Who treats hormones? Women's problems. What is hormonal imbalance and how to deal with it? Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Hormonal imbalance is a clinical situation consisting of impaired production of hormones by the glands internal secretion.

Main symptoms of hormonal disorders

The following clinical symptoms indicate hormonal disorders in a woman:

  • delayed onset of the menstrual cycle;
  • heavy or prolonged periods;
  • vegetative signs - sweating, constant feeling hunger, pressure changes;
  • weight gain not associated with overeating;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • release of colostrum when pressing on the nipples;
  • infertility or miscarriage, etc.

However, in order to carry out adequate treatment with high efficiency, it is necessary to carry out hormonal studies. The main hormones that need to be determined are:

  • estradiol, estriol, estrone;
  • progesterone;
  • prolactin;
  • FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone);
  • aldosterone;
  • testosterone;
  • thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

Hormonal imbalance after pregnancy

After pregnancy ends, the following types may occur: hormonal disorders:

  • Only sex hormones are involved in pathological changes.
  • Disorders affect all types of hormones in the body (Sheehan syndrome, or total failure of the pituitary gland, which plays a regulatory role).
  • Increased formation of human chorionic gonadotropin if pregnancy is complicated by the development of trophoblastic disease.

The following factors predispose to Sheehan syndrome:

  • postpartum hemorrhage;
  • septic shock;
  • DIC syndrome;
  • gestosis, etc.

The pituitary gland, which synthesizes tropic hormones, is involved in the pathological process. They are responsible for the work of the peripheral endocrine glands, so all endocrine organs are affected.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of hormonal imbalance is determined by one or another disorder in the endocrine system, so it is very important to conduct laboratory diagnostics, which will determine the direction of therapy. It is customary to distinguish three main areas of treatment:

  • replacement therapy, which is carried out when there is insufficient production of certain hormones;
  • stimulating therapy, which increases the synthesis of certain hormones;
  • inhibitory therapy, which suppresses the production of a hormone synthesized in large quantities.

Treatment is indicated in parallel possible reasons pathological condition, if they can be identified.

Who to contact for help

If a woman has a hormonal imbalance, she needs to seek help from the following specialists:

  • gynecologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • therapist;
  • functional diagnostics doctor.

Hormonal disorders in women:

The endocrinologist also develops measures to prevent hormonal disorders for each individual patient.

Features of endocrinology

There are quite a lot of endocrine glands. These include, for example, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, hypothalamus and others. Each of them produces its own hormone(s).

Few people know, but these substances can also be produced by some organs of the human body that are not related to the endocrine glands. For example, brain, heart, liver.

What doctors deal with hormones? Depending on the age and gender of the patient, he should contact a physician with a certain specialization.

Pediatric endocrinologists treat children and adolescents; they solve the following problems:

  • correction for growth disorders;
  • therapy for pathologies of sexual development;
  • diabetes treatment;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • elimination teenage problems with skin.

Women with hormonal imbalances should contact an endocrinologist-gynecologist. This specialist treats infertility, menopause, mastopathy, delayed menstruation, etc.

For brain tumors of any etiology, gigantism and acromegaly, diseases of the adrenal glands, the patient should be treated by a neuroendocrinologist. Various malfunctions thyroid gland treated by a thyroidologist. In addition to the listed specialists, geneticists, endocrinologist surgeons, and diabetologists deal with problems with the endocrine glands.

The main glands and their purpose

Endocrine glands do not have excretory ducts; they secrete active substances straight into the blood. They directly regulate metabolic and other vital processes in the body:

  1. Pituitary. Located at the base of the brain. Produces substances that control the functioning of other endocrine glands and affect the size internal organs and bone growth.
  2. Thymus. In a child, this organ has big sizes. During puberty and throughout life, it gradually decreases. It secretes the hormone thymosin, which is responsible for the maturation of immune cells.
  3. Thyroid. Located in the neck, produces substances that control metabolic processes.
  4. Parathyroid glands. They produce a hormone responsible for the rate of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Works in conjunction with the thyroid gland.
  5. Pancreas. Directly participates in digestion, releasing its juice into the intestines. In addition, it produces the most important hormone insulin, which controls blood glucose levels.
  6. Adrenal glands. Responsible for the production of hormones that affect many processes in the human body and the functioning of nerve cells.
  7. Sex glands. Affect reproductive function, secreting substances that control the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

In various religious movements, a mystical role is attributed to the pineal gland (epiphysis). This is a small gland located in the midbrain. However, at the moment it has not been studied enough.


Most neuroendocrine diseases are associated with pathological processes occurring in the hypothalamic-pituitary region. The most common type of lesion is adenoma. In fact, it is a benign tumor; in rare cases, the disease takes a malignant form. A neuroendocrinologist treats pituitary adenomas and the pathologies they provoke. In this case, both increased production of hormones of this gland and their sharp decrease can be observed.

A neuroendocrinologist should be contacted for acromegaly, prolactinoma, and Itsenko-Cushing's disease. Typically these diseases are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • decreased libido;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • obesity;
  • severe muscle weakness;
  • proliferation of cartilage tissue.

After a patient presents with such symptoms, the neuroendocrinologist will send him for examination to determine the level of hormones produced by the pituitary gland and identify possible pathological enlargement of the gland. Depending on the test results, the doctor prescribes treatment. As a rule, it consists of medication to normalize the level of pituitary hormones. In the presence of an adenoma and significant growth of the gland, surgical intervention may be required.


