Why do boils constantly appear? Boils on the body: causes, treatment, prevention. When is surgical treatment indicated for a boil?

A furuncle is a disease of the epidermis. Purulent cavities form in damaged areas of the skin. Usually this is a purulent-necrotic process, during which not only the tissues, but also the hair follicle become inflamed. It is from the follicle that this pathology originates. Then it begins to spread to neighboring tissues. Staphylococcus is the most common cause the occurrence of a boil.


The main cause is bacterial staphylococcus. It can occur anywhere: on the face, armpit, thigh, etc. Studies have shown that when the staphylococcal flora is normal, about 10% of the bacteria found on the skin are pathogenic pathogens. In people suffering from furunculosis, this ratio is disrupted. The number of pathogenic bacteria can reach up to 90% of the total mass of pathogens.

Such a violation of the skin may be associated with insufficient personal hygiene, injuries to the epidermal layer, or a decrease in the functioning of the body's immune system. Decreased immunity is most often caused by diseases that have a chronic course. Such a disease can be tonsillitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pyelonephritis. Furunculosis can also cause metabolic disorders in the body, for example, diabetes. Corticosteroid therapy for quite a long time can also provoke the appearance of boils.

Excessive sweating, skin injury, hyperhidrosis - all this can lead to staphylococci getting into the section with the follicle (most often in adults). This subsequently forms a boil. If a person suffers from atopic dermatitis, scabies, athlete's foot, eczema, then he begins to scratch the skin in places severe itching. Damaged areas become an entry point for bacterial staphylococcus.

A chiryak on the nose or ear can develop due to continuous exposure to discharged purulent masses. This can occur with rhinitis, adenoiditis, etc.

In children, boils appear mainly due to some external factors. But sometimes the cause of development can be hypothermia and, accordingly, a decrease in the functioning of the immune system. Most often, a chiryak jumps up on a child’s face. In such a situation you should not engage self-treatment, and seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of such a skin abnormality is not difficult. The inflammatory process with accompanying purulent discharge engulfs the hair follicle and then spreads to nearby tissues.

Initially, the histology is very similar to ostiofolliculitis. Then necrosis of the inner hairy part of the epidermis and adjacent tissues begins to manifest itself. To prevent the infection from spreading in the body, collagenized rings tightly hold the affected area.

Stages of the disease

At the initial stage of boil development, inflammation of the follicle begins. This area of ​​skin begins to thicken (boil in the infiltration stage) and becomes bright red. It has rather blurred boundaries. There are sensations of pain and slight tingling in the affected area of ​​the skin. The more the chiryak grows, the greater the compaction becomes. It begins to expand, and the surrounding tissues swell.

The second stage of boil development occurs on the third to fifth day after the first symptoms appear. Characteristic feature The chiryak increases to 2-4 cm in diameter. A purulent core of dead tissue appears in the center of the inflamed area. There is a pustule on the surface of the shaft.

In addition to the hair follicle, rotting of the sweat gland begins, as well as adjacent connective tissues. The vessels in the area affected by the pathology begin to expand. The halogen swells greatly. The shape of the chiryak becomes cone-shaped. Inside the cone, elastic as well as collagen bonds break. The accumulation of collagen fibers creates a special ring inside the chiryak, which prevents the infection from spreading in the body. It is important not to squeeze out the boil if there is no understanding of the possible consequences. The autopsy must be done correctly.

The inflamed skin takes on a blue tint and becomes completely smooth. At this stage, the pain begins to intensify. If the body is severely damaged by infection (a lot of boils appear), then signs of intoxication may appear. Main symptoms:

  1. Severe nausea.
  2. General weakness of the body.
  3. Malaise.
  4. Complete absence or deterioration of appetite.
  5. Headache.
  6. Body temperature is within 37.5−38 degrees.

The end of the second stage of chiryak development is its opening. It can be either artificial or spontaneous. In this case, a huge amount of purulent contents is released. The main necrotic core in furunculosis looks like a yellowish purulent stick. In rare cases, it may be released a large number of blood.

With furunculosis at the third stage, a small abscess appears at the site of the opened skin. It begins to gradually fill with granulations. After a few days, complete scarring occurs. At first the scar is red, but gradually it becomes lighter. After some time, the scar is almost invisible.

The full cycle of this skin disease is often quite vague. Sometimes only an infiltrate forms. In this case, there is no pus or necrotic formations. In other cases, with weak immunity, furunculosis can acquire an extensive form.

Boil on the face

Usually one rash appears on the face, but several may appear at the same time. At first it looks like a regular small red lump, so it is often confused with a pimple. After a few days, the boil begins to grow.

The appearance of a boil on the face can have different sizes. In some cases it reaches 4-5 cm in diameter, but this is very rare. Approximately on the third day, the manifestation of purulent formation through thin skin begins.

Sooner or later the boil will open and the pus will come out. The damaged area of ​​skin will begin to heal slowly. The entire cycle can take from several days to several weeks. After complete healing, there are almost never any marks left on the face. Only very large scratches can leave scars.

The main cause of the appearance of a boil on the face is often staphylococcal bacteria. The development of pathogenic microflora can be promoted by various inflammatory processes of the facial skin, as well as a decrease in immunity.

Complications caused by herpes infection can also contribute to the development of boils. In children, furunculosis often appears against the background of hypovitaminosis or atopic dermatitis. Trying to squeeze out a regular pimple can also lead to the appearance of a pimple.

The danger of developing furunculosis on the face is that the vessels are very closely connected with the circulatory system of the brain. If a boil ruptures, all the purulent contents can enter the brain area.

In addition to local treatment of furunculosis, the doctor may prescribe the use of antibiotics. Most often these are tablets. Usually drugs based on penicillin, cephalosporin or tetracycline tablets are used. You can treat a boil with the following medications:

  1. Unidox Solutab.
  2. Azithromycin.
  3. Amoxicycline.
  4. Doxycycline.

If symptoms are added to the underlying disease secondary symptoms, then they are often used together with antibiotics antimicrobials. These could be, for example, Trichopolum or Metronidazole.

Boil on the nose

A boil on the nose is an acute inflammation. Inflammation of the tissue around the hair follicle begins. The process can occur inside the nose, outside, on the septum.

The first form of the inflammatory process of a nasal boil is called the infiltration stage. It is characterized by acute pain and hardening of the affected area of ​​the skin. The necrotic core is located in the center.

The second is called the abscess stage. It is characterized by the fact that the purulent contents of abscesses spread into nearby tissues.

Tendency to develop inflammatory processes on the skin, accompanied by purulent discharge, appears due to exogenous factors or pathogenic microorganisms. The entry point for various bacteria is a previously disturbed area of ​​the skin (for example, scratching).

The appearance of purulent abscesses in the nose is facilitated by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, as well as insufficient facial skin care. Production factors may also influence:

  • coal dust;
  • cement dust;

In addition to all this, the cause of the appearance of a chiryak on the nose can be hypothermia or overheating of the skin. These factors have a bad effect on anti-infective resistance.

Pathogenesis of abscess

An important role in the development of a boil is played by factors that are endogenous in nature. The bactericidal properties of the secretion are lost, which violates the protective properties of the immune system. This has a beneficial effect on the development of pathogenic microflora on the skin. Decreased immunity allows microorganisms to penetrate into damaged epidermis. This is how the development of furunculosis on the nose begins. Also, the appearance of chiryaks is facilitated by complications of diseases that lead to a deterioration in the protective properties of the body.

Such changes are most often accompanied by fever, general weakness in the body, and headache. A large amount begins to appear in the blood. If the inflammatory process proceeds moderately, then after a few days the compacted tissues will begin to decrease. After the skin softens, the necrotic core comes out along with the purulent contents. Sometimes there is a strong progression of inflammatory processes. In this case, the area of ​​necrosis greatly increases, which greatly thins the skin.

Treatment options

Most often, a person is indicated for hospitalization. During high temperature you need to strictly observe bed rest, take large amounts of liquid food and try to smile less, that is, limit facial expressions. When the temperature drops, you can move on to physiotherapeutic procedures: Sollux or UHF. They are excellent at fighting inflammatory processes.

