The influence of sound and noise on the human body. The effect of noise on the human body. Why do we want silence? What does loud noise cause to a person?

1 According to researchers, “noise pollution”, which is now characteristic of large cities, reduces the life expectancy of their residents by 10-12 years. The negative impact on a person from the noise of a metropolis is 36% more significant than from smoking tobacco, which shortens a person’s life by an average of 6-8 years.

Noise is random vibrations of various physical natures, characterized by the complexity of their temporal and spectral structure. From a physiological point of view, noise can be called any unwanted sound (simple or complex) that interferes with the perception of useful sounds (human speech, signals, etc.), disrupts silence and has a harmful effect on a person.

The human body reacts differently to different levels of noise. Noise level 70-90 dB with prolonged exposure lead to diseases of the nervous system, and more 100 dB- to hearing loss, up to deafness.

Noise creates a significant load on the human nervous system, affecting it psychological impact. Noise can increase the levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood - even during sleep. The longer these hormones are present in the circulatory system, the more likely they are to lead to life-threatening physiological problems.

According to the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases may occur if a person is constantly exposed to loud noise at night 50 dB or higher - this is the noise produced by a street with light traffic. To cause insomnia, enough noise in 42 dB; to just become irritable - 35 dB(sound of whispering). According to WHO, thousands of people in the UK and around the world are dying prematurely from heart problems caused by long-term exposure to higher level noise.

Under the influence of noise from 85 - 90 dB hearing sensitivity at high frequencies decreases. For a long time a person complains of feeling unwell. Symptoms - headache, dizziness, nausea, excessive irritability. All this is the result of working in noisy conditions. Under the influence of strong noise, especially high-frequency noise, irreversible changes occur in the organ of hearing. At high noise levels, hearing sensitivity drops within 1 - 2 years, at medium levels it is detected much later, after 5 - 10 years, that is, hearing loss occurs slowly, the disease develops gradually. It is therefore especially important to take appropriate noise protection measures in advance. Today, almost everyone exposed to noise at work is at risk of becoming deaf.

Irkutsk is too noisy - today more than 1/3 of the city's population lives in the zone of acoustic discomfort. The urban noise of Irkutsk is determined mainly by traffic noise. Calculations of the level of transport noise in the city carried out by IGMU made it possible to identify vulnerable highway residential areas, where the noise level exceeds the permissible level by 6.5 dBA, and the noise in residential buildings by 4-13 dBA. The population living in highway areas notes a deterioration in health, headaches, sleep disturbances, disturbances in the functions of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

An effective way to solve the noise problem is to reduce its level at the source through changes in technology and machine design. Measures of this type include replacing noisy processes with silent ones, impact processes with non-impact ones, for example, replacing riveting with soldering, forging and stamping with pressure processing; replacement of metal in some parts with silent materials, use of vibration insulation, mufflers, damping, soundproofing casings, etc.

Noise protection involves the following activities.

1)Sound absorption. Sound absorption is the process of transferring part of the energy of a sound wave into thermal energy of the medium in which sound propagates. For sound absorption, porous (the pores must be open on the side of the sound incidence and connected to each other) and loose fibrous materials (felt, mineral wool, cork, etc.) are used.

Sound-absorbing materials or structures made from them are fixed on the enclosing structures of the room without an air gap or at some distance from them.

2) Soundproofing. Sound insulation refers to the process of reducing the level of noise penetrating into the room through the fence.

The main parameter for assessing the sound insulation of any structure is the Rw index. It shows by how many decibels the noise level is reduced when using a soundproof structure. To achieve a noise level that is comfortable for humans (no more than 30 dB), interior partitions must have an Rw index of at least 50 dB.

Bibliographic link

Shishelova T.I., Malygina Yu.S., Nguyen Xuan Dat INFLUENCE OF NOISE ON THE HUMAN BODY // Advances in modern natural science. – 2009. – No. 8. – P. 14-15;
URL: (access date: 03/02/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. Sound refers to such mechanical vibrations of the external environment that are perceived by the human hearing aid (from 16 to 20,000 vibrations per second). Oscillations of higher frequencies are called ultrasound, while vibrations of lower frequencies are called infrasound. Noise - loud sounds merging into a discordant sound.

For all living organisms, including humans, sound is one of the environmental influences. In nature, loud sounds are rare, the noise is relatively weak and short-lived. The combination of sound stimuli gives animals and humans the time necessary to assess their character and formulate a response. Sounds and noises of high power affect the hearing aid, nerve centers, and can cause pain and shock. This is how noise pollution works.

Noise pollution- this is the sound scourge of our time, apparently the most intolerant of all types of environmental pollution. Along with the problems of air, soil and water pollution, humanity is faced with the problem of dealing with noise. Such concepts as “acoustic ecology”, “noise pollution of the environment”, etc. have appeared and are becoming widespread. All this is due to the fact that the harmful effects of noise on the human body, on the human body, on the animal and plant world are undoubtedly established by science. Man and nature are increasingly suffering from its harmful effects.

According to I. I. Dedy (1990), noise pollution is a form of physical pollution, manifested in an increase in the level of noise above natural and causing anxiety in the short term, and in the long term - damage to the organs that perceive it or the death of organisms.

Normal noise surrounding a person environment varies between 35-60 dB. But new decibels are added to this background, with the result that the noise level often exceeds 100 dB.

A decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit of noise that expresses the degree of sound pressure. 1dB is the lowest noise level that a person can barely detect. Nature has never been silent, it is not silent, but silent. Sound is one of its most ancient manifestations, as ancient as the Earth itself. There were always sounds and even monstrous strength and power. But still, in the natural environment, the sounds of the rustling of leaves, the murmur of a stream, bird voices, the light splash of water and the sound of the surf, which are always pleasant to humans, prevailed. They calm him down and relieve stress. Man created, and more and more new sounds appeared.

