Insulins of prolonged action. Short action insulins Best insulins of extended action

Insulin preparations is a component of the complex treatment of insulin-dependent and insulin complex diabetes 1 and 2 types. One of the dangerous complications of the disease is hyperglycemic crisis. The replacement therapy of a short-acting insulin allows to maintain the normal level of glucose in the blood, avoiding severe consequences.

Mechanism of action

Metabolic disorders cause disorders of the learning and glucose removal. Normally, it serves as a source of energy for the body. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, participates in the distribution and transportation of glucose. In diabetes, the endocrine system is unable to form it in sufficient quantity.

Synthetic insulin of short action was designed for about 20 years ago. Analogue of human hormone is obtained in two ways. The first - with the help of genetic engineering: the synthesis of genetically modified bacteria and the formation of hormone from the proinsulin derived from them. The second is the manufacture of hormone based on animal insulin - pork or bull.

After administration, short insulin binds to receptors on the cell membrane, then penetrates inside. The hormone activates biochemical processes. This is especially manifested in insulin-dependent liver, fat and muscle tissue cells.

Insulin regulates metabolism, affects blood sugar levels. The hormone is involved in moving glucose through the cell membrane, contributes to the conversion of sugar into energy. In the liver of glucose, glycogen is formed. Such an action of insulin leads to a decrease in blood glucose content, which prevents the progression of diabetes and the occurrence of hyperglycemia.

The duration of the suction and action of insulin depends on the site of injection, dose and concentration of the solution. Also, the process is influenced by blood circulation and muscle tone. The effect of drugs depends on the individual characteristics of each patient.

The introduction of insulin allows diabetics to control body weight, activate the fat exchange, prevent the occurrence of complications from cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Types of insulin preparations

Insulin preparations differ depending on the duration of suction from subcutaneous tissue and action. Long insulins are capable of normalizing blood glucose concentration for 1-1.5 days, by simulating the basal release of the hormone, not related to meals.

Similar effect produce medium duration drugs. Their action is observed in 1-4 hours and is saved about 12-16 hours.

A short-acting insulin reduces glucose concentration in the blood, imitating the hormone allocation associated with food intake. It is introduced half an hour before meals. Ultrashort tools are distinguished by a very fast effect.

Characteristics of insulin preparations depending on the duration of action
View Titles of drugs Effect of the effect after the introduction (minutes) Peak Activity After Injection (Clock) Action (clock)
Ultrakorty Humalog, apida 5–20 0,5–2 3–4
Short Aktrapid Nm, Humulin R, Insun 30–40 2–4 6–8
Middle PROTAFAN NM, INSUMAN 60–90 4–10 12–16
Long Lantus, Lemmer 60–120 16–30

A short insulin is a genetic engineering (NM Actrapide, Rensulain P, Humulin Regula), semi-synthetic (hummur r, biohulin p) or pork (MC Actrapide, Monosuinsulin MK).

Instructions for use

The doctor determines the appearance and dosage of the drug, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, age, indications and nature of the disease. Before applying insulin, be sure to read the instructions. Short insulins can be assigned as monotherapy or in combination with long-term preparations.

Daily dose of insulin short action for adults - 8-24 units, for children - no more than 8 units. Due to the increased allocation of growth hormone into the blood dose for adolescents increase. The patient can and independently calculate the dosage. 1 The dose of hormone consists of a dose required for the absorption of the grain unit, and the dose to reduce the glucose concentration in the blood. Both components are zero. Excess weight diabetics, the coefficient is reduced by 0.1, with insufficient mass - increase by 0.1. Patients with first-type diagnosed type 1 diagnosed SD calculate the dose - 0.4-0.5 units / kg. Depending on the type of preparation, it can be assigned from 1 to 6 injections per day.

Daily dose of a short action insulin: for adults - 8-24 units, for children - no more than 8 units.

Dose can adjust. It is required when it is required with individual hormone stability, in combination with corticosteroids, contraceptives, antidepressants and some diuretics.

The drug is introduced using a special insulin syringe or pump. Such a device allows you to conduct a procedure with maximum accuracy, which cannot be made with a conventional syringe. You can enter only a transparent solution without precipitate.

Insulin of short action is introduced 30-40 minutes before meals. After injection, you can not skip meals. The portion after each administered dose should be the same. 2-3 hours after receiving the main dish, it is necessary to make a snack. This will allow the level of blood glucose levels.