This specialist treats the thyroid gland. This endocrine gland is responsible for many processes occurring in the human body. It produces specific hormones that contain iodine. If the thyroid gland malfunctions, it may begin serious problems with health. First of all, there is a strong decrease in immunity.

With hypothyroidism, the patient suffers from obesity, skin problems (flaking, swelling), and decreased mental activity. The person becomes sluggish and suffers from constipation. Hyperthyroidism is accompanied excessive sweating, dilation of the eye pupils, insomnia, irritability, high pressure, tachycardia, increased appetite.

All these symptoms should force the patient to seek help from a thyroidologist. Usually a general practitioner refers you to this specialist, but if you suspect a pathology of the thyroid gland, you can visit a thyroidologist yourself. He will prescribe an ultrasound of the organ and blood donation for hormones. As a rule, treatment consists of drug adjustment of the thyroid gland throughout life. Unfortunately, thyroiditis cannot be completely cured. Surgical interventions are rarely resorted to when the thyroid gland is significantly enlarged.


This is a specialist who diagnoses and treats any hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body. He checks the functioning of the ovaries, the ratio of progesterone, estrogen and testosterone in the patient’s blood.

A visit to a gynecologist-endocrinologist should be mandatory if, for example, a teenage girl experiences a delay in menstruation. Often the first hormonal imbalance in women occurs precisely in childhood. Therefore, parents should closely monitor the child’s health in order to promptly eliminate possible disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries at an early stage.

The following symptoms are the basis for a woman to contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist:

  • discomfort during sexual intercourse in the lower abdomen;
  • burning when urinating;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Besides gynecological examination The doctor will prescribe a blood test for hormones and ultrasonography ovaries. In addition, he will draw up a menstrual calendar and check the patient’s height and weight to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment of ovarian dysfunction can be carried out conservatively or surgically. Surgical intervention will be required when running pathological process. In the early stages, adjusting the hormonal balance may be sufficient to significantly improve women's health.


In most cases, with a timely visit to the doctor, pathologies of the hormonal system can be dealt with by undergoing a simple course of medication. In some situations endocrine disorders appear against the background of other serious pathologies. Therefore, before prescribing therapy, the doctor must examine the patient for underlying diseases that can provoke hormonal changes.

Without treating identified disorders in the functioning of other organs and systems, it will not be possible to restore normal secretion of the endocrine glands. For example, if a decrease in androgenic hormones occurred due to a sexually transmitted disease that caused inflammation of the genital organs, then, first of all, you need to focus your efforts on healing from this particular disease. Typically, your doctor will treat the infection with antibacterial medications. And the purpose of various hormonal drugs, will be carried out as necessary. Often, eliminating the underlying disease allows you to restore normal work endocrine glands without resorting to additional treatment.

Treatment of thyroiditis with Endorm

Itsenko-Cushing syndrome

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A doctor who checks hormones is called an endocrinologist. It is he who deals with our endocrine system, diagnoses and treats pathologies of the endocrine glands, and recognizes hormonal imbalance. It also gives recommendations on preventive measures to prevent or prevent diseases.

Specializations of endocrinologists

There is a separate specialization for problems with hormones depending on age and gender.

A pediatric endocrinologist works with children and adolescents and deals with the following problems:

  • growth pathologies;
  • disorders of sexual development;
  • diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus;
  • overweight;
  • excessive skin pigmentation.

Women with their problems can contact an endocrinologist-gynecologist. Infertility, mastopathy, excessive hair growth, menstrual irregularities, problems with the amount of milk in mothers, severe menopause - this is a small list of possible pathologies that the doctor can handle.

With brain tumors of various etiologies, gigantism and acromegaly, diseases of the adrenal glands, diabetes insipidus, congenital pathologies These glands are examined by a neuroendocrinologist.

A thyroidologist deals with thyroid diseases:

  • diffuse toxic goiter (Graves' disease);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • thyroiditis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • nodules, cysts.

There is an endocrinologist-surgeon. a geneticist, a diabetologist, all of them, together with other specialists, treat hormonal problems.

What is the endocrine system?

Endocrinology is a science that studies all metabolic processes of the human body. She analyzes the functioning of the endocrine system, monitors hormonal balance, and studies ways to identify diseases. Develops new treatment methods and improves old, reliable techniques.

Our endocrine system is represented by endocrine glands. These include the thyroid, pancreas, and adrenal glands. The brain contains the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. The female glands are represented by the ovaries. They are dealt with by an endocrinologist-gynecologist. which treats hormonal imbalance in this area.

Reasons for failure

The glands are responsible for the functioning of metabolism and organs. They ensure the normal functioning of the human body through the production of biologically active substances. This process is constant, depending on many factors, both external and internal, that can cause failure. Some hormones are produced in the dark during sleep (melatonin), some during the digestion of carbohydrate foods (insulin). Our mood, emotions, severity of physical activity, and past illnesses can also affect hormonal balance. If the substances they produce are insufficient or excessive, this causes an imbalance of the entire endocrine system. Leading further to serious diseases that are treated by an endocrinologist.

Important factors provoking such a failure may include: bad habits, as well as cruel diets, adolescence, the influence of heredity.

A failure can occur when central regulation is disrupted, resulting in:

  • severe brain injuries;
  • brain tumors;
  • disease with viral encephalitis.

But whatever the reason, the endocrinologist deals with it. Refers for analysis and prescribes treatment. It is often too late to see a doctor. Patients do not notice hormonal imbalance until the painful manifestations become pronounced.

