Blackheads in a 7 year old child. Skin problems in school-age children. What to do with acne and pimples? What can you do

A child’s immunity is formed in the process of introducing the body to various infectious diseases. Acne in a child can be a consequence or symptom of these diseases (sometimes very serious), so acne cannot be left unattended, even if it does not cause discomfort in the baby. Doctors will determine the exact cause of acne in a child based on their appearance, as well as taking into account accompanying illnesses and the age of the child.

The main causes of acne in children

Acne on a child's body can appear for a number of reasons. These may be:

At the same time, acne can appear on the face or cover the entire body. This is how a skin disease called “newborn acne” (acne neonatorum) manifests itself.

It usually appears within six months from the birth of the baby, and about 20% of newborn children suffer from it.

Sometimes even pediatricians confuse newborn acne with atopic (allergic) dermatitis or other types of rashes, so it is important for parents to know features this disease.

There are several of them:

  1. The appearance of yellowish, whitish-pearly or white pimples in a child, looking like papules or pustules.
  2. No comedones.
  3. Pimples are located in close groups, sometimes merging into large spots.
  4. Frequent areas of rash: all areas of the face, back of the head, penis (in boys). Much less commonly, the rash appears on the neck and upper chest.

Causes of acne in newborns

Acne of newborns is a subject of study by specialists, so all the reasons for its occurrence have not yet been identified.

Let us note only those that have already been proven. And this:

  • excess content of maternal hormones that are passed on to the baby during the intrauterine period;
  • restructuring of the baby’s own hormonal system;
  • excess secretion production sebaceous glands;
  • clogged pores and hair follicles of the skin;
  • excessive formation of lipophilic yeasts, which lead to inflammation.

Treatment of acne in newborns is carried out after an accurate diagnosis has been established and numerous other dermatoses that occur in young children have been excluded. As a rule, in order for the examination to be comprehensive and treatment to be adequate, the child will need to be shown not only to a pediatrician and dermatologist, but also to an endocrinologist and an allergist-immunologist.

Among all types of rashes on the face or body, purulent acne is the most dangerous. They can appear at any age.

But if such rashes in adults require special care, then purulent acne in a child should not be ignored at all.

What reasons can influence their occurrence and how to treat these acne?

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Why do they appear?

The occurrence of purulent acne can be influenced by a variety of factors.

They represent a strong inflammatory process, accompanied by the formation of pus in the hair follicle. This is preceded by bacterial infection of the sebaceous gland secretion.

Rashes on the body (the photo shows the variety of types of such rashes) can have very different causes.

The most common are as follows.

  • Hormonal imbalance. First of all, the activity of the sebaceous glands is caused by male sex hormones. Hormonal changes can be observed in adolescence, during pregnancy, in different phases menstrual cycle, due to taking hormonal medications.
  • Hyperkeratosis. This is a condition accompanied by thickening and compaction of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • Insufficient skin cleansing. Washing with water is not always enough to completely cleanse the skin, so remaining dirt quickly becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Improper skin care.
  • Abuse of decorative cosmetics or use of comedogenic skin care products.
  • Frequent situations of nervous tension.
  • Diseases of various origins. Among them are those that are sexually transmitted. Adults do not always manage to avoid “childhood” infections if immunity to them has not been formed in due time. With psoriasis, pimples may also appear, which quickly merge into dense plaques.

Children may have their own reasons leading to the formation of purulent acne:

  • teething, accompanied by active salivation;
  • prickly heat, which occurs due to overheating of the body;
  • unfavorable factors environment;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • infectious lesions - infection, streptoderma.

Let's take a closer look at some factors.


Skin irritation may be caused by rubbing from clothing or exposure to external factors(weather, household chemicals).

As a result, the top layer of skin is damaged and reddened, inflamed areas and a rash appear on it.

Damaged epidermis cannot serve as a good defense against the penetration of bacteria. And as they develop, new pimples with purulent contents appear.

In babies, irritation can easily occur due to increased salivation.

Saliva itself is an irritating factor for the epidermis, so the formation of acne with subsequent infection is not uncommon.


Allergic reactions – common reason skin rashes.

  • They can appear on almost any area: not only on the face, but also in skin folds and on the butt.
  • Often small pimples merge into larger formations and begin to get wet.
  • The situation is worsened by severe itching, which is sometimes accompanied by the affected areas.

