Ways to quickly lower blood sugar in diabetes

Elevated blood sugar is a constant condition of patients who have diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycemia occurs in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. An increase of a few mmol above the norm does not pose a significant threat, however, an increase in sugar by several times can lead to severe and irreversible consequences. Therefore, it is necessary for every diabetic to know how to quickly reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood, what foods to eat and what drugs. Usually the attending physician talks about measures to prevent hyperglycemia in advance, however, some patients still read additional literature.

The concentration of glucose in the blood is usually determined in the morning, after waking up, on an empty stomach. Measurements are taken using both venous blood and capillary blood from a finger. It should be borne in mind that the norms for veins and capillaries are different. For blood from a vein, the normal concentration is 3.5-6.1 mmol / l, and for capillary blood - 3.3-5.5. Hyperglycemia is considered to be above 6.1 mmol / l.

Increased sugar may be the result of a disease of the internal organs, then proper treatment in the early stages of development will help to avoid frequent and high levels of high blood glucose.


The surest option, in order to quickly lower sugar in diabetes, is to reduce or completely stop carbohydrate intake, especially. Foods such as flour products, chocolate, sugars, potatoes, pasta, juices and drinks with gases quickly increase blood glucose. Such products are recommended to be excluded from the diet for a while. At least until the moment when the blood glucose concentrations are below 6.1 mmol / l. The exclusion of carbohydrates is a principle.

You should introduce foods that can reduce the amount of sugar in the blood into the diet. These products include vegetables (cucumber, tomato, cabbage, beans, zucchini, eggplant). Recipes for these vegetables can be found online or in cookbooks. If you want a doctor-approved diet, then you can use dishes from.

If it is impossible to immediately give up sweets, then you can use sweeteners. These drugs include Aspartame and Saccharin. They are synthetic analogues of natural remedies, however, they have a negative effect - the appearance of hunger. Natural remedies include honey, fructose, sorbitol. However, caution should be exercised when using them. Some foods can cause stomach and intestinal upsets. The dosage is better to choose individually with your doctor.

Medical preparations

Any drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Taking hypoglycemic tablets is effective only with mild hyperglycemia. At higher glucose levels, insulin injections are used to bring the sugar down quickly.

There are 2 types of hypoglycemic tablets. Glibenclamide - gradually reduces the amount of glucose in the blood and prevents sharp jumps during the day. Usually used 2 tablets per day.

Gliformin, Siofor - have different dosages, which is convenient for selecting an individual dose. Among the various forms, there are prolonged (that is, long-acting). It is believed that this type of hypoglycemic drugs is the most useful, as it does not cause the formation of insulin.

Insulin is the best option for quickly lowering blood sugar in diabetes. However, it is prescribed only for insulin deficiency, which has been confirmed by laboratory tests. Any type of insulin is given by injection. However, only short-acting insulin is injected into a vein to quickly lower the amount of glucose in the blood. It is often used in diabetic coma.

Intravenous insulin should only be administered by a person with a medical background. For subcutaneous administration, such an education is not necessary. It is worth noting that any action should be carried out only by a doctor, taking into account physical activity, the amount of glucose in the blood and individual sensitivity.

home remedies

If you don’t have hypoglycemic drugs at hand, you didn’t use insulin, and you need to quickly lower blood sugar, then you can use folk remedies.

"Earth pear" is a plant that does not require special care. You can grow it yourself. The fruits of this plant are eaten raw. You can also prepare salads or squeeze juice.

As a good way to reduce sugar in diabetes, you can make tea from blueberry leaves and dandelion root. It is recommended to drink a quarter cup throughout the day with diabetes.

Some sources talk about cinnamon as a sugar-reducing food. However, its maximum amount should not exceed a third of a teaspoon. Cinnamon can be used as a seasoning, or added to coffee or dairy products.

You can cook compote from pears, mountain ash and viburnum. Compote from these berries is also used to lower blood sugar.

Juice from a head of cabbage and beets is taken in half a glass a maximum of 3 times a day. These blood sugar-lowering products are available in every home.

The use of onions and garlic will also help to quickly reduce blood sugar in diabetes. They can be eaten neat, added to food during cooking, or made into infusions.

A feature of folk remedies is that the products contain insulin, which converts glucose into glycogen and thereby reduces the amount of sugar in the blood of a diabetic.

Physical activity

A certain load, for a smooth, but rapid decrease in blood glucose, should be selected by the doctor individually. However, walking in the fresh air will not only help lower glucose, but also strengthen muscles.

It is important to know that physical activity should not be exhausting even with hyperglycemia. Since the body will recover for a long time and spend glucose, which means there is a risk of going into hypoglycemia.


  1. It should be borne in mind that folk remedies can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. Therefore, if skin reactions occur, stop using it and avoid taking it in the future.
  2. The attending physician must be aware of all drugs that reduce blood sugar. When using hypoglycemic agents, it is possible to change the dosage of insulin.
  3. You can not cancel or prescribe drugs for diabetes on your own.
  4. It is worth sticking to the prescribed diet. This will help not to use funds in order to quickly lower blood sugar.
  5. If you are rapidly reducing sugar at home, then it is worth measuring the concentration of glucose in the blood using a glucometer. It is worth taking measurements more often than usual.
  6. If it has come (hunger, dizziness, hand trembling), you should immediately eat foods consisting of fast carbohydrates (chocolate, sugar).

Elevated blood sugar is a common condition in diabetes mellitus. In order to quickly lower the amount of glucose in the blood, you can use hypoglycemic drugs in the form of tablets, insulin, or use traditional medicine (glucose-lowering products). It is worth knowing that folk remedies have a side effect - allergies.

To use short insulin to quickly lower blood sugar, it is worth consulting with your doctor in advance about the acceptable dose in order to avoid hypoglycemia in diabetes. Adhering to a proper and rational diet, avoiding active physical exertion, you can avoid hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and not use drugs to lower blood sugar in diabetes.