To speed up the insulin absorption process, the selected section should be warm before injection. It is impossible to massage the injection site. Injection is done subcutaneously to the abdominal region.

With increasing blood sugar concentration, an additional dose of insulin is required regardless of the designated course.

Recommended insulin dose taking into account glucose level
Sugar concentration (mmol / l) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Dose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Special groups of patients

Insulin of short action is often used by bodybuilding athletes. The drug action is equal to the effect of anabolic agents. Short insulin activates glucose transportation in all organism cells, in particular in muscle tissue. This contributes to the increase and maintenance of muscle tone. In this case, the dose establishes the doctor individually. The reception rate lasts 2 months. After a 4-month break, the drug reception can be repeated.

Sometimes with a shortage of carbohydrates in well-used products, the organism begins to use the reserves of adipose tissue as a source of energy. When it is splitting, ketone bodies are released, called acetone. In the case of a high level of glucose in the blood and the availability of ketones in the urine, the patient requires additional introduction of short insulin - 20% of the daily dose. If after 3 hours improvements is not noted, you need to repeat the injection.

Diabetics with increased body temperature (up to +37 ° C) It is necessary to carry out glucometrium and accept insulin. On average, the daily dose increases by 10%. At temperatures up to +39 o, the daily dose increases by 20-25%. Under the action of high temperature, insulin is rapidly destroyed, so hyperglycemia may appear. The daily dose must be uniformly distributed and inserted at an interval of 3-4 hours.

Side effects

The formation of antibodies to insulin can lead to an enhanced reaction of interaction with proteins. This causes insulin resistance. Often, the hormone resistance is noted when the introduction of pork or bull insulin.

Short action preparations rarely cause side effects. Typically arise allergic reactions in the form of a skin, redness. Sometimes irritation is noted at the injection site.

In case of overdose or improper use of short insulin, hypoglycemic syndrome is possible, characterized by a sharp decrease in blood glucose levels. Symptoms of hypoglycemia: dizziness, headache, acute feeling of hunger, rapid pulse, increased sweating, anxiety and irritability. To eliminate the signs you need to drink a solution of glucose, after 15-20 minutes - to take a portion containing a sufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates. It is impossible to go to bed: it can provoke the offensive of the hypoglycemic coma.

Insulin of short action quickly and effectively normalizes blood glucose levels. Such replacement therapy allows diabetics to live in full force and prevent possible complications.

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Insuls in pharmacological science are called special steroid preparations, which allow control of the amount of glucose molecules in the patient's blood. In the modern world in the field of pharmacological production, a large number of diverse insulin means is manufactured. The most common is short and long insulin. The main differences include: species characteristics of raw materials from which it produces this means, methods of production of a substance and duration of action. Today, short insulin is most popular.

The duration of its impact is time to 8 hours. Such a tool has its purpose - quick relief of food intake peaks, as well as the combined therapy of primary diabetes mellitus.

Long insulin is used to simulate the normal production of this hormone by the human body within 24 hours. Depending on the varieties of the drug, it has a period of action from 12 to 30 hours. As varieties of a long hormone, medium duration and long-term drugs are distinguished. Long lowers the level of concentration of glucose molecules contained in the blood improves the ability of muscles and liver to their absorption, accelerates the process of synthesizing protein structures, reduces the time required for the production of sugar molecules with hepatic cells.

People who first encountered primary diabetes mellitus are naturally interested in such questions: how to choose insulin correctly and which insulin is better for administration? These moments are very serious, since the further life and health of the patient depends on the proper selection of the hormone and calculate its dose.

Clinical picture

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Selection of a better insulin preparation

For any insulin-dependent diabetics, the use of a properly selected dose of insulin drug is vital.

It should be noted that it is possible to qualitatively choose the correct dosage of the hormone, suitable for a particular patient, possibly only in hospital conditions.

There are several basic rules used by doctors to select the necessary dosage of the drug.

