Rosemary oil for colds. Treatment and prevention of colds with essential oils. Preventive aromatization of premises

During the cold season, aromatherapy will come to the rescue. A couple of drops of essential oil for colds will help eliminate rhinitis, cough, lower the temperature and generally improve your well-being. Most essential oils are characterized by antiviral effects that help cope with colds and flu. For maximum results, you should start using oils at the first signs of illness.

High efficiency

Many patients wonder whether oils are effective for ARVI, and which essential oil for colds and flu is the most effective.

One of the most acceptable antiviral oils is fir oil. It is often used alone, since it is indispensable for rubbing and inhalation, but still greater results can be expected from the use of combinations of substances. Oils will only complement each other’s properties and improve the effect.

Basic medicinal composition It can be done by combining 50 ml of olive oil with 5 drops of rosemary, mint and fir oils. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator in dark glass containers only. This product is perfect for rubbing and massage.

All coniferous oils are effective, but essential aromatic oils for colds are:

  • nayoli;
  • lavender;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tea tree.

To eliminate inflammation and pain Thyme oil is used in the throat, and marjoram essential oil is excellent for lowering fever and fighting headaches.

Among all the remedies, there are aromatic oils for colds that are characterized by antibacterial and antiviral effects. If a cold causes complications and develops into a bacterial infection, then use oils that prevent viruses from spreading.

These may include aromatic oils:

  • bergamot;
  • eucalyptus;
  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • manuka;
  • juniper;
  • tea tree.

In the treatment of ARVI, base oil also plays a special role. Experts recommend using regular grape seed, jojoba, avocado, and wheat germ oils instead of conventional oils. vegetable oil.

Olive oil is considered the most effective base. Thanks to a large number phytoncides and antioxidants in the composition, helps strengthen the body's defenses, restore the epidermis and soften the mucous membranes.

Therapeutic properties

Essential oils for colds and runny nose they are highly effective, but only when correct use. It is very difficult to choose the best substance. It is necessary to take into account the etiology, type of disease and nature of the course in order to choose the best treatment option.

Essential oils for runny nose and colds affect the body in the following way:

  • antivirus: geranium, lemon balm, mint, fennel;
  • antiseptics: tea tree, cloves, rosemary, thyme, cinnamon, patchouli;
  • immunostimulants: juniper, eucalyptus, menthol, chamomile, rose, pine, lavender;
  • restorative: sandalwood, incense, rose, anise;
  • antiphlogistic: orange, oregano, myrtle, grapefruit, thyme;
  • antipyretic: bergamot, mint, lavender, lemon, chamomile, eucalyptus.

Most experts are inclined to use tea tree oil. It is characterized by a huge number of useful properties. It is used to eliminate acute inflammatory processes, heal wounds, regenerate the epidermis, and treat ARVI.

How to apply it correctly?

You can use the most oils in different ways. Everyone chooses the most suitable option for themselves.

Hot inhalations

The most effective method colds are cured by hot inhalations. There is no need to buy a special device to carry them out. Follow these simple guidelines to complete the procedures:

  1. It is necessary to pour water heated to 90 degrees into a deep container.
  2. Add 3-4 drops of the desired anti-flu essential oil.
  3. Bend in front of the container and cover with a towel on top to form a small dome. Start breathing aromatic healing vapors.
  4. Breathe through your mouth or nose, depending on the symptoms of the disease. Be sure to close your eyes while doing this.

Sessions should last no more than 7 minutes, but it is recommended to start with two minutes. The duration of procedures should be increased only incrementally. Actions should be performed 2-3 times a week, but no more than 7 days.

One session must be performed before bedtime. After the manipulations, meals are not allowed for 60 minutes, inhaling cold air and making sudden movements are prohibited.

If you want to carry out therapy with only one essential oil for a cold, then you should choose fir oil. But if the nasal passages are very clogged and there is a strong increase in temperature, then give preference to procedures with mint, tea tree, rosemary, and eucalyptus oils. You should use lavender oil before bed as it relieves symptoms and helps you fall asleep quickly.

Oil burner

When treating a cold, it is important to remember about the aromatherapy method - the use of aroma lamps. A full course of therapy to get rid of a cold includes daily procedures for 15 days. Also, to consolidate the result, you will need to resort to sessions for another 2 days. The procedures themselves are carried out for 30 minutes until you fully rise to your feet.

The best mixture is 5 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop each of mint and eucalyptus oils. Place the aroma lamp in the room where the patient stays most often. Be sure to ensure that healing air did not leak through open windows and doors.

Bath with essential oils

If you notice symptoms of ARVI and there is severe freezing, then be sure to take a bath with pre-prepared tea tree oil. If your body temperature is not elevated, it is recommended to use marjoram and lavender oils before bed.

