Wholesale of cigarettes business plan. The case is tobacco: the modern realities of the legal business in the retail sale of cigarettes and tobacco products. Choosing a place and premises

On Russian soil, varieties of cigar and cigarette tobacco are given the opportunity to grow only in the southern regions. In another territory, this is possible only if there are greenhouses. But if we talk about makhorka, then there is where to roam. It grows throughout the territory of Russia, except for the Far North.

In the old days, growing tobacco on their land plots with its further sale was commonplace for many Russian families. Fragrant sweet clover was added to tobacco as a flavor, and such a product could often be found in the markets of the country.

And today there are many who remember how in the 90s the popularity of makhorka, which was then sold in glasses, increased. The popularity of this product was due to the fact that tobacco products were not only in short supply, but were also very expensive.

Over time, sellers of scented goods were gradually ousted from the market by cigarette manufacturers, who quickly won the battle for first place in this area. However, now we are repeatedly faced with a situation where the cost of tobacco products is constantly growing, while the quality is constantly deteriorating. And here again many began to think about how to create their own business related to the cultivation of tobacco and its further implementation.

I would like to consider in more detail the question of the profitability of such a business today, and what, in fact, is necessary for its organization.

First, it would be necessary to understand the method of growing smoking tobacco in our country. First, it is worth recalling that on the territory of Russia, only a few types of tobacco and tobacco varieties have been tested, so you should start a business with these varieties.

If we talk about smoking tobacco, then these are:

Trapezond 15;
Trapezond 219;
Holly 215.

And if we talk about makhorka, then these are varieties:

"Pekhlets 4";
"Local Pekhlets";
"Datura 4".

In addition, in recent years, such varieties of smoking tobacco as "Ternopil 14", which was specially bred for cultivation in the conditions of the territory of Eastern Europe, have become more and more popular. In addition, the Kentucky Burley variety is quite popular.

The Kentucky Burleigh is low in sugar, which prevents the leaves from fermenting. This means that after drying, the leaves can be steamed immediately and then cut for consumption.

You should know that building a tobacco growing business is not so easy. It is worth strictly observing the technological process, since, otherwise, the product will be spoiled. The methods for growing shag and smoking tobacco are similar. The ripening period is distinctive. Makhorka ripens almost twice as fast, it takes 70-80 days, while smoking tobacco takes 100-120 days to mature.

Seedlings of tobacco are not grown outdoors. To do this, use boxes or pots located on the southern windows in apartments. It is best to use greenhouses for this. Transplanting into open ground occurs 40-45 days after planting the seeds.

Before planting seeds, they are soaked in a weak solution of tartaric acid for a day. In this case, the air temperature should be 25-30 degrees. The solution is made at the rate of three milliliters per gram of seeds. Such a seed treatment will allow the seedlings to ripen a week ahead of schedule, while the germination of seeds increases by 20%.

A day later, after soaking, the seeds should be dried, and, while they are still wet, put in ceramic or enameled containers with a layer 3 cm thick.

So it is necessary to withstand the seeds for several days, while mixing them five to six times a day and constantly moisturize them. In this case, the air temperature should be about 28 degrees.

Seeds should be sown in a greenhouse with a nutrient layer, which consists of ¾ of humus, and ¼ of sand. The layer should be 10 cm thick.It should be borne in mind that the seeding rate of tobacco is 4 grams of seeds per 10 square meters, and makhorka - 20 g. It is necessary to plant tobacco at a depth of 0.3 cm, and makhorka - 0.7 cm.

Sprouted seeds are planted in February-March, of course, the greenhouse must be heated. The greenhouse does not take up much space, just a few square meters is enough.

Before and after planting the seeds, the nutrient layer must be moistened. This is done based on the calculation - one liter of water per square meter. As the plant grows in growth, its watering is increased to 4 liters per square meter. It is important to note that the temperature must be reduced from 27 to 20 degrees. While the seedlings are growing, it must be added three to four times.

Seedlings require feeding. It is carried out using a solution prepared from ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium salt (ten liters of water will require: 30 g of saltpeter, 20 g of potassium salt and 50 g of superphosphate). It should be fed with two liters of solution per square meter.

Do not forget about organic feeding as well. Here you can use fermented chicken manure, which is diluted with water in a 1: 7 ratio.

A week before transplanting seedlings into open ground, watering is significantly reduced, both in intensity and in volume. In the last three days, the seedlings have not been watered at all.

If you want to check the quality of your seedlings, then a sign of a good plant is an elastic stem, which does not break when bent. A few hours before transplanting, the seedlings are watered abundantly. This makes it easy to extract it from the ground. A plant ready for transplanting should have a stem that is 15 cm high and half a centimeter thick.

Several well-developed leaves should be present.

To transplant tobacco into open ground is possible only if the ground at a depth of 10 cm has already warmed up to 10 degrees. Of course, in different climatic conditions, the transplant time will vary from mid-April to mid-May.

It is necessary to plant seedlings at a distance of about 25-30 cm from each other, while the row spacing should not be less than 70 cm.Before planting seedlings, half a liter of water is poured into each hole, and the roots of the plant are dipped with a mixture of clay and cow dung ...

Caring for plants consists in systematic loosening of row spacings, feeding and weeding. You will not need to water the plant often.

During the entire growing season, it will be necessary to water only two or three times, while counting on about 8 liters of water per plant. After flowering begins, it is necessary to pinch the plants.

What diseases can you face when growing tobacco? Among the most common are peronosporosis and aphids. Peronosporosis is fought with a solution of 0.4% suspension of "Cineba" or 0.3% solution of "Polycarbacin".

If we talk about aphids, then they use "Rogor" or "Atelik" against it, with which plants are simply treated.

Now let's move on directly to harvesting, that is, harvesting the leaves and drying them. They begin to remove the leaves of the tobacco from the lower tiers, immediately after they turn yellow. It should be said that in this case they should not be damaged or dry.

After that, the removed leaves are placed in the shade, laying in layers of 30 cm. Thus, they are kept for 12 hours so that the leaves will dry a little. Then the leaves are placed on the cords and so dried. To dry the leaves, you must choose a suitable place, it must be sheltered, both from the rain and from the wind.

Sunny weather encourages a faster drying process, which takes place in literally two weeks.

