Bypass surgery how long do they live after surgery. After coronary artery bypass surgery. We are in social networks

In modern medicine, there is often such a thing as heart bypass surgery, what it is and why it is carried out - we will try to understand this article. This operation has become widespread, with its help a lot of problems are solved, people get rid of dangerous diseases and get a second chance at life. Heart bypass still raises many questions around itself, which we will deal with now.

What is shunting?

The shunt came from English word shunt. Its translation means branch. This concept accurately conveys the essence of the operation. Many diseases can lead to, in which it cannot perform its functions.

In this case, you need to create new way for blood flow, bypassing the affected artery. For this, fragments of blood vessels are taken from other parts of the body, most often the lower limbs are selected. This is generalized information, but this will be enough for us to continue studying the problem.

Indications for the operation

All indications for heart bypass fit in a small list, which consists of only two items:

  1. Atherosclerosis, the essence of which is to cover the inner walls of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques. In the normal state, the arteries inside are smooth and even, and when they are diseased, they turn out to be clogged with accumulations of cholesterol. Such a situation without proper treatment can cause necrosis and death of tissues and even entire organs.
  2. Ischemic or is a type of atherosclerosis. The disease affects the coronary arteries, which are connected to the heart muscle. In such a situation, the lumen of the vessels becomes very narrow, the arteries lose their capacity, and less oxygen enters the heart than is necessary for it. normal operation. The disease is accompanied by retrosternal pain, angina pectoris and angina pectoris.

Diseases are very dangerous, can lead to disability or death. Therefore, heart bypass surgery should not be postponed if the specialist has determined the need for it.


Not all cases can be performed bypass the heart muscle. There are a number of serious contraindications:

  • damage to the coronary arteries of a diffuse nature;
  • cicatricial lesion, which leads to a sharp decrease in EF in the left ventricle up to 30%;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • the presence of severe concomitant ailments, among which chronic diseases of the pulmonary system are in the first place, kidney failure and malignant formations.

In addition to contraindications, there are a number of operational risk factors that are assessed in each case individually. For example, advanced age cannot be attributed to an absolute contraindication, but this factor cannot be ignored either. In any case, an examination is carried out before the operation, and based on its data, conclusions are drawn about the risks. Specialists either give approval for surgery, or do not allow the patient to undergo surgery.

Preparing for the operation

Heart bypass surgery, like any other operation, requires preparation. Its essence is as follows:

  1. Taking drugs that can thin the blood is prohibited for two weeks before the date of surgery.
  2. Your doctor should be aware of all medications you are taking. They may also have to be canceled in advance. Not only medicines are important, but also dietary supplements and traditional medicine.
  3. Hospitalization is mandatory for a comprehensive examination of the body.
  4. An anesthesiologist must be examined before the operation. He studies the physical parameters of the body, learns about the presence of allergies, during the conversation he finds out the necessary information and draws up a plan for his work.
  5. The night before, a sedative may be offered to help you relax, relieve anxiety, and allow you to get a good night's sleep.

For the patient, a number of rules have been established that must be observed in the evening, before the operation:

  • latest meal at 6 pm;
  • after midnight you can not drink;
  • the prescribed drugs should be taken after dinner, later it is impossible;
  • take a shower in the evening.

On average, heart bypass surgery lasts no more than 4 hours, often even three hours is enough.

How much does a heart bypass cost

It is difficult to talk about how much heart bypass surgery costs, since a large number of factors affect the formation of the final amount.

In one of the city hospitals, we found the cost in the range of 130 - 400 thousand rubles. In another clinic, the cost starts from 150 thousand and reaches half a million. The cost of such an operation abroad starts from 800 thousand, reaches one and a half million, and this is not the limit. You know approximately how much heart bypass surgery costs, and we continue to study the features of such an operative intervention further.

How is a bypass procedure performed?

A heart bypass operation is performed on the exposed heart muscle. This requires a dissection of the sternum, which is a massive bone and heals for a long time after the operation. The operation can be performed on a stopped heart and a working one. The first option requires the use of a heart-lung machine. The second option is more acceptable and common.

Surgery on a beating heart is not possible when valves need to be replaced and an aneurysm removed. These are the two main contraindications. Surgery without cardiac arrest has several advantages:

  • the immune system and blood circulation do not aggravate the patient's condition with complications;
  • the operation takes less time;
  • recovery is faster.

WITH general questions figured it out, now we’ll find out how heart vessel bypass surgery is done. The essence of the operation is to form a new path for the passage of blood to the heart. The action plan looks like this:

  1. Cut on the chest skin and a bone behind which is the heart muscle.
  2. Prepare a vessel (artery) that will act as a shunt.
  3. If a cardiac arrest is necessary, a cardioplegic arrest is performed, after which the device is activated, which will provide blood circulation. In another case, stabilizing devices are fixed on the surgical field.
  4. The previously prepared vessel is connected to the aorta on one side. The other side is fixed on the coronary artery below the place where the blood does not pass.
  5. The heart is started and the device is turned off if it has been stopped.
  6. The sternum is fixed with metal sutures, and the skin is sutured.

At this point, the operation is considered completed. A simplified plan has been described above, which will be enough for the average reader.

Possible Complications

Despite the complexity and seriousness of the operation, complications after heart bypass surgery are rare. If they do, they are usually swelling or inflammation. Very rarely, wound bleeding occurs. Inflammation is manifested by weakness, fever, chest pain, heart failure. Complications of this kind can be a manifestation of an acute reaction of the immune system to tissue transplantation, even if it is one's own.

There are very rare complications, but they can still occur, albeit in isolated cases. These include the following states:

  • stroke;
  • thrombus formation;
  • poor bone fusion;
  • keloid scars;
  • decrease in the efficiency of the kidneys, up to insufficiency;
  • postperfusion syndrome;
  • pain in the region of the heart of a chronic nature.

The likelihood of complications directly depends on the preoperative condition, quality examination and patient preparation. Therefore, such increased attention is paid to these processes. The consequences of shunts can be minimal, you just need to follow medical recommendations and take your health seriously.

Rehabilitation after heart bypass surgery

After heart bypass surgery at home should be observed special conditions rehabilitation period. You will have to change your diet and lifestyle. Only proper recovery will help your body quickly return to its previous state and eliminate the likelihood of complications. In the first time after surgery, prevention of congestion in the lungs may be required. This will require up to 20 times a day to inflate the balloon. With a deep breath, the lungs will expand and be well ventilated.


A special diet is required after heart bypass surgery. Its essence lies in the elimination of the likelihood of the formation of cholesterol plaques that "clog" the vessels.

  • exclusion of products with animal fats from the diet;
  • you can follow a diet number 12 or 15;
  • immediately after the operation, you can only drink and eat liquid food;
  • food is gradually introduced in the form of mashed potatoes;
  • hard and solid food should not be included in the diet, food should be exclusively dietary.

Hemoglobin levels often decrease after heart bypass surgery. To increase it, you need to eat beef, liver and buckwheat porridge.


Life after heart bypass surgery should be significantly changed. The changes concern the following points:

  • physical activity and weight lifting are contraindicated;
  • , because nicotine destroys shunts and significantly reduces their lifespan;
  • the use of a corset worn over the chest will allow the bones to heal properly and eliminate the possibility of seam divergence.

Rehabilitation usually takes up to three months, for some, two are enough to restore the functioning of the heart muscle and the immune system, normalize blood composition, and even heal the sternum. Three months later, an active lifestyle is already allowed. At this time, a stress test is carried out, which will clearly show the body's abilities.

Now let's look at disability - an important issue for many. Do they give disability after a heart attack? In order to receive a group, in any case, you need to go through a commission. A person is examined, the necessary documents are studied and conclusions are drawn regarding permanent disability. Heart surgery is the reason for referring the patient to the medical commission. To do this, the attending physician writes out a mailing list.

According to statistics, no more than 8% of people after heart bypass surgery manage to get a disability group. In most cases, temporary disability is established, which lasts no more than a year. After this time, you will have to re-confirm your disability.


