Why do you dream about a new kitchen in an apartment? Dream book for the whole family. Actions in a dream

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Kitchen in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    • Svetlana, the fact that you chose a new home in a dream most likely indicates that you subconsciously feel the inconveniences at home.

      I recently had a dream, I was hiding from someone and ended up in the kitchen, it was very large, I sat there for a while, and then everything started to burn on its own without any matches. A fire started. While I was running to the exit, I looked out the window and saw green grass there, and I thought, strange, it was just winter.

      A rival in love, she accidentally saw me in her house and invited me to friendly gatherings in the kitchen. She offered food but I refused. She told me that she would get out of my way and asked me to calm down.

      Hello! I dreamed of a small, bright kitchen. I carefully moved two empty glass glasses to the top shelf. I noticed that there was a bottle of baby food and one red apple.

      I dreamed of a guy I like. In the dream we had a date, he called me his bride. But (like in a fairy tale) I didn’t know that I was me, and all the time that we were together, I tried to tell him that I was the same Lena, whom he calls his bride and is waiting for a date, but always that Something interfered and answered him, then the telephone, then his subordinates. Then we found ourselves in the kitchen and something like a rebellion began, he began to hide me under a shelf so that they wouldn’t hurt me, I refused, because there was raspberry jam and I didn’t want to get dirty. Then people walked through the kitchen with various objects in their hands (forks, brooms, etc.) and the cooks from the kitchen joined them with cooking utensils. He distracted them in every possible way and took them aside so that they wouldn’t notice me.
      I crawled out from under the shelf and it turned out that raspberry jam there was no.

      I dreamed that I decided to take a walk in the forest. I wandered through the forest for a long time. It was already about 12:00 at night when I saw a building in the distance. As I got closer, I saw the outline of the kitchen. Only something like a human hand was frying on the stove. Suddenly, I heard heavy breathing from behind, right at the back of my head... In general, it was not a pleasant dream. Please explain what it means.

      Hello! I dreamed that I came home and did not immediately discover that thieves had visited me and stole my kitchen. I really like my kitchen and I was very upset and cried. I went to see what else was stolen washing machine and alarm. In addition, the tiles are damaged in some places. Otherwise everything is in place.

      I dreamed that there were a lot of dirty dishes in the kitchen, the shelves and refrigerator were empty. and there was also a girl in the kitchen with me, with whom we are now in a small quarrel. I tried to cook food for her, but it burned. and I washed and cleaned the dishes. but I couldn’t completely wash the burnt pan in which I cooked food for a friend

      Morning, I go into the kitchen and see, instead of a clean kitchen after renovation, shabby walls, lack of tiles. There are unfamiliar things hanging on the walls. I'm getting scared. I scream and turn to my mother: “Mom, what is this?” I don’t see my mother, it’s like she’s in another room. The dream is very realistic.
      In fact, my mother died four years ago. Three years ago the kitchen was renovated.

      I dreamed that I was in the kitchen of a young man’s house, the kitchen is quite warm in color, clean and neat... I’m talking with the relatives of my boyfriend, with whom I’m currently in a quarrel... they start telling me about his friend, how terrible she is... that he doesn’t want to be with her and how he suffers without me... they say, wait a little more and everything will work out and then I wake up, and I’ve seen this dream several times or something like that

      Hello! I noticed I started to dream a lot prophetic dreams! help if you can, from Tuesday to Wednesday I dreamed that I was running after someone and then suddenly someone stopped me, turned me over, as if in a struggle they put me on my shoulder blades, I hit my head hard, the knife stuck into my throat, then I sharply pulled it out and threw it forward onto the asphalt! immediately after this, the picture seemed to be of many familiar faces circling very quickly and not for long, as if they were asking me for something.
      From Wednesday to Thursday I had several dreams during the night! I have already figured out the meaning of many, but I didn’t understand a couple - I see in front of me a healthy fighter with a skinned and pumped up torso, of Asian appearance, it seemed to me that it was Batu Khasikov)) but the point is that at first we moved around the ring for a long time (I I looked at him and thought that I had no chance) he waited for me to attack, after a while I gathered my courage and went at him, he immediately hit me in the heart area with a kick with a 180-degree turn. Please explain what they mean! The first dream, I am sure, does not mean that I will die in reality, according to Vanga’s dream book, of course it agrees (my name is even connected with him)

      I dreamed of a church kitchen and the Holy Father, I talked to him, and he was tired after the service. Then I pooped in a wooden toilet, and my husband stood behind the wall and told me something...

      I dreamed that my husband brought me into our kitchen and pointed at the walls with irritation - that’s what I did. And the walls are all white - both the ceiling and the tiles... (although in fact the tiles are in warm beige tones)... And it’s as if he washed everything - the kitchen is already shiny, even the tiles are slightly damp, freshly washed... And the tables are empty, everything is cleaned. And he's kind of aggressive. What is this for?

      I only remember a fragment. I remember that it was morning, I was in the kitchen. The kitchen was white with lilac color. I go to the cabinet that is on the wall, I open it, and there is a bread bin, I take the bread. That's it, and then I woke up

      IN real life We live in a state of renovation, we bought an apartment with a good European renovation, but wanted to redo everything in our own way. Now we are drawing up a project with a designer, filling out documents for autonomous heating, but we just can’t get down to business. Although, in principle, we started the business a long time ago (we tore off the old wallpaper, sold the old furniture and while we live in complete ruin, we don’t even have a kitchen, we cook food in a slow cooker). I had a dream that I was actively participating in repair work (arguing with builders, making my own adjustments, achieving what I needed, etc.). The action took place in the kitchen and our design project was clearly embodied, which was drawn in life by our designer and the wallpaper and furniture were the same. I didn’t see any other rooms, it seems only a little bit of the living room. That's all. I really want to know whether we will start construction work in real life or not, because... Is everything postponed all the time?

