Acute cerebrovascular accidents in dogs. Stroke in a dog: first aid, symptoms and treatment Stroke in a dog first aid

Stroke in dogs is one of the most rare pathologies, since pets, unlike their owners, are not prone to developing diseases vascular wall. The disease is diagnosed mainly in dogs that have lived to a ripe old age and need immediate attention. veterinary care. Otherwise, animal owners risk losing their pet forever.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is a sudden disruption of adequate blood supply to an area of ​​the brain, which leads to severe and persistent neurological disorders. According to statistical research, to disorders cerebral circulation Animals of a respectable age tend to live in big cities and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Despite this, in last years Stroke is increasingly being diagnosed in younger dogs with increased psycho-emotional reactivity.

It is customary to distinguish between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. In the first case, a violation of the blood supply to brain tissue occurs as a result of blockage blood vessel foreign body (thrombus, embolus, tumor, etc.). The cause of hemorrhagic stroke is bleeding in the brain, which leads to damage to its structures and the development of characteristic neurological symptoms.

Why does a dog have a stroke?

Among the causes of stroke in dogs are the following:

  • head injuries;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • poor quality feeding of the animal;
  • natural aging processes of the dog’s body;
  • chronic pathological processes;
  • intoxication of various origins;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

How to recognize a stroke in a dog?

Success treating signs of stroke in a dog depends on the timeliness of their recognition and the timely initiation of therapy for the pathological condition. Any animal owner who is attentive to their pet can suspect the first manifestations of the disease. Dogs with stroke exhibit behavioral changes. Animals may behave restlessly, show aggression, or, conversely, sleep a lot and refuse food. Sometimes pets have hearing impairments, they do not respond to commands, do not respond to their name, but simply wander around the room, periodically resting their heads on the floor or wall. Naturally, such changes in the dog’s behavior cannot be ignored and the animal must be immediately taken to a veterinary clinic.

Stroke in a dog, symptoms and treatment which depends on the type pathological process, at the stage of deployment clinical signs manifested by loss of motor activity in one or several limbs at once, asymmetry facial muscles when one eyelid or lip noticeably droops, curvature of the body, disturbances in the pupils (nystagmus, mydriasis, etc.).

In severe cases symptoms of stroke in a dog more pronounced:

  • paralysis of one half of the body;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • irregularities in work internal organs(failure heart rate, respiratory arrest);
  • deep coma.

Unfortunately, signs of cerebral circulation disorders in an animal are not always noticeable to its owner. So, mini stroke in a dog, symptoms and treatment which pose a certain diagnostic and therapeutic difficulty even for experienced veterinarians, may be asymptomatic or if present weakly pronounced changes in the pet’s behavior, apathy, loss of appetite, interest in games and others.

What can the owner do?

Transport of a dog suspected of having a stroke must follow strict guidelines. The animal must be placed on its side in a transport box with a hinged lid. The dog should be calmed, its mouth should be opened slightly, and if necessary, freed from vomit. It is prohibited to unauthorizedly administer any injectable drugs, tablet forms, or folk decoctions. Such actions can significantly complicate the situation and cause sudden fatal outcome.

Modern approaches to treating the disease

Treatment of stroke in a dog pursues two goals: limiting the area of ​​brain damage and providing conditions for rapid rehabilitation of the animal. The choice of therapeutic tactics should be made by a specialist. Treatment can last from several weeks to months, depending on the severity of the pathological process, the size of the area of ​​​​brain damage and the presence of complications. During the treatment process, the dog is prescribed anticonvulsant drugs, diuretics, antipsychotics, anticoagulants, analgesics, sedatives and much more.

The prognosis of the disease depends on several factors. Recovery of a dog after a stroke– the process is long and labor-intensive. If the animal does not have chronic diseases, and the area of ​​brain damage was not extensive, then pet owners have every chance of seeing their pet active and full again. vitality. During the rehabilitation period, veterinarians advise following all the doctor’s recommendations: feeding the animal fully, but in fractions, providing it with decent care, giving it a massage and, if necessary, preventing bedsores.

Dogs rarely suffer from cerebral circulatory disorders, but if a stroke does occur, the owner’s task is to respond in time to the first symptoms of hemorrhage and show the pet to the veterinarian as quickly as possible.

Ischemic stroke occurs due to blockage of blood vessels in the brain. It can be triggered by:

  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • worms that have migrated to the brain;
  • head injuries;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the urinary system.