All this contributes to skin infection.

Viral diseases

Usually in this case there are other symptoms of the presence of the virus in the body: fever, weakness, headache.

In such cases, consultation with a doctor is required.

Insect bites

Photo: rashes after insect bites

  • Insect bites on the skin look similar to pimples.
  • They are red, compacted, with a raised middle.
  • But such formations do not have purulent contents.
  • Another thing is that bites often cause severe itching. By scratching them, you can easily damage the epidermis and introduce an infection there. In this case, a purulent formation may appear at the site of the bite.
  • Pimples from bites are located singly, without merging into groups. They may appear in places not specific to the rash (for example,) or be scattered throughout the body.

Video: “About acne on the cheeks of a one-year-old child”


Pimples that appear can be of different types.

In many ways, this feature allows us to determine the cause of the rash:

  • papules– pimples are red in color, with a raised upper part that has no contents;
  • pustules– formations with a white tip, which indicates the presence of purulent or watery contents inside;
  • – subcutaneous inflammation, which manifests itself as redness and thickening of the epidermis;
  • cysts– large internal pimples, red or bluish in color, painful when palpated.



Watery pimples resemble colorless blisters, protruding like a hemisphere above the epidermis.

They may be a sign:

  • allergic reactions– in this case, the pimples are small, located in a close group;
  • diaper rash– such a rash can appear when the body overheats, especially in children in the first year of life; if the child’s skin does not receive proper care on time, then prickly heat can transform into a secondarily infected purulent rash;

  • chickenpox- in this case, bubbles appear very quickly, growing literally before our eyes from small reddish spots, first in the face and neck, then on the back, on the arms and legs, there are additional symptoms in the form of fever, itching;

Photo: lesion by molluscum contagiosum

  • contagious– in this case, the bubble that appears usually has a slightly depressed center with darkening inside it;
  • herpesviral infection, which manifests itself during periods of weakened immunity.

Most watery rashes require special treatment, so if you find such pimples, you need to.

Red in babies

Red rashes in infants may not pose a danger and do not require treatment.

But parents are unlikely to be able to determine the severity of the situation on their own.

Red pimples can appear on a child’s body in the first six months of life, most often immediately after birth.

On the head

The entire scalp area is prone to acne.

They can be found on the face, in the hair, in the mouth and in the ear.

On the face

The face is the most common area for rashes. There are large sebaceous glands here and it is open to external influences.

On the forehead
  • review the diet towards the correct one;
  • strengthen personal hygiene;
  • take additional vitamin complexes.

Cosmetic procedures

Cosmetic procedures that can help:

  • ultrasound therapy– it promotes deep cleansing of pores, improvement of blood microcirculation in skin cells, and natural healing of the skin occurs;
  • different types– also deeply cleanse pores, remove excess dead cells from the surface;
  • – with the help of special medicinal mixtures, not only inflammation is eliminated, but also a comprehensive solution to skin problems occurs.

All cosmetic procedures should be carried out outside the period of exacerbation.


All medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Photo: a doctor should prescribe medications to a child

What can help:

  • hormonal ointments– usually with hydrocortisone, soothe the skin and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • silver colloidal ion solution– has antibacterial properties, without essentially being an antibiotic;
  • antibiotics– fight bacterial skin lesions.

At home

Home methods should complement the treatment prescribed by a specialist, but not replace it.

They contribute more fast healing acne and skin regeneration:

  • tar soap– has an anti-inflammatory effect and does not dry the skin;
  • maritime– improves metabolic processes, helps heal the skin without scars (used in the form of baths);
  • – applied spot-on to dry out acne and relieve inflammation;
  • hydrogen peroxide– used in diluted form, has antimicrobial and drying properties;
  • zinc paste– promotes the healing of even deep acne without appearing on the skin.
Purulent acne– this is always a sign of bacteria developing deep in the pores.

Caution is especially required in relation to children. Any purulent rash in them requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Video: “How to treat a boil”

Everyone knows that adolescence is a time when the skin is especially prone to acne, but what if it starts quite early - say, acne at the age of 9, is this normal or not? The question is quite complex, and are there any simple questions acne related? The point is that according to general rule The first appearance of age-related acne should occur at the age of 12-17 years, that is, at the time when it occurs puberty body. That is why the occurrence of 9 years

acne says

that there is a good reason to see a doctor.

What could be the reason for acne in a 9 year old child? As we have already noted, exacerbation of acne during adolescence usually begins later. Exactly “usually”, so the possibility that your child is an exception to their rules is in no way possible; after all, all people are individual. If the diagnosis acne“is confirmed, and we are not talking about acne after chickenpox, also do not rush to relax - non-compliance with the norm is punishable in our country, so it is very likely that the child will be prescribed drugs that regulate hormonal levels. To avoid unnecessary use strong drugs, try to find a truly experienced pediatric endocrinologist - this way you will avoid “healing”. Another reason why acne may appear at the age of 9 is viral disease– only a dermatologist can help you here. You can read as much as you like about what the symptoms of a particular disease look like, but a doctor will still have to make a diagnosis.

What products are used to treat acne at 9 years old? Let's start with the fact that at this age therapy must be used very carefully. If you are using cosmetical tools(tonics, lotions, cleansers), then pay attention, first of all, to children's series. In most cases, they do not contain any harmful or dangerous components that can harm sensitive children's skin. IN general outline, you should approach the choice of means to combat acne at this age according to the principle “measure twice, cut once,” carefully weighing all the pros and cons.

Acne occurs on the skin of people of all ages, including children, starting from birth. Blackheads are a type of acne in which the sebaceous glands become clogged as a result of the accumulation of large amounts of sebum. Contacting the environment, it becomes dirty and blackens. There are also purulent pimples white, occurring in cases where the top layer is dense and the contents of the sebaceous gland do not have access to oxygen. It is necessary to start fighting acne in children as early as possible, preventing the development of the disease.

Sebum is an ideal breeding ground for harmful microbes. Blackheads can become inflamed when exposed to bacteria, so they must be removed immediately. Absence proper treatment will lead to the growth of small blackheads and acne in an infant or older child into inflamed and painful pimples with pus, after removal of which a scar will remain.

What are the types of acne in children?

Acne in newborns on the face and head, as well as in children school age There are different ones, but they can all be divided into four categories:

  1. Open acne. The rashes are inflamed and filled with pus, and usually appear on the surface of the skin.
  2. Closed acne. They are located deep in the skin layers. Such acne on the face of newborns occurs quite often and disappears on its own.
  3. Purulent rashes are acne in a child over 3 years of age that appears due to staphylococcus.
  4. Watery red pimples in children about 7 years old indicate streptococcus has entered the body.

Open rashes are characterized by blisters that resemble herpes and chickenpox in appearance. Small red pimples in a 5-month-old baby are a sign of heat rash, and when the skin peels, it is atopic dermatitis.

Acne in babies

Blackheads and acne in babies, caused by blockage of the sebaceous glands, usually appear on the chin and cheeks (singly or in a group). Effective means There is no fight against such pimples on the face and head of newborns yet, so it is better to wait until they disappear on their own (this will not affect the child’s health).

White dots on the nose of an infant in the first weeks of life will soon disappear on their own

Sometimes in the second or third week after birth, small reddish pimples appear on the neck and back of babies. This is the result of the formation of hormonal levels small organism, so the neoplasms will go away on their own.

Often, acne in a 9-month-old child or even younger appears due to allergic reactions to certain irritants:

  • improper nutrition of a nursing mother;
  • plant pollen;
  • pets, etc.

We have already talked about the heat rash above, but you also need to remember that it does not appear immediately on the face, but forms first on the neck (this main feature, which pediatricians use to diagnose heat rash).

The next common cause of acne in a child under 7 months is dysbacteriosis, which is easily diagnosed: the baby becomes restless, colic appears and stool is disrupted.

... but if a child has acne and his cheeks turn red, the cause may be food allergy

Acne in children of preschool and school age

Acne occurs in a child aged 4 years and older quite rarely, but it still happens. Painful, inflamed, purulent acne can appear on the face in the cheeks, forehead and nose. The first stage of the formation of hormonal levels, sebaceous ducts and glands is far behind, so acne in a child over 3 years of age requires a thorough examination.

