How they treat us: Laennec. Panacea or placebo from the placenta? Laennec (Laennec) - what is it, what effect does it have on the body. Characteristics and composition of the Japanese drug. Cost Laennec method of administration and dose

medicinal product was released 50 years ago by the Japanese company Japan Bioproducts Industry. It is an intravenous injection. Subsequently included in the directory pharmacological preparations Vidal. The impact of the drug is being studied to date, it contains processed human placenta in its composition.


This pharmaceutical product contains in its composition the human placenta, which is obtained by hydrolysis. Includes:

  1. water-soluble cytokines;
  2. some types of amino acids;
  3. protein molecules;
  4. low molecular weight substances;
  5. vitamins (group B, C, D)
  6. natural acids.

Due to the fact that this product contains a large number of useful substances, it has unique medicinal properties.

The key to recovery is the so-called growth factors, which are able to effectively interact with target cells. When a person reaches adulthood, the body largely loses the ability to synthesize growth factor. And because of its lack, the processes of cell renewal are reduced, which provokes their rapid aging and death.

growth factors

There are the following growth factors:

  • EFG. His work is associated with the regeneration and reproduction of epithelial cells, which allows the melanocytes to perform the necessary functions.
  • FGF- accelerates the development of fibroblasts;

HGF. Provokes the processes of renewal of hepatocytes;

  • NGF- affect the ability of cells nervous system restore;
  • JGF- increases the susceptibility of insulin receptors and creates conditions for normal level somatotropin.

Release form

This pharmaceutical product is available as a solution for intravenous injection. Color - from light yellow to brown. Has a specific smell.

Available in 2 ml dosage. It is in a dark glass ampoule. Sold in packs (50 and 100 pieces).

Pharmacological properties

It is a hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory drug. Characteristics associated with the ability to increase the activity of phagocytes and killer cells. By increasing the bactericidal action of leukocytes, its action is associated with the manifestation of the ability to destroy the infectious agent.

The cytokines included in the composition create conditions for the activation of the metabolic and supervisory functions of skin cells. The hydrolyzate includes active substances that stimulate the processes of regeneration and proliferation of liver cells, reduce lipid deposition and the amount of cholesterol in the liver.

Indications for use

This drug has a pronounced effect in the treatment of certain diseases, the result of which is the death of body tissues.

Among the indications for use are:

  • Pathological changes in the liver (metabolic, alcoholic and mixed steatohepatitis).
  • Atopic dermatitis (in severe and advanced form).
  • Herpes, including recurrent.
  • It is used in cosmetic manipulations (to reduce wrinkles, in order to achieve a lifting effect, etc.).

Instructions for use of the drug Laennec

After the appointment, patients are interested in how to inject the medicine? There are two ways to administer the drug: intramuscular and intravenous injections. The method depends on the disease and its severity.

Can be distinguished following modes for the introduction of funds:

  1. If the patient suffers from atopic dermatitis or chronic herpes in the relapse phase, then Laennec should be administered intravenously through the cubital vein. The intensity of administration is drip. Solution for injection includes 0.01 l of Laennec and up to 0.5 l of 5% dextrose (or saline). Duration - no more than two hours. Therapy should be carried out at intervals of up to three times a week. The interval is two days. The course should last no more than 10 injections.
  2. If available pathological processes in the liver, then it is necessary to inject 0.002 l of Laennec intramuscularly. Injections need to be done regularly. In a neglected state, it is necessary to increase the number of injections up to three times a day (but not more than 0.006 liters during the day).
  3. Also, the medicinal product is administered intravenously. By drip method, by introducing a catheter into the cubital vein. Dosage - 0.01 l of Laennec and up to 0.5 solution of 5% dextrose (or saline). Duration - up to two hours. The therapy lasts from 14 to 21 days.


In the instructions for use, there are a number of contraindications. When using the drug, you need to carefully read them. Since the adaptive capabilities of the elderly are reduced, the introduction of the drug must be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

It is forbidden to inject the drug in the following situations:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with reduced immunity;
  • during the lactation period;
  • in the presence of pathologies in the work of the parenchyma of the kidneys and liver;
  • in case of enzyme deficiency;
  • age limit (the patient must be over 18 years old);
  • with individual intolerance.