It is also possible to dissolve 4 drops of tea tree, fir, eucalyptus or pine oil in a glass of milk. Add the drink to the bath and take it for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, be sure to wipe your skin dry, put on warm socks, wrap yourself in a blanket and sweat well.


The method of rubbing with essential oils for colds and flu is very effective in combination with inhalations. To carry out the procedure, add up to 10 drops of the selected oil to a large spoon of the base. The composition is thoroughly rubbed into the skin until completely absorbed.

If therapy is combined with inhalations, then rubbing should be done before or after the procedure. It is also important to do the session before bed.

Essential oils for a runny nose

For a runny nose, the most popular ones are:

  • mint;
  • geraniums;
  • pine trees;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus.

They are only used for:

  • massage;
  • inhalations.

To conduct a massage session follow the instructions:

  1. Dilute 3 drops of the required above substance in 30 ml of the main substance.
  2. The resulting means to do acupressure nasal and maxillary sinuses.
  3. Massage the composition onto the sides of the nose.

It is also allowed to place tampons soaked in this mixture of essential oils into the nasal passages for colds.

Essential oils for sore throats and severe coughs

Oils effectively cope with infection, expel mucus from respiratory tract, weaken bronchospasms. When fighting ailments of the throat and respiratory tract, the following are usually used:

  • fir;
  • tea tree;
  • anise;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus;
  • cedar pine;
  • rosemary;
  • fennel.

Most often substances are used for:

  • baths;
  • compresses;
  • irrigation;
  • rubbing the chest;
  • inhalations.

Oils help to heal even with a sore throat. Recipes for using essential oils against colds and flu are as follows:

  1. Mouth and throat rinses. Add a large spoonful of milk and 4 drops of thyme, lemon or sage oil to a glass of warm liquid. Gargle with the prepared mixture every couple of hours.
  2. Compress with alcohol or vodka. Add 4 drops of fir or mint oil to 30 ml of vodka. Treat the cotton-gauze lotion with the solution and apply it to the throat area for half an hour.
  3. Rubbing. Lubricate your feet with cedar or fir oil. Be sure to thoroughly rub into the epidermis. Then put on socks and wool socks on top.
  4. Inhalations. Doctors recommend taking 6 large spoons of salt and dissolving them in a liter of warm water. Place the mixture over low heat and bring to a boil. Finally add 8 drops of mint oil. Breathe in pairs for a quarter of an hour. It is also possible to dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a liter of liquid. Bring the mixture to a boil, then add a couple of drops of iodine and 6 drops of sage oil. The duration of the session is about 10 minutes.

Your doctor will tell you which prescription to use.

Essential oils for colds for children

Starting from the age of three, pediatricians recommend using the following essential oils for colds for children:

  1. Lavender. Great for any type skin. Helps cope with peeling and irritation. Oil soothes nervous system. Characterized by antiseptic effects.
  2. Fennel. Calms the stomach with gases. It is characterized by expectorant and antispasmodic effects. Significantly alleviates the condition of patients with bronchitis or colds.
  3. Bergamot. Has a beneficial effect on respiratory infections upper respiratory tract.
  4. Chamomile. Has a mild sedative effect. Promotes relaxation and tranquility.
  5. Sandalwood. Helps the body relax and also promotes good sleep. Activates the immune system, protecting the body from infections.

Together, the oils combine a relaxing and calming effect. But lavender oil is considered the most effective and safe.

Children over 6 years old with a cold should undergo inhalation and chest massage with the following mixture: lavender, chamomile, tea tree, eucalyptus. Take 2 drops of each oil. Dilute the mixture in a dessert spoon of vegetable oil. Perform daily manipulations for 10 minutes once a day. In this case, you will need to massage the neck area, chest, tonsil area, as well as knees and elbows.

Also, aromatic oils for children with colds can be used to aromatize rooms. You will need to mix a drop of chamomile oil with 2 drops of each oil: thyme, tea tree tangerine.

You can simply drip them into the medallion and breathe from time to time. For a sore throat, add a drop of lavender oil to a glass of water, mix everything well and heat it up. Soak a piece of gauze in the solution and apply it to chest. Cover the top of the compress with a towel. After half an hour, remove the gauze and cover the baby warmly.

You are allowed to mix the substances yourself. Coniferous oils quickly combat cold symptoms. Cloves have a positive effect on viral illnesses. Chamomile and geranium are characterized by an analgesic effect. Camphor oil has antibacterial properties and activates attention. When used correctly, home aromatherapy will give one hundred percent results.

Essential oils for cold prevention

During epidemics, it is very important to resort to ARVI prevention. Then you won’t have to think about how to treat the disease. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to select immunostimulating and immunomodulating oils. It is possible to use essential oils against colds in any convenient way: take relaxing baths, sprinkle them around the living room, light special lamps, or do a therapeutic massage.