A large number of studies have been carried out regarding cardiac bypass surgery, patient well-being, improving the quality and increasing their life expectancy, in particular. Based on the results of these data, one can make a prediction about how long they live after the operation, what positive changes occur in the body, and draw a conclusion for themselves about the need for it.

  1. Life expectancy increases in all cases. No one will undertake to name exact figures, since so many factors must be taken into account here. But in any case, a person can live much longer.
  2. The risk of developing myocardial infarction is greatly reduced.
  3. The quality of life is increased compared to medical therapeutic treatment.

No matter how difficult the heart vessel bypass surgery is, no matter how much it costs, the result justifies all the efforts and expenses. If there are indications for such treatment, then it is necessary to decide on surgical intervention.

This is a special type of surgery that aims to create a bypass for the vessels to bypass the clogged area and resume normal blood flow to organs and tissues.

Timely shunting helps prevent cerebral infarction, which can be triggered by the death of neurons due to an insufficient amount of blood flowing through the bloodstream. nutrients.

Bypass surgery allows you to solve two main tasks - to fight excess weight or restore blood circulation bypassing the area where the vessels were damaged for one reason or another.

This type of surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

To restore obstructed blood flow, a specific area of ​​another vessel is selected for a new "vessel" - shunt - usually, the thoracic arteries or veins of the thigh serve for such purposes.

Removal of a part of the vessel for the shunt does not affect the blood circulation in the area where the material was taken.

Then, a special incision is made on the vessel that will conduct blood instead of the damaged one - a shunt will be inserted here and stitched to the vessel. After the procedure, the patient needs to undergo several examinations to make sure that the shunt is functioning properly.

There are three main types of shunting: restoration of blood flow in the heart, brain and stomach. Let's take a closer look at these types.

  1. Shunting of the blood vessels of the heart
    Heart bypass is also called coronary bypass. What is coronary artery bypass surgery? This operation restores blood flow to the heart, bypassing the narrowing of the coronary vessel. Coronary arteries contribute to the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle: if performance of this type vessels are broken, then the process of oxygen supply is also disturbed. In coronary artery bypass grafting, the thoracic artery is most often chosen for the bypass. The number of shunts inserted depends on the number of vessels in which narrowing has occurred.
  2. Gastric bypass
    The goal of a gastric bypass is quite different from that of a heart bypass – to help with weight management. The stomach is divided into two parts, one of which is connected to small intestine. Thus, part of the body is not involved in the process of digestion, so a person has the opportunity to get rid of extra kilos.
  3. Shunting of the arteries of the brain
    This type of shunting serves to stabilize blood circulation in the brain. Just like with a heart bypass, blood flow is diverted to bypass an artery that can no longer supply the required amount of blood to the brain.

What is heart and vascular bypass surgery: CABG of the heart after a heart attack and contraindications

What is a heart and vascular bypass?
With the help of surgical intervention, it is possible to create a new bloodstream that allows you to restore blood circulation to the heart muscle in full.

Shunting can:

  • significantly reduce the number of angina attacks or completely get rid of it;
  • reduce the risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases and, as a result, increase life expectancy;
  • prevent myocardial infarction.

What is heart bypass surgery after a heart attack? This is the restoration of blood flow in the area where the damaged blood vessels as a result of a heart attack. The cause of a heart attack is the blockage of an artery due to an atherosclerotic plaque.

The myocardium does not receive enough oxygen, so a dead area appears on the heart muscle. If this process is diagnosed on time, then the dead area will turn into a scar, which serves as a connecting channel for new blood flow through the shunt, however, there are quite frequent cases when the necrosis of the heart muscle is not detected in time, and the person dies.

In modern medicine, there are three main groups of indications for bypass surgery of the heart and blood vessels:

  • The first group - ischemic myocardium or angina pectoris unresponsive to drug treatment. As a rule, this group includes patients who suffer from acute ischemia as a result of stenting or angioplasty, which did not help get rid of the disease; patients with edema in the lungs as a result of ischemia; patients with a sharply positive stress test result on the eve of elective surgery.
  • The second group - the presence of angina pectoris or refractory ischemia, in which bypass surgery will preserve the functioning of the left ventricle of the heart, as well as significantly reduce the risk of myocardial ischemia. This includes patients with stenosis of the arteries and coronary vessels of the heart (from 50% stenosis), as well as with lesions of the coronary vessels with the possible development of ischemia.
  • The third group is the need for bypass surgery as an auxiliary operation before the main heart surgery. Usually, shunting is required before heart valve surgery, due to complicated myocardial ischemia, in case of coronary vascular anomalies (with a significant risk of sudden death).

Despite the significant role of bypass surgery in restoring human blood flow, there are certain indications for this operation.

Shunting should not be performed if:

  • all of the patient's coronary arteries are affected (diffuse lesion);
  • the left ventricle is affected due to scarring;
  • found congestive heart failure;
  • lung diseases of a chronic non-specific type;
  • kidney failure;
  • oncological diseases.

Sometimes a young or advanced age of the patient is called as a contraindication. However, if there are no contraindications to shunting other than age, then to save life surgical intervention they'll do it anyway.

Coronary artery bypass grafting: surgery and how long they live after CABG on the heart

Cardiac bypass surgery can be of several types.

  • The first type is heart bypass with the creation of cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegia.
  • The second type is CABG on a heart that continues to work without artificial blood flow.
  • The third type of CABG of heart surgery is work with a beating heart and with artificial blood flow.

CABG surgery can be performed with or without cardiopulmonary bypass. No need to worry, without maintaining blood circulation artificially, the heart will not stop. The organ is fixed in such a way that work on the occluded coronary arteries is carried out without interference, since maximum accuracy and caution are required.

Coronary artery bypass surgery without maintenance of artificial blood flow has its advantages:

  • blood cells will not be damaged;
  • the operation will take less time;
  • rehabilitation is faster;
  • there are no complications that could arise due to artificial blood flow.

CABG heart surgery allows you to live a full life for many years after surgery.

Life expectancy will depend on two main factors:

  • from the material from which the shunt was taken. A number of studies show that the bypass from the vein of the thigh within 10 years after surgery does not clog in 65% of cases, and the bypass from the artery of the forearm - in 90% of cases;
  • from the responsibility of the patient himself: how carefully the recommendations for recovery after surgery are followed, whether the diet has changed, whether bad habits have been abandoned, etc.

Heart bypass surgery: how long does the operation take, preparation, main stages and possible complications

Before CABG surgery, special preparatory procedures must be performed.

First of all, before the operation, the last meal is taken in the evening: food should be light, accompanied by non-carbonated drinking water. In areas where incisions and shunt harvesting will be made, the hair should be carefully shaved. Before the operation, the intestines are cleaned. Required medications taken immediately after dinner.

On the eve of the operation (usually the day before), the operating surgeon tells the details of the bypass, examines the patient.

A breathing gymnastics specialist talks about special exercises that will have to be performed after surgery to speed up rehabilitation, so you need to learn them in advance. You are required to hand over your personal belongings to the nurse for temporary storage.


At the first stage of CABG surgery, the anesthesiologist injects special drug into the patient's vein to make him fall asleep. A tube is inserted into the trachea, which allows you to control the respiratory processes during the operation. A probe inserted into the stomach prevents possible reflux of stomach contents into the lungs.

In the next step, the patient's chest is opened to provide the necessary access to the surgical site.

At the third stage, the patient's heart is stopped by connecting artificial circulation.

During the connection of artificial blood flow, the second surgeon removes the shunt from another vessel (or vein) of the patient.

The shunt is inserted in such a way that the blood flow, bypassing the damaged area, allows you to fully ensure the supply of nutrients to the heart.

After the heart is restored, surgeons check the operation of the shunt. The chest cavity is then sutured. The patient is taken to the intensive care unit.

How long does a heart bypass surgery take? As a rule, the process takes from 3 to 6 hours, but other durations of the operation are possible. The duration depends on the number of shunts, the individual characteristics of the patient, the experience of the surgeon, etc.

You can ask the surgeon about the estimated duration of the operation, but the exact duration of this process will be told to you only after the end.

As a rule, possible complications appear after the patient is discharged home.