Side effects

  1. Among the side effects that have been recorded in the practice of using this drug, there are mild numbness and unpleasant pain at the puncture site.
  2. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock may occur, which is associated with the fact that often the introduction of the drug is not tested for the risk of allergies.
  3. There are suggestions about the manifestation of signs of gynecomastia during treatment, as well as allergic reactions to minerals.

drug interaction

In situations where Laennec is mixed with substances related to potent bases (pH greater than 8.5%), it leads to a decrease in the effect of the agent on pathological processes in the body. Other types medicinal interaction were not identified in the course of ongoing tests and studies.


The liver and kidneys ensure the smooth functioning of the heart and other internal organs, purifying the blood of harmful chemical compounds (toxins). Most hepatoprotectors are powerless during long-term therapy with glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics, blood ionization during radiotherapy. Laennec will protect the liver from the effects of the most powerful medications and exposure to radiation.

This drug also improves immunity, prolongs the life of hepatocytes (liver cells) and accelerates their regeneration. Laennec is also used in cosmetology for skin rejuvenation and to stimulate immune processes, making it possible to completely destroy a number of previously incurable viruses, such as herpes.

Instructions for use

Producer - Company "Japan Bio Products" Japan. The package contains an insert with brief description preparation and instructions for use translated into Russian or Ukrainian language. The expiration date is indicated on the packaging.

pharmachologic effect

Active substances of the drug:

  • accelerate the regeneration of hepatocytes and cells of other body systems;
  • prolong the life of liver cells and connective tissues (proliferation);
  • have an anti-allergic effect, up to the elimination of the reaction immune system to one or another allergen;
  • accelerate phospholipid metabolism, especially in the tissues of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • accelerate the breakdown of cholesterol, starch dextrins;
  • slow down the development of hepatocytes that are not involved in the blood-purifying process;
  • stimulate bone marrow tissue that produces blood cells.


Laennec is prescribed in the following cases:

As a hepatoprotector During the course of glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics, long course antibiotics of the macrolide class, aminoglycosides, synthetic penicillins or Oletetrin (complex antibiotic).
As an immunomodulator Before taking a course of toxic therapy, except for hormonal drugs.
As part of complex therapy With recurrent herpes, severe atopic dermatitis.
as the main drug With alcoholic, metabolic and toxic hepatitis.
In cosmetology To give elasticity to the skin - an alternative to lifting.
As an alternative to glucocorticosteroids For severe allergic reactions.

Important! Because the hormonal preparations are immunomodulators, their dosage should be reduced if they are taken in combination with Laennec.

Composition and form of release

Release form: dark glass ampoules, 2 ml each. White spot at the fracture site. Packaging: packaging of 5, 10, 50, 200 ampoules. Packaging for 200 ampoules is designed for hospitals. Not available for sale.

The active substance is a hydrolyzate of the human placenta. The placenta contains:

  • over 4000 proteins; collagen, elastin, etc.;
  • more than 100 enzymes; cell growth factors, the main of which are the “cytokines” group;
  • trace elements: zinc, magnesium, selenium, cobalt.

Excipients for maximum absorption: water (sodium hydrochloride).

Mode of application

Herpes, dermatitis: for 500 ml of dextrose solution or saline solution 10 ml (5 ampoules). Infusion lasting 1.5-2 hours. Course of treatment: 10 infusions with an interval of 2-3 days.

Toxic or alcoholic hepatitis - 4-6 ml intramuscularly or 10 ml infusion. Daily 14-21 days. Interval between intramuscular injections at least 6 hours.

Interaction with other drugs

With glucocorticosteroids, hydrocortisones, testosterone or estrogens; increase in the concentration of the hormone; reduce the dosage by 1.5-2 times or refuse simultaneous therapy.

The effectiveness of Laennec decreases when interacting with drugs that increase PH; sorbents, diuretics.

Side effects

According to statistics, side effects are observed in 3.7% of patients.

  • Allergic manifestations - itching, red spots, rash, anaphylactic reactions.
  • Gynecomastia.
  • Weakness, dizziness due to improper nutrition.
  • Numbness, swelling and soreness at the injection site.


Since Laennec is used only under the supervision of a doctor, no cases of overdose have been identified. Judging by the composition and action of the drug, it is possible: anemia, malfunctions of cardio-vascular system due to the formation of blood clots, increased levels of estrogen or testosterone.


The main contraindication allergic manifestations. Due to the speed and method of application, allergic reactions may begin 15-30 seconds after intramuscular injection or 5-10 minutes after the start of infusion administration. It is advisable to conduct an allergic test; inject 0.5 ml of Laennec under the skin; wait 10-15 minutes.