Essential oils for children with colds are best used during inhalation. This is not a painful procedure, but, on the contrary, pleasant. It is recommended to use essential oils to strengthen the immune system, protect the body from viruses and bacteria, and prevent flu and colds:

  • rosemary;
  • marjoram;
  • sandalwood;
  • eucalyptus;
  • ginger;
  • grapefruit;
  • thyme.

Essential oils for the prevention of colds in children are selected individually by the attending physician. The earlier therapy is started, the higher the likelihood of a speedy recovery. An advanced disease is much more difficult to treat. And it’s not a fact that in advanced cases such methods can help to get better.

Therefore, when only the first symptoms appear, you should not be lazy. As soon as possible, go to the pharmacy to buy aromatic oils for flu and colds.

Contraindications to the use of essential oils

Despite their effectiveness, essential oils for colds and flu have a number of contraindications for use:

  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • allergic hay runny nose;
  • children under 7 years old;
  • combination with homeopathic therapy;
  • Availability sensitive epidermis;
  • personal intolerance to fragrances;
  • lactation.

The use of oils may provoke allergic reactions.


It is very important to use only high-quality and real oils when aromatherapy during a cold. In order not to be interested in which essential oil helps against colds, you should stick to preventive measures, and take care of yourself in the autumn-winter period. But if the first symptoms of ARVI appear, then treatment should begin immediately.

Essential oils for colds and flu help cope with the disease and strengthen the immune system. They also bring aromatic pleasure into our lives, uplifting our mood and insisting on a major note. They contain only natural ingredients and therefore do not pose any harm to health.

Properties of essential oils

We are susceptible to colds at any time of the year. Even in the hot summer, you can catch a runny nose while escaping the heat under the air conditioning. And what can we say about winter with its winds and frosts? I became hypothermic and now my throat hurts and I feel unwell. And no one is immune from seasonal flu epidemics. And then aromatherapy comes to our aid with warm baths and aromatic tea, healing air and inhalations with essential oils that have unique properties (photo 1).

Let's decide what direction drugs should have for treating colds and ARVI:

Photo 1. Essential oils for treating colds.

  • primarily antiviral and anti-inflammatory;
  • secondly - antibacterial and antiseptic;
  • in the third - antipyretic, diaphoretic and restorative.

And all these properties are fully endowed with natural essential oils of many medicinal plants. For example, tea tree oil - a natural antibiotic-immunostimulant. Or eucalyptus oil, which has antiseptic and analgesic properties.

Knowing what effect a certain oil has, you can use it for treatment various diseases, including colds and flu, and for the purpose of prevention, create aromatic compositions that will comprehensively fight infections and help the body recover from illness.

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Treating colds with aromatherapy

The best oils for colds and flu are tea tree oil, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, cedar, Bulgarian pine, spruce, sage, rosemary, thyme, geranium, and lemon.

Citrus oils are best suited to strengthen the immune system: grapefruit, orange, lemon and tangerine.

Essential oils of chamomile, tea tree, thyme, eucalyptus, pine, cedar, myrtle, juniper, geranium, and hyssop have antibacterial properties.

Oils of lavender, chamomile, mint, lemon balm, lemon, and bergamot have an antipyretic effect.

Oils of rose, anise, sandalwood, fennel, and geranium have a general strengthening effect.

Photo 2. Inhalations for colds.

A few rules for aromatherapy:

  1. Compliance with dosage. For the elderly, children and pregnant women, doses are reduced.
  2. Don't use one essential oil all the time, take a break. Alternate 2 weeks of use with 1-2 weeks off.
  3. Before starting aromatherapy, you should consult your doctor: there are restrictions for people suffering from allergies and other diseases.
  4. Upon admission medicines you need to keep in mind that aromatherapy can influence their action, for example, enhance the effect of antibiotics.

When purchasing essential oil for treatment, you need to make sure that it is of high quality and natural. And be sure to smell it. If you don't like the smell, don't buy it.

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Hot and cold inhalations

For hot inhalation we need a saucepan, any essential oil for colds and a towel (photo 2). Boil 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan, move it to a convenient place, cover with a towel to prevent steam from escaping, and add 2-3 drops of oily liquid to the water. We close our eyes and take a deep breath of air filled with healing composition for 5-7 minutes. It is better to carry out the first procedure for two minutes, and then the time can be increased. Within an hour after hot inhalation, it is not recommended to eat, go outside or move actively. 2-3 inhalations are carried out per day, the last one before bedtime. The course of treatment is a week.

Essential oil can be used in a “solo performance”, completely relying on its medicinal properties. But oil mixtures are still more effective, enhancing each other’s properties and filling the air with a range of odors that have a positive effect on mood, energy and general state person.