The choice of therapeutic measures directly depends on the form of the inflammatory process. At the infiltration stage, it is necessary to regularly wipe the skin alcohol solution. On the first day after the appearance of a purulent abscess, you need to treat the damaged area with an iodine solution. Often, local therapy is limited to the use of ointments.

Medicines for local application must have antiseptic properties. It is better if they are broad-based. Fusidic acid and mupirocin ointment are among these types. Antibiotics are taken only when the disease is extensive.

The decision about surgical intervention is made based on the development of the boil. Cut the purulent formation under the local or general anesthesia. Then a drain is placed in the wound.

Chiryak under the armpit

Most often, boils appear in the part of the body where the hairline is located. Places exposed to constant friction become risk areas for boils. Such places include the lower back, neck area, groin, armpits.

If a boil appears under your armpit, it must be regularly disinfected with an alcohol solution. The cause of the appearance is often microbes that have entered the follicle. They lead to infection of surrounding tissues and the onset of inflammation, which causes intense pain and swelling of the affected area.

The first symptom of an armpit boil is severe discomfort and constant itching. The next sign is the appearance of redness in the form of stripes, which are directed towards the location of the lymph nodes. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-opening can lead to infection in the body.

If a boil appears, it will undoubtedly lead to an increase in the lymph nodes in this area. This leads to even more discomfort.

There is a huge variety of medications available to treat boils and various methods. But they should only be prescribed by the attending physician. It is important to remember that if a boil occurs, you cannot use Vishnevsky ointment, as it can lead to an increase in the growth of a purulent abscess and the development of infection.

Therapeutic methods

There can be various reasons for the appearance of a boil. Boils are treated with general and local means. For the treatment of mature chiryaks, drugs that have an antimicrobial effect are usually used. They treat the necrotic area, as well as the adjacent area.

A compress of ichthyol is applied to the purulent abscess twice a day. You need to put some dry heat on top of it (a heating pad or a bag of heated salt). This method is used to increase the rate of development of the abscess.

Ultraviolet radiation can also be used in small doses. Together with ultraviolet light, Novocain with antibiotics is injected around the abscess. Such methods are used only in a hospital setting (preferably under 24-hour medical supervision).

The inflamed area of ​​the skin needs to be left at rest. For the limbs, plaster splints are used. If a positive result is not observed, then such measures should be carried out daily until complete relief. Silver nitrate is also often used for compresses. On early development boils, such measures usually lead to a quick cure. In parallel, you can use ointments: Dimexide, Bioprin and the like.

To speed up the drying of the affected area, an “ichthyol cake” is used. It washes off quite easily with water. Dressings must be done twice a day.

Treatment of a boil surgical method carried out only in case of prolonged illness. The abscess is cut under anesthesia (usually local). In addition to the usual incision, complete removal of the affected area can be used. In this case, there is a need for sutures.

Folk remedies

Therapy can be carried out at home if there are no complications. ethnoscience involves the use of fees. These herbs include:

  • St. John's wort;
  • series;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • nettle.

You need to take the same amount of these herbs. A tincture is made from this mixture. It should be used 3 times a day, 80 ml for 21 days.

You can use an infusion of chamomile, sorrel and St. John's wort for oral administration. You need to use an infusion of one herb, 100 ml 3 times a day. For external use, you can take Japanese sophora, arnica, and eucalyptus.

To speed up the development of chiryak, you need to add grated baked onions, chamomile flowers, and boiled parsley roots to it. All these ingredients need to be ground, gradually adding water. The finished product must be applied to the affected area and covered with a bandage or sterile gauze.

You can also use nettle infusion. You need to take a tablespoon of dry grated nettle and 250 ml hot water. Leave for 30 minutes. You need to drink half an hour before meals. Along with the decoction, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water every day.

(aka boil), but not everyone knows how the process develops and why it is dangerous to health. A boil is an acute inflammatory process localized on the skin of the face or body.

Photo 1 – Furuncle – acute inflammatory process

An abscess is accompanied by abundant formation of purulent masses, followed by their discharge outward when the upper integument of the epidermis ruptures. It is important to know how the disease begins in order to take timely measures for a speedy recovery and prevent unpleasant consequences.

Photo 2 – A lot of pus forms in the boil

What is a boil? This is a purulent abscess, the signs of which can be noticed already at the initial stage of the disease.

Photo 3 – It is important to start treatment immediately

Most often the patient notices:

Knowing how a boil forms and matures, you can promptly suspect something is wrong and begin treatment using medications.

Photo 9 – A boil can be treated with medication

Many people are concerned with the questions: is the boil transmitted through tactile contact, wearing the patient’s clothes, is it contagious and is the patient himself dangerous for others? The answer to the question whether it is transmitted or not can be answered unequivocally - yes, the boil is contagious.

Photo 10 – The boil is contagious

The causative agent of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus infection, which can remain on the skin or clothing, as well as other objects, for a long time. A boil is especially dangerous after a breakthrough, when all the purulent contents freely pour out or ooze from the wound. At this stage, the patient can not only infect others, but also harm himself by neglecting the rules of personal hygiene.

Photo 11 – A boil after a breakthrough is especially dangerous

When the infection spreads to nearby tissues, a disease such as furunculosis may develop. At the same time, the patient constantly develops new foci of inflammation and boils constantly pop up.

Photo 12 – Furunculosis – the patient constantly gets boils

Knowing whether furunculosis is transmitted and how such diseases are transmitted, you can prevent their occurrence without exchanging clothes and household items, and also without trying to squeeze out the boil yourself, even if it is very painful and causes a lot of inconvenience.

Photo 13 – Do not exchange household items to avoid infecting others

Important: attempts to squeeze out a complicated boil can lead to undesirable and dangerous consequences for health, one of which is blood poisoning.

A boil has popped up: reasons

In order to get rid of the problem of boils once and for all, it is important to understand why they appear, with what frequency and when the disease is especially acute. It is possible that abscesses appear every month before the start of a cycle or after eating certain foods, medications, undergoing cosmetic procedures, etc.

If you can accurately determine what causes boils, the process of getting rid of the problem can be considered half solved.

Photo 14 – To get rid of boils, you need to find out the cause

These painful, purulent formations can appear in both men and women. However, women more often suffer from single boils appearing on different parts of the body, which is associated with hormonal characteristics their body. The causes of boils vary.

Photo 15 – In women, boils appear more often

Both external and internal factors matter here:

Regardless of the reasons for the formation of a boil, treatment is necessary at the initial stage; it will help speed up the process of maturation of the abscess and subsequent healing of the wound.

Photo 21 – Treat boils at the initial stage

What causes boils

The reasons for the appearance of boils can be different. Some of them can even be combined into separate groups. For example, there are certain diseases that provoke frequent occurrence ulcers on the body.

Photo 22 – Some diseases can cause boils

These are diseases that create a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria, increase the production of skin secretions, reduce the body's defenses, etc. Frequent boils can act as one of the manifestations of a more serious disease.

Photo 23 – An examination will help determine the cause of boils

Therefore, to look for the reason why boils appear, sometimes it is necessary to involve third-party specialists: gastroenterologists, immunologists, endocrinologists, infectious disease specialists, etc.

Common reasons why boils appear on the skin:

In addition, when wondering why the ulcers are popping up, you need to reconsider your arsenal of hygiene products and cosmetics - perhaps an allergic reaction has occurred. Some types cosmetics Not only are they not suitable for your skin type, but they can also clog pores, disrupting the natural secretion of secretions.

Photo 32 – A boil can occur due to poor cosmetics

The substance heats up around the hair follicle, bacteria actively multiply in it, or external infection occurs. In this case, there is no need to explain why the abscess occurs.

Photo 33 – Bacteria accumulate around the hair follicle and an abscess appears

If, even after successful treatment, boils appear again, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe current treatment or a detailed examination. The skin, like a litmus test, reflects the state of the body as a whole.

Photo 34 – Skin reflects the state of the body as a whole

The doctor may prescribe a visit to an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist, tests for hormones, etc. The specialist will be able to determine why it turns out that the patient cannot get rid of the problem for a long time, and seemingly cured boils often reappear.

Photo 35 – The doctor may advise checking the gastrointestinal tract

Once you understand why boils appear, you will be able to solve the problem once and for all by resorting to medication or physiotherapeutic treatment.

How to get rid of boils?