These cases are quite rare, but you should immediately contact your doctor if you notice the following signs:

  • the postoperative scar turned red, discharge comes out of it (the color of the discharge is not important, since the discharge itself, in principle, should not be);
  • heat;
  • chills;
  • extreme fatigue and shortness of breath visible reasons;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • sudden change in heart rate.

The main thing is not to panic if you notice one or more symptoms in yourself. It is possible that these symptoms are due to ordinary fatigue or viral disease. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Coronary artery bypass surgery: life, treatment and diet after coronary artery bypass surgery

Immediately after the end of the coronary artery bypass surgery, the patient is taken to the intensive care unit. For some time after surgery, anesthesia continues to operate, so the patient's limbs are fixed so that uncontrolled movement does not harm the person.

Breathing is supported by a special device: as a rule, this device is turned off already on the first day after the operation, since the patient can breathe on his own. Special catheters and electrodes are also connected to the body.

A very common reaction to the operation is an increase in body temperature, which can persist for a week.

Abundant sweating in this case should not frighten the patient.

To speed up recovery, if aortocoronary bypass surgery is performed, you need to learn how to perform special breathing exercises, which will allow you to restore the health of the lungs after surgery.

It is also necessary to stimulate expectoration in order to stimulate the release of secretions into the lungs, and, accordingly, to restore them faster.

The first time after the operation will have to wear a chest corset. You can sleep on your side and turn only after the permission of the doctor.

After surgery, pain may occur, but not severe.. This pain is caused at the site where the incision was made to insert the shunt as the site heals. When choosing a comfortable position, pain can be eliminated.

In case of severe pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. Full recovery after coronary artery bypass surgery occurs only after a few months, therefore discomfort can persist for quite a long time.

The sutures from the wound are removed on the 8th or 9th day after the operation. The patient is discharged after 14-16 days of hospital stay.

There is no need to worry: the doctor knows exactly when it is time to discharge the patient for recovery at home.

Life after

The motto of every person who has undergone coronary artery bypass surgery should be the phrase: "Moderation in everything."

To recover from bypass surgery, you need to take medication. Drugs should be only those recommended by the doctor.

If you need to take medicines to fight other diseases, then be sure to inform your doctor about this: it is possible that some of the prescribed drugs cannot be combined with the drugs already taken by the patient.

If you smoked before the operation, then you will have to forget about this habit forever.: Smoking significantly increases the risk of repeat bypass surgery. To combat this addiction, stop smoking before the operation: instead of smoking breaks, drink water or stick a nicotine patch (but you can’t stick it on after the operation).

Quite often, bypass patients feel that their recovery is too slow. If this feeling does not leave, then you should consult a doctor. However, as a rule, this does not carry serious reasons for excitement.

Assistance in recovery after shunting is provided by special cardio-rheumatological sanatoriums. The course of treatment in such institutions varies from four to eight weeks. It is best to undergo sanatorium treatment with a frequency of trips once a year.

Diet. After coronary artery bypass grafting, correction of the patient's entire lifestyle, including nutrition, will be required. In the diet, you will need to reduce the amount of salt, sugar and fat consumed.

With the abuse of dangerous products, the risk of a repetition of the situation increases, but with shunts - the blood flow in them can be hampered by the cholesterol formed on the walls. You need to control your weight.

Tanya1307lena1803 22.10.2017 17:24:05

Hello, my name is Elena, we have such a problem for my beloved mother, 58 years old, two months ago she underwent coronary bypass surgery, she began to have complications; her heart enlarged, the blood ejection was not correct and clogs the lungs with blood. What should we do, I am very afraid for her, and our doctors only shrug

Modern medicine makes it possible complex operations and literally bring back to life people who have lost all hope. However, such intervention is associated with certain risks and dangers. This is exactly what heart bypass surgery is. What it is? How long people live after surgery, we will talk about this in more detail.

Heart bypass surgery: history, first operation

What is a heart bypass? How long do they live after surgery? And most importantly, what do people who are lucky enough to get a second chance at a completely new life say about her?

Bypass is an operation performed on the vessels. It is it that allows you to normalize and restore blood circulation throughout the body and in individual organs. The first such surgical intervention was carried out in May 1960. The successful operation performed by the American physician Robert Hans Goetz took place in medical college named after A. Einstein.

What is the meaning of surgery

Shunting is the artificial creation of a new path for blood flow. heart surgery in this case is carried out using vascular shunts, which specialists find in the internal thoracic artery patients requiring surgical intervention. In particular, for this purpose, doctors use either the radial artery in the arm or a large vein in the leg.

This is how heart bypass happens. What it is? How many people live after it - these are the main questions that are of interest to those suffering who are faced with heart problems. vascular system. We will try to answer them.

When should a heart bypass be performed?

According to many experts, surgical intervention is an extreme measure, which should be resorted to only in exceptional cases. One of these problems is considered to be coronary or coronary heart disease, as well as atherosclerosis similar in symptoms.

Recall that this disease is also associated with an excess amount of cholesterol. However, unlike ischemia, this ailment contributes to the creation of peculiar plugs or plaques that completely block the vessels.

Do you want to know how long people live after heart bypass surgery, and is it worth doing such an operation for people in old age? To do this, we have collected answers and advice from experts, which we hope will help you figure it out.

Thus, the danger of coronary disease and atherosclerosis lies in the excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the body, the excess of which inevitably affects the vessels of the heart and blocks them. As a result, they narrow and stop supplying the body with oxygen.

In order to return a person to normal life, doctors, as a rule, advise to carry out a heart bypass. How long patients live after surgery, how it goes, how long the rehabilitation process lasts, how the daily routine of a person who has undergone bypass surgery changes - all this should be known to those who are just thinking about a possible surgical intervention. And most importantly, you need to get a positive mental attitude. To do this, shortly before the operation, future patients should enlist the moral support of close relatives and have a conversation with their doctor.

What is a heart bypass?

Cardiac bypass, or CABG for short, is conventionally divided into 3 types:

  • single;
  • double;
  • triple.

In particular, such a division into species is associated with the degree of damage to the human vascular system. That is, if a patient has a problem with only one artery that needs a single bypass, then this is a single bypass, with two - a double, and with three - a triple heart bypass. What it is, how many people live after surgery, can be judged by some reviews.

What preparatory procedures are carried out before shunting?

Before the operation, the patient must undergo coronary angiography (a method for diagnosing coronary heart vessels), pass a series of tests, receive a cardiogram and ultrasound examination data.

The preoperative preoperative process itself begins approximately 10 days before the announced bypass date. At this time, along with taking tests and conducting an examination, the patient is taught a special breathing technique, which will later help him recover from the operation.

How long does the operation take?

The duration of CABG depends on the condition of the patient and the complexity of the surgical intervention. Typically, the operation is carried out general anesthesia, and in time it takes from 3 to 6 hours.

Such work is very time-consuming and exhausting, so a team of specialists can perform only one heart bypass. How long they live after surgery (the statistics given in the article allows you to find out) depends on the experience of the surgeon, the quality of CABG and the recovery capabilities of the patient's body.

What happens to the patient after the operation?

After surgery, the patient usually ends up in intensive care, where he undergoes a short course of restorative breathing procedures. Depending on the individual characteristics and capabilities of each, a stay in intensive care may well stretch for 10 days. Then the operated person is sent for subsequent recovery to a special rehabilitation center.

Seams, as a rule, are carefully treated with antiseptics. In case of successful healing, they are removed for about 5-7 days. Often in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams there is a burning sensation and pulling pain. After about 4-5 days, all side effects disappear. And after 7-14 days, the patient can already take a shower on his own.

Bypass Statistics

Various studies, statistics and sociological surveys of both domestic and foreign specialists speak of the number of successful operations and people who have undergone this and completely changed their lives.

According to ongoing studies regarding bypass surgery, death was observed in only 2% of patients. The case histories of approximately 60,000 patients were taken as the basis for this analysis.

According to statistics, the most difficult is the postoperative process. In this case, the survival process after a year of life with an updated respiratory system is 97%. At the same time, a number of factors affect the favorable outcome of surgical intervention in patients, including individual tolerance to anesthesia, the state of the immune system, and the presence of other diseases and pathologies.

