How to gain weight for a dog. What can I feed my dog ​​so that he gains normal weight. Video "What to do if the dog is thin"

A powerful well-groomed dog, playing with pumped up muscles, causes not only admiration, but also respect, because it is not easy to achieve such a physical form. Most owners who buy dogs of large and medium breeds dream that they pet resembled an elastic muscular lightning, ready at any moment to rush towards danger.

Alas, more often than not, after a couple of years, an ankle-footed, agile puppy turns into a round-sided fat bumpkin who loves only to eat and take a nap in the sun. The owners are perplexed: how is it? After all, they provided the pet with proper nutrition. Where is the activity and the steel muscles that you dreamed about?

In order for your dog to acquire a strong muscular frame in addition to good condition and excellent appetite, you will have to work hard. After all, dogs, like athletes, require not only attention and proper nutrition but also training. We know modern achievements that help athletes become Olympic champions (for example, vacuum therapy or, in simple terms, setting massage cups), but what about our pets? Let's figure it out together.

What you need to know before you start exercising

Building muscle mass dog - just the case when, as they say, hurrying is more expensive. You should not start training a week before or strive to turn a skinny suffocator into a real canine athlete in a couple of months. Graduality and consistency - these are the two main principles that every owner must adhere to.

In addition to these two unshakable postulates, there are several important rules, which are important to observe both for your own peace of mind and for maintaining the health of your pet:

  • Before starting training, be sure to check the animal for the absence of joint pathologies, heart disease and injuries. If the pet has any of the above items, the dog needs not so much exercise as physiotherapy exercises able to fix the problem. Only a qualified veterinarian should develop such a set of exercises.
  • Lose weight. First of all, this applies, of course, to a four-legged friend, whose weight should be within the normal range. But the owner himself, if necessary, should improve his shape a little - so it will be much easier for you to deal with the pet.
  • Consider the breed and hereditary characteristics of your four-legged friend. There are dogs that are initially unable to look courageous and powerful - for example, decorative rocks. But for terriers of the so-called bull type (bull terriers, staffies, American Staffordshire terriers and) or Molossians, pumping up a luxurious relief, as they say, is a couple of trifles - the main thing is to approach training correctly. It is equally important to look at the dog's genetics. If all of your dog's relatives are more of a dry constitution, you can hardly fool nature by getting a dog with bodybuilder musculature. However, strength training will definitely not interfere with you, improving the relief, movement and endurance of the animal.
  • Don't forget about water. During training and after training, the animals are very thirsty, so make sure that the pet has free access to water.
  • Do not start intensive training from early childhood. By overloading the puppy, you run the risk of getting collapsed joints and unwillingness to do anything at all in adulthood. A kid who receives the right physical activity should come from a walk tired, but not exhausted. A couple of hours of rest should fully restore his strength.
  • No monotony. Boring repetitive activities will discourage anyone from doing something. Diversify your workouts by adding an element of play or intellectual activity to them. Tasks for attentiveness, alternating with exercise, will allow your dog to develop not only muscles, but also quick wits.
  • Do not get carried away with various weighting agents. Popular harnesses and collars with lead weights, despite their wild popularity, are of little use for pumping up muscles. A static load from above may develop endurance, but it has little effect on the formation of muscle relief. In addition, do not forget that lead, most often used as ballast, is a rather toxic material. Ask yourself, would you like him to touch your pet's body for several hours a day?
  • Take care of your dog's ligaments. Puppies and young animals are especially vulnerable in this regard. Try to avoid sharp jumps and turns while exercising. By the way, fixing the paw ligaments with an elastic bandage, which is carried out by analogy with human limbs does no good to the dog. Anatomical structure paws of your pet makes such a procedure meaningless and does not protect the ligaments from stretching and excessive stress.
  • No anabolics. Do not believe those who claim that the small white pills used with success by bodybuilders will not harm your pet. First, anabolics have a negative effect on reproductive function, and secondly, they simply burn the kidneys and liver. Agree, an excessive price for luxurious muscle mass.


Well, now that everything necessary measures precautions are taken, it's time to start physical training.