      Lost lower teeth. Attempting to insert. Washed clothes with a pleasant smell are drying outside. Renovating the kitchen, partially laying tiles only in one place for now. We sat outside with the guests.

      Hello! I dream that I am in the bedroom of my parents’ house, we are talking with the head of the department, then the chief accountant of the department appears there and also has a conversation with us. Everyone talks to me friendly. Then the chief accountant and I find ourselves in the kitchen of my parents’ house (it’s not cleaned) and the chief accountant is there, I don’t remember exactly, either cooking food or putting the kettle on the stove to heat it up.

      I saw a kitchen in a dream. I look at the furniture, it shines, everything sparkles. But the furniture is not the same as ours. however very similar. I see a change in the kitchen: the washbasin has been moved to another wall and the bathtub. I tell my wife, THE KITCHEN IS BEAUTIFUL, THE FURNITURE IS SHINING. This is not the same furniture, don’t you see the difference? Your brother took that furniture from the village a long time ago. I say, you moved it here, but you didn’t think about how the water would flow here, where the dirty water would flow... and why the hell is there a bathtub here?
      No problem, let’s say the craftsmen will do what they need... that’s the dream.

      I swam for a very long time, for some reason, then (I heard the screams of children from the street) my mother comes in, a little gypsy runs in after her and takes garlic from the table and runs away, my mother says that the house is on fire (the children are probably from this house)

      Hello! My name is Olga, I dreamed last night that my husband changed the furniture, but not with new ones, but brought it from some other apartment and it is much better than ours, the stove is new, the refrigerator is new and everything is installed differently, the floors are new. but it was dusty because everything was quickly taken out and quickly brought in.

      I dreamed that a new white refrigerator appeared in the kitchen... looking at it again I discovered how big it was... and then I turned my head and it turned out there was also a snow-white kitchen... I was very pleasantly surprised... it was new, as if glossy... I just saw it a little from above small scuff marks..but I took it lightly..thought I’d figure out how to remove them..in the same dream I dream of laundry being washed and drying on a line..and I say how well everything was washed—snow-white

      Hello! I dreamed of my kitchen, water suddenly gushed from the walls and quickly stopped, the wallpaper became unusable, I had to tear it off. I'll rip them off and think that for now there's nothing to do to repair them.

      in the kitchen there are bare walls without whitewash, here and there pieces of old wallpaper, a small parrot flies out of a cage, flies around the kitchen, disappears behind the refrigerator, I see my husband, who obviously spent the night with a friend the night before after his birthday, everything happens in the morning, everything seems to be in reality

      Hello, please relax, sleep. I went to the dryer in the kitchen to take a plate to put the food on, and it was split exactly in half, I put it back and took a good, unbroken plate.

      08/03/2017 I had a dream from 4-8 o'clock.
      I went into my kitchen, but only the balcony was different. At first the paints were beige (walls, tables). I turned to the locker, but heard a knock on the window. I live on the 8th floor.
      So, I turned around, and it was as if something was numb in my soul. Outside the window there was a wooden staircase leading to my window, and on the stairs stood my young man in white, holding a bird in his hands (a small bird, similar to a swift). He smiled at me, but I felt scared and I couldn’t move. But at one moment the ladder began to move back from the window, causing a fall. The guy smiled and said only: “Don’t be afraid.” And still smiling, he fell back along with the stairs. I couldn’t write it down either, but when I was able to move, I ran to the window, but there was nothing outside the window. Just thick white fog...
      Please unravel the dream...thank you in advance!

This room symbolizes our vital energy, our creative approach to life. All the elements are represented in this room, starting with fire and enticing air. Kitchen - indicates your active or indifferent attitude to what is happening, upcoming changes related to material ...

Sleep online - Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Being in the kitchen means wealth and a career. If you cook food in a mortar in the kitchen because there is no boiler, you will lose your wife. Tongues of fire fly out of the kitchen - portends an urgent matter. Repairing or building a fireplace in the kitchen means great happiness and success. Languages ​​…

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Kitchen?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Expect a visit from friends. Kitchen - a friend will unexpectedly visit you.

Dream meaning - Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Net profit. Dirty - annoyance, no reciprocity. Big beautiful - for marriage for a woman, a good wife for a man. Empty walls, empty - disappointment in connection with marriage or lack thereof.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Kitchen?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a well-furnished kitchen is a sign of wealth. Seeing a kitchen without furnishings is a symbol of dislike on the part of the husband. A girl sees an empty kitchen, which means she will marry a rich man. The patient sees the kitchen - to a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Kitchen?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

What would we be like without a kitchen? Hungry! The kitchen in your dream symbolizes comfort and a hearty lunch, or do you feel tense in the kitchen - you can’t, don’t bother? You feel joy because you cook food for others, or for you...

Kitchen - dream interpretation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seen in a dream with all the accessories, it means the happy state of all households. Cooking in the kitchen is a sign of women's chatter and gossip. Seeing a kitchen on fire portends the death of the cook or cook, or one of the servants.

How to interpret the dream “Kitchen”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Kitchen in a dream - not very good auspicious symbol. After a dream in which you saw a kitchen, you may experience a critical situation, which will lead to a slight depression. This dream warns you to be prepared for anything. For a woman to see...

I had a dream “Kitchen”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Towards successful activities. A kitchen sparkling with cleanliness and order portends a happy and long life. family life. The kitchen is dirty and cluttered - there is a danger of becoming a victim of gossip and dirty intrigues. The neighbor's kitchen - they walk around you evil gossip. A huge, incredibly sized kitchen with…

Kitchen - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Towards everyday life.