After the invention of the wheel, according to the fair remark of the famous English acoustician R. Tylor, without realizing it, he sowed the first link modern problem noise. With the birth of the wheel, it began to tire and irritate people more and more often. The natural sounds of Nature's voices have become increasingly rare, disappearing completely or are drowned out by industrial transport and other noises. The noise of trams, the roar of jet planes, the screams of loudspeakers and the like are the scourge of humanity.
Airplane and noise

All airplanes make noise, and jets make more noise than most. As a result, noise levels, especially around airports, are constantly increasing as more and more jet aircraft fly on airlines and their power increases. At the same time, public dissatisfaction is growing, so aircraft designers have to work hard on how to make jet aircraft less noisy. The roar of a jet engine is caused mainly by the rapid mixing of exhaust gases with the outside air. Its volume directly depends on the speed of collision of gases with air. It is greatest when the engines are at full power before the aircraft takes off.

One way to reduce noise is to use turbofan engines, in which most of The intake air bypasses the combustion chamber, as a result of which the rate of exhaust gas emission decreases. Turbofan engines are now used on most modern passenger airliners.

Typically, the noise level of jet engines is measured in decibels (dB) of actual perceived noise, which takes into account, in addition to the loudness of the sound, its pitch and duration.

Inside the ear

When a jet plane flies over you, it spreads sound waves in the form of fluctuations in air pressure levels. These waves create vibrations in your eardrum, which transmits them through three small bones - the malleus, incus and stapes - into the air-filled middle ear.

From there, the vibrations travel into the fluid-filled inner ear, passing through the semicircular canals, which control your balance, and the cochlea. The auditory nerve responds to fluid vibrations in the cochlea, converting them into coded impulses. The impulses enter the brain, where they are deciphered, and as a result we hear sound.

The effect of noise on organisms

Researchers have found that noise can destroy plant cells. For example, experiments have shown that plants exposed to sound bombardment dry out and die. The cause of death is excessive release of moisture through the leaves: when the noise level exceeds a certain limit, the flowers literally burst into tears. If you place a carnation next to a radio playing at full volume, the flower will wither. Trees in the city die much earlier than in the natural environment. The bee loses its ability to navigate and stops working when exposed to the noise of a jet plane.

A specific example of the impact of noise on living organisms can be considered the following event two years ago. Thousands of unhatched chicks died on the Ptichya spit near the Bystroe branch (Danube delta) as a result of dredging work carried out by the German company Mobius by order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine. The noise from operating equipment spread over 5-7 km, affecting Negative influence to the adjacent territories of the Danube Biosphere Reserve. Representatives of the Danube Biosphere Reserve and 3 other organizations were forced to painfully acknowledge the death of the entire colony of spotted tern and common tern, which were located on Ptichya Spit.

From the Survey Report of the Ptichya Spit dated July 16, 2004: “As a result of the actual examination of the Ptichya Spit (near the Bystroe branch) at the location of large colonies of the spotted-billed tern (950 nests and 430 nests - according to the results of the census on June 28, 2004) and common tern (120 nests - according to the same records) on an area of ​​approximately 120x130 meters and an area of ​​approximately 30x20 meters, the remains of many hundreds of eggs of the indicated species were found. The nature of their damage clearly indicates that the chicks did not hatch from them. The estimated time for the chicks of this colony to begin hatching was July 20th. Most probable cause the disappearance of the colony (even adult birds are currently absent in its place) is an excessive factor of disturbance caused by the dredging equipment working nearby, as well as the boats serving it.”

After this, a representative of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has the audacity to declare that “The construction of the Danube-Black Sea Canal does not violate the ecological balance of the Danube Delta.” This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Konstantin Grishchenko, in response to calls from representatives of the EU and a number of international environmental organizations to stop the construction of the canal until an environmental assessment is carried out (according to the newspaper “Voice of Ukraine”).

Taking advantage of this position of the Government of Ukraine, the Ministry of Transport, the companies Delta - Pilot and Mobius are absolutely not going to make any efforts to minimize the damage from the construction of the canal.

On the contrary, on July 17, a representative of Delta-Lotsman announced the imminent start of demolition of trees and the pier of the reserve in the area of ​​​​the Bystroe cordon - that is, in an area that is not deprived of protected status.

Thus, while the President of Ukraine, without a shadow of embarrassment, in negotiations with the European Union speaks about the harmlessness of the canal for the unique nature of the Danube Delta, the Ministry of Transport, Mobius and Delta Pilot are doing everything to ensure that there is nothing to protect in the Ukrainian part of the delta.

To date, about 8,000 letters from all over the world have been sent to various authorities in defense of the Danube Nature Reserve.

The effect of noise on humans

Long-term noise adversely affects the hearing organ, reducing sensitivity to sound. It leads to disruption of the heart and liver, and to exhaustion and overstrain of nerve cells. Weakened cells of the nervous system cannot coordinate their work clearly enough various systems body. This is where disruptions in their activities arise.

As already mentioned, noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels. This pressure is not perceived infinitely. A noise level of 20-30 decibels (dB) is practically harmless to humans; it is a natural background noise. As for loud sounds, the permissible limit here is approximately 80 decibels, and then at a noise level of 60-90 dB unpleasant sensations arise. A sound of 120-130 decibels already causes pain in a person, and 150 becomes unbearable for him and leads to irreversible hearing loss. It is not for nothing that in the Middle Ages there was execution “by the bell.” Rumble bell ringing tortured and slowly killed the convict. A sound of 180 dB causes metal fatigue, and a sound of 190 dB tears rivets out of structures. The level of industrial noise is also very high. In many jobs and noisy industries it reaches 90-110 decibels or more. It’s not much quieter in our home, where new sources of noise are appearing - the so-called household appliances. It is also known that tree crowns absorb sounds by 10-20 dB.