Other contraindications.

  • Autoimmune diseases, regardless of etiology.
  • Dystrophy and rickets.
  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Heart disease and other diseases or pathologies of the cardiovascular system, in which drops in blood pressure are life-threatening.

Important! The instructions from the manufacturer do not contain information about the donor's blood type. Incompatibility for this indicator; cause of drug rejection and allergic reactions.

special instructions

The instructions from the manufacturer do not contain data on the use of Laennec in benign and malignant tumors. Since the drug accelerates cell regeneration and is an immunomodulator, it cannot be used in these processes. And during chemotherapy only after a negative test for tumor markers.

Laennec activates the body's internal reserves and speeds up all processes. During therapy, eat low-fat, high-calorie foods: boiled veal liver, boiled and baked fish, dairy products, if there is no lactose intolerance.

At elevated level testosterone or estrogen, drug rejection is possible. Laennec should be used with caution.

Laennec is not a substitute for antibiotics, antiviral drugs especially for the treatment viral hepatitis and HIV.

If there are anomalies bone tissue in the form of growths - you can not take Laennec. There may be an increase in formation or a crack. In the presence of anomalies in the muscles of the back, rupture of muscle fibers is possible. Myofibril, which is part of the drug, is not adapted to the loads of an adult.

You can not combine the drug with celandine, cow parsnip, since blood poisoning is possible due to decay of foreign proteins. With chamomile and nettle - deposits in the large intestine.

When playing sports, exhaustion of the body due to accelerated metabolism is possible. Take protein-rich foods, sports supplements (proteins). Refuse anabolics, as this threatens to increase the liver in volume and a sharp accumulation of fluid!

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Defocusing of attention is possible with an overdose or poor nutrition during therapy.

Pregnancy and lactation

Taking the drug can lead to impaired fetal development due to uneven formation of the central nervous system and endocrine system, to calcium deficiency or death. The mother's body is not able to meet the increased needs of the fetus in fats and carbohydrates. Laennec penetrates through mother's milk. During pregnancy and breastfeeding apply analogies.

Application in childhood with impaired liver and kidney function

The manufacturer limits the use of the drug to the age of 18 years. But there are times when doctors prescribe Laennec from the age of 12.

  • Chemical damage to the liver and kidneys, resulting in irreversible changes in 20% or more of the tissues.
  • Severe intoxication due to exceeding the duration of treatment with toxic antibiotics (oletethrin, azithromycin, Kanamycin) - these antibiotics are contraindicated in childhood, but are prescribed if the benefits outweigh the harm.
  • In the complex in the treatment of Moon's disease and other disorders of metabolic processes.
  • Congenital malnutrition of the functions of the kidneys, liver, but only from the age of 12, if the level of testosterone or estrogen does not exceed the norm for this age, there is no tendency to dystrophy and or rickets.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Laennec can only be purchased with a prescription. Packs of 200 ampoules are sold exclusively to hospitals or clinics if they provide inpatient treatment.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at a temperature of 18-25oC in a dark place. Restrict access to children. Shelf life 36 months. Use after the expiration date is not allowed.


The average cost for 1 ampoule is 900 UAH. 2800 rub. The cost of the ampoule does not depend on their number in the package.


There are analogues only for pharmacological action.

Modern pharmaceutical companies regularly release new products to enhance the protective functions of the body. Such immunomodulatory drugs can overcome various diseases on the very early stage and prevent them further development. One of the most effective and effective among such medicines was the medicine Laennec.

In addition to strengthening immunity, the remedy also has other unique features. For example, it slows down the aging process of cells, helps fight insomnia and stress, improves the work of all internal organs, and, in addition, quickly restores liver function. It is important to note that the main active substance The drug was the human placenta. This unique composition explains the rather high price of the drug.

As you know, "children's place" is composed of many useful substances. For example, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, necessary for the child for normal growth and development. This allows the placenta to become the main component of cosmetic and medicines. Of course, before use, a unique organ (in a fully mature form) is sent for a thorough medical examination and, if in all respects it is suitable for creating the right drug, - for special processing.

Since Laennec is currently produced exclusively in Japan, placenta donors for its manufacture become exclusively Asian. "Children's place" for the production of the drug is taken from absolutely healthy women who managed to give birth to a child at term on their own. After numerous analyzes and studies, the placenta is cleared of proteins and hormones, and is also divided into tiny particles. Only then, on the basis of certain of them, is Laennec prepared. By the way, the finished product has practically no side effects. Therefore, it receives mostly positive reviews, even despite the high price.

