What is the best sedative for dogs? The best sedative for dogs: reviews, prices, description Can a dog be given valerian tablets?

Physiologists answer this question very precisely. Stress in a dog is a state of tension that is caused by external influences.

This is a response from the body that usually takes two forms. The first is flight, and the second is attack.

In nature, stress in a dog is resolved immediately, at the moment it appears. She reacts directly to the stimulus, but acts according to the situation.

That is, she either runs away or fights, after which the body receives a discharge.

But we are not talking about physiological stress. This is a natural mechanism that helps to survive. Another thing is that stress in a dog works correctly in natural conditions. And in the city she faces the same problems as a person. She cannot run away or she will die, and she has no right to fight. Moreover, this applies to people and surrounding animals.

Reasons for concern

There may be several reasons to worry about your pet's condition:

  1. The dog becomes depressed and doesn’t want anything. Lying in a secluded place, she does not respond to any calls, does not eat or drink.
  2. Unreasonable aggression - rushes at everyone, growls, barks, howls.
  3. Manifestation of fear - hiding from everyone, not allowing anyone to touch him.

All of these symptoms in your four-legged friend indicate that he is ill and you need to urgently contact a professional. The dog feels great about its owner. And her recovery depends only on your attitude towards her.

Classification of drugs

Any sedatives are prescribed only by a doctor after consultation, examination and tests (if necessary). Depending on the reason nervous disorder The doctor selects medications and a treatment regimen. The consequences of self-medication may affect physical health your pet and aggravate current problems with the nervous system.


A group of drugs that have a pronounced sedative and anticonvulsant effect. Prescribed to relieve acute anxiety state, have a quick but not long-lasting effect.

Not suitable for frequent use as they can be addictive. In some cases, they may be prescribed to eliminate aggression.

Should be taken with caution and strictly according to your doctor's instructions.

Non-benzodiazepine tranquilizers

Of this group of sedatives, only Spitomin (Buspirone) is used for dogs, which does not have a hypnotic effect and does not cause other side effects. Effective for eliminating phobias, incontinence and other anxiety conditions.

Created for long-term treatment, the course usually lasts from 4 to 6 weeks with a gradual increase in dosage. Often prescribed as a mild sedative for small breed dogs.

TCA (tricyclic antidepressants)

Drugs in this group are prescribed to eliminate attacks of aggression caused by phobias, neuroses or acute panic. Antidepressants of this group have a cumulative effect, which becomes noticeable from about the 20th day of use.


Dogs' behavior is highly dependent on their environment. You and I shape their reality and are responsible for their health. Therefore, each owner must be aware of his responsibility for this creature, which just cannot speak. Otherwise, it’s not too different from you and me. So, stress can be:

  • Short-term.
  • Long lasting.
  • Chronic.

For example, a dog is afraid of injections. Going to the veterinarian will be a short-term stress. This may include cutting and treating nails, visiting a noisy and crowded place. The manifestation is that the dog does not eat or drink, and refuses to play. Usually she tries to retire or hide. This condition lasts from several hours to several days.

Signs of stress

A sedative for dogs at home should only be used in situations where you know in advance that your pet will face a stressful situation.

Indications for taking such drugs are as follows:

  • barking for no reason;
  • constant feeling fear;
  • frequent howling;
  • The dog is constantly trying to hide somewhere.

All these situations indicate that you need to urgently begin treatment before your pet becomes depressed or begins to show aggression.

Signs by which you can recognize a stressful state:

  • anxiety;
  • aggression;
  • flinching at every sound;
  • excessive affection;
  • chasing one's own tail or aggressively gnawing on limbs;
  • atypical behavior - chews household items, furniture;
  • squealing, howling, barking, whining;
  • diarrhea;
  • changes in body and fur odor;
  • muscle tension;
  • dandruff appears, wool becomes dull;
  • frequent licking of paws and body;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

Among other things, the dog may eat poorly or refuse food altogether, breathe frequently and with difficulty, and constantly tremble. A sure sign is the onset of several types of allergic reactions at once, absent-mindedness, a haunted look, and failure to follow commands.

Imagine the situation. Your pet is charm itself.

