The more you sleep, the more I want. If a person sleeps a lot, what does this mean, is it harmful to sleep a lot? Drowsiness from different people

All around are stitching: Purchase - and you will be slugging, more beautiful, healthier and happier! What is true, then the truth, but a lot of sleep is harmful not less than inappropriate. Why can excessive drowsiness may appear than it threatens too much sleep and in general - how much is it?

The night behind, the day comes, you will be a pleasant melody ... however, something went wrong. Instead of feeling with vigorous and rested, you barely open heavy eyelids and feel damaged by energies and void. Immediately after returning home, you go to correct your condition to sleep. It is a pity that the effect is not very impressive ... Why can't you sleep much? What will happen if you spend too much time in the arms of Morpheus?

Why do you want to sleep a lot: the causes of unnecessary drowsiness

Sleep a lot is harmful, but sometimes I want it! But one thing when it comes to periodic removal of fatigue and stress, and completely different - when a person in a dream spends more than it is made on generally accepted standards. Why?

  • Increased drowsiness is sometimes related to specific diseases such as hypersmia, or sleep apnea syndrome, and is also a symptom of problems with thyroid gland or diabetes.
  • Increased need for a dream occurs in people very active physically, often tired.
  • Many people want a lot to sleep in the fall and in winter, when simply lacks light.
  • Sometimes high drowsiness occurs in the process of receiving some drugs.
  • "Crown" party can be continued in the form of reinforced desire to sleep.
  • Finally, there are people who simply love to sleep.

Why a lot to sleep well for health? What will happen if you sleep more than the norm?

It is necessary to get enough sleep, but scientists warn us from too strong attachment to their cozy beds and sofas. Their arguments are very surprised! What threatens an excess of sleep?

1. Sugar diabetes

Studies have shown that it, oddly enough, provokes too small, and too much sleep.

2. Obesity

Observations of scientists confirm that people sleeping for 9-10 hours per day, 21% are more susceptible to the risk of obesity for 6 years than those who sleep for 7-8 hours. But pay attention: the lack of sleep causes the same consequences!

3. Headache

This problem often appears in people who are prone to it, especially on weekends and holidays, when there is an opportunity to sleep longer. The same thing happens in people sleeping during the day, which breaks their dream at night. Therefore, they suffer from Morning Headache.

4. Pain in the spine

Harmful to sleep a lot of sleep also because it may suffer the spine. The times when the means of combating such diseases was passive lying, goes into oblivion. Now doctors recommend daily physical activity that brings much greater relief.

5. Depression

Usually insomnia is associated with this state (and that's right). But about 15% of people suffering from depressions are sleeping too much that, as experts say, may worsen their condition. Why? Because the habits associated with regular sleep helps to fight disorder.

6. Heart disease

Studies with the participation of 72,000 women showed that those who slept 9-11 hours a day, 38% are more susceptible to heart diseases than women sleeping at 8 o'clock. Doctors still explore what the secret takes this dependence.

7. shorter life

This is true in a figurative sense, as we spend more time, breaking away from reality. But people live less and in the right sense. It is still unknown, on which such a correlation is based, but researchers argue that people with depression or with lower social status are mainly sleeping (which may be connected with each other).

How many hours of sleep requires a person?

The list of diseases and problems is pretty great, right? So it is better to get enough sleep, but within a reasonable. What is our need in a dream? Doctors recommend spending 7- 8 hours per day in the arms of Morpheus. The hygiene of this process is also important. If you go to bed and get up at the same time, avoid late use of alcohol and caffeine, sleep on a comfortable mattress in a sparkling bedroom, sleep will be the time for you of real rest and recovery, because it is his main mission.

Should I get enough sleep "about the stock" when such an opportunity appears? If you periodically think about this question, remember that it is bad to sleep much. The consequences of this can be almost sadger than the lack of sleep, the negative effect of which today they say so much.

Mikhail Agaltsov, Senior Researcher, Research Institute of Preventive Medicine:

Each person has the need for a dream individual. There are people (their little, but they are!), Whose body is quite by four sleep clocks. This amount of time is enough to them in order to feel rested and vigorous during the day. Famous fact: Napoleon Bonaparte believed to the "long-term". But there are among us and those who and eight hours of full sleep are not enough. It is impossible to redo this feature: it is determined genetically. Therefore, breaking ourselves, trying to sleep less or more than the body needed, is a waste of time.