After the leaves are dried, they are hung in small batches (5-6 cords) on the havanka - a special hook. Havankas are placed indoors, where the leaves continue the drying process. The hooks are hung on the crossbars.

When autumn comes, the leaves are removed, then smoothed and stacked.

To get fragrant tobacco for cigarettes from tobacco leaves, it is necessary to ferment dry leaves.

For such a process, it is necessary to warm the prepared leaves (for three days) in a tightly closed container at a temperature of 50 degrees and at a humidity of 65%. After that, it is necessary to keep the leaves for another week at a humidity of 75%, and for another two days, lowering the temperature and increasing the humidity to 80%. After that, the leaves should be cooled to room temperature in three days, and their moisture content should be 11-16%. After a similar procedure, the leaves are sent to rest for a month.

The finished tobacco is cut into strips half a millimeter wide. A regular cigarette will require one gram of tobacco. It is believed that quality cigarette tobacco should consist of a mixture of different varieties, at least two of them.

If we talk about makhorka, then it is better to add fragrant sweet clover, or any other aromatic natural additive.

Well, actually, let's talk about the profitability of such a business. Let, for example, we have a land plot of 10 acres, which we will use for growing tobacco.

It was said above that, for planting a square meter, you need 0.4 g of seeds, that is, for planting 1000 sq. m will require 400 g. Makhorka costs 1500 rubles at retail, and Virginia tobacco - 1900 rubles. That is, for sowing ten acres, we will need either 76 thousand for the purchase of seeds of the Virginia variety, or 60 thousand rubles for the purchase of makhorka seeds.

Considering that the yield of first-class tobacco per hectare of land will be 2-3 tons, which means that from 10 acres - 200-300 kg of tobacco, and makhorka - 300-400 kg.

It is possible to sell wholesale makhorka at 400-500 rubles per kg, it turns out that the gross income will be 200 thousand rubles, while the net income will be 140 thousand. With tobacco, the situation turns out to be much more interesting, but here it should be borne in mind that the requirements for this product are higher, and it costs more. So, if we estimate that wholesale tobacco can be sold at 2 thousand per kg, then the gross income here will be 600 thousand, moreover, the net income is 524 thousand rubles. Agree, a lot.

Of course, the sale of products is important. With low production volumes, you can significantly increase business profitability. To do this, you should think about how to establish retail trade in products. Do not forget about the legality of this case, since in the legislation everything is quite confused with the trade in tobacco products.

It is best to contact an experienced lawyer who understands this area and consult with him.

In their calculations, the costs of equipment for greenhouses and dryers, and the purchase of fertilizers were not taken into account. At the initial stages of a business, you can, in principle, do without all this.

Opening your own business selling tobacco products is a very good idea. The Russian market is filled with such products, and it is in wide demand among the population, despite the harmfulness of this habit. To start a business selling cigarettes, hookah or electronic counterparts, you need to obtain the relevant documents. We also need initial infusions: buy the first batch of goods, rent premises (kiosk, store), hire staff, etc.

The profitability of the cigarette business

To understand where to start a cigarette business, you need to clearly define the direction. There are several ways to profit from the sale of tobacco products. Of these, the main ones should be highlighted:

  • tobacco stall,
  • cigarette warehouse,
  • outlet.

The average price of a product is high enough to expect a good sales return. In order for the profitability to be higher, you will need to draw up a business plan. This will help minimize risks, think over a step-by-step strategy, study the market and calculate possible force majeure situations.

Features of owning a tobacco kiosk

A well-thought-out cigarette business and the subsequent opening of a tobacco stall will allow you to get a stable, good profit. The assortment will be varied, and the purchase batch is small. Further, you only need to buy certain copies. The main thing when opening a tobacco kiosk is a good location. The best option for accommodation is a busy street, square, public transport stop or a place close to a shopping center.

Business benefits

Successful planning of this type of activity will allow you to count on making a profit in the shortest possible time. The undoubted advantage is the absence of the need for compulsory licensing. In Russia, since 2016, a compulsory license for the production and sale of tobacco products has been canceled: from ordinary cigarettes to exclusive cigars. Also a plus was the innovation regarding the area for such a kiosk. However, there is one nuance: now it is not allowed to display packs on display windows and sell them through windows.

Interesting! The advantage of cigarette products is their long shelf life, ease of transportation and modest dimensions.

Legal subtleties and rules

Every tobacco kiosk owner must comply with the rules prescribed by applicable law. To do this, you must perform a number of such procedures:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur).
  2. Rent a room for sale.
  3. Indicate retail trade as your activity.

Note! Trade in cigarettes is allowed only at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur.

There is also a list of requirements for the sale of tobacco. Here he is:

  • the minimum unit for implementation is 1 pack of cigarettes;
  • distance from cultural and educational institutions - 100 m and more;
  • sale is allowed only to adults ( from 18 years old);
  • the price is indicated on each package;
  • the premises for sale must be at least 20 sq. m;
  • requires permission from the tax office;
  • a ban on the sale of tobacco in a public place, as well as over the Internet.

Correct calculation and observance of the current legislation of the Russian Federation will allow the entrepreneur to avoid fines and other troubles.

Possible product range

At the moment, cigarettes of various brands, exclusive cigars, and electronic counterparts are in demand. The main emphasis should be on a standard pack. It is recommended to have a wide selection of products: this will attract more potential customers. To store more expensive cigars, a special climate is required: humidity and temperature must be correct.

The space inside the kiosk should be filled as much as possible. It is recommended to sell hookah refills, matches, lighters and other smoking accessories. This will not only increase profits, but also attract more customers.

Interesting! Special cabinets - humidors (devices that maintain humidity and temperature) can help in the safety of tobacco products.


To sell cigarettes in bulk, you need to open a warehouse. For this, an agreement is concluded between individual entrepreneurs and merchants. The main advantage is the sale of a large batch of goods. The disadvantages include difficulties in finding reliable suppliers, as well as significant financial contributions at the start. You will need to rent premises for a warehouse where tobacco products will be stored. The main work is aimed at interaction with dealers, as well as retail outlets. Despite some difficulties, the profitability of this method of sale is high, which promises a lot of revenue.

Location and equipment

Before registering a sales outlet, you need to take into account the legislation of the Russian Federation - a ban on the promotion and advertising of tobacco smoking. Therefore, there should be no signs and enticing texts. As equipment it is worth buying the following:

  • safe for storing cash;
  • cash register for counting (customers need checks);
  • a special box (humidor) for storing products;
  • airtight material for packaging and transportation.