In order to eliminate the problem of boils once and for all, you need to understand the cause of their occurrence. If these are problems with the intestines, then today they can be eliminated relatively easily by taking a course drug treatment modern drugs, including those based on beneficial bacteria.

Photo 36 – A boil may be due to intestinal problems

You can get rid of boils caused by hormonal imbalances forever by contacting an endocrinologist or gynecologist. After a comprehensive examination, the specialist will explain how to remove boils using special means.

Photo 37 – Comprehensive examination will help find out the cause of the boil

Corrective therapy may be needed using hormonal drugs. An experienced specialist will not only tell you how to remove existing foci of inflammation, but will also explain what to do to prevent relapse of the disease.

Photo 38 – Boil on the leg

Perhaps during an examination by a dermatologist, a diagnosis of “furunculosis” will be made. How to deal with the disease in this case and what to do, how to speed up the recovery process and what medications to prescribe - only the attending physician can decide after a detailed examination.

Photo 39 – Furuncle on the hand

If you decide to take independent measures, in search of an answer to the question of how to quickly remove an annoying boil, complications such as the spread of the inflammatory process and even blood poisoning are possible.

Photo 40 – Furuncle behind the ear

What can I do to ripen faster? What helps cure an immature boil? If you notice characteristic swelling and redness on the skin, under no circumstances should you crush the abscess, especially if it has not yet matured. The boil takes quite a long time to mature.

Photo 41 – Boil in the nose

No one can say with certainty how long it takes for a particular abscess to mature, but many know how to speed up the ripening process. To make the boil ripen faster, you can use ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment.

Photo 42 – Furuncle on the finger

During the examination, the doctor will certainly ask how many days the boil has been brewing, and what measures you have tried to take to treat it. If the boil does not mature for a long time, the specialist may prescribe additional remedies in the form of baths or compresses with soda or medications.

Photo 43 – Furuncle in the ear

Important: There is no single answer to the question of how long a boil takes to mature. Much depends on the depth and extent of the abscess, immune functions body, timely and rational treatment and other factors.

Photo 44 – Complex boils are opened surgically

A mature boil often has to be opened surgically, in order to extract the purulent contents and the hard core of the boil. The consequences of such intervention may remain for a long time.

Photo 45 – It is forbidden to open the boil yourself

Often there is swelling and redness, pain in and around the puncture area, the formation of hematomas, etc. If the symptoms do not go away for a long time, or the boil constantly pops up in the same area of ​​the body. Doctors are considering various reasons what is happening, including such things as psychosomatics.

Photo 46 – The doctor will puncture the abscess with a sharp object and clean out the pus

After an operation to puncture the abscess and extract the contents, the doctor can install a drainage to drain out the remaining pus. Regular dressings are also required, especially if it is a large boil with a large area of ​​inflammation.

Photo 47 – After the operation, the doctor will tell you what to do next

In this case, the specialist discusses in advance with the patient a number of questions regarding the care of the wound: how to treat it, can it be wetted, can it be heated, can it be steamed, etc. It is not advisable to heat the boil.

Photo 48 – As a rule, the wound is smeared with antibiotics

This can cause the infection to spread to nearby tissues. The wound can be wetted when hygiene procedures, but contact with water should be avoided if possible. There is a high risk of re-infection and relapse.

Attention! Do not try to self-medicate, remove boils using traditional methods, pierce or squeeze out a boil, etc. All manipulations to open an abscess are carried out only within a medical institution under sterile conditions and using the necessary means.

This problem is considered quite common skin like boils on the body. Reasons, and preventive measures on disease prevention deserve detailed consideration.

Where do boils happen?

The main manifestation of furunculosis is infectious disease- is a boil, which is an inflamed formation filled with pus in the epidermis. The size of the boil can vary from a pea to an egg. The ideal environment for boils to occur is considered to be hairy areas and areas of the skin where friction occurs regularly.

Dermatologists call the risk zone for rashes the neck, armpits, chest, buttocks, and inguinal cavities.

The causative agent of infection

The main pathogen can provoke the development of furunculosis of this disease, which is Staphylococcus aureus or white. Often, due to actively developing staphyloderma, boils on the body may occur as complications. The causes, treatment, photos of symptoms caused by the disease must be presented to everyone in order to take appropriate measures to prevent infection from entering the body or take the necessary therapeutic actions in a timely manner.

How does furunculosis manifest?

Purulent boils can form on the body, spreading disseminated, or appear locally and develop in any area of ​​the skin. The course of the disease, in which boils on the body (the causes, treatment and manifest signs of the disease largely depend on each other, so treatment issues must be approached thoroughly) cause not only discomfort and external inconvenience, but also an additional deterioration in the general condition of the body, may have a chronic and acute form.

Chronic furunculosis, expressed by periodic outbreaks, can be repeated quite for a long time, and this is all due to the low resistance of the immune forces to pathogenic microorganisms. Acute form infection manifests itself almost immediately after infection and, in addition to the appearance of boils, is accompanied by additional symptoms.

The root causes of infection entering the body, from which boils form on the body (causes, treatment, drugs that have earned the trust of patients and have proven their effectiveness, absolutely everyone should keep in mind, since furunculosis is widespread) can be divided into two groups.

External exposure to pathogens

The first includes external infections. As a rule, due to minor mechanical damage to the upper layer of the epidermis, pathogenic bacteria can penetrate deep into the skin.

With constant contact of skin with clothing, re-infiltration of staphylococci is possible, and saprophytes that are natural to humans easily become pathogenic. Also, the cause of infection is often skin diseases that cause itching. Scratching your nails usually causes infection.

Failure to comply with simple hygiene rules at the proper level can lead to the development of local furunculosis. Friction against dirty skin of clothing or chemical substances(fuel oil, gasoline, etc.) causes single boils on the body. The reasons (treatment at home in most cases is carried out incorrectly) of the increase in boils on the body sometimes lie in illiterate attempts to get rid of the problem on their own (applying warm compresses, bandages).

Thus, the situation of the patient with furunculosis will only worsen.

Failures and disturbances of processes in the body as the main causes of the disease

The second group, which explains the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the human body, includes internal factors. Boils on the body (causes, treatment, methods of traditional and drug therapy are often compared to create the most effective recovery plan) appear due to:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • disturbances in metabolic processes;
  • blood diseases;
  • digestive problems and illnesses gastrointestinal tract;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • frequent hypothermia or overheating;
  • malfunctions endocrine system body.

People of all ages are at risk of contracting the infection. As a rule, children are susceptible to the disease much less often than adults. In addition, men get sick more often than women.

Phases of furunculosis

To recognize the development of the disease on early stage, you need to know that boils on the body (causes, treatment can be described in any phase of the progression of infection in the body) go through three stages:

  1. Accumulation of cell elements with impurities of blood and lymph fluid(the so-called development of infiltration).
  2. The process of suppuration.
  3. Healing and restoration.

The first stage is characterized by painful sensations and the appearance of a bright red infiltrate near the hair follicle. The patient feels a tingling, slight pain, which increases over the next few days along with an increase in the size of the boil. Swelling of the surrounding tissues occurs and inflammation increases. After a few days, the stage of suppuration begins, during which a purulent “plug” is formed, with a pustule on the surface. The boil at this stage begins to take on the shape of a cone-shaped tumor with smooth skin.

Maturation stage

The unpleasant sensations of a foreign formation on the skin are accompanied by an increase in body temperature to a subfebrile level; in more severe cases, even symptoms of intoxication appear in the form of headaches and weakness of the body.

Boils on the body (causes, treatment, patient reviews should be studied for further precautions against infection) after opening the pustules enter the last stage of healing. The released necrotic purulent “plug” empties the cavity, after which all symptoms disappear, and scarring occurs of the recess in which the infiltrate was located. The entire cycle of furunculosis lasts approximately 10 days.

Furunculosis in a child: for the attention of parents

In adolescence, boils on the body (the causes, treatment in children and the course of the disease should be familiar to adults) appear quite often. Single manifestations of furunculosis can occur on any part of the child’s body where hair grows. This can be the back of the head, forearms, buttocks, and limbs. The most dangerous place for boils to occur, not only in children, but also in adults, is the area above the upper lip, the ears.