Symptoms of endocrine imbalance

The symptoms of disorders are varied and depend on the age, gender of the patient, excess or deficiency of substances produced by the glands. Hormonal imbalance has common symptoms for everyone:

  • sudden change in weight in any direction, for no apparent reason;
  • a constant state of depression or rapid mood swings;
  • dryness of all skin;
  • persistent acne;
  • active hair growth in unusual places or hair loss.

Symptoms for female disorders

For representatives of the fairer sex the following are added:

  • difficulty conceiving;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • severe PMS.

Signs of imbalance in other organs

In addition, the hormones of individual glands are characterized by their own symptoms:

  • sleep problems;
  • trembling hands;
  • heavy sweating;
  • increased growth of hands and feet;
  • voice change.

Many of these signs are perceived as normal and not related to hormonal disorders. A person attributes them to lack of sleep and lack of proper rest. He begins to follow diets and change his lifestyle. But an experienced doctor will easily suspect hormonal imbalance. After examining the patient and analyzing the symptoms presented, appearance patient, he will prescribe blood tests and ultrasound examination of the glands.

What hormones are determined in the blood?

For the pituitary gland, an analysis is done for:

  • somatrotropin (STH) – responsible for growth;
  • adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) – pituitary-adrenal connection;
  • hormones affecting the sex glands;
  • lipotropins – fat deposition;
  • TSH – thyroid stimulating, activates thyroid thyroxine;
  • lactotropic (LTN) – milk production in a nursing mother.

For the thyroid gland:

  • T3 – triiodothyronine, oxygen metabolism in tissues;
  • T4 – thyroxine, responsible for protein synthesis;
  • AT-TPO, AT-TG - an analysis that diagnoses an autoimmune disease.

For the adrenal glands, analysis for:

  • cortisol is a steroid responsible for metabolic processes;
  • DEA-SO4, DEA-s – male and female hormones;
  • adolsterone, regulation of water-salt balance.

Preparing to donate blood

To take a hormone test you need to prepare:

  • blood is taken from patients on an empty stomach;
  • During the day you should not smoke, drink alcohol, sometimes even have sex;
  • should not be exposed to severe physical activity;
  • you need to avoid stressful situations;
  • Be sure to tell your doctor about the pills you are taking.

Having deciphered the analysis, the doctor will determine the exact diagnosis and begin treatment. These will not only be hormones to eliminate disorders, but advice on changing your lifestyle and diet. Hormonal imbalance, like any disease, requires long-term therapy, regular doctor's attention, and patient discipline. Not only the health, but also the fate of a person can depend on the correct treatment. A woman at the endocrinologist. treating infertility, becomes a mother. Some teenager is being helped to cure growth retardation.

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Symptoms of the disease - hormonal disorders

hormone imbalance -

Hormones are biologically active substances produced in the body by specialized cells or organs (endocrine glands) and have a targeted effect on the activity of other organs and tissues. A person has a developed system of glands (pituitary gland, adrenal glands, reproductive glands, thyroid glands, etc.), which, through hormones secreted into the blood, participate in the regulation of all vital processes - growth, development, reproduction, metabolism. The activity of biosynthesis of a particular hormone is determined by the stage of development of the organism, its physiological state and needs. Thus, the secretion of sex hormones depends on age, stage of the sexual cycle, and pregnancy.

Each hormone affects the body in a complex interaction with other hormones. The hormonal system, together with the nervous system, ensures the functioning of the body as a whole. The chemical nature of hormones is different - proteins, peptides, amino acid derivatives, steroids, fats. Hormones, the synthesis of which is occupied by the endocrine system, ensure our physical, sexual and mental maturation, allow the body to adapt to conditions environment. We owe only to the action of hormones, for example, the constancy of glucose levels in the blood and other vital functions.

Hormones have different chemical structures. This leads to them having different physical properties. Hormones are divided into water- and fat-soluble. Belonging to one of these classes determines their mechanism of action. This is explained by the fact that fat-soluble hormones can easily penetrate through cell membrane, which consists primarily of a lipid bilayer.

Hormones have three known important functions:

1) Enable and provide physical, mental and sexual development. For example, with a lack of the thyroid hormone thyroxine during the embryonic period (with iodine deficiency in the mother's body), the disease cretinism develops. The cretin suffers from mental, sexual and physical development; with an excess or deficiency of the pituitary hormone somatotropin, gigantism or dwarfism develops, i.e. physical development suffers; with a lack of the male sex hormone testosterone during the embryonic period, an individual with secondary sexual characteristics of the female type is formed from a male individual developing according to the genotype.

2) Hormones ensure the body’s adaptation to changing conditions. For example, under stress, the adrenal medulla secretes the hormone adrenaline, which changes the body’s functions to new conditions: the strength and frequency of heart contractions and respiratory movements increases, blood is redistributed from internal organs and skin to the muscles and brain, glucose formation increases, etc. .

3) Hormones ensure the maintenance of a constant internal environment of the body - homeostasis. For example, as many as three hormones maintain a constant amount of calcium in the body. When the production of calcitonin, the parathyroid hormone, increases, a disease develops. early stages which sharply increases the mobility of the joints (patients can take unnatural poses, put their legs behind their heads, twist in a spiral). Due to the increased production of calcitonin, calcium is “washed out” from the bones. Losing calcium, the bones first become flexible, then weak, brittle, and multiple fractures occur.