Hemorrhagic stroke occurs due to rupture of blood vessels in the brain as a result of thinning of the walls or increased pressure. The cause may be stress or overexertion.

Adult dogs over seven years of age are more prone to stroke, representatives large breeds, pets living in major cities, animals with an unbalanced psyche.

Symptoms of a stroke

Suspicion of a stroke should be caused by the following symptoms:

  • different pupil diameters;
  • paralysis of one or more limbs;
  • disorientation;
  • seizures similar to epilepsy.

During and after an attack, the pet behaves unusually: it backs away, falls to the side, walks in circles, and cannot drink or eat on its own.

Any of these symptoms must be responded to quickly, because without the help of a veterinarian, the dog can fall into a coma within a few hours.

First aid

Do not try to help your dog at home yourself. The best thing to do is to carefully take the animal to the clinic.

During transport, remove the collar, place the dog sideways on a hard, flat surface and support its head.

Do not try to apply ice to the dog’s head, give injections or give pills without a doctor’s prescription, this may aggravate the animal’s serious condition.

Diagnosis and treatment

During the examination, the doctor may prescribe:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • X-ray and ultrasound of the lungs;
  • EEG and MRI of the brain.

The severity of the disease depends on the size of the affected area of ​​the brain.

Timely treatment has a favorable prognosis. The course lasts about two months and includes:

  • first emergency aid;
  • drug therapy, which includes tranquilizers, antioxidants, antispasmodics, vitamins;
  • rehabilitation therapy;
  • a diet based on low-fat foods.

The consequences of a stroke can be disruption of the dog’s musculoskeletal system, partial or complete paralysis of the limbs. That is why you should not neglect restorative therapy and refuse and stop treatment as soon as your pet gets better.

The necessary care, treatment and attention from the owner can return the pet to a full life.

Four-legged pets, living side by side with people, often suffer from the same diseases as their owners. A stroke in a dog is no exception. Most often, this disease strikes dogs at an older age: for young dogs and, especially puppies, the problem is not so pressing. However, a mini-stroke in a dog can occur at any age. In the article we will look at the features of a stroke, find out the causes of this pathology, symptoms, and how to treat a sick animal.

Causes of heart problems in dogs

Stroke can be of two types:

  • ischemic;
  • hemorrhagic.

Ischemic occurs due to blockage of a blood vessel. Hemorrhagic is associated with the direct rupture of a vessel due to thinning of its walls or too much blood pressure. Note that a hemorrhagic stroke is usually accompanied by a hematoma pressing on the brain.

To summarize, there are only two immediate causes of stroke in dogs: either the vessel is blocked or it has burst. But the factors that can lead to such pathological conditions, quite a lot, these are:

  1. intoxication chemicals, medicines;
  2. head injuries;
  3. brain tumor;
  4. diseases of cardiovascular nature;
  5. pathologies of the circulatory system;
  6. diseases of the excretory organs;
  7. endocrine pathologies, including diabetes and obesity, thyroid problems;

Sometimes helminthiasis leads to a similar pathology, but for this the dog must be infected with helminths for a long time. In rare cases, the cause of the pathology is a tumor neoplasm. In addition, factors that provoke stroke in dogs are:

  • chronic diseases:
  • age-related changes associated with aging;
  • inactivity of the animal;
  • inadequate diet.

If an animal has any of the risk factors listed above, it is at risk of a stroke: especially at times of intense joy, stress, during an exacerbation of the disease, or during severe overexertion.

Note that stroke occurs more often in mature and elderly dogs, and in representatives of large breeds more often than in small “laptop” dogs. In addition, urban dogs are more prone to stroke than those living in villages. A stroke in an animal can take the following forms:

  • extensive (the most severe case);
  • multiple;
  • point;
  • small focal or microstroke.

Signs if your dog has had a stroke

The first symptoms of a stroke in dogs can be seen with the naked eye: any owner of a four-legged friend, even an inexperienced one, will see changes in the pet’s behavior. When a stroke begins, a dog becomes frightened, overly excited, does not respond to voices or weakly, and is unable to follow commands.

Usually with a stroke in his initial stage the animal either walks in circles or wanders around the apartment. Sometimes a dog comes up to the wall and rests its forehead against it: it can stand this way for quite some time. long time. The animal can also rest against the floor. Dogs with increased nervous sensitivity are likely to panic and become aggressive.

