Dream interpretation doorway. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Doors?

Big dream book Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about closing doors?

If you dreamed of closing doors, it means marriage if you lock the doors. Closing the doors from the outside means leaving behind everything that oppresses and disappoints you. If you close the doors from the inside in a dream, you want to protect yourself from troubles. Learn to face problematic situations head-on. Only overcoming your own fear will help you cope with any problems with dignity. You want to hide from yourself if you close the doors one after another in a dream. Why dream of closing doors in a dream - to fear, disappointment and troubles in your personal life.

Why dream that you are closing doors - perhaps you want to protect yourself from the outside world. Why dream of closing doors in a dream - a desire to get rid of a traumatic past. This dream suggests that you experienced something in the past that you do not want to remember, for fear of feeling the same emotions in the present. A young girl closes the door in a dream - this means you will soon meet a wealthy man with whom you will gain complete independence and be happily married.

The meaning of the dream about closing the doors (Symbolic dream book)

Closing doors means trouble in professional field or in the family, to possible betrayal or betrayal. In many ways, the meaning of a dream depends on what day you saw it. If you had dreams on Tuesday or Thursday, they are more likely to be considered prophetic, so treat them with special caution. You close the doors is a warning.

Be careful about your property in the coming days - perhaps they want to rob you or steal from you. The symbol of a closing door is also related to professional activities, especially if you work in advertising or the intellectual field. Your ideas may be appropriated by someone you trusted if you try not only to close the doors in a dream, but also to strengthen them with something. Closing doors means you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from troubles, gossip and intrigue that your enemies spread.

Closing doors that are difficult for your efforts means coming face to face with a stronger opponent. Locking the doors means you will soon meet a young man who will win your heart in the future. Closing doors from the inside in a dream means fighting fears from the past that you want but cannot get rid of.

The meaning of the dream about Locking (Islamic dream book)

Seeing yourself closing doors - a dream often indicates that in life you are doing things wrong, not acting in accordance with the established order. A single dreamer who saw himself closing new doors - closing new doors in a dream - will be blessed by Allah because he will marry a modest and well-behaved girl. If someone dreams of closing doors that do not close, and it turns out to be impossible to lock them, it means that you have to give up some business that you are powerless to do. You will probably be able to avoid something bad in this life, so the dream can certainly be considered a very positive omen.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Shelter was dreamed

Close - An image denoting a huge number of feelings and emotions that a person has. If a person closes someone in a room, this is an image of limiting the activity of this negative subject, a feeling of jealousy towards him, there is even fear of him, a desire to keep him away from the whole world or to take revenge on him for something.

If a person sees that he himself is locking himself in a room, then this is a reflection of the desire to retire, to erect some kind of barrier between himself and others, to limit the possibility of penetration into his emotional, sexual sphere, the desire to close one’s emotions, as well as the feeling of an existing threat from other people or the expectation of possible punishment for real or imagined mistakes.

If someone closes a subject in a room, this is a reflection of the person’s feeling that his life is in Lately proceeds with many restrictions, as well as the feeling that the one who closes him is jealous, afraid, wants to own the whole world while he is locked up. If a person finds himself in front of a locked door, this is a feeling of discrimination against his personality, a barrier between him and other people, as well as emotional rejection by his sexually desirable partner.

Closing doors in a dream (from the book by Olga Smurova)

Why dream that you have locked someone up and are not letting them out means that you will soon create obstacles in the affairs of your enemies, which will help you achieve what you want. If you were locked in a dream and you cannot get out, then this is a negative sign and predicts that you will have many obstacles in your business. Often a dream predicts a long and painful illness for you. Why dream that you managed to get out of a locked room - then great success awaits you. For the patient, the dream predicts a quick and happy recovery.

Dreamed of Closing - If you dream that you are closing something (a door, a lid, a book, etc.) - your work is nearing completion; the problems are nearing completion. Close for Quarantine - You dream that some institution is closed for quarantine - even your most distant plans will come true, but this will take more time than you expected. It’s as if you yourself are in quarantine - your enemies will somehow manage to harm you; you will not immediately find a way out difficult situation. Close for Quarantine - the need for cleansing or renewal of the soul; conflicting feelings about the moral side of your life.