What diseases cause hormone imbalance:

Hormone imbalance is a manifestation of existing hormonal imbalances in the body and can be caused by for various reasons. At the same time, hormonal imbalance affects not only the state of a woman’s reproductive system, but can also cause a deterioration in her physical and emotional well-being. Hormone imbalance can be expressed in the form of menstrual irregularities or the manifestation of menopausal syndrome. Hormonal imbalances can also affect pregnancy and childbirth, causing serious problems in some cases.

Hormonal imbalance is manifested by an imbalance of female and male hormones and can be the cause of the onset of some gynecological diseases.

A serious hormonal imbalance can even lead to the fact that a woman will not be able to get pregnant for some period. The ability to conceive and the normal course of pregnancy is especially affected by the lack of sufficient amounts of the hormone progesterone. If, as a result of hormonal imbalance, the amount of progesterone decreases, then this condition can be diagnosed using laboratory tests for hormones. You can guess if there is not enough progesterone by regularly using the measurement method basal temperature. Normally, the level of basal temperature changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. If from the beginning of the menstrual cycle it remains at 37°C, increasing slightly during the period of follicle maturation, then before ovulation the basal temperature should decrease slightly. This is explained by the effect of the hormone estrogen on the female body. While the influence of progesterone is manifested by an increase in basal temperature after ovulation to 37.6-38.6 ° C. By regularly charting basal temperature, you can guess about hormonal imbalance in the presence of uncharacteristic indicators in different phases of the menstrual cycle. This is a reason to consult a gynecologist, who may refer you for laboratory tests for hormones.

Hormonal imbalance can also have an equally serious impact on older women during menopause. Hormonal failure and subsequent hormonal disorders can lead to the development of menopausal syndrome in a woman, and this is fraught with the following pathological symptoms: hot flashes, increased nervousness and irritability, unstable emotional state, insomnia, increased blood pressure, joint pain, heart pain. Such changes in a woman’s emotional state can even lead to the development of depression. That is why, in some cases, hormone replacement therapy is used to normalize hormonal imbalance and hormonal disorders.

If a hormonal disorder occurs in a woman of reproductive age, but after reaching age, then the diagnosis may also reveal a decrease in ovarian activity. Quite often, it is disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries that can provoke hormonal imbalance, as they lead to insufficient production of hormones. Sometimes hormonal imbalance can lead to the absence of menstruation, or to a change in their character. Both the volume of discharge may change and its pain may increase. Hormonal imbalance also affects the duration of menstrual bleeding. If, with a certain regular duration of the menstrual cycle, a woman suddenly notices a sharp jump in one direction or another, that is, the menstrual cycle lengthens significantly or, on the contrary, becomes too short, then this is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

In general, a woman should not forget that any existing problem of women’s health, including hormonal imbalance, can affect not only the state of her reproductive system, but also her overall well-being. That is why, if you have symptoms of hormonal imbalance, even if they are short-term, you need to be sensitive to the state of your health, promptly seek advice from a specialist and undergo appropriate treatment.

Which doctors should you contact if a hormonal imbalance occurs:

Have you noticed a hormonal imbalance? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor - the Eurolab clinic is always at your service! The best doctors will examine you and study you external signs and will help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide necessary help. You can also call a doctor at home. The Eurolab clinic is open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic: Phone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+3 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are listed here. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on its personal page.

If you have previously performed any tests, be sure to take their results to a consultation with your doctor. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Are your hormones disrupted? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People do not pay enough attention to the symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you simply need to be examined by a doctor several times a year. not only to prevent terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the section online consultations. Perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read tips on caring for yourself. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on the forum. Also register on the Eurolab medical portal. to be constantly updated latest news and information updates on the website, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

Other types of violations starting with the letter “g”:

The symptom chart is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of disorders, or you have any other questions or suggestions, write to us. We will definitely try to help you.

Stable hormonal levels are important at any age. After all, it plays an important role in women’s health. Well-being depends on the amount of hormones in the body, mental condition, stress resistance and attractiveness of the young lady. A variety of cysts and fibroids in the ovaries, uterus or mammary glands may indicate that a hormonal imbalance has occurred in women. Treatment, drugs for which should only be prescribed by a doctor, can improve health and return a woman to her attractiveness.

among women

What is hidden under this name? There are two hormones that are responsible for the functioning female body. These are estrogen and progesterone. The menstrual cycle and the processes of puberty depend on their quantity. They affect reproductive function.

If the hormonal levels in women are disrupted, then diseases of the reproductive system develop, and the regularity of menstruation may be disrupted.

However, such changes in the body do not always indicate the development of diseases. For example, hormonal imbalance during pregnancy is normal. During this period, the body begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin, a new hormone. The amount of estrogen and progesterone increases.

Completely natural changes occur when a woman turns 50. They indicate menopause. During this period, egg production ends. Accordingly, hormonal levels also change.

Reasons for failure

The pathogenesis of disorders may depend on genetics, on various endocrine and sexually transmitted diseases. Abortions also affect changes in the amount of hormones. Injuries to the genital organs play an important role.