Release form and composition

The medicine is available in a single form - in the form of a solution for injection. It is a clear yellowish liquid, which can be either light yellow or brown, with a specific odor. The product is poured into dark glass ampoules (2 ml each), and then packaged in cardboard packs of 10 pcs. It will be possible to buy a product in a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. The medication is not intended for independent use. A dropper is required for the introduction of Laennec. The procedure must be performed by an experienced medical professional.

As noted above, the main active ingredient of the drug Laennec (Japan) was the hydrolyzate of the human placenta. One ampoule contains 112 mg. Available in medicine and additional ingredients. Among them:

  • hydrochloric acid to correct the pH level;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • more than 40 minerals (phosphorus, zinc, sulfur and others);
  • various vitamins;
  • 18 amino acids;
  • about 100 enzymes;
  • complex of interleukins;
  • 11 cell growth factors.

Today it will not be possible to find any other drug with a similar composition on sale. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the tool has no analogues.

Instructions for use

It will not be enough just to study the instructions for use for the Laennec medication before using it. In addition, it is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the doctor, individual for each patient. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug on your own at home (this can lead to the opposite effect and only worsen the person's condition).

In what cases to apply?

In Japan, USA, South Korea and some other countries, Laennec has been used for many years. In Russia, it began to be applied recently. Most often it is used by domestic physicians for treatment of liver diseases. After all, the active substances from the composition of the solution are able to quickly restore the cells of the body, slow down the process of accumulation of cholesterol and fats in them. In addition, the ingredients of the drug stop the growth of connective tissues in the liver parenchyma, improve metabolism and fight toxins. Laennec not only restores the organ damaged by the disease, but also generally contributes to the general intoxication of the body.

Apart from chronic ailments liver, there are other indications for the use of the drug:

Discussed placental agent activates the "asleep" cells of the body. The result is a general renewal and rejuvenation. Patients already after a few droppers notice a surge of vivacity, improvement in skin condition and other favorable changes.

As you can see, the list of diseases that are treated with the help of the drug Laennec turned out to be very impressive. Besides, solution is used for healing of minor skin lesions and skin diseases. After therapy with its use, wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes more hydrated, supple and elastic. And also the oval of the face is corrected, acne and all kinds of rashes disappear.

In addition, women in the reviews note that the skin becomes moisturized, wrinkles are smoothed out, age spots and uneven tone disappear, the oval of the face becomes more corrected, acne and other rashes disappear.

A couple of years ago, experts found that the tool is able to return women and the stronger sex sexual desire, improve potency. It regulates violations menstrual cycle and successfully treats many male diseases.

How to apply?

The dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment depend on many factors. First of all, on the problem with which the patient turned to the specialist. But in any case, before starting therapy, the doctor will do an allergic test. This allows you to find out how the drug will affect the body and prevent anaphylactic shock.

If Laennec is appointed with recurrent herpes or atopic dermatitis, then 10 ml of the drug is dissolved in 250 or 500 ml of dextrose, and then administered to the patient intravenously using a dropper. The procedure takes an average of 1.5-2 hours. Injections are repeated 3 times a week. The entire course of therapy lasts no more than a month. In some cases, patients are prescribed intramuscular injection medication. It does not decrease its effectiveness.

At chronic diseases liver for one injection is enough 2 ml of the drug. True, in this case, the drug will need to be used much more often - 2-3 times a day.

For cosmetic purposes the course of the drug usually consists of 5-10 procedures. For one session, no more than 2 ampoules of the drug are used. It is allowed to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week. Anesthesia with the introduction of the solution is not required. If seals or bruises form at the injection site after the injection, then this should not frighten the patient, they will resolve on their own in a few days.

Experts note that it is most relevant to start using Laennec in order to rejuvenate and improve the body from the age of 35. Regular courses of therapy will help the patient to significantly prolong his youth and maintain beauty.


Laennec's solution also has some contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug:

  • With individual intolerance to any of its components;
  • Under the age of 18;
  • During pregnancy and lactation.

With extreme caution, the drug should be used by people with polyvalent allergy on medicines, and, in addition, to men and women in old age. As you can see, the drug under discussion has a minimal list of contraindications. This is often referred to by patients as one of the main advantages of the drug in their reviews.