For a long time, the influence of noise on the human body was not specifically studied, although already in ancient times they knew about its harm and, for example, in ancient cities rules were introduced to limit noise. Currently, scientists in many countries around the world are conducting various studies to determine the effect of noise on human health. Their research showed that noise causes significant harm to human health.

In the UK, for example, one in four men and one in three women suffer from neuroses due to high noise levels. Austrian scientists have found that noise shortens the life of city residents by 8-12 years. The threat and harm of noise will become clearer if we consider that in large cities it increases annually by about 1 dB. Leading American noise expert Dr. Knudsen stated that “noise is as slow a killer as smog.”

But absolute silence also frightens and depresses him. Thus, employees of one design bureau, which had excellent sound insulation, within a week began to complain about the impossibility of working in conditions of oppressive silence. They were nervous and lost their ability to work. And, conversely, scientists have found that sounds of a certain strength stimulate the thinking process, especially the counting process.

Each person perceives noise differently. Much depends on age, temperament, health, and environmental conditions. Some people lose their hearing even after short exposure to relatively reduced intensity noise. Constant exposure to loud noise can not only negatively affect your hearing, but also cause other harmful effects - ringing in the ears, dizziness, headaches, and increased fatigue. Very noisy modern music also dulls hearing and causes nervous diseases. Interestingly, the American otolaryngologist S. Rosen found that in an African tribe in Sudan, not exposed to civilized noise, the hearing acuity of sixteen-year-old representatives is on average the same as that of thirty-year-old people living in noisy New York. In 20% of boys and girls who often listen to fashionable modern pop music, their hearing turned out to be dulled in the same way as in 85-year-old people.

Noise has an accumulative effect, that is, acoustic irritation, accumulating in the body, increasingly depresses the nervous system. Therefore, before hearing loss from exposure to noise, a functional disorder of the central nervous system occurs. Noise has a particularly harmful effect on the neuropsychic activity of the body. The process of neuropsychiatric diseases is higher among people working in noisy conditions than among people working in normal sound conditions. Noises cause functional disorders of the cardiovascular system. The famous therapist Academician A. Myasnikov pointed out that noise can be a source of hypertension.

Noise has a harmful effect on the visual and vestibular analyzers, reduces reflex activity, which often causes accidents and injuries. The higher the noise intensity, the worse we see and react to what is happening. This list can be continued. But it is necessary to emphasize that noise is insidious, its harmful effects on the body are completely invisible, imperceptible and have an accumulating nature, moreover, the human body is practically not protected against noise. In harsh light, we close our eyes, the instinct of self-preservation saves us from burns, forcing us to withdraw our hand from hot objects, etc., but a person has no defensive reaction from exposure to noise. Therefore, there is an underestimation of noise control.
Research has shown that inaudible sounds can also have harmful effects on human health. Thus, infrasounds have a special impact on the mental sphere of a person: all types of intellectual activity are affected, mood deteriorates, sometimes there is a feeling of confusion, anxiety, fright, fear, and at high intensity - a feeling of weakness, as after a strong nervous shock. Even weak sounds - infrasounds - can have a significant impact on a person, especially if they are long-lasting. According to scientists, it is infrasounds, silently penetrating through the thickest walls, that cause many nervous diseases in residents of large cities. Ultrasounds, which occupy a prominent place in the range of industrial noise, are also dangerous. The mechanisms of their action on living organisms are extremely diverse. The cells of the nervous system are especially susceptible to their negative effects. Noise is insidious, its harmful effects on the body occur invisibly, imperceptibly. Disorders in the human body are practically defenseless against noise. Currently, doctors are talking about noise disease, which develops as a result of exposure to noise with primary damage to the hearing and nervous system.

Thus, it is necessary to fight the noise rather than try to get used to it. Acoustic ecology is dedicated to the fight against noise, the purpose and meaning of which is the desire to establish an acoustic environment that would correspond or be in tune with the voices of nature, because the noise of technology is unnatural to all living things that have evolved on the planet. It should be remembered that the fight against noise was carried out in ancient times. For example, 2.5 thousand years ago in the famous ancient Greek colony of Sybaris, rules were in effect to protect the sleep and peace of citizens: loud sounds at night were prohibited, and artisans of such noisy professions as blacksmiths and tinsmiths were expelled from the city.

Fight against noise pollution

In 1959 The International Noise Abatement Organization was created.

Combating noise is a complex, complex problem that requires a lot of effort and resources. Silence costs money, and a lot of it. Sources of noise are very diverse and there is no single way or method of dealing with them. However, acoustic science can offer effective means noise control Common paths noise control comes down to the legislative, construction and planning, organizational, technical, technological, design and preventive worlds. Preference should be given to measures at the design stage rather than when noise is already being produced.

Sanitary norms and rules establish:

maximum permissible noise levels at workplaces in the premises and on the territory of production enterprises that create noise, and at the border of their territory;
basic measures to reduce noise levels and prevent the impact of noise on humans.

Relevant standards are in place and being created. Failure to comply with them is punishable by law. And although at present it is not always possible to achieve effective results in the fight against noise, steps are being taken in this direction. Special sound-absorbing suspended ceilings assembled from perforated slabs and mufflers on pneumatic devices and fixtures are installed.

Musicologists have proposed their own means of mitigating noise: skillfully and correctly selected music began to influence the efficiency of work. An active fight against traffic noise has begun. Unfortunately, there is no ban on sounding traffic signals in cities.

Noise maps are created. They provide a detailed description of the noise situation in the city. Undoubtedly, it is possible to develop optimal measures to ensure proper noise protection of the environment. The noise map according to V. Chudnov (1980) is a kind of plan for attacking noise. There are many ways to combat traffic noise: the construction of tunnel junctions, underground passages, highways in tunnels, on overpasses and excavations. It is also possible to reduce the noise of an internal combustion engine. On railway continuous rails are laid - a velvet track. The construction of screening structures and planting of forest belts are relevant. Noise standards should be reviewed every 2-3 years in the direction of tightening them. Great hopes for solving this problem are placed on electric vehicles.

