"Treasure Island" main characters. Treasure Island main characters Treasure Island all characters

One can only sympathize with someone who doesn’t know who wrote “Treasure Island.” Interesting stories about pirates, the sea, ships and travel - everything can be found in this book. On the other hand, one can envy someone who doesn’t know who wrote “Treasure Island.” The reader will discover for the first time a vast world, where there are many secrets and unexplored places. Even after reading this work to pieces in childhood, you can return to it from time to time again and again, discovering something new, previously unnoticed.

A little about the creation of the novel

Whoever wrote Treasure Island conceived this work in the village of Braemore in the Aberdeenshire region. On a rainy day, the author was looking at a map of an imaginary romantic island drawn by his twelve-year-old stepson Lloyd Osborne. Now the reader knows where “Treasure Island” was written: in the mountains of Scotland, in a village that stands on the River Dee.

Now above the door of the house there is a large one that reads: “Here the author spent the summer of 1881 and wrote “Treasure Island,” his first major work.” He decided that the story should be written for boys, so whoever wrote Treasure Island decided not to overload it with psychological subtleties. The writer managed to write 15 chapters in two weeks, and inspiration left him. The writer was completely desperate; he had a contract with the publisher in hand! But after some time, he felt a surge of strength and completed the work with complete ease and pleasure. After that, he began to change places of residence. The author searched in vain for seven years in Britain for a climate suitable for his poor health.

A little about the writer

Of course, we know who wrote the novel “Treasure Island,” but for now we will not name this world-famous name. Maybe someone has read "Kidnapped" or "Catriona", the adventures of David Belfour, to whom the writer gave his mother's surname? This same master of exciting novels is the one who wrote “Treasure Island”. The author of this work is a multifaceted person. He is a poet, essayist, playwright, and creator of famous novels. A Scot by nationality, he was born in 1850 in Edinburgh and turned out to be the only and also sickly offspring of a wealthy family of a marine engineer and lighthouse builder. He studied law, but, like Walter Scott, did not practice law. All his thoughts were attracted to literature. The one who wrote the book “Treasure Island” first visited America, traveled around Britain and finally settled in the Pacific. Here stood his house, which was called Vailima, while the natives gave the owner the name - Storyteller.

He was friends with the local residents, took an active part in their fate and enjoyed sincere reciprocal affection. The author of "Treasure Island" died overnight, before the evening dinner. While uncorking a bottle of wine, he suddenly asked his wife why his face and hands looked so strange, and suddenly collapsed. He was 44 years old when he died. On the day of his death, December 3, 1894, national mourning was declared on the island. The council of chiefs chose the highest and most exposed mountain in Samoa.

He was buried there.

Pirate novel

It was originally called "The Sea Chef, or Treasure Island: A Story for Boys." This work was first published in Young Folks magazine under the pseudonym "Captain George North." The chapters of the novel were not accompanied by illustrations, and the reading public did not notice it. Most likely, the readers did not like the new thing. Negative responses in letters were sent to the editor. But a separate edition, when “Treasure Island” was published, the author of the work signed his name - Robert Louis Stevenson.

This happened in 1883, and the success was undeniable. In 1885, Stevenson's book was finally published with illustrations. And people of different ages read to her. It is known that Prime Minister Gladstone could not tear himself away from the novel and read it until late at night. Since then, this is the first book written by R.L. Stevenson, is included in the golden fund of English and world literature. What, exactly, is this fascinating novel about, in which the author, by the way, did not include a love affair? We will look at this below.

The plot of the novel is the Admiral Benbow inn.

A weather-beaten sailor settled in a quiet tavern on the shore of a small bay.

He was very afraid of the one-legged man, and the main character of the work, Jim Hawkins, the innkeeper's son, gave some money so that the boy would warn him if he saw a man with one leg. But a completely different sailor arrives, after visiting whom the inn guest had a stroke and died. Jim and his mother want to get the money that the old sea wolf owes them. They open his chest and find documents in it, which Jim takes for himself. The owners of the inn have to flee for their lives because “friends” of their guest have appeared. They are looking for documents and, not finding them, destroy the tavern. But the robbers arrive and flee. Meanwhile, Jim goes to see Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney. He shows these respected people the papers of the old pirate, and they contain a detailed map of the island where Flint hid his countless treasures. Livesey and Trelawney decide to send an expedition after them.

On the sea

Squire Trelawney hired the schooner Hispaniola and her crew. He acted so recklessly that everyone in the port soon knew that the ship was going for Flint's treasure. The team, as a selection, with the exception of a few people, consisted of pirates and dark personalities, controlled by the cook, the one-legged John Silver.

This person is unusually smart, cunning, resourceful, charming and extremely enterprising. who became a cabin boy on the Hispaniola, is ready to listen to his stories for hours. By chance at night he overhears a conversation between pirates. They are going to kill everyone and get to the treasured island themselves. Warned by Jim Trelawney, Livesey and the captain reach the island safely and release the crew. Pirates rush in search of treasure.

Whom did Jim meet on the island?

Jim went on the boat with the pirates, hiding. When they find him, he manages to escape and in the depths of the island he meets a white man overgrown with a completely ragged white man. This is Ben Gan. He used to be a pirate and knows the sinister Silver and his bloodthirsty friends well. Ben Gun wants to meet Jim's companions.