Simple mixtures for inhalation (in the same ratio) for colds and flu are:

Photo 3. Aromatherapy for colds.

  • tea tree with eucalyptus;
  • eucalyptus with thyme;
  • thyme with rosemary;
  • pine with lavender.

More complex anti-cold mixtures (in the same ratio):

  • tea tree + lavender + eucalyptus;
  • lavender + eucalyptus + rosemary + peppermint;
  • fir (pine) + peppermint + rosemary;
  • thyme + peppermint + eucalyptus + cloves;
  • spruce + peppermint + rosemary + thyme + cypress.

You can protect yourself from colds in winter with the help of so-called cold inhalation. We drip the aroma mixture onto a handkerchief and breathe it in periodically. The best combination is tea tree oil, lemon, cypress and spruce in equal proportions.

It is very convenient to carry a small inhaler with you. Take any small glass bottle (maybe a medicine bottle), add 1 tsp. salt and add 15 drops of eucalyptus and 5 drops of rosemary. Close and shake. When we find ourselves in crowded places (work collective, public transport), we take out the bottle and inhale deeply: take 3 breaths - a break, 3 more breaths - another break, etc.

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Purifying indoor air

While at home, pour some water into the aroma lamp container, drop essential oily liquid into it (5-6 drops are needed per 10 square meters of area), place a candle at the bottom and light it. The procedure lasts half an hour. By doing it up to 3 times a day, you can effectively clean the air of bacteria and fill it with a fresh aroma (photo 3). Pine and citrus oils are suitable for this, as well as tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus, sage, and mint. You can also add them to a humidifier (equipped with this function). The simplest and affordable way- drop an oily liquid onto a damp towel and place it on a warm radiator.

If a person is sick with the flu, the air in the room needs more thorough and regular disinfection. Essential oils against flu - tea tree and eucalyptus. Add 20 drops of each to half a glass of vodka, pour it into a spray bottle and spray the patient’s room every hour.

Recipes for cleansing essential mixtures for home use:

  • 4 drops tea tree + 2 drops lavender + 1 drop eucalyptus + 1 drop thyme;
  • 2 drops tea tree + 2 drops pine + 1 drop lavender + 1 drop peppermint;
  • 10 drops of Siberian fir + 5 drops of orange.

For office premises, mix 5 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of eucalyptus and 2 drops of mint.

It is unlikely that any disease can boast of such distribution and frequency as the common cold. Various viral and infectious diseases(ARVI) are often called colds, although in fact a cold is simply the result of hypothermia, which can cause more serious diseases, including viral ones.

In order to catch this disease, it is not at all necessary to have a weakened immune system or increased susceptibility: external conditions or carelessness often lead to the fact that even those of us who actively harden ourselves and engage in preventive procedures get sick. Simply as a result of unfavorable external conditions and our own negligence the immune system fails, which is where various types of ailments begin.

Colds are most active in winter and during transition periods, when seasonal weather gives way to unpredictable cold weather. As a result of hypothermia, the body is in a state of biological stress and, if adaptive resources are insufficient, it loses its ability to resist infections and viruses.

Traditionally, at the first sign of a cold, everyone runs to the pharmacy for medicines. Meanwhile, there are enough means to cope with a cold and its manifestations (infections of the nose and throat), and aromatherapy, which is much more friendly to the body, can be used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of colds. They qualitatively reduce everything discomfort and reduce the risk of complications due to bactericidal properties and activation of the body's defenses.

Essential oils effective for colds

One of the best anti-cold oils is fir oil. It is often used in splendid isolation completely trusting him healing properties. works well in hot inhalations and rubbing, but is still not as effective as an anti-cold mixture, in which each of the essential oils enhances the properties of each other.

The main treatment mixture can be made from 50 ml of olive (or other base oil) and 5 drops of fir oils, etc. This mixture is preserved very well even outside the refrigerator, the main thing is that it is kept in a dark glass bottle and is tightly closed. This composition is ideal for massage and rubbing.

Effective prophylactic agents All pine essential oils are considered, but in the treatment of colds, aromatic oils have no equal (especially effective for obsessive coughs) and. Essential oils of rosemary, mint, etc. also perform well. Spicy and very light essential oil is best for sore throats, but another spice reduces fever and headaches that often accompany a cold.

Among the aromatic oils, there are also those that have antiviral and antibacterial properties. If your cold has become more severe serious illness and you have been diagnosed with a viral or bacterial infection, then those essential oils that can suppress the development of viruses and destroy bacteria should be used for treatment. Such essential oils include aroma oils, manuka, eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary, and lavender. Manuka and tea tree oils are most effective in improving the body's resistance to infection.

In the treatment of colds, not only the choice of essential oils matters, but also the base used - the base oil, with which the active aromatic oils are mixed and dissolved. Unlike most standard aromatherapy procedures, when treating colds, instead of the most popular base oils, it is better to use vegetable oil.