Noise level scale

Noise exposure level - Typical noise producers - Noise intensity, dB:

  • Hearing threshold— Complete silence — 0
  • Acceptable level— Normal breathing noise — 10
  • Home comfort – 20
  • Sound volume standard- clock sound - 30
  • The rustling of leaves in a light wind - 33
  • The normal volume during the day is 40
  • Quiet whisper at a distance of 1-2 meters - 47
  • Quiet street - 50
  • Job washing machine — 60
  • Street noise - 70
  • Normal speech or noise in a busy store - 73
  • The hum of voices in a crowded restaurant - 78
  • Vacuum cleaner, noise on a highway with very heavy traffic, noise of a glass - 80
  • Dangerous level - sports car, maximum sound volume in production premises — 90
  • Loud music player in a large room - 95
  • Motorcycle, metro electric train – 100
  • The noise of city transport, the roar of a diesel truck at a distance of 8 meters - 105
  • The roar of a Boeing 747 taking off right overhead - 107
  • Loud music, powerful mower - 110
  • Pain threshold The sound of a running lawn mower or air compressor - 112
  • The roar of a Boeing 707 landing at the airport - 118
  • The roar of a Concorde taking off right overhead, a powerful clap of thunder - 120
  • Air raid siren, ultra-noise fashionable electric music - 130
  • Pneumatic riveting - 140
  • Lethal level— Atomic bomb explosion — 200

Numerous studies over the past few decades have shown quite convincingly that noise causes changes not only in the organ of hearing, but also in many other organs and systems of the body. Clinical observations and experimental studies indicate that the central nervous system is primarily affected, the cardiovascular system and many others. Noise has an irritating effect on a person, changes his behavior, interferes with speech intelligibility, contributes to a decrease in labor productivity and an increase in injuries.

Damage to the hearing system, as a rule, does not manifest itself in increasing deafness over the entire frequency range; it is expressed only in a decrease in sensitivity to certain frequencies or in a progressive decrease in hearing at higher frequencies, as noted by N. N. Grachev. Employers are legally responsible for hearing damage in work environments; for this reason, a number of companies take audiograms when hiring new people who will be exposed to high levels noise.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) in its document “Protecting workers from noise and vibration at work” confirms that “noise and vibration are two of the most important hazards in the workplace. Noise and vibration exceeding certain threshold values ​​harm the health and performance of people, ranging from mild mental and physical disorders to serious illnesses.” The document also points to the economic losses caused by equipment downtime due to illness or premature retirement due to excessive noise and vibration.

Noise is one of the most common environmental factors that can have an adverse effect on public health.

In the literature there is data on harmful effect noise on the human body is being studied in three main areas:

  • 1) the effect of noise on the organ of hearing;
  • 2) the impact of noise on the functions of individual organs and systems (cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, muscular systems, vestibular apparatus, metabolic processes, hematopoiesis, etc.);
  • 3) the impact of noise on the body as a whole and, in particular, on higher nervous activity and autonomic reactivity.

Prolonged exposure to intense noise on a person's hearing leads to partial or complete loss of hearing. Depending on the duration and intensity of exposure, a greater or lesser decrease in the sensitivity of the hearing organs occurs, expressed as a temporary shift in the hearing threshold, which disappears after the end of exposure to noise, and with a long duration and/or intensity of noise, irreversible hearing loss (hearing loss) occurs, characterized by a permanent change hearing threshold. The degree of damage to the hearing organs depends on parameters such as the sound level, its duration, as well as the individual sensitivity of the person.

There are the following degrees of hearing loss: I degree (mild hearing loss) - hearing loss in the region of speech frequencies is 10-20 dB, at a frequency of 4000 Hz - 20-60 dB; II degree (moderate hearing loss) - hearing loss in the region of speech frequencies is 21-30 dB, at a frequency of 4000 Hz - 20-65 dB; III degree (significant hearing loss) - hearing loss in the region of speech frequencies is 31 dB or more, at a frequency of 4000 Hz - 20-78 dB.

The effect of noise on the human body is not limited to the effect on the organ of hearing. Through the fibers of the auditory nerves, noise irritation is transmitted to the central and autonomic nervous systems, and through them it affects the internal organs, leading to significant changes in functional state body, affects mental condition body, causing feelings of anxiety and irritation. A person exposed to intense noise expends on average 10-20% more physical and mental effort to maintain the performance achieved at sound levels below 70 dB (A).

The impact of noise on the autonomic nervous system occurs even at low sound levels (from 40 dB (A)) and does not depend on the subjective perception of noise by a person. Of the autonomic reactions, the most pronounced is a violation peripheral circulation due to narrowing of the capillaries of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as an increase in blood pressure. For the autonomic nervous system, a clear correspondence has been established between noise and reaction; in the field of the psyche, such a correspondence is absent. It has been established that pronounced mental reactions appear starting from sound levels equal to 30 dB (A). Psychological effects increase with increasing noise frequency and level, and with decreasing noise bandwidth. At the same time, a person’s personal attitude to this noise plays a decisive role in the mental assessment of the unpleasantness of noise.