The threat lies in the likelihood of thrombosis of the venous and lymphatic tracts and the further occurrence of sepsis. The disease is often accompanied by lymphadenitis or lymphangitis. It is not often possible to observe such a complication of furunculosis as the presence of metastases in the kidneys and liver.

Features of the course of the disease in children

It is extremely important to explain to the child what is absolutely forbidden. Adults (for example, men while shaving) can accidentally injure boils on the body, the causes, treatment and symptoms of which are accompanied by some discomfort. In children, the disease passes more rapidly than in adults, but the intensity of childhood furunculosis is impressive. Often, a child with a boil is sent for treatment to an infectious diseases hospital.

The stage of suppuration of boils is most suitable for therapy. To overcome a disease, you must first know everything about it: what symptoms are associated with the disease, what boils look like on the body, causes, treatment folk remedies and medications, whether external medications or antibiotics are needed. It turns out that it is in the complex therapeutic measures capable of resisting furunculosis. At the same time, the most important thing is not to self-medicate under any circumstances and visit a doctor at the first signs of illness.

External effects of drugs

Local means regular external application of antimicrobial medications. Depending on the severity of the disease, ointments are applied not only to the inflamed area, but also to the adjacent skin surface several times a day for a week.

Doctors prescribe ichthyol ointment, after application of which it is necessary to cover the affected area. Sometimes a course of infrared irradiation of subcutaneous infiltrates is prescribed.

Among the common drugs sold in every pharmacy and effectively fighting furunculosis are the following:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • "Biopin";
  • dimexide-containing medications.

A drug that effectively speeds up the healing process and eliminates boils on the body and its causes deserves special attention. Treatment with Levomekol ointment must be carried out regularly, at least three times in a day. Applying the drug to diseased areas of the skin is necessary to accelerate the maturation of boils.

After opening the boil, ichthyol ointment must be applied, and a sterile bandage soaked in hydrogen peroxide is applied to the very center of the inflammatory focus. On at this stage During the course of the disease, doctors do not recommend interrupting the course of infrared irradiation and electrophoresis. In case of obvious, a decision is made on surgical intervention.

Antibiotics in the treatment of illness

Boils that have arisen on the body (the causes, treatment with antibiotics and the healing process are of interest to many) cannot be overcome without general drug therapy. A staphylococcal infection that has settled in the body can remind itself every time, occasionally manifesting itself as painful boils, so it is necessary to take all possible measures to eliminate it. As a rule, the choice of specialists in this matter falls on antibiotics penicillin series. In addition to them, sulfonamide medications are prescribed.

Immunomodulators and vitamins will be secondary in the complex of therapeutic prescriptions. Only a specialist can write recommendations for the use of each medication, taking into account the patient’s age, weight, and the presence of concomitant diseases for which taking specific medications may be unacceptable. It is also important to follow a balanced healthy diet, avoid alcohol and excess carbohydrates.

How to get rid of furunculosis using traditional methods?

Boils on the body (causes, treatment with folk remedies - fundamental points that you need to be aware of in the presence of furunculosis) can be defeated using medications that have been tested by people for many years. Some useful tips especially useful for people suffering from a chronic disease.

  1. First folk recipe is called "flatbread". You need to prepare a simple flatbread from several ingredients: egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey, butter (softened), flour. The test mass should be of medium thickness. The cake rolled out into a thick pancake must be applied to the sore spot and tied with a bandage. Wear throughout the day, without removing, but sometimes changing the dough itself, the unused part of which should be stored in the refrigerator. After an abscess, it is worth using the cake for a couple more days.
  2. Raw grated vegetables also help with boils. A paste of raw potatoes or carrots, following the same pattern as in the previous recipe, must be placed on the wound and secured with gauze. The vegetable mass should be changed 3-4 times.
  3. Onions are a panacea for furunculosis, according to grandparents. They claim that for a long time people have used baked onions as a remedy for the treatment of furunculosis. A vegetable cut in half was applied to the preliminary site of the boil and held until the boil flowed out.


Disease prevention involves following simple hygiene rules. Sanitary rules in specialized workplaces are the key to preventing infection. Taking a shower daily and changing underwear and outerwear will help prevent the occurrence of furunculosis.

In addition, it is worth taking care of the general resistance of the body. You can increase the level of immune forces only by choosing healthy image life, abandonment bad habits And proper nutrition. These are the best preventive measures in the fight against boils.

Furuncle(syn. in everyday life - “ulcer”, “boil”) - this is a type staphyloderma(pustular inflammatory skin disease caused by staphylococcal microorganisms). It is characterized by the development of a purulent-inflammatory process in the hair follicle and surrounding tissue.

Furunculosis- a disease characterized by the appearance of a large number of boils on different parts of the skin.

Carbuncle- a disease in which several nearby hair follicles become inflamed. We can say that these are several boils combined into one. The disease has a more severe course.

Prevalence of boils

Pyoderma* - a group of diseases that include boils - are quite widespread. They make up about 40% of other skin pathologies. Patients with boils make up from 4% to 17% of all patients treated in inpatient dermatological clinics.

IN last years The number of patients with boils of the face, especially the nose area, is increasing.

*Pyoderma is a pustular skin disease. A general concept that unites a large number of different diseases. The two main types of pyoderma are staphyloderma (purulent processes caused by staphylococci) and streptoderma (caused by streptococci).

Anatomy of skin and hair follicles

Human skin is a special organ that covers almost the entire surface of the body. Its area in an adult is on average 1.5 - 2.5 meters. It consists of layers that are tightly connected to each other.

Layers of skin:

  • Epidermis- outer layer of skin. Consists of several layers of epithelial cells. The deepest layer is responsible for cell growth and reproduction. The outer layer, the horny layer, is represented by horny scales and performs a protective function.
  • Dermis. It is located under the epidermis and fits tightly to it. Comprises connective tissue. Is the basis for the epidermis, contains blood vessels, nerves.
  • Subcutaneous fat. Represented by adipose tissue.

Skin defense mechanisms

  • Maintaining a certain level of acidity. The pH level of the skin ranges from 3 to 7. In such conditions, only microorganisms that are representatives of normal microflora can exist.
  • Normal microflora. Microorganisms that are normally present on the surface of the skin prevent the proliferation of pathogens.
  • Langerhans cell. These are specific immune cells that are found in the epidermis. They take part in providing immune protection, producing interferon And lysozyme- substances that destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Structure of hair and hair follicle

Hair- these are keratinized skin appendages. There can be up to 2 million hairs on the human body.

Hair structure:

  • Hair shaft- a thin part of the hair that protrudes above the surface of the skin.
  • Hair root- part of the hair located deep in the skin, in the hair follicle.

The hair follicle is embedded in the dermis and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Around it there is a dense capsule of connective tissue.

At the bottom of the hair follicle is its expanded part. It contains the hair follicle - the club-shaped expanded lower end of the hair. The hair follicle contains cells, the division of which ensures hair growth. A connective tissue papilla grows into the hair follicle and hair follicle. It contains blood vessels and nerves for nutrition and innervation of the hair.

In the upper part of the hair follicle, an expansion in the form of a funnel is also formed - its mouth. The duct of the sebaceous (any hair) and sweat (only hair located in certain areas of the body) gland flows into it.

Sebaceous glands draining into the mouth of the hair follicle

The sebaceous gland consists of an enlarged part, which is directly responsible for the secretion of sebum, and an excretory duct.

Sebum has a complex structure. It has bactericidal properties - it can destroy pathogenic microorganisms that fall on the surface of the skin.

Sebum production in humans is mainly regulated by the adrenal glands and sex hormones. The more testosterone is present in the body, the more actively they work. sebaceous glands.

Sweat glands that secrete secretions at the mouth of the hair follicle

Only specific ducts flow into the mouths of hair follicles. apocrine sweat glands . The final part of the gland that secretes sweat is located deep in the dermis.

Apocrine sweat glands are located in the armpits, around the nipples, genitals and anus.

Causes of boils and furunculosis

Who is staphylococcus?

Staphylococcus is a microorganism that is constantly present on the surface of the skin normally, and, at the same time, is capable of causing a wide variety of purulent infections, ranging from boils to severe blood poisoning - sepsis.

How can the same bacteria be both harmless (and sometimes even beneficial) and very dangerous?