Wherein Extra virgin olive oil is considered the best vegetable base(easy to recognize by its bitterness, greenish color and extra virgin inscription). Thanks to high content phytoncides and antioxidants, it helps to increase overall resistance, effectively softens mucous membranes and restores the skin.

How to use aroma oils for colds

Hot inhalations

The main method of treating colds is hot inhalation. For them, it is not at all necessary to buy a special inhaler device. Add 3 or 4 drops of the selected aroma oil to a kettle with boiling water or a saucepan (bowl, deep plate) with water at 80-90 degrees, bend over the water, use a large towel to make a kind of protective dome over your head (steam should not escape) and breathe in the fragrant steam. In this case, the eyes must be closed, and one should breathe through the nose or mouth, depending on the symptoms of the cold.

Hot inhalations should not last longer than 7 minutes, but it is better to start with 2 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure. Inhalations are carried out 2 or 3 times a day for no more than a week. One of the procedures must be carried out before bedtime. After inhalation, you should not eat, move actively, or breathe cold air for an hour.

If you want to use only one essential oil, then stop at fir, but if your nasal passages are clogged and you have a fever, then it is better to alternate inhalations with a mixture of rosemary and peppermint oils with treatments with eucalyptus oil and tea tree. Before going to bed, be sure to replace one of the oils with lavender - it will not only ease your symptoms, but also help you sleep soundly.

Bath with essential oils

If you managed to notice the symptoms in time or felt that you were dangerously frozen, then at the very beginning of the development of the disease, be sure to take a bath with the addition of tea tree oil previously diluted in a base oil. For evening baths during illness (if you do not have elevated temperature) it is better to mix lavender and marjoram oils.


The rubbing method is very good in combination with inhalations. In order to carry out rubbing, add up to 10 drops of selected essential oils to a tablespoon of base and, after thorough mixing, apply directly to the skin, rubbing vigorously until completely absorbed. If rubbing is combined with inhalations, then they are carried out immediately before or after the procedure, as well as before bedtime.

Oil burner

When treating a cold, you should not forget about the simplest and most popular aromatherapy method -. A course of medical procedures aimed at overcoming colds should include 15 daily procedures carried out within half an hour until complete recovery and several days after.

The best essential oil blend for this method is one drop each of eucalyptus and peppermint oils mixed with 5 drops of lavender. The aroma lamp should be placed in the room where the patient is most present, making sure that the healing air does not escape through open doors.


    Wonderful article!


    interesting article))) thank you)))) I prefer essential oils from Dr.Vera by the way)) also a great topic!


    I have been using atom oil for a very long time


    I caught a cold and didn’t know what oils to use for treatment. thanks for the info. Styx oils are the best for me.


    • 15 times a day for half an hour


      Ugh, 15 days, half an hour a day


  1. thank you very much, I was preparing a report for the conference, it was very helpful


    And I am treated with eucalyptus oil. I mix it with olive oil and drop it into my nose and throat. Helps incredibly quickly! 5-7 drops eucalyptus. for 1 tsp olive oil and in a naphthyzine jar. Dripping great!!!


    • Answer
    • Of course, I understand that essential oils are a miracle, but why push them everywhere. For example, they perfectly help relieve tension and fatigue; I often use them for this purpose; I even started taking Valocordin only under severe stress. But when you have a cold, oil... it's somehow not serious


      I have loved aromatic oils since childhood; my mother always used different oils that she could find.
      Now you can find different ones on sale, the main thing is to buy high-quality ones. I tried a lot, settled on the Dyshi brand - the best composition and high-quality oils from Germany in the composition. It’s also convenient that everything is mixed there at once in the right proportions: eucalyptus, juniper, clove and others - a super mixture for colds! It helps a lot as a preventative and also helps with a runny nose. The most important thing is that there are no hassles with aroma lamps - you just drip it onto a handkerchief and put it next to it, or spray it in the room if you buy a breathing spray. Try it yourself, I recommend it!


Essential oils for colds are an effective natural remedy that gently treats the disease. Use for a runny nose does not cause addiction and some oils are approved even for children. Oil for colds is safer than chemical drugs, as it is not addictive and has no side effects.

Antibacterial properties

Essential oils are usually used in mixtures with pure oils or with other natural products. They are safe, most are allowed to be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

Before use, you just need to check for individual intolerance, especially in children. This can be done by placing a drop of the product on the back of your hand. If after a few hours there is no unpleasant reaction, irritation or redness, then there is no allergy.

Esters are made from natural components, so they retain everything useful material. Anti-cold oil has the following effects on the body:

  • Fights germs;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Acts against pain;
  • Stops the inflammatory process;
  • Restores a weakened body.