A significant place in the study of the functional state of the nervous system was given to the recording of biopotentials of the cerebral cortex (electroencephalography) (N. M. Aspisov, I. Dimov, K. Kiryakov, I. Machev, A. M. Volkov, M. G. Babajanyan, E. I. Kostina, Ya. A. Altman, A. M. Volkov, L. E. Milkov, D. A. Ginzburg, M. N. Livanov, A. G. Kopylov, N. P. Bekhtereva, etc.). The impact of noise on the central nervous system causes an increase in the latent (hidden) period of the visual-motor reaction, leads to disruption of the mobility of nervous processes, changes in electroencephalophatic indicators, disrupts the bioelectric activity of the brain with the manifestation of general functional changes in the body (at a noise of 50-60 dB (A )), significantly changes the biopotentials of the brain, their dynamics, causes biochemical changes in the structures of the brain. For impulsive and irregular noise, the degree negative impact noise increases. Changes in the functional state of the central and autonomic systems occur much earlier and at lower noise levels. Table 2 shows the burdensomeness of sound properties in rank order according to the degree of impact. Burdensomeness is a central concept in studies that examine individuals' attitudes toward noise; it includes: distraction, disturbance of peace, feelings of irritation, discomfort, distress, frustration, resentment, insult.

Table 2. Burdensomeness of sound properties in rank order by degree of impact


A level background noise that is slightly overlapped by a louder noise can be considered an initial stage

Noise with a high-frequency composition is more severe than noise with a predominantly low-frequency composition

Tonal noise is more unpleasant than broadband noise

Impulse noise is more harmful than ranks 1-3

Noise operating with pulses in a slow sequence is more harmful than the same with a faster sequence (fade in with about a 1 second sequence in the middle)

Irregular impulses are even more unpleasant (this is why train noise is perceived more pleasantly than street traffic noise)

To the changing frequency of the tone and pulses, changes in amplitude are added

Unexpected noise or explosions cause consternation and most harmful effects are achieved

Numerous examples of the negative effects of sound can be found in various areas where noise intensity is low. Noise exposure causes the following: autonomic reactions: the circulatory process changes, which can be determined, for example, by a reduction in minute volume of blood and an increase in the resistance of the peripheral walls of blood vessels and a reduction in blood flow to the skin.

Dilation of the pupils leads to a decrease in visual acuity, and this is harmful during certain types of activities. Prolonged noise inhibits the activity of the salivary and gastric glands; acceleration of metabolism, changes in the electrical activity of the brain, increased muscle potential, disruption of the depth of sleep until awakening.

Exposure to noise also causes an increased secretion of the adrenal hormone adrenaline, which, together with changes in a number of other indicators, represents a typical picture of a stress reaction. This autonomic response to noise exposure corresponds to a general activation of the body.

For a person, under certain circumstances, such activation is undesirable; it interferes not only with sleep, but also represents additional stress for people who are overly busy at work and at home with the need to fulfill the high demands of modern society, which, accumulating, can lead to pathological changes in the body or to an emotional outburst.

Shchelmanova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

The project examines what noise and noise pollution are, how noise affects human health, presents the results of a survey of teachers and school students on the impact of noise on their health, and presents the results of practical work to determine hearing acuity in students in grades 9 and 11.



MUNICIPAL BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Secondary school No. 19 with in-depth study of individual subjects."

Ecology project

“The impact of noise on human health”

Completed by a student of grade 11 “A”

Shchelmanova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Project Manager:

Teacher of chemistry and ecology Khripunova T.V.

Zavolzhye 2012

  1. Introduction………………………………………….3
  2. Relevance of the work……………………………5
  3. Purpose of work……………………………………………………………5
  4. Sound characteristics…………………………….5
  5. Noise……………………………………………………………..6
  6. The influence of sounds on the human psyche…..8
  7. Practical part:

Practical No. 1…………………………………9

Practical No. 2……………………………...12

  1. Conclusion………………………………………………………..13
  2. Appendix……………………………………………………….14

10. Literature…………………………………….15


In nature, loud sounds are rare, the noise is relatively weak and short-lived. The combination of sound stimuli gives animals and humans the time necessary to assess their character and formulate a response. Sounds and noises of high power affect the hearing aid, nerve centers, and can cause pain and shock. This is how noise pollution works.

The quiet rustling of leaves, the murmur of a stream, bird voices, the light splash of water and the sound of the surf are always pleasant to a person. They calm him down and relieve stress. But the natural sounds of Nature’s voices are becoming increasingly rare, disappearing completely or are drowned out by industrial transport and other noises

Long-term noise adversely affects the hearing organ, reducing sensitivity to sound.

It leads to disruption of the heart and liver, and to exhaustion and overstrain of nerve cells. Weakened cells of the nervous system cannot clearly coordinate the work of various body systems. This is where disruptions in their activities arise.
The noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels. This pressure is not perceived infinitely. A noise level of 20-30 decibels (dB) is practically harmless to humans; it is a natural background noise. As for loud sounds, the permissible limit here is approximately 80 decibels. A sound of 130 decibels already causes pain in a person, and 150 becomes unbearable for him. It is not for nothing that in the Middle Ages there was execution “by the bell.” The roar of the bells tormented and slowly killed the condemned man.

The level of industrial noise is also very high. In many jobs and noisy industries it reaches 90-110 decibels or more. It’s not much quieter in our home, where new sources of noise are appearing - the so-called household appliances.


Noise acts on the body as a stress factor, causes changes in the sound analyzer, and also, due to the close connection of the auditory system with numerous nerve centers at very different levels, profound changes occur in the central nervous system.

The most dangerous is prolonged exposure to noise, which can lead to the development of noise disease - a general disease of the body with primary damage to the organ of hearing, the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Noise levels in residential apartments depend on:

Location of the house in relation to urban noise sources

Internal layout of premises for various purposes

Sound insulation of building envelopes

Equipping the house with engineering, technological and sanitary equipment.

Sources of noise in the human environment can be divided into two large groups- internal and external.

External sources: subway, heavy trucks, railway trains, trams

Internal: elevators, pumps, machines, transformers, centrifuges

Sources of noise



Effect on the body




Quiet conversation

30-40 dB

Sleep gets worse



50-60 dB

Decreased attention, deteriorating vision

Recess at school


Changes in skin blood flow, stimulation of the body



In production

Reactive plane

86 dB

91 dB


102 dB

Hearing loss, fatigue, headache, heart disease


130-150 dB

Pain, death

Relevance of the work

Wherever we are, no matter what we do, we are accompanied everywhere by a variety of sounds. Our every movement causes a sound - rustling, rustling, creaking, knocking. Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. The sounds of nature are always pleasant to him, they calm him down and relieve stress. But in everyday life we ​​encounter more noise household appliances, industrial, traffic noise. And we notice that our body is getting more and more tired. What is the reason for this, do the sounds around us really influence the state so much, how then does it manifest itself?

Goal of the work

  1. Find out what noise is, what impact sounds can have on a person, what noise pollution is and what its sources are, how noise disease manifests itself.
  2. Find out from the literature about the impact of noise on humans and the environment
  3. Determine the level of hearing of students when performing practical work, methods of combating noise pollution.

Study plan:

  1. Sound Characteristics
  2. Noise and its effects on human health
  3. Research work with students and teachers
  4. Conclusion
  5. Memo: What needs to be done to make the house quieter

Sound Characteristics

Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. Sound refers to such mechanical vibrations of the external environment that are perceived by the human hearing aid (from 20 to 20,000 vibrations per second). Vibrations of higher frequencies are called ultrasound, and vibrations of lower frequencies are called infrasound. Noise is loud sounds merged into a discordant sound.

For all living organisms, including humans, sound is one of the environmental influences.


For a long time, the influence of noise on the human body was not specifically studied, although already in ancient times they knew about its harm and, for example, in ancient cities rules were introduced to limit noise.

Currently, scientists in many countries around the world are conducting various studies to determine the effect of noise on human health. Their research showed that noise causes significant harm to human health, but absolute silence also frightens and depresses him. Thus, employees of one design bureau, which had excellent sound insulation, within a week began to complain about the impossibility of working in conditions of oppressive silence. They were nervous and lost their ability to work. And, conversely, scientists have found that sounds of a certain strength stimulate the thinking process, especially the counting process.

Each person perceives noise differently. Much depends on age, temperament, health, and environmental conditions.

Some people lose their hearing even after short exposure to relatively reduced intensity noise.

Constant exposure to loud noise can not only negatively affect your hearing, but also cause other harmful effects - ringing in the ears, dizziness, headaches, and increased fatigue.

Very noisy modern music also dulls hearing and causes nervous diseases.

Noise has accumulative effects, that is, acoustic irritation, accumulating in the body, increasingly depresses the nervous system.

Therefore, before hearing loss from exposure to noise, a functional disorder of the central nervous system occurs. Noise has a particularly harmful effect on the neuropsychic activity of the body.

The process of neuropsychiatric diseases is higher among people working in noisy conditions than among people working in normal sound conditions.

Noises cause functional disorders of the cardiovascular system; have a harmful effect on the visual and vestibular analyzers, reduce reflex activity, which often causes accidents and injuries.

Research has shown that inaudible sounds can also have harmful effects on human health. Thus, infrasounds have a special impact on the mental sphere of a person: all types of intellectual activity are affected, mood deteriorates, sometimes there is a feeling of confusion, anxiety, fright, fear, and at high intensity - a feeling of weakness, as after a strong nervous shock.

For example, a famous American physicist suggested that the director of the play use very low, rumbling sounds, which, the scientist believed, would create an atmosphere of something unusual and frightening in the auditorium. To produce an alarming sound, the physicist designed a special pipe that is attached to the organ. And the very first rehearsal scared everyone. The trumpet did not make audible sounds, but when the organist pressed a key, an inexplicable thing happened in the theater: the window panes rattled, the crystal pendants of the candelabra rang. Worse yet, everyone who was present at that moment in the hall and on stage felt causeless fear! And the culprit was infrasounds, inaudible to the human ear!

Even weak infrasounds can have a significant impact on a person, especially if they are prolonged. According to scientists, it is infrasounds, silently penetrating through the thickest walls, that cause many nervous diseases in residents of large cities.

Ultrasounds, which occupy a prominent place in the range of industrial noise, are also dangerous. The mechanisms of their action on living organisms are extremely diverse. The cells of the nervous system are especially susceptible to their negative effects.

Noise is insidious, its harmful effects on the body occur invisibly, imperceptibly. Disorders in the human body are practically defenseless against noise.

Currently, doctors are talking about noise disease, which develops as a result of exposure to noise with primary damage to the hearing and nervous system.

The influence of sounds on the human psyche

Cat purring promotes normalization:

Of cardio-vascular system

Blood pressure

Classical music (Mozart) promotes:

General calm

Increased milk secretion (by 20%) in a nursing mother

Rhythmic sounds, due to their direct effect on the brain, contribute to:

Release of stress hormones

Memory impairment

The ringing of bells kills quickly:

Typhoid bacteria


Practical work No. 1

A sociological survey conducted among students and teachers of school No. 19 about the impact of noise on health:

Teachers Students

Conclusion: According to teachers and students, noise affects human health

2.Where do you think there is increased noise pollution on the school grounds?

Teachers Students

Conclusion: The main sources of noise are floors, gyms and the dining room

3. Do you consider noise to be the cause of absent-mindedness and distraction of students in the lesson?

Teachers Students

Conclusion: Most teachers and students believe that noise affects concentration in class

4. What personally prevents you from concentrating in class?

Teachers Students

Conclusion: According to the majority, noise in the corridor interferes with the lesson

5.How do you feel about noise pollution? How does noise affect you?

Teachers Students

Conclusion: For most respondents, noise causes headaches and fatigue

6. Where is there a lot of noise pollution?

Teachers Students

Conclusion: The majority of respondents believe that the greatest noise pollution is in school

Thus, according to students and teachers, noise can be a source of illness, fatigue, and can interfere with the normal rhythm of life, and the school is the object of increased noise levels.

Practical work No. 2

"Determination of hearing acuity"

Purpose: to determine the hearing acuity of students.