Currently, there are no cases of drug overdose. As for side effects, it is extremely rare for patients to report minor pain, as well as itching, redness and slight numbness at the injection sites.

"Laennec" therapy exactly describes the preparations of nanites from the future, which are repeatedly mentioned in science fiction films. These nano-elements, invented a couple of centuries later, have a certain "intelligence" that looks for weaknesses in human health and rushes to regenerate the organ.

Apparently, the future has already arrived. Since the drug "Laennec" thanks to Japanese researchers has become available to the Russian consumer. This tool is able to rejuvenate a person, regardless of his gender.

Special conditions for obtaining the drug

The effectiveness and safety of procedures is guaranteed by the purity of the ingredients used. To prepare the placental substance, biological material is taken only from Japanese women who meet the following requirements:

  • absence of diseases in mother and child;
  • the onset of timely, natural childbirth;
  • the course of the process in sanitary conditions.

But even when extracting the placenta of the purest sample, in the future, the biological material undergoes thorough, repeated preparation / purification before it turns into the placental preparation "Laennec".

The relevance of the product is so great that it is used in medical institutions as a pharmaceutical. "Laennec" in cosmetology acts as an active ingredient for procedures with a rejuvenating effect. But better about everything in order.

General cases of using a unique tool

"Laennec" is a Japanese drug made on the basis of human placenta hydrolyzate. Its uniqueness is determined by two factors: the composition and digestibility of the ingredients by the human body. Each of the 100 enzymes present finds a place for local application in the human body. In addition, the drug contains compounds of the following elements: zinc, selenium, copper, boron, iodine and about 40 more minerals that are in an easily digestible / soluble form for the body.

The most common type of application is Laennec injections. Depending on the localization of application, patients overcome the following health difficulties:

  • weakened immunity;
  • liver disease;
  • alcohol poisoning, drugs, other;
  • problems with losing vitality of the skin;
  • suppress the symptoms of diseases of internal organs;
  • fight against heart attacks;
  • a remedy for poor blood circulation, prerequisites for loss of vision;
  • insomnia, anxiety, stress;
  • frigidity.

The list of restrictions for use is quite short: pregnancy, breastfeeding, children, hypersensitivity. Diabetes, psoriasis, epilepsy and other serious diseases, usually included in the list of contraindications, do not interfere with the use of a miracle remedy. It's all about choosing the mode of administration.

Analogues of the drug: pros and cons, paradoxical results

"Laennec": indications for use apply to more than 80 diseases affecting all systems and internal organs of a person. It also affects skin diseases, the problem of hair loss and bad condition nail plate. Almost the entire region aesthetic medicine.

"Laennec" analogues are quite common, some drugs belong to classical pharmaceuticals and are used to treat serious illnesses. For example, pneumonia chronic inflammation, an additional remedy for hepatitis, other infectious diseases. But these drugs cannot be called 100% analogues. Each of them has a narrower range of indications than the original remedy and a wider range of contraindications. These drugs cannot be recommended by a cosmetologist, they are prescribed only by a doctor. However, they have one common feature- These drugs have immunomodulatory properties. Therefore, they always positively influence the appearance of people, contribute to their transformation.

The drug Melsmon is an analogue of Laennec

One of the most popular analogues is Melsmon. The drug rather confirms the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limitations of "duplicates". For manufacturing, the villous-chorionic part of the placenta is used. It contains the highest amount of nutrients. Due to this, the dosage of the drug required for treatment is much less than that of the original remedy. But there is a paradox, it would seem that the medicine with the best composition gives the proper effect only under climatic conditions female body, men are occasionally recommended for hormonal disorders.

Curacen is another drug similar to Laennec

Requirements for patients before the appointment of procedures

"Laennec" is a medicine that is often administered by injection of the following type:

  • intramuscularly;
  • intravenously ("Laennec" droppers);
  • with mesotherapy subcutaneously;
  • dotted according to the method of pharmacopuncture.

Cosmetological procedures "Laennec" are more often carried out in clinics of aesthetic medicine than in salons. Some of them are done like preparatory stage for major operations.

Therefore, do not be surprised if the doctor / master asks to bring a number of certificates. More precisely, it may turn out to be a mini examination of the body:

  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • tests for hormones and infections;
  • blood sugar levels
  • fluorography.

Also, before starting the procedures, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the drug. The test is carried out at the place of treatment. If sensitization does not appear, then the drug can be safely used.

