When is insulin prescribed for diabetes?

Every person has a certain amount of glucose in their blood. Deviation from the norm of sugar in any direction threatens with serious consequences. An indicator less than the minimum indicates poisoning of the body, and more than the maximum that there is a threat of diabetes.

Everyone knows that it is necessary to maintain a sufficient amount of glucose in the blood. Each person, when he has already reached adulthood or has a hereditary predisposition, should regularly take tests. It is better to know in advance at what kind of sugar insulin is prescribed, so that you can understand your own analyzes without explanation from the doctors.

Many in every way try to delay the day when they have to sit tight on the needle. Indeed, with diabetes, insulin is simply necessary, and in fact it is good that there is an opportunity to support the body in this way.

Sooner or later, all patients with type 2 diabetes are faced with a situation where insulin is prescribed. This helps not only to prolong life, but also to avoid the terrible consequences and symptoms of this disease. A diagnosis of a certain type must necessarily be confirmed in order to prescribe such a serious medicine, otherwise it will only play a negative role.

Features of insulin in the body

Initially, everything in the body is thought out in detail. The pancreas works, in which there are special beta cells. They are responsible for the production of insulin. In turn, he compensates for diabetes.

Doctors do not immediately diagnose insulin diabetes, first they try to restore health in other ways. A variety of medications are prescribed, lifestyle changes, patients must adhere to a very strict diet. In the event that there is no proper result, or over time, these methods cease to work, then insulin is needed for diabetics. The pancreas depletes naturally every year and needs to be monitored to know exactly when to switch to insulin.

Why do they start injecting insulin

A healthy pancreas works stably and can produce enough insulin. However, over time it becomes too small. There are several reasons for this:

  • too much sugar content. Here we are talking about a significant increase of more than 9 mmol / l;
  • errors in treatment, these may be non-standard forms;
  • too many drugs taken.

An increased amount of glucose in the blood is forced to ask the question that in diabetes mellitus they inject, a certain type of diagnosis obliges injections. Naturally, this is insulin, which is not enough in the form of a substance produced by the pancreas, however, the dosage of the drug and the frequency of administration are determined by the doctor.

First of all, you should pay attention to. Already an indicator of more than 6 mmol / l in the blood indicates that it is necessary to change the diet. In the same case, if the indicator reaches nine, it is worth paying attention to toxicity. This amount of glucose practically kills pancreatic beta cells in type 2 diabetes. This state of the body even has the term glucose toxicity. It is worth noting that this is not yet an indication for the early appointment of insulin, in most cases, doctors first try a variety of conservative methods. Often, diets and a variety of modern drugs perfectly help to cope with this problem. How much the insulin intake will be delayed depends only on the strict observance of the rules by the patient himself and the wisdom of each doctor in particular.

Sometimes it is only necessary to temporarily prescribe medications to restore the natural production of insulin, while in other cases they are needed for life.

Taking insulin

In the event that there is practically no other way out, you should definitely agree to the appointment of doctors. In no case should you refuse injections because of fear, because without them the body simply continues to break down with great speed with a diagnosis of this type. Often, after the appointment of insulin, patients manage to get off the injections and go back to the pills, this happens if it is possible to achieve the work of beta cells in the blood and they have not yet died completely.

It is very important to observe the dosage and the number of injections as clearly as possible, this may be the minimum amount of the drug only 1-2 times a day. Modern instruments make it possible to make sterile and painless injections of this type very quickly. These are not even ordinary syringes with a minimal needle, but even special pens. Quite often, just fill it up and simply put it in place and press the button so that the medicine is in the blood.

It is also worth paying attention to those places where medicines should be injected. These are the arms, legs, buttocks, as well as the abdomen, excluding the area around the navel. There are many places where it is quite convenient to do injections on your own in any conditions. This is important for patients who cannot afford regular nursing care or who want to be as independent as possible.

When insulin is prescribed very often, almost everyone will sooner or later hear a terrible phrase from the doctor that now the treatment will consist of injections with this drug. By this time, each patient had already read very scary stories, and maybe had seen enough of amputated limbs. Very often it is associated with insulin in the blood.

In fact, you need to remember at what level of blood sugar insulin is prescribed, usually this is already a serious stage, when pancreatic cells are poisoned and they stop working altogether. It is with their help that glucose reaches the internal organs and provides energy. Without this protein, the body simply cannot exist, so if the beta cells are no longer there, you just need to inject it, there is no other way out and you should not try to avoid this treatment. Toxicity is provided precisely by the sugar indicator, and not by insulin; moreover, even a heart attack or stroke and an early death are possible. With proper observance of all the doctor's advice and rational treatment, the patient can live for a long time and with many positive emotions.

Dosage Importance

During insulin treatment of diabetes mellitus, often sick people suffer from a variety of consequences. However, these factors appear precisely because of the sugar, and not because of the drug itself. Most often, people themselves simply deliberately reduce the dosage prescribed by the doctor, which means that they continue to maintain sugar levels at a high level. Do not be afraid, a professional doctor will never prescribe too much medicine to bring to a low sugar level.

Serious problems can arise as a result of refusal of insulin or violation of the dosage:

  • ulcers on the feet, which later even lead to amputation, tissue necrosis occurs, death is accompanied by severe pain;
  • blindness, sugar acts as a toxic substance on the eyes;
  • poor kidney function or even kidney failure;
  • heart attacks and strokes.

All these are irreversible processes. Be sure to start taking insulin in a timely manner, as well as correctly observe the number of injections and its dosage.

A high level of sugar, which is constantly maintained in the blood, leads to serious damage in the body, and the worst thing is that they are not reversible, necrosis, blindness, etc. cannot be cured, and the right dosage can only stop the process.

Consequences of insulin

There are a lot of myths around insulin. Most of them are lies and exaggerations. Indeed, everyday injections cause fear, and his eyes are large. However, there is one true fact. This is primarily what insulin leads to fullness. Indeed, this protein with a sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain, but this can and even needs to be fought.

Even with such a disease, it is imperative to lead an active lifestyle. In this case, the movement is an excellent prevention of fullness, and can also help reawaken the love of life and distract from worries about your diagnosis.

Also, be sure to remember that insulin does not exempt from the diet. Even if sugar has returned to normal, you must definitely remember that there is a tendency to this disease and you can’t relax and allow anything to be added to the diet.