The meaning of a dream about Doors (Modern dream book)

The meaning of the dream in which you dream of closing doors depends on what exactly happened in it. Dreaming that you are closing doors, locking them, fencing yourself off from someone - this positive sign saying that you can create big problems for your enemies, you will successfully prevent them from moving forward. If, on the contrary, someone locked you in a room, closed the doors, and now you can’t get out of there, the dream is clearly negative.

It predicts that you will have numerous problems and troubles. Or a long and painful illness awaits you. If you were able to get out of the locked room, that’s good. The dream promises that after some struggle you will be able to achieve success and shame your ill-wishers. If you get sick, a happy recovery awaits you.

When a woman dreams that she is closing the door, it means that in her soul she has already taken some kind of final decision. Closing doors behind you in a dream means you are ready to take a step into new life and say goodbye to your past. Usually a dream predicts the onset of peace of mind for you after a long period of worries, hesitation and indecision. Only better times await you ahead.

What does the dream mean: Doors were closed taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why dream of closing the doors in the house means that you always try to be alone.

In the summer, why did you dream about how you close all the windows in the house - to leave or sell the house.

In the fall, what does it mean to dream of closing doors - completing a task.

In winter, why dream of closing doors means illness.

Why do you dream of a broken door? The dream book indicates: such a sign foreshadows problems at work, troubles with others, a hopeless situation. Also, a vision in a dream warns of interference in your personal life.

Prepare to solve problems and overcome obstacles

The dream sign signals: soon you will have to make a decision on a still unresolved complex issue.

Seeing a broken door in a dream means, according to the dream book: on the way to achieving your goal, get ready to overcome obstacles.

This dream also warns: a difficult choice will soon have to be made. Weigh all the pros and cons of the situation, try to calculate possible consequences- this will help you decide.

Why do you dream that there are nails sticking out of it? The dream book explains: a person you know well can betray you.

Show more determination

Did you dream about a broken door that you broke down yourself? In reality, you should show more determination in work, affairs, and on the love front. With more perseverance and hard work, you can achieve excellent results.

Did you see in a dream how she opened up in front of you? In reality, you will be able to open new prospects for your own growth.

Have you tried to lock it? The dream book says: you want to get rid of your past. You are probably burdened by psychological trauma, which is very unpleasant to remember. Turn this page and move forward.

Hopeless situation, problems at work

A broken door, which in a dream is missing a lock and door handle, symbolizes a hopeless situation. Often a dream warns: it is too early for the sleeper to move on to a new stage of life; he will not be able to cope with the difficulties. It is necessary to prepare.

Did you dream about broken doors and a door handle that has become unusable? The plot foreshadows problems at work, the solution of which will require the ability to make compromises and greater flexibility.

It's time to change something

Why do you dream of a broken door to an apartment? The dream book indicates: it's time to change your lifestyle. The sleeper is too dependent on others, and this will negatively affect not only personal relationships, but also his career. It's time to learn to make decisions on your own.

A vision of an unprotected doorway to an apartment promises unexpected events that can have an impact on all important areas. Maybe different interpretation sleep - according to the emotions caused by the vision.

Dream details

Remember what she was like in the dream:

  • to the apartment - you are not protected from negative influence from outside;
  • into the house - it is necessary to remove an obstacle that has been interfering for a long time;
  • into the room - your personal life will become the subject of discussion;
  • closet door - cheating on your significant other is possible.

Miller's Dream Book: You will set your friends up

Did you dream that the door broke and hurt someone? In reality, you might unintentionally give your friends unwise advice that could get them into trouble.

A door in a dream is an ambiguous symbol that can be both a barrier and protection.
All your actions with the door in a dream are important.

