5. Water rescue service
  6. Search for victims by scent trail

At the time of this writing, the search and cynological service of Russia has 470 cynological crews, including volunteers. It should be noted that in Russia one of the highest levels of dog training.

Given the fact that canine calculations cannot be provided systematically, but young dogs and new participants require long, painstaking training, the situation with the involvement of dedicated volunteers suits everyone. When volunteers need specific assistance, specialists help in training, for example, safety measures. As a result, competently operating groupings are obtained, from among which, on the whole, groups of Moscow and the region, Kaliningrad, Kazan, and Crimea stand out. The nicknames of individual dogs and their trainers are well known - outstanding experts in their field. These are Labrador Irga and cynologist Mikhail Tipukhov from Stavropol, who won the "Constellation of Courage" competition in 2015, Irina Fedotkina and her pupil were recognized as the "Best Cynologist of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia" belgian shepherd Farta from Kazan, on their account more than 300 effectively carried out rescue operations, first class rescuer Alexei Bochkarev and his labrador retriever Bernie (veteran of his craft) from Moscow, they distinguished themselves during rescue operations in Beslan and other places. And how many still unnamed names!

Dogs rescue people affected by man-made disasters, look for missing mushroom pickers, being on duty at the beaches and stations of the State Inspectorates for Small Vessels and in other hot spots.

Since its inception, canine crews of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation have taken part in a huge number of rescue operations:

  • they found mines in places of military operations, such as Croatia, Kosovo, the Chechen Republic;
  • they rescued people in Neftegorsk (Sakhalin, 1995) after earthquakes;
  • 1999 was the time of mass disasters that occurred in Turkey, Greece, Taiwan, Colombia, Russia (terrorist acts);
  • they found victims of the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka and so on.

Cynologists say that medals, unfortunately, are not given to brave and smart dogs. But the realization that they are helping the owner is above all for them.

Essential Skills for Rescue Dogs

  • Socialization (friendly attitude towards others)
  • Obedience
  • complaisance
  • Strong constitution (not for all breeds)
  • Endurance
  • Do not be afraid of an aggressive external environment (frost, wind, showers)
  • Psychological preparation (the dog during the task, nothing should be distracting)

All these qualities are determined by special tests that are carried out with a puppy from the age of 3 months!

How do you know that a puppy can and has the talent of a rescuer?

Probably it's like people, from birth, a dog should be born a rescuer. Do not forget about the physical and psychological qualities of the pet. If a puppy is very mobile from childhood, loves to play, and is always interested in something new, these are good signs.

During further training, game form it will be easier to instill search skills. It is worth noting that for a dog, the realization that he saved a person comes only with the first real case. The rest is just a game. When it is not possible to smell a person (heavy smoke, building dust, other extraneous odors), dog training plays an important role.


  1. It takes up to 1.5 years to train a four-legged specialist. Game form of learning. Pet preparation starts from 6 months, the dog can pass its first qualifying tests not earlier than its age reaches 1 year.
  1. Rescue dogs are used in different situations: search for dangerous explosive devices in mined areas, search for victims of blockages, avalanches, landslides.
  1. A four-legged pet works only in tandem with its cynologist. This is called cynological calculation. The owner understands his own pet well, conducts classes with him and can help to adapt to different conditions such as flying in an airplane, helicopter, or staying in a mountainous area for a long time.

Dogs are friends and faithful helpers person for many years. They have many functions: dogs are nannies, guide dogs, service dogs And of course, dogs are lifeguards.

Speaking of the latter, one immediately imagines a deathly - blue sky in the mountains, and dazzling - White snow. There, under the thick snow, a man. And who can find him, who will help? A large white and red St. Bernard or a fast and agile German Shepherd? Or maybe a cheerful and affectionate Labrador, or an intelligent smart spaniel? In a word, a dog whose mission is to save people, a dog proudly called a "rescuer".

Dedicated to the Saint Bernards...

“St. Bernards, you know, do not live long. They love one in life, and only to him. And then they go to Paradise together with him ... ”- the lines from the song of Diana Arbenina characterize this breed in the best possible way.

