How much to drink alcohol to earn cirrhosis. How much you need to drink to earn cirrhosis of the liver, how anesthesia works and why the ammonia alcohol smells so sharply. Extinguishing from the body of excess fluid

The relevance of such a problem as alcohol liver disease is very large. According to the prevalence and social significance, this pathology is in second place after viral hepatitis.

There is no safe dose of alcohol. According to the recommendations of WHO relatively safe doses of alcohol, up to 20-40 ml of ethanol for men and up to 20 ml of ethanol for women can be considered. A dose of 10 ml of ethanol is contained in 25 ml of vodka, 100 ml of wine or 200 ml beer.
Signs indicating the harmful effects of alcohol on the liver appear when eating more than 80 ml of ethanol within five and more years.

In order to develop alcoholic liver disease with a possible transition to cirrhosis for an adult man, it is sufficient for alcohol reception at a dose of 50-80 ml of ethanol per day, for a woman this dose is already 30-40 ml, and for adolescents are even lower: 15-20 ml per day. And this is just 0, 5 liters 5% beer every day!

We use alcohol, according to WHO, more than 90% of the population, almost half of them make it monthly and within a few days. 10% of men and 3-5% of women drink daily.

The myth of the harmlessness of "weak" alcohol

There is a common misconception that if drinking weak alcohol (beer, low-alcohol cocktails, etc.), it brings less and the body as a whole. But is it?

The effect and harm of low-alcohol beverages is equivalent to the exposure to strong. And the main reason for such an equivalence is the quantity. Few people think about how much ethanol enters the body, if you drink "just" a few bottles of beer per day.

You need to drink only three bottles of beer or two banks of a low alcohol cocktail to get as much ethanol as it is contained in a glass of vodka.

According to statistics, more than half of the population of our country consume beer. And the popularity of beer does not give up its position due to the seeming "harmlessness". The number of beer consumers is growing every year. Specialists consider beer legalized drugs, to which physical and psychological addiction is rapidly developing. Especially quickly can earn dependence on beer teens and women.

In beer there are poisonous compounds and heavy metals, which are able to change the hormonal status of the body and cause its poisoning.

"Beer is made lazy, stupid and powerless," said Bismarck, the first Reichskancler of Germany. And he did not know much about the beer.

Also gain popularity, especially among young people, low alcohol cannon cocktails. Due to his sweet skate, they are perceived as a strong lemonade. But in one bank contains the amount of ethanol equal to 100 ml of vodka. And this is not counting the various chemical additives (flavors, dyes) and sugars, which also harm liver and cause the body poisoning as a whole.

Therefore, it is safe to concure that from beer and other low alcohol drinks harm no less than from strong alcohol.

Liver and alcohol

The effect of alcohol on the liver is immediate. After entering the body, part of alcohol is eliminated through the skin, light and kidneys. The main "blow" and harm (and this is about 90% of the alcohol consumed) takes on the liver, where further processing of drinking alcohol occurs.

At first, under the influence of a special enzyme - alcoholdhydrogenase - the oxidation of ethyl alcohol occurs and turning it into acetaldehyde. Next, acetaldehyde is oxidized by complex chemical reactions and disintegrates to finite substances - carbon dioxide and water. But it happens only if the amount of alcohol is small and enough to complete the conversion of ethanol conversion cycles into decay products that are not harmful to the body and do not cause its poisoning.

If the alcohol is used much, the lack of enzymes occurs and the process of processing ethanol at different stages is disturbed. There is an accumulation of intermediate products of its oxidation and decay in the liver. Acetaldehyde is ten times toxic than ethanol, its excess causes, in addition to its direct damage, violation of the normal outflow of bile, the accumulation of fats in the liver, the general poisoning of the body. And ethyl alcohol, which is not oxidized due to excess, causes development in the liver of the connective tissue, which leads to fibrosis.

The liver has amazing regenerative functions and self-healing ability. But these abilities of the liver are not infinite, and in the end, the depletion of this potential comes. The liver cells begin to replace the fibrous tissue with the restructuring of their functions and the transition to cirrhosis.

What mechanisms and risk factors cause alcohol liver damage?

First of all, it is chronic alcohol abuse. Sometimes the amount and quality of liver enzymes, metabolizing alcohol can be genetically impaired.

It was noted that women are more susceptible to alcohol and the development of dependence on them is faster.

With a combination of alcohol intake with drugs, metabolizing in the liver, a harmful effect on hepatocytes is enhanced several times.

It also has a lifestyle, which leads a person using alcohol. It is known that food deficit (malnutrition, diets) and alcohol are incompatible.

If there is a viral hepatitis, then the negative effect of alcohol on the liver is intensified when it is used. Vaccination against hepatitis allows you to prevent the disease. In a quarter of patients who have alcoholic liver disease, antibodies are detected to chronic hepatitis C, which indicates an increased risk of infection with this type of virus.