  • It is necessary to check the number of blood sugar molecules several times a day. Normal indicators are considered: on an empty stomach - 5-6 mmol / l and after a pair of hours after eating - 8 mmol / l. The maximum deviation from the last indicator is exceeded by 3 mmol / l.
  • Choose this hormone is necessary, taking into account the time of day, the number of consumed carbohydrate compounds, the level of patient's mobility before eating and after it.
  • Additionally, attention should be paid to the weight of the patient, the availability of other diseases of acute or chronic flow, time and form of use of other medicines. Especially important data indicators have at the time of appointing a permanent course of prolonged proliferation injuries. The reason for this is the lack of dependence of injections from the time of food intake, since when it is used, it creates a permanent margin of a given hormone in the serum of the patient.
  • A very important point when selecting good dosage medication is the maintenance of a special diary. In such a diary, indicators of the content of glucose molecules in the composition of the patient's blood, an approximate amount of carbohydrate units consumed during food and a dose of the introduction of a short insulin preparation are made. The analysis is made on an empty stomach. Often the amount of injected means and used carbohydrate units is a proportion of 2 K 1. If the number of glucose molecules in the blood exceeds the permissible one, it is necessary to produce additional introduction of a short preparation.
  • The process of selection of an insulin dose from night injections is beginning. When the hormone is introduced in the amount of 10 units, immediately before the departure to sleep, provided that this dose is suitable, the content of glucose in the blood in the morning clock will be no more than 7 mmol / l. When, after the patient's first dose injection, an excessive sweating is observed, an appetite increases, it is necessary to reduce the night dose for a couple of units. The balance between insulin doses is inserted during the day and at night should be 2: 1.

In the case when the dosage of the drug complies with the needs of the body, the content of glucose molecules in serum should not be changed to a greater or smaller side. The molecular amount of glucose must be unchanged during the day.

What insulin is best used

be careful

According to WHO, 2 million people die from diabetes every year in the world from diabetes and caused complications. In the absence of qualified support of the body, diabetes leads to various kinds of complications, gradually destroying the human body.

Of the complications, it is most often found: diabetic gangrene, nephropathy, retinopathy, trophic ulcers, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis. Diabetes can lead to the development of cancer tumors. Almost in all cases, diabetics or dies, struggling with painful disease, or turns into a real disabled person.

What to do people with diabetes mellitus? Endocrinological Scientific Center Ramne managed make a tool Fully curable diabetes.

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To determine the best insulin for one particular patient, it is necessary to choose a basal drug. In order to simulate basal production, often use long insulin preparations. Now the pharmacological industry produces insulins of two types:

  • middle durations working until 17 o'clock. These drugs include biosuline, insumanium, general, Protafan, Humulin.
  • ultrablin duration, their action is up to 30 hours. This is: Lemmer, Tresis, Lantus.

Insulin means Lantus and Levelmir have cardinal differences from other insulins. Differences are that drugs are completely transparent and characterized by another duration of action on the body of the patient with diabetes. The first type of insulin has a white shade and some turbidity, so before applying the medicine must be shaken.

When using medium duration hormones, peak moments can be observed at their concentration. Second-type drugs do not possess such a feature.

The dosage of a long insulin drug must be selected so that the medicine can hold the glucose concentration in the intervals between the meal within allowable limits.

Long insulin due to the need for slower suction, injected under the skin of the hip or buttocks. Short - in the abdomen area or hands.

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To: Administration

In 47, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. For a few weeks I scored almost 15 kg. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, a sense of weakness, the beginning of the vision. When she broke 66 years old, I am already steadily keculously insulin, everything was very bad ...

And here is my story

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The first injections of long insulin are carried out at night with the surgery of sugar every 3 hours. In the case of a significant change in glucose indicators, the dosage adjustment is made. To identify the cause of the night increasing glucose, it is necessary to study the time interval between 00.00 and 03.00. With lower indicators, the insulin dose at night should be reduced.

It is more accurate to determine the necessary amount of basal insulin possible with the complete absence of glucose and short insulin in the blood. Therefore, when evaluating night insulin, dinner must be abandoned.

To obtain a more informative picture, you should not use short insulin, it is not necessary to eat protein or fatty food

To determine the basal hormone, you need to remove one meal or hungry all day. Measurements are made every hour.

Do not forget that all types of insulins, in addition to Lantus and Levemir, have peak secretion. The peak moment of these medicines occurs after 6-8 hours since the introduction. In this watch, a sugar drop may occur, which is corrected by eating bread units.

Such dosage checks must be made every time they change. To understand how sugar behaves in a dynamics, enough of all three days tests. And only on the results of the results obtained, the doctor is able to prescribe a clear dosage of that or another drug.

