Drug treatment clinic - how it works. Treatment at a drug treatment clinic

Alcoholism is an uncontrollable disease that always has Negative influence, both on the physiological and psycho-emotional state of a person. If you ignore this problem, then very soon irreversible changes in organs and systems will develop, which will mark the beginning of many chronic pathologies. That is why treatment at a drug treatment clinic for alcoholism should begin as early as possible.

Modern medicine can offer enough ways to eliminate this problem with minimal complications - a variety of specially designed programs with high final effectiveness.

Treatment at the drug treatment clinic "Alkoklinik"

Eliminating alcohol addiction is the most best option for today, which involves the full rehabilitation of patients from their addiction.

The specialists of our dispensary have developed a comprehensive method of treating alcoholism, which includes:

  • primary measures to relieve withdrawal symptoms;
  • full ;
  • drug therapy;
  • coding;
  • correctional psychotherapy;

The therapy carried out in our clinic allows us to effectively restore body functions impaired as a result of alcoholism, prevent chronic diseases mental and somatic nature, improve well-being during the period of recovery from binge drinking and say goodbye to destructive addiction forever.

How is treatment for alcoholism carried out in a drug treatment clinic?

Despite the variety of methods, the treatment regimen is always drawn up on the basis of certain criteria, which ultimately allows for maximum results.

In particular, narcologists at our clinic take into account the following points:

  • characteristics of the patient as an individual;
  • relationships between the patient and others;
  • Availability various pathologies;
  • behavior in his usual way social society;
  • age criterion;
  • tolerability and absence of allergies to drugs;
  • patient preferences;
  • severity of symptoms;
  • type of previous therapy, its effectiveness.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor draws up for each patient individual program treatment for alcoholism in a drug treatment clinic, which includes:

  1. Detoxification. This is the first point of treatment. It is very important to cleanse the patient’s body of toxins and metabolic products that accumulate in it due to excessive alcohol consumption. Special techniques allow you to eliminate a hangover and restore work important functions, eliminate cravings for alcohol and a number negative consequences dependencies ( headache, hand tremors, pathological fear, swelling, feelings of unreasonable anxiety, mental disorders, depression, etc.).
  2. Stabilization of mental state. This is the stage of work with the patient by professional and qualified psychologists. They help him take control of his emotions, give up alcohol, and normalize his mental condition, adjust behavior. Thanks to doctors, a person begins to again feel like a necessary and full-fledged member of society, his life again has meaning. On at this stage The support of loved ones is very important. The clinic's psychologists will always help outline ways to solve a variety of problems in the family, at work, in relationships, in order to solve them as quickly and painlessly as possible.
  3. Coding. It can be performed immediately after quitting binge drinking or after completing a course of therapy. The purpose of this procedure is to block the patient’s desire for alcohol. After coding, a person can return to his usual society. The Alkoklinik center offers such coding methods as filing of long-acting medications, the Dovzhenko method, tablet drugs of imported and domestic production.

For many, treatment of alcoholism in a drug treatment clinic has become a lifeline and allowed them to return to normal life, family, relatives, children. Treatment programs in our clinic are focused exclusively on promoting a healthy and sober lifestyle. Timely assistance from a narcologist and the latest scientific developments and technologies make it possible to recover from alcoholism in the shortest possible time, forever getting rid of this harmful and personality-destroying habit.

If you look at it from a legal point of view, alcoholics, homeless people and drug addicts are under the care of the Ministry of Health.

But in fact, there are no qualified personnel left to work with such people, and ordinary hospitals have difficulty coping with such unpredictable patients and cannot influence their aggression, denial of addiction and behavioral deviations.

It is good if the patient is surrounded by relatives or close people who can influence the situation and convince him of the need for treatment, because otherwise the alcoholic will find himself at the bottom of his life. compulsory treatment to such individuals is applied only by court decision.

The article will discuss how to admit a loved one, an alcoholic, to a clinic or Drug Dispensary.

Treatment by voluntary consent

If a person admits his powerlessness over drinking alcohol, if he himself is ready to accept proper treatment, then his loved ones can seek help and submit him for a course at a drug treatment clinic.

