Video: how to lower blood sugar folk remedies at home

A high level of sugar in a person’s blood makes itself felt by visual impairment, bouts of weakness, and slow healing of wounds. If the pancreas fails, insulin production is disrupted, which can lead to diabetes.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to lower blood sugar. Any person who does not even have diabetes should be able to determine the level of sugar in the blood.

Causes of high blood sugar

  1. Violation of the diet, overeating, abuse of carbohydrates.
  2. Hereditary burden (the presence in the family of patients with diabetes mellitus).
  3. Diabetes disease.
  4. Stress.
  5. infectious diseases.
  6. Pregnancy.

What are the signs of high sugar levels?

- rapid loss of body weight;

- constant thirst;

- long non-healing wounds;

- progressive fatigue, indicating a lack of vital energy;

- vision deteriorates, flashes, fog, black dots appear before the eyes;

- swelling of the lower, upper limbs;

- meteorological dependence: pain in the arms, legs, numbness of the limbs when the weather changes,

How to lower blood sugar home remedies

A reliable folk remedy for quickly lowering glucose is chicory. It contains insulin, adds strength, energy, has a positive effect on blood circulation.

Decoction of chicory roots

Boil over low heat for ten minutes 2s.l. dry roots in half a liter of water. Filter, drink 2 or 3 times a day, 100 ml.

Reduce sugar infusion or decoction of roots burdock large, dry bean pods, baffles walnut.

Medicinal plants that lower blood sugar levels:

  1. Sandy immortelle
  2. Laurel leaf
  3. Wild strawberry
  4. Blueberry

The leaves of the listed herbs are brewed as tea, taken in 3-4 doses / day.

Homemade Recipes to Lower Blood Sugar

Recipe #1

Pour three cups of boiled water over half a cup of sowing oats. Simmer for fifteen minutes in a water bath, insist an hour. It is recommended to drink half a glass 3 r / d before a meal.

Recipe #2

Squeeze all the juice of one lemon, mix with one chicken egg. Take the drug in the morning, an hour before breakfast.

Recipe #3

1 tsp ground flaxseeds in a coffee grinder, insist in a glass of boiling water for half an hour, cool; add the juice of one half of a lemon, do not strain, drink the whole drug in one gulp.

Recipe #4

Combine grated horseradish root with sour milk in a ratio of 1:10. Kefir is not suitable for the recipe. Take 3r / d for 1s.l. before the meal. Gradually, there will be a decrease in blood sugar.

Recipe number 5

Grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder. Insist night 1s.l. ground buckwheat in a glass of kefir. Drink the whole mixture on an empty stomach in the morning.

Recipe #6

1 tsp chicory powder insist half an hour in a cup of boiling water. Half a glass 3r / d.

How to lower blood sugar at home

Sugar is absorbed into the blood after being broken down into glucose, fructose. This process ensures the normal functioning of the brain. When the sugar level exceeds the permissible limits, excess glucose begins to accumulate in the liver, striated muscles.

This leads to the development gout, hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis. The pancreas of a patient who abuses sugar reduces the production of the required amount of insulin, as a result of which the body is deprived of the opportunity to accumulate vital energy reserves.

The normal blood sugar level for an adult is considered to be 3.3-6.1 mmol / l. These figures fluctuate depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. With a decrease in this norm (hypoglycemia), brain function is impaired.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia: continuous feeling of hunger, tremor of the limbs, confusion, dizziness. If medical care is not provided to the patient in time, glycemic coma.

After a meal, a short-term excess of glucose is possible - hyperglycemia. This condition is not a pathology, there is no need to decide how to lower blood sugar, since it does not pose a threat to the body.

To find out how much sugar is in the blood, it is not necessary to run to the laboratory. You can use glucometer. In case of overestimated indicators, you should seek advice from a medical institution.

When the result of the analysis for glucose showed overestimated numbers, you should take the medication prescribed by your doctor. Conservative treatment is supplemented by the use of folk remedies, diet, special physical exercises.

Normal blood sugar levels are achieved by following a specific diet. Vitamins, minerals, which contain certain types of food, help increase the body's susceptibility to insulin.

How to Lower Blood Sugar Through Diet

  1. Eat regularly foods rich in proteins with a low insulin response: fresh vegetables, legumes.
  2. Introduce fiber into the daily menu, which helps to remove sugar from the blood: walnut, seafood.
  3. Minimize your intake of saturated refractory fats, which cause insulin resistance.
  4. Refuse completely from sugar, sweet juices, sweets, confectionery.
  5. Increase your daily water intake to two liters.
  6. With high sugar, you should eat often, but without overeating.
  7. Use olive oil in cooking, which improves the ability of cells to absorb insulin.

Conservative therapy

How to reduce blood sugar with pharmaceuticals? The attending physician, when detecting even a slight degree of hyperglycemia, prescribes pills.

All drugs that can lower blood sugar fall into three groups:

- increases the body's sensitivity to insulin: Siofor, Glucophage, Aktos;

- restoring the secretion of insulin by the pancreas: Amaryl, Maninil, Diabeton MB;

- providing a decrease in the absorption of carbohydrates by the body: Byetta, Glucobay.

How to lower blood sugar, only the endocrinologist decides. Self-medication can lead to unpredictable consequences, since sugar-lowering drugs have the following contraindications:

- individual sensitivity;

- diseases of the kidneys, liver;

- myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke;

- pregnancy;

- diabetic coma;

- Cardiovascular insufficiency.


To improve the patient's well-being, there is a completely safe technique for quickly lowering blood sugar at home. This is a set of special exercises.

  1. Starting position - lying face down. Emphasis on elbows and toes. Tighten the press, break away from the floor. Raise the body to a height resembling a bar. Hold for 5 or more seconds, slowly return to the starting position.
  2. Hold the dumbbells, lower them to the hips, raise them, while bending your arms, turning your palms to your shoulders. Bring your hands back slowly. Follow the moderate movement of the dumbbells.
  3. Starting position - lying on your back. Bend your knees, hands behind your head. Point your elbows to the sides and fix. Bend the torso, tighten the abdominal press, tear off the back, its upper part from the floor. Slowly lower yourself back down, keeping your lower back pressed to the floor.
  4. Raise the dumbbells to the level of the ears, while the arms are bent at a right angle. Raise your arms up, straightening them completely, return back.

What is needed to prevent many diseases? It should be firmly learned which foods can lower blood and urine sugar. Usually, with high glucose, the attending physician recommends a diet that reduces sugar. Here is a list of the main foods included in the diet:

- seafood: crabs, lobsters, lobsters;

- whole grains;

- lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin;

- legumes;

- radish, olives, celery, Jerusalem artichoke, black currant;

- rabbit meat, chicken, fish;

- corn, carrots, red beets;

- garlic, onion;

- oat groats;

- grapefruit, cherry, avocado, lemon;

- peanuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts;

- cinnamon, spinach.

What foods are prohibited in diabetes

First of all, it is sugar and all products containing it: confectionery, sweets, honey, etc. The doctor allows sugar fans to eat a little dark chocolate a day, again in the absence of obesity.

A decrease in glucose is achieved by a ban on rich, bakery products, sweet fresh juices, dry fruits: dates, figs, raisins; sweet fruits: grapes, bananas, strawberries, canned and pickled vegetables.

To reduce blood sugar, limit the use of potato dishes, legumes, foods rich in saturated fats: dairy, butter, fatty meats.

Video: how to lower blood sugar folk remedies at home