Adventures on the Island

Meanwhile the captain, Squire Trelawney, Doctor Livesey and the servants left the ship. While they are sailing to the shore, pirates shoot at them from the ship. The cannonball flies very close, but no one was hurt. And although the skiff is sinking, everyone gets ashore. They find shelter behind a stockade. In this blockhouse, they raise the British from the ship and fire at this shelter, while others who are on land, led by John Silver, demand that those in the fortress surrender. refuses them. Then the pirates begin to attack. They climb the stockade, and some climb over it. Hand-to-hand combat begins. The attack was repulsed, but everyone suffered losses.

Jim's Adventures at Sea

Jim decided to steal the Hispaniola. When he arrived on it, he found two pirates on it who were very drunk. Together with Jim, they put the schooner in a safe place. And they decided to kill Jim, but the teenager, realizing that they were very unreliable companions, remained on his guard.

Captured by pirates

At night, Jim returned to the fort and discovered that he was in the lair of enemies. The pirates want to kill him and Silver too. But the crafty lame man spoke his teeth to them and convinced them not to touch anyone. It turns out that they now have a map of the island in their hands, and they will go after Flint's treasures. Jim was led on a rope to search for treasure. They came to the place where the treasure should be, but found an empty hole. The pirates blamed Silver for everything and wanted, but did not dare, to kill him.


At this time shots rang out, killing many. It was the team of Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney who attacked them. The treasures were safely loaded onto the ship. A one-legged cook was also taken, who was to be handed over to the authorities after returning to England. But the sly man escaped, and our travelers returned safely to their homeland and honestly divided the treasures among themselves.

Such a wonderful book, blown by the salty sea winds and full of adventures on land and sea, was written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Year of writing: 1881

Genre: novel

Main characters: Jim- a boy, the son of a tavern owner Mrs Hawkins, John Silver- cook on a ship, pirate, Ben Gan- resident of treasure island

Stevenson's exciting adventures will not leave the boys indifferent; after reading the summary of the novel "Treasure Island" for the reader's diary, hurry up and read the original!


Jim and Mom work in a tavern. They have a guest, Billy Bones. A pirate came to him, and after a quarrel with him, Bones has a stroke. Before his death, he tells Jim about the island on which Captain Flint's treasures are hidden, and gives the boy a map and the last money for the trip. Jim, together with a doctor known to his mother, hire a ship and set off on a journey. On the ship, Jim finds out that the cook is a pirate, and he tricked his crew onto the ship, and all the sailors are pirates. They reach the island and, after many adventures and dangerous battles, find treasures and return home in triumph.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Jim is a brave boy who sets the example of a caring son, a smart cabin boy, and an intelligent believer in justice and fairness. He is not afraid of pirates and stays his course. You need to believe in yourself and go towards your goals.

"Treasure Island" Stevenson main characters different, both positive and negative, but thanks to them the novel turned out to be so interesting and exciting.

"Treasure Island" heroes

Positive heroes of "Treasure Island"

  1. Jim Hawkins(English) Jim Hawkins) - a young man, the main character, on whose behalf (with the exception of a few chapters on behalf of Dr. Livesey) the story is told. It is his actions that propel the plot of Stevenson's novel. Jim Hawkins actively participates in all events: he made friends with the pirate Billy Bones, he stole the map of Treasure Island from the chest of this pirate, which he gave to Dr. Livesey and the Squire; he discovered a conspiracy on the ship, found Ben Gunn, killed Israel Hands, took the pirate ship to the Northern parking lot and became a bone of contention in the confrontation between John Silver and the remnants of his gang.
  2. Jim Hawkins' mother- owner of the Admiral Benbow tavern.
  3. Dr David Livesey(English) Dr. David Livesey) - a gentleman, a doctor and a judge, a man of amazing courage, ready to fulfill his professional and human duty without hesitation. Once served in the Duke of Cumberland's forces and was wounded at the Battle of Fontenoy (1745).
  4. Squire John Trelawney(English) Squire John Trelawney) - a wealthy landowner who financed the expedition for Flint's treasures. Over six feet (183 cm) tall. Initially aspired to leadership; however, his talkativeness and incompetence caused the majority of the Hispaniola's crew to be made up of the late Flint's thugs. Relinquished command to Captain Smollett when he learned of the impending mutiny. An excellent shooter. He took three faithful servants on the voyage, who showed themselves well in the battle with the robbers.
  5. Captain Alexander Smollett(English) Captain Alexander Smollett) - captain of Hispaniola. A professional sailor who has knowledge not only of navigation, but also of organizing ship life. During the storming of the blockhouse he received two gunshot wounds. Height is over six feet (183 cm). After returning to England he left the naval service.
  6. Tom Redruth(English) Tom Redruth) - an old forester from the squire's retinue; died at the stockade from a pistol shot on the day the schooner arrived at the island.
  7. John Hunter(English) John Hunter) - the Squire's servant, died during the assault on the fort. One of the pirates snatched the musket from his hands and, thrusting it into the loophole, dealt him a terrible blow, which broke the unfortunate man’s ribs. Hunter fell and broke his skull. He died from these wounds in the evening of the same day.
  8. Richard Joyce(English) Richard Joyce) - the squire's servant, died during the storming of the fort - he was shot in the head.
  9. Abraham "Abe" Gray(English) Abraham Gray) - a ship's carpenter's assistant, along with Dick, Alan and Tom (not to be confused with Tom Morgan) was one of those honest sailors whom Silver and his henchmen wanted to win over to their side. Heeding the call of Captain Smollett, he went over to his side, fighting off five angry rioters who cut his face. Subsequently, he justified the trust placed in him by killing the boatswain Job Anderson, who was trying to break into the log house. After returning, he spent the received part of the treasures on his studies and as a result became a navigator and co-owner of a small ship.
  10. Benjamin "Ben" Gunn(English) Ben Gunn) - former pirate, crew member of the Walrus. During his stay on the island, he built a boat, on which Jim Hawkins later managed to swim to the Hispaniola. After Flint's death, he sailed on another pirate ship, but quarreled with the crew and was left on Treasure Island as punishment. During his forced three-year life on the island, he repented of his crimes; found the bulk of Flint's treasures and transferred them to his cave. The English writer R. F. Delderfield wrote the book “The Adventures of Ben Gunn” about his adventures on the island. After his return, he spent his share of the treasure in nineteen days, after which he was hired by the squire to work as a gatekeeper.
  11. Allan And Volume- honest sailors killed by pirates on the first day of the mutiny. Tom was killed by Silver, Allan was killed by the second boatswain Anderson.