Treatment there is the most affordable, the course of therapy lasts from 5 to 45 days under the supervision of a narcologist assigned to the patient, and monitoring is also carried out by psychologists and psychiatrists, monitoring the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

Therapy and timing of treatment are determined by the attending physician based on the stage of the disease, the course of symptoms and the results shown by the tests.

But after treatment in such state medical institutions, the alcoholic automatically ends up on the list of people who are registered with a narcologist.

And this could unsettle him for three whole years. A certificate of alcoholism scares away potential employers and prevents you from finding a job or obtaining a driver’s license.

This factor often scares away both the alcohol addict himself and those who want to refer him for treatment.

Anonymous treatment of alcoholism

Private clinics and rehabilitation centers have become an alternative to state hospitals. They provide anonymous treatment, which is what attracts the attention of more and more people.

For drinking man There is no risk of being relegated to the margins of life because of your illness. Clinics provide comfortable living conditions, medication treatment and rehabilitation therapy, which consolidates the results and helps you stay sober.

The methods are the same everywhere, but differ from each other in the choice of drugs and recovery programs that have different effects.

Some institutions even have a stable organization of leisure activities, usually sports, active games, handicrafts, as well as auxiliary useful procedures to better achieve intoxication in the form of a sauna or acupuncture.

The disadvantage is that treatment in these centers is carried out on a commercial basis and the amount of payment is not always affordable for those who plan to take their loved one for therapy.

But due to the fact that there are more and more such clinics every year, the price of the course in them is very different and depends on many factors, so most families can choose an option that suits their budget.

Treatment for minors

The statistics are frightening in their numbers; over the past five years in Russia the number of teenagers who systematically drink alcohol has increased by 2.5 times.

Parents, according to current legislation, have the right to determine their child for treatment without his consent. When it comes to children, every minute is very important, so experts recommend not delaying the start of therapy.

In St. Petersburg there is a teenage drug treatment clinic MND-1, and ten more are located throughout the region.

They are noteworthy in that even the teenager who responds to the help of professionals is provided with motivation: qualified psychologists convince him of the need for treatment using the latest effective methods.

The emphasis in these centers is on developing a healthy lifestyle, developing motivation and a deep understanding of the essence of your addiction, because you need to know the enemy by sight.

Throughout the course, programs are carried out to normalize family relationships, along with children, they carry out preventive work to eliminate codependency in parents, and adjust the methods of further education to eliminate the possibility of breakdowns.

After a full course of rehabilitation and return home, psychologists conduct a course of adaptation and socialization for minors, which helps to avoid the traumatic impact of returning to their familiar environment.

At any time after the end of treatment, the addict himself or his parents can contact the helpline and receive consultations and advice in all possible difficult situations.

Those whose children have fallen into the clutches of the “green serpent” urgently need to transfer the teenager to such an institution; assistance to such families is provided on a government basis.

How to surrender an alcoholic without forced treatment

Separately, you need to pay attention to the situation when the alcoholic simply needs to be isolated.

This needs to be done when drunkenness leads a person into a state of aggression and hallucinations and provokes behavior that is dangerous for everyone around him.

If alcohol causes violence in your family, inappropriate behavior on the part of the patient, aggressive attacks, then you should clearly understand what risks exist and what degree of threat hangs over others, and after drawing conclusions, send your loved one to compulsory therapy.

This can be done through a court decision or calling a team psychiatric care, which has the right to instantly record inappropriate behavior or “delirium tremens” in a patient, and place him in a closed hospital or psychiatric clinic.

In such cases, a relative who submits an alcoholic for treatment ensures safety for both the family and the entire society, and perhaps saves the addict from crime and prison, because alcohol knows no barriers.

In addition, help will still be provided to the patient and there will be chances for his recovery.

In any case where there is a risk that others will be harmed, decisive action must be taken as the only way to avoid irreparable consequences.

A drug treatment clinic is a specialized medical institution where treatment is carried out various forms dependencies. The clinic has a comfortable hospital where drug addicts face long and complex rehabilitation. Thanks to the skills of specialists and well-chosen methods, it is possible to relieve patients from addiction at any stage.