Observations by experienced doctors confirm that a rash on the face and pimples on the butt in a 3-year-old child are a consequence of hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex and overly active production of androgens. There are many causes of the disease, so parents need to rule out:

  • miliaria;
  • lichen;
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • problems with the adrenal glands;
  • premature appearance of hair in the genital area and armpits;
  • early puberty.

Tests to check the levels of hormones in the body can help identify the real causes of acne in children 7 years of age and older. The formation of pimples on the nose of a 7-year-old child or in other places is a reason to carefully determine the causes of the disease, since it is not easy cosmetic defect, but a symptom of serious deviations in work internal organs and systems.

Drug treatment of acne in children

Do not buy facial acne products from pharmacies for children 9 years of age and younger without a prescription if they are intended for teenagers. Such ointments and creams are too harsh on sensitive skin kids.

To treat acne in a child under 9 years of age, use only what your doctor prescribes. For example, this could be a light 1% hydrocortisone cream or a silver colloidal ion solution.

Severe forms of acne in children under 8 years of age may be accompanied by itching, dryness and soreness of the skin. The above-mentioned hydrocortisone, which slows down the production of fat by the sebaceous glands, allows it to be calmed down.

Colloidal silver solution has a milder effect compared to hydrocortisone, but effectively fights bacteria growing in skin pores and relieves itching.

When acne on a child’s body, similar to mosquito bites, causes discomfort and pain, and does not go away within a month, doctors prescribe soft ointments against acne. Retinoid cream consisting of tazarotene, adapalene and tretinoin is highly effective.

Home remedies for acne in children

To get rid of acne in children under 9 years of age, mild baby soap can be used to wash the baby’s face. You should not do this more than once a day, since excessive washing will cause irritation on the skin, and the work of the sebaceous glands will intensify, and the situation will worsen.

Do not use greasy creams on areas where your child has acne. Despite the apparent dryness of the skin, adding oil will make the sebaceous glands even more active, and the acne will become inflamed and there will be more of them.

When treating acne in children, you should never squeeze them, as this will not give positive result, but will only make it worse. The skin becomes irritated when pimples are squeezed out, and the glands will begin to produce even more fat - the number of pimples will inevitably increase.

Be patient, as acne on the skin of children under 7-9 years of age goes away in most cases without outside intervention within a few weeks. If the acne-affected areas look very bad and your child feels discomfort, go to the doctor, who will prescribe specialized treatment.

Ladies of children, please advise how to dry out my daughter’s acne? She is only 9 and a half, but tall and large. Wool began to appear in intimate places and suffered from pimples on my nose and cheeks. It’s too early, of course, but what to do? Maybe someone knows what to wash or smear with? The dermatologist says age and do nothing. But it's a pity, the girl is very pretty. My lotion doesn't help :-((
Mikrob © (05/29/2007 10:05) Direct link

First, wash your face with soap 2 times a day! Secondly, ask the pharmacy for a lotion against age-related acne (Clorasil or Klinap, I don’t remember exactly). Thirdly, eat less fatty and spicy foods.
Kaggi-Karr © (05/29/2007 10:05) Direct link

IMHO, it’s better to have a doctor or at least a pharmacist look at it - often even in one line there are several cleansers for different types skin, I would look at Sebamed or Essex, but are there really good local products in Russia? and it is necessary without fragrances and so that the skin does not dry out
Jane-Kulinarka © (05/29/2007 10:05) Direct link
It’s better not with soap, it seems to me, but with a special gel...

and it is advisable to eat small meals, 5-6 times a day, little by little. I read somewhere in an article about the fight against juvenile acne...
Vinnie © (05/29/2007 11:05) Direct link
When I was 10 years old, I bought “Mia” a cleansing gel for acne-prone skin. So far (12 years) we have been saving ourselves with this, pimples go away quickly if they pop up. True, it dries out the skin, sometimes you have to apply baby cream... In general, a strange dermatologist. If acne doesn’t give you peace, it can spoil the skin with potholes: (My cosmetologist recommended some pharmaceutical ointment for my daughter, if we get really tired. I don’t remember the name, I’ll check today...
Solange © (05/29/2007 10:05) Direct link
nothing helped ours, even though we went to the skin specialist almost every month, we spent a lot of money on all sorts of lotions, etc., only after taking the course all the acne disappeared, but I drank for a long time, more than six months, the skin was terribly dry, so no one I don’t recommend it, it’s generally not recommended for girls, it seems..
other © (05/29/2007 10:05) Direct link
try aqua powder. I use it myself and am extremely happy with it. But I was “introduced” to her by a woman who just saved her son from such acne (adolescence). you can buy it on the Internet. I used to see it in pharmacies, but the product was unpopular, so they stopped purchasing it.
Ksanka © (05/29/2007 11:05) Direct link
Salicylic-zinc ointment is sold in pharmacies. It costs a penny. It helped me a lot at the time :) Before going to bed, you apply bainki to your face.
try © (29.05.2007 14:05) Direct link
My sister rubs calendula tincture on her niece’s pimples. but you need to be very careful because It dries out quite a bit.
Tina_K © (29.05.2007 14:05) Direct link
I can recommend washing your face with soft foam, a couple of times a week - with a scrub. Use after washing Skinoren!!! Great cream! The effect is very good.
Yablo4ko © (05/30/2007 13:05) Direct link
The doctor is wrong! See another doctor. As I understand it, we are talking about demixes? What we call age-related acne. A diet is a must, but it’s better for the doctor to see what else to do (my daughter was prescribed a complex ointment to order). I’ll say right away that the effect of using any remedy is short-term (at least for us) We’ve been fighting for 3 years now :-) Now we’ve stopped - in the morning, acne cleansing foam, in the evening, Delex-acne gel. We smear for two weeks, rest for two. This way there are no acne
I can’t do something under mine © (05/30/2007 16:05) Direct link

It has long been known that beauty and health are interconnected. Skin is an indicator of the body's well-being. If it is smooth and velvety, then the person is healthy. Various rashes and discolorations skin talk about the malfunction of any of the body systems. In this case, treatment is not always required - sometimes lifestyle changes are enough. What to do if you find a rash?

A child has a rash on his face various reasons occurrence, therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the etiology of the disease

Why might a child develop a rash on his face?

There are a lot of diseases that are accompanied by a rash. In order to distinguish them, you need to take into account the nature of the rash: color, size, dynamics of manifestation. It cannot be ignored and associated symptoms. All rashes can be classified into 2 groups:

  1. primary - affecting healthy skin;
  2. secondary - appear as the primary develops.

The table shows the most common primary rashes:

Appearance of the rash Cause Associated symptoms
Small red pimples. The boundaries are unclear, the rash appears in the form of clusters that can merge into one spot. Allergy Itching, drowsiness, Bad mood, slight fluctuations in body temperature. Sometimes - redness of the eyes, runny nose.
“Mosquito bites” are pinkish or red pimples. They have a pronounced center surrounded by a border. The boundaries are clear, the number is gradually increasing. Infectious diseases (measles, rubella, scarlet fever, etc.) Severe increase in body temperature, chills, itching.
Rashes in the form of blisters filled with cloudy or white liquid. Herpes Severe pain in the area of ​​the rash, increased body temperature (from 37.3 to 38°C). ARVI symptoms are often associated.
Watery pimples with a blackhead in the center. At first they appear in the form of compactions, but gradually become softer. Molluscum contagiosum None. Rarely - itching.
Pink spots with purulent accumulations in the center. Streptoderma (more details in the article: effective treatment streptoderma in a child) Febrile fever, general intoxication of the body, enlarged lymph nodes.
White bumps on the mucous membrane of the mouth or around the lips. Accompanied by a cheesy coating. Candidiasis Burning sensation in the affected area, loss of appetite.
Small red pimples that appear after overheating. Prickly heat None.

Types of rashes on the face in children of different ages

As already noted, the rash can be primary or secondary. Primary rashes are of greatest interest because they are the most common. It is with their diagnosis that difficulties arise. Based on shape and appearance, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Tubercles are non-hollow lumps on the skin.
  • Blisters are dense areas that rise above the level of healthy skin. Blisters are an allergic reaction to poison from plants and insects.
  • Papules, or nodules, are non-hollow elements that differ from healthy skin in height and color. They usually go away on their own.
  • Bubbles are small pimples. They have a pronounced center filled with cloudy liquid.
  • Bubbles are large formations (from 0.5 cm).
  • Pustules are pimples filled with pus.
  • Spots are changes in the color of the skin.
  • Roseola are small pink or red spots that disappear when you apply pressure to the affected area.

Roseola infantisRed rash

Acne can also appear in a child due to poor hygiene. If your baby is covered with bright pimples, then this is a skin reaction to pollution, to which children in the first 6 years of life are especially susceptible. To prevent your child from becoming covered with a painful crust on delicate areas of the skin, carefully monitor the baby’s cleanliness and accustom him to water procedures.

A consequence of unfavorable thermal effects is hyperhidrosis, or prickly heat. It manifests itself most clearly in infants, starting at one month of age. The baby’s body has not learned to adapt to the ambient temperature, so spots appear on his head and shoulders from sweat. All treatment comes down to frequent stays of the little patient on fresh air and regular ventilation of premises.

Red spots on the forehead, cheeks and shoulders are often a sign of allergies. During lactation, this means that the mother should adjust her diet and also abandon aggressive household chemicals.

Allergic rashes

Allergies often occur in one-year-old children as a reaction to complementary foods. To avoid this, choose hypoallergenic products and coordinate your diet with your pediatrician.

Red pimples in a child are also observed with toxic erythema. The rash occurs in the facial area: on the head, forehead, cheeks, nose. Newborns and babies under one year of age are most susceptible to it. This type of rash does not require specific treatment and disappears on its own within 7-8 days. At a later age, erythema is rare and, as a rule, is a consequence of uncomfortable living conditions: humidity, ambient temperature.

As mentioned above, red rashes can be infectious in nature and observed in the following diseases:

  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • scarlet fever;
  • chickenpox.

Chicken pox rash

The most dangerous possible cause of skin changes is meningitis. The disease is severe and in some cases is fatal. Characteristic feature infection is a rapid increase in body temperature and the gradual spread of an itchy rash throughout the body. At the slightest suspicion of meningococcal infection You should consult a doctor immediately.

White pimples

Milia, or white pimples, are a type of acne that occurs in teenagers during hormonal changes. They are a small cyst formed as a result of excess sebum. Appear on the cheeks, nose, forehead. The causes of milia are varied: poor diet, poor-quality cosmetics, hormonal imbalance. As a rule, rashes disappear on their own with age (at 15-16 years of age). If not, you should visit a dermatologist or endocrinologist.

The predominant localization of milia is the area around the eyes, cheekbones, T-zone (forehead-nose-chin). It is impossible to squeeze out such a tubercle - the source is deep under the skin. To get rid of white pimples on the face, you need to adjust your diet and provide quality skin care by choosing products that correct the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Similar rashes also occur in newborns and go away on their own within 1-2 months of life.

Milia in a newborn Colorless rash

Small colorless rashes that resemble nodules are called neonatal acne. Neonatal cephalic pustulosis appears on the face of children during the first month of life. This is how the baby’s skin reacts to the remnants of maternal hormones. Specific treatment not required - the baby will soon adapt to new living conditions. Acne usually goes away on its own within a few days, weeks or 1 year.

Colorless or flesh-colored watery pimples on the cheeks in later life may indicate disruptions in immune system: This is how a food allergy or reaction to emotional stress manifests itself. This phenomenon is called dyshidrosis. In emotionally stable children, it goes away on its own; otherwise, therapy is required, including the use of weak sedatives.

Minor rash

The first thing you need to pay attention to is whether the patient has a fever. If the thermometer shows more than 37.5 °C, an infection has entered the body.

If the fever is accompanied low-grade fever body (from 37.0 to 37.5 °C), there is allergic hyperemia, a systemic disorder or a sluggish infection. In the presence of dermatological diseases(pyoderma, erythema, urticaria) body temperature may not increase.

Large purulent blisters

The appearance of purulent blisters can be caused by various factors:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • compaction of the apex of the epidermis - hyperkeratosis;
  • improper skin care;
  • abuse of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • frequent stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Other types of rashes

Almost every person is familiar with acne on the face firsthand. They can appear at any age and significantly spoil plans. Children with immature immunity and during the period of hormonal changes are most prone to the appearance of acne and rashes (see also: photos of rashes and other manifestations of measles in children). In most cases, acne on a child’s face is normal, but sometimes a rash is a sign of dangerous pathologies.

Skin rashes in adolescents are a normal variant during the period of hormonal changes in the body

If the symptoms are not similar to any of the cases described above, you should pay attention to the table with explanations of other types of rashes.

Treatment and prevention

Prevention and treatment of rashes in a child begins with eliminating the factors that provoke this condition. If the exact cause cannot be established, all known preventive and therapeutic measures must be taken:

  • correction of nutrition for a nursing mother;
  • for children over 2 years old - strict control over the diet;
  • frequency increases hygiene procedures, they are carried out according to all the rules with the obligatory use of creams, oils and powders;
  • acne will go away faster if you add a decoction of chamomile, string or celandine to the water when bathing and washing;
  • medicinal ointments (Bepanten, Desitin) and soft baby creams are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Leave without due attention, in the hope that they will go away on their own or start immediate treatment? This question certainly arises from time to time in every mother. The fact is that the immune system of a small organism is not yet sufficiently developed to resist various infections. Namely, acne is very often characteristic symptoms infectious diseases.

What can cause acne to form on a child's body?

At any age (from infancy to adolescence)The child hasmay suddenly appearpimples on the body. This usually happens for one of the following reasons:

  1. Teething. During the teething period, the baby has heavy salivation. This is what can cause a rash to appear around the mouth. Such acne goes away on its own as soon as the amount of saliva produced normalizes.
  2. Prickly heat. Pimples on a baby’s body can often turn out to be ordinary prickly heat. More details about this -.
  3. Allergy. Red pimples on a child's bodymost often turn out to be a manifestation of an allergic reaction. Such rashes are usually accompanied by itching. Sometimes, along with the rash, the child experiences a runny nose and sneezing. And, if no other signs of a cold are observed, then most likely this is the action of an allergen. To eliminate these manifestations, it is imperative to identify and remove the cause that caused the allergic reaction.
  4. Reaction to vaccination. If a child was vaccinated, and soon after that the parents noticed a rash on the body, then it is possible that this is a manifestation of a reaction to the vaccine. In this case, you should immediately show the child to the doctor.
  5. Sunburn. A child's skin may be too sensitive to external influences. In addition to the sun, it can negatively affect your baby's skin. low temperature or the wind.
  6. Insect bites . Pimples caused by insect bites can be very dangerous. They often cause allergic reactions and even infection with certain infectious diseases.
  7. Puberty. Various acne very often appear on the face of teenagers. The reason for their appearance is a hormonal imbalance. As a rule, they go away over time, but teaching your child how to properly care for their skin during this period will not be superfluous.
  8. Insufficient skin care. Delicate baby skin needs constant careful care. Failure to comply with hygiene rules can causepurulent acne in a child or.
  9. Acneiform rash. The appearance of this problem is most often a consequence of the mother taking certain medical supplies. An acneiform rash appears in the first six months of a child’s life. Currently, about 20% of newborns face this problem.. White pimples on a child's nosemost often occur as a result of hormonal changes in the body. They go away on their own when hormone levels stabilize.
  10. Streptoderma. May occur in children various forms. It is a consequence of skin infection with streptococci.
  11. Staphylococcus infection. White The child hasmay occur due to infection with staphylococcus. This is very dangerous disease, requiring immediate medical intervention.
  12. Chickenpox, measles, rubella. These are children's infectious diseases. If a child is infected with different parts acne appears on the body. Typically, such infections are accompanied by elevated temperature, sore throat, general weakness, headache, etc.
  13. Diabetes. With this disease, children may experience acne on the butt or genitals. The cause of the rash is the high sugar content in the urine.
  14. Intestinal dysbiosis. Smallpimples on a child's faceare characteristic feature of this disease. They can also appear in the eyebrow area, on the head, and sometimes on the entire body.

Acne on a child's body in the first months of life

The appearance of pimples can tell you about the reasons for the appearance of a rash on a child’s body.

Red rash

Most often, the red rash in children turns out to be prickly heat. The rashes have a pronounced red color. Most often it is localized in the area of ​​folds or in the groin.

Do not forget that red pimples on a child’s body occur as a result of childhood infectious diseases.

There are a lot of diseases in which a red rash appears on the body: chicken pox, rubella, measles, scarlet fever, enterovirus infection, roseola.

If an infectious disease is detected, it is not the rash that is treated, but the infection itself. The child's rash disappears on its own as the child recovers.


Acne worries almost every child during adolescence. Infants may also be affected by this problem. This is most often due to hormonal instability in the body. In young children, acne is most often localized on the butt, but can pop up in any other place.


Small, round pimples with a white dot in the center can cover the child's entire body. But more often these appearacne on a child's face.They are formed due to clogged pores. Doctors do not recommend treating such rashes in infants; they usually go away on their own.

Small pimples on a child’s nose most likely indicate immaturity of the sebaceous glands, and go away on their own after a period of time.

This type of acne is yellow-white in color with a red edge. They can easily be confused with insect bites. Such rashes can cause itching and anxiety in the child. The reason for their appearance is the presence in the body of a large number of substances that cause an allergic reaction.

There are many factors contributing to the occurrence of this disease. This is: taken during pregnancy by the mother medicines, hereditary factors, intrauterine infection, etc.

Pimples on a child’s body are not always signs of diseases that require immediate treatment. Often they are physiological in nature, or appear as a result of improper care. It is important to be able to correctly recognize the nature of their appearance in order to begin treatment in time if necessary.

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky explains clearly possible reasons the appearance of acne on the body in children, and gives recommendations for their treatment.

Quite often, young mothers may encounter such a problem as pimples on the child’s face. The reasons for their appearance can be completely different, sometimes they are even preceded by certain symptoms. It is better not to try to find out the cause of the rash on your own, but to immediately seek help from a qualified specialist. Most often, rashes in children are associated with unstable hormonal levels, excessive work of the sebaceous glands, allergic reactions, infections, damage by pathogenic microflora, improper skin care or low-quality cosmetics.

You can carry out the initial diagnosis of the cause of the rash yourself, paying attention to the appearance, color and location of the pimples. It should also be remembered that the age of the child plays an important role in such matters, since different periods During his life, various pimples may appear, characteristic only of a certain age category.

Let's look at the main types of rashes

Rashes of non-infectious origin are: prickly heat (small rash in the form of fluid-filled blisters. Minor redness is possible at the sites of appearance. They can develop into purulent rashes as a result of infection. Localization location - forehead, nose, space under lower lip and behind the ear), hormonal acne (may appear in infants due to high content hormone estrol in the mother's body. As a rule, such rashes appear on the nose and disappear during the first two weeks of the child’s life), white pimples on the face (appear due to malfunction of the sebaceous glands or their immaturity. Mainly common among infants up to six months), and allergic rashes ( red spots with a small rash accompanied by itching).

Infectious rashes:

  1. Scarlet fever: a scarlet rash that appears not only on the face, but also on the throat and other parts of the body. The skin becomes like sandpaper and dries quickly. A sharp increase in temperature to 39 degrees is also characteristic.
  2. Chicken pox: small rashes on the face with a reddish rim and watery contents. The appearance of acne is preceded by redness of the skin. The disease is accompanied by itching, the child refuses to eat, fever, nausea, weakness and severe itching.
  3. Herpes: a large number of blisters on reddened skin. Before the rash, the temperature may rise, weakness may appear, and the skin may become sensitive. The secretion of saliva increases.
  4. Folliculitis: May appear in children as young as two years old. In appearance, these are small purulent rashes that eventually crust over and require treatment with antibacterial ointments.

How to cure acne in a child?

Rashes of any nature except whiteheads and hormonal acne in infants require immediate treatment. Ways to combat acne depend on its origin. Sometimes you can cope with the means at hand, but in some cases self-medication can seriously harm your health.

It is better to entrust the treatment of infectious rashes to a specialist. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a doctor, as this may cause a deterioration in the child’s overall health. Do not forget that infectious diseases are contagious, so it is better to take action immediately and not delay treatment.

To get rid of prickly heat in children, you need to choose the right caring cosmetics. It should be baby powder or cream containing zinc. You can use decoctions of chamomile and calendula to treat damaged areas of the skin.

Allergic rash eliminated by changing the diet of the mother or baby. When you introduce a new product to your child’s diet, it is advisable to keep a special diary, noting the child’s reactions to certain foods. This will make it easier to find the allergen. You can start an online diary on our website - start a diary.

Remember that you should not squeeze a child’s pimples or use cosmetics for a different age group. Use only special children's cosmetics.