Negative heroes of "Treasure Island"

  • John Silver, aka Lanky John, aka Ham- cook on the Hispaniola, then leader of the rebellious pirates. Age - 50 years (according to Silver himself). They said that “in his youth he was a student and, if he wanted, he could talk like he was reading a book.” On the Walrus, Flint served as quartermaster. His left leg was amputated up to the hip, so Silver walked on a wooden prosthesis and with a crutch. Unlike the pitiful fate of most pirates on the shore (which did not spare even Pugh himself), especially the disabled, he saved up money and opened his own inn, the Spyglass, in the port of Bristol. Married to a “colored” woman. On his shoulder he carries a parrot named Captain Flint. At the end of the novel, he not only remained alive, having gone over to the side of the winners in time, but also hid from them in one of the ports, not without the help of Ben Gunn, taking with him as much money as he could carry. Unlike the book, in the domestic film - Treasure Island (film, 1982) - Silver, by an absurd accident, dies from Ben Gunn's shot with a poisoned arrow from a blowpipe. Dennis Jude wrote the novel The Adventures of Long John Silver about Silver's life before the events of Treasure Island.
  • Job Anderson(English) Job Anderson) - a tall, strong, brave and energetic boatswain. After his disappearance, Arrow served as first mate on the schooner. The second most important pirate on the Hispaniola after Silver, he wields a cleaver superbly and shoots a pistol. He fell at the hands of Abraham Gray during the storming of the stockade. In the domestic film, due to his own negligence, he exploded on a bomb from a keg of gunpowder set by George Merry.
  • Israel Hands(English) Israel Hands) - a boatswain's mate (boatswain's mate or second boatswain), after the death of navigator Arrow and the promotion of Job Anderson, he began to act as a boatswain, together with Silver, Anderson, Merry and the ship's carpenter, he formed the core of the conspirators who planned to mutiny on the Hispaniola and take possession of the map. Left by Silver to guard Hispaniola. Killed by Jim aboard the Hispaniola. Flint was a gunner on the Walrus.
  • Hispaniola carpenter(first and last name unknown) - a strong and dangerous pirate. He was killed in his sleep by Ben Gunn. In the Soviet film his name was Jack.
  • George Merry(English) George Merry) - 35 years old, a lanky pirate who caught a malignant fever on the island, which explains his sickly appearance. After the deaths of Anderson, Hands and the carpenter, he became the informal leader of a gang of pirates and an instigator against Silver, for which he was subsequently shot by John Silver.
  • Tom Morgan(English) Tom Morgan) - the oldest robber from a gang of pirates, was left by Smollet and company to atone for their sins on Treasure Island. Young sailors Dick and Red Fowler remained with him.
  • O'Brien(English) O'Brien) - a pirate, a bald Irishman who wore a red sleeping cap on his head. He took part in the assault on the fort; after the pirates retreated, he was the last to climb over the stockade; the defenders of the fort did not fire at him. He was stabbed to death on board the Hispaniola by Israel Hands in a drunken brawl, having previously wounded him. In Dennis Jude's story "The Adventures of Long John Silver" he is named Michael.
  • Harry- a regular at the Spyglass tavern. The same pirate whom (along with Long-Legged Ben) John Silver sent to catch up with the Black Dog. Subsequently he died during the storming of the stockade (presumably). In the domestic film, Harry is a deaf-mute pirate carrying a light cannon on his back, who personally knew Flint and was left on the island after the end of the story.
  • Long Legs Ben- a regular at John Silver's Spyglass tavern. Probably one of the six pirates left behind by Silver on the Hispaniola. Was shot by Squire Trelawney at the cannon (allegedly). R. F. Delderfield's book mentions that a pirate named Dick was mortally wounded at the cannon.
  • John Fowler(Jim Fowler, Red Fowler) - one of the three surviving pirates left on the island. It does not have a name in the original author’s text; it received a name only in L. Delderfield’s story “The Adventures of Ben Gunn”. It states that Fowler was not a pirate and a member of the crew of the Walrus, but joined John Silver after the Hispaniola left England. In the domestic film, Harry was left on the island instead.
  • Dark- one of those robbers who, together with Pugh and the Black Dog, destroyed the Admiral Benbow tavern. As the blind man put it, Pugh had always been a fool and a coward; was probably killed during the attack on the log house. In Dennis Jude's story "The Adventures of Long John Silver", his surname is Campbell.
  • Johnny- one of those robbers who, together with Pugh and the Black Dog, destroyed the Admiral Benbow tavern. He loved to hum the song “Lillibulero”.
  • Three nameless pirates- former members of old Flint's gang.
  • Dick Johnson- young sailor; Initially, Dick was not a pirate, like the sailors from the crew of the Walrus. He joined the conspirators under the influence of Silver's eloquence.
  • Captain Flint(English) Captain Flint) - legendary pirate captain, comrade-in-arms of Pugh. On his old Walrus, Billy Bones acted as navigator, John Silver as quartermaster, Israel Hands as gunner, and Job Anderson as boatswain. In the book it is only mentioned in conversations, since the novel takes place after his death.
  • Billy Bones(English) Billy Bones) - pirate, former first mate of old Flint. After the death of his captain, he became his heir and fled to England along with the map of Treasure Island.
  • Drink (Blind Pew, English Blind Pew) is a blind pirate leader who is known to have lost his sight in the same battle in which John Silver lost his leg. Along with Flint, John Silver and Billy Bones, he formed the four most ferocious and dangerous villains in Stevenson's novel. He died under the hooves of a horse after a pogrom at the Admiral Benbow tavern. His influence on other pirates is enormous. Even as a blind man, he terrifies Billy Bones, and the cunning John Silver repeats his name with respect. It was he (not John Silver or Job Anderson) who led the ill-fated attack on the Admiral Benbow Inn). It is not entirely clear what place he previously occupied in the hierarchy of the ship’s crew of the old “Walrus”. As is repeated many times in the novel, on Flint's ship the navigator was Billy Bones, and the boarding crew commander (quarter deck master) was John Silver (the term quarter deck master should not be confused with the more widely known term quartermaster - the head of supplies/food). Most likely, this is precisely what explains why Flint was “afraid” of Silver - as the field commander of his “special forces” - and not at all of his “supply”.
  • Black Dog(English) Black Dog) - one of the most dangerous pirates from old Pugh's crew, he was missing two fingers on his left hand. Ironically, he could not participate in the Hispaniola expedition for the treasures of old Flint, since as a pirate and treasure hunter he was known to the Hispaniola cabin boy Jim Hawkins.
  • Nick Allardyce- a lanky pirate with red hair, along with five other pirates, was taken by Flint to the island to bury treasure and was killed there. He took the pirate Tom Morgan's knife with him to the island and remained indebted to him. Allardyce's fate was unenviable: Captain Flint made a compass from his body, which indicated where the treasures lay.
  • Darby McGraw- a pirate, and probably Captain Flint's bodyguard. Mentioned by Ben Gunn when he portrayed the dying Flint.
  • Navigator Arrow(English) Arrow) - Captain Smollett's first mate. Apparently, he was hired by the squire independently, as he did not enjoy the respect and authority of the team. Turned out to be an alcoholic; John Silver supported him with alcohol from his hiding place. Disappeared from the Hispaniola under unclear circumstances.