Mikhail Agaltsov, Senior Researcher, Research Institute of Preventive Medicine.

Alexander Duquarev, dynamologist:

We underestimate the consequences of the overaffect of sleep, and "crossing" leads to the aggravation of chronic diseases, diabetes, depression. Sleeping 9-11 hours have a majority of ischemic heart disease (38%) than sleeping at 8 o'clock.

Photo: Fotolia /

Alexander Ducarev, dynamologist.

By the way

The need for sleep duration has influence and quality of food, and the amount of light that the body receives.

So, in spring and summer, when the light day is quite long, with a low-lifting lifestyle, with a small amount of carbohydrates in food, as well as the normal duration of sleep can be 5-6 hours.

So that you want to sleep and relax, it takes not much time.

According to the latest research on Western scientists, modern townspeople sleep too much. And this is a disturbing fact.

It turned out that surplus sleep also negatively affects the body, as well as its drawback, "Olga Mikhailova says. - Of course, it is impossible to do completely without sleep: the brain uses it to get rid of the "waste" of the body and toxins, which accumulate in waking condition. Sleep is a system of self-cleaning of the body.

The process of sleep consists of four phases. The first is the stage of the so-called slow sleep, lasts 5-10 minutes.

The second is 20 minutes, another 30-45 minutes falls for the period of the Third and Fourth Stages. Then sleeping returns to the second stage of slow sleep. The main rehabilitation operations brain spends in the slow phase of sleep, that is, for the restoration, it should be enough for five hours of sleep.

And "Speeding" (hypersmannia) leads to problems with memory, depression and can increase the risk of developing diabetes and migraine, says Mikhailov.


According to the latest studies of scientists, premature mortality is much higher among those people who allow themselves to sleep for 8-9 hours a day. True, those whose sleep lasts 5 hours and less, more often arise mental problems.

Good night, green dreams!

Almost 90 percent of people are able to see colored dreams. It is curious that sleep color can tell a lot about the emotional state and human well-being.

After the studies conducted, Western doctors came to the conclusion that a person who does not bother serious problems, sees green and blue dreams, "says Dynologist Vadim Smirnov. - Black dreams warn that the person is on the verge of the nervous breakdown, and the sleep painted in red, signals some disease.

Forget bad - it's good

If you believe in thenologists, most often people with disturbing, rather than joyful, dreams. That's just someone remembers these heavy dreams, and someone is confident that he did not dream.

People who are easily experiencing unpleasant situations in real life, who do not cultivate experiences on this or another, as a rule, do not remember their disturbing dreams, "says Psychotherapist Konstantin Bochkarev. - Although, of course, they will dream.

All around are stitching: Purchase - and you will be slugging, more beautiful, healthier and happier! What is true, then the truth, but a lot of sleep is harmful not less than inappropriate. Why can excessive drowsiness may appear than it threatens too much sleep and in general - how much is it?

The night behind, the day comes, you will be a pleasant melody ... however, something went wrong. Instead of feeling with vigorous and rested, you barely open heavy eyelids and feel damaged by energies and void. Immediately after returning home, you go to correct your condition to sleep. It is a pity that the effect is not very impressive ... Why can't you sleep much? What will happen if you spend too much time in the arms of Morpheus?

Why do you want to sleep a lot: the causes of unnecessary drowsiness

Sleep a lot is harmful, but sometimes I want it! But one thing when it comes to periodic removal of fatigue and stress, and completely different - when a person in a dream spends more than it is made on generally accepted standards. Why?

  • Increased drowsiness is sometimes related to specific diseases such as hypersmia, or sleep apnea syndrome, and is also a symptom of problems with thyroid gland or diabetes.
  • Increased need for a dream occurs in people very active physically, often tired.
  • Many people want a lot to sleep in the fall and in winter, when simply lacks light.
  • Sometimes high drowsiness occurs in the process of receiving some drugs.
  • "Crown" party can be continued in the form of reinforced desire to sleep.
  • Finally, there are people who simply love to sleep.

Why a lot to sleep well for health? What will happen if you sleep more than the norm?

It is necessary to get enough sleep, but scientists warn us from too strong attachment to their cozy beds and sofas. Their arguments are very surprised! What threatens an excess of sleep?

1. Sugar diabetes

Studies have shown that it, oddly enough, provokes too small, and too much sleep.