. This includes not only classic jogging, but also or fetching an object uphill or over rough terrain. Such training develops endurance and trains all, without exception, muscle groups, and also improves the drive, which is especially important for show dogs showing themselves in a sweeping trot. To remove loose fingers or improve the condition of the metacarpal ligaments, we recommend that you run not on asphalt, but on corrugated surfaces, such as gravel, coarse sand, or just a primer.
  • . A truly universal exercise for which there are no contraindications. Every dog ​​knows how to swim from birth, however, many are afraid to go into the water. To train your pet water element do not try to use the old-fashioned way of throwing an animal into the water to a depth. AT best case you will forever discourage the dog from approaching any bodies of water in general, including a bath. At worst, you will have to save the pet. With all the ensuing consequences and a high risk of losing the dog altogether. It's best to set an example for your dog by getting into the water first, or by throwing your favorite toy nearby and inviting them to play. Swimming perfectly develops the muscles of the shoulder, neck, hip and back corset, gives the body of the animal the desired relief. In addition, while swimming, the dog learns to breathe properly with its mouth closed and is spared the risk of overheating in hot weather. Well, and, most importantly, most pets like such training, able to fetch a ball from the water for hours or frolic in shallow water.
  • Walking up the stairs. It should be immediately warned that only moving up the stairs is effective. It is generally not recommended for puppies under 6 months to go down the stairs, and later this should be done with an eye on the breed and the physical condition of the animal. But climbing (even up the stairs, even uphill) perfectly develops muscles hind legs and makes the angles of the hocks more expressive.
  • Walking on a tight leash. Walking on a taut leash helps to correct the small size of the front paws, if it is not genetically determined, but appeared as a result of improper breeding. To get a visible effect, you should take the dog on a jerk chain and lead it as close to the leg as possible, pulling on the leash and forcing the dog to stretch its neck while walking on tiptoe. Change your pace every 40-50 meters, switching from trot to walk and back again. It is important not to loosen the tension of the leash, preventing the dog from losing its stride. In addition, a strong sweeping trot, when the dog on a taut leash and in a harness moves ahead of the handler, perfectly strengthens the back muscles, removes overtracking, and raises the withers.
  • Jumping, overcoming barriers. Overcoming barriers perfectly strengthens muscles that are not involved in other types of exercise. It is best to combine such exercises with running, alternating different types activity. The obstacles over which the dog jumps should be low in order to avoid excessive stress on the joints when landing. Jumping up for a toy or bait perfectly develops agility and drive of the hind limbs. The main thing is not to get involved in such exercises for up to a year, while the ligaments are still weak, and choose a non-slip surface for jumping.
  • Carrying weights. It is not necessary to use various weighting agents that are attached to a harness or leash as weights. Such a weighted harness only spoils straight line back, leading to overtracking, and the collar with weights gives the dog discomfort during movement. The best way develop neck muscles mandible- give the dog the opportunity to carry the load in his teeth. Best of all, a special wooden dumbbell or a regular stick is suitable for the role of a simulator.
  • Towing. You can combine business with pleasure by allowing your pet to tow loads. Firstly, if the weight and physical strength of the pet allow, you can ride the children on a sled in winter or take out all the construction debris from the site. Secondly, towing weights perfectly develops the muscles of the chest, neck and back. The main thing is to take into account the weight and height of your pet, choose the right harness with a fastening near the tail and not get carried away with the exercise until the pet is one and a half years old.
  • Various sports. Games with fellow tribesmen. Such training is rather pleasant, rather than effective, however, outdoor games, especially for puppies, are a great way to grow initial muscles and strengthen weak ligaments. Dog handlers have repeatedly noticed that puppies growing in a pack are much more physically developed than their lonely peers. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to gather a company of kids of about the same age on a walk, do not spare time for a fun puppy party and fuss.
  • Balance. Balance exercises are needed, first of all, for dogs involved in sports or making a show career. They help to learn how to make sharp turns and jumps when overcoming the course, and also make the show trot more confident and sweeping. However, even if your pet is just a pet, such activities will allow him to protect himself from injuries during outdoor games, improve coordination of movements and perfectly strengthen the muscles of the back and limbs. For classes, special inflatable balls, fitballs, or air-filled rubber pads with spikes are most often used.
  • Proper and regular physical training is a huge burden not only for your pet, but also for the owner himself, who is forced to take part in the process every day. Your reward will be a wonderful athlete, proudly striding along and flexing his muscles. And you yourself will be surprised to find that your physical form has improved significantly, because training with a dog is fitness that brings not only results, but also incomparable pleasure.

    Excessive thinness does not always indicate a disease: sometimes dogs that have been deprived of their owner's attention for a long time suffer from low weight due to lack of nutrition. Let's see why such conditions can occur, and what to feed the dog so that it gains weight without disturbing the metabolism.

    Your pet's body weight directly reflects general state his health, which, in turn, is closely related to the physical activity received. Before you increase the intensity of regular training, be sure to consult with an experienced veterinarian.