The summary of Stevenson's "Treasure Island" is probably familiar to every person. And it was not at all necessary to read this wonderful work. Both a film and a cartoon were made based on this book. Although those who read it from cover to cover did not lose anything, rather, on the contrary, they received great pleasure from this fascinating activity. After all, reading only a summary of Stevenson’s “Treasure Island”, it is impossible to feel the spirit of romance and adventure, to enjoy the beautiful style that the writer mastered perfectly.

A few words about the author

Before conveying a brief summary of the book “Treasure Island” (Stevenson worked on it for several years), I would like to say a few words about the author. He was born in Edinburgh on November 13, 1850. The family was quite wealthy, so the boy received a good education. Biographers claim that at the age of three the future writer became very ill, which forced him to spend a lot of time in bed. It was probably then that he began to come up with his first stories in order to somehow amuse himself. But the first book saw the world only in 1866.

It is impossible to say with certainty that Stevenson’s first works as a writer brought him fame. But the main thing is that the young man did not stop halfway. He travels a lot around his native country and the world, simultaneously publishing his works and arranging his personal life.

Having married Fanny Osborne in May 1880, he adopted her two children as his own. In the future, daughter Fanny took dictation of her stepfather's works, and her son Lloyd became a co-author of many of Robert's works.

History of Treasure Island

Of course, we will tell you a summary of “Treasure Island”. Stevenson had long wanted to write a real novel, but not a single attempt to start the work was crowned with success. Perhaps the right moment has not yet arrived. But then one day, while painting with his stepson, Robert began to draw himself. This is how a map of the island appeared, which he would later describe in the book. The writer began work on it in September 1881. Relatives were the first listeners of the novel and became its co-authors. So, the father recommended introducing a barrel of apples and Billy Bones' chest into it.

The first publication was published in the children's magazine Young Folks, but the public did not like it. But the book, published under the author’s real name, was received favorably. Already in 1886 it was translated into many languages, including Russian. As a result, R. L. Stevenson became a classic of fiction. “Treasure Island,” a brief summary of which we will consider below, is recognized as the best example of an adventure novel. And now it is studied in school curriculums all over the world.


Without a doubt, the best novel Robert Louis Stevenson wrote is Treasure Island. We will now consider a brief summary of it.

The book takes place in the eighteenth century. The work begins with a story about the Admiral Benbow tavern, where young Jim Hawkins lives and works. A mysterious stranger, Billy Bones, has arrived at the establishment and is hiding from a sailor with a wooden leg. But he finds him. and a fight ensues. After the massacre, the wounded Black Dog runs away, and Billy Bones feels terrible. His fears are confirmed: the messenger of the sea robbers brings a black mark. Billy soon dies of a heart attack.