Aroma oils for colds can be taken internally with drinks, and externally for rubbing. You can do inhalations with them, they are good for the respiratory tract. To restore the whole body, you can take baths with oils.

It is best not to wait for the disease to develop, but to begin therapy at the first symptoms. Then recovery will come faster, and the disease will be easier than in a severe form.

List of oils

Almost all esters have a healing effect on the body. But they all have different properties. Therefore, you should choose according to the result you want to achieve. Cold relief oil has the following properties.

Boost immunity:

  • Lemon;
  • Orange;
  • Rose;
  • Geranium;
  • Sandalwood;
  • Tea tree.

Fights high fever, can be taken as an antipyretic:

  • Chamomile;
  • Mint;
  • Bergamot;
  • Melissa;
  • Lavender.

Action against bacteria and viruses:

  • Pine;
  • Juniper;
  • Tea tree;
  • Thyme;
  • Geranium;
  • Mint;
  • Ylang-ylang.

Relieve inflammation:

  • Tea tree;
  • Pine;
  • Juniper;
  • Rose;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • Sage.

When purchasing these products, pay attention to the label. They should not contain any impurities or fragrances. Only in this case will the ether retain its beneficial features. Otherwise, the oil will not have a healing effect for colds.

Cold treatment

Aroma oils for colds can be used in several ways. It is best to use them together to provide a comprehensive effect on the disease.

You can brew herbal tea with ethers - it will strengthen the immune system and fight viruses from the inside. But it is important to add only those oils to tea that can be consumed internally.

Anti-flu tea recipe: in a glass boiled water add honey, lemon, a piece of ginger root and one drop of mint ether. Wait 15 minutes for the drink to infuse. Drink several times a day.

For adults, you can prepare inhalations with essential oils. Just add to hot water 2-3 drops of ether. You need to breathe 3-5 minutes a day. The procedures are carried out daily for a week.

If you do not have a special device for inhalation, you can drop the oil into a dish of boiling water. You need to breathe over it for several minutes, covered with a towel.

Usually pine oil is used in inhalation for colds. You can also prepare the following mixtures:

  • Pine, mint, rosemary;
  • Thyme, eucalyptus, cloves;
  • Juniper, eucalyptus;
  • Lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree.

The simplest inhalations are to drop tea tree oil on a handkerchief and inhale it several times a day.

Inhalations with tea tree oil help remove mucus and treat bronchitis and tracheitis. The antiseptic effect helps to quickly cure colds and flu.

In addition to inhalation, you can use pine oil in a bath or sauna.

You can make medicinal compresses, this method is especially good for children. You need to mix olive oil and eucalyptus oil with grated potatoes or honey. Apply a compress to the chest or shoulder blades and hold for half an hour. After this, wrap yourself in a blanket.

Before going to bed, you can massage your whole body or chest with eucalyptus ether for the flu. It helps treat coughs, and also improves sleep and calms the nervous system.

Treatment of nasal diseases

To relieve congestion, you need to lubricate your sinuses with tea tree oil. Before doing this, it is advisable to clean them with salt water. You can combine this method and inhalation.

Rubbing can be used as maintenance therapy against a runny nose. To do this, mix rosemary, fir and mint oils. Rub your neck, chest and back every night at night.

You can carry out not only a body massage, but also a massage of the wings of the nose for a runny nose. To do this, mix esters of rosemary, pine, eucalyptus, geranium and mint.

At purulent discharge from the green nose and yellow color You should rinse your sinuses with the following mixture:

Carry out the procedure three times a day for a week.

You can prepare a nasal ointment. To do this, mix Vaseline and mint and eucalyptus esters. Lubricate the wings of the nose against a runny nose three times a day.

To treat a runny nose, you can instill a mixture of eucalyptus and mint esters with warm water. Place 1 drop in each nostril four times a day.

IN pure form You can instill one drop of thuja ether into each nostril. It effectively acts against rhinitis, and also relieves fatigue and strengthens the immune system.


At the first symptoms of a cold, you can take a bath with aromatic oils. It is enough to lie down for 10 minutes for a therapeutic effect. After a bath, you do not need to shower; you should dry your body, put on warm socks and wrap yourself in a blanket. But we must remember that when high temperature this procedure is prohibited.

The following mixtures of oils for aromatherapy baths against influenza are effective:

  • Tea tree plus sea salt;
  • Juniper, eucalyptus, thyme;
  • Chamomile, tea tree, thyme;
  • Eucalyptus, chamomile, lavender.

Based on the description of the properties, you can create your own composition. At the same time, take into account the additional properties of esters, for example, citrus fruits excite the nervous system, and coniferous fruits, on the contrary, calm it.