In this study, the experts also used data from the medical history. This time 1041 people took part in the experiment. According to the test, about 200 of the studied patients not only successfully underwent the implantation of implants into their bodies, but also managed to live to the age of ninety.

Does heart bypass help with heart defects? What it is? How many people live with heart disease after surgery? Similar topics are also of interest to patients. It is worth noting that in severe cardiac anomalies, surgery can become an acceptable option and significantly prolong the life of such patients.

Heart bypass surgery: how long do they live after surgery (reviews)

Most often, CABG helps people live without problems for several years. Contrary to the erroneous opinion, the shunt created during surgery does not clog even after ten years. According to Israeli experts, implantable implants can last 10-15 years.

However, before agreeing to such an operation, it is worth not only consulting with a specialist, but also studying in detail the reviews of those people whose relatives or friends have already used the unique bypass method.

For example, some patients who underwent heart surgery claim that after CABG they experienced relief: it became easier to breathe, and the pain in the chest region disappeared. Hence, heart bypass surgery helped them a lot. How many people live after the operation, reviews of people who actually got a second chance - you will find information about this in this article.

Many argue that their relatives took a long time to recover from anesthesia and recovery procedures. There are patients who say that they underwent surgery 9-10 years ago and are now feeling well. In this case, heart attacks did not recur.

Do you want to know how long people live after heart bypass surgery? Reviews of people who have undergone a similar operation will help you with this. For example, some argue that it all depends on the specialists and their skill level. Many are satisfied with the quality of such operations carried out abroad. There are reviews of domestic mid-level health workers who personally observed patients who underwent this complex intervention, who were already able to move independently by 2-3 days. But in general, everything is purely individual, and each case should be considered separately. It happened that the operated ones led an active lifestyle after more than 16-20 years after they underwent coronary artery bypass grafting. What is it, how many people live after CABG, now you know.

What do experts say about life after surgery?

According to cardiac surgeons, after a heart bypass surgery, a person can live 10-20 years or more. Everything is purely individual. However, according to experts, this requires regular visits to the attending physician and a cardiologist, examinations, monitoring the condition of implants, following a special diet and maintaining moderate but daily physical activity.

According to leading doctors, not only elderly people, but also younger patients, for example, those with heart disease, may need surgical intervention. They assure that the young body recovers faster after the operation and the healing process is more dynamic. But this does not mean that you should be afraid to do bypass surgery in adulthood. According to experts, heart surgery is a necessity that will extend life by at least 10-15 years.

Summary: as you can see, how many years people live after heart bypass surgery depends on many factors, including the individual characteristics of the body. But the fact that the chance to survive is worth taking advantage of is an indisputable fact.

How long do you live after heart bypass

In the hospital, where the patient usually stays a week before the operation, the preparation for the operation also begins. That is, if the narrowing has occurred in several coronary vessels, then as many shunts are inserted as necessary.

6 myths about coronary artery bypass grafting. You will be able to live after the operation

Any heart surgery involves a certain risk of complications. After CABG, the patient is usually in intensive care, where the primary recovery of the activity of the heart muscle and lungs begins. To reduce possible risks, before performing CABG, the surgeon must evaluate all factors that may adversely affect the course of the operation or cause complications of coronary artery bypass grafting.

Coronary artery bypass surgery, or operation of the presidents

As a consequence, when the heart does not receive the amount of blood it needs, the myocardium becomes weak and damaged. As a result, a person feels pain in the chest. Also, a lack of blood can lead to the necrosis of some particles. It is possible that the patient has other diseases that can affect the work of the cardiac system. And, nevertheless, this is a low figure for this kind of operations and diseases.

Even after discharge from the hospital, the patient is not allowed to eat his favorite goodies. Moreover, you should increase the intake of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Any nuts, especially almonds and walnuts should be included in your diet. You will simply continue to live for your own pleasure, like an ordinary person.

Heart bypass surgery: what to expect after surgery?

Alcohol is strictly prohibited, as is smoking. And, nevertheless, over time, the pain disappears, the condition improves. Survivors of the operation say they feel on par with other people. When, as a result of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries supplying the heart, a narrowing of the lumen (stenosis) occurs, this threatens the patient with the most serious consequences.

Diet after bypass.

Of all heart diseases, ischemic heart disease (IHD) is the most common pathology. Its essence lies in the fact that in those arteries where the blood flow is disturbed, new bypass routes are created - shunts. This is done using healthy vessels that are attached to the coronary arteries.

It cannot be said that this operation is somehow more dangerous than other surgical interventions, but it also requires careful preliminary preparation. In addition to the laboratory tests and studies necessary in this case, ECG, ultrasound, assessment of the general condition, he will need to undergo coronary angiography (angiography). This medical procedure, which allows you to determine the condition of the arteries that feed the heart muscle, to identify the degree of narrowing and the exact place where the plaque has formed.

Thanks to the possibilities modern medicine thousands of human lives are saved every day, especially in the field of cardio- and vascular surgery, which requires an individual approach to each patient, as well as a high level of skills of the doctor himself.

Bypass surgery is one of the ways to restore normal blood circulation in a particular area of ​​the human body, and among patients there are many legends about such an operation, because the introduction of transplants is always associated with a certain risk. Let's take a closer look at some of the most important aspects this type of assistance.

How long can you live after bypass surgery (statistics)

For the first time, shunting was carried out almost half a century ago, and due to the low level of development of medicine in general, as well as insufficient equipment as medicines, and the technical base could indeed lead to an early death.

Over the past ten years, a long-term study has been carried out, during which the level of hospital mortality among those undergoing surgery was investigated. According to this study, death in the postoperative period was about two percent, provided that a study of more than 60,000 case histories was carried out. The most difficult are the postoperative periods, but over time, the survival rate increases significantly, and the rates reach 97 percent.

The duration of life is also affected by the presence of pathologies in the patient, but, as a rule, they can affect the overall duration of life and do not lead to instant death. If the patient has acute left ventricular dysfunction, shunting may not be performed at all.

Another study was conducted three times longer (30 years), but did not study medical records but directly the people themselves. After 15 years of bypass surgery, the mortality rate among those undergoing surgery was exactly the same as in the general population.

About 200 patients (out of 1041 studied) survived to the age of over 90 years, and the level of discomfort in the chest area was significantly reduced, since the blood flow was normalized, and the signs of angina pectoris also disappeared.

Complications after bypass surgery

Life expectancy is also affected by complications that can be caused in the pre- and postoperative period.

All complications during shunting are divided into two types:

  1. Specific - these are types of complications that directly affect the heart and vascular system. Among them are heart failure, phlebitis, pleurisy, the occurrence of strokes, postpericardiotomy syndrome, arrhythmia, blockades and many others.
  2. Non-specific - these are the types of complications that can occur not only during shunting, but also during other operations. The most common among them are: pneumonia, blood loss, infection already in the body or introduced during surgery, kidney and lung failure, and many others.

If the question is such that you need to choose between life and death, of course, you need to give preference to surgery. Although these complications may occur, in most cases, surgery is successful.

Proper nutrition after bypass surgery

In the postoperative period (rehabilitation), it is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcohol, tobacco products and drugs that can lead to recurrence of cardio-vascular system.

A little later, you can already engage in simple physical exercises that will help normalize the functioning of the body, as well as

Also, at least three times a year, you need to be examined by doctors who will check the condition of your body, and if necessary, can predict relapses in the early stages.

If, after some types of operations, you need to follow a diet for a while, and after some time return to your usual regimen, after bypass surgery, the correct diet will have to be observed throughout life.

Such measures are due to the fact that a high concentration of lipids, cholesterol and various deposits can lead to a recurrence of heart disease, as well as disrupt the performance of a previously implanted shunt.

After shunting, it is imperative to completely eliminate all fried foods from your diet, reduce the amount of butter and margarine consumed, and completely eliminate overheated foods. A good alternative is olive oil, which contains a low concentration of fatty acids, but when buying, you must definitely specify the type of extraction. You need extra virgin olive oil.