With these symptoms, the owner needs to gather his strength, not think for a long time, and urgently take the animal to the veterinarian, or call a specialist to the house. With this disease, it is vitally important to provide assistance as early as possible. medical care dog.

Note, however, that symptoms can sometimes be almost invisible. If a micro-stroke occurs, the dog may not react to it at all, but simply sleep or lie down more. Let us note, however, that in this case the dog’s general condition will be painful: he will have no appetite, apathy will appear for walks, to strangers, and the dog will no longer react adequately to his beloved owners.

More symptoms:

  • Motor activity in one or more paws may be lost.
  • Often with a stroke, asymmetry of the muzzle is noticeable - the animal's eyelid or lip droops down.
  • It is noticeable that the dog's pupils different sizes. They also respond differently to light stimuli, with one pupil being slower than the other.
  • There is a decrease in the dog’s vigilance, and the animal also breathes unevenly and with difficulty. Often when a dog has a stroke, it curls up into a ball.

If the stroke is severe, the dog may go into a coma. In this case, the animal lies on its side and makes no movements at all. At the same time, her eyes become glassy, ​​which, in combination with a motionless body, can thoroughly frighten the owner

Note that sometimes very little time passes from the moment the first symptoms appear until the dog falls into a coma. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently provide veterinary care to the animal. If help is not provided in the first three hours after a stroke, the dog is likely to become disabled or die.

First aid for a dog

If you notice the first signs of a stroke in dogs, it means that the animal needs urgent qualified veterinary care. Any owner, even if he has extensive experience in caring for dogs, can independently help in this case can not. If possible, it is better to call a doctor at home; if this is not possible, it is urgent to take the dog to the hospital.

If the animal is wearing a collar, remove it: it is important that the dog has the opportunity to fully inhale air. If a dog behaves too excitedly or aggressively, it is not forbidden to give it a mild sedative based on a natural plant basis - valerian or motherwort tincture. When transporting an animal, it is important to ensure that the dog does not choke on its own saliva - it is therefore better to lay it on its side.

Important: You should not apply cold to the dog’s head, as is advised on some thematic forums. Cold can only be harmful in this case, since it will not save you from the appearance of a hematoma, but it can completely impede blood circulation in the affected area of ​​the brain.

You cannot give a dog a pill or try to give it some kind of injection - of course, unless the owner himself is a professional veterinarian. It is better to calm your pet with your voice and try to reduce its stress with soft stroking. And deliver it to the clinic faster.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose a stroke in a dog, it is necessary to conduct examinations in a clinical setting. In this case, a specialist at the clinic usually prescribes the following procedures:

  1. blood and urine tests;
  2. examination of the lungs in the form of x-rays and ultrasound;
  3. EEG and MRI of the brain.

As soon as the doctor receives the test results, he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and treatment will begin.

Therapy for dog heart problems

A stroke occurs due to injury to a blood vessel. Therefore, the veterinarian must solve two problems during treatment:

  • stop the development of pathology;
  • carry out restorative therapy.

Treatment lasts depending on the dog’s age, severity of the disease, and complicating factors from one week (for micro-strokes) to several months (for severe cases).

The animal is prescribed the following types of therapy:

  1. analgesics for pain relief;
  2. sedatives to calm down nervous system, reducing the level of excitement, aggression;
  3. diuretics;
  4. drugs that prevent the occurrence of convulsions and seizures;

If necessary, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, and other types of medications are also prescribed. Simultaneously with the treatment of stroke, therapy is also carried out for the underlying disease that led to this condition of the dog. Treatment of stroke in dogs involves various medications. So, in order to normalize the functioning of cardio-vascular system, the animal is given medications such as Sulfocamphocaine, Cordiamin. To relieve cerebral edema, diuretics are prescribed.

If one stroke is followed by repeated ones, they are stopped with injections of Complamin and Trental. Of the sedative medications, Relanium and Seduxen show the greatest effectiveness in this case.

To improve blood flow in the brain, the dog is prescribed a nicotinic acid. If paralysis occurs, treatment with Proserin is recommended. Convulsions and convulsions are eliminated by Benzonal. Mydocalm is indicated to reduce muscle tone.