Aromatherapy is needed not only to influence the patient’s body, but also to disinfect the air in the room. The aroma lamp kills germs that are transmitted by airborne droplets, relieves nasal congestion, improves mood. Tea tree oil is especially effective and can be used alone or mixed with other essential oils.

You can turn on the aroma lamp for half an hour three times a day. Usually citrus and tea tree esters are added to it. Coniferous, sage, and lavender oils also have a beneficial effect on the patient. You can use them separately, or make a mixture to your liking.

Treatment of childhood colds

The only contraindication for essential oils against the flu for children is allergies. Before use, you must ensure that it is absent.

If there is no individual intolerance, then you should take the drugs in the same way, but slightly reducing the adult dose.

The body of pregnant and lactating women, just like children, is sensitive to all new products, so they should also take minimum dose natural remedies. Pregnant women should not take some esters; this is usually indicated on the package.

Baths and massages with essential oils are suitable for a child at any age. You can take the following combinations:

  • Juniper, chamomile, eucalyptus;
  • Lemon, thyme, chamomile, tea tree;
  • Pine, thyme, eucalyptus, chamomile.

They should be taken one drop at a time and mixed with base oil. You can take peach, it is harmless even for the smallest children. The resulting mixture is added to the bath and the baby is bathed in it or the whole body is rubbed.

Essential oils for colds relieve inflammation, treat runny nose and cough, strengthen the immune system, and fight against germs. They are safe for children and adults. Thanks to their natural composition, they can be used to treat children and pregnant women. There are several methods of application, everyone can choose the appropriate one. For colds, the oil can be taken internally and externally (massages, aroma lamps, inhalations, compresses).

Video: How I save myself from colds with these essential oils.


I have a cold again. Soreness, runny nose, headache, stuffy nose... It's time to remember the good ethereal helpers. Warm, gentle, natural aromas of nature... They give strength, warm, soothe and reliably protect against any illness.

Aromatherapy - excellent remedy combating viral and bacterial infections, and effective method increasing immunity and preventing colds.

Essential oils - soft, light, pleasant and, most importantly, strong and safe remedy for any cold.

The healing effect of essential oils for colds:

· Antiseptic - tea tree, thyme, cloves, sage, rosemary, cinnamon;

Antiviral - geranium, mint, fennel, lemon balm, ylang-ylang;

Antibacterial - chamomile, tea tree, thyme, eucalyptus, pine, cedar, spruce, myrtle, ginger, juniper, verbena, geranium, hyssop;

· Anti-inflammatory - tea tree, sage, cloves, juniper, pine, chamomile, myrtle, thyme, oregano, frankincense, grapefruit;

· Immunostimulating - tea tree, sage, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, cedar, juniper, rose, chamomile, pine, lavender, hyssop, grapefruit, incense;

· General strengthening - lavender, anise, rose, geranium, sandalwood, fennel, incense;

Antipyretic and diaphoretic - lavender, tea tree, eucalpit, chamomile, mint, lemon balm, lemon, bergamot.

The most effective essential oils for colds:

· eucalyptus essential oil;

· sage essential oil;

· essential oils of fir, spruce, pine, cedar;

· juniper essential oil;

· tea tree essential oil;

Rosemary essential oil;

· Lavender essential oil.

· Use only natural, high-quality essential oils.

· Follow the dosage of essential oils. Pay attention to doses for children, the elderly and pregnant women.

· Do not use the same essential oil for three weeks in a row (for example, to prevent flu), take a break of 7-14 days.

· Remember: essential oils can enhance the effect of antibiotics and block the effect of homeopathic remedies.

· Do not use essential oils whose smell is unpleasant to you.



How to do aromatic inhalations:

Pour 1-1.5 liters of boiling water into a bowl (pan), cover with a towel and only then add 2-3 drops of essential oil or aromatic mixture. Inhale deeply through your nose and mouth for 5-10 minutes (close your eyes). After hot inhalation, rub your feet with undiluted essential oil, wrap yourself well and go to bed.

Essential oils for inhalation for colds: eucalyptus, mint, tea tree, lavender, cedar, rosemary, lemon, thyme and others.

Simple healing mixtures for inhalation:

· eucalyptus oil + tea tree oil (1:1);

· lavender oil + pine oil (1:1);

· rosemary oil + thyme oil (1:1);

· lavender oil + eucalyptus oil (2:1);

· eucalyptus oil + thyme oil (1:1).

Complex healing mixtures for inhalation:

Healing aroma for colds (1):

· Eucalyptus essential oil - 2 drops.

Healing aroma for colds (2):

Eucalyptus essential oil - 1-2 drops,

Tea tree essential oil - 1-2 drops,

· Sage essential oil - 1-2 drops,

· Peppermint essential oil - 3 drops.