After the death of the guest, Jim and his mother become the owners of a strange package. Forced to flee from pirates, they go into hiding. The young man shows the package to Squire Trelawney and Doctor Livesey, who find in it a map to the island with Captain Flint's hidden treasure. They equip the ship, take Jim as a cabin boy and go on a search. The adventure begins!

The journey continues

We continue to look at the summary of “Treasure Island”. Stevenson, I must admit, did a great job! We cannot convey the intrigue that captures the reader from the first lines. But still he learns that the ship is sailing in search of treasure. For some reason, Captain Smollett does not like the team, most of whose members were recommended by John Silver, the one-legged cook.

When the ship was already approaching the treasured island, Jim accidentally overheard a conversation between one-legged John and the sailors. It turns out that these are pirates who are also hunting for treasure. They plan to take away the treasure, seize the ship, and kill all unnecessary people. Warned of danger, our heroes can adequately prepare for it.

On the island

Robert Stevenson came up with a very interesting story! “Treasure Island,” the summary of which we continue to retell, does not let the reader go until the last page. Having given Silver the opportunity to suppress the rebellion, Smollett invites the sailors to rest on the island and then return to the ship to continue the journey; Jim, finding himself on the shore with everyone else, runs away. On the island, he accidentally finds Ben Gunn, a former comrade of the pirates, whom they abandoned three years ago. He is ready to help an honest company in exchange for them taking him to the mainland.

The gentlemen leave the ship, taking everything they need. Jim joins his comrades and tells them about Ben. Meanwhile, the pirates go on the attack. Jim captures an empty ship, takes it to safety, but finds himself trapped and does not know where his friends have gone. Suddenly, John Silver, who managed to get the map, stands up for the cabin boy. But instead of treasure, the corsairs find an empty pit. Friends fight off Jim and capture Silver, who was unable to escape like his comrades during the shootout. It turns out that Ben Gunn dug up the treasure long ago and moved it to his home.

Having loaded Flint's gold onto the ship, the treasure hunters go home, leaving the pirates on the island. Taking advantage of the moment, one-legged John runs away, taking part of the treasure with him. All other participants in the expeditions received their share and returned safely home to England.

What is this book about?

This is an interesting novel that Stevenson gave the world. “Treasure Island,” a very brief summary of which we have outlined, is a very unusual work. I would like to note that the writer made a revolution by writing a book in a genre that was previously unknown. Society did not accept him at first, but then truly appreciated him and fell in love. Who among us has not raved about exciting adventures, secrets, and the romance of the sea and uninhabited islands? And all this against the backdrop of a dangerous enemy - pirates, hungry for easy money and stopping at nothing. However, justice has triumphed, good triumphs over evil. The heroes of the novel with Dr. Livesey, Squire Trelawney, Captain Smollett, Jim Hawkins appear to be very brave, courageous and respectable people. Their enemies are pirates, they are cruel and desperate scoundrels, but cowards who can leave their comrades in trouble.

Why is it worth reading the work?

The summary of the literary masterpiece that we have retold is, of course, suitable for a reader’s diary. But it does not convey the beauty of speech, the lightness of style, the wit of phrases. We missed many important points and quotes that simply did not fit into the limited scope of our article. But you can fix everything. To do this, you just need to pick up this wonderful book.

Instead of an afterword

The book by a classic of world literature will be of interest to both adults and children. After all, the spirit of adventure has no age. And if we remember that the novel ends with a happy ending, then we can safely say that Stevenson’s work promotes positive thinking, teaches one to believe in the best, and liberates one’s imagination. And for this reason alone, Treasure Island is worth reading or re-reading.

The world first learned about the existence of John Silver (aka Long John, aka Ham) from the children's magazine "Young Folks", in which, in parts from 1881 to 1882, the aspiring writer Robert Louis Stevenson (aka Robert Louis Stevenson) laid out the history of Treasure Island. Robert Lewis Balfour Stevenson)

In 1883, a separate book was published and, in fact, this year is considered the year of writing. The novel became popular and was instantly circulated for quotes.

I don’t see any point in retelling the plot, since everyone has read it. And whoever hasn’t read it, run to do it...

I'll say a few words about the sequels

In 1973, the story Ronald Frederick Delderfield was published / Ronald Frederick Delderfield The Adventures of Ben Gunn, describing Ben Gan's life before and after the events of the novel.
We almost immediately began to publish it in parts in the magazine “Around the World”.

In 1977, a good sequel was released, written by Denis Judd / Dennis Judd The Adventures of Lanky John Silver

A complete description of the life of John Silver, in which the episode on the island occupies only a small chapter, is described by Björn Larsson in the novel Long John Silver: A true and exciting story about my free life as a gentleman of fortune and an enemy of humanity

The old pirate John Silver, already on his deathbed, recalls his bloody past and the treasures of Flint himself, buried on Skeleton Island.

In 2001, Irish writer Frank Delaney (under the pseudonym Francis Bryan) wrote a sequel novel Jim Hawkins and the Curse of Treasure Island

Francis Bryan wrote the best continuation of “Treasure Island” - with the same characters, only a little matured and aged, with the preservation of plot lines, with pirates, fights and chases, and most importantly, with the preservation of the location of the action - the main events of the novel take place in the same " Treasure Island." Moreover, the novel was written exactly as Stevenson himself would have written it. He probably would have read it with great pleasure. In any case, the book will give this pleasure to all modern readers.