The fact is that there are different strains of staphylococci. Strain is a group within a species, like breeds in dogs.

Some strains are completely harmless to humans. Other conditionally pathogenic, that is, they are capable of causing infections only under reduced immunity and other special circumstances. Still others always cause illness if they enter the body.

Normally, 90% of staphylococci found on human skin are harmless strains. 10% are pathogenic, but there are so few of them that they are not capable of causing a purulent process. Boils and furunculosis develop in cases where this ratio changes greatly.

What skin features predispose to the development of boils?

  • increased sweating: with constant sweat, the structure and protective properties of the skin are disrupted
  • scratching and damage caused by other skin diseases and disorders
  • frequent skin injuries: abrasions, scratches, abrasions - any infection easily penetrates through these defects
  • constant contact of the skin with discharge from the nose and ears during chronic diseases: rhinitis, otitis, etc.
  • skin contamination, lack of personal hygiene: most often, boils form on the back of the neck, as a lot of dirt and sweat accumulate here, and there is constant friction against the collar
  • violations of skin protection as a result of occupational hazards: constant contact with lubricating oils, dust (coal, cement, lime, etc.), aggressive chemicals

Decreased immunity

The normal state of the body's immune forces prevents the penetration of any pathogenic microorganisms into the skin.

Factors leading to decreased immune strength and furunculosis:

  • severe chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases: tonsillitis, bronchitis, frequent pneumonia, rhinitis and sinusitis, otitis, etc.;
  • diseases accompanied by decreased immunity: HIV;
  • reception immunosuppressants(drugs intended specifically to suppress the immune system in autoimmune diseases), cytostatics(medicines for the destruction of tumor cells), application radiation therapy;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • insufficient and malnutrition, hypovitaminosis.

Hormonal disorders


Furunculosis can be considered a complication of long-term diabetes mellitus. The disease leads to disruption of blood flow in small vessels. As a result, the skin does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Dystrophic processes occur in it, and protective mechanisms decrease. Staphylococci penetrate hair follicles more easily.

Excessive adrenal function

The cortex (outer layer) of the adrenal glands secretes glucocorticoid hormones. They have many effects.

Effects of glucocorticoids on boils:

  • immunosuppression, decreased skin protection
  • an increase in the production of sebum, which, accumulating on the skin and in the lumen of the sebaceous glands, turns into a breeding ground for pathogens

Increasing the content of male sex hormones in the body
Testosterone and its analogues enhance the function of the sebaceous glands of the skin.

Stages of boil development

Usually the boil lasts no more than 10 days. After this, it usually goes away completely. There are 3 stages during a boil:

Stage Characteristic
Infiltrative stage Appears on the surface of the skin infiltrate- area of ​​swelling, redness and induration. It is painful, gradually increases in size, reaching an average of 1 - 3 cm. The skin around the infiltrate also becomes swollen and painful. The tingling feeling bothers me. Feature: an infiltrate always forms around the hair, since staphylococci primarily affect the hair follicle and multiply inside it. At this stage of the boil, the phrase “boil is brewing” is often used in everyday life.
Purulent-necrotic stage It is observed 3 to 4 days after the first symptoms of a boil appear. A core consisting of pus and dead tissue appears in the center of the infiltrate. Its end protrudes above the surface of the skin in the form of an abscess.
At a certain point in time, the thin layer of tissue covering the rod bursts, and pus and dead tissue come out. After this there is a significant improvement. All symptoms decrease: swelling and redness begin to subside, pain no longer bothers you. In common parlance, this condition is referred to by the phrase “the boil has broken through.”
Healing stage After the pus is rejected, the wound remaining at the site of the boil begins to heal. If the boil was small, then after healing there are no signs left on the skin. Ulcers large sizes leave behind scars.

Symptoms of furunculosis

Manifestations of furunculosis depend on the stage of the process, the location of the boil, and the state of the body’s immune forces.

Areas of the body where boils are most common:

  • face: nose, nasolabial triangle(the area of ​​skin between the nose and upper lip), ear area
  • back of the neck: in this case, the fact that the skin of the neck constantly experiences friction in contact with the collar plays a certain role
  • forearms
  • buttocks and thighs

Symptoms of a boil on the face

The face is one of the favorite places to localize a boil, since the skin on the face most often has increased oil content and there is a large number of sebaceous glands. The most common boils are the nose, upper lip, and ear canal area.

Characteristic symptoms and complaints of patients with nasal boils:

  • the boil quickly becomes noticeable, since even with small sizes it leads to a cosmetic defect
  • there is severe pain
  • pain in the area of ​​the boil intensifies during movements of facial muscles, shaving, washing;
  • Facial boils, more often than in other places, are accompanied by increased body temperature and general malaise
  • headaches are noted
  • small boils resemble blackheads (pimples); attempts to squeeze them out are accompanied by severe pain.

Why is a facial boil dangerous?

The veins of the facial area are connected to the veins of the skull. When trying to squeeze out a boil on the face, carelessly pressing on it, the work of facial muscles, or a decrease in immunity, the infection can penetrate into the venous bed and lead to the development of thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the walls of the veins with the formation of blood clots. The face becomes swollen, acquires a bluish coloration, and is painful to touch. Severely disturbed general state patient, body temperature rises to 40⁰C.

Further, the infection can spread into the cranial cavity, leading to meningitis(inflammation of the meninges), meningoencephalitis(inflammation of the meninges and brain matter), sepsis(generalized inflammation).

IN purulent surgery There is a rule: boils on the face that are located above the upper lip should be treated with the utmost caution.

Symptoms of a boil under the armpit

Boils in the armpit are relatively uncommon. Another disease is more common here - hidradenitis - purulent inflammation sweat gland.

In general, a boil in the axillary region is accompanied by the same symptoms as boils in other locations. An increase in pain is noted during movements in the shoulder joints, careless touches and pressure on the boil.

Symptoms of a boil in the groin area and on the lower limb

In the groin area, boils and hidradenitis may occur. A boil in the groin manifests itself with typical symptoms and goes through typical stages.

Conditions that may complicate a boil in the groin area and lower limb:

  • Regional lymphadenitis. Inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the area of ​​the boil. It appears as a painful lump under the skin. With a boil in the groin, the inguinal lymph nodes are most often affected.
  • Regional lymphangitis. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessel located next to the boil. It appears as a painful cord under the skin. Lymphangitis is often combined with lymphadenitis.

Symptoms of a boil in the genital area

Among the boils that arise in the genital area, the furuncle of the labia majora has the greatest specificity. Most often, its development is associated with bartholinitis- purulent staphylococcal inflammation of the Bartholin glands located in the thickness of the labia majora. Normally, their function is associated with the release of a special lubricant.
A furuncle of the labia majora is accompanied by swelling, redness, and severe pain.

Symptoms of a boil in the buttocks and back of the thigh

The largest boils are usually found in the area of ​​the buttocks and thighs. They are accompanied by the most severe symptoms.


Furunculosis- a disease that is characterized by the appearance of a large number of boils on different parts of the body or in a limited area (most often on the buttocks, thighs). Furunculosis is also called constant recurrence, when after the healing of boils new ones constantly appear.

Types of furunculosis, depending on the severity of the process:

  • acute furunculosis: there are many boils on the skin at the same time
  • chronic furunculosis: sequential appearance of boils, when some disappear while others appear - this form of the disease usually occurs over a very long time

Types of furunculosis depending on the prevalence of elements:

  • disseminated(common) furunculosis: boils are found throughout the body;
  • localized(limited) furunculosis: all boils are concentrated in only one limited area.

Causes of furunculosis

The causes of individual boils and furunculosis are described above. Furunculosis almost always occurs against the background of decreased immunity.

Symptoms of furunculosis

Furunculosis is accompanied by the same symptoms as a single boil. Each element sequentially goes through three stages of development. But with furunculosis, signs of a violation of the general condition are more pronounced. There is a feeling of malaise, elevated temperature bodies.

Complications of furunculosis

Complications with furunculosis are relatively common.

The most common complications of furunculosis:

  • lymphadenitis- inflammation of nearby lymph nodes;
  • lymphangitis- inflammation of nearby lymphatic vessels;
  • sepsis, or, in common parlance - blood poisoning - a severe generalized infectious process;
  • meningitis and meningoencephalitis - inflammation of the meninges and brain substance when infection penetrates into the cranial cavity (if the skin of the face and head is affected);
  • arthritis - inflammation in the joints (with skin lesions in the joint area);
  • glomerulonephritis - inflammatory disease kidney

Treatment of furunculosis

When should you see a doctor to open a boil?