The most common causes of hormonal imbalances in women:

  1. Sexual development. During adolescence, girls experience hormonal imbalances.
  2. Climax. As a rule, at the age of 50, a woman has to deal with a decrease in hormone production. This can affect both the health and appearance of the lady.
  3. Taking hormonal medications. These drugs must be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. If medications are adequately selected, they do not lead to
  4. Pregnancy. During this period, all women experience hormonal disruption.
  5. Postpartum period. New changes are taking place in a woman’s body. There is another hormonal imbalance after childbirth. This is due to the start of milk production. And the body itself gradually returns to its original state.
  6. Stressful situations. Nervous disorders affect the functioning of the endocrine system. Namely, it is responsible for the production of hormones.
  7. Wrong diet. Overeating, addiction to fast food and diets limit the intake of substances into the body that are necessary for its proper functioning. Including for the production of hormones.
  8. Excessive physical activity.
  9. Violation of the daily routine and bad habits.
  10. Obesity. Hormone production in this disease is greatly reduced.

Characteristic symptoms

With such disorders in the body, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner. Therefore, you need to know what symptoms indicate hormonal imbalance.

Signs of an imbalance in the body:

  1. A sudden change in mood that occurs for no apparent reason.
  2. Weight gain with a balanced diet.
  3. Disruption in the menstrual cycle. This is very important symptom, indicating hormonal imbalance. A delay lasting less than 28 or more than 35 days is considered a pathology. Except in those cases when such a cycle was established from the very beginning. Menstrual irregularities Heavy or light periods are also considered.
  4. A state of fatigue during normal sleep and rest.
  5. A woman cannot sleep in the evening, despite being tired. The reason for this condition is neurosis.
  6. Decreased or complete absence of sexual desire.
  7. Severe headaches.
  8. Acne.
  9. Hair loss.


There are symptoms that indicate a failure in the production of various hormones. Therefore, when they appear, an examination is necessary.

You can suspect problems based on the following signs:

  1. Multiple fractures indicate that the level of parathyroid hormone in the body is impaired. In this case, in addition to therapy, the diet should be adjusted towards dairy products and fish.
  2. Unreasonable change in body weight. In this case, you need to take a TSH test. What is this? This is a special study that reveals the level. When this substance increases, hypothyroidism (sharp weight gain) develops. If it decreases, it means hyperthyroidism (weight loss).
  3. Constant feeling of thirst. Possibly low insulin levels. This can lead to diabetes.
  4. Hypertension, rapid heartbeat, sweating. Increased adrenaline. To reduce it, you need to devote more time to relaxation and give up bad habits.
  5. Disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Excessive levels Because of this, menstruation may stop and the woman loses the ability to conceive. Most likely, the cause is stress. But there is a danger that the problem is caused by a pituitary adenoma. To reduce prolactin levels, you need to rest more.
  6. (sexual desire). Indicates a decrease in the amount of estrogen. It is considered normal when the hormone level decreases after 35 years. If there is no sexual desire and you feel dryness in the vagina, you should definitely consult a doctor to restore estrogen levels.
  7. Excessive amount of hair on a woman's body shows increased level testosterone. This symptom may be the result of the use of steroids and medications for hypertension.

If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist. Such changes indicate hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body.

Representatives of the fair half of humanity need to be more attentive to their health. It is important to pay attention to the manifestation of the above signs of hormonal imbalance. After all, a woman’s body is very fragile. It is quite often subject to changes in hormone levels.

Diagnosis of the condition

To identify hormonal imbalance, methods such as:

  • laparoscopy,
  • blood tests,
  • hysteroscopy (examination of the uterus),
  • TSH analysis (what it is and in what situation it is necessary to take it was stated above).

However, diagnostic methods may vary slightly. It depends on the woman’s symptoms.

When donating blood for hormone levels, malfunctions in the functioning of the adrenal glands and ovaries, and pathologies of the thyroid gland are detected. The causes of irregularities in the menstrual cycle are also established. This analysis helps detect various neoplasms.

If skin problems arise, as well as in case of obesity and menopause, a hormonal test is done.

Disorders in women can manifest themselves in different ways. Not all symptoms indicating the presence of hormonal pathology must be present. Some may experience vaginal dryness, others may experience fibrocystic tumors in the breasts or sudden appearance wrinkles

Exacerbation premenstrual syndrome, accompanied by pain in the joints and chest, irritability and absent-mindedness, is also an indicator of hormonal imbalance. Sudden weight gain or loss, sudden problems with vision and skin indicate the presence of disorders in the endocrine system.

Possible consequences

Hormonal imbalance may be the cause various diseases, some of which are chronic.

Unpleasant consequences:

  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • miscarriages;
  • infertility;
  • fibrocystic formations in the mammary glands;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • asthma;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • migraine;
  • stroke, heart attack;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant tumors.

Typically, such failures occur in women aged 40-50 years. But now the number of young patients experiencing hormonal imbalance is growing. What to do?

It is important that even young girls are attentive to their body. It is necessary to monitor the regularity of the menstrual cycle to prevent serious consequences. If you suspect any violations, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, it is easier to regulate hormone levels than to treat a serious illness later.

Treatment methods

If a woman, based on symptoms, suspects the presence of hormonal disorders in her body, she should urgently consult a doctor. This could be a gynecologist or therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination. Based on the test results, the hormonal levels of the body will be determined. If the level of any component is not normal, treatment is prescribed to correct the amount of its production.

Therapy for hormonal imbalance is carried out in a combination of two directions:

  • eliminating the causes that provoked hormonal imbalance in women;
  • treatment (drugs are prescribed based on examination), regulating disorders.

Therapy usually includes hormonal medications. They allow you to restore the menstrual cycle. Help regulate hormone levels. All medications are prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the examination. The doctor also recommends an individual diet, which must be strictly followed. Surgical intervention is permissible only in cases where the cause of the pathology is diseases of the reproductive system that cannot be cured in any other way.

When taking hormonal medications, it should be taken into account that they have many contraindications. Therefore, the process of therapy with such medications should be supervised by a doctor. Self-medication with hormonal medications is strictly prohibited!

These violations take quite a long time to correct. Treatment may continue for several months. At early detection failures, they are easier to correct. Therefore, you should visit a gynecologist for examination twice a year.

Drug therapy

It should be emphasized once again that only a competent specialist can prescribe treatment if a hormonal imbalance is detected in women. The medications must be taken strictly according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor. In addition, the doctor constantly monitors the dynamics of treatment and can make adjustments to therapy.

Most often prescribed oral contraceptives. These medications are divided into two groups: single-phase and biphasic. The choice and schedule for taking the medication is made solely by the doctor. Remember that these contraceptives have a long list side effects which can lead to irreversible consequences, including death.

As a rule, a woman is prescribed complex treatment:

  1. Vitamins A, E and calcium are prescribed.
  2. Vitamin E is recommended. It regulates progesterone and estrogen levels. Improves the structure of nails and hair.
  3. To regulate the menstrual cycle, medications can be prescribed: “Mastodinone”, “Cyclodinone”.
  4. To reduce the unpleasant symptoms caused by menopause, the drug Klimadinon can be administered into therapy.

And do not forget that it is very dangerous to fight pathology on your own. In such cases, treatment most often does not bring relief, but aggravates hormonal imbalance in women. The drugs must correct the disorders, which means that without a detailed examination, it is impossible to select them.

Effective recipes

Folk remedies help restore hormonal imbalance. However, they can only be used after consulting a doctor.

The following recipes are quite effective:

  1. Vitex sacred. This herb has a calming effect and relieves swelling and chest pain. It also helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and promotes conception. Prepare the infusion in the evening. A tablespoon of herbs is poured into a thermos and poured boiling water (2 tbsp.). The thermos is closed with a lid and left to infuse overnight. The finished infusion is drunk in small portions throughout the day instead of water.
  2. Voronets. Helps with menopause, relieving symptoms such as hot flashes and sudden changes in mood. This herb is taken in two ways. Pour a teaspoon of herbs into a cup, pour boiling water (1 tbsp), add honey and drink instead of tea. Voronets alcohol tincture - pour 100 g of raw material into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for several days. Take one teaspoon 2 times a day.
  3. Helps with periods that are accompanied by severe pain. A teaspoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused. Drink 2 glasses of infusion every day for a week before your period. Stop taking the herb during menstruation.
  4. Linseed oil. It contains phytoestrogens, which regulate the level of estrogen hormone in the body. Take it cold, drinking 2 tablespoons of oil per day. You can also season salads with it.

Folk remedies can help correct hormonal levels only if they are taken for a long time.

Preventive actions

There are rules that, if followed, will help detect the onset of hormonal imbalance or prevent it:

  • pay attention to all menstrual irregularities;
  • mark the cycle on your calendar;
  • visit your gynecologist regularly;
  • try to get away from stressful situations;
  • follow the diet and daily routine;
  • Limit or completely stop drinking and smoking.

By following these rules, every woman can significantly reduce the risk of hormonal disorders in her body.

Hormonal stability is one of the most important conditions for maintaining a woman’s health. At the same time, the endocrine system is a delicate apparatus, extremely sensitive to any external influences. The cause of hormonal imbalance can be changes in lifestyle (for example, diet), emotional stress, infectious diseases, taking certain medications. In addition, the work of the endocrine glands has its own natural specificity at certain moments of life: at different stages the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, after childbirth, while breastfeeding or during menopause. In order to consult a doctor on time and minimize problems occurring in the body, it is necessary to monitor hormonal imbalances. To do this, a woman must know how events of this kind affect her health, appearance and mood. Seven main signs can signal hormonal instability.

Source: depositphotos.com


Contrary to popular belief, the presence of acne (acne) is by no means characteristic only of adolescence. Disruption sebaceous glands, accompanied by the appearance of comedones and inflamed acne, is a consequence of an imbalance between male and female hormones in the body. This phenomenon is associated with both too active androgen production and estrogen deficiency. The direct “culprits” may be pathologies of the endocrine glands (for example, Cushing’s syndrome or polycystic ovary syndrome), inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Acne is often triggered by natural or artificially caused changes in hormonal status: after an abortion or stopping taking oral contraceptives, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. About 70% of women note the regular occurrence of single pimples 2-7 days before menstruation.

Change in hair growth rate

An imbalance of male and female hormones affects the activity of hair follicles and can lead to accelerated male-pattern hair growth (hirsutism). This symptom is typical, for example, for women during menopause. In some types of polycystic ovary syndrome, the combination of facial hair growth and acne is a diagnostic sign.

Menstrual irregularities

Normally, the menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days. The discharge usually lasts no more than 7 days, its volume is 20-80 ml. Deviation from these values ​​– both in timing and in the number of allocations – is considered a violation. Endocrine causes Disruptions of the menstrual cycle may lie not only in the area of ​​​​production of sex hormones. For example, with hyperthyroidism (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland), irregular and painful menstruation and scant discharge are observed. Diabetes Type 1 often contributes to the formation of a too long menstrual cycle, and also provokes an early onset of menopause. Irregularity of menstruation is also possible with pathologies of the pituitary gland.

Menstrual cycle disorders often occur when there is a failure in the transmission of information from cell to cell. Responsible for transmitting information regulatory peptides- substances of a protein nature that carry specific “instructions” for cells on how to work correctly. Scientists have found that regulatory peptides isolated from animal tissues are perceived by the cells of the human body as their own. This is how a natural bioregulator was created, a representative of the Cytamine class. naturally restores the normal functioning of ovarian cells, has a mild normalizing effect and does not accumulate in the body, which significantly reduces the likelihood of side effects. Taking it helps with ovarian dysfunction, hormonal infertility, and exhausted ovarian syndrome. promotes pregnancy and the birth of a planned healthy child.

Sudden weight changes

Fast weight loss on background increased appetite may indicate the development of decompensated diabetes or hyperthyroidism. Weight gain is associated with obesity (due to disturbances in insulin metabolism), with the accumulation of large volumes of fluid due to disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Increased sweating during sleep

In women during menopause, night sweats are one of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance characteristic of menopause. In younger patients, such a disorder may indicate the onset of hyperthyroidism.

Constant fatigue

With pathologies of the thyroid gland, patients complain of rapid physical and mental fatigue, trembling throughout the body, difficulty performing actions that require minimal stress (for example, when climbing stairs or carrying a small load). However, similar symptoms are observed with other endocrine problems (Cushing's syndrome, insulin metabolism disorders).

Unfortunately, there are much fewer expectant fathers who want to undergo any preparation for conceiving a child than there are expectant mothers. On the one hand, this is justified: a woman has to carry a pregnancy to term, and the health of the child largely depends on the health of the mother. On the other hand, we should not forget that the success of conception largely depends on the father.

Minimum program for the future dad

A urologist is the most important male doctor. It is urology that deals with most of those diseases that can lead to problems with conception or even its complete impossibility. An examination by a urologist should identify or rule out these diseases. A thorough questioning of a man allows us to draw conclusions about the possible presence of any diseases or predisposition to them. During the examination, the urologist pays attention to the structure of the external genitalia, checks the size, shape and condition of the testicles, and also conducts a rectal examination - examination prostate gland through anus. Next, several tests are carried out, which provide the doctor with all the missing and necessary information.

Analysis for sexually transmitted infections. Sexual infections, if present in the body of a man or woman, can cause inflammatory processes and diseases, which affects both the likelihood of conception and the course of pregnancy. Therefore, examination for sexually transmitted infections in preparation for conception is one of the main ones.

The most accurate and popular method for detecting sexually transmitted diseases is the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction). This method checks scrapings from the urethral mucosa in men, and the detection of pathogen DNA is a positive test result. Typically, information about several bacteria and viruses is needed. Bacteria - chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and gardnerella, viruses - herpes virus, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus. It is also worth doing a test for toxoplasma.

The detection of DNA of any of the listed pathogens in the test material indicates a corresponding disease and most often requires treatment. In this case, as a rule, treatment should concern both partners. The examination of a man and a woman is carried out independently: if some disease is not detected in one partner, this does not mean that there is no need to look for it in the second. If a man is diagnosed with one or another infection, but a woman is not, then the need to treat the woman in each case is discussed individually - depending on the presence of any other infectious-inflammatory pathology in the woman.

Usually before analysis PCR method It is recommended to make a provocation - to take measures that contribute to the exacerbation of the disease. Provocation can be nutritional (food) or medicinal. Food provocation is the simplest and most often the most pleasant in this entire part of the diagnosis: the man is asked to take a small amount of spicy or salty food and alcohol on the eve of the examination. Drug provocation is carried out by a doctor; there are different methods. Today, PCR is the most precise method examination, the accuracy of a positive result reaches 97%.


Maximum program

This is a broader list of examinations; they will make it possible to identify a pathology that may not directly affect the possibility of conception, but may lead to certain problems in the future and interfere with the possibility of full fatherhood.

Spermogram is the main method indicating the possibility of conception. A spermogram is an examination of a man's sperm under a microscope. This analysis gives an idea of ​​the concentration, quantity, motility and structure of sperm, which allows us to draw conclusions about a man’s ability to conceive and the likelihood of conceiving naturally. Also, a number of additional spermogram indicators give an idea of ​​the functioning of the testicles, prostate gland and a number of small gonads, which can also be useful in determining the cause of deviations from the norm in the main indicators. If a man is diagnosed with infertility, based on spermogram indicators, one can draw a conclusion about the form of infertility, determine the tactics of its treatment and give a prognosis regarding its effectiveness.

This analysis requires some preparation. For several days before the analysis, at least 3-4, a man should not drink alcohol, drugs (these include energy drinks, as well as a number of sleeping pills and painkillers), it is better to exclude any medications during these days, and also hot or spicy foods. Also, a man should not be severely hypothermic, nor, conversely, overheat, and should not be subjected to severe stress, excessive physical exertion, or exposure to any radiation. And in addition to all of the above, sexual abstinence is necessary for 3-4 days before the analysis.

The material for a spermogram is sperm obtained by a man through masturbation. Some laboratories accept condoms containing sperm, but the lubricant that covers all condoms affects the sperm count, so it is not worth resorting to this route. Technically, performing a spermogram has only one difficulty. No more than 3 hours should pass between receiving the material and performing the analysis in the laboratory. If for some reason the study was conducted later, its results cannot be considered objective. Ideally, the material for a spermogram should be obtained directly from the laboratory or medical institution where the study will be conducted. But in our reality, most often patients receive the material at home in a special disposable container and quickly deliver it to the laboratory. It is very convenient when the laboratory is equipped with special rooms for obtaining sperm.

If there are any deviations in the main parameters of the spermogram, the first thing that is recommended to do is to repeat the analysis after 2 weeks, observing all the above conditions. Only based on the results of 2-3 spermograms performed in this way can one draw conclusions about the disease or infertility.

Studies of prostate secretions. If a urologist during an examination identifies any abnormalities in the structure of the prostate gland or if a man has symptoms that suggest problems with the prostate (pain in the perineum, discomfort when urinating, frequent urge to urinate, etc.), a series of tests is necessary. analyzes of prostate secretions. The secretion of the gland is released from the urethra during a massage, collected in a test tube or on a glass and delivered to the laboratory. This usually involves microscopy and culture of prostate secretions. Microscopy of the secretion of this gland provides information about the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the gland, as well as about its functioning. Sowing the secretion allows you to identify bacteria that are in the gland and can cause inflammation. This information is indispensable when prescribing treatment for acute or chronic prostatitis, because it allows you to select an adequate and effective treatment exactly the form of the disease that occurs in in this case. An analogue of prostate secretion seeding is sperm seeding.

The therapist examines and treats diseases associated with various organs of the human body. An examination combined with a number of tests will make sure there are no signs of such serious diseases as bronchial asthma, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, exacerbation of various chronic inflammatory processes. These diseases most likely will not have a direct impact on conception, but the predisposition to most of them is inherited and can sometimes greatly affect the health of the child from the first days of his life. Therefore, you should definitely take into account the presence of such a disease in one of your parents or close relatives and consult with the appropriate specialist.

The therapist will prescribe the following examinations to the man.

General blood analysis. This is a routine blood test from a finger or vein. It calculates the number of main blood cells - red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, and also carries out a number of additional measurements. A blood test can determine or suggest a very large number of different diseases - anemia, decreased or increased blood clotting, inflammation and many others. This analysis begins an examination for almost any disease; it should not be neglected even before a planned pregnancy.

General urine analysis. This analysis allows you to get a general idea of ​​how well everything is going for a man with the genitourinary area. The number of leukocytes in the urine indicates the presence or absence of active inflammation in this area. The presence of salts indicates a predisposition to urolithiasis. The concentration of protein and glucose in the urine provides insight into kidney function. If any deviations from the norm are detected, this requires mandatory consultation with a nephrologist.

Blood chemistry. For this test, blood is taken from a vein. A biochemical blood test includes checking a large number of blood parameters that reflect the work different organs and systems - liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, etc. Very often, this analysis can reveal a disturbance in the functioning of an organ even before the first symptoms appear. For example, one of important indicators biochemical blood test is the level of glucose in the blood. A sharp increase in this indicator occurs in diabetes mellitus.

Analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor. For this test, blood is also taken from a vein. It is often done simultaneously with a biochemical blood test. In principle, this analysis is not necessary if a man knows exactly his blood type and Rh factor, or, for example, if there is such a mark in his passport. But most often you still have to do an analysis. Knowing the parents' blood type allows us to make a prediction regarding the child's blood type. This is, of course, useful, but still of rather academic interest. But knowledge of the Rh factor of both parents is necessary for the most practical reasons. A positive Rh factor in a child, which he can inherit from his father, with a negative Rh factor in a woman can lead to the development of the so-called Rh conflict, which can, due to a number of other unfavorable factors, affect the course of pregnancy and lead to its spontaneous termination. If dad has a negative Rh factor, then there will be no problems. Manifestations of Rh conflict can be smoothed out or completely prevented, but only if the doctor involved in the management of pregnancy is prepared for this in advance.

Blood tests for HIV, Wasserman reaction, hepatitis B and C. Practically, this is the only way to identify corresponding diseases in a person - AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis - before their severe symptoms appear. The detection of any of these diseases has such a serious impact on a person’s entire future life that, as a rule, there is no talk of conception in the near future. If a couple in such a situation continues to plan a pregnancy, nothing is impossible, but the pregnancy must be carried out under the supervision of an appropriate specialist. In addition, a situation is possible in which one of the partners is infected, but the other is not yet. The situation when future mom not infected, does not pose a danger to the fetus at all, but, unfortunately, it is unlikely.

Blood test for hormones. This analysis shows the activity of various endocrine glands. First of all, of course, in our situation the level of the sex hormone testosterone is of interest. Its deficiency can lead to serious consequences, including infertility, but an excess also causes the development of quite unpleasant problems. Other hormones (eg insulin, gonadotropins) can also affect the likelihood of conception.

ECG. An electrocardiogram can be recommended for all men over the age of 40, as well as men suffering from increased blood pressure, headaches, having various cardiovascular diseases, being overweight or having bad habits (smoking and drinking large quantity alcohol). If any abnormalities are detected, a consultation with a cardiologist and additional examination will be required.

Ultrasound. Ultrasound of organs chest, including the heart and abdominal cavity, allows you to exclude a large number of possible diseases, which eliminates the need for many other tests and examinations.

In conclusion, I would like to say that conception is always a simultaneous coincidence of a large number of different events. You can never be sure whether it will come or not. But at the same time, one can never say that there are few or no chances - these circumstances have still been studied very little by science. Therefore, never lose your good attitude and confidence in success.

Mikhail Sovetov, urologist-andrologist, Moscow