Anti-aging, rejuvenating drug

"Laennec" in cosmetology, similarly to medicine, is used as the main or additional remedy. The most common use cases include the following:

  • acne;
  • alopecia;
  • signs of cellulite;
  • elimination of hyperpigmentation;
  • rehabilitation after other cosmetic procedures with traumatic consequences;
  • gravity;
  • problems requiring surgical intervention- plastics.

A complete list should be clarified in cosmetology clinics or salons.

The main types of cosmetology services

The agent under discussion falls into the register of medicinal products as a hepatoprotector and is sold only by prescription. But cosmetologists still use it. Moreover, often advertising the drug, as well as the procedures themselves, they refer to the “neighbors” saying that they are doing well and the clients are all happy, but we don’t do it ourselves, we don’t know. By agreeing to such procedures without consulting a therapist, patients put their health at risk. Therefore, advice from those who have already undergone similar procedures: require a license for the relevant type of activity and a certificate for the drug.

The unique properties of penetration to diseased organs are used to enhance the effect of the prescribed treatment. In cosmetology, to increase the effectiveness of procedures such as:

  • mesotherapy;
  • lifting;
  • stimulation of muscle tone by the method of pharmacopuncture.

These procedures can be performed with other drugs.

"Laennec" mesotherapyon the face

This procedure is rarely used in this combination, which is explained by the technique of its implementation. Injections are made in the middle layers of the skin, thanks to which it really improves its appearance. But at the same time, such an injection of the drug is considered not deep enough to stimulate regenerative processes.

The aesthetic effect, although better than usual, remains only for the period of time that the mesotherapy procedure itself guarantees. Moreover, "Laennec" in ampoules is an expensive pleasure to use it solely to improve the appearance of the skin.

Acupuncture: impact on biologically active points (BAP)

More effective injections "Laennec" become in the hands of a specialist performing procedures according to the pharmacopuncture method. Today in Russia there are centers specializing only in this technique. But even among them, placental therapy is considered an addition to treatment, recovery of the body. The procedures stimulate the regeneration processes of the affected areas and organs, and not immediately, but over time, lead to a cosmetic effect, expressed by general rejuvenation. Although much faster than when performing pharmacopuncture in its pure form.

Rejuvenation can be expressed by the elimination of the following skin defects:

  • mimic wrinkles;
  • dryness, sagging;
  • incipient cellulite.

The procedure requires a systematic approach, which consists of 7-10 sessions: once every seven days. The duration of the visit is 30 minutes. Despite the search for BAP - points, pressing which causes a sharp reaction, in general, the procedure is painless for the patient.

Rejuvenation with "Laennec" with this form of application for the face gives such an aesthetic effect:

  • improves skin quality;
  • the skin is tightened and an oval is drawn;
  • the muscular frame is strengthened, there is a lifting effect;
  • age spots, fat content of the dermis are eliminated;
  • elasticity appears and resistance increases environment(sun rays, salty air, high humidity, frost).

It has already been mentioned that the Laennec procedure in cosmetology is also used for the body. To the effects and improvements already listed, you should add the activation of the work sebaceous glands and reduction of body fat. This is due to the indispensable cleansing of the liver and other internal organs, which is especially noticeable with the pharmacopuncture method of application.

Treatment of psoriasis: clinical trials with volunteers

"Laennec" for psoriasis was used by a professor at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Moscow State Medical University. 20 patients with the following differences were involved in a scientifically based experiment:

  • age qualification;
  • the duration of the disease;
  • percentage of skin lesions;
  • others.

Psoriasis is treated with Laennec, but not for everyone ...

Treatment was calculated for a 3-week course. All this time, patients remained under the supervision of doctors. At the end of the term, the results were summed up. 45% of patients completely got rid of psoriasis vulgaris. The same number of patients noted a significant improvement in the skin. 10% of the volunteers (2 people) did not feel any improvement.

For those who want to surrender themselves to cosmetologists in order to improve their appearance with the help of the Japanese placental drug Laennec, the following facts will be of interest. During the experiments, changes in skin parameters were measured, usually performed by patients "by eye". Now visible improvements have become digitized. The acoustic density of all layers of the dermis increased significantly. The thickness of the epidermis in patients approached the marks indicating the norm of 185 microns.

Another important result of the experiment: 20 randomly selected patients did not reveal any side effects from drug use.

Treatment regimens for diseases: healing and achieving a dermatological effect

Video - Pharmacopuncture with Laennec

In the instructions for the drug, you can find how to take Laennec: indications and standard doses.