Note! The kiosk (pavilion) must have a constant temperature and humidity in order to avoid spoiling the tobacco. Heating is needed in winter and good ventilation in summer.

Raw material suppliers

The purchase of tobacco should be carried out only from trusted companies. An honest manufacturer will easily provide quality certificates and a manufacturing license. You should not trust the purchase of goods to third parties: firstly, there is a risk of getting a poor-quality product, and secondly, getting to scammers. The best option would be a trusted company or a wholesale warehouse with positive reviews. You can find it on special resources on the Internet or through advertising agencies.

Staff for the tobacco kiosk

Special attention should be paid to the selection of employees. At a minimum, a person should be knowledgeable about tobacco products. Required skills: communication skills, competent speech, experience in this area. The task of the staff is to interest the consumer and be able to maintain the demand for a particular outlet. After all, some part of the profit depends on the distributor.

Financial questions

In order for the tobacco business to be effective and bring money to the owner, it will be necessary to clearly calculate the necessary contributions at the start. If there is not enough money for opening, you can use a franchise and contact the bank. The main items of expenditure will look like this:

  1. Rent - about 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Wage - from 15 thousand.
  3. Check in - from 15 thousand.
  4. Equipment purchase - 60-80 thousand rubles.
  5. The first batch of cigarettes - from 100 thousand.

The future profit from the sale of tobacco products depends on the following factors:

  • the number of potential customers,
  • presence of competitors nearby,
  • opening hours of the outlet,
  • cost of goods.

As for income: the optimal markup is about 15 –35 % per pack, average revenue per day - from 10 thousand rubles... From here, deduct expenses, payment of tax, and you get approximately 200 thousand rubles per month... The main thing is clear budget planning, a good place for implementation, as well as a large assortment of cigarettes.

Important!Advertising of these products is prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation. There is no need to spend money on an advertising campaign. A good location will ensure a constant flow of customers, and high-quality tobacco will have a word of mouth effect.

Rosstat calculated: 60% of Russian men and 14% of women regularly smoke tobacco, so the sale of cigarettes promises a stable profit. But this product is harmful to health. Trade in them is strictly regulated by law. The rules for the sale of tobacco products are constantly being tightened in order to reduce the number of smokers and to protect children from harmful habits. We will tell you how to sell cigarettes and not break the law.

Are permits required to sell cigarettes? Now a special document authorizing the sale of tobacco products is not needed. But at the same time, the outlet must comply with strict requirements for their placement and demonstration to customers. Consider what is required to trade in cigarettes from the point of view of the law and whether a license to sell tobacco products is required.


Unlike the alcohol trade, the sale of tobacco products is not licensed. Individual entrepreneurs and LLCs have the right to trade them. This rule applies to retail and wholesale trade. There is no need to search the Internet for “how much does a license to sell cigarettes cost?” Therefore, any point of sale has the right to sell cigarettes and tobacco without receiving any documents from regulatory authorities.

However, this does not mean that there are no restrictions on the tobacco trade. There are quite a few of them. The norms are enshrined in federal law No. 15-FZ dated February 23, 2013.

Stores are required to store cigarettes in closed boxes, which are opened at the request of the buyer

Time Limit Sales

You can sell cigarettes at any time... The law does not establish time limits for their sale - again, unlike alcohol, which cannot be purchased at night.

Rules for displaying tobacco products in a store

If a tobacco license is not required, and you can trade it freely at any time of the day, are there any difficulties at all with the sale of cigarettes? There are also they relate to the placement of goods inside the outlet. Open display of packs of cigarettes and tobacco in store windows is prohibited. The shelves with tobacco products are covered with opaque shields: casual customers, especially children, should not see them.

The buyer learns about the presence of cigarettes at the point of sale from a special list, which is placed at the checkout. The list is drawn up on white paper, in black in the form of a table, where all the products on sale with prices are listed in alphabetical order. Use of drawings or photographs is strictly prohibited. At the customer's request, the cashier opens a shelf with cigarettes and shows him the goods. The employee must ensure that the purchaser is of legal age prior to displaying or selling.

Cigarette prices

Another requirement that the cigarette business must comply with concerns the cost of tobacco products. The manufacturer applies the minimum and maximum price to each pack - the store has no right to violate these boundaries. Prices are determined by the manufacturer of the products. They are in proportion to each other: the minimum is 75% of the maximum.

For exceeding the price, the seller will receive a fine: a citizen of about 5 thousand rubles, an official - 50,000 rubles, or even will be disqualified for 3 years, and an LLC - by doubled the amount of excessive proceeds received for the year.

Tobacco display cases are closed to prevent casual shoppers and children from seeing the cigarette

Business organization features

Above, we examined the requirements of the law in the field of trade in cigarette products. The rules have been tightened for several years and now cigarettes can only be sold in stationary facilities. Street tobacco kiosk where smokers bought packs through the "window" is a thing of the past. Demonstration of tobacco products is allowed only at the request of the buyer. Specialized cigarette and tobacco shops should restrict access to children under 18.

These are just the initial requirements that you will have to face when starting a cigarette business. The law makes special requirements for cash registers, taxes, storage conditions. Consider the recommendations that will help you draw up a competent tobacco shop business plan.

Application of CCP

Trade in cigarettes requires the use of cash registers for any taxation with almost no exceptions (more about them in the next section). Tobacco is an excisable product. For over a year now, all traders of cigarette products have been working only through an online checkout. is a special system that reports all operations of the outlet to the tax office.


Until July 2018, there were exemptions for several categories of businesses regarding the use of cash registers in the sale of tobacco products. Now almost all of them have lost their force and any point of sale with cigarettes sells products through an online checkout.

Until July 2019, there are deferrals in the installation of an online cash register for:

  • LLC and individual entrepreneur at UTII;
  • Individual entrepreneur in patent taxation;
  • retail outlets in remote areas of the country.

The law obliges such sellers to issue proof of payment to buyers at the first request of buyers. The preferential treatment will last a little less than a year. Whether it will be extended is unknown. It is likely that all tobacco merchants will still be required to work through an online cashier.