Narcological clinic - features of the institution

Between home and hospital treatment drug addiction you should choose the second option. Rehabilitation at the dispensary has many features:

  • isolation from the outside world, where the risk of relapse and receiving a new dose is increased;
  • absence of irritating factors that can lead to depression and breakdown;
  • comfortable environment, cozy rooms;
  • friendly attitude of the staff;
  • 24-hour supervision by specialists, provision of medication and psychological assistance Anytime;
  • development of a treatment plan depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the type of drugs consumed and length of service;
  • post-discharge support;
  • assistance in employment;
  • psychological support for loved ones.

Who can be treated at the dispensary

Placement in a drug treatment hospital for rehabilitation is available for drug addicts of all ages. The dispensary provides treatment to both young people and representatives of the adult generation. The rooms are selected taking into account the patient’s age, so that peers can be in the same room, become friends and go through this difficult path of recovery together.

The main condition for placement in a dispensary is the voluntary consent of the patient. Unfortunately, compulsory treatment for drug addiction is prohibited in Russia, so relatives will have to make efforts to convince the patient that treatment is inevitable.

If you can’t do this on your own, then clinic specialists who know how to persuade drug addicts to go to rehabilitation are invited to your home.

The drug treatment clinic accepts patients with any stage of addiction for treatment. We do not only take on patients in critical condition who require assistance of a different nature. Even if other institutions have refused to treat your loved one due to persistent addiction or aggressive behavior, contact us.

Let us help you stop using drugs! Contact us!

-- select -- Call time - Now 8:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 18:00 18:00 - 20: 00 20:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 00:00

How the work of a drug treatment clinic is structured

The work of a drug treatment clinic is to organize the main stages of treatment:

  1. Relieving withdrawal symptoms. The work of specialists begins, as a rule, by calling a narcologist to your home, who will suppress withdrawal symptoms. During painful withdrawal symptoms, a person is unable to adequately respond to the situation and make decisions. Suppression of withdrawal symptoms is carried out with medications that cleanse the body of toxins, and is also supplemented with supportive therapy.
  2. Conviction of the need for treatment. With the consent of relatives, the doctor convinces the patient of the need to undergo a rehabilitation course.
  3. Hospital placement. Having received the patient’s consent, the drug addict is transported to the hospital using the clinic’s or relatives’ transport.
  4. Examination. Before starting treatment, it is important to identify existing diseases that become a contraindication to the use of certain medications.
  5. Drug treatment. Suppression physical dependence- the primary task of doctors. Detoxification is carried out - cleansing the body of toxins.
  6. Physical rehabilitation. It consists of restoring the functionality of the body through drug treatment, physical activity, physiotherapeutic procedures.
  7. Psychological rehabilitation. Working with psychologists leads to the suppression of addiction on an emotional level, and personal problems are also solved.
  8. Social adaptation. The patient is taught to take care of himself, communicate with loved ones and strangers, and find life goals.

Study all information carefully

Before going to a drug treatment clinic, carefully study the information about treatment methods, reviews from patients and their loved ones. The dispensary must have a positive reputation and create good impression. Consider that your to a loved one you will have to stay in the hospital for at least six months, so the clinic must comply with accepted standards.

Our rehabilitation center is equipped with high-tech equipment and modern medicines. We carefully develop a treatment plan, taking into account individual characteristics body. Contact the “No Drugs” clinic to return your loved one to a full life.


Free healthcare gives literally every person addicted to alcohol a chance to say goodbye to their painful addiction. State therapy is carried out in specialized institutions - drug treatment clinics, and consists of interrupting binge drinking. In some cases, to consolidate the result, drug therapy and psychotherapy aimed at reducing cravings for alcohol and developing an aversion to alcohol.

Only 15, maximum 20 percent of people dependent on alcohol are offered rehabilitation in a specialized center as part of state therapy. All other alcohol addicts immediately return to their normal lifestyle after a short course of detoxification therapy.

What are the results of this approach to providing drug treatment?

Alas, the results are far from the best. Only those patients who initially had their own powerful motivation to give up alcohol actually stop drinking alcohol - there are no more than 10% of these in drug dispensaries. The remaining 90%, unable to cope with their addiction, having found themselves in a familiar environment made up of other alcohol addicts, begin to drink alcohol again.

Alternative to state therapy

Modern approaches make it possible to achieve stable remissions lasting 5 years or more in 50-90% of patients. The most top scores provide those programs that combine drug therapy, suggestive psychotherapy (hypnosis), cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (psychological rehabilitation, thanks to which a person’s views on life and the place of alcohol in it change), social and labor adaptation.