Good-natured, gigantic sizes, "teddy bears" - generalists for saving people in the mountains. The breed got its name in honor of the dangerous mountain pass of Great St. Bernard, located in Switzerland. In the area of ​​the pass there was a monastery where the inhabitants lived, and with them dogs. There was also a steep and dangerous road, at an altitude of almost 2500 meters above the ground. The weather conditions of those places were known for frequent snowstorms, therefore, those unfortunate travelers who were forced to go this way had a hard time. Many have lost their way and died. The monks provided shelter for travelers, and their four-legged assistants found noticed people, dug them up, and helped them get to the monastery. If, however, a person was so weak that he could not do it on his own, the St. Bernards returned to the monastery and brought help to the victims.

The most famous four-legged rescuer is a St. Bernard named Barry der Menschenretter, or simply Old Barry (1800 - 1814). For twelve years of his work, the dog has saved more than forty people. One of the rescued them was a little boy.

Barry found a freezing child in an ice cave, he had already passed out. The dog warmed him up and then dragged him along the ground to the monastery. When the child came to his senses, he was able to climb onto the back of the St. Bernard. Barry delivered the injured baby to the monastery. The legendary four-legged rescuer of old age died in Bern. To this day, a stuffed dog is in the Bern Museum of Natural History.

Rescuers of World War II

Dogs made a huge contribution to saving human lives during the war years. On account of the animals that were in the service of Soviet army, over 600 thousand wounded soldiers rescued from the battlefield. Dogs - orderlies had a stable psyche, they were not afraid of shots, they worked under shelling and during explosions, they found victims in the fog, in smoke, at night. In general, when people could not come to the aid of their comrades, dogs did it. They carefully searched the area, finding wounded soldiers, informed their guides about this (with the help of a diaper pointer), and brought orderlies to the victims. The most famous orderly was a male German shepherd named Mukhtar. He saved about 400 wounded from the battlefield, including the shepherd's guide, corporal Zorin, shell-shocked from a bomb explosion.

The dog is a rescuer, what should it be?

For such dogs, a kilometer-long pedigree, or a special breed, is not important. Rescuers can be german shepherds, St. Bernards, Labradors, Newfoundlands and even collies. four-legged lifeguard must have a strong, stable psyche, have a keen sense of smell, developed hearing and vision. To work in the mountains, a thick woolen coat is needed. Any dog ​​is a rescuer strong and hardy, because her work is very hard and selfless. In no case should the dog show anger or aggression towards people and other animals. Ideal for search and rescue activities will be a dog of medium height (45-55cm), dry body type, with a pronounced tentative-search type of behavior. Each animal has its own positive and negative qualities, therefore, it is better not to look for an outstanding, ideal "ready" dog - a searcher or a rescuer, but to engage in serious, professional training for this type of activity with your puppy.


Published in Vienna in 1994

These rules are adopted by the international organization IRO (International Recsue Dog Organization). IRO brings together national organizations and clubs whose members are amateur dog breeders ~ on a voluntary basis, train their dogs according to various types rescue services. Specially trained dogs work as guides for the blind, together with mountain rescue teams they come to the aid of travelers covered in snow avalanches, search for people buried under the rubble - victims of earthquakes, fires and other disasters.

The IRO also unites clubs involved in the training of water rescue dogs. If dogs are used for other rescue services different breeds and outbred, then almost one breed is used for water rescue - Newfoundland. This is not only a tribute to a centuries-old tradition, but also the result of worldwide recognition of the unique working qualities of four-legged swimmers.

Water rescue training includes four levels of difficulty. Training begins with the lower level and ends with the passing of tests.

Tests of dogs in the water rescue service (RH -W) can be taken sequentially, at the rate of each subsequent step, but not earlier than 26 days after the next test, provided that the dog reaches the desired age.

Dog Age Required for RH-W Testing

Stage 1 (A) -- 15 months

Stage 2 (B) -- 24 months

Stage 3 (C) -- 36 months

Stage 4 (D) -- 37 months

During the test, the trainer can perform consecutively with several dogs. A dog can only be controlled by one trainer. The trainer gives the dog short commands (commands can be given in any language). Together with the command, it is allowed to pronounce the name of the dog.

Females in heat are allowed to test, but must be isolated from other dogs and are tested last.

Dogs that fail the test are allowed to retake a minimum of six days.