Skin diseases. It is prescribed for atopic dermatitis and herpes virus infection.

For a full course, 2 packs of the drug are required. It is administered intravenously with the help of droppers. A solution of 10 ml of the substance, which corresponds to 5 ampoules of standard capacity and 250 ml physiological saline. Procedures are carried out 2-3 times a week.

The second option of appointment: intramuscularly 2.0 ml daily or every other day No. 10.

"Laennec" in gynecology is a special means of recovery for women experiencing hormonal disorders, menopausal problems, pain, suffering from chronic endometritis. The minimum course of treatment will require 3 packs of the drug. It is administered similarly intramuscularly or via droppers using the same doses, but for a longer period.

If someone needs information on the use of "Laennec" for infertility, you should seek advice from the reproductive center. There the drug appears auxiliary means, which does not work without a complete treatment protocol.

Anti-aging injections are performed in the same doses and terms as for skin diseases. In some cases, the amount of the drug used for droppers should be reduced by 1.5-2 times. The decision is made by the doctor, based on the patient's condition. It is allowed to perform procedures at home, a cosmetology center or a manipulation room of a clinic.

Concluding the rubric of popular treatment regimens using a placental drug, we note the following: general improvement and rejuvenation, lifting vitality felt by 90% of patients who completed the course. Beauty is health and together with its return, appearance takes on a special attraction.

"Laennec" the secret of eternal youth: is everything so perfect?

The review process failed to focus on several important points. On the one hand, this is the presence of side effects that this drug still has. But they are often temporary and quickly passing. For example, itching at the injection site, redness, or even hematoma. To avoid such a reaction throughout the body or on the skin of the face, a test is made (as described above).

Another, but already positive, point that escaped attention is practical use drug after traumatic cosmetic procedures through laser therapy and the like. The rehabilitation period is significantly reduced, and the improvement effect, on the contrary, is enhanced.

The medicine "Laennec" / Japan is a powerful rejuvenating agent in the hands of specialists.

According to many eminent cosmetologists Laennec is one of the top products for improving the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.

This miracle drug was developed in Japan many years ago, but we have it relatively recently and have already been included in the register of medicines that have a beneficial effect on the normalization of many vital processes in the body.

Initially, such a drug was aimed at the use of liver treatment, but over time it turned out that its effect is much more extensive.

Today, the drug Laennec (Laennec, Lainek) is widely used in cosmetology., where it has a very good lifting effect, because it has healing properties. In many ways, the results of the application are comparable to those of a surgical facelift.

The mechanism of action of the Japanese drug, composition and active substance

The main substance from which this cosmetic product is made is the human placenta obtained during childbirth.

Laennec (Laennec, Lainek) is a hydrolyzate of the human placenta, the action of which is determined by enzymes and other biologically active substances of the placental hydrolyzate.

The main feature of such a drug is that it itself finds inoperable and damaged cells and restores their normal vital functions.

It contains the following substances:

  • cell growth factors;
  • A combination of water-soluble cytokines;
  • Low molecular weight proteins and amino acids;
  • vitamins C, D, E, PP, B1, B2;
  • organic and nucleic acids, etc.

What is the drug used for - indications for use

Laennec (Laennec, Linek) is a drug in cosmetology that accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration, activating the process of cell repair. This drug is known in the treatment of more than 80 diseases.

In addition, its action has a very extensive effect on the treatment and healing of the whole organism:

  • improves the functioning of internal organs;
  • used in the treatment of herpes;
  • treats various types of dermatitis;
  • various liver diseases;
  • improvement of memory, vision, hearing;
  • infertility;
  • loss of energy and fatigue.

The use of Laennec (Lainek) in cosmetology - why

According to cosmetologists, when using this drug, immunity is strengthened, refreshed and rejuvenated. skin covering, a lifting effect appears, wrinkles are smoothed out, and it is also effective in the treatment skin diseases, acne and skin pigmentation.

Laennec (Laennec, Linek) is a drug in cosmetology, which, due to its composition, has a rejuvenating, healing and restorative effect.

Doctors draw attention to the fact that the use of such a drug after surgical operations leads to a significant improvement general condition organism in the postoperative period:

  • accelerates scar healing;
  • accelerates the regeneration of processes in the tissue;
  • the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • there is resistance to infection in wounds.

The action of the drug has a bactericidal effect leukocytes in the blood, which contributes to the destruction of pathogens of any infections in the blood.