The essence of the dream - Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A kitchen seen in a dream means that you may find yourself in a critical situation, which will plunge you into a slight depression. This dream warns you to be prepared for anything. If a woman saw her kitchen clean in a dream, it will become...

What does the dream mean - Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To hopelessness.

Dream - Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A well-organized kitchen in a dream foreshadows prosperity in the house and family harmony. A tattered, unsettled kitchen, on the contrary, predicts need, troubles, troubles, failures, and gossip. Talking about the kitchen in a dream predicts escapades, adventures, a secret conspiracy or a secret meeting for lovers.

What does it mean to dream about a Kitchen?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

“participate in this kitchen” (business), “bad kitchen” - quarrel, bad joint plans, dubious activity. "creative cuisine" Proverb: “spoons, bowls, ladles” - vanity, confusion, chaos. “It’s like frying over low heat” - mockery, sadism. “French gourmet cuisine”, “cook (maid)”, but! - famous...

The meaning of a dream about Kitchen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbolizes the mistress of the house, wife, care. An image that reflects the “creative” and business state of affairs, as well as prepared family situations and relationships. Also associated with Hell's Kitchen, hell and punishment for misdeeds and vices. A beautiful, new kitchen means marriage for a woman.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Kitchen?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To participate in this kitchen (business), a bad kitchen is a quarrel, bad joint plans, dubious activity. Creative cuisine. Saying: spoons, bowls, ladle - vanity, fuss, chaos. It's like frying over low heat - mockery, sadism. French gourmet cuisine, cook (maid), but! - famous...

Idiomatic dream book

Kitchen - what does what you see symbolize

In order to understand what the kitchen that you dream about symbolizes, let’s try to remember some common phrases and expressions with this familiar object or room. To participate in this kitchen, bad kitchen - as a rule, we are talking about some kind of quarrel, quarrel, conflict, activity of an extremely dubious nature. Or bad joint plans. Creative cuisine - perhaps you have to engage in some kind of creative activity, join a creative team. There are also concepts in which this word is not directly used, but, nevertheless, they are directly related to cuisine. This, for example, frying over low heat symbolizes some kind of sophisticated mockery, sadism, torment to which you will be subjected, including morally. The saying “spoons, bowls, ladle” characterizes vanity, confusion, complete chaos in business.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about the Kitchen?

If you had a dream in which you were in the kitchen, say, at home or somewhere else, this is a warning that you will soon find yourself in an extremely unpleasant situation for yourself. Seeing yourself in the kitchen in a dream means that in reality you should be prepared for anything, even the worst. Events will begin to develop in a way that is not the most joyful for you. But if you dreamed that perfect cleanliness and order reigned in your kitchen, nevertheless, this good sign, indicating that Fortune will be favorable to you, and you will be able to get out of all troubles with honor. This is the meaning of what you dreamed about this night.

I dreamed about the Kitchen (interpretation according to the Old Russian Dream Book)

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does Kitchen mean in a dream?

If you saw in a dream a sparkling clean kitchen in which perfect order reigned, this predicts that you will soon make a profit and successfully complete some business. On the contrary, when you dream of a dirty kitchen, it is a clear warning about failure in business, problems in personal life. A dirty kitchen with kitchen utensils scattered around often indicates a lack of reciprocity and understanding in a relationship with a partner.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Kitchen in a dream?

If a person dreams of a clean kitchen, in which a zealous housewife has put it in perfect order, this means good sign, saying that everything in your life will also turn out very successfully. A clean and beautiful kitchen in dreams at night is a prediction of quick profit and improvement of your financial situation. A dirty, untidy kitchen, on the contrary, is a prediction of future failures of some unfortunate events. Very often a dream visits the dreamer in the absence of reciprocity in personal relationships.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a kitchen mean in a dream?

Kitchen – Seeing your kitchen in a dream means successful activity. A kitchen sparkling with cleanliness and order portends a happy and long family life, a dirty and cluttered kitchen portends the danger of becoming a victim of gossip and dirty intrigues. Seeing your neighbor's kitchen means that evil gossip is circulating around you. A huge, incredibly sized kitchen with many boilers and all sorts of appliances is a symbol of a soulless world that is cruel to you; a harbinger of activities on a grand scale, connections with the press, you can even get on the pages of newspapers, etc. In a dream, not only seeing a kitchen, but also smelling its aromas means overeating; a kitchen in fumes means trouble.

The meaning of a dream about Cooking (Dream Book of Yogis)

Kitchen – Digestion.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Kitchen from your dream

Kitchen - Symbolizes the mistress of the house, wife, care; an image reflecting the “creative” and business kitchen (state of affairs), as well as prepared family situations and relationships. Also associated with hell's kitchen (hell) and punishment for misdeeds and vices. Beautiful, new - marriage for a woman.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Kitchen in a dream?

If you had a dream at night in which you saw a kitchen, you yourself were in some kind of kitchen, the dream turns out to be a warning that you will have to find yourself in a very unpleasant situation for yourself. You will find yourself in a truly critical situation, which will cause you to feel depressed. If you see a kitchen in a dream, be prepared for any turn of events. This is a very bad sign. Except for those cases when the dreamer is a woman, and in her dream she sees perfect cleanliness and order in her kitchen. The dream predicts her complete favor from Fate.

Culinary dream book

Features of the dream about the Dining Room

If you see in a dream a kitchen with all the kitchen utensils - dishes, pots, stoves, pans - this predicts you a happy state of all household chores, peace and quiet in your home. You dream that you are in the kitchen and are cooking something here - nothing special, ordinary women’s chatter, a little gossip, a certain amount of slander awaits you, but, in general, everything is within the normal range. But seeing a fire in the kitchen is an alarming sign, warning of the possible death of the cook or cook, or one of the service personnel.