Sick dogs and presumed carriers of the infection are removed from the tests.

Before the start of the trials and during their conduct, the judge observes the behavior of each dog. Noticed shortcomings, he must enter in the record book.

Deviations from normal behavior are:

insufficient resistance of the dog to extraneous influences;

inability to overcome difficult test conditions, such as prolonged work, joint work of many dogs, extreme heat or cold, loud noise, etc.;

weakness nervous system and the associated aggressiveness, malice and associated cowardice and the like.

Each trainer must have a record book with him, which he gives to the judge before the start of the test. The instructor enters in the book, and the judge signs the test results. Test results are expressed in marks and points received for each exercise. In the final calculation of individual points to determine the mark for each individual exercise, fractional numbers are rounded off.

Number of points required to be awarded

ratings, and their percentage expression

RH-W Stages A, B, C, D

Grades: Number of points 300 100%

excellent 300--286 more than 95%

very good 285-270 95-90%

good 269-240 89-80%

satisfactory 239--210 79--70%

not enough 209--110 69--36%

unsatisfactory 109--0 35--0%

The test score is considered passed if in each individual exercise the dog scores at least 70% of the possible points.

The test results are recorded in the evaluation sheet, which is filled in four copies. The original is handed over to the trainer along with the record book.

Copies are sent to:

referent of the national rescue dog training organization;

to a national organization;

test judge.

Trials may be taken by licensed judges. One judge has the right to judge no more than 30 dogs per day. The judge cannot evaluate the work of a dog belonging to him. Overhead costs for refereeing are determined by the national organization. The judge's decision is final.

The safety of humans and dogs must be guaranteed during trials.

Water rescue dog test.

Steps A, B, C, D(RH-W)


The highest score is 50 points.

Movement nearby on a leash 5 points.

Free to follow next to the trainer

with turns and passing through a group of moving

people, consisting of at least four people 10 points.

Command "Sit!" 5 points.

The command "Lie down!" with a call to the trainer 5 points.

The command "Stop!" with a call to the trainer 5 points.

Aportation on land 5 points.

Team "Forward!" 5 points.

Excerpt on the command "Lie down!"

(checked individually or in a group) 10 points.

Requirements for performing tricks

At the discretion of the judge, obedience tests may be conducted individually or in a group of up to three dogs. The dog must follow commands quickly and willingly.

To points 1 and 2

Movement nearby on a leash and free following of the trainer are carried out with turns to the right, left, circle, as well as with a change in the pace of movement (slow, normal step and run). At the direction of the judge, the trainer with his dog passes through a group of people, making at least one stop. The people in the group move in different directions. Leading the dog on a leash, the trainer unfastens the leash during the last stop and continues to move. The trainer can call the dog and give commands only at the start and at the moment of changing the pace of movement. During the movement, the dog's shoulder is constantly at the handler's left knee. Points are deducted for running ahead, lagging behind, deflecting the dog to the sides, as well as uncertain performance of turns by the trainer. Only a dog that is indifferent to distracting external stimuli can receive the highest mark. Aggressive and cowardly dogs are removed from the test.

Go to point 3

The trainer leaves the starting point with the dog walking beside him without a leash at his left leg. After walking 10 steps, he gives a command that the dog must quickly sit down, while the trainer follows forward without turning around and without slowing down the pace of movement. After walking 30 steps, the trainer stops and turns to face the dog. At the signal of the judge, the trainer approaches the dog and takes the starting position.

Go to point 4

The trainer leaves the starting point, the dog moves without a leash at his left leg. After 10 steps, at the command of the trainer, the dog must quickly lie down, while the trainer follows forward without turning around and without slowing down the pace of movement. After walking 30 steps in the same direction, the trainer stops and turns to face the dog. At the signal of the judge, the trainer calls the dog to him. The dog must approach willingly and quickly and sit in front of the handler. Then, on command, the dog takes its original position.

Go to point 5

The trainer leaves the starting point, the dog moves without a leash at his left leg. After 10 steps, at the command of the trainer, the dog should quickly stop and stay in place while standing, and the trainer should move forward without turning around and without slowing down the pace of movement. After walking another 30 steps, the trainer stops and turns to face the dog. Points are deducted for the dog's attempt to leave the place. At the signal of the judge, the trainer calls the dog to him. The dog must approach willingly and quickly and sit in front of the handler. Then, on command, the dog takes its original position.