In a dream, the door is locked, and you need to enter it - an obstacle, an obstacle, an inability to find a way out or an answer.
If you close the door in a dream, but the door or lock does not close, this is probably your attempts to “close yourself” from external circumstances and these attempts do not bring you results.
You open doors in a dream and they open easily - you will probably overcome the obstacle ; You are “open” to other people and communication with them ; On the way to your goal, you will easily open the “right door”.
You are afraid to open the door - this is probably your indecision or fear of action in an important situation ; Perhaps this is your fear for the consequences of starting some actions.
You remove the lock from the door in a dream, break the lock, and all this is successful - the removal of barriers and obstacles in this period of life, the path to your goal is open to you.
Doors in a dream open on their own on your way - your opportunities for at this stage very large ; in the near future, “all doors will be open” for you.

In a dream, someone is breaking into your house, and you close the doors and try not to let them in - your attempts to protect yourself from people who obsessively want to enter your world ; probably someone aggressively wants to invade your life for certain purposes ; someone’s attempts to “get into your soul” without an invitation and your resistance to this are likely.
Closing the door in front of someone in a dream - probably someone very much wants some kind of relationship with you, communication, contacts of various kinds and your reluctance to all this.
Someone unpleasant to you was chasing you in a dream, but you closed in front of him - you will be able to avoid some kind of danger or serious problems.
If you can’t find the right doors, there may be a situation in which finding a way out will be difficult ; difficulties in finding a path to action.
You can’t open doors in a dream, the doors are very difficult to open - these are probably attempts to overcome difficulties in the future ; temporary difficulties in achieving a goal, which will require additional effort to overcome.

There are many doors in front of you in a dream - this is probably a signal that you will soon have to make a difficult choice in which direction to move next. I wish you to choose the right door in such a dream.


If in a dream you enter a door, this foreshadows your futile attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers.

The only door that you enter in your dreams - the door of your childhood home - promises you happiness in the future and an environment of kindred souls.

If you look at the door at night in the pouring rain, this promises you unforgivable antics and frivolous meetings.

Seeing others entering or leaving the door means possible difficulties in putting your affairs in order; For peasants and politicians, this dream is full of especially bad omens.

If the door unexpectedly breaks off its hinges when you try to close it, and at the same time injures someone, the dream foretells danger to your friends.


Open doors - shared love, generous offering.
Locked doors are an obstacle, a meeting with unpleasant people.
Burning doors - a visit from friends.
New doors - for the birth of a son.
Doors open - love (for women), woman (for men).
Not finding doors is an obstacle.
The doors opened - success in all matters.

Threshold - decision; to step over - arrangement of life, recovery.


Opening a door in a dream is a luxury, unjustified expenses; getting out of a difficult situation; commit adultery.
Seeing an open door in your house means uncertainty and painful forebodings; deception on the part of a friend.
The door in your house opens by itself, creaks and hangs on its hinges - a bad conscience; friends will betray; danger.
Locking your door is a big danger and will require a lot of courage.
To see someone else's door locked - friends will turn away; You will be an uninvited guest.
Breaking a door means you will encounter an obstacle on the way.
To see a richly decorated door means to desire something unattainable.
Seeing a small door in your apartment means something secret and prohibited in your life, something that you try to hide even from those closest to you.

Some creatures pass through it - the personification of vice.
The closer you see yourself to her, the worse it is.
Windmill with spinning wings - hike evil forces, temptations, a great life test.

Discussion: 63 comments

    Good day. Please help me determine how much sleep threatens real life. A little background: we were on holiday with a young man in Abkhazia, where I felt very bad throughout the holiday, and I ruined it for the young man, pestering him with absolutely disgusting questions about past relationships, being sarcastic every time and mocking him (I didn’t do anything like that at all). observed). There I had various strange and sometimes frightening dreams, but always memorable dreams, the most terrible of which is the following. Night. Not a drop of light, only the moon in the window. I'm in empty house(house) of her great-grandmother in the Kuban, where she spent every year on vacation until she was 16 years old. On the street around the house there is something frightening me (in the dream it felt like a monster from the Soviet cartoon “The Scarlet Flower”) and I feel that it really wants to get inside. It howls furiously and like an animal, choking, making growling sounds, sometimes similar to crying. I frantically check the windows in the dark rooms to see if they are closed. Yes. Later comes the terrible realization that Entrance door open. I run headlong towards the entrance, something is heading there too, but from outside. The door is strong and the bolt is heavy. I manage to close it at the last moment.