Getting rid of addiction in the non-state clinic “Health” is carried out exactly according to this scheme. A personalized approach to each client’s problem, comfortable conditions of stay, strict adherence to confidentiality and professionalism of the staff are what we guarantee to each of our clients.

The effectiveness of assistance in “Zdorovye” has been consistently at 90% for five years in a row: exactly the same number of patients left us with a firm determination to lead a sober lifestyle - and they actually do so after 3 and 5 years.
Name of service Price Additional Information


Initial consultation with a narcologist (with selection of a course of treatment) For free
Detoxification of the body for alcoholism/drug addiction Standard ward From RUB 2,900/day Cost excluding additional procedures. The price includes accommodation, meals, supervision by a narcologist, droppers as prescribed (for mild intoxication of the body)
Detoxification of the body for alcoholism/drug addiction VIP chamber From 7,900 rub. Cost excluding additional procedures. The price includes accommodation in a single room, meals, monitoring by a narcologist, droppers as prescribed
UBOD (Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification) From 35,000 rub. Accommodation is not included in the price
Coding From 7000 rub.
Individual psychotherapy session 3000 rub.
Correction module Narco-psychotherapy using biofeedback (author's Methodology). 15,000 rub.
Individual nursing station 3000 rub.
Xenon therapy 7500 rub.
Plasmophoresis 7000 rub.
ILBI 1100 rub.
Electroson 1200 rub.
Massage 2000 rub.
MRI from 3000 rub.
Coding for alcoholism From 6000 rub. The coding method is selected by the doctor in agreement with the patient/relatives.
File for drug addiction “Esperal”, “Naltrexone” From 20,000 rub. The type of filing is selected by the doctor in agreement with the patient/relatives.
Individual work with a psychologist From 3000 rub. Depends on the category of doctor, counseling methods, timing, program, etc.
Screening tests for the presence of narcotic substances From 1500 rub. Depends on the number of types of drugs

Complex treatment

General ward 5000 rub./day accommodation in a shared ward for up to 4 people
Double room 9000 rub./day accommodation in a room for up to 2 people
Single room 12,000 rub./day accommodation in a single VIP room with increased level comfort: toilet, shower, air conditioning, TV, etc.

Individual treatment programs

Standard-ALKO 3 RUB 30,500 three days of detoxification in the general ward, general analysis blood, ECG, plasmapheresis, 4 ILBI procedures, managed by a clinical psychologist
Standard-ALCO CODE RUB 37,400 three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, plasmapheresis, 2 ILBI procedures, management by a clinical psychologist, coding
Standard-ALCO XENON 39,000 rub. three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, 4 light xenon therapy procedures, consultation with a psychologist
STANDARD-Narco 5 RUB 34,300 5 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG
Standard-NARCO 7 RUB 55,400 7 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG, 2 medical xenon therapy procedures, 2 sessions of individual psychotherapy
Standard-NARCO 10 RUB 78,100 10 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG, 3 medical xenon therapy procedures, 2 sessions of individual psychotherapy


Rehabilitation from 1100 rub./day The cost of rehabilitation is determined individually by a specialist. Depends on the patient's condition, treatment program, center and length of stay.
Comprehensive rehabilitation in a modern Rehabilitation Center of the Moscow Region (MO), group classes, work with a psychologist. from 30000/month

Comprehensive treatment program for Hepatitis C

Treatment of Hepatitis C of moderate severity 140 000
Treatment of liver cirrhosis, severe form of Hepatitis C from 170,000 Complex treatment; tests, selection of treatment, therapy, observation by the attending physician

Calling a doctor to your home

Drug addiction is considered a disease of the 21st century, and according to statistics, every second person needs to visit an institution such as a drug treatment clinic. Our rehabilitation center is considered the most best place in Moscow, since many people turn to it, and everyone can receive qualified help. At our clinic we offer not just an appointment and consultation, but also possible:

  • undergo examination;
  • rehabilitation course;
  • restoration of the body's functioning.