Go to point 6

Importing an object. A dog sitting off a leash next to the trainer must, at the trainer's command, quickly run up to the object thrown by him at a distance of about 10 m, take the object and quickly bring it to the trainer. The dog must come close to the trainer, sit in front of him, hold the object in his teeth for several seconds and, on command, give it to the trainer. Then, on command, the dog takes a place next to the trainer. During the entire time the dog brings and gives the object, the trainer does not leave the starting position.

Go to point 7

At the signal of the judge, the trainer with the dog following him without a leash takes several steps in a certain direction. With a guiding hand gesture, the trainer sends the dog forward, while he himself remains standing.

The dog must quickly overcome approximately 40 steps in the indicated direction, after which, at the command of the trainer, it immediately lies down. At the direction of the judge, the trainer calls the dog to him, stands to the right of it, and the dog, on command, takes its original position.

Go to point 8

Before the start of the next dog, the trainer puts his dog down as a team, leaving no object next to him. Remaining in the field of view of the dog, the trainer moves away from it for about 40 steps, turns to face the dog and remains motionless. The dog must, without any influence from the handler, lie still while the other dog is performing exercises 1-7. When testing exposure in a group, distracting effects are produced on the dog. During the execution of the 2nd exercise, the trainer joins a group of moving people, after which he independently returns to former place. At the signal of the judge, the trainer approaches the dog, stands to the right of it, and the dog, on command, takes its original position. After that, the trainer takes her on a leash.

Step A(RH-WA)

Stage A consists of the following exercises:

2. Fetching from the water

3. Obedience 50 points

General rules

Testing Rules

Required members:

referee, shore instructor, motorboat driver.

Required inventory:

1 motorboat, 1 buoy, 2 fetch items (pieces of a floating boat rope with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 30 cm).

Swimming at a distance of 200 m

The trainer with the dog gets into the boat, which sets off and stops 200 meters from the shore. Having given the command, the trainer orders the dog to jump into the water. You are allowed to help the dog. The boat is heading towards the shore. The dog should swim calmly to the shore. The trainer can encourage the dog with commands and gestures. The dog should not show signs of fear or fatigue. This exercise evaluates her swimming ability.

Fetching from the water

1. A porting object is thrown from the shore. The trainer throws a floating object from the shore into the water at a distance of at least 15 m. After making sure that the object lies calmly on the surface of the water, the trainer sends a dog after it. The dog must swim up to the object, take it and deliver it to the trainer along the shortest path. The dog can release the object from the teeth only at the command of the trainer.

2. The fetching object is thrown from the boat, the dog starts from the shore. The trainer with the dog is in the starting position on the shore. The fetching item is thrown in a direction parallel to the shore from a boat that is about 25 m away from the shore. After making sure that the item lies calmly on the surface of the water, the trainer sends a dog after it. The dog must swim up to the object to take it and deliver it to the trainer along the shortest path. The dog can release the object from the teeth only at the command of the trainer. Two attempts are allowed.

After pronouncing the command, it is allowed to give a gesture that attracts the attention of the dog.

Obedience (see above) - 50 points.

Step B (RH-W B)

Stage B consists of the following exercises:

1. Swimming for a distance of 100 points

2. Work in water

(The minimum allowable score is 75 points.

For a second attempt, 10% is deducted.) 150 points

3. Obedience 50 points

Maximum score 300 points

General rules

When passing tests, safety rules must be observed.

When performing all exercises, two motor boats must be in the water. All people sitting in boats must wear life jackets or wetsuits.

Dogs must have special equipment for working in water: a harness with a handle firmly attached to the back, by which you can easily lift the dog out of the water.

Tests can be carried out in reservoirs with calm water. In the event of unfavorable weather conditions or heavy seas on the water, the judge has the right to postpone the test if it is impossible to conduct it normally.

Testing Rules

Required members:

judge, instructor on the shore, assistant (drowning), driver of a motor boat.

Required equipment: 1 motor boat, 2 buoys, 1 board (surfing).