In 2009, Evgeny Nikanorov released a good sequel called The Mystery of Treasure Island

In 2010, Edward Chupak John Silver: Return to Treasure Island

The backstory of your favorite characters - and their new adventures. The truth about who and when buried “Captain Flint’s piastres” on Treasure Island, the path to which is indicated on Billy Bones’ map. Delicious pirate flavor, a sharp plot and an unforgettable main character - One-Legged John Silver, the most famous and charming image of the “gentleman of fortune” in world literature!

From 2010 to 2013, a wonderful graphic novel was published in 4 parts about the further adventures of John Silver, which takes place 20 years after the main events. Screenwriter: Xavier Dorison. Artist: Mathieu Laufray

In 2013, Russian writer Viutor Tochinov released an “investigative novel” Island without treasure", in which he proves that the apparent plot inconsistencies of the novel turn out to be subtly thought-out plot devices, behind which the true face of the characters is hidden. In particular, Jim Hawkins' parents were engaged in smuggling, the income from which was received by Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesey was a spy for the Jacobites, the pirates on the Hispaniola were not plotting a mutiny at all, etc.

Now we raise the sails and sail towards the cinema.
(The team is distributed as follows: Jim Hawkins, John Silver, David Livesey, John Trelawney, Alexander Smollett.)

Cunning Americans were the first to understand the commercial benefits and made their debut in 1912.

Treasure Island
USA, 1912.
Director: J. Searle Dawley
Cast: Addison Rothermel, Ben F. Wilson, Richard Neill (Ben Gunn).

Ben F. Wilson

Treasure Island
USA, 1918.
Director: Chester M. Franklin, Sidney Franklin
Cast: Francis Carpenter, Violet Radcliffe, Virginia Lee Corbin, Buddy Messinger, Lewis Sargent (Ben Gunn)
First reimagining of the novel: the roles of Silver and Trelawney are played by girls. Violet Radcliffe, who plays Silver, is only 10 years old.

Several similar films were made, to illustrate a couple of frames from "Aladdin":

Treasure Island
USA, 1920.
Director: Maurice Tourneur
Cast: Shirley Mason, Charles Ogle, Charles Hill Mailes, Sydney Deane, Harry Holden, Lon Chaney (Blind Pew / Merry).
Actress Shirley Mason as the boy Jim. And the brilliant thousand-faced Lon Chaney.

Shirley Mason

Treasure Island
USA, 1934.
Director: Victor Fleming
Cast: Jackie Cooper, Wallace Beery, Otto Kruger, Nigel Bruce, Lewis Stone.
The film ends on a very positive note. Silver isn't that bad.

Now a little reason for patriotism: the second country to film the novel was the USSR.
Treasure Island
USSR, 1938.
Director: Vladimir Vainshtok
Cast: Klavdiya Pugacheva, honored art. rep. Osip Abdulov, Honored Art.Republic-Order Bearer V. Ershov, People's Art of the USSR-Order Bearer Mikhail Klimov, Alexander Bykov, Honored. art. rep. Nikolai Cherkasov (Billy Bones)
Music: Nikita Bogoslovsky, lyrics: poet-order bearer V. Lebedev-Kumach.
"Beat the drum, the marching alarm. Time is running out. Comrades, hit the road!"
About the world revolution. Pirates while away their leisure time by singing and dancing. Jim is a girl who nurses wounded rebels in the attic and then dresses up as a boy. Sings sad patriotic songs. Trelawney is a traitor and a scoundrel. Treasures are needed for the victory of the revolution. “Thank you, Jenny,” the rebel commander says in the finale, “it was not in vain that you dressed up as a boy... You proved that young patriots know how to fulfill their duty to the Motherland.”
"Whoever is not with us is both a coward and an enemy."

By the middle of the century, the British decided to film the novel of their compatriot.

Treasure Island
Great Britain, 1950.
Director: Byron Haskin
Cast: Bobby Driscoll, Robert Newton, Denis O'Dea, Walter Fitzgerald, Basil Sydney
The first color film about the OS.
The film ends the same way the trilogy with Jack Sparrow ended later: Silver sails away on a small boat under sail.

The first series have arrived.
Treasure Island
Great Britain, 1951.
Cast: John Quayle, Bernard Miles, Valentine Dyall, Raymond Rollett, Derek Birch
Season 1, 8 episodes.

Bernard Miles

TV show "Studio One" (10 seasons, 1948-1958)
Treasure Island
USA, 1952.
Director: Franklin J. Schaffner
Cast: Peter Avarmo, Francis L. Sullivan

In 1954, a sequel to the 1950 film was filmed. " Return to Treasure Island". Has nothing to do with the novel other than the characters. Silver is again played by Robert Newton. Directed by Ewald André Dupont.
Outraged by the fact that his subject and actor were being exploited without him, Byron Haskin (director of the 1950 version) made the film " Long John Silver"all with the same Robert Newton.

Australia picked up Jolly Roger and Robert Newton to film
The Adventures of Long John Silver
Australia, 1955.
TV series, season 1, 26 episodes.

Inspired by example and opportunities, Europe began to think... And let's create series and films for TV.

Belgium, 1957.
Director: Piet van de Slype, G. Dyckhoff-Ceunen
Cast: Alex Wilequet, Dries Wieme

Treasure Island
Great Britain, 1957.
Director: Joy Harington
Cast: Richard Palmer, Bernard Miles, Valentine Dyall, Raymond Rollett, Derek Birch
TV movie. Remake of 1951. They replaced Jim, the rest of the actors are the same.

Expanding the topic, the British are filming
The Adventures of Ben Gunn
Great Britain, 1958.
Cast: John H. Watson, Peter Wyngarde, John Moffatt (Ben Gunn), Meadows White (old Ben Gunn)
TV series, season 1, 6 episodes.

The Italians are not far behind.
L"isola del tesoro
Italy, 1959.
Director: Anton Giulio Majano
Cast: Alvaro Piccardi, Ivo Garrani, Roldano Lupi, Leonardo Cortese, Arnoldo Foà
TV movie.

"The DuPont Show of the Month" (4 seasons, 34 episodes) airs
Treasure Island
USA, 1960.
Director: Daniel Petrie
Cast: Richard O"Sullivan, Hugh Griffith, Michael Gough, Douglas Campbell, Barry Morse, Boris Karloff (Billy Bones).

"Shirley Temple's Storybook" (2 seasons, 41 episodes)
The Return of Long John Silver
USA, 1961.
As Silver: James Westerfield

Die Schatzinsel / L'île au trésor
West Germany-France, 1966.
Director: Wolfgang Liebeneiner
Cast: Michael Ande, Ivor Dean, Georges Riquier, Jacques Dacqmine, Jacques Monod
TV series, season 1, 4 episodes.

Treasure Island
Great Britain, 1968.
Director: Peter Hammond
Cast: Michael Newport, Peter Vaughan
A series was planned. It hit the screens in 1980.

Carry on Again Christmas
Great Britain, 1970.
Director: Alan Tarrant
Cast: Barbara Windsor, Sid James, Kenneth Connor, Terry Scott
TV movie. Based on the. There are girls on the island. It's not a boy who plays Jim again.

Carnival of series and TV shows is temporarily interrupted
Treasure Island
USSR, 1971.
Director: Evgeniy Fridman
Cast: Aare Laanemets, Boris Andreev, Laimonas Noreika, Algimantas Masiulis, Juzas Urmanavichus, Vladimir Grammatikov (Joyce).
Music: Alexey Rybnikov, lyrics: Yu. Mikhailov (Yuliy Kim).
Brilliant cast. Heartbreaking music of pirate adventures.
Very close to Stevenson's text.
Good movie.

First cartoon.
Treasure Island
Australia, 1971.
Director: Zoran Janjic

Another film with a good actor.
Treasure Island
France-Italy-Spain-England-Germany, 1972.
Director: John Hough
Cast: Kim Burfield, Orson Welles, Angel del Pozo, Walter Slezak, Rik Battaglia.

The second island animators were Americans.
Treasure Island
USA, 1973.
Director: Hal Sutherland
Voices: Davy Jones, Richard Dawson
Pay attention to the first and last name of the actor who voiced Jim. It was the same name as the main villain in Pirates of the Caribbean, played by Bill Nighy.

Mysterious film from Romanian filmmakers
Insula comorilor
Romania, 1975.
Director: Gilles Grangier, Sergiu Nicolaescu

Treasure Island
Great Britain, 1977.
Cast: Ashley Knight, Alfred Burke, Anthony Bate, Thorley Walters, Richard Beale
Mini-series, 4 episodes.

The third film created in the USSR.
Treasure Island
USSR, 1982.
Director: Vladimir Vorobyov
Cast: Fyodor Stukov, Oleg Borisov, Victor Kostetsky, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Konstantin Grigoriev, Leonid Markov (Billy Bones), Olga Volkova (Mrs. Hawkins), Valery Zolotukhin (Ben Gunn), Nikolai Karachentsev (Black Dog), Yuri Solomin (voice from the author).
Filmed for TV, 4 episodes.
The star cast and excellent acting made this film a hit for a couple of decades among fans of the genre.

Planetata on Treasures
Bulgaria, 1982
Director: Rumen Petkov
The first attempt to transfer the plot from a desert island to another planet.

Treasure Island
Great Britain, 1982.
Director: Judith de Paul
Cast: Piers Eady, Bernard Miles, David Kernan, Harold Innocent, Christopher Cazenove.
TV movie.

Treasure Island
France-England-USA, 1985
Director: Raoul Ruiz
Cast: Melvil Poupaud, Vic Tayback, Lou Castel, Martin Landau (old captain), Tony Jessen (Ben Gunn)

Our cartoon
Treasure Island, Two episodes: Captain Flint's Map And Captain Flint's Treasures
USSR, 1986.
Director: David Cherkassky
Voices: Valery Bessarab, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Evgeny Paperny, Boris Voznyuk, Viktor Andrienko, Yuri Yakovlev (Ben Gunn)
Music, songs, intrigue and dancing.
Zongs about smoking and other things are brilliant.
I would like to voice all the pirates using Dzhigarkhanyan’s voice.

Return to Treasure Island
Great Britain, 1986.
Director: Alan Clayton
Cast: Christopher Guard, Brian Blessed, Peter Copley, Bruce Purchase, Richard Beale
TV series (1 season, 10 episodes) "based on".

Second Australian cartoon.
Treasure Island
Australia, 1987.
Silver's Voice: Ross Higgins

Another cartoon.
The Adventures of Ronald McDonald: McTreasure Island
USA, 1989.
Voices: Susan Blu, Tim Blaney

If Anthony Quinn hadn't played John Silver, the world wouldn't be what it is today.
L"isola del tesoro
Italy-Germany, 1987.
Director: Antonio Margheriti
Cast: Itaco Nardulli, Anthony Quinn, David Warbeck, Philippe Leroy, Klaus Löwitsch
Sci-Fi mini series.
Star Wars and Pirates.

Right after the end of the 80s, a landmark film was released. With great actors.
Treasure Island
UK-USA, 1990.
Director: Fraser Clarke Heston
Cast: Christian Bale, Charlton Heston, Julian Glover, Richard Johnson, Clive Wood, Oliver Reed (Billy Bones), Christopher Lee (Blind Pew).
And again we see that Pirates of the Caribbean made full use of its predecessors.
This is Christian Bale's fifth film.
Heston, Reed and Lee became pirates immediately after the film Return of the Musketeers (1989).

England continues to produce TV series.
The Legends of Treasure Island
Great Britain, 1993.
Cast: John Hasler/Dawn French, Richard E. Grant, Robert Powell, Hugh Laurie, Chris Barrie.
2 seasons, 26 episodes.

Japan joins with cute Silver.
Japan, 1978-1994.
Director: Osamu Dezaki, Hideo Takayashiki
Voices: Marek Harloff, Michael Grimm/Genzô Wakayama, Harald Pages, Gerd Marcel, Klaus Dittmann

England decided to surprise
Treasure Island
Great Britain, 1995.
Director: Ken Russell
Cast: Gregory Hall, Hetty Baynes (Jane Silver), Bob Goody (Livesey), Michael Elphick (Billy Bones), Charles Augins (Blind Pew).
The director husband came up with a project for his wife.

Hetty Baynes & Ken Russell

In 1994, " Treasure Island: The Adventure Begins". Same year in the same country in the film" The Pagemaster"Silver, performed by Jim Cummings, runs through the episode. We also run past" An Awfully Big Adventure" (1995), in which Silvera is played by Peter O" Farrell and by " Return to Treasure Island" 1996 (Stig Eldred), but let's stop visiting the Muppets.

Muppet Treasure Island
USA, 1996.
Director: Brian Henson
Cast: Kevin Bishop, Tim Curry, Kermit
3 nominations in various awards: Saturn Award, Golden Satellite Award, Young Artist Award.
Kermit plays Captain Livesey.
The crustacean on Silver's shoulder has a hook instead of one claw.

And again cartoons.
Treasure Island
USA, 1996.
Director: Diane Eskenazi

Treasure Island
Great Britain, 1997.
Director: Dino Athanassiou
Voices: Dawn French, Richard E. Grant, Robert Powell, Hugh Laurie, Chris Barrie
Dawn French previously played Jim in the 1993 series.
Hugh Laurie voices Trelawney.

Treasure Island
England-Canada, 1999.
Director: Peter Rowe
Cast: Kevin Zegers, Jack Palance, David Robb, Christopher Benjamin, Malcolm Stoddard
Some spoilers: Trelawney, Livesey and Smollett deceive Jim and decide to take his share of the treasure. But good Jim joins (along with Ben Gunn) the pirates and takes thorough revenge, killing Trelawney, Livesey and Smollett.

The 90s ended so sadly.

The new century began with the series " Search for Treasure Island"(2000, 2 seasons, 14 episodes), which is completely "based on". In the role of Silver - Chris Baz, Jim - Julian Dibley-Hall.
Then there was a beautiful cartoon
Treasure Planet
USA, 2002.
Director: Ron Clements, John Musker
Voices: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Brian Murray

Treasure Island
USA, 2002.
Director: Will Meugniot

Pirates of Treasure Island
USA, 2006.
Director: Leigh Scott
Cast: Tom Nagel, Lance Henriksen, Jeff Denton, Dean N. Arevalo, James Ferris

Die Schatzinsel
Germany, 2007.
Director: Hansjörg Thurn
Cast: François Goeske, Tobias Moretti, Aleksandar Jovanovic, Christian Tramitz, Jürgen Schornagel
TV movie.

L"île au(x) trésor(s)
France-England-Hungary, 2007.
Director: Alain Berberian
Cast: Vincent Rottiers, Gérard Jugnot, Jean-Paul Rouve, Alice Taglioni, Michael Culkin
The idea is freely copied from Stevenson.
Now there will be only spoilers. The film begins with John Silver, who was wounded in the arm, sawed off his healthy leg by the absolutely drunk Dr. Livesey. Jim Hawkins serves as a guard at the prison where the old pirate is being held. The night before his execution, the pirate draws a map of Treasure Island on the floor of his cell and, before he can hand it over to Silver, disguised as a monk, he reveals the secret to Jim, forcing the latter to remember the drawing. Jim and Silver, in order to hire a ship, are forced to reveal a secret to the aristocrat Evangelina Trelone, who suffers from a split personality (the second personality is a nymphomaniac killer). Jim completely forgets the map from a blow to the head. By the will of fate, the inebriated Doctor Livesey also ends up on the ship. The island is inhabited, several Spaniards live on it and the wild Ben Gunn, who dreams of a piece of fried meat. There are still all sorts of adventures, corpses in heaps, Jim alone gets off the island and, subsequently, becomes known as Blackbeard.
I like this film.

And we complete our review with two more series
Treasure Island
Great Britain, Ireland, 2012
Director: Steve Barron
Cast: Toby Regbo, Eddie Izzard, Daniel Mays, Rupert Penry-Jones, Philip Glenister

Black Sails
USA, 2014
A prequel series focusing on the early lives of Flint, Silver and Ben Gun.
Cast: Toby Stephens (Flint), Hannah New (Eleanor), Luke Arnold (Silver), etc.

We lower the sails, drop anchor and go to the Admiral Banbow or Spyglass tavern (as you like) to drink rum, look at the pirates and listen to the cry of a parrot with the strange name Captain Flint: “Piastres! Piasters!”
Well, or sing"