    In some cases (the dog suffers from manifestations of arthritis, its metabolic process is disturbed, etc.), the animal loses weight, so it needs a gentle exercise regimen.

    If the pet is healthy, does not suffer from overweight or anorexia, it is different good appetite, he will behave actively and playfully, happily participating in all the exercises proposed by the owner.

    Video "What to do if the dog is thin"

    In this video, the expert will tell you what to look for if the dog is thin, but eats well.

    Causes of weight loss

    As already mentioned, the dog does not always lose weight due to illness, sometimes various factors serve as the reasons for weight loss.

    After feeding

    Wasting often occurs in puppies who have fed enough a large number of puppies (about 10). In the process of bearing offspring, the dog's body needs enhanced support with microelements and nutrients, and if the animal does not receive them with food, the bitch's own resources are consumed. As a result, the dog is losing weight and needs to correct the diet.

    In order for an animal to gain weight, it must be fed. First of all, you need to feed the dog meat food, generously adding vitamins to the diet. Meat products contain a large amount of amino acids that are not found in food. plant origin, thanks to which weight gain begins.

    Not only do people go on diets, sometimes dogs need an individual diet. And this is not always associated with excess weight, as is commonly believed, a pet may not gain the required mass. Oddly enough, gaining weight is more difficult than losing it. Especially if your pet for some reason refuses to eat dry food prescribed by a doctor, and instead has a strange passion for cat food. Therefore, the question of how to feed a dog so that it gains the desired weight and why the pet stopped eating with appetite is relevant for many owners!

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    How should you feed your pet to gain weight?

    The problem of shortage of the desired mass is very often associated with health problems. If your dog was quite well fed, but suddenly began to lose weight and stopped eating with appetite - this is a very alarming bell. Increasing the dose of feed for him is not a solution to the problem. In general, the selection of an individual diet is a complex and painstaking process. If you do this thoughtlessly, you can disrupt the animal's metabolism and get problems for the rest of your life.

    Therefore, before fattening a dog, examine it, most common causes sudden loss the weights are:

    Some breeds of dogs always look thinner, in particular, hounds and cops. As well as young animals, more intensive weight gain is carried out after 2-3 years of age. Therefore, there is no need to panic. But if you can examine the dog's ribs with the naked eye, its spine and zygomatic bones protrude strongly, most likely its weight is insufficient.

    The following products contribute to the set of the desired mass:

    1. Specialized high energy food. Pay attention to energy value food that your dog eats and choose the most nutritious options with a high protein and protein content.
    2. If you feed with natural food, then give preference to cereals such as buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. The diet should contain complex carbohydrates, they break down longer and carry a greater energy charge. From meat, it is desirable to eat whole beef, chicken, rabbit meat. High-quality meat contributes to a rapid set of muscle mass. Don't give too much fatty foods, weight gain should be due to an increase in muscle mass, and not due to the accumulation of fat masses.
    3. Mix unrefined vegetable oil into your food, about 1 tablespoon per serving. Can be given 2-3 times per week chicken eggs and a few drops of fish oil.
    4. It does not hurt for a change and for proper weight gain fish, liver, cottage cheese, 2-3 times a week.

    Three levels of dog fatness

    Do not try to feed the animal food and natural food at the same time. Such a scheme does not lead to weight gain, but threatens with a metabolic disorder. Another piece of advice for pet owners who want their pet to put on weight is to feed not two, but three meals a day. In this case, the dose of feed may be the same or greater insignificantly. Also, when your pet is on an intensive diet, don't forget to monitor its weight and calculate the nutritional value of meals.

    Focus on what pets different breeds should receive a certain number of calories per day:

    • dogs of miniature breeds need about 110 kcal per 1 kg of weight;
    • small dogs have 85 kcal per unit weight;
    • medium breeds need 70 kcal for the same weight, and large breeds need 65 kcal;
    • very large or giant breeds 1 kg of mass requires 65 kcal.

    What should I do if my dog ​​refuses dry food?

    The now popular dry food is an ideal feeding option for both the dog and its owner. Feeding dog food takes a minimum of time. At the same time, the quality option is fully balanced and allows you to lose or gain weight as needed. Often dogs eat dry food with pleasure, but there are exceptions.

    A dog may refuse dry food for the following reasons:

    1. She is accustomed to natural food and dry food is new to her. If you want to transition your pet to a dry diet, do it gradually. Start replacing with dry food a small part diet, gradually increasing it until it reaches 100%. This will take at least 1-2 weeks, a faster transition is fraught with nutritional stress.
    2. Dog food is not suitable. There are a lot of manufacturers of dry rations and some option may simply not suit your pet. Offer your dog several different foods and decide on one that the animal will eat with great pleasure.
    3. Individual non-perception of feed components. This situation is quite unlikely, mostly feeds are universal and hypoallergenic. Moreover, paradoxically, a dog can eat cheap food with greater appetite than a more expensive one. This is because economy pet food manufacturers use flavors to make their product more appealing. While holistic or super-premium feeds operate only with natural ingredients. And they do not emphasize their taste with additional additives.

    Dry food is often prescribed by veterinarians in medicinal purposes and if your pet refuses to eat it, try this:

    Soak dry food in water, low-fat kefir or yogurt. Perhaps this option will be more to your pet's liking.

    Sometimes pets refuse food due to health problems. Consult your veterinarian, your pet may have dental problems or oral cavity, indigestion. And learn more about various feeds the video from the channel "Me and my tail" will help.

    Is it okay to feed your dog cat food?

    Pet food manufacturers don't just differentiate between dog and cat food. These pets have different needs and all this is taken into account in the qualitative and quantitative composition of feed for them. Therefore, it is wrong to feed a dog with cat food, as well as a cat with dog food.

    For example, cat's food contains more proteins. And the dog, if he regularly eats such food, has every chance of quickly getting a metabolic disorder. And also serious problems With digestive tract, kidney failure and skin rash.

    In addition, cats have a need for the amino acid taurine, which is displayed in the composition of cat food. Dogs, on the other hand, are able to generate this amino acid on their own and an additional dose of taurine from the outside is detrimental to canine health.

    And in general, dogs and cats need a different ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and different amount vitamin and amino acids. Therefore, the systematic feeding of a dog with cat food is unacceptable.

    Another thing is if the dog ate cat food once - this is not a reason to panic. Complexity can be observed if both a cat and a dog live in your house at the same time. For some reason, it often seems to animals that it tastes better in a neighbor's bowl. In addition, dogs can use their physical superiority and take food from cats. The solution is to feed each pet individually so that no one is tempted to eat the neighbor's food.

    Video "What to feed the dog?"

    Help in compiling proper diet should be the video below, taken from the channel "The Expert Says".

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    Sometimes the dog loses a lot of weight after prolonged illness or due to other reasons. How to feed a dog so that it gains weight - this issue needs to be dealt with in a timely manner. Remember that you need to feed the animal so as not to disrupt the metabolism in the body.

    Before deciding how to properly fatten a thin dog so that he gets better, you need to figure out whether the weight is really not enough for his physique and age. From whether the weight of the pet corresponds to the norm, both its health and the predisposition to ailments at a more mature age depend. At normal weight, the dog develops into fully, and intense physical exercise don't weigh her down.

    Video "How and what to feed the dog"

    In this video, experts will tell you how to properly feed your dog.

    Causes of weight loss

    Sometimes the owner of a four-legged creature notices that his pet suddenly began to rapidly lose weight and eat poorly. best way out from the position - to show the dog to the veterinarian and undergo a comprehensive comprehensive examination. However, consider the fact that it will cost you a decent amount. That is why it is first necessary to establish the cause of the dog's rapid weight loss, and only then make a decision.

    Among the common factors causing loss the weight of the pet should highlight the following:

    1. Feeding your favorite offspring. After that, the dog usually needs a serious recovery.
    2. Dogs living in the same house cannot share food among themselves. In this case, it is advisable to isolate the malnourished dog from other individuals for the duration of feeding.
    3. The dog suffered from the invasion of helminths. In this case, you need to give the animal special preparations from worms, otherwise the consequences can be sad.
    4. It's all about young age and individual characteristics breeds.

    Feeding offspring

    Lack of appetite is not always associated with health problems in your pet. Sometimes she does not eat very actively and at the same time loses weight due to the fact that most of Nutrients leave with milk. When a dog fattens offspring, it often loses weight. In this case, it is recommended to increase the portions.

    Make sure that the daily menu includes vitamins. Then the puppies will get more useful substances together with mother's milk, and the tailed mother herself will not actively lose weight. Do not forget that sometimes the birth of babies in a dog is associated with serious complications. The reason for this is an operation or illness.