2. Obesity

Observations of scientists confirm that people sleeping for 9-10 hours per day, 21% are more susceptible to the risk of obesity for 6 years than those who sleep for 7-8 hours. But pay attention: the lack of sleep causes the same consequences!

3. Headache

This problem often appears in people who are prone to it, especially on weekends and holidays, when there is an opportunity to sleep longer. The same thing happens in people sleeping during the day, which breaks their dream at night. Therefore, they suffer from Morning Headache.

4. Pain in the spine

Harmful to sleep a lot of sleep also because it may suffer the spine. The times when the means of combating such diseases was passive lying, goes into oblivion. Now doctors recommend daily physical activity that brings much greater relief.

5. Depression

Usually insomnia is associated with this state (and that's right). But about 15% of people suffering from depressions are sleeping too much that, as experts say, may worsen their condition. Why? Because the habits associated with regular sleep helps to fight disorder.

6. Heart disease

Studies with the participation of 72,000 women showed that those who slept 9-11 hours a day, 38% are more susceptible to heart diseases than women sleeping at 8 o'clock. Doctors still explore what the secret takes this dependence.

7. shorter life

This is true in a figurative sense, as we spend more time, breaking away from reality. But people live less and in the right sense. It is still unknown, on which such a correlation is based, but researchers argue that people with depression or with lower social status are mainly sleeping (which may be connected with each other).

How many hours of sleep requires a person?

The list of diseases and problems is pretty great, right? So it is better to get enough sleep, but within a reasonable. What is our need in a dream? Doctors recommend spending 7- 8 hours per day in the arms of Morpheus. The hygiene of this process is also important. If you go to bed and get up at the same time, avoid late use of alcohol and caffeine, sleep on a comfortable mattress in a sparkling bedroom, sleep will be the time for you of real rest and recovery, because it is his main mission.

Should I get enough sleep "about the stock" when such an opportunity appears? If you periodically think about this question, remember that it is bad to sleep much. The consequences of this can be almost sadger than the lack of sleep, the negative effect of which today they say so much.

Why can not sleep much

We all know about the dangers of inappropriate. How many times did not really succeed to sleep after a rapidly spent weekend, and in school and student times it was possible to fall asleep right at the desk. And now, finally, the long-awaited stay, and with it - the opportunity to utter. And for past sleepless nights, and for future advance. But is it really worth doing it?

During sleep, all processes slow down, the vessels are expanding and the blood begins to flow on them slower. This increases the likelihood of blood clots in the heart vessels and in the brain area. It was established, then those people whose sleep lasts more than 10 hours, 2-3 times more often suffer from cardiovascular diseases and strokes than those who sleep for 7 hours a day.

The second danger associated with an overview of Morpheus's arms is the risk of diabetes. It happens because the production of testosterone hormone is significantly reduced by sleep. Regardless of other factors (smoking, obesity), lovers sleep with diabetes mellitus exactly three times more often than the regime adherents.

By the way, about obesity. Studies of American scientists have shown that there is a certain connection between too long sleep and the weight set. Perhaps the fault of this is another hormone - cortisol, which causes a person to gain weight hard. But there is a simpler explanation - a person just moves less, therefore, calorie consumes less. In the same study it was found that "Sony" is more predisposed to smoking and drinking alcohol, but they do not want to do sports sports. It is not surprising that extra kilograms grow not by day, but by the hour!

Why do you want to sleep at all? The nature of man is intended to live and act at the light of the day. The more Sunlight receives a person, the better he feels better, is sick less, and indeed lives longer. With a lack of a white spectrum in the human body, "Sleep hormone" - melatonin begins to produce. It causes drowsiness and at the same time slows down all the processes. Remember how I want to sleep in poorly lit rooms or winter evenings! Electric lighting cannot completely deceive the brain, as it is quite different in the spectrum from natural sunlight. By the way, if there is little light in your bedroom in the morning after waking up - it will be stronger to sleep. But if you take retention curtains - drowsiness will remove as hand!

Nevertheless, we are not to blame for winter in the fact that we are trying to sleep an extra piece. And again, Nature itself decided for us. The reduced flow of vitamins leads to weakness, lethargy, lowering pressure. Therefore, there is nothing terrible in to afford to lie down early in the winter. But it is always recommended to get up equally. Ideally, if you immediately after waking up, you will be able to make yourself make a couple of exercise. Time for several movements takes only 5 minutes, but your name is "charging" - they are completely justified. Like a battery, you charge vigor and a good mood for a whole day. Try - and you will be very pleased with the result. In addition, this is a good workout of the power of will. Just one small step, but he is able to add a self-esteem.

Have you ever hear the saying "the more sleep, the more I want"? It's true. And it is completely not ridiculous, but rather sad, as the reason is quite a serious nervous disorder. Such a person seems to fall into a vicious circle. Having slept in the afternoon, he will go to bed and later, having entertained by books, games or the Internet. There is a moment when the day and night will be changed in places. However, such a lifestyle includes the accelerated aging mode and after a couple of years, such a "night-inhabitant" will look 10 years older.

Output one - compliance with reasonable mode. If you have disappeared a few nights, distribute these lost hours several times. Suppose on Saturday and Sunday you can sleep for 1-2 hours anymore. But in no case are not lying in bed to the lunch itself! Organize your life so that sleep time does not exceed 8 hours a day (in winter 9 hours). And then you will always be in a healthy tone and a great mood, and stress and depression will simply have no place in your life.

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Why can not sleep much

What you need to know about sleep

About 41.4% of people are inadvertently falling asleep once during the day.

Average adult's sleep time is eight hours.

Sleep is considered a very pleasant occupation, during which we are restored after everyday stress and tension. But, as they say, an excess of anything is always bad, and excessive drowsiness can also adversely affect the body. If you did not get enough sleep, you will feel tired and exhausted all day. Some people are difficult to sleep at night, and instead they use the day. Sleep can "revive" and chew up the human body, but if you sleep not enough or too much, do not expect your body to respond to it positively.

Do you know that coffee on all acts in different ways? Someone is burtered, and someone rises in sleep ...

There are several reasons why a person sleeps too much - for example, the presence of a disease that is called hypersmia in medicine or simply crossing. However, there may be some more general reasons, such as stress, lack of self-discipline and poor sleep for several days. These are some of the time reasons with which you can cope with a small effort of will and determination. But there are more serious reasons, which are clinically treated.

Full consequences of shocking

Obesity and weight gain

One study shows that people who slept long, the risk of obesity was 20% higher than those who slept normally. In this case, the diet and exercise are prescribed to those who sleep too much, and those who do not suffer from carrying.

People who sleep too long have a 50% chance of acquiring diabetes compared to those who sleep during the recommended amount of time at night. Such conclusion came specialists who conducted a study with about 9,000 people. In addition, the risk of developing diabetes is high in people who sleep less than five hours at night.

Remember, Perevas causes even more desire to sleep ...

Other consequences

  • Backache
  • Headache
  • Lethargy
  • High blood pressure
  • Coronary Heart Problems

Many studies and theory came to the conclusion that mortality in individuals who sleep within 9 hours or more a day, higher than that of the others. Nevertheless, there is no explanation for the connection with death.

How to cope with this habit

Put the alarm clock at a certain time, preferably a little earlier than you actually want to get up. Adhere to this graph every day, and it will make your brain and the body sleep and wake up when it is assumed. To overcome the temptation to press the alarm repetition button, put it away from the bed. Then you have to physically get up to turn off the alarm clock.

Discard the habit of sleep during the day ...

After all, it can break the circadian rhythms - the biological time of the body, and will prevent him from sleeping normally at night, and ultimately lead to a crosspatch.

In addition to the above techniques, you can give some more tips to help you:

  • Continue to repeat yourself that you wake up as soon as the alarm clock.
  • Find the encouraging reason to wake up in accordance with the daily schedule.
  • Gradually reduce sleep time.
  • Do not overvolt during the day.
  • Do physical exercises regularly.
  • It is advisable to take a cold shower every day.
  • Let your breakfast be easy and healthy.

How much do you need to sleep a man (video)

If you, as a rule, sleep longer than recommended for sleeping hours, and suffer from any mental or physical side effects of this disease, then write down to the doctor as quickly as possible. He will write you some medicines and give advice on a healthy lifestyle. It will help you to restore the habits of regular and good sleep, which are of great importance to keep the right lifestyle.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for information purposes, and should not be considered a replacement for professional medical advice.

Source: Photo:,,

Why sleep a lot - also harmful. Harvard version

Recently, we introduced you to the study of Huffington Post on the consequences of sleep shortage. It turned out that only one day of the lack of sleep could lead to overeating, worsening attention and memory, excessive emotional excitability and other negative consequences. If it is not sufficient to systematically, then the risk of stroke, obesity, diabetes and other clinical changes in the body increases.

But how recent scientists of Harvard University, recently, excess sleep is not less detrimental than the disadvantage.

In the study, led by Elizabeth Devore (Elizabeth Devore), a group of women, members of a large prospective study of the health of American nurses participated. In the period from 1986 to 2000, the habits of the tests for sleep were studied, they were interviewed three times about memory and thinking over the past six years.

Devor and her colleagues found that in women sleeping at night 5 or less hours, as well as sleeping 9 or more hours, performance is lower than those who hold the norm and sleep for 7-8 hours. In addition, it was found that the lack and excess of sleep makes the subjects psychologically two years older, compared with volunteers, sleeping 7-8 hours.

Our study showed that observance of the sleep mode (7-8 hours - the average norm) can help keep memory; Clinical interventions based on sleep therapy must be studied as they can help avoid mental deterioration.

Why memory?

This and a number of previous studies demonstrate that non-saturated people have a higher blood pressure, diabetes and narrowing of blood vessels are often found. As a result, blood flow to the brain is reduced, which, for efficient operation, needs oxygen and glucose.

Lack of sleep can and otherwise worsen memory. It was established that in the body of mice that were not allowed to sleep, the transmembrane protein of beta-amyloid is intensified. In the body of a person, beta-amyloid - the basis of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease. Their concentration in the brain leads to a deterioration in memory and thinking and increases the risk of dementia.

Many not little

Often people are incomprehensible why it is harmful to sleep long. But long sleep is not always harmless. If a person sleeps a lot and, moreover, suffers from dayly drowsiness, it can serve as a symptom of dangerous diseases.

Doctors talk about the dangers of lacking. Because of him in the body, the metabolism is violated, some diseases develop and other unpleasant consequences are manifested.

Is it harmful to a lot to sleep a lot? Of course, we all know that a healthy sleep in a child or a teenager is a guarantee of his well-being. Some people think this is useful at any age. But for a full-fledged recreation, the organism of an adult is required not more than 7-9 hours of sleep. The rest of the time is excessive.

Why do people tend to sleep a lot?

A healthy sleep in an adult continues on average 8 hours. Deviations in a large or smaller side are an individual feature. Indicators depend on the amount of time for which the body is restored.

If you need a mature or older person to sleep more than 8-9 hours, doctors call such a hyperssoc. It manifests itself in a large duration of night rest, and in permanent dayly drowsiness. A painful state can bring a person to the fact that he falls asleep in the most inappropriate moments. Let's find out why this happens and is harmful to sleep long.

Sleep regulation is engaged in a complex system that has a braking or activating effect on the TSN sections. Participation in this is taken by the cerebral bark, subcortical, limbic and reticular structures. Failure in the specified process and causes hypersna.

The causes of hypersignia often become:

Sometimes it is impossible to find the reason, since the increased duration of sleep is not associated with any disease. This condition is called idiopathic hypersignia.


  • It is reliably known that some outstanding personality slept. The German thinker Goethe, the Creator of the "Faust", could not get out of bed for a day.
  • The Schopenhauer philosopher slept for 10-20 hours.
  • Albert Einstein also loved to sleep, spending 10-12 hours per day for a dream. The brilliant physicist went to bed at different times and got up only when he was walked.

Symptoms hypersignia

The main feature of hypersignia is a large duration of night sleep (about 12-14 hours), which is accompanied by constant drowsiness and lethargy throughout the subsequent day.

In people suffering from Her, difficult awakening, it is difficult for them to even break away from the pillow, there are not enough energy to get out of the alarm bed. And after the end of sleep, such patients have been in the inhibited state for a long time. They look as if they sleep further. In the people, such a condition is called "intoxication of sleep".

Different forms of this disease cause constant or periodic daily drowsiness. Such a state negatively affects human performance and its attentiveness. Hyperissian knocks down the life rhythm and sometimes forces the patient to take breaks for rest during the day. Some people feel relieved after day sleep, but more often drowsiness is preserved after it.

One of the forms of hypersigny - narcoleptic - forces the patient to fall asleep in the most inappropriate places for this. During an attack, the desire to sleep is so indefinitely that a person falls asleep, he does not understand himself.

To diagnose hypersuminous, special tests are prescribed, clinical studies are carried out polysomnography. Only a dynamologist or neuropathologist can choose treatment.

With severe cases of hypersime and narcolepsy, impeding normal life and employment, disability can be established.


  • In some patients, the attack of narcolepsy affects only the bark of the brain, not reaching the rest of its regions, so the body does not come to a relaxed state characteristic of sleep. A person suddenly falls asleep, continuing to sit, stand or go.
  • Sometimes there is a reverse situation: a person is fully aware of everything that happens around, but the body sharply ceases to obey him, the muscles are disconnected. He can fall right in the midst of the street and lie without movement for a few minutes, is not able to even move.
  • Fortunately, doctors from the USA are already testing a new drug, which will help people suffering from narcolepsy, get rid of such attacks.

Study of long sleep

Why can not sleep much? This question was investigated by doctors and scientists. In Western scientific centers, more than a thousand people were involved, which were divided into 3 groups:

  • the first group was those who had a short night sleep (up to 6 hours);
  • in the second collected people who slept the normal number of hours (about 8);
  • in the third group, those who slept for a long time were 9 or more hours.

We all know about the dangers of inappropriate. How many times did not really succeed to sleep after a rapidly spent weekend, and in school and student times it was possible to fall asleep right at the desk. And now, finally, the long-awaited stay, and with it - the opportunity to utter. And for past sleepless nights, and for future advance. But is it really worth doing this?

During sleep, all processes slow down, the vessels are expanding and the blood begins to flow on them slower. This increases the likelihood of blood clots in the heart vessels and in the brain area. It was established, then those people whose sleep lasts more than 10 hours, 2-3 times more often suffer from cardiovascular diseases and strokes than those who sleep for 7 hours a day.

The second danger associated with an overview of Morpheus's arms is the risk of diabetes. It happens because the production of testosterone hormone is significantly reduced by sleep. Regardless of other factors (smoking, obesity), lovers sleep with diabetes mellitus exactly three times more often than the regime adherents.

By the way, about obesity. Studies of American scientists have shown that there is a certain connection between too long sleep and the weight set. Perhaps the fault of this is another hormone - cortisol, which causes a person to gain weight hard. But there is a simpler explanation - a person just moves less, therefore, calorie consumes less. In the same study it was found that "Sony" is more predisposed to smoking and drinking alcohol, but they do not want to do sports sports. It is not surprising that extra kilograms grow not by day, but by the hour!

Why do you want to sleep at all? The nature of man is intended to live and act at the light of the day. The more Sunlight receives a person, the better he feels better, is sick less, and indeed lives longer. With a lack of a white spectrum in the human body, "Sleep hormone" - melatonin begins to produce. It causes drowsiness and at the same time slows down all the processes. Remember how I want to sleep in poorly lit rooms or winter evenings! Electric lighting cannot completely deceive the brain, as it is quite different in the spectrum from natural sunlight. By the way, if there is little light in your bedroom in the morning after waking up - it will be stronger to sleep. But if you take retention curtains - drowsiness will remove as hand!

Nevertheless, we are not to blame for winter in the fact that we are trying to sleep an extra piece. And again, Nature itself decided for us. The reduced flow of vitamins leads to weakness, lethargy, lowering pressure. Therefore, there is nothing terrible in to afford to lie down early in the winter. But it is always recommended to get up equally. Ideally, if you immediately after waking up, you will be able to make yourself make a couple of exercise. Time for several movements takes only 5 minutes, but your name is "charging" - they are completely justified. Like a battery, you charge vigor and a good mood for a whole day. Try - and you will be very pleased with the result. In addition, this is a good workout of the power of will. Just one small step, but he is able to add a self-esteem.

Have you ever hear the saying "the more sleep, the more I want"? It's true. And it is completely not ridiculous, but rather sad, as the reason is quite a serious nervous disorder. Such a person seems to fall into a vicious circle. Having slept in the afternoon, he will go to bed and later, having entertained by books, games or the Internet. There is a moment when the day and night will be changed in places. However, such a lifestyle includes the accelerated aging mode and after a couple of years, such a "night-inhabitant" will look 10 years older.

Output one - compliance with reasonable mode. If you have disappeared a few nights, distribute these lost hours several times. Suppose on Saturday and Sunday you can sleep for 1-2 hours anymore. But in no case are not lying in bed to the lunch itself! Organize your life so that sleep time does not exceed 8 hours a day (in winter 9 hours). And then you will always be in a healthy tone and a great mood, and stress and depression will simply have no place in your life.

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