Note that if the animal is not yet too old, does not suffer from any severe chronic diseases, then if adequate measures are taken in a timely manner after a stroke, she will quickly come to her senses. Usually the animal’s condition improves after 2-3 days, and literally after 2-3 weeks the pet will be able to accompany its owner on a walk as if nothing had happened.

In severe cases or if assistance is not provided in a timely manner, a stroke can result in paralysis of the limbs. As a result of such a complication, the dog may completely or partially lose motor activity. In addition, after a stroke, older dogs are likely to experience decreased levels of vision and hearing.

At home, you must follow all the recommendations given by your doctor. Be sure to give your dog all medications prescribed by your veterinarian. If it is not prohibited, then you can give the animal medicinal herbal decoctions to improve overall health. In addition, massage and special baths with a therapeutic effect are indicated for the treatment of stroke.


  • give the animal any medications without the knowledge of the doctor;
  • give injections with drugs not prescribed by the veterinarian;
  • Apply cold compresses to the dog's head.

Rehabilitation and prevention

Some important points regarding the treatment and rehabilitation of a dog with a stroke. It is important to understand that in this case, only a qualified veterinarian can provide effective assistance. A stroke is not a case where home remedies or ethnoscience. It is also better to ignore the advice of familiar dog lovers and well-wishers, and take the direct route straight to the clinic. This way you will save time, be able to provide real help to the animal in a timely manner, and sometimes even save its life.

Important in recovery period carefully and responsibly follow all veterinarian recommendations. It is necessary to ensure that the animal stays in a comfortable, calm environment, eliminating stress, lack of nutrition, and other negative factors from its life. In addition, it is important to protect the dog from colds and drafts during treatment and recovery after a stroke.

If an animal is paralyzed due to a stroke, it will have to undergo massage and treat the skin in order to prevent bedsores.

It is better to feed the dog low-fat diet food - several times a day, but in small portions. Don't give big dog gnawing bones, tendons: dishes should be semi-liquid or soft canned food.


  1. walk your pet regularly;
  2. give the animal feasible physical exercise;
  3. protect the animal from too much stress;
  4. Feed the dog correctly, monitor its weight, and prevent obesity.

Conclusion about stroke

So, we found out what a stroke in a dog is. This dangerous pathology can even lead to paralysis of the animal, and sometimes causes death. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your pet’s health and take preventive measures To increase his immunity and improve his well-being, take care of the dog’s diet and daily routine. And in the event of a stroke, it is necessary, without delay, to take the dog to a clinic where he can be provided with the necessary qualified assistance.

Stroke is a serious neurological disease that affects not only people, but also dogs. Especially representatives of large breeds living in cities.

Causes of the disease

The main causes of the disease can be severe stress, neurological disorders and injuries affecting the brain. Also in dogs, stroke is caused by disruption of the brain as a result of blockage of blood vessels, blood clots or heart disease. Stroke can be embolic, ischemic, occlusive and hemorrhagic. According to the degree of severity, it is classified into: small focal, point, multiple and extensive.

Symptoms and signs of stroke in dogs

  • First of all, the pet’s behavior changes dramatically; it can be hyperexcited or, conversely, depressed.
  • Possible disturbances in vision and breathing.
  • Depending on the extent of brain damage, muscle weakness may be noted on one side of the body, and the pet will curl up in a ring.
  • Also, the dog may spin in one place, stagger when walking, and in the most severe cases, a coma may occur: the dog falls over on one side and lies with glazed eyes.

A stroke in dogs can occur at any time and can be easily missed or confused with some other disease (epilepsy) if the symptoms are not pronounced. Therefore, it is better not to wait for more pronounced symptoms and urgently contact a veterinary clinic or.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical tests of urine and blood, X-ray and ultrasound of the lungs, as well as EEG and tomogram of the brain.

Treatment of stroke in dogs

In dogs, treatment for stroke occurs gradually and is carried out in several stages:

  • First aid is provided immediately, especially for major strokes.
  • Afterwards, a course of treatment is prescribed, which consists of drug therapy.
  • It includes vascular and cardiac, nootropic drugs, the use of anticonvulsants, tranquilizers, antispasmodics, antioxidants and support.
  • Treatment for a stroke can take up to 6 weeks or longer.

After a stroke, dogs may experience dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, partial or complete paralysis, which require rehabilitation therapy. Therefore, in parallel with treatment and after it, rehabilitation therapy based on massage sessions will be needed, which will help the dog recover faster.