He doesn’t leave a single step, always regularly asks for his needs, calmly plays with his toys in place and follows the necessary commands. But as soon as you leave home, the dog’s behavior changes dramatically.

She begins to rush around the house, howl, drop flower pots, chew furniture, and relieve herself indoors. All this indicates that the animal is stressed.

For him, your departure is such a traumatic event that the pet cannot even sit down during your absence. Imagine what will happen to it if the owner goes to work for the whole day.

There may be other symptoms of stress in a dog. She eats sluggishly or refuses to eat at all. May lie still and refuse to communicate. It happens that animals begin to gnaw at the base of their tail or paw, biting themselves as if they were catching fleas.

Natural remedies

There are several types of sedatives that can suppress anxiety and fear in a dog. Find the right one medicine and the veterinarian should calculate the dose after examining the animal.

Sedatives for dogs include tranquilizers, which have a quick action and strong effect; antidepressants that reduce anxiety and eliminate fear after long-term and regular use; benzodiazepines, which enhance the effect of antidepressants.

As folk remedies, infusions of sedative herbs are used, which can be purchased both at a veterinary and at a regular pharmacy. This option will be the safest and most gentle for your pet, but not always effective.


Helps with neuroses and panic conditions. Valerian is an antispasmodic, which helps cope with stress-related diarrhea.

In some cases, an allergic reaction in the form of overexcitation is possible nervous system, which is especially not recommended for large aggressive dogs. At the first signs of such a reaction, the drug is immediately discontinued.

The course of taking valerian is no more than a week. Dosage - 5-15 drops (depending on the weight of the dog) 3-4 times a day.

Liquid tincture is more effective. It helps well with diarrhea and various spasms that are the result of fear. Sometimes veterinarians prescribe medicinal valerian in tablet form. In this case, the time for taking this drug increases to two to three months.

Important! It is unacceptable to use sedatives in combination with antidepressants and sedatives.

Dosage and frequency of use

Dosage for large breeds dogs is three tablets at a time. Medium-sized dogs receive two tablets. For small breeds, as a rule, one piece is enough. Therapy should be repeated at least twice a year.

If you plan to take a tincture, then the dosage will be 5-15 drops at a time three times a day. It's better if veterinarian will calculate the correct dose medicinal product, focusing on the age, weight and health status of the pet.

How to drink?

The drug contains herbal components, but, nevertheless, valerian should be given to an animal with extreme caution. The tincture has a high alcohol content.

Having correctly calculated the dosage, you should draw the contents into a syringe without a needle and quickly pour it into the dog’s mouth, placing the syringe as far as possible to the root of the tongue. It is better to crush the tablets into powder and mix them into your dog’s favorite treat. As a rule, they do not have bad taste, unlike tincture.

At birth, all mammals receive mother's milk.

It has a calming effect on newborns, helping them fall asleep peacefully after feeding, and sometimes during.

This natural remedy contains aminopropionic acid (tryptophan), which helps the body to relax. If your dog is an adult, then pour him a full bowl of warm milk, and if not little puppy, then its portion should be no more than 50 ml.

Such drugs are not sold in pharmacies without prescriptions, because you cannot treat your animals with them yourself. And if you need a veterinarian narcotic drugs, then your four-legged friend needs surgical intervention.

The choice of medication determines what kind of anesthesia the specialist will administer - general or local. Such medications are very serious, they have a lot of contraindications and many side effects.

But, their main purpose is extraordinary cases to save lives.

The first thing you must remember is that you should never use drugs of this type on your own. Most sedatives have many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before using this or that remedy, be sure to discuss this issue with your veterinarian.

You should know that restless behavior in dogs, both small and large breeds, can be caused by various factors. For example, you are planning to go on vacation with your four-legged friend and are worried how he will survive a long flight.

In this case, he may actually need a sedative. However, if your pet behaves strangely in a calm environment, hides and shakes, then it is not a fact that a sedative will help him.

It is possible that he is beginning to develop a dangerous disease. Therefore, do not think that giving your dog a sedative will make him feel better.

It can only be used if there are accurate indications.

From the moment of birth, every mammalian creature receives milk. This is a very important product for small animals, because it contains a special Chemical substance tryptophan, which helps puppies fall asleep faster.