Swimming at a distance of 400 m

The trainer with the dog gets into the boat, which sets off and stops 200 m from the shore at the first buoy. Having given the command, the trainer orders the dog to jump into the water. The boat follows. The dog must follow the boat. At the second buoy (300 m) the boat turns and goes back to the shore. The dog, following the boat, must also return to the shore.

In this exercise, jumping into the water and swimming behind the boat are evaluated.

Work in water

1. Towing surf with a person lying down. The trainer with the dog takes a starting position on the shore. In the water, 30 m from the shore, there is a board (surfing), on which an assistant lies. At the command of the trainer, the dog swims to the board. The man lying on the surf gives the dog the end of the rope, she takes it in her teeth and tows the surf with an assistant to the shore. On the shore, the dog releases the rope only at the command of the trainer. Two attempts are allowed.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.

2. Rescue of a drowning man, the dog starts from the shore.

The trainer with the dog takes a starting position on the shore. The assistant leaves in the boat. Approximately at a distance of 30 m from the shore, the assistant falls into the water, and the boat continues on. The assistant pretends to be drowning, waving his arms, but does not have the right to call the dog to him. At the command of the trainer, the dog quickly, as soon as possible, swims towards the drowning person. As soon as the drowning man gets the opportunity to grab the dog by the coat, the dog turns and tows him to the shore. The dog should not actively grab the drowning man with his teeth. Two attempts are allowed.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture. The exercise is considered completed after the report of the trainer to the judge and the award of the final score.

Obedience (see above) - 50 points.

Stage C (RH-W C)

Stage C consists of the following exercises:

Work in water 250 points

For exercises 1 and 4 minimum

60 points are awarded

For exercises 2 and 3 minimum

65 points are awarded

Obedience 50 points

Maximum score 300 points

General rules

When passing tests, safety rules must be observed.

When performing all exercises, two motor boats must be in the water. All people sitting in boats must wear life jackets or wetsuits.

Dogs must have special equipment for working in water: a harness with a handle firmly attached to the back, by which you can easily lift the dog out of the water.

Tests can be carried out in still water bodies. In the event of adverse weather conditions or heavy seas on the water, the judge has the right to postpone the test if it is impossible to conduct it normally.

Testing Rules

Required members:

judge, instructor on the shore, 2 assistants (drowning), motorboat driver.

Required inventory:

1 motorboat, 1 life buoy, 1 fetching object (section of a floating boat rope with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 30 cm).

Work in water

1. Towing an unconscious person; the dog starts from the boat.

The trainer with the dog, together with the assistant, get into the boat, which then moves away from the shore by about 50 m. The assistant falls into the water, and the boat goes on for another 20 m. At the command of the trainer, the dog jumps into the water and swims to the assistant, who, at the moment of her approach, lies motionless on the water. The dog takes the helper by the wrist with his teeth and tows him to the boat. The man and then the dog are lifted aboard. Two attempts are allowed.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.

2. Towing two people; the dog starts from the shore.

The trainer with the dog stand in their starting position on the shore. Two assistants in a boat sail 50 m from the shore. One assistant, on the move, falls from the boat, which continues to move parallel to the shore for another 20 m. The second assistant, a lifeguard, jumps into the water while the boat continues along the coast. The rescuer swims up to the drowning man and calls the dog to him. At the command of the trainer, the dog swims towards the people in the water. The rescuer, who supports the drowning man with one hand, grabs the dog's fur with his free hand, after which the dog tows both to the shore. The dog should not take swimmers by the teeth with their hands. Two attempts are allowed.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.

3. Towing the boat to the shore.

The trainer with the dog, accompanied by four more people, get into the boat, which leaves about 50 meters from the shore, after which the engine is turned off. At the command of the trainer, the dog jumps into the water. The trainer gives the dog a rope in the teeth, and it tows the boat to the shore. Two attempts are allowed.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.

4. Fetching from the shore life buoy.

The boat moves away from the shore by about 40 m. The assistant falls from the boat into the water, the boat continues to move on. The assistant pretends to be drowning, waving his arms, but does not have the right to call the dog to him. The trainer with the dog is on the shore in the starting position. On command, the dog takes the rope to which the lifebuoy is tied in his teeth and swims to the drowning man. The drowning man grabs the circle and the dog tows him back to the shore. Two attempts are allowed.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.

The exercise is considered completed after the report of the trainer to the judge and the award of the final score.

Obedience (see above) -- 50 points.

Stage D (RH-W D)

Stage D consists of the following exercises:

Swimming 100 points

Retrieval 100 points

For exercises 1.1 and 1.2, or 1.3,

or 1.4 minimum 50 points awarded

Shipping 100 points

For exercises 2.1 and 2.2, or

2.3 or 2.4 minimum 50 points

Maximum score 300 points

General rules

When passing tests, safety rules must be observed.

When performing all exercises, two motor boats must be in the water. All people sitting in boats must wear life jackets or wetsuits.

Dogs must have special equipment for working in water: a harness with a handle firmly attached to the back, by which you can easily lift the dog out of the water.

Tests can be carried out in still water bodies. In the event of adverse weather conditions or heavy seas on the water, the judge has the right to postpone the test if it is impossible to conduct it normally.

Testing Rules

Required members:

referee, shore instructor, 2 assistants, 2 boat drivers.

Required inventory:

1 motorboat, 1 life buoy, 1 fetching object (a piece of floating boat rope with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 30 cm).

Of the exercises from 1.1 to 1.4 and from 2.1 to 2.4, each test participant must complete only four exercises by lot. The draw is conducted by the instructor before the start of each participant. Only one attempt is allowed for all exercises.

Distance swimming (endurance test)

At the discretion of the judge, this exercise may be performed simultaneously by several (maximum three) competitors.

Trainers with dogs are taken in a boat to a distance of about 1000 m from the shore in such a way that the dogs can then follow the boat for about 20 minutes. The boat stops and, at the command of the trainers, the dogs jump into the water. The boat turns towards the shore, leaving the dogs alone, but does not go further than 20m, so that the dogs remain under continuous observation. Dogs should calmly and fearlessly swim to the shore. They can go with the flow and are not required to come ashore at the exact starting point. The instructor monitors the return of the dogs, meets them on the shore and takes them to the starting point.

After the endurance test, the dog must be allowed to rest for at least an hour before proceeding with further work.


1. Rescue of a drowning person (start from a boat).

The trainer with the dog sits in one boat, the assistant, representing a drowning man, in another. Both boats depart from the shore and stop at a distance of 40m from each other. The assistant falls into the water. At the command of the trainer, the dog jumps into the water and swims to the drowning man, takes him by the wrist with his teeth and delivers him to the boat in which the trainer is located. The drowning man and the dog are lifted aboard the boat.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.

2. Rescue of two drowning people (start from the shore).

The trainer with the dog stands on the shore in the starting position. Two assistants sail in a boat. At 30 meters from the shore, first one assistant falls into the water, then, after about 20 m, second. At the command of the trainer, the dog swims up to the first drowning person. He grabs her hair with his hand. Then the dog swims to the second drowning man, takes him by the wrist with his teeth and tows both people to the shore.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.

3. Surf towing with a person lying down (start from the shore).

The trainer with the dog takes a starting position on the shore. In the water, 30 m from the shore, there is a board (surfing), on which an assistant lies. At the command of the trainer, the dog swims to the board. The man lying on the surf gives the dog the end of the rope, she takes it in her teeth and tows the surf with an assistant to the shore.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.

4. Towing a drifting boat (start from the shore).

The boat is towed 30 m from the shore. There she is left to drift with a rope hanging from the side, and the second boat returns to the shore. The trainer with the dog stands in the starting position on the shore. At the command of the trainer, the dog swims to the drifting boat, looks for a hanging rope, takes it in his teeth and tows the boat to the shore.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.


1. Delivery of the life buoy (start from the boat).

The trainer with the dog and one of the assistants get into the boat. After the boat moves 40 m from the shore, the assistant falls into the water. The boat sails along the coast for another 20 m and stops. The trainer throws the lifebuoy in the middle between the boat and the drowning man, who waves his arms, calls for help, but does not call the dog to him. At the command of the trainer, the dog jumps into the water and swims to the life buoy. She grabs the rope of a life buoy with her teeth and delivers it to a drowning man. The drowning man holds on to the circle, the dog tows him to the boat. The drowning man is lifted aboard. The boat returns to shore. The dog swims to the shore following the boat.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.

3. Delivery of a small inflatable boat to a drowning person. Forty meters from the shore, the assistant falls into the water from the boat, which is immediately removed. The trainer with the dog stands in the starting position on the shore. The trainer puts a short rope in the teeth of the dog, with the other end attached to the bow of a small inflatable boat. The dog swims to the drowning man and delivers him a boat, into which he rises. A dog tows a boat with a person sitting in it to the shore.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.

4. Delivery of the rope from one boat to another.

The trainer with the dog gets into the boat, in which there is a 30-meter rope. This rope should untwist easily. The boat moves away from the shore, accompanied by a second boat, then both of them stop at a distance of 20 m from each other. At the command of the trainer, the dog jumps into the water. They give her the end of the rope, and with the rope in her mouth she swims to the second boat, where she gives the rope to the driver. The dog then returns to the first boat and is taken aboard. The boat is heading towards the shore, leading the second one in tow.

The trainer can accompany the command with a gesture.

The exercise is considered completed after the report of the trainer to the judge and the award of the final score.

Loyal four-legged friends serve their owners in exchange for their care, affection and display of love. It has been like this since ancient times, when wild animals, which were considered relatives of wolves, relentlessly followed primitive hunters to feast on leftovers from the main prey.

Taking help from a four-legged pet for successful hunting of wild animals, the ancestors modern man achieve greater safety and comfort. Over time, the domesticated animal was increasingly used in the economy. Dogs began to scare away uninvited guests from the house, to warm the owner with their warmth in severe frosts.

The descendants of tamed animals with each new generation became closer to their owners, changed their appearance over time - this is how the features of more modern dogs. Thousands of years have passed. Domesticated dogs often acted not only as loyal allies, but also hardy, strong guardians person. This is how the first rescue dogs appeared.

Man and dog have complemented each other since ancient times. And if the first one used a high indicator of intellectual abilities for his survival, showing general care for his pet, then the second one had high-quality hearing, a good sense of smell, quick legs, lightning-fast reaction, sharp teeth and the claws of a real beast.

Invariably demonstrating selfless love for its owner, the dog many times could save his life not only during fights with enemies, but also during fires and floods; in some cases, she found people in avalanches, saved their lives, pulling them out of the rubble.

A devoted animal can intuitively feel a threat, with the help of smell it smells a person under a layer of snow at a depth of several meters, smells the approach of burning fires in the steppe and in the forest, and finds a safe place during natural disasters.

Gallery: rescue dogs (25 photos)

A very hardy breed, very smart, easy to train, obedient is considered Labrador retriever. Such dogs are used not only as rescuers, but also as guide dogs. dobermans are used to search for people in difficult conditions and rescue during extreme situations. Rottweilers- excellent sappers. There is a large number of other breeds with unusual features of real rescuers.

What is the training process for rescue dogs?

  1. Rescue dog training requires patience and endurance from owners. And for an animal to successfully understand and learn, you need complete obedience, ability to work and development of technical skills during the search, detection and rescue of a person. Four-legged friends are taught to overcome various obstacles, climb stairs, and also develop the skills of safe movement through various ruins.
  2. The animal handler also has to learn how to give first aid to the victim, use a compass and an additional map. He must learn the rules of conduct and learn to quickly and soberly assess the situation during a disaster. In the process of completing the training course, you also have to take an annual exam.
  3. The execution of the main commands of the rescue dog should be brought to automatic mode during the gradual transition from simple to complex type. Soon a certain skill will develop, which will become a real one. conditioned reflex. Receptions and general behavior first developed, and then fixed in accordance with strict standards for the implementation of training.

What are the abilities of rescue dogs?

High-quality scent and high endurance purebred dogs, which they inherited from nature, as well as as a result of a long process of crossing and selection the best views, are not the only qualities a rescuer needs. Specially trained pets must be able to properly voice in the right situation while searching for victims. All this is not so easy.

To begin with, it is necessary that the pet is well socialized, even if it is distinguished by benevolence and special complaisance.

Among the required skills, it is worth highlighting the two main ones - to find the victim who got into difficult situation and needs help, and then inform his colleagues - that is, people about it.