Efficiency and results of application for skin rejuvenation

When applying Laennec (Laennec, Lainek), the aging processes of cells are noticeably slowed down, the complexion improves, the skin becomes elastic, acquires a natural color, a lifting effect is felt on the face, pigmentation decreases, wrinkles and folds are smoothed.

recent studies have proven, - If you use the product in medium peeling skin cosmetology, the effect of facial rejuvenation without surgical intervention improves.

Placental injections of the drug are not stimulants, they are a normalizer that brings the entire patient's body into physiological balance.

Laennec - Instructions for use

Before starting the procedures, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination and take tests for hormones, the presence of infections and blood sugar levels. Taking into account the state of the body, an individual course of the drug is selected for each patient.

In cosmetology, the drug Laennec (Laennec, Lainek) is used intramuscularly, intravenously and subcutaneously method of mesotherapy, and pharmacopuncture injections are also used, but for best effect methods of administration are best combined. The dosage for each patient is selected individually.

The course of 5 droppers 2 times a year is considered optimal, and for deeper treatment, 10-12 procedures are prescribed, 2-3 per week.

Note! After the administration of the drug, seals may occur, which may disappear after 30-50 minutes, and bruising may also occur.

Drug safety

Getting Laennec experts give Special attention. Placenta donors are observed throughout pregnancy, their health is regularly monitored and the pregnant woman's body is checked for infections and viruses.

Laennec (Laennec, Lainek) new drug in modern cosmetology

After a successful labor activity the placenta undergoes multi-level testing and purification, which indicates the high safety of the drug.

The tool is not addictive and can be combined with other anti-aging drugs and medicines.

It is important to know! The patient concludes an agreement for the placenta collection long before the birth, and only a Japanese woman who has not traveled outside the country over the past 15 years and during pregnancy can be a donor.

Contraindications and side effects

It is forbidden to use the drug Laennec (Laennec, Lainek) in cosmetology:

  • children under 18;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • if you are allergic or sensitive to one of the components of the drug;
  • patients with oncological diseases.

In rare cases, side effects of the drug may occur. At the time of the study, side effects were found in no more than 4% of patients. After the introduction of the drug, there may be seals, redness of the skin, soreness, itching, breast enlargement in men, hematomas, which disappear with time.

It is important to know! To prevent the occurrence side effects an allergic test is carried out on the components of the drug in order to avoid the occurrence of anaphylactic shock.

The use of Laennec is often recommended for people with poor health and fatigue, because in addition to its use in cosmetology and treatment different kind diseases, it perfectly treats chronic fatigue syndrome, after which well-being, memory, a surge of strength improve, mood improves and resistance to stressful situations appears.

Laennec (Laennec, Linek) drug in cosmetology

Thanks to many regenerating properties, the drug has a calming effect on the body and can be used to treat stress, depression

The use of the drug for such purposes is useful for the elderly, as well as for people tired of hard work, working in a stressful environment to improve the nervous system, etc.

! The use of the drug Laennec (Laennec, Lainek) is possible only after consultation with a doctor who will objectively assess the appropriateness of its use in cosmetology and calculate the dosage, as well as compare its interaction with other drugs (in case of taking other medications).

Terms of sale, expiration date and storage method

Today, there are many offers on the Internet for the sale of this drug.

Laennec is quite expensive, and not all packaging may be used for a particular course of treatment. In such cases, it is better to contact special medical institutions that are ready not only to inject the drug, but also to carry out the entire complex of treatment under the supervision of specialists.

It is necessary to store the drug in the place protected from the sun at a temperature of 18-25 °C. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

The average cost of the drug Laennec (Laennec, Lainek) in cosmetology is 13,000 rubles.

If you contact cosmetic centers, then the cost of introducing one ampoule is about 3000 - 6000 rubles, and pharmacopuncture administration is even more expensive.

It's no secret that any woman wants to look irresistible at any age and spends a lot of time and money on self-care. But time mercilessly takes away the youth of the body, the beauty of the body and psychological stability.

Many experts and doctors are sure that thanks to the Japanese development, it became possible to regain strength and youth without surgical intervention.

Video about the benefits and properties in cosmetology of the drug Laennec (Laennec, Lainek)

The action and features of the use of Linek (Laennec), in this video:

Famous TV presenter about the drug Laennec (Lainek):

Placental therapy with Laennec:

Pharmacopuncture with Laennec: