How to treat fungus in the groin in women (medicines and folk remedies). Inguinal fungus (athlete's foot) in men and women: causes, signs, diagnosis, how to treat Inguinal fungus causes

The best environment for the growth of a fungal colony is warmth and high humidity. The perineal area satisfies these conditions to the greatest extent. In addition, the situation is aggravated by the higher acidity of the skin in this area if hygiene rules are not carefully followed.

Several different fungi can cause mycosis.

It is important to establish what exactly is the cause, since with fairly similar symptoms, treatment should be completely different:

  • Athlete's foot - appears when the epidermal layer of the skin is infected by a fungus. Causes 40% of all cases of the disease. Its causative agent is the fungus epidermophyton floccosum. It grows and develops only on the human body. The fungus is transmitted through household contact, that is, through common objects, as well as through a handshake or other touches. Despite the fact that the pathogen is quite resistant to action external factors, like temperature, it begins to multiply only in a suitable environment and in cases where the patient’s immunity is weakened.
  • Rubromycosis – is formed due to high activity of red trichophyton. Observed in 20%. Symptoms mainly appear in large folds. However, in general, the signs are so similar that the only way to make diagnoses is a special analysis.
  • Erythrasma - caused by Corynebacterium minutissimum. The disease is rarely accompanied by discomfort, unless, of course, you count the very appearance of dark red spots. Treatment is external only, which greatly facilitates healing.

Fungus in groin area if left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body - buttocks, thighs, abdomen. In advanced cases, it leads to the appearance of pustules. In this case, not only does the appearance of the body deteriorate, but there is also a real danger of secondary infections.

Inguinal mycosis of the skin is the third most common form of fungal infection after ringworm and foot lesions. Men suffer from the disease 3 times more often than women. The disease is more common in hot and humid climates, since in such conditions the fungus exists for a long time and is more easily transmitted from person to person.

Photo of mycosis of the groin area

Causes of inguinal mycosis

The development of pathogenic microflora is determined by the appropriate environment - high humidity, acid reaction, sufficient temperature. In this sense, the groin area in men is the most vulnerable area. Firstly, the temperature in this area is always higher than in other areas. Secondly, humidity is naturally also higher, since mucous tissues contain much more moisture. Thirdly, microscopic residues of urine, mucus secreted by the genitals, have a pH in the range of 5 to 7.

The latter is one of the factors that ensure such a prevalence of the disease in men. The fact is that both sweat and droplets of urine are better retained in those areas where hair grows abundantly. Women always have less hair in the groin area; in addition, many people prefer to remove part of the hair, or even all the hair in this area. Men resort to such procedures much less often.

Such conditions exist constantly, but the fungus begins to multiply under the influence of additional factors that temporarily reduce the body’s defenses.

These factors include:

  • obesity - this disrupts normal metabolism, which leads to acidification of urine. In addition, sweating noticeably increases, which turns the groin area into the best environment for the proliferation of fungi and bacteria;
  • diabetes mellitus and other diseases leading to metabolic disorders - in all such cases, the composition of both blood and urine changes, and the immune system becomes noticeably weaker;
  • Patients already suffering from mycosis of the feet are at risk. The main danger here is the ease of re-infection;
  • hyperhidrosis – increased sweating creates a favorable environment for fungus literally on any part of the body, not to mention large folds;
  • simple failure to comply with hygiene rules - insufficiently frequent ablutions, failure to use soap, the habit of wearing damp underwear, and so on;
  • Living in a humid and hot climate significantly increases the risk of fungal infection;
  • stress – strong experiences reduce immunity. In this case, any pathogenic microflora is activated, including fungus;
  • Too frequent visits to baths and swimming pools can also cause mycosis. In the first case, the combination of high humidity and heat creates a favorable environment for fungus; in the second, this role is played by chlorinated water with high acidity.

How to recognize

Mycosis of the groin area is quite specific. The problem is usually “identifying” the true pathogen.

The fact is that the symptoms for any form of mycosis are very similar:

  • First of all, raised spots with clearly defined boundaries appear on the skin. Color – from pale pink to burgundy brown;
  • spots tend to merge. At the same time, they form large conglomerates, covering not only the groin area, but also inner side thighs and buttocks. The combination of spots forms a clearly visible pattern, which is characteristic feature namely mycosis;
  • As a rule, rashes appear at the borders of the spots in the form of pustules, erosion, and vesicles. When opened, they severely irritate the skin and cause painful itching;
  • If left untreated, the spots progress to the stage of weeping formations. In this case, scabs, scars, and ulcerations appear;
  • in advanced cases, pustules appear instead of rashes. At this stage, mycosis can easily be confused with eczema.

The video shows what mycosis of the inguinal folds looks like:

In certain cases, mycosis can go away on its own: for example, when some provoking factor disappears and the immune system returns to normal. Much more often, the disease becomes chronic with relapses in the summer.

The disease develops gradually. The severity of symptoms depends on the stage.

There are 4 stages of mycosis of the inguinal folds:

  • initial stage - the proliferation of the fungus leads to the formation of pink, relatively pale spots. Itching is quite often not observed;
  • in the second stage - acute, the spots become wet, the center becomes lighter, the spot turns into a ring with scalloped edges. Itching and burning are very noticeable and painful;
  • on chronic stage the spots either lighten, almost disappearing, or become inflamed again. The frequency depends on the action of provoking factors;
  • the advanced stage is characterized by complications - the appearance of blisters, pustules, and secondary infections. The latter can lead to tissue necrosis.

Very rarely, usually with acute form mycosis, the temperature may rise, but this sign cannot be considered typical.


Diagnosis of mycosis comes down to determining the true pathogen and separating the disease from dermatitis or eczema.

For example, the best way to solve this issue is to sow a fungus:

  • To do this, in the laboratory they scrape the skin on the damaged areas, and then special conditions grow the resulting crop. The sample is examined under a microscope and the exact fungus that caused the disease is determined.
  • Alternatively, you can use a Voodoo lamp. When irradiated, different pathogenic microorganisms produce different luminescence. For example, the pathogens of erythrasma cause a coral-red glow.

General blood or urine tests may be needed to assess the patient's general well-being.

How to get rid

Treatment requires local therapy. It is extremely rare in such cases that systemic drugs are prescribed - only when the disease is combined with other forms of mycosis.

Stage-by-stage treatment:

  1. At the acute stage of the disease, lotions and wet-dry dressings are prescribed. Use 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate, 2% solution boric acid, 2% resorcinol solution, as well as Castellani paint and fucorcinol solution. The listed drugs have a strong antimycotic effect and, in addition, relieve inflammation.

Solutions of such substances have a drying effect and also shift the acidity of the skin to the alkaline side, thereby creating an unfavorable environment for fungal growth. Treatment lasts 1 to 3 days until it disappears acute inflammation.

In some cases it is prescribed combination drugs with glucocorticosteroids. However, the use of the latter should be determined by necessity.

  1. After 3-4 days, they switch to iodine-ointment therapy. It is based on antifungal ointments and creams - batrafen, clotrimazole, ciclopirox, Andriasyan's liquid. The preparations are applied to the skin 2 times a day. The course lasts until all symptoms disappear completely.

During this period, hygiene rules should be observed especially carefully. Disinfection of linen, baths, and personal items is indicated.

  1. After the inflammation has disappeared within 1.5–2 months, the ointments listed above are used for preventive purposes: to do this, it is enough to apply the cream 2 times a week.

Provoking factors should be avoided: do not wear tight synthetic clothing, wet underwear, avoid swimming pools. If you are obese, you need to adjust your weight. In cases where inguinal mycosis is combined with extensive fungal infections in other parts of the body, treatment is supplemented with vitamin therapy and antibacterial therapy.

Among home remedies, baths with herbal infusions of St. John's wort, chamomile, and lingonberry leaves can help in treatment. They have a soothing effect on the skin and relieve itching.

Inguinal mycoses are quite common. It responds well to treatment, although it is prone to relapse. Left untreated, a large area of ​​skin may be affected and purulent formations may appear.
In the video about what to do if redness appears in the groin area:

Some men find red spots in their groin. This phenomenon is very unpleasant, its symptoms cause a lot of inconvenience - it itches, it hurts. Fungus in the groin in men does not go away on its own. Due to the sensitivity of this problem, many are embarrassed to see a doctor. Genital fungus must be cured. If you are faced with this disease, you should find out everything existing methods eliminating it.

What is athlete's foot inguinal?

Unlike candidiasis (yeast, candida, thrush), the disease does not affect the mucous membranes, but the skin of the groin. Athlete's foot is contagious. You can catch the fungus through unprotected sex with a woman, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, and frequent visits to public places for swimming. Representatives of the stronger sex living in hot countries and those who have mycosis of other parts of the body are at risk of infection. Reasons for the development of fungus in the groin in men:

  • increased sweating;
  • humid environment, the appearance of diaper rash;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • improper metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

Inguinal dermatomycosis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. The genitals and areas of the skin around them itch terribly due to the fungus. The itching in the groin does not go away, intensifies, and causes pain. The fungus does not spread to the penis.
  2. The skin becomes covered with a red rash with clear boundaries.
  3. The area affected by the fungus begins to peel, and small cracks appear on it.
  4. Healthy groin skin near the infected one becomes dry and begins to darken.

The groin area is a favorable environment for fungal growth. There's always a little here elevated temperature. If a person sweats a lot, this area begins to get wet and sweaty. The fungus can affect the genitals, skin folds, scrotum, and skin between the buttocks. If left untreated, the groin rash in men and the redness grows. It collects in large spots that itch unbearably, become covered with ulcers, papillomas, and blisters.

How to treat fungus in the groin

Whichever method you choose, follow these rules:

  1. Before applying any antifungal product, wash your intimate area with soap and water.
  2. Apply the medicine not only to the affected areas, but also to healthy areas of the groin skin.
  3. If you do not feel better in ten days, tell your doctor.
  4. Wear loose panties made of natural material and change them daily.
  5. Wash the hair in the groin with antifungal shampoo, or better yet, remove it for a while.
  6. If you use pharmacological preparations for dermatitis, strictly follow the instructions.
  7. Change bed sheets every day.
  8. Keep your groin dry by using talcum powder or powders.
  9. You can be treated with both medicines for the fungus and folk remedies.

Antifungal ointments for the intimate area

You can purchase the following drugs:

  1. Regular cream or ointment against fungus: Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole, Terbinafine. Effective in the early and middle stages of the fungus.
  2. Antifungal ointment for skin with anti-inflammatory effect: Triderm, Miconazole. They help in advanced cases.
  3. Tablets "Fluconazole", "Nystatin", "Itraconazole". They are used only with a doctor's prescription.
  4. Antihistamines, for example, Suprastin.

Folk remedies

If for some reason you use pharmaceutical drugs you don't want to, try homemade treatment recipes. It is important to understand that their effectiveness against groin fungus in men is questionable and depends on a huge number of factors. Many patients waste time trying to get rid of the disease with folk remedies, and the infection progresses. At home you will be able to prepare medicines for rashes and inflammation.

How to get rid of itching in the groin

Effective ways:

  1. Mix dry St. John's wort with chamomile, lingonberry, yarrow, eucalyptus and violet in equal parts. Pour a teaspoon of the composition into 200 ml of boiling water. Cool for half an hour, then strain. Drink 100 ml three times a day.
  2. Mix yarrow, flaxseed, string, and oak bark equally. Pour a tablespoon of the composition into a liter of boiling water. Cool, moisten the cloth, and apply to the affected skin.
  3. Fungus on the penis is removed using this method. Mix poplar and birch buds equally, add a raw egg. Fill with vodka and leave for a week. Apply lotions to your genitals.

How to get rid of a rash

There are such ways:

  1. Grind the celandine and rub thoroughly. Make compresses with this ointment. Leave for up to half an hour. Mix one part of celandine juice with three olive oil. Treat the groin several times a day.
  2. Add a drop of essential oils to a teaspoon of olive oil: fir, clove, geranium, fig. Apply ointment to affected areas of skin.
  3. Dilute salt and baking soda with water to form a thick ointment. Apply to infected skin, wait until dry and rinse gently. Then use talcum powder.

Every person is a carrier of spores of different fungi. Why do we need them? The topic has been little studied and until now scientists cannot answer this question with accuracy. But fungi of different etiologies live both on the surface of the body and inside the body of every individual on earth. Such a neighborhood does not interfere with the flow of our lives as long as we are healthy and young. Although, under certain circumstances, anyone can become infected.

A healthy person maintaining personal hygiene, with high protective immune functions less susceptible to fungal diseases. An organism weakened by gastrointestinal diseases diabetes mellitus, endocrine system, phimosis, obesity, can be attacked by fungal skin infections.

Frequent use hormonal drugs and antibiotics will push the dormant fungus to awaken. By visiting a gym, sauna or swimming pool, there is a chance of causing infection. It is unacceptable to use someone else's shoes or other personal items. A weakened body is a favorable place for fungus to multiply.

Different fungi cause different diseases:

  • Athlete's foot.
  • Rubrophytia.
  • Trichophytosis.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Lichen.

These are the main types of fungal infections of the groin in men, the signs and consequences of which are strikingly different.

Inguinal fungus is a skin disease that mainly affects adult men. Inguinal epidermophytosis is localized in the pubic area, inner thighs, and groin.

Causes of athlete's foot:

  • Tight underwear and trousers.
  • Excess weight.
  • Humid and hot climate.
  • Tactile infection in fungal diseases of the extremities.
  • Corticosteroid ointments and gels, their long-term use.

Some men ignore the first manifestations of fungus in the groin and take it as an allergy to food or alcohol. The hope that “it will go away on its own” is inappropriate in such a situation. It is necessary to consult a doctor for any manifestations of discomfort in the intergroin area.

Signs of athlete's foot:

  • Red spots in the groin, pubic area or thighs.
  • Peeling of the skin, appearance of blisters.
  • Itching in the groin area.

On early stage athlete's foot inguinal in men it heals quickly if you choose the right cream or ointment local action: Triderm, Pimafucin, Tetraborate, Clotrimazole.

It is important not to let the disease progress, to make a correct and timely diagnosis, and to treat with antifungal drugs.

Inguinal dermatophytosis does not affect the penis and scrotum.

It is important not to be confused with a fungus in the groin caused by Candida yeast spores.

Yeast fungus or urogenital candidiasis

A very unpleasant disease, different from dermatophytosis, caused by a fungus. Candidiasis – more dangerous look caused by yeast spores. Damage occurs to the skin, mucous membranes, with penetration into internal organs. In the human body, the candida fungus stimulates the production of antibodies. For this reason, it is dangerous due to chronic relapses.

The pathogen may be brought from anus or from oral cavity, from another person or contaminated object.

Factors that provoke the appearance of yeast fungus in the groin in men:

  1. Weakened immunity.
  2. Intestinal dysbacteriosis.
  3. Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Synthetic underwear that causes excessive sweat.
  5. Lack of personal hygiene.
  6. Poor nutrition.
  7. Unprotected sexual intercourse.
  8. Taking antibiotics.
  9. HIV infection.
  10. Obesity.

When affected by yeast fungus, complications develop:

  • Balanoposthitis - defeat foreskin.
  • Balanitis is inflammation of the glans penis.
  • Candidal urethritis (inflammation of the urethra).
  • Candidal pneumonia (fungal infection of the lungs).
  • The heart, kidneys, liver, eyes are affected.

The first signs of lesions in the groin suggest sexually transmitted diseases. You should not prescribe treatment yourself without establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosis of inguinal fungus:

  • Visual inspection of the groin area.
  • Blood analysis.
  • Culture (scraping) to identify a specific type of fungal spore.

Since there are approximately 5 subspecies of yeast, only a doctor based on the results laboratory research will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Suspicion of yeast fungus will require an HIV test and biochemical analysis blood.

Symptoms of inguinal yeast fungus

Inguinal fungus in men, caused by yeast spores, is expressed by the following symptoms:

  1. Unbearable itching in the head of the penis and in the groin area.
  2. Red spots in the groin and on the foreskin.
  3. Discharge from the penis is whitish in color.
  4. Potency is impaired and uncontrolled eruptions may occur.
  5. Urination is painful.
  6. Small rashes in the groin area and on the head of the penis.

Such symptoms cannot be ignored. The fungus will progress and develop into more severe forms.

Urogenital candidiasis and inguinal dermatophytosis are groin fungi in men. Whatever type of mushroom provokes the disease in the groin, you must not hesitate!

Medication therapy

To receive consistently positive result Treatment of inguinal fungus in men is carried out comprehensively. The first step is to make every effort to improve immunity. Choose the right cream, ointment, spray. If necessary, tablets and capsules, infusions, decoctions, etc.

Basic creams and ointments:

  1. Pimafucin - reduces burning, redness, itching in the groin. It is recommended to apply to affected areas of the skin 4-5 times a day. The course will last up to two weeks. Rub a small amount onto the penis, testicles, groin and intergroin area using massaging movements. The drug is hypoallergenic and well tolerated, but individual reactions to the components of the drug are possible.
  2. Triderm is an antifungal ointment that actively fights itching and burning. Well tolerated, excellent performance. Use twice a day, weekly treatment gives good results. Contraindications – tuberculosis, herpes, chicken pox, allergies.
  3. Clotrimazole is an antibacterial cream that has a detrimental effect on pathogenic fungi and blocks the synthesis of sterols. Apply twice a day to the foreskin and the entire phallus. Analogues: Forkan, Nizoral, Candide, Ecodax, Nofungin.

The chronic form of fungus in the groin is much more difficult to treat. To suppress fungal growth, drugs with a stronger effect are used - Flucostat, Canephron, Diflucan, Orungal. Antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, antiviral drugs: Neovir, Orcipol, Neo-Penotran.

The direct effect of the drugs at the cellular level eliminates infection of the body, external painful symptoms in the groin stop and subside, and discharge from the penis disappears.

The treatment prescribed by the doctor must be completed in full, and the first signs of relief in no case give reason to stop taking the medication.

To achieve complete recovery, you cannot stop the course for a month.

Using strong drugs long time, you should pay attention to the healing process of a groin infection. If a burning sensation or irritation occurs on the head or groin after applying the gel or ointment, you should discard the drug used. If there is no improvement, you need to choose a remedy with a more effective effect.

Rules for effective therapy

When treating a groin infection in men, certain rules must be followed.

  1. Intimacy is prohibited, even with the use of a condom, until complete recovery.
  2. Hygienic procedures during the treatment period are mandatory: daily shower, change of linen, thorough hand washing after using the toilet.
  3. Apply topical medications only to clean surfaces.
  4. It is useful to wash and rinse the affected genitals with tinctures of calendula and chamomile.
  5. A hot bath is contraindicated; in general, it is better to limit yourself to a shower.
  6. Do not use any kind of fragrances, so as not to provoke irritation.
  7. Observe the progress of recovery and, if there are no results, visit your doctor to adjust the treatment.


It is necessary to exclude foods that feed fungal organisms while taking medications:

  • Fast food.
  • Sweets, baked goods.
  • Smoked and spicy dishes.
  • Alcohol.
  • Lactose-containing products.
  • Reduce coffee and tea consumption.

If reduced immunity is detected, support the body with a course of vitamins B2, B6, C and PP. It will not hurt to remove the remaining toxins by taking enterosorbents.

Without delaying treatment, it is quite possible to avoid complications and fully restore health.


  1. Alternative medicine advises treating groin ailments by introducing garlic into the diet. Its use can act on yeast spores. The best way– grind 5 cloves and swallow on an empty stomach in the morning.
  2. Garlic-based oil is prepared for external use in the treatment of inguinal fungus. To 4 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil add 5-6 chopped garlic cloves. Infuse the product and lubricate the affected skin in the morning and evening.
  3. The antiseptic effect of chamomile and calendula in the treatment of groin infections is used in the form of a decoction. Rinse and compresses will help soothe irritation.
  4. Juniper cones, poured with boiling water, are infused and used as a compress.
  5. Antiseptic fees medicinal herbs useful to drink in the form of tea.
  6. Compresses with tar ointment have a calming effect on fungus in the groin.
  7. Decoctions for compresses are prepared from flax, oak bark, and yarrow, taken in equal proportions.

To defeat inguinal fungus in men, only complex treatment. In parallel with medications You can use folk remedies.

The fungus can be successfully treated using laser phoresis. Radiation prevents the proliferation of fungal spores, improves health, and increases the body’s protective functions.

And finally - don't forget about simple rules prevention:

  • When visiting public baths, saunas, do not touch the walls, grates, or walk barefoot.
  • Do not use someone else's soap, washcloth, or towel.
  • In hot weather, treat the groin area with powder or talcum powder.
  • Treat even the smallest inflammations immediately, without giving the fungus a chance to multiply.
  • Get up more often when doing sedentary work in hot weather.
  • Wear loose underwear from natural fabrics.
  • Maintain daily personal hygiene.

Mycoses can affect the arms, palms, nails, abdomen, feet, scalp, and oral mucosa. Very often, men and women encounter inguinal fungus, which is accompanied by painful sensations while moving.

The main reasons for the growth and reproduction of fungus in the groin area:

  • High humidity;
  • Heavy sweating;
  • Heat;
  • Disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism;
  • Excess weight;
  • Damage to the epidermis: scratches, abrasions, wet surfaces;
  • Lack of hygiene.

Most often, infection occurs after close bodily contact with a person suffering from inguinal fungus or his things (pants, towels, washcloths, etc.). The group of fungal diseases that affect the groin area includes rubromycosis, candidiasis, and erythrasma. Each of them has its own features, but symptoms, especially on initial stage, very similar.

Athlete's foot

The disease is more common in men; it is rare in women, children and adolescents. The groin area, inner thighs, anus, buttocks, and the fold between them are affected.

Athlete's foot in large folds, including the groin, is a fungal infection of the surface layer of the skin. The disease manifests itself with convex borders, on which small or larger ones can be seen; the center of the spot may be clear. The entire surface of the lesion has peeling. At microscopic examination Characteristic fungal colonies are found on the surface scales.

Infection with the pathogen occurs in everyday life through direct contact with a patient. The fungus is transmitted through bed linen, towels, washcloths; you can become infected in in public places: bath, sauna, swimming pool; self-infection is also considered possible if the fungus is localized on the nails or feet. The first symptoms begin with the appearance of pinkish circles up to 1 cm, the surface of which peels off. Over time, the spots begin to grow towards the periphery, gradually their size reaches 10 cm in diameter or more. If left untreated, the disease can last for several years, with alternating stages of exacerbation and remission.

To confirm the diagnosis, a scraping is made for pathogenic fungi, which is taken from the affected areas of smooth skin. For treatment, ointments with clotrimazole and betamethasone are used, and lotions with a 0.25% silver solution are also used locally. Treatment lasts from 1 to 2 months.

Inguinal fungus photo


The disease is caused by the fungus Candida, a genus of yeast-like fungi. Normally, the fungus is present in the body of any person; it does not manifest itself in any way until certain conditions occur:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • digestive pathology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Skin candidiasis begins in places of folds, inguinal intergluteal, in obese people on the pubis or abdomen. First, slight redness occurs, then small bubbles form, they open, forming ulcers, and the entire surface peels off. Patients complain of itching and discomfort in the affected areas.

Most common habitat Candida fungus serves as the vaginal mucosa or external genitalia in women. If personal hygiene is not observed, the fungus can get there from the intestines, and you can also become infected through accidental sexual contact. Fungus does not always cause disease. This only happens when the body’s immune strength decreases or hormonal disruptions occur. Therefore, pregnant women are often exposed to candidiasis.

Inguinal fungus in women causes the following symptoms:

  • itching of the labia minora and majora, periodic or constant;
  • the appearance of bubbles on the lips, ulcers, cracks, erosions and;
  • liquid discharge of a mucous or cheesy nature;
  • in severe cases, the discharge may be thick, pasty, greenish in color;
  • There is also an unpleasant sour smell.

Superficial acute candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes can be effectively cured only with external medications. Chronic form with large lesions can be cured using complex therapy.


When contact with fungal spores occurs, a person may not get sick for a long time. The disease can manifest itself under certain conditions: with decreased immunity, with impaired blood circulation in the lower extremities.

This is a skin disease that affects the inguinal-femoral folds of the skin or the nail plates. The causative agent of the disease, Trichophyton rubrum, is transmitted through contact with a sick person or through common household items. The lesion pattern is dense, has clear intermittent boundaries, the skin becomes dry with noticeable peeling, the scales are located from the center to the edge, and diffuse redness is noted. If a person is overweight, all folds of the skin may be affected.

In order to assign correct treatment, a dermatologist should conduct differential diagnosis, it is necessary to distinguish rubromycosis from psoriasis, eczema, trichophytosis, microbial eczema and other diseases. Inguinal mycosis of smooth skin is treated with antifungal ointments, and oral medications are also prescribed. During treatment, it is necessary to follow a diet, eat foods with vitamins A, E and protein foods for rapid regeneration of the dermis.


This is pseudomycosis of the skin, which most often affects obese people. If the patient has excess weight, he has excessive sweating, not only the groin area is affected, but also the nails, the pubic hair growth area, and the armpits. Symptoms of erythrasma are similar to many fungal diseases. Previously, it was confused with microsporia, epidermophytosis and was considered one of the types fungal infection, but the disease is caused by Corynebacterium minufissimum, the pathogen is a bacteria.

The disease begins to manifest itself with a brick-like appearance in the groin area. Single spots gradually increase in size and merge together into large circles. The spots have clear boundaries from healthy areas skin, their surface is smooth with tiny scales.

Inguinal fungus in men usually affects the inner thigh, the fold between the buttocks, the anus, and the scrotum. In women, the pubic area, thighs, buttocks, and area around the navel are affected; often the lesion forms under the mammary glands. The main goal of therapy for this disease is to dry out the spots and fight secondary infections.

Those who have encountered a fungus in the groin need to remember that treatment started on time, selection effective drugs and following the rules of personal hygiene will help you quickly and painlessly get rid of any type of mycosis. Otherwise, clinical picture may be complicated by secondary infection or allergic reaction on the fungus itself or an incorrectly selected drug for its treatment.

Caused by a fungal infection, occurs against the background increased sweating and carbohydrate metabolism disorders. You can become infected with pathogenic spores from a pet, from a sick person, through personal belongings and household items. A mycologist diagnoses inguinal fungus. If necessary, additional consultation can be obtained from a dermatologist.

The patient complains of a strong sensation, often spreading to the genitals. Over time, a characteristic rash appears in the itchy area. In men, the penis or scrotum is affected by fungal mycelium. The area affected by the infection has a clear outline. The diagnosis is confirmed using laboratory analysis.

It is important to complete the entire course of treatment, carefully following the doctor's instructions. After all, there is a threat that groin fungus, which was poorly treated, will return.

Treatment using antifungal ointments

  • Before applying the ointment, you need to carefully wash your groin with soap.
  • The entire area affected by the fungus and healthy skin around the sore spot are treated with the remedy to eliminate the possibility of mycelium growth.
  • Before using the product, you should carefully study the contraindications.
  • Throughout the course of treatment, it is recommended to change underwear and bedding daily.
  • If it is discovered that two or more separate areas of the skin are infected with the fungus, then all areas must be treated to avoid re-infection.
  • Treatment of inguinal fungus continues until the symptoms disappear; the result is checked by repeated analysis.

Relapse prevention is mandatory. For this purpose, already healed areas of the disease are treated with an antifungal agent twice a week.

In the summer, it is much easier to achieve improvement due to the positive effects on the body sun rays. The mycelium develops into stratum corneum skin. For the treatment to be successful, first loosen the top layer with green soap. Then they combine 10% tar ointment and the drug “Clotrimazole”, rubbing them alternately onto the affected area. Do the procedure twice a day, the course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Fungus in the groin area can be treated at home with red beets

According to the recipe, raw red beets need to be grated on a fine grater. Spread the fresh pulp evenly onto a bandage folded several times. Place the beetroot compress on the affected area. Renew the medicinal mass as soon as the previous portion of the compress has dried. Treatment with beets will be more effective if you take a decoction of the herb cocklebur during the course. Decoction recipe: grind 1 tbsp. l. cocklebur, bring to a boil in 0.5 liters of water, cook for 10 m. Directions for use: three times a day, a quarter glass.

Inguinal fungus is afraid of ultraviolet rays if the patient has no contraindications.

Treatment with iodine

If it is possible to begin treatment at the beginning of the development of the disease, before pustules and wounds appear on the area affected by the fungus, then the skin can be treated with iodine. Apply iodine to the itchy area and the skin around it for seven days. Processing begins on the eighth day antifungal ointment. This treatment continues for about five days, depending on the results.

Glucocorticoid ointments

Inguinal fungus with painful inflammatory process lubricate with those ointments that contain glucocorticoid substances, and treat with a soda solution.

Treatment of acute inflammation

In case of acute manifestations, the doctor chooses antihistamines, and prescribes lotions of 0.25% solution of aqueous silver nitrate. The silver nitrate solution is sometimes replaced with a 1% aqueous resorcinol solution. When acute inflammation passes, the affected area is lubricated with 1% iodine for approximately 6 days. After the patient’s condition improves for 2-3 weeks, the fungus is treated with antifungal drugs.