The buyer gets acquainted with the assortment of tobacco products through the list, which lists the names and prices

OKVED for trade in tobacco products

Trade in tobacco products involves the use of a specific economic activity code. General - "Retail trade in tobacco products" 52.26. The numbers change periodically, and the names are extremely rare. Before registering with the Federal Tax Service, you need to check the relevance of the OKVED.

In addition, some stores will require additional specific codes. For example, wholesale trade in cigarettes - 51.35 "Wholesale trade in tobacco products". Non-specialized hypermarket with a small assortment of the most popular cigarettes - 52.11 "Retail sale in non-specialized stores predominantly of food, beverages and tobacco."

Tobacco Retail Regulations

To open a tobacco shop from scratch, a businessman will have to comply with the legal requirements for the retail circulation of cigarettes. Some of them are the rules for laying out and setting up an online cash register, we have considered in the previous sections. However, there are others.

Sale of cigarettes by piece

Russian legislation prohibits the sale of cigarettes by the piece (Article 19 of 15-FZ). More precisely, it is forbidden to sell cigarettes in any form other than a pack with 20 units of goods. Tobacco products must be individually packed in their own container. You cannot pack them in a different quantity or together with non-tobacco products.


Electronic cigarettes are subject to the same sales and distribution rules as regular cigarettes. The exception, when their display on the showcase will be legal, is a form other than a standard cigarette pack. Most packages of e-cigarettes differ significantly from tobacco ones, so they can be placed completely open.

At the same time, they cannot be sold to minors, despite the absence of nicotine in the composition. Why? The law prohibits the sale of alcohol and tobacco to children. There is no such ban regarding electronic cigarettes. That is, if a cashier sells a vape to a 15-year-old teenager, he cannot be fined. But from an ethical point of view, this is not very good: smoking an electronic analogue completely imitates the usual one. Banning the sale of vapes to minors can be considered a useful recommendation for a point of sale.

Naswai, chewing tobacco

Federal law strictly prohibits retail and wholesale trade in nasal, chewing or sucking tobacco. For its circulation and consumption, administrative or criminal punishment is provided (depending on the identified volume).

Cigarettes in a dry and warm room can be stored indefinitely

Storage conditions for cigarettes and shelf life

Cigarettes and tobacco products do not have an expiration date. In theory, they last forever. Cigarettes are packed in two layers: a cardboard box and plastic on top. The integrity of both layers must be monitored so that the products do not lose their characteristic odor, do not crumple or break. Avoid stacking cigarette cartons next to products with strong odors.

But over time or under the influence of negative factors, even a well-packaged product can lose certain properties or become completely unusable. The main enemy of cigarettes is dampness. The warehouse where they are stored must be dry (humidity up to 70%) and, preferably, heated - from 15 to 23 degrees.

However, even under the right conditions, cigarettes do not need to be stored for too long. Over time, the amount of carcinogens in tobacco increases, which will increase the already considerable damage to the health of the smoker.

Prohibitions and restrictions on the sale of cigarettes

The tobacco business must comply with all restrictions imposed by law. They can be divided into categories:

  • limiting the circle of buyers;
  • site requirements;
  • placement requirements.

Selling cigarettes to minors

It is strictly forbidden to sell tobacco products to children under 18 years of age - Article 20 of Federal Law No. 15-FZ. If there is any doubt about the age of the buyer, the cashier must ask him for a passport and check the date of birth. Refusal to present a document is the basis for refusal to purchase.

Penalties for selling cigarettes to children

The punishment for selling tobacco to adolescents is substantial. It is established by the Code of Administrative Offenses - Article 14.53. A citizen will lose 2-4 thousand rubles, an official will be fined 30-50 thousand rubles, and an organization - 100-150 thousand rubles. The fact of the sale is proved by a test purchase. The law strictly protects minors from tobacco and, in order not to lose a round sum of money, you need to follow the rules of sale.

For violation of the rules of cigarette trade, the store, owner and seller will have to pay a serious fine

Penalty for trading in the wrong place

The law also establishes where a tobacco shop cannot be opened. The forbidden ones include:

  • territories of educational, cultural, sports complexes or institutions;
  • premises of public authorities;
  • places near educational and children's institutions (up to 100 meters);
  • all train stations, bus stations, airports (except duty-free shops), meter stations, hotels.

If an entrepreneur violates federal law, he and the store will face administrative punishment. It is also provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses - Article 14.53. A citizen will pay 2-3 thousand rubles, a cashier or a seller - 5-10 thousand rubles, and a legal entity - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Where to report violations

When it is necessary to report a violation of the order of circulation of tobacco products, they contact the local police department. A local or other authorized employee will conduct an inspection or test purchase (in case of a complaint about a sale to teenagers). If a violation is revealed, the perpetrators will be obliged to pay a fine.


The turnover of tobacco products is strictly regulated by Russian laws. The main goals of such control are taking care of the health of citizens and collecting taxes. Tobacco is an excise commodity, so everyone who sells it uses the online checkout. From it, sales data are immediately sent to the Federal Tax Service. You cannot openly lay out packs of cigarettes on display windows - only a list of the available assortment. For violation of the order of trade, you will have to pay a large fine - up to 150 thousand rubles.

For reading 9 min. Views 82 Published 05.11.2017

Selling tobacco products is one of the most lucrative areas of the trade business... According to statistics, every fourth resident of Russia is addicted to tobacco. Despite the large-scale anti-tobacco campaign and the constant tightening of cigarette sales, the popularity of the tobacco industry is constantly growing. The modern market is overflowing with such products, but more and more novice entrepreneurs are paying attention to this area. Below we will analyze what is needed to sell cigarettes at retail and assess the profitability of this enterprise.

The tobacco business is considered one of the most profitable in the world.

Business development models

Before considering the modern realities of the tobacco market, it should be said that this area is profitable only with a constant analysis of various changes in legislation. Also, this business is difficult to rank among the ideas that quickly pay off. ... The development of such an enterprise requires a solid initial investment. The average payback period for a small tobacco kiosk is eighteen months.