Therefore, milk is one of the first products that can be used as a sedative for dogs. First of all, it is recommended to give it to small puppies who begin to feel sad due to separation from their mother.

Just give him 50g of warm milk and you will see the puppy fall asleep pretty soon.

Indications for use

Only a veterinarian has the right to prescribe the drug. If we talk about drops, they are sold in the form of dark-colored bottles, 15 ml each.

Per 1 ml there are about 100 mg of phenibut and extract medicinal herbs. Stop Stress tablets are available for small and medium breed dogs.

Determining how many tablets or drops a particular dog should take is quite simple. You should proceed from the weight of the pet, taking into account that 2 drops per 1 kg, twice a day.

Tablets of 100 mg should be given in half or quarter doses if the dog weighs from 5 to 12 kg. If the weight of the animal exceeds 15-20 kg, then you can safely give it a whole tablet, if above 20 kg, then one and a half, for very large pets (over 30 kg) - one tablet of 250 mg, or two of 100 mg.

The drops can be mixed with the animal's food or pipetted onto the root of the tongue. The tablets can also be crushed into small pieces and mixed with food.

The product should be given twice a day for 14 days after being prescribed by a veterinarian. The dog begins to feel better after the first 2-3 days, the influence of stress decreases, sleep normalizes, and the pet clearly becomes calmer.

Remember that the maximum course cannot last more than 28 days. If the dog is about to have an exhibition, then Stop Stress should be given 2-3 days before and 1-2 days after.

You can buy the drug at any veterinary pharmacy, the price is reasonable, and it is not addictive.

Indications for use are quite extensive:

  • How prophylactic from stress.
  • From motion sickness during transportation.
  • Participation in events (competitions, exhibitions), moving or change of environment.
  • Uncontrolled sexual activity, urine marking indoors.
  • Aggression, howling, fear, hyperactivity.
  • Sleep and diet disturbances.

“Stop-Stress” sedatives for dogs are placed into the mouth cavity closer to the back of the tongue or behind the dog’s cheek, with a favorite treat, 2 times a day according to the instructions.

Drops are used in dosages: 2 drops of solution per 1 kilogram of weight.


Used in dosages:

  • weight up to 5 kg - 1/4 tablet (200 mg);
  • from 5 to 10 kg - 1/4-1/2 tablets (200 mg);
  • from 10 to 20 kg - 1/2-1 tablet. (200 mg);
  • from 20 to 30 kg - 1-1 ½ tab. (200 mg) and 1/4-1/2 tab. (500 mg);
  • from 30 to 40 kg - 1 ½-2 tablets. (200 mg) and 1/2-1 tab. (500 mg);
  • from 40 to 50 - 1 tablet (500 mg);
  • from 50 and above - 1-2 tablets. (500 mg).

A course of taking a sedative for dogs “Stop-stress”: correcting reactions to stressful situations - 3 days before and 4 days after upcoming events.

For sexual hyperactivity - the same dose, with the addition of a contraceptive, treatment - no more than 4 weeks.

In case of excessive aggressiveness, vocalization, fearfulness, hyperactivity, treatment is prolonged for more than 4 weeks.

General course treatment with the drug "Stop-stress" for dogs - 15-20 days.

Herbal Calming Tricks


You should discuss the dosage of calming herbal infusions with your veterinarian before giving them to your pet.

To help your pet calm down faster, you can give him herbs that have a gentle effect. If your four-legged friend begins to feel anxious before visiting the veterinarian or gets scared by thunderstorms, give him 5-20 drops of a dog sedative.

The exact dosage should be calculated based on the weight of the animal. But it is best for a veterinarian to select a safe dose.

Therefore, before giving a sedative to your dog, be sure to consult a specialist.



Dogs are just as susceptible to various fears and phobias as people. They are often afraid of other animals, heights, people, cars or sudden noises. Various mental disorders, psychoses, increased excitability, behavioral disorders are a contraindication to taking valerian.

In the natural environment, psychosis and other abnormalities in dogs are rare. Mental problems are associated with the dog’s living conditions.

Attention! You should not treat your dog yourself. This can cause a lot side effects.

Although the drug is generally harmless, it should not be given to a dog if it has:

The range of side effects is not very wide, and includes vomiting, loss of appetite, the animal may constantly want to sleep or be extremely agitated. At the first signs, you need to stop giving the drug and immediately take the dog to a specialist.

Finally, I would like to say that the owner should not skimp on the health of his animal. If the owner notices that the dog is prone to stress or aggressive behavior, then you should play it safe and buy a product such as Stop Stress. This will avoid unnecessary shocks for the animal and troubles for its owner.

The drug should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, or given to animals under one year of age. Its use is not recommended for diabetes mellitus and kidney disease, hypersensitivity to the drug oncological diseases and hypersensitivity to components.

If while using the drug you notice lethargy, drowsiness, nervousness, vomiting or allergic reactions- reception should be stopped immediately.

Contraindications for taking the sedative for dogs “Stop-Stress” may be:

  • intolerance to the components included in the composition;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • individuals less than 1 year old;
  • history of diabetes mellitus;
  • dysfunction of the genitourinary system;
  • malignant and benign tumors.

Sometimes the drug can cause vomiting if its components are intolerant, as well as lethargy or aggressiveness, and skin allergies. If one or more symptoms are present, Stress Stop for dogs should be used with caution or should be stopped altogether.

Probably, each of those who keep pets has encountered a situation when a sedative for dogs becomes necessary. Rolls of thunder or New Year's fireworks, a long trip on public transport or an air flight - all of this can be easily tolerated or cause a panic attack. Sometimes the simplest manipulations at a veterinarian's appointment (brushing teeth, haircut) can be accompanied by real hysteria. In order not to bring your four-legged friend to such a state, it is better to prepare in advance.

Prescribing sedatives

Under no circumstances should you do this yourself! Almost any sedative for dogs has a lot of contraindications and side effects. This is why you should consult your veterinarian. The fact is that there can be many reasons for restless behavior. If you are going to fly on vacation and are worried about your pet’s behavior on the plane, this is one thing, but if in a calm environment the dog does not find a place for itself, shakes and hides, this is completely different. Perhaps symptoms are disguised as fear dangerous disease. Therefore, a sedative for dogs is not a panacea, and it should not be used thoughtlessly.

Signs your dog needs sedation

A sedative for dogs at home can be used if you foresee a stressful situation and want to help your pet survive it. In addition, if you notice that your pet has suddenly changed, has begun to bark or howl for no reason, is experiencing a feeling of fear, or is hiding - this is a reason to consult a professional, and as quickly as possible. It is necessary to take urgent measures, because the dog may become depressed, or, even worse, begin to show aggression. And don’t forget that the most important thing is your attention and care, which dogs feel so much.

Natural remedies

The very first thing that every mammal gets when it is born is milk. It contains a chemical called tryptophan, which helps promote sleep. It is milk that can be used as a sedative for dogs, especially if it is a small puppy that is experiencing separation from its mother. It is enough to give him 50 g of warm milk, and the baby will fall asleep peacefully.

Herbs that have a calming effect

Collaboration between veterinarian and owner

Prices for sedatives vary widely, from 100 rubles and above. But when it comes to your pet's health, cost shouldn't matter. Experienced doctors know that problems such as fears and phobias and anxiety of four-legged pets are not only treated with drugs. It is also necessary to change the situation that led to such consequences. It is best to change the noisy city to a dacha or country house during treatment. Time spent in nature, a trip to the river and a walk through the forest are the most the best way will affect your pet's health. Your attention and the fact that you are nearby will be especially important, because so often dogs get sick precisely because the owner is very busy at work and hardly spends time with them. Therefore, if you decide to get a dog, you need to carefully consider whether there is time in your daily schedule for your endlessly loving creature.

All of our readers have heard how valerian root or catnip affects furry pets. And not only heard! Therefore, the question from “dog lovers” is quite natural: is there any herb or drug that affects dogs in a similar way? The short answer is there is. Now we will tell you everything.

So, we meet – anise oil. Made from anise seeds, a spice available in supermarkets. Many, many dogs find the smell and taste of anise oil, ummm, shall we say, exciting. However, with an important note: just as there are cats in the world that are “indifferent” to mint, there are also dogs that do not understand all the intricacies of cooking.

For botany connoisseurs, we note: we are talking about an annual herbaceous plant of the genus Pimpinella anisum. There is also a plant called star anise, or true star anise - all dogs without exception are categorically indifferent to it.

Is anise harmful for dogs?

Only in very large, completely inappropriate quantities. It is not forbidden to drop a little oil on your favorite toy to increase its attractiveness or add a little to the food.

Is it possible to give anise seeds?

Yes, you can. They can be either crushed or given in their “natural” form, using them as an additive to treats. Be careful when putting seeds in toys: your dog can easily tear them apart. Moreover, seeds remain seeds, they can get into Airways etc. It's much easier and safer to cook it yourself. essential oil anise– a real treat for our four-legged friends.

Step-by-step instruction

Take anise seeds. Grind them with a mortar and pestle until the aroma and anise oil are released. Do not grind the seeds into a powder. To speed up the process, some authors recommend frying the anise seeds over low heat (about 10 minutes).

Place the resulting substance (including oil) in a separate clean glass container (container).

Add a little fragrant oil - Provençal or almond (the best choice). You need very little of it - just to slightly cover the crushed seeds and anise oil.

Thoroughly stir the contents of the container so that you get a homogeneous mass.

Place an airtight lid on the container. Place the container in a very sunny location (for about 2-4 weeks).

Open the lid, take gauze (3-4 layers) and strain the contents of the container. Then pour the resulting essential anise oil into a separate container and store in a cool place.

Ready! Offer a treat to your furry friend. And share the results with us, friends!

03/06/2018 by Eugene

Many dog ​​owners are able to notice behavior with elements of nervousness in their dogs. If the animal lives in big city, then in his life there are often many different irritants.

These can be classified as:

  • explosions of firecrackers, fireworks;
  • thunder;
  • firecrackers;
  • transport horns;
  • other sounds that dogs do not understand;
  • the drone of airplanes and so on.

The sounds listed above can cause nervous reactions- they begin to rush about, tremble too much, run away from the place that frightens him, and try to hide. For this reason, dog breeders are interested in the question: how does valerian work for dogs? This topic becomes especially relevant on the eve of the holidays.

Read also: How is eclampsia treated in dogs and why does it occur?

How does valerian affect dogs?

It should be noted right away that valerian is a sedative of natural origin, which poses virtually no harm to the human body. However, can it be given to a dog? How will she react to the drug?

So, people who had to give their dogs valerian to calm them down noticed that large breed animals often showed absolutely no reaction. And even medium-sized dogs, if they show it, have a minimal reaction. At the same time, experts note that the yellow shell in which valerian tablets are released often causes allergies in the animal in the form of rashes and itching.

How to properly give valerian to dogs

In some cases, a veterinarian prescribes valerian for a dog with signs of a neurotic breakdown according to a special course of therapy. It is designed to take medications for 60 days and must be repeated twice a year. Reception is carried out as follows:

  • large breed dog (over 20 kg) – three tablets at a time;
  • medium breed dog (from 10 to 20 kg) – two tablets at a time;
  • small breed dog (less than 10 kg) – one tablet at a time.

Undoubtedly, similar treatment must be supported by a diagnosis made by a professional. Only after inspection
dogs in veterinary clinic and receiving treatment prescriptions, you can begin taking the course described above.

Therefore, it is very important to show the dog to an experienced specialist if your dog is restless. He will be able to determine the reason for this behavior. After all, the reasons can be both physiological and psychological. In any case, it is strictly forbidden to deal with this problem on your own.

Veterinarians also allow one-time tablets to be given to their pets in similar proportions. In what cases will this be relevant? For example, before an upcoming trip, the animal should be placed in the luggage compartment of an airplane or car, if it is afraid of it.

Other Calming Remedies for Dogs

All medicinal preparations, aimed at relieving symptoms of stress and anxiety in animals, are divided into groups:

  • Non-benzodiazepine tranquilizers are designed to calm the animal and fight its fears.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants – for long-term use relieve your pet from feelings of anxiety, fear, and aggression.
  • Inhibitors recapture serotonin - the strongest antidepressants, should be used long time to get the result.
  • Benzodiazepine drugs are drugs that provide fast action(experts do not recommend using them too often).
  • Plant-based sedatives are considered the most useful drugs, but their effects on animals may differ significantly in one case or another.

It is worth emphasizing that sedative medications for pets differ not only in the nature and degree of impact, but also in the form of release. So, there are tablets, herbal tinctures, drops and other preparations.

The most common sedatives for pets are considered:

  • Preparations in drops:
  • Stop stress – thanks to their intake, you can quickly relieve the symptoms of stress;
  • Fitex - contains valerian, hops, motherwort, skullcap, can overcome fear, nervous overexcitation, aggression in dogs, is not hormonal.
  • Medicines in tablets:
  • Stop stress – there are separate medications for different breeds of dogs (large/medium/small), the composition and action are identical to the drops;
  • Antistress, Vetpokoin - contain plants medicinal purposes, can be used for prevention, as well as treatment of an animal with one form or another of stress.
  • Drugs in other forms.

To remove symptoms of stress in an animal, medications can be used in forms such as suspensions, decoctions, solutions, and pheromones. Vetspokoin has in its line of suspensions aimed at various breeds of dogs. The drug is based on the elements plant origin. Medicine is usually prescribed to eliminate feelings of fear, increased sexual arousal, and barking for no reason. It is acceptable to take a suspension if the dog has to go through a long journey, a haircut or other turbulent situations.

Sometimes owners calm their pets with common folk remedies. As an example, experts noted herbs such as motherwort, Baikal skullcap and, accordingly, valerian.

Often dog owners do not know how to properly calm their animal before long trip, the arrival of guests, a visit to the veterinarian or when participating in an exhibition. In every home there are, at first glance, safe valerian tablets. But not everyone knows whether it is possible to give valerian to a dog, and how to do it correctly. Don't forget that not all human medicines are safe for animals. Some veterinarians allow the use of valerian to calm a dog, but this must be done very carefully to prevent an overdose.

There are times when a dog begins to behave aggressively, gets anxious and nervous, and gets scared loud sounds or claps. A frightened dog whines loudly, rushes around the apartment, and hides from its owner.

Valerian should only be given to dogs after consulting a veterinarian.

This condition can appear in a dog in the following situations:

  • unfamiliar, very loud sounds;
  • long absence of the owner;
  • walk along a busy highway;
  • appearance in the house large quantity strangers;
  • long journey;
  • period of estrus and sexual hunting.

Therefore, many owners are wondering: how to calm a dog using improvised means and medications that are always available. home medicine cabinet. Often regular valerian tablets come to the rescue. But is valerian as safe for dogs as it is for humans?

Important. You should not treat your dog with valerian on your own, as this can cause many unpleasant side reactions.

How does valerian act on dogs and can it harm them? Experts believe that valerian does not have any reaction to, such as or, either positive or negative. And it can cause lethargy and drowsiness. It is very important to follow the correct dosage here.

Valerian may cause lethargy in small dogs.

Valerian tablets do not have an immediate effect on the body, and the first results of therapy can be noticed only 2 months after the start of use. Liquid infusion of valerian drops is more effective. But for aggressive dogs this is not the best option. Valerian tincture often has a stimulating effect on animals. But it helps well with spasms that appear as a result of severe fright.

If changes in behavior, manifestations of unmotivated aggression, fearfulness and anxiety are detected in a dog, it is necessary to show the animal to a specialist. After all, the causes of such phenomena may not necessarily be mental. They often become a consequence of physiological disorders in the body. The doctor can recommend a more effective and safe remedy, designed specifically for dogs.

How to give valerian to dogs

If the veterinarian considers it necessary to prescribe valerian tablets to the dog, then it will have to be given as a course, over two months. The dosage for representatives of large breeds will be three tablets at a time. They give two tablets per dose at once, but for small breeds one tablet is enough. Repeat therapy at least twice a year.

The dosage of the drug is calculated based on the dog’s weight.

Important. The yellow coating of the tablets can cause allergic reactions in the animal such as itching and dermatitis.

The correct dosage in drops is from 5 to 15 drops at a time, three times a day. The exact amount of the drug should be calculated by the veterinarian, focusing on the weight and age of the dog, its state of health and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Valerian infusion does not require long-term course use, since it helps from the first dose. Despite the herbal components that make up the drug, you need to give it to your dog very carefully because high content alcohol