The danger of such diseases as drug addiction and alcoholism is that you can get rid of addiction on your own, since the body is literally absorbed by the drugs. As a rule, three out of ten drug addicts understand that they need help and seek to contact certain authorities, such as a drug treatment clinic, but in other cases coercion or even judgment. It is worth noting that we do not accept patients without the consent of relatives, if he is aggressive on his own, or by order of the court. Basically, the court will recognize that a drug addict really needs treatment if:

  • he threatens society;
  • there is a threat to his health;
  • the person is absolutely inadequate and does not account for his actions.

The worst thing about drug addiction in the 21st century is that drugs are improving every year and it is much more difficult for doctors to fight addiction. If previously the most common drugs were weed and plan, now these are mixtures with a very complex composition. It is much more difficult not to cure the body, but to identify what harm has been done to it, since there are drugs whose effect on organs can last for years.

When to go to a drug treatment center

The stages of drug addiction can be very diverse, but neither the drug addicts themselves nor those who are close to them can determine them on their own. If you suspect people in your environment with symptoms such as: drowsiness, irritability, sleep disturbance, social rejection, reluctance to make contact with loved ones and colleagues. Some may think that this is simply ordinary depression, but if it is accompanied by attacks on loved ones and constricted pupils, then it is advisable to contact our institution called a drug treatment clinic with optimal prices, located in Moscow.

Name of service Price Additional Information


Initial consultation with a narcologist (with selection of a course of treatment) For free
Detoxification of the body for alcoholism/drug addiction Standard ward From RUB 2,900/day Cost excluding additional procedures. The price includes accommodation, meals, supervision by a narcologist, droppers as prescribed (for mild intoxication of the body)
Detoxification of the body for alcoholism/drug addiction VIP chamber From 7,900 rub. Cost excluding additional procedures. The price includes accommodation in a single room, meals, monitoring by a narcologist, droppers as prescribed
UBOD (Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification) From 35,000 rub. Accommodation is not included in the price
Coding From 7000 rub.
Individual psychotherapy session 3000 rub.
Correction module Narco-psychotherapy using biofeedback (author's Methodology). 15,000 rub.
Individual nursing station 3000 rub.
Xenon therapy 7500 rub.
Plasmophoresis 7000 rub.
ILBI 1100 rub.
Electroson 1200 rub.
Massage 2000 rub.
MRI from 3000 rub.
Coding for alcoholism From 6000 rub. The coding method is selected by the doctor in agreement with the patient/relatives.
File for drug addiction “Esperal”, “Naltrexone” From 20,000 rub. The type of filing is selected by the doctor in agreement with the patient/relatives.
Individual work with a psychologist From 3000 rub. Depends on the category of doctor, counseling methods, timing, program, etc.
Screening tests for the presence of narcotic substances From 1500 rub. Depends on the number of types of drugs

Complex treatment

General ward 5000 rub./day accommodation in a shared ward for up to 4 people
Double room 9000 rub./day accommodation in a room for up to 2 people
Single room 12,000 rub./day accommodation in a single VIP room with an increased level of comfort: toilet, shower, air conditioning, TV, etc.

Individual treatment programs

Standard-ALKO 3 RUB 30,500 three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, plasmapheresis, 4 ILBI procedures, management by a clinical psychologist
Standard-ALCO CODE RUB 37,400 three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, plasmapheresis, 2 ILBI procedures, management by a clinical psychologist, coding
Standard-ALCO XENON 39,000 rub. three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, 4 light xenon therapy procedures, consultation with a psychologist
STANDARD-Narco 5 RUB 34,300 5 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG
Standard-NARCO 7 RUB 55,400 7 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG, 2 medical xenon therapy procedures, 2 sessions of individual psychotherapy
Standard-NARCO 10 RUB 78,100 10 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG, 3 medical xenon therapy procedures, 2 sessions of individual psychotherapy


Rehabilitation from 1100 rub./day The cost of rehabilitation is determined individually by a specialist. Depends on the patient's condition, treatment program, center and length of stay.
Comprehensive rehabilitation in a modern Rehabilitation Center of the Moscow Region (MO), group classes, work with a psychologist. from 30000/month

Comprehensive treatment program for Hepatitis C

Treatment of Hepatitis C of moderate severity 140 000
Treatment of liver cirrhosis, severe form of Hepatitis C from 170,000 Complex treatment; tests, selection of treatment, therapy, observation by the attending physician

Calling a doctor to your home