Vaccification against hepatitis - for or against?

In recent years, a distorted opinion is formed in society associated with alleged harm to vaccinations against dangerous diseases to the body. Therefore, I would like to touch on the topic of vaccination against hepatitis.

Currently there are vaccinations against two types of viral hepatitis: A and V.

Hepatitis A is considered the "disease of the unwashed hands", the main path of its transfer is household.
Hepatitis B is transmitted mainly through blood. To transfer the virus, a drop of blood, which remained, for example, in a syringe needle. But it is not necessary to think that this disease is only drug addicts or socio-disadvantaged elements. The spread of hepatitis B in recent years has acquired the nature of the epidemic.

Hepatitis in most cases goes into a chronic process, which can lead to the development of cirrhosis and even liver cancer.

Vaccination against hepatitis B is included in the vaccination calendar for children. Adults make this vaccination at their desire and harmony. Typically, the vaccination scheme looks like this: 0 - 1 - 6. That is, the vaccination should be repeated after 1 and 6 months.

Many have the question of the effect of alcohol on the effectiveness of vaccination against hepatitis. The use of alcoholic beverages in permissible doses does not have any actions for vaccination. But it will be necessary to abandon the admission of alcohol within three days after vaccination due to the fact that each vaccination has its own side effects that alcohol can be aggravated.

This is true and for vaccination against other pathogens. The exception is the vaccination against rabies, after which it is recommended not to use alcohol within 12 months.

Alcoholic liver disease

Developed as a result of long-term poisoning of the entire human body with alcohol (ethyl alcohol).

It distinguishes three consecutive stages of development:

  1. Liver steatosis (fatty dystrophy; fatty hepatosis);
  2. Alcohol hepatitis;
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver.

Hepatosis (steatosis)

Initial stage, or fatty hepatosis, is characterized by postponement and accumulation of fat cells in the liver parenchyma. Arises in persons abusing alcohol, in more than 90% of cases. It usually proceeds asymptomatic, there may be symptoms of dyspeptic disorders, a feeling of gravity in the right hypochondrium, weakness, jaggility of the skin and mucous membranes. The staitosis of the liver is a reversible process, and when refusing to alcohol and treatment, it is possible to complete cure. If the ethanol effects on hepatocytes, the alcohol liver damage passes into the second stage - alcohol hepatitis. In this case, there is a deeper damage to hepatocytes with a violation of their functionality.

Hepatitis alcoholic

The flow of alcohol hepatitis can be in the form of a persistent (stable flow, usually without a low-almptomatic, relatively reversible changes in the liver) or progressive forms (the transition from the previous phase in the event of further abuse of alcohol; unfavorable current, as a rule, goes into cirrhosis).

Hepatitis can occur with acute beginning or have a latent, and then chronic current. The acute form of hepatitis is usually observed after a long, often repeated, rushing in human abusing alcohol when the organism is poisoning large doses of alcohol.

There are several varieties of current, but the most often occurs the jaundice option. It is observed, in addition to jaundice, painful syndrome in the right hypochondrium, pronounced weakness, disruption of appetite, nausea, vomiting, long-term liquid chair, noticeable weight loss. The liver increases, has a dense structure, painful.
Chronic hepatitis often proceeds relatively asymptomatic. Only laboratory and additional research methods may indicate about severe lesions of the body. The liver is also significantly increased, up to huge sizes.

The third stage - liver cirrhosis. This is a completely irreversible stage when the normal liver tissue is replaced by fibroids, connective tissue fibers and as a result, a deep violation of all its functions is developing. Cirrhosis arises according to statistics, in 15-20% of patients with chronic alcoholism. The deterioration of symptoms and the flow of cirrhosis is observed when combined with chronic viral hepatitis B or with, obesity, belonging to the female floor.

The symptoms of the cirrhosis can be sufficiently scarce, especially against the background of a long-term course of the disease. The patient worries fast fatigue, weakness, pain in the field of liver, asthenization (weakness, fatigue). On the palms there is a characteristic "liver" erythema (redness), minor capillaries are expanding on the entire body surface. The liver is increased or, on the contrary, is reduced, it can be painless, its surface is litter. Signs of ascites are detected, an increase in the spleen, as a result, the abdomen with an extended venous grid on its surface increases. The symptoms of portal hypertension appear. There is a violation of the functions of other organs and systems as a result of poisoning toxic products that are not neutralized by the liver.

Cyrrosis is unfavorable. The disease is combined with progressive hepatic insufficiency, up to the hepatic coma, which leads to a fatal outcome. The likelihood of malignancy is also great - the occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma.

The diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory, ultrasound or radioisotope studies, computed tomography. If necessary, conduct diagnostic laparoscopy and liver biopsy.

How is the liver alcoholic disease treat?