    1. Hello Anna. Your fears, worries and stupidities generated by this have a good chance of ruining everything you bet on. They're the ones banging on the door. Don't give them the slightest chance, change in relation to your soulmate. Draw conclusions at least from your own mistakes, if you can’t draw conclusions from others’.


    Hello! I had a dream that a man was banging on the door and demanding to open it, saying that he came to me, supposedly his friend poisoned him, but for some reason I was very scared. He knocks on the door and I have great fear. At the end he opens the door, and I freeze and wake up, I still haven’t seen his face. What does this dream mean, is it connected with the fact that a guy recently offended me and I was very worried about this?


    1. Someone wants to use you without asking your opinion. and most likely he succeeded...or will succeed.


Dream books know what lurks behind an open door. Why do we dream, why does this intriguing image excite curiosity? How many people managed to stay asleep and not look at what was there?

This symbol is considered labile, changing its meaning depending on what happens in the dream. Such a sign can have erotic and philosophical overtones, reflect readiness for action and the danger of deception.


If a person sees an open door in a dream, it means that his soul is wide open, and if it is closed, this conveys his indecision, secret cunning, or obstacles that need to be overcome in reality.

Why do you dream of a closed or open door? Dream books consider it an extremely ambiguous symbol and give interpretations that depend on the context. As a rule, the actions that the dreamer performs play an important role.

Opening the door and walking in - according to Miller’s dream book, speaks of attempts to get rid of the persecution of ill-wishers and slanderers. To stand in front of a closed one means to be ready to break prohibitions and behave frivolously.

If a person cannot open a door in a dream, this predicts obstacles in his path. Perhaps it is difficult for him to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Why dream of manipulating a key: they indicate decisive intentions. And not only in the field of business. If the sleeper cannot cope with the lock, this indicates his low self-esteem, and the causes of ego complexes should be sought in early childhood.

The lock, according to the erotic dream book, is a female symbol, and the key is phallic. Accordingly, opening a door with a key in a dream means an active search for a partner in reality. If a woman opens the lock, she will have a new lover; if a man, the vision speaks of his dissatisfaction and search for strong sensations.

Opened door

An open door in a dream is interpreted by researchers from different positions, but upon careful reading one can highlight common features. Dream books interpret open doors either literally as cordiality, or as some kind of trap, luring into a dubious enterprise.

An open front door in a dream represents danger and indicates the dreamer’s uncertainty; interpreters warn against deception. Perhaps a person will be involved in a financial scam or criminal business, so you should be alert. If some important good deed has been postponed, the dream gives a signal to begin decisive action; dream books say that the time has come to implement the plan.

Jewish and Ukrainian dream books, explaining why open doors in a house are dreamed of, emphasize that this is a sign of hospitality and predict a house full of guests.

If a man in a dream discovers an open door to an apartment, why is this dreaming, according to Freud’s dream book? The gentleman cannot forgive his mistress for her former stormy life, while he himself is very proud of his easy victories.

In general, this image embodies generous gifts and mutual feelings. Erotic interpretations boil down to the fact that for a woman an open door in a dream represents shared love in reality, perhaps a wedding, for a man it represents success with the ladies.

Ajar or wide open

As free access is, so generous are the promises. A small entrance predicts a fleeting sexual relationship, while a spacious, free one promises happiness and benefit. Squeezing through a narrow, slightly open door in a dream means having big troubles in reality; passing through a wide open door is a favorable sign, predicting good luck.

The Chinese dream book says that heavy stone doors promise longevity to the dreamer, and tall, richly decorated doors promise wealth and nobility; however, luxurious decor indicates unfulfilled desires.