In order to estimate the basic hormone during the daytime and detect the best preparation, it is necessary to wait from the moment of absorbing the previous meal for five hours. Diabetics applying short insulin are required to withstand the time interval from 6 hours. A group of short insulins is represented by Sansulin, humullin, anktrapism. Ultra-screwed insulin include: Novorahid, Apidra, Humalog. The ultrashort hormone also acts as short as short, but it removed most of the flaws. At the same time, this tool is not able to satisfy the need of the body in insulin.

To give an unequivocal answer to the question of what insulin is the best, it is not possible. But on the recommendation of the doctor, you can choose the correct dosage of the basal agent and short insulins.

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Modern pharmacology offers patients with diabetes a huge selection of insulin preparations. And today we will talk about what types of insulin are.

Insulin: species

All available insulin preparations are divided into three types (depending on the time of action and the onset of the therapeutic effect):

  • "Short";
  • "Average";
  • "Long."

"Short" insulins

It is the insulin drugs of short action that are most often prescribed to patients having problems with blood sugar.

After the remedy enters the human body, it begins to work in thirty minutes. This translates it into the category of highly efficient drugs used in the treatment of diabetes. Quite often, this type of insulin is assigned simultaneously with long-acting insulin.

To determine the selection, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • general condition of the patient;
  • place of introduction of funds;
  • dosage.

Insulin preparations are most popular, beginning to act for the first 15 minutes after the introduction. These are funds "Apidra", "Humagol" and "Novorad".


Among the high-speed human insulins, the drugs "Humorp" and "Insumad Rapid" are presented. There are practically no difference between them. The only difference is in the amount of residue present in its composition of amino acids.

The "fast" insuls of animal origin also includes drugs "Insulrap SPP", "Iletin II Regular" and others. They are most often prescribed when type II diabetes. Funds from this category contain proteins with a different structure, and therefore are not suitable for all patients. For example, "fast" insulins of animal origin cannot be prescribed to people whose organism is not able to recycle animals lipids.

Reception, dosage, storage of "short" insulins

Take the drug immediately before meals. In this case, it is food that accelerates insulin's absorption, the effect occurs almost immediately.

"Fast" insulins can be taken orally, pre-ranking them to a liquid state.

If the subcutaneous administration of the drug is practiced, the injection must be made approximately 30 minutes before the planned adoption of food.

Dosage to each person, patient with diabetes, is selected individually. For adults, the dose will be 8-24 units per day, and children are no more than 8 units.

Store preparations at a temperature of + 2- + 8 degrees. To do this, the shelf is suitable in the refrigerator door.

"Average" insulins

Diabetics are forced to take medicines that support but each type of diabetes need a certain form of insulin. So the drug having an average duration is used in the case when glucose needs gradual cleavage. It can also be used if at the moment there is no possibility of using a "short" insulin.

Features of "medium" insulins

Preparations have several features:

  • they begin to act 10 minutes after the introduction;
  • the medium requires quite a lot of time for complete splitting.
  • among human insulins - the means "Protafan", "Humulin", "Montotard" and "Homolong";
  • among the animals are medicines "Berlinsulin", "Montotard HM" and "Iletin II".

"Long" insulins

It was timely introduced drug that allows diabetics to rejoice in life, without experiencing discomfort caused by a highly different type of insulin drugs from others and what types of insulin of a long-term action exist - about this and talk.

The main difference of insulin in this case is that the effect of the drug continues sometimes more than 24 hours.

In addition, all types of insulin extended in their composition contain chemical catalysts that provide long-term operation of the drug. They also delay sucking sugars. The therapeutic effect occurs in about 4-6 hours, and the duration of action can be up to 36 hours.

Long-term insulins: What types exist

The most frequently appointed drugs are the "determination" and "glagragin". Their main difference is a uniform decrease in blood sugar levels.

Insuls with a long period of action are also the preparations "Ultirtwind", "Ultravente-Iletin-1", "Hüminsulin", "Ultralong", etc.

Drugs are appointed by the attending physician, which further helps to avoid various troubles in the form of side effects.

Use and storage of the drug

Insulin of this type can be entered exceptionally injecting method. Only hitting the body in this way, it begins to work. The injection is put in the forearm, buttock or thigh.

Before applying the bottle, you must shake the mixture inside it with a homogeneous consistency. After that, it is ready for use.

Store the drug under the same conditions that the insulins of short action. Such a temperature regime prevents the formation of flakes and granulation of the mixture, as well as the oxidation of the drug.