You should also remember about the current legislation in this area. The law on the sale of cigarettes states that displaying tobacco products in store windows is prohibited. However, let's go directly to the development models of this business. There are three main directions for the sale of such products:

  1. Small kiosk... This model implies the purchase of a small wholesale batch of goods for further sale. Here, the main focus is on the sale of the most popular tobacco products. The payback of this venture depends on the demand and the number of permanent audiences.
  2. Tobacco warehouse. Wholesale sales of cigarettes are carried out in the presence of an agreement with direct manufacturers or sales representatives. The payback of such a model depends on the amount of goods sold. The opening of such a point is accompanied by high financial investments at the initial stages. Reliability of suppliers also plays an important role here. In order to profit from such an enterprise, it is necessary to establish cooperation with small retail outlets.
  3. Market tent. The model under consideration is based on the sale of a small amount of goods, due to the absence of auxiliary premises for storing goods. The profitability of this model has a direct relationship with the final cost of the goods, as well as the cost of renting premises. Also here it is necessary to take into account the remuneration of hired personnel.

How exactly cigarette trade will be carried out depends on the level of initial investment in the development of the enterprise. Most start-up entrepreneurs prefer the first and third business model in order to reduce possible risks.

Trade in cigarettes for individual entrepreneurs has a number of advantages

Legal aspects

This direction in business is highly popular due to a number of specific advantages. These advantages include the absence of the need to rent premises with a large area, a long shelf life of goods and ease of transportation. All of the above has a direct impact on the level of financial costs at the initial stages of the development of their own business.

In order to open such an enterprise, it is necessary to collect certain documents. First of all, you should register with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur. In order to open an individual entrepreneur, you must provide the original passport, TIN and pay the state fee.

The optimal model for starting such a business is opening a tobacco kiosk. In this case, when filling out the documents, you must indicate that the selected type of activity is retail. In addition, the sale of cigarettes as a business has a number of characteristic features in the form of strict regulations. One of the main requirements for a tobacco kiosk is its location. Such a point should be located at a certain distance from educational institutions and cultural organizations.

According to current legislation, it is prohibited to sell cigarettes individually. Each pack must contain the number of cigarettes stated on the package. Without fail, each package of tobacco products must be labeled. Today it is prohibited to sell such products through online stores, in public places or trade fairs. This product is sold only to persons over eighteen years of age.

Information about the product is transmitted only from the seller to the buyer. One of the important rules for opening a tobacco kiosk is notifying the tax authorities about conducting such a business. You should also adhere to the requirements of government agencies regarding trade activities and place of registration.

Since the sale of cigarettes is strictly regulated by law, first of all, start by studying the regulations.

Benefits of a Cigarette Selling Business

One of the important questions that many start-up entrepreneurs are concerned about is whether a license to sell cigarettes is needed? According to the bill dated July 2, two thousand and five (serial number 80-F3), this type of activity has been excluded from the list requiring the acquisition of a special license. This means that in two thousand seventeen, such a business is not subject to compulsory licensing.

In addition, the state met newcomers halfway and removed the requirement for the area of \u200b\u200bretail outlets. But it is important to note that new requirements have also been introduced. Today it is forbidden to display such products on glass windows. It is also prohibited to sell cigarettes through a window. In view of the fact that the sale of cigarettes has strict regulations, the development of such an enterprise should be started by studying various legal aspects.

Initial investment amount

A small room is required to open a tobacco kiosk. The best option is a room whose area does not exceed twenty square meters... In order to quickly recoup the invested capital, it is necessary to open a point in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe city. Such a choice of location will allow attracting potential clients with different social status.

A cigarette boutique should have a specific design that can attract a large audience. Aesthetic appearance and expensive finishing will attract the attention of wealthy people. The atmosphere of the outlet should be tailored to the status of the potential audience.

The equipment of the room is of particular importance. This product requires compliance with a certain temperature storage regime. The approximate cost of purchasing and installing climatic equipment is about 75,000. In order to reduce the initial cost, you can purchase special cabinets. The cost of such a cabinet varies from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles. However, the purchase of such a narrow-profile equipment will be much cheaper than the purchase of climatic equipment.

The main component of the trade sphere is the issuance of checks to customers. This means that when you open a sales outlet, you need to purchase a cash register and register it. In the event that you plan to store daily receipts in the store itself, you will need to purchase a reliable safe.

There is also a certain rule for the transport of tobacco products. During transportation, cigarette blocks must be packed in an airtight material. When opening your own outlet, it is important to understand that the free space of your store should be filled with products, however, you should arrange the goods in such a way as not to hinder movement around the store.

An extensive assortment is created from products of different price categories

Wholesale of cigarettes is a stable revenue business. At the stage of planning a business strategy, you should take a responsible approach to creating an assortment. The offered products should be designed for different audiences. In order to increase the income received, you can select a separate rack for key rings, ashtrays and lighters. In addition, you can diversify the assortment with hookah tobacco or cigars.

When hiring staff, consideration should be given to having sales experience. The seller of a tobacco boutique must not only have the correct diction, but also understand the peculiarities of each name. It is the seller's job to attract regular customers.

Initial financial investments for starting a tobacco business range from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles. About half of this amount will be spent on the purchase of tobacco products. 30,000 rubles - the cost of the monthly rent of the premises. The above amount includes the cost of repair work and the production of an advertising banner. Expenses for the purchase of climatic equipment, special cabinets and racks range from 400,000 to 700,000 rubles. In addition, you should take into account the costs of registration in the status of an individual entrepreneur and the payment of tax duties. You should also take care of the salaries of employees and the accountant in advance.

Cigarette vending machines

Selling tobacco products is a risk-based activity that is more suitable for confident men. However, this does not mean that women in business will not be able to cope with this task. When organizing such an enterprise, various nuances should be taken into account. In this regard, at the initial stages, it is best to give preference to the sale of small batches of goods.

In many European countries, the sale of tobacco products is carried out using special equipment. However, in the realities of the Russian market, in this situation it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant authorities. Otherwise, the owner of the machine may be penalized. It is quite difficult to buy equipment for selling cigarettes.

Such an acquisition will cost 250,000 rubles. It should also be borne in mind that the equipment will have to be ordered from Europe. A similar vending machine holds about 3,000 packs of cigarettes.

The main problem with such activities is that the machine is not able to determine the age of the customer. That is why such equipment is placed only where persons under the age of eighteen are not allowed. A license to sell tobacco products through vending machines is not required.

In most cases, tobacco business owners prefer to trade in small volumes to prevent possible risks.