Most dream interpreters interpret visions in which a door is seen as a sign of dramatic changes in a person’s life. It could be new job, change of residence, serious romantic relationship. In addition, the door can symbolize an obstacle in achieving your plans. To accurately understand the meaning of a dream, you should remember details such as the material of the doorway, whether a key was used in the dream, whether the door was open, the actions of the owner of the vision and other people.

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    Key values

    Hearing a knock on the door is a sign of unexpected joyful news from afar. If they knock loudly and furiously, then the dreamer should be prepared for the fact that he will soon pay for mistakes made in the past. If the dreamer had to knock on closed door, then this promises collapse of hopes and disappointment. Another interpretation similar dream portends the appearance in a person’s life of envious people, gossipers and ill-wishers who will make every effort to denigrate the name of the sleeping person.

      If a person sees a front door in a dream, this means that he will soon be able to solve many old problems and overcome obstacles on the way to achieving his cherished goal. Another interpretation of night vision warns a person that they may soon try to drag him into a scam. You should not sign contracts or make deals with people you don’t know.

      A new door heralds the beginning of a new serious stage in the dreamer’s life. He can meet his fate, find another high-paying job, move to his own apartment or another city. For married people, this dream promises a new addition to the family.

      If the doorway is old and dilapidated, then this dream tells the dreamer that the time has come to deal with important issues that have been constantly put off. If this is not done, the person may be fired from his job. Another meaning of sleep is the need to stop romantic connection, which no longer evokes strong emotions and passionate feelings as before. This will provide an opportunity to build new relationships. If you dreamed of an old door that creaks disgustingly, then this foreshadows the visit of an unpleasant person.

      A broken doorway suggests that the dreamer's fate and career are in the hands of other people. To achieve the desired success and implement your plans, you need to learn how to interact with these individuals.

      An open door indicates that a person is ready to start new things. serious relationship. If the door to the apartment was open, then this is a hint to the dreamer that he is subconsciously ready to get married.

      A closed door portends unexpected obstacles in the implementation of plans or problems in professional activities. If the dreamer tries to open it and succeeds, then unforeseen difficulties will soon be resolved.

      See in a dream a large number of doors - to quickly make an important decision related to promotion. If the dreamer thinks for a long time about the proposal he receives, then the prospect of a career advancement will be offered to one of his colleagues. A corridor in which there were many doorways promises a large number of opportunities for realizing your plans. The dreamer must use them.

      Why else do you dream about a door?

      Seeing a door in a dream that does not close in any way indicates that the dreamer is trying to avoid the obligations placed on him, however, it will not be possible to avoid this.

      If you dreamed that someone was banging on the door, then this promises an argument with one of your colleagues. However, it will not bring clarity to the situation, but will only negatively affect relationships with people.

      If you see a key in the door, then this is a sign of a new romantic acquaintance, with interesting person which will develop into a serious relationship and end with a wedding.

      If the door in the dream was without a lock, then the dreamer is afraid of drastic changes in life and feels vulnerable. He makes futile attempts to get rid of this feeling. He needs to overcome his fear. Without this, changes for the better will be impossible. Relatives and friends will be able to get rid of this feeling.

      If in night vision you had a dream about a house without doors, then this foreshadows the emergence of a dead end situation from which a person will not be able to find a way out. Help should be expected from the other half and blood relatives. Get into the room through secret door- portends a successful solution to important issues.

      If the dreamer cannot find the doorway of his house, then this portends unexpected obstacles in the implementation of plans related to professional activity person. Seeing an old door literally crumbling into small pieces is a sign of an unpleasant situation related to personal life person.

      Opening the door but not seeing anyone in front of you means a big scandal with your other half. If the door falls in front of the dreamer, then this portends great happiness, the solution of material problems and success in moving up the career ladder.

      A doorway with glass - the possibility of treason and betrayal of a loved one is not excluded. Door with broken glass portends the unexpected appearance of obstacles on the way to the desired goal. The dreamer should think about how to get around these obstacles.

      Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

      What do the dreamer's actions promise?