In most cases, uncomplicated boils do not require surgical treatment. Conservative techniques are used.

Treatment methods for uncomplicated boils at the infiltration stage:

  • wiping the skin in the area of ​​the abscess with an antiseptic solution, most often with ordinary medical alcohol
  • frequent hand washing with soap and antiseptics
  • cauterization of the boil itself with iodine solution (5%)
  • applying dry heat to the boil (under no circumstances apply compresses to the area of ​​the boil: this helps loosen the abscess and spread it to surrounding tissues)
  • UHF therapy
  • laser therapy

Despite the fact that a boil can be treated at home, it is still worth contacting a surgeon or dermatologist at the clinic. The doctor will examine the abscess and give recommendations for treatment. If appropriate indications are found, the doctor will give a referral for hospital treatment. If necessary, he will perform a blockade: he will inject a mixture of antibiotic and anesthetic solutions (Novocaine) into the area of ​​the boil.

Treatment methods for uncomplicated boils at the stage of formation of the rod

When the abscess has already formed, you need to help ensure that its opening occurs as quickly as possible.

What is important to remember:

  • only a doctor after an examination can say exactly what stage the boil is at and whether it is ready to burst
  • In no case should you try to squeeze out the abscess yourself: any pressure on the boil can cause it to begin to spread to surrounding tissues

Methods for treating boils at the stage of formation of a purulent-necrotic core:

  • The doctor applies a bandage with several salicylic acid crystals to the skin in the area of ​​the boil. After some time, they corrode the cover of the boil and contribute to the release of the purulent-necrotic core.
  • The doctor removes the purulent-necrotic rod using a thin clamp. This is done very carefully, avoiding pressing on the boil.

After the abscess has broken through, the doctor places a small rubber strip cut from a glove into it. There will be an outflow of pus through it. Apply a bandage. After 3 days, the gum is removed, the bandage is removed, and the boil is treated with brilliant green.

When is surgical treatment indicated for a boil?

One of the complications of a boil is subcutaneous abscess(abscess). It is formed when pus spreads into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. A subcutaneous abscess must be opened. Such patients are treated in a hospital setting.

Is it possible to squeeze out a boil?

It is especially dangerous to squeeze out boils located on the face.

When should you start taking antibiotics for a boil?

For uncomplicated boils, antibiotic therapy and others general methods no treatment is prescribed.

Conditions for which antibiotic therapy is indicated:

  • complications of boils: lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, thrombophlebitis, etc.
  • boils located in the facial area
  • boils that occur against the background of other serious diseases: diabetes, severe infections, HIV, etc.

Antibiotics used to treat boils

Name Application
  • ampicillin
  • amoxicillin
  • amoxiclav
Antibiotics from the penicillin group are the oldest. Many of them remain effective against staphylococci and other microorganisms. Penicillins - antibacterial drugs wide range actions.
  • ceftriaxone
  • cefuroxime
  • cefotaxime
Usually more effective than penicillins. These antibiotics are prescribed most often because they have a relatively low cost and a pronounced effect. Available in the form of powders for dilution and injection.
Gentamicin It is a fairly powerful antibacterial drug, but has a number of contraindications. Under no circumstances should it be used by children or pregnant women. Available in the form of tablets, injection solutions and ointments. Local forms(ointments) have fewer contraindications.
Tetracycline Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Effective against many types of microorganisms. Can be used for general (in tablets) and local (in the form of ointment) treatment of boils.
Levomycetin Powerful antibiotic. It is used topically for boils, in the form of an ointment (see below).

Attention! Self-medication with antibiotics for boils is often ineffective and can lead to negative consequences. These medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

In addition to the use of antibiotics, such general treatment methods as UV therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

What to do if boils appear frequently? Treatment of furunculosis.

If a large number of boils appear on the body at once, or they occur very often, then this condition is called furunculosis.

Self-medication of furunculosis most often does not bring any effect. Improper treatment can lead to further spread of the process and serious complications. To prescribe the correct therapy, you must consult a doctor.

Treatment methods for furunculosis :

Method Description
UV therapy Ultraviolet radiation has an antibacterial effect and promotes tissue regeneration.
Laser therapy Effects of laser radiation:
  • destruction of pathogens
  • improving blood circulation and skin regeneration
  • pain reduction
T-activin Immunostimulant, promotes the formation and activation of leukocytes - immune cells. Treatment with T-activin is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.
Antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin Immunoglobulins are antibodies that protect the body from foreign antigens. For furunculosis, antibodies produced against staphylococci are used. Treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.
Antibiotics See above “Antibiotics that are used to treat boils”
Rinoleukin Medicine, stimulating the general defenses of the body.

What to do if the boil opens on its own, but a lot of pus flows out of it?

After the boil has opened, it must be washed with hydrogen peroxide and a clean bandage applied. After this, wash your hands thoroughly. Contact your doctor at the clinic as soon as possible.

Traditional methods of treating boils

Attention: Improper self-medication can lead to the spread of the purulent process and the development of severe complications. Therefore, before using any traditional methods treatment of boils, be sure to consult your doctor.

Coniferous baths for boils

Substances that pine and spruce needles contain:

  • phytoncides- destroy pathogens
  • vitamin C- is an antioxidant, protects cells from damage, increases protective functions
  • tannins- tone the skin and close skin pores.

In order to take pine baths, it is enough to buy essential oil. You need to dilute a few drops of it in a warm bath and take it for 15-20 minutes daily.

Treatment of boils with aloe leaves

This method is used for ripening boils ( in the stage of infiltration and purulent-necrotic stage) in order to accelerate its breakthrough and rejection of the purulent-necrotic rod.

Aloe is a houseplant that is often grown in pots. It has succulent leaves. To speed up the breakthrough of the boil, their juice is used. The aloe leaf is cut and applied with a cut to the abscess, fixing it with an adhesive plaster. So you need to walk constantly, replacing the aloe leaf 1 - 2 times a day.

Preparation of ointment for boils


  • beeswax - 100 grams
  • unrefined vegetable oil- 500 ml
  • spruce sulfur - small amount
  • lower part of the onion - 10 pieces

It is necessary to pour vegetable oil into an enamel pan and put on fire. When it boils, add beeswax and spruce sulfur. After 30 minutes, add the bottoms of the onions. Cook the resulting mixture for 1 hour, stirring occasionally and skimming off any foam that forms. Then remove from heat, strain, and pour into clean containers. The ointment should cool down, thicken, take on a yellow color and a pleasant smell.

Mode of application: Periodically lubricate the areas where boils occur.

Treatment of boils with garlic

Substances contained in garlic:

  • phytoncides - destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • adaptogens - tone living organs and tissues, help increase defenses.

Method 1. Cut the garlic clove into thin pieces. Take one of them, apply the cut to the boil, and secure with a bandage. Walk like this for a day until the abscess matures and breaks through.

Method 2. Grate a clove of garlic. Apply to the boil and secure with adhesive tape. Walk like this for a day until the abscess matures and breaks through.

Ointments for furunculosis

For furunculosis, ointments containing antibacterial drugs are mainly used.

Gentamicin Description: Ointment in tubes, from 15 to 80 g. Gentamicin is an antibiotic that is effective against many types of infections, including staphylococcal.

Mode of application: Apply to the location of boils 2 - 3 times a day. Usually the course of treatment lasts 7 - 14 days.

Tetracycline Description: Tetracycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Effective against many types of microorganisms, including staphylococci. Available in tubes of 100 g.

Method of application 1. Apply a small amount of ointment to the areas
location of boils 2 - 3 times a day.

Method of application 2. Apply bandages with tetracycline ointment. Change every 12 - 24 hours.

Levomycetin Description. Levomycetin is a powerful antibiotic that has a pronounced effect in purulent processes. Available for local cutaneous use for furunculosis in the form of liniment (a thick mass like an ointment). Sold in tubes of 25 and 30 g, in cans of 25 and 60 g.

Mode of application: Make bandages with chloramphenicol liniment, change once a day.

Active substances:
  • chloramphenicol- antibacterial agent, active against purulent infections
  • methyluracil- a drug that stimulates tissue regeneration
Description. Levomekol not only has pronounced antibacterial properties, but also stimulates tissue regeneration. Therefore, it is used for large opened boils for speedy cleansing and healing.

Mode of application: Soak a sterile gauze pad with ointment and apply it to the wound. Apply a bandage. Perform dressings daily.

Sintomycin Description. Syntomycin is an antibiotic, which in its chemical structure is very similar to chloramphenicol. Also available in the form of liniment, in 25 g jars.

Mode of application. Apply liniment to the area where the boil is located. Place a bandage over it. Perform dressings daily.

Dimexide Description. Medical drug, belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Eliminates inflammation and pain.

Mode of application: Moisten a sterile gauze pad with dimexide. Apply to the location of the boil and apply a bandage. Do dressings daily.

The effectiveness of ichthyol ointment in the treatment of furunculosis

Ichthyol ointment is an ointment prepared on the basis active component Ichthyol. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Ichthyol ointment is widely used in the treatment of boils.

Antibacterial properties ichthyol ointment apply to all strains of streptococci and staphylococci.

The pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of ichthyol ointment appears several hours after its application to the surface of the boil.

Method of using ichthyol ointment for furunculosis

The required amount of ichthyol ointment is applied to the surface of the boil so that it covers the abscess in the form of a cake. Place a cotton swab on top and stick it with an adhesive plaster. The tampon should be changed every 8 hours. After about a day there is improvement.

The effectiveness of Vishnevsky ointment in the treatment of furunculosis

Vishnevsky ointment(full name - balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky) is a combined drug with a complex composition and several active components.

Basic steps: disinfectant, irritant. Vishnevsky ointment destroys many types of pathogens. By irritating the skin, it stimulates tissue regeneration. With a boil, Vishnevsky’s ointment helps soften the walls of the abscess and allow it to penetrate deep into the tissue. This creates a threat of developing a subcutaneous abscess - an abscess. Therefore, the use of Vishnevsky ointment for boils is not practiced.

Why does a boil occur in a pregnant woman and how does it manifest?

Why is a boil dangerous during pregnancy?

Germs can harm both the expectant mother and the baby.

For mother

A weakened immune system sometimes causes Bacteria spread more easily through the bloodstream to other areas of the skin and organs, causing the development of furunculosis or complications (meningitis, lymphadenitis, sepsis and others).

For the fetus

There is a high risk of infection of the membranes and fetus. Moreover, the consequences depend on the duration of pregnancy.

In the first trimester

The formation of internal organs is disrupted, which leads to the formation birth defects development: heart, kidneys and others. Moreover, they are often incompatible with life, so a miscarriage occurs.

In the second trimester

  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus mainly manifests itself after birth. When the lungs are damaged, pneumonia or pleurisy develops, the heart - carditis, the meninges - meningitis and others.
  • When the membranes become infected, fetoplacental insufficiency develops (a syndrome in which all functions of the placenta are disrupted). As a result, the fetus experiences oxygen starvation, its growth and development are delayed, and the risk of premature birth increases.
  • There is a high probability of developing mastitis in the mother after the birth of the child.

What are the causes of chronic furunculosis?

Common factors contribute to the formation of the disease:

  • Severe disturbances in the functioning of all parts of the immune system - for example, with HIV infection, congenital immunodeficiency.
  • At taking medications to treat tumors- cytostatics that disrupt the division and development of all cells in the body, including tumor cells.
  • For autoimmune diseases(psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus) drugs are used that suppress the activity of the immune system (Arava, Methotrexate, Metypred).
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: chronic gastroduodenitis, chronic cholecystitis, erosive bulbitis and others.
  • Disturbance of normal intestinal microflora with a predominance of coccal forms, which include Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Presence of lesions chronic infection. Most often - ENT organs: tonsillitis (tonsillitis), sinusitis, pharyngitis and others.
  • Endocrine diseases, causing disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism (diabetes mellitus), the production of hormones by the thyroid gland (thyroiditis) and sex glands (hypogonadism, amenorrhea).
  • The presence of allergic diseases or a tendency to allergic reactions: bronchial asthma, allergy to house dust and others. Because in these cases the functioning of the immune system is also impaired.

What are the symptoms of chronic furunculosis?

Most often, the disease occurs in a relapsing form - when, after a period of imaginary well-being (remission), signs of the disease reappear.

The course and manifestations of the disease are determined by the degrees of severity

What are the causes of boils in children?

Due to the characteristics of the body, the disease occurs somewhat more often in children than in adults.

The main “culprit” of the boil is Staphylococcus aureus. However, its reproduction is normally controlled by the immune system. Whereas with the combined influence of certain local and general factors, the disease develops.

Local factors

  • Constant rubbing of clothing or minor skin injuries(abrasions, abrasions, scratches), which is not uncommon in children.
  • Allergic diseases- for example atopic dermatitis. There is dry skin, erosions and peeling appear on the skin, the child scratches the skin due to itching, and the functioning of the immune system is disrupted.
  • Close contact with contaminated objects- for example, while playing outside or in the sandbox.
  • Features of skin structure: Children have a thin upper (horny) layer of skin, it has a well-developed network of capillaries and blood supply. Therefore, any microbes enter the skin easily, and then quickly spread through the blood or lymph flow to other areas.
  • Poor personal hygiene leads to children introducing bacteria into a wound or abrasion with unwashed palms.

General factors

  • Presence in the body foci of chronic infection, in which colonies of staphylococci live (isolated cluster). From them, through the blood and/or lymph flow, bacteria are spread to all organs and tissues, including the skin. The leading diseases are from the ENT organs: chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis).

  • Imperfect immune system, which matures in the process of growing up. Therefore, microbes easily penetrate the body without encountering obstacles on their way.

  • Endocrine disorders. In children and adolescents, as a rule, hormonal instability of the body plays a large role in the occurrence of boils.
    Under the influence of sex hormones, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. Increased production of sebum begins, which leads to blockage of the outlet (mouth) of the sebaceous glands of the hair follicle (sac). In such conditions, infection occurs more easily. In addition, sebum is an excellent breeding ground for staphylococci.
    However, the development of furunculosis in adolescents and children is often promoted by other endocrine diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

  • Gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, colitis, ulcers and others. Digestion of food is disrupted, as is the supply of microelements and vitamins to the body. In addition, Staphylococcus aureus may be present in the intestines.

  • Anemia, lack of vitamins and nutrients, physical or emotional stress, anorexia in adolescents(decreased appetite, deliberate refusal to eat) lead to disruption of the immune system.

  • The intensive work of the sweat and sebaceous glands is due to immaturity of thermoregulation processes in children under seven years of age. As a result, sweat and sebum quickly accumulate on the surface of the skin. According to research, under such conditions, local immunity decreases, and the protective function of the skin decreases by 17 times.

  • Helminthiasis reduce the activity of the immune system, which is quite common in children.

What are the symptoms of boils in children?

A boil can develop on any area of ​​the skin where hair is present, since the disease affects the hair follicles and the adjacent sebaceous gland.

Whereas a boil never forms on the skin of the palms and soles, since there is no hair in these areas.

There are two forms of the disease:

  • A large single abscess appears on a limited area of ​​skin. In this case, with timely and adequate treatment, recovery usually occurs within 8-10 days.
  • Furunculosis develops: Many boils appear on the skin. The disease can be acute or chronic in its course.

Single boil in children

A large abscess appears, which in its development goes through the same stages as in adults.

However In children there are some differences in the course of the disease:

  • As a rule, several symptoms are more pronounced intoxication: The body temperature rises to high levels (38-39°C), general malaise appears, the child refuses to eat, and complains of a headache.
  • Despite the rapid course of the disease, usually cure in children occurs in a shorter time than in adults. In addition, a chronic process develops less often.
  • Furuncle in children of wounded age(up to three years) is most often located in places that are difficult to reach for treatment - for example, at the base of the nasal passages.
    Whereas preschoolers and junior schoolchildren boils are mainly located on the nose (slopes, back and base of the nasal passages), forehead, cheeks and chin.
    In other areas of the skin, boils develop somewhat less frequently.
  • Due to the location of the boils, as well as the abundant and good blood supply to the skin, there is high risk of spreading infection from the primary focus with the development of acute furunculosis or complications (sepsis, thrombosis of the cavernous veins and others).

Furunculosis in children

Ulcers can appear either in the form of separate clusters on a certain area of ​​the skin or spread to other areas.

Acute furunculosis in children

There are several boils on the skin that appear almost simultaneously. Therefore, they are at the same stage of development.

In this case, as a rule, the child’s general condition is sharply disturbed: he becomes lethargic and refuses to eat, his body temperature rises to high levels and is difficult to lower.

In this case, the course of the disease usually resembles a severe infectious process. Moreover, the general trend is as follows: than younger child- the more severe the disease progresses.

Chronic furunculosis in children

Typically, boils are at different stages of development: at the same time, red bumps, ulcers, and wounds can be seen on the skin after the pus is rejected.

However, most often the disease occurs in a relapsing form: periods of exacerbation alternate with periods of apparent well-being (remission).

The general condition of the child is usually disturbed when new boils appear, resembling the acute course of the disease.

How to treat chronic furunculosis?

This task is quite difficult, since numerous factors lead to its development. Therefore, an integrated approach is required.

Basic principles

1. Local and general treatment depending on the stage of development of the boil and the complications that have formed

At the compaction stage - local treatment with antiseptics, ultraviolet radiation, applications with antibacterial ointments. At the stage of rod formation, if necessary, the boils are opened, drained, treated with antiseptic solutions, and bandaged with antibacterial ointments are applied. When indicated, antibiotics are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the microbe to them.
2. Impact on the underlying disease

It is carried out at any stage of development of furunculosis: treatment of foci of chronic infection, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine diseases (for example, diabetes) and others. Therapy is carried out by specialized specialists: ENT doctor, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and others.
3. Improving immune system function

An immunologist prescribes medications depending on the type of immune system disorder and the stage of the disease. With timely treatment, chronic furunculosis is cured in 80% of cases within 1-2 months of treatment.

How to increase immunity during furunculosis?

  • Antiseptics- drugs that prevent or suppress the growth of bacteria - Betadine (only up to 12 weeks of pregnancy), Chlorhexidine.
  • Ointments— Levomekol, Ichthyol, Syntomycin.

General treatment

Antibiotics are prescribed that are approved for use during pregnancy, taking into account the period: penicillins (Amoxiclav, Ampicillin), cephalosporins (Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone, Suprax, Cefepime), macrolides (Erythromycin, Rovamycin, Vilprafen).

However, antibiotics are only used in case of emergency:

  • When complications develop - for example, lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes), lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels) and others.
  • If the boil is located in a dangerous place: face, neck, scalp.
  • For acute or chronic furunculosis.
  • In the presence of common diseases- for example, diabetes mellitus, HIV infection, pyelonephritis and others.

Use of drugs improving the functioning of the immune system, not recommended during pregnancy.

Treatment of foci of chronic infection

The most common “place of residence” of Staphylococcus aureus is the pharynx and nasopharynx. The microbe is detected by culture from the nasopharynx.

Local processing

1. Antiseptic solutions are used, which are approved for use during pregnancy and also inhibit the growth and reproduction of Staphylococcus aureus.

  • Alcohol solution used for gargling. Before use, it is diluted as follows: one teaspoon per 200 ml of warm water.
  • Oil solution the pharynx is processed, back wall pharynx, tonsils and nasal cavities.
  • Spray The mouth, throat and nose are irrigated.

All procedures are carried out 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

2. Used staphylococcal bacteriophage which is safe for the fetus:

  • The nasopharynx is irrigated: two or three pipettes of the solution are inserted into each nasal passage. Anything that gets into your throat should be swallowed.
  • Then you should leave a cotton swab soaked in the bacteriophage in the cavity of each nostril for 5-7 minutes.

Treatment is carried out in the intervals between meals - from one to three times a day. Duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

Moreover, both drugs are also good because they carriage of staphylococcus in the intestines they can be used internally.

How to protect the fetus from infection?

Sometimes carried out immunization with staphylococcal toxoid at 32, 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. To do this, 0.5 ml of the drug is injected subcutaneously at the angle of the scapula.

What vitamins should I take for furunculosis?

Vitamins A and E improve skin nutrition and wound healing, promote cell renewal, and participate in protein synthesis.

Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections, improving the functioning of the immune system.

B vitamins normalize the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver, endocrine glands (for example, thyroid), nervous system, participate in protein synthesis and other processes.

It is not difficult to compensate for the deficiency of such a number of vitamins at the same time. Since the modern pharmaceutical industry offers big choice combination vitamin preparations, also containing minerals such as iron, calcium and others. For example Vitrum, Multi-Tabs, Centrum.

However, practice proves that it is still better take vitamins separately, in small courses.

For example, drugs with B vitamins- brewer's yeast, Milgamma, Neurobex, Tricortin and others. You can also compensate for the deficiency of B vitamins by taking dietary supplements - for example, Mega B Complex, B vitamins - dietary supplement "Tiens".

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid Available in tablets or dragees with similar names.

How is a boil treated for diabetes?

In compliance with the key principles: local treatment, prescription of immunostimulants, vitamins and other drugs.

However, when diabetes mellitus the main emphasis is on normalizing metabolism and carbohydrates: diet therapy (discussed in the section below) and prescription medicines.

And the tissues surrounding it. Caused by pyogenic bacteria. It never appears on the palms and soles, only on those parts of the body where hair is present. This is the face, neck, arms, legs, groin areas, buttocks, eyes, ears.


The initial stage is the appearance of itching, then swelling and redness occurs around the hair follicle. The swelling gradually grows, turning from pale pink to purple. It's quite painful, the touch brings discomfort. The first stage of ripening lasts about two days.

The next stage is when the tissue begins to soften and acquire a greenish tint. During this period, a person may develop a fever and feel unwell, which is caused by a boil. It is better to start treatment from the first stage, then the second will pass less painfully and faster.

In the center of the boil there is a funnel-shaped ulcer; after the boil bursts, the ulcer clears, swelling subsides, redness decreases, and healing occurs. Unfortunately, it leaves a mark on the skin in the form of a scar.

Why do chirias appear?

1. Lack of hygiene.

2. Contamination due to cuts, abrasions, inflammation.

3. Hypothermia of the body.

4. Stress.

5. Wrong diet.

6. Various diseases. For example, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lack of vitamins, metabolic disorders, etc.

Boil. Treatment for severe inflammation

If the pain is severe, the inflammation becomes more and more, another one appears, in this case it is prescribed by the surgeon. Complete removal or opening of a mature boil is prescribed; this operation is performed under This is necessary to remove the formed pus and wash the wound to avoid inflammatory processes and the spread of boils.

Boil. Treatment with medication

If the course of inflammation is less intense, then surgical intervention can be avoided. The doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics in the form of tablets, injections or droppers. Usually this is Dicloxacillin or Cephalexin. Physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed. Treatment with ultrasound, dry heat. For external therapy, compresses of ichthyol ointment are usually prescribed; for convenience, special ichthyol stickers can be used.

How to treat a boil on the eye?

Treatment in this case should be completely delicate and careful, it should begin at the very initial stage of the appearance of boil (barley). In this case, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Most often, instillation of antibacterial drops is prescribed. For example, Albucid. The prescription of medications directly depends on the degree of inflammation. If it is quite strong, then compresses with anti-inflammatory ointment are prescribed. If the boil is just beginning to appear, you can carefully rinse the eye with chamomile decoction or tea leaves at home. To do this, use sterilized cotton wool, wet it with the infusion and very carefully wipe the eye, starting from the side and ending at the bridge of the nose. A decoction or tea leaves can be used as compresses.

How to treat a boil in the ear?

Treatment must be urgent, as a boil in the ear is very dangerous. The inflammation is quite close to the brain. If an abscess ruptures, there can be disastrous consequences. For example, hearing loss. You cannot self-medicate, apply any ointment, all actions are only as prescribed by a doctor! Instillation of boric acid or placement of a tissue soaked in this acid may be prescribed. Sleep only on the sore ear, because if the boil bursts, the pus will come out, and not into the inside of the ear, which is very dangerous.