The supplier of tobacco products, like the person selling such a product, must know about all the nuances of this type of activity. The right approach to wholesales can generate much higher returns than retail sales of products. Given that it is possible to conduct wholesale business using the Internet, there is a chance to significantly reduce the level of initial investment. With wholesales, there is no need to rent premises for a store, and there is no need for repair costs.

The Internet seller of tobacco products avoids various financial losses associated with finding a place for a retail outlet. Thus, the savings from such an undertaking is about 300,000 rubles. Considering these factors, we can say that this approach pays off much faster.

These opportunities make the cigarette wholesale business more attractive to aspiring entrepreneurs. Also, given that this product is in demand, the wholesale of cigarettes becomes a source of constant profit. Wholesale sales allow not only to significantly increase the range of products offered, but also to increase the profit received.

In contact with

Sale of cigarettes, tobacco, liability, prices, fines, licenses, excise tax, anti-tobacco law and other tobacco issues, as well as what is needed to sell cigarettes in 2020, and other issues. Last updated: 01.15.

For reference (taken out in separate articles):

  1. Supplier documents for the supply of cigarettes and tobacco products

Industry trends in cigarettes in Russia

Data from the World Customs Organization estimate the annual volume of the world tobacco market at 5.7 trillion cigarettes. In the Russian Federation, about 250-350 billion cigarettes are produced annually, of which about 2-3% are counterfeit products (including those without excise duty or with fake ones).

The main reason for the proliferation of illegal cigarettes is the outrunning growth of excise rates, which leads to higher prices and demand for the sale of illegal cigarettes.

According to statistics, more than 1.1 billion people in the world start smoking before the age of 18.

Cigarettes in Russia cost almost twice as much as in neighboring countries. The preservation of the annual growth rate of excise tax at the level of more than 40% over the past six years, coupled with a change in the macroeconomic situation and a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, created all the necessary prerequisites for the start of a massive consumer transition to a smuggled and counterfeit product.

Application of the accounting system - Resolution No. 225 February 28, 2019

In 2018, we wrote that we are planning to introduce it, and this is exactly what we did.

On February 28, 2019, the Government issued Decree No. 224 "On Approval of the Rules for Labeling Tobacco Products with Identification Means and the Features of Implementation of the State Information System for Monitoring the Turnover of Goods Subject to Mandatory Labeling with Identification Means in Regarding Tobacco Products"

To establish that the participants in the turnover of tobacco products, who carry out retail sale of tobacco products, register in the system through an electronic key and work on tobacco products only through it.

Average cost of a pack of cigarettes

The average price of a pack of cigarettes in a Moscow store is 90-110 rubles. per pack, with a cost price of 8-10 rubles (profitability from turnover for a chain of trade participants is over 1000%). According to the 9th month of 2016, 60 percent of illegal cigarettes were brought to Russia from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia). There are 80 tobacco factories operating on the Russian market, about 40% of the market is accounted for by Philip Morris International, BAT Russia, Liggett Ducat and Petro.

Licensing of tobacco activities

In accordance with the Federal Law of 04.05.2011 No. 99-FZ "On licensing of certain types of activities" wholesale and retail trade is not subject to licensing.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.04.2000 No. 337 "On licensing activities for the production and wholesale trade of tobacco products" at the moment has lost its force in connection with the publication of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 22.07.2002 No. 548.

Time of sale of cigarettes, tobacco products.

The law on the sale of cigarettes does not provide for a time limit for the sale, you can trade around the clock.

Don't forget to instruct the seller: Instruction of the seller on the sale of tobacco, cigarettes and alcohol.

Rules for placing cigarettes in the store

Information about tobacco products offered for retail trade is brought by the seller in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of consumer rights to the attention of buyers by placing in the trading floor a list of tobacco products sold, the text of which is made in letters of the same size in black on a white background and which is drawn up in alphabetical order, indicating the price of the sold tobacco products without using any graphic images or drawings.

Demonstration of tobacco products to a buyer in a shopping facility may be carried out at his request after reviewing the list of sold tobacco products, taking into account the requirements of Article 20 of the Federal Law "On Health Protection".

Minimum and maximum prices for cigarettes

Government measures to influence the price level of tobacco products are carried out by establishing minimum and maximum retail prices for such products. By virtue of paragraphs. 11 p. 1 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of December 22, 2008 No. 268-FZ "Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products" (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Regulations), information on the maximum retail price in rubles must be applied to the consumer packaging of tobacco products, according to which on one of the outer sides each consumer package (pack) of cigarettes and cigarettes must be marked with:

The maximum retail price at which cigarettes and cigarettes can be sold to consumers; information about the month and year of manufacture of cigarettes and cigarettes.

Part 5 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law of 23.02.2013, No. 15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption" (hereinafter - the Law of 23.02.2013, No. 15-FZ), it is established that the sale of tobacco products at a price that is lower than the minimum retail prices and higher than the maximum retail prices (price per pack) established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, is prohibited. At the same time, according to part 3 of this article, the minimum retail prices are set at the level of 75 (seventy five)% (percent) of the maximum retail prices determined in the manner established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

By virtue of Part 2 of Art. 187.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the maximum retail price is the price above which a unit of consumer packaging (pack) of tobacco products cannot be sold to consumers by retail trade, public catering, services, as well as individual entrepreneurs; the maximum retail price is set by the taxpayer independently for a unit of consumer packaging (pack) of tobacco products separately for each brand (each name) of tobacco products.

It is also defined therethat under the brand (name) for the purposes of the named chapter is understood the assortment position of tobacco products, which differs from other brands (names) by one or more of the following signs - an individualized designation (name) assigned by the manufacturer or licensee, recipe, size, presence or absence of a filter , packing.

Maximum retail price represents the price above which one pack of tobacco products cannot be sold to consumers by retail trade, public catering, service industries, and individual entrepreneurs. (see clause 2 of article 187.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

Thus, minimum retail price \u003d 75% of the maximum retail price.

The sale of tobacco products below the maximum retail price indicated on the package of the product (no more than 25%) does not form the composition of Art. 14.3.1 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - tobacco sponsorship or promotion of tobacco sales.