In general, you can eat meat, but you need to strictly limit its amount, and also make sure that it does not contain fat. Sausages, pates and other similar products will have to be almost completely abandoned, since they contain a high amount of preservatives that have a negative effect on the body as a whole.

Fish can be consumed, but only with white meat; fatty species such as herring will have to be abandoned.

You need to add as much as possible to your diet. various vegetables and fruits, which will have a positive effect on blood circulation, and also will not "pollut" the body. It is very important that they are not greenhouse and do not contain chemical additives.

Alcohol is strictly prohibited, and carbonated drinks should not contain artificial sweeteners. Water must be treated and boiled. It is recommended to consume as much liquid as possible, which should be at least two to three liters daily.

Heart bypass surgery: how long do they live after surgery according to patients and their relatives

According to reviews. which can be found on the pages of the global network, as well as in medical practice, after bypass surgery, people can live for a variety of periods. It all depends on the general condition of the human body. Before the operation, doctors warn in advance of a possible lethal outcome on the operating table. The complexity of the operation itself depends on the number of shunts.

People of a more mature age, having an initially weakened body, cannot afford excessive physical activity, while others, of a younger age, can lead a more familiar lifestyle and even go hunting or fishing.

It is worth remembering that you need to undergo regular preventive examinations that will help identify complications in the early stages. Throughout the rest of your life, you will have to take almost all the time medical preparations, which have a negative effect on some organs of our body (liver, kidneys).

Shunting in last years is becoming a common measure to deal with blockage of blood vessels, but the result of the operation will depend directly both on the skill of surgeons and care during the rehabilitation period, and on compliance with recommendations regarding nutrition and physical activity. For some, such an operation is a way (reason) to extend their lives for several years (or months), while others will be able to fully live for more than a dozen.

What is a heart bypass and why such a surgical intervention is necessary, not all people who go for this operation know. The main goal of heart bypass surgery is to improve the blood supply to the myocardium and reduce the risk of a heart attack. Coronary artery bypass surgery helps to increase life expectancy and make it better.

What is the operation for?

Cardiac stenting and coronary artery bypass grafting are the most modern methods to restore vascular patency. They are held different ways, but have the same high result.

Lack of oxygen in atherosclerosis can lead to tissue necrosis and cause myocardial infarction in the future. Therefore, in the absence of the effect of drug treatment, it is recommended to install shunts on the heart. The indication for this operation may be coronary disease, atherosclerosis and myocardial aneurysm.

Cardiac ischemia

Such treatment as CABG does not pose a danger to human life and helps to reduce the mortality rate from cardiovascular pathologies by several times. Before the operation, the patient must undergo thorough preparation and pass the necessary tests.

To reduce the risk of complications during surgery and in the postoperative period, the elimination of negative factors will help: smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. CABG is performed on several vessels at once or only on one, depending on the individual pathology. The rehabilitation period after coronary artery bypass grafting will be greatly facilitated by a special breathing technique, which the patient must master even before the start of the operation.

Vascular shunting lower extremities helps to restore blood circulation in the absence of the effectiveness of standard treatment methods. Since this surgical intervention is considered the most dangerous and very difficult, the operation should be carried out by a professional surgeon with modern equipment.

Rehabilitation after heart vessel bypass surgery takes place in the department for the first days intensive care to be able to carry out emergency resuscitation if necessary. The presence or absence of negative consequences depends on how long the patient will stay in the hospital, and how the body will recover. Also, the recovery process depends on how old the patient is and on the presence of other diseases.

Tip: Smoking increases the risk of developing coronary disease hearts several times. Therefore, you can get rid of complications after installing a coronary artery bypass graft if you quit smoking once and for all.

How many years do they live after CABG?

Every patient wants to know how many years they live after bypass surgery, and what needs to be done to prolong life. After the operation, the patient's quality of life changes for the better:

  • the risk of ischemia is reduced;
  • the general condition improves;
  • life span increases;
  • the risk of mortality is reduced.

After coronary artery bypass surgery, most people can continue to live their normal lives for many years.

Patients after surgery have the opportunity to live a full life. According to statistics, in almost all people, coronary artery bypass surgery helps to get rid of re-occlusion of blood vessels. Also, with the help of the operation, it is possible to get rid of many other violations that were present before.

It is rather difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how many years people live after CABG, because everything depends on individual indicators. The average lifetime of an installed shunt is about 10 years in older patients, and somewhat longer in younger patients. After the expiration date, you will need to new operation with the replacement of old shunts.

It is noted that those patients who, after the establishment of a coronary artery bypass graft, get rid of such a bad habit as smoking, live much longer. In order to enhance the effect of the operation and prevent complications, the patient will need to make every effort. When coronary artery bypass surgery is completed, the doctor should familiarize the patient with the general rules of behavior in the postoperative period.

Tip: to a certain extent, the answer to the question of how many years a person will live after surgery depends on the patient himself. Compliance general recommendations will help improve the quality of life and prevent repeated heart pathologies.

Compliance with all doctor's prescriptions will help to reduce the rehabilitation period and extend the life of the coronary artery bypass graft. First of all, patients with cardiac pathologies need a special rehabilitation program and treatment in a sanatorium. You should also eat right and follow the recommended diet.

It is necessary to limit the amount of high-calorie foods in the diet and reduce the amount of salt in meals

Exclusion or restriction of animal fats and carbohydrates will help to avoid the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. The basis of the menu should be protein products, vegetable fats, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Despite having a shunt, you must continue to take your medications at the dosage prescribed by your doctor to reduce the risk of complications. In addition, bad habits are completely excluded: drinking alcohol, smoking.

The main task of the patient who has undergone heart surgery is the gradual physical recovery and return to a fulfilling life. A specialist in exercise therapy with a cardiologist will help you choose the optimal course of physical exercises. For each patient, his own set of exercises is selected, taking into account his age and general condition.

For a certain period of time since surgical treatment you need to give up intimate relationships. Usually such a pause is about 3 months. The first days it is recommended to avoid high sexual activity and positions in which there is a strong pressure on the chest.

Complications and their treatment

In the postoperative period, it is very important to note all the patient's complaints and timely prevent the negative consequences associated with the installation of a shunt. To do this, wounds are treated daily with an antiseptic solution and an aseptic dressing is applied.

In some cases, the patient may develop anemia, which is a consequence of significant blood loss. In this case, it is recommended to follow rich in iron diet to restore hemoglobin levels. If this does not help, the doctor prescribes iron supplements.

With insufficient physical activity, pneumonia can occur. For its prevention, breathing exercises and physiotherapy exercises are used.

An inflammatory process sometimes appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams, which is associated with an autoimmune reaction of the body. The treatment of this pathology is anti-inflammatory therapy.

Quite rarely, complications such as thrombosis, renal failure, and insufficient recovery of the sternum can occur. In some cases, the shunt closes in the patient, as a result of which the operation does not bring any effect, i.e. turns out to be useless. To prevent the development of these problems in the postoperative period will help comprehensive examination patient before surgery. You will also need to periodically visit a doctor from the moment you are discharged from the hospital and monitor your health.

In addition, complications can develop if the operation was performed in the presence of direct contraindications. These include diffuse lesions of the coronary arteries, oncological pathologies, chronic lung diseases, and congestive heart failure.

In the postoperative period, various complications may occur that affect the further condition of the patient. The patient must understand that his health is only in his hands and behave correctly after the operation. Only complete elimination bad habits and the elimination of negative factors can affect the quality of life and prolong it.

Thus, after a heart bypass surgery, a person can live for a long time if he gives up bad habits and follows the doctor's instructions. Proper nutrition, exercise and breathing exercises will help to avoid complications in the postoperative period.


Attention! The information on the site is provided by experts, but is for informational purposes and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult a doctor!

After the patient is discharged from the hospital, he should immediately begin to comply with the necessary general rules.

  1. Immediately after the end of inpatient treatment, it is recommended to undergo a specialized cardiorehabilitation program in a sanatorium for people who have undergone CABG. In the event that rehabilitation takes place at home (or if the patient has a “break” between the hospital and the sanatorium, and he spends this time at home), it is necessary to pay double attention to the implementation of the doctor’s advice.
  2. If the patient has not previously followed the recommended diet cardiovascular diseases, he should immediately switch to it. Limiting calories, animal fats, carbohydrates and salt, enriching the diet with plant foods, vegetable oils and protein products are a must!
  3. It is vital to continue taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor at the indicated dosages. With complex schemes of drug therapy, you should understand them and distribute the drugs according to the doses. There are special pillboxes that you can use so as not to forget to take your medicines on time.
  4. Some people are not in a hurry to limit themselves in their usual activities, continue to smoke and drink alcohol after CABG: they are sure that "if a little, then you can." It is forbidden! Bad habits should be eliminated from your life completely.
  5. It is advisable to learn self-control skills: monitor your health and evaluate its changes. It is important to be able to count the pulse, measure arterial pressure, determine the presence of edema, etc. The cardiologist teaches all this to the patient.
  6. Follow the instructions of the surgeon. At the time of discharge, there is still no complete healing of postoperative wounds on the chest and extremities (in the places where the shunt was taken from), so it will be necessary to do dressings and go to the doctor to remove the stitches at the specified time. In addition, due to transient disorder venous circulation after taking the shunt, transient edema of the lower extremities may occur. To reduce it, you should wear elastic stockings for up to 6-8 weeks after the operation.
  7. In the first weeks after the operation, it is recommended to strive to be in the optimal temperature regime. In summer or winter, you should not plan long walks, and it is also not recommended to visit the bathhouse and sauna.

Physical activity after CABG

Some patients are convinced that after such a dangerous and serious operation, they need to spare themselves as much as possible and move as little as possible in order to "let the body recover." They plan to follow this regimen until the restoration of excellent health. However, this belief is completely wrong. On the contrary, after shunting, one of the main tasks of the patient becomes a gradual return to ordinary life, which means the expansion of the mode physical activity from the first days after the hospital.

When planning loads, one cannot do without the participation of a cardiologist and an exercise therapy doctor. Of course, you can do it yourself, intuitively determining the degree of load and tracking changes in your well-being. But this can be unsafe, especially in patients with silent myocardial ischemia who do not feel angina attacks, symptoms of the disease. This is one of the reasons why cardiorehabilitation after CABG in a sanatorium is so important. There, the mode and order of training are selected for the patient by specialists in individual scheme. The classes themselves are conducted under the supervision of doctors, and the physical activity program is built in such a way that the patient safely, in the shortest possible time, expands his physical capabilities as much as possible.

When recovering from CABG, such types of loads as cardio training, dosed walking, stair walking, cycling are used. When the patient after the sanatorium will train on his own, he will need to control his pulse and pressure during and after classes so that they do not rise too much.

Therapeutic exercise should become an integral part of life after coronary bypass surgery. It not only has a healing effect on the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of complications and prolongs the "shelf life" of the operation. Also, the load helps to fight depressive disorders, improves mood and emotional background favorably affects the quality of sleep, reduces harmful effect stress.

Strength training (basketball, football, weightlifting, boxing, etc.) after CABG is contraindicated.

A few months after the operation, the person should ideally be in much better physical shape than before the intervention. He walks, runs, climbs stairs, can exercise various types sports, swimming, skiing, etc.

Intimate life after CABG

Most often, coronary bypass surgery is performed not for deep old people, but for people of mature age who still lead a full sexual life. Naturally, the operation and the postoperative period force a person to pause in marital relations. However, after the improvement of the condition, at the request of the patient, it is possible and even necessary to continue them.

Definitely answer the question "when can I start having sex after heart surgery?" it is forbidden. Sexual needs and terms of restoration of libido in different people are different. It is best to focus on well-being. If the patient has a desire to return to intimate life, there are no obstacles to this. As a rule, most people who resume sexual activity after surgery do so within 3 months after the intervention.

  • If the doctor recommended that the patient take nitroglycerin before exercise, the drug should also be taken before having sex.
  • Before the healing of the sternum (2-3 months after the operation), it is worth avoiding positions in which the load falls on the chest and arms of the patient.
  • In the first weeks, the patient should avoid being too active during sex.

Traveling after US

TO driving is allowed to return 4 weeks after the operation. By this time, the person's condition is already steadily improving, so that he is quite capable of enduring such a load as driving and being sufficiently attentive on the road.

The possibility of long-distance travel, as well as flying by plane, should be discussed with your doctor. As a rule, there are no obstacles to this. However, for 1.5-2 months, even in normal condition, you should not fly with a change a large number time zones and travel to places where the climate is significantly different from the local one. Patients after CABG are not recommended to choose highlands as vacation destinations.

Work and disability after CABG

Recovery after coronary bypass surgery is possible, and its specific terms depend on the area in which the person is employed. Persons with a sedentary job and engaged in intellectual work can be recognized as able-bodied as early as 1.5 months after CABG and even earlier. Those whose activities were related to physical activity, restore performance longer or even feel the need to change working conditions to easier ones.

In some cases, if a person cannot return to work due to his health, he is given a disability group. To recognize a person as disabled, he passes a special commission. It is carried out after the end of the period of inpatient treatment and rehabilitation. The disability group is determined individually in each specific situation.


Preliminary diagnosis and determination of indications

What is a heart vessel bypass? Any cardiac surgeon will tell you that when choosing stenting or bypass surgery, you should choose the former if possible. Stenirovanie is the cleaning of clogged vessels from cholesterol plaques, performed using special microprobes. The same equipment reveals those cases when it is impossible to manage with simple cleaning. With a serious blockage of the arteries, doctors decide to replace their own veins with artificial ones. This intervention is called heart vessel bypass surgery.

Indications for coronary artery bypass grafting include:

  1. Angina pectoris 3-4 degrees.
  2. Pre-infarction conditions, acute ischemia.
  3. Post-infarction conditions - after a month of rehabilitation.
  4. The defeat of three vessels from 50% or more.

Remember that acute myocardial infarction is a contraindication. such patients are carried out only on an emergency basis, if there is a direct threat to life. After a heart attack, you must wait at least a month.

How to prepare for surgery

Planned coronary artery bypass grafting requires preparation on the part of the patient. This is a major heart operation and should not be taken lightly. The patient is prescribed medication according to his condition. They are aimed at stabilizing the work of the heart muscle, blood thinning. After suffering a heart attack, many people become prone to fear of death and panic attacks, then the cardiologist, in addition to the main therapy, prescribes light tranquilizers.

A person is admitted to the hospital four to five days before the appointed day. A complete diagnosis is carried out:

  • cardiogram;
  • general urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • fluorography.

It is forbidden to carry out coronary bypass grafting of the heart vessels in the presence of acute inflammation and infectious processes in the body. If inflammation is detected, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Intervention should be used with caution in people suffering from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, oncological diseases, the elderly over 70 years of age.

The evening before the event surgical treatment the person is transferred to a special ward. The last meal should take place twelve hours before CABG. It is necessary to take a shower and completely remove the hairline of the armpits and pubis. Relatives or friends of the patient will be given a list of items to bring the next day. It includes:

  1. Bandage - depending on the size of the patient's chest, it should sit very tight.
  2. Elastic bandage - 4 pcs.
  3. Water without gas in a small bottle - 3-5 pcs.
  4. Wet wipes.
  5. Dry wipes.
  6. Sterile bandages - 4-5 packs.

It is best to deliver these things as soon as possible, because they will be needed immediately after the work of the surgeons is over.

How is coronary artery bypass surgery performed?

There are several types, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The patient and close relatives will be sure to be informed about which one will be carried out, and what is the rationale for such a decision of the medical consultation:

  1. With artificial circulation and "disabled" heart. This is the oldest and most proven method of intervention. Its main advantages are reliability, well-established methodology. Cons - the risk of complications in the lungs and brain.
  2. On a beating heart with cardiopulmonary bypass. Cardiologists call this method the "golden mean".
  3. On a beating heart without circulatory arrest. On the one hand, the minimum side effects On the other hand, it requires the highest skill of the surgeon. It is rare in our country.

Early in the morning, the patient is given a cardiogram and the condition of the vessels is checked using special probes. This is the most unpleasant preliminary procedure, because then general anesthesia is applied and the person stops feeling pain.

Stages of CABG

The course of the operation will also include several main stages. Coronary artery bypass surgery involves the arteries of the heart being replaced by shunts. They are "made", as a rule, from the patient's own vessels. It is most preferable to take large strong and elastic arteries of the legs - this procedure is called autovenous shunting.

During bypass surgery, several doctors and assistants work at the same time. The most difficult part is connecting the vessels cut from the leg to the heart muscle. This is done by the senior surgeon. All other actions, from opening the chest to extracting an arterial fragment from the leg, are carried out by assistants. There is no definite answer to the question of how long the operation takes: from four to six hours, depending on the complexity and problems that have arisen.

After three to four hours after completion, the patient comes to his senses. At this moment, he is in intensive care, where a special device is placed in him to pump out excess fluid that has accumulated in his lungs. Also, a bandage is put on the chest, and a fixing elastic bandage is put on the leg. Doctors monitor the patient's condition during the day, and then transfer the person from intensive care to the intensive care unit. At this stage, a person is allowed to stand up on his own with the help of a special cable, he can go to the toilet, drink and eat. Relatives are not allowed into the intensive care unit, but they are allowed into the intensive care unit, subject to the hospital regimen.

What after the operation?

Rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass surgery begins from the moment you leave the intensive care unit. The patient will be given a list of rules that must be followed. At the first stage, the most important are:

  1. Lie down and get up only with the help of a special cable. It is attached to a hospital bed so that a person can grab onto it with their hands and not lean on their elbows. Otherwise, there is a risk of divergence of the chest.
  2. The drainage is maintained during the first two days of the postoperative period, then removed.
  3. Since the lungs suffer during anesthesia, it is recommended to develop them using a special apparatus. You can use an ordinary children's ball.
  4. You can't lie down all the time. After a major operation, people experience a breakdown, but doctors strongly recommend walking at least a few times along the hospital corridor.

In the early days postoperative period sharp pain relieved with painkillers. However, discomfort in chest and leg can persist up to a year.

With a successful course, an extract is made on the seventh to tenth day. However, it will not be possible to return to a full life soon. For three months it is prescribed to use a cable to lie down on the bed and get up from it. The bandage is worn constantly, it is impossible to remove it at night or because it is “too tight”. Relatives of the patient will have to learn how to process chest and leg sutures. For this you will need:

  • sterile bandage;
  • medical plaster;
  • a solution of chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide;
  • betadine.

Seams are processed to prevent inflammation and the appearance of ligature fistulas twice a day. Medications are also prescribed: antibiotics, drugs that thin the blood and promote healing. Since angina pectoris and other CABG indications are often accompanied by hypertension, blood pressure should be closely monitored with a tonometer. Diabetics will need to maintain optimal blood sugar levels and follow a particularly strict diet.

Recovery period

Within a few days after CABG, a person feels serious changes in his state of health. Pain in the heart disappears, there is no longer a need to take nitroglycerin. In the absence of complications, health improves every day. However, in the first weeks, the patient may experience a breakdown and even depression due to his painful condition. The support of loved ones will help you get through this moment. Coronary artery bypass surgery is a treatment that can extend life by decades, but progress made should be supported:

  1. Completely and for life to give up alcohol and cigarettes. For young people with heart attacks, especially heavy smokers, this can be difficult. Doctors recommend replacing cigarettes with the development of lungs - inflating balloons or specialized breathing apparatus.
  2. Stick to an optimal diet. Fast food, fatty and fried foods, foods with excess cholesterol are prohibited. To restore iron deficiency, you can drink vitamins and include buckwheat in your diet.
  3. Walk daily for at least an hour. Coronary artery bypass surgery negatively affects the lungs, they must be "developed" by walking.
  4. Avoid stress. You can return to the workplace after bypass surgery no earlier than three months later.
  5. It is forbidden to lift more than three kilograms, to give a load on the arms and chest.
  6. It is highly recommended not to fly during the year. Heat is contraindicated sharp drops temperature.

is not an easy operation, but loving and attentive relatives will help to overcome all the difficult moments. Most of care work will be on their shoulders, so you should be mentally prepared for various difficulties - from complications to postoperative depression.

Risks of CABG

The mortality rate for bypass surgery is about 3-5%. Risk factors are:

  • age over 70;
  • concomitant diseases - oncology, diabetes;
  • extensive myocardial infarction;
  • previous stroke.

The mortality rate is higher in women: this is due to age. Men are more likely to be on the operating table when they are 45 to 60 years old, and women are 65 and older. In general, any cardiologist will say that if left "as is", the risk of death is many times higher than in the case of bypass surgery.

From the moment the first one was carried out, mortality statistics have constantly been in the field of view of doctors. It has been established that the lethal outcome after primary CABG is in the range of 1-5%. Acute heart failure explains the bulk of deaths. In general, risk factors fall easily into two main categories:

  1. Factors of the preoperative period - the age of the patient, the presence of chronic diseases in history, the degree of myocardial ischemia.
  2. Other components are the professionalism of the operating surgeon, the year of operable intervention, the need to support the activity of the heart muscle, etc.

According to Professor D. Nobel, observation of CABG mortality statistics showed a decrease from 1967 to 1980. More than 58 thousand case histories were studied. Every year the number of deaths decreased. However, there has been an increase in rates in recent years. This is due to the fact that the age of operated patients is increased. The severity of the condition of patients registered for surgery has become higher.

The study showed that the survival rate of people who underwent CABG is high. After a year, the indicator is 95%, after 5 years - 88%, after 15 years - 60%. Studying the results of CABG, it was found that sudden cardiac arrest in the postoperative period is an extremely rare phenomenon. Shunting in mortality statistics contains data on 10% of cases of heart failure as a factor provoking a lethal outcome.

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Coronary artery bypass grafting - mortality statistics and prognosis

Considering coronary artery bypass grafting pros and cons, the effectiveness of the operation should be noted. In most cases, due to the intervention of an experienced surgeon, angina pectoris is neutralized and the degree of stress tolerance on the body increases. But the most common manifestation of coronary disease after surgery is angina pectoris. When she recovers from CABG at the time of returning to normal activities, it is more likely that coronary blood flow was not fully restored. The second likely cause is early shunt occlusion. Similar changes in the late period are caused by:

  • stenosis;
  • exacerbation of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries;
  • shunt occlusion due to thrombosis or embolism;
  • combinatorial combination of these features.

A true indicator of the results of CABG is the patient's well-being, which is difficult to express in measurable units. It is possible to assert the good condition of the patient by the general working capacity, the absence of shortness of breath, angina pectoris. The absence of complications speaks about the effectiveness of the procedure.

If bypass surgery is performed, statistics show that 5 years after the operation, the well-being of former patients of the surgical department gradually worsens with the appearance of angina pectoris. However, the data show that after 5 years there is no negative state in 75-80% of people who underwent CABG, after 10 years - in 65-70%. 15 years after bypass surgery, mortality statistics show an interesting picture - up to 20% of patients are alive and not subject to angina attacks.

Coronary artery bypass grafting - statistics of changes

When detailed, the results of CABG show a change in the patient's condition. As a result of normalized blood flow to the myocardium:

  • stenocardiac attacks are neutralized;
  • improvements in physical condition are observed;
  • reduces the risk of developing myocardial infarction;
  • performance improves, the volume of physical activity increases;
  • pharmacological assistance is reduced to a minimum.

Most importantly, life expectancy increases, the likelihood of sudden cardiac arrest after surgery decreases. Patient feedback shows improvement in the vast majority of cases. Doctors performing coronary artery bypass grafting, the prognosis is favorable. Specialists return the patient to normal life make ordinary human joys available to the seriously ill.

After CABG, statistics show the neutralization of frightening health disorders in 80% of cases. In 85% of situations, there is no re-occlusion of blood vessels. Many patients have concerns about short life expectancy after surgery. There is no single answer to this question. Much depends on the accompanying factors - lifestyle, age parameters, bad habits. On average, the service life of a shunt is determined by a 10-year period, in young patients it can be extended. At the end of the term, a second CABG is recommended.