Equipment: ruler, clock.

Hearing acuity is the minimum volume that can be perceived by the subject's ear.

9th grade students



Average distance

1 student

2 student


3 student

Conclusion: all students have good hearing

11th grade students

1 distance

2 distance

Average distance

1 student

2 student


3 student

Conclusion: 11th grade students also have good hearing.

Conclusion: school students have good hearing, but 9th grade students have slightly better hearing.


Sounds have a negative impact on human health, especially in modern world when there is a lot of noise from carriers around. Based on a survey of students and teachers, it was found that: noise affects human health, the main sources of noise are floors, gyms and the dining room, noise affects concentration in the lesson, noise in the corridor interferes with the lesson, noise causes headaches and fatigue, and what is the greatest noise pollution at school.

The opinions of teachers and students are similar to the table given before the practical work. During the work on the project, it was also possible to determine the hearing level of students in grades 9 and 11, which showed that so far there are no special problems with hearing, but that may arise later, since in grade 11 the level of hearing is already lower.

All this is due to the fact that teenagers very often listen to loud music on headphones and the fact that a lot of technology has appeared that negatively affects people’s health (mobile phones, cars)



What you need to do to make the house where you live quieter:

  1. External walls must be soundproofed
  2. Double glazing significantly reduces noise
  3. Plant trees between the house and the road
  4. Replace thin doors with more solid ones
  5. Install thick, well-padded carpeting
  6. Choose the quietest model of household appliances
  7. If household appliances make a lot of noise, call a specialist
  8. Use soft shoes at home


  1. The influence of noise on human health.
  2. - health factors
  3. Kriksunov E.A. Ecology 9th grade. M. Bustard 2007
  4. Mirkin B.M., Naumova L.G. Ecology of Russia 9-11 grades.
  5. Kuznetsov V.N. Ecology M. Bustard 2002

Slide captions:

Ecology project “The impact of noise on human health”
Completed by: student of class 11 “A” Shchelmanova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Project leader: teacher of chemistry and ecology Khripunova T.V.
Zavolzhye 2012
Rationale for choosing a topic
Wherever we are, no matter what we do, we are accompanied everywhere by a variety of sounds. Our every movement causes a sound - rustling, rustling, creaking, knocking. Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. The sounds of nature are always pleasant to him, they calm him down and relieve stress. But in everyday life we ​​are more likely to encounter noise from household appliances, industrial noise, and traffic noise. And we notice that our body is getting more and more tired. What is the reason for this? Do the sounds around us really have such a strong influence on the state, then how does it manifest itself?
Goal of the work
Find out what noise is, what impact sounds can have on a person, what noise pollution is and what its sources are, how noise disease manifests itself. Learn from the literature about the impact of noise on humans and the environment. Determine the level of hearing of students when performing practical work, methods of combating noise pollution. The health of the nation should come first in any country. Therefore, much attention is paid to studying the influence of various factors on human health. Knowing the problem is the first step in solving it
Study plan:
Characteristics of soundNoise and its effects on human healthThe influence of sounds on the human psycheResearch work with students and teachersConclusion Memo: What needs to be done to make the house quieter
Sound Characteristics
Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. Sound refers to such mechanical vibrations of the external environment that are perceived by the human hearing aid (from 20 to 20,000 vibrations per second). Vibrations of higher frequencies are called ultrasound, and vibrations of lower frequencies are called infrasound. Noise is loud sounds merged into a discordant sound. For all living organisms, including humans, sound is one of the environmental influences.
Noise and its impact on human health
Noise is an unpleasant or unwanted sound or a set of sounds that interfere with the perception of useful signals, break silence, have a harmful or irritating effect on the human body, reducing its performance. Noise is a general biological irritant and, under certain conditions, can affect all organs and systems of the entire organism, causing a variety of physiological changes.
Sources of noise
Noise levels in residential apartments depend on: the location of the house in relation to urban noise sources; the internal layout of premises for various purposes; the sound insulation of the building envelope; the equipment of the house with engineering, technological and sanitary equipment. Sources of noise in the human environment can be divided into two large groups - internal and external
Impact of noise levels on human health
External sources are vehicles that create large dynamic loads during operation, which cause the spread of vibration in the ground and building structures. These vibrations are often also the cause of noise in buildings. - subway - heavy trucks - railway trains - trams Internal sources - engineering and sanitary equipment, which may be located in adjacent rooms of your apartment or office - elevators - pumps - machines - transformers - centrifuges
Noise units
The noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels (dB). This pressure is not perceived infinitely. A noise level of 20-30 dB is harmless, it is a natural background. Loud sound -80 dB. 130 dB – painful sensations, 150 – the sound becomes unbearable
The influence of sounds on the human psyche
A cat's purring helps normalize: Cardiovascular system Blood pressure Classical music (Mozart) promotes: General calm Increased milk production (by 20%) in a nursing mother Rhythmic sounds due to a direct effect on the brain contribute to: Release of stress hormones Memory deterioration Bell ringing quickly kills: Typhoid bacteria Viruses
Purpose of the area, buildings, territories, premises
Permissible sound level, dB
7-23 h
23-7 hours
Resort and health-improving (zones)
Territories and areas of public recreation (outside resort areas)
Industrial or residential areas
Doctors' offices in hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics, pharmacies
Living rooms of apartments
Sleeping quarters in preschool institutions
Classes at school
School sites
Sport halls
Practical work No. 1
A sociological survey conducted among students and teachers of school No. 19 about the impact of noise on health: 1. Can noise be considered an invisible killer Teachers Students
2.Where do you think there is increased noise pollution on the school grounds?
Teachers Students
According to teachers and students, noise affects human health
The main sources of noise are floors, gyms and the dining room
3. Do you consider noise to be the cause of absent-mindedness and distraction of students in class? Teachers Students
4.What personally prevents you from concentrating on the lesson?
Teachers Students
Most teachers and students believe that noise affects concentration in class
According to the majority, noise in the corridor interferes with the lesson
5. How do you feel about noise pollution? How does noise affect you? Teachers Students
6.Where is there more noise pollution?
Teachers Students
For most respondents, noise causes headaches and fatigue
The majority of respondents believe that the greatest noise pollution is at school
Practical work No. 2 “Determination of hearing acuity”
Purpose: to determine the hearing acuity of students. Equipment: ruler, watch. Hearing acuity is the minimum volume that can be perceived by the test subject’s ear. PROGRESS: 1. Bring the watch closer to you until you hear a sound. 2. Attach the watch tightly to your ear and move it away from you until the sound disappears. 3. Measure the distance (in 1 and 2 cases) between the ear and the watch in cm. 4.Find average value two indicators. Draw a conclusion.
Students from grades 9 and 11 were involved in the project. 9th grade students: 11th grade students: Conclusion The intensity of sound varies significantly depending on the distance of the sound source (noise), the closer the clock, the higher the noise level, and vice versa. If the sound of the clock is heard at a distance of 15-20 cm, it is satisfactory (minor problems), 5cm is already a sign of hearing loss (in the future, complete deafness is possible). As a result of practical work, it turned out that the hearing of 9th grade students is not much better than that of 11th grade.