Of course, some especially strong dogs are required to directly deliver a person in trouble to a safe place, pull them out from under the rubble, dig them out of the snow, but in most cases they still need the help of specialists. In addition to a subtle scent, physical strength and a frantic desire to work and save people, other requirements are imposed on the dog:

  1. Having a stable mind. A working dog should not react to distractions, but be fully focused on his goal and perform certain actions.
  2. Kindness and friendliness. A four-legged friend-rescuer must be glad to find the victim, he must rejoice at him, and not growl, be frightened and show aggression. In addition to all this, most often during an emergency, the scene is filled with a large number of people - doctors, rescuers and other personnel. At this time, the dog should remain good-natured and show increased alertness and self-control.
  3. Ability to make decisions independently. During an incident, when a person is not nearby, the dog must act without waiting for the command of the employees.
  4. Obedience. Dogs that are ready to run away as soon as they feel at least a drop of freedom or notice another dog are absolutely not suitable for serious and dangerous work. In such work, you need to use only those breeds that have special discipline and perform the tasks at any cost.

Notable Rescue Dogs: Balto

In 1925, in the small town of Nome in Alaska, an incident occurred: an epidemic of diphtheria suddenly raged. It was not possible to deliver the vaccine from Anchorage, because Nome was buried in snow far from civilization. Children began to die from a rapidly spreading infection, and then the doctors had to take extreme measures. They put together a special relay expedition, which included about 150 dogs and 20 drivers. The final stage delivery of the vaccine - a distance of 52 miles - was entrusted to the Norwegian Gunnar Kaasen and his team of Siberian huskies.

The leader of the team was young, but extremely strong dog Balto. In very harsh and hazardous conditions the whole team had to make their way to their goal: -51 degrees of frost, a strong snow storm.

Kaasen lost his bearings, he began to be blinded by thick snow. Gunnar simply had no other choice but to completely entrust the direction to the leader.

Balto continued to confidently lead the whole team, and as a result, they delivered a valuable vaccine to Nome, which could save a large number of lives.

After completing his mission, Balto gained immense fame, and a special bronze monument was erected in his honor in one of the squares in New York.

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Dogs have long been used as strong and enduring rescuers. Thanks to their excellent sense of smell and hearing, they find people under snowy rubble, in a flaming building, in water and under the rubble of destroyed buildings.

The incredible works even in smoke and burning. By and large, a dog's sense of smell is akin to the sixth sense, since a dog can smell a person even under a nine-meter layer of snow. Dogs are more effective searchers in rescue work than humans.

For example, in the same room, twenty people will need about four people to search for victims, and only 10 minutes is enough for one dog.

Rescue dog breeds

There are many such breeds. Currently the most popular are

  • Belgian and German Shepherds,
  • doberman,
  • spaniel,
  • rottweiler,

These are the dogs most commonly used. rescue services. best breed Newfoundland is considered to rescue drowning people, because its middle name is "diver". These dogs are not afraid of frost and can swim calmly even in icy water. Features of the body of the Newfoundland (special structure of the ears and paws, membranes between the fingers, third eyelid) allow you to swim up to 20 km and dive to a depth of 30 m.

He has a very powerful unconditional instinct to save a person. The dog will rush into the water, barely suspecting that someone is drowning. In all the mountains where there is snow, a dog is invariably included in the rescue team. Such rescuers can be any breed, but St. Bernards are most often used. They are very hardy and easy to train.

Along with the St. Bernards mountain rescuers Shepherd dogs often work. After earthquakes, the search for people is best done by dogs. They are able to crawl through where a person cannot pass, they smell the victim under a large thickness of the blockage. So, two spaniels became famous, which, after the Neftegorsk earthquake, rescued 35 people from the rubble.

Neither the smells of the ruins, nor the medicines, nor the extreme heat prevented these dogs. Rescue animals worked for 7 hours a day, examining piles of concrete by centimeters and pointing out to rescuers where a person might be.

Rescue dog skills

It is not enough to have a natural scent and endurance. Each rescue dog is specially trained in its craft. Such a dog must find the victim, inform his guide about it with his voice and lead the rescuers to the place where the victim is located. To do this, it must have a number of qualities.

For example, it is important that such an animal be very well socialized. That is, he treated people kindly, was obedient and complaisant. Also, the rescue dog must be very hardy and have a strong constitution.