Overestimation by a retail (wholesaler) seller of the maximum retail price indicated by the manufacturer of tobacco products on each package (pack) of cigarettes entails the imposition of an administrative fine:

  • for citizens in the amount of 5,000 rubles.
  • for officials - 50,000 rubles. or disqualification for up to three years
  • for legal entities - twice the amount of excess proceeds received from the sale of tobacco products for the entire period during which the offense was committed (but not more than one year) (clause 1 of article 14.6 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation)

How the price is set by the manufacturers or importer

Maximum retail price is established a taxpayer (see clause 2 of article 187.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

  • by yourself
  • for one pack of tobacco products
  • separately for each brand of tobacco products

Tobacco brand - assortment position of tobacco products that differs from other brands by one or more of the following features:

  • name assigned by the manufacturer or licensor
  • recipe
  • dimensions
  • the presence or absence of a filter
  • packaging

Submission of information on maximum retail prices (see clause 3 of article 187.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

Taxpayer must submit information on maximum retail prices:

  • to the tax authority at the place of registration (customs authority at the place of registration of excisable goods)
  • in the form of a notice of maximum retail prices (reference to the Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 25.08.2006 No. 108)
  • for each brand (each name) of tobacco products
  • not later than 10 calendar days prior to the beginning of the calendar month from which the indicated maximum retail prices will be applied.

Documents for opening a cigarette point of sale

Opening a cigarette sales company and what documents are needed for this:

  1. It is necessary to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur. For reference:How to register About OO How to register an individual entrepreneur What to choose an LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  2. Selection of retail space in a walk-through area, near pharmacies, markets, metro and department stores. In general, the rule of three MMM - place place and again place;
  3. Select OKVED - retail. For reference: What is OKVED. If the company is registered, then it is necessary to add OKVED codes.
  4. A cigarette trading license is not required. According to the Federal Law of July 2, 2005 N 80-FZ, the activity on the production of tobacco products is excluded from the list of activities for which licenses are required.

The use of CCP in the sale of cigarettes

Required !. According to Article 181 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, excisable goods, in addition to alcoholic beverages, include:

  • tobacco products;
  • cars and motorcycles with a capacity of over 150 horsepower;
  • motor gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oils.

Organizations that have such items in their product range are also subject to paragraph 8 of Art. 2 Federal Law No. 290 and must establish online cash registers, including when you sell cigarettes in a remote mountain village where there is no mobile connection.

Taxpayers UTII and PSN

Until July 1, 2018, these categories of entrepreneurs may not use the CCP, but only if they issue a confirmation of payment at the first request of the buyer. In two years, from July 2018, the use of CCP will become mandatory for them. 290-FZ, art. 7, p. 7.

Vending machines (for reference)

Vending or vending machines do not need a seller: they are installed in public places and automatically dispense goods after depositing money. The usual assortment of vending machines: coffee, gum, chocolate bars and other fast food. So far, such machines are not equipped with cash registers, but everything is ahead: from July 1, 2018, their owners are required to equip them with new online cash registers (290-FZ, art. 7., clause 11.).

In chapter 26.3. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the unified tax on imputed income, contains article 346.27., Which provides a breakdown of the concepts used in this chapter. It is thanks to the concept of "retail trade" given in Article 346.27., For example, a UTII payer who is engaged in retail trade of car spare parts, when trying to add to the range of motor oils, which are excisable goods, is forced to apply the CCP, since trade in excisable goods does not fall under the definition " retail trade ", transferred to UTII.

Where it is forbidden to sell cigarettes

(This issue is regulated by Federal Law No. 15 "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption)

Outside buildings and pavilions

Retail trade in tobacco products is carried out ONLY in shops and pavilions.

  • A store is understood as a building or part of it, specially equipped, intended for the sale of goods and rendering services to customers and provided with trade, utility, administrative and amenity premises, as well as premises for receiving, storing goods and preparing them for sale.
  • A pavilion is understood as a structure that has a sales area and is designed for one workplace or several workplaces. What Pavilion.

Note:In the absence of shops and pavilions in a settlement (example: a village), it is allowed to trade tobacco products in other retail outlets or distribute tobacco products. Trading through a trading window of any format is prohibited.

Prohibited at the following facilities and territories

Law No. 15-FZ establishes a list of facilities and territories where tobacco trade is prohibited in any form, namely:

  1. on the territories and in premises intended for the provision of educational services, services by cultural institutions, institutions of youth affairs bodies, services in the field of physical culture and sports, medical, rehabilitation and sanatorium services, on all types of public transport (public transport) urban and suburban traffic (including on ships when transporting passengers on intracity and suburban routes), in premises occupied by state authorities, local governments;
  2. less than 100 (one hundred) meters in a straight line excluding artificial and natural barriers from the nearest point bordering the territory intended for the provision of educational services;
    1. The distance is calculated from the nearest edge (border) of the land plot of the specified objects in a straight line to the boundaries of your object, measurements should be made along the shortest path (excluding artificial and natural barriers, etc.), while it is recommended to use the cadastral plan and measure with a ruler, save and print the generated map.
      p | s There is no methodology for this measurement in the laws, this calculation is based on our judicial practice.
  3. on the territories and premises (with the exception of duty-free shops) of railway stations, bus stations, airports, seaports, river ports, at metro stations intended for the provision of passenger transportation services, in premises intended for the provision of housing services, hotel services, services for temporary accommodation and (or) provision of temporary accommodation, consumer services.
  4. Wholesale and retail trade in nasam and sucking tobacco (snus) is prohibited.

Where else is prohibited

  • It is prohibited to trade at fairs, exhibitions, through distribution and distribution trade, by remote sale, using machines and in other ways.
  • Trading through a window for trading of any format is prohibited.
  • Open trade in cigarettes is prohibited - you can see the packs.

Where allowed

In all places with the above.

When using SP on UTII

Tax legislation does not allow the use of UTII when selling excisable goods listed in subparagraphs 6-10 of paragraph 1 of Article 181 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In this closed list (points), tobacco products are not listed, therefore it is possible to sell it in this case (this was indicated in its letter by the Ministry of Finance dated 07.04.2017 No. 03-01-15 / 20998, the department also recalled that the conditions for doing business on UTII is established by local authorities).

Federal legislation (Article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) provides that this preferential taxation system can be used when selling goods through:

  • objects of a stationary trading network with sales areas up to 150 sq.m. (shops and pavilions);
  • objects of a stationary trading network that does not have sales areas (for example, kiosks, stalls, retail markets, fairs);
  • objects of a non-stationary trade network (using a car, a car store, a car shop, a trailer, a mobile vending machine, trade from hands, from trays, from baskets and hand carts).

OKVED used in the sale of cigarettes and tobacco and tobacco products

OKVED Wholesale trade of tobacco products

46.3 Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco

For raw materials

46.21.2 Wholesale of unprocessed tobacco

OKVED Retail trade of tobacco products

Non-specialized (general) stores

47.11 Retail sale primarily of food, beverages and tobacco in non-specialized stores

Specialty store (cigarettes only)

47.2 Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores

In the markets

47.81 Retail trade in non-stationary retail outlets and markets in food, beverages and tobacco products

Retail trade in tobacco products is carried out in a specially equipped building or part of it. This building can serve as a shop or a pavilion (utility room + trading floor with one equipped workstation). A place for receiving, storing, preparing for the sale of goods must necessarily be determined, while the law does not prohibit the implementation of these activities in one place (combine).

Trading in other retail outlets is possible, incl. delivery service, but on a prerequisite - the absence of shops and pavilions in a particular locality.

It is forbidden to trade in cigarettes at exhibitions, fairs, incl. with the help of delivery, distribution, distance and trade through vending machines. Trading through the window is prohibited.

The sale of cigarettes with display and display is prohibited, information is communicated to the consumer according to a text list, without graphic images, and only after familiarization, the demonstration and sale of tobacco products is carried out (on a white sheet of paper in black and white colors, the name and price indication in large print). In general, if you get stuck in Moscow, then our lawyer on administrative disputes will help you.

Sale of cigarettes by piece

From 01.07.2016, the production and sale of cigarettes is carried out only in a pack of 20 pieces.

Electronic cigarettes from 01.01.2017

Electronic cigarettes, steam generators and e-liquids with nicotine from January 1, 2017 are equal to tobacco products and are subject to excise duty. For example, they cannot be advertised, smoked in public places, sold near schools, and so on.

Since mid-2019, at the direction of Dmitry Medvedev. they will fall under the laws on the circulation of tobacco products. For electronic requirements, rules and prohibitions will soon be the same as for regular cigarettes.

The answer to the remark of our reader, incl. arbitrage practice:

  1. formally, a nicotine electronic cigarette does not belong to tobacco products, since Federal Law No. 268 defines what is a tobacco product, but court practice shows that when the courts use the analogy of law and law, in the event of an administrative fine for a nicotine electronic cigarette, the court decision will be not in your favor.
    1. It also remains unclear whether the electron is used. cigarettes of nicotine, from which it is made, etc.
  2. it is necessary to clearly separate nicotine e-cigarettes and liquids from those without nicotine on sale, for example, do not display them in a visible place.
  3. on long-distance trains from February 15, 2017, it is prohibited to smoke electronic cigarettes and vapes.

Selling cigarettes to minors

Article 20. Federal Law No. 15 "On the Protection of Citizens' Health" prohibits the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products to minors ", in this case we mean the age of 18.

Under the age of 18, the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products is prohibited.

It is important to understand herethat the law in principle prohibits minors from using tobacco. At the same time, parents should be held accountable for this offense.

The seller in the store is also prohibited from dispensing tobacco products to minors, while the minor's citizenship does not matter (Belarusian, Ukrainian, Moldavanin). In case of doubt about the age of the buyer, the seller is obliged to demand from the buyer a document proving his identity and allowing to establish his age.

List of documents giving the right to purchase

These documents can be:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign passport.
  2. Temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. Seaman's passport ( sailor's ID), diplomatic or service passport.
  4. Soldier's identity card or military ID.
  5. Passport of a foreign citizen.
  6. Residence permit in the Russian Federation.
  7. Temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation.
  8. Refugee ID.
  9. Certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  10. Driver's license. This list was put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 215N dated 05/12/2014.

In case of the slightest doubt and it is not possible to establish age according to documents, the seller is obliged to refuse the buyer to sell tobacco products.

According to paragraph 3. of Art. 14.53 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

Failure to comply with restrictions and violation of prohibitions in the field of trade in tobacco products and tobacco products - entails the imposition of an administrative fine, namely:

Penalty for selling cigarettes to children (minors)

  • for citizens in the amount of 3 (three) thousand to 5 (five) thousand rubles;
  • for officials - from 30 (thirty) thousand to 50 (fifty) thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities - from 100 (one hundred) thousand to 150 (one hundred and fifty) thousand rubles.

Penalty for trading in the wrong place

Including within 100 meters and other non-compliance with restrictions in the field of trade in tobacco products

  • for citizens in the amount of 2 (two) thousand to 3 (three) thousand rubles;
  • for officials - from 5 (five) thousand to 10 (ten) thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities - from 30 (thirty) thousand to 50 (fifty) thousand rubles.

Wholesale or retail sale of nasvay, sucking tobacco (snus)

  • for citizens in the amount of 2 (two) thousand to 4 (four) thousand rubles;
  • for officials - from 7 (seven) thousand to 12 (twelve) thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities - from 40 (forty) thousand to 60 (sixty) thousand rubles.

If the first violation is detected, the fine will be at the minimum established level, for example, for citizens 3 thousand rubles, and not five.

Where to report an inspection in case of a violation of the law

It should be reported to the local police department, the district police officer will carry out an inspection, or to Rospotrebnadzor, which will also entail an inspection. It will not be possible to covertly file a complaint, since this will not entail a check and will not reveal a violation. At the same time, the inspection bodies (employees) are executors, and do not have access to the case materials, incl. to the complaint and the signatory.

Ministry of Health wants to ban the sale of cigarettes

Based on data on the decline in smoking in Russia, the Ministry of Health wants to completely reduce tobacco consumption by 2033, through a ban at the legislative level. Currently, the current law on protecting the health of citizens from exposure to tobacco prohibits smoking in closed public places, including government institutions, hospitals, theaters, museums, sanatoriums and sports facilities, as well as cafes and restaurants. The restriction does not apply to electronic cigarettes and hookah without tobacco.

The Ministry of Health also proposes to introduce impersonal packaging for all cigarettes in Russia. In the world, such restrictions are still in effect only in Australia, if the ministry's proposals are supported, in Russia the so-called unified pack may appear in a year or two.

If you have questions, ask them in our group in contact