1 student
2 student
3 student
1 student
2 student
3 student
Sounds negatively affect human health, especially in the modern world, when there is a lot of noise around. Based on a survey of students and teachers, it was found that: noise affects human health, the main sources of noise are floors, gyms and the dining room, noise affects concentration in the lesson, noise in the corridor interferes with the lesson, noise causes headaches and fatigue, and what is the greatest noise pollution at school. The opinion of teachers and students is similar to the table given before the practical work. During the work on the project, it was also possible to determine the hearing level of students in grades 9 and 11, which showed that so far there are no special problems with hearing, but that may arise later, since in grade 11 the level of hearing is already lower. All this is due to the fact that teenagers very often listen to loud music on headphones and that a lot of technology has appeared that negatively affects people’s health (mobile phones, cars)
What you need to do to make the house where you live quieter: External walls should be soundproofed Double glazing significantly reduces noise Plant trees between the house and the road Replace thin doors with more solid ones Lay thick carpeting with good padding Choose the quietest model of household appliances If household appliances make a lot of noise, call specialistUse soft shoes at home
Literature The influence of noise on human health. - health factors Kriksunov E.A. . Ecology 9th grade. M. Bustard 2007 Mirkin B.M., Naumova L.G. Ecology of Russia 9-11 classes. Kuznetsov V.N. Ecology M. Bustard 2002

At all times, sounds and noise were present in a person’s life; it always surrounded a person to a greater or lesser extent.

Sounds include mechanical vibrations that our ear perceives from the environment around us.

If vibrations of a higher frequency are called ultrasound, and if they are of a lower frequency they are called infrasound. Noise includes loud sounds that merge into a discordant sound.

It's no secret that noise has an adverse effect on the human body.

One of the environmental impacts is noise; it affects the human body and all living organisms on earth.

Sounds and noises of greater power greatly affect the hearing system, they act on the nerve centers, and sometimes can even cause pain and shock.

Noise also affects the structure of the brain, causing unfavorable changes in the functions of various human systems and organs.

There are two types of noise: specific and nonspecific.

Specific noise and its effects

Let's consider what specific noise is and how it affects the human body.

Constant influence of noise on auditory analyzer in humans leads to neuritis of the auditory nerve, and the person’s hearing gradually decreases.

This is very common among workers who work in noisy production facilities in noisy workshops.

People who start working in noisy workshops first feel a headache, increased fatigue, constant feeling tinnitus, then they begin to lose their hearing, which leads to various diseases.

Constant, strong impact on auditory nerve, leads human health to a disease called hearing loss.

Nonspecific noise and its effects

Let's consider what nonspecific noise is and how it affects the human body.

The constant influence of noise on the human body negatively affects not only human hearing and diseases that are associated with hearing, but other organs and systems in the human body also suffer.

A person who is constantly exposed to noise and its effects begins to feel constant headaches, memory loss, drowsiness, increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, irritability, sweating, decreased appetite, pain in the heart, and significant changes in blood circulation.

The influence of noise on the human body from the environment

Noise has a very strong effect on the human body; a person who lives in a big city constantly experiences various noises; due to the impact of noise on a person, life expectancy is reduced by ten, twelve years.

Various random vibrations that occur around a person are called noise.

Any noise that disturbs a person’s silence negatively affects the human body and has harmful effects on it.

The human body reacts differently to the noise that surrounds it, some people are calm about noise, others react to the slightest noise, but no matter how a person reacts to noise, he still suffers from the effects of noise.

There are different levels of noise, let's look at the different noise levels and how they affect the human body. The noise level is measured in decibels, abbreviated db.

If the noise level is 70-90 decibels, then with prolonged exposure to the human body, diseases of the central nervous system, circulatory system, and diseases may develop. internal organs, pain in the heart area.

When noise levels exceed 100 decibels, a person begins to lose hearing and may gradually become deaf.

If we look at the standards of the World Health Organization, we will see that when exposed to noise of more than 50 decibels at night, this can be light traffic on the street, leads to cardiovascular diseases.

With a noise level of 35-42 decibels, it can be just a whisper, and you can get insomnia.

With prolonged exposure to noise on the human body from 85-90 decibels, this can be work in noisy conditions, dizziness, headache, nausea, poor health appear, hearing gradually decreases, which leads the person to deafness.

With prolonged exposure to the human body, noise can cause accidents, injuries and accidents.

Noise level scale

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The influence of noise is one way or another present in our lives, try to avoid strong impacts on your body more often, this way you can maintain your health for a long time. long years. We wish you good luck.