Tolerate insulin one, sometimes twice for a day.

The origin of insulin

Differences of insulins - not only in time of action, but also in origin. Animals are distinguished drugs and insulins identical to human.

For preparations from the first category, pigs are used, as well as the biological structure of insulins derived from the leads of the pigs, suits people most. The difference in this case is completely insignificant - only one amino acid.

But the best preparations are, of course, human insulins, which are used most often. Perhaps in two ways:

  1. The first method is to replace one inappropriate amino acid. In this case, it turns out a semi-synthetic insulin.
  2. In the second method of producing the drug involved intestinal wand capable of synthesizing the protein. This will be a biosynthetic agent.

Preparations similar to human insulin have a number of benefits:

  • to obtain the necessary therapeutic effect, the introduction of smaller doses is required;
  • the development of lipodystrophy is relatively infrequent;
  • allergies to preparations are practically not observed.

Cleaning degree

Depending on the degree of cleaning, drugs are divided into:

  • traditional;
  • montopic;
  • monocomponent.

Traditional insulins belong to the very first insulin drugs. They contained a huge set of protein impurities, which were the cause of frequent allergic reactions. Currently, the release of such drugs is significantly reduced.

Montopic insulin means have a very small amount of impurities (within acceptable norms). But monocomponent insulins are almost perfectly clean, since the volume of unnecessary impurities is even less than the lower limit.

The main differences between "short" and "long" insulins

"Long" insulin"Short" insulin
Place of administration The injection is placed in the thigh, since in this case the drug is absorbed very slowlyThe injection is put in the skin of the belly, since in this case insulin almost immediately starts working
Temporary binding Introduced at the same time (in the morning and evening). Simultaneously with the morning dose there is an injection of "short" insulinReception of the drug for 20 - 30 minutes before meals
Binding to feed food Long Insulin is not related to mealsAfter the introduction of short insulin, food must be adopted. If this is not done, then the likelihood of the development of hypoglycemia arises

As you can see, the types of insulin (the table shows it clearly) differ in the main indicators. And these features need to be considered.

We looked at all available types of insulin and their action on the human body. We hope that the information was useful. Be healthy!

The diabetes mellitus of the 2nd type is otherwise called insulin-independent diabetes. This is a serious illness characterized by ...

Assigning a drug, the doctor necessarily examines the patient's notes, reflecting the blood glucose level over the past three weeks, and better one or two months.

Letters from our readers

Subject: The grandmother normalized sugar in the blood!

From whom: Christina ( [Email Protected])

To: Administration Website


Diabetes my grandmother is sick for a long time (2 type), but recently there have been complications on the feet and internal organs.

For normal life, long insulin is assigned as basal, patients with a diagnosis of the first type diabetes, during the diabetes of the second type "insulin of the extended action is assigned as monotherapy.

Basal insulin is insulin that produces in the body constantly 24 hours a day, regardless of time and frequency of food intake. However, in patients with diabetes of the second type, the pancreas is not able to produce a hormone and in minimal doses. Injection of long-acting insulin is made 1 time in the morning, before meals, sometimes two. To act in full, the medication begins after three hours and retains its action up to 24 hours.

In the treatment of diabetes type 1, the basal insulin is necessarily complemented by the injections of a short or ultrashort.

Insulin of prolonged action, the names of which are shown below, are required in the following cases:

  • stabilization of blood glucose level in the morning hours before meals;
  • retention of the required level of hormone at night hours;
  • reduce the action of such a phenomenon as a "morning dawn";
  • preventing ketoocytosis and preservation of beta cells in diabetes of the first type;
  • stabilization of the body's condition and its deduction from the further development of the disease in the diabetes of the second type.

The size of the dose of long insulin defines only the doctor, after a detailed examination of the patient and conduct a series of experimental injections. To prevent hypoglycemia in the initial doses, the hormone concentration is overestimated. The concentration is then gradually decreasing until the level of glucose level is normalized.

Prolonged insulin is important to use correctly. It will not help as emergency to stabilize blood sugar after meals, like a short or ultra-screw insulin. His action is not so fast. Injection extended insulin requires strict compliance with the regime and schedule. The retreat from the appointed time will most likely provoke serious consequences for the health of the patient, since the blood glucose indicator will not be stable.