Healing aroma for colds (3):

Lavender essential oil - 2 drops,

Healing aroma for colds (4):

Healing aroma for colds (5):

· Spruce essential oil - 1 drop,

Peppermint essential oil - 1 drop,

Rosemary essential oil - 1 drop,

Thyme essential oil - 1 drop,

· Cypress essential oil - 1 drop.


How to scent a room:

To aromatize rooms, it is better to use aroma lamps. You need to pour some water into the lamp tank and add a few drops of essential oil (2-3 drops per 5 square meters premises). Place a round candle below and light it. Scent the room for half an hour. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Essential oils for aromatization and disinfection of premises: tea tree, pine, fir, cedar, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, sage, lemon, etc.

Healing mixtures for aromatizing rooms for colds:

Cleansing Home Fragrance (1):

Lavender essential oil - 2 drops,

· Eucalyptus essential oil - 1 drop,

Cleansing Home Fragrance (2):

Tea tree essential oil - 2 drops,

Pine essential oil - 2 drops,

Lavender essential oil - 1 drop,

· Peppermint essential oil - 1 drop.

Cleansing Home Fragrance (3):

· Bergamot essential oil - 2 drops,

Sandalwood essential oil - 2 drops,

· Sage essential oil - 1 drop.

Cleansing scent for the office:

· Peppermint essential oil - 2 drops.

Cleaning scent for car:

Lavender essential oil - 2 drops,

Lemon essential oil - 2 drops,

Rose essential oil - 1 drop,

· Peppermint essential oil - 1 drop.


How to take aromatic baths:

Use 5-15 drops of essential oil or a mixture of essential oils per bath. First, the oils must be mixed with a small amount (50-100 g) of any emulsifier (milk, kefir, honey, bubble bath, sea salt). The water temperature in the bathroom should be 37 - 38°C. You need to take a bath for 5-15 minutes. After finishing the procedure, do not rinse or dry yourself, but immediately wrap yourself in a towel. If you have a cold, it is advisable to put on woolen socks after a bath, wrap yourself warmly in a blanket and sweat thoroughly.

Essential oils for baths for colds: juniper, fir, eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender, thyme, pine, spruce, lemon, rosemary, tea tree, sage, cinnamon, mint, incense, cedar, etc.

Healing baths for colds and flu:

Healing bath for colds (1):

Tea tree essential oil - 2 drops,

Thyme essential oil - 2 drops,

Lemon essential oil - 3 drops,

· Clove essential oil - 1 drop.

Healing bath for colds (2):

Tea tree essential oil - 3 drops,

· Spruce or Pine essential oil - 3 drops.

Healing bath for colds (3):

Lavender essential oil - 5 drops,

Chamomile essential oil - 5 drops,

· Eucalyptus essential oil - 8 drops.


How to do an aromatherapy massage:

To prepare a massage mixture, take 3-5 drops of essential oil or a mixture of essential oils per 10 ml of base oil (sunflower, olive, peach, etc.). Before using the massage mixture, you can warm it up slightly. Rub the mixture with slow movements into the chest, back, neck, and thoroughly rub the heels. Wrap the patient up and let him lie down.

Essential oils for massage for colds and coughs: lemon, spruce, pine, cedar, juniper, eucalyptus, rosemary, myrtle, cajuput, cloves, etc.

Mixtures for massage and rubbing for colds and flu:

Massage mixture for colds and coughs (1):

Eucalyptus essential oil - 5 drops,

Pine essential oil - 5 drops,

Thyme essential oil - 5 drops,

Rosemary essential oil - 5 drops,

Lemon essential oil - 5 drops,

· any vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Massage mixture for colds and coughs (2):

Tea tree essential oil - 4 drops,

Eucalyptus essential oil - 3 drops,

· Lavender essential oil - 3 drops.

· any vegetable oil - 1 dessert spoon.

Massage mixture for colds and coughs (3):

Tea tree essential oil - 2 drops,

Eucalyptus essential oil - 2 drops,

Mint essential oil - 5 drops,

· any vegetable oil - 20 ml.


Children under one year old - to treat colds, use oils: lavender, tea tree, chamomile.

Aromatization of premises- 1 drop per 10 square meters of room.

Aromatherapy massage and bath- 1 drop of oil in 1 tablespoon of base oil.

Children from 1 year to 5 years - essential oils of lavender, myrtle, chamomile, tea tree, orange, eucalyptus, tangerine, thyme.

Aromatherapy massage and bath- 2-3 drops of oils per 1 tablespoon of base.

Children from 6 to 12 years old - the same essential oils as for younger children.

Air aromatization- 2 drops of essential oil per 10 square meters. meters of space.

Aromatherapy massage and bath- 5 drops of essential oil per 1 tablespoon of base oil.


Chamomile essential oil - 1 drop,

Tea tree essential oil - 2 drops,

Mandarin essential oil - 2 drops,

· Thyme essential oil - 1 drop.