The most important condition is a complete failure of a patient from alcohol. In some stages of alcohol lesion, the liver may occur full regeneration of hepatic tissue. But it should be noted that, unfortunately, this recommendation performs no more than a third of the patients. The number of alcohol consumed so much is reduced, and the remaining part completely ignores it and continues to lead its usual lifestyle.

The second condition is a full-fledged energy diet with a high protein content. Calirage such a diet should be at least 2000-3000 kcal per day. The protein content is about 1 g per 1 kg of mass of the patient. We need saturation with vitamins, especially, groups V. An example of such a diet can be table No. 5.

Medicia treatment

Hepatoprotectors, glucocorticoids, means that improve microcirculation and similar preparations are used. Of course, the necessary treatment in each case is appointed by a doctor individually after a complete examination and taking into account the violations revealed.

With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, the liver transplantation is solved.

If you use 80 g of pure ethanol per day, then almost half of the cases will develop cirrhosis

"Drink or not to drink?" - This question is asked by many of us. However, there is still no uniform opinion about the effect of alcohol on health in the scientific medium. Often, scientific research proving the benefits of red wine or even vodka is overlapped by statements that all this is from the evil.

But experts, including the World Health Organization, are increasingly talking not to the benefits, but at least about low the dangers of alcohol in small doses. How much can drink so that it goes unnoticed to liver, found out "MK".

With the fact that in large doses alcohol does not carry anything except harm, no one argues. Doctors even say that there is not a single organ for which alcohol would have had no bad effect. And yet most often in the context of alcohol, the liver is mentioned, which takes on a blow first. It is in this body that the largest amount of biochemical reactions occurs (1 billion per second!), It is here that toxic substances are neutralized and all the products exchange products and alcohol are processed.

Violations of the liver function can be sharp and chronic. Sharp met is much less likely. They can cause, for example, receiving any drugs.

- Cause of acute liver damage, which may even require liver transplantation, even one-time intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, such as aspirin or paracetamol. By the way, up to 10% liver transfers are associated with its defeat with these drugs, "said the head of the hepatology department of the Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center, the chief Moscow gastroenterologist Professor Igor Bakulin.

However, most often liver disease (and viral, and alcoholic) "silent" decades. And the appearance of the first symptoms may indicate cirrhosis, when the help of something else is either impossible or the urgent transplantation is required. "The liver does not hurt, and if some symptoms of the disease appear, they are most often taken for gastritis or pancreatitis and do not pay attention to them. Muscovites about liver diseases to gastroenterologists are extremely rare. At the same time, last year there were 5367 hospitalizations about cirrhosis, and mortality from the liver cirrhosis amounted to 2039 cases. Last year, only 45 liver transplants were performed in the city. For comparison - in America, only in one center is performed annually at 800-900, "continues our expert.

But the most terrible that often liver diseases are missing even doctors. The fact is that by ultrasound to diagnose hepatic pathology is difficult, and biochemical blood tests are not always indicated that the process of destruction began. "Then a 32-year-old woman turned to us, she was diagnosed with cirrhosis, the stage is close to the terminal. Before coming to us, she did not complain about his health, worked, was an exemplary mother, but cirrhosis develops decades! Now only transplantation can help her. Another patient approached the insignificant exceeding blood biochemical indicators. And she has a complete lesion of the liver due to an uncontrolled admission of painkillers. A few days later we transferred it to intensive care with the hepatic coma. Such cases in our practice are not uncommon. Fortunately, she was lucky, Moscow doctors were able to make her liver transplant, "Igor Gennadevich admits.

The absolute majority of cirrhosis, which diagnose Muscovites (and Russians), are caused by alcohol use. However, in close friendship with the "green zmiem" - the reason for 35% of deaths in. For this indicator, by the way, one of the first in the world. The growth curves of the production of ethyl alcohol in the country and mortality of Russians go, as they say, leg in foot. "It can be treated by anything, but from 1985 to 1989, during the anti-alcohol campaign, the life expectancy among men in our country increased for three years, and the mortality from the liver cirrhosis has decreased by three times," says Professor Bakulin.

However, few of the drinking or periodically drinking thinking about how harm it does liver. Moreover, many have heard of the existence of safe doses of alcohol - this is a glass of red wine or a glass of vodka per day. And although such doses few people are limited, knowledge of safe doses warms the soul.

- harmless doses of alcohol does not exist, this is a myth. And our doctors told about it back in 1915 on the Pirogov Congress. At the same time it was stated that alcohol does not treat any disease. And we have on book collaps - a lot of books from the "Treatment of Vodka" series, "Treatment by Moonshine", "Treatment of beer", "Igor Bakulin is sure. - The European Liver Study Association also declares: there is no reason to assume the existence of safe doses of alcohol. But sometimes even cardiologists recommend their patients to take a glass "for vessels".

Some people believe that harm can cause only falsified or produced alcohol methods. Doctors lead to this aphorism belonging to Abraham Lincoln: "Alcoholism is not from the use of bad vodka, but from the abuse of good." Igor Bakulin warns that the path from a romantic evening with a glass-other to the pathoanatomy table can be very short: "I now have two patients in the department, 25-year-old girls, with alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver in the terminal stage."

And yet, in the case of treating patients with alcoholism, doctors today put a goal at least translate them to small doses (foreign statistics say that half of alcoholics with liver problems are ready only to partial abstinence). This is up to 30 g of pure ethanol per day for men and up to 20 g - for women. If you drink in such doses, alcohol hepatitis will develop only every third years. If you cast 80 g of pure ethanol per day, then in almost half of the cases there will be cirrhosis, and each tenth liver cancer.

In general, doctors call doses to 40-80 g of pure ethanol to toxic for the liver, which corresponds to 100-200 ml of vodka, 400-800 ml of dry wine or 800-1600 ml of beer. These doses are designed for men, they are twice as smaller for women.

- This is not safe dose, no. But alcohol in such quantities brings much less health risks. The study showed that the transition to low doses of alcohol by 25% reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and the risk of mortality from it by 15%. By the way, according to the effect, it is comparable to some drugs, "says the main gastroenterologist of Moscow.

Another study among 10 thousand people with alcohol addiction has proven that the reduction in heavy drunkenness days from 23 to 11 per month decreases on 6813 cases of diseases and injuries, for 2016 pancreatitis, at 152 - strokes, at 873 cirrhosis. And what would happen if these people did not drink at all! ..

"Even those who use alcohol in small quantities, I would advise you to think about my health and pass the diagnosis of the liver. In the early stages even cirrhosis, we will reverse, and today there are methods that allow him to treat, "says Igor Bakulin.

In order to stimulate people who drink on a little bit (and more), the program "Check your liver" is even developed to undergo diagnosis. In accordance with it, in the clinics of 60 cities of Russia, including Moscow, open areas "Healthy liver", where you can make an ultrasound and a biochemical study of blood. Thanks to this program, doctors hope, the detection of liver disease will increase significantly. Another task, notes Igor Bakulin, introduce modern diagnostic methods into mass medical practice - elastometry (research on a special projection) and fibrotes (high-tech blood tests). While they, alas, the policy of OMS are not covered ...

Cirrhosis comes from the Greek term compirrhus, it is used to describe an orange or yellowish-brown liver surface. This is a very dangerous and heavy liver disease, as a result of which liver cells die off, and in their place there are irreversible cells from collagen and elastic fibers (fibrous connective tissue) in which there are practically no living cells. In this case, the structure of the liver is completely changed, increases in size and ceases to perform their functions.

The cause of cirrhosis is often alcoholism or some other liver diseases (hepatitis B, hepatitis C). In chronic hepatitis, most people cirrhosis develops rapidly, and flows slowly, for years and decades and only 10-25% of patients after many years there is cirrhosis of the liver.

Alcohol causes not only the deterioration of the liver condition, but increases and exacerbates the course of the disease and contributes to the rapid destruction of liver cells and the manifestation of alcoholic liver cirrhosis in which death occurs after a couple of years.

The life expectancy of patients with liver lesions depends on the stage of the disease and its direct treatment. Despite the irreversibility of cell damping and rather high mortality, modern medicine is capable of stopping the pathological process in the liver and even compensate for its lost functions. How many liver cirrhosis live, and what methods can it be extended this period?

Causes of occurrence

I repeat. Cirrosis is a heavy disease, after which it is impossible to completely recover. The parenchymal liver cloth is replaced by fibrous or stroma, and the liver itself becomes very dense and dubbish, changing in size.

Liver cirrhosis develops as a result of actions on the organ of toxins, viruses and other negative factors. The main causes of the disease seven:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • cryptogenic factor;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • autoimmune hepatitis;
  • failures in the immune system;
  • hypoxia and stagnation of venous blood.

Alcoholic cirrhosis occurs due to alcohol abuse. Liver cells are destroyed, and fibrous fabric is formed instead. Gradually, there is little healthy tissue, and the body ceases to perform its functions. The continuation of the taking alcohol leads to death in 1-1.5 years after the occurrence of the disease.

Cyrosis can also be transmitted with genes, and often the diagnosis of cryptogenic cirrhosis is also found, which means that the cause is impossible to establish the cause of the disease.

When the disease develops against the background of viral hepatitis, it is often accompanied by ascites, or a loss of fluid in the abdomen cavity. If a person suffers to autoimmune hepatitis, the lesion of the liver tissues can even begin due to ordinary allergies.

Bilyary cirrhosis is a consequence of the imminent of the immune system, and in women they are diagnosed more often than in men. Failures in the body lead to the overlap of biliary ducts, and liver cells begin to die. During problems with the immune system, a biochemical blood test is required to regularly.

With a stagnant form of the disease, the liver cloth begins to collapse as a result of stagnation of venous blood and hypoxia. Since the portal vein is clocked, the pressure in it increases, and all this leads to the screeching of the spleen and ascitis.

Very rarely cirrhosis is congenital or arising against the background of intensive reception of drugs.


Several characteristic signs of liver cirrhosis are distinguished:

  • constant fatigue;
  • long apathy, lethargy;
  • slimming without visible reasons;
  • unpleasant sensations in the field of liver;
  • gorky taste in the mouth;
  • belching;
  • blowing abdomen.

If there are such signs, you should contact the hospital. If you start fighting the disease in the early stages, it is possible to maintain enough healthy liver cells.

Stages of the disease

Depending on the severity of cell damping, 4 stages of liver cirrhosis are isolated:

  1. Damage to bile capillaries.
  2. The first symptoms arise. Bile circulation is disturbed and the liver is affected.
  3. Strengthening symptoms. Inflammation progresses, causing motion of cells and forming fibrous tissue in their place.
  4. Complications. The liver loses its functions, and the number of connective tissue becomes more than healthy cells.

The death from the liver cirrhosis ends half of all cases of the disease. However, with competent treatment, you can stop the rebirth of the liver tissue and compensate for the lost organ functions.

Despite the fact that cirrhosis is incurable, when the disease is detected at an early stage and a qualified treatment, the doctors give a favorable prognosis for patients. With alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, a favorable outcome for a person is possible only with a complete abandonment of alcohol

With the help of drugs correct metabolic disorders. Hepatoprotectors are used, means for normalizing intestinal flora and enteroseptics. Hormones are prescribed, if necessary, adjust the functions of the immune system, interferons to combat viruses.

In order to extend life with cirrhosis, surgical methods are also used. In case of illness with a pronounced ascite, the patient conducts paracentesis and pumping out extra liquid from the cavity of the abdomen. Alternative bloodstream is formed by shunting vessels. If the disease passed into severe and rapidly progresses, the patient shows the liver transplantation.

With alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, a favorable outcome for a person is possible only with a complete abandonment of alcohol. Otherwise, any treatment will be useless, and severe complications will develop, among which are hepatic coma. From 80 to 100% of people die from it.

Medical diet

As part of the general therapy, the patient is necessarily assigned special nutrition during cirrhosis. It is important that the daily diet is full and included 90 g of proteins, 90 g of fats and 350 g of carbohydrates.

  1. Fried dishes.
  2. Broths.
  3. Spice.
  4. Products with cholesterol.
  5. Salt (if there is an ascite).

Useful to use:

  1. Vegetables.
  2. Fruits.
  3. Non-fat fish, meat.
  4. Dried bread.
  5. Milk products.


The liver is the largest organ of the human body. Its mass reaches 1500 - approximately 1/50 part of the mass of the whole body. Anatomically in the liver is distinguished by two stakes - the right and left. The right share is almost 6 times larger than the left.

The liver performs the role of a filter in the human body.

Disgust to work as a symptom of illness

Jerome's hero of Jerome K. Jerome "Three in a boat, not counting the dog" somehow went to the public London library, took a medical directory, read it, found all sorts of ailments and left a deeply sick person from there. Among all other diseases, the presence of problems with the liver has determined the main symptom - "disgust for work". On the one hand, it may seem ridiculous, on the other, the compiler of the reference book, apparently, knew a sense in diagnosis, because, oddly enough, often the only complaint with the diseases of the liver is asthenic syndrome, that is, a decrease in performance, weakness, excessive drowsiness.

Unwillingness to do something can be the only one, but a characteristic feature. Another thing is that it is non-specific and occurs with the mass of other diseases. If it is serious about the symptoms that definitely indicate the liver disease, this is jaundice, skin itching, baldness, palm redness, in women - menstrual cycle disorder; Gravity in the stomach, nausea, belching, unstable stool.

In the later stages there may be an increase in the abdomen because of the cluster of liquids in it (ascites), the darkening of urine (it becomes the color of beer), bleaching feces, subcutaneous bleeding. In order not to bring to such a state, it is necessary at the very first unfavorable symptoms to go. The liver In this sense, the author is grateful - with proper care, it is well restored, and healthy cells can work for themselves and their affected comrades.

What happens during cirrhosis? The healthy liver consists of hepatic lobes. With cirrhosis, the liver structure occurs, the liver contains a large number of connective tissue, and instead of bonds, nodules of different sizes appear, the scarring tissue squeezes blood vessels, the resulting blood circulation is disturbed. The loss of normal hepatic cells leads to the fact that the liver is not able to synthesize proteins and other substances necessary for the body, as well as neutralize toxins, that is, perform their functions.

What will help correctly make a diagnosis? First of all, a visit to a gastroenterologist who, in addition to visual inspection, can take advantage of the following diagnostic methods:

  • biochemical blood test, which will show the increase in hepatic enzymes, increase the number of bilirubin;
  • The ultrasound of the liver and other abdominal organs will reveal a change in the size and structure of the liver, the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • gastroscopy is useful for assessing the state of the veins of the esophagus and determining the risk of bleeding;
  • blood test for virus hepatitis markers;
  • in some cases, the liver biopsy is performed (for this, under local anesthesia, a special thin needle pierce the skin directly above the liver, take a piece of fabric);
  • the study of liver vessels (angiography, splenoportocavigraphy) with the help of a special contrast agent under the control of the X-ray is necessary when planning surgical treatment.

Throw a drink never late

The most frequent causes of liver cirrhosis are alcohol abuse and viral hepatitis (primarily hepatitis B and C). We are less likely to poison toxic substances (for example, a polar refrigerant poison, some medicines), diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts, accompanied by a long jaundice.

The growth of environmental pollution, an increase in the use of various preservatives, alcohol, the uncontrolled use of drugs increase the load on the liver.

According to experts, the next 10 years will be marked by the growth of chronic liver pathology associated with the hepatitis C virus

As for the action of alcohol to the liver, if we talk about "normally" drinking people and high-quality alcoholic beverages, the time that must pass from the beginning of use until the development of the liver disease depends on many factors. First, on what quantities a person drinks, secondly, who drinks is a man or a woman. In a woman, with other things being equal, the disease will develop faster and smaller doses. It is believed that for men the maximum permissible dose - 60 g of pure alcohol per day: these are 3 bottles of beer, or 3 dry wine glasses, or 3 glasses of vodka. The fact that over this, the liver cannot process without prejudice to itself. In women, liver damage can develop even with a constant reception of 20 g of alcohol per day.

On average, from the beginning of a systematic drunkenness before the appearance of a classic alcoholic cirrhosis takes place at least 8-10 years. In women and adolescents, this period may be shorter - about 5 years. Alcoholic liver damage for a long time can proceed asymptomatic. The person drinks and drinks until the liver is no longer able to drive through himself, it occurs stagnation in the portal vein system, increased pressure in it and as a result - ascites - the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. Often, patients come for the first time to the doctor only at this stage - began to increase the stomach due to the fact that there was a liquid. This is a very important symptom and a serious prognostic sign. Often, if ascites appeared, the life expectancy of the patient is calculated in several years. If a person still does not leave to drink, this gap will be rapidly shrinking. However, if the patient manage to convince the alcohol, despite the fact that he came to doctors already at the stage of ascites, they can observe it 10 and more years without further deterioration. Why? Because he throws to drink, there is no progression of the cirrhotic process, and the restoration of the functions of the liver under these conditions may well occur. Therefore, throwing alcohol is never late.

How to protect the liver?

There are many drugs on the market. Some of them stimulate the production of essential phospholipids - substances necessary to restore the integrity of the hepatic tissue. Others already contain essential phospholipids in the finished form, with natural origin, easily digestible by the body.

Even if the process in the liver ends with recovery, the damage still does not pass without a trace and can give a certain functional inferiority, a particular degree of liver dystrophy. In order to avoid this, the doctor can recommend hepatoprotectors - drugs that help the liver restore their structure and protect it from adverse effects. Now in our pharmaceutical market of about 30 items of hepatoprotectors: vegetable, homeopathic, synthetic. Most of all preparations of plant origin, including homeopathic. Doctors prefer to prescribe them, because these medicines have a wide range of action, the minimum number of side effects and an acceptable price.

As for the liver cirrhosis, the results of its treatment simultaneously and disappoint, and encouraged. The disturbed architectonics of the liver during the liver cirrhosis is already never restored, but the ability to restore the liver cells is so good that even with cirrhosis it is possible to improve the liver.

Of course, the choice of the optimal treatment scheme for a particular patient can only make a doctor, but much depends on the patient himself. It is important how he will behave during treatment whether all the recommendations will be able to fulfill all the recommendations both in terms of drug treatment and diet, etc. If you are diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, follow the advice of the doctor. In addition, we will overtake yourself: rest as soon as you feel fatigue. Do not lift gravity: a sharp rise in pressure in the abdominal cavity can provoke gastrointestinal bleeding. Follow the frequency of your chair (the optimal frequency of the chair is 2 times a day).

It is necessary to be treated, because the complications of the liver cirrhosis are quite serious. Hepatic encephalopathy - brain damage to toxic products that do not neutralize the liver as a result of its damage. It can be manifested by various disorders of consciousness, intelligence, behavior, neuromuscular disorders. Another possible complication is ascites - the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. In addition, patients with cirrhosis of the liver are more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections than healthy people. Most often in such patients there are infections of the respiratory tract and the urinary system.

What can complain to the patient with cirrhosis

  • Increased fatigue.
  • Lose weight.
  • Various violations of consciousness and behavior (decline in the concentration of attention, drowsiness during the day, violation of night sleep, etc.).
  • Reducing appetite and discomfort in the stomach (bloating, feeling of fast saturation while eating).
  • Jaundice (skin coloring, scool in yellow).
  • Loss or discoloration of feces, darkening urine.
  • Stomach ache.
  • The swelling of the heads and (or) an increase in the size of the abdomen due to the free fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites).
  • Bleeding: nasal, gastrointestinal, gums, hemorrhoids, as well as subcutaneous hemorrhages.
  • Frequent bacterial infections (respiratory tract, etc.).
  • Reduced sexual attraction.
  • In men - often gynecomastia (increase in the mammary glands).
  • It is advisable to exclude the use of mineral waters containing sodium.
  • Since alcohol contributes to the development of the liver cirrhosis, its use in any species and quantities is prohibited.
  • When the fluid delay in the body (swelling, ascites), it is necessary to limit the reception of the table salt to 0.5 g per day, the liquid is up to 1000 - 1500 ml per day. Ideally, food must be prepared without adding salt. Salad bread, crackers, cookies and loaf, as well as baking oil are used.
  • Such seasonings like lemon juice, orange zest, onions, garlic, baking ketchup and mayonnaise, pepper, mustard, sage, cumin, parsley, mayona, laurel sheet, carnation and yeast extract (low salt), help make dishes more pleasant Taste.
  • Any products containing bakery powder and drinking soda are excluded (cakes, biscuit cookies, cakes, pastries and ordinary bread).
  • Sickle, olives, ham, bacon, saltin, languages, oysters, mussels, smoked herring, fish and meat canned food, fish and meat pate, sausage, mayonnaise, various launches and all kinds of cheeses, as well as ice cream.
  • Salty canned products are excluded.
  • 100 g of beef or poultry meat, rabbit or fish and one egg per day is allowed. One egg can replace 50 g meat.
  • Milk is limited to 1 cup per day. You can eat low-fat sour cream.
  • You can eat boiled rice (without salt).
  • Any vegetables and fruits are resolved in a fresh form or in the form of dishes prepared at home.
  • In our state, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver is a common disease, since a large number of people abuse alcoholic beverages. Men from 30 to 60 years old have suffered mainly. In order to come alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, it is necessary to drink a lot for 8-10 years.

    One of the most important organs of the human body is a liver, which serves as a filter cleansing it from various poisons and toxic substances. The cells of the liver - hepatocytes, possess the unique property of regeneration, but with long and strong exposure to them of harmful substances, they die, while replaced by non-new formations, but a fat connective tissue.

    Alcohol on the liver:

    • Alcoholic beverages, including beer, contain in its composition ethyl alcohol, which is a poisonous substance. When he falls into the human body, the liver splits him into several harmful elements and begins to neutralize them.
    • If the dose of alcohol is large, the filter does not cope with it, and the cells begin to die.
    • The dead cells change to fatty connective tissue, which does not allow the liver to fulfill its functions.
    • If 50-75 percent of hepatocytes in the liver change to the connecting tissue, then the death of the body comes, since this body can no longer perform its functions.

    From a medical point of view, liver alcoholic cirrhosis is a disease caused by the harmful and long-term exposure to the human body of alcohol, which destroys hepatocytes and does not allow to appear new.

    Special attention should be paid to beer lovers. Many believe that beer is a lightweight drink, from which there can be no harm to the body. According to the latest research, doctors narcologists revealed a new type of alcoholism - beer. When using beer in large quantities, for a long time, alcoholic liver cirrhosis is also coming.

    It follows from this that all beer lovers, regardless of gender, can get cirrhosis. But this can happen from excessive beer use. The daily beer use is about 200 milliliters of this drink. Therefore, if you drink little beer, then alcoholic liver cirrhosis will not appear.

    It is important to know that Russia occupies a leading place to diagnose this disease. This is due not only to the high use of alcoholic beverages, but also with their quality, since a significant part of alcoholic beverages does not comply with world standards.

    Symptomatics of alcoholic cirrhosis

    Of course, cirrhosis occurs not only from abuse of alcoholic beverages. It can be caused by viral hepatitis and other factors. But alcoholic cirrhosis has its own individual signs that indicate this disease.

    The symptoms of the liver alcohol cirrhosis are as follows:

      • The first signs that will immediately say about the presence of this disease, is an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees, pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea and periodic vomiting. If you refuse to eat alcohol, they pass, and relief comes. It is characteristic of the patient's alcoholism if it consumes alcoholic beverages for a long time. These signs occur at the first stages of the disease.
      • A professional doctor can diagnose this ailment to a superficial inspection of a person. Alcoholics, the liver increases in the sizes in the early stages of the disease, and it is reduced on the latter, and it is impossible to forgive it. Therefore, an enlarged or reduced liver indicates the presence of a cirrhosis.