Using prolonged insulins, the patient provides its body to the most accurate imitation of human hormone. Conditionally insulin of long-term action, the names of which will be discussed below, is divided into two groups: the duration of 15 hours and the duration of the action to 30 hours.

Having reached a slow pace of the highest concentration of insulin of prolonged action, it starts the same gradual decline without causing patients with acute reactions and jumps. And here the most important thing is not to miss the moment when the injection action becomes zero and introduce the next dose of the drug. Long insulin has its advantages and disadvantages of any other drug.


  • simple introduction;
  • the treatment diagram is quite simple and understandable as a patient and its loved ones;
  • low indicator of the combination of skills and the necessary information for treatment;
  • lack of the need for constant control of blood glucose;
  • it is possible to independent control over the course of the disease and the therapy.


  • stable risk of hypoglycemia;
  • stable hyperinsulamia, which increases the risk of the development of arterial hypertension;
  • hard power supply and injection injection;
  • increase in body weight;

Titles of drugs

The absence of peaks of activity in insulin of long-term action is due to the presence in its composition of the preparations of the Glamgin hormone, which penetrates the blood is quite evenly. The PH-Balance of Gurggina is sour and this factor eliminates its interaction with the drugs of a neutral pH balance, i.e. Short and ultrashort insulin.

The most famous prolonged insulin names are shown in the table with a detailed description:

Name of the drug Act Characteristic
Humulin NPH, Protafan, Insun, Basal Protamine noticeably prolongs the effect of the drug. The action continues up to 12 hours, but depends on the dose. Sometimes this type of insulin works up to 16 hours Medium insulins with NPH name. Represent an analog of human hormone with the addition of Protamina
Lemmer, Tudzhao, Lantus New generation preparations having a progressive hormone action. With proper use, the level of glucose in the blood is stabilized during the day. Different with soft penetration into blood and soft decrease in concentration Long insulins. These drugs have passed all laboratory tests, deeply studied and are widely used when appointing a diabetes treatment scheme of the 1st and 2nd types
Tresiba It has a long stable action without peaks for 42 hours. In the treatment of 2-type diabetes mellitus, has a great superiority over other drugs. However, in the treatment of 1-th type diabetes, its advantage is less noticeable. The drug perfectly stabilizes blood glucose level in the morning, but increases the likelihood of the development of hypoglycemia during the day. Supercloth insulin. In this group, so far one. This is the newest analogue of human insulin, but also the most expensive

Popular drugs

Despite the wide selection of long insulins, the names of which are given above in the table most popular are still Lantus and Levelmir. Let's deal with why.

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The drug that patients use more often than others. It is not necessary to shake it before injection, the composition of the suspension is transparent without precipitation. Available in the form of a syringe handle, cartridge, and systems with five cartridges. The presence of such a choice allows the patient to choose which option is acceptable for it.

Insulines in pharmacology are special hormonal agents that allow you to regulate blood glucose levels. Modern pharmacological industry These drugs are produced in a huge manifold. They are characterized by type of raw materials, methods for obtaining and durability. Today, a short action insulin is especially popular. This drug is primarily designed to quickly relieve food peaks, but can also be used in the combined treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Insulin Preparations of Short Action

The short-acting insulins are soluble and are able to quickly normalize metabolic processes in the human body associated with the absorption of glucose. In contrast to prolonged insulins, the hormonal drugs of short action includes an exceptionally pure hormonal solution that does not contain any additives. A distinctive feature of such funds is that they begin to work very quickly and in a short time are able to reduce blood sugar levels to normal. The peak of the activity of the drug is observed in approximately two hours after its administration, and then a quick decline in its action occurs. At the expiration of six o'clock in the blood, minor traces of the entered hormonal agent remain. These drugs are classified into the following groups of its activity:

  • Short action insulins that start working 30 minutes after administration. They are recommended to be taken no later than half an hour before meals.
  • Ultra-screw insulins that begin to work in a quarter of an hour. These drugs are recommended to take approximately 5 - 10 minutes before meals or immediately after eating.

In the table below, the speed and duration of the action of various types of hormonal means are presented for comparison. The names of the drugs are given selectively, so their varieties there are a huge set.

Features of short and ultrashort insulins

Short insulin is a pure hormonal preparation that is manufactured in two ways:

  • based on animal insulin (swine);
  • with the help of biosynthesis using genetically engineering technologies.