      The behavior of the owner of the vision can radically change the interpretation of night vision:

      • If a person dreams that he is hiding behind a doorway, then this indicates his lack of confidence in himself and his abilities. He is afraid of his competitors or rivals because he does not want to ruin his reputation. However, this behavior will not solve the problems that have arisen. It is necessary to show strength of character to achieve your goals and not pay attention to the machinations of ill-wishers and envious people.
      • If the dreamer holds the door and does not let go, then the dream characterizes him as a closed person. He is afraid to open up to other people. However, this can lead to a person living completely alone, deprived of the joy of communicating with friends, colleagues and family.
      • If the dreamer is looking for a doorway in night vision, then this promises to get into deadlock, from which a person cannot get out on his own. It will be necessary to turn to loved ones for help. Another meaning of the dream warns a person that he should delay starting his own business, as there is a risk of going bankrupt and losing all his savings.
      • Painting a doorway a new color means discord in the family due to the dreamer’s unreasonable jealousy. This can lead to separation from a loved one.
      • Washing the doors in your home means a pleasant meeting with relatives from afar. Another interpretation of the dream suggests that the sleeping person is the master of his own destiny, and he can independently take on all urgent matters.
      • Closing the door behind someone you don’t know is an attempt to protect your family from the evil intentions of envious people and ill-wishers.

      Seeing a door with a lock, but not being able to open it, indicates that the dreamer is afraid of something. This phobia prevents a person from accepting important decisions. If someone helped open the door, then this is a sign that the owner of the vision needs the moral support of loved ones. If a young man dreams that he opens a doorway with a key, then he will be able to win the favor of a girl he likes. Another meaning of the dream is that a man will be able to solve problems at work thanks to his extraordinary abilities.

      If the dreamer happened to lock the door, then this is a warning that he will soon need to compete with strong and dangerous rivals. In order to resolve the situation peacefully, it will be necessary to make a lot of efforts. Locking the door means a quick wedding. If in a dream you happened to close the door with a lock, then this is a warning to the dreamer. You need to rest and gain strength. Otherwise, the possibility of developing a serious illness cannot be ruled out. If a woman saw in a dream how she locks the door from the inside, then this means that she is afraid unwanted pregnancy. For a man, such a nightly phenomenon predicts a scandal with his girlfriend, which can lead to the separation of a couple in love.

      If a girl dreamed that some unfamiliar man was trying to break down the door, the vision is a sign of the presence in her close circle of a man who plans to ruin the dreamer’s reputation. He wants to do this in order to take revenge on the woman for the fact that she once rejected his feelings and hurt his male pride. If the dreamer breaks a doorway, then this symbolizes his desire to free himself from what weighs him down. This could be a friendship with a person who once betrayed the dreamer, or a romantic relationship that has lost its former passion. The time has come for more active action in this direction.

      Ringing the bell means unexpected news from afar. Another meaning is soon there will be a meeting with unpleasant people from the dreamer's past.

      Knocking down a door means great success awaits a person. To achieve it you will have to work a lot and diligently.

      The famous psychologist Gustav Miller claims that if you had a dream in which a person happened to enter the same doorway as in childhood, it promises victory over gossipers and ill-wishers. Another meaning of sleep is success in all endeavors. If you happen to look at a closed door in the middle of the night in heavy rain, then this warns a person that he will soon commit an act for which he will be very ashamed.

      According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, opening a door means a wedding; knocking hard on it means finding out shocking information.

      Dream interpreter T. Smirnova says that if you dreamed of a door that opens on its own, it foretells a sharp rise up the career ladder. New interesting prospects will open up for the dreamer. A door removed from its hinges promises danger for one of the dreamer's friends. Seeing a small stove door in a dream foreshadows grief and sadness.

      Sigmund Freud's dream book states that if a person happened to be looking for the keys to the doors, then in reality he should pay more attention to his partner. If the dreamer was unable to open the door, then this foreshadows illnesses of an intimate nature. Put new door- to change sexual partner.

      According to S. Karatov’s dream book, to see an open door in your night dreams means that a sleeping person will soon receive a warm welcome.

      Dream interpreter T. Lagutina warns the owner of the vision that in the near future he will not be able to put things in order.