    High competition for food

    Sometimes the owner of four-legged creatures does not notice the exhaustion of one of the pets in a timely manner. It would seem that the food is distributed evenly, and each of your dog has its own bowl for food. However, keep an eye on your animals while feeding: it is quite possible that someone is left without treats, because they cannot win a "place in the sun." All you have to do is feed the deprived dog in another room so that he doesn't have his food taken away.

    Age and characteristics of the breed

    Among the reasons for the sudden weight loss of a dog, it is also worth highlighting its age and individual characteristics. For example, representatives service breeds dogs often gain weight by the age of 2-3 years. This is due to the fact that the animal's metabolism in early age too active. Therefore, it is not worth increasing the daily ration.

    Keep an eye on your dog to begin with: if he continues to lose weight, you should take him to a specialist and check if everything is in order with his health. After consultation with a veterinarian, you can modify daily diet.

    How to feed a pet

    In order for the dog to look healthy, have a normal weight and stop shedding, it is necessary to provide her with balanced diet. You can feed it with a set of the following products:

    • high energy feed. These include food high content protein and protein;
    • natural ingredients. Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal - these cereals contribute to weight gain. As for meat, it is better to give preference to beef, rabbit, chicken;
    • unrefined vegetable oil- just add a few drops to the feed;
    • fish, liver, cottage cheese - these products are high-calorie and can diversify the dog's daily diet quite well.

    Mixing ready-made feeds with homemade products is undesirable, because in this way you will only disrupt the metabolism in the pet's body.

    What Not to Do

    Some dog owners prefer to feed their four-legged friend with semolina porridge cooked in milk. Refuse such a dish, since the product of wheat processing, like cereals in general, is tolerated by the dog with great difficulty. You should not feed the dog lamb and pork, as such meat is too fatty for him.

    Do not replace meat with offal - they are rarely given to an animal, as a good meat supplement, but not as a main ingredient. The best option- cereals and soups with meat and vegetables. It is possible to prevent anorexia in your dog and increase his appetite if you follow the basic recommendations of the veterinarian.

    How to help a dog gain weight?

    In our today's article we will talk about dogs, which are aptly called "skin and bones" by the people. No matter how hard the owner tries, no matter what he does, the pet still looks, to put it mildly, skinny. We will try with the help of professional experts to understand the problem. Perhaps the owner, without knowing it, acquires low-quality, low-calorie food. It is possible that the animal simply does not consume the daily supply of calories necessary to maintain health, in accordance with the level of activity and lifestyle.

    First, go to the vet. Once again, carefully check the packages of food that you give to your pet. Check if it is dietary, not intended for dogs suffering from chronic diseases. Try to figure out the optimal amount of calories your pet needs to stay healthy. Maybe you really underfeed the animal? If the audit did not reveal any deviations, the food is enough, then it is better to contact the veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe tests that will determine if your pet is suffering diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, oncological diseases, diseases digestive system etc. Is the dog healthy? Excellent, but her diet should be completely revised under the supervision of a doctor.

    How are we going to change the diet? Pay close attention to how your dog eats. Does she gobble up her usual food with pleasure or is she "naughty"? And with all this, do you vouch for the quality of the feed? It is possible that the animal simply “does not like” the food of a particular brand. He didn't like it, that's all! Try something similar. Move on. Are you getting too carried away with dry kibble? Try adding more wet or canned food to your diet. However, be careful when adjusting the diet - accustom the dog to new foods carefully and carefully to avoid gastrointestinal disorders. Any significant dietary changes should be discussed with your veterinarian.

    Some helpful tips. Rarely, but there are dogs that are very picky about food. For example, they will not eat canned food just taken out of the refrigerator. Try serving them lukewarm by heating them in the microwave (no more than 20 seconds). Now make sure the food is neither hot nor cold - medium. Add non-concentrated chicken or beef broth to dry food - the dog should like it. Try to give and special packet food in jelly or in sauce.

    It is good to increase the carbohydrate component. Boil pasta or rice several times a week, give a few tablespoons along with your regular food. In consultation with the veterinarian, you can also increase the amount of fat in the diet. Finally, if your dog is perfectly healthy, but continues to "turn up" his nose from food, then ask your veterinarian for advice on some appetite stimulating drugs.

    A few words about the nutrition of malnourished dogs. We mean exactly malnourished dogs, chronically underfed! Their care has its own characteristics. In no case do not start feeding such an animal immediately to satiety - this can kill him. Nurture a weakened and emaciated animal with puppy food. Small portions, four to six times a day.

    Original Post: How Do I Help My Skinny Dog Gain Weight? Author: Jane Meggitt. Source and photo:

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