Both the fact that the remedy fully corresponds to the natural human hormone, therefore it has a good sucroppoon effect. Unlike similar long-term preparations, they do not contain any additives, so they almost never cause allergic reactions. To maintain the normal level of blood sugar in patients suffering from diabetes, short-acting insulins are quite often used, which are introduced approximately half an hour before meals. It is important to understand that each patient has its physiological features, so the calculation of the required volume of the drug is always carried out by the doctor individually. In addition, it is very important that the amount of food takes place corresponds to the insulin dose administered. The main rules for the introduction of a hormonal drug before meals are as follows:

  • For injection you need to use only a special insulin syringe, which allows you to enter an accurate dose appointed by the doctor.
  • The time of administration must be permanent, and the injection site should be changed.
  • The place in which the injection was made, it is impossible to massage, since the natural absorption of the drug in the blood should be smooth.

Ultra-screwed insulin is a modified analogue of human insulin, this is precisely the high speed of its impact. This drug was designed to emerge a person who had a jump in blood sugar for a variety of reasons. That is why in the complex treatment of diabetes, it is rarely used. Injection of ultra-screw insulin, also recommended to do when a person has no opportunity to wait a certain time before eating. But under the condition of proper nutrition, this tool is not recommended, due to the fact that he has a decline from the peak value very sharply, therefore it is very difficult to calculate the correct dose.

Insulin in bodybuilding

Short and ultra-screws are insulins today are very widely used in bodybuilding. Preparations are considered very effective anabolic tools. The essence of their use in bodybuilding is that insulin is a transport hormone, capable of capturing glucose and deliver it into the muscles that respond with a rapid growth. It is very important that the athletes begin to use the hormonal drug gradually, thereby catching the body to a hormone. Since insulin drugs are very strong hormonal agents, they are prohibited to take young naught athletes.

The main property of insulin is the transportation of nutrients. But at the same time performs this feature hormone in different directions, namely:

  • in muscle tissue
  • in fat deposits.

In this regard, if the hormonal drug is incorrectly taken, then you can not increase the beautiful muscles, but it is ugly to get fat. It should be remembered that when taking funds, training should be effective. Only in this case the transport hormone will deliver glucose into the developed muscle tissue. For each athlete who is engaged in bodybuilding, the dose is appointed individually. It is installed after measuring the amount of glucose in the blood and in the urine.

In order not to bring down the natural hormonal background of the body and not reduce the production of insulin by the pancreas, it is necessary to take interruptions in the reception of drugs. Optimally, the two-month period of receiving the drug alternate with four month old rest from it.

Rules for reception of drugs and overdose

Since the insulins of short and ultrashort action are high-quality drugs close to human insulin, they rarely cause allergies. But sometimes there is such an unpleasant effect as itching and irritation at the injection site.

The hormonal remedy is recommended to enter into the abdominal cavity region subcutaneously immediately after the power workout. You need to start with small doses and, at the same time, it is necessary to monitor the body's reaction. Approximately a quarter of an hour after injection, you should eat anything sweet. The ratio of carbohydrates consumed to the unit of the administered drug should be 10: 1. After that, an hour later, it is necessary to eat thoroughly, and the diet must contain food with a rich protein.

Overdose of the hormonal preparation or the wrong method can cause hypoglycemic syndrome, which is associated with a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels. Almost every time after taking ultra-screwed and short insulin cause a light or average degree of hypoglycemia. It is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • dizziness and darkening in the eyes with a sharp change of body position,
  • sharp feeling of hunger
  • headache
  • pulse increase
  • increased sweating
  • the state of internal anxiety and irritability.

After at least one of the listed symptoms should urgently drink a large amount of sweet drink, and after a quarter of an hour to eat a portion of protein-carbohydrate meal. Also, the side sign of hypoglycemia is the emergence of the desire to sleep. This is categorically impossible to do this, as you can aggravate the condition. It should be remembered that when the short and ultrashort insulins is overdose, the comatose state may occur very quickly. With the loss of consciousness athlete, it is necessary to apply for medical attention.

The main advantage of insulin drugs when using their bodybuilding is that they cannot be traced on doping test. Short and ultra-screwed insulin are safe agents that do not affect negatively to work internal organs. An important meaning is that drugs can be purchased without recipes and the cost of them, in comparison with other anabolics, is quite accessible. The most important disadvantage of insulin drugs, but at the same time very significant, is the need for their reception in strict accordance with the confirmation established by the doctor.