      • The appearance of the yellow color of the skin and the scool eyes. This suggests that the liver does not fulfill its functions, and a lot of insoluble bilirubin appears in the body.
      • In more severe cases, when the liver is amazed strongly, in the patient you can find signs of "jellyfish" when its stomach increases sharply in volumes, and venous grids begin to appear on its surface. This also testifies that the patient suffers from ascites. Under ascites, the liquid accumulation in the abdominal cavity is implied.
      • With neglected cirrhosis, an artery, which collects blood from the abdominal organs and skips it through the liver, is experiencing a large pressure, which is transmitted to the circulatory vessels of the intestine, the stomach. As a result, they begin to burst, and there are internal bleeding. Evidence of this is the vomit masses of the coffee color or the presence of scarlet spots in feces.

    • In most cases, patients have swelling of the lower extremities, a disproportionate increase in abdomen, thickening of the extreme phalanx of the fingers. Men have dystrophy of the testicles, women can increase the dairy glands in the amount. But these signs are characteristic when cirrhosis has already passed the first stage of development, and it comes a heavier form of this ailment. In general, according to the appearance of a person, an experienced doctor will immediately determine the presence of a cirrhosis.
    • In some cases, other signs may appear. For example, the death of the liver cell causes the brain encephalopathy. The characteristic signs of this are nervous disorders in the form of a sharp aggression, after which sleep is sharply coming, loss of orientation in space, the patient, in general, does not pay attention to its appearance.

    These features indicate that a person is painful with alcoholic cirrhosis, and the faster it will begin to treat him, the more he can live a full life.

    It is important to know that in patients with ascites, cirrhosis is detected in most cases. Only doctors will be able to determine the cause of the origin of the cirrhosis: caused by alcohol or other diseases.


    Timely treatment of this ailion depends on the correct diagnosis. Medicine has a multitude of ways to diagnose this disease.

    These ways are divided into several types:

    1. laboratory research;
    2. technical research;
    3. surface inspections.

    In the first case, patients pass special analyzes, with the help of which you can identify the lesion of the liver and disorder its functioning.

    This can be attributed:

    1. the biopsy at which a piece of affected organ is taken and is studied for the presence of fat connective tissue in it, as well as the percentage of liver damage, it all occurs when observed using an ultrasound;
    2. blood test with veins when doctors can detect the presence of various antibodies, which indicate inflammatory processes and other adverse changes in the liver.

    In the second case, attention is paid to ultrasound and computed tomography. In principle, ultrasound and tomography do not differ in their functions, but if the doctor prescribes and ultrasound, and tomography, it means that he wants more to earn premium.

    Ultrasound is assigned in any case. With the help of ultrasound, you can reveal the affected areas of the liver, and also determine at what stage the disease is located.

    Doctors distinguish between the initial stage, when nodules with a diameter not exceeding 3 millimeters are formed in the fractions of the liver, and the last stage provides for larger formations. It can all be perfectly considered using an ultrasound and tomography, and immediately start a supporting treatment course.

    Surface inspections also play an important role.

    Looking at the patient and his appearance, the doctor can immediately determine the presence of a cirrhosis, and without waiting for laboratory and technical research, prescribe initial therapy, able to protect the patient from fatal outcome.

    It is important to know that when diagnosing the ultrasound cirrhosis plays an important role, because only with the help of it or its computer substitute - tomograph, you can reveal the lesion of the liver with fatty and scar cloth, as well as an increase and decrease in its volume.

    How to treat this ailment

    Unfortunately, modern medicine does not know how to treat this ailment, but owns all means to ease the life to the patient and extend it for a long time.

    Treatment of alcoholic liver cirrhosis occurs as follows:

      • First of all, it is supportive therapy when the patient takes various medications. This includes corticosteroids, intravenous glucose with saline and other drugs. Hepaben is accepted and similar preparations that support the liver.

    • The following way is the observance of diet, as well as walks, light exercise. Diet and exercises do not give a large load on the liver, so it is not strained. Exercise strengthen the body. With a diet, first of all, it is worth abandoning acute, oily, calorie foods. Light soups, porridge, and other products that will offer a nutritionist are welcome.
    • Folk remedies help. These include juices from cabbage, beets, carrots. Decorations and infusions from various herbs. The only contraindication is use in alcohol tinctures.
    • Last, which is very important, is a refusal of alcohol. It can not be taken even in the smallest quantities, including beer.

    Many are interested in the question of how much you can live with this ailment. If it is diagnosed in the first stages, and the patient has no ascite, bleeding and damage to the nervous system, it means that you can live for 10-15 years.

    If there are the above symptoms, it means that with complex treatment it will be possible to live from one year to 5 years, depending on the neglence of the disease.

    It is important to know that the only way to get rid of the cirrhosis is a liver transplant. But those who suffer from alcoholism, it is not done.

    Cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcohol abuse has specific symptoms. It can be revealed even with an external examination of the patient. It is impossible to cure it, but it is necessary to make supporting therapy, as it will be able to extend the patient's life for one year.