The meaning of a dream about Kitchens (Modern dream book)

A kitchen is, first and foremost, a place where food is prepared. In a modern home, the kitchen is often also a dining room. Thus, if you dream of a kitchen, it symbolizes everything related to food and the digestive processes in your body. Often, sleep warns of lack of appetite, indigestion, indigestion and other similar problems. Try to eat only the freshest foods in the coming days, otherwise you may get into trouble.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Kitchen as an image in a dream

If you dreamed at night that you were in your kitchen at home, try to remember exactly what it looked like and what impression you got. If it was clean and cozy, being in the kitchen you felt pleasure or peace in your soul - this is a good omen, which indicates that you will be able to sort out all your household problems, if any. Peace and prosperity will also come to your family. A dirty, untidy kitchen with scattered utensils and leftover food at night warns that there will not be a peaceful, happy environment in your home for a long time.

Esoteric dream book

Kitchen in night dreams

When a kitchen appears in a dream, it always symbolizes the household chores ahead of you. But what they will be like depends on how the kitchen looked in the dream and what general impression you have of it. A clean, cozy kitchen, well equipped and supplied with all the necessary utensils, perhaps decorated in some way; in general, if you dreamed of a kitchen that was pleasant to be in, it predicts that your chores will also turn out to be just as pleasant. For example, you may be expecting some kind of family celebration or reception. But a dirty, dark, cold kitchen with objects scattered around it, from which you wanted to quickly leave, is a warning that the upcoming troubles will not cause you delight at all.

The meaning of a dream about Lunch (Lunar Dream Book)

The meaning of the dream in which you saw a kitchen should be determined by how the kitchen you were in in the dream looked like. If it was clean and comfortable, it was pleasant for you to sit at the table or stand at the stove - this good dream predicting a quick profit and a certain improvement in your financial situation. I dreamed of a dirty kitchen with scattered garbage and a mountain of unwashed dishes in the sink - unfortunately, a similar mess will reign in your life. To disassemble it, you will need to put in a lot of effort. A kitchen spoon is a symbol of celebration and fun.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does a kitchen mean in a dream?

Kitchen Spoon – Fun

Kitchenware – – Seeing a mixer in a dream is a symbol of quarrels and conflicts, but if it is broken, after many trials and errors you will find the right way out of this situation. Seeing a microwave oven in a dream means a pleasant surprise or surprise; buying it means good luck, profit, prosperity. If it breaks, this is a sign of upcoming problems and obstacles. If in a dream a girl cannot cook a dish in the microwave or it is broken, the planned marriage may not take place for reasons beyond her control or she will be disappointed in her lover. You want to buy a luxury food processor, but you cannot afford it due to financial difficulties - in reality, obstacles and difficulties in business await you; if you bought it, such a dream portends you prosperity and family well-being. Seeing a food processor in a dream is a harbinger of hard work that will bring long-term profits

Seeing a Kitchen Corner - Sitting and having lunch in a dream from Monday to Tuesday at the kitchen corner means good luck, reconciliation with relatives. If in a dream from Thursday to Friday you see a broken kitchen corner, it means that your family happiness will soon come to an end. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday or from Friday to Saturday in which you buy a kitchen corner means that serious troubles await you, but friends will help you avoid them.

Kitchen - Tosca, mild illness- to be in it means trouble in the family.

Slavic dream book

What does a kitchen mean in a dream?

Kitchen - women's gossip, betrayal in love.

Big modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Kitchen

Kitchen - You saw a kitchen in a dream - you will have to experience an unpleasant event; due to troubles you for a long time you will be oppressed. You see a very clean and spacious kitchen - fate will smile on you. A woman dreams that her kitchen is clean and tidy - the dream suggests that this woman controls her own destiny; they obey this woman because they know her domineering character; she rarely makes mistakes, as she has a penetrating mind and rich life experience.

New family dream book Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why you dreamed of a Kitchen in a dream?

I dreamed about the Kitchen - needs; creative possibilities. Cleanliness and order in the kitchen - satisfaction.

The meaning of the dream about Cooking (Jewish dream book)

Kitchen – The kitchen is a mess. For a woman it will be fun. For a man - to quarrels, swearing and quick reconciliation. Have fun in the kitchen. For a woman - to troubles and worries. For a man - a headache and receiving an unpleasant message.

Why see the Kitchen? (according to the Magic Dream Book)

I dreamed of a Kitchen - clean - profit, dirty - losses. Buying new kitchen furniture means that the owner of the kitchen will receive a decent fortune. Clean kitchen utensils - life will be focused on the interests of the family for a certain time. Sitting in the kitchen at a table (not empty) means well-being in the family. An empty kitchen table with empty dishes means poor appetite.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Kitchen in a dream

Kitchen – Clean and bright – to wealth and success. Dirty means problems. Imagine that you are cleaning the kitchen, it becomes clean and bright.

The meaning of a dream about Food (Creative Dream Book)

I dreamed about the Kitchen, what is it for. 1. For most people, the kitchen is the “heart” of the home, the place from which we go out into the world and to which we return. In dreams, the kitchen can represent the mother or, preferably, the maternal function. This is usually the most energetic place in the house, where relationships are strengthened and a huge number of all kinds of changes occur. 2. In the kitchen, warm and cozy. Therefore, her image in a dream represents the aspect of femininity and nutrition. Most cultures have folk tales related to the kitchen. From a spiritual perspective, the kitchen represents transformation and transformation. Moreover, they are more desirable than imposed. Rituals associated with the hearth and fire have always been and still remain important in spiritual development. Further, with today's abundance of semi-finished products, there is a sense in working in the kitchen.

Modern dream book for 365 days / Evgeny Goltsman

Why do you dream about the Kitchen by day of the week?

If you dreamed of working as a Mixer in the kitchen, this means confusion that will not bring you much grief, or communicating with a stupid but very energetic person.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with a Kitchen, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream about the kitchen - to hopelessness.

In the summer, why did you dream of seeing your kitchen and yourself in it, preparing food - a stressful state - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, what do you dream about the kitchen for? - everyday life.

In winter, why do you dream about the kitchen - gossip.

A dream where the action takes place in the kitchen is an omen of change. These can be both internal shocks and unexpected external circumstances. For more accurate interpretation It is recommended to remember all the details of the vision.

What kind of kitchen did you dream about? Where did you see the kitchen in your dream? What were you doing in the kitchen in your dream? What did you see in the kitchen in your dream?

What kind of kitchen did you dream about?

Someone else's kitchen

New kitchen in a dream

According to Felomena’s dream book, a new kitchen is an omen of joyful events. Soon the dreamer will receive an invitation to a grand event. There is also a high probability of career growth and capital increase.

Dreaming of a dirty kitchen

If you dreamed of a dirty kitchen, you should prepare as best as possible for the upcoming important task. Otherwise, you will probably fail and miss a rare chance.

Where did you see the kitchen in your dream?

Why do you dream of a kitchen in a house?

When you dream of a kitchen big house, this is how suppressed anxiety is expressed. A difficult situation can provoke depression in the dreamer. Please yourself, tune in to a positive mood, otherwise stress will have a detrimental effect on your health.

What were you doing in the kitchen in your dream?

Cleaning the kitchen in a dream

A dream where you clean, wash the kitchen, symbolizes reflection, change inner world sleeping. You will probably want drastic changes in your life. Don’t rush to make fateful decisions: first analyze the consequences.

What did you see in the kitchen in your dream?

I dreamed of a mess in the kitchen

The interpretation of a dream about a mess in the kitchen depends on the gender of the dreamer. For a woman, such a plot promises a fun pastime: friendly meetings or family holidays. For a man, this vision is a harbinger of temporary disagreements with his beloved.

Dream about kitchen renovation

Seeing in a dream how you are renovating a kitchen is a good sign. The sleeper will be able to take careful control of all aspects of his life, will begin to pay more attention to self-development and will certainly achieve career heights.


Why do you dream of a Kitchen, dream book What does it mean to see a Kitchen in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Kitchen in a dream?

According to the dream book, see Kitchen - In many houses and apartments, the kitchen is endowed with the function of not only a place for preparing food, but also a place where all family members periodically gather at a common table. In this case, the kitchen also becomes a place for discussing important matters for the whole family. In our country there are still preserved communal apartments with common areas, including shared kitchens, which turn out to be an area where interests intersect different people and are often associated with scandals and domestic feuds. The kitchen is also associated with cozy evening gatherings over a cup of tea or coffee. It was in kitchens in not so distant times that close friendly groups gathered to discuss painful issues. So the interpretation of this symbol will probably depend on what each particular dreamer associates with the kitchen. In general, an untidy and dirty kitchen can indicate scandals and domestic troubles in your family. And a kitchen that is clean and tidy actually promises a good relationship in the family, visits from long-awaited guests and a blissful atmosphere.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Kitchen in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Kitchen - Seeing a kitchen is a sign that some minor, albeit unpleasant events can have a too depressing effect on you. For a woman to see herself as a housewife in a beautiful, clean kitchen means that she herself will be the master of her own destiny.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Kitchen, what does the dream mean:

Seeing a Kitchen in a dream - A kitchen with all the accessories means a happy state of your home. Cooked in the kitchen - expect women's chatter and gossip. If a woman saw her kitchen clean in a dream, she will become the darling of fortune.

Rolling pin - If in a dream you rolled out dough with a rolling pin, then you will have a pleasant time with your family. If you threw a rolling pin at someone, you will regret your lack of restraint.

Refrigerator - If you dream of a refrigerator, honest and respectable people may suffer because of your selfishness.

Summer dream book

Why see a Kitchen in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Kitchen - Seeing your kitchen in a dream and yourself in it, preparing food, means a stressful state.

Mixer - Mixing something with a mixer in a dream means wishful thinking.

Rolling pin - You will have to listen to moral teaching.

Pressure cooker - To a sudden, fleeting illness.

Grater - A strong experience is ahead.

Toaster - To heartburn.

Autumn dream book

Why see a Kitchen in a dream?

Why do you dream about the Kitchen - To hopelessness, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Mixer - Mixing some components with a mixer - turning everything upside down.

Rolling pin - Will work very well Difficult life married, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Pressure cooker - A rash, hasty decision will be made.

Grater - To suffering.

Toaster - There is a chance to taste wonderful dishes.

Spring dream book

Why see a Kitchen in a dream?

According to the dream book Kitchen, what does it mean in a dream - Kitchen - to everyday life.

Mixer. The mixer usually dreams of big changes, and you will work very hard, in one word, “spin.”

A rolling pin means a family scandal.

Pressure cooker - a sudden scandal will begin between the spouses.

Grater - your nerves will fray.

Toaster - for a family idyll.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Kitchen in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: The refrigerator - part of spiritual life is still in a “frozen” state, as the dream book - predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about the Kitchen in a dream?

Seeing a Kitchen in a dream means - Refrigerator - to act selfishly towards an honest person, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.


Kitchen restaurant

Dream interpretation Kitchen restaurant dreamed of why you dream about a Kitchen restaurant? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Kitchen restaurant in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Towards successful activities.

Dream Interpretation - Restaurant

If in a dream you were invited to a restaurant by your loved one, it means that your intentions regarding marriage will come true quite soon. If you are cheerful and lively in a restaurant, this portends happiness in your marriage; if you are sad and dissatisfied, in reality failures will unsettle you seriously and for a long time.

If a waiter does not serve you for a long time, this is a harbinger of a causeless quarrel and separation from your lover; if he is kind and immediately fulfills your order, you will receive pleasant news in reality. A scandal in a restaurant predicts a sudden threat that you will not be able to prevent. A railway restaurant or dining car is a sign of disconcerting, inexplicable events that will happen to you on the road.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Neighborhood - evil gossip.

The kitchen is in chaos - grief.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

A kitchen seen in a dream means that you may find yourself in a critical situation, which will plunge you into a slight depression. This dream warns you to be prepared for anything.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Dream Interpretation - Restaurant

Being in a restaurant means experiencing turmoil in your own home, confusion in your personal life, jealousy.

A chic restaurant symbolizes the down-to-earth thoughts and intentions of your loved one.

A modest restaurant is an unexpected success for someone you never dared to dream about.


Cleaning the kitchen

Dream Interpretation Kitchen Cleaning dreamed of why you dream about cleaning the kitchen? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Cleaning the kitchen in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

A sign that preparations are underway in your life for some events that are not necessarily related to home and household.

For example, baking bread in the kitchen and cooking it yourself in the kitchen: a sign that the time has come for you to take on the implementation of some of your plans.

Untidy, dirty kitchen: speaks of poor organization of any business or poorly thought out plans.

A clean, comfortable kitchen: on the contrary, it indicates that everything is going as it should.

Seeing a stranger in your kitchen: indicates that a stranger may interfere in your affairs.

Unfamiliar kitchen: portends that someone’s plans may be revealed to you or that you may take an active part in someone’s plans.

If the stove on which the food is being prepared is too hot, this means that the planned task will be associated with strong emotions and will not be without controversy.

Getting burned, cut, scalded, or otherwise injuring yourself in the kitchen: this is a warning about possible negative consequences some ideas. Be careful and try to control your emotions, otherwise a serious conflict awaits you in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

A dream in which you are fussing around in your kitchen promises poor appetite and general weakening of the body after a long and debilitating illness. Finding yourself in someone else's kitchen means you will actually find yourself in a critical situation that will end in mental depression.

Cleaning the kitchen means well-being and order in the house; a dirty kitchen in a dream foreshadows the unexpected arrival of foreign friends. Changing furniture in the kitchen means gossip and gossip about you. Doing renovations in the kitchen - good luck will accompany you in everything. enjoy kitchen stove- a sign of close and ardent friendship.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Towards successful activities.

A kitchen sparkling with cleanliness and order portends a happy and long family life.

A dirty and cluttered kitchen means there is a danger of becoming a victim of gossip and dirty intrigues.

The neighbor's kitchen - evil gossip is circulating around you.

A huge, incredibly sized kitchen with many boilers and all sorts of appliances is a symbol of a soulless, cruel world, a harbinger of activities on a grand scale, connections with the press, you can even get on the pages of newspapers.

Feeling aromas from the kitchen means overeating.

A dirty kitchen means trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Having your own kitchen in a dream is a successful activity.

Neighborhood - evil gossip.

A huge, incredibly sized kitchen with many boilers and all sorts of appliances is a symbol of the soulless, cruel world inside you / there will be activities on a grand scale / communication with the press; get into the newspapers, etc.

Seeing Hell's Kitchen in a dream means your conscience awakens / certain matters with administrative officials and founders.

In a dream, not only to see the kitchen, but to feel its smells means suffering from a stomach illness.

The kitchen is in chaos - grief.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Being in the kitchen means wealth and a career.

If you cook food in a mortar in the kitchen because there is no boiler, you will lose your wife.

Tongues of fire fly out of the kitchen - portends an urgent matter.

Repairing or building a fireplace in the kitchen means great happiness and success.

Tongues of fire and flames fly out of the kitchen - an urgent matter.

Dream Interpretation - Cleaning

A dream in which you started cleaning: it says that in real life you have accumulated a lot of problems and you are anxiously wondering how you can sort them out.

Under no circumstances should you delay the matter long box and immediately begin to resolve problems, no matter how insoluble they may seem to you.

But keep in mind that you should not set yourself impossible tasks, do not try to deal with all the problems at once, try to get out of them gradually, resolving one after another.

If you have already put things in order and are now admiring your work, it means that in reality the time for calm will soon come and you will be able to do your favorite things and devote more time to your loved ones.

However, you should not relax too much, since this calm will not last long, in addition, even during this time you should maintain your form so that the transition from rest to active activity does not take you by surprise.

If you have acquired assistants who take an active part in cleaning: in reality you will need allies to implement your ideas and in the near future you will be looking for them.

If all your participation in cleaning comes down to just contemplating this process: in reality you will, as they say, rake in the heat with someone else’s hands, without experiencing the slightest lessons of conscience.

Well, it’s convenient when others do all the dirty work for you, but the whole point is that such work needs to be paid for in one way or another, and because of laziness you can lose most condition.

Be extremely careful and try to do all the necessary work yourself, and resort to outside help only as a last resort and do not delegate serious matters to anyone else.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

“participate in this kitchen” (business), “bad kitchen” quarrel, bad joint plans, dubious activity.

"creative cuisine" Proverb: “spoons, bowls, ladle” - vanity, confusion, chaos. “Like roasting over low heat” is mockery, sadism.

"French gourmet cuisine", "cook (maid)", but! renowned chef, professional.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

A kitchen seen in a dream means that you may find yourself in a critical situation, which will plunge you into a slight depression. This dream warns you to be prepared for anything.

A kitchen with all the accessories means a happy state of your home.

Cooked in the kitchen - expect women's chatter and gossip.

If a woman saw her kitchen clean in a dream, she will become the darling of fortune.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Seeing a well-furnished kitchen is a sign of wealth.

Seeing a kitchen without furnishings is a symbol of dislike on the part of the husband.

A girl sees an empty kitchen, which means she will marry a rich man.

The patient sees the kitchen - to a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Cleaning

Cleaning - In the house - release from life difficulties and troubles. In a public space - at work you will get rid of people bothering you if cleaning is done with bare hands; from inconvenience if you use a broom or rag.


Kitchen with a guy

Dream Interpretation Kitchen with a guy dreamed of why you dream about a Kitchen with a guy? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Kitchen with a guy in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

A sign that preparations are underway in your life for some events that are not necessarily related to home and household.

For example, baking bread in the kitchen and cooking it yourself in the kitchen: a sign that the time has come for you to take on the implementation of some of your plans.

Untidy, dirty kitchen: speaks of poor organization of any business or poorly thought out plans.

A clean, comfortable kitchen: on the contrary, it indicates that everything is going as it should.

Seeing a stranger in your kitchen: indicates that a stranger may interfere in your affairs.

Unfamiliar kitchen: portends that someone’s plans may be revealed to you or that you may take an active part in someone’s plans.

If the stove on which the food is being prepared is too hot, this means that the planned task will be associated with strong emotions and will not be without controversy.

Getting burned, cut, scalded, or otherwise injuring yourself in the kitchen: this is a warning about the possible negative consequences of certain ideas. Be careful and try to control your emotions, otherwise a serious conflict awaits you in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

A dream in which you are fussing around in your kitchen promises poor appetite and general weakening of the body after a long and debilitating illness. Finding yourself in someone else's kitchen means you will actually find yourself in a critical situation that will end in mental depression.

Cleaning the kitchen means well-being and order in the house; a dirty kitchen in a dream foreshadows the unexpected arrival of foreign friends. Changing furniture in the kitchen means gossip and gossip about you. Doing renovations in the kitchen - good luck will accompany you in everything. Using a kitchen stove is a sign of close and ardent friendship.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Towards successful activities.

A kitchen sparkling with cleanliness and order portends a happy and long family life.

A dirty and cluttered kitchen means there is a danger of becoming a victim of gossip and dirty intrigues.

The neighbor's kitchen - evil gossip is circulating around you.

A huge, incredibly sized kitchen with many boilers and all sorts of appliances is a symbol of a soulless, cruel world, a harbinger of activities on a grand scale, connections with the press, you can even get on the pages of newspapers.

Feeling aromas from the kitchen means overeating.

A dirty kitchen means trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Having your own kitchen in a dream is a successful activity.

Neighborhood - evil gossip.

A huge, incredibly sized kitchen with many boilers and all sorts of appliances is a symbol of the soulless, cruel world inside you / there will be activities on a grand scale / communication with the press; get into the newspapers, etc.

Seeing Hell's Kitchen in a dream means your conscience awakens / certain matters with administrative officials and founders.

In a dream, not only to see the kitchen, but to feel its smells means suffering from a stomach illness.

The kitchen is in chaos - grief.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Being in the kitchen means wealth and a career.

If you cook food in a mortar in the kitchen because there is no boiler, you will lose your wife.

Tongues of fire fly out of the kitchen - portends an urgent matter.

Repairing or building a fireplace in the kitchen means great happiness and success.

Tongues of fire and flames fly out of the kitchen - an urgent matter.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

“participate in this kitchen” (business), “bad kitchen” quarrel, bad joint plans, dubious activity.

"creative cuisine" Proverb: “spoons, bowls, ladle” - vanity, confusion, chaos. “Like roasting over low heat” is mockery, sadism.

"French gourmet cuisine", "cook (maid)", but! renowned chef, professional.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

A kitchen seen in a dream means that you may find yourself in a critical situation, which will plunge you into a slight depression. This dream warns you to be prepared for anything.

A kitchen with all the accessories means a happy state of your home.

Cooked in the kitchen - expect women's chatter and gossip.

If a woman saw her kitchen clean in a dream, she will become the darling of fortune.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Seeing a well-furnished kitchen is a sign of wealth.

Seeing a kitchen without furnishings is a symbol of dislike on the part of the husband.

A girl sees an empty kitchen, which means she will marry a rich man.

The patient sees the kitchen - to a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Kitchen - seeing the kitchen - gossip. A clean kitchen means profit, a dirty kitchen means annoyance: there is no reciprocity.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

A kitchen with all the accessories means a happy state for everyone at home; cooking in the kitchen is a sign of women's chatter and gossip; seeing a burning kitchen means the death of the cook, cook or one of the servants.


Apartment kitchen

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

A well-organized kitchen in a dream foreshadows prosperity in the house and family harmony. A tattered, unsettled kitchen, on the contrary, predicts need, troubles, troubles, failures, and gossip. Talking about the kitchen in a dream predicts escapades, adventures, a secret conspiracy or a secret meeting for lovers.

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

Seeing your apartment in a dream foretells cash receipts. Changing your apartment for another means betrayal in love. Someone else's apartment means that the person with whom you are in an intimate relationship is cheating or intends to cheat on you with your closest friend.

If in a dream you rent an apartment, in reality this foreshadows a wedding. Don't have an apartment - you'll be interested dangerous business, tempted by big profits. If someone is arrested in your apartment, this is a sign of surprises and surprises.

Taking on a tenant for your apartment is a sign that you will be included in the Don Juan list of your admirer. If a tenant moves out of the apartment without paying you, you are in for trouble with men due to financial settlements.

Finding yourself in the hallway of someone else's apartment, waiting until the owner deigns to come out to you, is to be humiliated in reality. Seeing yourself in someone else's bedroom means the jealousy of your husband or lover. To dream of a rich and tastefully furnished apartment with an office and a large library - such a dream foretells that your desire to live better will be realized.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

a clean, spacious and tidy kitchen in a dream means your clean and decent wife, and vice versa. If you feel that there is a nasty smell in the kitchen you saw, beware that your wife will try to manipulate you. Blood in the kitchen in a dream represents a female illness.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Seeing the kitchen in this way means that you will find yourself in a critical situation, which will lead you to a slight depression. This dream warns you of the need to be prepared for anything.

For a woman to dream of cleanliness and order in her kitchen is a sign that she will become the darling of fortune.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Being in the kitchen in a dream means that you will find yourself in a situation that will cause you grief. Such a dream warns of the need to be prepared for anything. If a woman sees cleanliness and order in her kitchen in a dream, this is a sign of fate’s favor towards her.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Symbolizes the mistress of the house, wife, care; an image reflecting the “creative” and business kitchen (state of affairs), as well as prepared family situations and relationships. Also associated with hell's kitchen (hell) and punishment for misdeeds and vices. Beautiful, new marriage for a woman.

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

If in a dream you just saw your apartment, this dream promises a peaceful life.

Dreaming of someone else's apartment marks the betrayal of a person with whom you have a close relationship.

Changing an apartment also means betrayal in love.

Buying an apartment means profit.

Rent an apartment - to new job, a new hobby or a new intimate relationship.

Renting an apartment means getting a job, success in business, close relationships without love.

Paying rent means separation from a friend.

Receiving rent from someone means the return of forgotten friendship or love.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Cooking in a clean, tidy kitchen is a joy.

What a joy it is when the kitchen is clean! Especially for mom, whom you helped clean up.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Kitchen - be prepared for any situation.

A clean, bright kitchen - fate is favorable to you.

Dream Interpretation - Kitchen

Seen in a dream with all the accessories, it means the happy state of all households.

Cooking in the kitchen is a sign of women's chatter and gossip.

Seeing a kitchen on fire portends the death of the cook or cook, or one of the servants.

Dream interpretation kitchen

The kitchen plays a big role in the life of every person, and therefore you want to quickly decipher the image you see in a dream. However, on initial stage many encounter certain shortcomings in each dream book, but the thing is that it is difficult to find a scenario that ideally suits the dreamer. Why did you dream about the kitchen?

First stage

Before we talk about the features of what happens in a night dream, a sleeping person will have to restore unusual images in his memory and try to compare them with the available information.

As the dream book describes, the kitchen is not just a place where the whole family gathers at one table, but also a complex symbol that needs correct characterization.

I dreamed of a modern home

The above image represents the life potential of a person who so needs real implementation. If you judge the room, then two elements are immediately in conflict: fire and water, and therefore it is not so easy to draw any conclusions. The dreamer’s task is to be patient and begin deciphering.

What will the experts tell you?

You can see a kitchen in a dream under different circumstances, which is why it is so important to decide on the interior decoration and cleanliness of the space. Some dream interpreters discuss this issue in detail, and therefore it makes sense to turn to them for help.


If we see the kitchen, then in reality the situation becomes more precarious, and this can lead to severe depression. This picture foreshadows events that will happen at any moment. The main thing for us is not to lose our heads and soberly assess the situation.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

You may dream of a small but cozy kitchenette, symbolizing insufficient preparation for any task. Your task is to draw up a preliminary plan and begin phased implementation.

There is no need to rush, as the top of the problem may be hidden from inattentive eyes.

Seeing a dirty room in a dream

Modern interpreter

When dirty walls and the top of the room appear, then we must beware of intrigue and deceit. To prevent this from happening in the future, you will have to control suspicious people.

Lunar dream book

If you dreamed of wandering around the room, it means that your soul has long been a mess, from which you cannot get rid of. What is the reason for this? The dream interpreter suggests that it is easier for a sleeping person to live the way he does.
When we wake up, it is not so easy to remember some little things, but now we have to work a little harder. We need to analyze the internal space:


When we read the works of a psychologist, it is not always possible to find a formulation that suits modern realities. This time Freud did not change his traditions and drew a simple parallel that we are unlikely to understand:

  • neglected walls - to the suppression of one’s own sexuality;
  • a well-groomed kitchen top means receiving favorable energy flows.

What they were doing?

The kitchen is a special place that allows you to improve your culinary skills. If you practice regularly, the results will not take long to arrive.


Dream about cooking

If you decide to change furniture or replace back wall locker, get ready for people to start plotting behind your back. Successfully completed work will reflect the successful repulsion of enemy attacks.


Cooking in the kitchen means the beginning of active actions. The dream interpreter says that the time has come to implement plans. If you were to see someone cooking, it means your fantasies are not fully realized.

Using a stove is a symbol of the warm and trusting relationships that have formed in the family. If you managed to cut yourself, then in real life you will have to control your emotions, since they can only do harm.


If the dreamer decides to clean up, then he can put things in order in his head, and this will lay a good foundation for future achievements.

Possible variations

For the dreamer, who owned the kitchen also plays a big role . If we see unfamiliar images, it means that in reality we will be able to uncover someone’s hostile intentions. Without making any effort, you can encounter big problems. If you recognize your neighbors’ walls, then most likely they will start hostile propaganda behind your back, and it will not be so easy to launder your name.

If the dreamer looks up and tries to get something from the top shelf of the locker, it means that in reality he is close to realizing his goal. You will have to put in a little effort while going through the latest difficulties.

If the dreamed room seemed very blurry, then you will face a critical situation. Only strong individuals will be able to overcome themselves and move on.