The effectiveness of the operation today has been proven by the world scientific community, but coronary artery bypass grafting does not always have a favorable prognosis. Like any surgical intervention, the procedure has complications. In medical practice, noted: heart attack, stroke, infection of the incision, vein thrombosis. Often the patients themselves are to blame for the lack of improvement. This is due to unreasonable fears for life, fears of death, stress and "fixation" on the disease. Patients are recommended rehabilitation recovery with the participation of a psychologist. To reduce the risk of developing undesirable consequences, you should contact professional doctors who are highly qualified and have a successful practice of performing operations.

The patient decides whether surgery is necessary. A balanced choice requires a comprehensive assessment of all risks. The doctor warns about them at the stage of examination, development of recommendations for further treatment. After CABG, mortality statistics are minimal. Today, the operation is performed even in difficult cases and in old age. This is a chance to prolong life and improve your own health.

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Modern medicine allows you to perform complex operations and literally bring back to life people who have lost all hope. However, such intervention is associated with certain risks and dangers. This is exactly what shunting after surgery is, we will talk about this in more detail.

Heart bypass surgery: history, first operation

What is a heart bypass? How long do they live after surgery? And most importantly, what do people who are lucky enough to get a second chance at a completely new life say about her?

Bypass is an operation performed on the vessels. It is it that allows you to normalize and restore blood circulation throughout the body and in individual organs. The first such surgical intervention was carried out in May 1960. A successful operation performed by the American doctor Robert Hans Goetz took place at the A. Einstein Medical College.

What is the meaning of surgery

Shunting is the artificial creation of a new path for blood flow. in this case, it is carried out using vascular shunts, which specialists find in the internal mammary artery of the patients themselves who need surgical intervention. In particular, for this purpose, doctors use either the radial artery in the arm or a large vein in the leg.

This is how it happens. What is it? How many people live after it - these are the main questions that are of interest to those suffering who are faced with problems of the cardiovascular system. We will try to answer them.

When should a heart bypass be performed?

According to many experts, surgical intervention is an extreme measure, which should be resorted to only in exceptional cases. One of these problems is considered to be coronary or coronary heart disease, as well as atherosclerosis similar in symptoms.

Recall that this disease is also associated with an excess amount of cholesterol. However, unlike ischemia, this ailment contributes to the creation of peculiar plugs or plaques that completely block the vessels.

Do you want to know how long they live after and is it worth doing such an operation to people in old age? To do this, we have collected answers and advice from experts, which we hope will help you figure it out.

Thus, the danger of coronary disease and atherosclerosis lies in the excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the body, the excess of which inevitably affects the vessels of the heart and blocks them. As a result, they narrow and stop supplying the body with oxygen.

In order to return a person to normal life, doctors, as a rule, advise to carry out a heart bypass. How long patients live after surgery, how it goes, how long the rehabilitation process lasts, how the daily routine of a person who has undergone bypass surgery changes - all this should be known to those who are just thinking about a possible surgical intervention. And most importantly, you need to get a positive psychological attitude. To do this, shortly before the operation, future patients should enlist the moral support of close relatives and have a conversation with their doctor.

What is a heart bypass?

Cardiac bypass, or CABG for short, is conventionally divided into 3 types:

  • single;
  • double;
  • triple.

In particular, such a division into species is associated with the degree of damage to the human vascular system. That is, if a patient has a problem with only one artery that needs a single bypass, then this is a single bypass, with two - a double, and with three - a triple heart bypass. What it is, how many people live after surgery, can be judged by some reviews.

What preparatory procedures are carried out before shunting?

Before the operation, the patient must undergo coronary angiography (a method for diagnosing coronary heart vessels), pass a series of tests, receive a cardiogram and ultrasound examination data.

The preoperative preoperative process itself begins approximately 10 days before the announced bypass date. At this time, along with taking tests and conducting an examination, the patient is taught a special breathing technique, which will later help him recover from the operation.

How long does the operation take?

The duration of CABG depends on the condition of the patient and the complexity of the surgical intervention. As a rule, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, and in time it takes from 3 to 6 hours.

Such work is very time-consuming and exhausting, so a team of specialists can perform only one heart bypass. How long they live after surgery (the statistics given in the article allows you to find out) depends on the experience of the surgeon, the quality of CABG and the recovery capabilities of the patient's body.

What happens to the patient after the operation?

After surgery, the patient usually ends up in intensive care, where he undergoes a short course of restorative breathing procedures. Depending on the individual characteristics and capabilities of each, a stay in intensive care may well stretch for 10 days. Then the operated person is sent for subsequent recovery to a special rehabilitation center.

Seams, as a rule, are carefully treated with antiseptics. In case of successful healing, they are removed for about 5-7 days. Often in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams there is a burning sensation and pulling pain. After about 4-5 days, all side effects disappear. And after 7-14 days, the patient can already take a shower on his own.

Bypass Statistics

Various studies, statistics and sociological surveys of both domestic and foreign specialists speak of the number of successful operations and people who have undergone this and completely changed their lives.

According to ongoing studies regarding bypass surgery, death was observed in only 2% of patients. The case histories of approximately 60,000 patients were taken as the basis for this analysis.

According to statistics, the most difficult is the postoperative process. In this case, the survival process after a year of life with an updated respiratory system is 97%. At the same time, a number of factors affect the favorable outcome of surgical intervention in patients, including individual tolerance to anesthesia, the state of the immune system, and the presence of other diseases and pathologies.

In this study, the experts also used data from the medical history. This time 1041 people took part in the experiment. According to the test, about 200 of the studied patients not only successfully underwent the implantation of implants into their bodies, but also managed to live to the age of ninety.

Does heart bypass help with heart defects? What it is? How long do they live after surgery? Similar topics are also of interest to patients. It is worth noting that in severe cardiac anomalies, surgery can become an acceptable option and significantly prolong the life of such patients.

Heart bypass surgery: how long do they live after surgery (reviews)

Most often, CABG helps people live without problems for several years. Contrary to the erroneous opinion, the shunt created during surgery does not clog even after ten years. According to Israeli experts, implantable implants can last 10-15 years.

However, before agreeing to such an operation, it is worth not only consulting with a specialist, but also studying in detail the reviews of those people whose relatives or friends have already used the unique bypass method.

For example, some patients who underwent heart surgery claim that after CABG they experienced relief: it became easier to breathe, and the pain in the chest region disappeared. Hence, heart bypass surgery helped them a lot. How many people live after the operation, reviews of people who actually got a second chance - you will find information about this in this article.

Many argue that their relatives took a long time to recover from anesthesia and recovery procedures. There are patients who say that they underwent surgery 9-10 years ago and are now feeling well. In this case, heart attacks did not recur.

Do you want to know how long people live after heart bypass surgery? Reviews of people who have undergone a similar operation will help you with this. For example, some argue that it all depends on the specialists and their skill level. Many are satisfied with the quality of such operations carried out abroad. There are reviews of domestic mid-level health workers who personally observed patients who underwent this complex intervention, who were already able to move independently by 2-3 days. But in general, everything is purely individual, and each case should be considered separately. It happened that the operated ones led an active lifestyle after more than 16-20 years after they made hearts. What is it, how many people live after CABG, now you know.

What do experts say about life after surgery?

According to cardiac surgeons, after a heart bypass surgery, a person can live 10-20 years or more. Everything is purely individual. However, according to experts, this requires regular visits to the attending physician and a cardiologist, examinations, monitoring the condition of implants, following a special diet and maintaining moderate but daily physical activity.

According to leading doctors, not only elderly people, but also younger patients, for example, those with heart disease, may need surgical intervention. They assure that the young body recovers faster after the operation and the healing process is more dynamic. But this does not mean that you should be afraid to do bypass surgery in adulthood. According to experts, heart surgery is a necessity that will extend life by at least 10-15 years.

Summary: as you can see, how many years people live after heart bypass surgery depends on many factors, including the individual characteristics of the body. But the fact that the chance to survive is worth taking advantage of is an indisputable fact.